Where to start an information business and its types. How do information businessmen make millions? Training courses! Creating a Free Product

Do you want to know how you can make money online. Selling useful and quality information to busy people. You yourself have often been in situations where it was easier to pay and resolve the issue quickly than to waste precious time. You want to receive a complete step-by-step plan for creating your own information product on DVD or CD with an explanation of all the techniques and techniques for creating it. The best thing is that the course is based on the example of creating a real information product and therefore it reflects absolutely all the actions that you will need to perform to get the result.

  1. Systematization.

    In this section we will discuss all the technical issues related to systematizing the knowledge that you have. You can quickly build a system by which you can move forward.

  2. Content creation.

    The knowledge has been systematized, now it’s time to transfer it from your head to the physical world. You can convey your knowledge through text, audio and video. Here we will talk about how to do this.

  3. Creating a Menu

    When the content is ready, it needs to be presented in a convenient and understandable form. The course navigation menu is responsible for this. In this section, the author will tell you how it is created.

  4. Creating an ISO Image

  5. Course cover and disc graphics

    You've made the master disk, now it's time to create a beautiful cover for your course, as well as design graphics for the top surface of the disk. We'll talk about this here.

  6. We create a physical version.

    At this stage, your information product is ready in digital form. But many customers will want to buy it as a physical version. You will learn how to create it in this section.

  7. Creation of a mini-site.

    You can already hold your information product in your hands. It's time to create a commercial proposal for it and invite the first possible clients there.

  8. Payment acceptance and affiliate program.

    To turn potential clients into real ones you will need an order taking system. And to get more clients, we need an affiliate program.

  9. Receiving orders, accounting, sending parcels.

    The first orders have arrived, and now the question arises of processing them, sending parcels, accounting and other things that are unpleasant for an information businessman. How to make your life easier.

In an additional disk you will find 10 valuable materials, which will help you increase sales of your courses, make the process of their production easier, more varied and more effective.

  1. 7 secrets of high sales of DVD courses from Evgeny Popov.

  2. Collection of 3D action games worth $97 + video instructions for use

  3. Legal registration of information business

  4. How to make money from products with resale rights

  5. The mental secret to writing successful advertising copy

  6. 9 ways to become an expert in any niche

  7. How to organize an 8-800 number

  8. Charge of motivation

  9. 17 ways to create a great bonus for your info product

  10. Upsell, or how to increase the order amount by 50%

How to make money from other people's knowledge. Do you also want to become a producer and make courses from the knowledge of other people?

You will learn the most valuable things you will need to succeed in this business:

  1. Where to find an expert to record a joint information product.

  2. How to negotiate payment. Should I work for a fixed fee or is it better to work for a percentage? How much exactly to pay the author for his work, and what the amount depends on.

  3. What is the best way to write a proposal to an author about recording a joint product.

  4. How to resolve issues with equipment and programs that the author will need to create a course.

  5. How to correctly conclude an agreement with the author so that all rights to the product belong to you, and there are no misunderstandings in the future.

  6. How to resolve issues with after-sales customer support.

Information business is the sale of information in electronic or physical form, but the basis is the sale of information, making money on your knowledge, which is packaged in a box.

There are several options for information business - webinars, sites with paid access, training courses, etc. The training courses will be discussed below.

In RuNet there is now a BOOM for this information business, everyone is taking on it, but, as in the blogosphere, many do not achieve the desired result.

I think the reason for all this is lack or lack of knowledge. Recording video from the screen is just a small part of what needs to be done.

And then, not everyone can record a video in normal quality. It happens that you are listening to someone’s course, and your ears are already drooping... Not only is there a sea of ​​water pouring in, but also the speech is unclear, screeching, backing, sneezing, creaking, extraneous sounds, etc.

I myself, when I started recording a course on “how to create a blog and start making money on the Internet,” ran into a problem, some kind of fear of a microphone.

At that moment, I paused the recording and began to practice, recording regular videos for myself, thus, I developed more or less clear speech, there are some errors, but it is much more pleasant to listen to. And at the end of the video course recording, I was actually chirping like a sparrow :).

If you want to start an information business, share your knowledge with people and make money from it, then start practicing by recording video from the screen, speaking into a microphone, until you yourself feel that your speech has become clearer and without water.

How is an information business built? Basic scheme of information business

As I said, in the info business you need to share your knowledge in a specific niche, one that you are good at.

Let's say I am an expert in learning English. Before becoming one, I went through a lot, tried many techniques, got into a lot of troubles and ultimately learned English and speak it fluently.

But this knowledge is stored in my head and only benefits me, and only if I travel outside the country or communicate on the Internet.

Do you think many people want to learn a foreign language? The answer is obvious - many! But only 10% out of 100 achieve success. And this happens because of the lack of necessary knowledge, tactics, and methods.

The basic diagram looks like this.

In the picture everything looks quite simple, in fact, there is a lot to work on.
In order to implement the above scheme, you will need a website or blog.

Why do you need a website or blog?

People need to know about you somehow, and a blog is a great platform for this. You create a blog, fill it with interesting and useful content, for example, I will fill out the sections of grammar, pronunciation, reading, etc., but I will not give step-by-step instructions that will allow you to quickly and efficiently learn a foreign language.

People who come from search engines, from other sites, forums will get acquainted with your information and if it is of high quality and solves their problems, then they will become your regular readers, they will see you as an expert and will trust you, and buy only from those who deserves trust.

But often, people come to your site and leave; to put it bluntly, such visitors are of no use. Therefore, it is necessary to collect their contact information so that you can contact them in the future and offer your products and services.

To collect subscribers, I use the service - there is a free version - for beginners, there is also a paid version, I recommend using the paid version after using all the resources of the free version.

Go to the service, register and receive a form. You need to embed this form on your website so that people can see it and subscribe to the latest newsletters.

But if you just put it in the sidebar, you will get minimal response because people need an incentive to subscribe. This is where the concept of a magnet for subscribers comes into play.

What it is?

The magnet can be your FREE video course, book or audiobook, perhaps not even yours, but another author who distributes it for free.

The task is to collect the maximum number of interested readers, some of whom will become your customers in the future.

This base, which is formed on the smartresponder service, is called a “golden asset” by information businessmen.

Can you guess why it is called that?

It is advisable to place 2-3 forms on the site. If a user has visited the site, then there is a greater chance that 1 course that you are distributing will not suit him, therefore, give the opportunity to choose from several options.

Then, when the gold asset begins to accumulate, communicate with it, do not let it hang as a dead weight on the service. We wrote an interesting article, went to the e-mail newsletter service and sent out an announcement of the article to our subscribers.

People will see that you are sharing truly valuable information and will follow you. Create trusting relationships.

The following picture emerges: you have a working website that gathers interested readers in your niche, you share useful information, when the process has stabilized, you need to start creating a paid course.

Here I made a mistake, I just started my blog and immediately started making a paid course, as a result, in 2 months I sold only a few copies, not at all what was expected.

Therefore, I want you to pay attention to this thing: first you need to make a blog or website, fill it with useful content, communicate with people, give them usefulness in exchange for their data (email and name), and only then start working on paid course, and not vice versa!

While working on the paid option, I want to give you some tips and recommendations. As mentioned above, if you are completely new to the information business, then you will have to work on yourself, develop your speech, get rid of the fear of the microphone, etc., so that you end up with a really high-quality video course.

First write down a draft version of the entire course, then you will have a complete picture that can be corrected and finalized.

Along the way, don’t abandon your site; you need to remember about your readers and continue to share information.
Prepare your readers in advance for the release of the paid version, so that this is not news No. 1 for them, and they don’t know what to do?!

Before you start recording the final version, be sure to purchase good equipment, this is very important!!!

I recorded my first course on a simple microphone, which I regret very much...

In the next article, I will talk about a pair of microphones that are used by almost all information businessmen. I have already ordered one of them.

After the final version is ready, you need to create a sales page. It is advisable to arrange it in the form of a presentation, post screenshots, live video of yourself, etc...

When you are working on a sales page, do not forget to add fuel to the site so that people get excited and want to purchase the course.

Order a cover design from professional designers, you can’t skimp on this, I’m a prime example. I made the cover myself, but if I had given it to specialists, the sales conversion would have been much higher...

Don’t rush into this matter, you can’t do it without investments, get ready to save up some money to invest in your online business.

So, the sales page is ready, the course with a cool design is ready, just a little remains, you need to connect a payment system so that readers can pay in various ways, Yandex money, plastic cards, webmoney wallet, etc., as well as order a physical version.

Inform your subscriber base about the release of your paid course and redirect them to the purchase page, on this page you need to describe in as much detail as possible what benefits they will receive from the course.

If in six months you have accumulated a subscription base of 5,000 thousand people, then 5-10 percent will purchase your course; if its cost is 2 thousand rubles, then ultimately, in six months of work you will receive an example of 500 thousand rubles. Not bad huh?

All that remains for you is to receive money for some time while the course is relevant. You do it once, and you get money many times. This scheme satisfies me 😉 What about you?

But this is not the end, but only the beginning of your Internet activity. Next, you need to place information about the paid course on your website and connect the affiliate program on the sales page.

Affiliates will sell your courses for a commission and believe me, there are quite a lot of them.

Your sales will no longer come only from your website, but from partner sites, forums, social networks, etc.

Don't stop there, develop a plan for your next video course. The more such courses you have, the more earnings and the larger the target audience. But this is exactly what almost 99% of bloggers come for.

I'll repeat it again.

- proceed from the fact that you need to provide benefits first of all to PEOPLE, and only then think about your earnings;

- constantly learn, as soon as you stop learning, you will fall like a stone;

— share high-quality materials, courses, links, etc. with people for free, you give more, you receive more;

- don’t skimp on equipment: camera, microphone, etc. I described my mistake above, do not repeat it. If you don’t have enough money, save up and buy a product that you can work with for many years;

- don’t skimp on design. First of all, if finances allow, you need to order a unique website design, then make an attractive sales page, a cool cover and an auto-play menu, you will definitely see the difference, as they say, “you meet someone by their clothes.” So make your clothes fiery;).

This is where I will conclude this article, I hope I was able to convey to you, what is information business and what fruits it can bear if you take your head and start taking action!

Hello, dear friends. Today I want to talk about creating my own information business. The topic of making money on the Internet is quite popular these days. And there are quite a lot of sources for earning money. But the most profitable sources of income on the Internet are running your own information business and making money on affiliate programs.

Today we will look at a scheme for building an information business based on creating your own name (brand). Maintaining a website, collecting a subscription base, creating information products, monetizing a subscription list, and so on.

Website creation

Of course, you can make money on the Internet without a website, but we are talking about an information business scheme based on a brand. And here you can’t do without a website. If you really want to make money by selling yours, then first of all you should take care of creating your website.

This will allow you to develop your brand and earn money not only from sales of your information products, but also from affiliate recommendations.

Choosing a Niche

This is perhaps the most important stage, since all further efforts may be empty words if you make the wrong choice. First of all, you need to ask yourself, “What am I good at?” "In what field?" and what information products you can offer in the future.

The further development of your business will depend on this choice.

Of course, you need to conduct testing and determine the demand for the niche; this will determine how well your product will sell.

When choosing a niche, remember that people never stop eating, dressing, making money and taking care of themselves.

That's why there are 3 most popular niches:

1. Money Business Knowledge Work - how and where you can earn money.

2. Relationships – love, sex and friendship.

3. Strength Beauty and Health – body strength, beauty, figure, relief from illness, etc.

The information business in general belongs to the first of these niches. Information products from these niches sell well. But this does not mean at all that the topic “Construction” or “Garden” cannot bring good profits. Able. But everything needs to be tested on quality products.

Free information product

This will be your first information product for which you will begin to collect your “Golden Asset”. This is the usefulness that you will give to people for free in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter. A free product must be of high quality and solve the assigned tasks. In no case should you deceive the expectations of your subscribers.

Most free information products answer the question “What to do?” or “How to do it?” is disclosed in the paid product. But I still advise making a free product that will tell you what to do and show you how to do it. This approach gives more credibility to the author.

As a free product, you can offer a book, an audio course, a video course, a set of mind maps, recordings of a webinar or webinars.

This free product is a kind of business card. By downloading it, the subscriber gets to know you. Evaluates the usefulness of content and the way information is presented. Further relationships with subscribers depend on this.

After all, by offering something useful for free, your subscriber may become your client in the future.

Paid information product

A paid information product can be in the same format as a free one, but much more voluminous and informative. And not to leave any “blank spots”; the tasks posed in a paid product must be solved clearly and step by step.

Subscription page

To distribute your free product and collect a subscription base, you will need a subscription page or subscription form on the site. The subscriber base is the golden asset of an Internet entrepreneur.

But to collect a subscription list, you must have an account in an automatic mailing service like Smartresponder or JustClick or in another mailing service.

The subscription page doesn’t have to be super-duper fancy. Everything must be done at the proper level - modestly and tastefully. The focus is on your free product and a clear guide to getting it.

When you have a website, you can create a subscription page in a separate folder on your . You can create such a page in one of the HTML editors, or if you created your blog on WordPress, buy a plugin wPPage, for building subscription and sales pages.

Sales page

You will also need to create a sales page. Unlike a subscription page, a sales page should talk about the usefulness of the paid product and the benefits to the buyer.

You may need to contact a copywriter to write a sales text. Add technical features such as . Record a sales video. And offer 100% quality guarantee.

Series of letters

A series of letters is your powerful tool for monetization and interaction with your subscribers and clients. After downloading a free product, the subscriber receives a series of letters from you, where you can offer some more valuable materials for free, get to know the subscriber, and offer a paid product.

You can have separate email series for subscribers and clients. For clients, you can also offer an affiliate product that will complement yours well and improve the results. And here they helped the client and made a sale for the partner and earned their affiliate commissions.

Driving traffic to a subscription or sales page

Without traffic, all your efforts will be in vain. The main sources of traffic are.

5. Carrying out promotions and mutual PR.

6. Own website.

As you can see, this is a classic scheme for building an information business. But, as in any business, there are plenty of pitfalls. And it’s not always possible to act according to the plan. But acting according to the scheme is much easier than without it.

My article today is a clear example of free, useful material that reveals a scheme of actions for creating an information business. Tells you what to do.

But how to do this is described and shown in products that I have personally tested:

7 day plan for selling information online– free book by Azamat Ushanov.

HTML markup

CSS styles– free video course by Evgeny Popov.

Setting up cold traffic to promote affiliate links– paid training by Denis Gerasimov.

A series of automated letters per million– paid course by Azamat Ushanov.

Well, if you don’t want to waste time studying individual courses, trainings and books, then you can use a ready-made solution “System - info business click by click”.

So, friends, that's all for me today. I explained the theory of building a classic information business model. He offered tools to solve the problem. And if you are determined to create your own information business, then your task is not just to read the article and take note of the information, but to start taking action. And this is where it will be most difficult.

I wish you good luck and achieving your goals. See you in the next articles.

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In times of economic crisis, more and more people are thinking about starting their own business. With the development of information technology, this is becoming much easier. You can open your own business even without investment. The main thing is to have a desire to do something new and not give up at the slightest failure. Any business is the sale of services or goods using a simple scheme of interaction between the seller and the buyer. And those who have deep knowledge in a particular area can start their own information business. making money by selling information and knowledge. Anyone can engage in such activities today.

Key Aspects

Anyone can profit from training by opening their own information business. What does it mean? A person who shares his knowledge, engages in simple tutoring for a fee, can already be called a businessman. However, if you transmit information to only one student in your free time, as most average teachers do, you will not be able to earn much money. We need to create a product that will work even when the businessman is sleeping peacefully. Passive income is the basis of a profitable information business.

Information technologies today provide unlimited earning opportunities. You can create your own website to attract clients, fill it with interesting articles on the topic, and invite people to webinars. You can even start an information business from scratch. There are various free resources available for this purpose. Anyone can rise well, even on social networks. The main thing is that the information provided is interesting to others.

What types of information business are there?

The information business as it exists today can be divided into three categories. The first includes a mini-business, which anyone can implement (even without certain skills). Often this option is a branch from For example, a large company sells special exercise equipment for weight loss. Additionally, you can earn money on information about their correct use. If a mini-business is set up correctly, the founder can significantly save on sales consultants and increase sales of the main product several times.

The second category includes a start-up information business. Most often, it is carried out by people who have managed to perfectly develop their main business according to an established scheme and, for an additional fee, strive to teach this scheme to others. Information may be provided on CDs or special online seminars.

We create an information business without investment

The main resource in this type of earnings will be previously acquired knowledge. All that remains is to figure out how to implement them profitably. Anyone can start their own mini-business using the power of social networks. All you need to do is create your own group and invite as many users as possible to it. If the information provided is truly interesting, the result will not be long in coming.

You should be prepared for the fact that at the initial stage, an information business from scratch will not bring much profit. Not everyone will be willing to pay for information. However, there are tricks that will allow you to quickly reach a decent level of income.

Choosing your niche

Every businessman at the initial stage of opening his own business must choose the right niche in which his products will be sold. Earning money from the information business is no exception. Your knowledge should be offered to those people who are truly interested in it. With the help of social networks this is quite easy. In user profiles you can always study what groups people are in and what they do in real life.

Before creating an information business, it is worth conducting a little marketing research. You can search social networks for groups with the required topics. This will allow you to understand how many people are interested in this or that information. It will be possible to lure users from these same groups in the future. When choosing a niche, you need to stick to the golden mean. If the information is of interest to a large number of users, then an inexperienced businessman will simply be overwhelmed by competition. But a narrow topic may not interest many. This means that the profit will be small.

Communication with a potential client

Close communication with a potential buyer of information products is the key to a successful business. First of all, you need to pay attention to your own group. It’s worth adding a few notes every day that will arouse users’ interest. Each note will appear in the news feed. The next step could be creating a newsletter. You can send letters to each user with interesting information related to the topic of the group. These could also be invitations to free seminars.

To create a profitable information business from scratch, you will have to stock up on considerable patience. You can’t be pushy and convince people of the benefits of the product. If a person is really interested, he will show it right away. However, at the initial stage, only every tenth potential client will pay attention to the newsletter. Those who want to make money from the information business on social networks need to be prepared to temporarily block their own account. Often, advertising mailings may be marked by users as spam.

Creating a Free Product

It is unlikely that you will be able to attract potential clients only with the help of advertising speeches or a video clip. It is necessary to create a free product with which the user can understand the essence of the information being sold. This could be a free mini-book or video tutorial. In this way, it will be possible to implement several important tasks at once. People will be able to receive absolutely free valuable information that is in demand in a certain period of time. Users begin to understand the essence of the information business and become interested in it.

Creating a free product is also a unique opportunity to create a subscriber base. After all, in exchange for up-to-date information, people leave their contact information. In this way, it is possible to get rid of those who are not at all interested in the product being sold. In the future, information business promotion will be carried out only among truly interested users.

Capture page

Without a small business card website, a truly profitable information business cannot develop. What does it mean? If you manage to understand that the product may be of interest to users, it is worth creating a special capture page. You can do it on one of the free hosting sites. The page will provide basic information and information business topics. A free course may also be offered here. The whole point is to turn a visitor into a client. A person who wants to receive a free product will fill out a special form. And half of those who take advantage of this opportunity will want to purchase a paid product in the future, if it is really interesting.

You will be able to attract new customers much faster if you entrust the creation of a capture page to a professional web designer. It is advisable to place it on paid hosting. If everything is done correctly, the costs will be justified in the near future. It should be understood that a fast information business without investments is practically impossible.

Creating a paid product

It is the paid product that is the element for which the creation of an information business is carried out. At this stage it is necessary to structure the information. Knowledge of data processing and analysis will be useful. A paid product should be an order of magnitude higher in level than a free one. For their money, people want to get really high-quality information on the topic.

How to create an information business that will truly make a profit? A paid product must combine quantity and quality. If information is provided in large quantities without a specific structure, the client will lose interest. Design is also of considerable importance. If this is a book, then you should pay attention to the design. If this is a video seminar, bright special effects are needed.

The material must be understandable to the reader or viewer of any level. There is no need to saturate the product with all the knowledge on the topic. You need to be able to highlight the main information and pay attention to details. Creating a paid product is one of the most important and difficult stages of information business. For some it takes about a year. If a paid product is created correctly, it will turn into a great tool for generating passive income. Advanced businessmen manage to earn money even in their sleep.

Release of an information product for sale

If the paid product is already completely ready, the next step is to prepare it for sale. You can create special banners in advance to advertise your information business. don't forget to set up a payment system. We need to think about how exactly people will pay for knowledge. The most popular are electronic payments from bank accounts. It would also be a good idea to create a virtual wallet in one of the online networks.

An affiliate program will help you significantly increase your income. You can sell your product through other information businessmen. People will receive a percentage of the transaction amount. In this way, the sales of books or video lessons will be significantly increased.

Promotion of new information business

Even if you have managed to win the trust of a certain circle of clients, you cannot stop there. Promoting an information business will help increase the number of users interested in the products sold. This can be done using paid advertising through banners. You can promote your product for free through an electronic bulletin board. However, this method is not very effective.

Various competitions held on social networks help attract new customers. You can also use the help of reputable bloggers who will advertise a new product on a paid basis. There are many possibilities for smoking. You just have to be patient.


An information business can really generate considerable income, of course, if it is created correctly. You can start earning money even without investments. However, in this case it will take a lot of time. And if you create a paid resource and spend money on advertising, you will be able to get your first income in the near future.

Despite the anarchy that reigns on the Internet, the topic of legal registration of online activities, the procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs, taxes is very relevant and many readers ask questions about it.

Which is not surprising - after all, being an illegal immigrant is good only for the time being; you can play it out sooner or later.

Regarding possible punishment:

  1. If the income is more than 1 million 500 rubles (this applies to both income from affiliate programs and income from the sale of your own information products)
  • Article 171 of the Criminal Code - Illegal entrepreneurship.

“punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or by arrest for a term of up to six months.”

  • Article 198 of the Criminal Code - Tax evasion

“punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for up to one year"

If the income is more than 6 million rubles, then the sanctions are even more serious.

2. If the income is less than 1 million 500 thousand rubles, then the liability is not criminal, but administrative and will amount to a fine of 500 to 2000 rubles (Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

So that you avoid all possible problems and difficulties, I decided to write a short plan of actions that need to be done. At the end of the article I also provide a link to a free service for step-by-step registration of individual entrepreneurs, which will guide you through all the necessary steps.

Let me immediately make a reservation that the information was taken from the official website of the Federal Tax Service and is relevant as of March 22, 2016 for the Russian Federation.


  1. Formation of a package of documents

If you are an adult citizen of the Russian Federation, you will need the following documents to register:

  • application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (download form No. P21001 here);

Questions often arise regarding OKVED codes that should be indicated during registration. Here you can specify several types of activities:

— OKVED CODE 80.42 – Education for adults and other types of education not included in other groups

— OKVED CODE 52.61.2 – Retail trade carried out through teleshopping and computer networks

— OKVED CODE 52.61.1 – Retail postal (parcel) trade

And others - depending on the specifics of your activity

  • copy of Russian passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. You can generate a receipt for payment of state duty using the “Payment of state duty” service.

The signature on the application, as well as a copy of the passport, must be notarized, except in the case when the applicant submits the documents in person and simultaneously presents the passport

Submission of documents occurs, as a rule, through the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of Public Services. Personally, I submitted everything through him and it is convenient - without queues and in one window mode.

  1. Determine which tax authority to submit documents to

State registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is carried out with the tax authority at the place of his residence, that is, at the place of registration indicated in the passport.

If the passport does not contain a place of registration, then state registration of an individual entrepreneur can be carried out at the tax authority at the place of residence.

You can find out the number, address and details of the tax inspectorate using the Address and payment details of your inspectorate service on the Federal Tax Service website

  1. Submit your documents

Documents can be transferred to the tax office in any way convenient for you:

  • directly to the inspection - in person or through a representative by proxy;
  • to the multifunctional center - in person or through a representative by proxy;

— Remotely:

  • by mail with declared value and an inventory of the contents;

Within the territory of Moscow, documents can also be sent and received via DHL Express and Pony Express.

  • electronic:

The inspection will accept the documents and issue (send) a receipt for their receipt.

  1. Receive state registration documents

If all documents are in order, through 3 working days At the tax office you can receive:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • USRIP record sheet.

Documents can be collected in person or through a representative using a notarized power of attorney. They can be sent to your address and by mail. Within Moscow, documents can also be obtained through DHL Express and Pony Express.

After completing all these steps and receiving a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, you need to do a number of more actions, for example, open a bank account, obtain an electronic digital signature for remote reporting, and so on.

That's all :)

Please note that this is a very short plan and in order to do everything correctly and strictly within the time limits established by law, I recommend that you use free service for step-by-step registration of individual entrepreneurs from the company MY BUSINESS.

It's free and very simple.

I myself registered an individual entrepreneur through this service and did it without any problems.

And then he began to do accounting and submit reports through him.

As a result, in 2.5 years I have been to the tax office only 1 or 2 times, and to the bank three times - I do everything via the Internet.

Be sure to register in the My Business service!

P.P.S. If you have questions, additions or clarifications, write in the comments.

And the same information in video format: