Transformable spatial systems in architecture. Principles of shaping in architecture in the era of information explosion. Enterprise architecture: from theory to practice

Winners of international awards, the talented architectural bureau of St. Petersburg Sa lab, gave an interview to BERLOGOS, in which they talked about competitive projects, New Holland and 28 days of parametric design.

I want to start with a compliment: you have a great site. Whose design idea?

Thanks for the high rating. The site was made by ourselves. We wanted to reflect our ideology and approach even through a website where we simply and concisely talk about SA lab projects, with convenient functionality for viewing from any device. Now we are moving to the format of video presentations, so soon we will stop publishing renders and drawings, and projects will be presented more like short films.

Your team entered the top 12 of the Best Young Architectural Bureaus of Russia in 2017, with which I hasten to congratulate you.

Please explain why one of the leading bureaus in the northern capital devotes so much time and resources to competitive projects? Which of the commercial concepts have you embodied: for example, UNDER YGGDRASIL in Iceland is a realized project?

Participation in the competition is, first of all, an opportunity to design in an interesting place or solve the same problem. We have few implementations, mostly private houses, interiors and installations. The UNDER YGGDRASIL project did not win the competition for trekking modules, but was published in many architecture magazines and even received the ARCHNOVATION award. In this project, our consultant was the Russian architect Alexander Efanov, who has been living and working in Iceland for more than 10 years. On the one hand, the modules are adapted to climatic conditions, on the other hand, they have an Icelandic character, expressed in architecture and construction of the volume. Unfortunately, now there is no talk about the implementation of UNDER YGGDRASIL. But we would be happy to implement such an idea in Russia, adapting it, if an investor could be found.


UNDER YGGDRASIL, a project of modular trekking houses for tourists in Iceland

While we are talking about competition projects, please tell us about the Floating Toy Museum Amsterdam and the 21st Century Environment project, which won a special prize for lighting design.

The SEA MONSTER museum project in the form of a huge sea monster, which is more like a ship than a building, can leave the pier in Amsterdam at any time and go on a trip to another city. He received an ironic image after the functional content. Zoning involves separating the flow of visitors to the educational and exhibition blocks.

Competition project SEA MONSTER

Sreda 21st century is the first public space we have designed. An interesting task was set: to connect a private yard space residential complex from the open waterfront. The difficulty was that two large areas are separated by a street through which we proposed to throw several ramp bridges, forming a variety of routes (for pedestrians and cyclists). The entire space of the embankment changes depending on the season.

Competition project "Environment of the 21st century"

− We know that you took part in the project of reorganization of the New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. Tell me, did your colleagues satisfy you with the methods of implementing the improvement of the island, or, in your opinion, could the allocated budget be distributed differently?

Yes, indeed, Alina Chereyskaya participated in the development of a conceptual proposal for the transformation of the island together with Russian and Dutch architects. New Holland is an ambitious project that in the future should become a whole “city within a city” with a modern public space. At the moment, a small part of the work has been done, according to which it can be said that the authors did not use the full potential and uniqueness of the territory. The most successful element is the Fregat playground designed by West8 and Richter.

Project for the competition "The concept of landscape design and improvement of the coastal area along the Okhta River"

Tell us about the 28 Days of Parametric Design study, especially the bottom up method.

“28 Days of Parametric Design” is a little challenge for us, when a script with different logic was written every day. The result for clarity was an abstract form. It was an unusual experience, during which we created our own base of scripts for further development.

"Bottom up" is a bottom-up design approach that involves a deep analysis of the terrain, flows and needs of people, attracting specialists from different fields to collect and systematize data, on the basis of which architects form a project. This method takes into account the existing environment and relationships in the design area, as opposed to a slightly artificial top down. In SA lab projects, 2 methods are used depending on the location of the design area, quality environment, terms of reference etc.

BOX, home theater interior project

ProjectSwarm Scraper

Last year, SA lab created a jewelry collection based on the idea of ​​infinity, can you tell us more about that?

The INFINITY collection is the result of a series of SA lab experiments with 3D printing and complex geometries. We have created several prototypes on different printers, but the best option Selective laser sintering (SLS) was used for manufacturing, it allows you to achieve accurate printing without supports from a durable, but flexible material that does not need post-processing after printing. Earrings were made by a silversmith in a more complex way. The collection attracted a lot of attention and was sold in various designer shops.

The Pavilion "Set", consisting of 95 identical transformable modules, is designed for use in various volumes: from small architectural forms to load-bearing structures. How did the public react to this project, after all, in part, you gave birth to a new assembly, mobile Lego architecture? Is there a great future for such architecture?

The pavilion was designed specifically for the ARCH Moscow 2017 New Voices project, and so far it has not been too long to unambiguously evaluate the result. We received a lot of positive feedback from architects and visitors to the exhibition. It cannot be said that we are innovators in this area, the elements of metabolism are clearly traced in the methodology, however, for Russia and, especially for St. Petersburg, modular transformable architecture is a new word in the formation of the city and environment. In the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, constantly changing trends and needs of people, an adaptive architecture that will adapt to various factors and be in ongoing process evolution is as relevant as ever, and, of course, it is the future behind it. In addition, there is a game where each resident can collect the space they need in an interactive way. Use of 3D printers in industrial scale will allow to diversify the range of modules without constraining architects with unified designs and traditional materials.

Project "Many"

In our opinion, the architecture of the future is self-erected modular structures from various materials adapting to the peculiarities of the area and mentality.

Do you get the feeling that you, as architects, are competing with nature?

No, on the contrary, in our projects we often use natural parameters: from climatic and geographical features to imitation of natural processes, for example, cellular automata.

Installation "Rapprochement"

Project conceptGreenleaf

You work with a lot of public spaces. In your opinion, should an architect who deals with public spaces be an urbanist or a social activist?

An architect must first of all be a specialist in his field, design and build quality product that meets the needs of the time and society. Thus forming the image of the city and cultivating a sense of taste among the townspeople. In order to design a potentially successful public space, many factors need to be considered. For our projects, we form an interdisciplinary team in which experts in different fields are involved in the work at different stages. Sometimes we involve residents and activists, it is a fascinating experience, but rarely justified and effective.

near The Forest, project of a private house

Serebrennikova Tatyana Andreevna ,
master's student at Ural State Academy of Arts
Scientific supervisors:
Candidate of Architecture, Professor A.A. Raevsky
Doctor of Architecture, Professor Yu.S. Yankovskaya
Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art
Yekaterinburg, Russia


In the era of the information explosion, architecture requires new approaches, methods and principles of shaping, focused on the system of scientific knowledge, changing the existential space. Architecture of the XX-XXI centuries. is an information space, which, depending on environmental factors, is constantly in motion and is a reflection of the picture of the world. In ultramodern architecture, there are three main principles of shaping and dynamics of I-space: mutual translatability, adaptation and presentation. The principles are interconnected, systematized and subject to structural analysis.

Keywords: information explosion, environmentalism, information space, mutual translatability, adaptation, presentation.

Currently, we are at the turn of history, which radically transformed historical development and at the same time acquired a destructive character to some extent, breaking the thread of history “past-future”. This is the age of the information explosion, with all the ensuing consequences.

A distinctive feature of this era is the increasing dynamics of society and the oversaturation of the information field. The high rates of development of new technologies focused on expanding the scope of people's activities, the stratification of life priorities, the mobility of the population, the fuzziness and vagueness of social boundaries, the fragmentation of cultures and traditions largely determine the essence of such aspects as science, economics, engineering, art, etc.

We are witnessing a period of globalization, when the role external factors is growing rapidly, society's need for modern conditions are constantly changing. In this regard, new methods of design and construction are becoming relevant, where the search for an architectural form, first of all, takes into account changes in the requirements of society and allows for change and adaptation depending on the functional significance of the object and the environment.

In the era of the XX-XXI centuries. information largely determines the path of development of science (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc.). Everything in the environment and in science is digitized and encrypted by systems of codes, symbols, signs. Information is perceived by us at the level of an organized system of codes, each of which has its own designation and content. In mathematics, each formula encodes the meaning of the expression itself, physics appears to us as expressed symbolic elements of certain concepts and quantities, in chemistry each atom and molecule has its own code designation. Each such system of signs, codes has its own organized structure, it is systematized and has a general universality. Similarly, the architecture of the technogenic period should be systematized, substantiated and subject to a single shaping algorithm, where an important factor are the principles of creating space in terms of ultra-modernity.

In the era of the information explosion and environmentalism (the dictates of the priority of the environment), architecture requires a new approach, focused primarily on reflecting the aspects that form the existential space. The factors inherent in the technogenic era dictate the methods of shaping themselves, which are systematized and add up to a common sign-symbolic picture. Thus, the architecture is a kind of information space (infospace, i-space), which is a way of transferring the state of the environment - the existential space.

Based on the foregoing, interrelated semantic chains follow:


In the definition of the concept of information space, the following can be distinguished:
- the determining factor, the meaning-forming phenomenon in it is information;
- the subject of activity within its boundaries is a person;
- there are specific information carriers;
- its regulation, density, mobility, measure of accessibility are determined by social need.

It is spatial representations that create a general worldview, on the basis of which a general picture of the world arises.

The environment as an event is an episodic phenomenon, it occurs within the boundaries of the spatial situations of the environment of any purpose when the time parameter changes. The continuous unfolding of events is structured into a single historical process, which is directly related to factors of anthropogenic, natural, cultural, social, and other nature.

Scheme 2

Architecture is the essence of the space itself - the code of the environment. The environment, in turn, reflects the existential space and picture of the world. Thus, architecture in the era of the information explosion should be a reflection of the picture of the world in the modern cultural space, depending on the events taking place within a certain time frame.

To date, the basic principles for creating architecture as an i-space have been outlined:
- the principle of interoperability
- the principle of adaptation
- principle of presentation

Scheme 3

Scheme 4

As you know, today's phenomenon of modern architecture is the lack of a specific style base. The search and invention of new metaphors are "in the state of becoming", capable of surprising and delighting, but at the same time not tied to any particular ideology. Characteristically expressed directions have been outlined, which contain informational significance and unique patterns of design. Thus, we can observe a trend in the development of digital architecture, where the fundamental criterion is the focus on Computer techologies. The connection with latent energy and tectonics of geological formations largely determined such a direction as landform architecture. The problem of greening, which in many ways became more acute precisely at the end of the 20th - early 21st centuries, and the natural factor itself revealed a "green" architecture, where the natural component is the starting point. Considering such currents of the information period, we can conclude that information, science and the environment as a whole predetermined the development of i-spaces of directions.

Thus, highlighting the main or secondary elements of any possible i-spaces, systematizing them and combining them into a common dynamic structure according to the logic of thinking, we get new methods of shaping. Let's designate this principle as the principle of mutual translatability, where each element of the i-space has the ability to interchange, translate, project, thus forming a completely different architecture.

The sciences of complex systems, including fractal geometry, nonlinear dynamics, neocosmology, the theory of self-organization, etc., brought with them a change in the worldview perspective that influenced both the consciousness of people and the architectural space. We can talk about the birth of new directions based on new scientific knowledge. Principle of adaptation

Scheme 5

By the beginning of the twentieth century. for the first time a new attitude was formulated towards architecture, which must adapt to the constant changes and updates brought by technical development in all areas of life. The unique principle of architectural systems is dynamism, variability, adaptation of the compositional structure. The emergence of the concept of "adaptation" in architecture is due to the need to address factors that are constantly in motion throughout the development of civilization, such as population growth, its social mobility and migration associated with the rapid growth of cities and the active development of areas. The concept of "adaptation" is very multifaceted and can be interpreted from different angles in relation to each specific situation.

The architectural system is in constant structural organization which has the ability to change, adapt and transform. These ongoing processes can be represented as a matrix grid filled with modules that change depending on certain factors. Each module contains a symbolic code that characterizes the historical era, time, society. The invariance of the transformation of modules leads to a change in the entire matrix structure, as a result of which global changes occur in the architectural space as a whole.

Building light and mobile is more important than building rigid and immovable.

The dynamic sign of the mobility of an architectural object is reflected both in internal processes and in external ones. Mobility is expressed in the transformation of the internal space and mobility of an architectural object due to changes in the needs and lifestyle of people, functional purpose and adaptation to environmental conditions.

Modularity in architecture is seen as an organization spatial environment on a "global" scale, applied both to the entire architectural structure, and in a single version, applicable to a specific object.

An architectural object is a matrix model consisting of residential and public modules. Modules are interchangeable, change their functional significance, are replicated along the coordinate axes. The choice of the necessary solution is associated with the provision of certain criteria, which may be implicit, hidden and related to aesthetic, climatic, insolation requirements, as well as the requirements of lighting, air exchange, etc.

The dynamics of modern life often requires the creation and corresponding transformable architectural forms. In modern architecture, transformation is used to solve functional problems:
- temporary, reversible transformations of the architectural space in case of its multifunctional use;
- regulation of the microclimate of the room due to reversible movements of structural elements (enclosing surfaces, roofs, blinds);
- transportation of structures or their elements in folded form to the place of their erection; installation of other building structures.

Environmental friendliness
The energy and environmental crises largely dictated to the architect new ways of development in design. The further evolution of the artificial habitat is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the contradictions in establishing the connection between "man and nature". So the emerging directions "Organi-tech", "Eco-tech" demonstrate an increasing interest in the problem of ecology; biotectonic flow is focused on the use of renewable energy sources. The use of modern power plants is an integral factor in architectural design in many countries.

Thanks to the application of the principles of adaptation, such as mobility, modularity, transformation and environmental friendliness, it becomes possible to trace the stylistic features of shaping in architecture. The style of shaping is formulated in terms of limited options for using the morphological parameters of the form elements and strictly defined modular structures that determine the features of the interaction of the form elements. Presentation principle

Architecture has a great influence on people: this determines its ideological significance, which is taken into account when creating a certain purpose of space and manifests itself in its socio-utilitarian, artistic, aesthetic and compositional qualities. Proceeding from this, the connection of established facts follows, but with a new designation and content. What role does the expression i-space play, by what means and compositional techniques is it expressed (if any), and what elements of scientific systems are used to construct this space?

Architecture defines a system of codes, thereby opening up to interpretive reading, expanding its informational capabilities. The codification of i-space forms can be temporary, its functional certainty can be changeable, while re-profiling, reconstruction can radically change the image of the i-space itself and the environment as a whole.

The principle of presentation implies an emotional-sensory characteristic of i-space. In the process of working on the project, the emotional meaning of the future object is first guessed, then, as it develops, matures, is refined, and at the end of the work appears to the author’s inner gaze as a complex flowing system of various kinds of impressions, meanings, signs, thus presenting itself. The emotional structure and degree of impact of i-space, first of all, depends on time, place, environment and functional purpose.

Architecture at this time stage “presents” itself, and a person “accepts” and “perceives” it. The feeling that the architecture of an object conveys, the feeling that it evokes, are part of the meaning that this object carries as a whole.

The emotional reaction is holistic and reflects not only the external, but also the "internal" environment of a person, his well-being, mood and much that does not depend on the appearance of the architectural structure that is currently in sight. From a cultural and semiotic point of view, a person's reaction to an architectural object depends not only on the property of the object, but also on the ability to understand the subject, his culture and experience. Space and its environment influence each other mutually. Space and man are mutually dependent on each other.

It is obvious that today we cannot precisely formulate the definition of cutting-edge architecture. In our time, architecture requires new concepts, new methods, approaches, directions and goals, which should not be limited to narrow formal studies, but be considered as a complex discipline that is constantly in contact with scientific knowledge. Our spatial sense has expanded with the advent of modern means and messages to the limits of our planet.

Architecture faced a challenge, without precedent in its history, to turn to methods of thinking. modern science: semiotics, new philosophy, microphysics, biochemistry, psychology, anthropology, synergetics, mathematics. In other words, today we are dealing with a fundamentally different architecture - architecture as an i-space.

Consideration of the directions in architecture in the era of the information explosion and the parameters of the existential space that form these directions makes it possible to trace the relationship between environmental factors (economic, natural, social, etc.) and architecture. The study of architectural trends in this era makes it possible to identify the main methods and patterns of the practical and theoretical component of the development of architectural form (the parameters by which the principles function) and, based on their comparison, create a model of invariants of the principles of shaping.

This research hypothesis will make it possible to predetermine the formative principles of architecture by generating parameters, codes, signs and symbols of the main matrix structure of already known directions. Techniques and means of shaping formulated on the basis of factors modern painting world, are an alternative to established design methods.

With the development of civilization, the emergence of new cultures and trends, society and the environment will be increasingly saturated with information and communication fields that appear before us in the form of numbers, graphs, ciphers, codes, signs and symbols. This entails a significant change in the surrounding space and its component of the natural environment - architecture. We are talking not only about changes in the world order itself, but also about a new consciousness of a person, a new person, his attitude and worldview. In this regard, there is a need to identify in advance the fundamental parametric model of architectural shaping and, based on a single universality, create new design principles and methods.

In the era information technologies a new space is being created in which the “natural environment”, dependent and relative, must be recreated on a fundamentally new basis.


  1. Architectural bionics / Yu.S. Lebedev, V.I. Rabinovich, E.D. Put and others; ed. Yu.S. Lebedev. - M Stroyizdat, 1990. - 269s.
  2. Jenks C. A New Paradigm in Architecture [ Electronic resource] / C. Jenks // - Access mode:
  3. Dobrytsina I.A. Nonlinear paradigm in architecture of the 1990s / I.A. Dobrytsina // Questions of the theory of architecture. Architectural consciousness of the XX-XXI centuries: faults and transitions. - Editorial URSS, 2001. - 288s.
  4. Iovlev V.I. Architectural chronotope and iconicity / V.I. Iovlev // Semiotics of space: coll. scientific tr. International Assoc. Semiotics of space; ed. A.A. Barabanova. - Yekaterinburg: Architecton, 1999.
  5. Saprykina N.A. Fundamentals of dynamic shaping in architecture: a textbook for universities / Saprykina N.A. - M.: Architecture - S, 2005.- 312s.
  6. Shimko V.T. Architectural and design design. Fundamentals of the theory: textbook. allowance / Shimko V.T. - M.: Architecture - S, 2005. - 296 p.
  7. Shubenkov M.V. Structural patterns of architectural shaping: textbook. allowance / Shubenkov M.V.: - M.: Architecture-S, 2006. - 320s.: ill.
  8. Eco U. Missing structure. Introduction to semiology / W. Eco. - M.: Petropolis, 1998. - 432 p.
  9. Jaspers K. The meaning and purpose of history: per. with him. 2nd ed. / K. Jaspers. - M.: Respublika, 1994. - 527p. (Thinkers of the twentieth century)

Housing must be a transformable system, corresponding to the dynamics of the family's way of life itself. Such a system of planning organization of the apartment should be found, which would allow further transformation of internal spaces and obtain new options that also meet functional and aesthetic requirements. For example, in multi-room apartments of modern construction, a free layout of rooms is laid, which is implemented in agreement with the owner.

IN general view the transformation of the internal space of the apartment can be divided into:

Daily (transformation of children's and bedrooms);

Short-term (transformation of common rooms when receiving guests, celebrations, etc.);

Seasonal (for example, the inclusion of summer premises in a residential or utility area);

Demographic (in connection with the entry of the family into new period becoming).

At the same time, the planning decisions of reconstructed buildings are influenced by its constructive scheme, i.e. location in space of walls, pillars, columns. Moreover, the presence of an already existing skeleton makes it necessary to take, during reconstruction, a sequence of planning decisions that is reverse to the new construction, including the following steps:

Separation of the wall core into separate sections with existing or newly arranged staircases;

Distribution of sections into apartment cells (located on one or two levels);

The allocation of a residential and auxiliary zone in each apartment cell (with simultaneous linkage with the placement of engineering equipment and newly organized or existing sanitary and technical communications).

The possibility of choosing the layout of apartments (linear, two-sided, corner and end), the number, size and proportions of rooms, as well as providing ventilation and insolation are determined by the size and ratio of the width of the body and the distance between the staircases. special attention The decision of the kitchen and sanitary block deserves, which largely determines the level of comfort of the reconstructed housing.

1. For small-room apartments, it is convenient to place the kitchen and sanitary unit in a compact group at the entrance to the apartment. At the same time, a sufficient level of isolation of living rooms is ensured, and it is also possible to avoid the need for a corridor.

2. In case of high complexity or impossibility of transferring the existing sanitary and technical communications, the kitchen and sanitary block can be located in the back of the apartment. At the same time, communication with the hallway and rooms is carried out through the corridor.

3. In large multi-room apartments, the greatest convenience is provided by the separation of the kitchen and sanitary block (and, possibly, duplication of its elements). For example, a kitchen and a toilet with a sink are located at the entrance to the apartment, while a bathroom and a second toilet are located at the back of the apartment, next to the bedrooms.

At school, the walls help. (paraphrased Russian proverb)

According to statistics, in Russia in last years the number of students is constantly growing. To keep up with the exit from the demographic hole, the federal government allocates at least 50 billion rubles for the construction of new schools, the reconstruction and repair of old buildings. Government program It is designed for 10 years and entered into force in 2016.

The return to more or less mass construction of schools automatically raises the question of the architecture of modern school buildings. Although issues related to the education system, the competence of teachers, the improvement of the material and technical base, etc. are more often discussed in society. Yes, a teacher from God and a "packed" computer class in some segment will give some effect. But still have modern systems teaching has little decent future in outdated buildings.

According to a number of experts, it is a fundamentally new (we note - for Russia) school architecture that can change typical ideas about education, form flexible system education, which will be aimed at revealing the individuality of each child. Here you can paraphrase a Russian saying - in a modern school, even walls help - in the literal sense of the word, given the current global trends in school architecture.

It should be noted that by “modern school architecture” we do not mean a weird facade, but a complex structure of interaction between the multifaceted functions of the educational process, activities and poles of children’s development with the structure of the building itself, their harmony and common work on the final result: all-round assistance in revealing the abilities and talents of schoolchildren.

This message is taken from the message to the Federal Assembly of December 3, 2015, by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who stressed that the preservation of the nation, the education and upbringing of children, and the every possible assistance in revealing their abilities and talents is the government’s long-term agenda. The President also said that it is necessary to take all possible measures so that students of all Russian schools have the opportunity to engage in any kind of creativity, receive a quality education, a favorite profession and realize their potential.

What is the current situation with the urban positioning of schools and the conditions for their design?

Massive predominantly quarterly and micro-district development of territories with multi-storey residential buildings continues in Russia, which, according to the standard, should be provided with schools and kindergartens. Conceptually, Soviet practice in this matter remains unshakable. Whether this is good or bad is a question of a different order and philosophy of the development of the primary housing market.

Today, as part of a separate microdistrict, one or three-complete schools can be located: a basic school for 9 classes (225 students), for 18 classes (450 students), a secondary school for 11 classes (275 students), for 22 classes (550 students) and 33 classes (825 students). The walking distance of secondary educational institutions is standardized according to SNiP 2.07.01-89* and depends on the climatic zone, the category of students and location - in a city or village. On average, it is 300-500 meters.

Russian schools, as in the USSR, are still the largest public facilities in the microdistrict. The construction volume of such buildings is on average more than 30,000 m3, which is much higher than the volume of other public facilities in a residential area. Due to its size, the school is a kind of compositional center and unites other buildings around it. It should be noted that in recent years, new types of buildings have become widespread, combining a school with a preschool institution, a leisure center, clubs and other premises. This is especially true for the regions of the Far North.

The height of modern school buildings is taken taking into account the number of students and the degree of fire resistance: from one to three floors. It is possible to build 4-storey schools, but with significant restrictions - I, II degrees of fire resistance, while the first classes cannot be placed on the 4th floor, and the rest of the classrooms should be no more than 25%.

School education is becoming more diverse, which is directly reflected in the appearance and internal structure of schools. To do this, the amount of daylight penetrating into classrooms and corridors is increasing, communications between different groups of classrooms are being improved, and optimal solutions for school areas are being developed.

At the same time, the state needs to achieve a dual and difficultly compatible (but still possible) goal - to meet the optimal budget of a building being built for state money, and to achieve high spiritual goals set by the country's leader. And now also the new Federal Minister of Education Vasilyeva, who said that the school should educate children in a Person, not a Consumer.

So far, the situation is a bit reminiscent of one of the heroes of the fairy tale about Aibolit - the mutant horse Tyanitolkay.

Thus, the Ministry of Construction has formed a catalog of standard design documentation for reuse, which contains projects of existing facilities. That is, the department approached the solution of the issue with straightforward construction and bureaucratic simplicity, without visible attempts to philosophically comprehend current trends in the educational process.

Whereas the former leadership of the federal Ministry of Education set its own task for the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering - to develop promising standard projects school buildings, taking into account the requirements of new educational standards. We are talking about the creation of a new type of school, which, with its space-planning, architectural concept, technical equipment, would contribute to the implementation of a number of new functional requirements for the educational process, but at the same time would have sufficient versatility for the whole country in order to reduce the cost of building facilities as much as possible due to unified elements - modules.

Andrey Volkov, rector of NRU MGSU, commented on the work in this direction in his interview to Stroitelnaya Gazeta: “... The space of the school should be maximally involved in the educational process. This determines and economic efficiency project, because the more space we use for our core business, the more efficient the solution.
An integrated approach to design should be implemented, which consists in taking into account various kinds of national, social, territorial, natural and climatic features of the region in which construction is underway.

A typical school built according to the principles of modular design will not be identical to a faceless gray box. The project in each case will be individual both in terms of visual perception, and in terms of the layout of modules, functionality, and scale.”

The head of the university also outlined the principles that the Ministry of Education and Science would like to see in new projects. One of them is the principle of a universal classroom, which is designed to organize frontal, group and individual lessons. The classroom, with its space-planning solution, technical equipment, furniture, lighting scheme, should provide the possibility of equal work efficiency in all three forms of organizing classes. Subject classrooms should include study rooms, rooms for practical exercises, laboratory. It is also necessary to provide a school-wide lecture room with modern multimedia equipment.

As conceived by the developers, the minimum combination of training modules is designed for one so-called parallel - 330 places from the first to the eleventh grade with an estimated class size of 30 students. Depending on the planned occupancy of the school, the number of modules can be varied. Thus, it is possible to obtain an object of the required scale. Functionally, the modules are divided into two large blocks - basic and additional.

The basic ones are educational, school-wide premises, a canteen, a gym, an assembly hall, libraries, administrative, medical premises, and so on. Additional modules are, for example, a technological workshop module, specialized modules for teaching children with disabilities, modules for a business, linguistic center, a winter garden, a living corner, and even residential modules if it is a boarding school.

This fits perfectly into the framework of global trends, which were noted by Polina Naidanova, a researcher at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg). Thus, in the architecture of school buildings in Europe and the United States, there is a tendency to functionally divide school blocks into a “business part”, which includes administrative, sports and entertainment blocks facing the street, and an “educational part”, which is hidden from the eyes of passers-by, protected from noise and open to the sunny side. The blocks are also divided into zones for elementary and high schools. Between themselves, the blocks are usually connected either by an information passage, which may contain a library, or by recreational patios.

The researcher also notes another direction - the school building becomes an indissoluble unity with the natural environment. Interpenetration concerns not so much the external effect of “fitting” the volume into nature, but rather the “disclosure” of the interior and the entire complex of the building from the inside to nature and the inclusion of elements of nature in its interior.

An important part of the school is the atrium actively involved in the educational process. The developers of the new school from MGSU also did not forget about him. The intra-school space, surrounded by premises, form a single space for the game and learning activities and serves as a meeting place and general school activities. In principle, it can also be considered as the "Zone of innovations, or i-zone" (according to the wording of Neporad V.I.). It is a zone for the creation and exchange of high-tech and creative innovations.

Andrey Volkov summarizes: “A school designed in accordance with the new principles is more efficient and, if you like, more meaningful. The existing efficiency ratio is calculated from the ratio of the areas used directly in the educational process to the total number of areas. As a rule, in operating schools this coefficient is less than 0.5, while our project includes a coefficient that exceeds this indicator. At the same time, we have the opportunity to reduce the standard price of construction. That is, the cost of construction and installation work in the case of standard design will predictably decrease with a simultaneous increase in the quality of the proposed solutions.”

By the way, MGSU, together with architectural and space-planning solutions, took up the analysis of the existing regulatory framework with a view to correcting them.

Meanwhile, for example, the Moscow authorities do not waste time in vain. By order of the city authorities, a single regulatory document has been developed for the design of general educational institutions- “Code of rules “Buildings of educational organizations. Design Rules”, which already introduces the concepts of “blocking” and “transformation”.

The document combined all available regulatory requirements in the field of designing such objects: technical regulations, sanitary regulations and rules fire safety. For the first time, the code contains requirements for anti-terrorist security, operation and energy efficiency of educational institutions. The typology of buildings and premises has been expanded, which is extremely important in the context of a shortage of territories for the existing compacted development, including reconstructed, as well as for new construction, taking into account undulating demographic fluctuations.

For such cases, the Code of Practice provides for requirements for this type of school buildings, as transformable blocks primary school. The uniqueness of transforming buildings is that they can change according to the needs of the education system, i.e. to be transformed from a preschool institution to a block of primary classes and vice versa, and also to combine these two functions.

Additionally, the Code of Rules provides rules for calculating individual premises - such as assembly halls, canteens, lobbies, etc., introduced norms for specific areas for premises that were not previously covered normative documents. This code has already been approved by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 17, 2016 (No. 572 / pr.)

Summarizing the above, as a result, it is worth citing the main theses of the modern school, formulated by Polina Naidanova, namely:

  1. the possibility of transforming the learning space into small, medium and large according to the principle "student - group - class - flow";
  2. formation of large functional planning zones: studio classes, conference rooms, etc.;
  3. the formation of an "open" system: the absence of traditional closed classrooms;
  4. the availability of premises that are designed for various kinds classes taking into account age characteristics (games, workshops, lectures, laboratories, etc.);
  5. availability of mobile equipment in classrooms;
  6. availability of conditions for the development of the health of students that will meet the needs of children;
  7. a new system for the location of engineering communications, the possibility of autonomous existence, the presence of energy-saving systems.

To be continued...