Goods as an object of logistics activities. Theoretical foundations of logistics activities Goods as an object of logistics activities

This publication details modern concepts and logistics tasks. The fundamentals of managing material, monetary, information and other flows in the spheres of production and circulation are examined. A set of issues and tasks for the formation of production and commodity reserves is described. Attention is paid to such issues as mediation in logistics, logistics wholesale sales etc. The option of choosing a supplier of goods has been considered. The book is intended for students of higher and secondary educational institutions.

6. Goods as an object of logistics activities

Finished products are divided into:

1) means of production (which are made up of means of labor and objects of labor that are used by consumer firms);

2) consumer goods (which are sold to the final consumer).

Consumer goods are divided into:

1) consumer goods (such goods are characterized by constant demand for them, most often daily consumption, while the consumer often does not think about the quality characteristics of the product).

Products are divided into:

a) basic goods of constant demand (characterized by constant purchase, high turnover due to consumer habits and the effect of constant stimulating advertising);

b) impulse purchase goods (characterized by inconsistent demand, sudden purchase depending on need);

c) goods for emergencies (purchased as needed, seasonal goods);

2) pre-selection goods (characterized by the fact that the consumer, when purchasing, compares various options for goods, he has a choice. Usually, simple distribution systems are created for such goods retail chains sales with a small number of sales points. This leads to a reduction in logistics costs);

3) goods of special demand (in marketing, these are elite goods for which the consumer is willing to pay more and spend more effort on purchasing them; these can be goods of a prestigious brand, fashionable goods, etc.);

4) goods of passive demand (in marketing they are characterized by low demand because they are not known on the market; to sell them, the manufacturer requires additional efforts in the form of costs for advertising, marketing campaigns, etc.).

Logistics management is determined by the product life cycle:

1) development stage (characterized by a long duration, associated with the organization’s investments in research and development work);

2) the stage of introducing the product to the market (a long stage, characterized by high logistics and marketing costs, and an almost complete lack of profit);

3) growth stage (this stage is determined by an increase in the level of demand for manufactured products; difficulties for logistics management are to correctly predict demand, determine the main places and points of sale of products, manage inventory, transportation, warehouses. Inaccuracy of information can lead to high costs.);

4) stage of maturity (the rate of production growth, the level of profit reaches its maximum, at the end of the stage there may be a decrease in sales volume due to the action of competitors and the appearance of new products. At this stage, the action of logistics management is aimed at the active distribution of goods in sales network, sales control.);

5) stage of decline (characterized by a decrease in sales volumes and a decrease in profits due to the saturation of the market with goods, the emergence of new products, competing products, scientific and technological progress. The action of logistics management at this stage is aimed at reducing the number of points of sale of goods, reducing logistics costs, and reducing inventories in warehouses.).

Logistics cycle– a set of cycles connected by integrated logistics functions.

Components of the logistics cycle:

1) ordering, creating inventories;

2) processing consumer orders, organizing procurement and placing orders;

3) delivery, production;

4) collecting consumer orders and preparing documents;

5) analysis and preparation of reporting documentation.

The object of study of the fairly new discipline “Logistics” is material and related information and financial flows. Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes management of transport, warehousing, inventories, personnel, organization information systems, commercial activities. The fundamental novelty of the logistics approach is the organic mutual connection, the integration of the above areas into a single material-conducting system. The goal of the logistics approach is end-to-end management of material flows.

Logistics determines the principles of managing the organization of joint activities of all functional divisions of the enterprise for the passage of commodity flows from suppliers of raw materials through manufacturing enterprise to end consumers. It is the process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials components and finished products in economic turnover from the moment of payment of money to suppliers until the moment of receiving money for delivery of the final product to the consumer.

If we consider together the problems that logistics addresses, then what they have in common will be the issues of managing material and related information flows.

In domestic and foreign economic literature one can find a broader interpretation of the concept of logistics, in which the object of management is not limited to material flow. Today, logistics includes the management of human, energy, financial and other flows in economic systems. Terms such as “banking logistics”, “information logistics”, etc. have appeared. The term “logistics” is beginning to be used in situations involving clear planning of an agreed sequence of actions.

The main issues that logistics deals with are:

management of the enterprise's supply of raw materials and consumables(this includes solving such problems as choosing a supplier, calculating the optimal volume, structure and rhythm of delivery, assessing the performance of the supplier);

planning, control, management of transportation and warehousing (at this stage, the problems of choosing a carrier, the form of ownership of warehouse premises, organizing the acceptance of goods and checking their quality are solved);

in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter (maintaining the necessary assortment list goods, timely processing of customer orders, search for new forms and methods of sales, analysis of trading activities);

transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Science coordinates such functional areas of the enterprise as supply, production and sales.

The object of logistics research is something that can be individually described and considered by a logistics specialist, for example: material flows, flow processes such as fulfilling customer orders, moving products through the supply chain, or any combination of them.

The subject of logistics research is the activities of logisticians in managing, planning, organizing, controlling, regulating, and accounting for the process of promoting products and services.

Material flow management, like any other object, consists of the following two parts:


implementation of the decision.

In order to make informed decisions on materials management, certain knowledge is required. Activities to develop this knowledge are classified as logistics. A large group of definitions treats logistics as a science or scientific direction: logistics is an interdisciplinary scientific field directly related to the search for new opportunities to increase the efficiency of material flows.

In addition, logistics poses and solves the following tasks:

demand forecast and inventory planning based on it;

determination of the required production and transport capacity;

development of scientific principles for the distribution of finished products;

construction various options mathematical models of the functioning of logistics systems

The knowledge developed by science allows us to make informed decisions in the field of material flow management. For practical implementation decisions made specific actions are needed, therefore another group of definitions considers logistics as follows: logistics - direction economic activity, which consists in managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation.

In the course of logistics activities, the material flow is brought to the enterprise, then its rational promotion is organized through a chain of warehouse and production sites, after which the finished product is delivered to the consumer in accordance with the latter’s order.

The listed types of activities for managing material flows constitute the content of logistics, which the terminological dictionary of the same name defines as follows: logistics is the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials to a production enterprise, in-plant processing raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter, as well as transferring, storing and processing relevant information. This definition, as follows from its content, treats logistics as a science.

As an economic activity, logistics is presented in the following definition: logistics is the process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in economic circulation from the moment of payment of money for the delivery of finished products to the consumer (the principle of payment - receipt of money). This interpretation is more often found in foreign literature.

The key concept of logistics is the concept of material flow. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. Material flows also connect various enterprises.

Material flow is cargo, parts and inventory items considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and assigned to a certain interval.

Rice. 1.

Identification of stages of operations along the path of movement of goods, parts, inventory items through transport, production, and warehouse links allows:

see general process promoting a changing product to the end consumer;

design this process taking into account market needs.

Isolating the material flow as the main object of management somewhat simplifies the vision of economic processes. However, this simplification allows us to set and solve problems of end-to-end monitoring of cargo movement, starting from the primary source of raw materials through all intermediate processes until reaching the final consumer. Abstracting from a number of factors and highlighting the material flow as the main object of research and management makes it possible to design end-to-end logistics chains, study and predict their behavior, while significantly reducing the dimension of modeling problems, and also opens up new opportunities for formalized research of economic processes.

A logistics object can be looked at from different points of view: from the position of a marketer, financier, planning and production management manager, scientist. This explains the variety of definitions of logistics.

Each enterprise develops a logistics concept - a system of views on increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. It is based on the long-term goals of the enterprise and ensures consistency in the actions of all departments. Employees of the functional departments of the enterprise should take an active part in the development of the concept. This not only increases their motivation to work together, but also, by introducing new ideas, can improve the content of the concept itself. The development of such a concept is based on the analysis of logistics systems created at the enterprise.

Thus, logistics is the theory and practice of managing material flows. Therefore, we will dwell on the specifics of the logistics approach to managing material flows at both the macro and micro levels.

At the macro level, the chain through which a certain material flow sequentially passes consists of several independent enterprises. Traditionally, each of them is managed separately by the owner. At the same time, the problem of managing end-to-end material flow is not posed and not solved. As a result, the indicators of this flow, such as cost, reliability of receipt, quality, etc., at the exit from the chain are formed quite randomly and, as a rule, are far from optimal.

Rice. 2.

In the logistics approach, the object of management is the end-to-end material flow. At the same time, the isolation of enterprises - links in the material supply chain - is largely overcome for the coordinated management of end-to-end material flow. The necessary cargo begins to arrive at right time, to the right place, in the right quantity, of the required quality. In this case, the movement of material flow throughout the chain begins to take place at minimal cost.

At the micro level, the chain through which a certain material flow passes sequentially most often consists of various services one enterprise. With the traditional approach, the task of improving the end-to-end material flow within the enterprise, as a rule, is not a priority for any department. Indicators of material flow at the exit from the enterprise have a random value and are far from optimal.

With a logistics approach, a service is allocated and receives significant rights at the enterprise, priority which is the management of end-to-end material flow, i.e. the flow that comes from outside, passes through supply services, production workshops, finished product warehouses and then goes to the consumer. As a result, the material flow indicators at the exit from the enterprise become manageable.

The fundamental difference between the logistics approach to managing material flows and the traditional one is the identification of a single function for managing previously disparate material flows; in the technical, technological, economic and methodological integration of individual links of the material-conducting chain into a single system that ensures effective management through material flows.

Logistics is closely related to many other areas of the enterprise.

Logistics and marketing. The most significant relationship between logistics and marketing. Marketing is a management system that allows you to adapt production to market requirements to ensure profitable sales of goods.

Marketing was in demand due to the difficulties that arose with the sale of goods historically in an earlier period than logistics. In the middle of the 20th century. the orientation of production towards the production of goods needed on the market and the use of marketing methods for studying demand and influencing demand turned out to be a decisive factor in increasing competitiveness. The task of creating systems that ensure end-to-end management of material flows was not relevant then, firstly, due to the lack of technical capabilities to build such systems in the economy, and secondly, due to the fact that the use of marketing techniques that were new for that time allowed the enterprise to “ move forward sharply." In today's conditions, it is no longer possible to “get ahead” only through the use of marketing. The demand identified by marketing must be met in a timely manner through fast and accurate delivery (“fast response technology”). This “quick response” to emerging demand is only possible with an established logistics system.

Having entered the economic arena in a later period, logistics complements and develops marketing, linking the consumer, transport and supplier into a mobile, technically, technologically and economically planned system.

Marketing monitors and determines the demand that has arisen, i.e., answers questions about what product is needed, where, when and in what quantity. Logistics ensures the physical movement of the in-demand commodity mass to the consumer. Logistics integration allows you to ensure the delivery of the required goods to the right place, at the right time, at minimal cost.

Marketing studies the market, advertising, psychological impact on the buyer, etc. Logistics is primarily aimed at creating a technical and technological system for moving goods through distribution chains, as well as a system for controlling their passage. Let us explain the interaction of these two directions with an example.

There are the following tasks solved by the marketing service at the enterprise:

analysis environment and market research;

consumer analysis;

product planning, determination of assortment specialization of production;

service planning, optimization of market behavior for the most profitable sale of services.

If the first two tasks can be solved by the marketing service without the participation of the logistics service, then the third and fourth must be solved jointly.

For example, the marketing service justified the need to release a new type of product. Then the task of the logistics service will be to provide production with raw materials, inventory management, transportation, all in the context of a new type of product.

Solving the fourth task, marketing defines a strict framework of logistics service requirements for physical distribution. These requirements are fulfilled by logistics systems.

In general, the activities of logistics and marketing services are closely intertwined. Let us show their relationship using the example of drinks bottled in tetra bags. Package design is a marketing function; strength parameters of packages - logistics; the volume of the package - both marketing and logistics. Logistics is largely responsible for the geometric parameters of packages. Applying a bar code, which allows you to track the movement of each product item, is also a logistics task. However, given that the application of a bar code on packaging is one of the factors motivating purchase, its application may also be recommended by the marketing service.

Logistics and production planning. The logistics service at the enterprise closely interacts with production planning. This is due to the fact that production depends on the timely delivery of raw materials, materials, and components to a certain amount and a certain quality. Accordingly, the enterprise’s logistics service, which ensures the passage of end-to-end material flow (and therefore organizes the supply of enterprises), must participate in the decision to launch products into production, since it will have to provide production with resources.

On the other hand, logistics interacts with production in the process of organizing sales finished products. Managing material flows during the sales process and having comprehensive information about the sales market, the logistics service, naturally, must participate in the formation of a schedule for the release of finished products.

An essential task of the logistics service is the delivery of raw materials and components to workshops directly to workplaces and the movement of manufactured products to storage areas. The weak relationship between production and logistics when implementing this function leads to an increase in inventories in different areas, creating an additional burden on production.

One of the main indicators characterizing the supplier and influencing the organization of the entire logistics process is product quality. Definition optimal level quality, as well as control over its compliance, is a joint task of logistics and production planning services.

Logistics and finance. Materials management activities in an enterprise are usually associated with high costs. Accordingly, the activities of the logistics service are closely related to the activities of the finance service. For example, when determining the optimal volumes of inventory, the logistics service will proceed not only from economic calculations, but also from the real financial capabilities of the enterprise. Joint decisions by logistics and finance services are also made when purchasing equipment to support logistics processes. Transport and warehouse costs are jointly monitored and managed.

Like any other science, logistics has not only a subject and an object, but also a method. The main methods used to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of logistics include the following.

Expert assessment methods

1. Scenario method. It is a means of primary streamlining of a logistics problem, obtaining and collecting information about the relationships of the problem being solved with others, and about possible and likely directions for future development.

A scenario is a predominantly qualitative description of possible options for the development of the logistics facility under study under various combinations of certain (pre-selected) conditions. The scenario in expanded form shows possible options developments of events for their further analysis and selection of the most realistic and favorable ones.

A team of logistics experts creates a scenario plan that outlines the functional areas of logistics as well as the factors external environment, taken into account when formulating and solving a logistics problem. The different sections of the script are usually written different groups experts.

2. Delphi method. Unlike the scenario method, this method involves preliminary familiarization of logistics experts with the situation using a model.

Delphi method steps:

several experts are asked the same question;

each expert develops his assessments independently of other experts;

responses are collected and statistically averaged;

experts whose answers deviate significantly from the average values ​​are asked to justify their assessments after presenting the average values;

experts develop justifications and submit them for consideration;

the average value and corresponding justifications are presented to all experts to make a final decision

3. Goal tree method. Logistics experts are invited to evaluate the structure of the logistics model as a whole and make proposals for including unaccounted connections in it. A goal tree is a connected graph, the vertices of which are interpreted as the goals of the logistics system, and the edges or arcs are the connections between them. This is the main tool for linking the goals of the upper level of a logistics organization with specific means of achieving them at the lower operational level.

In program-target planning (when the goals of the plan are linked to resources using programs), the goal tree acts as a diagram showing the division of the general goals of the logistics plan into subgoals of various levels.

The presentation of goals begins at the top level of the logistics organization, and then they are successively disaggregated. The basic rule for disaggregating goals is completeness: each goal of the top level must be presented in the form of subgoals of the next level in an exhaustive manner, i.e., so that the combination of subgoals completely defines the original goal.

Methods using special computer programs

Application computer methods, helping specialists make decisions, allows:

make quick and high-quality decisions in the field of material flow management;

train experienced specialists in a relatively short period of time;

preserve the company’s know-how, since the person using this system cannot take the experience and knowledge contained in these programs outside the company;

use the experience and knowledge of highly qualified specialists in non-prestigious, dangerous, boring and other places

To the disadvantages computer systems the limited ability to use “common sense” should be attributed. Logistics processes include many operations with a variety of cargo. Take into account all their features in computer program impossible. Therefore, in order not to place a box weighing 100 kg on a box weighing 5 kg during storage, the user of this program must have “common sense”.

Total cost analysis in logistics

An effective material management technique is total cost analysis, often referred to as the total cost concept. This method underlies the theory and practice of logistics.

Full cost analysis means taking into account all economic phenomena that arise from changes in logistics system.

The use of total cost analysis means identifying all costs in the logistics system and rearranging them in such a way that will reduce the total costs. Total cost analysis was originally used in transportation to compare different transportation options. Subsequently, this method began to be used in professional activity logistics managers wherever it is necessary to make a choice from two or more alternatives.

Such an analysis also assumes the possibility of varying prices when searching for solutions, that is, the ability to increase costs in one area if this leads to savings in the system as a whole.

The main difficulties in applying the method, which often do not allow one to see and read the “hidden” cost of a solution, are as follows:

the need for special knowledge;

the need to take into account factors associated with indirect costs.

northern delivery logistics purchase


Logistics– the science of organizing the joint activities of all functional departments of an enterprise for the passage of commodity flows from suppliers of raw materials, through the production enterprise to final consumers.

Logistics studies not only commodity flows, but also related flows - information and financial.

The main questions which logistics deals with are:

1) managing the supply of raw materials and consumables to the enterprise (this includes solving such problems as choosing a supplier, calculating the optimal volume, structure and rhythm of delivery, assessing the performance of the supplier);

2) planning, control, management of transportation and warehousing (at this stage, the problems of choosing a carrier, the form of ownership of warehouse premises, organizing the acceptance of goods and checking their quality are solved);

3) in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

4) bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter (maintaining the necessary assortment list of goods, timely processing of customer orders, searching for new forms and methods of sales, analysis of trading activities);

5) transfer, storage and processing of relevant information.

Science coordinates such functional areas of the enterprise as supply, production and sales.

Logistics Research Object- this is something that can be individually described and reviewed by a logistics specialist, for example: material flows, flow processes, the process of fulfilling customer orders, the process of moving products through the supply chain, or any combination of them.

Subject of Logistics Research– this is the activity of logistics in managing, planning, organizing, controlling, regulating, and accounting for the process of promoting products and services.

Logistics goal– creating opportunities to improve the activities of employees of enterprise departments, aimed at reducing the level of total costs and obtaining maximum profit. The goal of logistics is considered achieved if the right product of the required quality is delivered at the required level of cost to the right consumer in the required quantity at the right time in the right place.

The goal of logistics is achieved by eliminating operations of an organizational and functional nature that do not create added value for the consumer. In other words, everything that does not bring benefit to the consumer and, accordingly, income to the enterprise is unnecessary.

Each enterprise develops logistics concept– a system of views on increasing the efficiency of functioning of enterprise systems. It is based on the long-term goals of the enterprise and ensures consistency in the actions of all departments. Employees of the functional departments of the enterprise should take an active part in the development of the concept. This not only increases their motivation to work together, but also, by introducing new ideas, can improve the content of the concept itself.


The purpose of the logistics enterprise is is to increase income and minimize costs. In order to control ongoing processes, identify shortcomings and respond in a timely manner in order to reduce the negative effect, it is necessary to constantly answer the following questions:

1) assess the extent to which profit maximization was ensured;

2) in cases of unprofitable activities, identify the reasons for such management and determine ways out of the current situation;

3) consider income based on their comparison with expenses;

4) study income trends;

5) identify what part of the income is used to reimburse sales expenses, taxes and profit generation;

6) calculate the deviation of the net profit compared to the sales profit and determine the reasons for these deviations;

7) identify reserves for increasing profits and increasing profitability, determine how and when to use these reserves;

8) study the areas of use of profits and assess whether financing is provided from own funds.

Stages of income and financial results analysis:

1) assessment of the total profit from sales for the reporting period and over time;

2) factor analysis of profit from sales;

3) study of profitability indicators and factors that influenced their change;

4) determination of measures to overcome unprofitability. The most frequently calculated indicators are:

1) net profit - characterizes the final financial results economic activity of the enterprise.

Net profit= total revenue from sales of goods+ non-operating income – amount of payment for goods – distribution costs – non-operating expenses – taxes

Factor analysis involves studying the main indicators that affect profit;

2) the indicator of product sales per ruble of cost is a general indicator characterizing the assessment of the efficiency of use of both production resources and the costs of production and sales of products.

This indicator reflects the influence of all factors on production efficiency, primarily the factors of increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, reducing material intensity and, ultimately, cost. It expresses the relationship between effect and cost;

3) return on sales - is a ratio products sold(works, services) to its cost.

Return on sales= (profit from goods, works, services sold/cost of goods, works, services sold+ administrative and commercial expenses) x 100

In world practice, when characterizing financial condition enterprises calculate the profitability ratio of products sold (Cr. p.)

Kr. P.= net profit from the sale of goods, works and services/sales of goods, works and services minus taxes from sales

Profitability ratio shows how much net profit an enterprise can receive per ruble of products sold.


Products are known to have properties that make them useful to humans. The usefulness of a thing is determined by its use value. Each product of labor has many properties, but its use value is formed only by those that determine the usefulness of the product of labor.

Use value of goods shows how, thanks to its properties, it satisfies specific human needs.

By their nature, consumer properties are physical, chemical, biological, etc. Consumer properties of goods can be divided into three classes:

1) properties that satisfy material needs;

2) properties that satisfy intangible needs;

3) properties that ensure satisfaction of time needs.

The use value of goods is revealed in their consumption. In market conditions, a prerequisite for a correct assessment of the use value of a product is knowledge of its market. The potential use value of a product is realized in the process of satisfying physical, social needs, as well as material and intangible needs. A product in logistics can be considered as a specific product, expanded and generalized. A specific product is a basic physical entity that has precise characteristics and is offered under a given description or model code.

Advanced Product– not only the image, but also service (the purchase of a car, for example, is linked to warranty service, the possibility of return, etc.)

Generalized product– a product in which consumer properties are expressed in the resulting socio-economic effect. The product must be brought to the point of commercialization. This means mastering the project production of goods, achieving their project cost, completing the necessary tests and obtaining the relevant documents, and creating warranty service stations. Goods are divided into consumer and industrial purposes. The nature of the use of goods in each of these groups is different; their purchase is caused by various needs and is determined by different motives.

Consumer goods are divided into three groups:

1) durable goods– refrigerators, cars, furniture, clothing, etc.;

2) non-durable goods- Food, detergents, i.e. those that are used either immediately or a limited number of times;

3) services– these are actions that bring useful results to people. Services are considered an object of sale, but they cannot be packaged, stored, or transported.

Industrial goods are divided into the following categories:

1) main equipment;

2) auxiliary equipment;

3) components and assemblies;

4) basic materials;

5) auxiliary materials and raw materials.

Logistics studies the entire movement of goods from the manufacturer to the final buyer: the mechanism for making purchasing decisions, organizing purchasing, transportation, warehousing and sales.

The goal is to analyze the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise. This goal actualizes the following tasks:
1. Explore theoretical aspects analysis of the role of logistics in the enterprise;
2. Analyze the activities of “DavArt-Trey” in the consumer market;
3. Suggest measures to improve retail turnover and ways to increase sales of the company’s goods.

Theoretical aspects of logistics trading enterprises and logistics services in trade…………………………………………………………………..……....…6
Logistics of trading enterprises and its place in the business logistics system………………………………………………………………………………………..…….6

Analysis of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP “DavArt-Trade”………………………………………………….………………….13
Organizational and economic characteristics of private unitary enterprise “DavArt-Trade”……………………………………………………………………………………….…..13
Assessment of the efficiency of logistics activities of PTU “DavArt-Trade”………………………………………………………………………………..………………..…17
Directions for increasing the efficiency of logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP “DavArt-Trade”……………………………………..19
Application of a logistics approach in creating a logistics service…………………………………………………………………………………….…...19

List of sources used……………………………………..………26

The work contains 1 file

Coursework: 26 pp., 1 table, 12 sources.


The object of the study is the logistics activities of a trading enterprise.

The subject of study is the features of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade".

Purpose of the work: to investigate the logistics activities of the enterprise and develop ways efficient work logistics department of a specific enterprise using a logistics approach.

Research methods: comparative analysis, theoretical analysis economic literature, economic methods, efficiency calculation.

Research and development: the existing logistics activities of the enterprise were studied, shortcomings were identified, and specific proposals were developed for the effective operation of the logistics department.

Area of ​​possible practical application: the use of a logistics approach in organizing the logistics activities of ChTUP "DavArt-Trey" in Minsk and other enterprises selling similar products.

(student's signature)


  1. Theoretical aspects of logistics of trading enterprises and logistics services in trade………………………………………………………………………………………… ………..……....…6
    1. Logistics of trading enterprises and its place in the business logistics system……………………………………………………… ………………………………..…….6
    2. Logistics service in trade…………………………………….…….9
    3. Key indicators efficiency of logistics activities…..11
  2. Analysis of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP “DavArt-Trade”………………………………………… …….………………….13
    1. Organizational and economic characteristics of private unitary enterprise “DavArt-Trade”…………………………………………………………… …………………………….……..13
    2. Assessment of the efficiency of logistics activities of PTUP “DavArt-Trade”………………………………………………… ………………..………………..…17
  3. Directions for increasing the efficiency of logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP “DavArt-Trade”……………………………….. 19
    1. Application of a logistics approach in creating a logistics service………………………………………………………………………………………….…...19
    2. Economic effect from the proposed recommendations……………......21


List of sources used……………………………………..……… 26


The object of study “logistics” is material and related information flows. The relevance of the discipline and the sharply growing interest in its study are due to the potential opportunities for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of material-conducting systems, which are opened up by the use of a logistics approach. Logistics makes it possible to significantly reduce the time interval between the acquisition of raw materials and semi-finished products and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer, and contributes to a sharp reduction in inventories. The use of logistics speeds up the process of obtaining information and increases the level of service.

Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes management of transport, warehousing, inventories, personnel, organization of information systems, commercial activities and much more.

Logistics began to develop in the 60-70s. last century, but its role increased in the 90s. This was due to the development of commercial relations, globalization of markets, increased competition, which led to the search for ways to optimally serve consumers and increased attention to company costs through their optimization. In order to be more successful, modern business simply needs a new look at many processes in order to optimize costs and expand the scope of services. In this regard, many companies create departments, services, and logistics departments.

In construction, logistics costs constitute a significant part of the costs, while the effective organization of logistics has a positive effect on the quality and timing of deliveries. That is why many companies are thinking about applying the principles and methods of logistics.

In this course work The retail enterprise “DavArt-Trade”, which sells food products, was investigated. This enterprise has a wide and deep product range.

The goal is to analyze the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise. This goal actualizes the following tasks:

1. Explore the theoretical aspects of analyzing the role of logistics in an enterprise;

2. Analyze the activities of “DavArt-Trey” in the consumer market;

3. Suggest measures to improve retail turnover and ways to increase sales of the company’s goods.

The object of the study is the enterprise “DavArt-Trade”. Subject: the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of economic literature; economic methods, efficiency calculation. The methodological apparatus of the research consisted of general scientific research methods: economic-statistical, comparative, structural-logical analysis, as well as a number of special research methods.

The use of the proposed system of measures for the commercial activities of an enterprise in practical activities will make it possible to determine the direction for improving its activities.

  1. Theoretical aspects of logistics of trade enterprises and logistics services in trade
    1. Logistics of trading enterprises and its place in the business logistics system

The logistics of a trading enterprise is a single, interconnected and interdependent system that connects the procurement and sales processes with logistics chains. A well-organized logistics system at a trading enterprise allows you to establish the trading process, taking into account the characteristics of all its stages and processes occurring with the product from the moment of its purchase to the moment of sale to the final consumer, and, as a result, significantly reduce costs and increase operational efficiency trading company.
Integration of all trading processes into unified system– and there is the concept of logistics of a trading enterprise. The main task is to organize the movement and interaction of flows of resources and products. The ultimate goal of implementing a logistics system at a trading enterprise is to increase the efficiency and profitability of the company through maximum integration of material, technical, and information resources into a single system.

The organization of logistics of a trading enterprise helps to achieve savings in the costs of circulation of goods in the procurement-sales system by minimizing warehouse stocks of resources, the transit time of goods, reducing unforeseen expenses, and eliminating ineffective operations from the system.

To achieve this goal, the logistics of a trading enterprise solves many large, fundamental tasks, among which the following can be identified as the main ones:

  • development of methods for managing the movement of goods;
  • implementation of a quality system at the enterprise;
  • development and optimization of a system for the physical movement of goods;
  • optimization of the operation of warehouse complexes;
  • coordination of the activities of all departments of the trading company;
  • forecasting demand volumes, etc.

The successful functioning of trade logistics at an enterprise is expressed in a systematic increase in the profit of the trade organization and general increase the effectiveness of its work.

In the context of the development of a market economy and persistent competition, a special role is played by the ability of an enterprise to attract and retain its consumers. In turn, victory in the “fight for the client” is possible only if the company is able not only to quickly and correctly respond to any changes in market conditions, but also to plan for future impacts.

Any enterprise, both manufacturing and trading, in which material flows are processed, must include a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores labor items (supply service): raw materials, semi-finished products, consumer goods.

Policy trading company In inventory management consists of two elements:

  • what to buy, when and in what quantities. This element includes the placement of inventory (in production or in a distribution center);
  • inventory management strategy, that is, inventory management of each distribution center separately or all together - centrally.

Most inventory management systems used in practice include hundreds and even thousands of product items. In such a situation, different types of products must be used differently. It is advisable to limit the study to those goods that have a high annual cost. One way to put this provision into practice is to compile a list of all types of products that constitute inventories, in descending order of their annual sales value. It is very likely that the Pareto effect will appear in this list, that is, about 20% of the goods will account for 80% of the total cost. It is these 20% of products that should be given priority attention because these are the products that are expected to provide the greatest benefit from inventory management system modeling research.

Maintaining inventories is a risky business because they immobilize capital and may eventually become unusable for sale. First of all, money invested in inventory cannot be used to purchase other assets or goods that can improve the efficiency of the enterprise. If borrowed rather than own funds are invested in inventories, this increases the interest expenses of the enterprise. Also, stored products may be stolen or become unusable. Combined with a significant investment in inventory, these factors constitute a significant portion of the risk for any business venture.

For a retailer, inventory management is essentially about buying and selling. A retailer purchases many different products and assumes considerable sales risk. Due to the high cost of retail space, the main thing for retailers is inventory turnover and direct profitability of each product.

The movement of material flows in the logistics chain is impossible without the concentration in certain places of the necessary stocks, for the storage of which the corresponding warehouses are intended. Movement through a warehouse is associated with the costs of living and embodied labor, which increases the cost of goods. In this regard, problems associated with the operation of warehouses have a significant impact on the rationalization of the movement of material flows in the logistics chain, the use of vehicles and distribution costs.

At the same time, the warehouse itself is just an element of a higher-level system - the logistics chain, which forms the basic and technical requirements for the warehouse system, sets the goals and criteria for its optimal functioning, and dictates the conditions for cargo processing. Consequently, the warehouse should not be considered in isolation, but as an integrated part of the logistics chain. Only this approach will ensure the successful implementation of the main functions of the warehouse and the achievement of a high level of profitability.

The warehouse is the most common element of logistics chains. Rationalization of material flows on it is a reserve for increasing the operating efficiency of any enterprise.
The use of the Pareto method allows you to minimize the number of movements in the warehouse by dividing the entire assortment into groups that require a large number of movements, and groups that are accessed quite rarely.

As a rule, frequently released goods make up only a small part of the assortment, and they need to be located in convenient places as close as possible to the release zones, along the so-called “hot” lines. Products that are required less frequently are relegated to the background and placed along the “cold” lines. Large goods and goods stored without containers can also be located along the “hot” lines, since their movement is associated with significant difficulties.