Warehouse certificate of inventory balances in 1s. Inventory in operation

In stock?

In the work of an accountant, it is very often necessary to reconcile the quantity in the warehouse. The question "How to see the amount of materials in the warehouse in 1s?". You can view Accounting in 1Сenterprise using

standard report "Turnover statement of the account". As you know, it is located in the "Reports" group of the main menu of the program. We select the menu and the button "Turnover statement of the account." In the options window that opens for the report, select the period for which you want to display the balances, and the account for which the selection will be made.

In our demo configuration, we will select the period - the 1st quarter of the year and the "Goods in stock" chart of accounts. For the "Batch" subaccount, we will define the "Ignore" parameter, because in our problem it is insignificant.

We press the "Generate" button and the standard report shows us the balances for all warehouses and all goods and materials. If you need data for a specific warehouse and/or a specific inventory, then select them in the appropriate subconto. After the report is generated, data on balances is available in the corresponding fields.

In the example, highlighted in green, for the "Cosmetic Set" commodities and materials, the cost at the end of the period will be 2,094.33, the quantity is 75 pcs.

Similarly, a report is built in 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Accounting for Ukraine. Data on balances is also generated in the report "by account". We press the item of the main menu "Reports" and the button corresponding to the report.

In the parameters, select the period, account and organization for which we will generate data.

If you need to remove data on batches, as in the previous example, then press the “Settings” button and in the panel that opens on the right, select those settings and parameters that most accurately reflect the information we need using the checkboxes and the necessary buttons.

The required data on the quantity and value for the period will be located in the "Debit" column of the "Balance at the end of the period" column. For example, for the product "Photo trellis 8-052" it is highlighted in red. The upper value is the cost, the lower value is the quantity.

This completes the procedure for determining balances in warehouses or in a particular warehouse. Naturally, not all available methods are described, but when using this method, information is selected as quickly and completely as possible.

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Consider the procedure for unloading balances when working in 1C: Retail version 2.2

Step 1. Opening a report

In the left menu, select Warehouse, then Warehouse Reports.

Rice. 1. Menu "Warehouse", section "Warehouse reports"

In the form that opens, in the Warehouse operations section, select Inventory balances.

Rice. 2. Section "Reports on the warehouse", item "Balance in the warehouse"

In the report, you can make a selection by parameters:

  • Nomenclature

Then click the Generate button.

Rice. 3. Report "Remains in warehouses"

Consider the procedure for unloading balances when working in 1C: Retail version 2.1

Step 1. Opening a report

In the top menu, click Warehouse, and in the field on the left - warehouse reports. Then there are the rest in warehouses.

Rice. 4. Menu "Warehouse", section "Warehouse reports"

Step 2. Setting up a selection and generating a report

Selection can be done in the same way as in version 2.2. Then click the Generate button.

Rice. 5. Report "Remains in warehouses"

What else you need to know to work in 1C: Retail

How to save a report to your desktop

Click on the blue floppy disk icon or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrs + S. Select the format and save location.

Rice. 6. Save the report

How to track balances in the 1C: Retail program

In the Sales section, there is a Sales Analysis and Order Formation report. It will help you understand when and how much goods need to be purchased.

Rice. 7. Report "Sales analysis and order formation"

How to upload leftovers with prices

Step 1. Select Warehouse, then Warehouse reports.

Step 2. In the block that opens, click Warehouse valuation (in prices by price type).

Step 3. Enter the data in the selection and click the Calculate button.

Rice. 8. Menu "Warehouse", item "Warehouse valuation"

If you have any questions about the formation of balances in the 1C: Retail program, please contact our specialists for help.

In order to sell a product, you need to know if it is in stock. An obvious and understandable thing. But not every 1C user imagines where and how to view the balance of goods in 1C. In this article, we will talk about ways to view and analyze balances in 1C for sales staff, managers, analysts.
All commodity balances in 1C are formed by receipt and disposal documents. No product can enter the program on its own. If you configure the report accordingly, it is possible to calculate the history of any product for any period, view its entire history, if necessary.
The balance of goods in 1C is stored in quantitative and value terms. The balance of the goods is formed from the balance of the credited and not sold (not written off goods) according to the formula:

End balance = Start balance + Income - Expense

This formula is easy to check with a simple report "Statement of goods in warehouses". Read more about how to use this report in our publications on reports in 1C.
In addition, the entire balance of goods is still divided into free and reserved. What does this mean? Often trading companies in order to hold the goods for the client, a reserve operation is carried out in 1C. Accordingly, the goods are not removed from the balance, but are not available for sale (reserved). So, if the company has adopted a policy of reserving goods for the client, this should also be paid attention to. A situation is possible when out of 100% of the goods on the balance, all 100% are reserved. Relying on such a reserved product, the sales manager can inadvertently mislead the buyer. The deal will have to be cancelled.
For the sales manager, the balance is:

Free balance = Total balance - Reserved

It is on the free balance that you need to focus. Very quickly, the free balance can be viewed in a utility specially developed by 1C implementers for managers - "Sales Manager Assistant". In this processing, not only the free balance is visible, but also storage locations and even prices.
For managers and financiers, the amount of balances in monetary terms will be of interest. Data can be obtained using the report "List of consignments of goods in warehouses". The report shows the balance of goods at cost, i.e. at the prices at which they were bought. With the help of additional settings, it is possible to find out even from which purchase lot the goods were left.
Logisticians, marketers, analysts will be interested in information about the balances in the period. The report "Analysis of goods turnover" is designed to analyze the average period of delay of goods in a warehouse or with commission agents.
- For each product, the following indicators are calculated: average balance for the period, consumption for the period, turnover ratio and average shelf life in days.
- The turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of the quantitative consumption of goods for the period (minus returns to suppliers and returns from buyers) to the average balance for the period.
- The average residual value is calculated as the sum of the residuals per control point divided by the number of control points.
- The number of control points for calculating the average value is calculated based on the period specified in the report and the frequency selected by the user in the report. For example, the data in the report is analyzed for a week, the frequency set in the report is a day. The number of calculated control points will be 7.
- The checkpoint of the beginning of the period is always added to the calculated quantity. Thus, the number of control points will be 8.
- The average storage period in days will be calculated as the ratio of the number of days in the report interval to the turnover ratio
Thus, at almost any point in time, 1C is ready to answer the question of what, where and in what quantity is stored in the company's warehouses, available for sale, how much money is currently mobilized in inventory.

Standard reports on commodity balances in the program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" do not signal the user about the need to order any product.

Moreover, if there were no movements for the product during the report period (i.e. there is no initial balance, income and expense), then the product will not be shown in the report at all!

To always maintain the optimal balance of goods in the warehouse, you can use the "Order Point" mechanism. The essence of the mechanism is that you specify in the program the minimum quantity of goods that should be in stock. After that, in a special report, the system will show the product that needs to be ordered and calculate the required quantity.

Setting Reorder Point Values

The indication of the minimum balance of goods in the warehouse is made by the document "Setting the values ​​of the reorder point".

Menu: Documents - Planning - Setting reorder point values.

Create a new document by clicking the Add button. The document specifies all the products whose optimal quantity you want to support. Fill in for each line:

Characteristic - it is indicated if the product has characteristics (colors, sizes, etc.).

Method of determination - a method for calculating the minimum and optimal balance. Choose one of 4 ways:

Fixed - values ​​are entered manually by the user.

Average lot size - values ​​will be calculated based on the average purchase volume of the item.

Optimal order size - values ​​will be calculated based on product sales.

Do not control - values ​​are not set, the remainder is not controlled.

Reorder point values ​​- the optimal quantity of goods for the "Fixed" method.

Safety stock - the minimum quantity of goods for the "Fixed" method.

Reorder point value % - the percentage that will be used to calculate the optimal quantity (for the "Average Lot Size" and "Optimal Size" methods).

Safety stock % - the percentage that will be used to calculate the minimum quantity (for the "Average Lot Size" and "Optimal Size" methods).

Warehouse - you can specify the warehouse, the balances of which will be controlled. If the warehouse is not specified, then the total balance in all warehouses will be monitored.

An example of a completed document:

Order point analysis

To analyze stock balances and the need to order goods, use the "Order Point Analysis" report.

Menu: Reports - Purchasing - Purchasing Analysis - Reorder Point Analysis

The report for each product displays the following information:

Reorder point value - optimal quantity in stock (from reorder point setting document)

Safety stock - minimum quantity in stock (from reorder point setup document)

Balance - the current balance of this product

Late receipt - the expected quantity of goods that was not received on time

Expected receipts - the expected quantity of goods, the delivery date of which has not yet arrived

Recommended purchase volume - the amount of goods recommended by the program that needs to be purchased. It is calculated as the optimal amount minus the current balance. Ordered goods do not reduce this quantity, as the order may not arrive.

Delivery time (in days) - the average delivery time of the supplier

All products are divided into three categories:

Not required to order - the balance of the goods is more than optimal, it is not necessary to order. For example, the balance of TVs is 80 pieces, and the optimal number is 50 pieces. TVs are not yet required.

It is recommended to order - the balance of the goods is less than the optimal, but more than the minimum quantity. It means that the goods need to be ordered, but the timing is not critical. For example, the balance of laptops is 25 pieces, which is less than optimal, so the program recommends purchasing 10 pieces (up to 35 - the optimal balance). At the same time, the minimum balance (15 pieces) is still supported.

Required to order - goods, the balance of which is less than the minimum value, it urgently needs to be ordered. For example, the minimum balance of phones in stock is 50 pieces, and there are only 10 pieces in stock. The product urgently needs to be ordered, while the program recommends purchasing 110 pieces at once (up to 120 - the optimal quantity).

Note: to fill in the delivery time, you need to put down the main supplier and indicate its delivery time. The main supplier is filled in the product on the "Additional" tab. The delivery time is indicated in the counterparty card on the "As a supplier" tab below.

Ordering the necessary goods. Stock replenishment

You can place orders for the necessary goods directly from the report by clicking the "Orders" button.

A form for creating orders will open:

The form contains all the goods, the balance of which we track. Goods are divided by main suppliers, respectively, orders will also be created for the main suppliers.

Quantity ordered - the quantity of the item that has already been ordered but not yet received

Order - the quantity that will be added to the order (difference between the recommended and ordered quantity)

You can change the quantity in the "Order" column to your liking.

By clicking the "Execute" button, the program will create an order for each supplier.

On the "Orders to suppliers" tab, you can view all created orders:

Each order you can open (double click), post, print or delete if it was created by mistake.

Order example:

After creating and posting orders, all ordered goods will be reflected in the report in the "Expected arrival" column:

Imagine that we have created a configuration for accounting for our own money. We are going to take into account cash in the wallet, non-cash in the bank, food in the refrigerator. On payday, you need to pay the amount of profit. Every day - the amount of expenses.

And here we are for the first time in this base. The database is still empty - all reports show zeros - after all, the next day of salary is in a week. However, there is something in the wallet, something in the bank! So you need to enter this initial information.

Such initial information is called - initial balances 1C.

The 1C database appears in the company most often when the company is already operating. This means that before starting work in this database, you also need to make the initial balances of 1C - cash, non-cash money, goods in warehouses, etc.

Typical 1C configurations - Accounting, Trade Management, and others - have special methods for making initial 1C balances.

What is the initial balance of 1C for a 1C programmer?

So, for the user - 1C balances are a set of reports generated on the desired date for important sections - money, goods, debts on relationships.

For a 1C programmer, the remnants of 1C are something more:

  • We understand that in order for information to be displayed in the report, data in the registers is required.
  • In order for the registers to have data, posted documents are required.
  • To enter documents, directories are required.

Thus, 1C programmer residues are a slice of the base by registers and reference books used in them, entered into the base using one or more documents. They usually make documents in the context of accounting units (organizations, divisions, warehouses, etc.).

How are the Remains of 1C brought into the BU?

To enter initial balances 1C into the standard configuration Accounting - select the menu item Enterprise / Enter initial balances 1C.

Entering the initial balances of 1C is carried out in the context of organizations. Therefore, first, in the form that opens, select an organization.

The chart of accounts is displayed on the form. 1C balances are entered for each account separately. To do this, click on the account line twice - the document “Entering initial balances” will open, with the help of which 1C balances are entered.

How are 1C balances entered in operational accounting configurations (UT, UPP)?

To enter the initial balance in the standard configuration Trade Management edition 11, select the Administration tab, menu item Documents for entering initial balances 1C.

This is a special document for making initial balances 1C. On the Settings tab, you must specify settings for each section - after that, the corresponding tabs appear for adding the actual 1C residues.

New elements of directories are added manually right when entering data.

How to make Remains 1C in the configuration of a thick client (for example - SCP)

In UPP, Trade Management, edition 10 and others, for making initial balances 1C, there is a document “Adjustment of register entries”. This document allows you to freely edit the contents of the registers directly.

The algorithm of its work is the following:

  • It is necessary to indicate which registers need to be corrected
  • Bookmarks are opened to correct the specified registers
  • Each line on such a tab is a line of movement along this register.