Corporate intranet portal: theory and practice. Internal intranet portal as a management tool Corporate intranet

"Personnel officer. Personnel records management", 2008, N 12

Communication - in a broad sense - the exchange of information between individuals through the use of common system symbols carried out by verbal and non-verbal means. Intracompany communications involve joint activities of employees - participants in the interaction, during which a common (to a certain limit) view of the values, goals, directions of the company’s activities and their own actions in connection with this is developed. Modern means management corporate communications is the formation of an internal information space - an intranet portal.

Essence of the question

Intranet portal (in translation from English intranet - intranet, portal - main entrance, gate) is an internal corporate information system with a number of functional tasks that allow for the most complete communication within the company - between employees, departments, and representative offices of the company. Its functioning is based on Internet technologies. Intranet portals are located on the internal network of company computers and only employees have access to them.

Dictionary personnel records management. Intranet is a distributed intra-company information system designed to provide employees with access to corporate information resources, using software products and Internet technologies.

Content is information content information system(texts, graphics, multimedia and other informationally significant content). The essential parameters of information content are its volume, relevance and relevance.

Purpose of the intranet portal:

  • providing transparent access to management information contained in various information systems operated by the company, as well as other information sources;
  • providing a single point of access to corporate information, corporate applications and other data sources inside and outside the company. In this case, information can be provided in a personalized, integrated and aggregated form, that is, provided in such a way as to maximally support the process of making business decisions and solving functional problems and tasks;
  • maintaining a historical database key indicators activities of the company, calculation of the necessary indicators based on data contained in the company’s information systems. Providing analytical transcripts of indicator values ​​with varying degrees of detail;
  • ensuring operational interaction of personnel at all levels and supporting collaboration between employees, departments and services of the company.

The use of web technologies in the functioning of the portal allows an unlimited number of users to work in the information environment. With the help of local intranet solutions, company employees can gain access to a portion of corporate information allocated for each of them.

Example. The intranet system of the Finservice bank (Moscow) is constantly used by several hundred employees from more than 50 offices and branches of the bank, and the Okna-Etalon company (Vladivostok) intranet portal ensures operational interaction of more than 40 offices and points of sale throughout the Far East region.

Typical structure of a company's intranet portal

Enterprise portals can be classified by the levels of interaction they provide. We can distinguish such basic levels of automation of interaction as “company - employees”, “divisions - divisions”, “employee - employee”, “company - partners and investors”, “company - clients”.

Structurally, the portal is a collection of information blocks. The task of these blocks is to reflect the main and most important information portal, ensure fast and convenient navigation through it. Thus, the main page of the corporate portal should contain the information blocks presented in Table. 1.

Table 1

Contents of the main page of the intranet portal

  • about the company (mission and development goals, licenses and statuses, structure and persons, company news, market news, media about us, career (vacancies), corporate newspaper);
  • marketing and advertising (marketing plan, existing marketing programs, form style, booklets, layouts and other marketing materials);
  • orders and regulations (on general issues of operational management of the company, on organizational issues, on management financial activities, on managing the movement of inventory, on safety precautions, on personnel, on the remuneration system, on issues of economic and information security, as well as regulations on structure and personnel, job descriptions and other documents);
  • templates (samples of documents and instructions for filling them out, standard contracts, forms and examples of commercial proposals, samples and examples of execution of letters, orders, instructions and other documents);
  • forum (on the development of the company’s activities, on general issues of implementation current activities, offers);
  • ads;
  • vote;
  • birthdays;
  • galleries (photo and video galleries);
  • library (company documents, directories, files);
  • search (by keyword, according to additional parameters).

The main page of the portal should become a meaning-forming and image center, linking the structure, content and design of information into a single whole.

Goals and objectives of organizing an intra-company information space

Of course, creating an intranet portal is not a panacea for all problems, but it can become a personnel management tool through which company management and employees can easily and simply access all sorts of information sources and information systems, which, as a rule, have developed in a patchwork manner in their company. A portal is just a good tool for accumulating everything previously created in a company, giving it proper and complete application, realizing its disadvantages and advantages and simplifying the work of employees by working with one corporate application, and not with a dozen separate information systems and information sources .

When deciding in favor of creating an intranet portal in their company, modern managers, as practice shows, pursue the following goals:

  • increasing the level of management and decision-making support for heads of company departments by organizing the collection, consolidation and analysis of the necessary information;
  • creation of a unified company knowledge base, including aggregated information, the acquisition of which requires large amounts of time and resources;
  • saving time and effort of company employees;
  • reduction of company costs and expenses;
  • increasing the level of communication and collaboration between company employees;
  • support for unification and standardization of processes and procedures in the company;
  • improving the quality of work and customer service of the company;
  • increasing the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the company.

The tasks that a corporate intranet portal solves are presented in Table. 2.

table 2

Problems solved by creating an intranet space

TasksSolutions directions
1. Provision
- organization of internal document flow,
generation of reports and queries for various
information resources;
- holding virtual conferences, meetings and
rapid data exchange between remote friends
from each other by departments and (or) officials
- high-speed and protected from external
access data transfer, storage, search and
information exchange
2. Provision
- wide broadcast of general corporate information,
- coverage of significant events in the company;
- organization of differentiated access
to corporate databases
3. Receipt
economic effect
improving the quality and speed of information exchange and
solving current problems and, as a result, increasing
standard indicators of company profitability and
reduction of losses from non-operational access
to information
4. Specialized
tasks narrow specialization, allowing to improve
the work of the company as a whole as a single organic
structures that respond to internal and external

The creation of a corporate intranet portal allows you to create a unified information space for working with information flows and communications within the organization. Built-in and, as a rule, intuitive portal maintenance and support tools provide staff with the opportunity to independently administer sections without the help of programmers. Content preview allows you to see the posted information before it is published, which makes updating the resource simple and clear.

A system of hierarchies can ensure consistent coordination of information intended for publication throughout the management chain. Thus, correct and reliable information is achieved that is agreed upon with all necessary levels of management and approved for publication. The capabilities provided by the intranet system for approval and approval of content allow you to avoid errors and inaccuracies in the preparation of corporate information.

The intranet portal also provides the ability to download document templates and presentations of various designs, on the basis of which documents for the end user are generated.

The use of tools for combining, organizing, searching for data and routing information in intranet portals provides the opportunity to organize and speed up corporate document flow between employees and work groups.

Organization of work on the formation of the company’s intranet portal

The methodology for developing and implementing intranet portals into a company’s activities is generally similar to the implementation of any information system with a large number of users. Experts name three main ways to create a corporate portal:

  • purchase of ready-made solutions (platforms or high-availability systems);
  • portal development from scratch (custom development);
  • combined approach (development of specific modules, but based on ready-made solutions or platforms).

Each of these paths requires professional approach on the part of the developers, a qualified project manager and project team, an industrial approach to the development and implementation of the system (design, development, testing, training, commissioning - Table 3).

Table 3

Technology for organizing work on creating an intranet portal (based on a combined approach)

Contents of stage tasks
Stage 1Development
intranet portal
1.1. Studying the features of business processes
customer; formation of requirements for intranet
1.2. Generating documentation with descriptions
customer's business processes
1.3. Design of structure and architecture
intranet portal
1.4. Development of design documentation and
documentation on the implementation of the intranet portal
1.5. Development of a prototype intranet portal
1.6. Development of a style solution and sketch
portal template design
Stage 2Programming
intranet portal
2.1. Formation of the portal database structure
2.2. Programming of intranet functions and systems
2.3. Integration with application software
software and external website (if
specified in the project requirements)
2.4. Project testing
2.5. Installing the portal on the customer's server
2.6. Development of documentation for users and
portal administrators

Each path has advantages and disadvantages, but, as a rule, when choosing a solution, all approaches are evaluated according to the following set of criteria:

  • cost of the solution (including licenses, equipment and work);
  • speed of implementation and delivery of the finished system;
  • the uniqueness of the company’s business processes or the presence of specific requirements;
  • corporate standards and technology preferences;
  • availability of qualified specialists within the company and their specialization;
  • innovative or conservative style of the company;
  • the dominant approach to innovation - the system is configured to suit the company’s business processes, or the company configures business processes to suit the functionality of the solution being implemented.

In each specific case, a detailed analysis of the situation in the company is necessary.

The most important thing that should not be forgotten when deciding to create an intranet portal in your company is that when implementing it, it will not be technical difficulties that will come to the fore, but administrative problems, issues of information security and knowledge transfer from developer to developer. end users.

Features of the implementation of a corporate portal largely depend on the goals and objectives that the customer company sets for this system, on its corporate culture and the current level of automation in the company. Two companies competing in the market may have different system requirements, and the implementation of a corporate portal in these companies will be carried out in completely different ways.

Among the problems that may arise when implementing corporate portals are the following:

  • the need to change the company’s business processes due to already completed automation, the need to redistribute responsibility;
  • lack of formalization of processes and their documentation, which does not allow for a clear statement of the task;
  • the habit of working on “personal contact”;
  • low culture of computer use in companies;
  • resistance from company personnel when implementing the system;
  • insufficient firmness of management when implementing the system in the company;
  • low level of understanding of the potential benefits from the use of corporate information systems by the company's management and employees;
  • difficulty in formalizing the distribution of access rights to information;
  • an attempt to transfer the information chaos existing in the company into an automated chaos through a portal;
  • lack of experience in operating such systems and, as a result, low level of understanding possible options using the portal.

This is not to say that all these problems are insoluble. It’s just that in order to solve them more effectively, it is necessary to attract experienced specialists and consultants who have experience in implementing such systems and will offer the company ways and means of solving these problems, already tested with other clients, taking into account knowledge of the specifics of Russian business.

Andrey Nadein (TopS Business Integrator company) and Vladimir Kuznetsov (Information and consulting center for e-business) Among the foreign suppliers of intranet solutions are such companies as IBM Websphere Portal, Oracle9iAS Portal, Plumtree, Sun ONE Portal Server, ATG Enterprise Portal Suite", mySAP Enterprise Portal, as well as Microsoft.NET Servers software blocks.

Domestic developments are presented at Russian market intranet system TopS BI, Intranet solution. Optimizer of the Garant-Park-Internet company, intranet solution of the RBC SOFT company, Axiom solution. Portal of the Gorod-Info company, V6 Active Portal solution and some others.

Improving the efficiency of using the corporate portal

One way or another, as a result of creating a corporate intranet portal, a company can receive a number of advantages (Table 4).

Table 4

Benefits of implementing a corporate intranet portal

Direct benefitsIndirect benefits
- saving working time
company employees;
- increasing the adoption rate
- savings from repeated
use of accumulated
in the company of knowledge;
- cost reduction
interaction with remote
divisions of the company;
- knowledge sharing within the company
and, as a consequence, an increase
quality and performance
employee work;
- lower cost for
providing information
- lower cost
systems support
- optimization of the company’s business processes;
- increasing work efficiency
- transparency of the work of all departments
- speed of informing staff
O important events and events inside
- increasing the company's manageability for
account of organizing effective feedback
communications with staff;
- building effective horizontal
connections and exchange of information between
divisions of the company;
- uniting employees through
formation of interest groups;
- faster and more painless entry
new employees into the life of the company;
- improving the company's image in the eyes
employees, as well as company partners,

The effectiveness of using intranet resources as a means of managing information flows, communications and corporate culture directly depends on the popularity and traffic of the corporate portal.

In this regard, here are some practical tips:

  • if company employees receive financial remuneration taking into account the degree of satisfaction of customers (clients), then publishing the “Customer Satisfaction” template on the company’s intranet portal, preferably in real time and with the results of customer surveys, can have a good effect;
  • if sales managers are paid on the basis of commissions, then publishing information on sales with commission calculations on the Intranet is a reliable way to force sales managers and accountants to check the portal daily, reducing the number of requests to specialized departments of the company (accounting, commercial service) for this information;
  • instead of using email applications, you can integrate a web-accessible email system (such as Exchange Outlook Web Access) with the intranet portal, then employees will be able to access email from anywhere;
  • If you create an up-to-date information section that provides information that is interesting and relevant to all employees (for example, the “What’s for lunch today?” section), you can significantly increase employee use of the portal. Especially if you add a forum (for example, “Menu Discussion”).

A corporate intranet portal should be used to publish information that may actually be needed (required) by company employees and is of interest to them from a professional position or from a general human point of view, then it will become a convenient means of managing internal communications in the company.

In preparing the article, materials from the information and consulting center for electronic business and LLC "BIAT. Consulting" ( were used.

D. Chalysheva

Head of the Moscow group

HR department

Reading time: 5-6 minutes

Yulia Bolshova is the head of HR process automation at Avito. Previously, she developed the intranets of Beeline, Lamoda and Yandex.

In a previous interview, Julia gave advice to novice intranet managers on how to increase the efficiency of the intranet. In this blog issue we talk about what kind of intranet Avito has and what problems it solves.

Intranet for people

Fact No. 1. Avito People - an intranet for people. We thought about the name of the service for a long time, and it was born as a result of a vote within our department. Avito is us, and People are the people for whom we invent and develop everything. Everything we do is done for the convenience and benefit of our employees.

Fact No. 2. Avito employs more than 1,500 employees. On average, more than 70% of employees (1,100 people) use the intranet every month

Fact No. 3. In addition to the intranet, the company also uses other services, for example, Slack and Workplace from Facebook. Each service performs its own task.

Slack- internal corporate messenger. We use it for quick communication between colleagues.

Workplace- a tool for medium-term communication. We use it to communicate with foreign colleagues. Content in the workplace is created by opinion leaders.

Avito People- service for work processes, as well as official and structured information. It is necessary for publishing and storing significant events that every employee should know about.

We have refused mailings.

Fact No. 4. Our intranet was created by the Avito development team. Since we are a dynamic company, processes and ideas can be adjusted frequently. It is important for us to quickly introduce new things or change existing ones. If some functions have become inconvenient or are no longer needed by employees, we change or remove them without regret.

News on the Avito intranet

Social networks vs. Intranet. Why intranet?

To deliver important content. An intranet is needed so that employees can see the main news and events of the company in one place. Messengers are optional and voluntary channels, so important information can get lost in discussions. In additional communication channels, it is difficult to create full-format information pages where an employee can read a description of the necessary processes and actions.

For safety. It is not safe to send confidential files in instant messengers. Or, for example, operate with data such as employee salaries.

For archiving and easy searching. It is difficult to store historical data or find an employee in instant messengers. If you don't know who to contact, you will need more time.

For the necessary actions. We do not separate services for solving business problems from the intranet. For us it is one whole. The most important advantage of an intranet should be solving work problems: assessing a colleague, sending a vacation request, getting analytics for your department.

News on the Avito intranet

What kind of intranet does Avito have?

Our intranet is managed by two departments. I am a project manager and am in the HR team, and my development team is in the technical department.

Platform. We have our own development, we work in the company’s technology stack.

Mobile version. We don’t have a mobile version, but you can open the intranet on a mobile phone. It doesn’t look as nice as we would like, but we don’t yet prioritize the development of a mobile version, since employees access the intranet from an office computer.

To begin with, we will take the most popular functions among employees and add them to the mobile version. Later we will expand it to full functionality.

Audience and requests. At the top level, we have identified three audiences of intranet users: HR, managers and employees. The majority of employees on the intranet use common functionality: read news, look for colleagues, etc. Next come requests from managers - more sophisticated and specialized. Managers are looking for information about employees transferred to another department, reports on the implementation of KPIs and other data that is important to them. HR has specific requests that relate to process automation.

Service and convenience. Our intranet is a full-fledged service and tool for work. We did not plan to make a site where only news and articles are published. We have a portal part (this is the same intranet in the classical sense - with news, organizational structure, lists of employees, birthdays and other wonderful things), and there are microservices that help employees perform certain tasks.

For example, there is a service where employees undergo performance reviews. And there is a dashboard for managers, where we display the most important information about their subordinate employees.

Content and communication. On the intranet, we do not yet allow employees to add materials other than filling out data in their personal profile. This is not prohibited, it’s just that at the current stage it is not entirely clear what exactly employees need. Quick announcements and mini-news are all written in Slack. IN news feed Official materials prepared by internal communicators are published.

Efficiency. The main questions we ask ourselves before doing anything are: “Are we really saving employees’ time?”, “Who are we doing this for and why?”, “What benefits will we bring?”

For example, if we make news headlines red, who will save time? And if we display all employee vacations in the form of a schedule, will this save time and money?

And, of course, we try to make any functionality convenient and beautiful. We involve an interface designer and test innovations before launch in focus groups.

To exchange and share some of the information within that organization. These can be lists of employees, phone lists of partners and customers. Most often, this term refers to only the visible part of the Intranet - the internal website of the organization. Based on the basic HTTP and HTTPS protocols and organized on a client-server principle, the intranet site is accessible from any computer through a browser. Thus, an Intranet is a “private” Internet, limited to the virtual space of a single organization. Intranet allows the use of public communication channels included in the Internet (VPN), but at the same time the protection of transmitted data and measures to prevent outside penetration of corporate nodes are ensured.

Applications on the Intranet are based on the use of Internet technologies and in particular Web technologies: hypertext in HTML format, Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP and CGI server application interface. Components Intranets are Web servers for static or dynamic publishing of information and browsers for viewing and interpreting hypertext.

According to Stephen Lawton, the term "intranet" first appeared on April 24, 1995, in the Digital News & Review, of which he was technical editor, in an article entitled " Intranets fuel growth of Internet access tools."


An intranet is built on the same concepts and technologies that are used for the Internet, such as client-server architecture and the Internet protocol stack (TCP/IP). All of the known Internet protocols are found on the Intranet, such as HTTP (web services), SMTP (email), and FTP (file transfer). Internet technologies are often used to provide modern interfaces to the functions of information systems that host corporate data.

An intranet can be thought of as a private version of the Internet, or as a private extension of the Internet that is restricted by an organization through a firewall. The first intranet websites and home pages began to appear in organizations in 1990-1991. However, according to unofficial data, the term Intranet first began to be used in 1992 in institutions such as universities and corporations working in the technical field.

Intranet is also contrasted with Extranet; Access to the Intranet is limited to employees of the organization, while the Extranet can be accessed by customers, suppliers, or other persons approved by management. In Extranet technology, in addition to a private network, users have access to Internet resources, but special measures are taken for secure access, authorization, and authentication.

A company intranet does not necessarily have to provide Internet access. When such access is provided, it is usually through a network gateway with a firewall, protecting the Intranet from unauthorized external access. The network gateway often also provides user authentication, data encryption, and often virtual private network (VPN) connectivity for off-site employees to access company information, computing resources, and internal contacts.

Obvious benefits of using an Intranet

  • High productivity when working together on some common projects
  • Easy staff access to data
  • Flexible level of interaction: you can change business interaction schemes both vertically and horizontally.
  • Instant publication of data on Intranet resources allows specific corporate knowledge to always be kept in shape and easily accessible from anywhere in the company using Network and hypermedia technologies. For example: job instructions, internal rules, standards, newsletter services, and even on-the-job training.
  • Allows you to implement a common corporate culture and take advantage of the flexibility and versatility of modern information technologies for managing corporate work.
Advantages of an Intranet website over client-server architecture client programs
  • There is no need to install a client program on users' computers (a browser is used as it). Accordingly, if the functionality of the corporate information system changes, updating the client software is also not required.
  • Reduce time spent on routine operations for entering various data by using web forms instead of exchanging data by email
  • Cross-platform compatibility - standard browser on Microsoft Windows, Mac, and GNU/Linux/*NIX.
Disadvantages of Intranet
  • The network can be hacked and used for hacker purposes
  • Unverified or inaccurate information published on the Intranet leads to confusion and misunderstandings.
  • Illegitimate and offensive materials can be distributed in a free interactive space.
  • Easy access to corporate data can provoke its leakage to competitors through an unscrupulous employee.
  • The functionality and flexibility of an Intranet requires significant development and administration overhead.

Planning, creating and deploying an Intranet

The basis for Intranet planning should be the targeted reduction and optimization of intra-corporate information exchange. Based on these goals, it is important to highlight 2 - 3 most important components, for example:

  • HTTP (HTTPS) Web Intranet server
  • SMTP/IMAP e-mail mail server

The following services are largely optional:

  • Messaging server (MSN Messenger, Jabber, etc.)
  • NNTP news server
  • VoIP server for intracorporate telephony.


  • Kulgin M. Technologies of corporate networks. Encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 509 p.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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A corporate intranet portal is a single virtual information space of a company, in other words, the entire internal life of an organization on one site. Only employees and management of the company have access to the “secret” resource. The introduction of this tool into work processes increases not only labor productivity. By creating an intranet portal, the company significantly speeds up its business processes. The portal decided to ask what information the intranet portals of the largest Russian corporations contain.

Companies that have decided in favor of creating a corporate intranet portal significantly increase the efficiency of their staff, because with the help of this tool, literally in a matter of seconds, all necessary information becomes available to employees, which, in turn, significantly saves time.

A single information space is a convenient workspace with a wide range of functions. On the intranet, in addition to information about all employees (photos, positions, names of the department in which the specialist works, work phone numbers, Email), contains company news accessible to everyone, reference information - telephone numbers of all divisions and departments, information about open vacancies, employee birthdays and significant dates. In addition, the intranet may contain various photo reports about events, marketing plans organizations. It may contain document templates (for example, vacation applications) and instructions for filling them out, samples business letters etc.

Of course, the content of internal information resource is not limited to the above list. We decided to ask representatives of leading companies about the functionality and content of their intranet portals.

Case 1. LG Electronics RUS

Alexander Karpov, HR Director, LG Electronics RUS:

“The main goal of our company’s intranet portal is to create maximum opportunities for any employee to receive information that is important to him.

We consider information openness as the most important element of our corporate culture, as necessary condition to build trust between employees and the company.

Goals pursued by managers other than those described above common goal building trust consists of eliminating internal information barriers, ensuring unhindered and prompt access to information and increasing the speed and quality of communications to resolve any issues - both industrial and social.

Our intranet space creates a kind of common environment for all employees, a virtual space that adequately and fully reflects the realities of the company. The problems solved by this space are very multifaceted and are constantly expanding as technology develops and our understanding of emerging additional application opportunities.

Many processes that were previously difficult or impossible to implement due to labor intensity and the cost of losing information have now become part of our normal production life. Let me give you a few examples. The plant employs about 3,000 people from dozens of localities. The transport ordering system created on the portal helps us ensure their delivery to and from work, through which each employee reserves a seat on a corporate bus directly from their workplace. Another example. On the portal, any employee can read company news on the corporate blog, as well as express their opinion on pressing issues on the forum. Every quarter we select and reward best employees. The portal has made this process as open and democratic as possible. Each specialist can find out what outstanding results the applicant has achieved and vote for the most worthy candidate. The portal also contains a catalog of our factory library, which already contains more than 500 books. Each employee can order the publication that interests him. You can also contact our IT specialists for support through the portal. We attach great importance to customers' opinions about us and our products. For many divisions, customers are other divisions. And the quality of services provided to internal clients is assessed quarterly through the portal. Through the portal we evaluate employee engagement. The site also contains our factory photo album - in it you can see, for example, photographs of the construction of the plant in 2005, photos of our traditional May sports festival, photos depicting the participation of our employees in Donor Days, or photos provided by our employees for the plant photo competition. The portal contains descriptions of all current policies and procedures that relate to each specialist, forms and forms of all standard documents. And this is not a complete list of what we use our internal site for. And the number of such resources and services is constantly increasing.

The advantages of implementing a corporate intranet portal are, as I already said, the ability to instantly receive any important information of both an industrial and social nature. This gives employees a sense of ownership, involvement in the company’s affairs, and responsibility for its future. And we consider these emotions key to our long-term development and prosperity.

Like anyone new channel communication, an intranet portal requires a certain culture of communication. And if all participants have such a culture, then the company receives only advantages from the portal. And the culture of communication can and should be taught. And we do this, including through special training.

In addition to the main services of our internal website described above, it contains information about employees, their contact numbers and corporate email addresses. We post information on the portal about all open vacancies at the plant, inviting employees to either indicate their interest in an open position or offer for vacant position one of your friends or acquaintances. Using the portal, we inform employees about the possibility of purchasing discounted products and hold a raffle among those interested.

In general, I want to emphasize that the portal is a very powerful tool for demonstrating to all employees the unity of the company’s words and deeds, the company’s respect for employees, and its desire to create all the conditions for everyone to feel like a member of a large corporate family.”

Case 2. Alfa Capital Management Company

Yuri Grigoryan, Director of Human Resources Management at Alfa Capital Management Company:

“Given that the intranet is gradually evolving from a simple telephone directory into a powerful “multifunctional” working tool, it is very difficult to single out any one purpose.

From the point of view of corporate culture, the goal of our intranet portal is to create a unified corporate information space. Everything is simple here. We are a medium-sized company, but our employees work in the largest cities of the country from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok to Kaliningrad and Rostov-on-Don. And sometimes it turns out that the distance to the nearest colleague is hundreds of kilometers. If we also add that some employees work in implant offices, on the territory of other organizations, then the task of transmitting the corporate culture, mission and values ​​of the company without the presence of a high-quality information resource will be simply unattainable. This is the first working goal - the internal website allows each employee to feel part of a single whole, to be an active participant in the life of the company, regardless of the distance to the central office, and to be imbued with the idea of ​​the company every day from various sections.

From our point of view daily work, the intranet completely solves the issue internal communications- this is a convenient telephone directory with photographs of colleagues, functions performed, interests, and an expanded library of documents, information about new employees, birthdays, an absence calendar, numerous chats and forums, an internal messaging program and, of course, a news block. As we can see, the range and focus of the communication component is wide, which allows us to effectively solve internal communications problems of any level of complexity.

The main thing is a single tool for broadcasting the mission and corporate values companies. Next, the issue of creating effective internal communications is completely resolved, that is, we manage information flows, which allows them to be constantly changed to suit current business tasks. Other goals of the internal site include: creating and managing working groups, and there are no restrictions on topics - this includes a process optimization group and a football team. But the main goal is to create professional communities within the company, Information Support a full range of tools and documents for any employee (from work performance standards to client presentations and tariffs), which is especially important for beginners. On the internal portal, we created a library of all documents and accompanied each of them with instructions for filling out. For example, if you want to write a vacation application, find it in the list of documents labor documents, select the “Application” section, open the template you need, and instructions for filling it out are already attached to it. Also, using the intranet, we involve employees in corporate life through various surveys, competitions, etc.

The intranet has many advantages, but the main one is a qualitatively different level of internal communications, which, of course, greatly facilitates the solution of many both daily and strategic tasks. And if we go further, the level of development of internal communications directly correlates with the level of development of the company’s corporate culture and reflects its true interests and priorities. As a user of this system, I can say that I am discovering the benefits every day. At the same time, every time I say: “It’s so good that we have an intranet.” And despite the fact that more than a year has passed since its introduction, traffic to the portal is growing. We started with 50% of employees using the internal website. Thanks to permanent job with the end user we brought this figure to 90%-95%.