Sell ​​your photographic works on a photo bank. How to sell photographs on the Internet - effective methods, recommendations and reviews. Organizing earnings by selling photographs via the Internet from A to Z

As promised, I am publishing the results of my experiment, which I started with the goal of finding out whether it is possible to earn money for a trip by selling my photographs. This option has always seemed tempting to me - that my photos would provide me with finances for travel. And who would refuse such a thing, between us? So I slowly but surely came to the point where I wanted to put aside theory and dreams and try to put my plans into practice.

There is such a business on the Internet - selling photographs: anyone can register on the website of a photo agency as an author and offer their photos for sale. The photo agency will take the lion's share of the profits, but will still provide you with clients. You can open your own website and try to sell photos yourself - this phenomenon was described in the Bible (Gen. 38-9), but this essay is not about that. While researching how to make money from photography, I discovered two working models. I will briefly describe them.

First model. There are so-called “macrostocks” where your masterpiece can be bought for several thousand dollars. The disadvantage of this approach to selling your own photos is that you may not buy a single photo in a year. Also, in exchange for money, you give away the rights to this photo, and sometimes even the right to exclusive use. In addition, in order for your photo to be paid serious money, it must be flawless, both from an aesthetic and technical point of view. You should also not forget that you will have to compete with the best of the best in the field of commercial photography.

Second model. There are also “microstocks” on the Internet - sites on which you sell photos, while remaining their copyright holder and owner. You are simply paid a fee, and you are allowed to use your photo - this sales model is called royalty free. Under these conditions, you will receive from a quarter to two dollars for your photo, which, of course, is negligible compared to the fees paid to macrostock authors. But there is good news - you can sell your photo at least a thousand times. And the requirements for the technical perfection of photos are reduced, which means the competitors are weaker.

I decided to take the easy route and see if people were willing to pay at least some money for my photos, and not hypothetical thousands? That's why I chose microstocks. A little market analysis showed that there are several large players, and about two dozen small agencies trying to sell your photos. Considering that I am new to this business, I decided to first register on nine sites that seemed promising to me. Some of these sites don't require you to register anything, while others require you to submit a few pieces of work to see what quality your photos are and what their commercial value is.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that in the first month I had sales on only five out of nine sites. The remaining four sites have not yet brought me any income. However, I tracked how things are going on such sites for people with large portfolios - there are sales. Therefore, the root of success is a large and high-quality portfolio (who would doubt it!).

Since uploading photos to sites takes a significant amount of time, it is better to focus on the portfolio at the first stage, “uploading” photos to five main sites. So I decided for myself. In other words, more photos on fewer sites will bring in more money than fewer photos on more sites.

You are probably interested in moving from lyrics to numbers.
So, in terms of profitability, my sales on the sites were distributed as follows:

At the same time, my portfolio grew from 0 to 100 photos. And we can say that on average there were 50 photos in my monthly portfolio, because... Every day I regularly uploaded photos to stock in small batches. In principle, the money is not big, but the portfolio itself is negligible. I've seen people get it up to 20,000 photos. And one can only imagine what the income could be with so many jobs. I don’t think that the number of even 10,000 photos is yet achievable for me, but I assume that it can be increased to a thousand works this year. And therefore hope for an increase in overall profits. If you earn $300/month, then in a year you will get $3600, which, in principle, is enough for one trip from which I will bring the next batch of photos for my portfolio. Thus, we can assume that with an optional activity in this business, in a couple of years the portfolio will grow to such a size as to provide me with two or three trips a year, without diverting funds from the family budget.

Sounds tempting, doesn't it? Now, every time I sit down at the computer and have the desire to play computer game, or read the stupid news and gossip of the blogosphere, I open the graphics editor and prepare a few photos for my portfolio. For example, the counter for one of the games I played frequently showed that I spent five hundred hours on it. This time flew by unnoticed for me, and what’s most unpleasant is that it was useless. In five hundred hours I would have managed to take at least 1,500 photos. With a portfolio like this, I would most likely allow myself another trip. The present. A real adventure in which you yourself participate, and not a drawn man in a scenery invented by someone.

If anyone suddenly wants to try themselves on this path, then I advise you to start with something simple - choose ten from your archive good photos. If you have a full-frame camera, then it is better to choose from photographs taken with an ISO value no higher than 800. If you have a cropped body, then choose only photographs taken at ISO 100 or 200. Stock editors do not like the noise that appears in photographs with high ISO values . The photo should be sharp, but not noisy. From practice, I will say that trying to take a sharp photo in high resolution at high ISO values ​​is an unpromising endeavor. Most likely, editors will not miss such a photo - noise will appear on it. And it is important to please the editors - after all, they are the ones who decide whether to let you into the site as an author or not. Most of the required sites have an entrance exam. If you fail the exam, the next exam will be postponed for a period of from a week to a month (depending on the site). In other words, you cannot take the exam every day. I lost a whole month on one of the sites before I was able to pass the test.

When choosing a photo for the exam, do not try to find a picturesque shot. Think about artistry last. If a photo is not suitable for noise, color balance, sharpness or any other criterion responsible for the technical side of quality, then the editor will not consider it as something artistic.

In order to get the first and almost instant sales, I recommend SHUTTERSTOCK, which collectively made me more money than all other sites combined. I sold 44 works in a month, which means that on average I sold three works every two days. This month the portfolio will increase, which means there is hope that sales volume will also increase. Wait and see.

And yes - It is not necessary to have photos of exotic countries or rare animals. They buy anything. It could be the texture of dirt, a leaking faucet, an apple core, or something else that is not at all exotic or picturesque. The main thing is to start somewhere. If anyone is interested, I can write a short article on the topic “How to prepare photos for sale and exam on photo agency websites.”

If you like to take photographs or draw in vector graphics programs, then you have probably thought about the possibility of making money on photo stocks. The largest resources (they are also called photo banks or microstocks) are ShutterStock, Fotolia and iStockPhoto. They allow authors to sell their work an unlimited number of times and earn money from each download.

Some photographers and illustrators make good money from their hobby. How much can a beginning stocker earn and how to get there? stable income? Today we will tell you about all the nuances of this type of earnings.

How to take sought-after commercial photos for stock photos

Images for stock photos must be good quality and be of commercial value. And if there are usually no questions with the first point (minimum photo size and other technical requirements are always specified in the rules), what does the concept of commercial value mean?

The creative idea or artistic value of the photo is not so important - only the commercial component matters. To create popular photos that will be downloaded, study stock photo trends. You also need to learn how to work with light, choose good angles and create a composition.

Selecting good shots after a photo shoot is not enough. To make the pictures bright and interesting, they are processed in Photoshop. Saturated colors in commercial shots that are not typical for objects in real life- this is the result of color correction. There is also background blur in many photos, making the subject stand out in the foreground.

Having mastered basic processing photo, you can easily turn the most ordinary shots into attractive, interesting original works. If they are of the same quality as the top authors of photo banks, you will easily achieve success in freelancing, where photo processing is one of the most popular areas.

How much do stock photo sites pay?

The advantages of making money on photo stocks include payments in dollars. Average download cost- 20-30 cents. Authors may receive compensation for images under an extended license. from $50 and more. Many studios and professional photographers use microstocks as a source of additional income.

You can upload not only photos, but also vector graphics, animation or video (footage). The resource rules allow you to sell only works of authorship created by you personally. You can scale up your earnings from photo stocks by posting your masterpieces on several resources at once.

Photos, vector illustrations and stock animation are needed by designers and advertising agencies. They are used for blogs and websites, in design, commercials, printing and outdoor advertising. The scope of rights that a buyer receives after downloading an image varies greatly. Accordingly, the price for downloading and the terms of use of the photo may differ.

At ShutterStock, the amount of compensation depends on the resolution in which the image is downloaded, the terms of use and the “rank” of the author.

The rights to the photo are transferred to the buyer based on one of three certificates:

  • 25-A-Day (the author receives $0.25-0.38 per download);
  • On Demand ($0.8-2.85);
  • extended license (25% of cost).

Immediately after loading, the image receives the first level. The system evaluates its quality, resolution and download dynamics. Once a certain download limit is reached, it is automatically assigned a higher level, and therefore the price per download increases.

Earned money can be withdrawn once you have accumulated $35. ShutterStock pays by check, PayPal, Payoneer or .

It is advisable for a novice stocker to immediately shoot a couple of hundred commercial images. At first, it is recommended to upload 100-200 photos per month to photo stock. The more diverse works you have in your portfolio, the higher your income.

A beginner photographer, videographer or illustrator can earn $30-50 per month. As the portfolio grows, the cumulative effect will work and sales will begin to grow. After exceeding a certain download limit, photo banks usually increase the cost of downloading one image for the author. Accordingly, your earnings will increase.

Having at least 1000 works, stockers get passive income and can post new images 1-2 times a week to maintain their rating and update their portfolio.

Of course, making money from stock photos has certain advantages - you simply post your creations and wait for them to sell. To promote, it is enough to properly optimize the image so that it is found more often from internal searches.

What's popular on stock photos?

Popular stockers constantly analyze ratings and make sure that their images meet current trends. Photo banks periodically publish selections of the most popular photos sorted by current topics. They change every month, so always pay attention to what's trending at ShutterStock.

The most promising commercial direction that a novice photographer can master is object shooting. The main quality criterion is that the photo must look interesting and attractive in miniature so that you want to click on it.

Some topics on photo stocks are very overloaded, and moderators often do not allow photos that are similar to existing ones to be sold. Regardless of the thematic focus, there must be something that makes the photo different from thousands of similar shots. If your photos are unique and it is difficult to find similar ones on the Internet, this is almost a guarantee that inspectors will allow them for sale.

Making money on ShutterStock - instructions for beginners

On the ShutterStock website, at the bottom of the page, click on the “Become an Author” link. All fields must be filled out in English with your real data (as in a foreign passport). To register in the photo bank, you need to indicate your address and upload a scan of your international passport (or ID card international standard- for EU countries). In a few days you will receive a letter confirming successful verification.

Each type of work has its own requirements, which are recommended to be read before taking the exam. If inspectors like at least 7 of them, you will be given access to download. There is no need to be afraid of the exam. Firstly, you can always retake it, and secondly, you will receive an objective assessment of your creativity. Test works do not have to have high artistic value - average quality will be enough.

Be sure to follow the technical requirements of photo banks. Must not be digital noise, logos and brand names in the frame. Minimum photo size- 4 Mpx. If in the frame you take a close-up of the face of a person who is obviously posing, along with the photo you need to upload the model’s consent to the free sale of this photo (Model Release) to the photo stock.

When uploading an image to a stock photo site, think about what keywords are appropriate for the image. They must be relevant (clearly match what is shown in the photo). Think about what phrases people might use when searching for a similar photo and use them in your description.

Description and keywords must be in English. If you don't know the language well enough, describe what is in the frame in short and simple sentences and use an auto-translator. For search keywords ShatterStock has internal tool Keyword Suggestions.

ShutterStock Trends

Trending at ShutterStock important has seasonality. For example, in summer, queries related to the sea and beach themes (summer, bikini, beach) are relevant. In winter, the top items include santa, christmas, snow and other similar queries.

Pay attention to holidays and the attributes associated with them. The query “birthday” includes photos of beautifully wrapped gifts, candles, and cakes. You can target Valentine's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other American holidays.

Current news stories and global trends can also help you get to the top and get downloads. For example, during the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency, the topic of Bitcoin and digital technologies quickly became one of the top microstocks.

In the genre of subject photography, food photography can be distinguished. Various objects on a white background are also popular and can become a background for a design.

3D modeling- a popular area of ​​earning money on photo stocks. Such work is more expensive regular photos. If you work with 3D graphics (in Cinema 4D and other programs), you can make photorealistic illustrations.

Of course, thousands of images have already been uploaded to the stock for any subject that could be photographed. And the task of a novice stocker is to make it a little brighter and more interesting than others. If you have any talent, it won't be hard to do. Having a good SLR camera, it’s worth trying yourself in this type of earnings and starting to conquer photo stocks. Good luck!

The “micro” in “microstock” means, sadly, a fee. You will only receive a small percentage from selling your photos on microstock. However, you will not need to look for buyers - they will find you themselves. In addition, you won’t have to compete with famous photographers: buyers come to microstocks primarily for the image, and not for the popular name of the photographer.

Microstocks are also ideal for beginners because they allow you to practically understand which of your photos are more commercially in demand.

Sergei Zolkin/

Before you upload your photos to a microstock site, you should carefully read the rules (including the fine print) to make sure you feel comfortable following them. The following rules are the same for everyone:

  • You must be over 18 years old.
  • You must be the author of all files you upload.
  • You must have all rights and permissions to the elements depicted (objects, people, places, etc.).
  • You must not sell images that contain logos or protected trademarks.
  • You must not sell photographs containing images of structures, buildings or other places protected by intellectual property law.

Oliver Berghold/

The largest and most popular microstocks are Fotolia, DreamsTime, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and, of course, iStockPhoto. Let's figure out what awaits you upon registration.


The registration form is quite simple, but in order to become an image seller, you need to upload a scan of an identity document (passport, driver's license). Without a copy of the document, your files will not be accepted for consideration. On the other hand, there is no exam here. Unfortunately, new photos do not sell very quickly here, and your earnings depend on the rating on the site. Income is calculated in points, which can be cashed out after the number reaches 50. You can get from 20 to 63% for selling individual images or from 0.25 to 0.40 points for selling images by subscription. Payments are made using PayPal or Skrill. The site supports Russian language.


DreamsTime is very good for beginners, since here the verification process is perhaps the softest among sales leaders: registration does not require confirmation of documents, there is no exam. But the requirements for image quality are quite high. The site's commission ranges from 70 to 40%, while the image can be sold for 0.2%. Payment can be received via Payoneer, PayPal, Skrill. Among the disadvantages of this photo bank, it should be noted that the interface is not very user-friendly, as well as possible problems with loading images in some browsers (Firefox).


Shutterstock pays the most and sells the fastest. To register, you must provide a scan of your passport. The service has a wide audience, which contributes to high sales. But at the same time it requires more High Quality and the uniqueness of the photographs. To become a Shutterstock contributor, you will have to pass an exam - 10 images, at least seven of which must be accepted. Beginning authors usually receive $0.25 per work via PayPal, Skrill. But the works sell quickly due to the fact that the site is focused specifically on new images. The amount of payment increases as the total amount of earnings increases. Automatic payments begin when you reach minimum amount at $100. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the low speed of operation.

Matthew Wiebe/


Registration on the actively developing Depositphotos requires providing a scan of any identification document. The exam consists of five papers and is very strict. But working with Depositphotos is quite pleasant. According to the site's incentive program, the author receives $0.2 for each accepted image. It is possible to receive payment not only through PayPal and Skrill. Thanks to its Russian roots, Depositphotos has a convenient Russian interface, which will be very useful in the initial stages of working with microstocks.


iStockPhoto has the most stringent verification and examination policies. At the same time, his pay is the highest. To register, you must provide a scan of a document (passport, international passport or driver's license). The exam consists of ten photographs. Photographers receive from 15 to 45%, but with exclusive contracts, earnings can be quite high. Payment methods: PayPal, Payoneer. There is also a Russian version of the site.

It’s also worth noting a couple of rapidly developing resources - 123 Royalty Free and BigStockPhoto. Registration on 123RF requires confirmation with scanned documents. However, the 10-photo exam is much easier to pass than the aforementioned iStockPhoto or Shutterstock. Payment is possible via Payoneer, PayPal or Skrill. And the BigStockPhoto exam is a theoretical test (without supporting documents).

Reading time: 9 minutes. Published 11/08/2019

Selling your photos using photo stocks (microstocks, photo banks) is considered profitable view earnings. U of this business There are a number of nuances. A photographer who wants to make good money needs to know what advantages photo banks have and which photo stocks are considered the best. In general, you need to have information about where and how to sell photos on websites. We will try to understand all the details of the activity in question, including the logical question: how much can you earn from selling photographs?

What does photostock mean: the principle of selling photos in photo banks

Photostock is a huge online platform filled with high-quality photographs. They are put up for sale. The terms of purchase may be different, and accordingly, the royalties differ in different levels of deductions. In fact, photographers who sell their masterpieces use the services of special intermediaries (photo banks, microstocks, and so on).

A small terminological educational program:

  • The differences between microstocks and photostocks are insignificant . These resources are filled with hundreds of thousands of works that have a low selling price. The amount of royalties is relatively low. It does not exceed $100 (a few cents to tens of dollars). One photo can be purchased multiple times. These sites are characterized by a continuous flow of sales, which brings decent income to photographers.
  • Photo banks among serious photo sellers . Buyers are offered images made by real professionals. Hence the high level of earnings of authors.

Not everything is so rosy with photo banks; partnership with them is complicated by some details:

  1. Members of photobanks are not just good photographers . These are people with extensive experience in the photosphere. In addition to creative thinking, they have the instincts of a good businessman, navigating the modern photography market, honoring the slightest changes in trends. That’s why it’s recommended to start with simpler sites – photo stocks.
  2. Beginners will have to compete with world-famous masters photographs that have long defined personal positions in the photo banking sector. Agree, it is difficult to develop in conditions of extreme competition.
  3. Microstocks have the lead in sales . They boast the largest percentage of photography turnover worldwide. Therefore, you shouldn’t spend energy on conquering photo banks at the start. The total income of a successful microstock author is quite comparable to photo banks.

The basic scheme of cooperation between a photographer and a photo bank is as follows:

  • A series of photographs is being prepared.
  • After checking the quality and subject, the images are put up for sale.
  • The buyer searches for the desired photo and then downloads the photo.
  • The resource receives payment for each downloaded image.
  • A percentage of downloads goes to the author.
  • A certain amount of earnings is subject to withdrawal.

A few words about image buyers. Who are they? These are mainly representatives of two spheres. These include printing companies and specialists involved in the design of web pages. By the way, the client’s place of residence does not matter.

The daily need for illustrations for magazines, books, brochures, outdoor advertising, websites, and so on is quite large. By the way, many publishing houses and design studios prefer to purchase photographs from photo banks. It’s easier, faster and cheaper than hiring photographers. Now it is clear why the implementation of work through special resources is a promising activity that promises a decent income.

How to make money selling photos: step-by-step instructions for beginners

A successful stock photo employee follows three rules: he strives to create a commercial story, provides high-quality photographs and, of course, cannot do without regularly adding new works to the service. Take a photo and sell the work for a profit.

The algorithm is quite simple if you follow a number of sequential steps:

  • Choosing an idea for pictures

It is important to choose stories that sell. These include medical, family, love and business themes; they also buy beautiful nature, images of people at work, during rest periods and other situations. You can focus on design elements. One way or another, monitoring popular images in photo banks and statistical data on search queries helps to understand consumer demand.
Attention . It is mandatory to obtain consent from the person being photographed to sell a photograph with his image. Without granting special permission from the model, the resource administration will not put the photo up for sale.

  • Requirements for photographs - pre-sale preparation

What should the photograph be like? Focused, taken in good lighting, correctly conveying the color scheme. Noise, overexposure and hard shadows are unacceptable. Photoshop is used if necessary. Availability of marketable appearance is a primary task.

  • The process of registering on the resource and uploading images

Uploading images is preceded by registration on the selected site. For this purpose, the most profitable Internet agencies are selected. Read carefully on websites about download options. Usually there are several of them: using a web form, ftp, or you can use your own unique method.

Attention . It is recommended to choose a non-exclusive option for cooperation, which involves posting identical works on different resources. This makes it possible to interact with a number of agencies, which increases the level of profit.

  • Text accompaniment for each photo

The pictures are accompanied by special English text:

Particular attention to the “keys”. It is with their help that buyers search for images. A fair amount of keywords gives a photo a huge chance of getting noticed.

  • Examination check of works

Not every resource has it. What is the essence of the exam? Once uploaded, the photographs are checked by inspectors to ensure they meet quality and commercial requirements. Photos that have received approval are put on public display and are given the right to sell. In case of any outcome, a letter is sent to the author by email indicating the reasons for the refusal or with notification of successful passing of the exam.

That's actually all the instructions for correct and profitable sale, then another process begins - profitable:

  1. The buyer, using “keys” and other tools (popularity, size, date of arrival, etc.), selects the desired image.
  2. Transfers funds to the resource's account, from where a percentage deduction goes to the author's balance. The average photographer's fee for each download is 40% of the price of the photo.

What methods are used to withdraw income:

  • Payment systems Skrill (Moneybookers) and PayPal.
  • Direct transfer to Payoneer card account.
  • Personal check.

In relation to the CIS countries, as best option The Skrill system is recognized, and the Payoneer card is considered the most convenient.

A logical conclusion arises about the required minimum for beginning business photographers:

  1. Buying a quality camera.
  2. Skill in working in Photoshop.
  3. Connect to a reliable Internet provider. Will have to download a large number of pictures.
  4. Opening a foreign currency bank account, receiving Payoneer plastic.
  5. Availability of desire and free time.

Review of popular sites for selling photographs

Name Exam Minimum for withdrawal Note


Shutterstock Out of 10 photos, 7 are approved 35$ 300$ The main focus of the photo bank is the sale of new photos;

leader in number of purchases;

Depositphotos Five approved works 50$ Russian-language interface;

registration with a scanned copy of your passport

Fotolia No 50$ 500$ Sales stability;

high level of profitability;

registration with a scanned copy of your passport

Dreamtime No 100$ Focuses on original stories and non-standard ideas;

stable sales;

123RF 10 photos 50/100$ 200$ Medium-level microstock;

easy passing of the exam;

registration with a scanned copy of your passport

Pond5 No 25$ The price is set by the author;

the condition imposed on the cost of the work is more than $5;

no documents required for registration

BigStockPhoto Theoretical testing 30$ Moved into the category of microstocks that do not generate large incomes;

no documents required for registration

Cliparto No 30$ Russified site;

Characterized by low requirements and low sales;

ideal for additional income;

registration with a scanned copy of your passport

+’The main advantages of photo stocks:

  1. Free registration.
  2. Some do not even require documents and there are no exams confirming the level of professionalism.
  3. Several platforms are selected where, after registration, you can start trading.

Significant disadvantages:

  1. You can't count on getting easy money. In this case, you don't even need to register.
  2. Banal photos like “my favorite dog” will not generate income.
  3. Achieving the planned result directly depends on the efforts made and professional approach to work.

Photo stocks great way income for enthusiastic, advanced amateurs who are good with a camera and know how to take interesting shots. And most importantly, striving to improve their skills.

How much can you really earn from selling photos to a beginner or a professional?

Earnings from the sale of photographs vary among different authors. It is difficult to give exact numbers. Of course, photographers who fall into the category of top authors earn much more than beginners. This is a fact, but don't despair. There are no reasons. Favorite thing together with hard work, it raises the profit from photo stocks to a decent level, allowing you to give up monotonous office work “for the owner” or other routine work.

The Internet is replete with examples of amateur photographers who have made a career by selling photographs through various photo banks. They have become so successful that they can afford to reduce their activity to spend their free time traveling.

Thanks to large portfolios, recognized masters are provided with a solid monthly income. However, their works are occasionally updated with the sole purpose of increasing sales.

Now closer to the numbers. Most stock photos pay the author a small fee. Its size is calculated in several dollars.

The amount of deductions depends on the following factors:

  • Author's rating.
  • Exclusivity of the image.
  • Number of sales per photo. This indicator affects the stability of profits.
  • Type of purchasing license. For example, a microstocker’s earnings from one photo purchased through a subscription start at $0.20. If the buyer uses a loan or an extended license, then the fee starts from $1. Therefore, it is important to know about resource licenses.

When answering the question “how much,” it doesn’t hurt to look at the overall income picture.

For example, to understand the amount of work required to receive a monthly fee of $60-110:

  1. Daily work for 2-3 hours.
  2. Providing up to 15 photos. Here we need to clarify, there are 15 new images every day.

They reach this level in two months. Less work activity delays bright financial prospects. A few words about the nuances.

There are two directions that lead to high earnings:

  • A small but high-quality portfolio is a bet on quality.
  • An impressive number of photos for sale. In this case, the quality component suffers.

Until recently, a portfolio with a thousand photographs was considered optimal. However, the high level of competition changed the situation, now this figure has increased to 5,000 photos. Although, if you have professionalism and creativity, you can count on exceptions from general rules. Sometimes five hundred works are enough for success.

Z Working with the help of the World Wide Web continues to rapidly gain popularity. The main advantage of this form of income generation is the ability to independently plan your time and combine work and personal affairs.

Selling photos online

ABOUT The bottom of the directions for earning money is the sale of professional and amateur photos on special stocks and photo banks. Each resource has its own requirements and characteristics. Based on user opinions, we have compiled a rating of the most convenient and profitable resources for selling photos.

1. iStockphoto is one of the largest resources for selling photos, as well as video, audio files, and hand-drawn illustrations. The site contains a huge collection of images on various topics. For Russian-speaking photographers, there is an option to select their native language.

D To start collaborating with a stock, just follow a few simple steps:

    ✔ Submit an application;

    ✔ Confirm your age;

    ✔ Upload examples of work.

IN flow 30 days The project team reviews the application and, provided the quality meets the flow requirement, approves it. Then you can download examples.

2. Vectorstock - an international site for selling works in the style of vector graphics. Images are divided into categories, among which the most popular are:

    ✔ Science;

    ✔ Art;

    ✔ Taking care of your health;

    ✔ Education;

    ✔ Religion.

TO In addition, backgrounds and ornaments are in demand on the portal. Minimal knowledge required for cooperation in English: The site does not have a choice of language groups.

3. Glstock is another English-language photo stock that positions itself as a space where premium-level photographs and graphic images are collected. The following conditions are offered to sellers:

    ✔ Sale without exclusive rights at a price from 1 to 30 dollars;

    ✔ Obtaining one of 3 types of licenses;

    ✔ If the picture is purchased once with the transfer of rights to the product, the cost increases and is discussed individually.

4. Crestock - the portal assumes a collection in which there are more 2 million images . The site allows one seller to sell a photo an unlimited number of times, but the income from one photo will be lower than on similar resources.

H To start selling photos, you need to register and write brief description for each product. The photo bank is suitable for photographers who have a large luggage of photographic products.

5. Shutterstock is a Russian-language portal for selling not only photographs, but also videos, music recordings and vector graphics. Currently, the total number of products presented is more than 200 million.

N It’s easy to start cooperation. Need to:

    ✔ Upload works;

    ✔ Wait for the purchase;

    ✔ Regularly replenish the collection.

6. Bigstockphoto is an international bank with support for more than a dozen languages. Domestic photographers got the opportunity to use stock in their native language.

D To get started with the site you will need:

    ✔ Complete free registration;

    ✔ Upload works. They will be available to buyers after verification by reviewers;

    ✔ Enrich your portfolio.

P ortal guarantees photographers the preservation of copyright. Information about possible income and the conditions for increasing it is presented in detail on a separate page.

7. Fotolia - to sell photos on this portal you will also need knowledge of English. Like most of its analogues, the stock is focused on working with photographers, designers and video creators.

D To work, you need to register and further perform the actions indicated for sellers.

8. Dreamstime - stock for selling photos, videos and graphics. Specializes in the sale of the first category. Supports several languages, including Russian. Among the clients of the photo bank are large brands operating in various production segments.

D Free registration is provided for sellers and buyers. It is possible to display photos in the following categories:

    ✔ Business;

    ✔ Animals;

    ✔ Travel;

    ✔ Nature;

    ✔ Items.

M minimum price for one picture – approx. 15 rubles.

9. Photobank Lori - a domestic stock focused on selling photographs. The section for authors contains clear requirements for products. Frames with a plot are especially in demand. The portal offers the opportunity to get acquainted with the most popular topics.

D An agreement is concluded at the start of cooperation. Earnings depend on:

    ✔ Type of license;

    ✔ Exclusivity.

10. Depositphotos - a photo bank that supports more than a dozen languages. There is a Russian translation of the pages. Main categories:

    ✔ Flora and fauna;

    ✔ Drinks and food;

    ✔ Cities;

    ✔ Interiors;

    ✔ Transport.

IN about this is presented 30 thematic sections. To sell, you must register and pass the exam online. Successful completion allows you to start selling images on the portal. The size of the commission depends on the number of downloads of photo products. The seller is assigned levels, the highest of which is the fifth, called platinum.

11. Lookmytrips - a highly specialized resource focused on photographs taken while traveling and on walks. Login is possible via social media. There are no serious demands placed on the authors. Rewards are provided to the creators of the images that are most popular among users.

I wish you good luck in everything!
