How much money do you need to open a studio? How to open a sewing business at home. Choosing the current direction

Have you decided to open your own tailoring business, but have absolutely no idea where to start? The secrets are not as complicated as it might seem; the main thing is to correctly decide what exactly you plan to do. Today there are many great ideas that will help develop it and make it more profitable.

How to start your own sewing business at home, what difficulties may you encounter and how to solve them?

Interesting ideas for your own business

We offer interesting sewing business ideas that may interest you. This does not necessarily mean tailoring clothes or repairing them; you can find a niche in tailoring clothes for pets. Yes, yes, today it is starting to be in demand. you can design and sew ethnic clothes, start producing comfortable slings for young mothers. At the initial stage, it is better to choose something simple and less expensive.

For those who sew at home, there is a very interesting idea for sewing clothes for pets. In recent years, there has been a steadily increasing demand for such services. In Europe and the USA, such a business has long been considered one of the most profitable; more and more salons are opening not only for individual, but also for mass tailoring. Some people prefer to sew clothes for their little pets from famous fashion designers.

In our country, this type of business is now at an embryonic level, such ideas are quite promising, and the initial costs are much lower than for.

To implement such an idea, everything must be organized correctly. This means that not only equipment is required (in this case, sewing machines are sufficient), but also fabrics and suitable accessories. To begin with, it is recommended to experiment with waterproof fabrics, but as you gain experience, you can sew using other types of textiles. To begin with, you can start at home, and then hire help.

If you want to immediately open a full-fledged one, you should consider some financial expenses. First, you will have to draw up a business plan that will include all the necessary factors and financial costs. This is not only registering you as an entrepreneur, but also finding a suitable place to work, purchasing equipment and furniture, and recruiting personnel. What is important in this case is an advertising campaign that will tell your potential customers about offers and opportunities. It is important to correctly determine the location of the future studio; it should be conveniently located for your clients.

A good organizer is able to receive quite a significant profit from the first months, especially since the competition here is minimal.

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Ideas for sewing ethnic clothing are quite new today; such a business can be started even in the conditions of an apartment itself, without spending money on renting a room or purchasing expensive equipment. The target audience here is practically unlimited; modern clothing options with ethnic motifs are in demand among a wide variety of segments of the population. This process is quite creative, it is difficult to make ethnic clothes just like that, you need to carefully study the multiple aspects and features of this niche. A professional seamstress will have to get acquainted with the client’s ethnic preferences and find suitable accessories.

To promote your business in this direction, it is better to advertise on forums and resources, and create your own blog.

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Slings for new mothers

But there are a number of problems that beginners usually have. But you should not be discouraged, but try to figure out why this happened and how you can get out of the current situation. Among these problems it is necessary to note.

In this article:

Sewing production is a specific business that requires careful planning and clear organization. The idea of ​​organizing a sewing workshop came to many bright minds, but not everyone managed to make such a project successful. How to organize a sewing production and not go broke? Let's try to figure it out.

This type of business can generate considerable income, which is why competition in this area is quite high. To make a profit, you need to calculate all the numbers and work out at least the simplest business plan.

Also, ideally, you should already be familiar with sewing at least at a basic level. For example, you like to sew clothes for yourself and your loved ones. If not, then it would be advisable to take a sewing course, read the necessary literature and talk with people who understand the issue.

The fact is that opening a tailoring studio is not so difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that for the smooth functioning of production, a number of specialized devices may be needed. All this equipment is extremely expensive, so you need to know exactly what equipment you will need for your specific workshop and in what quantity.

What do you need to know to open a studio?

The production of clothing, linen and other garments usually requires an industrial scale - production volumes that are too small simply will not cover all costs. This in itself dictates several important rules:

Large-scale production + bulky equipment = large premises;

You will need a considerable staff of workers;

A significant amount of raw materials will be required to avoid production downtime.

Based on all this, significant start-up capital is required, and the huge volumes of raw materials needed and a large staff ensure that variable costs are also substantial.

Here is a list of equipment you may need:

  • Single needle sewing machines;
  • Cutting table with cutting knife;
  • Overlockers;
  • Loop semi-automatic devices.

To open a tailoring business, you may also need a semi-automatic button machine, equipment for wet-heat treatment of products, additional furniture, for example, tables, chairs, etc. The price of equipment can vary several times. The final price is influenced by various factors, namely:

  • Brand (manufacturer) of equipment;
  • Its age (new equipment can be 2 or more times more expensive than used equipment);
  • Delivery of equipment to your site (if you order from abroad, you will also have to pay duties).

Cost calculation

The rule for calculating costs is this: the more products you plan to produce per work shift, the higher the costs will be, since you will need:

  • More equipment;
  • More complex equipment will be needed (for example, industrial sewing machines instead of conventional ones; semi-automatic lines);
  • Larger room;
  • More workers.

The required starting capital can be in the range of 25-250 thousand dollars, depending on the size of the workshop and production volumes.

In addition, the location of the equipment inside the future workshop is of decisive importance. Everything needs to be arranged so that workers don’t have to constantly run from one end to the other. Production should flow smoothly (like a conveyor line).

If you do not have experience in designing sewing workshops, it is best to order a workshop design from sewing production technologists. Design development will, of course, add to the cost of your project.

Organization of sales of goods

Sales channels are perhaps the most important aspect of selling any type of product or service, be it an online computer game, carpet cleaning or clothing production. Indeed, why produce something (or provide services) if it cannot be sold? For clothing products, distribution channels are of decisive importance.

Nowadays, the service of individual tailoring is quite popular. This business attracts many entrepreneurs with its small investments and relatively quick payback.

In a previous publication we touched on this topic, talking about and. In this article, we will tell you how to open your own studio from scratch, how much money is needed to organize a sewing business, and what is the payback period.

Advantages of a tailoring business

  • Small investment. You can start your own sewing workshop business with just a small investment and a strong desire for self-realization. This business is most suitable for people who have certain skills and master the skill of sewing and repairing clothes. But even if you are a complete zero in this field of activity, this does not prevent you from using this business idea;
  • The need for exclusive clothing. Today people are very demanding about their appearance, including their choice of clothing. It is considered very fashionable to have your own designer who sews clothes to individual sizes and in limited quantities. Therefore, custom tailoring services are in demand, which means we can conclude that this area of ​​business is profitable.

How to open a sewing business and what is needed for this?

Let's discuss what you need to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop. It is worth noting that the clothing business is segmented, some open ateliers exclusively for tailoring, others prefer to repair products, and still others combine both. Therefore, first of all, you must decide on the direction.


This activity requires legal registration with the tax service. You can choose a material and legal form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. I recommend that you choose individual entrepreneurship to simplify accounting and tax accounting.

Selecting premises and renting

The number of orders will depend on the location of the studio. It is advisable to rent a place in a large shopping center. The advantage is that in such places there is a constant crowd of people. Many people, after purchasing clothes, require sewing services (shortening, sewing in a few centimeters). But, there are several disadvantages here. The first is the cost of rent; it is quite expensive to rent premises for beginning entrepreneurs in elite shopping centers. Secondly, this is competition. As a rule, similar studios already exist in many buildings, so you will have to try to get clients.

Video: How to open a sewing studio Do you need loans???

Required area. At the initial stage, you will not need a large room; 10-20 square meters is quite enough. m. In this area you will need to fit a workplace for the seamstress and a fitting room for clients.

The cost of rent varies quite a lot, it all depends on the city and place of rent. Approximately per month an area of ​​20 square meters. m. will cost you 15–50 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

The main equipment, of course, is a sewing machine; it must be multifunctional. You will also need a special table for cutting and sewing supplies, such as scissors, needles, threads, etc. The approximate cost of equipment for a sewing studio is from 20,000 rubles.

Sewing workshop staff

It is very important to approach this nuance competently; the success of the entire business depends on the professionalism of your employees. This is especially important at the initial stage, when you have just begun to gain the trust of clients.

Requirements for studio workers. A person must be a professional in his field, that is, have skills and experience in the clothing business, fulfill orders efficiently and quickly, and be able to communicate with clients. Restraint and accuracy, punctuality and professional performance of work are the main criteria by which candidates should be selected for work.


I want to say right away that it is quite possible to find a good craftsman who will work for a small salary. Therefore, look carefully, do not stop at the first option you come across.

The average salary of a seamstress is approximately 15,000, plus allowances for additional work. You can find out the exact figure by analyzing the labor market in your city.

To begin with, two seamstresses will be enough for you. They will be able to take orders and carry out small amounts of work. Further, if there are a lot of orders, you can hire additional staff.

Now let's calculate all the costs and profits that you can get by organizing your own sewing business.

Video: Custom tailoring: a new niche or a failed idea?

One-time expenses for the atelier

Equipment for a sewing workshop. The cost of one sewing machine is from 20,000 rubles, so you need at least two, it will cost from 40 thousand rubles. You will also need furniture - a cutting table and chairs, a mirror in the fitting room, etc. The cost of all equipment is from 50 thousand.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - from 15 thousand rubles per month for a room of 20 square meters. m.;
  • Sewing materials. Consumables, such as threads, needles, sewing tools - from 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • Salaries for seamstresses. If you have two employees, then your salary per month will cost about 20-30 thousand rubles or more, depending on the prices in your city.

Profit from a sewing studio

Let’s say the average number of orders you have per day is 10. If you provide clothing repair services, then the average check amount will be from 400 rubles.

As for individual tailoring of clothes to order, the cost of the service will be many times more expensive. It all depends on the complexity of the product and the prestige of the studio.

Therefore, by providing clothing repair services, your sewing workshop will bring you from 100 thousand rubles a month. If you subtract monthly costs, the net profit will be 50 thousand rubles. Agree, for a beginner, this is quite good.

We can conclude that the sewing business is a profitable business that is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 150,000 ₽

Starting investments

155,000 ₽

50,000 ₽

Net profit

6-8 months

Payback period

An atelier is a women's business that is quite easy to organize with minimal investment. As in many other areas of activity, the basis for success is the skill of the staff and location.

An atelier is a business that is quite easy to organize and is considered a woman's occupation. You can open your own studio with minimal costs and in a short time. If you know how to sew and dream of opening a mini-business, then the atelier idea will suit you.

Market Review. The relevance of the atelier as a business

In the field of consumer services, which includes atelier services, there has been an increase in demand recently. According to statistics, every year there are twice as many ateliers opened as there are closures. Annual growth in this area is about 10%. Even in times of crisis, the atelier’s services are in demand, because people begin to save on clothes and more often turn to the atelier for repair services.

The two main services of the studio are tailoring and clothing repair. In the last few years, the demand for tailoring has decreased - the market is overflowing with ready-made products, which, moreover, are often cheaper than those made to individual standards. The situation with modern light industry is known to everyone: the overproduction of inexpensive and low-quality Chinese clothing has “corrupted” the taste and culture of the consumer. He has lost the habit of mending his dress, generally loving it, respecting it and treating it with care. The consumer has long been accustomed to throwing tons of everything into the nearest trash bin, immediately buying a ton of new things, “from the latest collection.” Therefore, today people who need the modification of their clothes more often turn to the services of a seamstress - shorten their trousers, fit them to their figure, etc. That is why clothing repair points began to open actively in shopping centers.

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Ateliers can be roughly divided into two categories. The former rely on wealthy clients, the latter, on the contrary, on people with below average income. Accordingly, the range of services is slightly different. The first category of workshops is focused on creating individual clothing - for example, business suits. Profit comes from completing several, but expensive, orders. Such a business, as a rule, relies on wealthy and regular clients who come to the studio from year to year. The second category of workshops fulfills small orders and makes money on their quantity.

Advantages of the atelier as a business:

    atelier services are in demand in any locality;

    high demand for this type of service, even during periods of economic instability;

    opening a studio requires minimal investment, which can be recouped in a few months;

    a small studio needs a minimum of equipment and tools. The main thing is a good master.

Many people think that opening a studio is very simple: find a premises, buy a sewing machine - and you can expect profit. However, in practice everything will not be so rosy. Many studios go bankrupt and close without ever breaking even. In order for the business to develop successfully, you should take into account many nuances, research the sales market in advance and draw up a business plan for the studio. Therefore, we will consider in detail each stage of opening an atelier and the features that need to be taken into account.

Who can open a studio

A seamstress, tailor, or cutter can open their own business. Typically, studio owners are good craftsmen who understand the intricacies of sewing and know the market. This option will be preferable. However, even if you are far from sewing, you can realize yourself in this business as a manager, and entrust all production work to hired employees. And yet, many note that the atelier - especially with the custom tailoring service - is, first of all, creativity. Therefore, it is impossible to live here without a soul. Knowledge of the specifics of the work and an individual approach to each client will help you achieve success in this business.

Market analysis

Before opening a studio, you need to study the market for sewing services in your city. It is important to understand whether there is a free niche: you can determine the approximate number of studios using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. Find out the cost of your competitors' services and the services they offer. In addition, you will need data on the area's population and income levels to identify your potential customers. The collected information will allow you to assess business prospects and determine what competitive advantages you will have.

List of studio services

At the next stage, you need to determine what exactly the studio will do and what audience its services will be aimed at. In addition to custom tailoring, clothing can also be repaired, restored or altered. Depending on the list of services, equipment and staff are determined. For example, if you plan to provide a custom tailoring service, then you need to make certain demands on the seamstress.

What services can the studio provide to clients:

    hemming, shortening clothes;

    design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are often in demand);

    repair of old items (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

    replacing zippers, steaming, repairing and making pockets, re-stitching buttons, replacing a collar or cuff, etc.;

    sewing carnival costumes for children (in demand before New Year's parties);

    sewing school suits;

    sewing copies of famous designers (also in demand, since it is still cheaper than the original);

    sewing curtains;

    urgency of order execution (20-50% of the cost of work is added).

It is recommended to start with a clothing repair shop, and then, having developed a client base and established a foothold in the business, move on to individual tailoring. The costs of opening a clothing repair shop are much lower than those for sewing clothes.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what prices your competitors are offering and lower yours a little. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But be careful with price dumping - don’t work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs. To understand the calculations, create a business plan with calculations of expenses and income and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business. In addition, you will definitely need a business plan if you decide to take out a loan to start a business.

Studio registration

How to register a company for sewing and repairing clothes? In order to conduct commercial activities, you need to register your business. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. The difference is that if you are the only owner of a business, you should register it as an individual entrepreneur. This will significantly facilitate accounting and simplify taxation conditions.

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How friends make money by sewing clothes

Four entrepreneurs from Yaroslavl invested 2.5 million rubles in an old sewing workshop.

Victor Sikirin

talked to the owners of the sewing shop

Now clothing production brings them 400 thousand rubles a month.

How did you come up with the business idea?

Anton sold sports nutrition in the Murmansk region for two years, but the store brought little profit. In 2016, he added sportswear to the range, which he purchased from suppliers. Profits increased, and Anton focused on clothing: it has more margins, and the business itself is easier to scale.

His friend Nastya agreed to help with the production of women's sportswear. Anton sold the sports nutrition store and moved from Monchegorsk closer to Moscow, to Yaroslavl. But developing and promoting a brand from scratch without our own production turned out to be difficult, expensive and unprofitable.

The brand of sportswear that the guys made was called Do, but it never became famous. Anton and Nastya are not going to resuscitate him

Then the entrepreneurs decided to sew clothes for corporate customers and quickly realized that there was a demand for this: brands, sports clubs and federations placed large orders for clothes with symbols.

The first clients were the same sports companies with which Anton collaborated when he sold nutritional supplements. They ordered branded tracksuits, T-shirts and caps.

Nastya’s colleague, Dmitry, got involved in the case. The guys focused on finding clients, and still ordered sewing from contractors. Monthly turnover reached 500 thousand rubles, profit - up to 75-100 thousand.

After six months, the entrepreneurs realized that they did not want to depend on others. The Russian clothing industry has a low production culture: contractors miss deadlines, do not monitor quality, confuse orders and do not value clients.

Anton, Dmitry and Nastya decided to open their own production. They called it Neith Group.

Search for investors

To start, it was necessary to find 1-2 million rubles. Potential investors first of all asked to see a business plan. To obtain financing, a business plan was ordered from a local company for 25 thousand rubles. The search for investment began in May 2017.

At first, entrepreneurs looked for money from friends, acquaintances of businessmen and their friends. Most refused, citing the fact that they did not understand anything about the clothing business and therefore did not want to invest. Some at first agreed to give money, but then something always happened: the account would be blocked, a major deal would fall through, or people would simply change their minds.

Not finding investors among their friends, our heroes began looking for funding through funds and investor clubs. The guys were often asked for a business plan and key indicators for it, but most investors disappeared after that. Only a few made appointments.

Anton and Dmitry constantly went to Moscow for negotiations, but each time they ended in nothing: no one wanted to invest in production and the real sector, especially in the clothing industry, which few people understand. The guys were advised to launch a digital or cryptocurrency business: it is more understandable, promoted and attractive. In six months, entrepreneurs received more than two hundred refusals.

The most motivated refusal was from a group of investors who wanted to invest specifically in sewing. The guys were turned down because their visions of prospects were too different: investors dreamed of creating a large retail network, and our heroes were thinking of launching a medium-circulation production facility that would be able to quickly fulfill small and medium-sized retail orders. They simply didn’t think about anything bigger then. As a result, they were offered to return for funding in the future, when they grew up and aimed at large-scale production.

As a result, the entrepreneurs were able to borrow one million from friends and relatives, and raised another million through a new partner - a mutual friend Ekaterina. She sold her business and was ready to invest in a new project. Now they had 2 million rubles, but still no premises.

Search for workshop premises

In July 2017, the owner of a sewing workshop in Yaroslavl approached the guys and offered to rent a 400 m² premises along with equipment and 20 employees. He brought the workshop to the brink of bankruptcy and owed workers wages for several months.

A week later, the entrepreneurs signed a long-term lease agreement for 5 years and paid for the first month. Now rent costs 90,000 rubles per month.

To sew clothes in Russia, you must have a Customs Union declaration. You cannot get it in Yaroslavl: there are no certification centers there. I had to go to Ivanovo, where entrepreneurs handed over samples of finished products to a special center and paid 20 thousand rubles. After 6 days they were given a certificate.

Workshop renovation and equipment purchase

To begin with, we decided to renovate the workshop: make new wiring, buy furniture, update equipment and optimize production. Repairs required 2.5 million rubles. The guys already had two million, and entrepreneurs took another 500 thousand from circulation.

Before renting out the workshop, the owner managed to buy high-quality, expensive equipment, but never set it up. The guys paid the master 50 thousand rubles for the setup.

2.5 million R

paid for repairs to the workshop

Entrepreneurs also launched a new direction - knitwear. Before this, the workshop only sewed textiles. I had to buy more equipment. Specialized machines for the production of knitwear were leased for 400 thousand rubles.

Some of the furniture in the workshop required replacement because the old one was already worn out. The guys bought new sewing tables, a cutting table and an intertable - this is a long conveyor table along which the product is transferred for various operations. It took 200 thousand rubles.

We also replaced two non-functioning sewer risers and replaced the electrical system on two floors of the workshop. Almost 400 thousand were spent on everything.

To transport small quantities of materials and products, we bought a new Lada-Largus for 450 thousand rubles. Large consignments are transported by a transport company.

RUB 550,000

set aside for salaries, purchase of materials and unforeseen expenses

We set aside 550,000 rubles for salaries, purchase of materials and unforeseen expenses.

Launch of the workshop in 2017 - 2.55 million rubles

New equipment

800,000 R

New furniture

200,000 R

Salaries of employees, payments to suppliers

RUB 550,000


RUR 450,000

410,000 R

First month of rent

90,000 R

Debugging old equipment

50,000 R


Along with the premises and equipment, the entrepreneurs received a team of 20 people: 13 seamstresses and tailors, 4 cutters, a handyman, a craftsman and a technologist. Only six months later, using the rental proceeds, the owner paid them back their wages.

The guys did not like the previous organization of work. They faced poor discipline, low skills and low productivity. People could be late for work, orders were fulfilled slowly, there was a lot of waste and leftover fabric. When a new production line was launched, employees had to be retrained so that they could work on modern equipment and perform complex operations.

Entrepreneurs have introduced new work standards, internal logistics rules, and efficiency requirements. Some employees resisted - they did not want to work on new equipment or rebuild work processes - so we had to part with them. Only half of the original team remained.

There are few qualified technologists and management personnel who are able to organize the entire process, and they are expensive. Raising specialists yourself is time-consuming and also expensive. Now the guys are negotiating with the production manager from Ivanovo about going to work for them.

Finding decent seamstresses and tailors is no easier. Young people don’t go into the profession because they have to work a lot with their hands, but they pay little. People of middle age and pre-retirement age work in this area. It is difficult to motivate and retrain such employees.

The average salary of a seamstress before taxes is 25-30 thousand rubles, for a technologist and technician - 30-40 thousand. The salary differs in different months: it consists of a salary and piecework part, which depends on the number of orders and workload.


Before the arrival of our heroes, the workshop produced only textiles - women's clothing for the budget mass market, which is sold in the markets for 300-1000 rubles. Working with such a segment is unprofitable: there is little money, you won’t earn a reputation this way, and big clients won’t come for it.

The entrepreneurs decided to change direction and launched a knitwear line, making it their only one. Knitwear stretches, it is elastic and soft - sweaters, T-shirts, tracksuits, sweaters or dresses are sewn from it. This is an easy segment to start with and a narrow specialization: the demand for it is greater than for textiles. Large and corporate clients like to order knitwear.

Production margin depends on volumes and technological process. Usually this is 20-40% of the cost of the product excluding taxes.


Entrepreneurs cooperate with three suppliers of Turkish knitwear - the entire Russian market works with them. There is no one else to choose from; the quality of Russian suppliers is lower. If the client has his own raw materials, they work with them.

The two main problems when working with suppliers are fabric quality and availability. Each batch of fabric contains at least 5% defects: different tones, holes, missing threads. This cannot be avoided - these are production features. Therefore, such expenses are included in the cost.

There is a minimum amount of defective fabric in each batch. These expenses include the cost

There is not enough fabric in the warehouses of dealers in Moscow - it must be brought from Turkey. The fabric will not be delivered from Turkey to Yaroslavl less than a month in advance, so you have to order much in advance. The guys chose one supplier, since fabrics from different manufacturers differ in color shades, texture and quality.

Depending on the season and workload, fabrics, threads, accessories and raw materials cost from 800 thousand to 1.5 million rubles per month.


20 companies constantly cooperate with the workshop. They provide more than half of the orders.

The main clients are medium and large businesses from Moscow. For them, the company sews souvenirs, advertising and branded products, for example: T-shirts, sweatshirts or tracksuits.

Entrepreneurs have a non-disclosure agreement with most clients: they cannot show their products, indicate customers as clients or disclose information about the order. This happens because some of the customers are intermediaries who order products for a dozen other companies at once. If their customers know who the real manufacturer is, they can cut out the middlemen. But this will be unprofitable for entrepreneurs, because it is better to work with intermediaries who provide them with work than to lose large orders and work directly with only one client.

In the spring of 2018, the guys released a series of articles about building a business in the clothing industry and published them on the website. on social networks and Telegram. Having spent 20 thousand rubles on their promotion, they received feedback from a dozen start-up brands, some of which later became their clients.


The clothing industry in Russia is poorly developed: fabrics, dyes and accessories are imported from abroad. In Yaroslavl this is generally bad: there are no fabric dealers, all enterprises are designed to produce cheap mass-market goods.

At first, entrepreneurs took orders from everyone: small and large customers, intermediaries. They turned a blind eye to the timing, price, volume - just to receive the order and do it as quickly as possible. This approach cost the business dearly: in the spring the technologist failed to cope with the tasks and the workshop did not fulfill the agreements on time. Several clients left and profits dropped. It took two months to correct the situation.

I had to change my approach to work: do everything slowly, more efficiently and with larger customers. Nowadays, entrepreneurs try not to work with intermediaries: when the client is the final customer, it is easier to control quality. Therefore, entrepreneurs have focused on the more expensive and profitable corporate segment, for which they sew branded clothing and souvenirs.

Business is seasonal. The peak of orders for cheap mass market (textiles, T-shirts, sportswear) is winter and summer, for souvenirs - during the holidays. Branded clothing for corporate events is ordered all year round. It is important to adjust production capacity so as not to miss periods of increased load. Now entrepreneurs work only with the corporate segment - this smoothes out seasonality. In the first months there were downtimes at the enterprise, but since the fall of 2017 the workshop has been constantly busy.

Results and plans

Our heroes entered the business with a ready-made client base, but it was not enough for the workshop. We began to work in plus after 4 months - the pre-New Year's peak load helped.

Since the beginning of 2018, the workshop has been in the black all the time, and profits are gradually growing. Monthly turnover is 2.5-4.5 million rubles, average profit is 300-400 thousand rubles per month for four people. Entrepreneurs invest another 100-200 thousand rubles from turnover every month into development: for workshop repairs and new equipment.