Recommendations for staff development. Application. Guidelines for the implementation of additional professional training programs in the field of procurement. Staff development courses

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1. Identification of the problem of training and retraining of personnel 3

2. Needs and objectives of staff training in the organization 7

Bibliography 22

Application. Job description of the head of the personnel training department 23

1. Identification of the problem of training and retraining of personnel

To date, the main problem that is present at the enterprise "SEVER" is that, despite the large number of employees, the problem of training and retraining of personnel is mainly dealt with by only one person - the head of the personnel training department of the enterprise.

The system of training, retraining and advanced training of workers, operating in FSUE PO "SEVER" is carried out on the basis of the enterprise standard compiled on the basis of the "Model Regulations on Continuous Vocational and Economic Training". This system establishes the forms and methods of training and retraining workers, upgrading their qualifications, shaping their high professionalism, modern economic thinking, and the ability to work in the new economic conditions.

Personal responsibility for the organization and educational and methodological work at the enterprises is carried out by the personnel training department of the enterprise. In his activities, the head of the department is guided by the current legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

The following types of training for workers are organized at the enterprise, ensuring its continuity:

training new workers;

retraining (retraining) of workers;

training of workers in the second (related) professions;

professional development of workers.

The training of new workers in production is the initial vocational and economic training of persons admitted to the enterprise and who previously had no profession. They are required to complete a course of study in accordance with the program of vocational economic training. Training of new workers in production is carried out according to the course and individual forms of training.

During the course preparation, the theoretical training of workers is carried out in a training group. The number of groups is set from 10 to 30 people. Terms of study up to 6 months. Model curricula, curricula in the subjects of general technical and economic courses for the training of new workers are developed by profession by the scientific and methodological center for vocational training, as well as by association in accordance with the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers and are approved by the chief engineer or his deputy .

At the end of the training, the new worker will perform trial work in accordance with the requirements of the tariff-qualification guide and is obliged to pass an exam for the right to receive a qualification rank by the shop qualification commission.

The issue of assigning or raising a rank to a worker is considered by the qualification commission of the enterprise, workshop on the basis of the worker's application and the presentation of the head from the relevant unit.

In individual training, the trainee studies the theoretical course independently and through consultations with the teacher, and industrial training takes place individually under the guidance of a qualified worker who is not released from the main work - an instructor of industrial training at the workplace.

The next type of training for workers operating at the enterprise is retraining (retraining) of workers. It is organized with the aim of mastering new professions by released workers who cannot be used for their existing professions, for example, due to a reduction in the number of jobs, as well as by persons who have expressed a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production.

The training of workers in the second (related) professions is the training of persons who already have a profession in order to obtain new profession with entry level or higher qualifications. This training of workers is organized to expand their professional profile, increase mobility and adaptability to changing working conditions, and acquire new skills. This type of training is relevant in modern business conditions. But at the enterprise in 2005, there were 28 fewer people trained in related professions than in 2004. The reason for this decline is the lack of funds for the retraining of workers.

The advanced training of workers is training aimed at the consistent improvement of professional and economic knowledge, skills and abilities, and the growth of skills in existing professions.

At the enterprise, advanced training of workers is carried out in two directions, namely, advanced training in educational institutions and directly at the enterprise. Advanced training in educational institutions can take place with or without interruption from production.

At FSUE PO SEVER, preference is given to advanced training directly at the enterprise, since little funds are allocated for advanced training in educational institutions.

Training of workers for advanced training directly at the enterprise is carried out:

at production and economic courses;

on targeted courses;

in schools of advanced techniques and methods of work;

foreman courses.

Production and economic courses are created in order to deepen and expand the professional and economic knowledge, skills and abilities of workers in order to obtain higher wage categories, in accordance with the requirements of production. The recruitment of the training group is carried out, as a rule, from workers of one or related professions of similar qualifications on the basis of the application of the workers and the recommendations of the heads of the workshops, section.

The duration of training is set from 3 to 6 months. From 70 to 210 teaching hours are allotted for the theoretical course, while 20 to 30 percent of the teaching time should be devoted to economic education.

The advanced training of workers at production and economic courses is organized in three stages:

I. stage of training - advanced training for the 3rd category.

II. stage of training - advanced training for 3-4 category.

III. stage of training - advanced training for 5-6 category.

Training in production and economic courses ends with the passing of qualifying exams.

Targeted courses are created directly at the enterprise to study new machinery, equipment, materials, technological processes, progressive forms of labor organization, labor legislation, rules technical operation equipment, safety and other issues.

Classes are held in groups of 10 to 30 people. The acquisition of the study group is carried out in accordance with the thematic focus of the courses. The duration of training is set by the enterprise, based on the purpose of training, but in the amount of at least 20 hours. Studying in targeted courses ends with passing exams.

Schools of advanced techniques and methods of labor are created for the purpose of mass mastering by the workers of the advanced techniques and methods of labor of innovators in production.

Workers of one or allied professions study in these schools. Classes are held in groups of 5 to 30 people. The duration of the lessons is at least 20 hours.

Training in schools includes practical training in the workplace, led by innovators in production - school leaders, as well as theoretical classes conducted by specialists. Wherein Special attention paid to the economic justification and effectiveness of the studied methods of work.

Education at school ends with final lessons.

The study and generalization of advanced methods of labor is carried out by employees of the services of the scientific organization of labor, labor and wages, scientific and technical information and technological bureaus of workshops. After that, a description is drawn up and submitted to the training bureau for organizing the study of experience in schools.

2. Needs and objectives of staff training in the organization

The first step to making the work of an employee as productive as possible is professional orientation and social adaptation in the team. If management is interested in the success of an employee in a new workplace, it must always remember that the organization is a social system, and each employee is an individual. When new person comes to the organization, he brings with him previously acquired experience and views that may or may not fit into the new framework.

If the manager does not make active efforts to organize the adaptation of new subordinates, the latter may become disappointed because of the unfulfillment of their hopes, may consider that the behavior should be guided by experience gained in a previous job, or come to other incorrect conclusions about their work. The leader must also be aware that some of what newcomers learn during their onboarding may come as a shock to them.

Personnel training is the most important condition for the successful functioning of any organization. This is especially true in modern conditions, when acceleration scientific and technological progress significantly speeds up the obsolescence process professional knowledge Skills. The growing importance of professional training for the organization and the significant increase in the need for it over the past 30 years has led leading companies to take it upon themselves to update the skills of their employees. The organization of vocational training has become one of the main functions of the management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel.

Personnel management should not only be linked to the goals of the organization, but also built as a single system, which implies the interconnection and interdependence of various areas of work in this area. If personnel management is built as a system, then each specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis activity should be subordinated to a single common goal - ensuring effective work organization and its development.

The training system is effective only if it is closely connected with the most important areas of work in personnel management - the system of labor incentives, work with a reserve for managerial positions, personnel development programs, etc.

Thus, for new employees, training can immediately follow the selection procedure. At the same time, training is closely intertwined with the process of their adaptation to work in the organization.

Personnel development is a system of interrelated actions, the elements of which are the development of a strategy, forecasting and planning the need for personnel of a particular qualification, career management and professional growth; organization of the process of adaptation, education, training, the formation of organizational culture Smolkin A.M. Management: foundations of the organization. - M., 2002. - P. 143 ..

The purpose of training is the development of the intellectual potential of employees. At the same time, the very process of obtaining education and advanced training is no less important than its formal result or the level of education achieved.

Personnel training is a purposeful, managed and measurable process. To organize effective training, seven main areas must be worked on.

At the level of the organization, the first two directions are determined: the definition of training goals and needs, and, sometimes, the seventh direction - the evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

In order for training to meet the interests of the organization, even at the preparatory stage, the most important goals pursued by this should be clarified. The goals foreseen in the training of personnel should be consistent with the goals of the organization. Among the main objectives of training, the following are usually distinguished:

Achieving a higher level of productivity and quality of personnel work;

The acquisition by students of knowledge and skills that contribute to improving their level of professional qualifications;

Increasing the level of labor motivation of personnel;

Increasing the level of commitment of employees to their organization and developing mutual understanding between staff and management;

Formation of values ​​and attitudes among students that support the strategy and goals of the organization;

Informing about the goals, objectives, strategy and policies of the organization.

The identification of training needs can be undertaken at various levels. For example, the needs of the organization as a whole should be analyzed by the human resources specialist or the training department in accordance with the overall production goals and the organization's planning policy. work force. At the same time, the need to train specific groups of employees for all departments is determined after consultations with line managers. This work should also include an analysis of the expected effect of the impact of training on organizational performance. production tasks.

The most detailed analysis of training needs occurs at the level of the job itself. The main requirement here is to define all the functions and actions that employees perform in the process of actually performing a specific job. The job description, expanded in detail for the organization of training, can serve as a useful material for highlighting and describing the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform each of the activities that make up the task at the required level. A thorough analysis of the work allows us to establish that certain labor skills are required for its qualified performance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training also takes place at different levels. The teacher - as a rule, evaluates the result by mastering the knowledge, skills, and activity of students in the course of classes. Exams, tests, exercises are used for assessment. The participant of the program, the client - as a rule, is guided by the atmosphere created in the process of training, the interest in this topic that has arisen or disappeared. The customer, a senior manager, evaluates the quality of training in terms of the set and quantity of those skills that have been transferred to practical activities.

Professional information implies a well-placed work of staff training. Figure 1 shows the process of vocational training in the enterprise.

Fig.1. Vocational training process

Management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide the opportunity for career advancement and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise in this area is to ensure that the interests of all categories of employees and social groups are taken into account in daily personnel work. labor collective Skopylatov I.A., Efremov O.Yu. Personnel Management. - St. Petersburg: University textbook, 2000. - p. 112..

The success of leading Western firms in providing High Quality products, its rapid renewal, lower production costs and the integration of personnel efforts are due to the fact that they have created highly effective systems for personnel management and, in particular, for managing the adaptation of personnel in organizations. One is astonished at the number of people-centred programs and the frequency with which they are reviewed and updated. The development of these programs is based on a comprehensive, interconnected study of the personal characteristics of employees, external and internal working conditions of the company and the necessary organizational actions aimed, ultimately, at the effective operation of the company as a whole Kamaev V.D. The art of management. - M.: VLADOS, 2002. - p. 13.

The main problem of managing our modern organizations is that little time is devoted to the adaptation of personnel in the conditions of enterprises. Of great importance for the effective management of staff adaptation is the analysis of the characteristics of the labor market. Intra-production features of an enterprise, organization, such as the goals set for the development of the company, trends in its management style, the specific nature of the tasks it solves, the specifics of work teams, etc. should also be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness of adaptation.

These general trends should be taken into account in domestic management practice in the development of a market economy.

For the best development of personnel training and retraining management, it is necessary to develop a high-quality personnel management structure. An exemplary structure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

HR structure

Development and implementation of personnel policy

Pay and incentives

Group management, team relationships

Socio - psychological aspects of management

Principles of selection and placement of personnel

Involvement of employees in management

Employee motivation and creative initiative

Terms of employment and dismissal

Ways to increase labor productivity

Work teams and their functions

Organizational culture of the firm

Training and professional development

Incentive pay systems

Relationships in the team

The impact of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization

Assessment of personnel and its activities

Relationships with other organizations

This structure has been developed taking into account the necessary requirements for the employees of the organization and includes the following areas of activity:

resource planning - developing a plan to meet the needs for human resources and the costs necessary for this;

recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment;

vocational guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and its divisions, the development of an understanding among employees of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment;

training - development of training programs for personnel in order to effectively perform work and promote it;

grade labor activity- development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of the employee;

promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract;

training of management personnel, promotion management - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of work of management personnel;

labor relations - the implementation of negotiations on the conclusion of collective agreements;

When analyzing the professional suitability of a single person for specific profession it must be remembered that professionally valuable qualities form something valuable, the system of Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. Educational and practical guide. - M.: CJSC Business School "Intel-sintez", 1997. - p. 165..

Ensuring job security for staff makes any organization more profitable and competitive, especially if a workforce stabilization strategy is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, create conditions for close interaction of workers and retain the most qualified staff.

The personnel policy of an enterprise is a holistic personnel strategy that combines various forms of personnel work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of labor. The personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise, respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future.

The personnel policy of FSUE PO "SEVER" is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. It aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce. The main task of the personnel policy at the enterprise is to ensure that the interests of all categories of employees and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in everyday personnel work.

When selecting personnel for production, the following points are taken into account:

physical Data,


mind (intellect),

special tendencies,





Qualification requirements for personnel are quite specific, which allows the employee of the personnel department to form a clear idea of ​​​​the person who is required. One of the useful approaches to solving this problem in FSUE PO SEVER is a critical examination of existing employees who work well and badly in order to identify personal and professional traits that make employees work successfully.

When selecting personnel in production, it is necessary to use testing, which includes the following types of tests:

Ability test. One of the most well-known in this group is an intelligence test that attempts to assess the general ability to think, express thoughts aloud, operate with numbers and navigate in spatial relationships.

Qualification tests. They are mainly used to interview secretaries to test shorthand speed and computer typing skills. But they are used on other levels as well.

Personality tests. These tests are used to characterize personality, especially when selecting candidates for managerial work.

medical tests. The doctor is one of the members of the recruitment team (which is associated with hard work in production units), he has a clear understanding of the nature of the work and the qualification requirements for personnel.

Group selection test. Used when evaluating certain properties that are difficult to determine on an individual basis. Particular aspects of the individual that are relevant to the job (eg, ability to deal with stress or uncertainty, ability to lead), or ability to work effectively as a member of a team. The basic principle is that the group is given a task with vague or precise instructions depending on the goal, while observers evaluate the individual work of each.

Hired employees of FSUE PO "SEVER" must undergo a serious professional adaptation to the requirements of production, which includes the following stages:

recruitment - the employee is hired by the company;

pre-job training - the employee is provided with relevant information before arriving at the place of work;

orientation - the hired employee is presented to the team;

training training - in its process, the employee studies the features of working in the company;

adaptation - the employee adapts to working conditions;

appointment - the recruit receives his first permanent position;

assessment -- the entire process of entering the position is assessed.

This whole complex system, the duration of which is up to 12 months, is aimed at achieving maximum compliance of the training of employees with their places in the company. The greatest attention should be paid to training, during which the employee attends seminars, where he studies in detail the features of the production process at the enterprise.

The learning process is the central point in the management of vocational training at FSUE PO SEVER. The costs of professional training are considered by management as an investment in the development of the organization's personnel. These investments should bring a return in the form of increased efficiency of the organization.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs are evaluated as follows:

tests conducted before and after training and showing how much the knowledge of the trained employees has increased;

monitoring the behavior of trained employees in the workplace;

monitoring the reaction of trainees during the program;

evaluation of the effectiveness of the program by the students themselves using a questionnaire or in the course of an open discussion.

Evaluation criteria are established prior to training and communicated to learners, educators and managers of the professional learning process in the organization. After the training is completed and evaluated, the results are reported to the hotel. human resources, the managers of the trained employees and the employees themselves, and are also used in the further planning of vocational training.

Next, it is necessary to re-evaluate the effectiveness of training by analyzing changes in the results of the work of employees who have passed it after a certain period of time (six months), which makes it possible to evaluate long term effect programs.

When choosing teaching methods, the organization is guided by the effectiveness of their impact on a specific group of students. This takes into account the principles of adult education. There are four such principles:

Relevance. What is said during training. Must be relevant to the professional or private life of the employee in training. Adults do not perceive abstract and abstract topics well.

Participation. Students should actively participate in the learning process and directly use new knowledge and skills already in the course of learning.

Repetition. It helps new knowledge to be fixed in memory and turns the acquired skills into a habit.

Feedback. Learning employees are constantly provided with information about how far they have progressed. Having this information allows them to adjust their behavior to achieve better results.

Understanding how professional training may interest an employee allows you to properly present him with information about the upcoming program. In this case, the decisive role is played by the head of the department in which the employee sent for training works. As a rule, the leader understands his motivation better than others and has the ability to link his interests with the upcoming course, which contributes to the best attitude towards the upcoming training among employees of the enterprise.

It should be borne in mind that the use of funds allocated by the enterprise for the expansion of personnel training should focus on the most rational and efficient use material, labor and financial resources, reducing unnecessary costs and losses.

On the scale of all social production, the growth of labor efficiency is manifested in an increase in the national income, and in relation to an individual worker - in an increase in the productivity of his labor.

The labor productivity of a worker is determined not only by the level of his education (general and vocational). At the same time, life has shown that only persons with high general educational and professional training can successfully work on modern machines and mechanisms.

The individual labor productivity of a worker is influenced by a number of factors related to the physical and spiritual abilities of the individual: health, age, work experience. This position in itself is beyond doubt, but it is not the only factor contributing to the growth of individual labor productivity under unchanged material conditions. For the majority of workers in traditional branches of material production, labor productivity increases as their professional training and skills increase.

Conducted research has established a relationship between professional training and staff turnover. As vocational education grows, the motives for staff turnover change. With a low level of professional education, dismissals are especially frequent due to violations of labor discipline and poor relations with the administration, as well as due to dissatisfaction with the nature of the work performed.

Workers who have not undergone vocational training are most susceptible to turnover; in second place - those who received special training in the workplace; graduates of vocational schools (colleges) represent the most stable contingent.

Economic and social outcomes are internally interdependent, the economic result is always socially significant. Reaching high economic indicators creates objective opportunities for more complete satisfaction of material and spiritual needs; the provision of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual increases its desire for active and highly efficient work.

Recognition of the relationship between economic and social effects puts forward the problem of determining the methods for assessing costs and the corresponding results, clarifying their content, factors affecting the growth of efficiency. An important task is to clarify the fundamental possibility of quantitative measurement, that is, the formalization of indicators of the economic and social efficiency of training, retraining and advanced training of workers.

An increase in the level of training, retraining and advanced training of workers leads to an increase in the efficiency of labor productivity. This is noticeable both at the level of the individual worker and work collectives. Currently, there are a number of methods for determining the impact of advanced training on labor productivity growth.

In the calculations, we apply the following formula, which allows us to calculate the possible increase in labor productivity of workers due to an increase in the level of their qualifications:

Pr \u003d (Rsk - Rsn) And U 100 Economics of labor resources. / Ed. V. D. Areshchenko. - Minsk: Higher School, 1991. - 160s.,

where Pr is the growth of labor productivity due to the improvement of the skills of workers;

Rsk, Rsn - the average category of workers, respectively, at the beginning and end of the year;

And - the difference between the tariff coefficients in the interval in which the increase in the tariff category occurs;

Y - the proportion of workers who have improved their skills in the total number of industrial and production personnel.

Pr2002 = (3.5 - 3.4) 0.3 5.18 100 = 15.5%

Pr2003 = (3.56 - 3.5) 0.3 3.55 100 = 6.4%

Pr2004 = (3.68 - 3.56) 0.3 4.99 100 = 17.7%

From the calculations made, it can be seen that the enterprise achieved the greatest increase in labor productivity in connection with the improvement of the qualifications of the workforce in 2004.

where K - training costs;

1.05 - the ratio of surplus product to wages;

12 - the number of months in a year;

C2, C1 - the average salary of a worker before and after training in courses.

T \u003d 6.64 / 1.05? 12 (16,700 - 15,200) = 10.3 months

The performed calculations show that the costs invested in the advanced training of workers will pay off in 10.3 months.


1. Kamaev V.D. The art of management. - M.: VLADOS, 2002. - p. 13.

2. Skopylatov I.A., Efremov O.Yu. Personnel Management. - St. Petersburg: University textbook, 2000. - p. 112.

3. Smolkin A.M. Management: foundations of the organization. - M., 2002. - S.143.

4. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. Educational and practical guide. - M.: CJSC Business School "Intel-sintez", 1997. - p. 165.

5. Economics of labor resources. / Ed. V. D. Areshchenko. - Minsk: Higher School, 1991. - 160s.


Job description of the head of the personnel training department


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head of the Training Department.

1.2. The head of the personnel training department is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The head of the training department reports directly to the deputy director

1.4. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in training personnel in engineering, technical and managerial positions is appointed to the position of Head of the Personnel Training Department.

1.5. The head of the training department should know:

legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on training and advanced training of personnel;

the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and prospects for its development;

personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise;

the procedure for drawing up plans for the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs and other educational and methodological documentation; organization of the process of continuous training of employees;

progressive forms, methods and means of education;

the procedure for concluding contracts with educational institutions and labor agreements with teachers and mentors;

the procedure for financing training costs;

methods for analyzing the effectiveness of training and advanced training;

organization of work on vocational guidance and vocational selection;

the procedure for keeping records and reporting on the training and advanced training of personnel;

fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation;

fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management;

means of computer technology, communications and communications; rules for their operation;

labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the Head of the Training Department, his duties are assigned to the Deputy Head of the Training Department.


Head of Personnel Training Department:

2.1. Provides a constant increase in the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of employees of the enterprise in accordance with the goals and strategy of the enterprise, personnel policy, directions and level of development of technology, technology and management organization, development of new types of products, works (services), available resources and interests of employees for achieving and maintaining high labor efficiency in the production of competitive products.

2.2. Ensures the creation and effective functioning of a system of continuous training for all categories of employees of the enterprise. Participates in the development of the company's personnel development strategy, professional development programs.

2.3. Based on the analysis of the general need of the enterprise for personnel of a certain level and profile of training, applications from structural divisions, taking into account the results of attestation and individual plans for the development of employees, it plans their training, retraining and advanced training, determines the directions, forms, methods and terms of training.

2.4. Ensures the conclusion of contracts with vocational education institutions, advanced training courses, enterprises, including foreign ones, for the training and internship of personnel, the determination of training costs, organizes the direction of employees for study in accordance with the concluded contracts, draws up Required documents sent to study abroad.

2.5. Carries out organizational and methodological guidance, equipping and developing the material base of vocational education institutions and advanced training courses that are part of the structure of the enterprise, introducing automated teaching aids and various types of automated training complexes into the educational process. new technology and new technological processes.

2.6. Organizes the recruitment of teachers, masters of industrial training, youth mentors and instructors from among specialists and highly qualified workers, in accordance with the training programs establishes a training regime for all types of vocational training of personnel.

2.7. Manages work on vocational guidance youth and the organization of professional selection, the use of scientific methods for selecting a contingent for training in mass professions and specialties, communicates with career guidance services.

2.8. Ensures the functioning of the system of adaptation of young specialists and workers in production, including the preparation of special publications and other information about the enterprise, holding "days open doors", recruitment ceremonies, the implementation of practical training programs, the development of mentoring. Organizes industrial practice students and pupils.

2.9. Ensures the conclusion of labor agreements with teachers and instructors of industrial training, the preparation of documents for remuneration for training and the management of industrial practice.

2.10. Provides control over the systematic and quality of the classes, student performance, compliance with the terms of training, the implementation of curricula and programs, the correctness of maintaining the established documentation.

2.11. Develops measures to improve the professional training and pedagogical qualifications of mentors, teachers and instructors of industrial training.

2.12. Organizes work on the analysis of the qualitative results of training and its effectiveness, the development of proposals for improving the forms and methods of training and advanced training, measures to eliminate existing shortcomings, taking into account the wishes of the employees of the enterprise undergoing training.

2.13. Controls the observance of social guarantees for employees during the period of training (preservation of seniority, provision of a reduced working day, paid holidays, etc.), creation of the necessary conditions for on-the-job training.

2.14. Ensures proper spending of training funds in accordance with approved budgets and financial plans enterprises, as well as the preparation of established reporting on the training and advanced training of personnel.

2.15. Manages department employees.

The head of the personnel training department has the right to:

3.1. Give assignments to subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. To control the fulfillment of planned targets and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks of employees subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the personnel training department, subordinate employees.

3.4. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are part of the functional duties of the Head of the Training Department.

3.4. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to the production activities of the personnel training department.


The head of the training department is responsible for:

4.1. The results and efficiency of the production activities of the personnel training department.

4.2. Failure to enforce their functional duties, as well as the work of subordinate employees.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the department's work plans.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.

4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees who are subordinate to the Head of the Personnel Training Department.


5.1. The mode of operation of the Head of the Personnel Training Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the Head of the Personnel Training Department may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, the Head of the Personnel Training Department may be provided with official vehicles.


6.1. The exclusive area of ​​activity of the Head of the Training Department is to ensure the planning and organization of the production activities of the Training Department.

6.2. To ensure his activities, the head of the personnel training department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

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    The structure and characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of personnel evaluation. Methods for determining labor productivity, efficiency of personnel use. Payroll planning. Calculation of economic indicators.

    term paper, added 04/02/2015

    The role of labor resources in the totality of the firm's resources. Analysis of the personnel of the enterprise and labor productivity of LLC "SK exploitation". Methods for improving the work of employees of the organization. Raising the qualifications of management personnel and employees.

    term paper, added 03/16/2012

    Quantitative characteristics of labor personnel. Determination of the number of different categories of workers. Calculation of the average headcount of a subdivision on the example of the printing company Shtrikh-LTD LLC. Analysis of staff turnover rates.

    term paper, added 10/23/2014

    Essence, types and forms of labor movements. Return on labor mobility, its socio-economic significance. Indicators characterizing labor movements. Analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of the movement of personnel, the car service "Virage", the composition of the personnel.

With the introduction of progressive technologies into production, an objective need arises for the employees to master new working methods. How to organize advanced training and draw up the relevant documents is described in the article.

Advanced training is one of the types of additional professional education. Its purpose is to update the theoretical and practical skills of specialists in connection with the increased requirements for the level of professional knowledge and the need to master modern methods for solving production problems. This is stated in par. 2, paragraph 7 of the Model Regulations on educational institution additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.26.1995 N 610 (hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulation).

Important nuances of advanced training

Employer-initiated training and mandatory training

At the discretion of the employer. The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer (part 1 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the conditions and procedure for advanced training must be established by a collective agreement or agreement, employment contract(part 2 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
According to par. 3, paragraph 7 of the Model Provision, training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years during the entire working life of employees. The frequency of training for employees of certain professions and specialties is established by the employer in a local regulatory act.

Compulsory education. The employer is obliged to send employees for advanced training if this is a condition for the performance of specific types of activities. This norm is established by Part 4 of Art. 196 Labor Code. Employees of certain specialties and holding certain positions are required, according to some laws, to undergo advanced training. These include, for example:
- scientific and pedagogical workers of state higher educational institutions and state scientific institutions (organizations) operating in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education (Article 21 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education");
- employees of railway transport, whose production activities are directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-ФЗ "On Railway Transport in Russian Federation");
- drivers and other employees of automobile and land urban electric transport, ensuring safety traffic(Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety").

Types of advanced training

Depending on the needs of the employer, the amount of new knowledge and the terms of training, advanced training can be organized in different ways:
- short-term (at least 72 hours) thematic training on specific production issues. It is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists and ends with the passing of the corresponding exam, test or defense of the abstract;
- thematic and problematic seminars (from 72 to 100 hours) on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of the industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution;
- long-term (over 100 hours) training of specialists in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of topical problems of science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.
This is provided for in par. 4 - 7, paragraph 7 of the Model Provision.
At the same time, educational institutions for advanced training develop all additional professional educational programs independently, taking into account the needs and special wishes of the customer, as well as the requirements of state educational standards for the level of training of specialists in the relevant direction (specialty) (paragraph 2, clause 42 of the Model Regulations).

Forms of advanced training and guarantees for employees

According to paragraph 41 of the Model Regulations, advanced training can be carried out:
- with a break from work;
- without interruption from work;
- with a partial separation from work;
- on individual forms of education.

Preservation of the workplace and average earnings. According to Art. 187 of the Labor Code, when sending an employee for advanced training with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and secondary wage at the main place of work.

Business trip for advanced training. If the employee is sent to study in another area, he is paid travel expenses in the manner and amount that are provided for persons sent on business trips. In addition, for the entire time an employee is on a business trip, he should be paid average earnings (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Both work and study. If an employee improves his qualifications on the job (or with a partial break) from production, he receives wages for the time actually worked (manufactured products).
If an employee combines training and work, their total duration should not exceed the daily norm of working time provided for by labor legislation (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), internal labor regulations and the terms of an employment contract.

Where to go to study

Advanced training can take place either in the organization itself or in educational institutions for advanced training (part 2 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to paragraph 8 of the Model Provision, these include:
- academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);
- institutes for advanced training (improvements) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;
- advanced training courses (schools, centers), employment service training centers.
Vocational training can also be obtained from a specialist with the required qualifications (clause 3, article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education").
All listed institutions are required to have a license to conduct educational activities(Clause 1 of the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277).
This requirement does not apply (clause 2 of the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277):
- educational activities in the form of one-time lectures, seminars, internships, when a document on education or advanced training is not issued;
- individual training of an employee from a specialist with the appropriate qualifications.

We send an employee for professional development

Internal documents on referral for advanced training

According to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 16, 2002 N 04-04-06 / 88, the basis for sending employees to advanced training courses can be:
- a training plan that indicates the reasons and goals for training employees, as well as their names and positions (sample on p. 50);
- the order of the head on the direction for advanced training, in which it is necessary to justify the production need for additional education of the employee (introduction of new equipment, expansion of production, etc.), and also indicate that he is sent for training at the initiative of the employer.

Closed Joint Stock Company
"Primorskie heating systems"

The order will be the basis for the employee to attend training sessions.

Contract for the provision educational services

When sending employees for advanced training, the employer must conclude an agreement with an educational institution (paragraph 16, clause 7 of the Model Regulations).

Contract form. Sample Forms contracts for the provision of educational services are given in the Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 10.07.2003 N 2994 and dated 28.07.2003 N 3177, as well as in the Guidelines for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the field of education (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.10.2002 N 31yu -31nn-40/31-09). But, as a rule, the form of a standard contract is developed by an educational institution.
The document must indicate the program, form (full-time, part-time, part-time), the cost and duration of the employee's training, as well as the name of the document that he will receive upon completion.
The contract is drawn up in two copies - one remains with the employee, the other - in the educational institution.
Please note: the customer of educational services should be the employer, not the employee. Otherwise, the organization will not be able to take into account the amount of expenses for paying for training when calculating income tax.

Attachment to agreement. Attached to the agreement:
- the curriculum of the educational institution, indicating the number of hours of attendance;
- a photocopy of the license to conduct educational activities by an educational institution.

Additional contract with the employee

According to part 2 of Art. 197 of the Labor Code, an employer who sends an employee for advanced training must conclude an additional contract (agreement) with him, which will spell out the duties of the employee after the completion of the training. For example, you can stipulate a condition on the mandatory working out by an employee of a certain period, establish sanctions for violation of academic discipline, the procedure for reimbursement to the employer of the funds spent in cases of incomplete working out due date or interruption of training. A sample agreement is provided below.

Sample Agreement (download in Word format)
Sample Agreement

Education documents

According to paragraph 27 of the Standard Regulations, the development of educational programs for advanced training with a volume of more than 72 hours ends with a mandatory final certification. The following types of certification tests are provided:
- final exam in a separate discipline;
- final interdisciplinary exam on the training program;
- abstract on a separate discipline or a number of disciplines;
- preparation and defense of attestation work (final, thesis or diploma project).
This follows from paragraph 6 of the Recommendations for the final state certification, approved by Appendix 1 to the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia of November 21, 2000 N 35-52-172in / 35-29.
Depending on the number of training hours, an employee who has undergone advanced training is issued the following state documents:
- certificate of short-term advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 100 hours;
- diploma of professional retraining - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 500 hours;
- a diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 1000 hours.
This is provided for by paragraphs 1 - 3 of the Requirements for state documents on advanced training and professional retraining, approved by Appendix N 1 to the Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated December 27, 1995 N 13 and paragraph 28 of the Model Regulation.
The original document on advanced training is kept by the employee, and a copy should be filed in the employee's personal file.
But not always at the end of training, an employee can receive a state-recognized document on education. Do not issue such documents to organizations that conduct educational activities that are not subject to licensing - in the form of one-time lectures, internships and seminars, as well as teachers engaged in individual labor pedagogical activities. Volume curriculum in this case, it is less than 72 hours, and upon completion, students can be issued a certificate indicating the topic and volume of teaching hours. Sample certificates each institution develops independently.

Services rendered act

At the end of the training, the educational institution is obliged to submit to the organization an act on the services rendered. It should contain the period of study, the name of the study program and its cost in rubles.

sample act (download in Word format)
sample act

For long-term education, the act should be drawn up separately for each reporting period, that is, once a quarter, and the costs of paying for educational services should be included in the costs on a quarterly basis.
Information about advanced training must be entered in sect. V "Advanced training" of the employee's personal card (form N T-2). But only if, upon graduation, the employee received a certificate, certificate or diploma of the established form. This is stated in paragraph 28 of the Model Provision.

Studying in another area

If an employee is sent to study in another area, his trip is issued as a business trip. In this case, in addition to those listed above, the following documents must be issued:
- job assignment (form N T-10a), signed by the head of the structural unit. At the end of the business trip, the employee draws up a brief report on the completion of the task, and the head of the structural unit makes an appropriate conclusion;
- an order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip (form N T-9 or N T-9a);
- travel certificate (form N T-10);
- a report on the completion of the task (on the form of a service assignment). It is compiled by an employee who has completed training, and the head of the structural unit makes a conclusion about the completion of the task.
All these documents are drawn up on standard forms, which are approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1.
When an employee is sent for advanced training in another locality, he retains workplace(position) and the average salary at the main place of work. In addition, the employee must pay travel expenses in accordance with the rules provided for business trips (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the procedure and amount of reimbursement of expenses associated with business trips are determined by a collective agreement or a local regulatory act (part 2 of article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Travel expenses include, in particular, the following expenses:
- travel of the employee to the place of business trip and back;
- renting a dwelling;
- daily allowance within the limits (700 rubles - for expenses taken into account for the purpose of paying personal income tax (paragraph 10, clause 3, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)).
Upon returning from a business trip, the employee must submit an advance report on the funds spent and documents confirming the expenses incurred during the business trip within three working days.
Recall that advanced training with a break from work in the timesheet is indicated by the letter code PC or the digital code 07. This follows from the Instructions for the use and filling out forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1.

Accounting for expenses for advanced training

Expenses associated with paying for additional professional education of an employee in the interests of the organization are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities (clause 5 of PBU 10/99). These expenses are taken into account in the amount of actually incurred expenses and are reflected in the debit of the cost accounting accounts in correspondence with the credit of account 76 (Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n).
If the expenses for advanced training of an employee relate to several reporting periods, then they are recorded on account 97 and written off in the manner established in the accounting policy of the organization (evenly, in proportion to the volume of production, etc.) during the period to which they relate. This is stated in paragraph 65 of the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n.
You can confirm the fact of the provision of educational services for accounting purposes by the relevant act and a copy of the document on education (diploma, certificate, etc.).
The amounts of average earnings retained by the employee for the period of advanced training are taken into account as expenses for ordinary activities as labor costs (clauses 5 and 8 of PBU 10/99). They are reflected in the debit of the production cost accounting account in correspondence with the credit of account 70.
Expenses for a business trip related to advanced training are also recognized as expenses for ordinary activities as of the date of approval of the advance report by the head of the organization (clauses 5 and 8 of PBU 10/99). They are reflected in the debit of the cost accounting accounts and the credit of account 71. The issuance of funds to a seconded worker is reflected in the entry:
Debit 71 Credit 50.

Taxes and contributions from the costs of training

The procedure for taxation of training expenses will depend, in particular, on the availability of supporting documents, the fulfillment of the conditions for recognition of such expenses, and also on whose initiative it is carried out.

income tax

Tuition expenses. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code, expenses for advanced training are included in other expenses related to production and sales (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.21.2010 N 03-03-06 / 2/77). If the accrual method is used, then these expenses are taken into account at the time of submission of the act on the provision of educational services, and with the cash method - on the day of payment on the basis of the relevant documents (payment orders, receipts for cash receipts, etc.) (clauses 3 paragraph 7 article 272 and paragraph 3 article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Conditions for recognition of expenses. The costs of advanced training are taken into account when calculating income tax if:
- a Russian educational institution has a license, and a foreign institution has the corresponding status (clause 1, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.10.2009 N 03-03-06 / 4/84). The status of a foreign educational institution can be confirmed by a license, program, charter or other documents, the list of which depends on the specifics of its activities, as well as on the requirements of the legislation of a foreign state regarding confirmation of the status of an educational institution (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 05.08.2010 N 03-04-06 /6-163). Therefore, a copy of the relevant document should be attached to the primary documents;
- between the organization and the educational institution a contract for training has been concluded (clause 2 clause 3 article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
- an employee who improves qualifications works in an organization on the basis of an employment contract (clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
- the employee is trained in the interests of the employer (clause 23, clause 1, article 264 and clause 29, article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 25, 2007 N 03-03-06/1/312). A document confirming this fact can be an order of the head, which will indicate that the employee was sent for training at the initiative of the organization and in connection with the production need.
If these conditions are not met, the expenses for advanced training are not recognized in tax accounting. At the end of the tax period, they should be excluded from the composition of expenses that reduce the taxable base for income tax, and attributed to non-operating income.
In addition, it is impossible to take into account the costs of training (clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
- not supported by supporting documents;
- related to the maintenance of educational institutions or the provision of free services to them;
- related to the payment of additional services provided by an educational institution for the period of study, if they are not related to production needs (for example, payment for meals or a cultural and entertainment program, if their cost is highlighted in the documents as a separate line);
- produced not in the interests of the organization, for example, if the new knowledge received by the employee will not be used by him in the production process (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 25, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/312).

supporting documents. In order to recognize for tax purposes the profit of expenses for advanced training, documentary evidence of expenses can be an agreement with an educational institution, an order from the head to send an employee for training, a curriculum of an educational institution indicating the number of hours of visits, a certificate or other document confirming that employees have completed training, the act of providing services. This is stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 21, 2010 N 03-03-06 / 2/77. The same documents are also needed for the recognition of expenses for studying abroad (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137).
Recall that the employer paying for training is obliged to keep the documents related to this for at least four years (clause 8, clause 1, article 23 and clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Travel expenses. If, for the purpose of advanced training, an employee was sent to another area, then the organization has the right to include the cost of travel to and from the place of training, as well as the cost of living and daily allowance, as part of travel expenses. These costs are taken into account in full amount as part of other expenses on the basis of paragraphs. 12 p. 1 art. 264 of the Tax Code (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137). The date of recognition of expenses is the date of approval of the advance report (clause 5, clause 7, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137).

Average earnings. If an employee improves his qualifications off the job, then the average earnings paid to him for the period of study are included in labor costs on the basis of clause 19 of Art. 255 of the Tax Code.

personal income tax, insurance premiums and contributions in case of injury

Tuition payment. The amount of payment for an employee's advanced training is not subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums if the institution where the employee is studying has a license for educational activities (or the corresponding status for a foreign educational institution). This conclusion follows from paragraph 21 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code and paragraph 12, part 1, art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ (hereinafter - Law N 212-FZ).
This also applies to the case if the employee is trained by a specialist who has the appropriate qualifications (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 17, 2009 N 03-04-06-02 / 50). Such qualification must be confirmed by a special document - a qualification certificate, license, diploma, etc. (Clause 3, Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation N 3266-1).
The amount of payment for the training of an employee sent by the employer to advanced training courses does not need to be charged contributions in case of injury, since they are not payment for the work (income) of the employee. This follows from paragraph 3 of the Rules for the calculation, accounting and spending of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/02/2000 N 184 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Travel expenses. The income of an employee sent to improve his skills in another area does not include daily allowances if they do not exceed 700 rubles. for each day spent on a business trip on the territory of the Russian Federation (2500 rubles - on the territory of a foreign state), as well as documented expenses for travel to and from the destination and expenses for renting a dwelling (clause 3 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Insurance premiums, as well as contributions in case of injury, are not charged on the amount of travel expenses (part 2 of article 9 of Law N 212-FZ, clause 10 of the List of payments for which insurance premiums are not charged to the FSS of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.07.1999 N 765, and Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 03.18.2009 N 02-18/07-2165).

Average earnings. The amount of average earnings paid to an employee for a period of advanced training with a break from work is subject to personal income tax, insurance premiums and insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases (clause 6 clause 1 article 208 of the Tax Code RF, part 1 article 7 and part 1 article 8 of Law N 212-FZ and paragraph 3 of the Rules).

VAT on educational services

The amount of the training fee for an employee aimed at advanced training may or may not include value added tax.
Subject to VAT educational services provided by commercial educational institutions or relevant specialists (clause 1, article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The tax is calculated at a rate of 18% (clause 3, article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In the accounting of the customer of educational services, the amount of tax allocated in settlement documents is reflected in the debit of account 19 in correspondence with the credit of account 76.
In addition, the following are subject to VAT:
- additional services provided by an educational organization, in particular, providing students with food and accommodation, since they are not related to production needs (Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for Moscow dated January 28, 2003 N 24-11 / 05512);
- services for conducting one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training that are not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of documents on education or qualifications (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 27, 2008 N 03-07-07 / 81).

Services not subject to VAT:
- non-profit educational organizations in the field of education, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, for conducting training and production (in the areas of basic and additional education specified in the license) process, with the exception of consulting services (clause 14, clause 2, article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such a benefit applies only to those educational services that are named in the license of the educational institution (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated May 6, 2005 N 19-11 / 32602);
- rendered outside the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 3, clause 1, article 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

"Input" VAT, paid to a commercial educational institution or a specialist with the appropriate qualifications, can be deducted when calculating the amount of value added tax, if in accordance with paragraphs. 1 p. 2 art. 171 and paragraph 1 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code:
- the parties signed an act on the provision of educational services;
- the organization has an invoice indicating the amount of value added tax.
In accounting, the acceptance for accounting of tax on expenses for advanced training is reflected in the posting:
Debit 68, sub-account "Calculations for VAT", Credit 19.

Example. The head of CJSC "Primorskie heating systems" decided to send a fitter-installer of instrumentation equipment V.L. Kabanchikov for advanced training courses from November 1 to November 13, 2010. For this purpose, the organization entered into an agreement with the Vladivostok Production and Training Plant. Training should take place off-the-job. Its cost is 10,000 rubles, which were transferred to the plant on October 28.
The educational institution is non-profit and has a state license for educational activities. Upon completion of the course, the employee received a certificate. What wiring should be done in this case?
Solution. Based on the agreement between the organization and the educational institution, the following entries were made in accounting.
28 of October
Debit 76 Credit 51
- 10,000 rubles. - funds were transferred for training an employee at a training center.
November 13 (date of signing the act on the provision of services)
Debit 20 Credit 76
- 10,000 rubles. - reflects the cost of professional development of the employee.
Since the training is conducted in the same locality where the employer organization is located, the employee is paid only the average earnings during the study (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Personal income tax, insurance premiums and contributions in case of injury should be charged on it (clause 6 clause 1 article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 article 7, part 1 article 8 of Law N 212-FZ and clause 3 of the Rules) .
The cost of paying average earnings to an employee aimed at advanced training is recognized as part of labor costs in the month of accrual (clause 6, article 255 and clause 4, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of insurance premiums accrued on it refers to other expenses associated with production and sale, on the basis of paragraphs. 49 paragraph 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 13, 2010 N 03-03-06 / 1/260). Contributions in case of injury are also taken into account as part of other expenses on the date of their accrual (clause 45, clause 1, article 264 and clause 1, clause 7, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Thus, in November, the accountant reduced income tax by the amount of payment for advanced training, average earnings paid to the employee during the training period, and insurance premiums accrued on him.

Moscow State Economic Institute

Faculty of Economics and Management Department of Management

Group M-07s


On the topic "Analysis and advanced training of personnel in an institution"

Graduate student

Polikarpova Antonina Alexandrovna

Scientific director



Allow for protection

Head department _______________

"____" ________________2010

Moscow 2010


1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for staff development

1.1 The concept and principles of advanced training

1.2 Planning and forms of staff development

1.3 Stages of the learning process

2. Analysis and advanced training of the personnel of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk station" of JSC "Russian Railways"

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Analysis of the existing system of advanced training of personnel in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

2.2.1 Analysis of the personnel of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

2.2.2 Analysis of the staff development system in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic"


List of used literature

Annex A

In every organization, people are of the utmost importance. Without people, there is no organization. Without qualified personnel, no organization will be able to achieve its goals. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

Professional development at the enterprise is a continuous process, which can consist of both new concepts and standard approaches.

The theme itself stems from the question - is it worth spending money to improve the performance of current staff, if you can use recruitment agencies and other sources for hiring third-party freelancers.

Qualification is a set of special knowledge and practical skills that determine the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform professional functions of appropriate complexity.

The theme of the presented diploma project "Analysis and advanced training of personnel" is relevant, because the need for highly qualified specialists who would have modern deep knowledge in the field of management, in the light of our days, is especially great.

The presented graduation project reveals the mechanism of staff development.

The purpose of this project is to develop measures aimed at improving the skills of employees of OAO Russian Railways "National Healthcare Department of the Departmental Clinic at Solvychegodsk Station".

The object of the study is JSC RZD "NUZ Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk".

The subject of the study is the impact of professional development of employees.

The main activity of the enterprise is the provision of medical services to the population.

Based on the stated goal of the graduation project, the main tasks are defined as follows:

To study the concept and principles of advanced training.

Find out the stages of the learning process

Review staff qualification requirements and staff training planning.

To analyze the economic and legal basis for the activities of OAO RZD "NUZ of the Departmental Polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk".

Conduct an analysis of the existing system of advanced training in JSC Russian Railways "NUZ of the Departmental Polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk".

The structure of the graduation project: The introduction argues the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic of the graduation project, outlines the purpose and objectives that were solved in the course of writing it. The first chapter deals with the theoretical issues of the advanced training system. The second chapter provides an analysis of the work and the importance of staff development at the selected enterprise, as well as recommendations for improving the skills of employees of JSC Russian Railways "Nuzannoe Polyclinic at Solvychegodsk Station". In conclusion, the main results of writing this thesis project are presented.

The main regulatory framework for writing a graduation project was the Charter of a medical enterprise and other regulatory documents that are in force today. Articles of various authors were also used, covering this problem on the pages of textbooks and teaching aids and magazines.

From the point of view of A.S. Afonina, advanced training is the training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with increased requirements for the profession or promotion.

The principle of management urgently requires the mandatory advanced training of all employees involved in manufacturing process, regardless of position. Market economy modern Russia makes more serious demands on the advanced training of enterprise managers than under socialist planned economic management. This applies to those who make strategic management decisions, who are responsible for the development of the enterprise, for the constant updating of products and the implementation of new technological and organizational solutions.

Comparing advanced training programs in various firms and special institutes, one can see that the history of the enterprise, its principles, strategy are necessarily studied, and considerable time is necessarily allocated to study the theory and methods practical application the art of management.

In an era of rapidly developing technologies and increasing competition, the organization needs highly qualified personnel. To improve the skills of specialists and their business qualities, and to acquire new labor functions- the organization trains staff. Depending on the end result, training takes place within the organization or at external training institutions.

As a rule, in external educational institutions, new or more advanced skills are taught: raising the status of the educational level, acquiring a new profession.

Within the organization, they conduct training in the implementation and modernization of technologies that do not require in-depth theoretical knowledge, advanced training, as well as during training events with the departure of teachers to the enterprise.

The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. The employer conducts vocational training, retraining, advanced training of employees, teaching them second professions in the organization, and, if necessary, in educational institutions of primary, secondary, higher and additional education on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract.

The forms of vocational training, retraining and advanced training of employees, the list of required professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

In cases stipulated by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts, the employer is obliged to carry out advanced training of employees if this is a condition for the employees to perform certain types of activities. For employees undergoing professional training, the employer must create the necessary conditions for combining work with training, provide guarantees established by this Code, other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

Table 1 - Qualification requirements for personnel

Name Qualifications
Physical Data height, physique, health, standard of appearance necessary for successful activity, speech characteristics of the candidate, age restrictions, gender.
Qualification education (level), type of school, college or university training required, technical, commercial or professional qualifications required, specific professional training required, previous work experience (level, duration of employment) and its types, other necessary skills and knowledge.
Intelligence level of mental ability.
Capabilities technical ability, manual dexterity, verbal ability - written and oral, mathematical ability, communication ability, analytical skills and artistic ability.
Interests solution of intellectual problems, practical - constructive interests, social and artistic.
Character work with other people, influence other people, rely on yourself, be willing to tell others what to do, enjoy hard work, and have personality.
Motivation money, security, prestige, belonging, power, services, excellence, problem solving.
Conditions married, single or family man/woman, living in a certain area, ability to travel home/abroad, ability to work long/unusual hours, ability to be away from home for long periods of time.

Only when the job description is ready can one think of an individual employee to fill the vacancy. When solving this issue, they take into account: physical data, qualifications, mind (intelligence), special inclinations, interests, character, motivation, circumstances.

When preparing the qualification requirements, it is important to be precise, choose your words carefully and avoid generalizations such as good looks, higher than average education, etc. The details required for each item will include at least some of these requirements, although the exact information will vary from one job to the next.

Qualification requirements for personnel should be as specific as possible so that the employee of the personnel department can form a clear idea of ​​​​the person who is required.

One useful approach to this task is to take a critical look at existing employees who perform well and poorly in order to identify the personal and professional traits that make employees perform well. In the next paragraph, we will consider planning and forms of staff development, this is done by the personnel inspector at the enterprises.

Planning is designed to use the own production resources of workers without looking for new highly qualified personnel for foreign market labor. In addition, such planning creates conditions for the mobility and self-regulation of the employee, accelerates the process of adaptation to changing production conditions.

Training planning should take into account:

the required number of students;

the number of existing workers in need of training or retraining;

new courses or expenses for existing ones.

This is a qualitative component of personnel planning. It includes all the efforts of enterprises to maintain an appropriate level of knowledge among the workforce or to improve the qualification level through additional training.

Planning for the growth of personnel qualifications is of great importance in the process of implementing production activities that relate to personnel. On the one hand, it allows the use of one's own labor reserves, while at the same time a higher degree of success than the search for new personnel could provide; on the other hand, it gives an individual employee an optimal chance for self-realization.

We can say that hiring a suitable candidate for a job is an important and responsible task for the management of an enterprise or organization. At present, when our economy has switched to a market path of development, it is necessary not only to fill in the staffing table, but to select it so that the person hired works most efficiently, since profit depends on it. And this can be done only on condition of an objective assessment of the candidate, and not only his qualifications, but, and what is perhaps even more important, his psychological side. Since, if a person does not get along in a team, the work of the entire administrative unit may go down the drain, which then will negatively affect the performance of the work of the entire organization. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a psychological analysis of the personality of the hired person in order to identify his individual characteristics. Of course, the competence of the personnel service is an important factor. It depends on her how objectively this or that applicant will be evaluated, which subsequently may affect the activities of the enterprise and, ultimately, their own salary. Equally important is the fact that in most enterprises and organizations there is no systematic hiring, and I think that the system described above will, if not completely, then at least significantly reduce the number of errors that occur during hiring.

Management activity in modern economic conditions is characterized by an orientation towards democratization and the creation of business partnerships in the team, which is also reflected in new approaches to training in the personnel development system.

In order to keep up with the requirements of the times, the educational process is intensified based on the introduction of interactive learning technologies into it, the creation of a psychologically comfortable environment that provides students with freedom in choosing educational forms and methods.

The priority methods of training in the system of advanced training of managerial personnel are interactive methods, where the main attention is paid to the practical development of the transferred knowledge, skills and abilities.

The ever-increasing flow of information currently requires the introduction of such teaching methods that allow for enough short term to transfer a rather large amount of knowledge, to ensure a high level of mastery of the studied material by the students and to consolidate it in practice.

In the modern practice of advanced training for management personnel in Russia, the most common are the following active learning methods: training, programmed, computer training, training group discussions, case-study - analysis of specific, practical situations, business and role-playing games.

Let us consider the main focus and content of each of the listed teaching methods used in the practice of raising leadership personnel. Training is understood as such training, in which the main attention is paid to the practical development of the material being studied, when in the process of modeling specially given situations, students have the opportunity to develop and consolidate the necessary knowledge and skills, change their attitude to their own experience and approaches used in work.

The concept of training has a general collective meaning. In trainings, various methods and techniques of active learning are usually widely used: business, role-playing and simulation games, analysis of specific situations and group discussions.

At present, leadership trainings for managers are becoming more widespread in institutions of advanced training, during which they master various aspects of management, for example, motivating subordinates, making decisions, organizing work in teams, etc. As a result of such training, managers not only analyze the process of managerial activity itself (planning, decision-making, evaluation, control, etc.), but also acquire knowledge and algorithms for solving managerial problems and work on developing their leadership potential.

The essence of programmed learning consists in a high degree of structure of the presented material and a step-by-step assessment of the degree of its assimilation. With programmed learning, information is presented in small blocks in printed form or on a computer monitor. After working on each block, the student must complete tasks that show the degree of assimilation of the studied material.

The advantage of programmed learning is that it allows the learner to move at their own pace. Transition to next block material occurs only after the previous one has been mastered.

A variant of programmed learning is computer learning. The computer evaluates the students' answers and determines which material should be presented next. A distinctive feature of computer learning is that the feedback here can be as rich and colorful as in modern computer games with sound accompaniment.

Studies have shown that computer learning allows students to absorb the proposed educational material very quickly. Although the cost of developing computer programs is quite high, but their regular use can quickly recoup these costs.

Recent studies by German scientists show that, although programmed learning allows students to quickly assimilate educational material, its results do not have decisive advantages over the results obtained using other active learning methods.

Currently, computer learning is an integral part of other active learning methods. For example, a lot of computer business games have been developed that allow you to manage an educational organization, conduct advertising campaigns, and negotiate.

This method of teaching consists of holding study group discussions on a specific issue in relatively small groups of learners.

Traditionally, the concept of "discussion" refers to the exchange of views in all its forms. The experience of history shows that no development of society is possible without an exchange of opinions and accompanying debates and disputes. This is especially true for development in the sphere of spiritual life and professional development of a person.

Discussion as a collective discussion can be of a different nature depending on the process being studied, the level of its problematic nature and, as a result, the opinions expressed.

Although in the scientific literature discussions are not classified according to the components of activity (subject, object, means, goals, operations, needs, conditions, results), in practice the discussion is considered as a universal phenomenon, which, in essence, can be mechanically transferred without change from one area to another. another, for example, from science to professional pedagogy or a methodology for teaching a professionally oriented foreign language.

The educational discussion differs from other types of discussions in that the novelty of its problems relates only to the group of people participating in the discussion, that is, the solution to the problem that has already been found in science is to be found in the educational process in this audience. For a teacher organizing a training discussion, the result, as a rule, is already known in advance. The goal here is a search process that should lead to objectively known, but subjectively, from the point of view of students, new knowledge. Moreover, this search should naturally lead to the task planned by the teacher. This can be, in our opinion, only if the search for a solution to the problem (group discussion) is completely controlled by the teacher.

Management here is twofold. Firstly, in order to conduct a discussion, the teacher creates and maintains a certain level of student relationships - relations of goodwill and frankness, i.e., the management of the discussion by the teacher is communicative in nature. Secondly, the teacher manages the process of searching for truth. It is generally accepted that academic discussion is acceptable "provided that the teacher can ensure the correctness of the conclusions."

Summarizing the above, we can distinguish the following specific features of an optimally organized and conducted educational discussion:

1) a high degree of competence in the problem under consideration of the teacher-organizer and, as a rule, the students have sufficient practical experience in solving such problems;

2) high level of predictive solution of typical problem situations due to the serious methodological preparation of the organizing teacher, i.e., the relatively low level of improvisation on the part of the teacher. At the same time, a fairly high level of improvisation on the part of students. Hence the need for the teacher to control the process of conducting the discussion;

3) the goal and result of the educational discussion is a high level of students' assimilation of true knowledge, overcoming delusions, development of their dialectical thinking;

4) the source of true knowledge is variable. Depending on the specific problem situation, this is either a teacher-organizer, or students, or the latter derive true knowledge with the help of a teacher.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this method allows you to make the most of the experience of the listeners, contributing to a better assimilation of the material they study. This is due to the fact that in a group discussion, it is not the teacher who tells the audience what is right, but the students themselves develop evidence, substantiation of the principles and approaches proposed by the teacher, making the most of their personal experience.

Educational group discussions give the greatest effect in the study and elaboration of complex material and the formation of the necessary attitudes. This active learning method provides good opportunities for feedback, reinforcement, practice, motivation and transfer of knowledge and skills from one area to another.

Let us further consider one of the most popular in practice method of advanced training for managers - the analysis of specific practical situations. Over the past decade, this method has been increasingly used in business education in Russia in the study of various disciplines: marketing, personnel management, business foreign language, etc.

Case-study - this method involves the transition from the method of accumulation of knowledge to an activity-based, practice-oriented approach with respect to the real activities of the manager. This is one of the most tried and tested methods of teaching decision-making and problem-solving skills in German leadership development practice. The purpose of this method is to teach students to analyze information, identify key problems, choose alternative solutions, evaluate them, find the best option and formulate action programs.

When analyzing specific situations, it is especially important that it combines the individual work of students with a problem situation and a group discussion of proposals prepared by each member of the group. This allows students to develop the skills of group, team work, which expands the possibilities for solving typical problems within the framework of the studied educational topics. As a result of individual analysis, group discussion, identifying problems, finding alternatives, choosing actions and a plan for their implementation, students get the opportunity to develop skills in analysis and planning. This method has proven itself especially well in the communicative training of students in a business foreign language.

The development of practical situations can take place in two ways: on the basis of a description of real events and actions, or on the basis of artificially constructed situations. The experience of the author of the article as a translator at various international interuniversity seminars conducted by German specialists leads to the following conclusion.

Those situations that are mostly offered by teachers from Germany do not fully meet the needs Russian economy and culture in our country. Students are much more interested in analyzing practical situations that take into account the specifics of our country. These include the problems faced by novice leaders in today's unstable economic environment, as well as the typical problems solved by executives. different levels.

Domestic and German researchers have developed, in principle, the same recommendations for working with a specific problem situation. Let's consider the most important of them:

The problem situation, as a rule, is not limited to one topic or discipline of the course. Usually it is interrelated with other problems and issues. Students should use the skills of finding interdisciplinary connections. During the analysis of the problem situation, students should be able to identify the internal causes, and not their external manifestations.

Learners should demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, ideas and approaches described in the course and the ability to use them to analyze a given situation and make recommendations. Typically, a problem situation can be interpreted in several ways, and trainees should be prepared to recognize ambiguity and ambiguity. You should not stop when you find one problematic aspect of the situation, you should try to find other problems and directions for analysis. Students are encouraged to provide examples from personal experience confirming the correctness of the analysis and the proposed recommendations. The approach to working with a practical situation should be systematic.

The German system of advanced training for managers, unlike the Russian one, has developed the practice of registering developed problem situations for analysis, provides for copyright protection and paid replication of specific training situations in accordance with the Federal Law on Copyright Protection for Intellectual Property.

Summing up the analysis of the case-study method, it is necessary to note the importance of this method for the formation of special, methodological and communicative competence among students in:

establishing interdisciplinary connections;

analytical and systems thinking;

evaluation of alternatives;

presentation of the results of the analysis;

assessment of the consequences associated with decision-making;

mastering communication skills and teamwork skills.

A number of active learning methods have been collectively called "business games". This method is a complex role-playing game with different, often opposing interests of its participants and the need to make a decision at the end or during the game. Role-playing games help to form such important key qualifications for leaders as communication skills, tolerance, the ability to work in small groups, independent thinking, etc. The teacher needs a lot of preliminary methodological preparation when conducting role-playing games, the ability to predict results and draw appropriate conclusions.

Most German scientists in the field of professional pedagogy believe that game teaching methods have the greatest potential in ensuring the professional development of managers, improve activities and create new models of professional practice, which corresponds to the goals of updating managerial professionalism in modern conditions.

Business games are characterized by a focus on the removal of certain practical problems, the acquisition of skills to perform specific methods of activity. The need for games of this type arises when the existing abilities of the participants in managerial activity are not enough to implement ready-made activity norms, or there is a mismatch in activity as a result of changes in external conditions. Therefore, there is a need to develop the missing abilities in the process of a business game on a special model platform.

Business games take place, as a rule, in the form of a coordinated group mental search, which requires the involvement of all game participants in communication. At its core, this method of teaching is a special form of communication.

In any type of communication, one of the participants is the author who expresses his point of view. The second participant is the recipient who, perceiving the author's text, builds an image of what he understood in order to reconstruct the author's point of view. The third participant in communication within the framework of a business game can be a critic who, based on the results decision, develops its own point of view, more formalized and perfect. The fourth participant - the organizer of communication - coordinates all types of work and turns disparate efforts into a purposeful movement to improve the author's point of view.

The business game ends with a summing up, where the main attention is directed to the analysis of its results, the most significant for practice. However, the final phase can be extended to reflect the entire course of the game. The objects of such reflection can be: the dynamics of individual, group, intergroup trajectories of movement of thought processes; the dynamics of the formation of a collective opinion based on changes in interpersonal relationships; the positional nature of the players and interpositional relations, etc. Thus, the analysis of the functions of business games in improving the qualifications of a manager leads us to the following conclusion.

If the goal of advanced training for higher education leaders is to master effective management models, to test new projects for the organization's activities, then the most effective teaching method is a game. It is the business game that has the ability to reproduce, design and model activity-oriented relationships, cooperative communication links with the involvement of representatives of various subsystems of the organization. Consequently, the leaders in the learning process develop not only organizational, but also methodological, game-technical abilities.

Summing up the analysis of interactive teaching methods used in executive development programs, it should be noted that they increase the ability of managers at different levels to identify and structure problems, collect and analyze information, prepare, if necessary, alternative solutions and choose the best option from a number of alternatives. both in the process of individual work and in interaction with other employees. It should also be noted that the German experience of advanced training of managers based on interactive teaching methods is increasingly used in Lately in the domestic practice of professional development of specialists.

According to Konovalov G.V., such a variety of types and forms of the learning process allows organizations to choose the most suitable for them at the moment and under certain prevailing conditions, allowing them to achieve their goals. That is, the choice of the type and form of the learning process should be determined by the specific conditions in which the organization operates and the goals to be achieved through the learning process. The wrong choice of the type and form of training can negate the positive effect of the activities. The effectiveness of such investments in personnel will be negligible or may even reduce the synergistic effect in the organization to zero or make it negative. And vice versa, the right choice of the type and form of the learning process can significantly improve the psychological climate in the organization, resolve interpersonal contradictions. And the methods of personnel training are the ways in which the mastery of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students is achieved.

In order for the effectiveness of the learning process to be high, it must be properly prepared and conducted. The following stages of the learning process are distinguished: setting learning goals, determining the need for training, a set of preparatory measures, self-study, testing the acquired knowledge, evaluating the effectiveness of training.

When organizing the learning process, it is important to correctly formulate the learning objectives. There should be performance standards. Concreteness implies their clarity and the absence of reasons for dispute. Performance standards should be measurable so that there is no dispute about how successfully they are achieved (or not). Performance standards must be agreed upon. If employees disagree with the standards, believing them too difficult, they have an incentive to fail in order to prove themselves right. It is unwise to set tasks, completely ignoring the opinion of the performers. Performance standards should be realistic and achievable. Performance standards must be time-bound, that is, it is known by what point they must be achieved.

But in addition to the general characteristics of goals, the following characteristics are characteristic of learning goals: goals serve as a guide in developing the content of training programs; they allow you to accurately determine the requirements for students; they determine the form of organization of the learning process and the priorities in the activities of the subject of learning and the organizers of the learning process; they serve as the basis for the subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of training.

Training objectives should be communicated to all employees target group. This is necessary so that people understand why they are taught, feel responsible.

The definition of learning objectives is a strategic point in organizing the learning system in an organization. In particular, depending on the goals set, a general concept of training programs is formed, appropriate models and teaching technologies are developed. However, before embarking on the development of training programs, it is necessary to determine the training needs of the organization's personnel.

According to A.I. Kochetkova, the need for training should be defined in two main aspects: qualitative (what to teach, what skills to develop) and quantitative (how many employees of different categories should be trained). Assessment of training needs can be identified by the following methods:

Evaluation of information about employees.

Annual performance appraisal (attestation).

Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of the organization

Staff monitoring and problem analysis.

Collection and analysis of applications for staff training from department heads.

Organization of work with a personnel reserve and work on career planning.

Changes in work, placing higher demands on the qualifications of staff.

Individual applications and proposals of employees.

Employee surveys.

Studying the experience of other organizations.

Evaluation of information about employees available in the personnel department (length of service, work experience, basic education, whether the employee has previously participated in training or advanced training programs, etc.). Annual performance appraisal (attestation). In the course of the annual assessment of performance (attestation), not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the work of a particular person can be found. For example, low marks for employees of a certain professional group in the "professional knowledge" column show that a need for training has been identified for this category of employees. Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of the organization and plans of individual units and determination of the level of qualification and professional training of personnel necessary for their successful implementation. If errors and miscalculations regularly occur in the work of personnel, leading to bad job, marriage, safety violations, unreasonably large losses of time, then this information can be used to justify an application for staff training and in the preparation of training programs. Collection and analysis of applications for staff training from department heads. Today, this is one of the most common methods in Russian organizations for determining the need for employee training. If an employee is interested in obtaining certain knowledge and skills, he can submit an application addressed to the head of the training department, endorsed by his immediate supervisor, indicating what kind of training he needs. Personnel surveys designed to assess their need for new professional knowledge and skills development allow you to more accurately determine the need for training for specific categories of personnel, specific departments or individual works nicknames. Surveys can cover the entire organization or individual departments, they can be selective, covering only a representative sample. If the range of respondents is small, you can use the interview method. Studying the experience of other organizations. Often the experience of competitors or related enterprises provides important clues related to the need for training of a particular category of personnel in order to maintain the required level of competitiveness.

Based on the identified training needs, a set of preparatory activities is carried out. An obligatory part in it is the definition of the content, forms and methods of teaching. The content should be determined by the tasks facing the organization in the short and medium term. The most important characteristics of the studied material include its content, complexity and degree of structure. These three characteristics and learning objectives determine the forms and methods of learning.

The complex of preparatory activities also includes the definition of a training company, the preparation of training programs, a group of people sent for training, the selection of teachers and other activities. All of them can be performed both by the specialists of the organization itself, and with the involvement of an external consultant.

The next step is the learning process itself. It is built on the basis of learning objectives, quality learning needs and prepared programs. Conditions play an important role in the learning process: the room must be adapted or easily adapted for conducting classes in it, the temperature regime, lighting regime, and others must be observed. During the learning process, ongoing monitoring of attendance, the smooth implementation of the curriculum and the provision of students with everything necessary should also be ensured.

The next step is to test the acquired knowledge. With external training, it is quite difficult to evaluate the knowledge gained by employees, since the organization that conducted the training is interested in high rates assimilation of knowledge and may distort the results of the assessment, or they may be biased. In other cases, the acquired knowledge can be assessed. There are various methods for assessing knowledge, so, depending on the form and methods of training, employees can take a test, an exam, write some work (for example, a business plan), a business game, practice can be held (for example, when developing public speaking skills). speeches, a form of assessment of the acquired skills can be a public speech in front of the structural department of the organization).

The final stage of the personnel training process is the assessment of personnel effectiveness. Its main purpose is to analyze the impact of training on the final results of the entire organization.

It is quite difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning process in terms of real profit, so it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness based on qualitative indicators. So some programs are conducted not to gain knowledge, skills and abilities, but to form a certain type of thinking and behavior.

For qualitative assessment the effectiveness of the learning process, indirect methods can also be used, such as comparing the results of tests conducted before and after training, monitoring the working behavior of trained employees, monitoring the student's attitude to changes in the enterprise, and others.

Quantification is also possible. But it is also based on relative indicators, such as student satisfaction with the curriculum, evaluation of the learning material, the effectiveness of meeting the company's needs in training. Each indicator is assigned its own importance factor, which can vary depending on the organization. Then the integral indicator is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the products of these indicators by the coefficients of importance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning process allows you to solve the following tasks: monitoring the implementation of the program points of the learning system; analysis and adjustment weaknesses; monitoring of efficiency, quality; monitoring the effectiveness of training; development and implementation of corrective measures.

Each organization that conducts training strives to maximize its effectiveness. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to pay enough attention to each stage of the learning process. Failure to pay attention to any of the steps is likely to negate all the results of this or future staff training processes in the organization.

So, the process of personnel training is an integral part of the personnel policy of a successful organization, which can pursue a variety of goals: improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of products or services produced by the organization, carrying out organizational changes, including adaptation to changing environmental conditions, development personnel, improving the communication system in the organization, the formation of organizational culture, increasing the level of loyalty to the organization. Insufficient attention to it or its incorrect organization can give rise to many problems in the organization, which, ultimately, reduce the effectiveness of the organization. A variety of types, forms and methods of the educational process allows you to choose the appropriate one or a set of appropriate ones for each individual unique social organization.

Let's summarize the first chapter of the graduation project. It was possible to find out that qualification is a set of special knowledge and practical skills that determine the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform professional functions of the appropriate complexity. And advanced training is the training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and abilities. To improve the qualifications of specialists and their business qualities, the organization provides staff training. The employer conducts vocational training, retraining, advanced training of employees, training them in second professions in the organization, and, if necessary, in educational institutions.

Planning for the development of personnel qualifications allows you to use your own labor reserves with at the same time a higher degree of success than the search for new personnel could provide; on the other hand, it gives an individual employee an optimal chance for self-realization. Advanced training of management personnel is carried out by the following methods of training: trainings, programmed, computer training, training group discussions, business and role-playing games.

A variety of types, forms and methods of the educational process allows you to choose the right one for each organization. In order for the effectiveness of the learning process to be high, it must be properly prepared and conducted. The process of personnel training pursues the following goals: improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of products or services, carrying out organizational changes, developing personnel, improving the communication system in the organization, forming an organizational culture, increasing the level of organizational loyalty.

Non-state healthcare institution "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of the open joint stock company" Russian Railways "(hereinafter referred to as the Institution) was established on the basis of the decision of the board of directors of the open joint stock company" Russian Railways ". The founder of the Institution is the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways" (hereinafter - JSC "Russian Railways").

The official full name of the Institution: Non-state health care institution "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of the open joint-stock company" Russian Railways ". The official abbreviated name of the institution: NUZ "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC" Russian Railways ". The institution in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of federal bodies executive power in the field of healthcare and transport, internal documents of the Founder, local acts of the Institution, this Charter, as well as an agreement concluded between the Founder and the Institution.

The institution is a non-profit organization, does not pursue profit as the main goal of its activities. The institution is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, separate property transferred to it by the Founder for operational management, an estimate, a current account, a round seal, stamps and letterheads with its name, and other details of individual identification necessary for its activities. An institution acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration

Based on the decision of Russian Railways, an institution may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main objectives of the Institution are: protecting the health of citizens through the implementation medical work and services for the provision of pre-medical, emergency and emergency, outpatient medical care in relevant medical specialties, including preventive medical, diagnostic and therapeutic measures and medical examinations, as well as medical support for train traffic safety.

The subject of the activities of the Institution is: medical activities, activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, pharmaceutical activities, research activities, as well as activities for mobilization training, civil defense, including work with the material assets of the mobilization reserve, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Founder.

An institution has the right to carry out other types of activities, including entrepreneurial activities, only in so far as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created.

The Establishment does not allow the creation and operation of organizational structures political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations).

In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the institution is responsible for:

The quality of medical care provided to citizens, its compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements and established professional standards, as well as the proper performance of the functions related to the subject of the Institution;

Life and health of patients during the provision of medical care in the Institution;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of patients and employees of the Institution;

Other illegal actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Location of the Institution: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk region, city of Kotlas, Vychegodsky village, Lenin street, 17. The institution receives the right to carry out medical activities and benefits provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation from the date of issuance of a license.

The institution independently carries out its activities within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter. The institution builds its relations with other organizations and citizens in all areas of activity on the basis of contracts. In its activities, the Institution takes into account the interests of the consumer, ensures the quality of products (works, services).

The institution has the right in accordance with the established procedure:

provide paid medical services to the population in accordance with the rules for the provision of paid medical services to the population, approved by the Founder;

conclude contracts with organizations and individuals for the provision of products (works and services) of the Institution, as well as make other transactions necessary to achieve the main goals of the Institution's activities, provided for by this Charter;

acquire or rent property in the course of its activities at the expense of its financial resources, temporary financial assistance and loans and credits received for these purposes, in agreement with the Founder;

carry out foreign economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

plan their activities and determine development prospects in agreement with the Founder, as well as based on consumer demand for products (works and services) of the Institution and concluded contracts.

The institution is required to:

submit to the Founder the necessary cost estimate and financial documentation in full of the approved forms and for all types of activities of the Institution;

compensate for the damage caused by the irrational use of land and other natural resources, pollution environment, violation of production safety rules, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for protecting the health of workers, the public and consumers of products (works, services) of the Institution;

provide for your employees safe conditions labor;

be responsible for the safety of the property and documents available on the balance sheet (management, financial and economic, personnel, etc.);

ensure the transfer for state storage of documents of scientific and historical significance to archival funds in accordance with the list of documents agreed by the Founder;

store and use in the prescribed manner documents on personnel;

The property of the Institution consists of fixed and current assets, material values, the cost of which is reflected in the independent balance sheet.

The sources of formation of property and financial resources of the Institution are:

own funds of the Founder;

property transferred by the Founder to the Institution;

funds of patients for the provision of additional paid medical services;

voluntary donations of individuals and legal entities;

income received from the sale of products (works, services) of the Institution, as well as from other types of permitted entrepreneurial activity carried out by the Institution independently;

other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The activities of the Institution are financed by the Founder in accordance with the agreement concluded between the Founder and the Institution.

Financing of the Institution is carried out on the basis of standards determined per patient, taking into account the type, type and category of the Institution and the medical programs it implements. The attraction of additional funds by the Institution does not entail a reduction in the standards and (or) the absolute amount of its financing from the budget of the Founder. The institution manages the available funds in accordance with the cost estimate approved by the Founder. The institution is responsible for its obligations with the funds at its disposal. If the Institution has insufficient funds, the Founder shall be liable for its obligations in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Institution has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities and dispose of the income from this activity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and internal documents of the Founder.

Incomes received as a result of entrepreneurial activity are used in accordance with the main objectives of the Institution's activities, determined by this Charter, and are accounted for on a separate balance sheet. The institution keeps separate records of income and expenses from entrepreneurial activity. The Institution is not entitled to conclude transactions without the consent of the Founder, possible consequences which is the alienation of the fixed assets of the Institution in favor of third parties, as well as other transactions, the completion of which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal documents of the Founder.

The institution carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting of the results of economic activity, maintains statistical and financial statements, reports on the results of activities in the manner and terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Officials of the Institution shall bear disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for misrepresentation of reporting.

Control and audit of the activities of the Institution is carried out by Russian Railways, as well as tax and other authorities (within their competence), which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the verification of the activities of non-state healthcare institutions.

As part of the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC" Russian Railways "2 polyclinics, a dental department, 2 health centers and a first-aid post of the station at the station Kotlas - Yuzhny.

The structure of production management is the subordination of managerial relations between the control and managed subsystems of the control system. It is characterized by the composition and information relationships of independent units or individual performers located in sequential subordination and endowed with definitions of rights and obligations.

When forming organizational structures, the main attention is paid to giving them dynamism so that they can adapt to a constant internal environment. NHI "Departmental polyclinic of JSC "Russian Railways" has a linear management structure (Appendix A).

With a linear structure, the production link at the frontal level is headed by a leader - a one-man boss who performs all management functions and reports to a higher boss on all issues. This is how the subordination of managers of various levels along the vertical (line) develops, which simultaneously carry out administrative and functional management.

The structure of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic of Russian Railways" has a number of advantages, which allows you to quickly and efficiently manage. It is the simplest: it has only one boss. This contributes to clear and efficient management, increasing the responsibility of the manager for the efficiency of the work of the link he leads.

In fact, at the end of 2009, the number of employees at the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" amounted to 216 people. Including men 29 people, which is 13.4%, women 187 people - 86.6%, the data is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows that in this institution the medical staff of 175 people in the specific weight is 81.02% , management personnel 41 people - 18.98%.

The structure of the management apparatus of the institution - NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" includes: Chief Physician; Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs; Deputy chief physician for clinical and expert work; Deputy chief physician for the administrative and economic part; Deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work; Chief Nurse; Chief Accountant.

Figure 1 - Gender composition of the enterprise's employees

Figure 2 - Staff of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic"

Schematically, the structure of the staff of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" can be represented in the form of Figure 3.

Figure 3 - The structure of the staff of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic"

Of the medical staff of the institution, doctors are 36 people, which in the specific weight is 16.67%. Including women 25 people - 11.57%. The average medical staff is 106 people, which is 49.07% in the specific weight. Junior medical personnel represent 43 people - 19.91%. Management staff - 31 people, which is 14.35%. The structure corresponds to staffing. The average age of employees of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" by category is:

The control apparatus is 43 years old.

Doctors - 37 years old.

Nursing staff - 35 years.

Junior medical staff - 34 years.

Other personnel - 33 years.

Figure 4 - The average age of the staff of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic"

As can be seen from the analysis of the age of the staff of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic", all employees fit the category of 35-45 years old, and this suggests that the staff of the polyclinic is of middle age and will not retire for a long time and will continue to work.

35 people employed in the institution have higher education, which is 17.59% of the total number of employees. Of them:

Medical 16.58%

Non-medical 1.01%

111 people - secondary specialized education. Of them:

Medical 48.24%

Non-medical 7.54%

The number of staff in the organization in 2005 increased by 9 people, this is due to the expansion and re-staffing, in connection with the expansion of the bed fund:

Nursing staff +4 people;

Junior medical staff +4 people;

Management staff + 1 person.

In 2006, the number of employees decreased by 6 people. There was a reduction in the staff of junior medical and other personnel, the staffing of the staff of doctors:

Doctors - 1 person;

Nursing staff - 6 people, including maternity leave 3 people, retirement 3 people

Other staff - 1 person, incl. dismissal for own will 1 person.

In 2009, the number decreased by 8 people, this is due to the reduction in the staff of junior medical and other personnel. Including: retirement of 2 people, voluntary dismissal of 6 people (dissatisfaction with wages). In the course of assessing the existing system of advanced training, it was possible to find out that there are both advantages and disadvantages in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" on this issue.


The staffing level for the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" for 2009 is 96.3%.

55.78% of specialists have secondary specialized education, and 17.59% have higher education, which indicates the high potential of the organization, the possibility of further increasing competitiveness in this industry.


The average age of staff indicates their obsolescence, which is not uncommon in healthcare facilities, but the rule.

Out of 216 people (100%), only 24 employees (11%) improved their skills in 2009.

The issues of training and advanced training of employees of the NHI "Divisional Polyclinic" are dealt with by the chief physician of the NHI "Divisional Polyclinic", the head of the medical unit, the chief nurse of the hospital. According to the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialists of higher and middle medical level must improve their qualifications at least once every five years.

Training of managers and specialists is carried out according to differentiated programs. A year in advance, a plan-application for advanced training is drawn up for top-level specialists to the heads of the medical unit, middle-level chief nurses. Plan-application for advanced training of secondary medical workers for the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" for 2009 is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Plan-application for advanced training of paramedical workers in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic" for 2009

Name of specialty Theme of the cycle Job title Type of training Number of people
nursing Infection Nursing Ward Nurse of the Infectious Diseases Department improvement 1 person - 1 semester
Nursing in Pediatrics Nursing care for children Ward nurse of the children's department. improvement 2 people – 1 half year, 1 person. – II half year
Organization of nursing Management and economics in health care. Modern aspects of management, health economics Senior nurse of the therapeutic department improvement 1 person – 1 semester
Medical massage massage nurse Specialization 1 person – II half year
Medical business Rural Health Paramedic FAP improvement 4 people – II half year

Similarly, a plan-application is drawn up for top-level specialists. Applications are sent to the Ministry of Health, where study permits come from. The staff is trained on them. Tuition is paid by the Ministry of Health, except for travel expenses paid by the institution. Travel expenses include: the cost of travel to and from the educational institution; the cost of living in a hostel. During the training, the employee is charged the average monthly salary.

In medicine, there are several categories of professional qualifications: II, I, higher. The experience in one place required to obtain the II category must be at least 3 years, the 1st category - at least 5 years, the highest category - at least eight years.

An employee undergoes training, computer control, writes a paper in his specialty and passes an attestation conducted by a commission appointed by the Ministry of Health. It gives an opinion on the assignment or not assignment of a category and the issuance of a certificate of professional qualification.

The data in Table 3 indicate that there is an annual increase in workers undergoing vocational training, both at the top and middle levels. The leadership of the organization is also trained.

Table 3 - Report on the professional training of employees of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" for 2007-2009

Year 2007 2008 2009
Name Total Leaders Specialists Total Leaders Specialists Total Leaders Specialists
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Improved qualification 14 (7%) 1 13 31 (14%) 0 31 24 (9%) 1 23
Including: in institutes for advanced training 4 1 3 7 0 7 6 1 5
On advanced training courses 10 0 10 24 0 24 18 0 18
For individual professions:
Chief Physician 1 0 0
Deputy chief physician 0 0 1
Therapist 1 1 1
Psychiatrist 1 0 0
Neurologist 0 1 0
Infectionist 0 1 0
Gynecologist 1 1 0
Otolaryngologist 0 0 1
Pediatrician 0 1 1
Radiologist 0 0 1
Surgeon 0 1 1
Paramedic 0 2 1
Midwife 0 2 1
laboratory assistant 2 0 0
Honey. sister 8 20 15

Table 4 provides a report on qualifying line-up employees of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" for 2007-2009, (persons), but this is not enough for the operation of the enterprise.

In 2007.

In 2008.

In 2009.

Figure 5 - Assessment of the level of staff development for 2007-2009.

According to Table 3 and Figure 5, it can be concluded that both doctors and paramedical personnel of the organization receive or improve their category, the number of medical employees with II, I qualification category, employees with a certificate of conformity increases annually.

Table 4 - Report on the qualification composition of employees of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" for 2007-2009 (pers.)

Year, category 2007 2008 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Link II cat. I cat. Higher Cert. II cat. I cat. Higher Cert. II cat. I cat. Higher Cert.
Doctors 2 6 2 10 3 7 2 19 2 9 2 22
Avg. honey. staff 33 24 - 46 37 26 - 62 42 27 - 85

In 2007, 20 doctors and 103 paramedical personnel improved their qualifications. In 2008, 31 doctors and 125 nurses improved their qualifications. In 2009, 35 doctors and 154 paramedical personnel improved their qualifications. This suggests that in 2007-2009 there was an increase in the qualifications of staff in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic".

Upon receipt or confirmation of the category, the professional competence of employees and their wages increase. In addition to advanced training courses in the hospital, technical studies are held monthly in each unit with the invitation of specialists from different fields. General hospital lines, meetings, conferences dedicated to educational events or solving production issues are held. The content of the work of all activities is linked to the requirements of production. Training activities are focused on helping to solve production problems. The central place in training activities is given to the consolidation or expansion of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as the development of motivation of employees of the institution.

In order to analyze in detail the motivation of the staff of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic", a questionnaire was developed and proposed (Appendix B), which includes 10 items. This is necessary in order to understand how training will affect the motivation of employees and whether advanced training can affect the work of the entire enterprise. How employees themselves evaluate the various characteristics of their work. The questionnaire was offered to all departments of the organization, and it was necessary to arrange the questionnaire items in the order in which each employee considers it more significant for himself. The following results are obtained. Out of 100 surveyed, 38 employees put the article in the first place - good earnings, 18 - results-related pay, 12 - good chances of promotion. This suggests that the leading place in the motivation of employees of various positions of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" is the assessment of the results and remuneration of employees. Basically, the motivation of the employees of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" consists of such groups of motives associated with public recognition of the fruitfulness of labor activity, the degree of internal satisfaction with their work.

Table 5 - Motivation of employees of the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic"

The motives for obtaining material benefits are a weak group of labor motives, with the transition to new economic conditions, the motivating functions of wages should change. The planning of funds for the remuneration of the staff of the institution cannot be just a settlement procedure, as it has been and continues to be at present in most medical institutions.

Currently, various methods of economic management are being developed and implemented. One of these methods is material incentives for medical workers through the introduction of a system of differentiated wages depending on the volume and quality of medical care. At the same time, it is necessary to revise the usual approaches to the number of medical personnel, developed 25 years ago. It is necessary to switch to economic methods of planning the number of medical personnel, thereby strengthening and motivating aspects of work.

The reserve for improving the financial situation of employees of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic", stimulating their motivation is the targeted use of funds received from extrabudgetary sources, intended to increase employees' wages, bonuses and other bonus payments and going to cover the lack of budgetary funds, which negatively affects motivation personnel. Funds received in table 5 from extrabudgetary sources make up the smallest share of total funding. Now let's look at how the advanced training of managerial personnel is going on at the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways". A promotion is a great way to recognize outstanding performance. Personnel development management technologies include the following: business evaluation and certification of personnel; business career management; personnel reserve management; staff training and others. Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of managerial personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace. Based on the degree of indicated compliance, the following main tasks are solved in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways":

establishing the functional role of the assessed employee;

development of a development program for a new or working specialist;

determination of ways of external and internal motivation of the employee.

Table 6 - Classification of factors taken into account when evaluating labor in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

Factors The content of the factors
natural biological Sex, age, state of health, mental abilities, physical abilities, climate, etc.
Socio-economic The state of the economy government requirements, restrictions and laws in the field of labor and wages, employee qualifications, labor motivation, standard of living, etc.
Technical and organizational The nature of the tasks to be solved, the complexity of labor, the state of the organization of production and labor, working conditions, the volume and quality of the information received, etc.
Socio-psychological Attitude to work, the psychophysiological state of the employee, the moral climate in the team, etc.
Market Development of the economy, development of entrepreneurship, level and volume of privatization, corporatization of organizations, competition, inflation, unemployment, etc.

Collection and generalization of preliminary information on the employee.

Preparing the head of the organization for an assessment conversation and conducting an assessment conversation with assessed employees.

Formation by the head expert opinion based on the results of a business assessment and its presentation to the expert commission.

Adoption of decisions by the expert commission on the merits of the proposals contained in the expert opinions.

Figure 6 - The system for a comprehensive assessment of management personnel in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

Evaluation of labor results is one of the functions of personnel management in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, aimed at determining the level of work performance efficiency. It is an integral part of the business assessment of managerial personnel, along with an assessment of their professional behavior and personal qualities, and consists in determining the compliance of the employee's work results with the goals and planned indicators.

In connection with the division of managerial labor, the result of the work of the manager is expressed through the results of the implementation of the plan, as well as through the socio-economic conditions of work of employees subordinate to him (the level of wages, staff motivation). The result of the work of specialists is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality, timeliness of the performance of their assigned duties. Table 7 provides a list of quantitative indicators for assessing labor productivity.

Table 7 - List of indicators for evaluating the results of work in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

Job title List of indicators for evaluating the results of labor
1 2
Head (chief doctor) Profit, its growth, capital turnover.
Line managers (Deputy chief physician) Fulfillment of planned targets in terms of volume and range, dynamics of production volume, dynamics of labor productivity, staff turnover rate, reduction of production costs.
Chief Accountant Profit, turnover of working capital, the level of excess stocks of working capital
Human Resources Department The staff turnover rate and its dynamics, the number of vacancies, the number of applicants for one vacancy, indicators for training and advanced training of personnel

Along with direct quantitative indicators, the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk station of Russian Railways" uses indirect factors that affect the achievement of results.

These include: efficiency of work, tension, intensity, complexity, quality of work, etc. They characterize the activity of the employee according to criteria corresponding to ideal ideas about how to perform official duties and functions that form the basis of this position, and what qualities should be shown.

Personnel assessment in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” is carried out to determine the compliance of an employee with a vacant or occupied workplace (position) and is performed using personnel certification.

Certification of personnel is a kind of comprehensive assessment that takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee to the final result. Certification, as a procedure for evaluating managerial personnel, also exists in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” from the day it was founded and is aimed at evaluating employees according to a number of criteria. Main criteria: fulfillment of functional duties, achieved results of activity, personal qualities (discipline, independence, skill, communication skills, responsibility, etc.).

Certification is a form of comprehensive assessment of personnel, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of an employee. The main tasks of certification of employees:

personnel development and strengthening of labor motivation;

determining the suitability of the employee for the position held;

identifying the prospects for his career growth, stimulating the improvement of his professional competence;

formation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to managerial positions, the possibility of planning career growth;

determination of the need for advanced training, professional training or retraining.

The certification process at the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” is divided into 4 main stages.

At the preparatory stage, an order is issued for certification and approval of the composition attestation commission. A regulation on certification is being developed; a list of employees subject to certification is compiled; reviews-characteristics (assessment sheets) and attestation sheets for those being certified are prepared; the team is informed about the timing, goals, features and procedure for certification. Certification is carried out on the basis of schedules that are brought to the attention of the certified at least one month before the start of certification, and the documents for the certified are submitted to the certification commission two weeks before the start of certification.

At the stage of assessing the employee and his work activity, an expert group is created. It consists of: the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, 1-2 specialists of this unit, an employee of the personnel service. The expert group evaluates the indicators of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, quality and results of the work of the person being certified.

The stage of attestation consists in a meeting of the attestation commission, to which the attestees and their immediate supervisors are invited; consideration of all materials submitted for certification; hearing attested and their leaders; discussion of certification materials, statements of invitees, formation of conclusions and recommendations on certification of employees.

Evaluation of the activities of the employee who has passed the certification, and the recommendations of the commission are entered in the evaluation fox. The sheet for assessing activities and personal qualities is filled in by the head of the person being certified and a representative of the personnel service. The meeting of the attestation commission is documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission.

The next stage is decision-making based on the results of certification, where a conclusion is formulated taking into account:

conclusions and proposals set out in the review of the head;

assessments of business, personal and other qualities of the certified person and their compliance with the requirements of the workplace;

assessments of the activity of the person being certified, the growth of his qualifications;

the opinions of each member of the commission expressed during the discussion of the activities of the person being certified;

comparing the materials of the previous certification with the data at the time of certification and the nature of data changes;

opinions of the most certified about his work, about the realization of his potential.

Particular attention in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” is drawn to the observance of labor discipline by those being certified. The attestation commission gives recommendations on the promotion of the attested person to a higher position, encouragement for progress made, increase in wages, transfer to another job, release from office, etc.

The overall resulting assessment of the attestation carried out in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways" in June 2008 is as follows.

30 people passed certification, of which:

certified - 26 people;

certified with the condition of eliminating deficiencies -2 people;

not certified - 2 people;

enrolled in the reserve for promotion - 7 people;

aimed at advanced training, retraining - 4 people.

The results of the certification allow the management of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways" to evaluate in general personnel potential employees for the formation and implementation of a targeted personnel policy.

In addition to the method of direct quantification a questionnaire survey was used to analyze the attestation procedure. It includes 8 questions reflecting the practical aspects of the technology being carried out. (Appendix B) The results are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 - Results of a questionnaire survey in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

Question Expert No. 1 Expert #2 Expert #3 Expert #4 Expert #5
Question #1 B B B B B
Question #2 A,B B A A,B B
Question #3 A A A A A
Question #4 A,B,C A,C A,C A,B,C A,B,C
Question #5 A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D
Question #6 C C C C C
Question #7 E E E E E
Question #8 A B B A B
Experience (years) 20 19 25 3,5 2

Figure 7 - The ratio of the criteria for evaluating the certification procedure in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways"

As it was possible to find out during the certification, the head doctor of the NHI “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” informs about the certification, which was confirmed by all employees. According to the established regulations, information must be communicated to the certified at least one month in advance. The relationship between the attestation commission and employees was carried out in a favorable team, and the members of the attestation commission were friendly and clearly explained the essence of the certification, answered all questions. The answers to the next question vary, which is confusing. When studying the attestation process, 100% of employees believe that specific knowledge specific to your position and knowledge are being evaluated, while 60% of employees noted corporate values, and 40% considered that such questions were not in the appraisal sheet. Informing about the goals, objectives, timing, form and place of the certification was indicated by 100% of the employees of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways".

But the attestation commission did not explain its necessity and did not familiarize with attestation. When studying the goals of certification, employees indicated material or non-material incentives, although certification provides for promotion or demotion, dismissal, and transfer to another department, and checking the level of knowledge. Based on this, the employees are not familiar with the functions of the procedure, since they were not provided with the Attestation Regulations. 60% of employees believe that certification involves motivating an employee to improve his production behavior, revealing his production (personal and professional) potential, and 40% - it is necessary to tell the employee what he does at work well and what is bad. Questionnaire results imply that test takers do not see strategic goal certification and its precise functions. This is due to the inefficient work of the attestation commission, which did not convey to the employees the essence of the attestation procedure.

certification of managerial personnel is a comprehensive assessment that takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee, and is carried out by the certification commission.

lack of planning and control business career workers.

no formation takes place personnel reserve.

Therefore, it became necessary to propose recommendations for improving the system of staff development in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, and this will increase the efficiency of the polyclinic.

The highly productive work of the organization depends not only on the quality of the staff of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways", but also on the management of its current and potential professional opportunities, professional experience. In an organization, it is important not only to know who can do what and who is capable of what, but also to make sure that the talent and professional qualities of a person are noticed and demanded in time.

Business career - the progressive advancement of a person in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, fame, enrichment. In the process of implementing a career, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves the following main tasks:

achievement of the relationship between the goal of the activities of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways" and an individual employee;

ensuring career planning for a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs;

ensuring the openness of the career management process;

elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

studying the career potential of employees;

providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

For NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk JSC" Russian Railways "priority should be a typical and stable form of individual career strategy. This can be achieved if there is a system and mechanism for managing the career of personnel. They are designed to ensure and determine the determination of the career of personnel solely by the level of professionalism, personal qualities and performance results.

Planning and control of a business career should consist in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

The presence of a well-thought-out and scientifically substantiated job structure of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk station of JSC Russian Railways" is a necessary condition and the most important factor implementation of career management technology. They set a formal career space in which the official status of an employee changes, the need for the necessary professions and specialties is formed, and the professional experience and abilities of the staff are accumulated. In order to effectively manage personnel, the role of the personnel service of the NHI “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” should be changed, first of all, its status should be upgraded. Efficient Management business career has a positive effect on the results of the polyclinic, which is clearly shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - The impact of optimizing a business career on the results of the work of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

The career management system at the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of Russian Railways” should ensure the formation of the most optimal typical career movement schemes, their openness for familiarization, promotion conditions, material and moral rewards.

In addition, it is recommended to provide for the personal responsibility of the personnel department in the career management system for creating and maintaining the impeccable reputation of the organization and the overall authority of the enterprise in case of violation of established procedures and career management rules. Thus, an important condition for personnel career management should be the availability of trained personnel specialists who would be perfectly aware of the content of this personnel technology. The main efforts in personnel policy should be focused on creating a well-prepared reserve of candidates for the positions of heads of the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways" in a short time to master a new area of ​​work and ensure an effective solution to their production tasks. At the same time, the emphasis should be placed on creating a reserve not of “generally” trained candidates, but on leaders of a certain type and level of management, taking into account new approaches to organizing work.

The presence of a personnel reserve in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways" will allow in advance (according to a practically justified program) to prepare candidates for newly created and to be replaced vacant positions, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, rationally use them for various directions and levels in the management system.

In terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, the reserve of managerial personnel should correspond to the current organizational and staff structures of the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, taking into account the prospects for their development. The reserve is created for all, without exception, the positions of managers exercising management functions at a specific level.

The training of the personnel reserve of the NHI “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” is a living organizational work, the essence of which should be a serious study of people, their education, timely promotion to such work where they can best prove themselves. In order to improve the efficiency of training of specialists included in the personnel reserve of the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, it is advisable to draw up individual training plans. These plans should include activities carried out as part of the training and advanced training of a candidate listed in the reserve lists. At the same time, the types, forms, terms and specialization of training are clearly defined. An internship should become an effective form of training the personnel reserve. It will allow to consolidate in practice professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical training, studying best practices, and acquiring professional skills.

It would be expedient to develop a system for organizing and conducting internships, to clearly define the timing and place of their conduct. Regular internships involve solving issues of a methodological, organizational and material nature. It is necessary to develop the necessary regulatory documents, create material prerequisites for the formation and development of the institution of internships.

Publicity and collegiality play an important role in managing the process of formation and use of the personnel reserve of the NHI “Departmental polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk station of JSC Russian Railways”. It is advisable to announce the lists of candidates for the reserve, creating an opportunity for each employee to express their comments and suggestions on candidates.

In this case, it is necessary to have feedback, i.e. taking into account the opinions of candidates for the reserve contributes to further strengthening and development, it is necessary to take into account the reserve coefficient - the number of candidates included in the reserve per each position. This should be determined based on the specific conditions and capabilities of the enterprise. At the same time, it is advisable to have at least two or three candidates for each managerial position, regardless of the quality of the work of the leader working in it. It is necessary, when forming and using the personnel reserve of the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, to make two factors manageable: the time spent in the reserve and appointment to the position. Moreover, work with candidates nominated for the reserve should be carried out individually, taking into account the personal capabilities and professional abilities of a person.

Thus, all this indicates that a clear regulation of the total period of stay in the reserve for each individual candidate is needed. To improve the efficiency of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk JSC" Russian Railways "the author of the diploma project developed a plan of organizational and technical measures to improve work with the personnel of the enterprise for 2010-2011, which is presented in table 9.

Table 9 - Plan of organizational and technical measures for advanced training in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic"

Chapter Event content Main results
1 2 3
Improvement of the organizational structure. Optimization of the number of personnel, vertical and horizontal communications.

New rational organizational structure of management.

New staffing.

Personnel selection system.

Determining the need for staff.

Development of criteria for personnel selection.

Development of selection procedures.

Regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions.

Questionnaire form for obtaining primary information about candidates.

Selection methods, work registration forms (magazines, forms), control.

Adaptation of workers.

Preparation of rules of conduct containing information about the clinic, standards and culture of behavior.

The program of introducing employees to the organization.

Recruitment program.

Regulations on the procedure and organization of work on the adaptation of newcomers who entered the work of the polyclinic.

Training Development of training programs for newcomers, managers, permanent staff, reserve for promotion

Plans and programs of training in areas (number, terms, types of training, payment, etc.).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

Evaluation of the performance of personnel.

Development of worker performance standards.

Development of procedures for attestation and evaluation of personnel.

Analysis of the implementation of standards.

Regulations on certification.

Forms and blanks for attestation.

Forms of individual reports.

Incentive system

Conducting job related surveys.

Development of the Regulations on bonuses.

Establishment of an economic stimulus fund.

The results of the polls.

Forms of moral stimulation.

Forms, methods for evaluating indicators for material incentives.

Fund of planned and one-time bonuses for personnel.

Increasing cooperation.

The practice of solemn rewarding of distinguished employees.

Celebration of significant dates.

Plans for celebrations.

Information materials about the results of the work.

At present, personnel technologies for assessing, selecting, recruiting, and testing personnel should have the greatest opportunity to use computer tools and automation.

Sufficient computer and software should receive all kinds of tests that contribute to the assessment of the professionalism of the staff.

Based on the previous analysis, it can be argued that the main problems of improving the efficiency of the personnel service and ensuring the quality of the staff of the polyclinic are the following (in accordance with table 10):

Table 10 - Measures to improve the skills of personnel in the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC "Russian Railways"

Problem Solutions
Reducing the role of the personnel service Redefining the organizational status, role, authority and responsibility of the personnel service within the organization
Low organizational and regulatory support for the activities of the personnel service

Development of standard forms of documents (orders, contracts, schedules, questionnaires, certificates, etc.).

Development of regulations on departments and job descriptions, work regulations

Lack of instruments of responsibility and control in relation to personnel decisions

Establishment of the Personnel Policy Council

Development of organizational and economic measures for working with personnel

Preparation and conduct of certification

Lack of organizational support for personnel policy

Approval of work plans

Development of a methodology for analyzing the personnel situation

Imperfect and unsatisfactory recruitment and selection system

Creation of professional and psychological job models

Selection of methods of professional psychological diagnostics by groups of positions

Formation of an information database on graduates of educational institutions

Implementation of career monitoring of graduates

Low quality of professional training and advanced training

Preparation and implementation of training activities

Holding distance learning

Development of educational programs for self-training of employees

Combining internships and seminars into a single process of professional development

Creation of a database of educational institutions for training and advanced training

Development and placement in educational institutions of orders for training

Monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of retraining and advanced training

Inefficient system of labor incentives and social and legal protection of workers

Analysis of individual labor costs and their impact on incentive results

Conducting a survey to identify attitudes towards the incentive system

Improving the wage system

Unsatisfactory work with reserve, career planning

Holding open competition to reserve

Development of a reserve preparation system

Organization of training and internships of the reserve

Preparation of career plans based on the replacement of positions of employees retiring

From table 10 it can be seen that the proposed activities will contribute to the improvement of the qualifications of personnel in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways".

Now we will calculate the economic efficiency of the system of professional training (staff training) in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways".

There are two methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of professional training systems, which are,

firstly, in determining the ratio of the integral socio-economic effect, expressed in cost form, obtained as a result of the implementation of the learning process to the total amount of costs that caused this effect;

secondly, in commensuration of the final result obtained, which is formed when solving the problems of professional training of personnel, with the task or goal previously set by the management of the enterprise.

In the case of applying the first of these approaches, the assessment of socio-economic efficiency (Table 11) of the functioning of the vocational education system will express the level of labor and resource costs per unit of the effect obtained.

Table 11 - Socio-economic efficiency of the project

This form of performance evaluation characterizes the measure of return or the measure of effectiveness, expressed as the effect obtained from each unit of costs incurred in the learning process. Estimating the cost of training usually does not cause much difficulty.

The effectiveness of the activity under the considered change largely depends on the correctness of its implementation. As a result, certification can bring the enterprise to a new stage of activity with reserves for development and improvement.

The classic way to evaluate the effectiveness of training today is the model proposed by Donald Kirkpatrick, which consists of four levels:

1 - assessment of the reaction of trainees;

2 - assessment of the level of knowledge;

3 - assessment of behavior in the workplace;

4 - assessment of the impact on the results of work.

Let us dwell on the last level and highlight the most important indicators that testify to the positive impact of training on the final performance of personnel in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”:

Improving labor efficiency;

Rapid dissemination of knowledge;

Consistency of knowledge of the staff, in particular, a common understanding of the main issues that arise from customers;

Determination of personnel competence profiles and the possibility of certification (reduction of costs from the work of incompetent employees).

Of course, the easiest to analyze is the indicator of "labor efficiency".

The cost of one course at the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways" is 6,000 rubles. for full-time education (duration - 16 hours) and 360 rubles. - with remote control (8 hours). Such a big difference arises for obvious reasons: the price of a full-time course includes the salary of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, the cost of preparing the premises, etc. The salary of such a specialist is about 170 rubles per hour. You can calculate the cost of training this employee using the formula:

So \u003d R x n + 5k,

where So is the cost of education;

R - salary of a specialist (rubles/hour);

n - volume of the course (number of hours);

5k - the cost of the course.

Consequently, the total cost of the company for training one such specialist is 8720 rubles. with full-time education and 1720 rubles. for distance learning:

(170 x 16 + 6000) = 8720 rubles

(170 x 8 + 360) = 1720 rubles.

At the end of the course, the work that used to take 31 hours, the specialist, using the acquired knowledge and teaching aids, completes in 22 hours. Due to this, the company saves 1530 rubles. per week, and for three months - 19,890 rubles.

31 x 170 = 5270 rubles

22 x 170 = 3740 rubles

5270-3740 = 1530 rubles

Due to this, the company saves 1530 rubles. per week, and for three months (13 weeks) - 19,890 rubles.

1530 x 13 = 19890 rubles

Thus, we obtain all the necessary data to determine both the amount of return on investment (Return Of Investment, ROI) and the return period. The calculation formulas are simple:

Full-time return period = (100% x 65 days) : 128.1 = 50 days.

Return period for distance learning = (100% x 65 days) : 1056.3 = 6.2 days.

As a result, we find out that with full-time training, ROI is 128.1%, with distance learning - 1056.3%; the return period in the first case is 50 days, in the second - 6.2 days.

In this case, such a high percentage of ROI in the case of distance learning is fully justified: such an indicator is not supernatural for effective e-learning projects at the Departmental Polyclinic. Thus, the staff is considered the core of any organization and it is necessary to contribute to the development of positive performance of each individual employee.

The first and very important step in creating an optimal personnel management system at an enterprise is advanced training - this is training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with increased requirements for the profession or promotion. As it turned out during the writing of the graduation project, it turned out that the process of personnel training has the following goals: improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of products or services, carrying out organizational changes, developing personnel, improving the communication system in the organization, forming organizational culture, increasing the level of loyalty to the organization.

The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. The employer conducts vocational training, retraining, advanced training of employees, teaching them second professions in the organization, and, if necessary, in educational institutions of primary, secondary, higher and additional education on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract. Planning for the development of personnel qualifications allows you to use your own labor reserves with at the same time a higher degree of success than the search for new personnel could provide; on the other hand, it gives an individual employee an optimal chance for self-realization.

In the graduation project, theoretical developments in the field of personnel development system are presented and used. A brief description of the NHI "Departmental polyclinic" is given.

In the course of the analysis of the system of advanced training of personnel in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, it turned out that at this enterprise:

Certification of management personnel is a comprehensive assessment that takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee, and is carried out by the certification commission.

There is no planning and control of the business career of employees.

There is no formation of a personnel reserve.

Therefore, it became necessary to propose recommendations for improving the system of staff development in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”, and this will increase the efficiency of the polyclinic. As it turned out, in the NHI "Departmental Polyclinic" it is necessary to carry out staff development. For the NHI "Departmental polyclinic at the station Solvychegodsk of JSC" Russian Railways ", the priority should be a typical and sustainable form of an individual career strategy. This can be achieved if there is a system and mechanism for managing the career of personnel. They are designed to ensure and determine the determination of the career of personnel solely by the level of professionalism, personal qualities and performance results. An important condition for personnel career management should be the availability of trained personnel specialists who would be perfectly aware of the content of this personnel technology.

The presence of a personnel reserve in the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways” will make it possible to prepare candidates for newly created and vacant positions to be filled, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, and rationally use them in various directions and levels in the management system.

Automation of personnel processes and personnel technologies in the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways" will allow:

ensure prompt receipt of objective information on the state and development trends of business and personal characteristics of the personnel of the National Healthcare Institution “Departmental Polyclinic at the Solvychegodsk Station of JSC Russian Railways”;

timely develop and adopt the necessary management decisions in the practice of working with personnel;

determine and apply personnel technologies adequate to the state of personnel processes that will lead to the required result of the enterprise.

1. Arseniev Yu.N. Organizational Behavior: Proc. allowance for universities. /. Arseniev Yu.N., S.I. Shelobaev, T.Yu. Davydova. - M .: UNITI - DANA, 2005. - 399 p.

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I., Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: "Gardariki", 2005. -528s.

3. Vesnin V. R. Personnel management: Tutorial./ V. R. Vesnin. – M.: TD Elit 2000, 2004. – 304 p.

4. Vesnin V. R. Management: Textbook - 3rd ed., Revised. and additional – M.: TK Velby, 2007. – 504 p.

5. Voronin A. G. and others. Fundamentals of municipal management: Proc. allowance. / A. G. Voronin and others - M .: Delo. 2005. - 128 p.

6. Gudushauri GV, Litvak BG Modern enterprise management. - M .: Association of authors and publishers "Tandem", publishing house EKMOS, 1998.- 336 p.

7. Business planning. (Methods. Organization. Modern practice): Proc. settlement / Ed. V.M. Popov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1997. - 415 p.

8. Paperwork in the personnel department / Comp. A.V. Verkhovtsev. -6th ed. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004.- 224 p.

9. Documents on the personnel of the enterprise / Comp. M.I. Basakov. - Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2002. -272 p.

10. Ivanov A. P. Management: Textbook. / A. P. Ivanov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Mikhailov V.A.. 2006. - 440 p.

11. Korotkov E. M. The concept of management / E. M. Korotkov. - M .: Publishing House of the Consulting Company "DeKA", 2004. - 363 p.

12. Kochetkova A.I. Fundamentals of personnel management, - M.: TEIS, 1999.- 88 p.

13. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Proc. Benefit / Under. Ed. P.V. Shemetova. – M.: INFRA – M; Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1999. -312 p.

14. Personnel management / V.R. Vesnin. – M.: T.D. "Elite -2000", 2000.- 304 p.

15. Management: Textbook for universities / M.M. Maksimtsov, A.V. Ignatieva, M.A. Komarov; Under the editorship of Maksimtsova, A.V. Ignatieva. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2001. - 239 p.

16. Milner BZ Organization Theory: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA - M, 2001. -328 p.

17. N.A. Litvintseva Selection and verification of personnel. M.: 1997.- 400 p.

18. Mazur I.I., Effective management / I.I. Mazur et al. - M.: Higher school, 2003. - 555 p.

20. Mardas A.N., Organizational management. / A. N. Marda. O. A. MARDAS - (series "Textbook for universities"). St. Petersburg: Peter., 2003. - 336 p.

21. Management: theory and practice in Russia: Textbook / Ed. A. G. Porshneva. - M.: ID FBK - Press, 2004. -528 p.

22. Meskon M. H., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management / M. H. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri / Per. from English. – M.: Delo, 2004. – 704 p.

23. Sociology and psychology of management. Textbook for universities / O. V. Romashov, L. O. Romashova. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2007. - 268-269 p.

24. Social management: textbook. allowance / Under. Ed. V. N. Ivanova. V. I. Patrushev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Higher school. 2007. - 271p.

25. Raizberg B.A., Fatkhutdinov R.A. Economic management. Textbook - M .: CJSC "Business School" Intel -Sintez ", 1999. - 784 p.

26. Roger Muers Effective management / Per. from English. Series "Marketing and Management in Russia and Abroad". - M.: Publishing house "Finpress", 1998. - 128 p.

27. Radugin A. A., Radugin K. A. Sociology: a course of lectures - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Center, 2005. - 61 p.

28. O. V. Romashov, Sociology and Psychology of Management / O. V. Romashov. L. O. Romashova. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2002. - 473 p.

29. Personnel management of the organization. Textbook / Under. Ed. AND I. Kibanova. – 2nd ed. , add. And a reworker. - M.: INFA - M, 2005. - 638 p.

30. Personnel management in modern organizations / Gerald Cole. - M .: Vershina LLC, 2004. -352 p.

31. Tsvetaev V.M. HR management: Textbook. - M .: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2004. - 160 p.

32. Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel management: Proc. Allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2001.- 446 p.

Questionnaire for determining the motivation of employees of the National Healthcare Institution "Departmental Polyclinic at Solvychegodsk Station"

Arrange the items in the questionnaire in the order in which you consider more significant for yourself.

1. Good chances of promotion

2. Good earnings

3. Performance related pay

4. Recognition and approval of a job well done

5. Work that makes you develop your abilities

6. Complex and difficult work

7. A job that allows you to think for yourself

8. High degree of responsibility

9. Interesting work

10. Work that requires creativity

Questionnaire for assessing the criteria for attestation

This study is carried out in order to identify problems in the organization of personnel certification. The information received from you and your opinion can have a significant impact on the development of recommendations for improving the organization of assessment and certification of personnel. Read the questions carefully and circle the numbers that apply to you. If the proposed options do not suit you, then write your answer on separate lines for this. Please answer sincerely and thoughtfully.

1). The questionnaire includes 7 evaluation criteria. You must rate each criterion on a 10-point scale using numbers from 1 to 10 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), where

1.2 or 3 points - this criterion is not used during the certification or it is very weak, according to this criterion a low score

4.5 or 6 points - for this criterion, the average score

7 or 8 points - during the certification, this criterion is really used and is at a fairly high level, according to this criterion, the score is above average

9 or 10 points - this criterion fully reflects the situation, the highest score

For example:

You think that the documentation support is slightly below average, then you can put 4 or 5 points, or you think that during the certification your knowledge is assessed at the highest level, then you can put 9 or 10 points, etc.

Table of assessment criteria for attestation

Criterion Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. assessment of the real results that the employee managed to achieve during the reporting period (certification gives you an idea of ​​​​the real results of your work) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. organization of certification (how satisfied are you with the work of the certification committee, the principles of certification (notification of deadlines, results) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. documentation support (availability and familiarity with the Regulations on certification, availability of certification and evaluation sheets) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. awareness of the expected results / understanding of the performance appraisal (to what extent the performance appraisal gives you an understanding that it will affect your (employee's) further development) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. analysis of the employee's self-assessment (during the certification, do you (the employee) analyze the activities for the reporting period, select the facts, think over the steps for your self-development) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6. assessment of skills and knowledge, due to this workplace, corporate values ​​(during the certification, how your skills and knowledge are assessed, for example, the quality and volume of work, discipline) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7. feedback (to what extent the post-certification interview influenced your motivation, revealed your potential, how clear and explained to you the assessment made by the certification committee) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2). The questionnaire includes 7 questions. Choose the answer that best suits you and circle it. It is possible to note 2-3 options.

1. How are you informed about the attestation?

The representative of the administration arrives and informs you about the certification

The representative of the administration arrives and informs the head about the certification, and then the head informs you

Posted a message about the certification on the board

Learn from friends in the administration

2. When are you informed about the attestation?

Six months before the start

One month before it starts

2 weeks before it starts

1 week before start

A few days before it starts


3. How is the relationship between you and the certification committee?

The members of the attestation commission were friendly and clearly explained the essence of the attestation, answered all questions

Members of the certification committee behaved with restraint and were reluctant to answer questions

You did not communicate with members of the certification committee


4. What was assessed during the certification process?

Specific knowledge specific to your position

Corporate values

Knowledge of laws and regulations


5. Prior to the start of the certification, you were informed about ... (Several options are possible)

On the goals, objectives of certification

About the timing of certification

About the form of certification

Appendix B continued

About the place of certification

About the need for certification (why is it needed)

About the Regulations on certification


6. Location of certification?

Office of the head of RONO

Your office

Office in administration

Conference hall in RONO


7. Why do you think certification is carried out? (Several options are possible)

Promote or demote, fire

Transfer to another department

material or spiritual encouragement

"For check"

Check the level of knowledge


8. The organization of certification in your department implies ... .

that it is necessary to tell the employee what he does at work well and what is bad (dot the "i")

motivation of an employee to improve his production behavior, disclosure of his production (personal and professional) potential


What's your gender _______________________

Your age____________________

Job title______________________

Work experience in the department _____________

GOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute for

qualifications of educators"

on the organization and introduction of an increase


educators based on

credit-modular (accumulative) system

L.I. Volkova., Vice-Rector for UMR SKIPKRO

L.I. Borishpol, manager methodical department, M.A. Neretina head of the educational department.

Under the general editorship

N.B. Pogrebova, cand. ped. Sciences, Rector of SKIPKRO

To solve the problems of continuous development of professionalism of teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education will allow the implementation of a credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training.

The normative documents proposed in the collection, a set of mandatory (invariant) and variable (specialized) modules, their software will expand the range of educational services for teachers of the region, create conditions for the combination of training modules for a long time, taking into account the requirements of innovative processes, the needs of course participants.

The materials of the collection can be used by employees of the IPK, municipal and school methodological services, teachers.


The legal basis of the credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training of educators in the region:

· Order of GOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators" dated 26. 12. 2008 No. 1179 o / d……………………… 5

Regulations on advanced training of educators on the basis of a credit-modular (accumulative) system for organizing the educational process of the State Educational Institution DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators"………………………………………………………… …………6-16


Exemplary invariant (basic) programs of modules……………..17-18

Exemplary variable (specialized) programs of modules ... 19-32

Approximate topics for creating a group trajectory of professional development……………………………………………………………………………..33-34

Application form for advanced training on a credit-modular (accumulative) system…………………………………………………………………….35

Approximate individual educational route for advanced training of an educator…………………………………………………..36-39

· Table of coordination of an individual educational route by implementation time……………………………………………………………………...40

Certification sheet……………………………………………………………….41-42


A draft modern model education, focused on solving the problems of innovative development of the economy.

In the project, considerable attention is paid to updating the system of advanced training of teaching staff. In this regard, an updated system of advanced training for managers and teachers is being developed in the Stavropol Territory, which meets the requirements of the modern model of education.

Today, the system of advanced training is expected to work aimed at translating the strategic tasks of modernizing education into concrete activities to fulfill these tasks and, first of all, to improve the quality of human resources.

Today, the main task of updating education is to achieve such a quality of education that would correspond to the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state in preparing a diversified personality of a citizen, capable of active social adaptation in society and independent life choice, to start working and continuing education, to self-education and self-improvement.

The reform of modern education makes new demands on teaching staff. A freely and actively thinking teacher, predicting the results of his activity and, accordingly, modeling the educational process, is the guarantor of solving the tasks set. Studies show that among the factors that negatively affect the effectiveness of education and reduce its quality, students and parents first of all name the lack of an individual approach to students (44.3% of respondents) and, secondly, the low level of teachers' professionalism (37.9%) . Thus, the teacher remains the main subject, called upon to solve the problems of the development of education. And it is he who is a resource for improving the quality of education.

In this regard, one of the most important tasks of modern education is to increase the professionalism of teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education, carried out, as a rule, in the system of additional professional education.

II. Regulatory framework for credit-modular (accumulative)

advanced training systems for educators in the region

GOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute

advanced training of educators”


On the introduction of a credit-modular system for advanced training of educators in the order of approbation

In accordance with the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory of June 25, 2008 "On the implementation of the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory of October 24, 2006 "Development of the system of training, advanced training and retraining of teaching staff in the conditions of modernization of education in the Stavropol Territory" "and the decision of the scientist Council of SCIPCRO dated December 26, 2008 (Minutes No. 9)


1. To introduce from 01.01.2009, as a test, a credit-modular system for advanced training of educators in the Budennovsky district and the city of Budennovsk, the Georgievsk district and the city of Georgievsk, the Kochubeevsky district and the city of Nevinnomyssk.

2. Approve by 30.01.2009 an action plan for the introduction and organizational support of a credit-modular system for advanced training of educators in these territories (Volkova L.I.).

3. Develop an agreement on the delimitation of powers of SKIPKRO and education authorities of municipal districts and urban districts in matters of introducing and testing a credit-modular system for advanced training of educators (Neretina M.A.).

4. The educational department (Neretina M.A.) to bring the order to the attention of the educational authorities, municipal districts and urban districts of the region.

5. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Rector of SKIPKRO N.B. Pogrebova

GOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute for Advanced Studies


I approve

Rector of SKIPKRO ___________ Pogrebova N.B.

Decision of the Scientific Council of SKIPKRO

dated "___" __________ 20__ Protocol No. _____


on advanced training of educators

based on the credit-modular system of the organization

educational process

GOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute

advanced training of educators”

1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training of education workers of the region (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the purpose, rules for constructing, the procedure for implementing educational programs for advanced training of managers, pedagogical and other categories of employees of educational institutions, forms of current and final control of educational results in within the framework of ongoing programs of advanced training courses, their staffing, as well as the procedure for issuing documents on the completion of course events, the interaction of the Stavropol Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators (hereinafter SKIPKRO), heads of education management bodies of administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the region, managers, teachers and other employees of educational institutions who improve their qualifications according to the credit-modular system (hereinafter referred to as students), in the organization of the educational process.

1.2. This Regulation was developed in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation and the Stavropol Territory "On Education", "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", Model Regulations on an educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 1995 No. 610, dated March 10, 2000, No. 213, regulations of regional authorities and administration, the Development Program and the Charter of SCIPCRO.

1.3. The regulation was developed in order to improve the efficiency of the system of advanced training of educators in the Stavropol Territory, taking into account the best European and Russian experience, and contributes to the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, deepening the practical and personality-oriented orientation of education.

1.4. The advanced training of educators on the basis of a credit-modular (accumulative) system is carried out by SKIPKRO in accordance with the existing license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of additional professional education.

1.5. The credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training of educators allows each student to independently design the process of advanced training from the proposed educational modules, taking into account their professional needs and choose the most appropriate time for its completion, creates conditions for the realization of opportunities for continuous education.

2. Purpose and objectives

2.1. The purpose of advanced training based on a credit-modular (accumulative) system is the development professional competencies necessary for the effective performance of professional activities in the context of the modernization of education, stimulating the process of continuous professional development and retraining of managerial and teaching staff.

2.2. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined:

Creation of conditions for the formation of professional competence, development and self-development of a manager, teacher, teacher, taking into account work experience, the degree of involvement in innovation processes, the desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities;

Increasing the level of training of managers, teachers and other categories teaching staff to the organization and conduct of productive educational activities based on the development of the most rational management and educational technologies, methods, techniques for teaching and educating various categories of students, developing the skills of pedagogical analysis of experimental research;

Providing support to employees of educational institutions in the development and introduction of a new generation of state educational standards, a unified state exam, the introduction of pre-school, pre-profile training and specialized training, in conducting experimental, grant activities;

Creation of monitoring the effectiveness of the learning process at all levels of advanced training of educators;

Promoting the popularization of relevant pedagogical experience in the implementation of the priority national project "Education", the implementation of targeted federal, regional and municipal programs for the development of education and upbringing.

3. The procedure for passing and organizing a credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training.

3.1. The credit-modular (accumulative) system includes:

The overall labor intensity of training courses, including classes in classrooms, trainings, tests and exams;

General character active participation of students in practical classes and in independent work.

The credit system has not only an accounting function, it is also an effective management tool.

Directions for using the credit system:

Accumulation of modules on credit;

Monitoring of accounting for advanced training;

Tool for evaluating teaching methods.

3.2. Training within the framework of the credit-modular (accumulative) system, it is carried out through training courses, internships, exchange of experience and self-education.

Advanced training is necessary when passing the next certification and when introducing innovative approaches to the education system of the Stavropol Territory.

Advanced training is carried out at the request of educational institutions and on individual requests.

The results of advanced training are taken into account when passing the certification of managers and teachers and during the accreditation of educational institutions.

Advanced training is carried out at the request of a teacher, but at least once every 5 years. During the course of advanced training, the employee retains the average monthly salary.

3.3. Priority when choosing training according to the credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training are used by:

Managerial and teaching staff - winners of the competitions of the priority national project "Education", "Teacher of the Year", "Leader in Education";

Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation;

Honorary workers of general, primary and secondary vocational education;

Educational workers with the highest qualification category, who showed high scores on the results of the Unified State Examination or prepared winners of regional, All-Russian Olympiads.

3.4. Chairs of SKIPKRO together with the methodological and educational departments, a list and content of training programs for advanced training modules for various categories of managers and teachers are being developed within the framework of a credit-modular (accumulative) system.

The education authorities, in turn, form an order for the advanced training of managers and teachers of their territory according to the credit-modular (accumulative) system, taking into account the qualifications and skills of teachers.

Orders from the territorial authorities of education SKIPKRO forms in May into a single plan-prospect of course events for managers and teachers of educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory for the upcoming academic year, indicating the selected programs, modules, territories, dates.

Registration of participants in advanced training courses for various educational programs (modules) is carried out on the basis of applications from territorial educational authorities no later than one week before the start of the courses.

Admission to training under the credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training is carried out on the basis of the order of SCIPCRO, taking into account the number of participants registered for the accumulative education system.

3.5. Training in SKIPKRO includes the following types of training:

- prolonged(over 100 hours) training of specialists in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of topical problems of science, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity;

- short term(at least 72-78 hours) thematic training, which can be conducted at the place of the main work of specialists and ends with the passing of the appropriate test, defense of a project, work experience, term paper, interview;

- thematic and problematic courses and seminars(up to 72 hours) on psychological, pedagogical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of the region, organization or institution;

- internship, which is carried out in order to study best practices, acquire professional and organizational skills to perform duties in a current or higher position.

An internship can be both an independent type of additional professional education, and one of the sections of the curriculum for advanced training and retraining of specialists.

The duration of the internship is set by the employer who sends the employee for training, based on its objectives and in agreement with the head of the organization or institution where it is held.

3.6. Training provides for the development by students of courses of educational modules in the amount of at least 6 credit units for a period of 5 years, depending on the category of students of advanced training courses, passing module control, as well as the performance and defense of final work. One credit unit equals twenty-four hours.

Accounting for credit units in the implementation of additional professional education programs is carried out as follows:

Refresher courses (over 100 hours) - 4.5 credit units;

Short-term advanced training courses (72 - 78 hours) - 3 credit units;

Problem courses (36 - 48 hours) - 1.5 - 2 credit units;

Seminars, trainings, round tables (6 hours) - 0.25 credit units;

Internship (18 hours) - 0.75 credit units;

Distance courses (36 - 72 hours) - 1.5 - 2 credit units;

Conducting a master class at the regional level (6-12 hours) - 0.25 - 0.5 credit units;

Participation in a scientific and practical conference, readings (12 hours) - 0.5 credit units;

Participation in competitions (48 hours) - 2 credits;

Participation in festivals (6–12 hours) – 0.25–0.5 credit units;

Publications – 1 printed page = 1 credit unit.

The list and content of the curriculum-modules is formed into a plan-order of course events for managers and teachers of educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory for the coming academic year and is brought to the attention of the territorial education authorities.

3.7. Educational program of the module

The educational program in this Regulation is considered as a set of modules.

Educational programs of modules are formed for each group of students.

The educational program of the module should correspond to the main content of the training for this course, the amount of knowledge that is to be given to the students. The educational program of the module indicates the goals and objectives of training, organizational features, technology and methods of classes, forms of final control, material resources of the program and literature.

Educational programs should be of a general professional nature and be developed taking into account the criteria and promising directions development of the education system, determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, state and other projects and programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory.

Basic requirements for the content of additional education programs:

Compliance with qualification requirements for professions and positions;

Continuity in relation to state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education;

Focus on modern technologies and teaching aids;

Compatibility of additional professional education programs by types and terms;

Compliance of the study load of students with the standards;

Compliance of programs with types of additional professional education.

Continuity in relation to the state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education is ensured by taking into account the requirements of the professional part of the standards in additional professional educational programs.

Orientation to modern educational technologies and teaching aids is implemented by reflecting innovations in the programs:

In the principles of training (modularity, training “to the result”, variability of training periods depending on the initial level of preparedness of students, individualization, training with professional selection of applicants for various roles, etc.);

In the forms and methods of teaching (active methods, distance learning, differentiated learning, optimization of compulsory classroom activities);

In the methods of control and management of the educational process (distributed control by modules, the use of testing and ratings, adjustment of individual programs based on the results of control, the transition to automated systems management, etc.;

In learning tools ( computer programs, integral and personal databases, multi-media tools, simulators).

Syllabus reflects:

The purpose of training;

Duration of training (according to regulatory documents);

The form of training (with a break from work, without a break from work, with a partial break from work);

Mode of employment (number of hours per day);

List of sections and disciplines;

Number of hours by sections and disciplines;

Types of training sessions;

Forms of attestation and control of knowledge.

Educational and thematic plan specifies the curriculum and includes:

Description of topics, sections;

Types of training sessions (lectures, practical, game classes, etc.);

The number of hours devoted to various types of activities;

Forms and types of control.

Training program provides:

Explanatory note;

List of topics;

A clear description of topics or sections (statement of the main issues in a given sequence);

The name of the types of classes for each topic;

Forms of final control;

List of literature (basic and additional), as well as other types of educational materials and manuals necessary for studying the course.

Each module should contain a complete cycle of classes in an entire thematic discipline. The course of study for each of the modules should be aimed at imparting knowledge, skills and abilities in the following aspects:

1) theoretical aspect– obtaining knowledge: fundamental and applied disciplines;

2) practical aspect– instilling the skills of collecting information, analytical, diagnostic work, office work, working with a computer and applying information technologies, communication and communication, leadership of students or teaching teams and teamwork;

3) personal aspect - the formation of skills: the ability to learn and teach others, form an image, negotiate, make decisions, form a psychological climate.

The content component of the advanced training technology for educators is built on the principle of modules, including basic (mandatory) and specialized (conceptual, developing, interactive, analytical, technological, etc.). The unity, interconnection and interdependence of these modules predetermine the formation of psychological, pedagogical, subject competence of educators.

There are 2 blocks in the structure of the content of advanced training courses: invariant (basic) - Annex 1 and variable (specialized) - Appendix 2

Variable block - training in the subject (direction).

The invariant block is formed from modules developed by experts on topical issues of state policy in the field of education of general pedagogical, psychological and special subject content.

Students of SKIPKRO can take advanced training courses with a break from work (in the region or on the basis of the institute) or choose modular qualification training.

Modular qualification training divides the course period into separate parts depending on the individual needs of the specialist. Students can take advanced training courses for 72 or more classroom (lecture-practical) hours from the list of modular programs proposed by SCIPCRO specialists.

SKIPKRO specialists develop and offer students group educational routes for advanced training courses, consisting of separate modular programs that form a comprehensive program of advanced training courses.

An individual educational route for advanced training is carried out by a teacher according to an individual schedule based on a personal statement of the student.

The listener, who has chosen an individual route, independently joins the desired group according to the SCIPCRO plan.

A group educational route for advanced training is carried out by a group of pedagogical workers, which can be formed by the relevant education authority in the territory or on the basis of personal statements of students united by common needs for advanced training.

You can complete modular qualification training in 1, 2, 3 calendar years. After listening to the next program, the listener receives a certificate-certificate of the amount of work performed (in classroom hours) in SKIPCRO. Having collected certificates for 72 or more than 100 hours, the student submits them to SCIPCRO, on the basis of which he is issued a certificate of completion of short-term or long-term advanced training courses.

3.8. Individual trajectory of professional development

Educational programs, educational and methodological complexes should provide the student with the opportunity to build, within the framework of the credit-modular system, an individual trajectory of professional development.

The teacher, starting training in the conditions of the credit-modular (accumulative) system of advanced training, has the opportunity to choose a number of module programs that best suit his professional interests, requests and needs .

The success of students' professional development is determined by the quality of education, which includes diagnostic, informational and educational processes. The quality of diagnostic processes is determined by: the presence of a large set of methods for identifying professional difficulties of teachers, the representation of diagnostic procedures in additional professional programs oh, the presence of an information bank on the results of diagnostic procedures, on the professional difficulties of teachers of various specialties.

The criterion for the quality of information processes can be considered the completeness and availability of professional knowledge for students, the use of new educational technologies.

Classroom classes can be evaluated according to the following criteria: the orientation of the educational process to meet the professional needs of teachers and overcome their difficulties; the use of a wide range of means, methods and modern teaching technologies; organization of direct and feedback communication between the teacher and the student.

4. The procedure for the final certification and issuance of a document on advanced training of teaching staff

4.1. Current control of the development of the educational program for advanced training carried out in the form provided in the work program.

4.2. Forms of attestation students based on the results of the implementation of the educational program for advanced training within the framework of the credit-modular (accumulative) system are established in accordance with the recommendations for the final state certification of students of educational institutions in the system of additional professional education (attachment to the letter of the Ministry of Education No. 35-52-172 in / 35-29 November 21, 2000). The final control of the development of an educational program for advanced training can be carried out in the form of a comprehensive test, defense of a, project, work experience, term paper, interview.

4.3. Graduation paper formats and requirements to them are developed by SCIPCRO and approved in the prescribed manner. Graduation work should be applied in nature and be focused on the coverage of advanced pedagogical or managerial experience.

4.4. Topics of graduation works is developed by the leading teachers of the departments of SKIPKRO, taking into account the specifics and activities of the department. The choice of topics is carried out by the participant of the advanced training program, taking into account their own professional interests under the guidance of the teaching staff of SKIPKRO.

The list of topics for graduation theses is approved by the rector of SKIPKRO before September 1 of the current academic year.

4.5. At the end of the selected option of advanced training, the student is issued a document on advanced training:

Certificate of professional development - for persons who have completed more than 100 hours of training under the program .

Certificate of short-term advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours .

Certificate of short-term professional development - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 36 to 72 hours .

Help - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 6 to 36 hours .

As a result, based on the total amount of training hours mastered by the student, taking into account the credits received and successful final certification, SKIPKRO issues a document on completion of training and issues a certificate of advanced training.

Students of advanced training courses who have not scored the required number of credit units or have not defended their final work (have not passed the final tests), a certificate of advanced training is not issued.

Course participants who have not received a document on advanced training are not allowed to state certification and have the right to re-participate in the advanced training program in the next academic year at their own expense.

5. Staffing for advanced training programs

5.1. The implementation of advanced training programs on a credit-modular (accumulative) system is carried out by the teaching staff of SKIPKRO.

5.2. In order to strengthen the practical orientation of modular advanced training programs and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience, the best managers, pedagogical and other categories of employees of educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory are involved in the courses:

Winners and laureates of the competitions of the priority national project "Education", "Teacher of the Year", "Leader in Education";

Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation;

Honorary workers of general, primary and secondary vocational education.

5.3. Managers, pedagogical and other categories of employees of educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory are involved in the educational process on the terms hourly pay labor or on the terms of external combination.

6. Activities of subjects to implement the Regulations on the credit-modular system for advanced training of teaching staff

6.1. Methodological services together with the heads of educational institutions:

Familiarize teachers with the list of modules and their constituent curricula implemented by SKIPKRO;

6.2. The rights of trainees when choosing a system of advanced training

The student together with the educational authorities:

Selects a number of educational programs from the list declared in the module;

Submits an application addressed to the rector of SKIPKRO, agreed with the head of the educational institution, with a request to enroll him in advanced training courses on a credit-modular (accumulative) system (Annex 4) ;


a) the timing of the implementation of the selected educational program for advanced training;

b) a complete list of the names of the curricula of the invariant and variable blocks selected by the module, which the student will have to master, indicating the number of hours, as well as the expected timing of their development for the academic year;

c) the proposed form of final certification at the end of the implementation of training programs.

To coordinate the sequence of students mastering the modules of the curriculum, SKIPKRO appoints a leader, head of the relevant department, who interacts with students, heads of information and methodological centers, administration of educational institutions and SKIPKRO

6.3. Departments together with the methodological and educational departments of SKIPKRO:

Conduct an analysis of the topics of the modules and their constituent curricula, developed and implemented by SKIPKRO, with the aim of their optimal use in advanced training on a credit-modular (accumulative) system;

Compile an annotated collection of modules and their constituent curricula developed and implemented by SCIPCRO, and bringing it through the municipal methodological services of the departments of education of the administration of districts and cities of the region to the attention of the heads of educational institutions;

Determine the teaching staff;

Conduct consultations with methodological services of educational authorities on the implementation of curricula;

Issue an order to enroll students in a group of students on a credit-modular system;

Issue an order on the composition of the commission and the final certification of students of advanced training courses on a credit-modular (accumulative) system;

Provide an opportunity for students to take part in the work of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, master classes, round tables, etc.

Based on the results of the intermediate and final certification, an order is issued to complete the courses and an appropriate document is issued.

7. Accountability and responsibility

Methodological services, together with the heads of the educational institutions, report on the results of their activities to the SCIPCRO.

SKIPKRO bears personal responsibility for the quality of training programs implemented according to the credit-module system, the effectiveness of the educational process.

Annex 1

Approximate invariant (basic) programs of modules (60 hours)

Normative-legal bases of educational activity. Society and education. Certification of teaching staff

In a programme: constitutional and social guarantees citizens' rights to education. Levels of competence of educational authorities. Interaction and relationships of subjects of educational law. Labor Relations in education. Model provisions, local acts that determine the activities of educational institutions of various types and types (charter, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, etc.). Protection of the rights of minors. The interaction of the school with parents (legal representatives) of minor children in accordance with the current legislation on marriage and family.

Law in the social, educational sphere. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Constitutional and social guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to education.

The education system in Russia: structure, trends in updating content, educational programs. State educational standards, their role in maintaining a single educational space; federal and national-regional components. Principles of education and upbringing.

Strategy for the development of Russian education until 2020. Priority national project "Education". Program for the development of education in the region, institution. The tasks of the teacher, leader in the conditions of the development of education. Competence-based approach to the training of educators and students. Profile training.

Education and formation of civil society. State policy in the field of education. The program of social and pedagogical support for the development and upbringing of children.

The role of certification in stimulating a purposeful continuous increase in the level of professional competence, communicative, informational, spiritual culture of the teacher.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of educational activities

In a programme: psychological knowledge in the main areas of the teacher's activity. General review of applied problems and tasks of psychology. Cognitive sphere of personality: sensation and perception; memory; thinking and imagination; attention in the system of regulation of cognitive activity. Methods of modern psychology in education. Methods of correction: the concept of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, rehabilitation. Individual psychological characteristics of personality. Communicative culture of the teacher. Psychological foundations of vocational guidance. Basics psychological work with a family. Psychology of primary school age, middle school age, psychology of adolescence. Psychology of management. Motivation of students (staff).

Problems of the development of modern pedagogy and its relationship with the foundations of the philosophy of education, existential philosophy, anthropology, axiology, acmeology, andragogy, etc.

Humanization of educational activities; pedagogical and psychological foundations of humanization. Personally oriented activity of a teacher: systemic, evolutionary, interdisciplinary approaches.

Real life problems children in the modern sociocultural situation. Creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his moral self-determination, the formation of a life position.

Innovative principles in education: educational institutions of a new type (models, structures, content of activities).

Valuation theory; assessment of the quality of education. Monitoring student learning. The stimulating role of evaluation.

Modern educational and information technologies

In a programme: the concept of educational technology. Modern methods and organizational forms of learning. Active forms of education. Pedagogical technique. Modern pedagogical technologies in the practice of teachers working in different fields with different age groups of students. Analysis and introspection of the results of the teacher's activity, the use of modern educational technologies in practice.

Modern information technologies and their use in the work of a teacher. Methodology and strategy for selecting the content, methods and organizational forms of education using information technology. Health-saving educational technologies.


Annex 2

Exemplary variation (specialized)

module programs

Variation modules (12-36 hours)

Department of Science Education

Chemistry, biology, geography teacher

Method of projects as a condition for the development of research competencies of teachers and students in the lessons of the natural science cycle

In the program: theory and practice project activities in the educational and educational process. Modernization of education. The use of Internet resources as a condition for the development of students' research competencies. Managing the student's activity in the mode of creating an educational product. Functions of a teacher-tutor.

21st century lesson

In the program: a modern lesson in the natural science cycle. Structure and typology of lessons. Basic requirements for the lesson. Choice of methods and means of training. Modeling lessons. Analysis and introspection of the lesson. Presentation of the best lessons (from work experience).

Profile training in subjects educational field"Chemistry" and "Biology" in the context of the modernization of Russian education

In a programme: state standards in chemistry, biology (basic and high school) and their educational methodological support; courses of chemistry, biology of the profile and basic levels of high school; elective courses of profile education and pre-profile training in chemistry, biology; modern educational technologies in teaching chemistry, biology in specialized classes.

Innovative, experimental - experimental activities of a teacher of chemistry, biology

In the program: the concept of experimental activity. Factors and conditions affecting the effectiveness of the pedagogical experiment. The theme of the experiment, its relevance. Experiment program. Stages of the experiment. Methodology. Performance monitoring. Experimental work. Differences between innovative and experimental activities. Factors and conditions affecting the effectiveness of the pedagogical experiment. Levels and types of pedagogical experiment. Conceptual description of experimental activity. Performance criteria and diagnostic tools.

The use of modern educational technologies in the conditions of a specialized school in the lessons of chemistry, biology

In the program: state standards in chemistry, biology for high school and their educational and methodological support; features of chemistry, biology courses for profile and basic levels; modern educational technologies in specialized classes; elective courses of profile education and pre-profile training; preparation of students for the final (state) certification in the form of the USE.

Actual problems of teaching subjects of the educational field "Natural Science"

In the program: problems of standardization of education in the disciplines of the natural science cycle; educational and methodological support for teaching chemistry, biology at the basic and profile level; modern educational technologies in teaching subjects of the natural science cycle; features of teaching some sections of the course of chemistry, biology; design and examination of elective courses in chemistry, biology in the system of specialized education; USE in chemistry, biology.

Department of Primary Education

teachers primary school

Modern trends in the development of primary general education: experience, problems, prospects

In a programme: updating the content and structure of primary general education (curricula, updated standards, monitoring the quality of assimilation of curricula); psychological - pedagogical features of children of primary school age ; modern educational technologies.

The system of L. V. Zankov in the light of the modernization of primary general education

In a programme: basics of the system of common development; analysis of the content of training courses; features of the organization of the learning process; lesson structure options.

In a programme: concepts, goals, principles, educational technologies; analysis of the content of training courses, features of the construction of the educational process in elementary school, the structure and technology of conducting classes in pre-school preparation.

Implementation of the developmental learning model in the EMC "Harmony"

In a programme: concept, goals, tasks of the teaching staff; analysis of the content of educational subjects; methodological approaches to the organization of educational activities of students in the classroom.

Modern educational technologies in the activity of a primary school teacher

In a programme: essence, concept, classification of educational technologies; technologies of problem-based, problem-dialogic, project-based learning, game technologies; technology for the development of critical thinking; technology for the development of creative activity; modeling lessons using modern educational technologies.

The main directions of development of the educational system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov present stage

In a programme: psychological and pedagogical foundations of the system, content and structure of curricula, features of the construction of the lesson.

Pre-school preparation as a condition for continuous education between preschool and primary school age

In a programme: the concept of continuous education at the stage of preschool and primary school age, psychological and pedagogical features of children of senior preschool age, legal aspects of the organization of preschool training, the specifics of the organization and content of preschool training classes.

The use of DER in the activities of a primary school teacher

In a programme: characteristics of digital educational resources, requirements for the implementation of DER in the educational process of primary school, features of use in the educational process, taking into account the variability of the content of primary general education.

Federal state educational standards of the second generation and the educational process

In a programme: main ideas, theoretical and methodological basis of the standards of general education of the second generation, the structure of the Basic educational plan of the first stage, the content of curricula, control and measuring materials for the development of programs of primary general education.

Communicative culture as a condition for the interaction of participants in the educational process in elementary school

In a programme: the concept and main characteristics of the teacher's communicative culture, the role of communicative culture in solving conflict situations between participants in the educational process in dyads: student-teacher, student-student, student-parent, parent-teacher, features of the formation of communicative skills in elementary school students.

Department of Management

Heads of educational institutions, their deputies

Introduction of interactive technologies into the educational process

In the program: the essence of the implementation of personality-oriented education of children. Developing technologies of education: trainings, interactive, game, problem-oriented. The use of ICT in the educational process.

Innovative management in the management of educational institutions

In the program: innovative education as the main resource for the innovative development of the state. Mission and values ​​of educational institutions in the context of innovative development. Analysis of the performance of educational institutions and planning for changes. Projects and targeted programs as the main mechanisms for change. Quality management of innovative education

Assessment of the activities of a modern educational institution

In the program: monitoring in the activities of an educational institution. Formulation of the goal and selection of monitoring objects. Criteria and indicators for assessing monitoring objects. Methods for collecting information about monitoring objects. The mechanism for implementing the monitoring program. Adoption management decisions based on monitoring results. Information support of monitoring. Methods for assessing the quality of education. The practice of monitoring the quality of education in an educational institution. Results of monitoring the quality of education.

Strategic directions for managing the development of educational systems

The program includes: a strategy for the development of education in the UK until 2020. Legal Framework innovation activities. Management of innovative processes. Methods of innovative activity. Forecasting and design. Organization of experimental work in OS.

Features of managing an educational institution in a new educational environment

In a programme: strategic directions changes in the environment of the educational institution. The culture of an educational institution as a backbone part of its environment. Leadership culture, corporate spirit. Essence, typology, components of organizational culture. Diagnostics. Forms and methods of work on the formation of the organizational culture of an educational institution.

The main directions of development of the education economy

In the program: the basics of budgetary policy in the field of education. in Russia until 2020. Models of financing educational institutions. Autonomous and budget institutions: comparative analysis. Model methods: formation of a system of remuneration of employees of educational institutions and the introduction of normative per capita financing.

Department of Personality Socialization and Correctional Pedagogy

speech pathologists

Professional self-improvement of teachers - speech therapists in the system of special education

In the program: the communicative culture of the teacher in the system of special education. Training: "Successful teacher". Professional portrait of a speech therapist. Principles, styles and methods of work of a speech therapist with preschool children. Syndrome of emotional burnout. Prevention of internal burnout.

Speech disorders in the structure of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschool children

In the program: an interdisciplinary approach to the problem. Signs and causes of the disease. Diagnosis of ADHD. Psychological and pedagogical support for children with ADHD (play therapy, sand therapy, art therapy, music therapy, family and parental therapy). Features of education and upbringing of children and adolescents with ADHD. Speech disorders in the structure of ADHD in preschool children. Speech therapy for preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Consultative work with parents raising children with speech impairment

The program includes: actual problems of the modern family in the upbringing and education of children. Styles of family education and their influence on the development of children. Intrafamily relationships. Participation of seven and in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children. Forms and methods of working with parents to overcome speech disorders.

Theoretical and practical problems of modern speech therapy

The program includes: modern trends in the development of the theory and practice of speech therapy. Actual problems of education and training of children with speech disorders. Innovations in the organization and content of special education at the present stage. Prevention of speech disorders in preschool children. Elimination of open rhinolalia in preschool children. Features of correctional and speech therapy assistance to children with sensory disorders. Pedagogical support for the socialization of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution. Development of communication skills in preschool children with speech disorders. Integration of children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions.

Department of preschool education

Heads of preschool educational institutions

The combination of innovative and traditional in the management of preschool educational institutions in the framework of the modernization of preschool education

Innovative management in the management of preschool educational institutions

In a programme: innovative education as the main resource of innovative development of the state. Projects and targeted programs as the main mechanisms for change. Quality management of preschool education.

Assessment of the activities of a modern preschool educational institution

In a programme: monitoring the activities of preschool education, criteria and indicators for evaluating the work of objects of a preschool institution, the results of monitoring the quality of preschool education. Assessment of the quality of educational and methodological support for the development of children and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Business Administration

In a programme: the essence of the job of a manager. Principles of working time planning. Managerial competence of the head and teachers of a preschool institution. Communicative culture and managerial competence. The image of the head of the preschool educational institution. Types of leaders and self-diagnosis of their business qualities. Culture of registration of business documentation in a preschool institution. Legal significance of documents.

Kindergarten teachers

Modern society and social and personal development of a preschool child

Regional culture as a means patriotic education children of senior preschool age

In a programme: the content of knowledge of regional culture as a regional component, ways of their application in practical activities on the formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children by means of regional culture.

Preparing preschool teachers for teaching rhetoric to preschool children

In a programme: content, principles and means of preparing a preschool teacher for teaching rhetoric to preschool children. Formation speech culture the personality of a teacher with tolerance, a sense of empathy, moral attitudes, experience in social behavior skills, a sense of communicative expediency. Activation of the creative potential of preschool teachers in practical professional activities.

Development of creative abilities of teachers and children of senior preschool age

In a programme: updating the professional knowledge and practical skills of preschool teachers in terms of developing creative abilities based on achievements modern science, advanced domestic and foreign experience, using theoretical and visual forms of education. Modern educational technologies in the development of creative abilities of teachers and preschool children: art therapy, fairy tale therapy, integration of the arts.

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Educational psychologists

Psychophysiological health as a necessary condition for the successful professional activity of a teacher-psychologist (18 hours)

In a programme: professional and psychophysiological development of a teacher's health: problems, solutions. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the prevention of healthy development of the individual. The practice of preventing psychological distress and emotional disturbance among teachers. A training program for a positive attitude towards oneself.

Competence-based approach in the classroom and in extracurricular activities (18 hours)

In a programme: key competencies as a component of the personal activity approach in the context of modern school renovation. Structure and types of competencies; competence-based approach at the lesson and methods of its implementation; competence approach in extracurricular activities, their methodological support.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations for choosing a training profile as a condition for the formation of a competitive personality of a school graduate (24 hours)

In a programme: specifics of career guidance work in the professional self-determination of modern schoolchildren, psychodiagnostics of the general abilities of high school students, psychological and pedagogical foundations for choosing vocational training. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a competitive personality. "Market personality" as a modern social model of behavior.

Department of Information Technology and Distance Learning

Computer science teachers

Methodical aspects of studying object-oriented programming - 36 hours

In a programme: Modern programming languages. Programming technology. The language of object-oriented programming.

Web design for high school students (basic and advanced level) - 36 hours

On the program: C modern trends in web design. Techniques for creating websites using professional programs and website builders. The specifics of the development of electronic manuals.

Methods of teaching computer science and ICT in elementary school - 36 hours

In a programme: The main goals and objectives of teaching the basics of computer science in elementary school. Educational planning of the subject in elementary grades. Features of the methodology for preparing and conducting informatics lessons in elementary school with computer support. Programs of the propaedeutic course of informatics for elementary school. LOGO programming environment. The use of project activities in informatics lessons in elementary school. Internet - resources for teaching computer science in elementary school.

Development of educational and methodological resources with the help of social services - 36 hours

In a programme: The concept of "network community". Examples of network communities based on social services. Pedagogy of network communities. The use of social services in teaching practice. Using the resources of online communities. Hypertext is a means of collective activity. Review of the possibilities of social services for the development of educational and methodological resources. Possibilities of using social services of the Internet in pedagogical practice.

Free Software in Pedagogical Practice – 36 hours

In a programme: Free software: concept and ideology. Advantages and disadvantages of free software. Survey of programs for use in the educational process. package: composition and main features. Review of free graphic vector and raster programs.

Informational resources Internet for education and teaching practice - 36 hours

In a programme: Search systems and means of searching for electronic resources on the Internet. Collections of electronic educational resources and search for resources in them. Educational Internet portals as a means of thematic search for electronic resources. Resources for the subjects of the educational program.

Methodological bases of preparation for passing the exam in informatics - 12 hours

In a programme: Organization and methodological support of the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT. The structure and content of the Unified State Examination in "Informatics and ICT". Analysis and solution of tasks of part A, B. Analysis and solution of tasks of part C.

Solving Olympiad problems in informatics - 12 hours

In a programme: Requirements for solving Olympiad problems in informatics. Acquaintance and analysis of Olympiad problems in informatics. Dynamic programming method. Using the methods of graph theory in solving olympiad problems in computer science.

Department of Humanities

Russian language and literature

Actual problems of the theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language and literature in the framework of the modernization of modern education (36h)

In a programme: the concept of modernization of philological education. The relationship of basic sciences and private methods. Features of work on the Russian language and literature within the framework of the requirements of the state educational standard. Normative-legal support of the activities of a teacher of the Russian language and literature.

Improving professional skills in the process of teaching the Russian language and literature (36 hours)

In a programme: actual problems of language education in modern school. Preparation of a teacher of the Russian language and literature, taking into account current trends updating the content of language education. Priority pedagogical technologies in teaching Russian language and literature to schoolchildren.

In a programme: modern pedagogical technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature: project method, information and computer technologies, debate technology, health-saving and gaming technologies. Master classes. Presentation of pedagogical experience.

Key Issues in the Development of Curricula in the Russian Language and Literature (6h)

In a programme: educational product in the field of teaching Russian language and literature. The role and place of the curriculum in the system of language education. Modern approaches to curriculum development. Technology for the development of a curriculum in the Russian language and literature.

In a programme: issues of the content of the final attestation of 11th grade students in the Russian language and literature. Work to prepare students for the exam.

Computer and network technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature (12 hours)

In a programme:

History and social studies teachers

Theoretical and methodological foundations for advanced training of teachers of history, social disciplines (36 hours)

In a programme : state policy in the field of historical and social science education. Legal provision of a modern model of education in Russia: problems and prospects. Renewal of modern historical and social science education, principles of selection of content based on diversity, critical analysis of the accumulated Russian and international experience in the development of the theory and practice of education in the information society.

Modern scientific and methodological approaches to the study of the modern history of Russia (1945-2007) (36 hours)

In a programme : scientific-theoretical, methodological and methodological approaches to block-thematic planning of the course "History of Russia 1945-2007" at the basic and specialized levels of education. Pedagogical features of teaching the modern history of Russia. Axiological and structural-functional analysis of the educational program and teaching materials "History of Russia: 1945-2007". Methodological strategies for studying the course of modern Russian history using a textbook. Interactive forms of training sessions.

Modern scientific and methodological approaches to the study of the course "Social Science: Global Peace in the 20th I century "(36h)

In a programme : conceptual foundations of the course "Social Science: Global Peace in the 21st Century". The variety of approaches, methods, techniques, technologies and forms in the work of a teacher (on the example of the thematic blocks of section II "The emergence, structure and contradictions of the global world." Axiological analysis and educational potential of the course "Social science: Global world" (on the example of the thematic blocks of the section "Russia in modern world").

Key issues in the development of curricula in history and social studies (6h)

In a programme: educational product in the field of historical and social science education. The role and place of the curriculum in the system of historical and social science education. Modern approaches to curriculum development. Technology for developing a curriculum in history and social science.

Methodology for preparing graduates for the final certification (USE) (12 hours)

In a programme: issues of the content of the final assessment of students in grade 11 in history and social science. Work to prepare students for the exam.

Computer and network technologies in teaching history and social studies (12 hours)

In a programme: educational resources of the Internet. Digital Libraries, reference books, encyclopedias.

Foreign language teachers

Teaching aspects of the language, types of speech activity and foreign language communication (36h)

In a programme: exercises and teaching methods for teaching aspects of the language. Exercises and methodological techniques in teaching foreign language speech activity. Text system. Testing in teaching foreign languages.

Improving professional skills in the process of teaching a foreign language (36h)

In a programme: actual problems of language education in modern school. Preparation of a teacher of a foreign language, taking into account modern trends in updating the content of language education. Priority pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign language students in primary, general and complete schools.

Modern pedagogical technologies (36h)

In a programme: modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language: project method, information and computer technologies, debate technology, health-saving and gaming technologies. Master classes. Presentation of pedagogical experience.

Key Issues in Curriculum Development in Foreign Languages ​​(6h)

In a programme: educational product in the field of teaching foreign languages. The role and place of the curriculum in the system of language education. Modern approaches to curriculum development. Technology for developing a curriculum in a foreign language.

Methodology for preparing graduates for the final certification (USE) (12 hours)

In a programme: issues of the content of the final certification of students in grades 11 in foreign language. Practical training different types speech activity in the USE format.

Certification of teaching staff in a foreign language (6 hours)

In a programme: requirements for the design of a teacher's portfolio. Forms of attestation. The structure of introspection.

Organization of the educational process in a foreign language in elementary school (18h)

In a programme: teaching aspects of the language, types of speech activity at the initial stage. Game training in foreign languages ​​and foreign language communication.

Computer and network technologies in teaching a foreign language (12 hours)

In a programme: educational resources of the Internet. Electronic libraries, reference books, encyclopedias.

Chair physical culture and health care

Physical education teachers

Organization of work with children assigned to a special medical group for health reasons - 30 hours

In a programme: organizational and methodological features of building classes with SHG students. Planning and accounting of work with SMG. Analysis of the physical culture program for SHG (grades 1-11). The system of work of the school to strengthen and prevent violations of the health of students. Medical and pedagogical control and accounting of work in the course of classes with SHG. Methodology for conducting complexes of health-improving physical culture, due to the clinical diagnosis of debilitated children. Physical culture and health systems and means; their use in work with SMG.

Monitoring the effectiveness of health-saving activities of an educational institution - 12 hours

In a programme: monitoring of the state of health, psychophysical development and motor fitness. Problems of maintaining the health of teachers. Technology for a comprehensive assessment and examination of the effectiveness of the work of educational institutions on the health protection of students and teachers.

Organization of the work of a school that promotes the health of children - 24 hours

In a programme: organizational and scientific-methodical work on the creation of a health promotion school. Technology for the development of the school program "Education and Health" and individual programs for the improvement of students.

Modern programs and technologies for teaching health to students of different ages. System preventive work educational institution for the formation of a culture of health and prevention of bad habits.

Organization of experimental work on health-saving technologies in educational institutions - 24 hours

In a programme : Actual directions health-saving activities of an educational institution. Modern requirements and scientific and methodological foundations for the organization of experimental work on health saving in educational institutions. Technology for the development and implementation of experimental programs for health saving in educational institutions. Organization monitoring studies on various aspects of the organization of a health-saving educational space and the psychophysical health of students and teachers.

Department of Mathematics and Physics

Physics teachers

Modern educational technologies in the study of program material in physics - 24 hours

In the program: topical issues of the school course of physics. Modern pedagogical technologies in the study of program material and preparing students for the successful completion of the final certification. Features of the methodology of teaching physics in basic and high school. Preparation and conduct of a modern lesson using ICT. Multimedia support in the formation of students' knowledge.

Demonstration experiment in the study of program material in physics. Workshop on the implementation of laboratory work and individual work of a physical workshop of specialized classes - 24 hours

The program includes: the role of a demonstration experiment in the system of the educational process, the features of the experiment in the study of certain topics of physics, the performance of laboratory work in grades 7-9, grades 10-11 of the basic and profile levels. Implementation of a workshop in specialized classes (grades 10-11) on some topics.

Methods of working with an interactive whiteboard in physics lessons.

Final certification of graduates of grades 9, 11 in the form of the Unified State Examination - 24 hours

In the program: features of the final certification in the form of the Unified State Examination in 2009 account. year. Typical mistakes and shortcomings made by students when completing USE tasks (levels A, B, C). Workshop on performing tests of the Unified State Examination of previous years 9, 11 classes. Workshop on fulfilling the tasks of the regional Olympiad of theoretical and experimental rounds in 2009. Working with gifted children.

math teachers

Current and final control and certification. Their types and forms - 36 hours

In a programme: state system objective control of the quality of education. Modern approaches to the means of control, certification, self-education and self-development of students. Examinations, control sections of knowledge, reviews of knowledge, tests, olympiads, testing. Final certification in the form of the exam. Development Workshop test tasks open type, closed type, ordering, matching, etc.

Organization of research work of schoolchildren. Working with gifted children - 36 hours

In the program: planning work on the formation and development of skills and abilities of organizing research activities of schoolchildren. Creation of part-time schools; organization of lyceum classes. Methods of organization and implementation of research and project activities in the study of mathematics. Methodological features of preparing schoolchildren for olympiads. Issues of organizing and conducting mathematical regattas, mathematical fights, mathematical express trains, oral olympiads, team written and oral olympiads, personal written and oral olympiads.

Forms of teacher self-education - 36 hours

In the program: pedagogical self-education in the system of advanced training. Forms of self-education (individual, group); directions of self-education; sources of teacher self-education; organization of the process of self-education (choice of topic, personal plan); efficiency of self-education. Teacher portfolio. Possibilities of ICT in teacher's self-education. Practicum of working with an interactive whiteboard in mathematics lessons. Topical issues of certification of teaching staff.

Chair educational work and additional education

GPA educators, organizing teachers, senior counselors

Modern pedagogical technologies

Information resources and educational environment.

Game educational technologies in the construction of extracurricular activities and the implementation of the principles of cooperation pedagogy.

Health-saving educational technologies in the work of the GPA educator, senior counselor, teacher-organizer of a comprehensive school.

The program includes: the possibility of creating and using digital educational resources in the professional activities of the GPA educator, organizing teacher, senior counselor, collections of digital educational resources on the Internet, computer training programs, modern health-saving technologies, classifications and conditions for the introduction of gaming educational technologies.

The main directions of educational work in the context of the implementation of the initiative "Our New School"

- Implementation of the leading areas of educational work in a general education institution

Principles of search and creative development of talented children in a general education institution.

- Theatrical pedagogy in the formation and implementation of the plan of the school lesson and educational activities.

In a programme: priority areas educational work at school, content and organizational aspects of work with the schoolchildren's family, mechanisms of creative development of the subjects of the educational process through a variety of art forms.

The practice of organizing educational work in an educational institution at the present stage

- Conditions for organizing and modeling student self-government

- Ways of studying and rallying the children's team. Team building training.

Comprehensive test: interview, defense of group projects of an educational event

The program includes: modern approaches to the formation of a children's team, the content and forms of work at its different stages, updating forms and constructing models of student self-government.

8. Department of Professional Education and Technology

technology teachers

Actual problems of teaching the subject area "Technology

Improving the teaching of the subject area "Technology" - 36 hours

In a programme: the normative basis for studying the subject "Technology". Educational and methodological support of the educational field "Technology". A modern technology lesson as an indicator of the teacher's literacy and skill, characteristics, requirements and criteria for its effectiveness. Typology of modern lessons and features of their structure. Content and methodological logic of the lesson. Methodical, pedagogical and psychological structure of the lesson. Rational (health-preserving) organization training session and her scores. Analysis and introspection of lessons of various kinds. The technology of preparing and conducting a modern open lesson on technology. Improving the technology for monitoring learning outcomes. Test control in the subject area "Technology". Organization of pre-profile and profile training within the technological profile. Creation of programs of elective courses. Methods of teaching certain topics of the subject area "Technology". Presentation of the work experience of the best technology teachers.

Active forms and teaching methods in technology lessons. - 24 hours

In a programme: the use of effective forms and methods of teaching in technology lessons. Intensification of learning. Development of problem situations, problem questions, problem tasks and tasks. Development of non-standard forms of conducting various stages of the lesson. Organization of individual and group work of students in the classroom. Basic outlines. Associative methods of collective mental activity of students. Creative tasks: classification and development requirements. Game technologies in the educational process. Non-traditional forms of teaching.

Creative activity as a condition for the development of research competencies of teachers and students in technology lessons - 24 hours

In a programme: Method of projects in pedagogy. Method of projects in the educational field "Technology". Basic requirements for using the project method. Methodological bases of project activity. Structure and stages of project activity. Organization and holding of a subject Olympiad in technology is one of the forms of work with gifted children.

Engineering and teaching staff.

Actual problems of improving theoretical and industrial training in vocational education institutions

Federal State Educational Standards for NGOs and SPO of the third generation - 24 hours

In a programme Key words: the content of the Federal State Educational Standards of NGOs and SVEs, taking into account the requirements of employers, a modular-competence approach as the basis for the transition of training to professional educational standards of a new generation: the competencies of a modern specialist.

Organization and methodology of theoretical and industrial training in vocational education institutions - 36 hours .

In a programme: a lesson in theoretical and industrial training: methodology and technology; active teaching methods in the formation of professional competencies of graduates; improving the technology for monitoring learning outcomes; comprehensive methodological support of academic disciplines and industrial training.

Pedagogical technologies adapted in NGO and SVE institutions - 12 hours

In a programme: personality-oriented technologies, developmental education, modular block technologies, etc.

Problems of improving the quality of vocational education - 12 hours

In a programme: creating conditions for improving the quality of vocational education, updating the content of vocational education; ways to improve the efficiency of the educational process; monitoring the quality of vocational education.

*Note* The number and content of modules is supplemented and updated, depending on the needs of specialists.

Appendix 3

Approximate topics for creating a group

professional development trajectories

- for executives:

State policy in the system of general education of the Russian Federation.

Legal basis management of an educational institution.

Innovative education as the main resource for the innovative development of the state.

Quality management of education in an educational institution.

Improving the organizational structures of an educational institution.

Evaluation of the activities of a modern educational institution.

Psychological aspects of managing an educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of the educational process in an educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of the educational process in an educational institution.

Analysis, planning and design in the management system of an educational institution.

The use of ICT in the management of an educational institution.

Features of the management of the teaching staff.

Organization of work with documents. Document flow.

Economic and financial foundations for managing an educational institution.

Occupational health and safety in an educational institution.

- for subject teachers:

Fundamentals of pedagogical skills: organization of interaction with students, methods of organizing collective pedagogical activity.

Improving professional competence: requirements for a modern lesson; activation of cognitive activity of students.

The system of educational activity of the class teacher: work planning, organization of student self-government, work with the family, collective pedagogical activity, work with "difficult" children.

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of educational activities: psychological foundations and methods of working with students, features of working with children of primary, adolescent and youthful age; psychology of communication; psychology of success; pedagogical conflictology.

Pedagogy of health and health-saving technologies.

Pedagogical monitoring, diagnostics, questioning, the content of the teacher's activity.

Positive image of the teacher.

Pedagogical technologies: ICT, project method, modular learning, CSR, collaborative pedagogy, etc.

*Note* The content of the topics for creating a group trajectory of professional development is supplemented and updated depending on the needs of specialists.

Appendix 4

Application form for advanced training

according to the credit-modular (accumulative) system

Rector of SKIPKRO

Pogrebova N. B.


I ask you to enroll me as a student of advanced training courses at the department ______________________________________ GOU DPO SKIPKRO

(name of the department)

on an individual-group educational route.

(individual or group)

Listener Information

FULL NAME. _____________________________________________________________

Job title __________________________________________________________

Place of work ________________________________________________________

Appendix 5

Name of the teacher: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 1 of Stavropol

Position held: educational psychologist

Education: higher

Pedagogical experience: 10 years

educational psychologist

Individual Study Plan (1-year, 108 hours + possible additional hours and credits for an increased level of difficulty in the process independent work)

Training program

The volume of hours according to the curriculum

October 2009

November 2009

Psychology of Personality

February 2010

December 2009 - April 2010


*Additional credit units:

- participation in competitions;


Appendix 5a


Approximate individual educational route

professional development of an educator

for the period from _________ ___ to ______________ ____ years

Name of the teacher: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 1 of Stavropol

Position held: educational psychologist

Education: higher

Pedagogical experience: 10 years

Advanced training in the specialty: educational psychologist

Individual study plan (2-year, 150 hours + possible additional hours and credits for an increased level of complexity in the process of independent work)

Training program

The volume of hours according to the curriculum

Estimated terms of development of programs

October 2009

December 2009

Psychology of Personality

February 2010

Variable (specialized) programs

April 2010 - April 2011

Final certification (test, project defense, interview, work experience defense, term paper defense)


Additional credit units:

- participation in scientific and practical conferences, readings;

- participation in competitions;

- participation in festivals; - publications;

- holding master classes at the regional level.


An additional number of hours, expressed in credit units, can be obtained by a course student by participating in events of an increased level of complexity (scientific and practical conferences, readings, competitions, master classes, festivals), as well as having publications. All this will be taken into account during the final certification at the courses and at the qualification tests of the next certification for the qualification category.

Appendix 6

Table of coordination of educational routes by implementation time

Annex 7

Certification sheet



Terms of development of training programs (courses)

Document on


date of issue

Responsible person's signature

Normative-legal bases of educational activity. Society and education. Certification of teaching staff.

October 2009

10/30/2009 Help

Variable (specialized) programs.

November 2009

11/30/2009 Help

Psychological and pedagogical bases of educational activity.

January 2010

Modern educational and information technologies.

03/28/2010 Help

Variable (specialized) programs.

April 2010

03/30/2010 Help

Final certification (test, project defense, interview, work experience defense, term paper defense).

May 2010 Mark of passing the final certification

05/30/2010 Certificate about advanced training

Appendix 7a

Certification sheet

Name of the study program (course)

Number of hours according to the curriculum

Form of intermediate and final certification



learning programs (courses)

Document on


date of issue

Responsible person's signature

Normative-legal bases of educational activity. Society and education. Certification of teaching staff.

November 2009

11/30/2009 Help

Variable (specialized) programs.

February 2010

02/28/2010 Help

Psychological and pedagogical bases of educational activity.

April 2010

04/30/2010 Help

Variable (specialized) programs.

October 2010

Modern educational and information technologies.

January 2011

Variable (specialized) programs.

Variable (specialized) programs.

Final certification (test, project defense, interview, work experience defense, term paper defense).

Project defense (or test, interview, coursework defense)

May 16, 2011 Certificate about advanced training

for the development and analysis of the training session

training session - the main form of organization of the educational process in the institution of additional education for children. There is no limit to its improvement. Teachers who are creative in developing training sessions, taking into account the achievements of pedagogy, psychology, best practices, provide a high level of teaching in their area of ​​activity.

training session - the main element of the educational process, but in the system of additional education the form of its organization is significantly changing.The main thing is not the communication of knowledge, but the identification of the experience of children, including them in cooperation, active search knowledge and communication.A lesson is a logical unit, part of a topic, course, subject, so it is always important to be aware of its place in the system of the curriculum, what are its didactic goals.

The teacher should learn to clearly organize the lesson so that not a single minute is wasted, so that everything that is possible is provided. It is important that the teacher does not approach this formally, but determines how long the survey will take, an explanation of how to economically consolidate, how to use technical teaching aids, visual aids.

In general, a training session of any type can be represented as a sequence of the following stages: organizational, verification, preparatory, main, control, final. Let's consider them in more detail:

Stage 1 - organizational.

Task : preparing children for work in the classroom.

Organization of the beginning of classes, setting educational, educational, developmental tasks, communication of the topic and lesson plan, creating a psychological mood for learning activities, activating attention.

Stage 2 - verification.

Task : establishing gaps in knowledge and their correction.

Checking the knowledge and skills that children have in order to prepare for the study of a new topic.

Stage 3 - preparatory.

Task : providing motivation for learning and acceptance of the purpose of the lesson.

The message of the topic, the objectives of the lesson, the setting of cognitive tasks, the motivation of educational activities.

Stage 4 is the main one.

Task determined depending on the purpose of the lesson: the assimilation of new knowledge; checking understanding; consolidation of knowledge and methods of action; generalization of knowledge.

Acquaintance with new knowledge and skills, showing a sample of skills formation; establishing awareness of the assimilation of knowledge; performance of training exercises for mastering and consolidating knowledge, abilities, skills according to the model, for transferring to a similar situation, creative nature, formation holistic view knowledge on the topic, etc.

Stage 5 - control.

Task : identification of the quality and level of knowledge gained, their correction.

Performing test tasks, various types of surveys, etc.

Stage 6 - final.

Task: to give an analysis and assessment of the achievement of the goal of the lesson, to outline the prospect of work.

Summing up the results of the lesson, formulating conclusions, encouraging children for work in class, self-assessment by children of their work in class, information about homework, determining the prospects for the next classes. At each lesson, there should be repetition, consolidation of knowledge and skills through their reproduction and performance of tasks for reproduction in a changed situation.

Thus, each stage of the lesson differs from the other by changing the main activity, content and specific tasks.The basis for the allocation of stages is the structure of the process of assimilation of knowledge: perception - comprehension - memorization - application - generalization - systematization. The stages of the training session can be in various combinations.

Lesson Analysis

Improving the professional skills of a teacher of additional education for children, guidance and control over the educational process is impossible without a properly organized analysis and evaluation of the lesson.

The purpose of the analysis of the training session -assessment of the work of a teacher from the standpoint of the correspondence of his work to the achievements of modern pedagogy and psychology, the principles of additional education, as well as to determine future prospects in improving teaching skills.

When analyzing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the teacher, the characteristics of his personality. It is impossible to impose general, identical recommendations and methods: what is suitable for one is not acceptable for another. Recommendations for improving the conduct of the lesson should be based on the achievements of the teacher, his strengths, and the shortcomings should be explained in such a way that it is clear how and what needs to be worked on. It is important to awaken the teacher to independent work, to encourage the attitude to the development of classes.

Questionnaire for problem-based analysis of the session

  1. What is the topic and purpose of the lesson? The degree of achievement of the objectives of the lesson?
  1. Did you manage to keep all activities within the declared theme?
  2. Are the goals and objectives of the lesson correctly defined, are the individual characteristics of children taken into account?
  3. Did the chosen methods manage to form in children the motivation for educational (research, practical) activities in this lesson?
  4. To what extent were the selected forms, methods, methods of organizing educational activities optimal for the implementation of the objectives of the lesson?
  5. Is the time ratio of the parts of the lesson (theoretical and practical) optimally determined?
  6. Did you manage to correctly determine the forms and methods of control, what is its effectiveness?
  7. Did you manage to correctly build oral speech, your own and students?
  8. Did you manage to organize the work of children to assess their own activities in the classroom from the position of the target setting?
  9. What is the actual degree of achievement of the objectives of this lesson and why?
  10. Your next steps.

Lesson Analysis Scheme

  1. Purpose of attending the class.
  2. General information:
  1. give brief description study group (children's team): composition, age, year of study, abilities and opportunities, expected results;
  2. training session equipment: teaching aids, visual aids, technical means, etc.
  1. Topic of the lesson:
  1. place in the course;
  2. the degree of difficulty in general and for this group.
  1. Justify the goal setting of the lesson:educational, educational and developmental aspect. Does the teacher inform the children about the purpose and objectives of the lesson? How he does it?
  2. Content of the lesson:
  1. whether the content corresponds to the program;
  2. whether the content of the lesson corresponds to its purpose;
  3. whether didactic processing of the content was carried out;
  4. how educational material contributes to the development of children's creative abilities;
  5. whether the content of the lesson contributed to the development of interest in learning;
  6. how is the educational material related to modernity;
  7. the formation of what knowledge and skills the material contributes to.
  1. Lesson type:
  1. what type of lesson is chosen, its expediency in terms of the topic as a whole and the didactic purpose of the lesson;
  2. the place of the lesson in the course;
  3. How is it linked to previous lessons?
  1. The structure of the lesson:
  1. what are the stages of the training session;
  2. their sequence;
  3. identify the main stage and give its characteristics;
  4. whether this structure corresponds to the type of occupation;
  5. how the results are summed up;
  6. how to ensure the integrity and completeness of the lesson.
  1. Teaching methods and techniques:
  1. whether the methods used correspond to the purpose of the lesson;
  2. to what extent they ensured the development of children's cognitive activity;
  3. whether the methods and techniques correspond to the age characteristics of children;
  4. ways of individualization and differentiation of tasks;
  5. methodology for assessing the knowledge and skills of students;
  6. what is the effectiveness of the methods used.
  1. The teacher's work system:
  1. authority of the teacher;
  2. the ability to manage a group and organize the work of children;
  3. group management; determination of the volume of educational material;
  4. attitude towards individual students, even individual characteristics;
  5. observation, resourcefulness, emotional upsurge;
  6. appearance;
  7. style, tact and tone of the teacher's behavior in the classroom (emotionality, facial expressions, gestures, nature of communication, etc.);
  8. the role of the teacher in creating a microclimate in the classroom.
  1. Student work system:
  1. how observation, logical thinking, and creative abilities of students develop;
  2. interest, discipline;
  3. how is the motivation of learning carried out throughout the lesson;
  4. organization, activity;
  5. attitude to the teacher, to the subject, the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills; the ability to creatively apply knowledge and skills.
  1. General results of the training session:
  1. fulfillment of the planned volume;
  2. measure of realization of the purpose of the lesson;
  3. volume and quality of knowledge and skills of children;
  4. general assessment of the results and effectiveness of the lesson;
  5. educational, educational, developmental value of the lesson;
  6. recommendations for improving the quality of the training session.
  1. Conclusions and offers:
  1. what is valuable from this lesson can be recommended for implementation in the practice of other teachers;
  2. instructions to the teacher on improving work and overcoming shortcomings.

This scheme is indicative, it should be applied in whole or in part, depending on the purpose of attending the training session.

Introspection of the training session

Ability to analyze own activities important quality any person, the more it is important for a teacher as a creative person. The teacher should be able to analyze his own activity, but first of all, the lesson as its main form.

Consider what constitutes self-analysis of the lesson.

The first thing the teacher must do is to determine the place of the lesson in the general course and answer the question: how clear has this place become for students.

In self-analysis, the teacher gives:

  1. a brief description of the lesson;
  2. assessment of the goals set and analysis of their achievement;
  3. characterization of the volume of the content of educational material;
  4. assessment of the quality of assimilation of educational material by children;
  5. a description of the methods used by him and an assessment of the effectiveness of their use;
  6. assessment of student activity;
  7. self-assessment of the qualities and aspects of one's personality (speech, logic, relationships with children, etc.).

The teacher needs to correlate the goals set before the lesson with the achieved ones and determine the reasons for success or failure.

Questions to be answered:

  1. What new for the development of the mind, memory, attention, abilities of children did this lesson give?
  2. How optimal was the lesson structured? Did it correspond to the interests, temperament, level of development, specifics of the study group?
  3. Was the organization of students' activities adequate to the teaching, developmental and educational purposes of the lesson?
  4. How active were the students? How many times and which of them spoke, why were the others silent, how was the work stimulated?
  5. What was the pace of the lesson? Was student interest maintained throughout the session?
  6. How was the reliance on previous knowledge, life experience of children organized during the lesson, how relevant is the acquired knowledge for children?
  7. Was the instruction given to the children clear and concise before completing the tasks? Is the check thought out?
  8. How was the children's work supervised? Has all student work been reviewed and evaluated? How quickly and effectively did the teacher do it?
  9. What is the psychological atmosphere of the lesson?
  10. Has your mood changed since the session? What can you put yourself in pluses, what in minuses?

In conclusion, the teacher expresses his proposals for improving the quality of his work in the classroom, draws general conclusions and outlines general measures to improve his material.

But the main thing in self-analysis is that the teacher must explain why he decided to conduct the lesson in this way, what made him choose just such a methodology, style and nature of his own activity and the work of children. Any technique is justified if it gives the maximum teaching and upbringing result and corresponds to the forces and abilities of the teacher.

The analysis of the lesson should begin with self-analysis of the teacher and end with self-assessment, i.e. specific requirements of the teacher to himself.


Compiled at the Department of WiSL on the basis of materials by L.N. Buylova.