The best time to get a job. Professional lunar horoscope: how to choose a profession according to the moon and earn more What phase of the moon to get a job

Many of us, especially during this difficult period, are interested in the problem of employment. At the first interview, candidates are sometimes lost and, as a result, do not present themselves in such a favorable light as they would like. The feeling of unfulfillment is depressing and undermines self-confidence... Or maybe you’re just unlucky? - many of those rejected asked themselves this question. Astrologers offer a number of tips for those days of the week when you are going to get a job. Perhaps, by taking them into account, you will be able to move from the category of losers to the opposite: those lucky ones who have finally found something they like. Successful searches and equally successful employment!

Monday. The patroness of this day is the Moon - the planet of tenderness and tranquility. Therefore, you can count on success with your employer if you behave in a balanced, calm manner, without sudden movements, and speak softly and quietly. On this day, you should not irritate those around you and your potential boss with colorful, bright outfits - wear light or discreet clothes with blurry tones. It is very important to show that you know how to get along with people, understand them and have a fine mental organization. In general, on Monday it is easiest to get a job related to raising children. Teachers and also... housewives have many chances.

Tuesday. The patron saint of this day is Mars. In turn, he patronizes everything clear, sharp, definite and bright. Therefore, it is advisable to dress smartly, preferably in red tones. Go to get a job only if you are firmly confident in yourself - on this day, with an equal degree of probability, you can be quickly accepted, but just as quickly, in a harsh manner, without comment, you can be refused. To avoid the latter, explain yourself quickly, briefly, and with minimal emotion. Show that you are a man of action, able to immediately understand the essence of the situation, proactive and committed. Since Mars is the bearer of a militant principle, on this day it is easier to get a job in a military organization or in a new, newly created company.

Wednesday. The patron of this day is the planet Mercury, which favors young, free-thinking people who boldly express their thoughts. On Wednesday, you should prefer a youthful style of clothing - wear, for example, a sweater and jeans, talk a lot and, preferably, in complex phrases, try to give the impression of an intelligent person. Make an effort to look younger. Since Mercury is the god of trade, on this day it is easiest to find a job in the trade sector. But be careful! Just on Wednesday, people often fall into the web of unscrupulous and dishonest employers and can become victims of financial pyramids such as the notorious “MMM”.

Thursday. The patron of the day, planet Jupiter, is favorable to education and travel. If you own foreign languages, have higher education If you dream of a career connected with a foreign country, you can safely get a job on Thursday. You can dress modestly, unpresentably, in business style. But it is important to show the employer your knowledge and skills, to be able to show a rich imagination and inner content. Show that you are ready for constant self-education, long-term fruitful cooperation, and expansion of the company’s areas of activity.

Friday. The patroness Venus favors women and beauty. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex who want to get a job should devote time on this day Special attention your appearance. Carefully select cosmetics, hairstyle, clothes, accessories - everything should be in harmony with each other, be discreet, but sophisticated. But men who are well dressed and eloquent also have good chances of finding a job. And places where it is advisable to try your hand at greatest success- these are beauty salons, flower shops, fashion studios or design centers - where creative ingenuity is required.

Saturday. This day is under the influence of the planet Saturn. She is reputed to be a limiting planet, in charge of law and real estate. If you want to get a position, dress strictly, simply, in a classic style. No jeans, bare belly buttons or flashy jewelry! When communicating with a potential boss, try to remain serious, and if he provokes you to have fun (you never know, maybe he’s testing you like that), don’t laugh out loud, it’s only acceptable to smile a little. Be businesslike, restrained and very correct. Do not accept any informal proposals from the boss, refuse even a cup of coffee, not to mention visiting a cafe together - in a word, be “buttoned up!”

When is the best time to look for a job, the lunar calendar will tell you. In it you can find answers to questions about which days are favorable for interviews, and which days you shouldn’t even try to solve the problem of employment and submit documents, since all efforts made will be in vain.

Choosing the right day

The best lunar days for changing jobs include lunar days:

  • If your workplace ceased to satisfy you both morally and financially, today is a great time to look for a new job.
  • It doesn’t matter at all whether this desire has matured in you over a long period or came to your mind spontaneously. On the best day to change jobs, you will succeed, rest assured!
  • Today the moon has a beneficial effect on the business sphere, patronizing brave, risk-taking and daring people.
  • Don't forget that these days there is still a chance for a productive conversation with your boss. Perhaps your complaints and demands will be heard.
  • Well, if not, be bolder and write a letter of resignation from your job without hesitation.

  • If you have clearly decided for yourself to change organization - in bon voyage, astrologers don’t see anything bad in this.
  • If you are still tormented by doubts, move such an important decision to a more favorable day for getting a job.
  • Spontaneous decisions can lead to a lot of problems that will also affect material well-being. The expected work will actually not be as positive as it seemed.
  • In a new place, you will have to win the favor of your superiors and colleagues, as they say, with sweat and blood.
  • If you decide to make changes on this day, do not expect support from your colleagues. Your old team will be filled with envy, and the new management will be watching you for a long time with fear and caution.

Lunar days can be considered a bad time to quit and get a job.

1. Today the moon is not inclined to change employers. A new place can bring a lot of negativity and you will feel dissatisfied.

2. On this day it will seem to you that everything is set against you, everyone is trying to put a spoke in your wheels.

3. At your new job, it will be difficult to find common ground with colleagues; you should completely forget about help.

4. The decision to change jobs can seriously derail your career.

5. It’s not about those around you, it’s just that the energy of today is not favorable to your decision.

4. You must write your desire on a piece of paper, indicating the desired position and place of work. After cutting the leaf into small pieces, burn it, mix the ashes with finely chopped bay leaves and wrap them in a banknote. You should take this talisman with you to interviews.

Here are some more tips for finding a job during the lunar phases:

  • – this is a period when you need to carefully consider your decision, weigh the pros and cons. You need to determine exactly what you want.
  • Having thought everything over well, during the waxing moon you can make an attempt to achieve your goal. But don't expect everything to be simple. At this time, you need to write a resume and register on a job search site.
  • Feel free to try to get noticed necessary people. will contribute to your luck. Send your information to all the agencies you know, call employers. Keep in mind that if you sit still, you won’t be able to find your dream job.
  • The 4th phase of the moon is the time to take stock. If you successfully passed the interview, now is the best time to inform your former employer that you are leaving. During this period, it is recommended to transfer cases, “clean up your tails,” and repay debts, so that nothing else ties you to your old job.

Write your opinion


Auspicious day. On this day you can do a lot and get interesting offers. You can use the help of partners. Day of friendship and solidarity of people. Good day for those associated with vehicles.

- decide financial questions

- to be active

- decide common problems

- work in a team and individually

— business trips to sign contracts

- creation

- distance yourself from the team and confront yourself

March 16, 2020

Day of spiritual and creative renewal. A favorable day for writers, poets, scientists.

— checking new documents

— conclusion of contracts

— study of archives

— dedicate this day to education and training.

- transfer knowledge and personal experience

- communicate and negotiate

- solve simple problems and not make serious decisions

- be a sponsor, mainly for creative people and intellectual development organizations

- start new and serious things

- to work a lot

These days your mood and overall activity improve. People are usually calm, balanced and benevolent.

A favorable period for concluding contracts and submitting any applications. You may feel interested in social activities.

It is beneficial to resolve legal issues. You can start new businesses, make long trips and business trips, and draw up documents.

Avoid buying land and starting new construction

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

March 17, 2020


The energy of this day is complex and can lead to conflicts and aggression during conversations. The second half of the day is not favorable. If you act alone, the power of the Moon can help realize the most complex plans. This is a day of change. Unimportant things can be eliminated.

- talk less or avoid contact altogether

- to express inner peace and balance

- avoid crowded places and new companies

- do something important

- negotiate

- share your thoughts and ideas

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

March 18, 2020


A favorable day for creativity, presentation of artwork.

- to plan

— work with archives

- start a new business

- complete important projects

- be active

- lay the foundation for construction, begin renovation work

- buy property

— for a manager: carefully analyze what actions lead to success

- for an employee: ask the boss about promotions and raises

— holding exhibitions, performances, concerts, parties

- study

— improve qualifications

- complete important projects and tasks

During Capricorn, it is favorable to make plans and start important things. Successful period for precise work, mathematical calculations and strict execution of instructions. Suitable period for doing business with real estate.

Avoid financial issues, loans. Don't look for a new job. Logic is being updated to a large extent these days. This is not a favorable period for creative individuals.

People typically demonstrate responsibility, efficiency, and awareness of their responsibilities.

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

March 19, 2020


The first half of the day is unfavorable. In the afternoon you will be able to solve many problems.

- during the first half of the day, avoid teamwork

- in the afternoon, trust your intuition

- solve simple problems - discuss the current situation

- hurry

- to be active

— sign contracts, establish new contacts, make important decisions

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

March 20, 2020


This day is considered unfavorable for any business.

- carry out current work

- listen to the advice of others

- solve simple problems

- be neutral and express more sympathy for colleagues

- resist mood changes

- make important decisions

- travel

During the Aquarius period, people usually have an interest in everything new and unexpected ideas may come to them. A favorable day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to power.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. This favorable days For scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, and a tendency to experiment.

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

March 21, 2020


On this day you can receive revelation and secret knowledge. You may receive good news from friends. It is possible to profit from previously completed contracts. The first half of the day is more favorable.

- pay attention to any financial issues

- pay off debts

- charity

- avoid anxiety and tension

- in the afternoon, sign contracts, new documents, start new activity

— eliminate previously encountered problems with partners, colleagues, bosses

- demonstrate patience, understanding, diplomacy

— carry out scientific research

- brag about your achievements

During the Aquarius period, people usually have an interest in everything new and unexpected ideas may come to them. A favorable day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to power.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, and a tendency to experiment.

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

During the 21st lunar day, the Sahasrara chakra is active

About dreams

on the 21st lunar day

the main task dreams on this lunar day - to show how creative energy is manifested in life - it is suppressed or harmoniously used. In other aspects, dreams have no meaning and rarely come true.

Gardening for today

Sagittarius days are Fruit days.


  • planting fruit trees and fast-growing vegetables.
  • pruning trees and bushes (during the waxing moon).
  • sowing of grains.
  • underground pest control.

The waning moon can take away life's failures and illnesses, giving positive changes in return. To do this, you need to know what needs to be done on the waning moon.

Many legends and traditions are associated with the waning moon. For example, shamans call the Moon the mother of the World and base the rules of a happy life on observing her precepts. The energy of the waning Moon helps those who are on the same wavelength with it, but if you don’t know what can and cannot be done during a decline in lunar activity, then you can attract minor and major troubles into your life.

What not to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a time of decline, the fading of all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start any important things, plan events and make drastic changes in your life aimed at acquisition and growth. For example, leaving a job on a waning Moon will go well, but it is recommended to get a new job on a waxing Moon.

It is necessary to understand that the Moon influences different Zodiac Signs differently: calm Capricorns, dreamy Pisces and unpredictable Libra perceive its influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of the waning moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one principle common to all: you should not start something new and implement ideas by investing time, effort and money in them. Most likely it will not bear fruit, or you will not like the result.

What to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a good time to get rid of negative influence, illnesses, quarrels and problems. So that the new lunar cycle changes your life in better side and brought harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. Carry out general cleaning. You need to start cleansing your life of everything unnecessary and outdated from your living space, because home is the place where we spend the most time. In order for “even the walls to help in the house,” get rid of junk and unnecessary things. Without regret, throw away things that you have no use for during the year. It will be useful to wash the windows and curtains.

2. Sort out old letters and photographs. Photographs contain energetic imprints of the aura of the person, animal or place depicted. If you keep your photos in disarray or keep a lot of images of people who have died or have already disappeared from your life, then it will be very difficult to attract happiness to yourself.

3. Change your diet. On the waning Moon, you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of the best ways is to go on a diet, temporarily giving up fatty, salty, smoked, fried and sweet foods. Healthy eating during the waning moon can relieve large quantity problems.

4. Break unnecessary connections. This point is suitable for you if you have been thinking about your surroundings for a long time or someone you know makes you feel like you are being deceived. In this case, the waning Moon - best time in order to stop communicating with people who cause you unpleasant emotions.

5. Repay debts. The energy of money is very closely related to lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the waxing Moon, it is necessary not to take on old financial debts in the new lunar cycle.

6. Tidy up indoor flowers. Flowers in our home play a very important role: at the energetic level, they filter negativity of any kind, passing it through themselves and transforming the energy into positive. Repay the flowers with love and care: fertilize them, prune diseased branches, replant plants that have become cramped in their old home into large pots.

7. Trim bad memories. If a bad event happened in your life, the memories of which still torment you, then the energy of the waning moon will help you get rid of them. To do this, you just need to get a haircut, while thinking about a negative event. The more your past torments you, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

For people who are interested in esotericism, the period of the waning moon will provide good assistance in rituals and conspiracies that relieve melancholy and pain. Lunar energy will accelerate the action of any magical influences aimed at deliverance and cleansing.

The waning Moon will take away everything unnecessary, disturbing and outdated, so that the energy of happiness, prosperity and harmony will flow into the vacated space. We wish you peace and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2016 01:07

Lunar calendar - source useful tips for any period of time. If you want to plan your...

Astrologer's advice

Our life can be called good if it contains love, friendship, good health, spiritual development and work that brings satisfaction and earthly blessings.
We are born with a certain horoscope at the time of birth, which outlines our abilities, inclinations, needs and opportunities to achieve goals. Knowing what our strengths and weak sides, knowing how we can realize ourselves, where we can best demonstrate our abilities and talents, we can build our happiness.
When choosing a job, we most often focus on our surroundings, and we do not necessarily follow in the footsteps of our parents, but most of us still remain within a certain field. Since we are born at a certain time, in a specific place, in a family, this shapes our personality and our capabilities. Although nowadays we have more of them than before.
In order for us to love our work, three conditions are necessary: ​​1) we must be suitable for it, 2) we must do it a lot and 3) we must have a feeling of success.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime,” says a Chinese proverb.

Let's consider five effective methods job searches that astrology can offer.
1. Contact the organization you would like to work for directly, and always in person. This must be done at 11-12 noon.
2. Ask your friends for help. The more applicants for the desired position, the preferable it is to enlist the support of someone already working in the organization. If they put in a good word for you, you will have an extra chance. In this case, your arrival should be at the beginning of the working day at 9-10 o'clock. Perhaps you will be immediately placed in a workplace.
3. Ask relatives for help. If your relatives work where you would like to work, then come and get a job during your lunch break or immediately after it. Bring some treat to the table. Your conversation will be a pleasant discussion various options and job offers.
4. Use a job placement service. Go there after lunch, and if you are given the address of the proposed place, immediately go to the address. During the interview, do not forget to ask about the scope of work and wages. Be careful, otherwise you may fall into a trap. Don't sign anything right away.
5. If with new job and the job is not working out at all, you need to do a self-assessment. To understand the situation, you need to listen to the recommendations of astrology.

The movement of the Sun according to the signs of the Zodiac creates peculiarities of employment, for example:

From 21.01. to 19.02. (AQUARIUS) - they are looking for someone with a good education that matches the position they hold. Friendly relationships are taken into account.

From 20.02. until 20.03. (PISCES) - searched taking into account social origin, connections, acquaintances, family relationships. They value loyalty to the circle.

From 21.03. until 20.04. (ARIES) - they are looking for professionals with an easy-going character and extensive work experience.

From 21.04. until 21.05. (TAURUS) - they are looking for a hard worker, a believer, ready to “plow the vast field.”

From 22.05. until 21.06. (GEMINI) - looking for and hiring mainly temporary workers who can quickly respond to the situation and show dedication to the job.

From 22.06. to 22.07. (CANCER) - looking for professional worker who can accomplish what others cannot.

From 23.07. to 23.08. (LEO) - they are looking for a short-term worker, a handsome, pleasant person, professional director, leader, administrator, and well-off from the outside.

From 24.08. to 23.09. (VIRGO) - they are looking for a good employee with an excellent recommendation.

From 24.09. to 23.10. (LIBRA) - they are looking for a subtle connoisseur, critic, fan of their work without big claims on salary.

From 24.10. through 11/22 (SCORPIO) - they are looking for a professional who will do all the work, with minimal earnings.

From 23.11. to 21.12. (SAGITTARIUS) - they look for acquaintances, they take only their own. Complete trust and professional experience production organizer.

From 22.12. until 20.01. (CAPRICORN) - they are looking for professional deputies, punctual in their work, and have very high requirements for hiring.

You should carefully consider what type of worker you might consider yourself to be and, accordingly, in what month you can get a job.
I hope that these tips can at least to some extent help you in our difficult times. I wish you success!