Choosing a niche in the commodity business. How to find your favorite business and niche for online business: simple instructions. Wedding car rental

- Hello!

Very important message.

I am sure you will agree with me that finding a niche in business is somewhat reminiscent of finding yourself in life.

And in Lately I get a lot of emails about choosing a niche and how to choose the right topic when starting a new one website or blog. Sometimes people simply don’t know what to do.

Or do they tell me that everything good ideas(or key ideas) are already taken by someone, that there is too much competition and there is no more room for them.

The simplest, most proven and effective way to choose what to do- This choose what lights up your life, what would you do if time and money had no meaning to you.

Usually we call this “something” our own Hobby.

Yes, you heard right, the simplest but most effective way to choose a niche is to use your own hobby - something that you do and enjoy and could do for free.

And to make it easier for you to think about how to choose your Lifetime Business, I decided to make a small (consisting of 99 examples) list of niches in which you can easily start making money on your knowledge and expertise.

And I am more than sure that you will be able to find something of your own among this list. After all, I know for sure that you could have done something in your childhood or youth. Well, it can’t be that you had no interests at all, right?


Here is a list of what you can earn money from knowing today:

If you love active recreation, then you have every chance of becoming an expert in:

  1. Swimming
  2. Fitness
  3. Aerobics
  4. Tennis and table tennis
  5. Skating
  6. Roller skating
  7. skiing
  8. Firearms shooting
  9. Airsoft
  10. Body-building
  11. Horse riding
  12. Martial arts
  13. Martial arts (taekwondo, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, judo, karate, jiu-jitsu)

Already found something familiar?

I hope you found it. But if not, is it possible that you were very fond of dancing as a child?

This is true?

Here is a list of popular types of dances in which you can become an expert and already receive indecently large sums for your knowledge:

  1. Ballroom
  2. Hustle
  3. Tectonic
  4. Brakedance
  5. Salsa
  6. Strip dance
  7. Go-go
  8. Belly dance
  9. Tango

... and much, much more. If you are well versed in dancing and spent your entire youth in dance clubs, you can easily choose your favorite style.

If you are a lover of thrills and extreme sports and get high from adrenaline getting into your blood, then I also have something for you:

  1. Mountain bike
  2. Extreme car driving, street racing
  3. Snowboard
  4. Rope jumping
  5. Rock climbing
  6. Drifting
  7. Parkour
  8. Surfing
  9. Fire-show
  10. Diving

Of course, I could go on and on with this list, but there is still a sea of ​​all sorts of cool interests that you were involved in as a child, but no longer remember:

  1. Fishing
  2. Karting
  3. Golf
  4. Yoga
  5. Meditation
  6. Graffiti
  7. Drawing
  8. Game on musical instruments(guitar, drums, piano, DJ, etc.)
  9. Vocals, singing, karaoke
  10. Archeology
  11. Tattoo
  12. Piercing
  13. Henna painting

If you are a master of needlework, then you can teach others:

  1. Wood carving
  2. Clay crafting
  3. Knitting, sewing
  4. Macrame
  5. Origami
  6. Modeling
  7. Scrapbooking

“What if I lost my whole life in computer games and by the age of 30 I can’t do anything anymore?” - you ask. I answer:

  1. Streaming

And even in this direction you can find yourself. Even if you have been interested in games all your life, you can also start making money from this.

Haven't found yourself yet?

  1. Acting art
  2. Beekeeping
  3. Calligraphy
  4. Manual therapy, massage
  5. Literature
  6. Writing books
  7. Feng Shui
  8. Web design
  9. Floristics
  10. Card tricks
  11. Gardening, dacha

Yes, exactly the dacha. Why not?

You can very well sell your knowledge in the dacha business, especially if you are a good expert in this matter and know which tree you shouldn’t plant a pear near :).

I'm not even talking about selling knowledge in this:

  1. Psychology
  2. Jurisprudence
  3. Esoterics
  4. Health
  5. Nutrition
  6. beauty
  7. Fashion
  8. Philosophy
  9. The science
  10. Cybernetics
  11. Story
  12. Physics
  13. Medicine

And a bunch of other directions. In addition, if you do not have full knowledge of a niche, you can become an expert in a separate sub-niche. If this is psychology, then:

  1. NLP

If this is History, then:

  1. History of Latin American Countries
  2. History of the Middle Ages

In any niche, you can make a sub-niche and become an expert in the sub-niche.

Do you want more?

If you've reached this point, then I'm sure yes. Okay, take the last 11 niches that you can use as a choice:

  1. Mobile devices, tablets, computers
  2. Photo processing
  3. Video processing
  4. Collecting
  5. Marketing
  6. Pickup, dating
  7. Trips
  8. English (German, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, etc.) language
  9. Football freestyle
  10. Floriculture
  11. Aromatherapy

Oof! Well, I coped with the task. It wasn't easy, but I was able to give 99 examples of niches in which you can find yourself, just like I did.


I already understood and know that my main niche is Internet entrepreneurship. However, this is just the beginning. If I want to build my name in the Internet products and services market, I need to focus not only on searching for a niche, but again and again discover new opportunities to create countless ways to promote your knowledge on the Internet.

Let's face it when you start something new ( anything!, it doesn’t matter) - you always have to do a lot and for a long time. And if you are like me, and you actually look at things from the same angle, then when you launch your Online Business - I assure you, it will have a great opportunity to succeed.

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Dmitry was with you

See you later

It's fashionable now. At the same time, the desire to make money among beginning entrepreneurs is often stronger than the desire to create a unique product or compete in an overheated market.

Choosing the right niche becomes one of the components successful start business. This is not an easy task, requiring analysis of the current situation and reliance on the experience of other businessmen. How to choose a niche in which you are sure to make money? What are the most important criteria for this choice? We tell you in this article.

Success is a niche with stable demand and insufficient supply

When starting a business, you should look at markets that are characterized by high demand and a lack of quality supply at the same time.

In other words, make a choice in favor of developed markets without strong competition, the level of which there is much lower than, for example, in the mobile payments market, where there are already a sufficient number of strong players.

A well-known example: cheap food in Moscow is represented mainly by small service points, private stalls with shawarma, pastries and low-quality coffee. But at the same time, there is no network offer with quality standards and compliance with sanitary standards.

At this moment, the Cofix project and a little later - One Price Coffee entered the market, establishments with a very simple concept: coffee and light snacks at a fixed price (60 rubles). They are quickly spreading throughout the city in high-traffic areas (the first Cofix coffee shop opened in October 2016 in the very center of Moscow in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center) and are pushing out all competitors from the market due to a well-coordinated service system, quality and service standards, availability branded, recognizable packaging, compliance with all sanitary standards and a truly interesting concept.

From this example we can derive the formula: “niche in which you need to open a business = high demand+ lack of a worthy offer.” By providing the market with a quality offer, you can take over all this demand.

An undeveloped niche is your springboard for growth

The audience wants to receive goods and services High Quality. Therefore, when entering the market, your task is to satisfy this desire. they will appreciate it, and over time you will be able to take a significant market share.

The point of choosing a market niche is to transfer the game to your field, perhaps not the largest one, and then use the advantages that your field gives to any player.

An undeveloped market does not mean that there are no major players in it

You can enter a market where there are already strong companies, but use a different strategy (for example, working with private and small orders instead of government orders).

For some time, with such a strategy, you will be of no interest to large players and will be able to develop infrastructure, increase financial assets and customer base.

For example, these could be the niches of “freelancers” and “private traders”, where they act as market players who do not use conditional CRM and who do not have enough resources to interact with more than one client.

Using the Creon agency as an example: when we just launched the project in 2013, there were only large agencies on the market that took on all the big projects and promotions. They could manage up to five clients at a time and employ about 100 people.

At the same time, there were companies that could not turn to large agencies, since they didn’t even have a minimum budget. Thus, there was a demand in this market and there was no normal supply. At that time, we became the only company that had its own service system and segmentation of directions.

  • Our feature, firstly, was the division of responsibilities among employees. If in other small agencies one person could be fully involved in promoting an account, organizing events, analytics, and project management, then in our case similar functions were divided between the corresponding managers.
  • Secondly, we had funds that we could invest in the project and, therefore, the availability of timely payment, which significantly speeded up the work process.
  • Thirdly, a decent marketing kit, CRM, business process automation and communication skills. Thus, since 2013, we have grown from two projects per month to more than 100 contracts in the same period.

Another example: there is an established market for telephones and computer equipment; there is always a demand for them. There are such giants in this market as Apple and Samsung, which offer the most extensive functionality for a very high price. But there is no player who would sell at a low cost all the functions that well-known brands have.

And suddenly in 2010 the Xiaomi brand appeared, managing to revolutionize the technology market and in just four years surpass the South Korean giant Samsung in smartphone sales (15 million devices sold in April, May and June 2014 for Xiaomi versus 13.4 million for Samsung in China for the same period).

The brand's strategy was significantly different from others - they began to sell smartphones almost equal to the cost, and their characteristics were close to the maximum, which, by and large, are in no way inferior to famous flagships.

In September 2018, Xiaomi, in response to the presentation of the new Apple iPhone XR, offered its selection of useful gadgets for the same price as one new iPhone. For one price you could get a Xiaomi Mi 8 smartphone, a Mi Band 3 fitness bracelet, a Bluetooth headset and a Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air laptop.

So, all the functionality and characteristics of Xiaomi, as well as their promotion strategy, forced the buyer to reconsider their attitude towards “established brands” and look at the product of the young Chinese company without glasses of contempt.

Business and hype

You should not enter a niche in which the popularity of the product grows too quickly, but also quickly fades away, that is, the demand for your product or service should develop into a constant one, and not fall as quickly as it grew.

Be wary of hype projects: they don’t last long, in most cases from a month to a year. Constantly analyze the market and try to predict which topics will fade away in six months, and which will be relevant for a longer time.

This is what happened with the spinner market, for example. When they first appeared in Russia, they were wildly popular; they were bought even by those who did not need them at all. But this hype did not last very long, not even a year had passed, and almost everyone forgot about spinners, they ceased to be a hype.

If you decide to open your own business, you must understand that the ability to find “your” market niche and penetrate into it is the foundation, the basis for all subsequent actions. And your key components of success should be:

  • choosing a market with a low level of competition;
  • sensitive reaction to any changes in supply and demand in the market;
  • understanding of business conditions;
  • the ability to see today what will become clear to everyone only tomorrow.

Photo in the material and on the cover: Unsplash

If you have already completed 100,500 trainings to find your purpose and strengths, but have not found them, then this article is for you.

You will learn the easiest and most effective way to find your favorite business and niche for business. Believe me, I spent a lot of money on trainings and courses on choosing a business and a niche, but only this instruction helped me the most.

But first, one more note. I believe that when it comes to finding a niche, everything is turned upside down. People at first looking for some mythical purpose, and Then start doing something.

It is not right. We need to do the opposite.

Do first, and then analyze– is this your destiny or not. First actions, and then “searches”.

Because 97% of graduates of courses on finding purpose never do anything. So let's agree this way: You study the instructions and act. There are no other secrets to finding a niche.

I will provide you with a fairly simple and easy-to-follow algorithm consisting of four steps.

But don’t let the simplicity and ease of this algorithm confuse you - it is actually powerful and effective, and will definitely help you cope with the difficulties that arise, if, of course, you conscientiously do everything that is required of you.

Well, let's begin. In order to monetize your existing knowledge and hobbies, you will need two blank sheets of paper. At the moment, these are the most effective and necessary tools for us.

Each time, this algorithm for searching for a favorite activity proved its effectiveness, and it worked regardless of the country, continent and other geographical, or economic, social and other situation of the person who tried to apply it from personal experience.

It was by using this algorithm that I found my calling and my niche. Therefore, take its implementation as seriously, responsibly and conscientiously as possible. Ready?

Great, then we'll get started.

Step number one.

First, pick up the first blank sheet of paper. On this sheet you must provide a detailed, specific and as complete answer to the following question as possible:

What am I really good at? What area am I really good at?

Don't rush to answer. And especially don’t rush to yell: I CAN’T KNOW ANYTHING AND EVERYWHERE I’M BAD BAD! Because it would be outright untrue.

I say again - carefully and carefully (without excitement, panic and fuss) think about the answer to this question and rewrite EVERYTHING that comes to your mind.

But your opinion about the goodness of yourself in one area or another should be balanced and reasonable, not far-fetched.

It must have good reasons behind it, and not float in the air and not appear out of nowhere. Because this is the first step, and it is the most important. Mistakes at this step doom everything that follows.

But on the other hand, regardless of in which area you cope well with the necessary tasks, in which area you are doing well, you should write down this area.

No matter how worthless, unclaimed and ridiculous it may seem to you at first glance.

Think about all this carefully and write it down on the first blank sheet of paper.

For example:

  • Are you a good teacher? So write it down, of course, specifying what you teach best and what you teach best.
  • Are you a good spouse? Write it down like that.
  • Are you a good mentor in this or that matter? Great, write.
  • Are you a well-organized person? Write like that.
  • You are very good at creating detailed step by step plans based on general information? Write.

Write down on this piece of paper everything, absolutely everything that may be part of the answer to the specified question.

I emphasize again : no matter how insignificant and insignificant this or that area may seem to you, you definitely need to rewrite them all.

The best method is to use brainstorming. Choose a quiet place and time, ask yourself this question and write whatever comes to your mind without thinking.

In fact, this is not only an easy, but also quite enjoyable and delightful process.

So, without hesitation or doubt, try this first step. Just take it and do it - and you will be amazed that everything worked out for you.

Important Note : You should write whatever comes to your mind about what you are good at, without stopping.

Don’t worry about writing something vaguely or in general terms (or vice versa - too narrowly, without generalization). All this can be edited later.

Now just write, write and write, don’t interrupt the flow of your thoughts. Once you focus on the answers to a given question, let those answers spill out of your head and onto paper.

Don’t be distracted by anything, be as honest and frank with yourself as possible - after all, no one will see these recordings except you, therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be ashamed of and no one to be afraid of.

Just write, write and write.

I give you a limiting setting - don’t stop until you write at least 40 possible answers to this question.

This number may scare you, but this is only a first impression. As soon as you take on the task and plunge headlong into the process, you will understand that this is quite possible.

Moreover, if you approach this task with focus, thoroughness and conscientiousness, you will be able to write many more paragraphs than the number I just recommended to you.

Additional questions to help complete the list:

  • Remember what you loved to do as a child, what you got high from, what gave you pleasure?
  • What was it easy for you to do the first time?
  • Where can't you cheat? Not because you have to, but because you can’t do otherwise?
  • To which of famous people would you like to be similar – in terms of personality and their life?
  • What are you interested in, what information attracts your attention: films, books, shops, magazines?
  • What would you like to do with the rest of your life? It is to do, to create – and not to visit or buy.
  • What is something you keep thinking about that could be improved?
  • When doing what tasks do you not notice how time passes?
  • What are you most proud of in your life?

Step number two

You ask the same question, but now not to yourself, but to the people around you - friends, family, acquaintances, etc.

What do you think I'm really good at? What area am I really good at?

Anyone who can understand you correctly and give an objective answer to this question. Because during the first step you examine yourself, but it is hardly advisable to rely entirely on your own opinion.

From experience : This is the most difficult moment: asking other people about it. But it was other people's answers that became for me the most useful step from this exercise.

It is necessary that this opinion be confirmed by the opinions of other people who know you well and can point out those areas in which you really show yourself well.

Do you know how I did it? I just took out my cell phone and called everyone who was there and who might actually know me well.

Moreover, people around you can point you to areas that you have not thought about at all.

This happens quite often. Because in most cases, if you are really good at something in any area, you can simply don't notice it.

This feature of your experience, your personal practice, may seem so natural to you that you will not see anything special in it, whereas for other people it is visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, the opinion of the close people around you will not only correct your list compiled during the first step, but can also significantly supplement it.

Ask them this question, and then carefully record the answers you receive.

Interview your loved ones and write down the answers until, as in the first step, you have as many at least 40 options.

Again - you can collect a large number of very different answers, if you conscientiously approach this exercise, there will be not 40, but perhaps 80, a hundred, or even two or three hundred... great, the more there are, the better , the main thing is not to fall below the recommended figure.

So, now you have two covered sheets of paper. On the first sheet you write down what you think you are strong at.

This list is compiled based on your personal self-esteem, your opinion about your own experience, your feelings, hobbies, etc.

The second sheet of paper is the same list, but compiled according to data from other sources - according to the opinions of close people around you regarding the same issue.

Third step

The third step is to carefully compare the items in the first list with the items in the second.

Your task at this stage is to identify three items that coincide in both lists.

Remember this figure - three points, exactly three points, no more and no less.

Simply put, compare the first list with the second and find three areas in which you are actually good - both in your opinion and in the opinion of others.

Write down each of these areas on a separate sheet of paper. Naturally, each of these areas of activity should attract you, delight you and charge you with energy and enthusiasm.

Each of these areas should represent your passion, what you like to do and what’s more, you’re good at it.

Do you know what I had? The ability to systematize and structure information, the ability to simply convey it and communicate in a kind manner.

It is on these strengths that I build my information business. And, by the way, I could build any other business on these same features. It was just at that time that I came across the information business.

A complete checklist for launching your information business

AND BEGAN TO DO IT. The inscription in my head did not flash in neon “ Your purpose is to be an information businessman“- no, that didn’t happen.

I just started trying different things, based on my strengths. And the information business has done well.

Look, important point, if the people around you admit that you do something well, but doing it does not give you any pleasure - This area cannot be used as the basis for your own business.

The desired topic, the desired field of activity should captivate you, you should like it so much that if you start doing this around the clock in a row, you will not get tired, bored or experience negative emotions from the very fact of working in the right direction.

So, comparing the first and second lists, you identify three areas that coincide in both lists, which at the same time greatly fascinate you and the work in which will not cause you discomfort, frustrate, irritate and tire you.

We write down each of these areas on a separate piece of paper, and at this point the third step can be considered completed.

Fourth step

In front of you are three pieces of paper, each of which contains a field of activity that interests you and in which you will perform very well.

And now your task is to choose from these areas the one to which your soul lies to a greater extent - it is this area that will become your professional specialization, which will bring you own business and the first dollar, and all subsequent ones.

That’s the whole secret, the whole trick, the whole algorithm and the whole technique. It's actually not difficult, simple and fun, and I don't see any reason to put it off.

In fact, after you choose your field of activity, the work has only just begun, but this one will be very nice job and you won’t have any problems with motivation.

Now you need to check your niche for relevance

You have done everything mentioned above and chosen what you are strong in! Great! Let's check whether this idea is in demand.

What should be done?

Yandex. Wordstat

First, make a list keywords, which characterize your intended niche for making money on the Internet. Minimum 30.

Then check the number of requests for these words in Yandex. wordstat.

If there are few requests, the idea may not be as popular as you thought. How much is too little? If there are less than 1000 requests per month, you should think about choosing a different niche or, which is much better, choose keywords more carefully.

Let's say you find a query with high scores.

Website analysis

Next, we enter your keywords into the search and analyze the first 50 sites from the search results: how much content is there on the topic, is there a newsletter, what are they selling, are there contacts of the seller, what is the site traffic, with whom they exchange links.

If all this is presented well, it means the topic is in demand. If there are few sites, it means there is no demand in the niche. Further.

We enter your keys into the search again. This time we look at contextual ads: how many there are, what they sell. If there are advertisements, it means there is a demand for the product.


Now let's move on to working with forums. We find a couple of forums similar to the topic of your planned product. It’s enough just to add the word “forum” to our original request and browse through the results.

We find in these forums the necessary topics similar to our product, study them: what people say, what questions they ask, what they are interested in on this topic - these are ready-made chapters of your product.


Now let's move on to competitors. If they are not there, this is a reason to think, it means that the niche is not in demand.


Another effective method to find out the demand for a product - these are surveys.

You can do them on your website, on social media. networks, on forums. Ask questions like: would you be interested in such a product, how much would you pay for it, etc. Give people a valuable free bonus as a thank you for their answers.

The more responsibly you approach your choice, the more profit you will receive. Don't neglect the tips you learned above.

Real niche testing.

This testing must be carried out if you decide to create an information product!

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Reading time: 10 minutes

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How to make the right choice of niche from scratch? This is a pressing question for all beginning businessmen. Choosing a niche is very important, because it determines how your business will develop, whether it will be profitable and promising. So, let's begin.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Why is it so important to choose the right business niche?
  2. 12 approaches and 10 main stages of choosing a niche from scratch
  3. What parameters should you choose?
  4. The easiest way to decide on a niche
  5. What to do if you are completely confused with the choice
  6. 3 typical mistakes when choosing a niche for business

Why is the right choice of business niche so important?

Choosing the right niche is one of the main components of success. Even if the supply is perfect, it can dissipate in light of low demand if the direction is chosen incorrectly.

The university curriculum and teaching materials in economics say: “Produce a product previously unknown to the market, and you will be rich.” But in modern conditions Russian economy you will only be successful if you find a niche with high demand. He is the one distinctive feature a correctly chosen niche, and not uniqueness, attractiveness, or ethical standards.

The niche should be as narrow as possible. For example, a translator with extensive experience opens a translation agency. He will have many competitors. To occupy his niche, he must choose a narrower direction (engage in technical translations).

You need to be aware that not only the attractiveness of a niche is important, but also the high demand in it. After a long search, the businessman found a unique, interesting offer to consumers in the field in which he is a professional. And demand is low. Therefore, the procedure should be like this:

  1. Choosing an interesting niche.
  2. Studying the demand in it
  3. Making the final decision and offering goods/services.

3 reasons why choosing a niche is not an easy decision

Difficulties in choosing a niche are due to the following reasons:

  1. Doubt.

Doubting means not believing in your ability to cope with the topic. Doubt is normal. You need to be wary of statements like, “This topic is a sure thing.” When launching a new project, it is unknown what awaits the entrepreneur in a few months.

Doubt can be paralyzing. You will be looking at many niche options, hoping to find the perfect one. But, alas, there are none.

Oddly enough, in order to get rid of doubt, you have to make mistakes. Research and testing will help you. Research does not guarantee your success. The test will allow you to see the real situation.

  1. Inaction.

If a person is inactive, he becomes a theorist. He has a lot of knowledge and skills, but the result is zero.

There is no effective way to combat inaction. If you don’t want to change anything, then you’ll just lie on the couch. In order to start working, you need a good incentive.

  1. Theft.

Stealing is the same as sitting on a mine. Some people think that copying someone else's website is a good solution for their business. But every company is unique. Even if you opened the same beauty salon as nearby, you will have different clients, as well as profits.

Every entrepreneur is individual.

Not everyone can correctly interpret Picasso’s statement: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

You can take someone else’s business as an example, but pass their idea through your own worldview. Blind copying will not produce results. Running a business is harder than pressing CTRL+C.

12 approaches to choosing a niche from scratch

Approach #1. Logics

A logical approach to choosing a niche involves the need to evaluate it in terms of logic and numbers. Only calculations will allow you to find out whether the profitability of the business will be high, what the profit will be, and whether it will be possible to scale the enterprise.

Approach #2. Experience

With the help of a business, you can turn your accumulated experience into a product that is in demand on the market and receive income from its sales. Experience cannot be ignored.

Approach #3. Hobby

If you spend all your free time doing what you love, then it is better to build a business on your hobby. There is no need to be ashamed that you are making a profit from an activity that you enjoy doing. You should get a kick out of such a niche.

Approach #4. People

When choosing a niche, focus on the people around you. Look through the contacts on your phone, think about your friends and family in a different way: maybe one of them is an ideal option to become your partner or supplier. Starting point yours entrepreneurial activity can become a person.

Approach #5. Family

Why is a family business a great option? What obstacles may you encounter on the way to realizing your own potential in a family business, and how to overcome them?

If one of your family members is a businessman, then a great option is to become their partner. There is a high probability that the development of a family business will be the work of your whole life. Many companies that have achieved success are family-owned (IKEA, Toyota, Ferrero or Auchan).

Approach #6. Barrier to entry

For any business there will be barriers to entry. In the same niche, the barrier for different businesses may be different. Your task is to find a niche for which the barrier to entry will be insignificant for you.

Approach #7. The market's plea

When choosing a niche, you may not notice that it is right under your nose. Friends and acquaintances ask you to do something, sell, order, deliver... Listen to their requests and make the right choice of niche. Perhaps, by starting to sell your products or services, you will satisfy the needs of others?

Approach #8. Innovation

An innovative idea is not necessarily the design of a perpetual motion machine or a new source of energy. The profitability of a niche based on innovation will be high if the author of the idea learns how to make money. As a rule, scientists and creators innovative technologies they don't know how to do this.

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Approach #9. Model

There is no need to develop a new product from scratch. If there is already a product in demand on the market that you would use with pleasure, then choose it, refine it, make it more advanced, etc. If consumers are interested in your product/service, then rest assured that you have made the right choice of niche.

Approach 10. Future

Would you start a business selling video cassettes? And why?

When choosing a niche, you need to understand what will be in demand among consumers, both short-term and long-term. long term. What products and services will not lose relevance in a few years?

Approach #11. Benefit, pain

Look at those around you. Everyone knows what pain is. If you manage to relieve people of it, eliminate the cause of their irritation, and satisfy their needs, then you will be able to gain a foothold in the market and form a customer base.

Approach #12. Just

What if you have no reason to open a business in any of the niches? If you don't have an explanation, why is it worth going into brick making, construction, catering or upholstered furniture?

Choosing a niche from scratch: 10 main steps

Stage 1. Selecting an available niche in the market

You must be able to carve out a niche. There is no need to reinvent the wheel at this time. Generating market demand is not an easy task. If you want to introduce your product to the market, first test how competitive it is.

Stage 2. Determining your target audience

First of all, you need to decide on the market, identify the target audience segment, and then select a product or develop a new one. Your job is to become one with your consumers so you don't have to guess what they want. It is impossible to make a product sales forecast without preliminary testing.

Stage 3. Analysis of potential clients

Large fish in the pond have a more advantageous position than small ones in the sea. Do a comparative analysis of you and the clients in the focus group. The objects of analysis can be: experience, habits, hobbies, interests, most frequently purchased goods and services.

Stage 4. Competitor analysis

It is necessary at the very beginning of your activity. In Yandex, enter keywords for the selected product into the search bar. After analyzing the search results, make a list of the 10 largest competitors. Evaluate their websites, their sales methods, order forms, and delivery service. You can pre-order, etc.

Stage 5. Increasing the competitiveness of the product and choosing a niche for business

Go to the page on the “budget forecast” tab, enter keywords and analyze the search engine’s statistics on the number of impressions per month. You will be able to understand whether sales will go well or not. The “budget forecast” tab allows you to see the cost of one click after entering keywords. This helps you decide on your advertising budget.

Stage 6. Development of a slogan and concept for your brand

It is necessary to fit the description of the main advantage of the product into one short phrase. For example, Apple’s concept is “Think globally”, MTS’s concept is “You know you can”. In the vastness of the Runet, you can familiarize yourself with various slogans and develop your own.

Stage 7. Determining the niche pricing policy

If the client is solvent, then the likelihood of complaints from him is minimal. He almost never asks questions and rarely returns goods.

Stage 8. Using the product resale model

This is a classic. This model is the choice of most novice entrepreneurs, especially owners of online stores. You purchase goods in bulk and sell them at a premium. This method is simple, but you won’t earn much from it. The first profit ends up in the hands of a businessman just a few weeks after the start. But due to strong competition, there is a rapid decline in demand.

The exception is cases when an agreement for the sale of products is concluded with its manufacturer. This is an official distributor. The resale model is good if you deal with secondary goods, that is, those that began to be produced after the main one: they do not need promotion. For example, these could be iPad cases.

Stage 9. Testing

The most important stage. It helps determine whether a product is competitive and whether there is high demand for it. In addition, conducting it will allow you to understand which products should be left in the assortment basket, and which ones to get rid of.

Ask your potential client a question: “How do you feel about buying such and such a product?” The person will respond positively about it, and you will make an offer: “I have it, and I can sell it to you.” Most likely, the person will refuse in a polite manner. But by offering to make a purchase immediately, you can definitely understand how viable the product is.

Before the Internet, testing was done by placing advertisements in magazines. Consumers were encouraged to call if they wanted to buy specific product. Analyzing the number of calls and response potential clients, made a decision whether to continue producing/purchasing the product or abandon it.

The Internet has made testing much easier. Now you can use tools such as Yandex Direct, Google Adwords. And sales opportunities through social media almost limitless.

It will help you:

  • Studying the activities of competitors.
  • Keyword testing using wordstat.
  • Creating an attractive trade offer, development of concepts, slogans for products and companies.
  • Creating a website with a small number of pages and placing short advertisements on social networks, as well as contextual advertising.
  • Liquidation of goods whose sales are not going well; analysis of products with the greatest attractiveness and investments in the most expensive of them, as well as in marketing activities, their scaling.

Step 10: Using the 100% Money Back Guarantee

This tool is very effective. Guarantee your customers 100% money back. Come up with attention-grabbing slogans, for example: “We will deliver your order in half an hour, otherwise lunch will be at our expense,” etc.

What parameters should you use to select a niche from scratch?

Below are the parameters that allow you to comb out a niche and choose the best option:

  1. Margin– the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. If the products are inexpensive, then the margin should be at least 200-300%, not 30%. And if the product is expensive, then a margin of 10% would be good.
  2. Seasonality– dependence of sales volumes on the time of year or any events. If you are new to business, there is no need to opt for seasonal products.
  3. Product dimensions. They determine the storage location of products and the delivery method. For beginners, it is better to choose niches whose dimensions will not create difficulties.
  4. Delivery period. If the product is popular, then ideally it should be delivered within 24 hours. If your choice fell on rare products, then the delivery time will not matter much.
  5. Purchase price. Knowing it, you can calculate the amount of the initial investment. Agree that purchasing 10 TVs will cost much more than purchasing a batch of 100 smartphone cases. But the profit may be the same.

There are other options as well. But these are the main assistants in choosing a promising niche from scratch. Make a table in which you evaluate all the parameters for each niche. Options with the largest number pluses can be sent for testing.

The easiest choice of business niche

All numerous types of business activities are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Production.
  • Trade.
  • Provision of services.

Any enterprise can be classified into one of these categories. Work in two or three directions is also not excluded. For example, a company that produces printing forms may have its own retail chain retail outlets for their implementation and provide services for filling out reports. This kind of business organization is the most profitable, since intermediaries are excluded from the chain.

  1. Production.

The riskiness of business in this area is due to its relative slowness. To repurpose a company, you need a lot of money, and training takes a lot of time.

The scale of the enterprise is very important: the larger production capacity, the lower the cost of production. But as production volumes increase, so does sluggishness. In this regard, many niches are emerging for organizing a business from scratch in production.

  1. Trade.

The consumer must receive his product, so the “acquired-sold” chain attracts novice businessmen because it seems simple to them. Currently, the density of selling organizations is so high that it is necessary to search for either a new product or new markets for an existing one.

A hint will guide your search: first, during the year, the Moscow market becomes saturated, after which new product appears on the shelves of the province. And the Moscow market is a year behind the European and American ones.

  1. Services.

This area is a haven for creative people. When a person is full, he thinks about comfort. Any business should see its goal as meeting customer needs. This feature is most pronounced in the service sector. In our country, there are many empty niches in this category of entrepreneurship.

The reason for this is the lifting of the ban on private enterprise after the collapse of the USSR. Imported goods poured into Russian market, but its complete filling with quality services never happened.

Review of promising areas of activity in 2017

IN last years There have been changes in the list of popular business areas with high profitability. Let's look at the best of them:

Mobile applications

Smartphones have long been no longer considered a luxury, but only a necessity. Almost every company develops its own mobile application to facilitate consumer access to its products or services.

In the modern world, people use various applications every day to access mobile banking and taxi services.

It is quite clear that the niche in the business area related to the development mobile applications, plenty. Moreover, this business is profitable.

Adaptation of websites for smartphones

Statistics say that more than 70% of people use mobile internet. That is, we can assume that the demand for mobile versions of websites will only grow in the near future. If you open a business in this area, the issue of choosing a niche for business from scratch will no longer worry you.

Lead generation

Data from sociological surveys indicate that more than 50% of visitors to many Internet resources come to them from social networks. That is, they are an important link in lead generation.

There are many freelancers currently working in this niche, but starting a business in it is not only feasible, but also desirable. Pay attention to this niche.


Nowadays there is a great demand for environmentally friendly goods and products handmade. Everyone wants something that is one of a kind or custom made, even though the cost of such items is usually very high.

If you are a creative person, then feel free to occupy this niche. You will not have competitors in the form of large enterprises. In addition, handmade is a niche with high margins. What can you start producing?

Here are the main areas of business:

  • Cloth. If you have sewing skills, then you can open a studio and sew custom-made clothes. Its demand is high among those who follow fashion and those whose figure is non-standard.
  • Accessories. These can be exclusive leather belts, bags, wallets, purses. These things will be unique and expensive.
  • Bijouterie. If you know how to work with polymer clay and are friends with sculpture, then making jewelry is a good option for you.
  • Christmas decorations. Before the New Year, the demand for designer decorations for Christmas trees increases. They are very original and have a special energy.
  • Dolls. Dolls self made They are particularly beautiful and are of interest primarily to collectors. Expensive materials are used to make them. Tilda dolls intended for play are easier to make.
  • Interior items. Most people like to complement the interior of their home with unique and exclusive items. Such people become clients of handicraft production of interior items.

This is far from full list. The demand for any handmade product will always be high.

Medical services

The most popular areas of this niche are manual therapy and massage. It is not uncommon for patients disillusioned with traditional medicine to turn to chiropractors or massage therapists.

There is no need for large investments in such a business, and it is quite profitable.

In addition, private clinics or reception rooms for specialists are quite popular. To open a business in this niche, you will need significant investments: you will need to hire highly qualified specialists, purchase necessary equipment. However, this area is highly profitable, so the investment will pay off quickly.

Trade in products

People want to eat even in a crisis. Therefore, the profitability of niches related to food products, is obvious. If you start trading inexpensive, high-quality products (for example, meat or confectionery), you will not know the shortage of customers.


If you have a car, it makes sense to organize a business for the delivery of any goods. These can be products from the supermarket or ready-made meals from any cafe or restaurant. If you organize a business in this niche correctly, you can earn a good income.


If you have enough knowledge and experience in a certain field, you can organize training courses. Become a tutor for school and university students in any subject, open courses foreign language. A good option for psychologists and managers – conducting training sessions.

You can write and publish books, organize seminars, and advise the population on various issues.


Smart owners are in no hurry to throw away broken things and buy new ones. After all, you can repair them and use them for several more years.

If you have repair experience household appliances or electronics, you have enough knowledge for this, then choose this niche. Maybe you are an expert in reinstalling operating systems and installing various software? Organize a business in this niche area.

Lack of ability to repair something is not a reason to refuse to start a business. You can rent premises and hire qualified personnel.

This niche also includes room renovation services. Renting an office when organizing a business in this direction is not necessary. The main thing is to assemble a team of workers.

If you are completely confused about choosing a niche

3 common mistakes in choosing a business niche from scratch

Many aspiring businessmen are distinguished by their willingness to devote all their time and effort to business. Wherein possible risks are ignored. Let's look at what mistakes are most likely to happen when choosing a niche:

  1. Don't rashly grab onto what you like or seems promising. A feature of the Russian economy is that there is no guarantee that your product will be in demand if you operate at random. The business will be successful if you choose the right niche. Systematicity and precise knowledge of the needs of your target audience. Think through the sales funnel and marketing strategy necessary taking into account digital indicators.
  2. The second common mistake is choosing a niche from scratch based only on your own understanding of the market. What seems profitable, relevant and promising to you is not always so. Be based on the results of analysis and statistical data.
  3. Even at the first stage, the entrepreneur’s mistake is to develop the “packaging” of the business to the detriment of the strategy for its formation and development. Often, beginning businessmen develop beautiful websites and landing pages, using the services of best designers, programmers and copywriters, although they do not have a strategy for building a profitable business.

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Choosing a niche is very easy: you just have to look around, see what you personally lack in life and fill this need, i.e. come up with a new service New Product, a new program - that’s what everyone around is saying, right? But what if suddenly this is not about you, and you couldn’t come up with something new? Then I welcome you to the club to which I belong - an “ordinary entrepreneur.”

I'll tell you about my experience.

First stage. For me it was the realization that it doesn’t matter what you do. The only condition is that you enjoy doing it. If you think about it and write it down on paper, it turns out there are so many niches in the market that your eyes begin to run wild. I found a team of like-minded people with whom we discussed niches. In our community of like-minded women, the choice consisted of the following niches: food, children, clothing. Corny, right? We chose food, and I was lucky: a like-minded partner appeared who supported me and saw the prospect just like me. By the way, we chose a niche based on a simple financial model built in Excel. The numbers showed us that there should be a profit. We immediately discarded all models that did not show profit in Excel.

Second phase. Acquiring competencies. We learned to bake bread (we wanted to start a bakery), studied competitors, ongoing projects on the market, looked for suppliers, calculated the amount of investment, drew a portrait of a potential buyer, drew a brand, registered a legal entity. face. I personally worked in 4 bakeries, of different formats, as a simple salesperson for a couple of days in each. I looked at the daily revenue, internal working mechanisms, structure, salary formation, etc.

Third stage. We went to him for a year. This is the launch itself. Here, like all beginning entrepreneurs, difficulties began: my partner left me, the amount of investments decreased, there was no suitable premises for a bakery, and the desire was slowly fading away. It is important not to give up, just look for solutions. Everything is like everyone else - the solution was nearby, but I didn’t notice it. In a store owned by my husband's family, part of the premises was subleased. I rejected this option, I was afraid of quarrels in business that could spill over into the family. However, the difficulties of starting up allowed me to clear the garbage out of my head and start up this small home version.

I started “somehow” - I baked croissants at home, rented a coffee machine and learned how to brew coffee directly for clients. A little knowledge about coffee came from working as a salesman in bakeries. My project ended up becoming a successful coffee shop.

The main conclusion of this stage is to start with small investments, on our own and look for an option in which your large project can be launched on a small scale and test the market on your own. This advice applies to club members - “ordinary entrepreneurs”. If you are a “genius entrepreneur” and you have a new product that not only you, but also your team and investor believe in, then this advice is not for you.

Well, the last main conclusion is not to expect everything to happen instantly. Entrepreneurship is about working every day on a project and on yourself.