Modern approaches to the study of control systems. Methodological bases for the study of control systems The main approaches to the study in brief

Important for a systematic approach is the definition system structure- a set of links between the elements of the system, reflecting their interaction. The structure of the system can be studied from the outside in terms of the composition of individual subsystems and the relationships between them, as well as from the inside, when individual properties are analyzed that allow the system to achieve a given goal, that is, when the functions of the system are studied. In accordance with this, a number of approaches to the study of the structure of a system with its properties have been outlined, which should primarily include structural and functional.

At structural approach the composition of the selected elements of the system 5 and the links between them are revealed. The totality of elements and links between them makes it possible to judge the structure of the system. The latter, depending on the purpose of the study, can be described in different levels consideration. Most general description Structures are a topological description that allows defining the constituent parts of a system in the most general terms and is well formalized on the basis of graph theory.

Less general is the functional description, when individual functions are considered, i.e., system behavior algorithms, and functional approach, which evaluates the functions that the system performs, and the function is understood as a property that leads to the achievement of the goal. Since the function displays the property, and the property displays the interaction of the system £ with the external environment E, then the properties can be expressed in the form of either some characteristics of the elements S^ and subsystems £, the system, or the system £ as a whole.

If there is a certain standard of comparison, it is possible to introduce quantitative and qualitative characteristics of systems. For a quantitative characteristic, numbers are entered that express the relationship between this characteristic and the standard. The qualitative characteristics of the system are found, for example, using the method of expert assessments.

Manifestation of system functions in time t(/), i.e. system operation, means the transition of the system from one state to another, i.e., movement in the state space Z. When operating the system £, the quality of its functioning is very important, which is determined by the efficiency indicator and is the value of the efficiency evaluation criterion. Exist different approaches to the choice of performance evaluation criteria. The system £ can be evaluated either by a set of particular criteria or by some general integral criterion.

It should be noted that the generated model M from the point of view of the system approach, it is also a system, i.e. £ "= £" (M), and can be considered in relation to the external environment E. The simplest in terms of presentation are models that retain a direct analogy of the phenomenon. Models are also used in which there is no direct analogy, but only the laws and general patterns of behavior of the elements of the system £ are preserved. Correct understanding of the relationships both within the L/ model itself and its interaction with the external environment E largely determined by the level at which the observer is located.

A simple approach to studying the relationships between the individual parts of the model involves considering them as a reflection of the relationships between the individual subsystems of the object. This classical approach can be used to create fairly simple models. Model synthesis process M based on the classical (inductive) approach is shown in fig. 1.1 A. The real object to be modeled is divided into separate subsystems, i.e., the initial data are selected D For

Rice. 1.1. The process of synthesizing a model based on the classical (a) and systemic ( 6)


modeling and setting goals C, displaying individual aspects of the modeling process. For a separate set of initial data D the goal is to model a separate aspect of the functioning of the system, on the basis of this goal a certain component is formed TO future model. The set of components is combined into a model M.

Thus, the development of the model M on the basis of the classical approach means the summation of individual components into a single model, with each of the components solving its own tasks and isolated from other parts of the model. Therefore, the classical approach can be used to implement relatively simple models in which separation and mutually independent consideration of individual aspects of the functioning of a real object are possible. For a model of a complex object, such a disunity of the tasks to be solved is unacceptable, since it leads to significant resource costs when implementing the model on the basis of specific software and hardware. Two distinctive aspects of the classical approach can be noted: there is a movement from the particular to the general, the created model (system) is formed by summing up its individual components and the emergence of a new systemic effect is not taken into account.

With the complication of modeling objects, it became necessary to observe them from a higher level. In this case, the observer (developer) considers this system 5 as some subsystem of some metasystem, i.e., a system of a higher rank, and is forced to move to the position of a new system approach that will allow him to build not only the system under study, solving a set of problems, but also to create a system that is an integral part of the metasystem. For example, if the task of designing an automated control system by an enterprise is set, then from the standpoint of a systematic approach, one should not forget that this system is an integral part of an automated control system by an association.

The systems approach has been used in systems engineering due to the need to study large real systems, when the insufficiency, and sometimes the error, of making any particular decisions has affected. The emergence of a systematic approach was influenced by an increasing amount of initial data during development, the need to take into account complex stochastic relationships in the system and environmental influences E. All this forced researchers to study a complex object not in isolation, but in interaction with the external environment, as well as in conjunction with other systems of a certain metasystem.

A systematic approach allows solving the problem of building a complex system, taking into account all factors and opportunities proportional to their significance, at all stages of studying the system 5 and building a model M. The system approach means that each system 5 is an integrated whole even when it consists of separate disparate subsystems. Thus, the system approach is based on the consideration of the system as an integrated whole, and this consideration during development begins with the main thing - the formulation of the goal of functioning. Model synthesis process M on the basis of a systematic approach is conditionally presented in fig. 1.1 b. Based on the initial data D, which are known from the analysis of the external system, those restrictions that are imposed on the system from above or based on the possibilities of its implementation, and on the basis of the purpose of functioning, the initial requirements are formulated T to the system model 5. On the basis of these requirements, some subsystems /7, elements E are formed and the most difficult stage of synthesis is carried out - the choice IN components of the system, for which special selection criteria are used KV.

When modeling, it is necessary to ensure maximum efficiency of the system model. Efficiency is usually defined as some difference between some indicators of the value of the results obtained as a result of the operation of the model, and those costs that have been invested in her development and creation.

Model development stages

On the basis of a systematic approach, a certain sequence of model development can also be proposed, when two main design stages are distinguished: macro-design and micro-design.

At the stage of macro-design based on data about the real system 5 and the external environment E a model of the external environment is built, resources and constraints for building a system model are identified, a system model and criteria are selected to assess the adequacy of the model M 5. Having built a model of the system and a model of the external environment, on the basis of the criterion of the efficiency of the functioning of the system, in the process of modeling, the optimal control strategy is chosen, which allows realizing the capabilities of the model to reproduce certain aspects of the functioning of the real system

The micro-design stage largely depends on the particular type of model chosen. In the case of a simulation model, it is necessary to ensure the creation of information, mathematical, technical and software simulation systems. At this stage, it is possible to establish the main characteristics of the created model, evaluate the time of working with it and the cost of resources to obtain a given quality of the correspondence of the model to the process of the system functioning. I.

Regardless of the type of model used M when building it, it is necessary to be guided by a number of principles of a systematic approach: 1) proportionally sequential progress through the stages and directions of creating a model; 2) coordination of information, resource, reliability and other characteristics; 3) the correct ratio of individual levels of the hierarchy in the modeling system; 4) the integrity of individual isolated stages of model building.

Model M must meet the given purpose of its creation, so the individual parts must be arranged mutually, based on a single system task. The goal can be formulated qualitatively, then it will have more content and for a long time can reflect the objective capabilities of this modeling system. With a quantitative formulation of the goal, an objective function arises that accurately reflects the most significant factors influencing the achievement of the goal.

Building a model is one of the systemic tasks in which solutions are synthesized based on a huge number of initial data, based on the proposals of large teams of specialists. The use of a systematic approach in these conditions allows not only to build a model of a real object, but also, on the basis of this model, to select the required amount of control information in a real system, evaluate the performance of its functioning, and thus, on the basis of modeling, find the most effective construction option and an advantageous mode of operation of a real system. I.

Several main approaches are used in MIS: systemic, integrated, situational, marketing, innovative, normative, behavioral.

Rice. 1.2.

A systematic approach is such a direction of the method of logic of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex holistic cybernetic socio-economic system.

The main specificity of MIS is that this system considers management in an unconventional way. Management in IMS is analyzed as a system, i.e. the systematic approach implies consideration of any object as a system, and systemicity as a property of matter.

The main goal of management is to increase consistency in the following areas:

System is a collection of elements connected with each other, forming integrity, unity. As you know, any organization is an interaction of two subsystems: managing and managed. One is subordinate to the other. With a systematic approach, it is of great importance to study the characteristics of an organization as a system, i.e. characteristics of "input", "process" and "output".

With a systematic approach based on marketing research first examine the "output" parameters, i.e. goods or services, namely: what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what cost, for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price? The answers to these questions should be clear and timely. As a result, the "output" should be competitive products or services.

The "input" parameters are then determined, ie. explore the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information), which is determined after a detailed study of the organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (the level of technology, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and the parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, ecological, etc.). And, finally, of no less importance is the study of the parameters of the process that converts resources into finished products. At this stage, depending on the object of study, they consider production technology or management technology, as well as factors and ways to improve it.

Thus, a systematic approach allows a comprehensive assessment of any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help to analyze any situation within a single system, to identify the nature of the "input", "process" and "output" problems. The application of a systematic approach makes it possible to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

A complex approach involves taking into account both the internal and external environment of the organization in the analysis. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors- economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects in the analysis of organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account. For example, social issues are often ignored or put aside in the design of new organizations. When implementing new technology not always given importance to ergonomics indicators, which leads to increased fatigue of workers and, as a result, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new labor collectives socio-psychological aspects, in particular, the problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that an integrated approach is a necessary condition for solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

situational approach is that the motivation for the analysis are specific situations, a wide range of which significantly affects the effectiveness of management.

With this approach, the control system, depending on the nature of the situations, can change any of its characteristics. The objects of analysis in this case can be:

  • management structure: depending on the situation and on the basis of volumetric calculations, a management structure is selected with a predominance of either vertical or horizontal links;
  • management methods;
  • leadership style: depending on the professionalism, number and personal qualities employees choose a leadership style that is either task-oriented or human relations;
  • external and internal environment organizations;
  • organization development strategy;
  • technological features production process.

Marketing Approach involves the analysis of organizations based on the results of marketing research. The main goal with this approach is the orientation of the control system to the consumer. The implementation of this goal requires, first of all, the improvement of the business strategy of organizations, the purpose of which is to provide their organization with a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing Analysis designed to identify these competitive advantages and the factors that determine them.

As the practice of conducting research has shown, such factors include:

  • quality of products or services;
  • the quality of management of the organization itself;
  • marketing quality, i.e. property of the product to meet the real needs of the population.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the competitive position, i.e. the position of the organization under study in the industry for a given period of time, since competition is an expensive event, and the market is characterized by high entry barriers.

Thus, the value of the marketing approach is to ensure the organization of the entire necessary information knowledge of which will allow you to retain and maintain your competitive position in the industry for a long time.

Innovative approach based on the ability of the organization to quickly respond to changes dictated by the external environment. This concerns the introduction of innovations, new technical solutions, the steady resumption of the production of new goods and services to best meet the needs of the sales market. The key to the successful functioning of any organization is that it must not only keep pace with technical progress but also to get ahead of it. The introduction of innovation also requires a systematic analysis, namely, the organization's ability to introduce a particular innovation. The analysis process with an innovative approach is very complex and covers all stages of the product life cycle. Let's look at these stages.

  • 1. Analysis of the possibility of conducting research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine whether this organization has the necessary financial resources, since the development costs innovative ideas and their implementation is increasing. Typically, funding is provided investment companies, private and public funds, while funding a specific project or a new scientific idea. Financing is carried out in several stages: first, applied research, then experimental developments and at the final stage - financing of mass production. The search for reliable financial investors is of no small importance, since knowledge-intensive production is fraught with great uncertainty. Many innovations do not reach mass production due to the fact that they are rejected by the market, and financial risk is big enough here. At this stage, it is also necessary to find out if there is a special group of people in the team of performers who will be involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects, and what their professional training is.
  • 2. Analysis of the possibility of introducing the results of research and development work into production. Here it is necessary to determine the technical, organizational and economic feasibility of introducing new equipment or technology.
  • 3. Analysis of the possibility of bringing a new product to the market. The marketing approach should play a special role here. It is necessary to study the requirements of the market, the nature of products of this type that are in demand, determine where they are produced and in what quantity. Your own competitive position also plays an important role. It is at this stage of the analysis that the business (competitive) strategy of the organization should manifest itself to the greatest extent, on which the life expectancy of the product depends - from the first sales to saturation of demand and exit from the market.

With an innovative approach, one must remember that in order to compete successfully in the market, it is necessary to enable inventors to create new things, to create freely and bring their inventions to successful implementation. To do this, the team of inventors requires a certain freedom of creativity: the right to make decisions and be responsible for the final results. The management of the organization should be aimed at encouraging the initiative and enterprise of inventors.

Regulatory Approach is as follows. The analysis of any management system with the aim of improving it is connected with taking into account the set of the most important standards that guide the company's apparatus in its activities. These are standards established for each industry, for example, manageability standards, and standards developed by the designers themselves (Regulations on the organization, job descriptions, staffing and etc.).

Norms can have a target, functional and social orientation. TO target standards everything that ensures the achievement of the goals set for the organization. First of all, these are indicators of product quality, resource intensity of products, ergonomic indicators, reliability indicators, as well as the technical level of production.

TO functional standards quality and timeliness of the development of plans, a clear organization of units, operational accounting and control, strict distribution functional duties in every structural unit organizations.

Regulations in social sphere should provide optimal conditions for the special development of the team. These include indicators of incentives and labor protection, indicators of provision of all employees with the necessary technical means For successful work. This also includes the need to systematically improve professional growth, good motivation, legal and environmental regulations.

Thus, the normative approach in the analysis requires taking into account the entire set of standards in the management of resources, process and product. The more scientifically based standards there are for all aspects of the organization's activities, the sooner success will come in achieving the goals.

Behavioral Approach allows you to create everything the necessary conditions to realize the creative abilities of each employee, to realize their own importance in the management of the organization. Of great importance for managers here is the study of various behavioral approaches that general management recommends, and the study of the possibility of their application in the process of analyzing the organization. It must be remembered that a person is the most important element in the management system. A well-chosen team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand and implement the ideas of their leader is the most important condition for economic success.

The study of management information in the organization

The primary task in MIS is the study of management information. First of all, an analysis of the structure of information is carried out. It is necessary to create an optimal database for decision making.

Purpose of analysis– measuring the amount of information and determining its content. Unit of economic information - information set - a group of data related by one common form and characterizing one entity.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the information support of the organization's management system. This subject area of ​​the control object. Then the information support of subsystems of the subject of control is described.

In most cases this subject area of ​​functional subsystems - an information set allocated according to a certain form of representation. In essence, it can be a document. The subject area is characterized by indicators. Indicators however, it is an autonomous information set that has its own description algorithm.

The other part of the management information is the details. They are not divided into information sets and characterize individual properties of objects.

Measurement of information is carried out according to the forms of information sets or by content, natural volume - the number of values ​​for a particular information set is calculated.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of information provides for its analysis in terms of stability, complexity, mass character, bandwidth information system and other characteristics.

Methods for comparing information allow you to evaluate the work of the organization, determine deviations from planned indicators, establish their causes and identify reserves. There are the following types of comparison used in the analysis:

  • reporting indicators with planned ones;
  • planned indicators with indicators of the previous period;
  • reporting indicators with indicators of the previous period;
  • performance indicators for each day;
  • with industry average data;
  • indicators of technical level and product quality this enterprise with the performance of similar companies.

Comparison requires ensuring the comparability of the compared indicators (the quality of the assessment, the comparability of calendar terms, the elimination of the influence of differences in volume and assortment, quality, seasonal characteristics and territorial differences, geographical conditions, etc.).

The methodological approach to the study of control systems is the perspective of the study, it is, as it were, the starting position, a starting point, which determines its direction relative to the target. The approach can be aspect, system and conceptual. The aspect approach is the choice of one facet of the problem according to the principle of relevance or according to the principle of taking into account the resources allocated for research. So, for example, the problem of personnel development may have an economic aspect, a socio-psychological, educational, etc. aspect.

A systematic approach requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their relationship and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the relationships between aspects, properties and characteristics.

The system approach is used in solving socio-economic, socio-political, engineering and other problems that involve the study or design and creation of system objects of high complexity, as well as their management.

The system always exists and functions within the framework of its environment - the environment. The properties and functions of the elements of the system are determined by their place within the whole. At the same time, one should not forget about the relative independence and specific properties of the elements that enter into certain relationships with each other. The integrity of the system is specified and implemented through connections. For example, an economic organization as an open system interacts with the environment, exchanges materials, energy, people, and information with it. The environment, its factors affect the system and can influence the internal life, elements and connections in the organization system, can lead to a change in the functioning of elements, subsystems1.

In the process of studying the control system, it is revealed from which constituent parts, the elements make up the control system, how they interact with each other and with the environment. To form a system, the elements must be compatible with each other, the possibility of establishing productive links between them.

The totality of connections leads to the concept of the structure and organization of the control system. The structure of the organization of material elements, their connections give stability and stability to the management system.

The requirement of management efficiency in the system necessarily leads in the process of analysis to the formulation of the development of a system of goals, the direction of communications, and behavior. In particular, in many cases there is a problem of correlation between functioning and development, stability and innovation. In each management system, there are two types of goals: internal (corporate) and external - the production of goods, the provision of services, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out coordination between types of goals, i.e. set priority and set subordination in each event separately. The management of activities and their organization must necessarily be "expedient".

Goal-setting has as its continuation the setting of tasks - the formulation of previously set goals and sub-goals in the specific conditions in which the organization exists and intends to develop.

The conceptual approach involves the preliminary development of the research concept, i.e. complex key points, defining the general direction, architectonics and continuity of the study.

The approach can be empirical, pragmatic and scientific.

The empirical approach is mainly based on experience, the pragmatic approach is based on the task of obtaining the nearest result. The most effective, of course, is the scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific setting of research goals and the use of scientific apparatus in its conduct.

The problem is formulated in different ways. This may simply be a statement of the object of research in terms of its name or specificity. For example, management personnel, motivation for productive activity, etc. But such a formulation of the problem does not always contribute to focusing attention on a contradiction that reflects its peculiarity and essence.

Statement of the problem through a question contributes to a more accurate idea of ​​its content, because the question is a form of thinking focused on obtaining a specific answer in the form of judgments. The judgment, the conclusion of any study can be considered as an answer to a certain question. Examples of research questions and their designs are as follows:

How does the management system reflect the needs and conditions of the organization's development?

Why does an organization lose its competitive position?

Where can I find additional resources to complete the project?

How to develop a strategy?

The practical results of the study of management systems are, as a rule, recommendations for changing certain aspects of its functioning, improving the quality of the management activities of the manager and all management personnel. These recommendations may be of socio-psychological, economic, organizational content, they may relate to the field information support management, management motivation, changing business conditions, taking into account additional factors in the development of the company, the quality of activities, assessing development trends, competitiveness, etc. The results of the study are opportunities that can improve management efficiency and ensure sustainable and perspective development organizations.

Of course, the study also has theoretical results - understanding the problem, identifying patterns of functioning and development, the concept of system management in certain conditions, given no longer from the standpoint of a specific situation, but categorically. Depending on the depth of penetration into the essence of the problem and the level of generalization of theoretical results, it becomes possible to significantly expand practical results, solve an important national economic problem, and provide an opportunity for replicating new management experience.

Any research requires a certain resource support. Without the necessary resources (human, information, financial, economic, technical), it is impossible to conduct a modern study (and even more so, it is impossible to put its conclusions into practice). Therefore, an important problem in the study of control systems is the allocation of resources necessary for its implementation and implementation.

Introduction. 2

Chapter 1. Methodological approaches to the study of control systems: Dialectical, process, situational. 5

1.1. Dialectical approach to research, basic provisions. 5

1.2. Process approach to research, essence and technology. 7

1.3. Situational approach to research, nature and use cases 9

Chapter 2. Functional, reflective and systematic approach to the study of the control system. 13

2.1. functional approach to research, essence and use. 13

2.2. Reflective approach to research.. 14

2.3. System approach to research, its essence. 21

2.4. Integrative-convergent nature of the system approach. 27

Conclusion. thirty

The spiral movement ensures the constant accumulation of knowledge and the achievement of new levels of development over time. In addition to the law of unity and the struggle of opposites of dialectics, in the course of cognition, one should be guided by such laws as the transition of quantity into quality, the negation of negation, realizing in the study the principles of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical, identifying different-quality relationships in an object and their interactions.

The approach under consideration predetermines the need to use the relevant principles:

Continuous movement and development of all phenomena;

Scientific, requiring the use of everything new and progressive and providing foresight of phenomena, the possibility of using the results of research;

Interaction, involving the use of various connections, multivariance, and integrity of the display and study of phenomena;

Objectivity and reliability;




historical certainty.

The dialectical approach to research defines a practice that is:

1) the main methodological research tool;

2) the driving force of the study, as it determines what may be relevant to it;

3) the most important consumer of the research results;

4) the main criterion for the truth of the results of the study. When using the dialectical approach, the historical and logical methods of cognizing the truth acquire significant significance.

The dialectical approach to research, in connection with its provisions on the constancy of ongoing changes, the need to replace everything obsolete with a new one, is the most progressive and is used in the vast majority of all ongoing research. In essence, the choice and use of the principles and methods of the dialectical approach to research in combination with the methodological tools of other approaches is its practical formula in the modern period.

The dialectical approach largely determined the development of a whole range of other approaches, and first of all, the system approach.

1.2. Process approach to research, essence and technology

The process approach (a process is a successive change of states in the development of something; the development of a phenomenon) is known in relation to management in general. He considers managerial activity as a continuous implementation of a complex of certain interconnected activities and common functions management (forecasting and planning, organization, etc.). Moreover, the performance of each work and general management functions are also considered here as a process, i.e. as a set of interrelated continuously performed actions that transform some inputs of resources, information, etc. into the corresponding outputs, results (Figure 1).

Often the output of one process is the input for another, and the control process itself is determined by the sum of all related functions performed. Within the framework of this approach, the study of CS should be considered as the performance of research work and general management functions for their implementation (research management cycle) in the form of a process - a continuous series of interrelated actions, i.e. as work to achieve the objectives of the study. The process approach is characterized by an orientation towards a set of continuously implemented actions for all research work with their identification and interrelated general management functions (forecasting, planning, organizing work, coordinating, performing work, regulating, activating and stimulating, accounting, controlling and analyzing), transforming inputs into

outputs and represents process approach to the study of SU.

Fig.1. The main components of the research process

Technologically, the process approach to research is carried out sequentially, in parallel and in series-parallel (Fig. 2), however, the most viable of these approaches is series-parallel.

Fig.2. Types of process approach to research: A - sequential; B - parallel; B - series-parallel

The advantage of the process approach is:

Continuity of interconnected research work;

Systems approach - methodological approach studying the object as a whole. The object of study is presented as a set of subsystems, elements with internal and external connections. Used for a comprehensive study of decisions, analysis options their implementation, coordination of efforts to implement them.

An empirical approach is an approach in which an object is investigated on the basis of already existing experience. With this approach, previous similar cases are studied and developed general rules behavior in similar situations. Analogy methods are used, which consist in analyzing existing experience and evaluating the possibility of its use in specific cases, methods of comparison, etc.

Analysis of interpersonal relations and group behavior - an approach based on the study of internal relations in an organization, i.e. the study of formal and informal groups in an organization, formal and informal leaders, horizontal and vertical connections, systems of motivation and incentives, types of power that exist in the organization under study.

Formation corporate culture- traditions, values, symbols, beliefs, formal and informal rules of conduct for members of the organization.

Sociotechnical systems - an approach that creates conditions for human adaptation to technology in order to increase production efficiency and reduce the time spent on production.

Decision theory and effective communications- the approach of matching information and organizational structures.

With this approach, decision makers must have all the necessary information. For effective decision-making, information must have the following properties:







IN organizational structures there must be effective communications to notify lower levels of the hierarchy about decisions taken upstairs.

Modeling is an approach to building an organization model, which reflects all subsystems, elements, relationships and patterns of organization functioning.

Operational approach - an approach in which functions and work are allocated for the analysis of the management process, assessment of labor costs and resource costs.

Situational approach - decision-making approach with fleeting change environment: changes in the markets, the emergence of new competitors, etc. With this approach, the current situation is studied, its causes and effects are identified, which can be used to achieve the objectives of the study in specific cases. This approach is commonly used.

When the same situations are often repeated, for the resolution of which standard solutions are developed based on the analysis of previous situations of the same type. This saves material and labor resources, time;

When new situations arise that differ from the standard ones and do not have ready-made solutions.

The process approach is an approach to the study of control systems as a continuous execution of a set of interrelated works and general control functions. The research process is a set of functions and actions of the researcher aimed at studying the object of research, which turn the inputs (the object under study) into outputs (the result of the research). The research process is governed by levers and resources. Levers exercise their influence on the management process through methods and techniques, customer and consumer requirements, competitors, legislation, etc. Resources provide all necessary means(material, technical, transport, etc.) for the implementation of the research process.