What type of business is the most profitable? Review of profitable types of small businesses in Russia. What kind of business is profitable to do with a future perspective?

The top 10 business ideas that generated billions of dollars in revenue initially seemed too trivial to implement, but ended up exceeding all expectations and generating the kind of profits that large businesses dream of.

Thanks to the rich imagination that helped turn “heaps of garbage” into products and entire lines of business that did not previously exist, these people became billionaires. A huge role in the development of the success of these people was played by amazing hard work and self-confidence, thanks to which no criticism could turn them off the chosen path to success. In today's high-tech world, for a valuable invention, we need less garbage and more good idea. This is clearly demonstrated by the list of 10 inventions that made the business of their authors profitable and earned billions. Five out of ten inventions were made in America. Others came from all over the world, from Thailand to Germany.

1.Michelle Ferrero and family. Europe. Net worth: $10 billion

The family's business is profitable because they have made chocolate part of breakfast, selling chocolate butter for sandwiches and toast.

The Ferrero family, led by Michel, is one of Europe's largest chocolate producers. Their brands include Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, Tic Tac and Kinder Eggs. Now the family is expanding its activities towards Asia, especially China. Michel Ferrero lives in Monte Carlo, his sons live in Belgium.

2. Brad Hughes. Net worth: $5.3 billion

This profitable business built on the idea of ​​installing automatic storage lockers along highways for everyone.

Brad's company Public Storage is the largest storage company in America in terms of storage services. It has 2 thousand branches. Brad was working as a senior executive at Property Research, a real estate syndicate, when he decided to start own business with storage rooms. Hughes is one of America's biggest philanthropists and is fighting childhood leukemia. The billionaire donated over $200 million to the Parker Hughes Cancer Treatment Center in St. Paul. The center was named after his eldest son.

3.Ralph Lauren. Net worth: $5 billion

The idea of ​​taking an ordinary polo shirt, sticking a horse tag on it and pricing it at 50 bucks made successful business R. Lorena.

Born in the Bronx, the son of Russian emigrants, Ralph Lauren began his working career in a store, working as a clerk at Brooks Brothers. He left business school in 1967 to begin designing ties for Beau Brummel. That same year, he borrowed $50,000 to launch his legendary Polo. In 1994, he sold a 28% stake in his company to Goldman Sachs for $138 million. Lauren owns a ranch in Colorado and an estate in Jamaica.

4. Jeff Bizos. Net worth: $4.4 billion

The business is built on the idea of ​​selling books online, saving buyers the time they spend going to bookstores.

The founder of Amazon.com, the world's largest online store, Bizos grew up in Texas and Florida. He became a computer wizard in Princetown and worked on Wall Street immediately after graduating from university. But at the age of 30, Jeff changed his life dramatically, deciding to start selling books online. His first office was located in a garage in Seattle. In 1997, Jeff became a billionaire. Mr. Bizos' lifelong passion is space flight.

5. Ty Warner. Net worth: $4.5 billion

The release of cute teddy bears with different touching names allowed Warner to achieve dizzying success in business. Bears are produced in very limited quantities and immediately become collector's items.

Warner is the press-shy owner of the Binny Bear brand. The son of a salesman, he dropped out of college to start selling plush toys. Binny bears were born in 1986 and immediately took the lead in their segment on long years. Warner invested the profits he made in real estate and even built the most expensive hotel in New York, the Four Seasons. Want to spend the night there? Prepare 30 thousand dollars!

6.Kaleo Juvidiha, Dietrich Mateschitz. Thailand, Austria. Net Worth: $3.1 billion, $3 billion respectively

Here we are dealing with the most profitable business in the field of soft drink trading. Business idea: Sell a sugar-caffeine-based energy drink rich in vitamin B for athletes and late-night partygoers.

Juvidiha and Mateschitz created Red Bull, an energy drink for young people interested in sports and an active lifestyle. Annual sales of this drink have already reached $3.4 billion. The co-owners of the brand (each owning 49%) acquired the Formula 1 racing team and two football teams: Red Bull Salzburg and New York Red Bulls. Yuvidiha also owns a chain of Thai private clinics and TC Pharmaceuticals ($170 million), which produces energy drinks in Thailand. Mateschitz develops own business projects related to aviation.

7.Mario Moretti Polygatto. Italy. Net worth: $3 billion

This fortune was made by producing shoes with small holes in the soles (protected from moisture by a special membrane) that relieve people of the smell of sweat in their feet. This seemingly obvious idea brought huge profits to the shoe business.

Mario is the founder of Geox shoes. The idea of ​​“breathable” shoes came to the founder of the company in 1994 during a trip to the mountains of Nevada. The heat was unbearable, and to give his feet a chance to “breathe,” Polegatto punched holes in the soles of his sneakers. He tried to sell the idea to Nike, but the concern was not interested in the project. Now Mario's own company sells 16 million pairs of shoes a year. Even the Pope is among his clients. Polygatto is enjoying his success: he has bought two Lamborghinis, a Ferrari 360 Modena Spider, five Arabian horses and six antique Moto Guzzi motorcycles. IN free time Mario makes... glasses.

8.James Dyson. Great Britain. Net worth: $1.6 billion

The success of this business is built on... a vacuum cleaner! It was the idea to create a vacuum cleaner that sucks up dust at incredible speeds - from 320 km/h to supersonic speed - that brought success to the business. Supersonic technology tightly packs dust and prevents it from being thrown out.

I studied as a child English language and played the bassoon, then went to art school to study design and engineering. He prepared 5,127 prototypes of his current vacuum cleaner, which he presented in England in 1993. This year, the Dyson DC12 vacuum cleaner became the most sold vacuum cleaner in Japan, ahead of local brands Sharp and Sanyo.

9.Hans and Paul Reigel, Germany. Net worth: $1.5 billion (each)

Fortunes were made by selling sweet gummies in all shapes and forms.

After World War II, brothers Hans and Paul rebuilt confectionery factory their families. Now the annual turnover of their brainchild is $2 billion. Most of the varieties of candies were invented by Hans - he has more than 200 of them. Ideas for new forms usually come to him after reading comics or watching children's films.

10. Howard Schultz. Net worth: $1.1 billion

This is the most profitable coffee selling business. The idea: put a coffee shop on every corner in America.

The owner of the Starbucks chain of coffee shops and the king of coffee, Schultz grew up in Brooklyn, studied and played football at Northern Michigan University. He moved to New York and began selling mugs and pans from a Swedish cookware manufacturer. While traveling in Italy, Schultz was captivated by the idea of ​​opening espresso bars. His bosses said no, and he took the risk of starting his own business in 1985. In 1992, Schultz began publicly trading his company's shares. Today, Starbucks has 12,000 coffee shops that serve 40 million Americans every week.

Ours will help you better understand yourself, your goals and abilities in business. You will see your weaknesses and strengths, as a manager, and receive qualified recommendations for improving the found disadvantages.

Currently, such sectors of the economy as large and small businesses are developing rapidly. It is difficult to imagine the life of Russians without cafes, restaurants, shops and cinemas. Most of these establishments belong to individual entrepreneurs and bring them big income. Small business is very popular today. It includes many various directions and industries in which you can invest. The most common and profitable are the following: trade, service and entertainment, farming, Internet business and so on.

You can open a successful business without investing a lot of money. currently in Russia, namely in Moscow? It is impossible to give a definite answer. Let's take a closer look at the most profitable business in Moscow. Moscow is the largest metropolis, where all areas of entrepreneurship are developed and there is very strong competition. Due to all this, the question arises of which ones are the most promising and are in great demand here.

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Main directions, documents for starting a business

Business in Moscow is not an easy matter.

The main ideas of entrepreneurship are as follows: a good idea might be to open your own store in Moscow, a cafe, or a restaurant.

A very profitable business in trading movable and immovable property. Having your own small beauty salon, including a hairdresser, will also be beneficial. Since Moscow is a very large city, the capital of our country, due to this it can become very relevant. IN big city There is always a shortage of natural and healthy products, and Agriculture can solve all these problems.

Whatever business is organized, first of all, a new entrepreneur needs to register with the local tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case you can save some money, and the number of papers to fill out will be less. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that when registering as an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to provide services only individuals. To open your own business, you need to collect Required documents, namely the conclusion of the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services, local territorial property management.

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Opening your own store

You can start a business by creating your own store. It could be a grocery store, a clothing store, jewelry salon, department store or large shopping mall. The most profitable and profitable option is a grocery store. These establishments are in constant demand, so they bring regular profits to their owners. This is very profitable business. The most important point in it is the creation of your business plan, which will clearly describe all further work. It should include: choosing a location, purchasing equipment, collecting necessary documentation, definition pricing policy, organization of operating hours, and so on.

The first step is to register with the Federal Tax Service. Then rent a room. Building a store from scratch is not recommended because it will require a lot of money. Obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service is of great importance. Grocery stores - businesses Catering, and they are closely monitored by the sanitary service. This is carried out in the form of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. During this process, compliance is determined technological process and construction of regulatory documentation. Planned events are held every 3 years.

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Purchase of equipment

What store can operate without equipment? Of course, there is no way without this. You will need: refrigeration equipment, display cases, shelving, food storage containers, cash registers, microwaves and similar techniques. But before this, you need to install all the necessary means of communication, namely electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage and waste disposal systems, air conditioning. Storage conditions for products, especially perishable ones, are of great importance.

To create a profitable business, you need to hire service staff. The staff of the store should include a manager, a personnel manager, cashiers, a cleaner, a security guard, and a loader. All personnel must wear special clothing. Since employees Food Industry belong to the decreed group, they are required to check the availability of personal medical records, the frequency of medical examinations and taking tests. To do this, you need to decide on its location. The most profitable option is to locate it in central areas with busy traffic.

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Opening a farm

What business, besides shops, cafes and restaurants, is most profitable in Moscow? Your own farm outside the city can bring profit. There are very, very many options here. You can breed large and small cattle, poultry, rabbits, and pigs. In addition, growing agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries) is popular. Beekeeping and reproduction with subsequent sale of flowers can bring great profits. The first thing you need to do is decide on the direction. Among other things, you can breed animals for several purposes: for selling young animals, for meat and other raw materials.

First you need to determine the scale of the farm and the number of livestock if you plan to breed it. All further work, expenses and profits will depend on this. If you raise cattle, you don’t need to build a farm from scratch; you just need to find an abandoned farm and rent the land. To buy livestock you will need a lot of money. One cow costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. A large amount of money will be spent on food and equipment. It will be necessary to purchase equipment for feeding feed, dispensers, and devices for removing and removing manure. In addition, you will need your own transport to sell products. You can sell meat, milk and other products both at the market and donate them to nearby outlets and restaurants. But you need to know that purchase prices are often low. A large farm will require several workers: milkmaids, livestock specialist, manager, butcher, cleaner and, of course, a veterinarian. Animals demand certain conditions content.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, before choosing any specific option for their entrepreneurial activity, study the ranking of business ideas for a long time and carefully. They are completely convinced that only those included in the TOP 100 for small businesses can be a source of stable and high income.

However, it is worth saying right away that you should not completely trust the TOP. Many of the ideas included in it for your own business are difficult to implement. If not downright absurd.

Top includes mainly those options for small businesses that are most original. However, originality does not yet indicate their effectiveness. On the contrary, most real ideas for business, the TOP 100 may not contain. And if you are a beginner entrepreneur and do not yet have sufficient experience, then it is better not to undertake the implementation of original ideas for business at all.

  • Do not focus on the TOP, but choose for your business activity the option that best suits your preferences and hobbies;
  • Identify the basic needs of your potential audience;
  • Assess the competition carefully;
  • Determine the level of profitability in the area in which you plan to start a small business;
  • Check the effectiveness of your chosen option from the TOP.

To begin with, you can simply take a blank sheet of paper and write on it a list of things that would be most interesting to you as an entrepreneur and in which you think you could achieve high results. Of course, one can argue that not all businessmen do what interests them. But they began to do this when they had already gained experience in a field of activity close to them.

Which small business idea will be the most profitable?

If you choose an idea for a small business from the TOP in terms of profitability, then it will be useful for you to know that the most profitable idea will be the one from the TOP that:

  • allows you to solve people's problems;
  • does not require high costs;
  • easy to implement.

If you run a small business based on these criteria, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve success. Besides, Special attention has long been devoted to the study of competition, because it always exists. If it is not available in some area, this means that this area cannot be profitable in the first place. Although many inexperienced businessmen consider this a big plus.

What business is the most profitable and profitable at present? What are the most profitable types of small businesses? What determines the profitability of a business? These questions are of interest to any aspiring entrepreneur.

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12 most profitable business ideas

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Business idea No. 1 - wedding photo shoot

To organize your business in this area, you must have initial knowledge about the effects of sunlight, the rules of perspective, knowledge about optics and optical laws. Practical advice: negotiate with several registry offices for a certain percentage so that they inform you about upcoming wedding events. It will be better if you have a high-quality personal portfolio that you will not be ashamed to present to future clients. Be sure to research and study the routes that the newlyweds will take. Yours great mood and smiles are the key to success! Initial financial expenses - fees for courses, purchase of quality professional camera. The best option would be if you have your own photo studio and photo printing equipment.

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Business idea No. 2 - agricultural business

Agriculture - promising idea to organize your own business. There are several types:

  • agriculture;
  • livestock farming;
  • processing of agricultural raw materials.

The first thing that needs to be done here is to conclude lease agreements for land, equipment, machinery, cowshed, pigsty or stables.

If you have the ability to be a good organizer, then with personnel in rural areas there won't be any problems. The main thing here is to get up early, minimal comfort, subject to weather conditions. But all this will be paid in full. For this type of small business, the first necessary expenses there will be funds for the purchase of fuel, seed, rent and wages.

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Business idea No. 3 and 4 - auditor and accountant services

These types of services are used by the vast majority of businesses. Changes in the economy do not affect financial income specialists in this industry, since even during periods financial crises companies are forced to resort to these types of services. The main thing here is to inspire the client’s trust, respect, accuracy, and stability in the service you provide. Since enterprises and companies are subject to inspections at certain intervals, you will be provided with a stable income. In this business there is no need to rent premises. To open this type of business, the first financial investments are funds for your own training and funds for your advertising campaigns.

Note that accountants are needed even more than auditors. Both individual entrepreneurs and large corporations need them. These services are needed by everyone at all times. They are priced quite expensive. This type of business does not require capital investments.

All you need is your own effort and intelligence. And professional skills. The main thing here is the ability to win the trust of the client. A negative feature of this type of income is the tedious handling of numbers and tax inspectors.

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Business idea No. 5 - organization of lending services

We offer the following type of small business - issuing secured loans or consumer loans. This small business receives special development during periods crisis situations, When large banks deny loans to consumers and entrepreneurs. To begin operating in this area, considerable investment is needed.

To organize this business, you need to have creative design skills yourself or have or hire a partner with these characteristics, otherwise nothing will work out. Stock up original ideas, offer them to potential clients: individual entrepreneurs, companies, firms.

If your work is interesting, original and attractive, you are guaranteed success!

Initial investments - a computer with printing equipment, art materials, provided that you implement your ideas manually

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Business idea No. 7 - baking bread

No matter what happens around the world, people want to eat always and everywhere. A thorough study of the technology for preparing bakery products and reasonable organization of the production of this type of product will allow you to earn quite a decent income.

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Business idea No. 8 - consultations

The consulting business will suit you if you have good knowledge of economics, politics or computer technology. This process does not require investments other than advertising. The main trump card is your mental abilities.

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Business idea No. 9 - law firm services

Knowledge of laws and legal acts, ways and methods of solving legal cases will give you good chances for organizing your own private law office. To open your own business in this industry, you will have to pass preliminary exams at the Bar Association and buy a license. Pros when successful management business - big income, cons - a lot of competition.

Every aspiring entrepreneur strives to open the most profitable business that would immediately begin to bring in significant income. This actually happens sometimes, although there are many more opposite cases in life...

When in 2019 in requests search engines you come across the coveted question “how to open a business now that will be profitable”, I would like to advise the author of the question not to follow other people’s advice! In 2019, the situation is far from the same as in 1996, when a poorly saturated market happily accepted any innovation. Nowadays, not a single case can be completed without careful observation and a comprehensive analysis of the situation.

We also decided to conduct our own research, interviewing entrepreneurs and experts on the topic “the most profitable business in Russia today.” We bring to your attention the most popular types of activities named by respondents.

The most profitable business | TOP 10 business ideas

How the places from 1 to 10 were distributed:

  1. Retail store(54 points)
  2. Online store(47 points)
  3. Renovation of apartments and offices(32 points)
  4. (25 points)
  5. Wholesale (21 points)
  6. (18 points)
  7. (11 points)
  8. (8 points)
  9. Legal services(7 points)
  10. (7 points)

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What was taken into account when assessing which business was the most profitable?

  1. Positive and negative reviews for each activity area earned (or took away) points. Each positive point added one point, and each negative review took away a point.
  2. Types of activities typical for big business(for example, the banking or industrial segment) we did not include in the survey. It is unlikely that novice entrepreneurs can afford such options. We focused on those areas in which small and medium-sized businesses are present.
  3. We asked you to pay special attention to the cost of opening a business. The reduction in household incomes played a role: 2014 was still marked by successful discoveries from scratch, and 2019 saw minimal investment getting along is not at all easy. Therefore, the types of activities for which initial capital was valued at no more than 50 thousand rubles, we rewarded it with an additional plus point.
  4. Tax experts had the right to add or subtract 1 point if they considered that the business was very simple (or, accordingly, especially difficult) from the point of view tax accounting and reporting.
  5. Expert accountants could add or deduct 1 point when assessing the complexity of accounting.
  6. In addition, we assessed the dependence of business on the region, that is, we tried to analyze how promising and interesting this or that area is without being tied to Moscow or St. Petersburg. Universalism was marked with an additional positive point.

Now let’s try to evaluate the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects noted by respondents in each area.

Retail store

The leader of the survey scored points due to geographical independence and constant demand. A good argument was made: a person needs to eat everywhere and every day, and he also needs to dress and put on shoes. Moreover, these needs are urgent, so there will always be some kind of income, whether the year is 2000 or 2019. Type retail store we did not ask to indicate, but in the notes respondents noted that now it is more correct to open a regular bread stall than a tea/coffee boutique.

Here is an example of a story from entrepreneur Sergei R. from Tyumen: “Last year, a good friend and I almost simultaneously opened our own business. He took off under a small grocery store a room on the ground floor of a residential building, and I started installing doors, plastic windows and air conditioners. A friend has experience in retail sales was minimal, but I worked in my field for almost 10 years.
Summing up the first year of “the voyage itself,” I will note that my friend’s profit is both higher and more stable than mine. It never happens to him that one day he has no income at all. For me, this situation is common. It turns out that in 2019 it is more profitable to sell products than to install windows and doors.”

Of course, without knowing all the factors involved in running a business between friends, it is difficult to draw a clear conclusion in favor of grocery store. There are plenty of problems too. Our accounting expert pointed out the large amount of paperwork that comes with retail. The tax expert drew attention to the limits on special tax regimes, as well as problems with the sale of alcohol for individual entrepreneurs.

Online store

The online store was able to gain recognition, first of all, for minimum costs when opening. Many respondents added extra points to this type of activity specifically for “starting from scratch.” In addition, they noted the flexibility and wide possibilities in business management, since reorienting an online store to other products is much easier than a regular store.

Opinion of entrepreneur Oleg S. from Moscow: “Online stores are the future, as more and more citizens and organizations use the Internet to purchase goods and order services. It is fast, in some cases cheaper and quite convenient from a service standpoint, since the client chooses how and when he will receive the goods. Not all goods can be purchased through an online store yet, but it is quite possible that in a few years we will even order a loaf of bread and a packet of kefir for breakfast online.”
Of the minuses: (unfortunately, you cannot engage in online trading under the UTII or patent taxation system). There is a certain dependence on payment systems, delivery services, when ordering goods abroad.

Renovation of apartments and offices

High rating repair work is also due to the opportunity to start a business with minimal investment. Professionals who know how to work with their hands (and, in addition, plan the process, draw up estimates, select materials, etc.) are highly valued in the labor market. Many of them prefer to run their own business and earn more money, rather than work as an employee for modest remuneration.

This is how this business is characterized individual entrepreneur from the Moscow region Andrey P.: "Repair services - good business, if the entrepreneur himself is a professional in this field. Then it’s easier to come to an agreement with the customer and select performers for a specific project.
Usually in this business everyone knows each other, reputation matters a lot. With a good reputation due to " word of mouth“You can work with virtually no advertising costs, orders find you themselves. But at the initial stage you will have to work hard to earn this reputation.”

From the negative sides of this business Can be called high competition, because of which it is very difficult for a novice entrepreneur to get an order at first. In addition, tax authorities closely monitor repair LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, since this business “attracts” various violations related to tax evasion.

Cafe / Bar / Pizzeria / Dining room

This business occupies an unexpectedly high position in the ranking. It would seem that in a crisis, with falling income levels, the population would reduce spending on trips to a cafe or pizzeria. Actually this is not true. Citizens still spend time in such establishments, but at the same time they have become more demanding about the quality of the menu and service.

Bar owner Karen O. from Voronezh described this situation as follows: “Customers today act on the principle: “If I allocated money to go to a bar with friends to watch a football match, then I need a full range of pleasures - good food and drinks, high-quality broadcasting, comfortable seats, fast service" If at least something doesn’t suit you completely, then the person goes to another establishment and will not return to you.”

Difficulties are associated primarily with the complexity of accounting and tax accounting, numerous audits and competition from large restaurant chains.


The good thing about business is that even one client per week can bring in income comparable to the monthly income of all clients of a retail store. But where the profits are high, the risks are also high.

  1. Firstly, wholesalers are very sensitive to transport links, since they need to ensure both the delivery of goods and their shipment.
  2. Secondly, the business is highly dependent on suppliers. Any problems from the supplier also have a significant impact on the wholesaler. This is a case where losing a client is less painful than losing a supplier.
  3. Thirdly, wholesale trade is carried out only on, which means it is characterized by complex processes accounting and tax accounting.

Here is the point of view of Eduard F. from Moscow: “Wholesale trade is a profitable business if there is a reliable supplier with good product. You can have an income of a million rubles a month by selling cheap goods that are in demand. IN last years Wholesalers are also firmly established on the Internet, which allows them to shorten the sales cycle and even dispense with warehouse space.”

Passenger and cargo transportation / taxi

Many owners Vehicle They prefer to earn money on their own, without being hired as a driver by an organization. You can start a business at virtually no cost, just by having at least one car. You can gradually increase your vehicle fleet by attracting hired workers.

A driver with 20 years of experience, Sergey M. from the Ryazan region, noted interesting feature of your business: “If a person is used to earning money by driving a car, it will not be difficult for him to open his own business related to transportation. In this business, the main problem is “shadow” competitors occupying all crowded places, not paying taxes, but at the same time raising prices. They scare away potential clients who prefer to travel public transport. There is also great competition from large taxi companies; there is a real advertising war going on.”

Design, web design and website related work

This business is certainly not for everyone. You need to be familiar with a computer, know special programs and be able to use them. That is, without the appropriate experience and education, trying to start your own business in the field of, for example, web design is not the best option. On the other hand, you can write articles for websites, be a resource administrator and social groups without knowledge of complex programs.

“Competition is very high,” almost all respondents noted this. As well as the fact that this is an excellent example of a business without initial investment. At the start, it is not even necessary to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, but make do with a civil law agreement. Having acquired several regular customers, you can think about both the company and the staff.

Beauty salon / SPA / sauna / fitness

Opening a beauty salon or SPA salon requires analysis competitive environment. If in your area or town similar services are already offered, it is worth analyzing whether the demand is sufficient to support another establishment. Despite the noticeable general trend of passion for wellness procedures, this area of ​​​​activity is not vital for the client. Investments in opening this business are not very large, but their payback cannot be quick.

It's good if you have a prepared client base that is ready to try using your services. It is unwise to rely on clients “from the street”; people rarely enter such places by accident. This is what the owner of a beauty salon from Zelenograd, Tamara R., told us: “I always liked doing nails, trying new polishes and technologies. At first I received friends and acquaintances at home, and then I decided that I needed to do what I loved not in my free time, but constantly. She opened a small salon, where she redirected all her clients.”

Legal services

Legal services are a very specific business, which is designed for people with appropriate education. If legal issues do not seem complicated and tedious to you, you are able to understand any law - you can try! The business is characterized by minimal investments at the start (mainly advertising), brings quite a tangible income (our citizens are accustomed to paying decent fees to lawyers) and, at the same time, does not burden the entrepreneur with accounting and tax audits.

Tax officers often know the laws worse than the lawyers themselves, whom they could go to with an audit. And every successful consultation or service provided brings you not a single client, but also all his closest friends and relatives.

Organization of entertainment events

Our rating is completed by an activity that requires activity and optimism. The target audience located in any location, because you have at your disposal a lot of ideas for birthdays, corporate events, weddings, professional holidays, and excursions. This also includes the services of a photographer and DJ. You are limited only by your own creative capabilities and the ability to show yourself to potential clients.

You can start a business practically from scratch, offering your services through social media and sites, friends and acquaintances. The main problem is competition, which is traditionally high in this area. Therefore, you must, of course, be a bright, positive person to whom others are drawn.

Sometimes the most profitable business is the one that leaves you personal time and which you can do more with pleasure. This kind of business can bring good money, but it did not start out as “a way to make a lot of money.” Specialists in their field can always turn their training into a full-fledged business, such as tutors (now this is one of the things that makes it easier to start). Let your business become a hobby, something that you really want and are interested in doing.

Examples of such “tent-type” startups can be seen in parks, at festivals, and in small pavilions next to cultural venues. How it works and what it is based on is in this video (from the exhibition, where you can buy any fashionable trifle, have a delicious meal, and purchase rare items):