How I started a handicraft business. Several motivating stories about how a hobby became the main and significant source of income. Sale of materials for needlework

When your hands grow from where you need them, you can do more than just create useful and beautiful things to give to friends. You can create whole business on handicrafts, which will bring a decent income. Of course, provided that you have an entrepreneurial streak, well-developed imagination and hard work. Today we’ll talk about ideas for a handicraft business and options for starting your own business.

If you already have a hobby, for example, you do wood carving or embroider pictures from beads, then for organization own business you already have the most important thing - the ability to make beautiful things. If your “crafts” are in great demand among your friends, you can start your own business.

1. Register a legal entity. To begin with, it’s easier to create an individual entrepreneur using a simplified version. The entire tax is 6% on income. Don’t forget to draw up a business plan that takes into account the costs of purchasing materials, advertising, rent (if necessary), taxes and various social contributions. This way you can calculate the cost, payback period, outline the amount of profit and understand whether such a handicraft business will be profitable.

2. Develop an assortment. If you are going to open retail store, you will need goods to fill the shelves. For beginners, we advise you to start with a cheaper option - an online store where you can post photos of your work, sell finished products, and also have them made to order. Please note that promoting an online store will require investments. It’s even cheaper to advertise on social networks or simply place ads in newspapers. If you are lucky enough to come to an agreement with boutiques and shops, you can give your work to them for sale.

3. Arrange delivery. Think over and organize methods of payment and delivery of your handmade masterpieces. Trading within your city is easier. But when sending to other cities, you need to provide for the costs of postal items and dealing with possible returns.

These are the basic steps towards creating a home-based craft business. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Ideas for a handicraft business

As you know, there are purely male types of needlework and female ones. This, of course, does not mean that a man is prohibited from cross-stitching and a woman from making stools. Just do what you personally like, and you will definitely succeed.

Men's handicraft

Since handicrafts are usually called things that are created from scratch with your own hands, repairing door locks and laying linoleum is not one of them. We will talk about creating beautiful things.

Wood carving

You can make a variety of things from wood, from figurines, figurines and children's toys, to boxes, paintings, bread bins, as well as carved doors, porch decoration, stairs, shutters, etc. The occupation is considered masculine, as it requires strong hands.

For work you will need blanks made of soft wood (linden, willow, aspen, alder, spruce, pine, fir), knives for cutting wood, as well as Consumables– ruler, pencil, stencils, wood varnish. With good training and imagination, you can create real masterpieces.

Artistic forging

Another idea for a handicraft business for men is the production of forged products. For real men's work However, it requires serious investments in organizing production. In addition to the room, you will need a forging machine, welding machine, abrasive machine, grinder, piston compressor, workbench, vice, racks, anvil, as well as drilling, lathe and milling machine. In addition, you will need a metal profile, carbon steel blanks, anti-corrosion paints, electrodes for welding, etc.

Such a handicraft business can hardly be called home-based, but it will also bring considerable income. Products of this type are highly valued. This includes exclusive furniture, staircases, fireplaces, gates, window grilles, fences, and garden figures. Overall, the space is wide, and the products are aimed at high-income and upper-middle-income consumers.


But the idea for a handicraft business is simpler. If you have a sense of style and like beautiful clothes, you can start sewing designer items. This could be national clothing, accessories for men, hats, shoes, women's clothing and accessories. You will have to master the technology of design and sewing such products, as well as purchase fabrics and other consumables.


You can weave boxes, baskets and even rocking chairs from willow vines. This is also quite a worthy idea for a handicraft business at home.

Women's handicrafts

There are many more ideas for handicraft businesses for women. Choose what you like. The basis for such work is diligence and patience. If you don’t have them, then you’re unlikely to finish what you start. For others, here are some home craft business ideas.


Cross stitch, satin stitch, beads - a great variety of options for this activity have accumulated since the time Ancient Rus'. Consumables can be purchased in special stores. For beginners, ready-made patterns with sewing patterns are sold. Experienced craftswomen can create them themselves. In the latter case, imagination comes into play, allowing you to create a truly unique product.

You can embroider pictures, icons, embroider on scarves, napkins, towels, tablecloths, pillows. Skilled needlewomen create such beauty that it is sometimes difficult for the buyer to refuse.


For knitting you will need knitting needles and yarn. Anyone can master this skill. You can start with simple scarves for children, socks and mittens, and improve on pullovers and dresses. There are many master classes and tutorials on knitting on the Internet, so there will be no problems.

Crochet weave

A similar idea to knitting for a handicraft business is crochet weaving. You can create lace napkins, capes, tablecloths, as well as belts for dresses, cuffs and the clothes themselves. Your imagination will suggest other options - for example, decorations for vases and bottles. To work you will need a hook, thread or yarn for crocheting.


The technique of knot weaving is mastered quite quickly. You buy twine, special yarn (mostly polyester on sale) or threads for macrame (linen, silk, cotton) and create wall panels, handbags, chests, brooches, curtain ties and even capes for floor lamps and clothing items.


Another one original idea for home business on handicrafts. Using beads, you can create not only funny trinkets for children, but also real jewelry - earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, brooches. At an advanced level, in addition to beads, you can use fabrics (silk looks beautiful in jewelry) and leather. Needle, threads and consumables - that's the whole set. Of course, a sense of taste doesn’t hurt either.


Perhaps this is the most popular type of needlework today, which only the laziest have not tried. Using decoupage cards, color prints or just colorful napkins, you can decorate boxes, bottles, bread bins, cutting boards and even update old furniture. In general, the “napkin technique” is for those who like to revive old things.

Materials for work: napkins, scissors, brushes, glue, decoupage varnish.


This is probably the most difficult one home business on needlework. Especially if you have never sewed before. At the same time, this is a very interesting and creative work. You can create exclusive items of clothing, bags. To begin with, you can update your own wardrobe, and then start making to order.

You can sew not only clothes, but also soft toys. Handicraft stores have all the necessary supplies for this.

Patchwork (patchwork)

A type of needlework similar to sewing, in which products are created from brightly colored scraps of fabric. Using the patchwork technique, you can decorate pillows, create capes, potholders, as well as sew handbags and even clothes.

For work, you can use a variety of scraps of fabric that you have on hand. At the same time, it is important to sort them by color, texture and size, so that in the end you get a stylish and beautiful, but not tacky product. The seams are masked with ribbons and lace, and buttons, beads, and even metal pendants are often used for decoration in patchwork.


If you have a talent for this artistic skill, you can paint pictures with oils, watercolors, crayons, or use materials such as shells, sand, stones, small photographs, glass, etc.

You can also draw on stones. The field is narrow, but there is little competition. Large boulders with images of animals, flowers, and insects can become decorations for garden plots, and small ones can become elements of home interiors.


Another idea for a handicraft business. Everything in childhood was sculpted from plasticine. If you liked this activity, you can continue it in adulthood, but using salt dough, cold porcelain, clay, mastic. You can sculpt jewelry, refrigerator magnets, paintings, panels.

Soap making

Soap sales usually go boom self made. It is not cheap, so you can also earn quite a lot of money.

Consumables: baby soap odorless, metal utensils and silicone molds for soap making, basic and essential oils, dyes (juices, food colorings, herbal decoctions).

The only disadvantage of such a handicraft business is the possibility of allergic reactions to your soap. By the way, this stops many people.


Another home craft business is creating jewelry from pieces of fabric and satin ribbons. Using the kanzashi technique, you can make brooches, beautiful hairpins, headbands and elastic bands for hair, as well as bracelets and elements for decorating clothes.

Felting wool

Soft toys, beads, as well as slippers, mittens, handbags and even paintings - this is your assortment. To work, you will need fibers (nettle, viscose, silk), wool itself (alpaca, camel, sheep), special needles, accessories and jewelry for decoration.

Handicraft business. Is it profitable?

Perhaps, from the listed ideas for a handicraft business, there is plenty to choose from. Whether the business you choose will be profitable or not depends only on you. The most important thing is not to proceed from the desire for instant enrichment, but from the desire to do what you love. Then everything will definitely work out. Everyone makes mistakes. Those who don't try don't achieve success.

This was information about a handicraft business - good ideas and success to you.

Nothing is impossible for a person who believes in his dream. We are sure that every needlewoman dreams of making her hobby her life’s work, which will help her not only get rich, but also become famous. This is a very correct desire and in this article we offer three inspiring stories about how such dreams became a wonderful reality.

Cozy masterpieces by Anna Marinenko

Surely you know about this wonderful master and have seen her work on the Internet. It all started quite simply and even by accident. One day she came across merino wool. This material, amazing in its properties, gave rise to the idea of ​​knitting something like a blanket with a fairly large knit. But it turned out to be difficult to find knitting needles for such a thick material, and she decided to knit her first product by hand without knitting needles.

It turned out really wonderful. And having created several more similar things, she created her own page on the Etsy website, coming up with an original name for her brand - Ohhio.

Everyone liked these original things so much that in a fairly short period Anna became a very popular and recognizable needlewoman all over the world.

Today she has her own Internet platform and her own team of craftsmen, which is constantly growing. Starting with blankets, the master added scarves, blankets, hats and other cute things to her range of products.

So that everyone could knit such things, Anna developed special thick knitting needles. Today she sells her work all over the world. Moreover, prices range from 60 to 900 dollars.

Her Kickstarter company broke many records, raising over two hundred thousand dollars. Although initially the target was 10 times smaller. This is an amazing example of how, with very simple things, without investing a lot of money, you can become successful and develop your art.

Lacy cards by Katarina Satanovskaya

This is a wonderful example that is very inspiring even to the most notorious skeptics. After all, Katarina Satanovskaya turned her hobby of making postcards into a business. It all started like many of us. The girl was creating beautiful cards for friends and family after work. And my main job was the serious position of HR manager in a reputable international company.

The desire to be creative prompted me to leave my main job and completely immerse myself in what I love. The first participation in the handmade fair took place in 2010. Katarina sold all her postcards, and there were more than 50 of them. This small success became very inspiring. Orders began to arrive and several online stores made offers of cooperation.

But such success prompted him to open his own online sales platform. And then, taking a loan and her own savings, she decided to open a workshop-shop in the basement of the Kharkov Opera Theater. This workshop-shop has become not only a place for selling works, but also a real creative workshop, where Katarina Satanovskaya conducts training master classes and sincerely shares the intricacies and secrets of creating her beautiful works.

This inspiring example shows that even without having a unique idea, you can achieve very great success by doing a completely standard hand-made activity.

Life is sometimes unpredictable and even a seemingly sad and difficult event can be the reason for a great start. For Irina Pidlipskaya, the reason for starting her own business was the loss of her job due to the bankruptcy of the company. To find something I liked and something that would help me earn money, I had to study a lot of sites and master classes in various handmade areas. The beginning was the creation of small jewelry in the form of costume jewelry, which sold quite well. And then one day, Irina Padlevskaya was ordered a Ukrainian wreath as a gift for a teacher. I liked this version of creativity so much that it became the most important thing in my life. Although at the beginning everything was not easy, and profits did not grow particularly, the desire to create something of this kind overcame all obstacles.

Word of mouth began to work, participation in hand-made exhibitions, a Facebook page, an account at the crafts fair. And today, stores that sell the works of Ukrainian designers offer cooperation. With the help of the Etsy portal, the designer has reached the international level and sells her wonderful wreaths all over the world.

Do-it-yourself business ideas are more relevant today than ever. Development social networks and the ability to reach foreign clients allows anyone to open their own business talented people who knows how to work with his hands. Which areas deserve the most attention?

Jewelry is a product that allows many women not only to express themselves well, but also to earn money. An endless number of combinations of materials and a creative approach to business together produce jewelry that is sold with a markup of 200-300%, although some entrepreneurs bring it up to 1000%. Since costume jewelry is an impulse product, it sells well in crowded places, e.g. shopping centers and underground passages. On our website you can find a guide to opening an island-sized costume jewelry store, as well as a business plan for your business in the vending jewelry trade. However, this type of business is more suitable for trading mass products.

Products made from bottles, tires and flip-flops

Like it or not, in any handicraft there are two main consumables - the raw materials themselves, from which everything is made, and time. If nothing can be done about the second point, then on the first point you can save significantly by using the material that is in abundance today - for example, plastic or rubber. Today, junk culture (literally “garbage culture”) is a global trend that allows creative people to open their own business and make good money from any trash: plastic and glass bottles, lost slippers, discarded tires. These can be beautiful and elegant, but useless things, or vice versa: clothes and shoes, jewelry, furniture for the home or garden, lamps and flower pots, and so on. There are a lot of ideas in this area, only the latest of them have been collected.

For a long time in Russia, do-it-yourself business ideas based on tires, which were used to create flower beds and figures for decorating gardens and adjacent areas. But now this type of creativity is not held in high esteem because of its primitiveness. Moreover, some large cities like Rostov-on-Don are getting rid of tires en masse due to the fact that they release harmful chemicals in abundance, and local residents can receive a fine for such improvement itself.

If it is quite difficult to stand out in the market of ordinary furniture, then with pet furniture you can become famous. One of interesting ideas DIY business - creating handmade furniture for cats. These are all kinds of scratching posts, cat houses, ladders and even shelves and tables with tunnels. One of the designers from Hong Kong, who developed a whole line of cat furniture with tunnels, drew attention to the love of cats for the latter. The idea is that there are passages carved into the tables and bookshelves where cats can climb, play or rest.

Cat furniture is made from different materials and objects: made of wood and wicker baskets, old TVs and monitors, suitcases and cardboard boxes. At first glance, the idea of ​​cat furniture does not seem very viable, but this is not entirely true. According to Rosstat, about 40% of Russians keep cats at home, the number of which is about 30 million. It has also been noticed that an increasing number of people, especially those living in large cities, are beginning to treat pets more reverently, sparing no expense for them. feed or related products.

If you have the talent of an artist, then you can start your own business based on the business idea of ​​​​creating metaphorical cards. Metaphorical cards are a tool for psychologists that are used in the process of consulting clients, as well as for independently working through various requests. Metaphorical cards are positioned as a highly effective tool, but in essence they are pictures in the form of playing cards. In addition to a rich imagination, you will need associative thinking skills and the ability to present your product in an interesting way.

There is practically no investment in creating metaphorical cards: the deck can be developed using online services for creating metaphorical cards, and the sample can be printed on a home printer. You can advertise your creation through communities of psychologists, and if there is a high level of interest, you can offer your creation to online stores of metaphorical cards. All that remains is to correctly calculate the level of the markup, investing in the cost of printing services and the store’s commission.

Most types of creativity cannot sell themselves at a high price for a completely banal reason: the cheapness of the material used. In the case of bone products, the master uses, firstly, rare and expensive raw materials, and secondly, he masters an art that is not given to everyone. Products made from mammoth ivory, whale bones, and walrus tusks are very expensive: five- and six-figure sums are common.

Yes, mastering such an art can take years, so this DIY business idea is not for everyone. It is expensive, time-consuming and painstaking work which requires constant training. As a rule, beginners hone their skills on cheap types of bones (for example, elk antlers, cattle tibias) or use substitutes for natural material that are similar in density and weight. They can be billiard balls, which are similar in properties to mammoth tusks. Get a general idea of this business you can in our guide.

Ready ideas for your business

Handmade toys, as a rule, are created not for children, but for adults (especially when it comes to textile products), and are sold as souvenirs. Why? Because they are not suitable for active play: they quickly lose their original appearance, wear out, tear, fade, and so on. But you can create colorful national dolls for tourists, because with the help of pieces of colored fabric and accessories it is easy to create various outfits, accessories, hairstyles, and so on.

Making original miniatures is a direction in creativity that focuses on creating miniature products for play and collecting. These can be doll figures, figurines, furniture for dollhouses, tin soldiers, military equipment and so on. You can read more about this DIY business idea. Regardless of the direction you choose, the craftsman will have to work on a large number of small details, attention to which is necessary to produce a quality product.

It is worth noting that today the production of miniatures is becoming more accessible thanks to the development of 3D printers. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​a DIY business using home printers turned out to be utopian due to their high cost and complexity of maintenance, creating prototypes has become easier thanks to the emergence of a large number of 3D printing services. Some of them allow you not only to print a prototype, but also to complete an order to create a finished product. A general idea of ​​the pros and cons of 3D printing technology can be obtained from the material about.

A tasty and at the same time profitable business idea with your own hands can be realized by creating jewelry and accessories from exotic fruits. Probably many people know about coconut bags, clutches and wallets in ethnic style, which are successfully sold at resorts. Instructions on how to create these items can be found on YouTube and various craft sites.

It is interesting that the “fruit niche” in the souvenir business has not yet exhausted itself, and new ideas are constantly appearing. For example, Irish artist Jana Campbell recently became famous for her stunning totem figurines of heroes of Celtic folklore. They are created from avocado seeds. The author also found an interesting way to present her products - for photos, ready-made gods are placed in place of the pit in half of the fruit. By the way, avocado is at the peak of its popularity today, so hurry to take advantage of it.

Ready ideas for your business

Basket weaving

Basket weaving is a simple and interesting activity that you can learn from one of the hundreds of videos on the Internet. Moreover, it can be a good source of income, as one worker can produce about eight baskets per day. Getting birch bark or willow twigs is not so difficult, and all you need for the job is a carpenter's knife, a metal spatula and a rope. As a workspace and warehouse finished products You can use your own garage.

An interesting direction of this type of creativity is wicker weaving for pets. The most popular products are the carriers and houses for cats that we have already mentioned above. An ideal activity for retirees and anyone who has a lot of free time and the desire to create something with their own hands.

Today, notebooks have evolved from ordinary notebooks into a means of self-expression and creative diaries. If you are interested in your own business as a hobby side hustle, then consider the idea of ​​​​creating handmade notebooks. Of course, you won’t make much money from this alone, but you are guaranteed an outlet for creative energy. In the business plan for the production of handmade notebooks, we presented approximate calculations of how much you can earn from this creativity.

The most important thing to keep in mind when creating your own business selling designer notebooks is that you shouldn’t even take on this business if you can’t offer customers something extremely original. The reality is that office supply stores are filled with products whose quality is hard to beat. It is extremely difficult to come up with something new in this area, and new successful ideas are immediately taken into circulation by large companies.

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We often write about popular handicrafts, but there are still hundreds of amazing women’s crafts in the world, some of them are quite exotic and, despite this, bring money to their craftswomen.

Therefore, today I have made a selection of what you can do with your own hands and perhaps these unusual business ideas for needlewomen will inspire someone to come up with their own ideas or help them decide to turn some rare hobby into a profitable business.

List of unusual business ideas for needlewomen

Embroidery on metal

I came across the works of the Lithuanian artist and craftswoman Severija Insirauskaitė-Kriaunevisiene on the Internet a few years ago, and cross-stitch on cars forever won my feminine heart. Although I think that when men see something like this, they immediately receive serious psychological trauma: “To spoil the car like that! What about corrosion?!”

Embroidered cars

True, Severia embroiders not only on large mechanisms, but also on more modest metal household items. I really like her collections of embroidered dishes and gardening tools. True, I can hardly imagine anyone wanting to buy a rusty shovel with embroidery, but apparently I’m too rational a person. In fact, this art brought the artist both fame and money.

Cross-stitched garden tools and dishes

Weaving from newspapers

Despite the practically free and easily destructible material, products made from it are durable and beautiful. The principle of operation is not complicated: we make tubes from pieces of newspapers or magazines and weave from them whatever comes to mind using the same technique that is used for weaving vines or. The thickness of the products depends on how thick you make the tubes.

Thanks to this, you can create both delicate flowers and souvenirs, as well as strong boxes, baskets and even furniture. The tubes are painted with food coloring, glued with PVA glue, tinted with stain and, if desired, varnished. All this is inexpensive, but allows you to create amazing things.

Mandala made of threads

When I first saw something like this in a souvenir shop, I decided that it was just an elegant panel on the wall, but the seller explained to me that it was an Indian amulet. Actually, a mandala is a map of the cosmos and the realm of the gods. Her image is of geometric shapes inscribed into each other, of varying complexity. Actually, a mandala is made from everything in the world from sand to oil, but in our case it’s usually thread products or metal jewelry with similar designs. They come in a variety of sizes - from earrings and pendants to half-wall circles.

In general, the popularity of ancient Indian and Eastern teachings in general in the world and in our country in particular, suggests that business ideas associated with them are quite promising directions small business. It’s not for nothing that we increasingly come across shops with specialized goods.


This folk craft appeared in Ancient China, but truly developed in Japan, where it was customary for samurai wives to engage in embroidery and gradually they turned these balls into real art. They were made from different materials; bells were often inserted inside, the outside of the ball was wrapped with plain threads, and embroidery was done on them. The rich embroidered with silk, the rest of the population with cotton threads. Now the technique is approximately the same; craftswomen embroider temari with silk, cotton thread or floss. Patterns range from the simplest to the surprisingly complex.

To create temari, you need the simplest materials: darning needles, pins with a loop at the end, a pencil, scissors, paper, a ruler, a compass, spool threads for the warp and various threads for embroidering patterns.

In general, it must be said that Japan has created many original folk crafts and I think that they are worth devoting a separate article to them in the near future.

Knitted playgrounds for children

I already wrote about this amazing experience in the article “”. The author of the idea, Toshiko Horiuchi, knits wonderful designs for children where they can play, climb, swing and perform any actions that remind us that man, perhaps not without God's help, but clearly descended from a monkey :).

In general, crocheting is a universal handicraft that allows you to realize the most unusual business ideas. With the help of such a simple tool as a hook, you can knit and tie various objects, create the finest lace, rough carpets and hammocks, clothes, souvenirs, paintings, furniture, jewelry, etc.

And in the end, I would like to remind you that in order for unusual business ideas for needlewomen to generate income, it is not necessary to only create things for sale. Money comes from master classes, training courses, which are now well distributed via the Internet, as well as specialized sites and groups on social networks.