Return of marriage from the buyer in 1s 8.3. Accounting info. Creation from workbench

How to return goods from the buyer in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting

Return of goods from buyers is carried out by the document of the same name. Consider the step-by-step instructions for returning goods from the buyer in 1s 8.2 and 8.3.

In the configuration, it is possible to enter this document based on two other documents: retail sales and Sale of goods and services.

If you go to the Return of goods from customers transaction log, you can see a button with the Return drop-down list. There are two items: Sale, Commission and Equipment.

In fact, there are more types of returns from the buyer:

  • Return indicating the implementation document
  • Return without specification of the implementation document
  • Return from the commissioner
  • Equipment return
  • Return of containers

When entering a document in the header of each type of return, you must specify the following details:

  • Warehouse - a place of storage where a return is made. You can issue a return only to warehouses with the "Wholesale" or "Retail" type.
  • Price type - it is necessary to set the type of prices for which the return is made, taken from the buyer's agreement or from the user's settings, or can be changed by clicking the Change button
  • Currency - the currency in which the amount of the document will be expressed. Taken automatically from the contract

Mandatory header details for all types of returns are the same and we will not consider them further.

Let's consider each type of return separately.

Return to 1C indicating the implementation document

To issue this return in 1C 8.3, you need to click the Return button in the document journal and select the Sale, commission item.

In the header of the newly created document, you need to fill in the Shipment document attribute, indicating the document, the implementation for which the return is made. After you have chosen the desired operation, fill in the tabs: Goods and Settlements.

  • The Goods table can be filled in automatically by clicking the Fill button and choosing Fill in according to the shipping document, or manually using the Pick button. After setting the Nomenclature, respectively, you must specify the Quantity, Price, VAT Rate. On the Calculations tab, you specify the accounts for which the Nomenclature will be taken into account.
  • Price - filled in from the item Prices register.
  • Accounting account, VAT accounting account, Income account and Expenses account - are filled in from the item Accounting account register.
  • Subconto - represents the nomenclature group of the current product.

If the Goods table is filled in according to the Shipping Document, then the system will determine the book value of the goods to be returned at the time of sale.

Also, if the return occurs on the basis of the Retail Sales Report document, the details of the PKO are substituted, by which the return was made to the retail Counterparty Money.

Return from the buyer without specifying the sales document

Similarly to the above, in order to issue this return, you need to click the Return button in the document journal and select the Sale, commission item.

Further actions are similar to the formation of a document indicating the implementation document, with some exceptions, which we will now consider.

Since there is no Shipping Document selected, we do not know the consignment and therefore its Cost. Each line has a special field for specifying the Cost Price, it must be filled in manually.

With the USN, if the Shipping Document is not specified, you must additionally fill in the Expenses (NU) field. Here it is important to show whether the item being returned is included in the accepted costs at the time of sale.

Return of goods from the commission agent

To post a return of goods or GP operation in accounting ( finished products) to the commission agent, you need to select the item Sale, commission by clicking the Return button.

In the created document, the Agreement should have the form “With a commission agent (agent)”.

Accounting account and Transferred accounting account - the program substitutes based on the settings of the register Accounts of the item accounting.

Equipment return

In order to record the operation of returning equipment from the buyer, you need to click the Return button and select the Equipment item.

On the Equipment tab, you can specify the nomenclature, quantity, price, VAT rate, as well as item accounting accounts.

  • The tabular part "Goods" can also be filled either manually by adding lines, or through the Fill button based on the shipping document
  • If the Shipment document field is not filled in, you must additionally indicate the accounting value of the returned equipment
  • As in the case of Return of goods from the buyer without specifying the sales document, the Cost price field must be filled in manually
  • Price - affixed by the program based on the Item Price register. Account, VAT Account, Income Account and Expenses Account are entered by the program based on the Item Account Account register

Return of containers

To issue a return of containers, you need to click the Return button in the document journal and select the Sale, commission or Equipment item (in the case when the Equipment is returned together with the container).

Further actions are similar to the previous types of returns.

Printing forms

For the document Return of goods from the buyer exists printed form. You can add your own (external printing forms).

Input Based

List of objects that can be entered on the basis of the Return of goods from the buyer document:

  • Reflection of VAT accrual
  • Reflection of VAT deductible
  • Payment order
  • Cash withdrawal
  • Write-off from current account
  • Invoice issued
  • Invoice received



Consider a return operation from a buyer. For example, let's choose the return of goods "STINOL RF-305" of the counterparty of Dobro LLC - "Trade +" in configuration 1c Accounting 8.2. As you know, the return of goods from the buyer is a certain set of actions and, accordingly, a set of documents for fixing these actions. These include: the actual return of goods from the buyer; operation of return and accounting of money; correction of data in tax documents.

Having determined the main directions of return accounting, let's turn to the consideration of specific documents in the specified configuration.

Let's start with document "Return of goods from the buyer". You can create a new document upon return by opening the tab of the "Sale" function panel and selecting the icon of the same name.

Or you can go to the main menu on the item "Sale" and then the button "Return of goods from the buyer."

In the log that opens, click the "+ Add" button and create a new document.

Fill in the header of the document. We will assign an organization, a counterparty, a document for the shipment of the returned goods; goods warehouse, settlement document and contract. In the tabular part, we enter the actual nomenclature. We check the accounts on the tab “Accounts of settlements” and the options indicated on the tab “Additionally”. If the returned set includes containers, then fill in the details on the "Containers" tab.

We print the return invoice, post the document and close it, saving it in advance.

Note that the document "Return of goods from the buyer" is easier and more correct to enter on the basis of the document "Sale of goods and services". In the new document introduced on the basis, we simply edit the list of goods, leaving only those that are returned. Don't forget to check all other parameters.


Let's continue the description of the return document-adjustment to the tax invoice "Appendix 2 to the tax invoice". You can enter the journal of this type of documents by clicking the link of the same name on the "Sale" tab or in the main menu - the "Sale" button and the "Appendix 2 to the tax invoice" submenu. In the journal, you can correct a previously entered document or create a new one.

During the operation of returning the goods, it is more convenient to perform “Appendix 2” by entering on the basis of the corresponding tax invoice. Having opened the journal of tax invoices (clicking on the “Tax invoices” icon in the “Sale” tab), select the desired document for the return and by right-clicking the mouse call up the drop-down menu, select “Enter based on” and “Appendix 2 to the tax invoice”.

We form tax documents in the processing of the same name and edit the positions of the nomenclature in the new document that opens.

We print, conduct and save Appendix 2.


We will then issue a refund. This can be done with a document of choice, depending on the route of the money. These are the documents: Outgoing payment order(PP); Payment for debiting funds(software) or Account cash warrant(RKO).

Go to selection and filling required document necessary and conveniently by going to the "Returns from customers" magazine. In this journal, we find the previously generated product return document and enter, on the basis of the required document, depending on the selected payment.

Consider, for example, a payment order (PP). Click on the item "Outgoing payment order" in the drop-down menu. In the generated document, we verify the data on the payment, paying attention to the amounts and details of the counterparty.

27.08.2018 12:32:18 1С:Servistrend en

Return of goods in 1C 8.3 Accounting

Your firm returns the purchase. The reasons for this may be different - they discovered a marriage or simply the economic situation has changed. Depending on whether you are returning high-quality or defective products, the procedure for reflecting the return of goods in 1C Accounting 8.3 also depends.

When returning a defective purchase, the buyer does not receive any income or expenses, the counter receipt of money from the seller is not taken into account in income.

In the event that the company did not have time to take the marriage into account, VAT was not refunded, which means it is not restored. When returning a marriage accepted for accounting, the operation reverse to receipt (Dt 60 Kt 41, 10) is reflected and VAT is charged.

If the item is returned good quality, then according to the explanations of the Ministry of Finance (Letter No. 03-07-11 / 5176), it is necessary to issue an invoice and register it in the sales book.

The return of a quality acquisition accepted for accounting is reflected as a regular sale (Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-03-06 / 1/4213), the transaction date will be the date of transfer of property to the seller (clause 1 clause 1 article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In accounting, the company recognizes revenue in the amount of the returned purchase, minus VAT, and also calculates VAT, issues an invoice and reflects it in the sales book. At the same time, if the seller is a VAT payer, then it is not necessary to restore the VAT deductible upon purchase, because. VAT is charged on the return of goods. The seller who received the invoice accepts VAT for deduction. If the seller does not act as a VAT payer, but the company is a payer, then charge VAT, but it is not required to transfer the invoice to the seller.

If the seller is a VAT payer and provided an invoice, then the buyer reflects in the accounting the cost of the acquired property in the amount of costs incurred, i.e. The cost of goods includes the amount of VAT. When selling the goods back, the seller draws up documents without VAT, in which case there is a risk that the company will not be able to agree on the return of the goods, because the seller will have to accept the goods in the amount of the actual costs incurred, i.e. at the cost increased by the amount of VAT, for which there will be no grounds for reimbursement.

For income tax purposes, the value of an acquisition accepted for accounting is recognized as an expense in the amount of the actual cost. Thus, operations for the return of goods to the supplier do not actually affect the formation of the tax base, but are reflected in tax reporting.

To return goods in 1C Accounting 8.3, a document “Return of goods to the supplier” is provided, which allows you to reflect a full or partial return. If you need to return the entire batch, then the receipt document of the returned goods is selected and an operation is formed directly from it.

At the same time, the document “Return of goods to the supplier” is generated on the date of recording the business transaction for all positions of the document.

At the same time, the fields “Counterparty”, “Agreement”, “Receipt document” are automatically filled in.

And in the tabular part, the entire list of goods purchased under the receipt document is indicated.

After carrying out, the postings were formed:

And the register “VAT Sales”:

Full list of transaction entries:

The document forms a Sales Book entry:

When returning certain property, we refer directly to the return document:

By clicking the “Return” button, a new element is created, the “Purchase, commission” type, it is important to indicate correctly to whom the property is returned, the contract and the receipt document for which the receipt was made:

There are 3 positions in receipt, subject to return, for example, only the first, partially:

The “Add” button selects the nomenclature, indicates the quantity - the price is filled in with the document and the amount is calculated. The subsequent procedure is similar to the previously described:

Do you have any questions? We will help you arrange the return of goods in 1C as part of a free consultation!

3.0 is produced in the following typical cases:

    the buyer returns the unsuitable / defective goods;

    the buyer returns the equipment;

    the buyer returns the container;

    the commissioner/agent returns the goods.

To reflect these operations in the enterprise database, the document “Return of goods from the buyer” is provided. It can be entered in two ways: based on a sales document or retail sales report, or manually.

Creating a return of goods from a buyer in 1C based on a sale or a retail sales report is the easiest and fastest way to process it. In this case, details, cost and other data are filled in automatically from the sales document.

Consider the manual method of filling out the return of goods from the buyer. In the list of operations on the "Sales" tab, you need to select the appropriate type of operation "Returns of goods from customers". In the opened list of return documents, you need to create a new return. To do this, select the desired type of document from the drop-down list of the "Return" button:

If the goods are returned to us, then we select the item “Sale, commission”. In the form that opens, fill in the fields indicating the warehouse where the returned goods will be credited, price types (this data is in the sales agreement, settings for the counterparty, if required, they can be changed directly through the document), the currency in which the settlements were made under the agreement.

Regardless of the return type, the document header is filled in the same way.

Further filling depends on the return type. Let's consider each option separately.

Return of unsuitable / defective goods in 1C: Accounting

It can be performed in two ways: with the indication of the sales document and without indication. To begin with, let's analyze filling out the document when the sales document is not specified. Create a new return, select the type "Sales, commission", fill in the header. Let's move on to the spreadsheet.

Here it is important to pay attention to the price indication (this is the price at which we return the goods), when setting the quantity, the program will automatically calculate the amount. The debt of the counterparty to our organization will decrease by this amount (since the goods have returned to us). Next, you need to specify the cost price - according to these data, the goods will be recorded on account 41 and returned to the warehouse. The cost price in the absence of a sales document is entered manually.

Please note that for enterprises that are on the simplified tax system, it is necessary to indicate when returning whether the returned goods will be included in the accepted costs at the time of sale. To do this, the data is entered in the field "Expenses (NU)".

When filling in the fields, the 1C program itself will substitute the accounts of accounting, income and expenses, the VAT account from the characteristics of the item accepted for return to 1C. The completed document is posted, after which you can see the following postings:

Now let's consider the case with the indication of the sales document (for this, a special field "Shipping document" is provided). Let's enter data on sales or retail sale¸ and then when you click the "Fill" button, the program will automatically fill in the tabular part, including the cost of goods:

The tabular part will be filled in completely according to the shipment document. If necessary, you can adjust the quantity of returned goods and delete any item if it is not actually returned.

If the shipment document is a report on retail sales, 1C will appear in the document structure with a PKO, which will be used to return funds to the buyer.

Return of equipment in 1C: Accounting

The buyer may return the equipment to the organization. You can also issue such a return in 1C using the document of the same name, but when creating it, select the type "Equipment":

The tabular part is filled in similarly to the return of goods. This can be done by manually adding new lines and selecting items from the directory, or filled in automatically based on the shipment. As in the previous case, when returning equipment without specifying a shipment document, you will have to specify the cost and cost yourself.

Return of containers from the buyer in 1C: Accounting

Container from the point of view of accounting in 1C will be considered as the same product. Therefore, when processing a return, the actions will be similar: if the container is accepted separately, then the registration takes place through "Sale, commission". If equipment and containers are returned together, then it is correct to use "Equipment".

Return of goods from a commission agent / agent in 1C: Accounting

The return of goods or products in the case of a commission agent is carried out through the “Sale, commission” item. Here you need to pay attention to the type of contract: with a commission agent (agent). After specifying the shipment document, you can fill in the tabular section automatically, while the program itself will substitute accounting records and other data.

What documents can be entered on the basis of a return to 1C: Accounting 8.3

On the basis of the return document, you can enter issued and received invoices, cash flow documents, accrue and accept VAT for deduction. Also, from the return, printing of the return invoice and other documents is configured.

Any organization involved in the sale of products or services is faced with the fact that some customers want to return the money spent. There is nothing terrible for the enterprise in this. But for a new accountant, the process of issuing a return can seem like a nightmare. It's pretty easy to do though. Read on and you will understand how to return goods in 1C.

"1C: Enterprise Accounting" has several different documents responsible for returning purchases from the client's hands to the warehouse:

  • return from the buyer;
  • from the commission agent;
  • return of containers;
  • equipment.

The most common is the return from the buyer, with which accountants most often deal in practice. Therefore, it is worth analyzing in more detail.

In 1C, "Return of goods" is a fairly easy operation. Difficulties for the user of the program may arise with some trifles. You should be aware that there are three stages of documenting the return of products:

  1. return itself;
  2. issuing an invoice for the purchase book;
  3. accepting money back.

To make them, as you might guess, it is necessary in the same sequence.

Return processing

  • In the main menu, select the "Buy and Sell" item.
  • From the list that appears on the left, under the heading "Sale", select "Returns from customers".

  • After clicking, a list of documents appears. We need to create a new one using the button of the same name. We create.
  • We are interested in four columns from the top of the window: type of operation, warehouse, counterparty, contract. And also the shipping document.
  • Operation type: Sale, commission. With a warehouse and a counterparty, everything is clear: we choose what we need. In the contract, we indicate the number or name of the contract under which the sale was made.

  • After all these actions, the line "Shipping Document" becomes available. There we select "Report on retail goods", if the sale was made at retail. If not, another suitable item.

  • Fill in the lower part of the window. On the open tab, click "Fill according to the shipment document." The table will be filled with products purchased by customers.

  • If you want to return only part of what you bought back, you can manually delete the necessary, or rather, unnecessary lines.
  • Work with the file on this should be carried out and finished.


Now we proceed to the next part - you need to enter the returned product and information about it in the purchase book. This is done without closing the previous window, using the "Create based on" button. Click on it and select "Invoice received".

We return funds to the client

At the end, you need to make another important report, which will be responsible for returning the money to the buyer. Of course, you need to issue it only when the client has paid for the purchases.

Such a file is also created on the basis of the "Return of goods". There are several ways to design, the choice is yours.

  • Through the "Payment order".
  • "Write-off from the expense account."
  • "Account cash warrant".

In addition, you can make a return of funds through the tab "Sales of goods and services", which displays a list of reports. There you also need to click on the "Create based on" button and select "Return of goods from the buyer."

Other types of this operation

There are several more types of complicating the work of a novice accountant. They are also worth mentioning. They represent the returns mentioned above.

  1. Purchases from a commission agent. The document is created the same, but then everything goes slightly according to a different scheme. The contract must be executed in the form "With a commission agent (agent)".
  2. Equipment. Here, instead of the "Sale, commission" tab, we select "Equipment". Everything is filled in the same way, but the cost price will have to be entered manually. The rest is put down on the basis of the nomenclature register.
  3. Container. When taking back the container, there is nothing complicated. We choose either equipment, or sale and commission, based on what type of container it belongs to: a piece of equipment or a purchase component. The rest is carried out in the same way as in the previous cases.
  4. You can return without an implementation document. It is not always necessary to specify it, but then you have to slightly change the process. The batch of the product and its cost will not be determined. It will have to be entered manually.

As a conclusion, making a return of goods in 1C is quite simple. The main thing is to accurately type the names of documents, as well as carefully review the tables containing the names of the products. Any novice accountant will eventually be able to perform these operations automatically.