Corporate and individual brand. Corporate brand. Basic aspects of corporate branding. Company brand development

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Definition and functions of a corporate brand

A corporate brand is, collectively, an image that has developed in the minds of the main target audiences, stable associations that personify the corporation and its activities.

An image for everyone target audience will be its own, special, since the wishes and interests of the target audience are also unique and individual. Therefore, it is important to learn the “language” with which you can establish stable contact and beneficial relationships with the consumer.

When forming a corporate image, it is important to know who to target, to know the portrait (the interests and values ​​of the consumer). It is necessary to maintain a balance when working, distribute efforts and set priorities depending on the goals and objectives of the business, as well as the mission, principles, values, competitors - which is expressed in whole strategy company development.

A well-built corporate brand creates a positive attitude towards the company among the main target audience, which has an important influence on the development of the company. Of course, the number of audiences is directly proportional to the specifics and size of the company (field of activity).

To study a corporate brand in more detail, it is important to remember its components, which are the basis of a strong corporate image.

A corporate brand consists of three elements that must be correctly formulated and communicated to the key target audience (including with the help of PR tools)

Components of a corporate brand

The main components with the help of which a company builds its activities: mission, vision, values, structure, management, corporate history, corporate strategy.

A visual image is formed using visual components, as well as graphic attributes. For example: logo, form style, corporate documentation design, website, etc.

Procedures are the prescribed rules and principles of interaction between the corporation and the main stakeholders (in fact, the interaction policy).

*Stakeholders - physical. a person or organization that has rights, interests, claims or interests in a system or its properties that satisfy their needs and expectations.

Communications are a tool for creating and managing a corporate image and corporate reputation.

The role of the main components in the development of the company and the formation of a stable image:

Strategic components are the basis of the brand;

Visual components -- appearance brand;

Procedures -- the corporation's interaction policy;

Communications - conveying benefits, creating and managing a corporate image and corporate reputation.

Strategic Components

Mission (Who are we doing and what?)

Vision (How to achieve this mission? Aspiration? What is the future?)

Values/policy (What are we guided by? What values?)

Corporate Structure (Scope? What is each component of the corporation responsible for?)

Corporation management (What are we? Management?)

History of development (How did it all begin?)

Future strategy/plans (What are your plans?)

Corporate and Social responsibility(What benefits do representatives of target audiences receive from our activities?)

The last component of a corporate brand usually reveals the real “face” of the company. And, a lot of research indicates that the buyer/representative relationship is definitely dependent on focused corporate and social responsibility.

Let's say the company creates exclusively quality products non-GMO content (for buyers):

  • - technologies are being improved to minimize the harm caused environment(for general org.)
  • - tens of thousands of citizens find work thanks to the company, as well as the state. the budget increases (for government bodies)
  • - decent working conditions, excellent social package (for staff, trade unions, etc.)

The formulations are directly related to the company’s goals, the interests of the target audience, as well as the real state of affairs. Such statements must be implemented.

And edition annual report, periodical corporate press can become confirmation of all of the above.

In the process of development, the corporate brand is integrated into all components of modern business.

A corporate brand can form and express the benefits of a company’s activities for each audience, involve it in the process of achieving business goals and objectives, move competitors forward, and achieve respect. And all because the corporate brand forms and conveys the company’s philosophy and strategy to all target audiences, creating a strong core, including shareholders, management, staff, customers, partners and the state.

Brand attributes

For a more successful formation of a corporate image and its development, it is important to develop a strong brand identification, thanks to which representatives of the target audience will much faster remember, associate the name, and associate emotions when interacting with the company.

Corporate identity is a kind of “button” in the buyer’s subconscious. When a consumer sees a unique corporate identity, this button is triggered and a certain impression is formed about this company and what this company does.

It is logical to assume that if identification is weak, then the set of associations with the company will be incomplete and unclear. It is worth noting that the presence of an interesting brand identification simplifies the work of managing a corporate brand at the communications level.

Brand in everything

To build a successful corporate brand, it is important to follow the developed image and prescribed instructions/statements (mission, values, news events, etc.) If the company declares high quality of its products, then the quality must correspond to the statement, otherwise the discrepancy with reality can cause great damage to the company (relationship with the consumer: the buyer may lose confidence and will use products from competitors).

Work to describe the processes and activities (within brand formation) that support the corporate brand must be carried out for each group of stakeholders.

Brand communications play a major role in shaping and maintaining the desired corporate brand image and positive corporate reputation as a result.

This is how the necessary corporate image is formed and, as a result, the necessary attitude and behavior.

A corporate brand is not needed by companies that have not exhausted their extensive growth reserves and are not interested in increasing business efficiency and its market value through the growth of intangible assets. It is also useless in cases where the company does not have a stable staff, there are no permanent partners and customers, and does not want to correct the situation.

Developing a corporate brand is a truly important contribution to a sustainable future. Not only a positive image is formed, but also a reputation is maintained. However, a corporate brand requires constant monitoring, as well as Good work among senior management and specialists.

1.2 Features of the use of PR tools in the process of promoting the brand of organizations in the process of promoting the brand of organizations

Taken together, PR is a system of measures to influence a wide audience that has no clear boundaries. the main task PR is about creating trust among consumers.

The main goal of public relations is to create an atmosphere of trust between an individual and a group, a group and society as a whole, as well as to provide informational influence on society as a whole. And constant improvement of external and internal communications the company is his immediate task.

To date, a huge bank of PR tools has been accumulated, tested and formed through experience. It is constantly being replenished with more and more new tools and forms of influence, in parallel with technical, social and economic development society. Information progress makes it possible for new types of advertising, gives rise to new methods within public communications, and most importantly, constantly improves and creates new ways of transmitting and disseminating information.

But the main PR tools are quite easy to identify:

· Organization of various types of events:

Exhibitions, seminars, competitions, forums and presentations

· Pr on the Internet

One of the largest and most fertile platforms for public relations. Publication of news, articles, press releases and any other information about the company on the home website and on third-party thematic platforms.

One of the relatively young, but incredibly effective tools. Participation in forums, creating and maintaining groups in various in social networks, mandatory duplication there news feeds companies, direct interaction with the audience through blogs, receiving feedback in the comments - all this can and will have an effect after a long time. However, such a tool requires a lot of time and labor from specialists.

· Interaction with the media

Publication of information in the media, for example an appearance in the specialized press. Monitoring and content analysis of media publications.

· Printed publications

Magazines, brochures, leaflets, posters, information booklets, calendars and the use of other printing capabilities.

  • · Public performance
  • · Sponsorship

This kind of action contributes well to the formation of positive public opinion about the company, and also form the image of the company, including it in a broader social context. These events are held with very close media support. The effectiveness of this tool greatly depends on the breadth of coverage of the campaign.

· Website promotion

This tool is aimed mainly at providing information support to the consumer.

But these are only the most basic, generalized types of PR tools. In each of them, you can identify dozens of independent tools that can be differently effective for each specific business.

Not only profitability and payback, but also the fate of the business in the market as a whole directly depends on their correct use.

The objectives of advertising are to inform, convince, and remind the consumer about the product. Its main feature is a direct, impersonal appeal to the target audience. PR helps to achieve harmony in the consumer’s perception of the company and its activities by building a dialogue with the public, which is a key factor in strengthening the company’s important intangible asset - its reputation.

Participation in exhibitions and forums

By participating in specialized exhibitions, fairs and forums, you can get the maximum effect in promoting the company, its products and services. It is on such events that key partners and potential clients. You can also familiarize yourself with competitors and their advantages in order to subsequently identify your strengths.

PR on the Internet (news, releases, articles)

The Internet is one of the largest platforms for promoting a company. Therefore, a competent public relations specialist does not neglect this space, posting both on his own website and on various third-party information portals news, releases and articles.

PR articles in specialized press

More than 98% of respondents noted the effectiveness of this tool. A competent and professional article describing competitive advantages company and bringing a lot of arguments in favor of “its” product or service can perform a miracle. And with regular, but not intrusive presentation of information once a month, you can create a positive image of the company among potential consumers and shape its image in the eyes of the audience.

No less effective tool, compared to posting news, releases and articles on the Internet. The only difference is that active participation in social networks, forums, blogs, and posting comments gives effect after a longer time, and also requires patience and perseverance from a specialist.

PR events for clients

The organization of PR events for clients was rated by only 49% of respondents. This promotion tool trails the previous four places by a huge margin, considering the last item received 80% of the votes. This suggests that many practitioners should consider improving the effectiveness of this tool. The same goes for educational institutions that train public relations specialists: state and non-state universities offering full-time, part-time, and distance learning this profession.

The rating also included the following PR tools: press releases (46%), PR articles in the business press (41%), PR events for partners (30%), PR events for employees (25%), monitoring and content -analysis of media publications and press events (16% each), research in the field of PR (9%), press tours (6%).

Media relations are one of the Public Relations tools, which have their own characteristics and differences from other marketing tools. The tool is aimed at creating friendly relations between the organization and the public, achieving mutual understanding based on truth and full information. Character traits:

  • - non-commercial nature of the transmitted information. The tool is aimed at building reputation, not demand.
  • - focus on long-term relationships. Create an image of the organization in short time impossible: having created an image, it is impossible to stop working on it.
  • - openness and authenticity. This sphere of communications cannot withstand falsehood, exaggeration and deception.
  • - unpredictability of consequences. When trying to accommodate different interests, it is very difficult to take into account all the consequences.

A press conference is a PR event whose purpose is to present information to the media. The event usually features two or three speakers covering different aspects of the news story. The duration of the event is on average 30-40 minutes.

Briefing - a meeting for a position statement, used in emergency, force majeure situations.

Two or three speakers give short statements. This event lasts 10-15 minutes for presentations, about 20 minutes for questions and answers.

Seminar, round table - an event held for specialized media with the aim of in-depth acquaintance with products,

Press tour, Day open doors- acquaintance of journalists with the company’s business process, production or service delivery process, etc. It is quite an interesting and complex enterprise that requires high professionalism of guides or speakers. Depending on the organization, it can last from 1 to 3 days.

Press club - regular communication with journalists with the involvement of top people of the company and the market. The event is attended by several VIPs, market and industry experts. Duration 2-2.5 hours. In addition to press events, there are also events with the participation of the press:

Presentation, opening ceremony - presentation of the company, products, services to clients, partners, and the press.

Reception, cocktail - a meeting with clients and partners for any reason. As a rule, two or three loyal journalists are invited to such events.

Seminar, conference - a detailed presentation by the company of its products, goods or services for clients and partners.

Exhibition - participation of the company's exposition in a specialized exhibition. When organizing events for the press, you need to remember that “an event for the secular press, spoiled by “parties,” needs an original concept.” The concept should be designed not only for the occasion, but also for the audience. Any event, even the smallest one, must be carefully thought out and prepared.

The event program is based on the principle of convenience for journalists. Need to consider:

  • - day of the week. The most convenient are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, because... it is possible to carry out follow-up work on the eve of the event, and weekly publications will be able to use the information directly during the current week.
  • -Start time.
  • -Duration. You should not delay the event, as this will cause some inconvenience for both you and your guests. The optimal time is 40 minutes - an hour.
  • - Place. It would be better if it was in the city center, close to the metro. If the chosen site has an inconvenient location, take care of free transport and parking for cars.
  • - Informal communication. Journalists will probably want to do a mini-interview or just chat with the speakers. The most convenient way to do this is during a buffet table, which is also important to provide for. You need to remember about press materials, which should also be present, regardless of the type of event. This includes: a press release, background, event program and other materials that you consider necessary.

PR documents for the media. All PR texts have their own style and purpose. PR texts are characterized by the following features: - the text should influence the addressee and encourage him to action, but this is not advertising text, which means it should not contain advertising slogans and superlatives, such as “the best”, “the most reliable”, etc. - the text should be as accessible as possible for the addressee, and therefore contain a minimum of complex speech patterns, terms and abbreviations; the number of adverbs, adjectives, participial and adverbial phrases should also be reduced. One idea - one sentence. Complex sentences difficult to understand. - “the recipient of the text should perceive the idea of ​​the message not as direct pressure on him, but as his position, the fruit of his own deep thoughts” - assessments and comparisons in the text reflect the position of the organization; it is necessary to exclude first-person addresses from the text, instead of them “the company acts as an organizer”, etc. The types of PR texts are as follows: press release, background, press kit, newsletter, fact sheet, etc.

A press release is a message to the press that is a basic tool for compiling information on any given topic that you want to inform the media about. A press release, as one of the means of disseminating information, summarizes all the necessary characteristics of an object and brings your news to the right audience. A good press release is 70% of success. Therefore, you need to write very good ones, simply excellent ones! Lists of tips and rules on how to write a press release are quite common. One of the basic rules: a press release must answer five questions: when? Where? Who? What? How? Some people are inclined to add another question to this list: why? or for what purpose? I conclude for myself that the more answers to various questions, all the better! The press release must include contact information so that you can be contacted “if necessary.”

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the press release. It should contain: the company logo, a title reflecting the main idea of ​​the release, date, telephone, fax and address Email contact persons, as well as preferably quotes from company or project leaders.

You can also note the desirable presence of figures and facts in your press release. They act as bait for journalists.

Backgrounder. (literal translation - “background”) contains information about the “background” that surrounds the event. It is carried out in the form of a selection of facts: field of activity, company mission, number of employees, achievements and awards, etc.

A fact sheet is a kind of reference, a set of facts. A fact sheet is not a complete, coherent text. Press kit - set, media package. Contains: press release, background, biography, photo, fact sheet and other materials.

A newsletter (“news letter”) contains useful information, is intended for regular distribution to target audiences (media, clients, employees, etc.) There are no strict requirements for its structure and content.

Branding of the amateur cycling race “Garden Ring”: development of a brand, logo and corporate identity for the cycling race.

Brand restyling (rebranding) of the children's goods store "Daughters-Sons": the updated logo and corporate identity design makes the use of key brand identifiers in any online and offline environment much more convenient, practical and effective.

The branding agency BrandExpert "Freedom Island" developed a positioning strategy, restyled the logo and corporate identity of the Aquarelle shopping center chain and developed a brand book, guidelines for effective management brand.

Development of a positioning strategy and brand book for the largest Russian agro-industrial holding, the absolute leader in the production of pork and beef in Russia, Miratorg. The new visual image united previously separate solutions for retail projects and corporate branding.

Aptos Restyling of the brand of products for aesthetic medicine APTOS. Logo design, corporate identity, packaging design and brand book - branding agency Brandexpert “Freedom Island”.

Naming (name development) for the premium brand of interior doors LOYARD. Development of the name and visual image of the brand of modern solid wood doors made in Russia.

Creation of a brand for the Cheese Card chain of stores. Comprehensive brand development includes the following stages of work: name development, logo design, interior design, corporate identity and brand book.

Integrated brand development. Branding agency BRANDEXPERT "Freedom Island" created the logo design, corporate identity, brand book, packaging design for the entire range of products of the "Taste and Color" brand..

Brandexpert branding agency “Freedom Island”: retail branding, interior design of branded service salons of the online store OZON.RU.

Rebranding ( brand restyling) "Niti-Niti" is a young stylish and trendy brand of designer items, accessories and souvenirs. Comprehensive brand development includes: logo design, corporate identity, packaging design, brand book, advertising design

Brandexpert branding agency “Freedom Island”: development of the Orlovsky park hotel brand. This is a modern hotel complex with developed infrastructure, offering high-quality family and active recreation. Integrated branding: restyling and brand positioning, brand legend, logo design, corporate identity, brand book.

Creation of a corporate brand for the Clinical Hospital on Yauza. Logo design, corporate identity, brand positioning and brand book - branding agency Brandexpert “Freedom Island”.

Corporate branding, restyling of the Umalat brand. Comprehensive brand development includes: logo design, corporate identity, catalog design, printing design

Branding agency BRANDEXPERT "Freedom Island" has developed a visual image of a retail brand in the New Moscow area. Branding shopping center“” includes the development of a positioning concept, the creation of a shopping center logo, a shopping center’s corporate identity, a brand book, advertising design and brand image printing.

Brandexpert branding agency “Freedom Island”: comprehensive development of a brand portal for searching Russian manufacturers MACRONOMICA.

Corporate branding, retail branding. The Liberty Island branding agency developed the interior design for the network of the largest Russian telecommunications service provider, Rostelecom.

Miratorg Angus Beef is a Russian brand of high-quality chilled natural beef from the elite Scottish Aberdeen Angus breed, developing a fundamentally new culture of fresh beef consumption.

Restyling of the brand's visual strategy includes: restyling of the logo design and corporate identity of the brand, preparation of a brand book, advertising and image printing, web design.

Branding agency "Liberty Island" comprehensive development of the brand of the first Russian producer of high-quality natural poultry and guinea fowl meat "La Ferme".

Mustang The Mustang Feeding Technologies company is a leading Russian manufacturer and supplier of feed for farm animals. Brand restyling, logo design, corporate identity, brand book and brand positioning were developed by the branding agency Brandexpert “Freedom Island”.

Concept of corporate brand

Corporate brand company is a fairly new concept, gaining in Lately increasingly relevant. Some experts consider it an integral condition for the development of an organization, a set of corporate values or a mechanism for successfully managing a company's reputation. To accurately understand the characteristics of this phrase, you need to start with a definition.

"Corporate brand is a set of visual and verbal elements of a company/enterprise brand that convey its competitive advantages/promises target groups: employees, investors, distributors, end consumers of the corporation's goods or services, as well as society and the state." According to this definition, a corporate brand differs from a product brand primarily in a more complex structure. If for a product brand it is enough to develop a set of associations that it will broadcast to the end consumer through brand communications selected for him, then a manufacturing company declaring itself on the market must build its image, its association complex, targeting the B2B market, the B2C market, the B2G market, and the B2L market At the same time, in all of these markets, the owner’s task is to generate the concept of the most attractive corporate brand, stimulating the desire of the target audience of this market to “consume” it.

For the B2L market, building a corporate brand becomes especially important in the context of personnel shortages. The set of associations formed by a company in the B2L market is called an HR brand. In the "struggle" for efficient staff Companies are having to invent new ways to attract and retain employees. An HR brand can be aimed at both an external audience (applicants, the labor market as a whole) and an internal one.

Forming a favorable image in the B2L market allows an enterprise to solve many problems: reduce recruitment costs; optimize personnel costs; reduce staff turnover; effectively and creatively advertise products or services produced by the company.

When an employee likes the organization in which he works, when he feels part of this company, so-called brand loyalty arises. The employee does not separate himself from it, thereby the brand and the company as a whole receive the status of “uniqueness,” which sets them apart from competitors.

It is very important that each employee understands and shares corporate principles and values, thereby forming a positive image of both the company’s products and the company as a whole to be conveyed to the target audience.

We should not forget about the employee’s immediate target audience - his relatives. The flow of gossip, negative reviews and reproaches towards the organization depends on what image the company can create in the minds of the employee’s loved ones. It is important for every employee that his place of work is approved by his loved ones and his choice is appreciated.

The corporate brand of a company as an employer is a reflection of the external market brand. Creating a corporate brand is serious work that requires utmost care and consideration of many factors that influence its sustainability and positive perception by both consumers and employees. That is why each company must be unique, have an individual approach to the labor market, using its corporate brand without competition.

Corporate brand

Corporate brand- a set of visual and verbal elements of a company/enterprise brand that convey its competitive advantages/promises to target groups: employees, investors, distributors, end consumers of the corporation’s goods or services, as well as society and the state.

A corporate brand is a corporate identity in a broad sense, positioning and sustainable attributes marketing communications, which become known and understood as a result of consistent marketing.

There are 4 main directions for building a corporate brand, depending on the market in which the company operates:

  • Business 2 Business branding (B2B market, inter-corporate business);
  • Business 2 Customer branding (B2C market, end consumer market);
  • Business 2 Labor branding (B2L market, labor market);
  • Business 2 Government branding (B2G market, government and government structures market).

Brand building can be carried out both in relation to the company as a whole, and in relation to any separately perceived component of the company, in the case of a significant influence of this component on the consumer’s decision-making:


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Corporate collection
  • Corporate portal

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