My warehouse professional account has a free tariff, current information. MyWarehouse - proper business organization My Warehouse instructions for use

Lifehacker continues the section in which we talk about specialized cloud services aimed at small and medium business. Today we will talk about a service called MySklad - a system that allows you to optimize and achieve maximum efficiency in general in all business processes that companies and individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade and production.

To put it simply, MoySklad is a system with which a business owner can organize trade, warehouse, interaction with clients and accounting in a single environment, and then monitor all activities in real time from anywhere in the world. The service is provided using a SaaS model and does not require anything other than a browser to operate.

Why we love clouds

Have you noticed how convenient and easy the entertainment and social part of the Internet is? And we are certainly pleased that a new generation of specialized services for business is adopting this concept. MyWarehouse was born on the Internet, and as expected, it has adopted all the advantages that it gives us modern network. Servers, licenses, installation of some programs that need to be updated, an admin on staff, an interface from the early 2000s - all this is no longer there.

Convenient to start

There is a browser and subscription fee- and that's enough. We know this because we use similar web services every day. The cloud concept means there are no special requirements for technical base: Give employees something with a browser, and that's enough. We choose a tariff plan based on the company’s capacity and start working. The good news is that the subscription includes technical support, which can be very useful at the stage of development of MySklad, as well as all subsequent system updates in the future. Taking into account the availability of a free 14-day trial period, the risk of wasting money tends to zero - in two weeks you can test everything normally and understand the appropriateness of using this system (the screenshots clearly show the simplicity of the interface, but the logic and intuitiveness will be fully revealed only during the testing process) .

How it works in practice

The main beauty of MySklad is that all the functions in it are tailored to solve current daily tasks and problems.

Online store

An example with an online store will be very clear. MySklad integrates by default with most popular e-commerce platforms (1C-Bitrix, InSales, Amiro.CMS, UMI.CMS, Ecwid, and so on). All incoming orders are sorted and processed in a visual interface and transferred “on the fly” to couriers or postal services.

At the same time, store employees always have access to current balances in real time. The manager can accurately forecast sales and plan purchases, and operators know at any time what can be promised to customers (taking into account reserves for other orders).

In general, work with clients here is thought out very seriously, in fact, at the level of a full-fledged CRM system. For each client, a chronology of relationships, order history and sales statistics are maintained. The reminder function will not let you forget about the client, and built-in integration with popular SMS and email newsletters will help maintain the interest of current customers in the store.

The remarkable thing is that in the process of work, MySklad forms the entire necessary documentation for procurement, accounting, planning and other related processes, and the user can change the type of any document to suit his own needs.

All store activities are clearly visualized: the store owner or manager can view data and statistics at any time from anywhere in real time through a single manager interface, and to avoid unwanted information leakage, access to data is limited individually for each user.

Retail and wholesale trade

In this format, the work of MyWarehouse is most interesting. Let's say that we have two or three small shops scattered around the city and a centralized warehouse. The process of operating such retail outlets has remained virtually unchanged for many, many years. Until the end of the next audit, the owner had virtually no information about sales dynamics, customer preferences, the balance of goods at the point of sale and other important data, which can be adjusted in advance to improve business efficiency.

MyWarehouse changes everything in this situation: we install a computer or laptop, connect a USB barcode scanner (the codes themselves can also be created within the program), a fiscal recorder, and the store automation is ready.

Now sales are going in a completely new way - every operation is recorded in the system, and if you provide the point with Internet access, then all the statistics received from each point can be seen in real time.

The owner, right from home from his tablet, monitors which of the outlets is more popular, what/where/how much they buy, what is running out, and what is in excess. This can be compared to a situation where the manager is personally present everywhere at the same time and around the clock: at each cash register and in the warehouse. This is a completely different level of visibility and timely awareness, unavailable with the “classical” organization of trade.

Accounting and reporting

If you read the history of MyWarehouse, you will find out interesting fact: at some point, 1C became a co-owner of the service, after which the inconsistencies that had existed until that time between MoySklad and the popular Odneska were practically erased. Now the system, without any preliminary processing, can upload all the necessary data to 1C Accounting (including its online version) in order to prepare all the necessary reporting for the tax service, statistical authorities and government funds, and calculate expenses and salaries. To put it simply, for a small additional payment the user receives a dream - cloud-based 1C, integrated document-to-document with MySklad.


When it comes to cloud services, security questions inevitably arise. Nobody wants it all commercial activity suddenly lost or floated away to third parties. The corresponding page on the MySklad website explains all the risks and guarantees quite clearly. If we extract the essence from that text, it will turn out like this: all user data is stored in a certified data center in France, backup copies are copied daily to two more data centers in France and the USA. In this case, the data is encrypted with a 256-bit key. In terms of reliability it is not inferior existing systems Internet banking, and probably more reliable than your server computer with a database located somewhere in the office.

Internet service MoySklad is a convenient program for business that works online. The low cost of use, affordable even for small businesses, is combined with ample opportunities for effective business management:

  • Trade management, warehouse accounting, production and finance;
  • Work with clients and suppliers (CRM);
  • Automation of retail outlets;
  • Accounting and printing of all necessary documents.

Check out our advantages! Access from anywhere there is internet. If you don’t buy the program, a small subscription fee, from 240 rubles per month, includes user support. Fast start- no installation or implementation required. Trial period - sign up and try it now, it's free.

Overview of MySklad capabilities

Wholesale and e-commerce

Goods and services. Customer orders: processing, statuses, product reservation, import from an online store. Contracts. Price management: price lists, price categories and discounts. Multicurrency: purchases and sales in different currencies. Issuing invoices, printing invoices and certificates of completed work. Sales statistics.


Seller's workplace: registering sales, calculating change, returns, closing a shift, works from any computer, laptop, netbook or tablet. Summary report on retail outlets. Barcode scanners, printing price tags and labels. Offline mode and connecting a fiscal registrar.

Printing documents

All Required documents and unified forms: bills, sales receipts, invoices, TORG-12, TTN, acts, invoices, cash orders and many others. Automatic numbering, mass printing, document archive, sending by e-mail. Own document templates.

Purchasing and warehouse accounting

All warehouse operations: acceptance and shipment of goods, movement, inventory, write-off and capitalization. Cost calculation. Remains and turnovers. Warehouse status planning and automatic orders to suppliers. Printing warehouse documents: M-11, INV-3, TORG-16, MX-1, etc. Support for multiple warehouses, batches, serial numbers, customs declaration, characteristics, packaging and barcodes.

Money and debt

Control of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, reconciliation reports. Bank and cash desk: registration of payments, including in foreign currency, printing of payment orders, cash orders. Import of statements from a client bank. Reports: mutual settlements, movement Money, revenue by retail outlets.

CRM, or working with the client base

Accounting for clients and contracts, a convenient directory of contractors and contact persons, custom fields. Integration with email services and SMS mailings. Sales department management: tasks and reminders. All client data on one screen: relationship history, archive of exposed documents, current debt and total sales.

Analytical reports

Turnover, warehouse balances, sales statistics and profitability by product. Summary report on retail outlets. Dashboard or “Executive Screen”. Flow of funds. Debts and mutual settlements. Automatic sending of reports by email.

Hardware integration

Labels and price tags. Barcodes: support for scanners, printing and generation of EAN-8, EAN-13, Code128, etc. Android application “Data entry terminal”. Integration with fiscal registrar and KKM.

Manufacturing and assembly operations

Technological maps and production operations. Assembly and disassembly into components. Automatic write-off of materials and calculation of the cost of manufactured products. Production orders: planning of raw materials and supplies requirements.

Access control, divisions, branches

Managing user rights: rights to menus and functions, roles, division of access for users from different departments, the ability to hide unnecessary menu items and the cost of goods. Support of several legal entities. persons, branches, warehouses or points of sale in unified system. Prohibition of changes in closed periods.

Data exchange

Export data to 1C:Accounting (version 8). Easy to set up synchronization with an online store on 1C-Bitrix, inSales, WebAsyst, Shop-Script, Amiro.CMS, UMI.CMS, HostCMS, Ecwid, Simpla. Web services for importing orders and exporting balances for integration with other engines. Import of products from Excel and Yandex.Market. Integration with e-mail and SMS mailing services.


Additional fields for reference books and documents. No programming. User directories. Own templates printed forms and reports. Qualified support service assistance in setting up the service for your business processes.

Simple and intuitive interface. It seems to have sufficient functionality that will satisfy many, but, as always, the devil is in the details (more on them below).


  1. Strange concept of reserve. You may not have the product in stock at all (its balance is 0), but it will be reserved in the order. Okay, MS has his own understanding of “reservation” and you can actually get used to it.
  2. You will not be able to place an order to a supplier based on the balance of goods in the warehouse (taking into account, of course, the minimum balance) and the reserved goods. You will have to make TWO orders. The first one will replenish the minimum balance, and the second one will bring the “available” amount to zero. In MS you cannot place an order by applying logical “AND” to the filter - you cannot generate a list by “less than irreducible available” and “negative available”. Example: you sell felt boots (with a minimum 10), bast shoes (5), galoshes (0), while 3 pairs of bast shoes and 3 pairs of galoshes are reserved in orders, then if the warehouse is empty (all shoes were sold out early) it is impossible to order 10 to the supplier at once pairs of felt boots, 8 (5+3) pairs of bast shoes and 3 (0+3) pairs of galoshes. There is only one solution - manually joining two tables, for example, in Excel. Because MS rarely allows you to upload balances to Excel if there are over 20,000 products in the catalog - tested by our own experience and solved using the excel macro crutch.
  3. Incomprehensible division of sales and shipment. Again, here the MC has his own understanding, and again you can get used to it. I don’t fully understand, but it seems like a sale is for an individual (you can print cash receipt), shipment - for a legal entity (you can print UPD).
  4. Based on 54-FZ (the implementation of the requirements of which MS is so proud), a cash receipt must be for any sale to an individual. But a cash receipt can only be printed from a sale in the Cashier.MySklad application. Why then is the sale created in the main web application? You cannot make a sale from a customer order in the main application and print a receipt. Moreover, when selling in the main interface, you will not be able to print a cash receipt in the Cashier.MySklad application. Only when creating a sale in this application.
  5. Based on the previous point, imagine what difficulties there will be when working with an order of several dozen (not even hundreds) items, in which sales occur in parts. There are 70 items in the order, but we are currently selling 30 of them? No problem, just manually delete the remaining 40 products (sarcasm).
  6. Technical support. How many others have already written this before me, they will probably mention it after me, but I only confirm that it is weak. Recently a chat appeared, and at least some sense of dialogue arose. At the same time, many questions are not given a competent, qualified answer. Example: we are interested in the very fact of the possibility of connecting MSPOS-E. We are waiting for an answer like “yes/no” or “possible/impossible”. But they send us a link to a description of connecting another model. We repeat our question again. They answer that it is impossible. Well, why can’t you give a short, competent answer right away? They are also wasting their time.

There are other disadvantages, some may be more significant for some and insignificant for others - all this comes up during the work process. A little higher, I only cited what has been deposited over the past month.

Service MyWarehouse is a full-featured trade management and warehouse accounting system distributed under the SaaS, or Software as a Service, model.

No additional components are installed on the user’s computer - after making a payment and using the digital signature certificate, the user logs into the system and can immediately begin working. The service is updated automatically and unnoticed by subscribers: new features become available simultaneously to all subscribers and without any participation from implementation specialists.

As TAdviser told in 2011 Dmitry Kabatov, director of business development for the My Warehouse service, “Our service cannot be called a WMS system, although it has some WMS functions, such as address storage and automatic calculation of the provided safekeeping services. In general, our service performs the same tasks for clients, like 1C: Trade Management. Only we have a simplified, lightweight version in the form of an Internet service,” he noted.

Who is the service intended for?

In March 2018, MoySklad launched the “Cashier Only” tariff specifically for “second wave” entrepreneurs: small businesses that should start using online cash registers in 2018. The “MoegoSklada” tariff is intended only for new users of the service. It has been added to the line of existing tariffs - no changes will occur for existing clients of the company.

Availability on the Bento Cloud platform

2017: A mobile version of the MySklad software was created

According to the developers, users of MySklad can now link the warehouse, back office with the online store website and the VKontakte community. After completing the integration procedure, product items with a photo and price will appear in the associated VKontakte community.

"MySklad" and "ATOL: Your Store" are integrated

After completing integration with the platform, MySklad users can make calls to mobile and fixed line a number of countries around the world, including Russia and. New opportunity available when connecting the CRM module and allows you to make calls directly from the browser without installation additional programs or extensions.

The VoxImplant platform supports WebRTC technology - an open standard that is being developed by a community with the participation of Google, Mozilla, Cisco and other prominent players in the Internet and telephony market. Calls via WebRTC are already available in the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Yandex Browser browsers.

The new opportunity will allow companies engaged in trade to complete the migration of their business to the cloud. CRM in MySklad is fully integrated with other system capabilities and allows you not only to record the history of relationships with clients, but also to process customer orders, work with suppliers and maintain full document flow.

Since October 2012, 38 thousand calls were made from MyWarehouse with a total duration of more than 75 thousand minutes.

2013: MyWarehouse is available to users of the Rostelecom cloud platform

The Internet service for trade management and warehouse accounting MoySklad announced in April 2013 the start of sales on the Rostelecom platform, which provides access to cloud services commercial organizations and government agencies.

Service for managing retail and wholesale trade, as well as online stores. Cost from 500 rubles per month, there are free options.


Purpose of the service

The My Warehouse service is intended for retail and wholesale trade, as well as online stores. With its help you can register sales, manage warehouse balances, maintain a client base, prepare documents, generate reports. Allows all operations to be carried out online, does not require installation of additional software. The service has been operating since 2008.

Who is the service intended for?

The service is more suitable for new companies and enterprises with a small range of products. It is convenient to work with it if there is a network of branches - with its help you can see the real state of affairs, and it is easy to start using it in another branch - you just need to have access to the Internet. Well suited for limited IT infrastructure resources.

Service functions

The service consists of 7 sections:

  • company (information about customers, contractors, employees, warehouses, documents, you can also edit settings here);
  • retail (points of sale, cash receipts and expenses, returns);
  • procurement (orders to suppliers, acceptances, invoices, returns, invoices);
  • sales (customer orders, returns, invoices, shipments, price lists, etc.);
  • warehouse (write-offs, capitalization, movements, inventory, internal orders);
  • money (payments, mutual settlements, movement of funds, calculation of profits and losses);
  • directories (data about counterparties, goods, services, currencies, contracts, etc.).

The service can be used in parallel with a cash register program, which will automatically enter information into it. This simplifies the operation of the system, reduces manual labor. View data in real time.

You can set up synchronization with other systems and services, manage uploading to Yandex.Market, the portal, sites developed on certain CMS (list in the screenshot).

The possibility of import and export is provided. Moreover, you can export goods and contractors in Excel format, and if you need all the data, then only “MyWarehouse XML” will do. Documents and reference books are sent to 1C: Accounting. You can import goods, balances, contractors, customer orders, supplier orders, price lists (Excel). The function of uploading goods to Yandex.Market and bank statements in 1C is also available.

Within the service, you can set tasks and assign responsibility.

Users can set access rights to certain parts of the service, specify the IP address from which they can log in and network parameters. This allows you to increase the security of using the service and prevent the possibility of unauthorized access to information (for example, during non-working hours from your personal computer).

Already uploaded to the service standard documents, which are commonly used in trading. You can download them and modify them for your company, and then download them back and use them (if the tariff provides for the possibility of using your own form).

The service supports multicurrency. This means that different currencies can be used at different stages of working with a product or order. For example, purchases are made in dollars, and sales to the end consumer are in rubles.


There are several tariff plans. The service is provided on the terms subscriber services. On certain conditions it can also be used for free.

The price tag starts from 500 rubles/month, the maximum tariff is 6900 rubles. The main differences are in the number of users and legal entities, as well as the volume of stored data, as well as capabilities (creating your own document templates, managing clients, user rights, address storage).

For 500 rub. You can expand the functionality and connect an additional option:

  • online store (starting from the basic tariff);
  • retail point of sale (for any paid tariff);
  • additional user (from the basic tariff);
  • CRM (if not included in the plan).

When paying for several periods in advance, a 5-20% discount is provided.
