Presentation of speech etiquette by a kindergarten teacher. Speech culture of a teacher presentation on the topic. Tips for making a good presentation or project report

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Teacher-speech therapist Golovina E.M. MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 77"

Speech technique is the skill of public speaking, business communication people through linguistic structures created on the basis of certain rules of oratory, associated with strength, height, euphony, flight, mobility, tone of voice and diction. Speech technique is, first of all, correct diction, speech breathing, articulation, and voice.

Correct breathing is the basis beautiful speech. The purity, correctness and beauty of the voice depends on proper breathing.

1. Exercise “Palms” is one of the exercises in the health improvement system of A.N. Strelnikova. I.p.: stand (sit) straight, show your palms, while lowering your elbows, do not move your hands far from your body - a psychic pose. Take a short, noisy, active breath through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists (grasping movement). The hands are motionless, only the palms are clenched. Immediately after an active inhalation, the exhalation leaves freely and easily through the nose or mouth. At this time, we unclench our fists. Having taken 4 short noisy inhalations through the nose (and, accordingly, 4 passive exhalations, pause - rest for 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to perform 24 times of 4 short noisy inhalations and exhalations. 2. Raise your arms above your head, palms facing (hands touch each other) - inhale, lower your hands - exhale - Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, hands in front of you - exhale, etc.

3. Pronounce the syllables in one exhalation (SPA - SPO - SPU - SPA - SPE); 4. Say words on one exhale (days of the week, counting to 10, names of months); 5. Phrases in one breath. Proverbs: You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled. Riddles: “A grandfather sits wearing a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.” 6. Read the poems on one exhalation under the ball (each word of the sentence is accompanied by throwing the ball on the floor). The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, a swallow is flying towards us in the canopy with spring. Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry, the ball won’t drown in the river.

Correct diction Diction is the pronunciation of sounds. A person who is naturally endowed with literate speech is rare. The very concept of “diction” represents a set of sounds and words included in the speech apparatus of each person. Problems with diction, as a rule, occur due to incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds (hissing, whistling, swallowing, pronouncing one sound instead of another). This usually occurs due to incorrect placement of the articulatory apparatus, and it is necessary to develop the muscles of the lips and tongue. But even if diction defects are associated with such shortcomings as an incorrect bite, a gap between the front teeth, etc., it is possible to achieve clear, intelligible, expressive speech.

To clearly pronounce sounds, there are many different exercises from diction gymnastics. 1. Lower the lower jaw, slowly moving it down in different directions. 2. Without changing position, carefully move the jaw forward and back. 3. In a standing position, lean forward, holding your hands on your chest and lingeringly pronounce the sounds [u], [o] in an extremely low voice as you exhale. 4. Tighten the tip of your tongue and alternately rest it on the left and then on the right cheek, then do the same, but with your mouth open. 5. Stretch your lips in a smile with your mouth open, moving your tongue left and right to the corners of your mouth. When performing the exercise, the lips and jaws remain motionless, and the tongue does not slide over the lower lip. 6. Run your tongue over the lower and upper rows of teeth, counting each of them, jaws motionless, mouth open in a smile.

In order to improve diction, you need to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, creating a beautiful flow of speech. The following exercise will do: say out loud for some time - rly-rly-rly, rlu-rlu-rlu, rlo-rlo-rlo, rla-rla-rla, rle-rle-rle, rli-rli-rly. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters will also help make your speech clear, intelligible and clear. Each tongue twister and tongue twister is unique and created in such a way that it combines sounds that are difficult to match. And in order to completely get rid of defects, you need to have in your arsenal about 5 tongue twisters or tongue twisters with various combinations of incompatible sounds. Here are the most popular: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” “In Fedora’s garden there are tomatoes, behind Fedora’s fence there are fly agaric mushrooms.” “The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack” and others.

Tempo is the speed of our speech, the time during which we pronounce the text. The normal speech rate is 120 words per minute. Two extremes of speech tempo can be observed: - too fast a tempo (“scratches like a machine gun”), - slow speech (“like a strainer of water”). Both extremes bore the audience. The speaker needs to change the pace: if something needs to be emphasized, slow down the pace; if the speech is pronounced with pathos, then vice versa, speed up the pace.

Voice timbre is the sound “color” of the voice. It is used along with the concepts: volume, height, duration. Voice timbre plays an important role in communicating with people. A beautiful, pleasant timbre is attractive, but if the voice is aspirated, a harsh voice causes irritation. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice, much less break into a squeal: this will make you completely unconvincing. This is the injustice: “The more we try to shout, the less we are heard.”

Voice hygiene and prevention 1. The most the best remedy to maintain a professional sounding voice, this is exercise, which includes breathing and articulation exercises. 2. Don't overwork your voice box. The standard voice load for teachers is no more than four consecutive academic hours per day. 3. Before the performance, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm (but not hot) tea or Borjomi. Give your muscles a rest, bringing them into a relaxed state, take 5-10 slow, calm inhalations and exhalations, and then get into a working mood. 4. The condition and strength of the voice are directly related to all physiological processes occurring in the body. Gymnastics, water treatments, sleep as needed, alternating work and rest, proper nutrition increase the body's defenses and have a beneficial effect on the vocal apparatus. Food should be varied, rich in vitamins, and limit the use of spicy seasonings. Hot food dilates the blood vessels in the pharynx, constricts the blood vessels from cold food, and both have a harmful effect on the vocal cords.

5. Temper the nervous system, because neuropsychic trauma, experiences, fear directly affect the voice, it begins to break down, purity, endurance, and intonation mobility are lost. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as chronic runny nose, inflammation of the nasopharynx, pharynx, ligaments, will certainly affect the voice. Therefore, prevention is necessary. If you experience discomfort, you can gargle with chamomile infusion. To do this, brew 1-2 tablespoons of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour and filter. The same infusion is also used to relieve dryness in the nose, instilling 5-6 drops into each nostril. You can put 5-6 drops of peach, apricot or olive oil into your mouth or nose. To harden the nasopharynx, daily rinsing with cold water with a gradual decrease in temperature from +20 to +12 is useful.

6. Remember that smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect on your voice. Alcohol leads to dilation of blood vessels, thereby disrupting the functions of the glands of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The vocal cords “dry out”, the voice becomes low, hoarse, and less durable. Smoking causes spasms of the smooth muscles of the trachea and bronchi, disrupting natural process breathing. The frequent dry cough of smokers constantly injures the vocal cords, they lose elasticity, a hoarseness appears in the voice, and the lightness and softness of the sound disappears.

Intonation In addition, speech should not be monotonous. It must be colored with intonations. But do not forget that shrill intonations are very annoying to others. We need to get rid of them. In general, a high voice is attractive only when it is fairly even, without drops. A number of experiments have found that deep voices are more attractive. Therefore, in order to learn to speak beautifully, you need to work on your pitch. This is facilitated by a simple exercise - reading poems, fairy tales, stories aloud with different intonations, “by role” - changing your voice, depending on whose remarks you are reading.

Body position Correct posture also contributes to the formation of a confident, free voice. Therefore, when sitting at your workplace, try to keep your back straight, straight, do not hunch, lean on the back of the chair. Keep your head straight, look in front of you while talking (turning your head, tilting your head downward pinches your voice). Smile. A smile will help you not only relax your muscles and free your voice, but will also make your speech emotionally expressive and create good mood To you and your children.

Orthoepic norms. The difficulty in mastering correct literary pronunciation lies in the fact that pronunciation does not always coincide with spelling. Therefore, generally accepted norms of literary pronunciation should be learned from radio and television announcers, from masters of artistic expression, from people around them who have exemplary cultural speech. The teacher must adhere to literary pronunciation standards. 1. Vowel sounds that are under stress always sound clear and distinct, since they are indicated in writing by the corresponding letter. Compare the pronunciation of the sound O in the following words: youth (pronounced as moladst - a weak, unclear sound, pronounced as the middle sound between A and ы, conventionally denoted by the sign b); contract (pronounced: d'gavor); centipede (pronounced: сърьканожкъ)

2. Unstressed vowels A and O weaken in pronunciation (the sound O is replaced and pronounced as the sound A or as the middle sound between A and Y: vada (water), akno (window), m'lako (milk), etc. vowel sounds U , Yu, Y, E and in some cases the sound I and in an unstressed position do not change (iron, spinning top, fisherman, exam, game) 3. In colloquial speech, when pronouncing patronymics, when combining names and patronymics, sometimes some sounds and endings are dropped : Aleksan Ivanovich (Alexander Ivanovich), Michal Palych (Mikhail Pavlovich), Mary Ivanna (Maria Ivanovna) 4. Non-literary pronunciation refers to the letter-by-letter pronunciation of words, when words are pronounced as they are written: what (instead of what), his (instead evo), happiness (instead of happiness), etc.

5. Deviation from the norm of literary pronunciation is speech with a national accent, with characteristic features local dialects: yakan (vyasna instead of spring), tsokan (tsto instead of shto, etc.), it is known that a child absorbs the peculiarities of the speech of the area where he grows up. If he hears the so-called “oaking” speech (with an emphasized “o” sound), or “yacking” (“yum” instead of “a little”), then he himself will begin to speak the same way. Therefore, the teacher needs to monitor his own speech and not deviate from the norms of literary pronunciation. The so-called “Moscow” speech, which is characterized by “akanye,” is considered an example of correct pronunciation. For example, the words Moscow, I'll go, water, window, wave are pronounced Maskva, paidu, vada, akno, valna.

Teacher's speech reading works to children fiction must be flawless. An incorrectly acquired pronunciation form of speech is difficult to correct. It follows that correct speech The teacher must comply with the standards of the Russian language. To saturate your speech with new words, try to memorize at least one new word every day. The Russian language is so rich that you can spend your whole life doing this activity. Therefore, do not be afraid to look into explanatory, etymological and phraseological dictionaries.



The ability to speak correctly and beautifully is an important skill that must be mastered. We all live in a society, and our success largely depends on how convincingly we can convey our thoughts to other people. Expressing your thoughts consistently and convincingly is not some innate talent. This can be learned. In conclusion, I would like to read out a few recommendations on this issue.

Thus, when working with children, the teacher should pay attention to the following: 1. Correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, eliminate speech defects. 2. Have clear, precise and distinct speech, that is, good diction. 3. Use literary pronunciation in your speech, that is, adhere to spelling standards. 4. Strive to correctly use intonation means of expression, taking into account the content of the statement. 5. When communicating with children, use speech at a slightly slower pace and moderate voice volume. 6. Tell and convey the content of texts in a coherent and accessible form, accurately using words and grammatical structures (in accordance with the age of the children). 7. Do not use raised voices or rude expressions when speaking with children and staff.

“The most important thing in the art of speech is, firstly, pronunciation, secondly, pronunciation, and thirdly, pronunciation” Demosthenes.

REFERENCES USED: (© 2007 – 2012 “Speech Technique”). (© 2006 – 2012 “MirSovetov. Ru”).

The rhetorical culture of a modern teacher is one of the components of his professional culture. The rhetorical culture of a modern teacher is one of the components of his professional culture. The concept of “speech appearance” includes not only the teacher’s speech culture, but also the ability to “master” the audience, observe the logic of the statement, be able to argue and emotionally influence listeners, and master the art of self-presentation. The concept of “speech appearance” includes not only the teacher’s speech culture, but also the ability to “master” the audience, observe the logic of the statement, be able to argue and emotionally influence listeners, and master the art of self-presentation.

Pedagogical rhetoric: origins and formation. Pedagogical rhetoric in its logical, ethical, emotional and positive manifestations has deep historical roots……… Pedagogical rhetoric in its logical, ethical, emotional and positive manifestations has deep historical roots………

Definitions of general and pedagogical rhetoric The pedagogical-rhetorical ideal is a concretization of the general rhetorical ideal. the main task: the use of words as a means of obtaining knowledge and educating a person. The rhetorical ideal is a historically established hierarchically organized system of the most general requirements to speech production and speech behavior.

Features of pedagogical rhetoric of the Renaissance, Enlightenment and the 19th century. “Rhetoricians” Erasmus of Rotterdam “Easy Conversations”, Erasmus of Rotterdam “Easy Conversations”, Michel Montaigne “Experiments” Michel Montaigne “Experiments” orient students precisely towards the harmonization of relationships. The teacher's task: to awaken a love of knowledge in the student. guide students towards harmonizing relationships. The teacher's task: to awaken a love of knowledge in the student. Suppression of passions, any manifestation of affect, Suppression of passions, any manifestation of affect, J. Locke “Thoughts on Education” J. Locke “Thoughts on Education” Speak briefly and clearly, encouraging with a kind word. Speak concisely and clearly, encouraging with kind words. Activate attention with questions. Activate attention with questions. The novelty of the information reported. The novelty of the information reported. Using approval techniques. Using approval techniques. “Anti-rhetoric” by J. J. Rousseau “Emile, or on education” J. J. Rousseau “Emile, or on education” Authority and power have only natural necessity, dictated by the forces of nature. Authority and power have only natural necessity, dictated by the forces of nature. You should not give the student any verbal instructions, because... he must learn it from experience. You should not give the student any verbal instructions, because... he must learn it from experience. V. G. Belinsky. “General Rhetoric” V. G. Belinsky. “General Rhetoric” “Morality should not be in words, but in deeds.” Moral education does not consist in moral rules, but under the influence of habit. “Morality should not be in words, but in deeds.” Moral education does not consist in moral rules, but under the influence of habit.

Ideas of pedagogical rhetoric by N. I. Pirogov, K. D. Ushinsky. N. I. Pirogov: “Be able to present the subject in such a way that the student understands it” Ushinsky K. D. “Education should be popular…. The teachers have excellent knowledge, but find it difficult to explain.” N. I. Pirogov. Subject-subject dialogic model Principles: 1. The presentation of the subject must correspond to: the nature of the subject itself, the nature of the subject itself, the personality and the degree of development of the student’s personality and the degree of development of the student’s personality of the teacher himself. the personality of the teacher himself. 2. The ability to maintain and direct attention. 2. The ability to maintain and direct attention. K. D. Ushinsky. Development of the gift of speech. Principles: 1. The principle of clarity as a condition for effective speech. 2. Systematicity. 3. Two-way interaction

Modern rhetorical laws Conceptual Conceptual Law of audience modeling Law of audience modeling Strategic Strategic Tactical Tactical Speech Speech Law effective communication Law of effective communication System-analytical System-analytical Law of emotionality Law of emotionality

The conceptual and strategic laws of rhetoric reflect the principles of modern didactics - integrity and integration, i.e. perception of system-structured knowledge based on the integration of materials from different scientific fields, the presence of interdisciplinary connections and dependencies; awareness and independence of learning; reflect the principles of modern didactics - integrity and integration, i.e. perception of system-structured knowledge based on the integration of materials from different scientific fields, the presence of interdisciplinary connections and dependencies; awareness and independence of learning; teach students the purposeful use of meaningful integrative knowledge, skills and abilities; teach students the purposeful use of meaningful integrative knowledge, skills and abilities; provide a systematic, in-depth vision of the world, its integral image, devoid of discreteness. provide a systematic, in-depth vision of the world, its integral image, devoid of discreteness.

The tactical law of rhetoric teaches the ability to work with facts and arguments, to activate the mental activity of the interlocutor; teaches the ability to work with facts and arguments, to activate the mental activity of the interlocutor; aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional and intellectual co-creation; aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional and intellectual co-creation; reflects the dialogical nature of our consciousness, substantiates the optimal ways of subject-subject relations on the basis of communicative cooperation, harmonizing dialogue. reflects the dialogical nature of our consciousness, substantiates the optimal ways of subject-subject relations on the basis of communicative cooperation, harmonizing dialogue.

The speech law of rhetoric determines the criteria for effective (expedient, influencing and harmonizing) speech and the methods of its formation and development. determines the criteria for effective (expedient, influencing and harmonizing) speech and methods of its formation and development. The importance of this law is determined by the phenomenon of the word as a means of understanding the world and a way of self-expression of a person as an individual. The importance of this law is determined by the phenomenon of the word as a means of understanding the world and a way of self-expression of a person as an individual.

The Laws of Effective Communication and Audience Modeling The Laws of Effective Communication and Audience Modeling determine how to manage an audience and feedback in communication. determine methods of audience management and feedback in communication.

The system-analytical law of rhetoric establishes the need for assessment and self-assessment of communication; establishes the need for assessment and self-assessment of communication; associated with the principle of reflection as the most important component of the method of cognition. associated with the principle of reflection as the most important component of the method of cognition.

The Law of Emotionality Emotionality is mentioned in the list of requirements for the teacher’s speech culture. Emotionality is mentioned in the list of requirements for the teacher’s speech culture. The emotional background is achieved through the use of emotionally expressive vocabulary, imagery, various poetic means, rhetorical tropes and figures, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, appropriate humor. This range of emotional shades of pedagogical speech is also complemented by non-verbal means(intonation, facial expressions, gestures that have an equally strong emotional impact on students). The emotional background is achieved through the use of emotionally expressive vocabulary, imagery, various poetic means, rhetorical tropes and figures, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, appropriate humor. This range of emotional shades of pedagogical speech is also complemented by non-verbal means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures, which have an equally strong emotional impact on students).

All of the listed rhetorical laws have a pronounced applied orientation; have a pronounced applied focus; define the basis of modern innovative technologies training; determine the basis of modern innovative teaching technologies; are based on the principles of humanization (formation and development of the student’s personality), axiologization (formation of general and private value systems), integrity and integration (formation of the student’s linguistic personality, taking into account social, psychological, logical and moral-aesthetic aspects). are based on the principles of humanization (formation and development of the student’s personality), axiologization (formation of general and private value systems), integrity and integration (formation of the student’s linguistic personality, taking into account social, psychological, logical and moral-aesthetic aspects).

Qualities of a teacher-rhetorician: Respect for students Respect for students Emotionality Emotionality Ability to persuade Ability to persuade High culture of speech High culture of speech Ability and desire for facilitation (from the Latin fasilite “help) Ability and desire to facilitate (from the Latin fasilite “help” )

Rhetorical techniques Popularization techniques give a special intonation pattern to the teacher’s speech and are divided into: Popularization techniques give a special intonation pattern to the teacher’s speech and are divided into: - lexical (metaphors, epithets, personifications, phraseological units); - syntactic (comparison, repetition); - structural (rhetorical question, question-and-answer course of speech, introduction fictitious by the author of the speech, etc.).

Techniques for establishing contact Technique for forming a composition Technique for forming a composition Technique for presenting a speech structure Technique for presenting a speech structure Technique “announcement” Technique “announcement” Technique “delaying the presentation” Technique “delaying the presentation” Technique “unexpected break” Technique “unexpected break” Technique “question to the audience” » Technique “questioning the audience” Technique “addressing individual listeners” Technique “addressing individual listeners” Technique “approaching the listeners” Technique “approaching the listeners” Technique “identification” Technique “identification”

Method of forming a composition Methods of constructing a message: Methods of constructing a message: - with a culmination order (the most important arguments are contained at the end of the speech); - with an anti-climax order (the speech begins immediately with the most compelling arguments); - with a pyramidal order (most important information is in the middle of the speech).

Choosing a composition To begin 1. Begin by addressing the subject. 2. Start with time (day, year...). 3. Start with a place. 4. Finally, they begin with accidents, then stop attention on the main subject.. For the middle 1. Arrange the parts as interest increases. 2. Do not mix up parts, and separate each thought or picture that naturally separates from another with a new sentence or a new line (in oral speech, a pause). 3. Don't go into too much detail: it obscures clarity. To end the speech 1. Address the subject, adding your own feelings. 2. If the description reminded of a close similarity or the opposite, then end with the likened, or the main opposite object, or a close application. 3. End the speech “with a morally entertaining thought or a lofty and expressive truth.”

“Announcement” technique: at the beginning and throughout the speech, key information is announced, i.e. interest in the further course of speech is constantly maintained. at the beginning and throughout the speech, key information is announced, i.e. interest in the further course of speech is constantly maintained.

The technique of “delaying the presentation” is an imaginary departure in which the speaker, before starting to present key information, gives another information that is essential for the given speech, but less bright and attractive. an imaginary departure in which the speaker, before starting to present key information, gives another, essential for the given speech, but less bright and attractive.

The “unexpected break” technique: concentration of attention lasts for 20 minutes, after which its natural weakening occurs; concentration of attention lasts for 20 minutes, after which its natural weakening occurs; the teacher interrupts the presentation in an unexpected place, makes a digression from the topic, a pause-relaxation. the teacher interrupts the presentation in an unexpected place, makes a digression from the topic, a pause-relaxation. P.S. This technique is used with caution so as not to lose the main thread of the conversation.

“Question to the audience” technique Questions should be easy to answer, i.e. the answer should simply be “yes” or “no.” Questions should be easy to answer, i.e. the answer should simply be “yes” or “no.” If the audience is silent, the teacher himself answers the question asked. If the audience is silent, the teacher himself answers the question asked.

The technique of “addressing individual listeners” has an activating effect on the entire audience. For example: “Do you disagree? I see you have a different opinion?” has an energizing effect on the entire audience. For example: “Do you disagree? I see you have a different opinion?”

The technique of “getting close to the audience” should not be carried too far into the room, as this will look like you are controlling what your audience is doing. You should not go too far into the room, as this will look like you are controlling what your listeners are doing. The optimal depth of “entry” into the hall is approximately a third of its length. The optimal depth of “entry” into the hall is approximately a third of its length.

What to do if you interrupt? The technique of “taking the floor” is increasing the volume of the voice, tone, speeding up the tempo of speech, repeating the beginning of the phrase until the interrupter is silent (until his first pause), and when such a pause occurs, finishing the phrase to the end, followed by an immediate transition to a detailed statement . The technique of “taking the floor” is increasing the volume of the voice, tone, speeding up the tempo of speech, repeating the beginning of the phrase until the interrupter is silent (until his first pause), and when such a pause occurs, finishing the phrase to the end, followed by an immediate transition to a detailed statement .

What to do if you interrupt? The technique of “holding the word”: continue the phrase (the volume and frequency of the tone, the rate of speech increases significantly), repeat it all or a fragment of it. The technique of “holding the word”: continue the phrase (the volume and frequency of the tone, the rate of speech increases significantly), repeat it all or a fragment of it.

What to do if you interrupt? The “offended silence” technique is used to attract attention and at the same time call for order: “Continue, I’ll keep quiet for now.” The “offended silence” technique is used to attract attention and at the same time call for order: “Continue, I’ll keep quiet for now.”

Practical use rhetorical rules to create a portrait of the audience (age, level of training, motives for listening (learning), social, gender, National composition etc. draw up a portrait of the audience (age, level of training, motives for listening (learning), social, gender, national composition, etc. “the effect of the first phrases” “the effect of the first phrases” “quantum emission” of new and original information “quantum emission” of new and original information the principle of specificity, i.e. a clear and clear presentation of information the principle of specificity, i.e. a clear and clear presentation of information the principle of clarity the principle of clarity “Teaching is just reminding others that they know it as well as they do.” You".

Practical techniques of persuasion Constant visual contact Constant visual contact Signals accompanying speech Signals accompanying speech Movements, gestures and facial expressions are harmonious Movements, gestures and facial expressions are harmonious Clear and clear wording Clear and clear wording Pause in significant places Pause in significant places Need for explanation and comments The need for explanations and comments Focus on the main points of your speech Focus on the main points of your speech Use only convincing arguments and repeat them Use only convincing arguments and repeat them Ask questions Ask questions Don’t let the initiative be taken away from you Don’t let the initiative be taken away from you

Errors “he has been working here for a number of years” “he has been working here for a number of years” “we need supporting literature on this topic” “we need supporting literature on this topic” “in difficult conditions they had to restore the devastation” “in difficult conditions they had to restore the devastation "" our work will strive to ensure that shortcomings are minimized" "our work will strive to ensure that shortcomings are minimized" "a crowd of people", "a clenched fist", "a mighty hero" "a crowd of people", "a clenched fist”, “mighty hero” “reconsider”, “the best” “equal rights”, “I will say my personal opinion” “reconsider”, “the best” “equal rights”, “I will say my personal opinion » “prospect for the future”, “free vacancy”, “memorable souvenir”, “deepens in breadth” ... “prospect for the future”, “vacant vacancy”, “memorable souvenir”, “deepens in breadth” ...

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The presentation on the topic “Peculiarities of teacher speech” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

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Completed by: Olga Indyushkina, Ksenia Salimova

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Speaking publicly means expressing your thoughts, presenting arguments so that they resonate in the minds and hearts of listeners not only in the form of certain facts, but also as value orientations. Public speech is that which is characterized by an appeal to listeners, it is aimed at an audience, addressed to specific people. When addressing all students in the process of working with them, the teacher must see each one individually and individually address his words to them. This circumstance requires the teacher to have visual contact and work with students “eye to eye.”


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Audiovisuality as a specific feature of pedagogical speech means that what the teacher says is perceived by students not only by ear, but also by sight. The word, its meaning and intonation are perceived by ear (linguistic and paralinguistic sign system of pedagogical speech). Visually, in the process of the teacher’s speech activity, students perceive the teacher’s facial expressions and pantomime, the emotional expressiveness of his behavior, which accompany the statement (kinetic sign system of pedagogical speech). This feature requires the teacher to develop the ability to control his appearance in the process of speech activity, communication with students, and also adequately perceive the reaction of listeners (social perception skills).


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The teacher’s speech is improvised, that is, it is created directly in a specific pedagogical situation, which cannot always be planned. It is this feature that determines the level of professionalism of the teacher, since Socrates said: “Speak so that I can see you.”


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A feature of speech that captures attention and creates an atmosphere of emotional empathy. The expressiveness of a teacher’s speech is a powerful tool for influencing a child. Proficiency as a teacher by various means expressiveness of speech (intonation, rate of speech, strength, pitch of voice, etc.) contributes not only to the formation of the arbitrary expressiveness of a child’s speech, but also to a more complete awareness of the content of an adult’s speech, and the formation of the ability to express his attitude to the subject of conversation.


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This is an expression in the semantic connections of the components of speech and the relationships between the parts and components of thought. The teacher should take into account that it is in the junior school age ideas about the structural components of a coherent utterance are laid down, and skills are formed in using various methods of intratextual communication.


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This is the correspondence between the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it. Special attention The teacher should pay attention to the semantic (notional) side of speech, which contributes to the development of children’s skills in accurate word use.


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This is the correspondence of speech to language norms. The teacher needs to know and follow the basic norms of the Russian language when communicating with children: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation), as well as norms for the formation and modification of words.


  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... the speaker's clothing also plays a role big role in the perception of his performance.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • The word is one of the most powerful human communication tools. The word lives, oral speech is an extremely important element professional excellence modern teacher and serves not only to solve educational problems. Expressive speech is a genuine expression of culture and helps the teacher create an atmosphere of collective aesthetic experience. Auditory impressions, as we know, are often the most effective and greatly influence the heart, mind and actions of students. And listening to a lesson, a story, an explanation from a teacher is a lot of mental work, which is greatly facilitated by expressive, skillful presentation.

    Unfortunately, the speech of an inexperienced teacher is often dry, monotonous, and inexpressive. It lacks a clear grouping of words around logical centers. Involuntary pauses, caused not by the logic of the content, but by the inability to correctly distribute breathing, the lack of intonational connection between individual parts of the phrase, interfere with perceiving the essence of the oral story.

    The process of successful awareness by schoolchildren educational material depends largely on the perfection of the teacher's speech. To technical indicators expressive speech includes: breathing, voice, diction (pronunciation), intonation (tons), tempo.

    Only good mastery of each component of speech technique can guarantee its high quality.

    So, speech technique is a set of elementary techniques of phonation breathing, speech voice and diction, brought to the level of automated skills, allowing the teacher to carry out speech influence with maximum efficiency.

    These are skills, the ability to implement language in a specific speech situation so that it makes a heuristic (intellectual), emotional-aesthetic, stimulating impression on listeners.

    Developed speech breathing, a well-trained voice, and perfect diction give the teacher’s words bright intonation expressiveness, allowing the subtlest shades (nuances) of thoughts and feelings to be conveyed in speech.

    To develop speech skills, it is necessary to understand the essence of language and speech as a means of communication, knowledge of the characteristics of the perception of oral speech, as well as the construction of the speech apparatus and the means of its development.

    Today in pedagogy there is a developed system of exercises on speech technique, which, based mainly on the experience of theater pedagogy, looks like a set of skills in speech breathing, voice formation and diction, allowing the teacher to convey to students the full richness of the content of his word.

    To develop and improve speech technique, it is necessary to know the structure of the speech apparatus and possible ways its development will help the teacher skillfully use the capabilities of his breathing, voice, and diction in teaching work.

    Breathing is one of the main vital acts of the human body, which a person performs constantly, in a certain rhythm. At the same time, breathing is the basis of spoken speech. Speech breathing is called phonation (from the Greek phono - sound). The following are actively involved in the breathing process: the nasopharynx, bronchi, lungs, chest, and diaphragm. For their work to be correct and effective, they must be physically healthy and developed. The quality of breathing depends on the age of the speaker. Depending on which muscles are involved in the breathing process, there are 4 types:

    1) Upper or clavicular breathing is carried out by contracting the muscles that raise and lower the shoulders and upper chest. This is shallow breathing, during which only the upper part of the lungs works.

    2) Thoracic breathing is carried out by the intercostal muscles. At the same time, the diaphragm is inactive, so exhalation is not energetic enough.

    3) Diaphragmatic breathing occurs due to contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm (contraction of the intercostal respiratory muscles is very slight).

    Typically, a person uses all three types of breathing, but in each one a certain type predominates. Thus, in the process of evolution, women's breathing has developed as predominantly chest breathing, while men breathe mainly using the diaphragm.

    The fourth, mixed, type of breathing is considered effective - complete and correct:

    4) Costal-diaphragmatic, that is, when both the ribs and the diaphragm move during breathing. You can verify this this way: put your right hand on the diaphragm, and your left hand on the left side of the chest; Having drawn air through the nose, holding it slightly, say a phrase (exhaling air while pronouncing it, we should feel the movement of the ribs and diaphragm). In this case, there is a complete expansion of the chest cavity, maximum ventilation of all parts of the lungs. Tension of the lower intercostal muscles allows you to keep the diaphragm in a contracted state, promotes a calm, uniform exhalation, unnoticeable to others.

    Breathing has two main acts: inhalation and exhalation, the quality of which also colors the sound broadcast accordingly, and the pause between them is an indicator of the nature of breathing. Thus, the sequence of normal physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause, where inhalation and exhalation are short and equal in duration. In everyday life, when a person’s speech is mainly dialogical, breathing does not cause difficulty. But for monologue speech, physiological (or unintentional) breathing is usually not enough. Speeches and readings aloud require large quantity air, its economical consumption and timely renewal. In a lesson, especially when the teacher has to speak for a long time, explaining the material, giving a lecture, untrained breathing makes itself felt: the pulse may increase, the face may turn red, and shortness of breath may appear.

    However, breathing can also be controlled: intentional (phonation) breathing, unlike physiological breathing, is carried out in a different sequence: short inhalation, pause, long audible exhalation. If during normal physiological breathing the ratio of inhalation and exhalation was 1:1, then with phonation it changes in the ratio 1:10, 1:15. At the initial stage of mastering speech breathing, it is carried out with the help of will and consciousness. Subsequently, intentional (voluntary) speech breathing turns into unintentional (involuntary).

    An important feature of the regulation of breathing in humans is the ability to arbitrarily, depending on the goal, including speech, change the tempo, rhythm, activity, amplitude of respiratory movements.

    In the process of developing phonation breathing skills, one should be guided by the following conditions for proper breathing.

    1. You should inhale air through your nose freely and silently.

    2. You can begin to speak when a slight excess of air has been taken into the lungs, necessary to carry out the structural and logical part of the text: this will eliminate the “extraordinary” inhalation, which disrupts the smoothness and rhythm of speech, causes intermittency, shallowness of breathing.

    3. Do not allow the air to be completely expended (i.e., do not allow the lungs to be completely freed from air) - this will lead to arrhythmia, falsetto, etc. Air should be expended sparingly and evenly.

    You should take advantage of every natural stop in speech to collect air supply into the lungs. (Getting air during natural stops is carried out by the so-called lower breathing; the diaphragm moves, and the upper chest and ribs are raised and motionless).

    The stock must be replenished promptly and discreetly.

    4. Remember that the depth of inhalation determines the strength of exhalation, and therefore the strength

    5. You should inhale and exhale silently, imperceptibly for the listener, because high-quality sound is formed by a calm stream of air emerging during uniform inhalation and exhalation (we are not talking about effective speech).

    Systematic work on oneself and performing special exercises will help improve the respiratory system of the future teacher.

    By inhaling and exhaling air while speaking, a person causes the vocal cords to close and open. The result is a voice.

    It is stimulated by the speaker’s intellect, his emotions (desire to speak), and will. The voice itself is weak. To make it sound, the sounds of the voice must be amplified. It is carried out by resonators (amplifiers): the chest, palate, teeth, nasal cavity, facial bones, frontal sinuses. There is an upper resonator (oral cavity, nose) and a lower, chest resonator (windpipe, bronchi, lungs). So, the sound of a voice, its basic properties, largely depend on the construction of the resonators, on the state in which they are and on how the sounds of the voice are correctly directed into the resonators.

    Let's consider the main properties of the teacher's voice.

    The strength (volume, sonority) of the voice does not depend on physical efforts, which lead to tension in the muscles of the larynx and vocal cords, but on correct, active speech breathing, on the activity of the organs of the speech apparatus, and the ability to use resonators. Strength is more about fullness and compactness than about the volume of sound, and is determined by the space the sound must fill.

    K. S. Stanislavsky emphasized that when real power of speech is needed, it is necessary to forget about volume. A teacher in the classroom should choose an average voice strength and never resort to increased volume (of screaming), since screaming overstrains the vocal cords and very quickly ceases to attract the attention of listeners.

    Flight - the ability to “send” your voice over a distance and regulate the strength of your voice; the ability of a voice to stand out from other sounds.

    Together with its strength, it ensures normal audibility at various points in the audience.

    A prerequisite for ensuring the flight of the voice is the teacher’s psychological attitude towards communication. Flight performance depends on how correctly the teacher assessed the acoustic features of a given audience, was able to “give back” the sound, and provide its references. Clarity of articulation also plays a major role in ensuring flight, since unclear functioning of the speech organs does not allow the formation of a full-fledged sound.

    The flexibility (mobility) of the voice is associated with the ability to choose such characteristics of it that correspond to specific communication conditions: this is a change in the voice within the existing range, and adaptability (that is, the adaptability of the voice in the acoustic conditions in which the teacher is forced to speak), and the ability to overcome the voice sound interference (conversations, extraneous noise). The flexibility of speech lies in the ease, variety of increases or decreases from the main tone, in changes in timbre in accordance with the requirements - logical and artistic - of a certain text. Mainly the flexibility of the voice concerns its changes in pitch.

    Range is the volume of the voice. Its boundaries are determined by high and low tones. A narrowing of the vocal range leads to monotony and a depletion of the sound palette. The monotony of sound, in turn, dulls perception and weakens the pedagogical impact of speech.

    Timbre is the color of sound, its brightness, softness, warmth, individuality, that is, what distinguishes the voice of one person from another.

    Euphony is the purity and freshness of timbre (without extraneous sounds: wheezing, hissing, stiffness, etc.), the innate beauty of the voice, and does not cause negative feelings in listeners. Euphony, and especially its components such as purity and clarity of timbre, are largely determined by natural data.

    However, it is possible to improve such “components” of euphony as tempo and pitch.

    Suggestibility is the ability to influence a listener with a voice, to broadcast, to instill in him the necessary emotional state, even regardless of the content of the speech. Suggestibility largely depends on timbre, and is trained in the process of improving the expressive side of speech, primarily intonation flexibility and range.

    Endurance is the ability to withstand a certain load.

    Voice endurance is ensured by proper speech breathing, clarity of articulation, quality of resonance and compliance with a number of requirements, the most important of which are vocal cord hygiene. After a working day, it is necessary to refrain from talking for several hours or try to communicate in very short phrases with minimal sonority.

    Research shows that the incidence of vocal apparatus diseases among teachers is 40.2%. The main causes of voice disorders: increased daily stress, inept use of the vocal apparatus, failure to comply with hygiene rules, congenital weakness of the vocal apparatus. Therefore, before speaking for a long time, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose a strength and volume that does not lead to overstrain of the vocal cords.

    Diction is clarity and precision in the pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds. It is a professional necessity for the teacher, since it contributes to the correct perception by students of the teacher’s speech. Careless pronunciation makes the broadcast unclear and unintelligible. This is manifested in the “eating” of the final consonant or sounds within a word, the sound “through teeth”.

    Diction depends on the coordinated and energetic work of the entire speech apparatus. The articulatory or speech apparatus includes the lips, tongue, jaws, teeth, hard and soft palate, small tongue, larynx, posterior wall of the pharynx, and vocal cords. Some of them are passive in speech, while others (tongue, lips, soft palate, small uvula and lower jaw) actively participate, so they can be trained.

    If speech impediments organic origin, then it might help

    only surgical intervention. Inorganic defects (burr, lisp, lisp, lethargy and unclear speech) can be corrected with the help of special articulatory gymnastics. It contains exercises for warming up the speech apparatus, as well as for correctly practicing the articulation of each loud and consonant sound.

    For example, a fixed upper lip and a flabby lower lip interfere with the clear pronunciation of many whistling and hissing consonants. If a person presses the tongue too hard against the inside of the upper teeth or rests it on the teeth, - "lisping" occurs. In this case, you need to learn to hide your tongue behind your teeth. Exercises with a match in your teeth are useful. There are simple speech therapy exercises to eliminate lisps, burrs, nasal sounds, etc.

    In general, you need to speak smoothly, learn to open your mouth well, which is an important condition for the formation of sound. Good diction prepares the speech apparatus for creative process, makes accurate articulation of all speech sounds habitual, helps the expressiveness of speech.

    Incorrect skills and speech deficiencies that have become entrenched over many years will not disappear quickly. Only consistent training, continuous work and endurance will help get rid of the habitual incorrect movements of some parts of the speech apparatus, replacing them with other, not yet habitual, but correct movements, and make these movements effortless.

    Tempo is the overall speed and duration of the sound of individual words, syllables, as well as pauses, combined with the rhythmic organization and regularity of speech.

    The speed of speech depends on the individual qualities of the teacher, the content of his speech and the communication situation. The duration of the sound of individual words depends not only on their length, but also on their significance in a given context. The teacher teaches the difficult part of the material at a slow pace, then he can speak faster. Speech necessarily slows down when it is necessary to formulate one or another conclusion - a definition, a rule, a principle, a law. The degree of excitement of students should also be taken into account. The more excited the student is, the slower and quieter the teacher needs to speak.

    To achieve expressive sound, you should skillfully use pauses: logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, and without psychological pauses it is dead. Pauses, tempo and melody of speech together make up intonation. Intonation is a modification of the pitch, strength, timbre of the voice, dividing speech into pauses in the process of its development.

    The intonation expressiveness of speech can emphasize, enhance the author’s creative intent, or modify or distort it. The teacher’s speech should attract with its naturalness, conversational melodic pattern and, unlike ordinary conversation, be contrasting and expressive.

    Accent, tempo and melody organize broadcasting and are clearly manifested in the intonation of not individual words, but groups of words, that is, in the speech flow, in oral speech. The tempo is not independent - it repeats the position of emphasis, that is, it is determined by the dynamics of the word or phrase. The melody is created by contrasting stressed and unstressed syllables, stressed and unstressed words.

    So, tempo rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech is a very complex mechanism that is activated by physiological, intellectual, logical and psychological levers. This mechanism will work flawlessly if the speaker has a trained ear for the spoken word, if he is psychologically attuned to the perception of this word, will not remain indifferent to it, and if he has a variety of and precise linguistic means necessary for semantic, logical and emotionally expressive expressiveness.

    After an objective assessment of your own speech data, you should begin regular classes to correct the identified deficiencies, weaknesses speech (train breathing, practice diction, tempo, strengthen vocal cords). After all, the teacher’s voice should be bright, sonorous, clear, and attract attention. A teacher’s good speech awakens in students a desire to listen and contributes to solving educational problems.

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    The presentation on the topic “Culture of teacher speech” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 23 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    Slide 1

    The teacher’s speech culture is a role model

    Prepared by speech therapist teacher: Selivanova S.A.

    Slide 2

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    In a successful organization pedagogical process Much depends on the teacher’s communication culture. Culture is the spiritual reserve of society. External culture is a set of positively valued goals and norms. A person’s upbringing should be determined through awareness of the normative-integral system and the implementation of their knowledge in life and the transfer of that N.C.S., the bearer of which he is.

    Slide 4

    Speech culture is a set of human skills and knowledge that ensures the expedient and easy use of language for communication purposes, mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, stylistics), as well as the ability to use expressive means of language in various conditions communication in accordance with the goals and content of speech.

    Slide 7

    “A norm is a set of language means that are most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of linguistic elements (lexical, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic) from among coexisting, existing, newly formed or extracted from a passive stock the past in the process of social, in a broad sense, assessment of these elements” (S.I. Ozhegov).

    Slide 8

    Strictly mandatory Violation of these norms is regarded as poor command of the Russian language

    Not strictly required: .i.e. options are possible.

    Slide 9

    examples of variant use of language norms 1) by place of stress: born - born, rust - rust, xAos - chaos; 2) associated with the pronunciation of individual sounds or their combinations: bulo[chn]aya - bu-lo[sh]aya, d[e]kan - d[e]kan; 3) phonemic, differing in the composition of phonemes: zero - zero, galosh - galosh, tunnel - tunnel; 4) morphological: hangnail - hangnail.

    Slide 10

    Put on - put on The verb WEAR ON denotes an action performed in relation to oneself or (in constructions with the preposition on) in relation to another person or object: put on a coat, shoes, gloves, glasses, ring; put a fur coat on a child, put a cover on a chair, put a pillowcase on a pillow. The verb DRESS denotes an action directed at another person or object, expressed by a direct object (i.e., a noun or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition): dress a child, dress a doll.

    Slide 11

    SHOE, shoe, shoe; shod; shod, -a, -o; St. someone or something Forms of the incentive mood: put on shoes - put on shoes, put on shoes - put on shoes. Shoe (perfective verb) - 1) put shoes on yourself or someone else; 2) provide shoes for someone (The whole family needs to be dressed and put on shoes). Shoe is an imperfective verb with the same meaning. Owl verbs species denote a completed or time-limited action, ness verbs. type - unlimited in time. Thus, when you say: “Put on your shoes,” you expect an immediate execution of the action, and when you say: “Put on your shoes,” you expect the beginning of a “long” process. In principle, the difference in value is very small.

    Slide 12

    Eat - eat The verb EAT is stylistically limited in its use. In the modern literary norm, the word eat is not used in the 1st person form (you cannot say: I eat, we eat; you must: I eat, we eat. In the 3rd person, this verb is usually used only in relation to a child to express affection. It is also possible using it with a polite invitation to eat (eat, eat, please), where the forms eat, eat, sound somewhat familiar.

    Slide 13

    Hint - tell

    The verb TO PROMPT is used in its literal meaning: to whisper or imperceptibly tell someone something they have forgotten or unknown to them: to suggest a poem, to suggest the course of a decision, and also in a figurative meaning: to suggest an idea: experience suggests a different solution. Therefore, you cannot say: please tell me how to get there... You must: please tell me how to get there...

    Slide 14

    Pay - pay.

    The verb PAY (to make a payment, giving money for something, in compensation for something) is used in cases where we are talking about reimbursement of expenses, costs, loans, the receipt of a monetary document (check), etc. This verb is used only in constructions with the accusative case without a preposition (to pay for a purchase, travel...). The verb PAY is used to indicate the giving of money (or other valuables) for a purchase, as well as as a fine or reward. We must say: pay a bonus, pay a fine, but: pay for work, pay for travel.

    Slide 15

    “put” and “lay down”.

    the norm is to use the word “put”, while “lay down” is colloquial. ...The verb “put” is used without prefixes. But this only applies to verbs of the imperfect form; with the perfect form, the situation is completely opposite - saying and writing “put” is considered correct, “poklast” is considered colloquial. These norms are enshrined in all kinds of dictionaries and reference books, and therefore are considered the only correct ones.

    Slide 16

    Verbs OVEN, BURN, CUT When using these verbs, the difficulty is created by the different alternations of consonants in the root: K/CH and G/Z NORM: BAKE, BAKE, BAKE, BAKE, BAKE, BAKE. But not! You bake, bake, bake, bake NORMAL: BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN. Common mistake- without alternation. WRONG: you burn, you burn, you burn, you burn. Similar errors occur when using the verb CUT. NORM: CUT, CUT, CUT CUT, CUT, CUT. BUT NOT! cut, cut, cut.

    Slide 17

    t`torts, b`ants, l`ifts

    Words under stress must have the first vowel sound in all forms (t'orts, b'ants, l'ifts; in t'orts, in b'ants, in l'ifts; on t'orts, on b'ants, on lifts; lift, lift, lift, lift, lift).

    Slide 18

    Verbs formed from the verb zvon`it with different prefixes (call, call back, call back) in all forms are pronounced with the same stress as in the verb to call (call, call back, call back, etc.). ).

    Slide 19

    turn on

    Verbs with the same root as in the verb include, but with different prefixes (connect, switch, connect, conclude) in all forms are pronounced with the same stress as in the verb include (connect, switch, connect, connect) you eat, etc.).

    Slide 20

    Let's REPEAT together

    CORRECT Spoiled newborn garbage pipeline oil pipeline gas pipeline medics table yar catalog og partner kitchen production center invention motion to request a piece given acquisition the growth of divorced Ukrainians will be aggravated in the elections

    WRONGLY spoiled newborn garbage pipeline oil pipeline gas pipeline medicines carpenter catalog p'arter ear'arrest d'usage centner F'arfor invention move'appeal l' wash the purchased acquisition pr'iost divorced Ukrainian aggravate the elections

    Adverbs are unchangeable words, so there are no morphological errors. But there are erroneous variants of the composition of the adverb word. NORMAL: Back (NOT back, back) Back (NOT back) Behind (NOT back) Back forward (NOT back back) Inside (NOT in) Where (NOT where) There (NOT there) Here (NOT here). Normally there are no words there, here There (NOT tama) Here (not here) T ut (NOT tut) About (NOT kolo) In vain (NOT in vain) Immediately (NOT at once) First (NOT first, first of all) Then (NOT after) For the first time (NOT for the first time) Again (NOT anew) Deeply (NOT deeply) Indifferently (NOT without a difference) In truth (NOT for real) On purpose (NOT in vain) In vain (NOT in vain) On purpose (NOT in vain, but quite acceptable children) Wider (NOT wider) Longer (NOT longer) In half (NOT in half) One by one (NOT one by one)

    Tips for making a good presentation or project report

    1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
    2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
    3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
    4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
    5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
    6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
    7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
    8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.