Bakery business plan: a successful business selling bread, tips and tricks. Opening a bakery How to open a bread stall

  • Bread kiosk assortment
  • Business opening technology
        • Similar business ideas:

For many, starting a business selling bread and baked goods seems simple and straightforward. Well, some people think - they set up a kiosk, made an agreement with the bakery, hired a salesperson and the deal is in the bag. In practice, everything may not be so rosy and simple...

Let's start with competition. There is no doubt that the market for bread and bakery products is oversaturated. In every city, at almost every stop, there is a point selling bread and pastries. In addition, any more or less large food market has its own mini-bakery - that’s who takes the main piece of the “pie” in this market. But that's not all. Bakery enterprises increasingly began to develop their own retail chains for the sale of bread and baked goods. And here you are definitely not their competitors if you are going to purchase products from these enterprises.

In short, don't expect an easy start. To gain the trust of a client and lure him away from a competitor, you need to try very hard.

Opening a business should be preceded by competent marketing research, analysis of closest competitors, analysis of their assortment and price level.

At the same time, at the start of the business, it is important not to miss the point. A successful location of a bread kiosk is almost 50% of the success of the entire business. Traditionally, the following are considered lively from a trading point of view:

  • Public transport stops. People return home and buy bread;
  • Large residential areas of the city. Here the kiosk operates on the principle of “bread within walking distance.”
  • Markets (clothing and food). Here the kiosk receives income due to high traffic.

How much money does it take to open a bread kiosk?

  • Purchase of a trade kiosk - from 150,000 rubles;
  • Decoration of a trade kiosk (advertising board, interior decoration, etc.) - from 40,00 rubles;
  • Organizational expenses: costs for obtaining a land plot, registering a business, etc. - from 30,000 rubles;
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - from 30,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses - from 20,000 rubles.

TOTAL - from 270 thousand rubles.

What can you save on? Firstly, you can buy a used kiosk or pavilion.

Of course, a lot depends on the region and the condition of the object. Some entrepreneurs generally advise renting a kiosk for the first time, which is called “swallowing all the delights of business.” And then invest in the business to the fullest.

And secondly, you can save on purchasing goods by purchasing them for sale from local bakeries. Here's how you agree.

Bread kiosk assortment

Next is the range. You definitely can’t survive on bread alone, since the markup on it is strictly controlled by local officials (an essential commodity). Therefore, it cannot be more than 10-15%. And it makes no sense to mark up the price anymore, since they won’t take expensive bread from you. It’s better to go to the next point. In general, bread serves as a “bait”, and they make money by selling related products: bakery products, confectionery, groceries, cakes, etc. The markup on such goods can reach 50 percent or more. \

Some difficulties may arise with obtaining a plot of land for installing a kiosk. Administrations will not always welcome you with open arms (although now they talk a lot about supporting small businesses). The main thing here is persistence and perseverance in conversations with officials. If something goes wrong at the local level (your rights are being violated), contact the regional administration, write letters.

One of the last stages of organizing a business is finding sellers. And this path is not “strewn with roses.” For any business related to sales, it is very important to have a competent, efficient, polite, and most importantly, experienced salesperson. Due to the fact that the profitability of the bread selling business is not very high (the average profit of a bread kiosk is 2,000 - 4,000 rubles per day), you will not be able to offer high wages to job seekers. This means that not every experienced salesperson will rush to get a job with you.

However, if you have good reserve capital to pay high wages while promoting your business, you can find an “expensive” employee and pay him 30 thousand rubles a month. This way you can quickly achieve self-sufficiency in your business. A cheaper option is to find sellers with no experience and, through trial, error and regular layoffs, select a good team. Or, as a last resort, trade for the first time personally with the project initiator.

Step-by-step plan for opening a bread kiosk

And so, to summarize. To open a bread kiosk, you must:

  1. Rent a plot of land in a walkable location or in a densely populated residential area of ​​the city;
  2. Purchase a trade kiosk or pavilion;
  3. Resolve the issue with suppliers of goods;
  4. Register business activity (IP);
  5. Select a sales team (2-3 people);
  6. Purchase goods and start trading.

How much can you earn at a bread kiosk?

The profitability of a business directly depends on the location of the outlet. The state controls markups on bakery products, so profits depend on the number of products sold. In busy areas, near a cluster of multi-storey buildings, a kiosk can bring in more than 150 thousand rubles. per month. The payback of the business occurs in the first 3-4 months of trading.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

  • 24 - retail trade in bread and bakery products;
  • 2 - retail trade in food products;
  • 4 - other retail trade.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To conduct business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. To register, you must provide a photocopy of your passport to the tax office, write an application and pay the state fee.

Which tax system to choose

To open a stall selling bread, it is best to choose the simplified tax system of 6%. This activity is regulated by the state (there is price control for products) and therefore the simplified tax system is the optimal choice of taxation system.

Do I need permission to open?

Before opening a bread kiosk, you need to find out from local authorities where you can locate a retail outlet. You will also have to coordinate the placement of the kiosk with the city's architectural bureau. To open a stall you will need a trade permit.

Business opening technology

The first thing to do to open a stall is to find a place that suits best and can be used for the activity. Next, a stall is purchased (you can make a retail outlet yourself), all permits are drawn up, contracts are concluded for the supply of bread and garbage removal. When everything is ready, you can start purchasing equipment, installing it and launching the stall.

Why is this business worth doing? What documents and permits are needed? What equipment is needed? Read about this and much more in our material.


Bakery and confectionery shops are a relatively new format of catering establishments and one of the most promising segments on the Russian market (unlike Europe, where they are extremely common and in demand). The basis of the bakery and confectionery business is the sale of bakery products, and the baking concept of the enterprise is expressed in the presence of its own bakery.

Why is the format of these establishments so interesting to investors?

  • First of all, this is due to the relative newness of the business and the absence of much competition. The competitors of bakeries and confectioneries are coffee shops, confectionery stores, and bakery and confectionery departments of large retail chains. The profitability of bakeries is comparable to the profitability of coffee shops, and sometimes even exceeds it.
  • Such a business has absolutely predictable criteria for decline/growth, which depend on the income of the population, so it is convenient to work in it. Here we should proceed from the assumption that the development opportunities of an enterprise depend in direct proportion to the purchasing power of consumers.
  • We can easily transform a single business into a network version, with semi-finished products produced centrally in our own workshop, and sales take place through a network of bakery stores.
  • The percentage of markup on bakery products is quite high, even in the case of selling products from third-party manufacturers.
  • And finally, this business is relatively simple, especially in the case of an incomplete production cycle.

Business characteristics

The average price of bread products in bakeries and confectioneries is significantly higher than the cost of conventional mass-produced bread. Therefore, its consumers will be people belonging to the middle and high class of the population, with a sufficient level of income to make regular purchases.

The opening hours of a bakery and pastry shop are usually similar to the opening hours of shops. The main peaks of traffic: during the daytime, when people buy food for lunch, and in the evening, when they purchase products on the way home. If the bakery is well located, you can expect good morning sales.

The business concept is represented mainly by two types of establishments:

  • bakery + store selling bakery products (in this article we are considering exactly this option);
  • bakery + shop + cafeteria.

The assortment list of the bakery and confectionery is:

  • bread, including popular sliced ​​bread and its derivatives; a variety of high quality breads: German, Italian, French, etc.; bread with various additives - onions, cheese, olives, garlic, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, bran, cereals, sesame seeds, etc. (in total, at least 10 varieties, price range - 40-150 rubles per item).
  • baked goods and confectionery - buns, pies, cakes, sweets.
  • sandwiches, croissants.
  • related products - ready-made confitures, marmalades and packaged drinks.

Note from Moneymaker Factory: you can read about the features of selling cream confectionery products.

The number of visitors to a bakery directly depends on its location. With good traffic, from 800 to 1000 customers can be served per day, normal traffic is from 200 people, while the cost of the average check is from 200 to 400 rubles.


A business is registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (our material will help you make the right choice: which is better to open - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC?, and you will learn about all the organizational steps that a novice businessman needs to take from the article on how to organize your business).

Relevant OKVED codes:

  • 15.81 - “Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage” (suitable for baking bread, buns, pies, cakes, pastries);
  • 15.82 - “Production of dry bakery products and flour confectionery products for long-term storage” (for the production of crackers, cookies, etc.);
  • 52.24 - “Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products”;
  • 52.11 - “Retail trade in non-specialized stores primarily in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products.”

Note from Moneymaker Factory: We recommend that you study the material on how to independently conduct accounting and tax accounting using the Internet service My Business.

The activities of bakeries and confectioneries are regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  • NTP-APK "Technological design standards for low-capacity enterprises for the production of confectionery products";
  • VNTP 02-92 "Technological design standards for bakery industry enterprises";
  • as well as numerous GOSTs, incl. GOST 26987 - 86, GOST 27842 - 88, GOST 24557 - 89, etc.


It is impossible to open a bakery and pastry shop without obtaining a number of permits. You will need:

  • Coordinate the placement of the bakery in the selected premises with the local administration and authorities such as Rospotrebnadzor, architectural and fire services.
  • Coordinate the recipe of products sold with Rospotrebnadzor in case of using new or non-standard food raw materials in production.
  • Receive medical records for employees.

As for the mandatory certification of bakery products, it has been cancelled. To confirm their quality, the manufacturer simply must fill out a declaration with which he confirms that his products comply with all accepted standards. However, to increase the competitive attractiveness of the product being sold, it is recommended to obtain a certificate on a voluntary basis.

The list of all necessary permits may vary depending on the territorial location of your enterprise and regional legislation. You should check this directly with your city administration.


The optimal places for placing bakeries and confectioneries are those with good traffic throughout the day, located in the city center (“office” areas, places of entertainment and recreation) or close to transport interchanges (metro stations, bus stops). In residential areas where people with low incomes live, it will be almost impossible to find buyers willing to buy bread several times more expensive than in a neighboring store.

For the same reason, it makes sense to open such a bakery in relatively large settlements (from 250 thousand inhabitants) with a fairly homogeneous business environment. If you still consider outlying urban areas, you should pay attention to new residential areas: solvent buyers purchasing apartments may well be your clients.

If we talk about the size of the premises, this, first of all, depends on whether the production workshop will be located in the main premises, as well as on the selected production cycle (full or incomplete). For a bakery and confectionery without a workshop (or an incomplete production cycle), an area of ​​70 to 100 square meters is sufficient. m, with a full cycle you will need from 100 to 150 sq. m.

The premises of a bakery and pastry shop are not allowed to be separate: it may well be located on the first floor of a residential building, but, according to the rules of the SES, it cannot be a basement. It is desirable that the building has large glass display windows; they can later be decorated with attractive lighting.

The format of modern bakeries and pastry shops is borrowed from French boulangerie, so when choosing a design solution for your premises, you can adhere to the rules characteristic of the design of their French counterparts. These are: the use of warm “appetizing” shades (milk, cream, chocolate, terracotta, beige, etc.), the use of natural materials (wood, cane, flowers, textiles), and an information stand for writing with chalk is also popular. Overall, the bakery should create an atmosphere of freshness, comfort and warmth.

SES requirements, structure of bakery and confectionery premises

For the effective operation of an enterprise, it is necessary not only to choose the right premises, but also to organize it correctly. In addition to the sales area, the bakery and confectionery should have:

  • manufacturing facility;
  • packing room;
  • raw material stock warehouse (for a day);
  • storage room for finished products;
  • auxiliary premises;
  • waste storage room.

At the same time, all the rules for such SES enterprises must be observed: there must be hot and cold water in the room, ventilation must be provided, a toilet room must be provided, the ceilings of the production workshop must be whitewashed, and the walls must be tiled.

Production cycles

Production of products in a bakery and confectionery can be carried out either on the basis of a full cycle or incomplete. The quantity and range of necessary equipment directly depends on this.

Incomplete cycle: finished dough is purchased from suppliers as semi-finished products (delivered frozen). Next, in the bakery and confectionery shop, the technological process of bread production is carried out: molding and baking. This process is not labor intensive and looks like this: the semi-finished product is placed in a proofer for approximately 40 minutes, where it is thawed to room temperature, and then baked in the oven for 20 minutes. For this cycle, a proofing cabinet, a refrigerated display case, a chest freezer and a convection oven will be sufficient.

With a full production cycle, all stages of bread preparation are carried out: dough production, shaping of bakery products and their baking. In this case, a hardware production system is used using various installations and machines.

Which option should you choose?

Thus, in order to minimize initial investments, it is reasonable to use an incomplete production cycle, and when expanding the business - a full one.


For the full production cycle of bakery products, you will need the following basic equipment:

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We have already described the various types of goods that can be traded either at the market or in a store, but today we will talk about the most popular product - bread. It is bread that people buy every day, and no matter what crisis occurs in the country, bread will always be bought, since it is the basis of the diet of most citizens. In this article we will look at how to build a business selling bread, and what points should be taken into account first.

Trading format

Trade in bread and bakery products involves several types of activities.

— opening a full-fledged bread store. This is the most expensive business option, but at the same time, if you find the right place, it can be a very profitable investment for a new entrepreneur.

- trading on the market. A bread stall can bring good profit at food markets, so usually such profitable places are occupied, but at the same time you can try looking.

- street selling bread from a car. Another way to sell these products, which does not involve large investments.

As you can see, there are many formats for earning money from bread, you can choose the one that will be beneficial for you, they all have the right to life and work great in many cities.

Search for premises (kiosks) and purchase of equipment

As with starting any business, first you will need to find a place to trade. This is a very important point. The main task is to rent space in a walk-through location. People buy bread on the way home, or when they go shopping at the market. No one will look for your store inside the streets or in the depths of the grocery market.

Selecting a place for sales is the main factor in the success of a bread trading business. If you are not sure about the prospects of the selected rental option, then it is worth looking further.

Now, let's look at what you need to have to trade bread. This is, of course, commercial equipment. To store products, you will need to purchase special wooden shelving, a sales stand and organize a workplace for the seller. In fact, investments in bread store equipment are not very large, since the goods will simply be placed on shelves.

Rules for trading bread

Before you open a bread store, you need to complete all the necessary documents.

1. You must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

2. Select the required OKVED code for bread trade:

  • for Russia this is OKVED 52.24 - Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products.
  • for Ukraine this is 47.24 Retail trade of bakery products, flour and sugar confectionery products in specialized stores.

3. Have all quality certificates for products on hand. They must be provided by the manufacturer.

4. If trading is carried out indoors, then you need to obtain permits from the SES and the fire service. Often these issues are decided by the landlord himself, but if these documents are not available, then you will need to prepare them.

5. Set up a buyer's corner.

Assortment and search for manufacturers

In fact, first you need to decide whether you will work with different bread manufacturers, or whether you will sell the products of one specific factory.

Regardless of your choice, you must form an assortment of bakery products:

  • white, gray and black bread;
  • Borodinsky;
  • with cereals and other additives;
  • loaves;
  • buns with various fillings;
  • braids, bagels and more.

Also, keep in mind that you need to provide people with a choice of both sliced ​​bread or loaf and unsliced ​​bread. There are buyers for whom this is fundamentally important.

A business selling bread and bakery products does not have any difficulties finding suppliers. Each city has its own producers, but at the same time, due to developed transport links, bread is delivered to most cities hundreds of kilometers from the place of its production. You need to select the most delicious and high-quality bread and agree with suppliers on daily delivery.

How much do you need to start?

In fact, when opening a bread kiosk or a small store, the investment will not be too large, since the goods are purchased daily and the quantity of it is limited at first, then an investment can be made even by a novice entrepreneur who has collected a small amount for the start. We present the main expense items.

  • Rent of premises (kiosk) – $180 – $240
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • The initial purchase of goods depends on the sales volume.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$500 – $700
  • Sign and promotional items - $150.

How much can you earn?

In fact, it is difficult to predict the level of earnings when drawing up a business plan for a bread retail outlet, but you can still estimate the required volume of products that need to be sold in order to work in profit.

The average markup on bakery products is 10% – 40%.

Consider the fact that bread is a socially significant product and often the markup on this product is controlled by the state and the relevant inspection bodies. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor these norms to avoid getting fined.

Conclusions. The bread business is a profitable area of ​​entrepreneurship, which has a number of specific restrictions that do not depend on the businessman himself; we are talking about a limitation in the markup. At the same time, there is constant demand for this product and minimal risks of losing money. It's up to you to open a bread store or not.

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Business planning is the key to the success of the entire business. Even when creating a small bakery, it is important to calculate all possible risks and plan every step in the development of the enterprise.

It is not necessary to start a business with large investments. In modern compact bakeries you can sell not only bread, but also real designer flour products. When visiting a bakery, a customer should have a choice from a wide range of breads, buns and cookies. This approach is called European and promises great profits for the owner of the establishment.

It is profitable to start a bakery business, since supermarkets often sell not the freshest and most delicious bread. A convenient bakery near home, with delicious pastries and reasonable prices, will attract people who prefer hot and soft bread to a cooled and stale loaf.

How to open a bakery from scratch? Initially, it is worth understanding what the business will be like and what the size of the start-up capital will be. You can start with a small kiosk, gradually expanding the network and expanding into shops and a full-fledged cafe.

An approximate operating algorithm consists of the following steps:

  • Determining the location of the bakery. This indicator is determined by the target audience. Thus, it is unlikely that pensioners will go to a bread boutique, and young people will not look at a regular bread kiosk every day for new products. It is necessary to integrate the location of the business with its concept and the people for whom it will work.
  • Preparation of the paper part. This is registering a bakery and obtaining permission.
  • Selection of suppliers and employees. Here you should establish constant, strong connections. Constantly improve the skills of your employees. This way, when expanding your business, you won’t have to look for new employees.
  • Purchasing the necessary equipment, renting or building a workplace.
  • Drawing up a work schedule. This is an important aspect because clear goals should be set for employees. Only then will they be able to fulfill them. In addition, a clear structure of the financial part will allow you to plan the company’s growth and notice shortcomings in time.

In order to clearly understand what needs to be done, it is worth drawing up a business plan.

How to find clients and create effective advertising

To attract customers, the bakery must have a beautiful sign. This is how people will find a kiosk, store or cafe. This is the first thing to do in an establishment that is already ready for work.

Searching for customers consists of studying consumer demand and forming a specific assortment based on research. There are several rules:

  • the study should be carried out in the habitat of the target audience and the location of the bakery;
  • it is necessary to ask clear questions that will help to form an approximate list of products that will interest the target audience;
  • For the purity of the experiment, a range of respondents is chosen from 100 to 300 people.

In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine your life without social networks. Therefore, advertising in this area of ​​the Internet will be most effective. Here you can work both directly with the social network and with individual groups.

It is worth creating your own separate page on which to place as much information about the business as possible. It is recommended to update your account every day and add photos of products, their description, and possibly cost.

What equipment and materials will be needed?

The range of equipment largely depends on the format of the bakery. If the products are imported, you will need:

  • showcase;
  • shelves on which bread will be stored;
  • cash machine.

In the case of creating a bakery, the main feature of which is its own unique baked goods, you will need a significant amount of equipment and furniture.

Equipment name Required amount Cost for 1 piece, rubles
Bakery oven from 1 to 3 from 35 000
Proofing cabinet - 10 levels from 1 to 2 from 20 000
Dough kneader from 3 from 50 000
Baking Sheets from 30 from 500
Hood from 2 from 8 000
Bathroom for washing dishes with two compartments 1 from 55 000
Fridge from 2 from 25 000
Pastry table 1 from 14 000
Metal wall table from 3 from 4 000
Scales from 3 from 2 500
Rack from 2 from 6 500
Trolley for trays, plates, baking sheets from 2 from 17 000

You should also not forget about small baking accessories - brushes, flour sifters, knives.

How to calculate expenses and income?

According to market research for the consumption of bakery products, this type of product is most popular from September to November and from March to April. Other months there is low consumer activity. In accordance with the calculations, it is necessary to build relationships with suppliers and in-house production so that expenses do not exceed income and the product simply does not spoil on the shelf.

When operating a bakery, it is worth considering the following expenses:

  • Product cost. Here they indicate how much money was spent on the purchase of materials for the manufacture of one unit of product - flour, eggs, yeast.
  • Variable expenses. This includes remuneration for people, which is calculated from a percentage of revenue - sellers, cooks, security guards. Typically this amount is 12%.
  • Total costs. In this item it is necessary to place the minimum wage, the presence of social contributions, rent for premises or equipment, repair of some things, payment of utilities, etc.

At the same time, as your business develops, you should try to reduce expenses and increase income. This can be done by updating equipment to energy-saving ones, increasing the cost of products, purchasing wholesale components for the product and increasing the customer base.

You should also understand the calculations. From them it will be clear when the bakery will pay off. For example:

  • start of creation - January 2017;
  • start of work - March 2017;
  • return to work “to zero” - May 2017;
  • work in a positive direction, start of revenue receipt - June 2017;
  • full payback - November 2018;
  • payback period - 23 months.

The average cost for all public catering establishments is 60 thousand rubles per 1 square meter of area. In the case of a store, bakery or bakery, at least 80 sq.m. will be required. From this figure you can calculate the approximate amount of consumption.

The profitability of a bakery is the receipt of constant revenue and high income. To achieve such indicators, it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of clients - at least 300 people per day. At the same time, the average bill at a bakery should be at least 200 rubles. So, if the bakery earns a profit of 3-5 thousand every day, then in a month it should be from 90 to 150 thousand. In this case, all expenses can be covered within a quarter of work. But there are a number of factors that affect the profitability and level of income from a business.

What affects income level?

In order for a bakery store to generate constant income, it is worth considering all possible risk factors that may affect the operation of the business.

Among the highest external risk factors that will change the work of a bakery are:

Along with external reasons for the fall in income, there are also internal ones:

  • the low level of professionalism of both employees and partners leads to low customer demand and the absence of a base of regular satisfied customers. This can be avoided by creating a good atmosphere in the team, motivation and advanced training courses;
  • risks from the point of view of work technology - this is a low risk factor, but it also occurs - when the range, complex technology for creating products lead to dissatisfaction of both staff and customers.

In order to manage your business deftly, you should draw up a plan for resolving crisis situations. This will help to quickly and effectively resolve all problems, without significant losses.

Business registration: what papers will be needed

In order to operate legally, an entrepreneur must obtain a number of permits and register his business. You will need to collect the following documents:

  • Business registration. In the case of creating your own bakery or bakery with a cafe, it is worth registering as a limited liability company. And for the retail sale of finished products, you can choose individual entrepreneurship.
  • Certificate from the local department of city construction and architecture. They must allow a kiosk or bakery to be located in one place or another.
  • Permits from: fire service, Rospotrebnadzor and sanitary-epidemiological service.
  • Agreement for garbage removal and waste disposal.

If possible, you should contact a lawyer. Then the registration will go faster and everything will be done according to the rules.

Pros and cons of opening a bakery

The positive points include:

  • low costs when starting a business - an opportunity to save money;
  • the constant need of the population for a basic food product - bread;
  • the opportunity to develop a business quickly and in different directions - building a network of bakeries, cafes, mini-bakeries, restaurants;
  • quick return on investment;
  • a large number of personnel to work in a bakery;
  • constant development of grain culture.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • a large number of competitors;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • seasonal changes in demand for goods.

Useful video

Despite the presence of disadvantages of such a business as a bakery, confectionery, boulangerie or bread kiosk, it is quite simple to avoid their influence:

At the initial stages, most entrepreneurs rent premises - this saves a lot of money. After the business pays off and begins to make a profit, you can purchase your own square meters.

In order for a business to be profitable, you must constantly improve and value your customers and reputation.

Bakery business plan: successful business selling bread, tips and tricks

5 (100%) votes: 2

Difference: 2016-03-22 17:10:02 and 2018-06-05 13:27:20 = 2 + 13

March 22, 2016 5:10 p.m. Is it profitable to bake and sell bread today? This is the new episode of the Vesti program. Agribusiness" dated March 20, 2016.

6.728 million tons of bread and bakery products are produced in Russia annually. The volume of the retail market is estimated at 570 billion rubles.

However, today the commercial fervor of bakers is increasingly cooling retail.

Nikolai Chubenko, chief technologist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Institute of the Baking Industry: “They set conditions for the bakery: “If you want to supply us with bread, give us two types of bread at reduced prices: a loaf of bread “Nreznoy” and bread “Darnitsky”, the recipe for which I once came up with, by the way, and the rest is as you wish.” And they are forced to do this."

This is the golden loaf “Nareznoy”, which is familiar to Russian consumers. Its price on the counter includes: bakers' costs, logistics and trade margins. And purchasing prices are significantly lower than production costs. The cost of production is 11.14 rubles, purchase prices are 8.35 rubles. The unprofitability of bakery production is 2.79 rubles per loaf.

Here is the cost structure. Almost half (45%) deals with raw materials: flour, sugar, butter, yeast. The next expense item is equipment depreciation and logistics costs (35%). 15% is the salary of the personnel serving the bakery, and only 5% is the salary of bakers, the cost of labor of those who bake bread every day.
It is possible to reduce costs only by changing technology and logistics, but not by changing quality. The margin on bad bread will quickly turn sour.

Sergey Kosyak, director of the bakery (Zelenograd): “If you take bad flour, good flour, i.e. If the quality is not stable, then the line cannot be debugged, it may work well for an hour, then everything will fail, sour, the loaf will become stained, and the quality will be simply disgusting. The line will have to be stopped."

Meanwhile, people started talking about the quality of flour at the beginning of 2016. A draft amendment to the GOST for bakery products was proposed, which would allow the use of feed grain in the production of flour. Today, the country's baking industry uses class 3 grain with the permissible addition of 20% class 4 grain raw materials. The objectives of the initiative are to reduce the cost of bread and expand the market. However, not all experts believe that this solution can be used to knead profitable dough.

Valery Cheshinsky, President of the Russian Union of Baking Industry: “Feed wheat is unacceptable for baking! Such things can be performed by some mini-mills that are not controlled by anyone.”

You can “chemicalize” delicious bread from low-quality flour only with the help of imported, so-called bread improvers: gluten additives, enzymes, bleaches, preservatives. Legalized samples of bread with a complex chemical structure are already on store shelves. However, business involving imports is unlikely to grow today. Price surges in the grain market already greatly undermined the profitability of the baking industry a year and a half ago, but today price increases have stabilized.

At the Zelenograd bread factory, 200 tons of bread leave the assembly line every day, 20% of which will be highly profitable. There is a secret business ingredient.

Sergey Kosyak, director of the bakery (Zelenograd): “We have refocused on the production of complex bakery products. We bought lines and equipment that allow us to produce small-piece products using a mechanized method.”

Also, experienced manufacturers know that in the baking business there is a constant formula: to save, you have to spend. This is what they did at a large Voronezh bakery: they installed a new production line costing 1 million €.

Thus, we increased the range of products. 40 tons of baked goods are baked here per day. Thanks to large volumes, bread goes on the shelves with a profit for bakers, low but stable, 3-4%.

Oleg Omelchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bread company: “We have the opportunity to balance production costs and increase profitability due to the cyclical nature of the process, since this cycle includes the full cycle of grain storage and grain processing.”

The stabilization and effective development of the baking industry begins in a difficult era: the production balance is constantly changing. Prices for food wheat have not changed significantly over the year. Thus, in March 2015, the average price for class 3 wheat grain was 10,791 rubles, in September 2015 - 9,870 rubles, in January 2016, the average price for class 3 wheat grain was 10,378 rubles.
But for rye - the basis of baking, and the so-called black bread - prices rose by almost 30% last year. Thus, in March 2015, the average price for rye grain was 7,200 rubles, in September 2015 – 7,206 rubles, in January 2016, the average price for rye grain was already 9,305 rubles.

However, the reaction of both small and large producers is the same: leave high-quality Russian bread on the market at any cost.

Bread is the main food product of the population of our country.

That is why the business related to bakery products is always profitable and strives for development. The question of how to open a bread kiosk or a small shop selling bread is not particularly difficult. The success of this idea will be brought by careful preparation and consideration of all the positive and negative stages and nuances of this business.

Activity plan

From the very beginning of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a bread kiosk.

To do this you need:

  1. by registering, obtain the status of an entrepreneur;
  2. obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. draw up a lease agreement for the land where the kiosk will be installed;
  4. buy and register a cash register.

The range of bakery products and the appearance of the bread shop are important details when opening a retail outlet that need to be thought out in advance. In order to open a kiosk selling bread, you need to purchase the appropriate equipment for use. Showcases should be open and ventilated, because bread is a perishable product.

Own equipment

If you want to open a kiosk, and not just sell bread, but also do your own baking, then it is advisable to immediately purchase a small-sized oven and scales. It is advisable to create a life support system and connect an alarm system. It is advisable to purchase and sell baked goods in closed, sealed packaging. It protects the product from premature spoilage. Before purchasing a stall, you should make sure that it complies with SES standards.

Be prepared that it may take quite a lot of time to install and open a bread kiosk. The administration issues a permit if there are photographs of the site, a topographic map, with the obligatory indication of the exact location of the land plot (this can be done independently in some cases), and strong arguments to explain the purpose of using the territory.

Otherwise, the entrepreneur will not be allowed to open a kiosk.

Work with suppliers and personnel

Due to the short lead times for the sale of bakery products, it is desirable that the supplier be local. To make it easier to adjust the range of purchased goods, it is worth keeping records of the products sold. Over time, this will help you to abandon baked goods that bring the least profit.
Related products are needed at any retail outlet. In the case of a bread stall, these can be various buns with and without filling, muffins, bagels, cookies, pita bread, etc.

It is necessary to organize daily delivery of goods, because bread and bakery products quickly lose their presentation. Regular deliveries will significantly refresh the assortment and attract customers.

Ideally, it is best to cooperate with large manufacturers. They have well-established daily deliveries of fresh products, various systems of discounts and deferred payments, which can be useful for a novice entrepreneur who decides to open a kiosk selling baked goods.

Qualified personnel that meet the requirements and know how to work with people is also one of the steps to successful business. It is important to remember that food products are sold at the outlet, so the seller must have a health certificate!

Pros and cons of the bread business

Having decided to open a bread kiosk, an entrepreneur must foresee the negative aspects of this type of activity. This is very high competition and government regulation of prices for this type of product. You only have to count on maximum turnover.

Having prepared the necessary documents, decided on the location of the kiosk, and found suppliers and sellers, you can safely move on to the financial cost of the issue.

Let's make calculations before opening a point of sale:

  • the cost of the kiosk will be approximately 200 thousand rubles;
  • Registration of land for rent will cost 500 rubles. for every month;
  • equipping a retail outlet with equipment will cost about 20 thousand rubles;
  • the seller's salary will be at least 7 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - from 30,000 per 1,000 pieces;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurship from 20 thousand rubles:
  • licensing – from 20 thousand rubles.

To summarize our calculations: to run a bakery business you need to spend from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

So, what is needed to open a small kiosk selling bread?

First, you need to register as an entrepreneur and obtain a document from Rospotrebnadzor certifying that the kiosk meets sanitary requirements. You should also conclude an agreement to rent a kiosk or to rent land for it. After this, you should purchase a cash register, which will later need to be registered.

After receiving all the documentation, you should start purchasing equipment. The most important thing is to purchase ventilated display cases, because... bakery products are a perishable product. If you plan to engage not only in sales, but also in baking, then at a minimum you will also need scales and a small oven.

To keep the product fresh for a longer time, it should be sold in sealed packaging.

The next step is to hire qualified personnel who meet all the requirements. The main one is that your future employee has a health certificate, because... he will have to work with food products.

As for the product range, you can sell not only bread and loaves, but also various pies, filled buns, muffins, pita breads, bagels, pretzels, and so on.

You should also conclude an agreement with suppliers that the products will be delivered to your kiosk daily, since bread and bakery products lose their presentation the very next day, which means deliveries must be regular.

In the first months of work, you should pay attention to which products are in greatest demand, and thus abandon those types of products that bring the least profit

But, in order for the success of your business to be justified, you should draw up a competent business plan for a bread kiosk.

Below are several examples of ready-made plans that you can download and study to eventually create your own.

An example of organizing a stationary (non-mobile) kiosk - in this example you can glean information on how to analyze the current market, what documents need to be drawn up for this business, what equipment should be purchased for the efficient operation of a bread kiosk. Also in the example there is a financial plan, which justifies the main items of expenses and sources of income.

An example of opening a kiosk for aspiring entrepreneurs - a distinctive feature of this example is that all its sections are described and explained in detail. A business is organized as a partnership of several people. Like many other examples, this contains justification for production and trade, a financial part with simple calculations, descriptive and marketing parts.

Bakery products are some of the most desirable types of food that will be in demand. Baking has always been and remains one of the most profitable and stable types of business.

Profitability, depending on the baked goods, can be 10%, and sometimes more than 50 percent.

Download bakery business plan

The main advantage of the bakery is its freshness and delivery in small portions. On freshly baked bagels and morning coffee, a businessman can make a profit equal to 3,000 conventional units monthly.

The trends and traditions of making bread have changed significantly over the past 5 years; if previously bakeries produced the usual, classic type of baked goods, now, more and more often, bakers are coming to new solutions and varieties.

Stage 1. Premises

A well-selected room and location must comply with the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological service. An important nuance is the distinction between the so-called dirty and clean technological processes.

So, for example, if you build a bakery in full compliance with the rules and regulations, then the bakery with a capacity of 4 tons of products per shift, then its area will be 900 square meters. Although it is reasonable to assume that its placement could have taken much less space and money.

According to experts, with a production capacity of 1 ton of products, a space of only 200 square meters will be sufficient for a bakery.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to buy or build the area, or, if you pay rent for it, discuss possible options for purchasing it.

The costs for an arena of 200 square meters range from 500 to 3,000 conventional units. The cost becomes higher if the bakery is located in the city center, therefore, based on rent, it is better to locate the bakery outside the city.

Stage 2. Approvals

The main document allowing you to start baking will be the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service for production. After receiving the coveted permit, you can begin the process of test baking, and obtain a sales permit - a conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service for the product.

The next document you will need is a certificate of conformity. It is obtained from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Then we receive certificates from the fire inspectorate and environmental service.

After carrying out all the necessary examinations and obtaining all permits, you can begin directly manufacturing the product and selling it to the public.

Stage 3. Equipment

In most cases, due to the lack of large financial resources, bakeries begin their work with domestic equipment. However, if you have funds, you can purchase imported goods.

As some sales managers of companies selling bakery equipment say: “Often, their owners deliberately resort to manual labor, which helps reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.”

Equipment you will need for a mini-bakery:

  • Bake;
  • Dough machine (dough mixer);
  • Proofing cabinet;

The purchase of all equipment will amount to 25,000 conventional units.

In addition to the main equipment, a vehicle is needed to deliver products. If production volumes are not large, then you can hire an employee with your own car, or you can enter into a contract with a trucking company, or purchase your own new car.

Stage 4. Raw materials and assortment

Baking 1 ton of baked goods during one shift will require approximately 650 kilograms of flour. With the price of flour at 9 rubles per 1 kilogram, we get what we need for baking – 5850 rubles.

Newly opened bakeries have a small assortment, usually 4-5 types of products. However, it is worth thinking about the assortment in the early stages in order to successfully take its place in the market.

Download bakery business plan

Stage 5. Personnel

Installation of equipment is usually carried out by specialists. And they, for a certain fee, are able to produce the first test baking, as well as give several lessons to employees and even teach them how to bake.

Hiring of personnel should be determined by the production schedule, depending on the number of shifts there should be a certain number of employees. If the bakery bakes in 2 shifts, then 4 people will be needed, 2 in each shift.

For the stable operation of the bakery, the following personnel will be needed:

  • Driver (courier);
  • Accounting employee(s);
  • Managers;
  • Bakers;
  • And others;

The majority of the population prefers fresh bread!