How to make a refund at the online checkout - detailed instructions and recommendations. Partial refund of money by check (online cash register) Return of cash to the buyer from the cash register

The use of online cash registers when making payments for purchase and sale transactions involving individuals is mandatory in accordance with the requirements of the law on CCP No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003. The buyer when accepting money (in cash or non-cash form) a cash receipt is issued, data on the completed transaction is entered through the online cash register and automatically sent to the Federal Tax Service. Information on refunds and adjustments to amounts for payments made through the cash register must also be transferred to the Federal Tax Service.

Partial refund by check (online cash register): how to apply

The buyer may initiate a refund of the funds paid by him in full or in part if:

    the product is returned due to its non-compliance with the stated characteristics;

    Products are returned of proper quality within the allotted two-week period;

    The cashier announced the incorrect amount to be paid and accepted the inflated amount of payment.

A partial refund of money on a check provides for compensation of funds not for all items on the check, but only for one or several items included in one check along with other goods. That is, the client requests a refund not in the full amount of the check, but in the amount of the cost of one or more goods indicated in it. In order for this procedure to be completed correctly and not raise questions from the fiscal authorities, it is necessary to collect a set of documents justifying the need to make a return:

    written application from the buyer, drawn up in any form and endorsed by the applicant’s handwritten signature;

    act of return of goods, which reveals the reasons for the return acceptance of sold products.

After receiving these documents, the cashier generates fiscal documents reflecting the withdrawal of money from the cash register or return by bank transfer. If at the time the buyer applies there are not enough funds in the cash register to pay the refund, an additional letter of guarantee about a refund for the goods. Art. 22 of the Law of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” allows the seller to make refunds on previously sold goods within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application from the buyer. The need to generate fiscal documents reflecting the issuance of money from the cash register for returned goods is also indicated by the explanations of the Ministry of Finance in letter No. 03-01-15/42315 dated July 4, 2017.

How can I make a partial refund of a check via cash register? The online cash register allows you to do this in several ways:

    Generate a check for the goods being accepted back in the amount of its cost, indicating in the electronic and paper versions the attribute “return of receipt”.

    If it is difficult to separate a product from a general receipt or the transaction amount was indicated incorrectly, you can enter a canceled receipt for the total cost (the “receipt return” attribute) and generate a new receipt document for the difference between the amount on the canceled fiscal document and the amount of the return (the “receipt” attribute). .

    If the returned products were purchased on credit and part of the interest payments were paid by the buyer, the seller must reimburse not only the cost of the goods, but also the consumer’s expenses for repaying interest on the loan (justification - clause 6 of Article 24 of Law No. 2300-1). In this case, the reimbursement of money is separately fiscalized in the amount of the cost of the goods (the “return of income” sign), the second check shows compensation for interest payments (the “expense” sign).

The refund receipt must contain a reference to the original cash document on which adjustments are made. All completed fiscal documents for returns must be given to the buyer. At the end of the working day, the cashier draws up a report on the status of the counters and closes the shift.

Money can be issued to the applicant from the cash register if the purchase is paid in cash. If the initial payment is made in cashless form, the refund is issued to the consumer's card.

What to do when the reason for the refund to the buyer is a cashier’s error:

    If an inaccuracy is detected before the buyer leaves, a check with the sign “return of receipt” is issued for the amount of the overpayment.

    If an error is detected after the client leaves, a correction check is issued and an explanatory cashier is attached to it.

After completing fiscal documents at the end of the working day, the shift at the online cash register is closed. The results of transactions with the attributes “expense” and “return of receipt” are entered into the cash book for cash and cash register transactions, and incoming transactions are entered into the accounting register on the basis of the cash register system. At the same time, it is important to highlight information on non-cash payments; they are not reflected in the cash book.

Processing a refund from online cash register- a common situation, so any cashier should know how to behave in it. It is important not only to document the operation, but also to comply with all the rules Federal Law No. 54-FZ, which was adopted in 2003.

Refund before the end of the shift at the online cash register

The easiest way is to make a refund via the online cash register on the same day before the Z-report for revenue is generated. This document shows income for the entire working day and is submitted to the tax service.

Important! The seller must send the return receipt to the tax authorities only with reference to the first document. This must be done to exclude the transaction that did not take place from the total sales.

Returning goods on the day of purchase at the online checkout is carried out in two ways:

  1. From the cash register, if the service or product was purchased for cash.
  2. To the bank card, if the consumer paid by bank transfer.

In the second case, crediting money to a plastic card may take up to 10 days.

Online cash register: next day refund rules

You can make a refund at the online checkout the next day. Registration is almost no different from delivering goods to the store on the same day:

  1. The client presents a document confirming the purchase of the product and a passport (a foreign passport is possible).
  2. The seller issues a new cash receipt with the payment attribute "refund".
  3. The seller gives the client money in cash from the cash register or returns non-cash money through the POS terminal (in whole or in part).

There are cases when the consumer wants to return the goods, but novice sellers do not quite understand what a correction check and a receipt return check are.

The first one is issued if:

  • there is a need to correct the calculations that you made before;
  • the cash document was not entered due to an error;
  • An excess amount was found on the check.

The second - a check for the return of receipts at the online cash register - is printed if customers return goods or refuse services.

Important! Cash receipts are issued not only for goods. They are issued for certificates and gift cards, which are sold at points of sale.

The cashier made a mistake: what to do?

Refunds to the buyer are made at the online checkout and partially in case of a seller’s error. You can consider the usual case: when selling 10 units of goods, the cashier knocked out the wrong amount per item; accordingly, the buyer, if he does not check, will overpay. It’s good if the error was detected immediately, before the client left the cash register. Here you can proceed in the usual way - issue a partial refund at the cash register with the check sign “return of receipt”. Next, you need to punch another check and return the money to the consumer.

There are more difficult situations- the error was detected after the client left and it is not possible to issue a new check. In order for excess money to be correctly accounted for at the cash register, the seller needs to do the following:

  1. Issue a correction check.
  2. Save the correction receipt in a separate folder.
  3. Attach a note explaining the situation about this check.

The data will be transferred to the Federal Tax Service through the fiscal operator with whom the organization has a service agreement. If requested by the tax office, the saved correction receipt will need to be provided.

It is better to avoid mistakes when working with an online cash register, since sometimes the Federal Tax Service may regard the situation as working without a cash register, for which the law provides for a fine of up to 30,000 rubles.

If the client does not have a receipt for the purchase, it is necessary to establish the fact of purchase in this particular store. This can be done via computer programs(for example, upload a sales page through 1C-enterprise) or establish the fact of sale of this product in other ways (the seller could remember the buyer). Only in this case is it advisable to make a refund via the online cash register.

Important! Although the company must issue a refund within 10 days, the return process may be extended if a controversial situation arises where the parties disagree with the circumstances that have arisen and require an examination of the product.

How to return money for purchased goods if there are no receipts at the cash register

There are cases when customers bring back goods, refuse the service they have already paid for and demand a refund, but the cash register is zero. How to make a refund to a buyer at an online checkout if there is no cash? Cashiers, like customers, also have their rights. Russian law says that stores or companies are required to return funds within 10 days. This time is enough for the cash register to be replenished. But, if after the expiration of the ten-day period there are no receipts, it is necessary to use the company’s general cash register to replenish it.

Documentation of the refund procedure

If you need to return a check via an online cash register, do so in accordance with the law:

  1. Accept the application from the buyer. There are no standard forms for writing it. In the application the client must indicate:
  • passport details;
  • the reason for returning the purchased goods to the store;
  • price;
  • date;
  • signature.

To prevent the buyer from making mistakes and rewriting the application, provide the prepared form.

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Important! It is not possible to return goods without an application. The tax office may suspect the organization of fraud with financial calculations. For example, suspect that by deciding to pass a refund check through an online cash register without an application, an entrepreneur is trying to hide part of the income and not pay taxes.

  • Print out the invoices. They are issued in two copies. The first is for the client, the second is for the company. Each invoice contains the buyer's signature - required condition. The document must contain:
    • Product Name;
    • unit of measurement;
    • quantity;
    • retail price;
    • total refund amount;
    • date of purchase and refund.
  • Reflect the refund in the online checkout by entering the required data.
  • Return the money to the client.
  • Save the documentation for reporting to the Federal Tax Service if the tax service requires clarification.
  • At the online checkout, the reflection of the return cannot be anonymous. The consumer must include passport details in the application.

    Is everyone required to use the online cash register?

    According to the law, from February 1, 2017, most entrepreneurs switched to working with a new generation online cash register. The rest are required to start using them on July 1, 2018.

    The law provides for a number of persons exempt from the obligation to use online cash registers. These include:

    1. Entrepreneurs engaged in shoe repair or key making.
    2. Individual entrepreneurs selling handicraft products.
    3. Organizations selling printed publications at kiosks.
    4. Traders of ice cream, live fish, vegetables and fruits, etc.

    Full and current list can be found in legislative documents.

    Stores located in rural areas, where there is no Internet, are also not required to report to the tax service every day. Information about them financial activities is stored in the fiscal storage of the online cash register, and they are required to submit the report within a certain time frame, visiting the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate in person.

    With the advent of cash registers for cash transactions, entrepreneurs and organizations refused to conduct primary documentation. But with incoming and outgoing orders, things are different - their management remains relevant today. The procedure for returning via online checkout on the day of sale or at a later date is simple. The main thing is to correctly reflect the issuance of money and save the necessary documents.

    Question answer

    Question: what sign of payment is reflected in the cash register receipt when returning goods?

    Answer:"return of income"

    Question: How can I return funds for a purchase I brought back if there is no money in the cash register?

    Answer: in this situation, by law, you can defer the return if 10 days have not yet passed from the date of purchase or replenish the cash register from the general cash register of the enterprise.

    Question: what does a non-zeroable receipt amount mean in an online cash register?

    Answer: The non-zeroing amount means “Readings of summing counters”. It shows how much money went through the cash register.

    The basis for a return is an application from the buyer, the original of the previous receipt is attached to the application. The seller must not only return the money, but also conduct such a return through the online cash register.

    When is it necessary to return goods at an online checkout in 2020?

    It happens that the buyer returns the goods. Let us remind you that in most cases, according to the law of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the buyer has 14 days to do this. And it happens that the customer demands a refund of the advance payment for failure to provide the service.

    What is a charge back?

    Refund of expenses - what is it? Cash receipt with the sign of “return of consumption” does not appear often. The expense attribute appears on the receipt when a person hands over some goods, for example, scrap metal. And then he comes and takes this scrap back (changes his mind). This is a refund of the expense - a check with this sign must be punched.

    How to make a return via online checkout

    Receipts are refunded at the online cash register based on an application from the buyer. Next, we will consider what documents need to accompany the issuance of money back to the buyer, and which check to punch.

    Work with CCP online in our program. It allows you to connect online cash registers using a special module and take control of all accounting. Take a trial access to the program for 30 days. Consultation on all accounting issues is available to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    On what basis is money returned to the buyer from the online cash register?

    The reason for processing a refund from an online cash register can only be the buyer’s desire to receive back payment for a returned product or for a service not received or received but not provided properly. In this case, the buyer writes a return application.

    If the cashier simply made a technical error, then a correction check is generated. There will be no return operation in this case.

    • Related article:

    Cancellation of an online cashier's check. Cash refund to buyer

    It is impossible to completely cancel a check and erase information about it from the fiscal storage device.

    At the same time, a document such as a correction check is provided, which allows, during the operating day, to eliminate an error made when accepting or issuing cash and when preparing the relevant documents. It is no longer possible to generate such a correction check after the end of the shift for the operation of that day.

    How is a return check issued at online cash desks, how to punch the check?

    According to the design requirements cash documents specified in Art. 4.7 of the law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register systems”, the payment indicator is indicated in the check. There are only 4 of them:

    return of receipt;
    expense (we are talking about situations of issuing money that are not related to returns to customers);
    refund of previously incurred expenses.

    How to issue a refund check at the online cash register depends on the device model. Often there is a separate button for such an operation.

    What does a refund check look like at an online checkout?

    The return receipt is shown below.

    Return of goods same day at online checkout

    Previously, when returning money from the cash register, it was necessary to draw up an act in the KM-3 form. Currently, such an act is not required to be filled out.

    When returning goods “on the same day”, the package of documents for issuing money to the buyer is identical to the usual one. A correction check cannot be issued, as well as a check cannot be cancelled, even if the buyer changed his mind about his purchase after only a few minutes.

    • Read on the topic: Cash desk from July 1, 2020 for whom are required

    Return of goods not on the day of purchase at the online checkout

    As already indicated in the article, the procedure for returning money to the buyer from the online cash register does not depend on when the actual return of the goods was made. Regardless of the time that has passed after the purchase, if the buyer has all the rights to return such a product in accordance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” he writes an application for a refund for the purchase, and the seller draws up documents for the return of the product itself.

    After this, the cashier punches the check with the “return receipt” sign.

    Partial return of goods at checkout online

    Returns of only part of purchases are made according to the same rules. A return invoice or other similar document is generated for some of the previously sold goods, and the total cost of the returned goods is determined.

    The buyer writes a statement for the amount received, and the cashier punches the return receipt.

    What does a non-zeroable receipt amount mean in an online cash register?

    The non-zeroable receipt amount is a kind of control indicator, where all receipts to the cash desk are taken into account on an accrual basis from day to day. Refunds reduce this amount, but other expense transactions do not.

    How to make a refund from the online cash register the next day if the cash balance is 0?

    There are several options for solving this problem. If the buyer applies for a refund, but there are not enough funds in the cash register, then, first of all, it should be remembered that, based on the legislation in force in Russia, the seller is given 10 days to satisfy the buyer’s requirements when returning the goods.

    If, even after 10 days, the receipts at the cash desk were not enough for a refund, then you can replenish the cash register from the general cash register of the organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as by withdrawing money from the current account or making a loan.

    How to return a card using an online cash register?

    The buyer can ask for the money to be returned to the card. To do this, you must specify the details for non-cash payment in the return application. Otherwise, the return procedure is the same as usual.

    The transfer takes 10 days under normal conditions, but if examination of the goods is required, the period can be extended.

    How to reflect a refund from a cash register online in 1C?

    Reflection cash transactions in accounting programs, in particular 1C, depends on how accounting is configured. In some cases, automatic uploading of operations is available. In other cases, transactions will have to be entered manually.

    In any trade organization, situations may arise when it is necessary to make a refund at the checkout. The order of such operations is strictly established current legislation and requires the execution of a specific algorithm in each individual case.

    First, let's look at when the need for such an operation arises:

    1. The reason could be a simple cashier mistake: an incorrect product code or quantity was entered.
    2. The buyer himself may decide to return the product, for example, he discovered defects or the product simply did not fit for some reason. The buyer, in accordance with the relevant legislative documents, can return the products within 14 days from the date of purchase.

    Did you know? Not all products can be returned. There are legally established separate lists for food and non-food products that cannot be returned.

    If there is a need to carry out such an operation, you need to clearly know what actions follow next.

    What payment indicator is indicated in the receipt when returning goods?

    Any cash receipt is a form strict reporting, on which all the necessary data must be reflected and the calculation sign must be indicated.

    The following options are possible:

    • coming;
    • return of receipt;
    • consumption;
    • expense return.

    As for the situation when the buyer returns a purchase, the cash register will generate a receipt with the “Return of Receipt” sign.

    It contains information about the product being returned:

    • Name;
    • quantity;
    • total cost with discounts and surcharges.

    Important! Such a check must be issued to the client as confirmation of the completion of this transaction.

    When an item is returned on a different day than the day of purchase, this does not change anything, the actions are similar.

    Read also: Cash register "Shtrikh-Mpey-F"

    How to document a receipt return

    It is advisable for the buyer to write a free-form application, but it must indicate:

    • Full Name;
    • passport ID;
    • the reason why he wants to return the goods;
    • what amount is returned?

    Do not forget about the date of the application and the client’s signature, and it is also advisable to provide a receipt confirming the purchase of the product.

    The last thing you need to do is create a delivery note for the goods that are being returned. It is made in two copies, both must be signed by the buyer.

    Important! Before drawing up such an invoice, do not forget to inspect the product, check its completeness and functionality.

    Do I need to write an application for a refund?

    The client does not need to write a separate application for the return of funds. Based on the cash receipt for the return receipt and the buyer’s application, the official authorized for these actions makes the final decision on this operation. His signature on the documents is permission to execute.

    How to make a return at the cash register

    Each cashier must know all the operations that can be carried out through cash register machines (CCM). They encounter some of them every day and many times. The return operation, of course, is not so common, but it still occurs.

    Let's consider the process of carrying out this operation using the example of popular cash registers:

    1. "Atol 90F"- the machine must be in cash register mode, then you need to press the following keys: ВЗ → product code → ВВ → ВВ → IT (for goods with set price); VP → product code → VP → product price → VP → IT (if the price is not set).
    Return on the Atol 90F cash register: video

    2. "Mercury 130K"- in cash register mode, press the RR key, then enter the refunded amount and press the PI key.

    Return on the Mercury 130K cash register: video

    3. "Shtrikh-Mini-K"- in cash register mode, press sequentially PE→ 1→2→ВЗ, then you need to enter the price and select the department where the return is made using the appropriate key, and press TOTAL.

    Read also: Using a cash register for UTII

    Returns at the Shtrikh-Mini-K cash register: video

    It should be noted that complete information about the operation of the cash register and the key combination for carrying out cash transactions can be found in the instructions necessarily attached to each such product. Besides, service centers who sell cash register machines provide staff training.

    Did you know? The official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation contains information about the possibility of modernization cash registers older models so that they meet modern legal requirements.

    How to make a refund if there is no revenue at the cash register

    In the work of a trade organization, a situation may arise when there is a need to return funds, but there is not enough money in the cash register.

    According to Article 22 of the “Law on Protection of Consumer Rights”, trade Organization has 10 days from the date of the buyer's request to return the money for the returned goods.

    This means that if the store’s revenue is not enough, the buyer will be asked to wait for his cash. The same law determines that after a specified time, the buyer has the right to recover from trading enterprise a daily penalty of 1% of the value of the goods (Article 23), so it is best not to delay this process.

    Money can come into the cash register not only from proceeds. Cash can be issued from the company's cash desk, which is formalized accordingly and then used for its intended purpose.

    Some details about returns

    When returning an item, you must take into account how payment for the purchase was made. So, if the buyer paid using a bank card, then the funds are returned only in non-cash form.

    In this case, a receipt for the return of receipts is also generated at the cash register, and the funds are transferred from the store’s current account.

    Let's consider a situation where the cashier simply made a mistake and punched the wrong check.

    To correct the situation, perform the following actions:

    1. We print a cash receipt with the details “Return of receipt”, and all other data coincides with the incorrect receipt.
    2. Next, we generate a new check with the “Receipt” attribute, where the correct data is indicated.

    Important! The buyer must be given all checks: intermediate and final.

    But when, for some reason, the cash register was not used when selling products, the cashier is obliged to run a correction check at the first opportunity. It indicates the amount of revenue that was not posted through the cash register.

    The basis for a return is an application from the buyer, the original of the previous receipt is attached to the application. The seller must not only return the money, but also conduct such a return through the online cash register.

    When is it necessary to return goods at an online checkout in 2020?

    It happens that the buyer returns the goods. Let us remind you that in most cases, according to the law of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the buyer has 14 days to do this. And it happens that the customer demands a refund of the advance payment for failure to provide the service.

    What is a charge back?

    Refund of expenses - what is it? A cash receipt with the sign “refund of expense” does not come through often. The expense attribute appears on the receipt when a person hands over some goods, for example, scrap metal. And then he comes and takes this scrap back (changes his mind). This is a refund of the expense - a check with this sign must be punched.

    How to make a return via online checkout

    Receipts are refunded at the online cash register based on an application from the buyer. Next, we will consider what documents need to accompany the issuance of money back to the buyer, and which check to punch.

    Work with CCP online in our program. It allows you to connect online cash registers using a special module and take control of all accounting. Take a trial access to the program for 30 days. Consultation on all accounting issues is available to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    On what basis is money returned to the buyer from the online cash register?

    The reason for processing a refund from an online cash register can only be the buyer’s desire to receive back payment for a returned product or for a service not received or received but not provided properly. In this case, the buyer writes a return application.

    If the cashier simply made a technical error, then a correction check is generated. There will be no return operation in this case.

    • Related article:

    Cancellation of an online cashier's check. Cash refund to buyer

    It is impossible to completely cancel a check and erase information about it from the fiscal storage device.

    At the same time, a document such as a correction check is provided, which allows, during the operating day, to eliminate an error made when accepting or issuing cash and when preparing the relevant documents. It is no longer possible to generate such a correction check after the end of the shift for the operation of that day.

    How is a return check issued at online cash desks, how to punch the check?

    According to the requirements for the preparation of cash documents specified in Art. 4.7 of the law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register systems”, the payment indicator is indicated in the check. There are only 4 of them:

    return of receipt;
    expense (we are talking about situations of issuing money that are not related to returns to customers);
    refund of previously incurred expenses.

    How to issue a refund check at the online cash register depends on the device model. Often there is a separate button for such an operation.

    What does a refund check look like at an online checkout?

    The return receipt is shown below.

    Return of goods same day at online checkout

    Previously, when returning money from the cash register, it was necessary to draw up an act in the KM-3 form. Currently, such an act is not required to be filled out.

    When returning goods “on the same day”, the package of documents for issuing money to the buyer is identical to the usual one. A correction check cannot be issued, as well as a check cannot be cancelled, even if the buyer changed his mind about his purchase after only a few minutes.

    • Read on the topic: Cash desk from July 1, 2020 for whom are required

    Return of goods not on the day of purchase at the online checkout

    As already indicated in the article, the procedure for returning money to the buyer from the online cash register does not depend on when the actual return of the goods was made. Regardless of the time that has passed after the purchase, if the buyer has all the rights to return such a product in accordance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” he writes an application for a refund for the purchase, and the seller draws up documents for the return of the product itself.

    After this, the cashier punches the check with the “return receipt” sign.

    Partial return of goods at checkout online

    Returns of only part of purchases are made according to the same rules. A return invoice or other similar document is generated for some of the previously sold goods, and the total cost of the returned goods is determined.

    The buyer writes a statement for the amount received, and the cashier punches the return receipt.

    What does a non-zeroable receipt amount mean in an online cash register?

    The non-zeroable receipt amount is a kind of control indicator, where all receipts to the cash desk are taken into account on an accrual basis from day to day. Refunds reduce this amount, but other expense transactions do not.

    How to make a refund from the online cash register the next day if the cash balance is 0?

    There are several options for solving this problem. If the buyer applies for a refund, but there are not enough funds in the cash register, then, first of all, it should be remembered that, based on the legislation in force in Russia, the seller is given 10 days to satisfy the buyer’s requirements when returning the goods.

    If, even after 10 days, the receipts at the cash desk were not enough for a refund, then you can replenish the cash register from the general cash register of the organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as by withdrawing money from the current account or making a loan.

    How to return a card using an online cash register?

    The buyer can ask for the money to be returned to the card. To do this, you must specify the details for non-cash payment in the return application. Otherwise, the return procedure is the same as usual.

    The transfer takes 10 days under normal conditions, but if examination of the goods is required, the period can be extended.

    How to reflect a refund from a cash register online in 1C?

    The reflection of cash transactions in accounting programs, in particular 1C, depends on how accounting is set up. In some cases, automatic uploading of operations is available. In other cases, transactions will have to be entered manually.