The bird is amazing. Confectionery factory "Akkond", sweets: customer reviews

Shea butter and palm butter - cocoa butter substitute - I DO NOT WANT!

looks delicious and good quality

in the composition - palm oil and shea butter, fake chocolate

It seems to me that there is no need to introduce sweets "Wonderful Bird" - they are known to everyone. They are produced in the city of Cheboksary. Produce candy in different types: sets in a box, and by weight.

We used to buy them, now we won't! The irreparable happened: we read the information about the composition!

The usual box of standard design, small 250 grams - a set of sweets "Wonderful Bird".

The inscription on the box:

An unsurpassed combination of tenderness and lightness

And the sweets inside are familiar, soft, smell delicious.

Each row is a different flavor, the first is creamy, the second is chocolate, the third is creme brulee.

At first glance, everything is wonderful, but we turn the box over and look at the composition:

I got sick of candy. I understand that palm oil is by no means a poison, and shea butter is also useful, especially as an ingredient in a cream.

However, I want to eat sweets with cocoa butter!

Milk from birds is not cheap. Or is the taste worth it?

not cloying, tender yummy, very tasty

quickly eaten!, expensive, composition

Good evening everyone!

I have been trying these candies for a long time, read about them in other reviews.

Somehow they were on sale - and the case itself told me to try them! Candy Ptitsa Divnaya

They look very presentable, decorate any holiday table.

Candy Ptitsa Divnaya

This chocolate candies Bird's milk, with such a beautiful name and a pair of swans on the wrapper!

Candy Ptitsa Divnaya

The sizes are large - you can guess it without even opening the wrapper. Large and tall chocolate square.

Candy Ptitsa Divnaya

Alas, even from the photo you can see that the chocolate is not very high quality. It falls apart, and in general there is too little of it in the candy itself, as for me. Fortunately, it tastes "not plasticine", quite tender!

Lots of bird's milk inside. Milk soufflé is moist, without any dry inclusions or sugar crystals. The case when the candy just melts in your mouth! With tea, coffee or just milk - yummy, although it is eaten very quickly!

Candy Ptitsa Divnaya

The composition of these sweets is “terrible”; it’s not worth discussing, but you shouldn’t get carried away like that often!

I liked the sweets, but I can’t give them more than three stars - the ratio of minuses and pluses does not allow me to put more!

Thank you all for your attention.

See my reviews of Ptichye Moloko sweets:

Sweets Conti SOUFFLE Luxe

Soufflé Charlize with cream-vanilla flavor GOST 4570-93

Sweets Conti "TIMI" Cream

Sweets Conti "TIMI" cream-banana

Sweets Rot Front Bird's milk..

The filling is delicious, but the chocolate has such a "soapy" taste that it has to be scraped off!

looks appetizing and of high quality, tender, reasonable price, satisfying

fake chocolate, extra chocolate!, bad chocolate

They’ll go well with tea, but the chocolate itself is so sweet that I don’t like such a quantity of sugar in it, there’s also some kind of soapy taste of the chocolate itself, it’s just some kind of horror, you have to carefully get rid of it, moreover this chocolate itself is not averse to leaving the delicacy, it crumbles and exfoliates in a layer, leaving only a creamy soufflé, which I eat with pleasure.

I really liked the filling of the cake, in the form of a delicate milk soufflé, even in the photo you can see that it is with bubbles, which gives this cake some kind of lightness and airiness. I think that chocolate is superfluous in general, it only interrupts this taste of milk soufflé, they need to release sweets without chocolate, but then the soufflé would not be so tender.

I am satisfied that each sweet is packaged in a package, it is also possible to take these candy-cakes by weight. And somewhere else I saw these sold and immediately in large packages of 20-30 pieces.

Sweets are quite satisfying for their price, buying a package of these, you can please the kids, and just for tea drinking - this is a good delicacy, but chocolate really spoils everything, if you are not as picky as I am, it's worth a try!

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They used to be better..

not cloying, delicate yummy

overpriced, fake chocolate

I have been buying these candies for a long time, since the manufacturer is located in our city and they are found in almost every store. Previously, sweets really were much tastier, apparently the manufacturer began to save a lot on raw materials, which affected the quality of the products. If you read the composition, you can find a substitute for cocoa butter, this is shea butter. As a result, chocolate icing has become completely non-chocolate. The soufflé is very tasty, soft and airy, but the icing is not the same. And this, unfortunately, happens with all Akkond sweets. and prices in Lately not encouraging, we can say one of the most expensive kontsets are obtained.

Somehow it is not airy: ((PHOTO + COMPOSITION)

Inexpensive, presentable

oily taste, not airy, did not like

I'm not a big fan of sweets (especially any parodies of a bird), but when they offer something new to try, it's a sin to refuse!

These sweets appeared in the house thanks to my mother straight from the Magnit store at a purely symbolic price (something around 200 rubles).

Packaging is a sample! Attractive, easy to open and contains all the information you need

Having unfolded the wrapper, you see the candy itself (by the way, weighing about 30 grams). Presentable? Yes. Not cracked glaze, virgin white soufflé...

But as for the taste (only taste, since the smell there, if it happens, is very weak) ...

Souffle, in my understanding, should be EASY. And this... Some kind of heavy... It reminded me more of something between lightly whipped yogurt mixed with beaten egg white and frozen. Well, it's not air! :(There is a noticeable oil note on the tongue.

There are no complaints about the glaze - it is not bad, however, like the composition:

Ingredients: sugar, molasses, butter, sweetened condensed milk, cocoa butter equivalent, egg white, cocoa powder, gelling agent: agar, emulsifier: lecithin, flavors identical to natural: vanillin, vanilla, preservative: sorbic acid.

Calories - 439 kcal Proteins - 2.6 g Fats - 23.7 g Carbohydrates - 56 g

I didn’t experience any delight from sweets ... Well, okay, after all, they are cheap. Although for the same price I bought this soufflé.


Terrible, terrible!

Sweets "Bird's milk" - a taste from childhood, now only analogues are on the shelves. I wasn’t particularly drawn to this “taste from childhood”, but something pulled me to take the “Wonderful Bird” sweets. And in vain!

Firstly, I did not even look at the composition before buying. If I looked, I wouldn't take it for anything. So, in the composition of the glaze, sugar is in the first place, and then - palm oil, shea butter (!?), As well as flavors, emulsifiers ... In general, there is nothing good in the composition. Okay, many people have already gotten used to palm oil, but shea butter is a cosmetic oil. Having looked around the Internet, I did not find intelligible articles on whether it is possible to consume it in food.

So, the icing itself is sugary, greasy, even very, and it seems as if it creaks on the teeth and sticks to them. To be honest, I have never tasted worse than chocolate. Even the notorious Alpen Gold seems much tastier against the background of this chocolate. In general, fu. After the second candy, I peeled off the icing and ate only the soufflé.

The soufflé is more tolerable than the icing. But it also seems somehow sugary and greasy, like a piece of sweet butter. The fragrance was clearly overdone. The souffle did not cause the expected delight and influx of nostalgia.


The price is obviously bent for such content, I don’t remember how much for 1 kg, but I got about 80 rubles for 7 pieces (I also don’t remember the weight, but they are not very heavy). I won't take it anymore.

But unfortunately it was all before. About 2 months ago, the quality of these sweets dropped drastically, as did Sufael sweets. Apparently, the Akkond manufacturer decided that it was necessary to earn money, and quality is no longer so important. It seems to me that the egg white in sweets has been replaced by something else, or now they put an order of magnitude less egg white!

If someone thinks that I am from a competing company, then unfortunately this is not so. It's just that the Akkond candy factory is the only company that did more or less worthy things. Moscow soufflé-marshmallows-marshmallow cannot be taken into the mouth, because. there is more chemistry than natural products. Personally, I just don’t know what kind of sweets I will now take. I’ll probably switch to natural jam, I just don’t want to be poisoned with chemistry.

No wonder it is believed that now the confectionery industry is closely cooperating with the chemical and perfumery.

There can be no objectivity in assessing taste: try and decide)
And I've already made up my mind.
Fly bird - you are free)

Sweets occupy a special place in our life. Proof of this is the extraordinary variety of sweets that their manufacturers offer us. And we can proudly say that sweet moments in life are given to us not only by foreign manufacturers, but also by ours - domestic ones.

Leading manufacturing enterprises operating in the Russian confectionery industry, the Akkond confectionery factory should be noted.

The Akkond factory produces sweets for those consumers who appreciate the quality and variety of their products, who, discovering new tastes, love to please their relatives and friends with them.

About the company

The Akkond company is a brand that emerged in 1992 as a result of the transformation of a confectionery factory that existed in Cheboksary into Joint-Stock Company Akkond. Constantly modernizing and expanding its own, it has become one of the leaders among Russian manufacturers of confectionery products, gaining fame not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The quality management system of the enterprise is certified in accordance with international standards ISO 9001, which indicates the high quality of products and raw materials used. Factory "Akkond" is included in the list of the largest and significant organizations Chuvash Republic, as well as among 199 backbone organizations of Russia.


The main types of products manufactured by the Akkond confectionery factory: sweets, desserts, cookies, waffles, Gift Baskets. Believe me, you will definitely like the products of the company!

Candy factory "Akkond"

Factory "Akkond" never ceases to amaze consumers with new tastes. The company has mastered the production of many author's sweets and other products that are now associated with this particular manufacturer.

The assortment of the Akkond factory includes about 200 types of candy products. Among them is the widest selection of such main types of original, assorted, with coconut, nougat-based, grilled, jelly, dairy, crispy, praline, fondant, chewy, wafer, etc.

"Wonderful bird"

Consumers consider the “Wonderful Bird” sweets to be a true masterpiece. This series is a collection of original chocolate-coated soufflés with creamy filling, creme brulee, cocoa, strawberry, boiled condensed milk. The glaze is dark in color, shiny, with a rich natural taste of chocolate. The soufflé is very pleasant in taste, tender and homogeneous, without lumps and foreign inclusions.

According to customer reviews, sweets resemble the taste of Bird's Milk sweets - so familiar and beloved since childhood. This delicate soufflé in chocolate glaze is loved by many consumers.

For many years now, this type of product of the Akkond factory has been receiving the highest marks and awards in the Best for Children competitions. For example, Ptitsa Divnaya sweets were awarded a gold medal and a diploma in the nomination " Best Product” within the framework of the exhibition “PRODEXPO-2012”, and in February 2015 they were awarded a gold medal for the high quality of the products of the prestigious international competition"Innovation and Tradition".


In the same series of original sweets, Juliet sweets are well-deservedly popular among buyers. They are pralines with whipped filling or, more simply, with "bird's milk", in white chocolate, which is strewn with coconut flakes. Sweets have an oval shape, neatly covered with crushed coconut flakes, filled with creamy soufflé, which was to the taste of all the sweet tooth. Praline deserves special praise from connoisseurs of confectionery masterpieces due to its delicate and not cloying taste. Fans praised the originality, quality and packaging design.

In December 2007, "Juliet" sweets became winners of a prestigious competition that determines the 100 best goods in Russia.


It is worth considering in more detail another Akkond product - Otlomi sweets. Everyone will like this product, believe me!

"Otlomi" - "Akkond" sweets, which have recently appeared in the assortment of the factory. This new product is marked on the package with the “Akkond Quality” mark, which guarantees the high quality of the original products manufactured by the Cheboksary factory.

The candy wrapper gives a visual representation of the product, and also contains complete information about its composition and energy value.

"Otlomi" - "Akkond" sweets, which have become favorites for lovers of sweets from the widest range of products.

These are candies coated with crispy wafers, soft caramel between the layers, peanuts and milk chocolate. The sweetness of milk chocolate and the neutral taste of wafers are perfectly combined and complement each other.

Sales geography

The whole series of products of the Akkond confectionery factory (sweets, various desserts, cookies and other sweets) are of interest and demand to consumers both in Chuvashia and in a number of regions of Russia and foreign countries.

The geography of sales is constantly expanding every year. The factory's products are widely represented due to the existence of an extensive network of company stores. The Akkond company invites other companies to cooperate on a partnership basis. The implementation of Akkond's high-quality trendy products allows you to build a long-term business and get a decent profit. Delivery of products to all regions Russian Federation, countries of both near and far abroad is carried out quickly and reliably due to the existence of its own transport company. This is a guarantee that the store displays the freshest products. High Quality and in a wide range.

The factory became the best exporting enterprise in Chuvashia in 2010.


The products of the confectionery factory "Akkond" are increasingly winning the hearts of the sweet tooth. Akkond is the only company in the Russian confectionery industry that produces soft chewing caramel. A whole series of sweets, desserts, biscuits produced by the Akkond factory received the highest recognition and received high awards during prestigious competitions and exhibitions of domestic and foreign production.

The reason for this is the wide variety of products produced and presented to the consumer market, the constant replenishment of the product range, the tireless work of professionals aimed at satisfying the needs of a wide range of consumers.

In addition, popular products made with the addition of natural products: nuts, prunes, dried apricots, coconut flakes, are presented on the market at a competitive price.

Undoubtedly, we can say that the Akkond factory is a paradise for the sweet tooth!

Surprisingly, I still haven't written a review for one of my favorite Akkond sweets, Bird Wonderful. They became my favorite when I tried them. I heard about them, but I couldn't buy them. Thanks to the Magnit chain of stores. You can buy as many as you want there. And according to the “Festive Weekdays” promotion, on the day when there is a 20 percent discount on sweets, you can buy them even cheaper. I take the "Wonderful Bird" and periodically watch the price. Of course, these sweets have risen in price a little.

Sweets "Wonderful Bird" Akkond

three sweets

on both sides

combination of lightness and tenderness

candy receipt

"Wonderful Bird" for many is like the classic "Bird's Milk" sweets. Only I got used to the fact that "Bird's Milk" is a small candy, or rather a medium size. And the “Wonderful Bird” is big. This candy is a white soufflé covered with thin chocolate. Somehow I couldn’t understand everything, why the “Wonderful Bird” sweets are described as “tender”. Then I understood. My house is cold in winter. And I started buying sweets around this time. And they didn't look soft to me. And when it became very hot at home, then the products that were outside the refrigerator began to melt. The “wonderful bird” became really very tender at a higher air temperature, almost “melts in the mouth”. By the way, I like her this way. It makes her taste better to me.


candy without wrapper "Wonderful Bird" Akkond

on the other side

candy height

My husband somehow treats such sweets coolly. I will get more. I will say that I don’t like all soufflé-containing candies, only some, including “Wonderful Bird”. I like the candy wrapper. You just can't unfold it. To get it, you have to break the teeth. Convenient when small children are at home. Not every child will be able to open this candy. So for the fact that the child does not find and eat everything, parents can be calm. The composition of sweets has not yet been studied somehow. But I think he's good. No wonder a kilogram of sweets costs almost 400 rubles. It would seem not chocolates, but soufflé.