Training for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs. MBS Business School: seminars, advanced training courses, business training for managers and industry specialists. Creative Entrepreneurship and Innovation Design

If you are going to open your own business, you must first of all realize that this is very difficult bread. You won’t be able to earn money quickly and continue to relax. Business is a continuous process that requires complete dedication and great responsibility. Moreover, in-depth knowledge of business methods is required. And what type of activity to devote oneself to, where and from whom to learn how to run a business is a completely separate topic.

You'd have to be crazy not to take advantage of that mass useful information that the Internet provides. Video tutorials, forums, discussions, any webinar or online course today can be found in global network V a huge number. And another question arises: how to choose the most correct, most useful courses and, most importantly, free business training? It is no secret that a novice entrepreneur does not always have the opportunity to spend money on purchasing these courses. We are happy to provide you with a list of online training materials that won't cost you a penny. With one click, you can start learning the basics of marketing, finance, business management, website creation and much more. These courses also provide their students with special tools to bring them to life. This may be the best chance for you, your team and your business to get back on its feet.

1. Basics of entrepreneurship. University of California course

Business is an exciting but risky career move. To increase your chances of success, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with the basics of entrepreneurship by taking this effective and free course.

This interactive course contains from 4 to 8 hours of video lessons, as well as materials recommended for self-study. You will learn everything you need, gain skills and tools, marketing strategies, features of a business plan and much more.

2. How is a startup built?

Those who are planning to build a business from scratch will need some practical advice. How to Build a Startup is different from any traditional textbook offered by an academic institution, and it focuses on teaching entrepreneurs how to quickly come up with ideas, test the market, and carve out a niche in it.

This course also requires the active participation of the student. During your studies, you can choose your own course of action, even creating your own exercises and projects. You don’t have to blindly rely on someone else’s idea; the course is aimed at creative people. You can use this course to find out for sure how much your proposed product will be in demand in the market and how quickly the return on business will be.

3. Business financing is a sore subject

Need financing but don't know where to start? The University of Maryland's online pro course can teach you how to raise money for your business. Even if you don't have initial capital.

The course is presented in video lecture format, and each session takes place over four weeks, with a frequency of 3 to 5 hours of lectures per week. Designed for both beginners and existing entrepreneurs. Upon completion, you will learn all about the capital structure of successful businesses and how to find investors.

4. Use your imagination

No matter what kind of business you are in, every business requires a creative approach. A free course called “Awaken your creative potential”, which is offered on coursera by specialists from the State University of New York. You will realize that you are capable of more and learn how to use your inner reserves in both your professional and personal life.

The course requires time from 3 to 4 hours per week and involves classes in the form of video lessons and expert assessments. Weekly discussions on the forum will also be very useful. In addition to learning how to recognize and harness your own creative potential, you'll gain the skill to teach the same to others, which can help you as you build your business.

5. Business ethics in business and real life

It is important for an entrepreneur to understand the role of ethics in business. "Business Ethics for the Real World" is a free online course from Santa Clara University on the World Wide Web that is aimed at all types of professional and entrepreneurial activities. This course will be very useful for both beginning businessmen or students, and experienced professionals.

The course does not impose its postulates, it allows participants to work at their own pace and aims to teach ethical theory that can be applied to real-life situations that often arise in business.

6. 21 important lessons for a businessman

Many people say that business is higher mathematics. In fact, there are so many complexities, unpredictability and even pitfalls associated with it for the ignorant beginner that it will be useful to learn from those who have already gone through all this first-hand experience. This is what the course “21 Important Lessons for Entrepreneurs” is dedicated to. 450 students have already rated it five stars, noting that it outlines the most important aspects of the initial stage of their business.

The duration of the course is two hours in total. It is divided into 23 online lectures.

7. Introduction to Marketing

What's the point of running a business if people don't buy your product? The Introduction to Marketing course, a product of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, will teach you to “get to the root” and anticipate the needs of your customers.

The training takes place over four weeks and requires active training of approximately 5-6 hours per week. Learn everything you need to know about brand positioning and communication, learn how to accelerate decision-making, enter new markets, the marketing planning process and proven marketing strategies.

8. Quick start on WordPress

Many new or existing businessmen do not yet have a website, but understand how important it is to manage their business online. This is important even if you plan to outsource the design and content of your website. You can start exploring all the features of the most popular web platform. Training is free.

This course offers 10 free videos that you can watch for an hour to learn step-by-step how to create simple one-page websites in WordPress.

There is no need to delve into all the technical details of a webmaster’s work. The course will take you to your goal step by step. You will learn how to choose the best web hosting provider, how to install and use WordPress panels, how to choose a design theme, how to create content and much more.

9. Get started quickly using social networks

Surely you have a Facebook page or Twitter profile. Why not use it to promote your business? Place your business logo on your account. Now these will be the pages of your product or service. You won't believe how quickly your business will start to grow. You will have regular customers and buyers. Simple posts in cyberspace will help you successfully sell your product.

Of course, this path is also not the easiest; everywhere has its own subtleties. How to promote your product on social media - this is taught in a special video course “Social Media 101”. Training includes step by step instructions on marketing techniques on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, as well as on maintaining your own blog.

10. How to reason and argue?

The ability to express one’s thoughts, defend one’s opinion, and talk about business is a necessary quality for an entrepreneur. Duke University offers a special course called Think Again: How to Reason and Argue. How to discuss problems with business colleagues, how to learn to make decisions on your own, give reasons for them, distinguish what is important from what is unimportant - this course teaches you all this. It is worth remembering that it is absolutely free. The 12-week course contains a series of video lectures and exercises.

11. Project planning and management

Among the listed courses in a special place is “Fundamentals project planning and Management (University of Virginia).

Poor project planning and sloppy execution will not bring success. If you want to grow as a businessman, you need to learn the basics of project management. This course is four weeks long and requires you to spend 2 to 4 hours of your time per week to listen to video lectures and participate in practical exercises, discussions and quizzes.

You will learn exactly how to plan your business, understand what makes a project unsuccessful, learn to set clear goals for the project, and prioritize goals.

12. Marketing in the digital world

Experienced entrepreneurs know that the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in marketing - even for small local businesses that operate primarily offline. To dive into the world of online marketing, take a course called Marketing in a Digital World offered by the University of Illinois.

For this course, you will be required to spend 6 to 8 hours per week watching video lectures, as well as participating in training for a total of 12 weeks. Each week, learners will look at a real-life company example that you will use to explore the fundamentals of marketing and how they have shifted towards the digital world.

13. The better the leader, the richer the life.

An entrepreneur needs to brush up on his leadership skills from time to time. This will come in handy when it comes time to hire more employees or hold the attention of a larger audience. The free course offered by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania is called “Better Leaders, Richer Lives.” Training in this system will help you develop the necessary leadership skills.

The course lasts 10 weeks and will require 3 to 8 hours of your time each week, includes video lectures and weekly assignments, along with several exam options taken at the end. You will learn practical and proven leadership techniques that will help you identify your core values ​​and earn the trust of those around you.

14. Financial accounting

Can't afford to hire an accountant to run your business? Perhaps you should try to master accounting yourself and manage your financial affairs yourself? This knowledge can be obtained for free with the Introduction to Financial Accounting course offered by the University of Pennsylvania Business School.

You will be required to complete a course of video lectures (6 to 8 hours per week), discussions and tests over a total of four weeks. The course includes information about key principles, all special vocabulary and terminology of accounting are provided.

15. Operations management

Anyone who wants to manage effectively own business, must have some basic knowledge to control production. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers a free Introduction to Operations Management course.

The course takes place over four weeks, with 5 to 7 hours of study time per week for video lectures, discussions and tests. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify bottlenecks in your business, correct problems that are slowing down productivity, and come up with new ways to improve business processes.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, and it is quite possible that you will feel quite overwhelmed at times. But when you have the opportunity to learn, useful resources, which offer academic and practical knowledge, and for free, you can rest assured about your business.

There are more than 849 thousand small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow (this is 13 percent of the total number throughout the country), employing more than two million people. We tell you what the city is doing to make it comfortable for business to develop.

Hundreds of new cafes, restaurants, car repair shops, veterinary clinics and other small and medium-sized businesses have appeared in Moscow. The activity of the capital's entrepreneurs has increased compared to last year, and this is evidenced by tax calculations.

For five months of 2018, compared to the same period last year, tax transfers from individual entrepreneurs increased by 33.8 percent, and from organizations - by 22.6 percent. Significant growth is noticeable in the area information technologies and communications (by 31.9 percent) and Catering(by 30.9 percent). In total, the city treasury received 45.9 billion rubles from January to May in taxes collected under the simplified system. This is 27 percent more than in the first five months of last year.

“The role of small and medium-sized businesses for the city budget is growing every year. The total contribution of this sector to the tax revenues of the Moscow city budget, taking into account revenues from individual entrepreneurs, has increased over four last year from 17 percent in 2014 to 23 percent in 2017,” said the Minister of the Moscow Government, head.

This growth was facilitated by the comprehensive support of the city: businessmen are provided with benefits and preferences, and a comfortable environment is created for them. In addition, Moscow ranks second in the annual National ranking of the investment climate in the regions Russian Federation, compiled based on the results of a study by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

Each one gets a patent

The patent tax system greatly facilitates doing business and stimulates the development of the urban economy. The growth of entrepreneurial activity is primarily noticeable in the number of patents received. During the first quarter of this year, capital businessmen acquired more than 51 thousand patents. This is 22 percent more than in the first three months of 2017.

The growth leaders in patents were entrepreneurs providing domestic services. They acquired more than six thousand patents worth about 300 million rubles. And more than a thousand patents were bought by businessmen.

Becomes popular and social entrepreneurship. This year, more patents began to be acquired, under which it is possible to provide the services of tutors, home cooks, nannies and caregivers. In the first quarter of 2018, they brought a total of about 40 million rubles to the city budget, which is 90 percent more than for .

Entrepreneurs also responded to the demand in the food sector. Since the beginning of the year, 1,600 patents have been issued, which is an increase of 107 percent.

Savings with a patent

When purchasing a patent, a businessman is exempt from three types of tax: on income individuals(NDFL), on property of individuals and on value added (VAT). Also, entrepreneurs who choose the patent system do not have to pay a trade fee.

Money for business

An entrepreneur can also receive financial support. In the first six months of this year, the Moscow Small Business Lending Fund issued new guarantees worth 6.56 billion rubles, and partner banks provided loans and guarantees for 10.987 billion rubles. Small and medium business shows interest in attracting external funds for current needs and the development of new projects. And the city’s guarantee helps entrepreneurs build a dialogue with investors.

Over the entire period of its operation, the Moscow Guarantee Fund has issued guarantees for 62.5 billion rubles. Thanks to this, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses were able to obtain loans from banks in the amount of .

Free office: coworking network

Entrepreneurs can work in an office with smart desks and a sound-absorbing booth for free. For this purpose, a network of coworking spaces has been created, where you can get up to three jobs free of charge. The centers are equipped with everything necessary: ​​there are tables, chairs, Internet and relaxation areas. Also in the centers you can find like-minded people and exchange experiences.

One of the most modern coworking spaces is open in. The office is equipped with a sound-absorbing booth for Internet calls and Skype meetings, smart tables with built-in Bluetooth speakers, USB ports, wireless charging and even induction heating for a mug with a drink.

Knowledge is power: free training

Created for entrepreneurs in Moscow. Businessmen themselves choose interesting and necessary areas, such as marketing, organizational management, personal effectiveness and new legislation for business.

You can learn the basics of running your own business at the intensive five-day course “MBM Startup School”. And those who have already decided to enter the foreign market can go to the Moscow Exporter School. Its listeners will be told about customs operations, taxes, legislation and accounting in the field of foreign economic activity, tools for bringing products to world markets.

There are also free webinars on the bidding and procurement procedure, seminars and trainings on marketing, sales, management and government procurement. And you can learn how to interact with supervisory authorities in the “Entrepreneur Hour” program. They will teach you to speak with foreign clients in one language in conversational English courses. The program was launched on the eve of the World Cup. Information about webinars is published on the State Budgetary Institution website

To make your learning how to start your own business from scratch most convenient, fast and effective, the Institute of Entrepreneurship offers a distance learning format for completing the “How to start your own business” course. The leading and most popular today, distance learning for small businesses involves remote study of the course program from anywhere in the world. After payment via Personal Area on the website you are given access to all tasks and lessons of courses for aspiring entrepreneurs in Moscow at the MBA CITY Business Academy, and you can study the program at a convenient pace and schedule.

Experienced specialists from the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the MBA CITY Business Academy will definitely provide you with professional and highly qualified support, and will be happy to answer all the questions that arise during your studies.

Timely completion of training on the course “How to start your own business” will give you the opportunity to successfully start your own business and learn how to professionally manage an enterprise. This is your opportunity to learn everything you need to start your own business.

The cost of a training program for aspiring entrepreneurs is quite low for the opportunity to get an education in the most highly paid field activities, improve your knowledge and skills and master an interesting profession. Small business courses are your chance to expand your opportunities for professional growth and increasing income. After the first lesson, you will be able to draw up a business plan and begin to implement it in practice, and your professional income will increase many times over! Completing the training program “How to start your own business” means becoming a sought-after and certified specialist in the field of entrepreneurship.

Although training at the MBA CITY Business Academy takes place remotely, you will still receive a state-issued Certificate with an international supplement for completing the course “How to start your own business,” and this document will be a significant plus to your manager’s resume and an excellent confirmation of the acquired professional knowledge.

License for educational activities №038379

Training course program "HOW TO OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS"

1. Concept and classification of entrepreneurial activity
1.1 Types of entrepreneurship
1.2 Features of individual entrepreneurs
1.3 Creation of a joint venture

2. How to choose a field of business activity
2.1 How to justify the creation of a new business
2.2 What's included constituent documents
2.3 Procedure for registering a new company
2.4 Necessity of licensing

3. Organization of management in the company
3.1 Functions of company management
3.2 Company business plan
3.3 Mechanisms for ensuring the operation of the company
3.4 Procedure for terminating the company's activities

4. Forms of organization of activities legal entities
4.1 Classification of legal entities by business form

5. Concept of competition
5.1 The role of monopolization
5.2 The essence of antimonopoly regulation
5.3 Increased competitiveness indicators
5.4 Analysis of the company's competitiveness

6. How they are created entrepreneurial solutions
6.1 Scope of Entrepreneurial Idea Acceptance
6.2 Implementation of entrepreneurial ideas
6.3 The role of economics in business decisions

7. Ways to organize your business
7.1 Where to get new ideas
7.2 Ways to solve problems creatively
7.3 New product development
7.4 Buying a business
7.5 Methods of organization joint business
7.6 Features of buyout with a subloan

8. Ways to write a business plan
8.1 The essence of the business plan
8.2 Collecting information for a business plan
8.3 Business plan structure
8.4 Implementation of the business plan

9. Secrets of entrepreneurial success
9.1 The role of capital in business success

10. The essence of business risk
10.1 Types of business risks
10.2 Business risk analysis
10.3 Methods for reducing business risk

11. Fundamentals of personnel management
11.1 Identifying staffing needs and hiring
11.2 Employee education and training
11.3 Career of company employees
11.4 Ways to motivate employees

12. Marketing service in the company
12.1 The need for a marketing service in the company
12.2 Organization of a marketing service in the company

13. The concept of goods in entrepreneurship
13.1 Product life cycle stages
13.2 Information support for goods
13.3 Organization of goods supplies

14. Business partnerships
14.1 Types of cooperation in business
14.2 Types of cooperation in production
14.3 Types of cooperation in trade exchange
14.4 Types of transactions in trading
14.5 Types of cooperation in the field of finance

15. Pricing regulation
15.1 What affects the price level
15.2 Definition pricing policy companies
15.3 Setting prices for export and import goods
15.4 Price factor
15.5 Product quality factor

16. Essence innovation activity companies
16.1 Features of the company’s innovative activities
16.2 Innovation efficiency analysis
16.3 Technological innovation

17. Company profit structure
17.1 Sources of company profit
17.2 The role of trade secrets

18. Features of small business
18.1 Economic features of small business
18.2 Difficulties faced by small businesses
18.3 Essence state support small businesses

19. Business loans and insurance
19.1 Concept and features of leasing
19.2 Concept and features of factoring
19.3 Concept and features of franchising
19.4 Enterprise insurance

20. Company bankruptcy
20.1 Recognition of an enterprise as insolvent
20.2 Features of the bankruptcy procedure
20.3 Liquidation procedure in bankruptcy
20.4 Sale of property of a bankrupt company

21. Organization of associations of organizations
21.1 Features of financial and industrial groups

22. Essence government regulation entrepreneurial activity
22.1 The need for state regulation of entrepreneurship
22.2 Concept of the effect of accelerated depreciation
22.3 What is included in budget expenses
22.4 Role of the public sector
22.5 Features of the state. balance of payments regulation
22.6 Features of the state. labor market regulation

23. Personal qualities of an entrepreneur
23.1 What is entrepreneurship and organizational potential
23.2 How to develop economic thinking
23.3 How to organize your working day

24. Legal aspects of entrepreneurial activity
24.1 Laws governing privatization
24.2 Laws governing entrepreneurial activity
24.3 Features of protecting the rights and interests of organizations in court

25. Assessing the profit and profitability of the company
25.1 Key indicators of the company’s profit
25.2 Key indicators of company profitability
25.3 What affects the profit and profitability of the company
25.4 The need to analyze the profit and profitability of the company
25.5 Methods for assessing a company's profit
25.6 Methods for assessing a company’s profitability

A program has been organized for Moscow residents distance learning“Modern Entrepreneur” - advanced training courses in the areas of “Marketing” and “Entrepreneurship”.

Participation in the program free, financed by the Moscow Government. Muscovites who have and are receiving higher or secondary vocational education can participate.

The program lasts one month and does not imply a break from your main job. Upon completion, a state-issued certificate of advanced training is issued.

The program is implemented by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” and the Moscow State Industrial University.

There are two types of advanced training within the program - courses “Entrepreneurship and Business Model Building” and “Need Satisfaction Marketing”.

The study consists of two parts - remote (virtual) from November 1 to November 16, and full-time (in the classroom) from November 22 to November 30.

In the distance learning form, there will be independent study of materials, viewing of video lectures in the amount of 6 academic hours (45 minutes each) per course and participation in webinars. All webinars will take place on weekends. Participation in webinars is an important point, since the likelihood of passing to the second, face-to-face part of the training depends on it. Webinars for each listener - 21 academic hours per program.

Full-time training - one weekend (Saturday + Sunday). Upon successful completion, a certificate of advanced training in the relevant profile will be issued.

What you need to do to register for the program

1. Choose one of two (or both) courses of the program:

2. Register for the program on the GBU MBM website:

a) Fill in all fields of the form that opens and click on the “REGISTER” button. A registration notification letter with further instructions will be sent to your email address.