New Year's business ideas, step one - provocation for success. Creative gift sets. Sale of Christmas trees for New Year

TOP ideas

New Year Not everyone loves it. There are a huge number of people in the world who shake with rage at the mere sight of Santa Claus’s beard. “The Anti-New Year Club” is a wonderful opportunity to boycott a hated holiday in the company of like-minded people. There are many options for events, ranging from a parody of the Alcoholics Anonymous club - with seating in a circle and stories about hatred of the New Year and the collective destruction of holiday attributes, to a co-working space that ignores the Chimes.

Chocolate truck

The idea of ​​a Christmas truck that “brings happiness” can be borrowed not only from Coca-Cola, but also from Cadbury, the famous chocolate brand. This truck, called The Cadbury Christmas Grotto, traveled around the UK in December 2015, bringing joy to children across the country. Inside it is a real sweet paradise of chocolate and sweets, from which the creators even managed to make a fireplace and furniture.

New Year's pedicabs

Not everywhere New Year necessarily means snowdrifts, an ice skating rink and building a snowman. For places like this interesting idea There will be New Year's pedicabs decorated in New Year's motifs. The rickshaw driver usually dresses up as Father Frost or Santa, charges much more for services than a regular taxi driver, but is not in a hurry, constantly laughs and makes passengers laugh.

Ice bar-restaurant

An ice bar is not a new idea, but it never fails to delight visitors. The walls, the bar counter, the floors and even the dishes are made of ice... When you get to such a place, it’s easy to forget that you need to place another order. Therefore, many ice establishments may charge only for admission, including the cost of the drink for the "sugar". Residents of megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg are most familiar with ice establishments, where ice bars can even be ordered for corporate events. But restaurants are less common; one of the most famous ice restaurants is located in Dubai.

Driver's trees

While many store owners are racking their brains over what else to decorate their windows to attract customers, other enterprising individuals come to them themselves. In particular, small Christmas trees are successfully sold to drivers before the New Year. Moreover, these can be either real trees, which are convenient to place in the salon, or aromatic Christmas trees that are placed on the mirror.

New Year's quest

Almost two weeks of general idleness do not pass only sitting at the table - the population needs to have fun and go out with their children. IN Lately Seasonal New Year's quests have become popular. This could be a search for borrowed New Year's gifts, riddles based on the plot of famous fairy tales and winter-themed cartoons (like "The Snow Queen", "Ice Age" and so on). The advantage of the idea is its versatility: it can be a professional quest in an quest room, an “off-site” quest ordered for a party or corporate event, as well as your own free scenario for entertainment with the family.

Exchange of unnecessary gifts

The idea of ​​exchanging unnecessary gifts came to Russia from Europe. To get rid of your twentieth shower gel or ill-fitting sneakers, today you can go to a social network and find something to replace it. Many enterprising individuals are trying to start some online services and mobile applications for exchange and even organize stationary collection points for unwanted gifts, but not many succeed in monetizing this idea.

Sale of blankets with sleeves

Have you heard the statement that all innovations and inventions are due to laziness? The first blankets with sleeves appeared in December 1997, when one of the American students at the University of Maine simply got tired of pulling his arms out from under the blanket to switch the TV. Then he made holes in the blanket, and then sewed the sleeves to them. And, as they say, away we go. Blankets with sleeves appeared in the homes of every sixth American family, and then triumphantly “strode” across other countries and continents. The general “Oblomovism” continues today, when laptops, tablets and smartphones have replaced the TV remote control.

Cosmetics made from discarded Christmas trees

If in Russia it is customary to throw the New Year tree into a landfill, and for another month it, along with its “friends,” flaunts in the trash cans, then you almost never see such a picture abroad. For example, in Sweden, Finland and Austria, discarded Christmas trees are used for heating and production. fuel briquettes and compost, Canada extracts anti-flu medicines from them, Germany and Denmark make furniture, and France makes a line of natural cosmetics using raw materials from recycled Christmas trees.

Penguin rental

Penguins have begun to appear on television screens so often that more and more people want to have this funny creature as a pet. But caring for a penguin is quite a hassle and cost (), so most people might prefer to rent a penguin for a while, for example new year holidays. There are indeed offers on the topic of “renting penguins” on the Internet, but mostly we are talking about life-size puppets and costumes.

Delivery of artificial snow

Snow is perhaps the most important attribute of the New Year, and for many people this holiday is simply unthinkable without it. But if nature is unable to help in any way, there are many ideas for buying and selling artificial snow, for example, snow made from viscose or polymer powder. The first option molds well and holds its shape, the second one flows beautifully and plans beautifully. Today it is not difficult to buy and deliver artificial snow. There are a lot of offers on the Internet in various packaging (from 50 g to 8 kg of powder), depending on the scale of the customer’s event, which are usually decorators of parties and theatrical productions and organizers of sports competitions.

New Year's clothing store for animals

In their love for pets and their desire to constantly be touched by them, the owners are ready to go to great lengths, and even more so they will want to dress up their pet in a New Year’s fur coat or hat. Therefore, it is not surprising that their New Year’s collections appear not only in ordinary clothing stores, but also in pet stores and online stores selling pet supplies. With good advertising and promotion in in social networks You can try to sell your handmade products to order with almost no investment. Another option is to open a seasonal point of sale in public walking areas, where you can offer your products to all the cold dogs.

Eco-friendly linen made from Christmas trees

Another way to use discarded Christmas trees and pine trees from the French. Organic Lingerie decided to make organic underwear from viscose from recycled trees. The eco-fabric is called Pine Viscose - that is, viscose based on natural pine. Interestingly, lingerie is made for both women and men.

Summer New Year department store

Trading of New Year's goods can begin not only a month and a half before the start of the holidays, but also in... August. So, in 2015, the first to prepare for Christmas was the Selfridges department store from the UK, which began a pre-holiday campaign 143 days before Christmas, as if mocking the entire pre-holiday race retail. The design is made for tourists who come to London in the summer and want to take home unique souvenirs. There are, I must say, a ton of them here - more than 50 thousand, not counting Christmas trees, garlands and firecrackers. All the glass trinkets, for example, are designed specifically for the store by Hungarian glassblowers.

New Year's beauty salon

Today, in order to surprise someone with your hairstyle, you need to try hard, so there will always be a demand for hairstyles like those shown in the photo. And for any hairdresser or beauty salon on New Year's Eve, providing services for creating holiday hairstyles is also a wonderful opportunity to stand out among an endless number of competitors.

Amulet-picture that brings good luck, money, success with women and breakfast in bed. How to use it is written in the group (click on the picture)!

And this is not the last surprise. Don't switch from our site! By the way, we didn’t believe in the amulet either, but as soon as we tried it, in general, everything worked and we will get it in the New Year;) If you know what we mean.

Let's return to our material.

Simple and tasteful. It's winter, you can do business in winter. Of course, there is not much snow now, but there will be someday. Therefore, we read and remember. 8 current ideas business for the winter.

Our strong point. When everyone was reprinting from each other how to make money on resale, we delved into China, drank tea, and revealed a topic that excites the minds of the entire reading population. At the same time, we still have tea and we still write that it’s like in China. We are burning new topics. Did not know? And all because they didn’t subscribe to .

Simple and clear ideas on how to become millionaires in Russia. No crime. Of course, you still won’t repeat these ideas, but even if you think about it, that’s already a plus.

The Christmas tree is a constant attribute of all New Year holidays. Some, especially superstitious ones, keep the Christmas tree at home until May so that good luck will visit them in all places. Therefore, the demand for spruce is stable. And growing is quite simple, so if a Christmas tree grows in the forest, why can’t you grow it on the balcony? You can. .

Naturally, you read not only the site, but also other similar sites similar to the site. You haven't gone crazy with cool ideas yet home business? Where from site to site, in the same words, but in different letters, they recommend that you open a framing workshop in the garage or some kind of large-scale production. What to do, not everyone has a garage and not everyone knows what it means to work with their hands. But, they write. That's right, that's the thing with the tongue, don't move the bags. In any case, if you have an empty garage, then you can always put a piece of butter, red caviar, dill, parsley on your piece of bread. Take two glasses of flour, three spoons of sour cream... oh, we’re not a culinary site. But, if you have a favorite recipe, share it in the comments, honor and respect for the best recipe.

Over the 10 years of our project’s existence, we have experienced not only several crises, but also competitive efforts in the field of our replacement. Let's be honest - it's rather weak. And not because we are cool, but because we know how to make a high-quality website, and not rewrite someone else’s. But why are we? Everyone will be given what they deserve.

We have selected 20 business ideas that have ever been published on our website. They refined them as best they could. And they offered it to you. Whether they worked or not - read for yourself. We said and wrote everything.

Happy New Year 2016!

By joining the general congratulations, we want to say - don’t worry, everything will be fine. In life, in love, in business. The main thing is to believe and work. In a crisis, not only talents appear, but also opportunities to make money from these talents. Believe in yourself while others think they are leaders. It's easy to overtake the leader, because when overtaking you look forward, and he looks back. Don’t be timid - read the site for our updates and don’t lose heart! We are always with you!

Don't forget that your talisman is waiting for you at the beginning of the article!
With love, KHOBIZ.RU

P.S: Where did we get 49 business ideas? Just count - 8 current winter business ideas, in the cycle about China there are more than 5 ideas, 10 ways to make money in Russia, growing spruce - 1 piece, 5 business ideas in the garage and 20 business ideas for the crisis and import substitution. Total more than 49 business ideas! The main thing is to read everything carefully.

To prepare for the New Year, the average person spends an amount commensurate with a monthly salary, or even more. And this is a wonderful opportunity for active and enterprising businessmen to make money and fill their pockets with hard cash and crisp bills. We have prepared for you a selection of 30 business ideas that will help you make money in the New Year 2019. Read, choose the best one, act and make a profit.

1. Sale of live and artificial Christmas trees, their delivery

This is a very old and no less profitable business idea with a lot of competition. The main thing here is two things: a conscientious supplier with quality product(fluffy and fresh Christmas trees) and organization point of sale in a busy place. The preparatory stage must begin long before December, it includes:

  • obtaining documentation for trade and searching for a retail outlet;
  • arrangement of a retail outlet in accordance with the law;
  • selecting a supplier and concluding a contract with him.

The markup on New Year's Eve can reach or even exceed 100% of the cost of the product, and the cheaper it is, the more profit you will get in the end.

Artificial Christmas trees are gaining popularity these days. Because they don't require special conditions for storage, it is more profitable to buy them out of season, then you can significantly save on cost. The main advantage of artificial Christmas trees is their diversity; accordingly, their range should be as wide as possible: colors, sizes, shapes - for every taste. Sales can be carried out both through stationary retail outlets and through an online store. At the same time, you can rent artificial Christmas trees to individuals and organizations.

If you are fiddling with the design of all necessary documentation If you don’t want to organize the sale of Christmas trees, you can organize their delivery to apartments and offices. To do this, you need to select points of sale, negotiate with sellers and organize advertising offering delivery services. Delivery can be provided as a separate service and in the online store.

2. Selling mini Christmas trees for cars and office desks

In the modern world, a lot of time is spent at work and in the car. And the sale of small New Year trees for decoration of an office desk or car interior will fully justify itself. The distribution network can be built both through retail outlets and via the Internet.

3. Sale of garlands

In addition to the usual use of garlands on the Christmas tree, it is now fashionable to decorate rooms, building facades, houses, and territories in a Western style during the winter holidays. Selling them through retail network or Internet resources, at the same time you can offer garland decoration services. Having the talent of a designer, you can work on your own, or resort to the services of a professional designer.

To decorate large and tall objects, you will need equipment with a lifting device, which must be taken into account in the cost of the service provided.

4. Sale of fireworks, sparklers, and other pyrotechnics

Pyrotechnics and various fireworks are in increasing demand during the winter holidays. But there are some nuances here: pyrotechnic products, according to the law of the Russian Federation, are divided into 5 classes according to the level of danger, and for pyrotechnics of classes 4-5 an appropriate license is required. If you manage to complete all the necessary paperwork and obtain a license, you will find a goldmine!

But in order to make money on New Year’s Eve, class 1-3 pyrotechnics, which do not require licensing, are quite suitable: these are sparklers and candles, ground-based fireworks and fountains, firecrackers and even fireworks batteries.

The supplier can still be China; it is better to make up the assortment of easy-to-manage and inexpensive fireworks, and set up a sales point in a shopping center or open market, thus eliminating the issue of fire safety.

5. Sale of New Year's toys

Of course, what is a Christmas tree without toys. You can organize trade in standard balls and Christmas tree decorations economy option, or use your design talent to beautifully design and decorate them, and sell them at a higher price. Dilute the assortment of toys with all kinds of tinsel, it is always in demand.

6. Gift wrapping

If you stock up on ribbons, bows, beautiful gift paper and other packaging paraphernalia, then it is quite possible to organize a point for decorating gifts. It is better to stay in a shopping center, where they sell toys, cosmetics, perfumes, and underwear.

7. Production and sale of New Year's gift bags, corporate New Year's packages

You can limit yourself to standard New Year's gift bags, or add some zest with your own hands and develop an original design. It's a good idea to offer companies gift bags with their logo on them. On the eve of the New Year holidays, almost all of them deliver great amount gifts: partners, clients, suppliers, etc.

8. Packaging and sale of New Year's fruit baskets

Original fruit baskets and slices in a New Year's theme will decorate any New Year's table and will be a pleasant gift. This service can be organized on the basis of an existing vegetable shop. Children's parties, corporate events, and just private clients can become possible buyers.

9. Packaging and sale of New Year's baskets of tea, chocolate, coffee, sweets, champagne

The essence of the idea is to create sets in baskets with New Year's decoration. These can be sets of beautiful sweets with tea or coffee packaging, or a set of chocolate and champagne, decorated with Christmas balls, fir branches and cones. There are many options, everything will depend only on the imagination and wishes of the customer.

And by the way, there is a little trick: with this type of serving you can do without a license to sell alcoholic beverages, since it is sold festive decoration and packaging, and the champagne itself is tantamount to a gift. But it is necessary to have certificates for products and receipts for champagne.

10. Production and sale of New Year's confectionery and cakes

If you have the skills of a pastry chef, you can make custom-made New Year-themed baked goods at home, or open a stationary point of sale. These can be cookies and gingerbread in the form of the symbol of the year, Christmas trees, snowmen and Santa Clauses, or cupcakes in the form of Christmas trees with cream and balls. You can make delicious homemade cakes and pastries in the New Year theme.

Such baked goods are always popular, and if customers like them, you will receive regular customers not only for the New Year, and then the business has every chance of growing from seasonal to regular.

11. Sale of New Year symbols and various souvenirs

In winter before holidays A lot of things with New Year's symbols are being bought: hats, T-shirts, sweaters, mugs, photo albums, calendars, carnival masks, magnets and of course toys in the form of a symbol of the coming year.

The main thing is the quality of the products sold, and a little originality, for example, New Year magnets self-made. Sales can be organized through a retail network or online resources. You can also make good money by offering souvenirs with their logo to companies and organizations in the city.

12. Selling delicacies for the New Year

The main thing here is to find a product that is not sold in your city, or in limited quantities, find out if there is a demand for it, and if there is one, organize its supply and sale. It can be anything - from black caviar in the southern regions, to pineapples and watermelons in the northern ones.

13. Father Frost and Snow Maiden on call

If you have artistic talent, then you can find a partner or partner, pick up costumes, come up with several different scenarios, and go to delight and congratulate others as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. These can be either outdoor congratulations at home, children's matinees, or quite serious adult corporate parties. It all depends on the originality of your script, of course advertising and scope.

14. Letter from Santa Claus

Many children write a letter to Santa Claus with wishes and requests. Imagine what a great joy it will be to receive an answer from Grandfather himself! Most parents will not fail to order a piece of a fairy tale for their child. Beautiful personalized letters from Santa Claus are popular and inexpensive. And the main consumer is kindergartens and other children's institutions.

15. Organizing holiday celebrations and writing scripts

The next business idea is to organize adult and children's celebrations. This includes finding a venue for the event and decorating it, drawing up a festive program, selecting artists for the show, a presenter, writing a script for the evening, organizing a festive lunch or dinner. But you can go more in a simple way– write scripts holiday programs and sell them to companies that do this.

16. Services of a New Year's photographer, family New Year's photo session

This business idea has two directions - an on-site photographer and a photo shoot in the studio. A traveling photographer provides his services at matinees, events and corporate events. For photo shoots, you need a studio and New Year's decorations, lighting installation, and a stylist.

At the customer's request, we can produce family photo albums in a New Year's theme, which will be a wonderful New Year's gift, for example, for grandparents.

17. Nanny services - Snow Maiden

On the eve of the holidays, parents always have a lot of troubles, plus the end of the year and being overwhelmed at work, and then there are corporate parties and so on and so forth. Patient grandmothers who steadfastly sit with their grandchildren may not be around. And here a nanny will come in handy, and not just any ordinary nanny, but a Snow Maiden nanny! The children will be delighted.

18. Pet sitter service

Pets do fine at home alone, but not for long. When owners go on long trips, and many people do this during the New Year holidays, it is not always possible to take the pet with them. Here you can offer the services of a caregiver for an animal or a foster care service at home.

19. Service of an escort or sober driver

During the New Year holidays, it is often difficult to get home on your own; you can’t get behind the wheel after drinking champagne; and it’s not convenient to spend the night at a party. In such cases, the services of a sober driver or the services of a walking escort who will come and transport the customer home, by taxi or in his own car - there is a choice here, will come in handy.

20. Sewing, sale and rental of children's and adult New Year's costumes

Having the skills of a seamstress and a little imagination, you can make money on New Year's Eve by making carnival costumes by selling or renting them. Mostly children's sizes are in demand, but adults can be sewn to order.

Or you can go simpler - find a wholesale supplier, purchase all kinds of costumes and sell them, or rent them out. Renting is convenient because with proper storage and careful use of the suits, they will bring profit for many years.

21. Cleaning the premises before and after the holiday, decorating the premises in a New Year’s theme

After feasts and celebrations, there is always a lot of garbage left behind, and it is often easier to pay for cleaning than to do it yourself. This applies to both private clients and companies. Before the festivities, the general cleaning service is mainly used by private individuals.

Here you can also offer services for decorating an apartment, house, or office. Of course, if talent allows. Otherwise, in order not to lose face, it is better to invite a professional designer.

22. Sale of hot drinks at public festivals

Selling hot drinks and light snacks at public festivals is a good idea. On holidays, people walk with their children, all kinds of programs are organized in squares and parks, but the frost takes its toll and you want to drink hot coffee or tea with the same pie.

23. Taxi in your own car on holidays and corporate events

During the New Year holidays, the demand for taxis exceeds supply, and this provides an opportunity to make great money, as prices soar by 100 and sometimes 300% per trip. You don’t have to work in a taxi to do this; you can find a clientele yourself through friends and colleagues, start advertising in advance and work for corporate events. The main thing is to have a clean car, a neat appearance and a great desire.

24. Preparation and delivery of New Year's dinners

The main buyers of this service are companies and organizations. According to an established unspoken tradition, almost every employer arranges a festive lunch for their employees, if not a corporate party. And the essence of the idea is to replace the boring slices of cheese, sausages and fruits with full-fledged, beautiful and tasty holiday dishes. They are prepared at home and served in beautiful, modernly designed disposable dishes. You can prepare themed dinners according to traditions different countries and peoples, inviting clients to make their own choice.

25. Renting an apartment or cottage

In the short-term housing rental market, rental prices increase 3-4 times during the New Year holidays. You can make good money from this by renting out your own real estate (an apartment or a country house, a dacha), or by acting as an intermediary in such transactions.

The services of an intermediary in such cases range from 10 to 50% of the transaction amount. Find rental properties, negotiate commissions and find clients. It is advisable to always back up a preliminary lease with an advance payment.

26. Grocery delivery around the clock

The essence of the idea is to organize round-the-clock delivery of products to the customer’s home. On holidays, it will be possible to compete with store delivery services, since in practice they can be quite busy. Products are naturally purchased in convenience stores after the fact. But alcohol can be delivered at night by purchasing the most popular one in advance.

27. Create a shopping blog

Of course, one cannot ignore such a business idea as creating a shopping blog. This idea, if properly developed, will in the future turn into a permanent source of income and will move beyond the category of winter business. The idea works well when targeting one specific city.

Blog content - stores, gifts, discounts, promotions - stories from the blogger, supported by photos. Profit is expected from advertising, and advertisers are the very stores you write about.

28. Making memorable New Year albums and calendars

A fairly popular type of inexpensive gift is an album or calendar for next year in a New Year’s theme. For private customers, an individual element in such a gift can be a photo of the recipient, for companies - the logo and name of the organization. As an option, you can offer to make an album or calendar in a holiday theme. New Year's Eve with photographs and scenes from it.

29. Chef services at home

Preparing a festive dinner is an excellent way to earn money for the New Year for those who know how to cook deliciously and serve food beautifully. This service is used by wealthy and simply busy people who want to organize a festive feast at home. Additionally, you can offer the services of purchasing food, serving at the table, and cleaning after the feast, for an additional fee.

30. Internet site for resale and exchange of New Year's gifts that you don't like

Enough interesting business idea It seems that the organization of resale or exchange of unnecessary or disliked gifts is organized. The most profitable and low-cost way to do this would be to create an Internet resource (blog, page). The commission from the transaction will be the author’s profit and the incognito fee.

Almost any of the above business ideas can be implemented independently, or you can hire people and organize a whole trading network. In the second option, the profit is much greater, but the risks also increase. Don’t forget about advertising – both using Internet resources (social networks, thematic forums, websites, etc.) and in the classic format.

And remember, holidays divide people into those who relax and those who make money from it. The choice is yours! Happy business!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are only a couple of months left before the New Year, and I have not yet published New Year's business ideas, but a New Year's business can be very profitable and promising. In this article I will talk about how and what New Year's toys, New Year's gifts and services are best sold.

Classic New Year's business.

  1. Sale of Christmas trees is the most popular type of New Year's business. True, here it is necessary to highlight the sale of real Christmas trees, since the sale of artificial ones falls under the next category.
  2. Sale New Year's toys includes the sale of artificial Christmas trees, Christmas decorations and decorations, as well as New Year's decor for home and apartment.
  3. Sale of New Year's gifts- the most popular type of New Year's business. The competition here is intense.
  4. Sale of pyrotechnics is not only a New Year's, but also a general holiday business, which means the presence of a large number of highly specialized stores selling pyrotechnics.

As you can see, New Year's business in the classic form is not of particular interest, since it will be very difficult for newcomers in this niche to cope with competition. That is why I will share with you my ideas for implementing new and competitive business with an unusual approach.

Original New Year's business ideas.

So that you can immediately understand how you can make your New Year’s business more attractive, I advise you to remember such films as “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 2”. Yes, they don’t show New Year’s holidays, they show American Christmas, but people in our country want to see New Year’s holidays in exactly this light. Maybe it's the influence of American films, but I personally really love all the Christmas decorations, lighting and sense of wonder.

Now I will tell you what attracts me most about Western Christmas, and for one thing, you will understand what you need to sell in order to become competitive in New Year's business:

You can rest assured that with good imagination and a sense of style, your New Year's business will become special and stand out from the gray mass of New Year's shops. In order for you to finally understand what I’m talking about, I present to your attention a photo of my New Year tree.

The New Year is approaching, which means thousands of people will be rushing around the city in search of gifts, and after the solemn chiming of the chimes, they will spend another week idly spending their free time in shopping and entertainment centers. How to take advantage of this and turn the holidays into good income? Open a business that is in demand in the New Year's bustle! And in order to create it quickly and recoup the investment as early as possible, you should pay attention to franchises.

So, what kind of business can you open as a franchise for the new year?

1. Gift shop franchise

Of course, the first on the list will be shops filled with souvenirs, nice little things, decorative items, and so on. We all know very well that choosing a gift is sometimes very difficult, and such souvenir places make our life easier.

You can also act as a savior from New Year’s madness by opening, for example, a gift store under the “franchise” franchise. According to company representative Kirill Karpushin,

Demand for products triples during the New Year period, and during this time the retail outlet makes 25% of annual revenue.

“Our franchisees strive to open every year just in time for the New Year,” comments Kirill Karpushin. In order to open a store under the Gift Calendar franchise, you will need from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles, depending on its area and location. However, preparations for the opening must begin from August to September, so if you want to open specifically for the New Year, then it is better to plan this undertaking for the next New Year holidays.

The opinion that it is better to open a gift shop in advance is also shared by the company "". So, a franchise business for this company needs to be started a couple of months before the “strength test” in order to work “like clockwork” during the New Year holidays.

The head of the Other Gifts franchising department says that the average time to prepare a gift shop for opening is 45 days. During this time, the partner manages to organize the renovation of the original premises, undergo an internship and certification in the flagship store, and train staff. However, we must not forget that the February holidays are no less significant and also belong to the “high-income season.” Therefore, right now, at the beginning of December, it is worth starting preparations for them.

If you ultimately decide to open a store under the “Other Gifts” franchise, then you will need a little more than for the “Gift Calendar” outlet - the initial investment will range from 600 thousand to 4.5 million rubles. And keep in mind that

The target core of the “Other Gifts” audience is those people who are “at heart” from 18 to 35 years old.

For those who like “more fun,” there is a franchise from the company “,” which specializes in selling not so much souvenirs and gifts, but various jokes, practical jokes, carnival items, and so on. The target audience for the “booth” is the same as for “Other Gifts” - 18-35 years old, but the joke shop requires much less investment - only 500-600 thousand rubles.

Don’t also forget that in the New Year’s bustle, every minute is important, so the “individual gift in 15 minutes” option is a very popular idea on the eve of the holidays. So, the company "" will help you open an island in a shopping center, where, within the time specified above, the client will have any picture he wants on a T-shirt, mug, and much more. To open such a design project you will need 300 - 750 thousand rubles, and if you hurry, you will have time to open it by the New Year holidays (definitely by the February holidays)!

And finally, there is a business that is particularly different from all gift shops, but no less relevant for the New Year. The assortment of this place is intended mainly for girls and women, as it is filled with cute accessories and little things created by Russian illustrators and artists. The average bill in Kawaii Factory stores is a little more than 1,000 rubles, and the initial investment to open a “kawaii shop” you will need is from 388,400 - 1,408,800 rubles.

Among the unusual stores, one can also note “”, which specializes in various household goods. But most in demand among all enjoy decorative salt lamps in gift packaging. Apparently they create Christmas mood customers, illuminating the room with warm light.

2. Jewelry franchise

Jewelry and decorations are one of the most popular gifts for any holiday, and New Year is no exception. The desire to express their tender feelings and leave a memory of them drives thousands of men. What could be better when a loved one glows with happiness when opening a velvet box?

By the way, both friends and girlfriends give jewelry to each other, so there is no need to limit your target audience only for romantic couples.

Of course, the business of selling jewelry is popular during the New Year. However, if you don’t have time to open it in December, don’t despair. After the New Year holidays, many more follow (February 14 and 23, March 8), so it’s worth thinking about buying a franchise right now if you want to be fully equipped by then.

Jewelry is a cross between jewelry and costume jewelry. Nowadays it is especially relevant because it costs less than jewelry and can be worn every day, unlike precious items intended for special occasions.

“Jenavi” has been on the market for 24 years and in the franchising field for 10 years, and also ranks 25th in the BIBOSS version - all this suggests that the company is a very worthy mentor if you decide to open a jewelry franchise. In addition, Jenavi is the largest manufacturer of jewelry with Swarovski crystals, and they have not lost popularity over the past 10 years.

Speaking about luxury jewelry, it is also worth mentioning the “” franchise - a Japanese brand of jewelry made from semi-precious stones and cubic zirconia. The company has not been on the market as long as Jenavi, but its products have an original design and opening an INORI island in a shopping center will cost you only 300-600 thousand rubles.

Here we need to talk about accessories as a good New Year’s business, since belts and bags are in good demand as gifts. For example, under the “franchise”, which has been on the market for seven years, for 595,000 - 1,295,000 rubles they will help you open an accessory point at affordable prices and get your share of the “holiday profit”.

3. Cosmetics franchise

On the eve of the New Year, women literally attack cosmetics stores. You need to buy a lot of gifts for friends, mothers, sisters, etc., and don’t forget to grab new perfume and lipstick for yourself. However, opening a cosmetics store just in time for the New Year holidays is not so easy. The initial investment, as a rule, is at least 4 million rubles. However, there is one “but”: large cosmetics “shops” are fraught with equally large queues during the New Year holidays, but miniature retail outlets will be more comfortable for shopping.

Therefore, in the category of cosmetic stores for the New Year, we will talk primarily about the company “”, which requires 750 thousand - 1.5 million rubles to open a point. The company now has three franchise stores on the way: in Krasnodar, Murmansk and Stavropol. Everyone starts working in early December, as this is the time of the most active sales.

Speaking of sales volume, during the New Year period “LIMONI” makes 30% of its annual revenue. By the way, the most popular goods are mascara, foundation and nail polishes.

In a similar price category in terms of the cost of opening a retail outlet, there is a franchise from "" - a Polish brand of decorative cosmetics. As a rule, company franchisees open islands in shopping centers, spending 200 thousand - 1 million rubles on opening.

The investment should pay off well, because the average bill for cosmetics from Vipera cosmetics is 500-600 rubles, and during a crisis, people appreciate affordable prices.

4. Fast food franchise

In general, during the New Year holidays, shopping centers are a gathering place for a good half of the city, especially if the shopping center has a cinema, bowling alley and other entertainment services. Therefore, various food courts and small fast food outlets selling Hong Kong waffles, Cinnabons, etc. will be in great demand.

Running for gifts throughout the shopping center, we develop a “brutal” appetite, and we happily dine in food courts and mini-cafes. However, when the New Year's bustle ends, hunger does not go away. While strolling imposingly through the shops during the New Year holidays, we, like all visitors, also don’t mind having a snack and treating ourselves to something tasty. Among such franchises offering something unusual and tasty, we can highlight bubble teas , and, bubble waffles , , those who offer both , unusual yoghurts and , as well as a kind of fast food from Kostya Tszyu . What all these franchises have in common is that opening islands in shopping centers for them will not take much time and money, and you will have time to work in the market during the most “highly profitable season.”

But you don't have to limit yourself to franchises only. fast food. There are other types of business offers on the franchising market that are widely used shopping centers will also help. For example, "". This is a slot machine with beautiful fish that you can feed and then make a wish. It will undoubtedly attract the attention of all children and adults without exception who want to make a cherished wish for the New Year.

5. Organization of New Year's parties and corporate events

As a rule, companies always conduct New Year's corporate parties, there are matinees in kindergartens, and Christmas trees in schools. And this could not be a better time to start a business organizing parties for children and adults. It is also worth noting that some people will want to surprise their family and friends, so companies specializing in romantic and sweet “surprises” will also be in demand.

Among the franchises for organizing performances for children, we can highlight “ » (200-350 thousand rubles of investment) and the scientific show “” (200-580 thousand rubles). Children will be able not only to see the standard program with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and the battle cry of “burning Christmas tree,” but also something interesting, fascinating and, most importantly, educational.

Companies specializing in organizing surprises and romantic events - franchise "