Internal corporate portal for employees. Corporate intranet portal: theory and practice. Delivery of the project: autotests, load testing, PMI

The presence of a corporate portal in your company will not surprise anyone. More and more large and medium-sized business representatives one way or another faced with the choice and implementation of the portal. Nevertheless, many enterprises are still on the verge of making a decision to launch a corporate portal implementation project. I hope my brief review will help you take the first step in this direction.

So, all portal solutions on the market today can be divided into three groups:

  • platforms for creating corporate portals;
  • boxed products (ready-made solutions) based on platforms;
  • solutions offered as a SaaS service (cloud solutions).

Let's consider them sequentially.

Platforms for creating corporate portals

Platforms for creating portal solutions, in turn, are divided into commercial ones, such as

Oracle WebCenter Suite, MS SharePoint, IBM WebSphera, 1C-Bitrix

and open ones like

Joomla!, Jboss, Plone, Drupal, Jive, etc.

Platforms are used to develop corporate portals for a specific technical task(TK), and theoretically meet the needs of customers better than other groups. If a competent TOR is drawn up, if it describes all the needs of the company, then they will be implemented in such a solution.

Here the story about the fearless Spartans is recalled: When Philip of Macedon (Alexander's father) approached the walls of Sparta, he sent a message to the Spartans, which said: “I conquered all of Greece, I have the best army in the world. Surrender, because if I capture Sparta by force, if I break its gates, if I break through its walls with rams, then I will mercilessly destroy the entire population. To which the Spartans replied: "If."

Indeed, it is very difficult to foresee everything before the test operation of the system. possible ways its use. This may cause the project to miss deadlines and/or go beyond the approved budget.

Ready-made solutions based on platforms

Boxed products (ready-made solutions) are divided into solutions built on the basis of commercial platforms: IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal, DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal, and open solutions: Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia, etc.

All these products can be divided into several groups:

  • heavy commercial solutions for large companies (IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal);
  • commercial solutions for medium and large companies (DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal);
  • open (free licenses) solutions for medium and small companies (Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia).

Next I will give short description listed solutions. The description contains approximate prices for licenses that do not include the portal implementation project. Check with solution providers for final license prices and implementation costs. From practice, the cost of an implementation project can significantly exceed the cost of licenses:

  1. Heavy business decisions
    1. IBM WebSphere Portal() is a turnkey portal solution based on the IBM WebSphere platform. A feature-rich solution for content hosting, collaboration, and distance learning. The functionality of the system is built on modules - applications that can be modified using WebSphere Portlet Factory. Full automation of any business processes, including routine operations (ordering business cards, ordering stationery, recruitment requests, booking meeting rooms, etc.) and project management mechanisms with tracking stages, deadlines and assigning users responsible for tasks. Among the shortcomings: a heavy system designed for large companies with a large number of simultaneously working users, respectively, the high cost of ownership of the system. The approximate cost of licenses is 1,500,000 rubles. (either 300 nominal licenses, or a server with 2 processors, 2 cores each).
    2. Oracle Portal 11g( is a complete portal solution based on Oracle WebCenter. Business intelligence tools are very strongly represented, full-fledged teamwork with documents, tasks and projects. Advanced business process automation tools. Separately, I would like to note the search and indexing of information, both inside the portal and outside. Ideal for companies already using products from the same manufacturer. Among the shortcomings: A complex system, about running in short term forget the high cost of ownership. If the enterprise is already using corporate systems from another manufacturer, you will have to tinker with integration. The approximate cost of licenses is 600,000/processor.
    3. SAP NetWeaver Portal Enterprise Portal ( is another top-level portal solution. Functions of integration of various systems are conveniently implemented - the function of a single point of access to information system companies. The main focus is on group work, project management and employee communication. One of the key competencies of the SAP-based portal is the management of the company's knowledge base. Allows you to automate existing business processes and optimize document flow. It is possible to get access from the portal not only to SAP applications, but also to applications of other developers. It is possible to refine the portal in the SAP Portal Content Studio environment and through the SAP Portal Development Kit. Among the disadvantages: a system that is difficult to administer and configure, the cost of ownership and scaling is high. The lack of open information about the cost of licenses, but the price level corresponds to the class.
    1. WSS Portal( - ready-made corporate portal, includes a large number of features, company information, ticket management, department pages, and project management. Perfectly implemented: Forums, photo and video gallery, voting and FAQ. Search both in the content of the portal and in external sources. Differentiation of access rights at the document level. Full integration with MS products. WSS Portal is one of the leaders in the portal market based on MS SharePoint. Among the shortcomings: limitations associated with the operating system - works only on Windows + MS SharePoint Server 2010, the approximate cost of a license is 450,000 rubles, the cost of a standard implementation (including licenses) is 895,000 rubles.
    2. Desk Work( is a turnkey solution covering all the basic needs of companies in a corporate portal. Company structure, address book, new employees and birthdays, application and task management. Shared calendars, etc. Disadvantages: limitations associated with the operating system - works on Windows. A budget version of the portal based on SharePoint Foundation, the approximate cost of licenses is 120,000 rubles - an unlimited number of users.
    3. Ittilan Portal( - a boxed portal solution based on SharePoint, more than 60 ready-made modules. The main page displays news and events of the company, information about the latest documents and messages in the forum, birthdays and new employees. Display of the company's key performance indicators (KPI). Project management, electronic document storage and application module. Of the shortcomings: limitations associated with the operating system - works on Windows. Convenient telephone directory and company knowledge base. The approximate cost of licenses is 400,000 rubles.
    4. 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal( - boxed intranet, implemented functions social network and group work. Project management, CRM features, news feeds, microblogs and workgroups. Automation of routine operations. Integration with MS products (Exchange, AD, SharePoint). Advanced search functions, full-text, by tags, by content, based on document rating. Company knowledge base and group calendars with the ability to integrate with Outlook and ical. Employee training module and vacancies for employees. The visual structure of the company. Among the shortcomings: Difficult to finalize. Approximate cost (unlimited number of users) 300,000 rubles.
  2. Open Solutions with Zero License Costs
    1. Liferay Portal( is an open source enterprise portal developed in Java. According to Garthner (2009), it is in the top 5 horizontal corporate portals, along with IBM, Oracle, SAP and MS. Organization of a single point of access to enterprise resources, unique display of pages for each user, convenient user interface, social communication tools included, automation of existing business processes, integration with MS Office, company news and bulletin board, high degree of scalability, full-fledged search for information both inside portal, as well as in external sources. Support for free and commercial DBMS. Among the shortcomings: poorly adapted to Russian companies, difficult to modify. There is no cost for licenses of the basic version, it is possible to purchase the Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition, which differs mainly in the presence of professional support (24x7).
    2. Alfresco( - ready-made intranet system for enterprise content management. An open source system, the main difference from Liferay is the emphasis on working with documents (document flow), it is presented in Alfresco better than in other open solutions. Support for MS office documents, version control and executive discipline, a document journal, etc. Just like Liferay, it is developed on Java technologies. Of the portal functions: Company news and events, address book, company structure, business process automation. Personal home page. Support for free and commercial DBMS. LDAP authentication. Among the shortcomings: when you start out of the box, you need to refine it, difficult to finalize. There is no cost for licenses of the basic version, it is possible to purchase a commercial version.
    3. Jom Portal is a ready-made corporate portal based on CMS Joomla! Open source system. General information about the company (history, structure, department pages). News and events of the company, information about birthdays and newly hired employees. Conducting employee surveys and surveys. Project and request management. Electronic document storage, forum and company knowledge base (wiki). Video and photo albums. Social network features. LDAP authentication. Integration with 1C. There is no cost for licenses, it is possible to purchase technical support.
Cloud Solutions

Cloud solutions include:

Bitrix24( approximate cost - 9900 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 100 GB of space in the cloud,

simple business( approximate cost - 1000 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 10 GB of space in the cloud,

Teamtools( approximate cost - 700 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 5 GB of space in the cloud, etc.

Modern cloud solutions largely repeat the basic functionality of ready-made portal solutions, with the possible exception of integration with other corporate systems used in the company.

The advantages of cloud solutions are the reduction of fixed costs associated with the cost of owning a server, system software, lower requirements for a PC (in fact, input / output terminals are needed, and all logic is processed in the cloud), ease of scaling and deployment speed (if i need to open new office, it is enough to install a PC and organize Internet access), reducing the costs associated with software administration, territorial independence (access to the portal from anywhere where there is Internet access).

But all these advantages (perhaps with the exception of renting licenses) can also be achieved by deploying a ready-made solution in the cloud when renting a server (dedicated server) - the approximate cost is 3000 rubles / month (1 CPU Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz 2 cores), RAM 8GB, HDD 1Tb) or space in a data center rack (collocation) - the approximate cost is 2000 rubles / month 1 unit.

Disadvantages of cloud solutions - unwillingness of business to take out corporate information outside, complexity of integration with other corporate systems, low throughput networks, lack of trust in suppliers similar services, three possible points of failure (in fact, three responsible ones appear: cloud solution provider, provider, IT department or system administrator), security issues.


In this review, I first of all tried to describe in simple terms the variety of portal solutions present on our market, and based on the basic needs and size of companies, give a guide in the direction of finding a suitable solution.

Today, any company can find a portal solution according to taste, budget and the list of tasks to be solved.

Development custom portal solution based on existing platforms does not make much sense for two reasons:

  • there are a large number of ready-made solutions and the development of a custom solution is unlikely to be more functional or cost-effective;
  • support for a custom solution may be more expensive than for a mass-produced product.

Heavy business decisions are more suitable for large, distributed companies with a large number of working users. Ideal for companies already using products from one of the major manufacturers (IBM, SAP, Oracle).

Middle class commercial solutions more suitable for medium-sized companies. The products presented in this class cover most of the needs of an ordinary enterprise.

The selection guidelines are as follows:

  • the number of simultaneously working users up to 3000 people;
  • budget up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • personal sympathy for the product, availability of professional support.

Open Solutions in terms of functionality, they are close to commercial software and cover most of the needs of an ordinary enterprise. The zero cost of licenses seriously reduces the cost of the project. IN Lately The open source market is dynamically developing, and the problem of the lack of a professional technical support, which was felt until recently, goes away.

The guidelines for choosing a solution in this segment are:

  • the number of simultaneously working users up to 1000 people;
  • budget up to 400,000 rubles;
  • Availability successful projects from the solution provider;
  • availability of professional support.

Systems offered as a SaaS service (cloud) more suitable for the market of small companies. Main arguments for: low start-up costs, territorial independence.
To a lesser extent, cloud solutions are suitable for medium-sized businesses for the following reasons: the complexity of integrating with other corporate systems, the unwillingness of the business to take corporate information outside.

For several years now, the growing popularity of internal corporate media continues to be one of the most relevant signs of the development of corporate culture. More and more companies are considering options not only for printed publications, but also for electronic ones. And this choice is becoming more and more meaningful every year.

As Elena Ulina, Head of Projects in the field of intracorporate PR of the CCT “PRopaganda”, notes, the most significant shift in the development of intranet sites and corporate portals is now observed in the banking and financial sector.

The understanding of the fact has come that without a full-fledged information exchange within the organization, its effective and efficient work is impossible. Most employees of banks and other financial institutions mostly works at a computer, and in this case, it is intranet sites and corporate portals that are the most effective and accessible tools internal communications.

Corporate culture can and should be changed, developed and improved. The common idea unites people, makes them allies. Good relations and a culture of behavior are the key to the company's competitiveness and efficiency. Generally accepted norms such as hierarchy, discipline, obedience are being replaced by others: team, professionalism, creativity, self-realization of the individual. It is important that the intranet site appears in the organization at a fairly early stage of development. And a company that has existed for more than a year should definitely have it, even if it only has a few dozen employees.

Creating a corporate portal is a rather complex and ambiguous task, there is no universal solution for it. “Corporate website is the case when an integrated effort of a team of specialists is required to solve a problem,” says Mark Kukushkin, one of the most respected consultants in Russia on management and organizational development, director of the Training Boutique company.

However, in practice, a huge number of companies and managers of various levels face the task of launching a corporate information portal quickly enough. Basically, of course, this is a headache for the personnel department.

In any company, in any enterprise, be it any production or office, the main tasks of the HR service are basically the same, only they are solved differently everywhere.

These tasks can be divided into several main areas:

  • Search and selection of employees.
  • Beginner adaptation.
  • Informing.
  • Motivation.
  • Professional training, development and assessment of personnel.
  • Providing feedback.
  • Teambuilding and maintaining corporate culture.

Search for colleagues
At huge variety search methods to find a really good specialist who will suit your company both professionally and psychologically is still very difficult.

A fairly effective tool in solving this problem can be an intranet site. A list of current vacancies can be posted on a separate vacancies page and updated regularly. This will give a double effect. Firstly, any employee, having seen a vacancy, can offer it to his friends and acquaintances and, accordingly, recommend their company. And a person who came on the recommendation is still much more reliable and predictable than just one who came "from the street."

And secondly, the employee of the company, having become interested, can try himself for this position. And in this case, we solve two problems at once - we close the vacancy we need, and a good specialist who has reached the ceiling in his department or is dissatisfied with something will not be lost to the company, but, on the contrary, will be effective in a new field.

After new employee came to the company, he needs not only to tell about his duties and rights, but also about the company itself, its history, traditions, goals, about the team in which he will work. And also introduce the team to a new colleague.

The corporate portal is perhaps the best and certainly the most convenient assistant in solving this problem. Firstly, it is on the internal site that you can place the maximum amount of information about the company, including private information that cannot be placed on external resources. It can be corporate values, strategic goals the entire company and individual departments, information on fines and rewards, internal procedures, a portrait gallery of executives

Secondly, on the intranet site it is possible to place all the internal documentation necessary for registering a new employee (questionnaires, job descriptions etc.), and for the daily work of the company - orders, accounting forms, application templates.

And, finally, thirdly, the intranet portal provides excellent opportunities for introducing a new employee to the team. First of all, this is facilitated by the placement of personal information about all employees, which reflects not only contact details - phone numbers and e-mail, but also a photo and personal information - for example, hobbies and hobbies. In a large company, such a system really makes life easier, especially for new employees.


The publication of any order, announcement, instruction requires the simultaneous delivery of information to all interested parties, and even to the entire team. And sometimes it happens that the information must be brought to the attention of employees rather urgently, for example, within a few hours. How to be? In this situation, the Intranet literally saves us by providing a range of mass alert options:

  • news email newsletters. The letter will definitely reach everyone who has an e-mail, and everyone will definitely read it. How is mailing through an intranet portal different from a regular e%mail mailing? The fact that the amount of information can be unlimited - in the letter you give only the announcement of the news and a link - the full information is on the portal.
  • Posting news/announcements on the main page of the intranet site. As statistics show, 99% of employees visit the site at least 2-3 times a day, at least to find out someone's phone number or e-mail, and for many, the contact search page is open all the time.

Source official information About company. The portal provides an excellent opportunity to simultaneously notify the entire company about personnel changes, new appointments.

Training, development and assessment of personnel

And here the corporate portal comes to the rescue:

  • Announcements of external and internal seminars and trainings to which the company would like to send its employees.
  • Internet library - catalog of professional literature in electronic form.
  • Business games - material presented in a game form on a specific topic, for example, about a new product, followed by an online test of employees' knowledge.

Motivation of employees and formation of corporate culture Perhaps it is worth combining these two tasks, because the presence of a high corporate culture in the company in itself can be a good motive for working in it.

As studies have revealed recent years not only the size wages is the main criterion in choosing a company. The psychological climate, concern for employees, the presence of corporate events - all this has a strong influence on the decision to work in a company, and in some cases it can prevent an employee from leaving the company.

How can an intranet site help a company address these issues?

  • On the pages of the intranet edition, you can place managers' appeals to employees - a vision of priorities, comments on important events. This is especially important in crisis situations.
  • Organization of regular interviews with key employees. Such interviews allow a person to feel their importance and involvement in the achievements and success of the company.
  • Reports, photo reports from corporate events, various competitions for employees.

The corporate portal is an interactive tool that allows you to organize an effective exchange of information in the company. Not only the management can apply to the team, but any employee can express his opinion or clarify any information through the newspaper. To do this, the intranet portals provide the following tools:

  • Questionnaires are a great tool for the HR department.
  • Forum - informal communication, exchange of opinions, which the management can get acquainted with.
  • Private ads.

Advantages of an intranet site over other intranet media We have talked about only a few ways to solve HR tasks using an intracorporate portal, now let's see how an intranet site compares favorably with other types of intracorporate media:

Unlimited geography of the company.

  • A large amount of information available always and to everyone.
  • Possibility of shared access (for example, information available to management or technicians is not available
    other employees).
  • Daily update.
  • Saving time and money in contrast to the printed edition (layout, printing).
  • Saving human resources for service (1-2 people).

Do you want to taste all the above advantages of the Intranet? Hurry up to participate in the competition "My company - my Intranet!".

Competition for the best Intranet site in Russia!

On August 25, an interactive competition for the creation of an intracorporate website - "My company - my Intranet!", was launched, which will last 2 weeks and end on September 7. The competition is held for the best intranet site project implemented on the basis of RBC MyIntranet solution by RBC SOFT. By September 17, the Jury will select the winning project, the author of which will be awarded the main prize - a license for free installation RBC MyIntranet systems. And the authors best projects will receive certificates with a discount on the purchase of the product.

This is the first interactive event of this format, when the contestant does not need to present a ready-made intranet site of his company, but independently come up with and develop an internal corporate resource that ideally meets the requirements and needs of his own company. Therefore, to render information support volunteered not only the Internet media, but also professionals in the field HR consulting and Public Relations, such as: Personnel Management magazine, Internet portal, ANCOR personnel holding, Feld Partners Public Relations agency, HeadHunter company, Polylog consulting group, portal, Alpina Business Books publishing house , magazine " Corporate culture”, the company “Training Boutique”.

Detailed information and conditions of participation can be found on the official website of the competition.

The material was written with the participation of members of the Jury of the competition "My company is my Intranet!" and RBC SOFT specialists.

In the previous article, we talked in general. In this article, we will look at how an internal website can help a company.

Internal corporate site, it is also called intranet or corporate portal, is a network that connects all departments of the company, to which only employees of the organization have access. Through the internal site, the following tasks can be solved:

Organization of interaction

Corporate portal allows you to solve the problem of communication between employees of the company. This is especially true for large organizations that have several offices or regional offices in other cities. In this case, it can be difficult for employees of different offices to coordinate actions among themselves when solving common problems.

On the internal site can make a forum and chat for instant messaging. This will allow any employee to ask a question that has arisen and quickly get an answer to it, without being distracted from their own affairs and without distracting other employees by talking on the phone or running around their offices.

In addition, through special software modules intranet it is possible to upload any documents for public access a certain circle of people. Thus, not only employees of different departments and offices can work together on one project, but also representatives from other regions and remote employees working at home. A restriction in access will prevent information leakage.

Ease of management

The presence of an internal portal can greatly help managers at all stages of management. When planning, all available information from different departments is taken into account. Delegation of tasks and coordination of activities can be carried out using the already described methods of organizing interaction. And the reports sent through the internal site will allow you to control the result of work and take this data into account when planning work for the next period.


On the corporate portal for employees, you can publish various news about the company, upcoming plans, events, birthday greetings, and much more. The availability of regularly updated information helps to increase the loyalty of employees and their involvement in the life of the company. And creation special section for beginners will allow new employees to easily enter the team and quickly adapt to the workplace.

However, all these features of the internal corporate site will become available only if it is possible to make it convenient enough for all employees and regularly work to improve it.

You can create and develop your website using our program, for this you need to take an initial free course.

A corporate portal is often confused with a corporate website. In fact, these are completely different tools and the functions of the portal are much wider. In fact, the portal is a kind of virtual office of the company that allows all employees to exchange documents and information, as well as automate the main business processes. But the concepts of corporate portal and intranet are traditionally used as synonyms.

What is an intranet?

An intranet, or a corporate portal, is a very voluminous and complex tool that allows you to cope with a wide range of tasks. This is not just an independent site, but a whole collection of different products, for example, a document management system, a task tracker, an ERP system, and many others, depending on the needs of a particular organization. The portal combines the functions of file and document storage, social network and information resource. At the same time, any portal has only two main tasks: to give employees the opportunity to work collectively on the tasks set and to ensure effective internal communications.

To solve these problems, a typical corporate intranet may include the following blocks:

  • company details: charter, structure, job descriptions, mission and worldview of the company, corporate style, etc.;
  • employee details: personal data and pages, contacts, position, division, achievements;
  • updated information: orders, orders, announcements of events in the company, penalties and thanks, company news;
  • unified knowledge base: reference information (product catalogs, price lists), documents, templates, file archive;
  • communication tools: forums, surveys, questionnaires, communication with management and colleagues;
  • service mechanisms: projects, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation, applications for the purchase of office equipment, ordering passes, transport, and the like.

As practice shows, the corporate portal is able to effectively solve work plan issues, such as setting and monitoring the implementation of tasks, analytics, creating a storage system for important information, automating business processes and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Quite successfully implemented on the portals and fast communication between different divisions of the company. There is no need, for example, to notify each division of an innovation or important event- it is enough to place information on the portal, and it will immediately become public. The staff also has constant access to the company's knowledge base.

On a note
One of the main trends in the development of the intranet is its simplification. If a few years ago developers tried to equip it with the maximum amount of functionality, today they are increasingly abandoning such solutions in favor of simpler social intranets.

Concerning effective communications between employees, then in theory the portal, of course, gives them the opportunity to instantly communicate through an integrated social network, discuss both work and personal issues on forums and groups. Everyone can communicate with everyone, ask a question, send and receive the necessary information... In practice, unfortunately, this does not always work or does not work at all. The intranet is good for automating various operations, simplifying the workflow and reporting system, finding the right information, but ... not for communication.

By the way, the success of employee interaction through the portal largely depends on the degree of their involvement in communication at all management levels. An open organization, where anyone can directly contact the manager, is much more attractive for existing and potential employees. This creates additional confidence among the staff that top management treats team members as full partners and forms loyalty to the company.

Which companies need a corporate portal

The intranet is a very convenient and sometimes vital tool for companies that have remote employees. For them, the portal can serve as a real mobile workplace. The portal is also useful for large companies that have branches within the same locality or even in different cities. But even if the company does not have branches, but has a large staff, and departments are located on different floors, the portal can be a means of bringing everyone into one team. If there is a portal, there is no need to go with paper documents from office to office, spending precious money on this work time and distracting other employees, or looking for a client base somewhere in the vastness of 1C, with which not everyone knows how to work. Of course, if two or three people work in an organization and during the working day they are in the same office, then the portal in this case will be an unnecessary luxury.

Sometimes company executives sincerely do not understand why a corporate portal may be needed, considering its installation a waste of money. In fact, a company needs a portal if:

The portal will also be very useful for those companies that need quick adaptation of employees or staff training. In the presence of an intranet, a beginner enters the course of his duties much faster, since he gets access to all the basic information, has the opportunity to receive advice on any issue from experienced colleagues. To train employees, you do not need to organize face-to-face courses or trainings - all this can be done online on the territory of the portal. You won’t have to take employees away from the labor process for a long time and spend additional funds on the organization.

How to Implement an Intranet

The process of introducing an intranet in a company is quite complex and multi-stage. The first stage is always a decision "from above". It is the management that must decide on the implementation and contribute to its promotion. But the psychology of people is such that any innovations and changes in the usual course of work are perceived with hostility, no matter how useful and effective they will be in the future.

So let's say the decision is made. Where to begin?

  • Stage 1. Requirements gathering and project planning. At this stage, the main objectives of the implementation are determined and the opinions of all stakeholders are collected.
  • Stage 2. Creation information architecture portal. This refers to the structuring of all data on the portal, how they will be presented to users. The main purpose of the structure is to speed up the search, the most important information must be obtained in no more than three "clicks" of the mouse.
  • Stage 3. Optimization of business processes. This is necessary so that the portal is not just a warehouse of information, but also automates the most time-consuming business processes of the company.
  • Stage 4. Portal design. In this case, the design is not just a picture, it seriously affects the convenience of the portal for users. Design work is usually carried out in parallel with software implementation.
  • Stage 5. Information content. According to experts, top managers should be the initiators of publications at the beginning of the intranet, but no more than 20% of posts should come from them. The rest is publications of ordinary employees. If their number turns out to be less than 80% in the future, then perhaps the portal is not a tool for staff. Unfortunately, in reality, the administrator is usually responsible for filling.
  • Stage 6. Promotion among employees and user training. Perhaps the most difficult and responsible stage. No matter how ideally the portal was created from the point of view software or design, if it is not in demand by the company's employees, its value will be equal to zero. To inform the team about the launch of the intranet, you can send out an information letter with a notification about the service and its most useful features, tips on switching to new system. During the operation of the portal, each company finds its own solutions for its promotion among employees, for example, someone has access to the Internet or email opens only through the intranet, and someone financially encourages those who regularly use the portal in their work. Motivation to use this tool is perhaps the most difficult part of the portal implementation work.

Comparing Solutions: Top 3 Best Intranet Portals

Yammer. According to the developers, this corporate portal will be useful to all departments of the company - from managers to ordinary employees. Today it is only available as part of another product - Microsoft-Office365 - and easily integrates with SharePoint. However, they are similar in many ways, but Yammer is a cloud-based solution, while SharePoint is a server-based one.

The structure of the portal is somewhat reminiscent of the popular Twitter, the intranet allows employees to exchange instant messages, including text files and images, form workgroups, view online contacts, search for people, groups or texts, use common base data and take part in its formation. The interface of the portal is quite simple, anyone who has even a little experience with social networks can understand it.

In addition to creating internal communications between employees, Yammer also helps to solve business problems, such as creating communications for managers, project management, interaction with business partners, motivating staff, training and adaptation of employees, and increasing sales efficiency.

Since Yammer is currently integral part Office365, then it is not possible to install it separately from the latter. But on the other hand, the price of the latter has not changed since Yammer was added to all online office plans. By the way, it is the impossibility of self-installing Yammer that can be considered one of its main drawbacks, along with the fact that Yammer is suitable only for those companies that want to develop their own individual corporate portal, since it is not a ready-made boxed solution.

Bitrix24 - corporate portal with social network functions. It contains microblogs, messenger, file storage, photo galleries. With the help of Bitrix24, you can not only communicate and work together on projects, but also maintain your CRM, plan and account for working time, automate business processes, and manage personnel. A total of 12 working tools are offered.

Bitrix looks like a corporate Facebook, in any case, their interfaces are very similar. On the main page there is a familiar feed in which each user can write their messages and comments on the posts of other participants. The same tape reflects all the events of the company. There is both a boxed and a cloud version of the portal. Bitrix can be installed both on a desktop computer and on a laptop or any mobile device. In addition, the intranet is easily integrated with Google, Apple, Microsoft. The price of the software depends on the type of tariff chosen: the "Project" package for 12 users can be installed free of charge, "Project +" - for 990 rubles per month, "Company" - for 10,990 rubles. The number of users in the last two packages is not limited.

According to user reviews, the main disadvantages of the portal are an uninformative interface and overloaded functionality.

Jive is a turnkey solution that allows you to create your own intracorporate portal in the company. There are ready-made templates for the marketing department, sales department, HR, technical support - you can launch and develop the portal in the shortest possible time. Users can set up their individual workspace using the start page. The app contains everything necessary tools to manage projects, corporate content and tasks.

Blogs, profiles, discussions, groups, calendars, smart search and more are available to users. Jive can be integrated with Google and Office365, access to the portal is possible from any device, including mobile.

The price of the application depends on the package chosen, today there are three of them: Select, Premier or Premier+. Main disadvantage portal - the lack of localization in Russian and the difference between navigation and the usual user of social networks. Due to the large number of possibilities, the process of adapting users to the intranet can be difficult.

There are quite a number of solutions on the market today. It is quite difficult to understand which one is suitable for a particular company. That is why in the section on integration, the need to set a clear goal occupies a special place. Of course, the working functionality is presented almost everywhere equally well, as for the social - the question remains open.

Individual tool vs turnkey solution

What do you prefer: the development of an individual tool or a ready-made solution? We talked about this with Dmitry Benz, the developer of a corporate social network LOQUI BUSINESS:

“If the management understands why and for whom an intranet is needed, it will become clear which portal is best to install. Not the last role in the choice, of course, is played by financial opportunities. An individual solution will always be more expensive than a boxed solution, but sometimes a company does not need this solution. Ready-made portals successfully cope with the tasks assigned to them, and most of them allow you to customize all the functions for the specifics of the company.

But very often, unfortunately, there is a situation when the portal becomes only a repository of information, and it does not help the strengthening of internal communications in any way. This is because the portal is still an official working tool, and a person is not psychologically inclined to communicate with it. If the company sees its main goal as strengthening internal communications, then it is necessary to introduce a corporate social network. It is the CCC that becomes the platform where the company's personnel begins to actively communicate on all issues, solve work tasks, exchange opinions, and share information. Networks are becoming more and more in demand, and one of the first domestic developments was our LOQUI BUSINESS. We hope he has a great future. At the very least, we tried to incorporate the best of the social network and corporate portal into it so that LOQUI becomes a tool that can solve any issues and problems of the company.”

The internal portal allows you to build communications within the company. What does it give?

More on each aspect

Combine all information: automate workflow (document storage) with access rights management, versioning, the ability to store a knowledge base.

CRM- will make it possible to store a history of letters, calls and work with each client, and at the end of the quarter will create reports for each manager. We will add automation: for example, send mail to a client who has not responded for a long time or send an invoice again if it has not been paid within a week.

Automate business. Many actions happen regularly: payments, monthly reports, reminders, events, vacation requests, and so on. All this can be automated by writing scripts or robots that will track events and perform those same routine actions. . Or another case - how we made a staff adaptation system on the portal of the medical company OMB.

Process constructor.

Business process automation

With the help of the constructor, you can create business processes yourself. For example, to create new routes for passing documents on the portal.

Integration with the Customer's IT environment.

The product integrates with many applications from leading software developers.

  • integration with "1C: Salary and Personnel Management", as well as with 1C: UPP and 1C: UT (and to order - in general with any 1C or ERP system)
  • connector to MS Exchange Server 2007/2010, MS Sharepoint, Active Directory and MS Office.
  • calendar integration Google and calendars in smartphones (iOS + Android).

Mobile version (app)

Already developed for the portal mobile app- for both platforms.

We will finalize all non-standard solutions of the desktop version in the mobile version as well.

Delivery of the project: autotests, load testing, PMI

We are writing a special document: a program and a test procedure. According to it, the delivery of the system is carried out. Also, when submitting a project, we write autotests (Selenium), then in Allure we look at visual reports on their passage.

Load testing is performed on the Customer's server, we use Yandex.Tank and a number of other services.


After delivery, we maintain the project using Jenkins for continuous integration - continuous upload of updates, and GIT for version control.

Technologies and frameworks

web: PHP (1C-Bitrix, Laravel, Symfony, YII, ZEND), Java2EE, (C#), Ruby, Python.

Mobile: SWIFT, Objective C, java, React.

Testing: Jenkins, Selenium, Cucumber, Calabash, JUnit, Allure.

Portal integration with 1C and other systems

At this stage, we work with the Customer's IT service: we develop an exchange API, we design data exchange channels. Result: one- or two-way exchange with 1C, ERP, AXAPTA, SAP and 20+ lesser known accounting and automation systems.

Development transparency. Clients see all Studio employees in our Intranet system and can communicate with them directly there. All agreements are fixed in tasks, information is not lost (unlike mail or telephone).

Guarantee period. We provide unlimited (unlimited) a guarantee for all the work performed by us, our specialists will consult you free of charge on the creation of websites and the further promotion of your projects.

DevOps and highload

We have our own DevOps engineers: we will build an optimal update deployment scheme, set up a cluster, and conduct load testing. And after the launch of the project, we will provide supervision 24/7.

When are we most effective?

  • we need people who will make a pre-project survey and tell you how to implement it
  • the portal is integrated with several systems at once, and not all of them have documentation
  • the portal already now / there will be high loads (from 10,000 visitors per day) and everything should work quickly
  • for a number of works, not only "hands" are needed, but also a "head", that is, analytics and consulting

Now what?

Try the demo version of the Company Portal, or write to us to calculate your project.