Corporate values. Moral values ​​of the individual

ESET Russia's corporate values ​​are an organic complement to the interests and qualities of our employees. These values ​​not only unite us, but also define us - who we are, what we believe in, what we do and how we do it.

Honesty and openness

We are always honest with ourselves, our clients, partners and employees. Honesty is the key to openness and a guarantee of transparency in our work. Honesty and openness allow us to maintain trust and a friendly atmosphere.

Enthusiasm and caring attitude towards work

We welcome energy and initiative that help solve complex problems, overcome the fear of the unknown and constantly move forward. We also believe that work should bring joy. Love for one's work makes a person's life complete and harmonious. Love for work combined with enthusiasm allows you to move mountains.


We believe that together we are stronger than each individual. The ability to communicate, cooperate and make friends is important to us. We are a team of like-minded people, we learn from each other, recognizing everyone’s contribution to the common cause.


We recognize the value of each person in the company, respect his work, time, freedom and own opinion. Respect for our business partners allows us to cooperate successfully while maintaining trust and openness.


Our business is related to building long-term and systematic partnerships. The quality of products and the level of service that the client receives directly depend on the quality of work with partners. Properly structured work with partners allows us to convey ESET’s high quality standards to each user. We always try to do more than just deliver solutions, which is why our clients stay with us year after year.

How to qualitatively evaluate a person. Handbook for HR manager Tibilov T.M.

Personal values, honesty, loyalty to the organization

The data that we obtain during interpretation will be partly similar to information about general motivators, but in addition it will provide Additional information about the values ​​professed by a person. This is especially important for companies with established corporate culture, which management seeks to maintain and strengthen, as well as in situations where the work is associated with a large number of temptations and requires the candidate to have a high degree of responsibility. Also, these answers allow you to get an idea of ​​what models of behavior in society the candidate considers acceptable, the most common, and compare them with those accepted in the organization.

Here are a number of questions from this block.

What pushes a person to steal?

Why do some companies steal and others not?

The manager is on vacation, and the employees are not trying to avoid work. Why?

A person has the opportunity to complete a “left” order. He doesn't. Why?

There are no unambiguous right and wrong answers to these and other similar questions, but there are those that coincide with the ideas accepted in the company, and you can check whether the applicant’s ideas correspond to the corporate culture of the organization. We believe that it is no secret to anyone that there are still organizations on the market with well-established tolling schemes, and the employees of these organizations have developed their own stereotypes of acceptable behavior. And, as we have already said: what is good for one company is disastrous for another.

However, if all the answers contain references to fear and control, this is bad. The conclusion suggests itself: if such an applicant is confident in his own impunity, in certain situations he may behave dishonestly.

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Honesty In the early and even mid-90s. in Latvia, most people laughed at the idea of ​​being honest in business. Today some people even cry about this, but no one laughs anymore. My former boss liked to say: “Honesty is like pregnancy.

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IN Lately I got the feeling that most people do not understand the value of the concept of “honesty”. That is why I decided to write this article.

In ordinary life, it is not very welcome (it is considered old-fashioned, something with which success will never be achieved). But when you begin to develop spiritually, honesty becomes the basic and main puzzle in the mosaic of life.

Gradually you realize how important it is to live honestly - to maintain purity, not to form karmic knots and cut old ones.

Read what the real strength is, the value of honesty.

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How I learned the value of honesty

I wasn’t particularly good at lying before. But only in the last few years have I begun to live consciously honestly. This concept has taken second place after love.

And very quickly my life changed: I got married, changed country and profession, there were people around me who sincerely treat me and with whom I feel comfortable.

My space has expanded, filled with light and happiness at times.

The transition from a simple worldly state to a state of honesty occurred gradually, over the course of 2-3 years.

Before that I was just nice, soft and kind person, I didn’t want to offend anyone with a careless word, I tolerated being used, I smiled and didn’t say anything, so as not to spoil the relationship, even if I internally disagreed with something.

The fear of misunderstanding of loved ones wins, forcing you to lead a double life, hide your true feelings and point of view. Find out how and when dependence on other people's opinions appears and how this fear hinders your development.

But the more I engaged in spiritual practices and studied spiritual laws, the higher my awareness became, and it became clear how important it is to live honestly with yourself and with others.

I realized that the root of any problem is a lack of love and honesty in the soul towards oneself and others.

Unfair situations create problems that become karma. And karma can stretch from generation to generation for many years.

One situation leads to another, another to a third, and so a ball has spun, from which it is quite difficult to get out.

What does it mean to live honestly

Based on my experience, I have drawn several conclusions: what does it mean to live honestly.

Living honestly is:

  • Accept yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Openly and courageously look at problems and within yourself and acknowledge them. At first it is difficult, but, believe me, there is nothing terrible or deadly about it. Only your own ego may suffer, but it is good for it.
  • Act in accordance with your internal understanding of the situation, which, by the way, may not coincide with the opinion of most people.
  • Maintain a fulcrum, a core, the basis of which is resentment or something else destructive.
  • Be honest with yourself, that is, do what you like, be sincere with life.
  • Be honest with your partner, relatives and friends, be able to admit when you are wrong, be able to apologize and ask for forgiveness, be able to give thanks.
  • Say “no” to people when you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable.
  • who want to play with you and take advantage of you. Why waste time and energy on them?
  • Cut off people who think they know better than you how you should live and are trying to control your life without having any right to do so. Whoever they are: parents, friends or any close people.

Fears and obstacles along the way

It may be scary to take this path. Being Honest Takes Courage and often brings discomfort.

After all, it’s scary to admit to yourself that you’ve lived in illusions for a long time, it’s scary when your old life collapses and friends leave, it’s scary to admit that there is darkness inside, and that you’re not white and fluffy as you want to seem, it’s scary how other people will perceive you.

But, believe me, it is much worse to live with your eyes closed, stall for time, pretend that the problem does not exist, or wait for everything to be resolved someday.

But in reality, precious life time is wasted, a lot of strength and energy is wasted.

Take a meditation that will help you get rid of your own illusions in order to start building your life from scratch.

I know people who live as if in a karmic circle, and do not understand that it can be opened simply by honestly looking at the situation and taking certain steps.

For a long time, I myself, idealizing my bright and pure image, did not want to admit to myself, let alone to others, what was painful and shameful for myself. I didn’t even want to look there, it was so unpleasant and painful.

I wanted to close my eyes and repeat - I’m not like that, this is not me. I am very good, I am bright, I am clean. I couldn't do that.

But, unfortunately, if something happened, it was already imprinted in eternity, in your field, in your history. And it affects you, whether you like it or not.

And if you want the past to stop influencing you, you need to look at it honestly, acknowledge it and let it go with gratitude.

Self-acceptance is key if you choose to live with integrity.

Without recognizing myself from the inside, condemning me for wrong actions and deeds, I could not solve one problem for a long time. And everything moved from dead center only when I took the first step towards accepting myself.

The first step is always difficult, but each next step is much easier.

How to take a step towards self-acceptance:

  • Understand what you as an individual and your soul it was necessary to go through negative experiences to grow, for good. Without going through bad things, it is impossible to understand what good is.
  • Forgive yourself. When we did something in the past, we were unconscious. Now, we consciously choose the light, and we have the right to let go of this pain and forgive ourselves for the experience of past mistakes.
  • Accept that you are light and you are darkness. Without darkness there would be no light. We are all made of light and low frequency vibrations that keep us in darkness. But without them we could not incarnate on this earth and gain our extraordinary experience. And now the time has come for their release.

One of my friends, a beautiful and kind girl, could not get married. She had everything with her: beauty, intelligence, and kindness, but there was no happiness in her personal life.

Outwardly she looked very carefree and happy with life and never admitted that this was a problem for her.

When we talked, I understood that she was afraid to look honestly at her problem, to admit it, that she essentially lives with her eyes closed, hoping for positive thinking and that everything will someday be resolved.

Positive thinking, as strange as it may sound, often works to its detriment. Because a person convinces himself: “I’m fine, I have a small problem, but I will think positively and everything will work out.”

Yes, it happens that things get better, if the problem is not very serious, on the surface. But if its roots go deep (usually into pain or fears, the subconscious), it must be addressed. Because changes will come sooner or later, but through a big crisis.

Which is what ultimately happened to her. It has not yet come out of the crisis. He is on pills and goes to a psychiatrist. And if I wanted to, I could have changed the situation a couple of years ago.

Yes, it would be painful, scary, unpleasant, there might be cleanings, but there’s no way without it. But it's not fatal.

And having gone through this, discovering new facets of herself, looking at them honestly and recognizing them, she would free herself and space for new events in life and a new round of development.

By looking honestly at yourself and your problems, you are doing the highest good for yourself by letting go of what has held you and your soul in a vice for many years.

Having gone through this, you become cleaner, stronger, wiser. You become closer to yourself and your soul.

Download the brochure. The main secret of positive change is complete self-acceptance. But how to accept what you don’t like?

Find out why it's so hard to accept yourself, what the difference is between acceptance and rejection, and how to learn to accept yourself.

What the practice of honesty will bring to your life

  • Karma will be cleared;
  • Energy will circulate correctly;
  • Difficult situations will unravel;
  • Your energy will no longer be wasted on the problems that an unfair situation creates;
  • Your nerves will be calm, your head and soul will be clear;
  • You will live with a light heart and an open soul;
  • You will no longer have to do anything you don't want to do. At the same time, you will have the strength to act as you think is right, in accordance with your conscience;
  • The space around you will clear, the circle of friends and insincere people will thin out. Only those who sincerely love you and value your friendship will stay with you;
  • You will have the strength and chance to start living a real life, sincere and courageous, to be yourself in any situation, to live openly, purely and simply.

It is important, when making any decision in life, to ask yourself - where does my decision come from? From what emotion? Out of feelings of love and honesty towards yourself and others or resentment, anger and something else?

Think, see, can your relationship with your husband (wife), relatives, parents, children be called honest? Why do you do what you do?

How do you deal with people? What guides you when making this or that decision in life? Look at any unpleasant situation in life. Where do its roots come from?

Your life belongs exclusively to you, it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility. Don't be afraid to act honestly, don't be afraid to lose something in the process. Later, everything will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

Know, every time by correcting the crookedness in your life, you straighten your path, clear it, and as a result, your path will lead you to where you should be.

And there will be happiness. Necessarily. I know this for sure! HONESTY to everyone!

The fourth value is honesty and openness. We position ourselves as a company that speaks honestly and openly about what is unacceptable to it and what it expects from its employees. And if we do something wrong, we openly discuss with employees so that, thanks to criticism, we can find correct solution. This is a very important aspect, because although we have several ways of communication within the company with its management, it is quite difficult for an ordinary employee to oppose if he believes that the company is wrong in something. This requires inner courage. But the company encourages this, and we are ready for constructive criticism. At the same time, we reserve the right, just like employees, to discuss and oppose if we believe that the employee’s position is incorrect.

An employee may have one view of the situation, while the company may have another. Simply because each party has certain knowledge about the subject or situation. Therefore, our task in this constructive communication is to obtain the opinion of the other side and make the right decision taking into account this opinion. Let us add that one of the ways to communicate with the company is the “Concerned Line”, the name of which reflects values ​​such as honesty, openness and responsibility. We care, and we discuss our issues openly, honestly, and strive to create an atmosphere for such open communication.

Four palms extended towards each other form a “plus” sign – this is how Ekaterina Anikanova, a specialist at En+ Coal LLC, visualized the value of open and honest interaction in the company. Her work won the “Best Logo/Emblem” category at the corporate competition “A New Look at Ethics” at En+. Over 300 works from employees of 24 enterprises were submitted to the competition commission chaired by the Chief Ethics Officer of the En+ Group, Igor Lerner.

“The palms in the logo do not have “ranks.” These are both the palms of management and the palms of ordinary employees. I wanted to show that trusting relationships need to be built between all parts of the team. It is no coincidence that four palms end up forming a plus sign. On the one hand, this is a reference to the name of the En+ Group of Companies. On the other hand, it is a symbol of unification, unified team, a single spirit that multiplies the efforts of each member of the team,” explains Ekaterina Anikanova.

She said that there was no long thought about the logo. Inspiration came literally the next day after I decided to participate in the competition. Perhaps, Anikanova says, such a quick decision-making was helped by ethics training, which by that time all company employees had already completed. “A healthy, open atmosphere in the team is very important to me personally. That’s why I chose this particular value,” adds Ekaterina Anikanova.

The information we get from asking questions from this group is somewhat similar to information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about a person's values. This is especially important for companies with a consciously formed corporate culture, which management strives to preserve and strengthen, as well as in a situation where a person’s work involves a large number of temptations. In addition, we recognize those patterns of behavior that a person considers possible, the most common, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

I. Why do people steal in some organizations (work to the deceit), while in others they don’t?

Because in one case people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of the common cause, there is a team, but in the other there is none of this.

Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team, is important for a person.

You have to pay enough.

Justifying dishonesty with the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the candidate’s honesty and try to “probe” him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the payment does not subjectively satisfy the employee, then he can steal or work wrongly.

Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.

It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.

A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and personnel selection is carried out, in particular, according to this criterion. There is no subjective justification for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on the type of person.

2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, but people work just as hard as they did in his presence?

People are interested in the result.

We receive additional information about a person’s motivation, and also receive a positive model of a responsible attitude towards business - interest in the result.

The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done. Similar to the previous one, in managing this person it is worth considering the importance of clarity of goals.

So, even without a manager, there is someone to exercise control; there is a deputy, and then the manager will find out anyway. The answer requires further verification of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there was still control, i.e., the idea that people could still work was not allowed without control.

Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

These questions show us expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can obtain several information different types, using both questions from point 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual personal relationships, and also shows which model of communication the candidate considers the most correct and successful. We just have to correlate the candidate’s ideas with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong; rather, they show how the candidate will be able to adapt to our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication relates to our corporate culture.

When analyzing answers about the team, you should also pay attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or lack thereof:

Friendly, cheerful, united - only personal relationships.

Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional - only a working relationship.

Professional, like-minded people, mutual assistance - balance.

The interpretation itself does not present any particular difficulties, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to obtain answers from existing employees, assess how much they coincide (uniformity of expectations and their coincidence with the corporate culture of the company), and then compare the candidates’ answers with answers prevailing among those working in the company.

Career motivation (question 7)

This question is very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do this simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, bad people do not strive for anything), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question helps us determine whether the candidate really strives for career growth as such (i.e., strives to manage people) or whether other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional improvement, a stable position in the world. labor market. If we see that substitutions career growth does not occur by other factors, then we can assume what factors prompt a given person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complement the picture of the candidate’s motivators, as well as understand how to positively influence an employee if career growth is impossible. We also receive additional tools for assessing whether it is worth inviting a candidate to work in cases where growth is not possible in the near future.

Conflicts (questions 12-15)

The answers show the main problem areas and possible reasons conflicts in different areas (organization, people, client). It is important for us to assess the degree of conflict, that is, how serious or, conversely, insignificant are the possible causes of conflict. For example, the candidate names the main reason for the conflict with the client is that the client does not clearly describe his needs. Of course, this should not be a cause of conflict. Thus, we can assume an increased tendency to conflicts with clients, an inability to form and identify their needs. In another situation about dismissal upon completion of the probationary period, the candidate says that, probably, he did not find mutual understanding with everyone in the team. This is also a definite signal. Let us remind you once again that for now we are only making assumptions and further verification is necessary, for example using CASES. If the candidate names serious reasons for the conflicts (for example, management broke promises regarding the amount of compensation), then we use such answers in order to assess not the conflict level as such, but to find out the negative experience of the candidate or the most important points for him.

Clients (questions 13, 14)

We can assess the “bottlenecks” when working with clients that are typical for a given candidate, as well as learn about his previous negative experience and determine how critical it is for us. For example, the candidate answers: “The most problematic client is the client who does not know what he wants.” If the responsibilities of a future employee primarily include developing the client’s needs, if the product and order generation process are very complex, then it is worth considering whether such a candidate is suitable for the company. If the responsibilities boil down to providing information to customers who contacted the company themselves, and placing an order is not difficult, then this answer is absolutely neutral.

Manager (question 20)

The results of the answers to this question give us an idea of ​​which manager is best suited for a given candidate. Special attention avoidance must be addressed. All that remains is to compare the candidate’s answer with the real state of affairs. If we interview a high-level manager, then the answer to this question also gives us information about which model of management and behavior of the manager he considers the most correct and successful. Again we need to match this model with what we want to see in our organization.

Employee (question 19)

If the answer is given by a person who does not have experience or a pronounced inclination for leadership work, then we get an idea of ​​​​the model of success in the organization, i.e., what, according to the candidate, one must be in order to be assessed as a good employee. If the answer is given by a manager or a pronounced leader, then we receive information about preferences based on the characteristics of subordinates. As in the previous situation, it makes sense for us to compare preferences with the real situation.

Projective interview

The proposed methodology is based on the fact that people, when talking about the past, in most cases adhere to the facts (except for situations where a person deliberately intends to distort reality), but give them those explanations and interpretations that are relevant to them now, and not at that time. the moment when the events took place. Of course, this is true only when the events are sufficiently distant (at least several years) in time from the present moment.

The method of analyzing A. Adler’s early childhood memories made me think about creating a similar interview method. Of course, this technique works for completely different tasks, where the interpretation is much deeper and the application situations are significantly different from the situation of a business interview. These methods are united by the following facts:

the subject describes events that are significantly distant in time;

the interpretation of events is based largely on ideas characteristic of the subject’s current state;

It is not so much the facts that are important, but the emotional coloring and explanations.

So, our task is to obtain a description and explanation of any events that are quite significant for the candidate, remote in time by several years, but at the same time somehow related to the business situation, since otherwise we can shock the candidate with intervention into his private life. Based on all these factors, we managed to come to the idea that served as the basis for the PROJECTIVE INTERVIEW - the idea of ​​​​choosing a profession. Accordingly, this type of interview is relevant only for those candidates who graduated from school no later than 5-6 years ago. It should be noted that the name of the technique is somewhat conventional, since it includes both an element of a projective interview and projective questions, as well as other methods, some of which we have already considered.

First of all, we will consider the structure of the interview itself (see figure), then we will give interpretations to the main, most common answers and analyze several examples of the results of such interviews.

What did you want to become when you left school?

What did you choose instead of the original?

Did you manage to become? Due to what?

Why did you choose your current job?

(Kind of activity)?

You are good …

(current job, type of activity)?

Why do you think so?

Have you had any success?

What were you able to achieve?

Why do you think this is a success?

Have you ever had any failures?

What were they connected with?

How do you act in a situation

when you can't achieve your goal,

which you set for yourself?

What if it still doesn’t work out?

What do you consider your most strengths?

What do you consider your shortcomings?

Interpretation of results

What does this question reveal?

1. What did you want to become when you left school?

2. Why?

The motivation for a fairly serious choice, the structure of a person’s decision-making, the ability to make decisions independently, the degree of influence of other people and circumstances on the decision (if there is such influence, we can identify a tendency towards one or another reference group). An interesting situation is critical self-assessment, in which a person shows an unsuccessful motivation (for example, the institute was close to home) and critically evaluates it himself. When analyzing this answer, you can also assess the ability to clearly set goals and the ability to make forecasts for the future. In addition, the answer to this question in many cases shows a person’s professional inclinations and area of ​​interest.

4. Why didn’t they?

The degree of responsibility for failures, as well as their explanation. The ability to analyze a situation of failure and draw from it the right conclusions for the future

5. How did you achieve this?

Model of success: how a person is used to achieving success, what he generally considers as a way to achieve a goal. We can also assess the degree of detail - globality and how much a person tracks cause-and-effect relationships

6. What did you choose instead of the original?

Same as question 1 (fact)

7. Why?

We check and supplement the picture obtained by analyzing the answer to question 2

8. Did you manage to become? Due to what?

Same as question 5 (success model)

9. Why did you choose your current job (type of activity)?

The motivation for choice is checked, we can assess whether there are dynamics of changes in the thoughtfulness of decision-making and motivation for choice. If the answer to the first question was due to chance, hygiene factors (for example, the proximity of the institute to home) or the ease of achieving the goal, it is important to evaluate whether the approach has changed in the following stages

10. Are you a good... (current job/activity)?


11. Why do you think so?

Determining the type of reference

12. Have you had success? Describe your most big success

Self-esteem, as well as the definition: “loner” - “team player” - “manager”

13. How did you achieve success?

Same as questions 5, 8 (success model)

14. Why do you think this is a success?

Determining the type of reference

15. Have you ever had any failures?

Self-esteem, ability to recognize own mistakes and take responsibility for them

16. What were they connected with?

Model of failure, ability to take responsibility

17. How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself?

The “path to the goal” model. We evaluate several main points: determination, i.e. whether or not a person refuses to move towards a goal if he encounters some significant obstacles; flexibility, the ability to consider several versions or options of action in difficult situation; the desire to request someone’s help, to involve other people in solving one’s problem; in some cases a reference group may appear

18. What if it still doesn’t work out?

Same as the previous question, but in a tougher and more complex situation

19. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Why?

It is known that many people prepare in advance to answer the question about advantages and disadvantages, but we may be interested in setting priorities. In particular, this will give us an idea of ​​how a person understands the suitability of the vacancy for which he is applying (for example, if a candidate wants to take a position that requires great independence in decision making, and cites diligence as his greatest asset, then we can immediately tell , that his idea of ​​the relationship between the vacancy and his qualities is inadequate).

But most important information we can learn from the answer to the second question. In this case, we can evaluate whether the candidate associates merits and achievement of goals with success. If yes, then this is a very good indicator of the adequacy of the construction of cause-and-effect relationships, as well as the focus on achieving

Do you consider your shortcomings? Why?

Interpretation is similar to question 19. Additionally, we again test the ability to recognize one’s weaknesses

Let's consider an example of a projective interview of a candidate for the position of chief accountant and a brief interpretation of the candidate's answers.

Question answer

Interpretation of the response

What did you want to become when you left school? I wanted to become an international economist.

Why? I was always interested in exact sciences and analytics; it seemed that economics was closest to mathematics, and this profession at that time provided very good career opportunities.

Area of ​​interest - exact sciences, the person clearly sees cause-and-effect relationships, can find a logical compromise (economics is closest to mathematics), career orientation and desire to predict the future are visible

Become? Yes.

How did you achieve this?

I have always studied well and knew very clearly that I wanted to go to college right away. And then I was able to pass a competition to work in my specialty, because I had a good professional reputation, which I acquired while working part-time while still studying.

Clearly traces cause-and-effect relationships. Model of success - good knowledge/study/work + awareness of one's own goals and a clearly expressed desire. Establishing a positive professional reputation

Why did you change your specialty? (We see from the resume that the candidate works as a chief accountant.)

This profession turned out to be much more in demand and stable in the labor market, in addition, at that time it was one of the highest paid professions. Therefore, I decided to slightly change the direction of my activities.

Career orientation, demand and stability in the labor market reappear, as well as material motivation. Independence in decision-making and responsibility for decisions made are demonstrated. At the same time, the desire for a single line and similarity is once again manifested (“it has somewhat changed the direction of activity”)

What made it possible to achieve success in new profession?

The combination of experience as an economist and an accountant helped me a lot. In addition, I am not afraid to make decisions and I know how to not only work myself, but also ask others.

The “expert” model of success (reference to experience) and the importance of the decision-making factor for a person are once again confirmed, and avoidance is manifested here, i.e. one can assume a pronounced negative attitude of a person towards situations in which people do not want/are afraid to make decisions. The candidate attaches great importance to “the ability to work”, and is highly demanding of himself and others

Why did you choose your current job?

I heard a lot of good things about this company from our common auditors, and they offered me much better conditions.

A high degree of focus on professional reputation, as well as material motivation, is confirmed

You are good Chief Accountant?

Normal self-esteem, provided that we know about the good professional reputation of the candidate

Why do you think so?

I have always successfully passed audits, tax audits, and I have a stable accounting department that I can rely on and with which I am very satisfied.

Mixed reference focuses on objective indicators of success (checks), as well as on your opinion about people. Sees himself as a leader, people are important, the ability to rely on them and value them highly

Have you had any success? Describe your greatest success.

I believe that my biggest project is the implementation of a Western accounting system in a large holding company. I was able to coordinate the work of several divisions and achieve smooth operation just six months after the start of the system implementation.

Sees himself as a leader, with a penchant for innovative large projects. System view (smooth operation), combination of capabilities and procedures

What made you achieve success? A clear goal common goals with management, ability to achieve decisions on time.

The significance of goals for motivation, understanding of business and the organization as a whole, the importance of decision-making and the tendency to act quickly - factors that are significant for the candidate, a model of success

Why do you think this is a success?

Because business performance has improved.

An important factor self-assessment and assessment of one’s professional success are objective indicators of business development and success

Have you ever had any failures?

Adequate self-esteem, ability to admit mistakes

What were they connected with?

I couldn’t insist on my own when I needed to.

The ability to take responsibility is once again confirmed as an integral part of the success model - the ability to defend one’s opinion

How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself?

I think what else. I haven't tried the path.

The strategy of action in the face of failure is very attractive: the candidate does not deviate from the goal, at the same time does not go ahead, but tries other options

What if it still doesn’t work out?

I'm looking for other ways. If, of course, I still believe that the goal is relevant.

Here we see the importance of the fact that the candidate himself must be confident in the relevance of the goal, only in this case he continues to look for solutions. The future manager should keep this in mind and seek with the employee a common understanding of the relevance of the goals set at different stages of the movement towards them

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Why?

The ability to achieve goals and not be afraid of decisions, even if not everyone likes them. This is what helped me in my professional career.

Model of success: virtues are what help you achieve a professional career. Career and professionalism are very valuable. Tendency to defend a decision, certain negative experience in unpopular decisions, which is worth paying attention to, since a future employee may be inclined to be somewhat categorical in defending his opinion and decisions

What do you consider your shortcomings? Why?

I get into arguments easily. It sometimes takes too long.

Knows how to admit shortcomings, a real shortcoming is named, not an extreme form of advantage, as many articles advise. There is a tendency to work quickly and not want to spend a lot of time

Thus, we have before us a candidate of a high level of professional and social maturity, able to make decisions, defend them and bear responsibility for them, fairly stable, striving to predict the future, sometimes he can be too tough and categorical, a leader, a purposeful person with adequate self-esteem and a clear inclination to management.

As you can see, when actually conducting a projective interview, you can slightly change the wording and sequence of questions based on the answers the candidate gives.