Improving the quality of customer service. Bosch car service is one of the largest networks of independent hundred in the world. This service is that

We talked with a young and ambitious newcomer to the IT Park Business Incubator - the REPUTATION project. The guys have been developing a service that helps protect business from unscrupulous companies for several years now. During the interview, the founder of the project, Pavel Klimov, spoke about how the service works, about his competitors, about his plans for the future, and shared useful life hacks.

- Can you tell us more about your service?

Our project is called REPUTATION and is a web service with which you can check the counterparty for reliability online. REPUTATION analyzes information from official sources: tax services, arbitration courts, bailiffs, unified state register legal entities, unified state register individual entrepreneurs etc. The data is updated daily. Based on these data, the program calculates whether it is worth working with the company or whether it is better to refuse cooperation. The service will not help increase profits, but it will keep what you already have, minimizing financial risks companies.

- How to become a user of the web service?

The user only needs to register on the site And to get access to the demo version for one day and personally get acquainted with the capabilities of the service, you must enter your phone number.

- Does the service have competitors? What is the innovative component of the project?

Of course, we have competitors, including Interfax, SPARK, Kommersant KARTOTEKA and SKB Kontur. One of the advantages of the REPUTATION project, in comparison with other services, is a favorable price and a simple interface that provides quick, convenient and intuitive access to information for an ordinary user. Another advantage of REPUTATION over other services is the presence of a special option that allows you to get a "historical information about the company".

By the way, as practice shows, clients usually use two similar services at the same time, which makes it possible to minimize the likelihood of an error. Now you do not need to be a security officer to check the counterparty for reliability!

- What is the probability of error?

In all organizations that provide us with information, people work, so we do not exclude the possibility of errors. We came up with a solution when all necessary information is tied to the company using the TIN and OGRN.

- Which information bases You are using?

We work with the tax service, with open data from the bailiff service and the arbitration court. The user can be sure that the information he will receive through the use of the "REPUT" service will be true and reliable.

If a person independently checks his counterparty, then it will take a lot of time and effort, especially if it is necessary to obtain information about large corporation. It will be quite laborious for the layman to process such a large amount of data accumulated over the long history of the company, and when reconciling information, he may make a mistake or miss something.

In our service, searching and generating information about a company takes literally seconds: you just need to enter the name, TIN or OGRN of the counterparty in the search box and wait for the result.

- Have there been regular users of the service?

There are a lot of regular users. We sell a license for a period of one year. But there are also those who use the free "REPUTATION" options, such as: "mass director", "founder" or "disqualified person". Often it is enough to understand whether it is worth working with this organization.

- Have there been situations in your practice when you were asked to correct discrediting information?

We periodically receive calls from all over Russia from companies that want to remove information from our service. For example, this applies to those who once went bankrupt, and now leads new business and would not want today's clients and partners to know about his past mistakes. We believe that if such a precedent took place in the life of an entrepreneur, then it must be displayed in the service. I want to note once again that our information is always up-to-date and is updated automatically.

- Tell us the history of the project?

- The idea of ​​creating the REPUTATION project came to me in 2012. Then I started doing cargo transportation in Russia and ran into two unscrupulous companies, because of which I got into debt and could lose my business. After this situation, I began to carefully study the issues related to due diligence of companies and eventually decided to try to create my own product.

Now the company has 11 people. We have been developing the product for over 5 years. At this stage, we faced a lot of problems: from personnel issues to differences in views on how the service itself should look like, synchronizing such a volume of information.

- How did your path to the IT park begin?

We applied for selection to the Business Incubator twice. Only with time do you understand your past mistakes and why the project did not reach the in-person selection: an incorrectly presented presentation, an incorrectly chosen business model, etc. We took into account all the mistakes and passed the 25th anniversary selection, and today we proudly bear the title of a resident of the IT Park Business Incubator.

- Were your expectations justified?

The IT park provides a huge amount of new knowledge for newcomers to the business world. All the information that we received here would have been simply necessary for us at the stage of establishing a business. We have received these competencies in a practical way, spending a lot of time, effort and money on it.

Also, the technopark has excellent support in terms of information support for the project. Our product is useful and easy to use, but it is quite difficult to explain and show its value to users. And we came to the conclusion that it is time to carry out an educational program and bring the goods to a wider audience, in which the IT park helps us.

- What are your plans for the future?

Thanks to constant monitoring of competitors, interesting options appear in the service that distinguish it from other verification systems. But working in the field of high technologies, we understand that it is not easy to surprise users. It should also be noted that any innovation sooner or later appears among competitors.

- What successes can you already boast of?

In principle, we are only now beginning to reap the fruits of the work of previous years. After successfully passing the selection, we began to put all the information we received on the shelves and create a project along the route that the mentors of the Business Incubator helped us to draw up. Now it remains to follow him and pump your product. At the moment we are developing the sales department.

- Did you have a negative experience with your service?

In arbitration cases, the name of the company can be incorrectly indicated, and this fact can create many problems. But since we work with many verified official sources, we provide users with only the most accurate information. The advantage of our service is the ability to immediately study all necessary materials. But I do not rule out that the information found may affect the reputation of the company both positively and negatively. I note that there have not yet been any precedents related to the errors of our service.

- Can you formulate life hacks for working with the service?

  1. First of all, you should take into account how many companies are registered on a person and what condition they are in. If there are closed ones, then it is worth looking at how they were closed, for example, abandoned or reorganized. It is important to see if the company is left with debts. And if a potential counterparty has debts, then you should think that he can do the same with you.
  2. It is also worth thinking about working with a company that has different types details that are not related. For example, one company sells fish, creates IT projects, and sells chemicals. In such cases, scammers can work.
  3. Pay attention to the life of the company. If a company has been in business for half a year - a year, then you need to be extremely careful.

And I can give a couple more life tips: you should not work with friends. In such situations, you trust and do not consider it necessary to check. And at this time, an acquaintance will never tell you that he is doing badly, and you should not work with him anymore. Try to conduct contractual relations with "doubtful" business partners so that in case of danger, the partner risks more than you and your company.

- Does the application have a function to see who checks you?

We do not have such a function, but there is an opportunity to observe the company you are interested in. This is even more important than checking the counterparty. Yes, you have checked the company, yes, it has performed well now, but in 2-3 weeks it may start to have problems.

- What is the probability of running into an unreliable contractor today?

Today it is very important, because despite such a number of services, law firms providing similar services to check companies, it is still possible to suffer from an unreliable contractor.

We constantly measure and monitor user requests on this topic. Over the past 3 years, the number of counterparty verification requests has tripled. I hope that soon, with the help of such services, it will be difficult for companies to hide their "dark" past and present in business.

This section presents utilities and services that work online. Those. to work with them, you do not need to install programs, just go to the desired page. This section is planned to be continuously expanded by adding new services. Follow the news on the site, it will be interesting here.

Solve the crossword

Our online crossword assistant will help you quickly and with pleasure solve the most intricate crosswords and not only them, you can solve both crosswords and chainwords. A person is not a robot and cannot know everything, much less remember, therefore, reminding yourself of some things and using a hint will only benefit. After all, what could be worse than an unsolved crossword puzzle lying on the table and demonstrating the recent fiasco of the "erudite" who broke his teeth about it. To prevent this from happening, it is useful to solve crossword puzzles to the end, even with an assistant, because in this case we really learn about new things and phenomena or remind ourselves of them.

Balda assistant

Balda assistant online - completely free assistant. With the help of which you can get hints while playing Baldu. Easy to use, no restrictions on the number of hints. When using an assistant, remember that the main point of the game is not to win, but still to develop erudition. If your opponent actively uses an assistant, then this is unlikely to somehow increase his knowledge base, even if he will lose more often. But the one who plays himself will really have invaluable experience in gaining new knowledge. Therefore, use the assistant when it is really necessary or, for example, when you do not know the interpretation of a word.

Solving anagrams - the service is very easy to use, like all our other utilities, it works online. To get an answer, you need to enter an anagram that needs to be solved and the program will quickly select the answer. It is also possible to compose words from a given set of letters or another word. Another possibility of the service is to compose your own anagrams from the entered words. You can enter multiple words at the same time by separating them with a space. Three services are combined here in one, i.e. here you can solve and compose an anagram, compose words from a given set of letters, compose words by mask (by missing letters)

The service allows you to compose and solve classic anagrams, here you can both solve an anagram and create your own. Everything is extremely simple, you have the opportunity to choose one action out of two: compose / unravel. Application uses most common words

Service for composing words from a given set of letters. A given set can be either one other (usually large) word, or several other words, or just any letters that are not related to words. If a letter participates in the set only once, then in the proposed word this letter will also occur once. Those. let's say from the word "LASSO" you can make the words "SALO", "OSA", "ACC" but you can not "SOLO", because. the letter "O" occurs here once.

This application will help you compose a word using a given mask of missing letters, i.e. if you know the length of the word and some well-known letters, then you type this word, replacing the missing letters with "*", after which our service will find words that satisfy this mask. For example, we can type "*o*eu*", and the service will offer possible "CROSS, RANG, SWEET, WHEEL", and also offer the opportunity to find out the meanings of these words in order to be sure that such words exist. Partially it can be useful for solving crossword puzzles, but now there are limitations, because. only the base of Russian nouns is used, such words as "Columbus", "Australia" are not here, although we will definitely add them later.

Well, I just wrote about the fact that a dictionary of nouns is used, as I am already correcting it and I inform you that a rather large dictionary is used, incl. and words that are most often found in crosswords and crossword puzzles, so now you can guess most of the words without much difficulty. There are also proper names and surnames and geographical names, many of them with illustrations.

If you need to find a word that is part of the first and at the same time part of the second word, then our service is just right for you. Such tasks are often found in tests for the level of intelligence, but if you can’t solve it yourself, then the service will definitely help you find the right word. In order to be clear, if you have the task U (...) NIK, then one of the solutions will be the word "ROD", so the other two words are URODS and SPRING, here you can find the word GENUS here. The service is able not only to solve words, but also to create such puzzles.

The next simple and understandable service from the site is "Dream Interpretation Online". We have tried to make the use of the dream book as convenient and simple as possible. At the moment, the most common dream books are available: Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus, Freud, Loff, Hasse, Maria Kanovskaya, Family. In the future, we will add many other dream books and hopefully in this way we will get a service that combines various dream books with a convenient and universal search for interpretations. Dreams are not as simple as many people think, they really have a secret, try to solve it using our online dream book.

A simple service, rather intended to test understanding of breaking a given word into syllables. Pay attention to the word can be broken by several methods, namely - phonetically and morphologically, this service breaks the word phonetically.

The rhyme search service, the so-called poet's assistant, is designed for people who need to find an effective and original rhyme for a word. The service is unique in that it uses an algorithm that searches for a rhyme given the melody of a word or phrase, thereby finding words that other rhymers do not find, an algorithm of its own design.

Another vehicle tax calculator. Useful for those who want to know the tax rate on an existing or purchased vehicle. As usual, we try to make convenient services and we hope this one will not be an exception. Here you can see how the tax rate has changed over the years (since 2012), compare the transport tax in your region with others. The tax can be calculated for all types of vehicles recorded in the declaration of your region (trucks, buses, motorcycles, airplanes, snowmobiles, barges, etc.).

Guitar chord transposition service, an extremely useful service for guitarists and other people who are fond of music. Using this service, ready-made chords can be transposed without resorting to transposition tables, because. in this case, the transposition is laborious and inefficient. On the contrary, the transposition service allows you to view all the keys of the performance in one click. It may be worth recalling that transposition is a change in the key of chords by a certain number of intervals. Thus, you can choose the optimal height of the accompaniment and, accordingly, the tonality is more "comfortable" for the voice.

We present to you, which has already become traditional in numerology, a way to decipher the date of birth "Pythagorean Square". It is no coincidence that this method has tremendous popularity, because. its reliability has been verified by practice. Sometimes this method of deciphering the date is called the calculation according to the Pythagorean Psychomatrix. Find out which numbers are most pronounced in your date of birth and what imprint they leave on your destiny. The program works online and is provided absolutely free of charge.

Continuation of a series of numerological tests. This time, the determination of the compatibility of a man and a woman based on the square of Pythagoras. To believe or not to believe such calculations, everyone decides for himself. But it is worth noting that one way or another they make us consider their features more carefully. After all, it suddenly turns out that some of the interpretations turn out to be true.

Did you know that... Bosch Car Service is one of the largest networks independent service stations in the world: these are more than 15 thousand service stations in more than 150 countries of the world. Now 179 Bosch Auto Services are open in Russia.

The Russian market of car services for post-warranty cars is very saturated with car services of any size and format. On the other hand, when the car owner has a need for repairs, finding a suitable car service takes a lot of time, and word of mouth takes first place.

The problem that makes it difficult to quickly choose the right car service is that most businesses do not inspire confidence. When searching on the Internet - an unattractive website, a slurred answer on the phone, a terrible appearance of the building and employees. Has car service changed in the last 20 years?

Not much. But the requirements of the consumer to the service sector have changed a lot. In countries where market economy has been around for many decades, it is almost impossible to find a car service that is not a member of any network. These are either networks of suppliers of oil and technical fluids, or large suppliers of spare parts and equipment, or manufacturers of spare parts.

Working in the network, the car service receives the standards of external and interior design, some network providers provide customer service standards, and training, both technical and business training for salespeople and executives. Thus, the network car service receives an additional influx of new customers, the ability to maintain a customer base, and focus on the core business instead of experimenting in an area in which it is not a specialist, such as marketing.

The Russian car service is trying to go its own way: great amount enterprises cannot make a profit due to imperfect structure, lack of correct processes, low qualification of employees at all levels. Despite the fact that in the current economic situation it is obvious that post-warranty car services should receive an additional influx of customers who left the dealer, at least every tenth car service in Russia was closed in 2015.

There is another very important aspect that affects the ability of a car service to survive in our difficult times: the breadth of the list of services. An analysis of the work of the most successful Bosch Auto Services shows that it is necessary to consider not the profit on a specific work order, but the profit that a particular car brings during its entire service life. From such calculations, it can be seen that the main profit is earned on a run of 100-200 thousand km. - this means that the list of car service services should be “from bumper to bumper”, which is the philosophy of the Bosch Auto Service concept.

Innovative diagnostic systems for professional diagnostics

All Bosch Auto Service stations have at their disposal the most modern diagnostic equipment and Information Systems. This combination guarantees systems approach to car diagnostics and qualified repair work.

Dear customer, the installation procedure is determined by your manufacturer.

Our job consists of recovering location information about speed cameras and creating a manufacturer's instructions file to work with each GPS device.

In an attempt to make the job of the installation procedure easier for the client, we have prepared documentation that can be read on our website.

Installation information is provided to us from your manufacturer.

Therefore, it is the decision of the GPS manufacturer to pay the mandatory use of a computer to make this installation.

This is not our choice.

We do not sell GPS devices.

We only provide speed camera location information.

As for our responsibility, if you look at our website, once you choose a GPS device, buy a speed camera database, you can see the installation instructions on the right of the web page.

So, in this way, we inform you about the procedure, you must do, and then, you can make a choice to complete the purchase or not.

Also, in order to make things easier for many clients, some email readers have problems showing links for very long time.

Because of this, we have chosen to include in the email an attachment that contains the same information as when using a link.

The purpose of our service is to provide a file with updated camera speed information.

The information is formatted and prepared for each GPS device.

In an attempt to make life easier for the customer, we also provide our customers with the information that each manufacturer provide us to know how to make the installation of speed cameras.

But, as you understand, the installation procedure is not included in our guarantees, since it is not defined by us.

This is specifed and determined by the manufacturer.

Therefore, we try our best to help you complete the installation, but if you have problems with the way your GPS device works you should contact the manufacturer.

Our files are wrong and that's what we sell.

We hope you understand it.

Our job consists of formatting and preparing the files that your GPS device needs.

We turn our speed camera database into the format required for every GPS device.

So, we are responsible for the files we sent you when you shop.

As explained before the installation order set by the GPS manufacturer is not our responsibility.

If you have any questions when the GPS should read our files and you get some kind of error, you should send the error back to us and our technical team will evaluate if the problem is with our files or not.

If the fault is ours, we will package a new file for you to correct the error.

If for some reason, after analyzing the error, we consider our file to be at fault, and we cannot provide you with a new file, then we will refund your money.

Thank you.

*** It will not accept any return request related to the content of our files.

If you would like to get a look at the contents of our files before purchasing, you can view our maps at home page where you will find all the information contained in our database, updated up to the last moment.

Buying a mobile speed camera is an option.

You will be able to purchase a mobile speed camera when you see this option.

If this option is not displayed, it means there is no additional data for the particular device and you will only be able to purchase fixed speed cameras.

Most installations require the use of a computer, sometimes from an SD memory card reader, or from a USB memory stick, and sometimes it is necessary to use software third party provided by the manufacturer, and usually included in the original CD, from the GPS product.

We cannot foresee that said software is because most of the time they are protected by law and are the copyright of the GPS manufacturer.

So if you are late for the original software, you have to ask it to the manufacturer, or search it online for a specific topic.

Fixed speed cameras are devices, usually hidden from view by the driver, that allow the driver to take a picture when the driver has reached a greater speed limit on the road.

Depending on the local legislation of each country, these devices must be declared to the driver or not.

So, having a GPS device with camera speed support will help you know where they are located.

Mobile speed camera devices are usually hidden from the eye of the driver, so the police change their location to make it impossible to know where they are.

These devices may be on the road, or they may be inside a police car or camouflage car.

Information about those places are added to our database according to the frequency reported in the same place.

Remember, your GPS device is only able to show static points of interest, so mobile speed camera information, even dynamic information, is static as soon as you download it to your device.

Because of this, you need to update your speed camera database at least once every 6 months.

Our files contain information about speed camera locations.

Thus, you do not need to use any other special devices to detect or obstruct the radar waves.

Our files are installed in the GPS device.

The GPS device reads the imported data and alerts you when you are approaching the speed camera.

This method of use is 100% current compatible in all European countries and the rest of the world.

According to the new law approved in France, we provide the customer with the original speed camera database file with the original speed limit icons.

But we will also have an image set containing only the danger icon instead of the speed limit icon.

If you want, you can replace these images with the original ones.

In this case, the GPS will show the danger icon instead of the speed limit icon.

This icon replacement feature may not be available for some GPS devices.

This is because in many GPS devices, speed limits are part of the map details.

Therefore, in this case, it will be part of the manufacturer's responsibility to update the device's firmware to make it fit for the law.

If you are a new customer, you must purchase for the first time in our homepage.

After purchase, you will have the option to upgrade your recent purchase and convert it to an annual subscription within the first seven days of purchase.

After purchasing for the first time, you will receive a username and password to access your customers' private area.

There you will be able to download your updates and update your purchases.

One of the most common problem is the memory limit of GPS devices.

Our database is continuously changing.

Sometimes it grows and sometimes it doesn't.

Depending on the coverage you decide to purchase, it has a size or others.

And because of this, you may face any issue while trying to import data into your GPS device.

If during the installation process, the progress bar stops, or after the import is completed, you cannot see the speed of the camera, it means that your device probably cannot manage all the information.

To fix this, you can log in to the client area, Customer control panel and set up your database coverage.

You can do this when you buy a region.

For example, Europe Western Europe, etc.

This means that a number of countries

Keep in mind that not all devices allow you to use the setup tool.

If you don't see this feature in your customer area it means it's not available for your device.

Yes, since the end of May 2013 it is possible to make more than one purchase for different devices, and manage all of them from the customer control panel with the same account.

This means using only one email to manage all purchases.

So you can shop for a friend or any member of your family.

When you access the control panel, you will be able to see under orders, a new drop-down list where you can select the purchases you want to manage each time.

On the top right side of the page, you will see an image like this one: .

Click on the image and you will be redirected to the customer login page.

The user login is your own email address used in your purchase.

After you confirm your purchase, you will receive a new email with a random password generated by our system.

This is the password you will have to use for the first time.

Once logged in you can change the password if you wish.

If you lose the email that contains the password, or you don't remember it, you can request for a new one at the bottom of the customer login page.

You will receive two emails after purchase.

Usually the file you need is already attached to e-mail so you don't need to use the download link.

Therefore, you can use the file attached to the email.

The second email you will receive contains the credentials required to access the customer login page.

If for any reason you do not receive emails, they may be located in your spam folders.

If not, go to the customer login page.

Request a new password using the same email address you used to make purchases as your login.

When you receive a new password by email, you will be able to access the customer page.

You will see something like this: