How Telman Ismailov lives now. Telman Ismailov found refuge in France. Telman Ismailov is a talented and very successful businessman

"Cherkizon" at one time was considered the largest wholesale clothing market in Russia. Goods came here from China, through the port of Khabarovsk, where bales with counterfeit goods were brought on boats.
According to information received by TV journalist Arkady Mamontov, law enforcement officers found millions of kilograms of contraband goods worth a total of $2 billion at the Cherkizovsky market. Nobody paid taxes or customs fees for these things. Mamontov reported (and this was confirmed by Russian customs officers in his TV report) that the clothes and shoes sold at Cherkizon were a real health hazard, since they were made using prohibited substances.

As noted by the chief inspector of the Department of Customs Inspection of the Federal customs service Russian Federation Dmitry Ratanin, specialists of Rospotrebnadzor, checking the products that were in numerous warehouses, did not write out a single positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion about the quality of this cheap Chinese consumer goods. The inspectors also failed to find documents on the origin of these goods.

According to Boris Chernyshov, adviser to the head of the Customs Inspection Department of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, Cherkizon was a city within a city that had its own management system and its own security service and was divided according to nationality into Chinese, Vietnamese, Tajik and other "quarters". According to the Russian customs service, at least 10,000 foreign citizens lived in the territory of Cherkizon alone, connected in one way or another with this market.

Experts name the figure of those who constantly worked in the market: over 100 thousand people, mostly Chinese citizens. And in the district near the market, most of the apartments were either bought up by merchants or rented by them. As Boris Chernyshov said, Cherkizon consisted of 17 markets, and each of them had its own structure. According to information law enforcement, there were underground casinos and brothels for their own (market staff), where dozens of Russian, Vietnamese and Chinese girls were kept in slavery.

The former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, may be involved in 8 murders. His brothers are already defendants in a criminal case. The killers-performers who managed to be detained testify against them. The role of Ismailov himself remains to be seen, but what is already known about his business models is chilling.

Investigators came to the Ismailov brothers after the arrest of this man. In May 2016, Mehman Kerimov was suspected of a double murder on the Novorizhskoye highway in the Moscow region. As Kerimov himself admitted, he killed two businessmen with a pistol.

According to Kerimov, Telman Ismailov's brother, Rafik, was in the car with him. As investigators later established, Rafik Ismailov and the deceased businessmen had known each other for many years. They did business together until the Ismailovs started having problems with law enforcement agencies.

According to preliminary data, the murders for the Ismailovs could be not only a way to remove creditors, but also a whole business model that allowed them to build their empire. Now the media are discussing the involvement of Telman Ismailov himself and his brothers in 8 murders.

“When someone now testifies that he received orders for eight murders, I believe that this is not the final, but the initial page,” says lawyer Alexander Treshchev.

The first murder mentioned was in December 2000. Then they dealt with Andrei Lobanov, the leader of the Koptevskaya organized criminal group, who controlled wholesale markets in the north of Moscow. They say that the Ismailovs laid eyes on these objects back in the 90s. Satisfying the growing appetites of the Ismailovs became much easier when one of the brothers, Fazil, became deputy prefect of the entire district.

After his resignation, Fazil turned out to be the owner of dozens of trade objects in the Sokol area. But compared to the main business of the family - the Cherkizovsky market - these tents were a trifle. Billions were spinning on Cherkizon. They say that the owners of the market paid a million dollars a month for patronage.

“We can’t go somewhere without official permission from the head. And when you approach him and say: we need to check the point where child prostitution is. Then when they find out that this is Cherkizon, they tell us: you have nothing to do?” - says Evgeny Kharlamov, head of the criminal police of the Moscow police department in 2002-2004.

Ismailov littered with money on his 50th birthday. Invited world stars. He built himself a 7-star hotel "Mardan Palace". As a result, Ismailov was summed up by smuggling. As it turned out, the merchant's fortune was built on the labor of illegal migrants, underground workshops, and illegal supplies of consumer goods. Cherkizon closed. Ismailov fled. Now he is either in Turkey or Israel. Until the last days, only creditors to whom Ismailov owed billions of rubles were looking for him. Now investigators will most likely be looking for him.

The name is now associated with some kind of bloodthirsty monster who created a powerful criminal empire, dividing it into brigades for various purposes. report various facts about the activities of the former oligarch, although previously they were silent about his affairs. A few years ago, the public saw this person only as a successful businessman, an oligarch, for whom almost all roads are open.

As one of the acquaintances of the Ismailov family said, they did not always even know which of the enterprises they owned, the business was so extensive. But this fact most likely refers to some small companies created within the business empire. The big business of the Ismailovs has always been well-known, because it was for the sake of it that the entire criminal empire was created - somewhere to protect against competitors and bandits, somewhere vice versa for raids and expanding spheres of influence. All this is worth a separate material.

The image of Telman Ismailov began to transform in the minds of people from a businessman into a gangster gradually. At the end of the 1910s, such a large-scale figure could not simply be taken and arrested, he had very powerful positions and influence almost everywhere. But already at that time there was some information about the crimes that are now shrouded in darkness.

Closed in 2009 Cherkizovsky market Ismailov, who was called a state within a state. Here, different nationalities had their own cities, trading and working in Cherkizon. True, everyone lived modestly - some in the sewers, some in the basements. Those who were more fortunate could live in small buildings, right here in the market. Often, work in the market was slavery - many auxiliary workers did not receive wages in general, instead of which they had a roof over their heads, even a basement, but still ...

Cherkizon's goods were also an interesting mixture - along with legal products, contraband could be successfully sold on the same shelf. And not only household goods were sold at Cherkizon, here transactions were sometimes carried out that any big businessman could envy.

From the story of one of the leaders, he bought weapons through Cherkizon for the needs of the group. The volumes of transactions were quite tangible within the arms black market. It is not known who exactly was behind the gunsmiths, but judging by the story of another person who considers himself to be one of the hunting societies, private individuals had to actually stand in line to the seller who supplied them with weapons.

The editors of the site contacted one of the representatives of the ethnic group in order to somehow shed light on what was happening in the 2000s in Cherkizon. It was this brigade that at one time controlled the supply of contraband goods to the market. The authoritative foreman David explained that the Cherkizovsky market indirectly extended its presence to the whole of Russia, since most of the goods were delivered here through almost all cities. Wherever the security forces detained wagons or trucks with smuggled goods, most of this mass went precisely to Cherkizon. In a roundabout way, goods were delivered to merchants, some of whom paid a certain percentage to David's brigade. Other sellers were already paying to other groups that had their territories here. It was impossible to meddle in someone else's business, as, for example, when dividing up Moscow businessmen, when the groups were at war with each other.

David admits that, of course, there were some skirmishes, but all of them were severely suppressed by the security service. When the conflict was quite serious, their own arbitrators came into play - people who were chosen as sort of looking after order in Cherkizon. They really could influence the situation, not allowing any enmity to result in mass fights or murders. The police were powerless here, everything was ruled by internal security units, where they also had their own posts.

In general, the Cherkizovsky market is a unique phenomenon. There are several other similar markets in Russia, it is worth remembering the showdown around the Novosibirsk Gusinobrodskaya flea market. But Gusinobrodka was much smaller than its Moscow counterpart, and not only in size, but also in the presence of criminals here. If the Novosibirsk market was almost completely controlled, then Cherkizon was also ruled, having a certain area, and in turn trying not to interfere in the internal affairs of the administration. The groups set up trade in illegal goods, smuggling, and, in turn, subjugated the merchants who were illegal immigrants. It was dangerous to engage in extortion from ordinary sellers here - Telman Ismailov did not like this, and immediately stopped such attempts. Still, the oligarch's security guards were akin to FSB officers, and they tried not to conflict with them.

Outside the law enforcement agencies

On the territory of the market, there was not only its own security service, the rules of which everyone obeyed, but even several illegal banks and cash-out offices. According to the media and various sources, more than $500 million went daily to China and other countries through these banks alone, from where consumer goods were illegally transported. This is money that relates specifically to gray trade. Speaking directly about the owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Ismailov earned an average of $1 million a day from his activities.

Cherkizon consisted of 14 markets, which employed more than one hundred thousand people. According to analysts, about 800 billion rubles annually passed through the entire market complex. Money was cashed out according to a very simple scheme - a person came to the cashier, gave a certain amount, after which he said in which city he wanted to use it. The cashier wrote down the person's data, and then said the address in the city where you can get your money. Everything was done without any documents, based on trust. And indeed, their money given in Cherkizon was subsequently received in almost any city in Russia.

Law enforcement officers did not enter the market, as there was a verbal order not to get involved in the affairs of the market. Meanwhile, when the Cherkizon market was closed for the night, residents of neighboring houses often heard shots and mass swearing in different languages ​​- at night, all the strife between employees, private security companies and the "roofs" of smugglers took place. All this took place without consequences on the part of the security forces, since, according to sources, Ismailov personally received the heads of special services in his mansion and promised that there would be order in the market. Therefore, no one intervened in the mess that was happening in Cherkizon.

As one of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the site, back in 2006 there were signals about crimes committed in the market. The operatives knew about the same drugs that were sold on the market. However, to get there legally, the signatures of the authorities were required. And accordingly, none of the higher officers allowed such sanctions.

Only in 2009, the prosecutor's office admits that Telman Ismailov managed to buy a lot of people in the highest echelons of power. The chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin himself said that when you delve into the affairs of the Cherkizovsky market, very influential figures emerge who provide protection to the owner of Cherkizon.

Under the Cherkizovsky market there was a real underground city. It is worth remembering that the market was built on the site of the Izmailovsky stadium, and later acquired additional territory. The authorities, even before the Second World War, made two bunkers under the stadium, in which members of the government were supposed to be in the event of an emergency, as well as a parking lot for a tank division. In our time, these dungeons of Cherkizon have turned into a secret underground city where market employees lived (up to 60 people lived on 20 squares), and their weddings and anniversaries also took place. Here, in the Cherkizon dungeon, cheap brothels worked. According to some sources, children were born in the dungeon who, for a long time, did not even imagine that there was life somewhere above.

Cherkizon's dungeon was used not only for its employees, but also there were bunkhouses, a night in which cost only 100 rubles. True, there was no toilet or shower in the bunker, and indeed there was no water supply here. The need was relieved where necessary, so the dungeon had a terrible smell, to which even a permanent resident was difficult to get used to. They lived in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions.

In addition to living rooms with bunks, the bunker had workshops for the production of various goods, on which branded labels were hung. The workers in these shops have not seen the sun for years. Other premises served for the storage of contraband goods coming from China and Vietnam.

Along with consumer goods, the Cherkizon underground was also used as a transshipment base for Afghan heroin. used Cherkizon as a warehouse for drugs.

As those market workers with whom we managed to talk now say, people often slept standing up in the Cherkizon dungeon, as well as in rooms intended for natural needs - the bunker was so packed.

Closing of Cherkizon

In 2006, there was a strong explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. 14 merchants and buyers died. Everyone vied with each other to voice their versions. Whoever said that this was a terrorist attack, who considered it a showdown among merchants, Telman Ismailov himself thought that these were the intrigues of competitors. The answer was unexpected - one of the nationalists, subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.

The decision to close the market was issued back in 2007, but the market continued to operate for another two years. And only in 2009 it was possible to eliminate the state within the state. However, this was accompanied by a showdown not only in the vicinity of Cherkizon itself, but also in the offices of officials.

In general, people took to the streets to picket, because the market accommodated a hundred thousand workers. The closure of the market has become comparable to the closure of an entire city. True, the majority of illegal immigrants from neighboring Republics found themselves without work. The authorities began to demolish commercial premises, confiscated all contraband goods, and dispersed the underground city of Cherkizon.

Former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, accused of contract murder, is hiding in Montenegro. An informed source told The CrimeRussia about this. According to him, the fugitive oligarch agreed with the ruling circles of this country not to extradite him to the Russian authorities.

Recall that last year the Ismailov family lived in a mansion on the territory of the Mardan Palace hotel complex in Antalya. However, fearing that they would be extradited to the Russian authorities, they left Turkey, as local law enforcement agencies had questions for Telman Ismailov. According to Turkish investigators, he is implicated in the murder of thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky). Then the oligarch's family moved to France. But even there he did not feel safe, since he was put on the international wanted list through Interpol.

He currently resides in a rented villa in Montenegro. It was there that he recorded his recent video message, where he expressed fears that his brother Rafik Ismailov could be “eliminated” before trial.

The defense of the former driver Telman Ismailov asks the Moscow City Court to check the legality of his arrest

The defense appealed against the arrest of the former driver of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, Vladimir Gusakov, accused of kidnapping the artist Avraam Russo in 2004.

“We sent an appeal by mail. Somewhere within a month, the Moscow City Court should check the legality of the decision of the Basmanny Court, ”lawyer Maxim Dobrokhvalov told Interfax on Saturday.

According to him, the date for the consideration of the appeal has not yet been set.

V. Gusakov is charged with part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abduction of a person committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such use). If his guilt is proven, the former driver faces a sentence of five to 12 years in prison. He hasn't been charged yet.

On September 18, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested V. Gusakov. On September 20, the court also arrested another person involved in the case - T. Ismailov's nephew Zaur Mardanov. He was charged under the same article.

Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Telman Ismailov's nephew in the case of kidnapping

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested the nephew of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov Zaur Mardanov, RAPSI writes.

“Satisfy the petition of the investigation, select a measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of 2 months against the accused,” RAPSI quotes the words of the judge.

According to the agency, Mr. Mardanov is charged under "a", "c" part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abduction of a person by a group of persons by prior agreement; with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence). According to media reports, in 2004 Zaur Mardanov allegedly kidnapped the singer Abraham Russo.

Prigozhin spoke about the fight on the plane with billionaire Telman Ismailov

The famous Russian producer Iosif Prigogine in the program "New Russian Sensations" said that he considers the day when he met the singer Abraham Russo and his sponsor Telman Ismailov the blackest in his life.

Prigozhin said that he was asked to promote the figure of Rousseau. And Prigogine succeeded. Rousseau became in demand and began to earn good money. Ismailov gave Russo apartments and cars. However, he could humiliate a star in public.

One day, Ismailov and Rousseau, together with Prigogine, flew to Nice. Ismailov began to drag Rousseau by the ear and humiliate him. Prigozhin could not stand it and asked the billionaire not to interfere with the singer, with whom he still had to work. Ismailov got into a fight with Prigogine.

The former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, was declared bankrupt - the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region issued a decision on the insolvency of the businessman today.

The entrepreneur's total debt to creditors is $286 million. With such assets as the Prague restaurant or a luxury hotel in Turkey, Ismailov has already had to part. Will the current court decision mark the end of his business career?

With grandiose fireworks, a laser show and performances by world-class stars, six years ago, the seven-star Mardan Palace Hotel was opened in Antalya, Turkey - the most luxurious and most expensive not only in Turkey, but also on the entire Mediterranean coast, it was built by Russian businessman Telman Ismailov and named after his father.

By that time, Telman Ismailov had reached the heights of his financial power and could afford to invite stars of the caliber of Sharon Stone and Richard Gere, and a photo next to a gilded piano. Who could have known then that a few years later the hotel, which cost, according to rumors, almost one and a half billion dollars, its owner would have to sell ten times cheaper.

In 2009, Telman Ismailov entered the list of the two hundred richest businessmen in Russia. The main business asset allowed him to take this place - the largest diamond in Ismailov's crown and the basis of his empire, the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Appeared in the 90s, Cherkizon eventually became perhaps the largest market in Russia, and at the same time - a city within a city where its own laws were in force, thousands of illegal migrants lived for years and tons of contraband goods passed without documents. But then all this hardly bothered the city authorities.

“Telman, you are our friend forever! Telman, we are with you. You and I go through life and rejoice and enjoy this friendship,” the then mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, said during one of the chic feasts.

The decline of the empire built on Cherkizon began with the closure of the market. When the rain of money that fell on Ismailov ended, the businessman himself had problems. There was nothing to pay the debts, and Ismailov began to besiege creditors, the largest of which was the Bank of Moscow. He lent money to Ismailov's companies under his own guarantee.

"The maturity of these loans was in the summer of 2014. However, the loans were not repaid, and today, together with penalties and interest, 286 million dollars have flowed," said Vadim Sukhoverkhov, head of the VTB press service.

According to the court decision, Ismailov's property should be sold. For debts, he has already lost his restaurant "Prague", a business center on Krasnaya Presnya, a Turkish hotel. And bankruptcy can be considered a logical conclusion business career. True, the experts had questions about the procedure itself. It is possible that by declaring himself bankrupt, Ismailov simply wanted to get rid of creditors and played ahead of the curve. After all, the arbitration court issued a verdict at the request of a certain citizen Zubkov, to whom Ismailov owes 15 million rubles - immeasurably less than other creditors.

“Since Ismailov and Zubkov filed for bankruptcy with the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region on the same day, it would be naive to assume that Zubkov is some real figure to whom Ismailov really owes money. And there is no doubt that the manager whom he appoints the court, according to Zubkov's application, will be exactly the financial manager that is beneficial and convenient for Ismailov," Vsevolod Sazonov, Doctor of Law, lawyer, is sure.

Ultimately, Ismailov can generally get away with it, because he recently transferred the companies that he personally owned to his sons and nephews. However, VTB Group reported today that they welcome the court's decision and will continue to seek a refund by all legal means.