Roskontrol list of quality products. Blacklist: who is behind Roskontrol? What sour cream was recognized as dangerous by Roskontrol.RF

We publish the results of the Roskontrol examination: products that you can safely buy, and those that contain preservatives and E. coli.

Usually not expensive products are counterfeited, but in demand. Manufacturers often deceive buyers by not indicating the full composition of the product. Instead of expensive raw materials, they use cheaper substitutes.

Alexander Borisov

Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Roskontrol Consumer Union, confirmed that the quality of products in Russian stores is declining. There are three reasons for this:

  1. In 2010, obligatory certification of food products was canceled in Russia and declaration of conformity was introduced. That is, the release of a product does not require the participation of an independent examination and laboratory research.
  2. Sanctions. With a decrease in competition, new manufacturers and new products poured into the market. Certification bodies have ceased to cope with the sharply increased volumes new products.
  3. In modern economic conditions manufacturers were forced to go to a significant reduction in the quality, and sometimes the safety of products.

Rely on yourself only. Read labels carefully and watch what you put in your grocery basket! The independent non-profit organization"Roskontrol". It conducts research on products through donations from companies and people, among which there are no interested parties.

Representatives of the organization buy all goods as ordinary consumers - through retail stores.

Then they depersonalize them and send samples to experts. If tests show that the product is a threat to human health or the manufacturer is deceiving the buyer, the product is blacklisted.

Of all the products that Roskontrol studied, we chose the most popular ones: dumplings, sour cream, yogurt, chocolate, crab sticks, and sausage. As a reminder, in Issue 46 of November 18, we also published the results of checking popular products. If you want to know the results of all Roskontrol's research, visit


Successfully tested:

"Meat house of Borodin"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 65%
Usefulness - 30%
Tasting – 80%

Pros: Delicious, safe, no soy, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: high price, contains chemical food additives - color fixatives, antioxidants.


Security - 61%
Naturalness - 50%
Usefulness - 11%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives, no soy, no starch.

Disadvantages: contains collagen animal protein (in a small amount), as part of chemical additives.


Security - 64%
Naturalness - 40%
Usefulness - 15%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no soy, no preservatives, moderately salty.

Disadvantages: contains many chemical additives; hard to read markings.



Degree of danger: average.

The manufacturer uses the invented name "Doctor's Classic", but the product does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52196-2011 in composition and quality.

"Cherkizovsky MPZ"

Danger level: high.

Sorbic acid, a preservative, was found. An excess of the mass fraction of phosphorus was also revealed. This is a non-compliance with security requirements.


Danger level: high. Does not meet safety requirements. The preservative was found to be benzoic acid. The mass fraction of phosphates is also exceeded.

sour cream

Successfully tested:

Brest-Litovsk 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 72%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting - 72%

Cons: Contains more saturated fat than others tested.

Ostankinskoye 20%

Security - 75%
Naturalness - 73%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting – 75%

Advantages: safe, does not contain starch, phosphates, preservatives, antibiotics.

Disadvantages: the label depicts a child, although the product is not intended for baby food.

Prostokvashino 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 55%
Usefulness - 53%
Tasting - 86%

Advantages: no preservatives, vegetable fats and starch.

Disadvantages: with a high degree of probability there are stabilizers. According to the regulations, a product with food additives cannot be called sour cream.


Rostagroexport 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. The antibiotic streptomycin was found. A stabilizer has been added to the product.

"Milava" 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Does not meet safety requirements: antibiotic streptomycin detected. The product contains stabilizers.

Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Violation of safety requirements: the content of yeast fungi is 2000 times higher than the standard. The product contains a stabilizer.


Successfully tested:


Security - 94%
Naturalness - 85%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: safe, without vegetable protein and starch.

Disadvantages: high price, discrepancy in the amount of fat: actually 6.7%, while the label indicates 11.2%.

"Siberian delicacy"

Security - 91%
Naturalness - 85%
Utility - 50%
Tasting - 72%

Pros: Safe, no soy or starch.

Disadvantages: a rather high salt content, the amount of proteins and fats does not correspond to the labeling.


"Russian hit"

Degree of danger: average.

The composition contains cartilaginous tissue, chicken meat and starch, not indicated on the package.

"Siberian collection"

Degree of danger: average. Does not meet safety requirements. Bird skins found.

"From Palych"

Degree of danger: maximum. The examination revealed bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. Also in the composition revealed poultry meat, not specified in the composition.

crab sticks

Successfully tested:

"Russian Sea"

Security - 56%
Naturalness - 23%
Usefulness - 22%
Tasting - 76%

Disadvantages: high price, dryish texture, foreign taste.

"Santa Bremor"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 14%
Tasting - 58%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: little protein, contain phosphates.


Security - 65%
Naturalness - 43%
Usefulness - 9%
Tasting - 72%

Advantages: microbiological parameters are normal.

Disadvantages: no indication of the content of glutamic acid, fat is 614% less than stated.


"Every day"

Degree of danger: average. Fat is 50 times less than stated. A preservative sodium benzoate was found, which is not approved for the manufacture of crab sticks.

"A" sea

Degree of danger: average. Inaccurate information about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product. An unapproved preservative for crab sticks, sodium benzoate, was used.

Danger level: high. The protein content is 34% less than stated. There is no information on the added glutamic acid on the label. Found sodium benzoate, not listed in the composition.


Successfully tested:

Vkusnoteevo 1.5%

Security - 95%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 68%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid bacteria.

Cons: Contains artificial flavor and color.

"Bio Balance" 1.5%

Security - 90%
Naturalness - 15%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria, rich in protein.

Disadvantages: contains fragrance and dye.

Frugurt 1.5%

Security - 78%
Naturalness - 20%
Usefulness - 70%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms, low fat, low calorie content.

Cons: Contains artificial flavors and color, no fruit.


Danone 1.6%

Degree of danger: average. It contains many food additives, but too few lactic acid bacteria.

"Miracle" 2.5%

Degree of danger: average. The number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is 100 times less than indicated on the label.

Frugurt 2.5%

Degree of danger: maximum. The number of beneficial microorganisms does not correspond to that indicated on the label. Lots of nutritional supplements.


None of the tested samples was blacklisted.
Chocolate Rating:

"A. Korkunov

Advantages: natural, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: more lead than other tested samples.

"Gold Mark"

Disadvantages: high price.

"A priori"

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high price.

Ritter Sport

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high lead content compared to other samples.

And at this time

Products must not only be produced in accordance with all standards, but also properly stored and sold under special conditions.

In January 2016, the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration conducted a scheduled inspection of the Belyovsky city market (Belev, Sovetskaya st., 83).

The inspection revealed violations:

  • no cleaning interval
  • the integrity of the floors and walls in the pavilion was violated
  • no knife sterilizers
  • temperature conditions are not provided
  • regular disposal of waste is not ensured

The market was fined 50,000 rubles.


63 samples products and food raw materials in 2015 and January 2016 were checked at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tula Region for the content of antibiotics.

1 sample did not meet the standards.

35.1 tons products and food raw materials were rejected in 2015 in the Tula region.

164 samples dairy products were studied in the Tula region in 2015.

10.3 percent of which did not meet the mandatory requirements.

The organization did not check the Tula manufacturers. You can do this yourself. In the Tula region, goods are checked by the laboratory of the Tula Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Milk is good for health! We hear this statement from childhood. Of course, people who live in countryside do not doubt it. However, the majority of the population of Russia lives in cities, and, unfortunately, there are no cows in the neighboring yard. What we have to buy in stores and hypermarkets is a question. In today's article, I want to talk about a study conducted by the Roskontrol organization, which compiled a rating of store-bought pasteurized milk. Several factors were taken into account as evaluation parameters, ranging from usefulness and naturalness to safety and nutritional value.

An independent research organization has tested the milk sold in our stores. The advantages and disadvantages of each product were indicated, plus an overall rating (up to 100 points) was given, according to which our rating will be built.

If you are not yet familiar with my colleague’s article “Spring is the time for allergies: choosing the best air purifier”, then you can read it on this one.

Unhealthy milk with significant remarks

Roskontrol conducted many analyzes and studies, according to which a list of products was obtained that had significant comments and was not recommended for use.

  • Milk "Athanasius" 3.2% pasteurized - unsatisfactory organoleptic indicators that do not comply with GOST. Small cream-colored flakes on the surface, taste with a fodder smell and aftertaste.
  • Milk "House in the village" 3.2% ultra pasteurized - does not meet identification criteria technical regulations the name "milk": the mass fraction of protein is below the permissible level, even taking into account the measurement uncertainty (error).
  • Milk "Red Price" 3.2% pasteurized - does not correspond to the GOST specified in the labeling in terms of organoleptic indicators. It has a slight "medicinal" aftertaste.
  • Milk "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" 3.2% pasteurized

Very unhealthy blacklisted milk

Roskontrol provided a list of dairy products, which, by their composition, are not suitable for consumption at all. It is not only not useful, but also threatens human health.

  • « Marusya" from 3.4% to 4.5% pasteurized.
  • "Every day" 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Dmitrogorsk product" 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Trading house Smetanin» 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" ultra pasteurized 3.2%.

I am full, today's article was clear and useful. There are a lot of reasons to trust this rating, since the organization Roskontrol has repeatedly confirmed its qualifications and impartiality. Write in the comments which in your opinion is the most healthy milk, and of course delicious.

Rospotrebnadzor is one of the public services relating to executive power. The name itself speaks of its purpose. It performs supervisory functions, taking care of consumer rights and their well-being, and also develops rules and standards. In particular, Rospotrebnadzor checks products for quality.

This service controls the work of enterprises and organizations, conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

For the first type, a schedule is being developed that is publicly available. From it you can get information about:

  • the name of the organization to be verified;
  • her occupation;
  • the timing of the control measures;
  • subject of interest to the inspectors.

Unscheduled raids are carried out as they become available negative information requiring urgent intervention to determine the causes of violations and resolve the situation. The reason may be a complaint of the buyer or an employee of the authorities. But such a visit still requires prior notification no less than 1 day before it starts. There is one exception to this rule - when an outbreak is detected. The warning should indicate what exactly will be subject to verification.

The inspectors are empowered to:

  • get acquainted with the documentation relating to the specific audited aspect of the company's activities;
  • inspect all premises;
  • take samples from products;
  • receive explanations from the governing bodies.

To conduct a control measure, it is necessary to issue an order from the head of the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, a copy of which is transferred to the director of the company being checked.

Only employees can check:

  • specified in the order;
  • showing certificates;
  • dressed in uniform.

What should be remembered by the director, whose enterprise is being checked? He must know that:

  • the supervisory measure may be carried out only in his presence.
  • when this cannot be provided, the meeting is rescheduled.
  • in case of intentional avoidance of escort of inspectors, a penalty provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 19.4.1) may follow.

Note! Checking the enterprise simultaneously by several departments complies with the law. It is carried out according to the above rules.

Planned events

If an entrepreneur is listed in the plans of Rospotrebnadzor, he can find out about this on the websites of his regional departments and on the resources of prosecutors. Overall plan verification activities for the next year is published at the end of the current year.

Rospotrebnadzor must notify the appointment of an inspection included in the plan 3 days before the start. There is no standard format for notification. As a rule, the auditee is sent a copy of the resolution on the appointment of the event with a list of documents that must be submitted for its preparation.

On a note! Scheduled check Rospotrebnadzor cannot be carried out more often than once every 3 years. At the same time, the enterprise is not subject to control in the first 3 years of operation.

Product control

Most often, representatives of supervisory authorities visit the owners of shops, canteens, restaurants, cafes, and other catering establishments. The reason for this is the nature of the product. After all, low-quality food is a potential threat to the health or even life of the population. That is why inspectors are frequent guests in grocery stores.

The focus of the audit is on:

  • conditions in which food is kept;
  • documentation certifying that employees have permits to work with food products;
  • compliance with sanitary standards in places intended for trade and storage of goods.

When checking a store, a consumer control officer has the right to:

  • require certificates attached to products (all without exception);
  • study other documentation for the product;
  • check storage conditions;
  • take samples from products sold by weight and made directly in the store.

Important! Sampling of products in their original packaging is prohibited. They are subject to verification only for the expiration date and method of storage.

Documentation to be verified

The controlling organization has the right to demand the necessary documentation at any time: before the start of the inspection, during its conduct and upon completion.

These papers include:

  1. Registration certificates and extracts from the Unified Register.
  2. Lease agreements or title documents on ownership, possession, disposal of premises.
  3. Contracts for waste disposal, provision of housing and communal services, sanitary measures, medical checkup workers.
  4. Sanitary books.
  5. Price tags.
  6. Price lists.
  7. Information about previous inspections, orders issued and their implementation.

Attention! Failure to comply with the instructions in time is fraught with sanctions. For individuals - this is a fine of 300-500 rubles, for an official - 1-2 thousand rubles. or disqualification for up to 3 years, for a legal entity - 10-20 thousand rubles. (Art. 19.5).

Documents are submitted in the form of originals, but, with the permission of the inspectors, and in the form of copies.

Also, the design of the "Corner of the consumer" is subject to verification in accordance with the requirements of the law. The inspector may take written explanations from each of the employees if they have committed a violation. It is unlawful to obstruct management in doing so.


When goods do not have documents relating to their origin, signs of their poor quality are revealed - they are subject to seizure and disposal. These actions are performed without the appointment of an examination. There are situations where there is doubt about good quality food. Then the examination is appointed.

The basis for its implementation are:

  1. Violation of technological standards during manufacture.
  2. Transportation, storage, sale that do not comply with the rules.
  3. Ignoring the instructions of controllers regarding suspicious products for a period of 10 days.
  4. Lack of required labeling.
  5. Expiration date.
  6. Non-commodity type.

According to the results of the examination, the products can be:

  • destroyed;
  • recycled - recycled and used for other than its intended purpose.

Control ends with the drawing up of an act. Its second copy is handed to the manager against signature, indicating its transcript, position and date of receipt. The text of the act indicates the identified violations and the deadlines for correcting the deficiencies. The elimination is reported to the consumer supervision authority. If the message is not followed, as a rule, a sudden check is assigned.


In addition to these activities, Rospotrebnadzor conducts product testing. It consists of 6 stages:

  1. Purchase.
  2. Depersonalization.
  3. Laboratory check.
  4. Report.
  5. Compiling a rating.
  6. Publication.

Goods are purchased by employees of consumer supervision as ordinary retail buyers. Then photographs are taken, a database is compiled. Before being sent to the laboratory, the products are depersonalized by removing the packaging, sticking the markings, and assigning them a unique code. The results obtained are analyzed and posted as a report on the Roscontrol portal. RF.

For each product, compliance with safety requirements and nutritional value are established.

The rating allows you to assess the properties of products with a sufficient degree of clarity, to compare them with each other. When a product does not meet safety requirements or is counterfeit, it does not get into the rating, but into the black list. The publication of the results of the examination and the black list involves a presentation of the details of the tests and comments, both from Roskontrol employees and invited experts. Reports are posted on the website and mobile application.

Rospotrebnadzor employees are conducting a large and important work to which they are attracted and public organizations consumers. The availability and transparency of reports published on the website and in the mobile application is an undoubted convenience for buyers.

Now it is very difficult to navigate among a large assortment goods different kind: products, cosmetics, household chemicals and technology. Some of the offered on the market is even dangerous for the consumer. The real properties of the product are hidden behind loud advertising phrases and a beautiful wrapper. How not to be deceived and make the right choice? This site helps a little. Roscontrol.

I found this site when I was interested in the quality of baby powders. For a long time we used the "Eared Nanny" powder, which can be seen on the window of, probably, any supermarket. But then I read the composition more carefully and began to look for information about it. He and other domestic powders were blacklisted after being checked by Roskontrol.

Roskontrol is the first large-scale non-state project in the field of quality control and safety of goods and services. Roskontrol unites leading research laboratories and scientific institutes Russia, societies and associations for the protection of consumer rights.

You can understand a little about the compositions, carefully read all the information from the manufacturer, but this will not save you from low-quality goods. The average buyer does not have the opportunity to check how far from the truth or the promises on the label correspond to it. And the organization "Roskontrol" has methods for testing products and a number of laboratories for research.

Among the test sites are the following:

Sounds serious.

Site structure

Subsection Roscontrol introduces the organization itself and its goals and this site.

In chapter Catalog you can find information about already tested products, some of which are blacklisted, others confirm their quality, and the organization recommends them for purchase.

Goods that have successfully passed the examination are rated for safety, usefulness, naturalness, quality and other properties important for a particular product. For blacklisted products, the reason is indicated. By clicking on a product, you can see more detailed information about the test results.

In chapter Community articles from experts, manufacturers of goods and services are published.

Chapter Consumer Protection offers support and information to consumers.

Here you can also find interesting articles that suggest how to act in a given situation, or describe illustrative cases from life.

My favorite section is magazine buyer. There are many informative articles, comparative reviews of products, news.

Information often changes the point of view of products and disappoints. It turns out that filters do not meet the declared characteristics, powders are unsafe, sausages are at best useless pampering, etc.

Do you often think about the quality and usefulness of the food you buy every day? About the composition and safety of household chemicals, children's products? If not, then this review is unlikely to interest you.

And here I have a fad about this. True, it concerns mainly food. I am one of those weirdos who carefully study the composition of the product indicated on the labels. I read reviews and opinions of experts about a particular product.

It's no secret that most food today is achievements. chemical industry. And our children from childhood do not know the taste of natural milk, chocolate, sausage.

I understand perfectly well that this is a global trend. But, as far as possible, I try to find natural products nutrition for yourself and your family. This helps me Roscontrol website.

On Roscontrol website I came across on the Internet in search of natural butter. And since then, I am a permanent registered user of the site.

Roscontrol– the first large-scale non-state project in the field of quality control and safety of goods and services. Roscontrol unites leading research laboratories and scientific institutes of Russia, societies and associations for the protection of consumer rights.

It is worth noting that Roscontrol covers not only food, but also other goods from household chemicals to electronics.

And everyone can find the product that interests him.

The activities of the project are open and transparent. As part of the verification activities by the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Roskontrol" purchase and research of food products, cosmetics, household chemicals, children's products, household appliances, electronics and other products.

The catalog of checked goods is constantly updated on the basis of voting, which is held on Roscontrol website among registered users.

You can go through a standard registration with an email, password, nickname. But it is easier to do this with the help of one of the social networks.

Roscontrol website developed his own product testing system, which consists of several stages.

  1. Purchase of goods in retail stores, as ordinary buyers.
  2. The procedure for depersonalization of goods. All labels, emblems, names that allow it to be identified are removed from the product.
  3. Examination of goods in laboratory conditions by experts Roskontrol.
  4. Drawing up an expert report based on the results of the research.
  5. Rating scale. Experts Roskontrol assessments are made to assess the consumer properties of the product.

In case of negative test results, the goods are brought into "black list" of Roskontrol.

Besides, Roscontrol website available to smartphone users on Android and IOS systems.

Registered users on email constantly receiving information about the results of new tests.

On Roscontrol website, in addition to tests, is published a large number of useful information about various goods and services. All in order to make it easier for the consumer to choose high-quality and safe products.

What products are blacklisted?

We publish the results of the Roskontrol examination: products that you can safely buy, and those that contain preservatives and E. coli.

Usually not expensive products are counterfeited, but in demand. Manufacturers often deceive buyers by not indicating the full composition of the product. Instead of expensive raw materials, they use cheaper substitutes.

Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Roskontrol Consumer Union, confirmed that the quality of products in Russian stores is declining. There are three reasons for this:

  1. In 2010, obligatory certification of food products was canceled in Russia and declaration of conformity was introduced. That is, the release of a product does not require the participation of an independent examination and laboratory research.
  2. Sanctions. With a decrease in competition, new manufacturers and new products poured into the market. Certification bodies have ceased to cope with the sharply increased volumes of new products.
  3. In modern economic conditions, manufacturers have been forced to go to a significant reduction in the quality, and sometimes the safety of products.

Rely on yourself only. Read labels carefully and watch what you put in your grocery basket! The independent non-profit organization "Roskontrol" helps buyers with this. It conducts research on products through donations from companies and people, among which there are no interested parties.

Representatives of the organization buy all goods as ordinary consumers - through retail stores.

Then they depersonalize them and send samples to experts. If tests show that the product is a threat to human health or the manufacturer is deceiving the buyer, the product is blacklisted.

What sour cream was recognized as dangerous by Roskontrol.RF?

As it turned out, in our family we buy the safest sour cream (according to the data published by Roskontrol.rf experts), that is, Brest-Litovskaya and Ostankinskaya.

I never liked sour cream from other manufacturers, such as "House in the Village", "Prostokvashino" or "Blagoda". Sour cream "Rostagroexport" used to be very good, but in last years, in my opinion (and taste) noticeably deteriorated.

It turns out that intuition and own taste sensations they gave signals not in vain - it is worth looking at the report of experts, as it becomes clear that from a rather large list of manufacturers more or less good - one or two and miscalculated.