Presentation on the topic of the posture of a schoolboy. Presentation "formation of correct posture". There is a forward bend in the lumbar region

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Correct posture. Posture is usually called the usual posture at ease standing man, the ability to keep the torso and head straight without tension (with slight natural curves of the spine: in the cervical and lumbar regions - forward, in the thoracic and sacral - back).

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Let's check the posture With the correct posture, the head and torso are located along one vertical line, the shoulders are deployed, slightly lowered and are at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed, the physiological lines of the spine are normal. The chest is slightly convex, the abdomen protrudes slightly or slightly drawn in, the legs are extended at the knees and hip joints. The chest is cylindrical or conical. The muscles are relief, all joints are mobile. The legs are straight, the closure of the hips, knees, shins and heels occurs without much muscle tension, with a small gap below the knees and above the inner ankles. The inner parts of the feet do not touch the floor. In order to determine the flaws in your posture, stand close to your back against a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (head should touch the cabinet). Hands down at the seams. If your palm passes between the lower back and the wall, then the posture is good, otherwise your abdominal muscles are weak and the stomach pulls the spine

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DEFECTS OF POSTURE Many curvatures of the spine can be prevented, and in the initial stage - corrected. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to incorrect posture, uneven position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, displacement of the pelvis, etc. Children with posture disorders should be shown to an orthopedist and specialist in physical culture. To prevent bad posture, you need to do gymnastics daily. Incorrect posture disturbs the position internal organs chest and abdominal cavity and contributes to the early appearance of osteochondrosis. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have weakened musculoskeletal system and muscles, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, of the spine. These children have a very high risk of getting seriously injured when jumping long jumps, high jumps, exercising on sports equipment, wrestling and other contact sports.

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With incorrect posture, the natural curves of the spine are noticeably increased. In addition, they can develop lateral curvature spine - scoliosis. With a stooped posture (Fig. 1. 2), the bend of the thoracic spine is pronounced. The chest is sunken, the shoulder blades lag behind, the shoulders protrude forward, the head is tilted forward. For lordotic posture (Fig. 1. 3) is characterized by an increase in the lumbar bend. The angle of the pelvis increases, the stomach protrudes.

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DEFECTS OF POSTURE With a round-concave back (Fig. 1. 4), the bends in the thoracic and lumbar spine are increased. The angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased, the buttocks protrude sharply back, the stomach forward, the chest is sunken, the waist is somewhat shortened. With a flat back (Fig. 2. 1), all the curves of the spine are underdeveloped, the angle of the pelvis is reduced, the stomach is retracted, the buttocks are excessively protruding. The anteroposterior size of the chest is reduced, and the transverse size is increased. The child is held tensely, emphasized straight, his movements are clumsy. Oblique back (asymmetric posture) (Fig. 2. 2) occurs when the shoulder girdle and pelvis are asymmetrical, the legs are different lengths, or the pelvis is oblique. If you do not take measures to correct your posture, changes in the intervertebral discs and bone tissue may occur, which are characteristic of a serious illness - scoliosis

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1) Posture largely depends on the state of your muscles; In addition, it is important to remember that the wrong posture at the table especially spoils the posture; 3) The habit of reading while lying on your side worsens your posture; Carry in the same hand of gravity; 5) The bed should not be excessively soft, and the pillow should not be high; What does posture depend on?

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How to correct posture? Posture can be corrected if you constantly pay attention to some things and purposefully perform exercises to correct your posture. . Specially selected physical exercises are an effective means of preventing postural disorders: stoop, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (a disease of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay in physiologically uncomfortable positions). It is recommended to alternate the loads associated with sitting with intense physical exercises: special exercises for the muscles of the back, abdominals, shoulder girdle, limbs. The duration of the exercises is 1 - 3 minutes.

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A set of exercises to correct posture .. 1. I. p. - lying on your back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise your head and shoulders, check the correct position of the body, return to and. p. 2. I. p. - the same. Alternately bend and straighten the legs at the knees and hip joints. 3. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Chin on the back surface of the brushes laid on top of each other. Raise your head and shoulders, put your hands on your belt, connect your shoulder blades .. 4. I. p. - lying on your back. Move from a lying position to a sitting position, maintaining the correct back position. 5.I. p. - the same. Alternately lifting straight legs, without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is slow.

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Fish, bicycle 6. I. p. - lying on his stomach, chin on his hands. Take your hands back and raise your legs ("Fish") 7. I. p. - lying on your back. "Bike". 8. I. p. - lying on the right side. Raise both straight legs, hold them on weight for 3-4 counts, slowly lower them into and. p. 9. I. p. - the same on the left side.

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Squats. walking 10. I.p. - standing. Half squats and squats on toes, arms to the sides, up, forward (Fig. 4.1). 11. Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot.

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Scissors 12. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Capturing the legs of a chair with your feet from the inside and outside 8-10 times. (Fig. 4.2). 20. I. p. - sitting, knees bent (angle 30 "). Shake your legs to the sides. 13. I. p. - lying on your back. "Scissors" - horizontal and vertical movements with straight legs (Fig. 4.3).

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Lock 14. I. p. - standing. "Lock" - put one hand behind the head, the second behind the shoulder blades. “Saw” several times, changing the position of the hands (Fig. 5). 15. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Take a breath and slowly raise the pelvis (“half-bridge”), as you exhale, lower yourself into and. n. (Fig. 6).

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Guidelines Do not slouch, do all exercises at a calm pace, without holding your breath. Each exercise is performed 4-5 times, then the number of repetitions gradually increases to 10-12 times. You need to practice in a well-ventilated room. Clothing should be light, comfortable and not restrictive. It is better to exercise barefoot or in socks. Exercise one hour before and 45-60 minutes after meals at different times, but the last time no later than 19 hours. The morning of each student should begin with a charge, because. morning exercises give energy for the whole day Waking up in the morning, stretching lying down. Then sit down, cross-legged, and stretch again, trying to feel how the spine straightens. Be sure to stretch the cervical region - turn your head in different directions, gently tilt it, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.

The presentation "Correct posture is a guarantee of health" contains material on the formation and maintenance of correct posture.

The purpose of the presentation is to consider the influence of posture on human health, to identify signs of correct posture and its violation.

The rules of royal posture and exercises for its development are presented.



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"Correct posture is a guarantee of health" Completed by: teacher of the secondary school No. 15 Pavlova Natalya Aleksandrovna Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 15"

Correct posture is the usual posture of a naturally standing person, when he is able to keep his torso and head straight without tension with slight natural curves of the spine. For proper posture, strong back muscles, flexibility of the spine and joints are important. Strong, elastic muscles help maintain the normal arrangement of internal organs, and hence their healthy functioning for a long time. What is posture?

The influence of posture on human health Violation of posture is accompanied by a disorder in the activity of all internal organs, a small vital capacity of the lungs and fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure. This adversely affects the function of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Weakness of the abdominal muscles and a bent position of the body cause violations of the outflow of bile and intestinal motility. This leads to disruption of the digestive processes and slagging of the body, decreased immunity, colds, fatigue and headaches. People with a flat back are prone to permanent microtrauma of the brain while walking, running and other movements. Hence - rapid fatigue and frequent headaches.

Posture test The simplest way assess your posture is as follows: Stand close with your back against a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (head should touch the cabinet). Hands down. If your palm does not pass between the lower back and the wall, then the posture is good; otherwise, the abdominal muscles are weak and the abdomen pulls the spine forward (lordosis).

With correct posture, the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the shoulders are deployed, slightly lowered and are at the same level, the relief of the neck (from the ear to the edge of the shoulders) is symmetrical on both sides, the physiological curvature of the spine is normally expressed, the chest is raised (slightly protruding), the stomach retracted, legs straightened at the knee and hip joints, foot without deformities with a clearly visible notch from the inner arch. Signs of correct posture

Assessing the posture, the following points are recorded. The position of the head Is it on the same vertical with the body, or is it forward, or is it tilted to the side (to the right or to the left). The condition of the shoulder girdle is the relief of the neck - the line from the tragus of the ear to the edge of the shoulder is equally curved on both sides or one side is longer than the other; shoulders - at the same level or one shoulder is raised and the other is lowered; the shoulders are divorced or forward, and if they are served, then equally or one is larger than the other shoulder blades - at the same level or one above; whether they act, and if they act, then equally or one more.

The spine It has normal physiological curves or cervical and lumbar lordosis (forward bulge), thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis (back bulge) are observed. The main feature of correct posture is the symmetrical arrangement of body parts relative to the spine: The chest in front and behind does not sink or protrude; the abdomen is symmetrical and the navel is located in its center; nipples - on the same line; shoulder blades are at the same level in relation to the spine; the level of the shoulder girdle and iliac crests on the same horizontal line; waist lines are the same on both sides.

Spinal mobility Assessed in a standing position. When leaning forward, the distance from the end of the middle finger to the floor is measured. If the subject cannot reach the floor with his fingertips, it is recorded: minus so many centimeters; if he can put his palm on the floor, it is recorded: plus so many centimeters. The mobility of the spine in a backward bend is measured by the distance from the seventh cervical vertebra to the beginning of the intergluteal crease at the maximum tilt of the body back

The strength endurance of the extensor muscles of the back is assessed by the time the upper half of the body and head are held on weight in the “swallow” position. Approximately normal time of body holding by children of 7-11 years old is 1.5-2 minutes, by teenagers - 2-2.5 minutes, by adults - 3 minutes.

Postural disorders Curvature of the spine Deviations from normal posture are called postural disorders or defects. Kyphosis (curvature) and lordosis (concavity) lead to stoop, and scoliosis (bending) leads to lateral curvature of the spine and functional changes in the musculoskeletal system. Normal back Violation of posture can occur in two planes - in the sagittal (side view) and frontal (straight view). Abnormalities in the sagittal plane

Posture disorders that reflect an increase in the curvature of the spine include: stooping - an increase in thoracic kyphosis (curvature) and a decrease in lumbar lordosis (concavity). With a stooped and round back, the chest sinks, shoulders, neck and head are tilted forward, the stomach is protruded, the buttocks are flattened, the shoulder blades pterygoid protruding. lordotic - round back - an increase in thoracic kyphosis (curvature) in the complete absence of lumbar lordosis (concavity). To compensate for the deviation of the center of gravity from the midline, a person with such a posture stands, as a rule, with his legs slightly bent at the knees. With a round-concave back, the head, neck, shoulders are tilted forward, the abdomen protrudes, the knees are maximally extended, the muscles of the back of the thighs are stretched and thinned compared to the muscles of the front of the thighs. kyphotic - round-concave back - an increase in all the curves of the spine, as well as the angle of the pelvis. straightened - flat back - flattening of the lumbar lordosis (concavity), in which the pelvic tilt is reduced, and the thoracic kyphosis is poorly expressed. At the same time, the chest is shifted forward, the lower part of the abdomen is protruded, the shoulder blades are pterygoid - the corners and their inner edges lag behind the back.

Frontal plane disorders Scoliosis is a typical posture disorder in the frontal plane - an asymmetric posture, when there is no symmetry between the right and left halves of the body. In this case, the spine is an arc with its apex turned to the right or to the left, and the "waist triangles" - the space between the elbow joint of the hanging arm and the waist - become different due to the fact that one shoulder and shoulder blade are lowered Round back Flat back Saddle-shaped

Violation of the shape of the legs When determining the shape of the legs, the subject connects the heels together and stands upright. Normally, the legs touch in the area of ​​the knee joints, with the O-shaped form, the knee joints do not touch, with the X-shaped one, one knee joint comes after the other.

The shape of the legs 1 is normal (the axis of the lower limb is normal). 2 - O-shaped deformity of the lower limb (varus). 3 - X-shaped (deformity of the lower limb (valgus). Violation of the shape of the feet. The foot is an organ of support and movement. There are normal, flattened and flat feet. When examining the foot of the supporting surface, pay attention to the width of the isthmus connecting the heel area with the front of the foot. In addition, pay attention to the vertical axes of the Achilles tendon and heel under load. Appearance stop a) Sole prints are normal. b) With flat feet.

Royal posture rules. Exercises to develop correct posture.

First rule. Always and under any circumstances "keep your back". The back should be straight, both when you walk and when you sit. Straight back - symbol peace of mind, bent - indicates a decline in vitality. Exercise 1 Baby Pose. Get on your knees on the mat. Arms outstretched, palms facing each other. Slowly lower your buttocks onto your heels, and stretch your arms in front of you. Press your palms to the floor. When the neck relaxes, return to the starting position. Do this exercise 6 times.

Second rule. Roll your shoulders and drop your shoulder blades down. Correct posture obliges you to walk with your head held high. Exercise 2 Pose of a warrior. One leg in front of the other by 3-4 feet, arms at the sides, back straight. As you inhale, bend the leg that is in front. We stretch forward and close our fingers above our heads. Do this exercise 6 times with each leg.

Third rule. Don't bend at the waist. Sedentary lifestyle contributes to "senile" posture. If you try to get up from a chair without changing the inclination of the lower back, then in the mirror you will see the old woman. Exercise 3 Lizard Pose. We bend one leg in front of us, the second behind you. We rest our hands on the floor, the torso stretches up - perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, lower your torso to your knee. Do this exercise 6 times with each leg.

Fourth rule. The walk should be easy. A heavy, overweight gait is reflected not only in the joints, but also in the condition of the shoes. Do not think that fullness invariably entails heaviness. Walking "on a string" also emphasizes the smooth and slow swaying of the hips. It is smooth, like a pendulum - to the left, to the right ... You should not twist your hips on purpose, it looks vulgar. Exercise 4 Bridge Pose. We lay down on our back, hands in the castle perpendicular to the floor. We stretch our hands to the ceiling, tearing them off the floor. While inhaling, we raise the pelvis from the floor and stretch the pubic bone to the ceiling. On the exhale, we return to the starting position. Do this exercise 6 times.

Fifth rule. When moving, the shoulders float smoothly forward. It's good to walk around with a book on your head. This, by the way, strengthens the muscles of the neck, eliminates the second chin and gives the head a proud fit. 1. Raising the ribs. I.P. - lying on your back. Legs are straight. Hands - along the body. Keeping your head, shoulders, and buttocks off the floor, bend your spine forward and upward to spread your ribs. Hold this position for 5-7 cycles of "inhale-exhale". Exercise 5

Sixth rule. The step should be wide, confident, but with a toe. If we are to achieve a really soft move, proudly and openly carrying our body forward, then the load from the heel should be transferred to another part of the foot - closer to the toe. Stretching the extensors of the spine (lower back). To perform this exercise, you will need a belt from a bathrobe or a skipping rope. I.P. - lying on your back, bend your legs and place the belt in the middle of the thigh. Elbows pressed to the floor. Throw back your legs, while helping with your hands to pull your knees up to your nose. Linger on 8 accounts. Get down to the starting position. Exercise 6

Seventh rule. Remember the episode from the movie "Office Romance" - "All in yourself!" Absorb the stomach, tighten the buttocks. One secret is to “take in” the stomach easier on an empty stomach. The absence of a feeling of overeating in general contributes to lightness in the whole body and a flying, not burdened with extra calories, gait. Changed posture of a pigeon. I.P. - stretch one leg back into a twine, the knee looks at the floor; extend the other leg, bent at the knee, forward (in front of you). By doing this exercise, you will feel a significant stretch in the back of your thighs. Perform the exercise on the other leg.

Eighth rule. Do not be shy. Often the reason for stooping is that walking with a royal posture and looking people straight in the eye is very difficult psychologically. It is easier to hide, put your head in your shoulders and not attract too much attention to yourself. Always strive for a proud posture, a straight look with a slight challenge and absolute confidence in your every movement. Crosswise From the starting position, lying on your stomach, alternately raise your right arm - left leg and left leg - right arm. Perform 15-20 times for each side alternately.

Ninth rule. Don't forget to wear clothes. The gait depends on the mood, environment, clothes and even hairstyles. The hair, collected in a heavy knot at the back of the head, involuntarily pulls the head back a little, straightening both the shoulders and the spine at the same time. Light "flowing" fabrics of the skirt, raincoat make the movement look like a flight, smoothly flow around the figure in front in its most advantageous places. Nautilus I.P. - we rise to our knees. As in the previous “criss-cross” version, we pull the left knee to the right hand and then pull it up. First do 15-20 sets for one side, then mirror for the other.

Tenth rule. Only self-respect and self-esteem, coming from within, can make royal become your permanent state. Dig into your soul and find in yourself your greatest dignity. Tenth rule. Only self-respect and self-esteem, coming from within, can make royal become your permanent state. Dig into your soul and find in yourself your greatest dignity.

Check the posture of your entire family. -Choose a set of exercises for the development of correct posture. Homework

Prevention of the development of posture disorders and scoliosis should be comprehensive and include: sleeping on a hard bed in the supine or supine position. correct and accurate shoe correction: (flat feet, clubfoot) organization and strict adherence to the correct daily regimen (time of sleep, wakefulness, nutrition, etc.) constant physical activity, including walking, exercise, sports, tourism, swimming. refusal of such bad habits as: standing on one leg, incorrect body position while sitting (at a desk, desk, at home in an armchair, etc.) control over the correct, even load on the spine when wearing backpacks, bags, briefcases, etc. others

It is the muscles of the lower abdomen that form a beautiful posture, allow us to keep our back straight. Press - the basis of a beautiful posture Work on a beautiful posture should begin with training the abdominal muscles. Perform simple exercises on all groups of abdominal muscles and under any circumstances pull in the stomach and try to keep the muscles in a slight tension. For proper posture, you need to sit correctly. Remember: Perform simple exercises on all abdominal muscle groups and under any circumstances, pull in the stomach and try to keep the muscles in a slight tension. For proper posture, you need to sit correctly. It is the muscles of the lower abdomen that form a beautiful posture, allow us to keep our back straight. Press - the basis of a beautiful posture Work on a beautiful posture should begin with training the abdominal muscles. Remember

Literature 1. Encyclopedia of beauty and health. Perfect posture. 2. Niki Levick. The rules of royal posture. 2011. 3.O. Barasheva. Correct posture is the key to success in life. - M., 2000. 4. Bragg P. Program for the improvement of the spine. - M., 1998. 5. Violations of posture. - M., 1999.

Thank you for your attention!

Rostov region


MOU secondary school №3

Stupachenko Marina


The most valuable thing a person has -

this is life, but the most important thing in it

life - HEALTH, for which it is necessary

fight with all your might.

Subject:"Formation of correct posture in a student"

Target: -form an idea of ​​the correct posture;


- learn a set of exercises to form the correct posture

- improve health

Lesson progress

Today we have an unusual activity. We have guests. Let's, guys, remember again: what is valeology?

(Valeology is the science of how to be healthy, joyful, eat right and how to maintain your health) SLIDE 2

What did we talk about in class?

(About proper nutrition, about how to properly brush your teeth, did gymnastics for the eyes, hands, about hardening)


I wonder what we'll talk about today? Now you can guess, and I will help you with this.

To begin with, depict facial expressions or gait:

A student who received a deuce;

A cowardly person;

Cheerful person;

Confident student.

Didn't guess? Then watch the slides. SLIDE 4

(We will probably talk about gymnastics or about beauty, about the back)

Yes, children, we will talk about a beautiful back, that is, about posture. Back in the 19th century, in German aristocratic families, girls were tied by pigtails to the back of a chair. So the parents fought for the impeccable posture of the young maid of honor. And the hussars were forced to wear books on their heads.

And the theme of our lesson Formation of correct posture in schoolchildren" SLIDE 5

And the purpose of our lesson: - learn what a person's posture is, its meaning

- learn a set of exercises to form the correct posture - improve health SLIDES 6, 7

Teacher's story SLADY 8,9,10,11,12.

- So what is posture?

(Correct body structure when standing, walking and sitting)

Why do you think posture is so important?

(Good posture increases confidence, lightness in the body)

Yes, children, now I will prove to you that we need to monitor posture. Stand up, straighten your back and inhale. Now sit down, bend over, and breathe again. When is it easier to breathe?

(When we stood straight)

Good posture helps muscles work efficiently, increases lung capacity by helping the circulation of oxygen and food in the body. Posture affects your mind, elevates your mood. Posture helps many more functions. We will talk about this in the next lesson.

SLIDES 13,14

- And now let's move on to simple exercises that will help us strengthen our posture. Now we will tune in with the help of auto-training. Sit "in Turkish", close your eyes and silently repeat the words after me. SLIDE 15 (music by James Last "The Lonely Shepherd" plays)

"I will succeed. I will do these exercises every day. I will always have good mood, I will have the correct beautiful posture "

1 ex. "Seagull" I.p. Standing straight, legs together, tighten the stomach. Slowly spread our arms to the sides parallel to the floor and stand for 3-5 seconds. We do 5-7 times.

2 ex. "Castle" I.p. Standing straight, feet together. Stretch your arms in front of you, hands in a “lock”, then raise your arms up in this position, while trying not to bend your back. Repeat 5-7 times.

3 ex. I.p. Standing straight. Raise the knees to the hip joint. Do 3-5 times

4 ex. "Dolphin" I.p. lie on the floor on your stomach. And try to raise your arms and legs at the same time. Do 5 times.

5 ex. Get a hardcover book. Put it on your head and try to walk 10 steps without the book falling.

Maybe our guests will try to do the exercises with us?

That's all. To improve your posture, you should do gymnastics, physical education and swim in the pool. Now stand straight.

You guys take a look.

Are you all right?

The back should be straight

Like a guitar string.

Legs, you, connect

Keep your head straight!

And now I want to see your mood. You have red and blue hearts. If you enjoyed the activity and good mood raise the red hearts, and if not, the blue ones. Now show your mood. Thanks for the help. I WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND HEALTH! SLIDE 16


Polyakov V.V. Fundamentals of life safety: A textbook for grade 1 educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house "Drofa", 1996

"Health-saving technologies in primary school lessons (presentation)"

W HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES ON LESSONS and in extracurricular activities in primary school

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 3,


Rostov region


The most popular definition given by the World Health Organization:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

What is health-saving technologies?

"Health-Saving Technology" is the science of health, a healthy lifestyle and the art of maintaining health.


To provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to form necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.


Providing such conditions for training, education, development, which do not have a negative impact on the health of all subjects of the educational process.

Areas of work










The main structural unit of educational work with students. Rational organization lesson is important component health-saving work of the school.

  • Exercises to relieve general and local fatigue;
  • Hand exercises;
  • Gymnastics for the eyes;
  • Gymnastics for hearing;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Posture Correction Exercises


1. "Abra Kadabra"

I.p. - sitting hands lie on the desk, wrists extended with palms down.

Abra - (slowly clench your palms into a fist).

Kadabra - (slowly open your fists).

Repeat at least 10 times.


1. Movement of the pupils to the left - to the right, up - down, circular movements of the pupils. Close your eyes tightly for 10-20 seconds. . Relax your muscles, open your eyes.

2. I.p. - sitting, leaning back in a chair. Deep breath. Leaning forward towards the tabletop, exhale. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. I.p. - Sitting back in the chair. Close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, then open them.


1. Sit up straight. Tilt your head slightly forward. Lean on the back of a chair and slide your palm between your chest and the edge of the table. If the palm has passed freely, then you are sitting correctly.

2. Sit straight, not deviating either to the left or to the right.

3 Keep a notebook or book from your eyes at a distance equal to from your elbow to your fingertips.

4. Hands on the table lie freely and calmly.

5. Feet stand on the floor evenly and confidently.


1. Follow the regime of the day!

2. Pay more attention to food!

3. Move more!

4. Sleep in a cool room!

5. Do not extinguish anger in yourself, let it break out!

6. Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

7. Drive away despondency and blues!

9. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

10. Wish yourself and others more good!

  • Sinyagina N.Yu., Kuznetsova I.V. How to maintain and improve the health of children. Psychological attitudes and exercises. Moscow: Vlados, 2004
  • Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A., Thirty health lessons for first graders. M.: ROSMEN. 1999
  • Photo by the author Stupachenko M.V.

View presentation content
"correct posture"

Sports and recreation direction

extracurricular activities

- it's science

You probably noticed that athletes, ballet dancers, military men have a beautiful posture.

Posture - this is the habitual position of the body when a person is sitting, standing or moving.

A person with correct posture holds his head straight, his back is straight, his shoulders are at the same level and slightly laid back, his stomach is pulled in, and his chest is slightly pushed forward.

  • "Adaptation of the body of adolescents to the training load." / Ed. D. V. Kolesova. - M: Pedagogy 1987.
  • Polyakov V.V. Fundamentals of life safety: A textbook for grade 1 educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house "Drofa", 1996
  • Bryazgunov I.P. "Conversations about the health of schoolchildren" Book. for teachers and parents.-M.: Education, 1992.
  • . Album. Masterpieces of Instrumental Music (CD1) Composition. James Last - The Lonely Shepherd. Size. 10.02

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"Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation"

Photo report of the valeological club "Healthy"

Head: Stupachenko M.V.

We have serious tasks ….

Gymnastics and physical activity are important components of correct posture. Do gymnastics with your child in the morning, first warm up, and then stretch all muscle groups. Try to captivate your child by wearing a book on their head. Put the book on your head, and put your hands on your belt and compete who will walk the longest or carry it farther. Gradually complicate the exercise - stretch your arms forward, squat, keeping your heels off the floor and keeping your back straight, spread your arms to the sides, raise your legs alternately. These exercises are good for strengthening the back muscles. Swimming is also a good spinal workout. Enroll a student in the pool and visit it 2-3 times a week. Hiking, cycling or roller skating help to strengthen the spine and maintain proper posture. Yoga is very interesting and useful for children. There are special children's groups in which you can study from 7-8 years old. As a rule, children really like yoga, because they are so interested in taking the “turtle pose”, “warrior pose”, for some time becoming a “flower” or “tree”