Analysis of the features of assortment formation. Formation of the assortment of a retail enterprise. Characteristics of the enterprise Stroygid LLC and its commercial activities

Assortment management in wholesale trade is carried out through formation product range – drawing up a certain set of product lines and/or product groups and individual products in accordance with customer demand, in order to more fully satisfy it.

Formation of assortment– a specific method of assortment management, aimed at ensuring the necessary level of customer service and growth of the main economic indicators activities of a trade organization. Performed by commercial services.

Formation of an assemblage is the process of selecting and establishing a product range that meets customer demand and ensures the profitability of the organization.

Optimization of the AC is an important condition for the uninterrupted supply of the RT with an AC that satisfies the final requirements. consumers.

Principles for forming a product range that ensures its optimization:

Ensuring that the assortment matches the nature of customer demand (comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand within the selected segment; the breadth and depth of goods in warehouses should depend on the profile of customers served, the size of warehouse space, the state of supply in the consumer market);

Ensuring the sustainability of the product range (ensuring uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of goods to retail trade organizations, which are the main wholesale buyers);
- ensuring conditions for the profitability of the organization’s activities wholesale trade.

Formation of the assortment in the wholesale trade segment involves 2 stages:

1) determination of the enlarged assortment (list of main groups and subgroups of goods), the basis for which is consumer demand;

2) development of a comprehensive assortment (the number of sold varieties of goods for each item), the presence of which at the enterprise in accordance with specific consumer requests is mandatory (the number of sold varieties for each item is determined).

The main tool when forming an assortment is assortment list goods. It includes a list of names of goods corresponding to the established breadth of assortment, and the minimum required number of varieties of goods, which must be constantly available in the warehouse. It is recommended to develop assortment lists for one year. If necessary, changes can be made to them throughout the year. The assortment list is individual for each wholesale organization and is developed in 3 stages: 1) a list of assortment items is determined: the range of goods passed through wholesale in the previous year and the range of goods specified in supply contracts in the previous year (order portfolio); 2) the number of varieties of each product is calculated according to a certain characteristic (depth); 3) the number of varieties of each product is determined for an irreducible assortment, including such a quantity that must always be in stock and can be offered to customers.

The development of an assortment list is planning the assortment of an organization, which allows the commercial service to carry out systematic procurement of goods and systematic control over the completeness of the assortment in warehouses, as well as the rhythm of supply.

Principles of assortment formation:

· ensuring that the assortment corresponds to demand (it is necessary to provide for comprehensive satisfaction of demand within the selected segment; the breadth and depth of the assortment in warehouses should depend on the assortment profile of the customers being served, the size of warehouse premises, the state of supply in the market, etc.);

· ensuring the stability of the product range (uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of goods to retail consumers);

· ensuring the profitability of wholesale trade enterprises (speed of goods turnover, employee productivity).

Assortment formation process:

· determination of the list of assortment items (main groups and subgroups of goods sold) - the range of goods passed through wholesale in the previous year and the range of goods specified in supply contracts this year,

· determination of the number of sold varieties of goods for each item;

· determination of the number of varieties of each product for a non-reducible assortment (must be constantly in stock and can be offered to the buyer at any time) using Wilson’s formula:

Where N is the cost of storing a unit of inventory per month, C is the cost of placing orders, R is the demand for goods, F is the coefficient of order storage costs.

The tool by which the range of goods is regulated is assortment list. The list includes the names of goods, breadth, and the number of varieties that must always be in stock in the warehouse. It is recommended to develop an assortment list for 1 year, however, additions and changes can be made during the year. Developing an assortment list is planning the assortment of a wholesale organization. Control over the compliance of the actual assortment with the list is carried out by commodity experts and merchants; for this they use specialized software.

Factors in the formation of the assortment: product range, economic content (income from the product), etc.

Assortment optimization is an important condition for uninterrupted supply retail assortment that satisfies end consumers.

Factors influencing the formation of the assortment are divided into general (independent of the specific operating conditions of the enterprise) and specific (reflecting the specific operating conditions of a given trading enterprise). General factors– consumer demand, product supply and price.

Customer demand– the main factor. Demand differs by type of goods: a) everyday demand (essential goods that are purchased daily or every few days: bread, sugar, soap; for these goods a certain stability must be achieved to ensure their uninterrupted sale); b) periodic demand (clothing, dishes, delicacies, fine wines; their purchases are made at long intervals); c) relatively rare demand (durable items whose service life exceeds five years and which are purchased by the population occasionally: furniture, jewelry). The seasonality factor is also taken into account.

Product offer is the availability of goods and services on the market. The basis of this factor is the production capabilities of enterprises producing goods.

The price of the product– correct understanding and use of this factor largely determines commercial success trading organization on the market. when prices rise and demand exceeds supply. goods sell quickly; at reduced prices and more proposal above demand - sales are slow).

Specific factors– this is the specialization of a wholesale organization (sale or purchase of one product group or several, united by homogeneous consumer goods and purpose, such as clothing, test products), the area of ​​warehouse space (increased retail space - expanded. or deepening the assemblage), its technical equipment (availability of refrigeration equipment), conditions of goods supply (availability of stable sources), development of goods distribution channels (supply system, rhythm of delivery, timing, volume).

Assortment management, its main phases: analysis of the assortment structure, its profitability and competitiveness; market conditions and demand dynamics; competitive environment; suppliers and buyers. Assortment adjustment and planning.

Product assortment management at wholesale trade enterprisesdifficult process, carried out by a commercial service, in which the Information Support and determining the need for goods, selecting partners for establishing business relations and channels of promotion to the market, organizing wholesale and wholesale goods, advertising information work, provision of services and inventory management. The assortment management process is the central link in the multi-level chain of activity of a wholesale enterprise.

Assortment management– a set of management functions, which in a wholesale organization include: planning (the organization’s assortment policy to meet demand and economic efficiency, species composition, volumes and proportions of the assortment); organization (formation of assortment and its implementation, assortment list); control aimed at studying the effectiveness of planning and organizing events within the framework of assortment policy.

The task of the analysis is to identify trends and patterns in the formation of the assortment, establish proportions in its structure, and detect its condition. The product assortment planning function of a wholesale organization provides for the following activities:

Determination of the market share of goods;

Studying the needs of customers for goods, requirements for sales systems, service, additional services;

Determining a set of product groups that is most preferred by buyers and ensures the economic efficiency of their production and sale;

Determining the optimal ratio of a set of goods at different stages of the life cycle;

Choice of the most effective method formation of an assortment taking into account modern principles;

Development of a product sales strategy.

Assortment policy - determining a set of product groups that are most preferable for successful work in the market and ensuring the economic efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The tasks that determine the essence of assortment policy are:

Establishing real and expected needs for goods;

Determination of the main indicators of the assortment and analysis of its rationality;

Identification of sources of goods resources necessary for the formation of a rational assortment;

Assessment of the organization’s material capabilities for the purchase and sale of individual goods; - determination of the main directions of assortment formation.

The components of the assortment policy are the following elements: - segmentation and selection of target market segments (segmentation - division of the market into separate groups that differ in parameters or reactions to certain types of activities in the market); - study of customer requirements for goods, packaging, sales methods, services - should be the basis of the trade assortment; - determination of a set of groups of goods that are most preferred by consumers and ensure the economic efficiency of their production and sale; - choosing the most effective method for forming an assortment, taking into account modern principles; - determining the optimal ratio of a set of goods at different stages of the life cycle; -development of an implementation strategy.

The basis for the formation of the assortment policy of a trade organization is the awareness that each product in the assortment, to one degree or another, influences its financial condition.

In the course of assortment policy, you can apply an algorithm for forming an assortment, which includes the following stages: 1) ABC analysis - a method that allows you to classify an organization’s resources according to their degree of importance; 2) accounting for the time of presence of the product on the market, because consumer demand for new products and products established in the market is different (3 months for consumer recognition of the product); 3) analysis of the representation of the evaluated products among competitors (if a competitor has a wider assortment, the consumer goes to him); 4) identifying the presence of substitute goods (substitutes) - their detection in one’s own assortment matrix and in the matrix of competitors can lead to their displacement of goods with similar properties - the risk of “staling” of products in the presence of analogous goods; 5) analysis of the ways of using goods - the possibility of one product using the resources of another is considered, i.e. the potential profitability of the alternative product; 6) consideration of the assortment from the point of view of the presence in it of goods of different price ranges (folk goods, goods of the middle price category and prestigious goods); 7) popularity, advertiseability of the product - is taken into account when setting prices for the product and including it in the assortment matrix.

The concept of the product life cycle and assortment planning (tasks, functions and the need for planning are discussed in the previous sub-question). Policy for assortment development, its expansion, thinning, modernization. Operational assortment management.

Factors contributing to changes in assortment:

· research and development;

· changes in the product range of competitors;

· changes in demand for individual goods.

The concept of life cycle is the time a product remains on the market, from its release to its final departure.

The concept of a product life cycle is the inevitable replacement of an existing product by a more advanced one. The life cycle characterizes the dynamics of sales volumes and profits from the moment a new product is introduced to the market until it leaves the market.


The concept of life cycle is based on the fact that any product is sooner or later forced out of the market by another, more advanced product;

The duration of the life cycle as a whole and its individual phases depends both on the product itself and on the specific market;

The idea of ​​life cycle allows the manufacturer to take specific measures regarding the product and plan its activities for the future;

With the help of marketing tools, life cycle in the target market can be extended or reduced.

BCG analysis : in the optimal structure of the trade assortment, the phase of the product life cycle is taken into account in terms of the growth rate of their sales volume in a given market and the ratio of the share of sales volumes of these goods and the competitor’s share. Assortment analysis is carried out by placing goods at different stages of the life cycle in one of four matrix fields:

- "Stars": high sales growth and high market share. Market share needs to be maintained and increased. "Stars" bring in a lot of income. But, despite the attractiveness of this product, its net cash flow is quite low, since it requires significant investments to ensure a high growth rate;

- “Cash Cows” (“Money Bags”): high market share, but low sales growth rate. “Cash cows” must be protected and controlled as much as possible. Their attractiveness is explained by the fact that they do not require additional investments and at the same time provide a good cash income. Funds from sales can be used to develop “Difficult Children” and support “Stars”;

- “Dogs” (“Lame Ducks”, “Dead Weight”): growth rate is low, market share is low, the product is generally low in profitability and requires a lot of management attention. “Dogs” need to be gotten rid of;

- “Problem Children” (“Wild Cats”, “ Dark horses", "Question marks"): Low market share but high growth rate. “Difficult children” need to be studied. In the future, they can become both stars and dogs. If there is a possibility of transferring to the stars, then you need to invest, otherwise, get rid of it.

Product life cycle stages:

The launch phase is a period of slow sales growth as the product enters the market. Slow sales growth is due to the following reasons:

– delays caused by development production capacity;

– technical problems;

– delays in bringing goods to consumers, especially in retail trade;

– the reluctance of buyers to abandon familiar analogue products.

At this stage, the enterprise either incurs losses or makes a small profit due to insignificant sales and high costs for distribution of goods and sales promotion. Prices are usually higher.

The sales growth stage begins after the product is recognized by buyers and with a rapid increase in demand for it. At this stage, there is an increase in profits, since sales promotion costs fall on a larger volume of sales while simultaneously reducing production costs.

To extend this stage, the company takes the following actions:

– improves the quality of a new product, improves the properties of a product, and releases new models;

– penetrates into new market segments;

– reduces prices in a timely manner;

– uses new distribution channels.

The maturity stage occurs during a period of slowdown in the rate of sales of a product when the market is saturated (when further demand for the product is satisfied through substitution). Manufacturers accumulate stocks of unsold goods, competition intensifies, prices decrease, while advertising costs increase, the number of preferential deals increases and, as a result, profits decrease, and weak competitors drop out of the fight. In such conditions, ways to modify the market, product and marketing mix are sought.

The development of the assortment is carried out on the basis of its modification (modernization), expansion (narrowing), as well as deepening and thinning out individual product lines. Typical solutions for assortment development can be aimed at eliminating assortment “holes” or, conversely, at “thinning out” an overly wide assortment, modernizing product lines (adapting to new technical, environmental, aesthetic and other requirements of the target group).

Market modification involves increasing the consumption of a product by finding new market segments, ways to stimulate growth in the intensity of consumption of the product by customers, and repositioning the product to increase its attractiveness.

Modification of a product is aimed at improving its quality, increasing useful properties and improvement of external design. Improving the quality of a product consists of increasing durability, trouble-free operation, maintainability, or increasing, improving speed, taste, etc. This approach is effective in cases where the product can be improved (buyers want to believe and believe statements about improved quality). The strategy of increasing the useful properties of a product is aimed at finding means that make the product more versatile, safer, and more convenient. Improving the external design is another way to attract buyers to the product.

The development of the product range is the most important task of the enterprise. When improving its product policy, an enterprise must take into account the development indicators of its product range

Decisions on the development of the product range are made taking into account:

· production and financial capabilities of the enterprise, its sales system, personnel qualifications;

· market needs, consumer expectations and motivation for their behavior in the market;

· the possibility of creating a promising product line that meets market requirements.

Strategic management decisions for the development of product lines may have different contents and are aimed at:

· expansion of product lines in order to best meet market needs. In practice, extension by assortment and price is used;

· thinning out the product line - removing from production those goods that are not in demand;

· modernization of the product line - adaptation to new market requirements.

Expansion of the range can be based on:

On the origin of goods, when the existing assortment is supplemented by new types of goods technically related to it;

Based on customer demand, when new products are introduced into the assortment taking into account customer needs.


in the discipline "Organization commercial activities»

Topic: Features of the formation of a product range at an enterprise (using the example of StroyGid LLC)


Theoretical aspects of the formation of a range of goods in the commercial activities of an enterprise

1 The concept of product range in commerce

2 The essence of forming a product range

3 Methods for forming an organization’s assortment

Analysis of the features of the formation of the range of goods at the enterprise StroyGid LLC

1 Characteristics of the enterprise StroyGid LLC and its commercial activities

2 Analysis of the formation of the assortment and structure of goods of StroyGid LLC

3 Assessment of the effectiveness of assortment formation at StroyGid LLC

Improving the formation of a product range at the StroyGid LLC enterprise

1 Development of measures to improve the formation of a product range

2 Assessing the effectiveness of measures to improve the formation of the assortment


List of sources used



In modern conditions in Russia, the range of various goods has increased many times, a significant part of which is not sufficiently represented. High Quality and does not meet modern world requirements. Formation of an assortment is the problem of selecting specific products, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” products, single and serial production, “knowledge-intensive” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”. When forming an assortment, problems arise in establishing pricing policy, requirements for product quality, definition of guarantees and level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play the role of a leader in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers. The formation of an assortment is preceded by the development of an assortment concept by the enterprise. It represents the targeted construction of an optimal assortment structure and product offering, while, on the one hand, the consumer requirements of certain groups (market segments) are taken as a basis, and on the other hand, the need to ensure the most efficient use enterprise of raw materials, technological, financial and other resources in order to produce products at low costs.

Thus, the object of study course work is StroyGid LLC, which operates in the market finishing materials Yekaterinburg city.

The subject of the course work is the organizational and economic mechanism of the range of goods sold.

The purpose of the course work research is to consider the range of goods of the enterprise (using the example of StroyGid LLC).

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Expand the concept of product range;

Consider the essence of forming the organization’s assortment;

- analyze the assortment and structure of goods of StroyGid LLC;

Develop measures to improve the formation of the assortment of goods and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to improve the formation of the assortment.

Chronological scope of the study: 2009-2011.

The methodological basis of the study was the following tools: statistical, calculation-constructive, economic-mathematical methods and others.

The theoretical basis for the research of the course work was the fundamental developments presented in the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problem under study, such as: Tarasevich V.M., Tsatsulin A.N., Reznikov L.M., Marenkov N.L. The information sources for researching the course work are the internal data of the StroyGid LLC enterprise and information obtained during the author’s own research on this issue.

The practical significance of the research results lies in their focus on solving the most important problems of assortment formation; the work proposed measures to improve the formation of the assortment of StroyGid LLC, which can be used in practice.

1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of a range of goods in the commercial activities of an enterprise


The set of goods offered by a manufacturer on the market is called an assortment.

The product range is the entire set of products produced by the enterprise. It includes various types of goods. The type of product is divided into assortment groups (types) in accordance with functional features, quality, and price. Each group consists of assortment items (varieties or brands), which form the lowest level of classification. A wide range allows you to diversify products; cater to different consumer requirements and encourage one-stop shopping. At the same time, it requires the investment of resources and knowledge in various product categories. A deep assortment can satisfy the needs of different customer segments for one product; maximize the use of space in retail outlets; prevent the emergence of competitors; offer a range of prices and encourage dealer support. However, it also increases the costs of holding inventory, modifying products, and fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar product lines. Typically, comparable assortments are easier to manage than disparate assortments. It allows an enterprise to specialize in marketing and production, create a strong image and ensure stable relationships in distribution channels. However, excessive concentration can make the enterprise vulnerable to threats from external environment, fluctuations in sales, slowing growth potential due to the fact that the entire emphasis is on a limited range of products.

Nomenclature literally means a list of names. Thus, the product range is a list of names of products manufactured by the enterprise. As for the product range, this is a list of groups of goods offered by a specific seller. The seller can offer customers products from one or many manufacturers, using the product range of each of them in full or in part. Nomenclature as an economic category has a consolidated character. We can talk, for example, about men's, women's or children's shoes, bedroom or dining sets, televisions or tape recorders, caramel or chocolate. Essentially, these are assortment groups, and the product range is a list of assortment groups of products or goods.

Product range literally means a selection of items, a set of their names according to some characteristics. From this point of view, the range can be simple or complex, narrow or wide. This classification provides for the identification of groups homogeneous products or goods based on type, grade, brand, etc. Assortment groups are formed within which items have a certain similarity. And you can also distinguish between the range of products (what is produced by the enterprise) and the range of goods (what is offered to consumers by this seller).

The group assortment of goods shows a list of enlarged product groups that make up the product range. So, a grocery store can sell gastronomic and grocery products, and a sporting goods store can sell summer and winter sports equipment.

The product assortment reflects the presence of a number of types in a product group. For example, dairy products may contain kefir, cream, cottage cheese, etc. Men's footwear includes such concepts as boots, boots, shoes, sandals.

The intraspecific assortment of goods represents varieties of products, dividing the species into parts. Thus, cottage cheese can be of different degrees of fat content, samovars can be of different capacities, shoes can be of different styles, fabrics can be of different colors, etc.

The intraspecific assortment of goods may have different depths of development and detail. In this sense, we can talk about the degree of complexity of the assortment. For example, medications used for a specific human disease can be presented for external or internal use, in the form of tablets or liquids, have different packaging, packaging, etc.

With good reason, the stated provisions on the nomenclature and range of products can be attributed to the performance of work and the provision of services, in relation to which groups, types, and subtypes of products are also distinguished.

Planning the nomenclature and range of products can and should be based on the entrepreneur’s knowledge of the needs of the market and its state. Such knowledge is achieved as a result of activities called marketing. There are many definitions used in marketing at different times and by different authors. Taken together, all of them, despite the variety of formulations, come down to one judgment - market research, demand analysis, sales forecast, ensuring the most complete satisfaction of social needs.

Satisfaction, in turn, is achieved by the development and production of new products that meet current demand, the establishment of product sales communications, and the creation of service services that accompany the process of using the product.

The product range includes individual species goods. The type of product is divided into product groups in accordance with functional features, quality and price.

For example, book publications can be divided into the following assortment groups: scientific literature, popular science, industrial and instructional, educational, program and methodological, fiction, children's, official documentary, reference, socio-political literature. Each assortment group consists of assortment items, which are the simplest unit of structure. For example, educational literature is divided into textbooks and teaching aids.

A product range is characterized by breadth (the number of product groups), depth (the number of items in each product group) and comparability (the relationship between the product groups offered in terms of consumer community, end use, distribution channels and prices).

By breadth, the assortment is divided into:

The assortment is wide (1-100 thousand items);

The assortment is limited (less than 1000 items);

The assortment is narrow (less than 200 items);

Specialized assortment.

When making decisions on the assortment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity between goods of different product groups, the capabilities of the enterprise (financial, personnel, warehouse, etc.), customer requirements, and the presence of competitors. From a financial point of view, the formation of the assortment takes into account the turnover of goods, the size of turnover and the profit received.


Formation of an assortment is the problem of selecting specific goods, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” goods, single and mass-produced goods, “high-tech” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”.

When forming an assortment, problems arise in establishing a pricing policy, requirements for product quality, determining guarantees and the level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play the role of a leader in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers.

The formation of the assortment is preceded by the development of an assortment concept by the enterprise. It represents the targeted construction of an optimal assortment structure and product offering, while on the one hand, the consumer requirements of certain groups (market segments) are taken as a basis, and on the other, the need to ensure the most efficient use by the enterprise.

So, the essence of the problem of forming an assortment is planning almost all types of activities aimed at selecting products for future production and sale on the market and bringing the characteristics of these products in line with consumer requirements. Formation based on planning of a product range is a continuous process that continues throughout the entire life cycle of a product, starting from the moment the idea of ​​its creation is conceived and ending with its withdrawal from the product program.

Assortment management involves coordinating interrelated activities - scientific, technical and design, comprehensive market research, organizing sales, service, advertising, and stimulating demand. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the difficulty of combining all these elements to achieve the final goal - optimizing the assortment taking into account the strategic market goals set by the enterprise. If this cannot be achieved, then it may turn out that the assortment will begin to include products developed more for the convenience of the production departments of the enterprise rather than for the consumer. From the point of view of the marketing concept, this is directly contrary to what needs to be actually done. The tasks of planning and assortment formation are, first of all, to prepare a “consumer” specification for the product, transfer it to the design department, and then ensure that the prototype is tested, modified if necessary, and brought to the level of consumer requirements. In other words, in the formation of the assortment, the final say should belong to the heads of the enterprise’s marketing service, who must decide when it is more appropriate to invest in product modification, rather than incur additional increasing costs for advertising and selling an obsolete product or reducing its price. It is the head of the enterprise's marketing service who must decide whether the time has come to introduce new products to the range to replace existing ones or in addition to them.

The formation of an assortment, as practice shows, can be carried out using various methods, depending on the scale of sales, the specifics of the products being manufactured, the goals and objectives facing the manufacturer. At the same time, they are united by the fact that assortment management is usually subordinate to the head of the marketing service. In certain cases, it is advisable to create a permanent body chaired by the general director (his deputy), which would include the heads of leading services and departments of the enterprise as permanent members. His the main task- making fundamental decisions regarding the assortment, including: withdrawal of unprofitable types of products, their individual models, standard sizes; determining the need for research and development to create new and modify existing products; approval of plans and programs for the development of new or improvement of existing products; allocation financial resources for approved programs and plans.

The formation of the assortment and its implementation acquire special importance if there is freedom to choose the sphere and direction of activity. Assortment policy presupposes the availability of information about the characteristics of market segments, goods, consumer preferences, price dynamics, macroeconomic trends, foreign economic relations with foreign countries. All of these factors are necessary to determine the conditions for break-even operation and manage the mass of profits in order to optimize taxation and forecast possible investments own funds in business development.

Formation based on planning of a product range is a continuous process that continues throughout the entire life cycle of a product, starting from the moment the idea of ​​its creation is conceived and ending with its withdrawal from the product program.


Let's consider the stages and methods of analyzing the formation of an organization's assortment. The methodology for forming an assortment includes at least 3 stages. Let's look at them in Figure 1.1.

The first stage of work is the collection of initial information for the formation of the assortment and strategy of the enterprise, and the main activities during the implementation of this stage of work are the following:

cost estimation. When assessing the costs of production and sales of products, the main attention should be paid to identifying all those costs that are actually associated with the production and sales of these products, as well as identifying and analyzing those cost items, the value of which may change when the volume of output (sales) of products changes as a result of changes prices;

Figure 1.1 Stages of development of assortment formation

clarification of the financial goals of the enterprise. The assortment strategy must correspond to the main financial goals of the enterprise adopted for the near future and future;

determining the list of potential competitors. When carrying out this activity, it is necessary to identify existing and potential competitors, whose activities can most affect the profitability of sales of the enterprise’s products and establish the level of contract prices for products produced by existing competitors, and assess how much these prices differ from the prices of real transactions, including through various types of discounts and special sales conditions.

Based on available information about competing enterprises, their activities in the past, the personal characteristics of their managers, organizational structure, development plans, etc., determine the main goal in the field of pricing and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the production and marketing of competitors' products, for example, in terms of reputation with customers, product quality, range, etc.

The second stage of the process of forming an assortment strategy is strategic analysis. During its implementation, previously collected information is subjected to appropriate analysis:

the financial analysis. Carrying out financial analysis is based on information about:

possible price options;

the product and the costs of its production;

the possible choice of that market segment in which the enterprise can win over customers by more fully satisfying their requirements, or for other reasons it has a better chance of creating sustainable competitive advantages;

segmental market analysis, during which it is necessary to determine how to most profitably differentiate prices for products manufactured by the enterprise in order to take into account as much as possible the differences between market segments in the sensitivity of buyers to the level of product prices and the level of costs of the enterprise in order to most adequately meet the requirements of buyers from different segments;

competition analysis. The purpose of such an analysis is to assess (forecast) the possible attitude of competitors to the planned changes in product prices and the specific measures that they can take in response;

It is advisable to determine the level of sales and profitability of each type of product that the enterprise can realistically achieve, taking into account the possible reaction of competitors, to find measures to influence competitors in order to achieve the results of its assortment strategy and reduce losses from competition.

Forming an assortment of goods can significantly reduce the degree of risk when making decisions about the size and dynamics of the price of specific goods. Let's consider the principles of assortment formation (Figure 1). Thus, there are 5 principles for assortment formation: constant generalization of the practice of price changes, analysis of the influence of demand elasticity on price dynamics, dynamics of consumer income and price changes, formation of an assortment of competitors’ goods, formation of assortment strategies.

Figure 1 Principles of assortment formation

There are 6 methods for forming an assortment. Characteristics of assortment formation methods are given in Table 1

Table 1 - Characteristics of assortment formation methods

a brief description of methods

1. Pricing based on cost 1.1 Cost plus profit method 1.2 Control point analysis method

The manufacturer determines the price of the product based on its cost. The condition for applying the approach is the stability of the cost over time or its slight change. Main disadvantage lies in the fact that when determining the price, the level of demand for the product is not taken into account.

2. Pricing based on profit 2.1 Profit maximization method 2.1 Comparison of gross income with gross costs 2.1.2 Comparison marginal income with marginal costs. 2.2 Target profit method. 2.3 Target return on sales method. 2.4 Target ROI method.

To achieve the desired level of profit, the balance of gross (marginal) income and gross (marginal) costs is calculated. The target profit can be determined either by directly calculating it or by maximizing it. Direct definition of target profit can be expressed by return on sales or return on investment

3 Setting prices based on assessment of demand. 3.1 Method of analysis of the elasticity coefficient.

The price of a product is determined based on the demand for the product. The price level for the product depends on changes in demand. A high price is set when demand is relatively high and low price- when demand decreases. In this approach, costs are considered only as a limiting factor that determines whether the product can be sold at set price, providing profit or not.

4 Setting prices based on use value. 4.1 Direct price determination method. 4.2 Method for determining use value. 4.3 Diagnostic method.

When setting prices, they are guided by an assessment of the purchasing use value of the product. Consumer ratings are usually expressed in points or percentages. Costs are considered as an auxiliary indicator taken into account when ensuring a positive economic result. The approach is used when introducing a new product to the market.

5 Setting prices taking into account competitors' prices. 5.1 Method for analyzing the technical level of competing products.

The approach is based on competitors' prices. Little attention is paid to own costs and demand. When setting prices, the quality of goods is primarily taken into account.

6 Setting prices based on a parametric series of products. 6.1 Method of specific indicators. 6.2 Method of structural analogy. 6.3 Method of correlation and regression analysis

The basis of the approach is the quantitative relationships between costs or prices and consumer properties of products included in the parametric series. Parametric series - a group of products that are homogeneous in design and manufacturing technologies, have the same functional purpose.

Thus, the methodology for forming an assortment includes such stages as collecting information, strategic analysis, and choosing an assortment strategy. There are several methods for forming an assortment, depending on which the price is set on the basis of cost, profit, assessment of demand, consumer value, competitor prices, and a parametric range of products.

One of the tools that can be used to solve this problem is operational analysis, which is a break-even analysis. It is based on actions to determine intermediate indicators (interim balances), which make it possible to gradually separate sales revenue from the costs of the enterprise. At the beginning, the gross margin is calculated as the amount of sales revenue minus variable costs. What remains are semi-fixed costs and profits, i.e. those quantities that can be controlled. The next step is to remove semi-fixed costs as well. Profit equal to zero corresponds to break-even of the enterprise.

Let's summarize the first chapter.

The nomenclature, or product range, is the entire set of products produced by the enterprise. It includes various types of goods. The type of product (car, tractor, metalworking machine) is divided into assortment groups (types) in accordance with functional features, quality, price. Each group consists of assortment items (varieties or brands), which form the lowest level of classification. A product range is characterized by breadth (the number of product groups), depth (the number of items in each product group) and comparability (the relationship between the product groups offered in terms of consumer community, end use, distribution channels and prices).

Formation of an assortment is the problem of selecting specific goods, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” goods, single and mass-produced goods, “high-tech” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”. When forming an assortment, problems arise in establishing a pricing policy, requirements for product quality, determining guarantees and the level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play the role of a leader in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers.

2. Analysis of the features of the formation of the assortment of goods at the enterprise StroyGid LLC


The company StroyGid LLC has been working in the finishing materials market for 13 years. The experience accumulated during this time is the property of the company and the information capital of each employee. Participation of personnel in corporate trainings and educational seminars from manufacturing companies constantly improves their skills and awareness. The buyer can always count on comprehensive advice regarding any product category.

Company address: Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, Sovkhoznaya street, 19, Liter B, 1.

Limited Liability Company "StroyGid", hereinafter referred to as "StroyGid", was created in accordance with Federal law dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

The organization is guided in its activities by the Civil Code Russian Federation, Federal Law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”, as well as the organization’s charter. StroyGid LLC has the rights legal entity from the moment of its state registration in in the prescribed manner, has current and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal and stamp with its name and location of StroyGid LLC, standard forms, trademark and service marks.

The company owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court and arbitration.

The Company has civil rights and bears civil responsibilities necessary to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by federal laws, in accordance with the purpose and subject of the activity.

StroyGid LLC is liable for its obligations with all its property and is not liable for the obligations of its founder.

Let's consider the organizational structure of enterprise management, presented in Appendix 1. According to the organizational structure, the company is led by the General Director, who is subordinate to the secretary and 5 departments: commercial department, sales department, transport department, accounting and administrative department.

The General Director of StroyGid LLC performs the functions of managing the current activities of the trading enterprise within the powers granted to him regulations Russian Federation, Charter of the company, Regulations on General Director. He decides global problems company development.

The organizational structure of the group is a well-functioning mechanism for providing products necessary for construction and repair work to both large construction companies and ordinary consumers.

StroyGid LLC is a dealer of such manufacturing companies as Keramogranite Zavod LLC, created jointly with an Italian tile manufacturer, Cersanit LLC, a manufacturer of Russian and Ukrainian tiles. And also one of the leaders in the production of tile adhesives, grouting materials and building materials Litokol LLC, etc.

The following areas can be distinguished in the activities of the company “StroyGid LLC”:

Wholesale trade in complete systems of StroyGid LLC for dry finishing of premises - installation of interior partitions, installation of dry prefabricated floor bases, cladding of walls and ceilings, attics;

Technical support of complete systems of StroyGid LLC:

Providing necessary information and technical materials; qualified consultations;

Conducting seminars on the use of complete systems of StroyGid LLC;

Training in dry construction methods.

The organization's pricing policy is also aimed at a variety of social groups. The office and warehouse premises of StroyGid LLC are located in one place, which allows reducing the loss of clients’ time, which is scheduled minutely taking into account the modern realities of Russian business.

The company has well-organized logistics and owns its own units Vehicle. Delivery is carried out in as soon as possible and at reasonable prices.

Table 2 shows the main characteristics of the company's target segment.

The table shows that the target market is divided into three groups: actual consumers and users; organizations using StroyGid LLC products in their projects; trade organizations (dealers) engaged in resale and direct work with consumers. The legal status of these organizations is varied: private organizations, production cooperatives, LLC, OJSC, CJSC.

Table 2 - Characteristics of the target market of StroyGid LLC

Market segments

Legal Status


Purpose of use

Relationship status

Large/medium builds. organizations

construction, finishing, repair

Sverdlovsk, Moscow, Chelyabinsk regions

own needs


Builds small ones. organizations

own needs


Design organizations


use in projects




permanent contractual

Currently, such a sector of the economy as construction is developing intensively, and housing construction is developing especially intensively: in 2011, the share of residential buildings amounted to 96.5% of the total construction volume. The development of the construction sector leads to the development of the building materials market. And as a result of the ever-increasing demand, construction technologies are also intensively developing. The development of new technologies is accompanied by increased competition not only among construction organizations, but also by the struggle between new and old technologies.

Comparing data on the population and sales volumes of StroyGid LLC products in the region, results were obtained that determine the conditional indicator of product sales per capita, presented in Table 3.

Consumers of StroyGid LLC products are: large and medium-sized construction organizations; small finishing firms and teams; private individuals.

Table 3 - Conditional indicator of sales of StroyGid LLC products per capita in the regions, %

Large and medium construction companies(VitaStroy LLC, DINALEX LLC<#"657220.files/image001.gif">

Figure 2 Product range of StroyGid LLC, %

The figure shows that the majority of the product range is occupied by building materials and products - 59%.

When forming an assortment of goods, StroyGid LLC must take into account, on the one hand, the demand for these types of goods, and on the other, the most efficient use of labor, financial and other resources at its disposal.

The assortment formation system of StroyGid LLC includes the following main points:

Determining current and future customer needs;

Assessment of the level of competitiveness of purchased goods;

Studying the life cycle of goods and taking timely measures to introduce new, more advanced types;

Assessing the economic efficiency and degree of risk of changes in the range of goods.

Let's analyze the data in Table 5 in order to identify trends in the implementation of the assortment plan.

Table 5 - Implementation of the plan for the range of goods for 2011


Volume of the goods supply system at planned prices, thousand rubles.

Plan completion percentage

Volume of goods included in the fulfillment of the assortment plan, thousand rubles.

Seam adhesive, 310 ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plan fulfillment rate for product range

Assessment of the implementation of the plan for the assortment of goods is usually made using the coefficient of the same name, which is calculated by dividing the total actual volume of the goods supply system, included in the implementation of the plan for the assortment, by the total planned volume of the supply system. Table 5 shows that the plan for the assortment of goods was fulfilled by 99.7%.

For issue n = 858458 / 860843 * 100 = 99.7%.

And if we analyze by type of goods, then the percentage of plan fulfillment for gypsum plasterboard was 110%, for gypsum plasterboard it was 106.5%, for ceramic tiles 97.3%.

When analyzing the portfolio of relationships between StroyGid LLC and suppliers, it is necessary to understand the most important aspects that StroyGid LLC uses to evaluate interaction, as well as identify a key supplier based on an assessment of the volume of supplies that they provide.

When assessing the interaction of StroyGid LLC with suppliers, special importance is attached to the presence of strategic elements within the framework of cooperation - such as joint strategic planning, joint development of business processes, discussion with suppliers of needs.

An agreement (contract) for the supply of goods is a fundamental document used in working with suppliers on quality issues. The contract for the supply of goods between the Supplier and StroyGid LLC must contain a clear description of the requirements for the quality of the goods supplied, delivery times and the Supplier’s responsibility for the delivery of low-quality goods and failure to meet delivery deadlines.

StroyGid LLC annually updates the terms of the standard contract for the supply of goods, based on the requirements management system with the goal of improving the quality of the company’s services. The supplier's acceptance of all requirements regarding the quality of goods and responsibility for it affects the rating of the supplier and the renewal of the contract for a new term may depend on this.

The main sections of a standard contract: “Quality requirements”, “Procedure for acceptance of goods”, “Guarantee of the quality of goods”, “Responsibility of the parties”.

In the “Quality Requirements” section, the deadline for certification of the supplier’s quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO /TS 16949 is established, defined limit level defectiveness (PPM level - the number of defective products per million units of goods) for each type of product supplied. In order to avoid inconsistency with the supplier of all requirements for components, a deadline has been set for the supplier to implement the PPAP procedure - the process of approving the production of components.

The delivery time has a decisive effect on the movement of material flow. In a standard contract with a supplier, it is established depending on the type of product, the capabilities of the seller and the availability of the product.

Let's analyze prices for 2009-2011. StroyGid LLC per group construction goods. Let's consider the dynamics of changes in wholesale prices of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011. (Table 6).

Table 6 - Dynamics of changes in wholesale prices of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, rub.

In 2009-2011 There is a slight increase in wholesale prices for all goods of StroyGid LLC.

Let's consider the dynamics of changes in retail prices of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011. (Table 7).

Table 7 - Dynamics of changes in retail prices of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, rub.

Let's look at the presented indicators on the graph (Figure 3). The figure shows that in 2009-2011. There is a slight increase in retail prices for all goods of StroyGid LLC; in 2011, prices rose to a greater extent than in 2010. Let us consider in Table 8 the dynamics of changes in the markup on goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011.

Figure 3 Dynamics of changes in retail prices of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, rub.

Table 8 - Dynamics of changes in the markup on goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, rub.

For 2009-2011 markups on all products of StroyGid LLC have increased. Let us conduct a comparative analysis of wholesale prices sold in Yekaterinburg by the following companies: StroyGid LLC, Stroymaterialy LLC, Stroitelny Dvor LLC in 2011 (Table 9). Let's consider the wholesale prices of construction companies.

Table 9 - Wholesale prices for building materials from the following companies: StroyGid LLC, Stroymaterialy LLC, Stroitelny Dvor LLC, rub.

The wholesale prices of StroyGid LLC for the goods presented are higher than the wholesale prices of Stroymaterialy LLC, but lower than the wholesale prices of Stroitelny Dvor LLC.


We will conduct an assessment efficiency of formation of the assortment of StroyGid LLC in accordance with the principles of formation of the assortment.

Let us analyze the dynamics of changes in sales volumes of construction materials of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011. (Table 10).

Table 10 - Dynamics of changes in sales volumes of construction materials of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011.

In 2010 Sales volumes for all products presented by StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011. fell sharply.

Over the 3 years examined, the lowest sales volumes were in 2011, and the highest in 2010.

Let's analyze the dynamics of changes in revenue from the sale of a group of building materials at StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011. (Table 11).

Table 11 - Dynamics of changes in revenue from the sale of a group of construction materials of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, rub.


Ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles)

Seam adhesive, 310 ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, 30 kg, mesh.

In 2010 revenue from the sale of construction materials of StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011. decreased. Over the 3 years examined, the lowest revenue from the sale of building materials was in 2011, and the highest in 2010.

Let's analyze the costs of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011. (main economic indicators are presented in Appendix 2). Table 12 presents data on cost dynamics.

Table 12 - Dynamics of distribution costs of StroyGid LLC in 2009-2011, thousand rubles.

Cost elements

Change (2011-2009)


Social contributions needs


Other costs

Variable expenses

Fixed expenses

As can be seen from the table, the company's distribution costs for 2009-2011. increased by 62,089 thousand rubles.

Figure 4 shows the composition of the firm's costs in 2011.

So, a significant share in the company’s costs is occupied by transportation costs (49%) and labor costs (40%).

Figure 4 Composition of costs of StroyGid LLC in 2009-2011, %

The majority of costs are variable costs. In 2010 distribution costs of StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011 they decreased and amounted to: variable 486,523 thousand rubles, and constant 184,359 thousand rubles.

Let us analyze the distribution costs per ruble of goods (Table 13).

Table 13 - Dynamics of distribution costs per ruble of goods of StroyGid LLC in 2009-2011, thousand rubles.

For 2009-2011 revenue from the sale of goods and distribution costs of StroyGid LLC increased. Consequently, in 2010, costs per 1 ruble of the cost of goods increased to 0.4 rubles, and in 2011 they decreased to 0.37 rubles. For 2009-2011 costs per 1 ruble of the cost of goods increased by 0.01 rubles.

Let's consider some profitability indicators of StroyGid LLC. Profitability indicators characterize financial results and the efficiency of the enterprise. They measure the profitability of an enterprise from various positions (percentage of profit per ruble of costs).

Return on sales is calculated using the formula:


where PE is net profit;

VR - revenue from product sales.

The profitability of goods is determined by the formula:


where Ppr. - profit from the sale of goods;

Io is the firm's distribution costs.

Profit from the sale of goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011 is presented in table 14.

Table 14 - Profit from the sale of goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, thousand rubles.

Change (2010-2009)

Change (2011-2010)

Ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles)

Seam adhesive, 310 ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, mesh.

Total by goods

Profit from the sale of goods of StroyGid LLC in 2010 increased for such goods as gypsum plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard, plaster mixture, and decreased for steel in 2011. profits decreased for all types of goods presented, except for sheet 12.5x118 4SK.

Let's calculate the profitability indicators per unit of production. The sales profitability indicators of StroyGid LLC are presented in Table 15. The values ​​were calculated using formula 2.1

Table 15 - Dynamics of sales profitability indicators of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, %


Change (2010-2009)

Change (2011-2010)

Ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles)

Glue for seams, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, mesh.

On average by product

The profitability indicators for goods of StroyGid LLC are presented in Table 16. The values ​​were calculated using formula 2.2

Table 16 - Dynamics of profitability indicators for goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, %


Change (2010-2009)

Change (2011-2010)

Ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles)

Glue for seams, 310ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, 30 kg, mesh.

On average by product

Average profitability indicators for sales and products are presented in Figure 5.

In 2010, the average return on sales increased by 0.002% and amounted to 0.058%, in 2011 it increased by 0.002% and amounted to 0.061%. In 2010, the average profitability of goods decreased by 0.013% and amounted to 0.114%, in 2011 it increased by 0.021% and amounted to 0.165%.

Thus, over the considered period of time at StroyGid LLC in 2010, sales volumes for all presented products of StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011 they fell sharply. Over the 3 years examined, the lowest sales volumes were in 2011, and the highest in 2010. In 2010, revenue from the sale of construction materials of StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011 decreased. The majority of distribution costs are variable costs. In 2010, the distribution costs of StroyGid LLC increased, and in 2011 they decreased and amounted to: variable 486,523 thousand rubles, and constant 184,359 thousand rubles.

Figure 5 Average profitability indicators for sales and goods of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011, %

Let's summarize the second chapter.

StroyGid LLC has been operating in the finishing materials market since 1998. The company's product range is aimed at the general consumer. These are large construction organizations involved in the finishing of various objects such as shopping centers, office centers, cinemas, hospitals, etc., and small entrepreneurs selling company products to the end consumer, located in construction markets, and of course simple people who started renovations at home.

To achieve success, StroyGid LLC needs to do the following: increase product sales by maintaining its market share (sales volumes decreased significantly in 2011), increase its market share by increasing consumer requirements for goods (since in 2011, the market volume decreased slightly), take measures to increase the profit of the enterprise in 2011 by increasing revenue from the sale of construction products and reducing the costs of their sale. The activities of the company StroyGid LLC are carried out in fairly favorable conditions, because The company has many strengths that provide it with a leading position in the market.

Increase in sales,

3. Improving the formation of the product range at the StroyGid LLC enterprise


We will develop measures to improve the formation of the assortment of StroyGid LLC.

An analysis of the main economic indicators of StroyGid LLC and an assessment of the formation of the assortment showed that, despite the increase in the profitability of sales and goods, the main problems of the enterprise are a significant decrease in sales volumes and profits of the enterprise in 2011, associated with the financial crisis in the country.

Therefore, the main goals of improving the formation of the assortment at StroyGid LLC are:

Increase in enterprise profit,

Increase in sales volume.

To solve these problems, the following directions for improving pricing are proposed:

Reducing distribution costs will allow an enterprise to increase its profits.

One of the main factors for improving pricing at any enterprise is cost reduction.

In 2012 transportation costs of StroyGid LLC, which constitute a significant part of the cost (as the analysis showed), will decrease due to a decrease in gasoline prices by 10%, which will affect the reduction of product costs.

One more direction can be highlighted in reducing the cost of production at StroyGid LLC: it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity and growth wages. It is recommended to reduce employee salaries by 2%.

Enterprise costs are an important element in the pricing strategy. The company carefully monitors its costs, because if production costs exceed the costs of competitors by this type products, then the company will have to increase the price of the product or agree to lower profits while maintaining the same price. To operate successfully in market conditions, the production of competitive products must be established at the lowest costs.

Measures to increase sales volumes (Table 17).

Table 17 - Measures to increase sales volumes at StroyGid LLC


Determining the price level

Due to economic situation consumers of products have deteriorated, it is necessary to consider ways to reduce prices for construction products

Product policy

When choosing a market coverage strategy through differentiated segmentation, the company must focus on competitors’ prices, changes in fashion, tastes and preferences of customers

Product distribution

A measure of the efficiency of a product distribution system is the ratio of a company's costs to its results. The main result that is achieved in the product distribution system is the level of customer service. The main methods of promoting goods are advertising, sales promotion and propaganda.

Reduction of balances is not products sold

Organize sales; - provide discounts to customers, for example, when purchasing goods for a certain amount or when purchasing several items at once; -carry out promotions such as, for example, gifts to customers when purchasing goods for a certain amount; -provide the opportunity to purchase the most expensive goods on credit or in installments; -organize a system of discounts for regular customer cards, for example, when purchasing goods for a certain amount, the buyer receives a card regular customer with the possibility of receiving a discount on future purchases, etc.

Consumer incentives

Distribution of coupons; money back offers; packaging; sale of goods at discounted prices, prizes, competitions.

The goals of StroyGid LLC in the field of commercial activities are:

Ensuring sales growth through deep penetration into existing markets sales, search for new markets, most fully satisfying market needs, achieving superiority over competitors;

Maintaining your position in the market;

Receiving a profit;

Maintaining product competitiveness.

As is known, the most effective way organization of a sales policy is its formation from the point of view of a marketing approach, which requires the development of a targeted marketing strategy.

Thus, measures to improve the formation of the assortment of StroyGid LLC will be aimed at increasing sales volume and increasing the profit of the enterprise.


We will calculate the effectiveness of measures to improve the formation of the assortment. For this:

Let's calculate new prices for groups of construction products for 2012.

Let's calculate distribution costs.

We will calculate the main economic indicators of StroyGid LLC and conduct a comparative analysis with the indicators of 2011.

Calculation of new prices for a group of construction products for 2012. An analysis of the prices of StroyGid LLC in comparison with competitors showed that the prices of StroyGid LLC for construction goods are higher than the prices of Stroymaterialy LLC, but lower than the prices of Stroitelny Dvor LLC. To increase sales volumes, it is necessary to reduce the wholesale and retail prices of StroyGid LLC to the level of its closest competitors, Stroymaterialy LLC.

Let's look at the new prices of StroyGid LLC in Table 18.

Table 18 - Prices for construction materials of the company StroyGid LLC in 2012 (forecast) rub.

Based on the established new prices, we present the amount of price reduction in 2012 in Table 19.

Table 19 - Dynamics of price changes in 2011-2012 (forecast), rub.

Thus, there will be a slight decrease in prices for all goods.

Calculation of distribution costs in 2012:

We will calculate wages taking into account a 2% reduction.

- (266017*2/100)=260696.66 thousand rubles.

Contributions for social needs are 24%.

66* 24/100=62567.2 thousand rubles.

Transport costs will decrease by 3% due to a decrease in gasoline prices in the country.

92-(337158.92*3/100)=327044.12 thousand rubles.

We will calculate the amount of other costs, variable and fixed costs taking into account inflation.

+(3862*13.5/100)=4383.37 thousand rubles.

+(486523*13.5/100)=65680.6 thousand rubles.

+(184359*13.5/100)=4383.37 thousand rubles.

Let's present the data in Table 20.

Table 20 - Dynamics of distribution costs of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast), thousand rubles.

Cost elements

2012 (forecast)

Change (2012-2011)


Social contributions needs


Other costs

Total distribution costs, of which

Variable expenses

Fixed expenses

As can be seen from the table, the company's distribution costs in 2012 will decrease by 16,191 thousand rubles.

Figure 6 shows the composition of the firm's costs in 2011.

Figure 6 Composition of costs of StroyGid LLC in 2012 (forecast), %

So, a significant share of the company’s costs will be occupied by transportation costs (48%) and labor costs (41%).

In 2012, variable distribution costs of StroyGid LLC will decrease by 16,034 thousand rubles, and fixed distribution costs of StroyGid LLC will decrease by 157 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the revenue from the sale of goods in 2012. It is planned for 2012 due to a decrease in prices for goods, an increase in sales volumes by 0.005% and revenue by 2%. Let's calculate sales revenue in 2012.

+(183622*2/100)= 1839994 thousand rubles.

Let us analyze the distribution costs per ruble of goods (Table 21).

Table 21 - Dynamics of distribution costs per ruble of goods of StroyGid LLC 2011-2012 (forecast), thousand rubles.

For 2012 (forecast), revenue from the sale of goods will increase by 3672.4 thousand rubles, and distribution costs of StroyGid LLC will decrease by 16190.65 thousand rubles. Consequently, in 2012, costs per 1 ruble of the cost of goods will decrease to 0.35 rubles, the change will be 0.015 rubles.

Let's consider the profitability indicators of StroyGid LLC. Sales volumes in 2011-2012 (forecast) (taking into account an increase of 0.1%) are presented in Table 22. A minimal increase in sales volumes is expected due to the financial crisis.

Table 22 - Dynamics of changes in sales volumes of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast)

Profit from the sale of goods of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast) is presented in Table 23. It is calculated by multiplying sales volumes by the markup amount.

Table 23 - Profit from the sale of goods of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast), thousand rubles.

Profit from the sale of all types of goods considered by StroyGid LLC will increase in 2012.

Let's calculate the profitability indicators per unit of production. The return on sales indicators for StroyGid LLC are presented in Table 24.

Table 24 - Dynamics of profitability indicators for sales and goods of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast), %


Sales revenue

Distribution costs

Return on sales

Profitability of goods

Glue for seams, 310ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, 30 kg

In 2011, the highest profitability indicators were 1.3% for the product - self-leveling flooring, the lowest profitability was 0.8% for the product - sheet, 12.5x118 4SK.

Let's compare the profitability indicators for 2012 and those for 2011 in Table 25.

Table 25 - Dynamics of changes in profitability indicators of StroyGid LLC in 2011-2012 (forecast),%

Absolute change 2012-2011


Rent. sales

Rent. goods

Rent. sales

Rent. goods

Rent. sales

Rent. goods

Ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles), m2

Glue for seams, 310ml, pcs.

Self-leveling floor, 40 kg, mesh.

Plaster mixture, 30 kg, mesh.

The table shows that the profitability of sales and goods in 2012 will increase for all goods, except for the product “plaster mixture”, for which the profitability will decrease by 0.08%.

Thus, as a result of the proposed measures, distribution costs decreased and, in connection with this, the profitability of sales and goods, profit from the sale of all types of goods increased.

Let's summarize the third chapter.

It was proposed to carry out measures to improve the formation of the assortment, taking into account:

Reducing prices for goods to the level of closest competitors,

taking into account inflation,

reduction of transportation costs by 3%, due to a decrease in gasoline prices in the country,

taking into account a 2% reduction in wages,

taking into account the planned increase in sales volumes, due to a decrease in prices, by 0.1%.


The nomenclature, or product range, is the entire set of products produced by the enterprise. It includes various types of goods. The type of product (car, tractor, metalworking machine) is divided into assortment groups (types) in accordance with functional features, quality, price. Each group consists of assortment items (varieties or brands), which form the lowest level of classification. A product range is characterized by breadth (the number of product groups), depth (the number of items in each product group) and comparability (the relationship between the product groups offered in terms of consumer community, end use, distribution channels and prices).

Formation of an assortment is the problem of selecting specific goods, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” goods, single and mass-produced goods, “high-tech” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”. When forming an assortment, problems arise in establishing a pricing policy, requirements for product quality, determining guarantees and the level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play the role of a leader in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers.

The company StroyGid LLC has been working in the finishing materials market for 13 years. The main objective of the company is to represent the interests of manufacturing enterprises of the StroyGid LLC group in Russia and promote the products of StroyGid LLC on the construction market in the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East of Russia.

When forming an assortment of goods, StroyGid LLC must take into account, on the one hand, the demand for these types of goods, and on the other, the most efficient use of labor, financial and other resources at its disposal.

The main goals for improving the formation of the assortment for 2012 at StroyGid LLC are:

Increase in sales;

Increase in enterprise profits.

The following measures were proposed to solve these problems:

Reduce prices for goods;

To improve product policy, differentiated segmentation, increase the level of customer service, improve quality service indicators, use non-assortment promotion methods, reduce the balance of unsold products, methods of stimulating consumers.

As a result of the proposed measures, distribution costs decreased and, in connection with this, the profitability of sales and goods, profit from the sale of all types of goods increased.

Thus, the measures to improve the formation of the assortment of StroyGid LLC planned for 2012 can be considered effective.

assortment product price


1. Abryutina M.S. Economic analysis of trading activities: Tutorial- M.: Business and Service, 2010. - 120 p.

2. Ambler T. Practical marketing. - St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg - 2011. - 141 p.

3. Dashkov L.P. Commerce and trade technology: a textbook for university students - 10th ed., revised. and additional -M.: Dashkov and K, 2010.-696 p.

4. Ilyin A.I. Planning at a retail enterprise - M., 2011. - 224 p.

Konovalova T.Yu. Assortment and quality - M.: Nauka, 2010. - 130 p.

Kotler F. Marketing. Management - St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 2009. - 113 p.

Lipsits I.V. Commercial pricing - M.: BEK, 2010. - 92 p.

Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization and technology of commercial activity: a textbook for university students / O.V. Pambukhchiyants. M.: Dashkov and K, 2010 - 639 p.

Pankratov, F.G. Commercial activity: textbook. for universities / F.G. Pankratov, T.K. Seregina; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - Ed. 12th, revised and additional - M.: Dashkov and K, 2010. - 500 p. ; 21 cm. - ISBN 5-04462-208-3 (translated).

Perlov V.I. Marketing at industry enterprises - M.: BEK, 2011. - 90 p.

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14. Market Academy: Marketing / Transl. from French/A. Dayan, F. Buquerel, R. Lancar and others - M.: Economics, 2009. - 231 p.

15. Aristarkhova M.K., Krakhmaleva A.V. Marketing research of consumer behavior // Marketing. 2011. No. 6. .- P. 29-34

16. Mikhailova E.V. Pricing Strategies: modern global trends // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2011. No. 5.- P. 14-19

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Organizational structure of StroyGid LLC


Main economic indicators of StroyGid LLC for 2009-2011.

Revenues from sales

Cost of goods, products, works, services

Gross profit

Profit (loss) from sales

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Current income tax

Net profit (loss) of the reporting period


Revenue from the sale of a unit of production of construction materials of StroyGid LLC in 2009-2011, rub.


The formation of a rational assortment of goods is the most important function of the commercial services of trading enterprises. A situation where goods are first purchased in a chaotic manner, and then it is determined to whom and how it will be sold, is unacceptable in conditions of fierce competition.

Formation of assortment is the process of selecting and establishing a product range that corresponds to demand buyers and providing high profitability work of a trading enterprise.

The formation of an assortment of goods in stores has its own specifics. Its construction is influenced by various economic, social, demographic, natural and specific factors.

Specific factors include:

a) type and size of the store, its technical equipment;

b) conditions of goods supply or stability of supplies;

c) the size of the population served;

d) the presence of competitors in the serviced territory.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in a store can be divided into 7 stages.

Stage 1: Determining the store format.

The choice of store format depends on the following factors:

o store area;

o location point of sale(in the city center, in a residential area or on the outskirts, within walking distance from the main competitors or not; at the intersection of transport routes or away from busy highways, etc.);

o availability and volume of available financial resources;

o features of the socio-economic development of a region or city (a city with developed infrastructure or an underdeveloped settlement; the capital of a region or a district center, etc.), etc.

As a result of the analysis of these factors, the store format is determined: self-service store or over-the-counter store, department store or specialty store, discount center or boutique, etc.

Stage 2: Implementation of consumer segmentation.

Segmentation means dividing buyers into groups with homogeneous characteristics and similar responses to marketing efforts ( advertising campaigns, price discounts, tastings, drawings, etc.). At the same time, consumers can be segmented based on characteristics such as gender, age, income level, area of ​​residence, shopping motives, etc.

The result of segmentation should be the selection of the target segment (or target segments), i.e. segment to which the store will primarily focus its activities.

Stage 3: Analysis of competitors' assortment policies.

For analysis you need:

o determine who the store’s main competitor is (usually 3~5 competitors are selected);

o evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each competitor’s product range;

o compare price levels for similar product categories;

o study what additional services competitors offer;

o assess which competitors may appear on the market in the near future, as well as in the medium and long term.

Handout – table “Analysis of competitors’ assortment policy.”

For example, an analysis of the assortment policy of the main competitors showed that most of them have a wide range, i.e. they offer enough for sale a large number of product groups, however, they cannot offer an exclusive offer for each product group, since product groups are represented only by the most common and well-known items on the market. In this case, in order to form competitive advantages It is advisable to make the assortment of your store less wide, but at the same time deeper, or even specialize in the sale of one or several product groups, but offer a very deep assortment for each of them. For example, if there are several supermarkets within walking distance, it may make sense to open a pastry shop, grocery store, or liquor store.

Stage 4: Determination of product groups - development of a Product Classifier.

If you have chosen the “store near home” format, and your target consumer is residents of nearby areas, then in the assortment structure the emphasis should be on everyday goods that the consumer needs regularly: food products (bread, milk, cheeses, sausages, etc.) .d.), household chemicals (soap, washing powder, toothpaste, etc.).

If we are talking about a grocery store on the outskirts of the city, next to a busy country road, the emphasis should be on ready-made dishes (grilled chicken, salads, etc.), as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, snacks, etc.

At this stage, a product classifier is developed, that is, it is determined which classes, product groups and product categories should be sold. A product classifier or enlarged assortment is formed on the basis of marketing research and the characteristics of the store location.

Commodity classifier– is the division of all goods into classes, product groups and product categories.

The quantitative ratio of individual product groups in the store is established, that is, the structure of the enlarged assortment is calculated. For example, for a grocery store, the structure of the group assortment can be presented as follows: gastronomic goods- 50%; groceries – 25%; confectionery – 10%; wine and vodka products – 15%.

At this stage, it is necessary to begin searching for suppliers of the selected product groups.

Stage 5: Deepening the product range - developing an assortment matrix.

The store’s assortment should be filled based on the factors that determine the choice of target customers. For example, if you have a discount store, i.e. For your buyer, the determining factor is price, then in each product category you should have products whose price level is lower than the market price. If you have a specialized store aimed at high-income customers, then the price factor here is of little significance, and the key factor is the presence of well-known brands in the product range.

At this stage, an assortment minimum and an assortment matrix are compiled.

Assortment matrix- this is a document that includes a complete list of all product items offered for sale in the store, taking into account the requirements of the assortment policy, the features of the chosen store format and its location.
This is not just a list of products - the matrix is ​​built on the basis of a classifier and is the result of structuring the assortment. In the matrix, goods are divided into groups, categories, subcategories, product positions, as well as other indicators (for example, suppliers of goods).

The assortment matrix may contain the following data: product properties (color, size, texture, etc.); trademark; packaging of goods (can, bottle, soft packaging, without packaging, PET, etc.); product packaging; suppliers; information about the manager managing this product category, etc.

When compiling assortment matrix it is necessary to limit the choice of product characteristics. The matrix is ​​primarily a list of goods included in the store’s assortment, and not a description of their properties and characteristics. At the same time, there is such a pattern that the larger the store, the more detailed the assortment matrix should be.

In the matrix, it is desirable to highlight in a special way (background or color) the products included in the minimum assortment.

Minimum assortment- this is a list of product items that, under any conditions, must be presented in the store, regardless of the time of day, season or day of the week. The minimum assortment is the basis of the store’s assortment, and if we are talking about a chain of stores, then it must be present in all stores of this chain. A shortage of goods included in the minimum assortment is unacceptable, so this issue should always be under the control of the category manager.

Stage 6: Monitoring (analysis) of the assortment.

It is carried out regularly - every month or every quarter (after the store opens). Based on the information received, proposals are made to optimize the assortment.

Analysis methods are varied. For example, determining assortment indicators or ABC analysis (previous topics)

Stage 7: Improving the assortment.

Improvement of assortment– these are quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods to increase its rationality.

Based on the analysis of the assortment, a decision is made which assortment items should be abandoned, which ones should be developed, etc.

Making decisions about the length of a product line according to F. Kotler: A product line is considered short if adding more units to it increases profits, and too long if reducing the number of units increases profits.

Main directions in the field of product range improvement:

Reduction assortment - quantitative and qualitative changes in the assortment of goods by reducing its breadth and completeness.

Extension assortment - quantitative and qualitative changes in the set of goods due to an increase in indicators of breadth, completeness, depth and novelty.

Deepening assortment - quantitative changes in the assortment of goods through the development and offering of new brands and/or their modifications.

Stabilization assortment - the state of a set of goods, characterized by high stability and low degree of renewal. This is a rather rare state of assortment, inherent mainly in the assortment of everyday food products.

Update assortment - qualitative and quantitative changes in the state of a set of goods, characterized by an increase in the novelty index.


Assortment policy is one of the most important areas of marketing activity for each enterprise. This direction is especially important in the current conditions of transition to a market economy, when consumers place increased demands on the product in terms of quality and assortment, and all economic indicators of the organization and market share depend on the efficiency of the enterprise with the goods produced. As world experience shows, leadership in competition goes to those who are most competent in assortment policy, master the methods of its implementation and can manage it most effectively.

In this course work, a study of assortment and product policy is carried out using the example of Lyudmila LLC. Elements such as characterization, analysis and evaluation of the assortment, as well as the development of recommendations, are considered.

The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work is obvious, since with the correct choice of the assortment policy of a trading enterprise, the demand of its consumers will be maximally satisfied and, ultimately, the enterprise will be profitable.

The purpose of the work predetermined the formulation and need to solve the following interrelated research problems:

Master sufficient theoretical knowledge in the field of assortment and marketing policy;

Determine the features of the formation of a product range at an industrial enterprise;

Analyze the assortment and marketing policy of Siluet LLC and develop recommendations for the formation of the enterprise’s assortment policy;

The object of this study is Siluet LLC, and the subject is the assortment, its characteristics and the formation of the enterprise’s assortment policy.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

Based on a generalization of existing approaches and clarification various options the concepts of “assortment”, “nomenclature”, “product assortment”, “policy”, as well as an analysis of their essential content, a definition of “assortment policy” is derived;

Classification characteristics of factors that must be taken into account when forming an assortment have been identified, and they have been ranked by priority;

General and specific principles necessary for making decisions in the field of formation and planning of the enterprise’s assortment are formulated, allowing to build a production program;

An indicator of balance has been proposed, characterizing the degree of harmony of the assortment at the enterprise and its compliance with the goals of the enterprise;

A methodology for analyzing the assortment has been developed and the features of the process of updating the assortment at industrial enterprises have been identified;

An algorithm for forming an assortment policy and an approach to assessing its effectiveness are proposed.

The practical significance of the work lies in the development of recommendations for the formation of an enterprise’s assortment policy.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of an enterprise’s assortment policy.

1.1 Concept of assortment, types and classification.

The set of goods offered by a manufacturer on the market is called assortment.

Nomenclature, or product range, is the entire set of products produced by the enterprise. It includes various types of goods. The type of product is divided into assortment groups (types) in accordance with functional features, quality, and price. Each group consists of assortment items (varieties or brands), which form the lowest level of classification. A wide range allows you to diversify products; cater to different consumer requirements and encourage one-stop shopping. At the same time, it requires the investment of resources and knowledge in various product categories.

A deep assortment can satisfy the needs of different customer segments for one product; maximize the use of space in retail outlets; prevent the emergence of competitors; offer a range of prices and encourage dealer support. However, it also increases the costs of holding inventory, modifying products, and fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar product lines. Typically, comparable assortments are easier to manage than disparate assortments. It allows an enterprise to specialize in marketing and production, create a strong image and ensure stable relationships in distribution channels. However, excessive concentration can make the enterprise vulnerable to threats from the external environment, fluctuations in sales, and slowing growth potential due to the fact that the entire emphasis is on a limited range of products. Nomenclature literally means a list of names. Thus, the product range is a list of names of products manufactured by the enterprise. As for the product range, this is a list of groups of goods offered by a specific seller. The seller can offer customers products from one or many manufacturers, using the product range of each of them in full or in part. Nomenclature as an economic category has a consolidated character. We can talk, for example, about men's, women's or children's shoes, bedroom or dining sets, televisions or tape recorders, caramel or chocolate. Essentially, these are assortment groups, and the product range is a list of assortment groups of products or goods. Product range literally means a selection of items, a set of their names according to some characteristics. From this point of view, the range can be simple or complex, narrow or wide. This classification provides for the identification of groups of homogeneous products or goods based on type, variety, brand, etc. Assortment groups are formed within which items have a certain similarity. And it is also possible to distinguish between product range and product range. Group assortment products shows a list of enlarged product groups that make up the product range. So, a grocery store can sell gastronomic and grocery products, and a sporting goods store can sell summer and winter sports equipment. Species assortment goods reflects the presence of a number of types in a group of goods. For example, dairy products may contain kefir, cream, cottage cheese, etc. Men's footwear includes such concepts as boots, boots, shoes, sandals. Intraspecific assortment goods represents varieties of products, dividing the type into parts. Thus, cottage cheese can be of different degrees of fat content, samovars can be of different capacities, shoes can be of different styles, fabrics can be of different colors, etc. The intraspecific assortment of goods may have different depths of development and detail. In this sense, we can talk about the degree of complexity of the assortment. For example, medications used for a specific human disease can be presented for external or internal use, in the form of tablets or liquids, have different packaging, packaging, etc. For industrial enterprises, the production range of products is established, for commercial enterprises - trade assortment of goods. The first of them reflects the specialization of the enterprise and serves as the basis for concluding supply contracts. In the second case, there are grounds to judge the extent of the ability of a trading enterprise to satisfy the needs of the population and distinguish between specialized and universal trading enterprises. With good reason, the stated provisions on the nomenclature and range of products can be attributed to the performance of work and the provision of services, in relation to which groups, types, and subtypes of products are also distinguished. Planning the nomenclature and range of products can and should be based on the entrepreneur’s knowledge of the needs of the market and its state. Such knowledge is achieved as a result of activities called marketing. There are many definitions used in marketing at different times and by different authors. Taken together, all of them, despite the variety of formulations, come down to one judgment - market research, demand analysis, sales forecast, ensuring the most complete satisfaction of social needs. Satisfaction, in turn, is achieved by the development and production of new products that meet current demand, the establishment of product sales communications, and the creation of service services that accompany the process of using the product. The product range includes certain types of goods. The type of product is divided into product groups in accordance with functional features, quality and price. For example, book publications can be divided into the following assortment groups: scientific literature, popular science, industrial and instructional, educational, program and methodological, fiction, children's, official documentary, reference, socio-political literature. Each assortment group consists of assortment items, which are the simplest unit of structure. For example, educational literature is divided into textbooks and teaching aids.

Product range characterized by breadth (number of assortment groups), depth (number of items in each assortment group) and comparability (the relationship between the offered assortment groups in terms of consumer community, end use, distribution channels and prices). Formation of an assortment is the problem of selecting specific goods, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” goods, single and mass-produced goods, “high-tech” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”. When forming an assortment, problems arise in establishing a pricing policy, requirements for product quality, determining guarantees and the level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play the role of a leader in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers.

The formation of the assortment is preceded by the development of an assortment concept by the enterprise. It represents the targeted construction of an optimal assortment structure, product offering, while, on the one hand, the consumer requirements of certain groups (market segments) are taken as a basis, and on the other hand, the need to ensure the most efficient use of raw materials, technological, financial and other resources by the enterprise in order to produce products at low costs.

Classification of assortment.

The product assortment of a retail enterprise differs in its structure from the assortment of a wholesale company, namely in that it can combine different groups of goods (food, electronics, furniture, household chemicals, watches, etc.), while wholesalers have to one degree or another, specialization. By breadth, the assortment is divided into:

    wide range (1-100 thousand items);

    limited range (

    narrow assortment (

    specialized assortment.

When making decisions on the assortment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity between goods of different product groups, the capabilities of the enterprise (financial, personnel, warehouse, etc.), customer requirements, and the presence of competitors. From a financial point of view, the formation of the assortment takes into account the turnover of goods, the size of turnover and the profit received. The range is expanded for several reasons, including:

1. for some products of the main range it is necessary to have complementary products (complementary products);

2.the activity of a wholesale company with this assortment is unprofitable (low turnover);

3. other marketing tasks are solved: new products are promoted, the enterprise switches to larger retail segments, etc.

As an example in Fig. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the type of retail enterprise on the assortment structure.

Rice. 1 Examples of the dependence of the type of retail enterprise on the assortment structure.

Based on the classification of types of product range discussed above, as well as the characteristics of the product itself and the tasks set by the store owners, the following types of retail enterprises can be distinguished. Specialty stores offering a narrow but rich assortment that can satisfy the specific needs of the buyer. The structure of the assortment can be aimed both at a wide offer of different options for one type of product (stores selling bicycles, tennis equipment, jeans, etc.), and at meeting the needs of a narrow segment of consumers (a store for newborns, a clothing store for tall people etc.). Department stores offer a wide range of, primarily, non-food products. Located in prestigious locations in the city, department stores attract a large number of customers. In general, department stores are characterized by an average level of service with average and high prices for goods. To increase turnover, department stores are developing food sales and also renting out part of their retail space to independent retailers. Universal food stores (Bantams, department stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets) differ in the breadth of their assortment and the area of ​​their sales floor. This Russian legislation does not define the rules for dividing stores into certain types, so a department store can have its own name (market, minimarket, supermarket, etc.). Achieving correspondence between the structural and assortment supply of goods by an enterprise and the demand for them is associated with determining and forecasting the assortment structure. A forecast of the assortment structure for a long-term period, which would take into account such important features of the product for the consumer as aesthetic characteristics, exact dimensions, and a specific price, is unlikely. The point is not in detailing the assortment according to consumer properties (for example, in terms of colors, product sizes, price ratios), but, for example, in the optimal variety of assortment according to certain criteria (types of televisions, sets of kitchen utensils, appropriate price gradations, etc. .) with a view to specific groups (segments) of consumers. Only the development trend of the assortment is predicted (and more precisely, the assortment structure of demand and product supply). Thus, it is possible to determine what variety of televisions will meet the requirements of different consumer groups, but it is unrealistic to predict the need for specific models (with a set of specific properties) for the future. These forecasts, taking into account the influence of the factor of interchangeability of goods, must be considered in conjunction.

The forecast of the assortment development trend should show such a trajectory of process development that will ensure the achievement of the planned compliance of the enterprise's product offering with the changing assortment structure of demand in the market in the future. So, the essence of the problem of forming an assortment is planning almost all types of activities aimed at selecting products for future production and sale on the market and bringing the characteristics of these products in line with consumer requirements. Formation based on planning of a product range is a continuous process that continues throughout the entire life cycle of a product, starting from the moment the idea of ​​its creation is conceived and ending with its withdrawal from the product program. Assortment management involves coordinating interrelated activities - scientific, technical and design, comprehensive market research, organizing sales, service, advertising, and stimulating demand. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the difficulty of combining all these elements to achieve the final goal - optimizing the assortment taking into account the strategic market goals set by the enterprise. If this cannot be achieved, then it may turn out that the assortment will begin to include products developed more for the convenience of the production departments of the enterprise rather than for the consumer. From the point of view of the marketing concept, this is directly contrary to what needs to be actually done. The tasks of planning and assortment formation are, first of all, to prepare a “consumer” specification for the product, transfer it to the design department, and then ensure that the prototype is tested, modified if necessary, and brought to the level of consumer requirements. In other words, in the formation of the assortment, the final say should belong to the heads of the enterprise’s marketing service, who must decide when it is more appropriate to invest in product modification, rather than incur additional increasing costs for advertising and selling an obsolete product or reducing its price. It is the head of the enterprise's marketing service who must decide whether the time has come to introduce new products to the range to replace existing ones or in addition to them.

The formation of an assortment, as practice shows, can be carried out using various methods, depending on the scale of sales, the specifics of the products being manufactured, the goals and objectives facing the manufacturer. At the same time, they are united by the fact that assortment management is usually subordinate to the head of the marketing service. In certain cases, it is advisable to create a permanent body chaired by the general director (his deputy), which would include the heads of leading services and departments of the enterprise as permanent members. Its main task is to make fundamental decisions regarding the assortment, including: withdrawal of unprofitable types of products, their individual models, standard sizes; determining the need for research and development to create new and modify existing products; approval of plans and programs for the development of new or improvement of existing products; allocation of financial resources for approved programs and plans. The pressing question for the manufacturer is whether it is necessary to develop a standard product suitable for all selected markets, or to adapt it to the specific requirements and characteristics of each individual segment, creating for this a certain number of modifications of the basic product. Both cases have their pros and cons. So, although the creation of a standard product, uniform for all markets, is very tempting, it is practically impossible. At the same time, the differentiation policy does not justify itself economically where market conditions allow for partial or complete standardization (universalization) of the product. The benefits of this kind of standardization of goods include: reduction in costs of production, distribution, sales and service; unification of marketing mix elements; acceleration of return on investment, etc. Incomplete use (in comparison with differentiation) of the potential market opportunities, insufficiently flexible marketing response to changing market conditions in this case hinder innovation.

Product modification makes it possible to more fully use the “absorbing” capabilities of markets, taking into account the specifics of their requirements in certain regions of the country and foreign countries, to fill those product niches where there is no competition or it is insignificant. However, determining such a direction in the assortment strategy is an expensive matter associated with the need to modernize and expand production capacities, diversify and rebuild the sales network and, of course, expand the marketing mix. Ultimately, the use of standardization, differentiation, or a combination of these depends on the specific operating conditions of the manufacturer and is determined by the final result - the level of economic efficiency of sales and its volume achieved using these methods. Another important element of the assortment and product policy in general is the removal of ineffective products from the program. Goods that are obsolete and economically ineffective, although perhaps in some demand, may be confiscated. The decision to remove or retain a product in the enterprise program is preceded by an assessment of the quality of the performance of each product on the market. In this case, it is necessary to take into account combined information from all markets where they are sold in order to establish the real sales volume and the level of profitability (profitability) in dynamics that each of its products provides to the manufacturer. Thus, the manufacturer must organize systematic monitoring of the product’s behavior on the market and its life cycle. Only under this condition will complete and reliable information be obtained, allowing you to make the right decisions. To facilitate solving the problem, you should have a methodology for assessing the position of the product in the various markets where the enterprise operates, and the methodology should be relatively simple. Making the final decision to withdraw a product from the program or to continue its sale can be simplified if, already at the product development stage, quantitative requirements for it are established: the level (standard) of payback, sales volume and/or profit (taking into account the full cost of resources).

If a product ceases to meet these criteria, then the nature of the decision to seize it is thereby predetermined. A product that has exhausted its market potential and is not withdrawn from the production program on time brings large losses, requiring expenditures of funds, effort and time disproportionate to the results obtained. Therefore, if the manufacturer does not have a clear system of criteria for removing goods from the production and sales program and does not systematically analyze the goods being manufactured and sold, then its assortment will inevitably be “overloaded” with ineffective products with all the ensuing negative consequences for the manufacturer.

1.2. The concept of assortment formation. Features of assortment formation, elements of assortment planning.

Assortment planning technology has the following initial conditions:

The formation of the assortment is preceded by the development of an assortment concept by the enterprise. It represents the targeted construction of an optimal assortment structure and product offering, while taking as a basis the consumer requirements of certain groups and the need to ensure the most efficient use of raw materials, technological and other resources by the enterprise in order to produce products at low costs. The assortment concept is expressed in the form of a system of indicators that characterize the optimal possible development of the production range of a given type of product. These include: a variety of types and varieties of goods, the frequency of updating the assortment, the level of price ratio for goods of a given type, etc. The goal of the assortment concept is to orient the enterprise towards the production of goods that correspond to the structure and variety of customer demand.

Target orientation and the art of planning are manifested in the embodiment of the real and potential capabilities of the enterprise into a certain combination of products that satisfy the buyer's needs and make a profit.

Features of assortment formation.

When forming an assortment, the main principle of selecting goods for sale should be mandatory testing of the first batches of new products. The sale of traditional goods and goods received through barter should act as an auxiliary function of sales (although this does not exclude a significant share of such goods in the sales structure).

Thus, in general, the range of goods sold through a company store should consist of the following groups of product receipts:

    trial batches of new products (main group);

    traditional (previously tested) products of a given enterprise (association);

    goods received through barter, i.e. from other enterprises (associations) producing related or additional types goods;

    related products.

The assortment for the listed groups should be compiled based on the prevailing function of ensuring the testing of new products and studying demand. The remaining groups are formed based on the results of a previously conducted study of demand in order to compile an assortment.

The main elements (or phases) of product range planning are:

1) identifying current and potential (unsatisfied) customer needs; analysis of the ways of using the relevant products, as well as the characteristics of the behavior of buyers (consumers) in this market segment;

2) evaluation of competing analogue products from the same angle;

3) analysis of consumer assessments of the quality of manufactured products, i.e. determining the degree of their compliance with the needs of buyers (consumers) in terms of the ability to satisfy a specific need in functional and aesthetic terms;

4) determining which products should be added to the current product range and which products should be excluded from it for reasons of insufficient profitability, obsolescence, decreased competitiveness, etc. This also includes deciding whether production should be diversified into areas that go beyond the existing specialization;

5) consideration of proposals for the development of new products, improvement of developed products, as well as new methods and areas of application of manufactured goods;

6) developing specifications for new or improved products in accordance with customer requirements;

7) study, with the help of specialists in scientific and technical products and developments, the prospects for the production of new or improved products, including issues of prices, costs and profitability;

8) testing of products with the involvement of potential consumers to identify their compliance with consumer demand across the entire range of key indicators: quality, appearance, strength, ease of use, trouble-free operation; packaging, price, consumer value;

9) development of special recommendations for product manufacturers regarding its quality, size, name, price, packaging, maintenance, etc. in accordance with the results of testing, trial sales, etc.;

10) preparation of recommendations for the sales of products, including: determining the timing and schedule for introducing a new or improved product to the market, the scale and initial form of its implementation (for example, only test sales in specially selected cities, development of individual regional markets, or direct entry into the national market ), product sales plans, development of a program for advertising campaigns and other sales promotion activities.

It is important to keep in mind that product range planning is a continuous process that continues throughout the entire life cycle of a product, from the inception of an idea to its removal from sale.


In market conditions, the formation of an assortment is one of the most important conditions for organizing the effective operation of an enterprise. The formation covers all the main areas of its production and economic activities - sales, finance, production, procurement, scientific and design developments, which are closely interconnected. This activity is based on identifying and forecasting demand, analysis and assessment of available resources and prospects for the development of economic conditions. This implies the need to link the formation of the assortment with marketing and control in order to constantly adjust production and sales indicators following changes in market demand. Forming an assortment is the first and main step in the strategic planning of a company’s presence in the market. Product policy presupposes certain targeted actions of the commodity producer or the presence of premeditated principles of behavior. It is designed to ensure continuity of decisions and measures for the formation of the assortment and its management; maintaining the competitiveness of goods at the required level; finding the optimal products for product niches(segments); development and implementation of packaging, labeling and product servicing strategies. A well-thought-out product policy not only allows you to optimize the process of updating the product range, but also serves as a kind of indicator for the management of the enterprise of the general direction of actions that can correct current situations.

2.1. Characteristics of the enterprise LLC "Lyudmila"

The limited liability company was adopted in accordance with the law with Article 87-94 of the Civil Code and the Federal Law of February 8, 1998.

LLC "Lyudmila" is located at the address: Kineshma, st. Lenina, 56. The trading enterprise has a seal with its name, brand name (symbols). The company is liable for its obligations only within the limits of its property. The main goal of the Company is to make a profit from revenue.

The main activities of the trading enterprise are:

    organization of clothing trade;

    carrying out commodity exchange operations;

    purchase and sale of goods;

    free service for customers to customize products according to their figure.

Pricing is formed in accordance with current legislation. The authorized capital of the Company is 406,353 rubles.

The store serves a contingent of customers with different income levels. Mainly targeted at middle-income buyers.

The trading organization has a very convenient location, as there are two schools, a clinic, a stadium, a concert hall, a savings bank nearby, grocery store. This means that there will always be buyers there.

The trading area of ​​the Lyudmila store is 757.3 m2. There are two storage rooms, a pantry, a toilet, a kitchen with a total area of ​​101.8 m2, the area occupied by the administration is 35.1 m2. The sales area is 620.4 m2.

The Lyudmila store occupies the first floor of a five-story hall.

The use of commercial equipment is related to the total area, the layout of the main premises, the characteristics of the goods, and the form of sale. IN trading floor They use wall panels, grilles, counters, brackets, glass display cases, and mannequins. In the utility rooms, the following equipment is used: counters for storing packaged goods, racks, brackets, and hangers. All commercial equipment used in the store meets economic, ergonomic, and aesthetic requirements. Nowadays there is a wide choice of commercial equipment, but unfortunately not every manager of an organization will allow you to have modern equipment in your store. The Silhouette store tries to update so that consumers are satisfied with the appearance of the store. The enterprise unloads, transports goods, receives them in quantity and quality, stores, prepares for sale, sells. The main activity of the enterprise is related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection , payment for goods, etc.

As of 01/01/08 Retail trade turnover amounted to 5,777,290 rubles. The average monthly turnover of the store is 481,440 rubles. Over the eight-year life of the store, 10,540 people made purchases, an average of 2,900 people per month. The store works with Gazenergo Bank, so you can get a loan without much difficulty.

90% of goods are purchased in cash. The rest of the goods are accepted for sale by suppliers.

The store is divided into two departments: “Men’s” and “Women’s”

Lyudmila LLC employs 33 people. Of them:

18 people - sellers,

3 people – accountants,

1 person – economist,

1 person – lawyer,

1 person – driver,

2 people – cleaners,

1 person – janitor,

3 people – seamstresses,

2 people – electrician,

1 person – handyman.

The operating mode is optimal, since the main factors were taken into account when compiling it; the volume of consumer flows in the area of ​​its activity and their distribution during the day provides for the most convenient start and end hours for the population. The schedule for going to work is rational, because the working hours stipulated by labor legislation are observed. Time is provided for preparatory and final work, including it in work time, ensures a rhythmic alternation of work and rest for workers during the day. The Lyudmila LLC store practices a labor quality management system for employees. To achieve this, employees undergo advanced training courses and weekly sales classes. The quality of work of sales workers is recorded daily and carried out by the heads of the “Men’s” and “Women’s” departments. The quality of work of managers is assessed by the director and his deputy. The use of this system makes it possible to objectively evaluate the work of each employee and provide the correct material incentives, which is expressed in a cash bonus - 15% of the employees’ salary. When the level of labor quality decreases, as a rule, this is due to employees not fulfilling their functions, violation of labor discipline, poor customer service and other omissions in work, disciplinary punishments are applied to employees in the form of deprivation of bonuses, and in extreme cases, dismissal. The structure of the management apparatus of a trading enterprise appears to be a linear system. It involves the direct subordination of all categories of employees to the head of the organization.

LLC "Lyudmila" trades in men's and women's clothing and accessories. The main regular suppliers of Lyudmila LLC are: Upgride LLC, Oka LLC, trading house"LTD", LLC "Dolphin", etc.

LLC "Lyudmila" trades in men's, women's, and children's clothing. The range of women's clothing is presented in the following groups: suits from 2520 to 7420 rubles, knitwear from 900 to 3960 rubles, demi and winter coats from 1200 to 10,000 rubles, blouses from 850 to 2500 rubles, bags from 3500 to 8000 rubles, scarves from 150 to 2000 rubles, shoes from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. The range of men's clothing is presented in the following groups: suits from 1500 to 15340 rubles, knitwear from 1400 to 6940 rubles, shirts from 270 to 1370 rubles, underwear from 150 to 1030 rubles, deme and winter coats from 2570 to 14980 rubles, leather outerwear from 2500 up to 26,000 rubles. The level of profitability of the trading enterprise Lyudmila LLC is determined by the ratio of profit to turnover. Profitability shows the percentage of profit in turnover. This level of profitability should not be calculated based on the entire (balance sheet) profit, but only on the profit from the sale of goods, since non-operating income, expenses and losses are not directly dependent on changes in the volume of trade turnover. The profitability of sales is directly dependent on the level of gross income located at the location of the trading enterprise and inversely dependent on changes in the level of distribution costs. For the trading enterprise it amounted to 88.8% of turnover and increased compared to the plan by almost double the turnover and by 12.2% of the turnover compared to last year.

The level of profitability of sales for individual products and product groups is not the same.

The amount of profit, in turn, depends on a number of factors (changes in the volume of trade turnover, levels of gross income and distribution costs, amounts of profit and loss from the sale of other assets, non-operating income, expenses and losses).

Exceeding the turnover plan led to an increase in profits of 2,520,000 rubles. Consequently, overfulfillment of the turnover plan led to an increase in the level of return on operating capital by 0.50%.

Profitability indicators are calculated based on profit from sales of goods, balance sheet and net profit, which makes it possible to study the impact components profits and its use on the profitability of the work of Lyudmila LLC.

The trading enterprise LLC "Lyudmila" achieved high rates of profitability growth, both compared to the plan and in dynamics. This indicates the strengthening of its financial stability. However, it is necessary to point out the high level of profitability of sales, which is 88.8%. The enterprise is stable, developing, solvent, and makes timely payments. It has no debts to the budget or its suppliers.

2.2 Analysis and assessment of the features of the formation of the product range at Lyudmila LLC.

Formation of a trade assortment is one of the main functions of a retail trade organization, which determines its competitiveness.

Let's look at the structure of the assortment in the Lyudmila store in the Women's Clothing department. The study showed that the main part of the assortment consists of outerwear, suits, blouses, skirts, trousers, knitwear and leather goods. The target category of buyers is residents of nearby houses with low and medium purchasing power.

The turnover of the “Women’s clothing” department of the “Lyudmila” store is constantly growing. In 2007, its total volume amounted to 5,777,290 rubles, which is 252,000 rubles more than in 2008. The growth rate in this case was 4%. Due to rising prices, the turnover of the Lyudmila store in 2008 increased by ¼, the data is shown in table No. 1.

Table 1

Assessing the competitiveness of the Lyudmila store

Table 2. Indicators of the competitiveness of the Lyudmila store with varying purchasing power, in %.


High purchasing power

Average purchasing power

Low purchasing power

Product range

Product prices

Product quality

Service culture

Store location

Store interior

The indicators presented in the tables allow us to note that the store is well located and has beautiful interior. The Lyudmila store has a high level of customer service culture. However, the enterprise under study is inferior to such indicators as product range. During a survey of customers, it was found that the assortment for some product groups was not expanded enough.

A survey of store management showed that the formation of the assortment is carried out by a merchandiser based on requests from sellers, i.e. This process is influenced by the human factor. The assortment is a significant factor for the formation of customer loyalty. Taking this into account, an assortment analysis was carried out using ABC techniques.

The essence of ABC analysis is based on the Pareto principle: “a relatively small number of causes are responsible for the majority of possible results,” currently better known as the “80:20 rule.” Due to its universal effectiveness, this analysis method has become widespread. The result of ABC analysis is the grouping of objects according to the degree of influence on the overall result. It is believed that 20% of the product mix accounts for 80% of total sales.

Data for the Lyudmila store are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Amount of products sold for 2008 by product group

Name of product

Sales of goods

in units

in rubles


Leather goods


Table 4. Ranking of the assortment in descending order of contribution to the turnover of each item


Sales amount in rubles



Leather goods



This method will allow us to determine the optimal ratio of groups and types in a retail trade organization, taking into account the basic requirements for achieving the goal. The method involves dividing the entire product range according to several criteria into three categories for each criterion. Category “A” includes goods that make up about 70% of product sales (in rubles). Category “B” includes goods that make up about 25% of product sales (in rubles), and category “C” - about 5%. Moreover, it is recommended to include approximately 15% of the total number of goods in the first category, 35% in the second group, and 50% in the third.

Based on the tables and graphs constructed above, a product rating can be compiled (Table 5).

Product group



Product group A


Leather goods

Product group IN

Product group WITH

ABC analysis is widely used in various trade organizations. Groups are identified based on the use of one of the following parameters;

    trade turnover

    number of units sold

    gross profit

main characteristics displayed in the report;

    product description

    stock balance;

    sales amount;

    number of units sold;

    gross profit;

    percentage of goods from sales amounts (number of units sold, group gross profit);

    cumulative interest;

    grouping of objects based on ABC analysis.

Providing the necessary level of customer service and the growth of the main economic indicators of a trading enterprise depend on correct formation assortment of goods in the store.

The range of women's clothing in the Lyudmila store is very diverse. One of the important indicators characterizing the range of goods in a trade organization is the sustainability coefficient.

From this list of goods presented in Table 6, those product groups that are in demand among buyers are selected in descending order.

Table 6. The assortment of goods of the Lyudmila store is in steady demand among customers.



Sales, in pieces


Leather goods

Indicators for the width and depth of the assortment in the Lyudmila store have a high coefficient value, which makes it possible to optimally expand the assortment for the third group of goods (Table 7). The latitude coefficient is calculated using the formula

Table 7. Breadth and depth of the assortment of the Silhouette store.


Real breadth and completeness, in pieces

Basic breadth and completeness, in pieces

Latitude and depth ratio, percentage


Based on the data obtained above, we propose to expand assortment group raincoats in up to 16 different models in color, size, style, in order to make a profit, and most importantly, to acquire regular customers for this group of goods. This group of products is in demand among buyers. By increasing the breadth and depth of the product, the sustainability factor will also increase.

It is proposed to close the shoe department, since the prices are not designed for a buyer with an average level of income, thereby not being in demand among buyers.

The vacated area can be used for the leather goods department, thereby expanding it.

For the best placement of goods and expansion of the retail space of the “Women's Clothing” sales area, it is advisable to use wall equipment such as bars, panels and display cases.

In order not to reduce the level of the coat assortment group, we propose to conclude agreements with new suppliers of coats from St. Petersburg “Turba” and with foreign manufacturers. Cooperation with one supplier of “Vermina” coats leads to a decrease in demand from buyers due to the uniformity of models, which is undesirable, because this product is in the maturity stage and brings good profits to the organization.

The assortment in the Lyudmila store is updated every week. Blouses, skirts, trousers, knitwear are in the stage of maturity, so new items appear weekly.

The calculation can be made by product groups presented in table No. 8.

Table 8 Renewability of the assortment of the Lyudmila store.

During the seasonal period of goods of one or another group, it is proposed to remove non-tradable goods for storage, thereby freeing up space for seasonal goods. An assortment that is becoming obsolete should be sold at a 30% discount, which can speed up the sale of goods.


Today there are a huge number of trade and retail organizations on the market. Each of them is engaged in trade or provision of some types of services. The consumer is placing ever new, more sophisticated demands on products. Buyers want the products they buy to be more practical, beautiful and durable. Trade organizations are forced to satisfy the ever-increasing demands of their customers. This is why assortment adjustment is very important today. Retail trade is one of the main sources of supply for the population. On the basis of this, product supply and consumer demand are formed, and is also a source of cash flow. Trade ensures the financial stability of the enterprise.

A rich competitive environment has formed in this sector of the economic system. Entrepreneurial and investment activity in this area is the highest. In retail trade organizations, the process of circulation of funds invested in production is completed, commodity value is converted into monetary value, and an economic basis for the supply of goods is created. There are constant and qualitative changes caused by management methods that ensure increased efficiency of trade organizations and improved trade culture. The success of retail depends on the ability to please the customer - this is already an axiom.

Currently, the range of goods is increasing. Does not always meet the quality and does not meet modern world requirements. Errors in choosing a product, ignorance of its properties, characteristics, storage conditions, transportation, and incorrect assessment of quality can result in major losses and damages for the entrepreneur. Therefore, future entrepreneurs need basic understanding of commodity science of various groups of goods. The social environment and the economy of the enterprise depend on the incorrect formation of the assortment, which affects product supply and consumer demand and many other factors. It is important that a commercial enterprise attracts the attention of the buyer at least once and in the future they want to come into it. Success will depend on the breadth and completeness of the assortment, as well as prices corresponding to the consumer’s ability to pay. An important factor It will also help where the store is located and how much area it occupies.

Market success is now a criterion for assessing the activities of domestic enterprises, and their market opportunities predetermine a properly developed and consistently implemented product policy. It is on the basis of studying the market and the prospects for its development that the enterprise receives initial information to resolve issues related to the formation of the assortment, its management and improvement.


In market conditions, the formation of an assortment is one of the most important conditions for organizing the effective operation of an enterprise. The formation covers all the main areas of its production and economic activities - sales, finance, production, procurement, scientific and design developments, which are closely interconnected. This activity is based on identifying and forecasting demand, analysis and assessment of available resources and prospects for the development of economic conditions. This implies the need to link the formation of the assortment with marketing and control in order to constantly adjust production and sales indicators following changes in market demand. Forming an assortment is the first and main step in the strategic planning of a company’s presence in the market. Product policy presupposes certain targeted actions of the commodity producer or the presence of premeditated principles of behavior. It is designed to ensure continuity of decisions and measures for the formation of the assortment and its management; maintaining goods in optimal product niches (segments); development and implementation of packaging, labeling and product servicing strategies. A well-thought-out product policy not only allows you to optimize the process of updating the product range, but also serves as a kind of indicator for the management of the enterprise of the general direction of actions that can correct current situations.

Bibliographic list.

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    Alekseev N.S. Theoretical basis merchandising of non-food products. M, Progress, 1990.

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    Blank I.A. Management of a trading enterprise. - K: Ukrainian-Finnish Institute of Management and Business, 1999.

    Bragin L.A. Trading business - economics and organization. M, INFRA - M, 1997.

    Vesin V.R. Fundamentals of management. Textbook. - M: Triada.Ltd, 1996.

    Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. Textbook - M: Gardariki, 1999.

    Girkin V.A. On the essence of trade and the nature of cooperation. M: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 1997.

    Dtones G.P. Trading business: how to organize and manage. M: International relationships, 1998.

    Shapov S.Yu. Commodity research of footwear products. M: SOFIT, 1990.

    Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing. M: Progress, 1998.

    Lambin J.J. Strategic Marketing. European perspective: translation from French. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1998.

    Laptev V.G. Marketing tasks of trading enterprises // Marketing. 2000, - No. 5.

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    Meskon M.H., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management. Per. from English M: "Delo", 1997.

    Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Marketing / Ed. prof. V.M. Vlasova M: "Finance and Statistics", 1999.

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    assortment politicians in retail trading enterprises ...

  1. Improving financial and economic activities enterprises on example OOO"MultiMediaCenter"

    Thesis >> Economics

    Accounting policy enterprises; accounting... trade-production activities issued on basis of the decision and license on ... company opened a new company store. Assorted scroll OOO...MNS Lyudmila Lagutenko...approaches on example cost...

  2. Assorted policy companies (1)

    Abstract >> Marketing

    WITH assortment politics companies. The second chapter conducts a study of the marketing situation on example OOO Agro-dairy plant "Ryazan", ... consumers; Type trading establishments. 3) Find out if it reacts company on transfer of goods from one stage of life...

  3. Product strategy enterprises

    Abstract >> Management

    ... on against the background of obsolete ones will have obvious advantages.4 Chapter 2. Analysis of product strategy trading enterprises OOO « Lyudmila" 2.1. Assorted... product groups on example « Lyudmila". For clarity... the market on new product for correction politicians ...

  4. Marketing research OOO Cafe

    Test >> Marketing

    ... on workers trading hall OOO ... enterprises presented in two collections: “Autumn-Winter-Spring” and “Summer”, numbering eight assortment ... on example coat OOO ... politics OOO... 9 JSC "Headwear Factory" Lyudmila"- men's jockey - men's earflap hat...

An assortment of goods is a set of their types, varieties and varieties, united or combined according to a certain characteristic. The main grouping characteristics of goods are raw materials, production and consumer goods. There are industrial and commercial assortments of goods.

The production range is the range of goods produced by industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as other manufacturers. As a rule, enterprises producing goods produce a narrow range of goods, which allows them to introduce advanced production technology, improve the range of goods produced, and improve their quality. Therefore, the goods they produce require further sorting, taking into account the requirements of trade, whose enterprises concentrate a wide range of goods, which is a combination of products produced by a wide variety of manufacturers. Such sub-sorting, or transformation of the assortment, is carried out mainly at wholesale trade enterprises, through which the bulk of goods of a complex assortment pass. Some food and non-food products are sorted directly in stores and other retail establishments.

The trade assortment is a range of goods to be sold at retail trading network. It includes a range of goods produced by many enterprises and is divided into two product sectors: food and non-food products. Each industry is divided into product groups, which include goods that are combined according to a number of characteristics (uniformity of raw materials, consumer purpose, degree of complexity of the assortment).

Product range is a certain set of various goods included in trade.

Formation of a product range is the development and establishment in a certain order of a range of goods that form the necessary set for trade.

Formation of an assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises is a complex process, carried out taking into account a number of factors. These factors can be divided into general (independent of the specific operating conditions of a particular trading enterprise) and specific (reflecting the specific operating conditions of a given trading enterprise).

Common factors influencing the formation of the assortment of goods in stores include consumer demand and production of goods.

Specific factors that influence the construction of the assortment of goods in each specific store include: the type and size of the store, its technical equipment, conditions of goods supply (primarily the availability of stable sources), the number and composition of the population served, transport conditions(presence of paved roads, stops public transport etc.), the presence of other retail trade enterprises in the area of ​​operation of this store.

If he talks about a store, then it has regular and non-regular customers and on average the number of customers in the store is 1,400 people per working day. As for the average purchase amount, today it is 97 rubles, which is almost 5% higher than in previous months. The main sales group are: dairy, semi-finished meat products, products from our own meat shop, beer, vodka, chilled poultry and bakery products.

If we compare sales in September and November for these groups, there was an increase (in percentage):

Semi-finished meat products - 7

Products from your own meat shop - 14

Vegetables - 103;

Sausages - 97;

Vegetable oils - 11.7;

Cheeses - 27;

Fruits - 103.

Ensuring the necessary level of customer service and the growth of the main economic indicators of the activity of a commodity enterprise largely depends on the correct formation of the range of goods in its stores.

Requests for goods are handled by the merchandiser together with the director and manager. Products are ordered according to the occupied shelf space and product planograms. (Appendix K) Illiquid “non-selling” products are removed from applications, new items are added, and the demand for this product is studied.

Demand is studied based on the goods sold. Data from cash registers is verified, that is, the number of goods sold of a certain brand and name.

Also, when forming the assortment, the following are taken into account:

Demographic characteristics:


Family status;

Family size and life cycle;

Race, religion and culture.

Socio-economic characteristics:



Social class.

Psychological characteristics:

Personality type;

Life style;

All these characteristics are very important and are reflected in a person’s values, which in turn affect the criteria for choosing a particular subject to solve their problems. But it is necessary to mention the main function of the buyer - the transfer of money in exchange for the solution to his problems.

But despite the fact that studying the range of goods is a very important problem, there are still no standards regulating its indicators. Trade specialists and scientists have not yet come to a common view on the nomenclature and essence of the indicators of the product range.

It is believed that in retail trade, the formation of an assortment is the prerogative of the trading enterprise itself. The assortment lists in stores are based on the production and technical characteristics of the range of goods, which does not allow us to sufficiently take into account the completeness of demand, the mutual complementarity of goods, seasonal features of demand development and other conditions.

To characterize the assortment of a retail enterprise and determine the effectiveness of the assortment policy, analysis of the assortment structure, its breadth and partly its depth allows us to characterize only the actual structure of the assortment of goods in stores, since employees have no information about the preferred assortment, and the study of demand is reduced mainly to elementary accounting of sales , and more often, for the group assortment at retail enterprises, an analysis of the assortment of goods is not carried out.

The product range is a set of products for sale to the end consumer. It includes various types of goods (food and non-food products) and is divided into groups according to functional features, quality, and price. Each group consists of assortment items that form the lowest level of classification. The product range is characterized by breadth, depth and comparability. The dynamics of the assortment is presented in Table 2.2.1. The depth of the assortment of the cheese group is presented in Table 2.2.2.

Table 2.2.1 - Dynamics of the product range of Siberian Company LLC

Name product group

Growth rate %

Deviation, (+,-)

Absolute, you. Rub



Vegetables fruits

Ready cooking

Meat delicacies

Bakery products

Cakes, pastries



Juices, water

Dairy products

Tobacco products

Non-food products

Household chemicals

Personal care products

Newspapers magazines

Total for two groups

From the table we can conclude that for all subgroups there is a noticeable increase in goods, the organization is expanding its product range. The increase in the grocery product group is especially noticeable - by 50 product units, the growth rate was 104.2%, in the meat deli group - by 40 product units, the growth rate was 104.5%, confectionery - by 50 product units, the growth rate was 102 .7%, the largest increase in the alcohol group is by 100 product units, a growth rate of 100%. In general, the assortment increased by 422 product units, the growth rate was 109.2%.

Table 2.2.2 - Depth of product group - cheeses

The table shows that the assortment of the cheese product group has been expanded by 20 items compared to the previous year; the largest number, namely 10 product units, was accounted for by hard cheeses. The growth rate was 107.8%, and there were 250 varieties in total.

Table 2.2.3 Range of products sold


Animal oil

"Starodubskoye", "Milgrad", "Kurskoye"


Cervelat “grainy”, “Okhtinsky”, “mountain” p/k “homemade”, p/k “novaya”, “Lubimaya”, Sausages “homemade”, Sausages “milk”, “krokha”, “Kubanskie”

"Maheev with lemon juice", Provencal, homemade, Maca, Mr. Rico, "calve"

Starodubsky, Russian, Yantar, Peshekhonsky, Omichka, Vityaz, Radonezh, Maazdam, Maazdam Feko, Viola, Hochland, Gouda, etc.

Vegetable oil

Golden seed, Oleina, Milora, Svetlitsa, Yanta, olive oil

Canned fish

“Mackerel in its own juice”, “Sardine”, “Nat. Pacific Herring”, “Saury” nat., Horse mackerel nat. With dm "Golden Harpoon", oysters, squid

Canned meat

Beef stew, horse meat stew, pork stew, Goose liver pate, duck liver pate, chicken liver pate, beef liver pate

Belorechenskoe 1st category, 2nd category, out.; Okinskoe selection, 1st category, 2nd category. Perepilinnoye

Milk, dairy products

Milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt

Ice cream

"Cheburashka", "ice cream", "Gourmand", "My Bunny"


Roll "Fairytale" apricot, Roll "Fairytale" creme brulee, Mini-rolls "Master of Dessert" cherry, Shock. Bogatyr in assortment

Wheat, rye

Millet, semolina, barley

"Maisky", "Princess Nuri", "Monarch", "Lipton", "Akbar"

Bay leaf, ground black and red pepper, dried parsley

Canned fruit

Apricot halves in syrup, peeled tangerines in slices, pineapple pieces

Canned vegetables

Assorted (tomatoes and cucumbers), squash caviar, sweet corn, green peas.

"Golden Rus'", "Gardens of the Don Region", "I", "Orchard"

"Efes Pilsner", "Baltika", "Fat Man", "Klinskoe", "Polar Bear", "Nevskoe", "Miller"

Ambassador BL, Jacobs Maxwell House, CartNoir, Nescafe Classic, Cibo Exclusive, Milagro Aroma

Mineral water

"Kazelskaya", "Aqua Minerale", "Zatishenskaya"

"Monastery Hut", "Grapevine", Kadarka, "Cabernet Sauvignon", "Tamyanka", Muscat Ottonel"

"Partizanskaya", "Vodka.Ru", "Russian Excitement", "Honey", "Father's House", "Gzhelka".


Rye bread, Borodinsky bread, poppy seed bun, Dorozhny loaf

As can be seen from the list listed in the store, there is a fairly wide selection of essential products that can be purchased by residents of this microdistrict at a time convenient for them. The formation of a product range consists of determining its breadth and depth.

The breadth of the assortment is determined by the number of product groups.

The depth of the assortment is determined by the number of types and varieties of goods within each group.

Let's examine these indicators. The store offers products from various groups:

Canned fruits and vegetables

Bakery products



Meat products

Flavoring products


Fish products

It follows that the breadth of product range in the store is 8.

The depth of the assortment depends on the number of varieties. Let's consider it using the example of a group of flavored products.

Jacobs Maxwell House - instant 100 g

Jacobs Monarch - instant 100 gr

Nescafe Classic - instant 50 g

Nescafe Classic - instant 100 gr

Chibo Mild - beans 250 gr

Chibo Mild - ground 250 gr

Milagro Aroma - instant 100 gr

Milagro Aroma - instant 200 gr

Moccona Black Label - beans 250 gr

Coffee Golden Cup - instant 100g

Coffee Golden Cup - beans 250 gr

May tea - large leaf 200 gr

Princess Nuri - leaf black and green 50g

Lipton - sheet black and green 50 g

Princess Gita-granulated and sheet black 100 g

Princess Java - leaf, bagged black and green teas 100 g

Ahmad - sheet black and cushioned 50 g

From the above we can conclude that the depth of the assortment is 17.

To increase the social level of trade services, store sales and operational workers should pay Special attention stability of the assortment. On the one hand, this indicator significantly affects the service level indicator, and on the other hand, it indicates the rhythm of deliveries. The sustainability of the assortment is the main guideline for the buyer.

To characterize the efficiency of commercial activities of a retail enterprise, the most important indicator is the degree of renewal of the product range, that is, its replenishment with new products and products. By inventory management, we primarily mean the management of inventory or raw material inventories. Inventory management is most relevant for companies in the trading and manufacturing sectors, as well as for companies providing services for storing goods in their warehouses. Inventories are classified according to various criteria. Thus, depending on the characteristics of circulation, they are divided into: inventories of current storage, which are intended to satisfy the daily needs of trade in the uninterrupted sale of goods to the population. These products include dairy and bakery products. Also, stocks of goods of seasonal accumulation and early delivery, which are associated with the seasonality of production and consumption of individual goods, with the conditions of their transportation to certain regions of the country. For example, when selling chilled drinks and ice cream, seasonality is taken into account, because during the warm season they are purchased better, and therefore need to be imported more often. In principle, if we talk about the inventory of this store, then we need to emphasize that it is relatively small and a lot of goods are not ordered, and they do not stay long on the sales floor and in warehouses. Analysis of the state of inventory. During the analysis, the circulation time of goods in days is calculated.

tday = (average technical specifications x number of days of the reporting period)/VTO

Average technical specifications = 9840393.23+12364005.1+140138.45+7865460.57)/4 = 11020927.34 rub.

tday = (11020927.34 x 90)/12600000 = 87.47 days

Based on the formula, it can be seen that there is enough inventory. - A deal for a million