Are you satisfied with your life. Test “Are you satisfied with yourself? Method “Are you happy?”

a) In general, yes.

b) Not really.

b) Not always.

3. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

b) Not really.

4. Are you satisfied with your intimate life?

a) In general, yes.

b) Not really.

5. Do you think that you made a mistake in choosing your other half?

b) Sometimes it seems like this.

6. Do you think that fate is unfair to you?

b) Sometimes.

7. Do you eat up your troubles with sweets?

b) Sometimes.

8. Do you envy your friends?

b) Sometimes.

9. Do your relatives appreciate you?

a) Basically yes.

b) Not all.

10. Would you like to start your life over?

b) Sometimes.

11. Would you like to impersonate another person at least once?

b) Sometimes.

12. Do you quarrel with your loved one?

a) Only for compelling reasons.

b) Sometimes.

13. Do you fly in your dreams?

a) It happens.

c) Never.

14. Does everything annoy you?

b) Sometimes.

Choosing predominantly answer option “a” indicates that you are clearly satisfied with your life. There may be some things you would like to change at times, but overall you are happy and quite satisfied with what you currently have.

A preference for answer option “b” means that you are generally satisfied with your current life. Although there are probably still a lot of things in it that you would like to change.

And choosing predominantly answer option “c” indicates that you are dissatisfied with yourself and your entire life. There are many things that you would definitely like to change. Most likely, you have a lot of problems that it’s time for you to solve, but for this you need not to sit idly by, but to start doing something. Only some aspects of your life bring you satisfaction, but do not bring you complete joy.

1. Would you like to start your life again?
Yes - 4 , No - 16 .

2. Do you have a hobby?
Yes - 18 , No - 5 .

3. Do you reproach yourself if something doesn’t go well for you?
Yes - 6, No - 12 .

4. Do you rejoice when someone envies you?
Yes - 16 , No - 2 .

5. Does your self-esteem suffer because someone considers you an unlikable person?
Yes - 3 , No - 12 .

6. Do the troubles of your friends give you some comfort?
Yes - 18 , No - 5 .

7. Does the success of others upset and anger you?
Yes - 2 , No - 16 .

8. Have you ever won the lottery?
Yes - 4 , No - 20 .

9. Do you envy your friends when they buy expensive and scarce things?
Yes - 1 , No - 12 .

10. Does performing in front of a large audience inspire you?
Yes - 16 , No - 3 .

Now summarize the results.
Over 120 points. You really like yourself. But you clearly lack self-criticism. Narcissism, selfishness, and disregard for the interests of others can put you in a difficult position.
From 60 to 120 points. In general, you are satisfied with yourself, although you do not suffer from excessive self-confidence. Sometimes you get a little carried away, but you know how to catch yourself in time. It's gratifying that you don't lose your self-esteem and can stand up for yourself.
Below 60 points. Your dissatisfaction with yourself borders on an inferiority complex. You painfully analyze every failure and awkward act. It interferes with your life and makes you a pessimist. Think about it and begin to gradually get rid of this illness.

Appendix 2


You are asked to answer several questions with “yes” or “no” answers.

1. Do you adapt easily to circumstances? Yes - 3, no - 0.
2. Do you turn off the TV when it becomes clear that there will be nothing interesting that evening? Yes - 2, no - 0.
3. Are you able to put everything aside for the sake of your favorite activity? Yes - 1, no - 0.
4. If you are offered a well-paid job, will you accept without hesitation? Yes - 3, no - 0.
5. Do you immediately admit your mistakes? Yes - 0, no - 3.
6. Do unexpectedly arriving guests confuse you? Yes - 3, no - 0.
7. Do you change your mind as a result of serious discussion? Yes - 4, no - 0.
8. Do you buy something you like on display, even though you know that you don’t need it at the moment? Yes - 0, no - 3.
9. Do you agree, after much persuasion, to something that you would never do on your own? Yes - 0, no - 4.
10. Do you know exactly what you will be doing next weekend? Yes - 2, no - 0.
11. Do you always keep your promises? Yes - 2, no - 0.

Calculate the total amount of points scored.
0–12 points. You are indecisive. Constantly weigh the pros and cons. You often miss good chances, even creating dangerous situations for yourself. Try to be firmer.
13–22 points. You make decisions carefully, but do not avoid problems that require immediate solutions. Sometimes you hesitate, especially before tedious and burdensome tasks. Trust your experience and intuition more.
23–30 points. You are firm in your actions. Frivolous behavior is not typical for you. In most cases you accept right decisions. However, with your determination and firmness you suppress those around you.

Appendix 3


When answering the questions, indicate how common the conditions listed below are for you on this scale:

To determine your level of self-esteem, you need to add up all the points for the statements.
Less than 10 points- you need to get rid of the feeling of superiority over others, arrogance, boasting. Take as a rule the principle: every conflict situation arose from a spark that you struck yourself or helped to ignite.
From 10 to 30- you are a psychologically mature person, which is manifested primarily in the adequacy of self-reflection, that is, a realistic assessment of your strengths and capabilities, and appearance. You can handle serious things, go for it!
More than 30 points- you underestimate yourself.

Appendix 4

(method by Yu.I. Kiselev)

Consider these qualities from the point of view of usefulness, social significance, and desirability. Rate each quality from 20 to 1 (20 is the most desirable, significant, useful, 1 is the least desirable, etc.). No assessment should be repeated. Enter all grades in column N - on the left.
Close the left column so that the ratings are not visible. In column N on the right, rate the qualities that you think are inherent in you (using the same criteria 20–1).
Subtract your grades from the N grades on the left. Enter the results obtained in column d. Square them and enter them in the d 2 column. Add up all the d 2 values. Multiply the amount by 0.00075. Subtract the result from 1.
The correlation coefficient can have a value from +1 to –1. The closer to +1, the higher your self-esteem. Practice shows that most often estimates are in the range of 0.62–0.85.

Draw 8 circles horizontally and put your “I” in one of them.
The further to the left the circle with “I” is, the higher the self-esteem.

Appendix 5


When answering questions, you must choose one of three answers. If in doubt, simply select the answer that best suits you.

1. I’m 12 years old, I’m getting ready to go for a walk, and my mother suddenly says: “It’s already late, you’re not going anywhere.” I:

A) I will really, really ask my mother to let me go outside, but if she still insists on her opinion, then I will stay at home;
B) I’ll tell myself “I don’t want to go anywhere” and stay at home;
B) I’ll say, “It’s not too late, I’ll go,” although mom will scold later.

2. In case of disagreement, I usually:

A) I listen carefully to other opinions and try to find the possibility of mutual agreement;
B) I avoid useless disputes and try to achieve my goal in other ways;
B) I openly express my position and try to convince my interlocutor.

3. I see myself as a person who:

A) likes to please many people and be like everyone else;
B) always remains himself;
B) likes to bend other people to his will.

4. My attitude towards romantic love:

A) being close to your loved one is the greatest happiness in life;
B) this is not bad, but as long as they don’t demand too much from you and don’t get into your soul;
B) it's wonderful, especially when my loved one gives me everything I need.

5. If I'm upset, I:

A) I will try to find someone who would console me;
B) I try not to pay attention to it;
B) I start to get angry and can vent on others.

6. If the boss did not quite fairly criticize my work, then:

A) it will hurt me, but I will try not to show it;
B) I will be outraged by this, but I will actively defend myself and can express my emotions in response;
B) I will be upset, but I will accept what he is right about and try to correct these mistakes.

7. If someone pricks me with my shortcoming, then I:

A) I get irritated and remain silent, experiencing resentment within myself;
B) I’ll probably get angry and respond in kind;
B) I get upset and start making excuses.

8. I perform best if I:

A) by itself;
B) leader and manager;
B) part of the team.

9. If I have finished something difficult work, I:

A) I’m just moving on to something else;
B) showing everyone that I have already done everything;
B) I want to be praised.

10. At parties I usually:

A) I sit quietly in the corner;
B) I strive to be in the center of all events;
B) I spend most of my time helping to set the table and wash the dishes.

11. If the cashier at the store does not give me change, then I:

A) naturally, I will demand it;
B) I’ll be upset, but I won’t say anything. I don't like arguing with cashiers;
B) I won’t pay attention. A small thing is not worth paying attention to.

12. If I feel angry, I:

A) I express my feelings and get rid of them;
B) I feel uncomfortable;
B) trying to calm myself down.

13. When I get sick, I:

A) I become irritable and intolerant;
B) I go to bed and really expect that they will look after me;
B) I try not to pay attention to it and hope that everyone around me will do the same.

14. If some person has caused my strong indignation, I would prefer:

A) express your feelings to him openly;
B) discharge your emotions in some unrelated matter or conversation;
B) let him know about it indirectly, for example through other people.

15. My motto will obviously be:

A) the winner is always right;
B) the whole world loves the one who loves;
B) if you drive more quietly, you will go further.

What does the test show?

Using the test, you can relate yourself to three quite different and vivid personal portraits, conventionally called “Dove”, “Ostrich” and “Hawk”.
Process the results of your answers. To do this, divide the 15 questions and answers of the test into three fives: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15. To find out how much of a “Dove” you are, count how many “A” answers you have in the first five, “B” in the second five, and “B” in the third. The maximum can be 15, the minimum - 0. The severity of your “ostrich” traits will be shown by the sum of “B” in the first five, “A” in the second and “B” in the third. "Hawk"'s answers are "B" in the first five, "B" in the second and "A" in the third.
If, for example, you have 11 "dove" responses, 4 "ostrich" and not a single "hawk", then it is clear that you are closest to the Dove, a little Ostrich and have nothing in common with the Hawk. If everything is equal, then you have a little bit of everything and in different situations you express yourself in different ways.

    You are quite happy with your personality, sometimes even too happy. And the point is not that you were lucky to be born into a family of millionaires or to be the most beautiful in the world, you simply know how to appreciate what you have, and also look for opportunities, instead of indulging in self-flagellation or “falling” into the shame of inadequacy. It’s safe to say that you have found your place in life, even though it took a long journey to get there. They envy you and want to be like you, but you know for sure that it is important, first of all, to accept yourself as you are, with all your advantages and disadvantages, only then can you feel harmony within. In order for you to become more successful, I recommend that you read the article.

    You are quite satisfied with yourself and the quality of your life; you would like to change something, but for some reason you don’t do it. Perhaps you are afraid of change, or perhaps you are simply accustomed to putting everything off until later; in any case, while you hesitate, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities, thanks to which you could make great progress, both in your career and in your personal life. This nuance sometimes spoils the mood, and you begin to demand more from yourself, but in the end, you relax again and understand that, in principle, things are going well anyway. This balancing act sometimes drains energy that could be directed toward achievement. And to prevent this from happening again, I recommend using the methods indicated in the article.

    You are not happy with both yourself and your life. This happened, perhaps, because you could not determine for yourself what you really wanted, and took actions under the guidance of other people, believing that they knew better how to live better for you. If this is a temporary condition, then gain strength and start taking action. I think you are aware that it is quite possible to cope with all the difficulties, especially if you have the support of loved ones. If this is your usual state, then we can say that you have low self-esteem, and you will have to work hard to learn to value and love yourself. More detailed recommendations What to do in this case, you will receive by reading the article.

The test is taken from the book: He + she: Psychological tests. - Rostov/n/D: Phoenix, 2000.

Target. Identifying the level of dissatisfaction with oneself.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you dream of being born again and starting life from the very beginning? (yes - 4 points, no - 16)

2. Do you have a hobby? (yes - 18, no - 5)

3. When your job isn't going well, are you able to say, “This could only happen to me?” (yes - 6, no - 12)

4. Do you rejoice when you find out that someone is jealous of you? (yes - 16, no - 2)

5. Does your pride suffer if someone refers to you as a boring, unsympathetic person? (yes - 3, no - 12)

6. Do you find comfort in knowing that someone you know has had the same troubles that happened to you? (yes - 18, no - 5)

7. Do you worry when you are convinced that something is going much better without your participation? (yes - 2, no - 16).

8. Do you often have the desire to win a large sum in the lottery or sports lotto? (yes - 4, no - 20)

9. Does your pulse quicken when you find out that your relatives or friends have made an expensive purchase? (yes - 1, no - 12)

10. Do you like to speak out in front of listeners? (yes - 16, no - 3)


More than 120 points: you are overly pleased with yourself. It seems, however, that you really lack healthy self-criticism, the ability for real self-esteem. Try to soberly understand and evaluate this circumstance with the help of friends and relatives.

60-120 points: you are fairly confident in your abilities, but are completely devoid of excessive complacency and narcissism.

Less than 60 points: you don't like yourself. Think about it - it is possible that you are simply underestimating yourself.

5.Method “Do you love yourself?”

Target. Definition of self-attitude

Questionnaire text

1. Do you feel good just the way you are?

2. Do you think that failures haunt you?

3. Do you conform your actions to the opinions of others?

4. Do you have a habit of remembering previous conversations and situations in order to understand what other people did in similar cases?

5. Do you feel embarrassed when people praise you in your presence?

6. Can you be alone for a long time?

7. Do you feel an undeniable relationship between your financial situation and spiritual comfort?

8. Do you often fear that the worst will happen?

9. Do you find it difficult to show your feelings to others?

10. Can you resist the human community in which you live? results

For each answer “no” to questions from 2 to 9, 5 points are awarded, for answers “yes” to questions 1 and 10 - 5 points (for answers “yes” and “no” - 0 points, respectively). 35-50 points: you love yourself; 15-30 points: it’s hard to tell if you love yourself; 0-10 points: You definitely don't like yourself.

6.Method “Are you happy?”

The technique is taken from the book: He + she: Psychological tests. - Rostov/n/D: Phoenix, 2000.

For each question, choose one of the three suggested answers.

1. When you sometimes think about your life, come to the conclusion that:

a) everything was more bad than good;

b) it was more good than bad;

c) everything was great.

2. At the end of the day usually:

a) dissatisfied with themselves;

b) you think that the day could have gone better;

c) go to bed with a feeling of satisfaction.

3. When you look in the mirror, you think:

a) “Oh God, time is merciless!..”;

b) “Well, that’s not bad at all!..”;

c) “Everything is fine!”

4. If you hear about a big win from someone you know, you think:

a) “Well, I’ll never be lucky!”;

b) “Damn it! Why not me?”;

c) “One day I’ll be so lucky!”

5. If you hear on the radio or learn from the newspapers about any incident, say to yourself:

a) “This is how it will happen to me one day!”;

b) “Fortunately, this trouble passed me by!”;

c) “These reporters are deliberately stirring up passions!”

6. When you wake up in the morning, most often:

a) I don’t want to think about anything;

b) weigh what “the day ahead has in store for me”;

c) happy that a new day has begun and there may be new surprises.

7. Thinking about your friends:

a) they are not as interesting and responsive as we would like;

b) of course, they have shortcomings, but on the whole they are quite tolerable;

c) wonderful people!

8. When comparing yourself with others, find that:

a) “I am underestimated”;

b) “I am no worse than others”;

c) “I am fit to be a leader, and perhaps everyone will admit this!” 9. If your weight has increased by 4-5 kg:

a) you panic;

b) you think that there is nothing special about it;

c) immediately go on a diet and do intense physical exercise.

10. If you are depressed:

a) curse fate;

b) you know that the bad mood will pass;

c) try to have fun.

For each answer “a” 0 points are awarded, “b” - 1 point, and “c” - 2 points.


17-20 points: you are like that happy man I can’t believe that this is possible! You enjoy life, not paying attention to the troubles and hardships of life. You are a cheerful and optimistic person.

13-16 points: you are probably an “optimally” happy person, and there is clearly more joy in your life than sadness;

8-12 points: happiness and unhappiness for you are expressed by the well-known formula “50 to 50”;

0-7 points: you are used to looking at everything through “dark glasses”, you believe that fate has prepared for you the fate of an unlucky person, and sometimes you even flaunt it.