About a good deed of a person script. Scenario of the event "kindness will save the world." - And now we will show you the scene “An example of kindness”

to form in older preschoolers an idea of ​​the content of this ethical category; to encourage them to show a sense of mercy to the people around them, their peers, to give them attention, help, to do it kindly, sincerely.

Continue to teach children to distinguish between good and evil, to analyze the results of their words, thoughts, deeds.

To educate in children the ability to make a choice in favor of the good, to follow the good inclinations of the heart and conscience.

To develop in children the desire to show kindness and mercy in different ways.

Key words and concepts:

Kindness of the heart, care, mercy, comfort, pity.



Story about kindness and mercy.

The purpose of the lesson: to form in older preschoolers an idea of ​​the content of this ethical category; to encourage them to show a sense of mercy to the people around them, their peers, to give them attention, help, to do it kindly, sincerely.

Continue to teach children to distinguish between good and evil, to analyze the results of their words, thoughts, deeds.

To educate in children the ability to make a choice in favor of the good, to follow the good inclinations of the heart and conscience.

To develop in children the desire to show kindness and mercy in different ways.

Key words and concepts:

Kindness of the heart, care, mercy, comfort, pity.

Children enter the hall to the hymn "Call of Mercy"

Poem Mercy.

Victor Pavlov

Mercy in my understanding -
It is affection, love, compassion.
This is to help a tired mother
This is to visit my grandmother.
And overcome your offense
And the one who offended - forgive.
This is to feed the birds and cats.
And water the flowers on the window.
All living things in the world to love,
And regret, and appreciate, and forgive.
If the neighbor is frozen - warm,
If he is not dressed - dress
If you're hungry, eat
If he is thirsty, drink.
If he mourns, comfort
He gets sick - visit.
The Lord gave you life
For you to love everyone.


Mercy…. Listen to the sound of this amazing word!

What does it imply? How do you understand it?

Children's answers.

Mercy is the mercy of the heart.

Mercy - coming from the heart is always disinterested.

Mercy is the willingness to do good

Mercy is sympathy, compassion.

Mercy is the willingness to help those who are in trouble, who are in trouble.


Kindness and mercy can work wonders.

What are these sounds? Where did we get?

Look around us is a lifeless desert. But we can create a miracle by turning the desert into a blooming garden.

Today we will try to create a garden of kindness. But this will require your kindness, love, trust. Together, together, together, tree by tree, flower by flower, we will create this garden.


A life worthy of a person is a life built on goodness. Every day life gives us a chance to be a worthy, kind person: whether you are walking down the street, whether you are getting on a bus, whether you are doing some household chores. Remember the good fairy tales, since ancient times, the imagination of people has created representatives of evil, such as Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber, and representatives of good forces: call them Vasilisa the Wise, Cinderella, Elena the Beautiful, Princess Frog.


We remembered fairy tales in which good always triumphs over evil, and in our lifeless desert grew first tree.

Dance "Tenderness"


The word mercy is a very ancient layer.

Our distant ancestors called a person merciful if he showed concern for other people.

The merciful man sympathized with them, consoled them if trouble befell them.

It was considered a very bad deed not to help the needy, not to notice the grief of another, not to show sympathy, compassion

Such a person was called heartless.

Song Kindness

(tree 2)


One should not inflict even the smallest suffering on any living being. Worthy of condemnation are those heartless people who throw cats and dogs into the street, dooming them to torment. Be involved with homeless animals, help them survive.

M. Sadovsky "Kind Heart".

I once brought a puppy into the house,

homeless tramp,

To feed him a little

Hungry poor man.

he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There is a spoon of soup ...

I found in the yard later

A little bit alive kitten

I also brought it to the house,

Mom said again:

Well, well, - said my mother, - let

he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There is a spoon of porridge ...

I found a chick under the nest

Crows hovered over him

I hid in a tomboy's hat,

We came home with him.

Well, well, - said my mother, - let

he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There is a crumb of bread ...

Once I brought a hedgehog

snake and turtle

And the hare ran into our door,

Probably out of fear.

Mom said: - Let them live -

the apartment is so wonderful

and if you make room, here

and we will find a place!

Do good merciful deeds.

And if someone helps

Your kindness, your smile

That day was not lived in vain,

So you don't live in vain.

And now another tree has grown in the desert(tree 3)


I suggest you play the game:

"Collect the word." (tree 4)

Children: Touch me with kindness

And the disease will be washed away by a wave,

And sadness will pass by

The soul will be illumined with beauty ...

Busy with good deeds at home

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour.

Good evening, good night

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

Is there so much kindness in the house?

Kindness should live in your hearts first.

Kind hearts are gardens.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

Do you want to have many friends? Let's plant a "tree of friendship" in our garden.

N. Tulupova "Kindness".

Being kind is not easy at all.

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

You just need to be kind

And in trouble do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness makes people happy

And in return does not require a reward.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

Song "Be Kind" (wood5)


If a person is merciful, then what should he be like? (kind, affectionate, honest, truthful, caring, generous, patient.

Attentive, sympathetic, cheerful, hardworking, benevolent, sincere, affectionate, caring, sincere, patient, generous, noble, wise, cheerful, merciful, humane, hospitable, kind.

Look from our kind words flowers bloomed in the desert.


Educator: - How to make sure that good on earth multiplies?

Children: Do good deeds yourself.

The sun appeared.

Educator: -

Mercy is helping the weak, the sick and the old.

Look around. This is no longer a desert, with your good deeds you have performed a miracle.

Children say:

Trees grow, plants bloom

So take care of your garden, keep it free of weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words and good deeds.


I will take a little of his warmth and pass it on to you. May kindness and mercy always live in your heart.

The teacher comes to the screen and takes a tiny light. Children take turns passing it to each other.

Educator: Fire is a symbol of eternity, a symbol of life.

I really hope that you will transfer a piece of your warmth to the people around you, animals, birds to everyone who needs mercy.

To the music of the "Hymn of Mercy" children leave the hall.


In this huge world in which you and I live,
There is not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.
Together we will learn to protect and love each other,
Let's learn together to each other, like stars, to shine.
CHORUS: Water will rustle in the spring,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on friends always
Wish each other well!
Let them not give us grades at school for the generosity of the Soul,
Once you take it and do good just like that,
And then in the cold it will smell achingly in spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on Earth!
Hundreds of roads are waiting for us, but everyone will have their own,
And, of course, Friends will help to reach the goal.
So that our long-standing dreams come true,
May the lesson of Kindness always be the main lesson!

Theatrical scene - "EXAMPLE OF KINDNESS"

Target. To promote the formation of kindness and mercy in students.

Tasks. Cultivate a sense of kindness, responsiveness,


Build the habit of tolerance.

Develop the skill of cooperation, communication skills; feeling of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Actors and performers:

  • 2 Leaders /Korobeynikova N.A., Kaidalova I.V./
  • Author /Kalinin Vladimir/
  • Girl /Beltikova Yana/
  • Boy / Batishchev Daniil /
  • Neighbor / Ekaterina Lomovtseva /
  • Neighbor / Korobeinikov Alexander /
  • Old women / Zolotukhina Anastasia,

Koroleva Anastasia/

  • Citizen /Novikov Denis/
  • Son / Fetisov Vladislav /
  • Champions /Petrov Nikita, Nikitin Daniil/
  • Lady /Kuryanova Anastasia/

Event progress

1. Presenter:

- Hello! Today we have gathered with you to talk about the most

important quality of a person - about kindness.

2. Presenter:

Kindness. What an old word! Not for centuries, but for millennia, people have been arguing about whether

whether it is useful or harmful, respectable or ridiculous. Disputes go on, and people

suffer from the lack of kindness in their lives. Take a look around

look at how unfriendly and indifferent people can sometimes be

relation to each other.

1. Presenter:

Let's think about what it means to be a kind person, what do you think?

A good person does good deeds.

2. Presenter:

- Guys, can you distinguish between good deeds and bad ones? (Yes)

- Okay, now let's check, and the game "Good and bad deeds" will serve as a test.

- If you hear a phrase about a good deed - clap your hands.

- If you hear a phrase about an unkind act, stomp your feet.

- Comfort the crying.

- Rejoice in the failure of your classmate.

- Help the elderly.

- Make a bird feeder.

- Break tree branches for a fire.

Give up your seat on the bus to the elders.

-Scream at in public places.

- Let your classmate write off the task.

- Explain the problem to your classmate.

1. Presenter:

- Well done!

- And now we will show you the scene "An example of kindness."

/the girl appears, runs, stumbles/
- A girl was running somewhere, humming something loudly,
She was merrily jumping, but suddenly she stumbled and fell.

Girl / sobbing, rubbing her knee /
oh, how it hurts, oh-oh! How can I get home now?

- And immediately the people gathered and everyone gives advice!
/ A neighbor, a lady in a hat, a neighbor run up /
— I know her, I'm a neighbor. I often give advice
I'll take care of this girl. Bring bandages and greenery ...
/ saw a neighbor, surprised /
Ooo! even the neighbor came up, even forgot about football?!
/Neighbour waving his hand grumpily /
- Football is long gone, a girl can be cured by an injection!
This injection, by the way, is very painful / wrinkles /
But this is useful, I think, advice / threatens with a finger /
There is no better advice, I think.

Neighbor and neighbor together / confidently /
- He will help the girl, then!

And the girl cries and cries.


"Oh, what's wrong with my leg?" Oh!
/rubs knee, sobs/

Two old women run up / anxiously, pressing their hands to their chest, -
/ chatter /

Old ladies:

- We heard, we ran, interrupted the conversation in the gazebo, only pills can cure!
/ 1st old woman, coyly /
Ah, just the pills! /grabs head/
2nd old woman / echoes / only pills / are taken out of her purse,
Together - They can be swallowed like candy. /show/

A citizen is running.
Citizen/waves angrily/
- No! there is only one way out, Vaseline will help her!

Neighbour strictly:
Why joke like that, citizen?

- This is from a scientific point of view. Just ask your son.

“Yes, and so everything is clear, this is useful advice.

Citizen/looks at son/
- AND better advice you think not?
/looks at everyone victoriously/

Old ladies/angrily/

— What — oh?!
“And our advice is not needed at all?”
Our advice is not important at all?
What does it mean? / clench their fists menacingly, step on a citizen, he backs away /
Author sadly:
And the girl cries and cries, / the girl cries softly /

1Champion: important knocking on the chest /
- I'm a champion, I'm famous! If the leg suddenly hurts,
you need a tight bandage, believe me - this is not a fairy tale.

2 Champion:
— We need a cool bath! They don't listen to me here, is it strange?!
Shrugs offendedly /

lady in a hat, / coquettishly /
— I need to buy orange juice. But check
please, quality, deadline / bends fingers /

- Juice must be drunk for a year, perhaps then everything will pass.


- All children love juice, I read about it on the Internet.

lady in a hat/pulls languidly/

- Oh, very useful, believe me, advice, I think it’s better than advice, it will help the girl, it means / wrinkle his nose /
is she still crying? / stomps foot, turns away /
Author sad:
The yard is noisy and worried, the whole choir gives advice!
Neighbor to neighbor:
“I’ll tell you what, my dear neighbor, you have a very bad advice.
Neighbour/ laughs derisively /
- And your greenie, a neighbor, apparently saves not infrequently.
You always, green is the new fashion?
Neighbor purses lips:
- Laugh, oh, in vain. The green helps a lot.
My cat recovered, maybe you should be anointed a little?
/pulls out a vial from her purse, tries to anoint a neighbor, he runs away in fear/
Citizen arrogantly:
- Hey, old ladies, inseparable girlfriends,
Know that I'm the only one right here! / stamps his foot /
Old ladies in turn:
Calm down, citizen. Only pills will help!
Pills! tablets-let-ki!!-tablets!!! / threaten, advancing /

lady in a hat/languidly/
Ah, real drama! I got lost right
What say you, my champion?
Champion playing with muscles
1 hour Oh, the stadium has been waiting for me, there are urgent matters / points to the clock /
2h. Are we still here? /surprised/

All in order:
We all give good advice
the best advice we think
All in unison: No!!!/ everyone throws up their hands together, the girl shudders, covers her head with her hand
He will help the girl! /several times in different keys/
Everyone is surprised in chorus:
But why is the girl crying?
Everyone silently looks at the girl.
/Someone scratches his head, someone sighs, shrug.../

So many salty tears, what happened to you?

- My knee hurt.

boy :

- Smile. Everything will pass, for sure.
Try to stand up quietly.
/helps the girl to stand up/
Girl joyfully:

- Oh! I'm healthy again! I can also jump.
A little /jumps/


“Well, how does your leg hurt?”

- No! Doesn't hurt at all!

“Then who will run faster?” Right now before these
/Girl ran. Waving hand /
- Well, catch up, boldly forward!
/ run away, run around and come back /

- She picked up the boy, they ran skipping,
And the people shouted in pursuit:
In turn:
How did you heal this girl?
She, look. Healthy again!
“The medicine is surprisingly new to us.

There must be some secret here!
Believe me, there is no secret here!
This medicine is not new at all.
Alyonka was treated with a GOOD WORD!

All/ surprised /

— Good word?

And now I'm healthy! /stomp foot/

- More than once or twice my grandfather taught me,
You always remember the advice:
When trouble comes to a person,
You rush to help then,
Take a good word with you.
And I, grandson, will be proud of you!

- A kind word warms everyone,
a kind word opens the heart!

Victoria Ulshina (Alieva)

"The Tale of How Friendship and Good Defeated Evil"

The action takes place in the forest.

Scenery: trees, Christmas trees, stumps, cones, flowers (glade).


Ginger (fox)

Phil (wolf cub)

Whitetail (squirrel)

Karkusha (crow)

Angry (cloud)

Music sounds (musical intro for the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale")

(Curtain opens)

Host - Friendly animals live in our mysterious forest

Ryzhiki, Wolves and Squirrels!

They play merrily, but sometimes they forget about friendship!

We will tell you a fairy tale about how friendship and goodness defeated evil.

Song "This song is simple"

This song is simple

About children and about animals.

This song is forest

It rang like a stream.

And they came to the stream to get drunk

Both the hare and the fox

And with the wolf cub - mother she-wolf,

What a beauty! (last 2 lines repeat 2 times)

Sing along, stand in a circle,

Turn around, smile

Good and easy

With a song to all our friends!

(Children from the extras sit on chairs along the wall)

Host - Once upon a time there was a fox Ryzhik. This little fox was a big mischief-maker. Ryzhik loved to run through the forest, play and have fun.

Ginger (runs out and sings while dancing)- I am Ryzhik, Ryzhik, Ryzhik, Cheerful, kind fox!

I love to run, jump Up and down, up and down! I also love to play

But if I get angry... I tease and bite

And I'm angry, and I'm angry! Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!

Host - And another mischievous person lived in this forest - the wolf cub Phil.

Phil (runs out of the woods dancing)- I am a gray wolf, everyone calls me Philya, In the forest there is one such, unique! After all, I'm a prankster and a bully, just a rogue! Therefore, not everyone calls me to play!

Only with Ryzhik I meet sometimes, The game does not work - that's the trouble! As soon as we meet - so immediately shout! We fight, we call names and we quarrel in an instant!

Ginger and Wolf cub begin to tease each other.

Filya - Ryzhik - Ginger is a fat fawn, ha ha ha!

Ginger - And you are a gray tail, you have a mangy tail (shows tongue)

Filya- And our Ryzhik is a kid, looks like a cucumber! Ha ha ha!

Ginger - And your ears on top are like pot-bellied frogs, here!

Filya - And our Ryzhik hisses so much that everything around is buzzing! Ha ha ha!

Ryzhik - And you are Phil - a simpleton, here! (begins to get angry, growl and hiss) .

(fight, run after each other, then part with tears).

Leading -But here in the forest clearing Ryzhik met the white-tailed squirrel.

Ryzhik- Hello, who are you?

Squirrel - I'm a squirrel, and who are you?

Ginger - And I'm a fox, let's play with you!

Squirrel - Come on, but how?

Ginger - Repeat everything after me!

They clapped their hands - clap, clap, clap!

They stamped their feet - top, top, top!

Bunnies jumped - jump, jump, jump!

They jerked their paws - jerk, jerk, jerk!

And now - 1, 2, 3 - you catch me! (runs away and accidentally falls)

It was you who pushed me, it was your fault that I fell! I don't want to play with you, go away, sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! (waving his paws at the squirrel).

Squirrel - I'm not to blame for anything!

Ryzhik - No, it's you. You're bad, go away. I won't play with you!

(The little squirrel goes into the forest crying, sitting on a stump)

Leading - Suddenly thunder rumbled, a strong wind blew and a cloud swooped in - Angry!

(a cloud appears to disturbing music and runs through the hall to Ryzhik)

Zlyuchka (to Ryzhik) - Since you offend animals,

Get angry and angry!

I will bewitch you -

Little fool!

(covers Ryzhik with organza, he does not move, Zlyuchka flies away laughing)

Phil (leaves the forest)- Ryzhik, hello! Let's run! What are you standing

how is the pole? (walks around him and starts teasing)

Ginger - Ginger is a fat fawn. What is it?

Karkusha - Kar-r, kar-r!

Filya - Karkusha, do you know what happened here?

Karkusha - Of course I know! Ryzhik offended Belchonka for nothing, then ran into

the cloud is Angry and bewitched him!

Filya - Oh-oh-oh-oh! What to do? How to disenchant him? Who will help me?

Karkusha - Kar-r-r-! Find Belchonka soon, only he can help you!

(Filya approaches Belchonok, takes pity on him, strokes, reassures)

Phil - I know who offended you, but trouble happened to the fox, he was bewitched

cloud - Angry, please forgive him, maybe then his cloud-Angry

disenchant? Run quickly and help the fox!

(come to the fox and start singing)

Belchonok - I will smile cheerfully, laugh out loud

I’ll forgive you for everything and drive Zlyushka away! (Ginger starts to stir)

Ginger - I will not be angry, and I do not want to be angry,

I will always be kind and I will teach Phil!

All together - Let it be joyful for all of us,

We won't grieve.

And we will be our friendship

Always we cherish!

Children line up in a semicircle and dance to the song "The world is like a colored meadow."

Dance "The world is like a colored meadow"

Children line up in a semicircle for the final words.

Presenter - That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Everything - you remember, friends - we cannot live without goodness!

(Curtain closes)

Related publications:

"Hares and Fox". theatrical performance"Hares and the Fox" Theatrical performance. Characters: narrator, Fox, Hare - adults; bunnies, dog Druzhok - children (different.

Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world "Good conquers evil" INTEGRATED EVENT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL FIELD "SOCIO-COMMUNICATIONAL DEVELOPMENT" for senior preschool age.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Good conquers evil" Municipal budgetary educational institution "Education Center No. 27", educational building No. 3 Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory.

Performance "The Tale of How Good Conquers Evil" for children aged 5-7 A TALE ABOUT HOW GOOD OVERCOMES EVIL. Tyurina Anna Yurievna Musical director MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 14 "city.

Theatrical performance "The Scarlet Flower" At the edge of the forest stands a teremok; a merchant lives in it with his daughters. Children smile, the fairy tale begins. They appear dancing to the Russian folk song.























The curtain is closed. The phonogram sounds "Song of good and evil." Good and Evil enter the scene. The music is mixed.

GOOD: We will tell you about how two bright people,

EVIL: Lived in the world, walked side by side everywhere.

GOOD: The name of one is Kindness,

EVIL: and the other - to call Malice.

GOOD: Good-mercifully

EVIL: and Evil is indifferent to misfortune.

GOOD: Hiding in the shadows, Kindness did not shout about itself.

Modesty veiled her face.

She just kind of helped people.

Good pitied and sometimes even scoundrels.

EVIL: Anger, on the contrary, taking arrogance to his aid,

She climbed forward, through the corpses, walking at times.

GOOD: Tears Good poured out and sounded the alarm.

“Stop!” she shouted, “Do you hear, stop!”

EVIL: Evil is tired of walking under supervision all the time.

Dividing the territory, drew a line.

"You live alone, then we'll see,

How will you breed poverty with modesty.

So, divided, they lived as best they could.

Anger spat on everyone, embodied dreams.

GOOD: Kindness had wonderful trills,

And the gardens were fragrant.

Warmth and tenderness, giving to living beings,

Kindness received the same from them in return.

EVIL: Anger is fierce, greed measure, not knowing

All those around me completely freaked out.

BLUE BIRD: Happiness flew across the sky like a blue bird,

The bird hurt its paw, broke its wing.

And landed between Evil and Good on the border,

With a request for help, with a cry of how hard it is for her.

EVIL: Evil showed no interest in her.

“Here’s another stupidity, there’s nothing for me to do or what ?!

I have the audacity, this is the second happiness.

Kicked with a kick, causing wild pain to the bird.

GOOD: Hearing the cries, Good hastened to help.

She did everything possible to save happiness.

BLUE BIRD: The bird gave good luck to everyone around,

Joy overflowing the whole world of Kindness.

EVIL: And on the other territory Anger bred.

Black envy sprouted on the field.

An evil veil covered everything good in an instant,

And all the people pecked each other out of longing.

Malice was left alone, dying from pain.

Nothing to eat and no one else to peck.

And at that moment there was nothing left for her,

How to call Kindness with your cry for help.

GOOD: Good did not refuse, showed zeal,

Anger saved, left to live in the World of people.

Unfortunately, the hand of mercy does not choose.

She reaches out to those who reach out to her for help.

EVIL: Evil and Good have been living in the neighborhood since then,

They are constantly arguing with each other.

GOOD: Good always wins, only finds no means,

To execute a death sentence for Evil.

The backing track is Kai Tracid's "Drift deep into your own thoughts". The choreographic composition "The Eternal Struggle of Good and Evil" is performed by the dance group. The music is mixed.

BLUE BIRD: We often lack Kindness...

So much has become in our life of Anger ...

We do not appreciate either Mind or Beauty ...

I'm in a state of chills

From callousness, cruelty of people,

From their cynicism, rudeness and deceit,

The intricacies of thoughts and ideas,

From undisguised donkey stubbornness,

In order to annoy your neighbor more abruptly,

To hit him harder...

Envy and Anger prevent us from living ...

I feel it more and more...

And every year the pain gets stronger

Every year the wound gets deeper in my heart...

I so want love to live,

So that Mercy climbs stubbornly,

To return kindness to people,

So that Hope lights up in the souls ...

May Goodness and Beauty win.

1 READER: What is evil and good? We have been asking questions since childhood.

This is something that is not easy to understand, life will show, the heart will judge.

This is the eternal theme of the gods. Satan, if you like.

Where to understand that he violated the law, that he is guilty and that means execute.

2 READER: This fragile balance of different forces. Darkness with light always violate.

And everyone has their own motive. Everyone defends his own truth,

Will win somewhere, someone, whom. And the balance is broken.

And the people always suffer - after all, they are mortal, under the pressure of the aggressor.

3 READER: We have been living like this for many centuries, then a volcano, then a tsunami will come,

People perish who honored the law, and those who despised it also perish.

In this battle of times and centuries, the winners are not judged by law,

The truth is that there is evil and good - the middle in it is people!

4 READER: When the sun gave us the first time

the hot light of your pearly eyes?

When did the water sound in the stream?

Have you forgotten forever?

Who remembers when it was?

5 READER: When did the first flower smile at us?

And the world has become ruthless and cruel?

And the person in it has long been lonely?

Who remembers when it was?

6 READER: When did a person learn to sing?

When did a person learn to love?

When did death appear on earth?

When did we manage to forget all this?

Who remembers when it was?

7 READER: When did we forget the word "Good"?

Where did Evil come from?

When we learned to deftly lie,

Is it easy to betray friends and loved ones?

When did we forget how to sing and dream?

Who remembers when it was?

1 READER: Let's remember a simple commandment -

We will treat others as

as we wanted to ourselves. not evil

We will see a smile on your lips.

Let's forget the feuds for a day, shall we?

Let's see how beautiful this world is!

What do we share with you? Money? Is it power?

Or maybe a blind vampire lives in us?

2 READER: Let's smile at each other

Don't be hypocritical. Simply from the heart!

Smile, as in a vicious circle

will return to us. What are you delaying? Hurry up.

Perhaps you will say utopia?

Is it difficult for us to give a smile in life?

With a kind smile, I'm sure you'll prove to everyone

it is easier for us to build a spiritual Temple.

3 READER: Tell me, how much kindness is in the heart?

Where does it get it from?

And as in the midst of the running bustle,

Does it forgive so much and easily?

And why do you always worry

When someone is very, very hurt?

There is always kindness at the ready.

There are so many that there is enough for everyone.

I realized that kindness is like blood:

The more you give, the more will be.

Kindness has a friend - love.

Give more kindness, people!

4 READER: Good people, as always, are not enough,

Good people, as always, are in short supply.

Good people are not always understood

The heart of the good hurts more.

5 READER: Kind - generously help the sick,

Kind - give warmth and comfort,

The good ones keep pace with the weak

And no thanks are expected.

6 READER: Who stands confidently in the world,

He does not reproach the other in anything,

The good one turns everything for good,

His heart is on fire with courage.

7 READER: There are strange people walking the streets

With some love and caress look.

To you - as if they saw a friend again,

You sneeze, and they will always answer: be healthy.

They have something from childhood, smiles on their faces,

They do not look for mistakes in passers-by,

There is no tension in them, which is in the body of many,

They only find joy in fellowship.

They will not respond to your rudeness,

And it can't help but look strange.

Such incomprehensible creatures do not like -

After all, happy people are so annoying.

1 READER: A simple girl walked around the world,

With the rarest name - Kindness,

The ice of Soullessness melted with her at the meeting,

And Vanity settled down.

2 READER: Anger took to the road

And with Robbery I went to Kindness,

Having met, degenerated little by little,

Kindness cannot be harmed!!!

3 READER: Lies sometimes so sincerely blushed,

At an unexpected meeting with Kindness,

Flattery failed to suck up,

And she left, hiding behind the Darkness.

4 READER: Walked alone for a long time

Kindness in an honest way

But once I met Friendship,

It's doubly fun to go with her.

5 READER: Friendship called Joy with it,

Beauty rushed with Joy,

Still, any filth will win,

Kindness in life!

The phonogram contains music from Ingrid's repertoire "Tango". Choreographic composition performed by the dance theater. The music is mixed. Readers come on stage one at a time.

1 READER: Learn good - bad will not come to mind.

2 READER: Feel free to talk about a good deed.

3 READER: Life is given for good deeds.

4 READER: It's bad to live without a kind word.

5 READER: A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

6 READER: It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

7 READER: The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

1 READER: Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

2 READER: In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.

3 READER: Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

4 READER: Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

5 READER: Managed to be guilty, manage and obey.

6 READER: Kindness will surely save the whole world,

Helps everyone grow

To bring harmony to people, to find peace

Warm your heart in goodness

7 READER: Mercy suddenly lit up in your heart,

And it exploded, no doubt

Everyone will know him if in your heart

It even lit up for a moment

1 READER: A lot of effort and diligence needs to be invested,

So that Goodness and Patience are preserved,

Only Truth is to keep in the heart

Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

2 READER: Where does Joy come from?

If good is not done,

If pleasant minutes

Never give to anyone?

Where does happiness come from

If you keep everything in yourself?

The coldness of the soul is dangerous!

Don't you dare forget about it!

3 READER: Share warmth with others

It will come back twice.

Warm up ... in simple words,

What will sound in silence.

Even sometimes without hearing

The word "Thank you" in response,

Let no resentment gnaw at you,

For your gift of light.

4 READER: Annoyance does not hide

For a moment of irresponsibility

Everything happens in life.

Be afraid not to do good.

Be afraid to pass indifferently

Past the tears you hear

Be attentive to people

Quietly ask a question

5 READER: Maybe your help

They don't need - but,

Remember, maybe one day

It suddenly becomes hard for you

And, alone "proudly"

Take a look at those

Who could help

At the right moment...

6 READER: Kindness is not proud

Like a merit list.

Kindness is not wealth

And a lifeline.

Kindness walks quietly

Nothing, no shouting

She is with those where famously

Where the candle goes out.

She is where we are tired

Someone's heart hurts

Someone's faith is gone

Dividends are not expected.

She's just like mom

And he will come and save.

Gently put your hand

And look into your eyes.

And help you get up

And the storm passes.

7 READER: It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy,

Kindness makes people happy

And in return does not require a reward.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

If kindness, like the sun shines,

Adults and children rejoice.

The phonogram contains music from the repertoire of the Barbariki group. The choreographic composition "What is Kindness" performed by the dance group. The music is mixed.

1 CHILD: What is kindness

what is happiness:

stroking a sly cat

bright red color.

2 CHILD: It's loud to sing songs

splashing through the puddles,

and be able to play snowballs,

smiling cold,

3 CHILD: with warm plush elephant

fall asleep in an embrace

and find in the edge of the forest

new path.

4 CHILD: It's grandma's pie

copper basin with jam,

first tremulous flower,

May Sunday.

5 CHILD: What is kindness?

Here she is smiling

splashes gently in the eyes

Golden fish.

6 CHILD: What is Kindness?

This is a generous hand

These are intelligent eyes

These are tender words

It's kindness and warmth

This is Mom's face.

7 CHILD: To be kind - to love people,

Thanks to all!" speak,

Help, teach, praise,

Do not swear, do not play pranks,

Stop in time

If necessary, apologize!

8 CHILD: Kindness, of course,

It is Light and Joy.

Give me a smile

And happiness for others.

9 CHILD: Give at least a little

Attention and participation.

Give me a little

But a very good verse.

10 CHILD: Give me a snowdrop,

After a fierce cold,

Give me a little

Tenderness to friends.

11 CHILD: Give the baby

soft toy,

with which very often

You loved to play.

1 CHILD: All paths lead to the Happy World.

Happy babies live in this world,

There Faith and Good settled forever,

There the wind - from laughter, from joy - rivers,

2 CHILD: There the red sun plays with rays,

There, the sonorous stars laugh at night,

And the little inhabitants of this country,

Good dreams descend on the rays.

3 CHILD: Wizards serve bright childhood there,

Funny fairy tales live in the neighborhood

There, even longing never yearns,

Years endlessly cuckoo cuckoo,

4 CHILD: Nobody gets sick, nobody suffers

And if grief suddenly wanders there,

That good fairies will fly in that hour,

And they will turn it into a balloon.

5 CHILD: Beautiful fairies keep behind the forests

Huge crystal chest with miracles.

And if someone wants a miracle,

Then you can get this miracle from there.

6 CHILD: To the happy world along the bright road,

Only good people go without worry.

All good people, happy people,

They work miracles and dream of a miracle.

In the soundtrack, Funtik's song from the m / f "The Adventures of Funtik" sounds. Choreographic composition performed by the dance group. The music is mixed. Readers take turns taking the stage, taking the children by the hands.

1 READER: The little boy once lived long ago,

All woven from air and light,

He was an inventor, a dreamer,

And the Planet was his home.

2 READER: And the kids called him - our prince,

He flew to visit them on a star,

And there were no happier children's faces,

He was a welcome guest everywhere.

3 READER: The Prince always came up with fun for them,

And took with him to the ends of the world,

Where everyone was friendly, honest and right,

Where there was no winter, there is always only summer.

4 READER: The little prince lived in every child's heart,

The doors were always open for him.

5 READER: But sometimes he was sad, it happened,

And went to the dark edge of the planet,

Which the sun did not caress at all,

To be alone in silence without light.

6 READER: Then he gently spoke to his Planet,

Holding in the hands of a single flower,

You are not alone, I am responsible for you ...

Every petal agreed with him.

7 READER: The time has come, he is tired of flying,

Maybe the kids just got older.

He became invisible to their hearts.

Their rooms have emptied over time

And the doors were tightly closed.

8 READER: But everyone who was on the Planet remembered

What the little boy said

For those who are close to us, we are responsible,

There is nothing more precious than tears,

And happy is he who did not shed another's tears.

In the phonogram, the music "Song of Kindness" sounds. The choreographic composition "The Little Prince" performed by the dance group. The music is mixed.

A LITTLE PRINCE: I fly from planet to planet

I want to know everything in the world

I want to be responsible for everything

I can do it - trust me.

It is difficult and very important

if someone else saves,

Call me kindly

She alone is responsible for everything.

Having touched someone's trouble with the heart,

I'm sorry No! I suffer!!!

And to regret, someone's heart to torment

I can't - I know about it.

Pity kills! Love saves!!!

Touch trouble with kindness,

and at the same time she will melt,

appeared as if in a ghostly dream.

In difficult times, I will come uninvited,

a drop of moisture in the middle of the desert,

touch kindness to the wounds,

at the same moment your pain will cool down.

Look deep into your heart

if joy is revived in her,

if you want to help everyone,

So my work is done!

So, it is worth loving and believing

and dream about your planet

Measure the pain of someone else's soul

and always be responsible for everything!

GOOD: Don't forget to give warmth while you breathe

Don't forget to do good while you live!

You can't rewrite everything from scratch.

In time, you will understand all this.

EVIL: Life cannot be repeated again

Lost loved ones can't be brought back...

And, no matter how life beats, shakes,

Walk the path worthy of this life!

GOOD: Love people and you will

you are loved

Always forgive and you will be forgiven yourself

After all, life is a term

flies relentlessly!

And, with a kind word, you will be flattered!


try to keep up with the century,

Don't stumble, stay on your feet.

GOOD: Try to stay HUMAN

In the circle, under

Title: Life!

  • 1st Leader. Good evening, dear guests! 2nd Host. Good evening, our dear mothers! 1st Host. We are pleased to welcome…
  • The script of the holiday "Do good!"

    1 student:

    The word is serious

    Main, important

    What it means

    Much needed for everyone.

    It has care and kindness

    Warmth and love.

    It has an aspiration

    Help again and again.

    This quality

    lives in the heart of many

    And the pain of others

    does not let you forget.

    And it's more important

    than face beauty.

    Guess what it is?..

    Kindness heart! (All )

    2reader : Invented by someone

    Simple and wise

    Greet when meeting:

    Good morning!

    Good morning!

    sun and birds

    Good morning!

    Smiling faces.

    And everyone becomes

    Kind, trusting.

    Let Good morning lasts until the evening!

    1 teacher: Good afternoon, dear children and adults!

    2 teacher: Hello! Today we will talk about quality, without which a person cannot be called human. Today we have an extraordinary lesson in kindness and politeness.

    2 reader : “Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings together like nothing else, it saves us from loneliness, unpleasant insults. Kindness is the desire of a person to give complete happiness to all people.

    3 reader: For centuries, people have cultivated kindness and mercy in themselves so that it would be easier for them to live and communicate, so that this communication would bring them joy. Kindness... what an old word.

    Teacher: What do you think kindness is?

    Teacher : In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, the word kindness is defined as "responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others." Read what L. Tolstoy and V. Rozov said about kindness.

    (pupils read the captions on the slides)

    “Kindness is responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition towards people; everything positive, good, useful"

    “Kindness is an amazing thing. She connects like nothing else. Kindness saves us from loneliness, emotional wounds and uninvited insults.

    Teacher : Kindness, first of all, should live in your hearts.

    Kind hearts are gardens.

    Kind words are roots.

    Good thoughts are flowers.

    Good deeds are fruits.

    Teacher : Each person should take care of his garden, not let it overgrow with weeds, fill it with sunlight, kind words and good deeds. Today we will try to create our own garden of kindness. But this will require all your kindness, love, trust. Together, together, together, flower by flower, we will create this garden.

    Teacher: 1 flower "Where is the good hidden?".

    Teacher: Let this flower be the first in our garden. He will help us find and remember the words in which the good is hidden.

    (Answers of children with an explanation of the meaning of the word: good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, virtuous, respectable, conscientious, kind-hearted). The first flower appears on the board. Above the words of A. Green "Kindness - sunlight under which the flower of virtue blooms.

    Leading. The people have always treated kindness in a special way. No wonder they say: "A kind word is also pleasant for a cat."

    2 flower "Proverbs about good."

    To a good hello ... a good answer

    About a good deed ... speak boldly

    Life is given ... for good deeds

    Learn good - ... evil will not go to mind

    Thank you - great ... business

    From good ... they are not looking for good

    Children name their proverbs. appears on the boardsecond flower.

    3 flower "Smile of kindness"

    (V. Shainsky's song "Smile" sounds)

    appears on the boardthird flower.

    4 flower "Good deeds"

    Pupils read M. Sadovsky's poem "Kind Heart".

    I once brought a puppy into the house,

    homeless tramp,

    To feed him a little

    Hungry poor man.

    Well, - said my mother, - let

    He will live a little

    There is such sadness in his eyes!

    There is a spoon of soup ...

    I found in the yard later

    A little bit alive kitten

    I also brought it to the house,

    Mom said again:

    Well, well, - she said, - let

    He will live a little

    There is such sadness in his eyes!

    There is a spoon of porridge ...

    I found a chick under the nest

    Crows hovered over him

    I hid in a tomboy's hat,

    We came home with him.

    Well, well, - said my mother, - let

    He will live a little

    There is such sadness in his eyes!

    There is a crumb of bread ...

    Once I brought a hedgehog

    snake and turtle

    And the hare ran into our door,

    Probably out of fear.

    Mom said: - Let them live

    The apartment is so wonderful

    If you make room, here

    And we have a place!

    Teacher: Let's do good deeds more often. 'Cause it's not hard at all

    5 flower "Flower of Friendship".

    Pupils sing the song "Kindness" on the op. N. Tulupova, music. I. Luchenko.

    appears on the boardfifth flower.

    6 flower "Polite words".

    Dramatization of the poem "Polite word"

    The theater is opening!
    Getting ready to start!
    Tickets offered
    For a kind word.

    The box office opened at 3:00.
    A mass of people gathered
    Even the hedgehog is old
    Dragged a little alive...

    - Come on
    Hedgehog, hedgehog!
    you a ticket
    In what row?

    - Closer to me:
    See bad,
    Well, thank you!
    Well, I'll go.

    Sheep says:
    - Me - one place!
    Here is my THANKS -
    Good word.

    - Quack!
    First row!
    For me and for the guys! -
    And got a duck

    And deer:
    - Good afternoon!
    If only you are not lazy,
    Dear cashier,
    I would really ask
    Me, wife and daughter
    In the second row
    Give me the best seats
    Here is mine
    PLEASE! -

    Yard Dog says:
    - Look what you brought!
    Here is my ZDORO'VO -
    Polite word.

    - Polite word?
    Do you have another?

    I see
    In your mouth
    And HEALTHY, drop it! Drop it!

    - Threw! Threw!
    - Please! Please!

    Us tickets -
    Eight! Eight!
    Please eight
    Goats, Moose,
    We bring you.

    And suddenly
    Pushed back
    old women,
    Suddenly, Clubfoot burst in,
    Squeezing tails and paws,
    He hit an elderly hare ...

    - Cashier, give me a ticket!
    - Your polite word?
    - I do not have that.
    - Oh, you don't have one?
    Don't get a ticket.
    - I got a ticket!
    - No and no.
    - I got a ticket!

    - No and no,
    Don't knock is my answer.
    Don't growl is my advice.
    Don't knock, don't roar
    Goodbye, hello.

    The cashier did not give anything!
    The clubfoot sobbed,
    And he left with tears
    And he came to the furry mother.

    Mom smacked lightly
    clubfoot son
    And took it out of the dresser
    Something very polite...
    And shook
    And sneezed
    And sighed:

    - Ah, what words!
    And aren't we
    Have they been forgotten?

    ALLOW ME...
    moths have already eaten them!
    But please...
    I could save them!
    Poor PLEASE
    What is left of him?
    This word
    This word
    I'll patch up! -
    Two patches...
    Everything is fine!

    all words
    washed well,
    Teddy bear issued:
    Before HORSE
    And a dozen in reserve.

    - On, dear son,
    And always carry it with you!

    The theater is opening!
    Everything is ready to start!
    Tickets offered
    For a kind word!

    Here is the second call!
    Teddy bear from all legs
    Runs to the checkout...


    And the cashier gives tickets -
    Not one, but three!

    And the cashier gives tickets -
    Not one, but five.


    And the cashier from admiration
    Stayed on my head!
    And to the cashier / With all my might
    I really want to sing:
    Very polite Bear!

    I'M SORRY!

    - Good guy!
    - I'm trying.
    - What a clever girl!

    Here comes the Bear!
    And she worries
    And glows with happiness!

    - Hello,
    You know
    Nice bear your son,
    Even we can't believe it!

    - Why not believe? -
    Bear says. -
    My son is great!

    Song "Good Way"


    Give everyone sunshine

    A piece of light, kindness.

    Words of love and tenderness

    Give people like flowers.

    4 reader : Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others are pleased with you. open little secret if kindness, politeness and honesty live in the world, then adults and children rejoice!

    5 reader:

    Where there is beauty, there is kindness.

    Nothing can separate them.

    Any bright dream

    She always looks like two friends.

    And we can't do without them

    Not a bright day, not a rainy day.

    And if you want to be beautiful

    1 teacher: World Kindness Day is celebrated on February 17th. This is, without a doubt, a Holiday that gives every person a chance to prove once again that he is capable of being disinterested, sincere, tolerant and sympathetic.

    Baba Yaga: Interesting! They have a holiday, but I was not invited. No holiday, no courtesy and kindness!

    Teacher Listen, who are you? Why did they take over the stage instead of us?

    Baba Yaga: Is it not clear who I am? Take a closer look and you'll know right away. Learned? Who am I?

    Baba Yaga : That's right, Baba Yaga is the kindest and most polite grandmother in the world!

    Teacher: And we will check this now. Tell us, grandma, what it means to be a kind and polite person.

    Baba Yaga: Yes please!

    If you came to friends -

    Don't say hello to anyone

    The words "please", "thank you"

    Do not tell anybody.

    If a friend's birthday

    invited you to my place,

    You leave a gift at home -

    Useful for yourself.

    If your friend is the best

    Slipped and fell

    Point your finger at a friend

    And grab your stomach.

    Teacher: Guys, is Baba Yaga right?

    Teacher: I see, grandmother, you really need to learn politeness and kindness on our holiday. You are welcome to be our guest of honor.

    ( Baba Yaga sits in the hall)

    Teacher: In order to be polite, we must know the magic words that make us feel warmer and happier. A kind word can cheer up a person, dispel a bad mood. Attention, there is a dictionary of polite words on the stage! Remember, guys, these words!

    Students: 1b class

    Good afternoon

    Good afternoon - you were told.

    Good afternoon – you answered.

    How two strings were tied -

    Warmth and kindness.


    Hello! you tell the person.

    Hello! he smiles back.

    And probably won't go to the pharmacy

    And will be healthy for many years.

    Thank you

    Why do we say "thank you"?

    For everything they do for us.

    And we couldn't remember

    Who was told how many times?


    I'm sorry, I won't

    Accidentally breaking dishes

    And interrupt adults

    And what he promised to forget.


    Cancel that is the word "please" -

    We repeat it every minute.

    No, perhaps that, without "please"

    We become uncomfortable.

    Bon Voyage

    They wish us: "Good luck!"

    It will be easier to drive and walk.

    It will lead, of course, good luck

    Something good too.

    Teacher: Now let's check how you learned the dictionary of polite words. Your task is to end the sentence with a polite word.

    Even ice blocks melt

    From the word warm (thank you).

    The old stump will turn green,

    When he hears (good afternoon).

    If you can't eat anymore,

    Let's tell mom we (thank you).

    The boy is polite and developed

    Says when meeting (hello).

    When we are scolded for pranks,

    We say (sorry, please).

    Both France and Denmark

    They say goodbye (goodbye).

    Teacher: - Well done boys. It's time to sing a good and beautiful song.

    Song "If you are good"

    Teacher : After this song, I really want to give a smile to others. Smile at each other.

    Teacher : Being polite and kind is not easy. One boy wanted to be polite but didn't know how to use " polite words". Listen to how it was.

    Reader: Promised Father Petrus
    - I'll take the courtesy
    I will thank everyone
    Say "hello" first
    Here is an old boy
    Keeps the promise
    Sees in the morning at the gatehouse
    Dozing watchman on the doorstep
    He didn't sleep at night
    Only - just dozed off
    And Petrus yells:
    - WITH Good morning, grandfather Fedot!
    Grandfather scolded him awake:
    - Get out of here shooter!
    Here Petrus caught up with Irishka
    Yes, how to pull a scarf
    Where are you Irishka, stop
    I say hello to you!
    She leaned back -
    What a disrespectful girl...
    The counselor carried a stack of books
    And Petrus from the fence - jump
    Almost sat on his shoulders
    – Excuse me, good evening!
    - You - the counselor shouted
    And ignoramus and impudent
    Petya is very surprised:
    Was he impolite?

    What do you think, was Petya polite?(Children's answers.) It's not easy to be polite...

    Teacher: Guys, let's play a game.If I read the rule of cultural behavior - you clap your hands, and if it's bad advice - stomp your feet.

    You don't have to say hello to everyone every day.

    Adults must not be interrupted.

    Never hurt kids.

    You can only run along the school corridor.

    If you are late for the lesson, you need to say “Excuse me, can I come in?”.

    On the bus, you must give up your seat to the elders.

    You must always follow the rules of cultural behavior.


    Teacher: The rules of cultural behavior must be observed everywhere: at school, in public places and at home. Watch the skit and you will know what happens when someone forgets about the culture of behavior at home.

    4a class

    Reader: blue skirt,

    Ribbon in braid.

    Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

    Everyone knows love.

    Girls at the party

    Gather in a circle.

    How Lyubochka dances!

    Best of all friends.

    But if this Lyubochka

    You enter the house

    There you are this girl

    Find out the hard way.

    She screams from the threshold

    Announces on the go:

    I have many lessons

    I won't go for bread!

    Lyubochka rides in a tram -

    She does not take a ticket.

    Pushing everyone with elbows,

    Sweeps forward

    She says pushing:

    Ugh! What tightness! -

    She says to the old woman:

    These are children's places.

    Well, sit down! she sighs.

    blue skirt,

    Ribbon in braid.

    That's what Lyubochka

    In all its glory.

    Teacher: Gotta, gotta be kind

    And in trouble do not forget each other,

    And the earth will spin faster

    If we become even a little kinder!

    (video about kindness)

    Conclusion on the video (children answer)

    Teacher: Do you know that there is a Symbol of Kindness monument - "Dandelion"? It is installed in 18 countries of the world. In our country, a monument to Kindness was erected in Sevastopol. Open palms form the shape of a ball.(slide)

    Teacher: And now we ourselves will create a symbol of Kindness - a ball with open palms.

    (children glue their hands, the song “Barbariki” performed by grade 4a sounds)


    At the end of our meeting, I would like to say:

    Give everyone sunshine

    A piece of light, kindness.

    Words of love and tenderness

    Give people like flowers.