Rewriting online work with daily payment. How to make money for a beginner on rewriting without investments? Pros and cons of online earnings by rewriting

Copywriting and rewriting are the two main components of the income of a novice stock writer. There are often disputes about what exactly is considered one type of work with texts, and what is another, since it is indeed often difficult to distinguish between these two concepts.

Copywriter and copywriting

People working in the field of writing articles and texts can be sensitive to the correct use of terminology. Resentment can be caused by both the phrase “copywriting of texts” and the proposal “copywriting”.

The process of writing new unique text content is copywriting. Other word forms are incorrect. At the same time, the author who is engaged in writing unique texts from scratch based on the information he already has is a copywriter.

In Western terminology, copywriters are mainly those people who are engaged in writing selling and advertising texts. Their main goal is to increase sales. certain goods or commodity groups. Their work is closely related to marketing and advertising.

In the Russian-speaking Internet, a copywriter is a professional who creates any content for Internet sites - from informational, SEO and news articles to advertising slogans. Text copywriting in this case is sometimes also called webwriting, meaning by it not only the creation of articles from scratch, but also a simple or more complex processing of existing printed or electronic materials - rewriting or rewriting.

Rewriter and rewriter

Rewriting differs from copywriting in that it does not involve independent research or careful study of the materials available on the topic. In this case, the author uses one or more articles to write his own, which will be unique to search engines. There is nothing new in the semantic component of this text.

With terminology in this direction is the same as in copywriting. Rewriting is the process of writing a unique article based on existing ones, and a rewriter is an author who does this work. Sometimes they also use the word "rewrite", meaning by it both the result of the work - a simple processing of the text, and the writing service itself, which is actually called a little differently.

For more than 10 years, it has been periodically said that due to the development artificial intelligence And software, rewriting and even copywriting will soon cease to exist. Writing texts will be performed by special programs called synonymizers. They independently select synonyms for all the words of the source article, but the result, as a rule, is very far from being grammatically and stylistically correct, so such automatic translation can deceive only a search robot, but not a person. Therefore, for a long time copywriting and rewriting of articles will be a relevant option for earning money and a service in demand.

How and where do rewriters and copywriters work?

There are two options for the work of a rewriter and a copywriter:

  • Selling articles, copywriting or rewriting on your own topic, that is, writing for yourself, and then putting it up for sale on the stock exchange. In this case, it is difficult to predict exactly when the article will be bought and the author will receive his money.
  • Write to order. In this case, the author definitely receives payment if the article fits the requirements and wishes of the customer, but the choice of topics is usually limited.

There are also four main employment options for the author:

  • Work on the copywriting exchange. Most often, such sites have the sale of articles, copywriting and rewriting under the order. The advantage of such sites is the transparency of the conditions, convenient functionality, guaranteed payment after the acceptance of the article by the customer and a large number of customers. The disadvantages of working on the exchange include the need to strictly follow the rules of the service, a small number of orders with high pay and the lack of interesting large turnkey projects.
  • Exchange for freelancers. Here you can find different orders - from inexpensive one-time orders to full filling with articles and descriptions of the online store or regular writing of texts for information portal. As a rule, competition on freelance exchanges is higher. Not all customers here are ready to work through a “safe deal” with commission payment, in this case there is a risk of not getting paid for the work. In addition, it sometimes takes quite a long time to find a suitable project, since assignments are posted not only for copywriters.
  • Working with the studio that promotes websites. In this case, the author does not need to independently search for clients, but there is no opportunity to independently choose a topic for an article or an interesting project. It is necessary to write according to the terms of reference that they give. Possible as distant work for the studio, and with your own workplace in the office.
  • Work directly with customers. The most risky, labor-intensive, but most often the best paid option. In this case, the copywriter himself is looking for clients and assumes all the risks of cooperation. In rare cases, for such work, a contract is concluded that can protect the contractor from an unscrupulous customer. But to sign such a working agreement, as a rule, it is necessary to open an individual entrepreneur, which is associated with bureaucratic difficulties and the payment of taxes.

Want to learn how to write sales copy?

Copywriting exchanges or where to make money with copywriting and rewriting?

Aspiring authors usually hone their skills on copywriting exchanges. Most experienced copywriters agree that this is a necessary step, which, however, must end at some point. Although there are examples of how some performers have been doing “article copywriting” on the exchange for many years, and this suits them quite well in terms of earnings and comfort.

The generally accepted exchange standard for valuing texts in monetary terms is the price per 1000 characters. On most portals - no spaces. At the same time, the uniqueness of articles can be checked both by the exchange's own service, and by any other on the Internet. As a rule, the customer chooses the desired uniqueness parameters and the program.

One of the most famous and oldest copywriting exchanges on the Russian-speaking Internet. If you believe the statistics of the service, over the past years, almost 9 million orders have been completed on it, almost 1 million authors and more than half a million customers have been registered in the database.

The advantage of the exchange is that there is an Articles Store where you can place ready-made unique texts and there are always orders for articles for various projects. Sometimes there are even requests with a price of 200-350 rubles per 1000 characters, but there are many who want to fulfill such requests, and only an author with a certain rating level can send an application.

On eTXT, you will have to work hard and complete some very cheap orders to start normal earnings. There is even a certain group of customers who offer new authors to write articles for them at 5-7 rubles per 1000 characters for the sake of rating. It's practically free. But without good rating on this exchange it is impossible even to put up an article for sale in the Store.

This portal is better known for its uniqueness program, although the exchange for copywriters and rewriters has been operating on it for several years. There is also an Articles Store where you can put ready-made unique texts on any subject.

The competition on is quite strong, there is a well-established TOP authors. A feature can be called the fact that the exchange is divided into two parts: copywriting and rewriting. Usually on such portals this is not the case. Also here sometimes there are orders not only for regular texts for websites, but also for other formats: commercial offers selling texts, term papers, reviews.

To receive an order, you must take part in the tender. This standard procedure for most exchanges. But to apply on this site, a certain rating is not always necessary.

Until 2014, this exchange was one of the best for novice authors, because most of the orders could be immediately taken to work. Now such a system has remained only for very inexpensive projects. For example, the work of writing reviews, comments or making reposts.

Feature of Advego - annual thematic competitions with nice prizes, active communication on the portal forum, a large number of "goodies" in the form of virtual stamps in user profiles and detailed statistics on completed or accepted orders in the same place.

Prices for Advego are low: rewriting from 20 rubles per 1000 characters, copywriting and translations - from 30. Most interesting projects are not visible to beginners at all, they are received by authors with a high rating. The exchange has an Articles Store.

The only exchange where you still have the opportunity to just go in and immediately take an order from public access to work. Of course, there are certain limitations here: the author sees only those tasks that correspond to his level and below. But in order to “catch” more expensive orders, you need to be online almost around the clock.

For novice authors, only microtasks are available before passing the tests: comments, likes, reviews, etc. For those who have a “basic” or “intermediate” level, the bulk of tasks cost 40-50 rubles per 1000 characters. To get into the number of "gurus" is quite difficult. There is an opinion that for this it is necessary to have good relations with the management and moderators of the portal.

For beginners, this exchange will be useful in that there is a Copywriting School and several specialized training courses. Access to orders can be obtained only after passing the entrance test. You should start work only after the end of the tender and confirmation that you have been selected as a contractor. Or in the event that you received an order as a selected copywriter or an individual one, that is, only for you.

The prices on this exchange are quite modest, although it was originally conceived as a platform for pros with a high cost of operation. Now rewriting and copywriting on average here cost from 40 to 120 rubles per 1000 characters. There are not too many tasks, but there is less competition than on more well-known exchanges.

Closed exchange for copywriters. It is believed that the selection there is very difficult, but even for a beginner, nothing is impossible.

The prices on the site are varied - from 40 to 150-200 rubles per 1000 characters, depending on the level. You can write on any topic you choose. All articles are moderated by a full-time editor, which helps protect customers from receiving low-quality texts. There is a system of rating and penalties. Heavily fined for missed deadlines.

In general, the exchange is not bad, with a user-friendly interface and a large number of orders. There is no article store.

A kind of exchange, which administrators call "content workshop". Its distinguishing feature is a fixed price for writing texts - from 35 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters. It changes depending on the subject, which the author chooses independently immediately after registration. This can be seen as a kind of preparation for specialization and nicheing, which some experts call one of the ways to achieve high earnings in off-exchange copywriting.

Orders for the “content workshop” come from clients of their own agency, so it is highly likely that the author will write constantly for the same project of his subject. There are always tasks, before acceptance they must be moderated by the editor of the service.

In order not to sit on the stock exchange for a long time, the author needs to constantly improve his writing skills. This applies not only to the study of spelling rules, but also to the expansion of competence. To do this, you can read books and articles on copying, take paid or free training, participate in specialized conferences and, of course, try and hone new text formats, constantly expanding the list of services.

What is copywriting and rewriting? Overview of exchanges for writing texts

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Today, many people know such concepts as "copywriting" and "rewriting". What they have in common is that it is the work of creating unique texts. Only copywriting is writing new content, and rewriting is changing what has already been written before. But why puzzle, come up with a new text, when a lot of articles have already been written on the Internet on almost any topic. You just need to pick best options and remake them. This will save a lot of writing time creating good content.

Work as a rewriter

What is the essence of the work of a rewriter

Every day, Internet resources are being created that need high-quality content on their topics. Therefore, the services of a copywriter and rewriter are in demand today, because it is these specialists who create an original and competent text that will carry maximum useful information.

Even the most complex information will be processed and presented by the rewriter so that it becomes more attractive to readers. Based on this article, he will make two or even more completely different articles. If you have certain skills and constantly develop, you can make pretty good money on it.

Almost every person who knows at least a little Russian, knows how to write correctly, can become a rewriter. You also need to be creative, diligent, hardworking, attentive to details.

Rewriting - real online earnings

To write high-quality texts, earn money by rewriting, you need to have the following basic skills:

  1. It is good to know the Russian language, the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  2. Be able to form your thoughts, select synonyms, retell one phrase in different words.
  3. Use headings, subheadings, paragraphs, quotes, tips, in other words, structure the text correctly so that it is better perceived by the reader.
  4. Build simple sentences that are easy to understand.
  5. Use a minimum of meaningless information (water), formulate thoughts clearly and understandably.

So, the main task rewriter is the ability to convey the meaning of the source material so that it changes and becomes 100% unique. Of course, this is not easy to achieve, because every day there is more and more information on various topics on the Internet. It may also be that the text, which is written independently from scratch, will turn out to be plagiarism. This is especially true when writing on current topics.

What are the main types of rewriting

There are several types of rewriting, but the main ones are:

  • Simple. You need to change one article to another. The contractor receives a ready-made article on a specific topic. It needs to be redone so that the meaning is preserved, but at the same time it becomes unique. To do this, you need to change the words in the original article to synonyms, swap them, etc. Thus, simple rewriting is a reworked finished material.
  • Difficult. From several finished articles, you need to make one unique one. The contractor receives 2 or more finished articles that he needs to work through in order to get one new one from them. At the same time, the structure of the text changes completely, but it is also important here to preserve the original meaning of the source material. Complex rewriting is as close as possible to copywriting.
  • Translation. Translation of the text into different languages, for example, from English into Russian, is also considered rewriting, while the meaning of the source material must be preserved.

How to get started

Earning sites will help you start your journey in rewriting - special content exchanges, where the likelihood of falling for a scammer is minimized. After choosing and registering on the exchange, you can start searching for an order.

Rewriting is a creative and interesting job

Having received an order for rewriting the text, you need to find an online service for the selection of synonyms, which will help to greatly simplify the work. Choose for yourself a convenient service with which it will be comfortable to work further. To find a synonym for a word, you just need to drive it into the search bar on such a service.

The material received from the customer must be rewritten, changing the words in it as much as possible, they can also be interchanged.

Important! When the new text is ready, check it for uniqueness. To do this, many exchanges have online services, some offer to download the program. If the verified material is of good uniqueness (as a rule, customers require 95% or more), you can safely submit it for verification.

  1. It is better to choose material (sources of information) from those resources that are little known and not very popular. Texts from the first pages of search engines, as a rule, have already been rewritten many times. It is better to look for such sites or blogs that have just appeared and are not strongly promoted.
  2. It is better to understand one or more popular topics, and not to take on everything in a row. Becoming a pro at one thing, you can provide yourself with regular orders in large quantities.
  3. When rewriting, it is not necessary to rewrite one article, even if the customer provided the source material. You can work through several articles, taking from them the most interesting and useful information.
  4. The written article needs to be checked not only for uniqueness, but also for spelling and punctuation. For this, there are special services on the Internet. Also, the article must be re-read to remove possible typos, unfinished sentences, etc.

Creating unique content is a great way to make money online

Today, when copywriting is a popular service, many people try to pass off rewriting, which is far from always the highest quality, as a copywriter in order to earn more. It is better to make high-quality rewriting of several articles than to lose your credibility with customers later.

The best exchanges for copywriters


Offers Better conditions where you can find rewriting - one of the best earning sites for beginners. Work can be selected immediately, without waiting for the customer to approve the application and select the contractor.

The average price for 1000 characters is 20-80 rubles, which is pretty good for a user taking the first steps in copywriting.

To start working here, you need to pass a test, write an article with key queries and answer questions about the rules of working on the exchange. It may not be possible to go through all these stages the first time, but there are an unlimited number of attempts to pass testing.

Exchange Etext

Copywriting exchange with a huge number of orders. It is not difficult to take a job, despite the fact that the right to choose from among the users who submitted the application belongs to the customer.

This exchange is perfect for getting started, but the fees are quite low. So, for 1000 rubles, beginners can get 5-20 rubles. As the rating increases, you can qualify for more expensive orders. You can sell your finished articles through the exchange store.

You can register on the exchange for free, there is no testing here, so you can work immediately after registration. content exchange

Exchange Turbotext

The level of earnings on this exchange is quite high. To start working on it, you need to go through the registration procedure and testing for knowledge of the Russian language, as well as write a short essay on a specific topic.

Work on writing texts and translation. If there are finished articles, they can be sold. But main disadvantage The exchange is that a commission of 20% of the order price is withheld from the contractor.


A popular content exchange with many positive reviews. There are no orders here where 1000 signs cost less than 20 rubles. The cost of orders increases depending on the growth of the rating. After registration, you need to pass testing and write an essay. Time for testing is limited.

Exchange Monica

Quite a young exchange, which has already become popular. It is not difficult to work here, you do not need to look for orders and wait for the approval of your candidacy. After choosing the order you like, you can start its execution. The editor will check and accept the order or send it for revision. The cost of 1000 characters for beginners is 40-60 rubles.

To get started, you need to register and pass a test in Russian. After that, attach your work on the chosen topic. You will also have to write a short text explaining why your articles will be interesting and useful.

Exchange Workzilla

The best exchange for beginners. After a simple registration procedure and correct filling in the data in the profile, you can choose the work option you like and wait until the customer chooses as a contractor.

After writing the work will be checked by the customer. If the check is passed, the frozen money is transferred to the account. Payment for all tasks goes through the service.

How much can you earn on rewriting?

Rewriting will be a profitable business if you approach it responsibly, devoting a significant amount of time and effort. This is not passive income, and the amount of earnings depends directly on the person himself and the efforts made.

At first, you will have to work hard, devote a lot of time to work, but gradually the skills and abilities in creating unique and high-quality content will develop.

At first, the payment will be low (about 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters) in order to gain experience, rating, customer reviews and create a portfolio. This way you can find regular customers. As professionalism grows, the level of income will increase.

Real earnings online

You can earn as a rewriter for 1000 characters of written text from 5 to 200 rubles, but the rate can be higher. Depending on the subject, the requirements for the order and the printing speed of the rewriter, the prices will be different.

Important! A novice rewriter can earn about $ 100 per month, as he develops in this area, income can be higher than $ 300-400 per month.

Writing articles for money is a decent way of working that can bring in quite a good income on the Internet. You should not expect that money will rain down, because rewriting is a complex, monotonous and rather laborious process, especially at the initial stage. If you constantly develop, improve skills, you can reach a high level of profit.

Thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day. Regardless of the purpose for which an Internet resource was created, it will have to be filled with information.

This is where people involved can come to the rescue.

Copywriting it is a summary of information taken from several sources. That is, copywriters find articles on the Internet on the desired topic, read them, and then retell them in their own words.

In order to “bring together” customers (people who need to buy or order a certain text) with performers (authors), there are copywriting exchanges.

If you are a beginner and have a great desire to write, but doubt your abilities, then you need to start your career as a copywriter on such exchanges.

  • Firstly, you can choose orders yourself (it's better to start with the simplest work).
  • Secondly, your rights as an employee are protected by the exchange. You can be sure that with a responsible approach to your work, you will not be deceived.
  • Third, you will get your hands on low-paying orders and, perhaps, find regular customers with whom you will work with off-exchanges in the future.

The nuances of the work of different copywriting and rewriting exchanges

At the moment, there are many freelance exchanges on the Internet where copywriters earn money. Each performer chooses the platform that is convenient for him.

If you are just thinking about which resource to register on, then we advise you to pay attention to such nuances:

  • Payment per 1000 symbols. If you have never been involved in writing articles, then it is better to start with small, average-paid orders (15-20 rubles / 1000 characters). Professionals get more, but the requirements for their work are higher;
  • Availability of tests. Some resources have mandatory literacy tests, without passing which you will not be able to take orders;
  • Convenient site navigation. It is very important that the exchange is user-friendly and has a clear interface. Thanks to this, you will quickly get into the work;
  • Withdrawal of money. Most sites have minimum amount to withdraw earnings. Pay attention to what payment systems the sites work with. Most often, this is only a WebMoney wallet;
  • Site Commission. Give preference to sites with adequate commissions and a good attitude towards both customers and performers.

Overview of the TOP 10 copywriting exchanges

Some beginners believe that it is rational to register on several copywriting exchanges, thanks to which they can take more orders.

In fact, if you want to have high paying job, you will have to choose one site where you will work, earn a rating, improve your skills, find regular customers.

There are 3 types of copywriting exchanges:

  1. Open exchanges These are sites where anyone can register. To do this, you just need to enter your data, after which you can begin your work activity.
  2. Semi-open exchanges- these are Internet resources where a registered user must pass a literacy test, or write an essay on a specified topic. Only after that he will be allowed to order.
  3. Closed exchanges- These are sites where a strict selection of copywriters is carried out. If you want to work on such an exchange, then get ready for the fact that you will be asked to provide a resume, portfolio, take a test, or write a short essay.

To make it easier for you to choose a resource for work, we have compiled the TOP 10 most popular copywriter exchanges and divided them by type.

Open exchanges

Etxt- an exchange uniting several hundred thousand performers and customers. This is one of the most popular resources. Therefore, among copywriters is great. The site has a tender system for taking orders. That is, you submit an application for the execution of the task you like, and the customer himself chooses who will perform it.

On this site, customers offer a low price for writing articles, but copywriters have the opportunity to gain a rating, get a high assessment of their skills, and subsequently perform higher-paying jobs.

On Etxt, in the process of work, all users increase their rating. If you earn 10 rubles, then they equal 1 rating point.

Performers with a rating below 299 points cannot apply for an order where the cost per 1000 characters is higher than 25 rubles. A beginner can take a large order only if he passes the literacy test (correctly answers at least 7 out of 10 questions).

In addition to the rating, a copywriter can raise his skill level by writing test. But keep in mind that the moderators very meticulously check all the work. A missing punctuation mark, a wrong case, or more than 3 mistakes of any kind and you won't earn a single star (out of a possible 3).

The site has own services checking uniqueness and punctuation. It is possible to use paid proofreading services.

As for finances, commissions are charged both from the customer and the contractor (5% each). Not so much.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 250 rubles. from this amount, the site will take 0.8% as a commission. You can withdraw earned money to WebMoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI wallets.

The money will be credited to the specified account within 5 business days. If funds are needed urgently, then you can order an urgent withdrawal of money, but the commission in this case will be 5% of the withdrawal amount.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • A large number of orders;
  • Good attitude of the site administration to the performers;
  • Minimum commission;
  • Opportunity for career growth;
  • Opportunity to earn money for beginners;
  • Simple interface.


  • Withdrawal of funds after 5 business days;
  • Big competition;
  • Relatively low prices.

Advego- one of the oldest exchanges. Included in the top three among similar sites. There is a lot of competition among copywriters.

Anyone can register on this website. After that, you need to fill out your profile and proceed to the search for orders. Based on the results of the work, you will be assigned a certain level of efficiency. It depends on many components. This is the quantity, quality and volume of work performed, the speed of completion, etc.

All calculations are made in e. The minimum payment for writing 1000 characters without spaces is 0.2 c.u. e.

You can withdraw earned money only to your WebMoney wallet. At the same time, you need to accumulate 5 c.u. on your Advego account. e. This is the minimum withdrawal amount.

This exchange has its own services for checking uniqueness, spelling and semantics.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Decent salary for copywriters;
  • A wide variety of orders;
  • Availability of useful services;
  • A small minimum amount for the withdrawal of earned funds.


  • Great competition within the exchange;
  • The ability to withdraw money only on WebMoney.

- This is a fairly developed exchange, which is known to many copywriters working on other resources. All because of a convenient service for checking uniqueness, spelling and SEO analysis, which even an unregistered user can use.

But on this site they check not only uniqueness, but use it to earn money. By registering, copywriters can take orders or sell ready-made articles.

On, each user is assigned a certain status. For example, a beginner is considered a “schoolboy”, but he can raise his status by perfectly fulfilling orders and being active on the exchange.

This exchange does not require any investment. But from each order, the copywriter will pay a commission to the site. Performers with different statuses have different commissions. For example, for a “schoolchild” it is 10%, and for an “academician” it is 8.25%. That is, the higher the rating and status, the lower the commission.

You can withdraw funds only to a WebMoney wallet. In this case, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.

If you do not want to gradually develop a rating for yourself, but want to immediately take large orders, then you can deposit a certain amount in order to register a PRO account. This will automatically increase the rating by 30%.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Excellent multifunctional services;
  • Not too big exchange commission;
  • The ability to quickly raise the rating.


  • Big competition;
  • The ability to withdraw earned money only to WebMoney.

text sale- Exchange for the sale of articles. It is on this site that copywriters earn by selling ready-made content.

Article prices are average. The minimum cost of 1000 characters without spaces is 20 rubles.

This exchange of articles for websites also makes it possible to earn money by completing orders. But in order to get access to them, you need to either gain a rating by selling ready-made articles or pay 300 rubles.

If you decide to profitably sell your work, then be prepared for the fact that the site will take 10% of the cost of the article as a commission.

When withdrawing funds, you may encounter the following problem. The exchange withdraws money only to the WebMoney dollar wallet. In this case, the minimum amount is 200 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • An excellent platform where ready-made content is well bought;
  • Relatively small commission.


  • The ability to withdraw money to only one wallet;
  • Partially paid access to orders.

Turbotext- the resource where they are created ideal conditions for customers. Very strict requirements are put forward for performers. Already at the stage of registration, the selection of authors takes place. But those who pass all the tests are waiting for highly paid orders. This resource is aimed at professional copywriters.

After registration, performers will be required to pass a literacy test. If a copywriter "flunks" the test, then he will be able to pass it again no earlier than in 1 month. During this period, orders will not be available to him, but he will be able to perform mini-tasks (like, repost, write comments, etc.).

In addition to testing, in order to receive orders, you will have to write an essay. Access is given to performers who earn a score of 4 or 5.

The site does not have a tender system like most exchanges. This means that the first copywriter who clicked the "Take Order" button is automatically assigned as the executor of this or that work.

The minimum payment in the amount of 22 rubles / 1000 sim. get newbies. Pros fulfill orders from 179 rubles / 1000 sim.

The site administration takes a commission only from performers in the amount of 20%. Withdraw money only once a week (on Mondays). The withdrawal amount should not be less than 50 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • There is no tender system;
  • Small amount for withdrawal;
  • Relatively high salaries for copywriters.


  • Withdrawal of funds once a week;
  • Rigid selection of performers;
  • High commission, which is charged only to copywriters.

Semi-open exchanges

ContentMonster- This is an exchange with strict requirements in relation to performers. But customers feel very comfortable on this site. Let's say right away that only half of copywriters pass the test.

Each performer, as the orders are completed, earns a rating for himself, thereby increasing the level of his skill. But if the texts are of poor quality, then the account may be blocked without warning.

If the copywriter does not submit the order on time, then the account is also blocked, but only for a week.

The administration of the exchange often changes the rules of its resource, independently makes decisions on whether to increase or decrease the skill level of a copywriter.

For each completed order, the exchange takes 20% commission from the contractor.

The average cost of 1000 characters without spaces is 40-60 rubles.

To withdraw the money earned, you will have to save 150 rubles.

On the site, copywriters are offered to visit the School of Copywriting for free.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Average prices;
  • Opportunity to improve professionalism in the Copywriting School;
  • Lack of competition.


  • A large commission, which is charged only from performers;
  • Availability of test tasks for admission to orders;
  • The possibility of blocking the account by the site administration in case of delay in orders or poor-quality execution.

copylancer- this exchange is distinguished by little competition among copywriters and adequate working conditions.

To start working on this site, you must:

  1. Fill out your profile.
  2. Successfully pass the Russian language test.

Copywriters on this resource charge an average of 40-60 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. At the same time, each contractor, when submitting an application for the execution of an order, independently indicates its price.

The first few works of beginners are checked by proofreaders. This required condition exchanges. This service is paid. You will have to pay 10 rubles for checking each text.

The earned funds can be withdrawn to the WebMoney wallet, while remembering that the minimum amount for withdrawing funds is 120 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • The ability to carry out orders for beginners for 40 rubles / 1000 characters;
  • Loyal attitude of the administration of the exchange to the performers;
  • Adequate working conditions.


  • Access to orders after passing the test;
  • Paid proofreader services upon delivery of the first orders for beginners.

Closed exchanges

Miratext is an exchange where only professional copywriters. Getting access to orders on this site is quite difficult.

Performers have to:

  1. Take a literacy test.
  2. Take a test of knowledge of the rules
  3. Write an article on a given topic.

The first works of newcomers are checked by editors. This service is not free. You will have to pay 7 rubles / 1000 characters for verification.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Low competition;
  • Good salary for copywriters.


  • Few orders;
  • Serious selection of copywriters.

The site administration is very loyal to the performers. There is no tender system for taking orders; the order feed is always available to you - take it and write right away, hand in the finished work and get money.

The average price for writing 1000 characters without spaces is 35 rubles. There are no commissions from copywriters. Withdrawal of funds is carried out once a week, or at the first request of the authors.

There are a lot of free tasks and with a great desire, you can find a suitable topic for yourself.

In order to get access to orders, you will have to fill out a form. Based on this information, the administration of the exchange decides whether the author is suitable for this site or not.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Above average pay
  • No commission;
  • Loyal attitude to copywriters;
  • Lack of any tests;
  • Low competition.


  • Small number of orders;
  • narrow specificity.

Freelance exchanges

- an exchange where freelancers work. Among the many different tasks, a copywriter will be able to find a job for himself. In order to work on this site, you will have to pay for access to orders.

To receive an order on this resource, you must:

  1. Register.
  2. Fill out your profile.
  3. Choose a tariff plan.
  4. Pay for it.

On this exchange, customers find performers, but all calculations take place outside the site. If one of the parties wants to protect himself, then you can use a special paid service, with which the calculation will be made.

Performing orders, performers receive 1-3 c.u. e. for work. Withdrawal of funds is carried out only to the WebMoney wallet.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Various tasks;
  • Decent pay.


  • Paid access to orders;

We talked only about the best copywriting exchanges, but new sites regularly appear on the Web where you can buy, sell or order text on the desired topic.

Some of them specialize only in selling ready-made content, and some only in placing orders.

Very often, new copywriting exchanges are created by one customer for. These sites are most often of a closed type and simplify the work of both the employer and the contractor. As an example of such an exchange - Slogoved.

Online article exchanges

We have already mentioned that on exchanges you can not only fulfill orders, but also sell ready-made articles.

Copywriters who write on their favorite topics post their finished work in the article store. If the topic of the article is interesting and popular, then there will be many who want to buy articles.

The main disadvantage of this type of earnings can be considered the absence of a 100% guarantee that the article will be purchased. If you are ordered an article on a specific topic, then after writing it you get paid. In the case of the article store, this rule does not apply. You will have to wait until someone is interested in your work.

On many exchanges, you can simultaneously fulfill orders and sell finished articles. For example, on the Advego,, Etxt, Krasnoslov, Copylancer exchanges, each copywriter can create a store where he will exhibit his work.

In article stores, buyers are provided with information about the presence of errors in the text, the degree of uniqueness, etc. In addition, you can read an excerpt from the article to understand the style of writing.

Alternative to copywriting exchanges

Copywriting exchanges for beginners are great way“fill your hand” test yourself and believe in your abilities.

But many professional copywriters find jobs through job sites. It is enough to go to such a resource and find an interesting offer in the "Work at home" section.

Some customers and performers who collaborated on the exchanges exchange contacts and continue to work outside of it.


Copywriting exchanges are a place where people cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. Each such resource has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before registering on one of the sites, carefully study its conditions of work. It is on this that the success of the copywriter's work depends.

Rewriting over the past few years has become one of the priority areas for remote work. Since millions of sites are registered on the Internet, each of them needs original content. Creating high-quality content, increasing the uniqueness of the text is the main task of a person involved in rewriting. What is rewriting, how to develop a method for rewriting texts and how much you can earn on it, let's figure it out.

What it is

Rewriting - the process of rewriting source code, during which its uniqueness increases. It is worth noting that the person involved in rewriting is faced with the task of preserving the original meaning of the text, but presenting it in other words.

Site owners are constantly in need of high-quality and unique material for publications, so today the services of a copywriter and rewriter are in demand more than ever. If the first creates unique articles from scratch, then the second, in fact, rewrites ready-made texts. If you use other people's texts, without trying to increase uniqueness, such a site will be ignored by the search engine, since it carries absolutely no new information.

Website owners are helped by people who skillfully master all the intricacies of writing texts. They are engaged in rewriting, which is translated from English. means "rewriting". This capacious concept fully reflects the essence of the rewriter's activity.

Web resource owners need rewriting different format. And it is in demand due to the lower cost of wages, when compared with copywriting. Who is this job for? First of all, creative and literate people with a developed vocabulary. Remember your school years, when the class wrote the presentation together at the Russian language lessons. If you did an excellent job with the task, then you should definitely try your hand at rewriting.

At first glance, it may seem that even a child can handle rewriting, everything is so simple and clear. But this is a colossal delusion, the work of a rewriter has many subtleties and is not easy. Imagine that you were given a text to work filled with specific terms, quotes from by-laws, or professional slang.

Sometimes you have to sit over one text for hours in order to preserve the original meaning as much as possible.


Tasks for rewriting texts are always associated with certain requirements, the rewriting process itself consists in the formation of completely new sentences, phrases and word forms.

Primary requirements:

  1. Without changing the structure, change the type of text;
  2. Do not add additional data to the text (the exception is the text, which prescribes the possibility of using additional sources of information);
  3. Do not give your subjective assessment of the events described in the text;
  4. The process of modifying the test is called "rewriting", and the final result of the rewriting is called "rewriting", these concepts are often confused.

Anyone who is not familiar with the field of writing texts may assume that rewriting is nothing more than ordinary plagiarism. In fact, this is a misconception, since a rewriter (a person involved in rewriting) creates new unique content.

Rewriting has become widespread in the vastness of the network, as the most budgetary way to fill thematic forums, services and sites with new material. Compared to copywriting, rewriting pays an order of magnitude lower, despite the fact that the final product is 100% unique.

Over the years of the existence of rewriting as a freelance industry, several main types of this work have emerged:

  • Primitive. Work with the text is carried out through special programs, without the involvement of human labor. Such a text is created on the basis of the selection of many synonyms (it is also called synonymizing);
  • Simplified. It is similar in structure to a primitive rewrite, with the difference that a person works on the text, and not a program;
  • Exemplary. Rewriting, written more competently and efficiently;
  • Super deep. Such rewriting helps to achieve the highest degree of uniqueness of the text due to the complete change of word forms and sentences in the text.

In a separate category, professional rewriting can be distinguished. It is distinguished by the presence of structural changes in the text, consistent style, and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors. Most professionals work on popular exchanges, where they provide their services to customers.

The main task of rewriting is to create a unique text based on the available source..

How to rewrite text

Beginners often make the mistake of thinking that rewriting is simplest form activities that do not require a serious approach and significant time costs. In fact, rewriting requires a lot of effort, it needs a comprehensive step-by-step approach.

If you are taking your first steps in the field of text rewriting, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with a proven algorithm of actions:

  1. We carefully study the task. It would seem that the simplest point, but due to inattentive proofreading of the text, problems and misunderstandings may arise in the future. For example, little time is given to complete the work, and you did not take this moment into account. Or the text is filled with a lot of specific terms, which complicates the task, especially for a beginner;
  2. Text analysis. We carefully read the material, get acquainted in advance with all new words;
  3. Let's start the rewriting process. We work on preserving the meaning, we select competently synonyms, we change word forms;
  4. We carry out a comprehensive check of the text. Here it is worth paying attention to literacy and punctuation. For the first time, we recommend that you “go over” the text on your own, and then use popular services for checking texts;
  5. Checking the new text for uniqueness using relevant services. Here it is desirable to achieve the percentage of uniqueness that was prescribed in the terms of reference;
  6. Final proofreading of the text. It is advisable to check the text after a couple of hours in order to go through what was written with a “fresh look”, so you can identify those errors that you have not noticed before.

It is extremely important not to thoughtlessly take orders for work, but to read the source information about the task as carefully as possible. In addition, you always need to make contact with the customer, clarify the details you are interested in.

Rewriting exchanges

Registered to date great amount platforms where rewriters can receive orders for permanent basis. We propose to consider best exchanges for, which are guaranteed to pay out the funds earned by the rewriter and provide a huge number of tasks.

Etxt is one of the most popular platforms in Russia and the post-Soviet countries for making money on writing texts.

To date, several thousand performers work within the framework of the exchange, however, due to the huge number of incoming tasks, there is enough work for every newcomer.

The cost of rewriting here varies depending on the rating of the artist:

  • For rewriting at the initial level, they pay from 15 rubles per 1000 characters of text;
  • At the middle level, the price increases, and the cost of 1000 characters starts from 25 rubles. Often there are tasks with higher pay;
  • The lucky ones who have earned the coveted "three stars" and a high rating with their work receive from 50 rubles per 1000 characters.

The system charges a commission for the withdrawal of earned funds in the amount of 5%. The exchange allows you to earn on rewriting an average of 250 rubles per text. In a month you can earn from 7,000 rubles.

Turbotext - rewriting is one of the key areas the work of the exchange. The platform is famous high quality writing texts, so the beginner will have to try to prove himself with better side and give it 100%.

The cost of rewriting will depend entirely on the level:

  1. At the initial level, you will be paid from 22 rubles per 1000 characters;
  2. The basic level brings users from 47 rubles per 1000 characters of text;
  3. Payment for 1000 characters at a high level is from 96 rubles;
  4. Professionals can safely count on 120 rubles per 1000 characters.

The exchange is one of the highest paid in the vastness of the network, so you should try to interest customers with your talent. Even a beginner, devoting 3-4 hours a day to writing texts, has from 9,000 rubles a month.

Advego is an exchange that gladly accepts everyone who wants to show their creativity in the process of writing texts. You can take tasks to work here immediately after registration, and the abundance of orders will please both beginners and professional rewriters.

For 1000 characters of printed text on Advego they pay from 20 rubles. The more complex the text, the higher the payment. You can often find tasks with a payment of 120 rubles per 1000 characters. Beginners earn on the exchange from 5,000 rubles a month.

Copylancer is a time-tested exchange. More than 600 new tasks appear here every day, 40% of which are rewriting tasks. Before starting the tasks, you need to register and pass a simple test for knowledge of the basic rules of the Russian language.

Exchange Rates:

  • Each newcomer automatically has an entry level, where they pay from 20 rubles for 1000 rewriting characters;
  • At the basic level, for 1000 characters they pay from 35 rubles;
  • A high level involves payment from 55 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Professionals receive from 70 rubles for 1000 characters of printed text.

Every month, a beginner can count on additional income in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

Miratext is a platform for creating exceptionally high-quality content. The best rewriters work here, so it is worth making a lot of effort to join the team. Despite the strict selection of performers, the exchange attracts newcomers with a decent level of remuneration.

Here you will not find a huge number of tasks, but even a beginner will be able to work on tasks with payment from 35 rubles per 1000 characters. You can earn from 19,000 rubles per month.

ContentMonster is another popular freelance exchange that cares about the quality of the work done by users. To start working on the exchange, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, as well as write a short introductory essay.

The project has a 5-level system, during which each user can go from a beginner to a master. The work of a beginner at the initial level is estimated at an amount of 30 rubles per 1000 characters. For a month of work on the exchange, you can have from 8,000 rubles, while experienced rewriters receive from 20,000 rubles.


When working on text rewriting, it is necessary to constantly apply various tools or techniques that guarantee an increase in the uniqueness of the source text.

  • Use of synonyms. The most efficient and easiest way to change text. Change the most frequently used words with synonyms and the text is guaranteed to have increased uniqueness. If inspiration has dried up, you can always use special services where you will automatically find synonyms for any word;
  • We change the word form. A verb can be transformed into a noun and vice versa, but often this technique should not be used so that the transformations do not affect the quality;
  • Change offers. It's about their structure. Convert several short ones into one long one, break the long ones;
  • Write dates and numbers in letters and vice versa;
  • Use phrases instead of verbs, but do not overdo it so that the text does not turn out to be overloaded.

Experienced rewriters in the process of working at the level of intuition realize which of the techniques is more appropriate to apply in a particular case. Again, we repeat: rewriting is not a thoughtless paraphrase, it is meticulous work that requires maximum concentration and involvement from the rewriter.

How much can you earn

Many beginners in the field of rewriting are extremely interested in financial side question. The income will directly depend on the quality of the work, the volume of the texts performed, the amount of time that you are willing to devote to work.

At first, you should not dream of "golden mountains". Primitive texts for beginners are often valued at meager amounts. So the system weeds out everyone who does not want to gain experience and skills in pursuit of quick money.

The more you practice writing texts, the better the final result will be, this also applies to monetary rewards. Experienced rewriters charge from 30 rubles for 1000 characters of text.

Having given a couple of hours to rewriting, you can have from 300 rubles daily. A rewriter receives from 8,000 rubles a month.

The better you perform the assigned tasks, the more your work will be appreciated by a potential employer, which will also affect the amount of money you earn. Rewriting gurus are able to earn from 25,000 rubles and this is far from the limit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any profession, rewriting has positive and negative sides, which you should know about in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and objectively understand what obligations are assigned to the rewriter.

  • Abundance of work. The number of sites is growing every day, so the demand for high-quality texts is also great. If you wish, you can take several texts to work every day, which will provide you with a good income;
  • You do not need, as in the case of copywriting, to "reinvent the wheel" by creating new text from scratch. You are given a ready-made text that needs to be converted, preserving the meaning and uniqueness of the material;
  • The rewriter gains valuable experience in working with texts.
  1. You need to be prepared for the fact that working on one test can take a lot of time and patience;
  2. Not every person can work as a rewriter. Despite the abundance of specialized services that speed up the process of writing texts, you need to have a rich lexicon and craving for writing;
  3. The first time rewriting will not bring a lot of money.
  1. Do not treat rewriting as an easy job. The texts need a thoughtful approach, detailing, and not a simple paraphrase of the existing material;
  2. Use all possible platforms created to help copywriters and rewriters. These can be services for checking spelling, uniqueness, platforms with which you can select synonyms and antonyms;
  3. Gradually take on more complex texts, do not be afraid of new topics. In order to better understand what is being discussed in highly specialized texts, you should analyze additional sources, familiarize yourself with new words in more detail. So you can “get into” the topic and write a good professional text;
  4. Stick strictly specifications, attached to the main text, since the employer indicates in it exactly what he wants to see in the end;
  5. Use exclusively trusted exchanges for work, do not contact dubious sites;
  6. Improve in the chosen direction, replenish your vocabulary, learn new information, then you can become a real "universal soldier" ready to complete any rewrite.
  7. Believe in yourself, then you will definitely succeed in achieving your intended goal.


Rewriting is a relevant field of activity that can bring good income for anyone who wants to work online. Rewriting is quite exciting and anyone can master all the skills of writing texts, it is enough to have basic knowledge of the language and some free time. An ideal way to have an additional income for creative and patient people.

Among the main ways to make money on the Internet, copywriting has long taken a leading position and does not plan to give up its place as a favorite among users who want to receive stable income in virtual space. Copywriting attracts with its versatility: it is suitable for both beginners and masters of the word who are looking for a source of additional profit. In our review, we will consider the concept of copywriting, deal with its differences from rewriting, and also tell you how to start making money online in this area in order to build a successful career.

If we take all the definitions that are on the network, shorten them, remove complex phrases and terms, then in the bottom line we will have the following definition.

Copywriting - This creative work to create unique and high-quality text materials. Moreover, this activity is widely in demand for both online and offline businesses. Texts can be informational, commercial, or advertising, presentation, for the media, etc.

If you are interested in copywriting examples, just open home page or any of the sections of our site. Materials about making money on the Internet, reviews of various services and projects, informational articles, text about the company - this is all copywriting.

To write an article, a copywriter analyzes many sources of information, selects the most important and consistently presents the data in his material.

What is article rewriting?

Many people think that this is also copywriting, one of its types. However, this is misleading. Rewriting is the rewriting of a text in your own words from one or more sources (sources). In one material there is a "catchy" beginning, in another - convincing arguments are given, in the third - a clear narrative plan. As a result, from three texts we get a single compilation on the desired topic.

What is the main difference between copywriting and rewriting? In both cases, you find the actual material for articles on a variety of web resources, in specialized literature, articles in newspapers and magazines. And it is right. No one suggests that you yourself invent basic information, such as applying plaster or filing a lawsuit. However, in the case of copywriting, we do not copy the very structure and form of presentation of material, ideas, conclusions, as in rewriting, but create New Product based on basic knowledge.

Rewriting example

We take the standard definition:

“Content is the information content of the site (texts, graphic, sound information, etc.), as well as books, newspapers, collections of articles, materials, etc.”

After processing, we get the following options:

Content is any type of information (text, audio, video, image) that constitutes the main content of an Internet resource. That is, the content is the stuffing that determines the quality and usefulness of the site.


Content is everything that is present on a web page: text content, pictures, audio, video and other data.

In order for the article to become popular and read by the maximum number of site visitors, it is necessary to promote the material to the first lines of the list that the search engine issues on request. However, popular search engines, Yandex and Google, for example, regularly improve their technologies and develop new algorithms that can detect even the highest quality rewrite. The future of text content is only for unique, author's (not rewritten!) materials. In the future, site owners will only order copywriting of texts.

How to make money on copywriting for a beginner without experience?

Naturally, in order to form a stable income on writing articles on the Internet, practice is needed. Therefore, all beginners in the field of copywriting usually begin to try themselves on special sites available for free registration. We are talking about copywriting exchanges. This is where the interaction between customers and contractors takes place. The customer leaves the task, describes the conditions, indicates the price. Contractors offer their services or immediately take the order to work (it all depends on the rules of a particular exchange). After the work is done, the copywriter's services are paid, and the intermediary (exchange) receives a certain percentage.

Most popular exchanges:

  • Advego,
  • copylancer,
  • contentmonster,
  • neotext

Some of them have restrictions for beginners. For example, you need to complete a test task or submit a portfolio. But such conditions are not always necessary. More often, you can immediately start searching for an order on the stock exchange and choose a job according to your taste and level. Of course, at first, when it is important to gain experience, it is not easy to earn a lot in a short time, but over time, your rating on the exchange will increase, and the payment will increase accordingly.

More experienced copywriters then start looking for jobs on freelance exchanges, in in social networks, thematic forums, directly contacting the customer.

How to learn copywriting? Are there special courses?

The growing popularity of the copywriting profession inevitably leads to the fact that the number of courses and trainings on writing articles is also constantly growing. But before making a payment, you should make sure that you do not give your money to scammers. On our site, we constantly tell our readers what you should pay attention to so as not to become a victim of deception by network scammers.

You can learn the basics and basics of mastery, understand in practice how copywriting differs from rewriting, and you can study examples of copywriting on your own. Here it is important to write a lot (the number of completed works will develop into quality over time), read a lot (professional literature, expert advice) and not be afraid of complex topics and tasks. IN Lately many copywriting trainings can be found in video format.

Basic copywriting rules

Of course, every author would like to have an impeccable set of rules, with the help of which any text would become universally ideal for perception by a potential reader, a customer, and a search engine to boot. But there is no such “golden section” rule in copywriting. No 100% right ways how to write articles. Although there are those principles that help create a quality text product:

  • 1 material - 1 topic or 1 goal;
  • The rhythm of the text should smoothly lead the reader and don't get bored. Alternate simple and complex sentences, ask questions.
  • Ease of Presentation: write for a real person, that is, express your thoughts in an accessible form, and do not demonstrate the depth of your intellect with the help of copywriting.
  • Literacy. An immutable rule without reservations and discounts. Check the text for errors, use special services.
  • Uniqueness. The factor that will take you to the top of the search engines. You can check the uniqueness, for example, using the Advego Plagiatus program.

What is TK in copywriting?

TK is technical task, the actual description of the work by the customer. The more detailed the TOR is, the easier it will be for the copywriter to deal with the topic. TOR most often includes the topic of the article, length (in thousands of characters with or without spaces), keywords or phrases, lead time, special instructions on the structure or style of the text.

What types of copywriting exist?

To classify texts created by copywriters, one must proceed from the purpose of their writing. It can be distinguished in this way:

  • Information copywriting. here we include any materials on the content of sites, feature articles, catalogs, brochures, descriptions of goods and services.
  • Author or expert copywriting. We are talking about exclusive texts with the author's assessment, analytics, and expert opinion.
  • Image copywriting. In this case, the copywriter performs the functions of a PR and not just talks about the company, but creates its positive image. This also includes the branding function.
  • Advertising copywriting, or selling texts. The most difficult, but the most highly paid direction. The copywriter here becomes a master of all trades: the imagery of the language must be supplemented with knowledge of marketing and sales, and the psychology of influence. The text should convince the reader that he simply needs the product in question, regardless of the cost. Such materials are often created not only on the whim of the author, but are built according to special copywriting formulas. For example, one of the most popular in this area is the AIDA formula. The English abbreviation stands for "attention-interest-desire-action", and the author leads the potential buyer along the designated route, from simple curiosity to a purchase decision.
  • In part, this type resembles informational copywriting, but differs from it in that the texts include a specific list keywords, their synonyms, phrases and phrases similar in meaning, which further influence the promotion of material in search engines. That is, the articles that we see in the top lines of search results, for example, Yandex, are created with SEO optimization in mind.

Initially, seo-texts, the main purpose of which was to conquer the tops of web search engines, were a set of key phrases that were very conditionally related to each other in meaning. For the reader, such materials were of little practical use and did not involve further study of the entire site. Today it is an endangered type of copywriting, since the main quality of any article is its usefulness for its target audience.

Which is correct, copywriting or copywriting?

On the Internet, these two concepts are often confused, they replace one with another, or the word "copyright" is used as an abbreviation for "copywriting", which is a gross mistake.

"Copywriting" on English language means the process of writing a text, a manuscript. "Copyright" is an analogue of the concept of copyright. Therefore, the terms cannot be interchanged, using them as synonyms is a mistake that betrays a beginner or an ignorant person.

How to do copywriting so as not to get lost among thousands of competitors?

Your copywriting story, the story of success or failure, depends only on your own efforts and determination. If you respect the interests of the client, are ready to deeply study the topic, then stability and high earnings await you in this field. Do not limit yourself to rewriting, which at first can help you find yourself, but in the future it will slow down the author's progress, and copywriting involves constant development.

Is there a standard text structure?

Copywriting, in this case, takes as a basis the principles of constructing and writing journalistic material.

  • We start with a headline that either reflects the topic or serves as a means to attract attention.
  • Then the main part, necessarily divided into paragraphs or semantic parts with subheadings.
  • At the end, there are brief summaries so that the text is perceived as complete, and does not give the impression of a thought interrupted in the middle.

TOP-5 questions for a novice specialist

Why do you need copywriting, if deep rewriting is enough for promotion in search engines?

Even if the rewrite does not recognize the search engine, which is becoming increasingly difficult to deceive, then for the author the main reason to present any data in an original way and draw his own conclusions is payment. Copywriting pays more.

How to make copywriting your main source of income? Is it really possible to make money on copywriting or is it a scam?

Perhaps, at the initial stage, your earnings will not be an amount with a large number of zeros, but with experience, with an increase in skill, with the ability to immerse yourself in the topic, there will be standing orders and stable income.

Is copywriting always freelancing?

Those who choose copywriting as a way to earn money are attracted by the fact that this is work at home and without investment. But copywriters also work not only remotely, but also in offices. advertising agencies and other organizations that promote goods and services.

Choice fishing tackle, medical equipment, telephone repair. How to write articles on completely unfamiliar topics?

Copywriting does not assume that you are a fisherman who repairs equipment at his leisure. The essence of copywriting is to choose the most important thing from a huge information space and present it consistently and in an accessible form.

Copywriting, text translations, etc. Are these services only on order?

No, if at some point you will not have work on a specific TOR, then you can:

  • prepare high-quality material on a topic that is close to you and sell it on the exchange of finished articles;
  • offer it to specialized sites or groups in social networks;
  • expand your portfolio.

Summing up

Copywriting is based on the creation of unique text materials that are written in such a way as to arouse a keen interest in the reader. Beginners often start by rewriting articles by other authors, but this is normal only at the start of a career, at the stage of formation of the ability to write texts for various sites.

The best copywriter teachers are practical experience, self-education and belief in your success. Do not be afraid to try yourself in different areas of online earnings, and we, in turn, will share with you and talk about popular professions on the network and new proven ways to increase your income.


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