Business ideas from Europe. What new business ideas have appeared in Russia from Europe and the USA (America)? New Year's business in Europe

  • The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020
  • Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

Most entrepreneurs dream of coming up with a new “million-dollar idea” that will bring millions in profits and elevate them to business Olympus. Promising ideas do not appear so often, but do not despair - if you cannot come up with anything interesting, you can use the example of your Western colleagues. The ideas of many projects were borrowed from Western startups, and this in no way prevented them from becoming successful: for example, Pavel Durov took advantage of Mark Zuckerberg’s idea and created the VKontakte network, which, although it did not “surpass” Facebook in the world, still became the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS.

The United States has long been considered the trendsetter in business, but European businessmen can also demonstrate creativity and bring to life extraordinary ideas that can easily be used here. Ecotourism, women's repair teams, production of euro-timber - these and many other European ideas are successfully working for Russian market.

The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020

1. Bicycle cafe . Everyone knows what “Makavto” is - McDonald's and other cafes serve customers right in the car. A similar business aimed at cyclists recently appeared in Zurich. A person can come to a cafe and drink coffee/eat without getting up from a bicycle, which is “parked” right on the territory of the cafe directly at the table.

It's no secret that bicycles are a very popular form of transport in Europe, and in Russia, in recent years, special parking lots for bicycles have appeared.

Can this idea be applied in Russia? Yes - especially in large cities. In addition to being convenient for cyclists, this new product will attract the attention of visitors - even those who came on foot or arrived by car.

By the way, you can do another business on bicycles, and this idea also came to us from Europe: more precisely, from the most “cycling” country - Holland. This is an automated bicycle rental point, where anyone can literally take a bicycle in a matter of seconds for little money, and then return it - to this point or to any other similar rental point in the city.

Such machines have already reached Russia, but so far the idea has been implemented only in a few large cities.

2. Free gym.Many people don't go to the gym because they require you to pay for an annual or monthly membership right away. A person may not have such a sum, or he may not buy a subscription, doubting that he will go there regularly for a month or, even more so, a year.

Therefore, free gyms have already appeared in Europe - which, nevertheless, make great money by selling additional services or sporting goods. This could be consultations with a personal trainer, sports nutrition and drinks, sportswear and shoes, as well as the sale of advertising space in the hall.

Is it possible to organize such a business in Russia? Yes - but you need to carefully calculate everything so that the income from sales is greater than the losses from those who simply go to the gym “for free”. Alternatively, you can make a free visit in the first months of the gym’s operation to attract customers.

3. Cone Pizza.Fast food is the trend of our time. People don’t have time to have breakfast (they’re in a hurry to get to work), they don’t have time to have lunch (they’re busy at work), and in the evening after work, the last thing they want is to stand at the stove.

This is one of the secrets of the popularity of pizza. However, pizza has one significant drawback - it takes up a lot of space and is inconvenient to eat on the go. The Italians found a way out: they came up with pizza in a cone - Pizza Cono. This is the same pizza, but more compact, because the filling is inside the dough, which is rolled into a cone. Thanks to this, pizza can be eaten away from the table, without a knife and fork.

You can organize such a business in Russia and in any other country - wherever there are pizza lovers, but especially in office areas. In addition, it will allow you to stand out among other pizzerias.

4. Unusual vending.Vending machines for coffee, soda and chocolate have long been popular. German entrepreneurs went further - they installed vending machines at train stations in large cities with sunglasses, towels and other things that travelers often forget.

This idea can take root in any country, because people spend a lot of time at train stations and willingly spend money there. Moreover, if you believe the statistics, the number of Russians traveling is growing every year.

Another unusual vending shop sells... sets of rolls! Japanese cuisine is very popular, but you can order rolls in Russia only in cafes and sushi bars. But in Europe there are already special machines for selling rolls.

If you install such machines in crowded places, the idea may well work. Do not forget that rolls, unlike chocolate, water and crackers, have a short shelf life, so choosing the location of such a machine is of paramount importance

5. Children's hotels. This idea will certainly appeal to parents who dream of taking a short break from their children - or who are forced to go on a business trip. Not everyone has grandmothers or other relatives who can stay with the child, and not everyone trusts nannies. A children's hotel is essentially an analogue of a children's camp: the menu and room design are created taking into account the interests of the little guests. In addition, such hotels must have a medical worker and a psychologist.

This idea will probably take root in large cities - both in Russia and in other countries, because the number of working parents is only growing, and relatives are not always eager to take care of other people's children.

6. Table-bed 2 in 1: an idea for workaholics. Not everyone leaves work at 18:00 - employees often have to stay at work until late. At the same time, not every company is equipped with a break room. The solution is a table that turns into a bed. In its normal form, it is no different from a regular office desk, but once you lower the back panel and fold back the side cover, the desk transforms into a place to rest. In addition, there is a small TV.

The idea of ​​transformable furniture is far from new, but only this table combines furniture for work and relaxation.

It is difficult to say how far this idea can take root in Russian offices - after all, few employees are so “hot at work” that they need a place to sleep. But for small-sized apartments, of which there are plenty in our country, this can be a real godsend.

7. Selfie mirror. Selfie is a real trend recent years. To avoid appearing in the frame with your arm outstretched. Special “selfie sticks” had already been invented, but the French went even further and developed a special selfie mirror - Pixglass. After installing a special application on your smartphone, you no longer have to choose a pose for a photo - the mirror itself will take a selfie and send it to your smartphone, and your hands can be anywhere.

It's hard to say how popular this idea might be - most likely, the mirror can be bought by real selfie fans who don't mind paying for such a thing for the sake of their favorite hobby. In addition, a large selfie mirror can be rented for various events.

8. Varnish with aromas.The company Revlon, known to all women, has released a new collection of Revlon Parfumerie varnishes - 24 colors with scents that match the desired shade. For example, a Bordeaux-colored varnish has not only the color, but also the aroma of Bordeaux wine. The scent is said to last up to 3 days.

The fact is that ordinary varnishes have a rather sharp and specific smell, which irritates many fashionistas. The creators of this series have eliminated this problem, and other businessmen working in the beauty industry are ready to follow their example. The same hair dyes also have an unpleasant odor, and ideas have already appeared on how to give them a better aroma.

9. Travel on public transport using a smartphone.To board a plane, you no longer have to present a printed ticket - air tickets have become electronic. In large Western cities, applications have already appeared that allow you to buy tickets for other types of transport - while the ticket remains in your smartphone.

By the way, a similar project called “Mobile Ticket” was recently launched in Moscow. Now, to pay for the metro fare, you need to touch a mobile phone that supports NFC technology to the turnstile. Something similar could well be created in other megacities.

10. Tours for blind and visually impaired tourists.According to statistics, 8% of the Russian population are visually impaired, and their number is growing every year. Excursion services for people with disabilities- a significant sector in the modern tourism industry. However, people with low vision may not be able to enjoy the ride 100%. An interesting idea came to the mind of the visually impaired travel agency owner Amar Latif - he began organizing special tours for the blind.

During the preparation of the tour, mixed groups are created, and sighted tourists help the blind to experience all the beauty of the places visited.

Creating conditions for people with limited abilities- a very popular type of business and direction of social policy in the West. Most likely, this fashion will soon reach us.

11. Business on clean shoes. “I myself can’t stand dirty shoes,” said the unforgettable Alexei Batalov in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” In fact, many people don’t like dirty shoes - but what should we do if in some regions of our country there is dirt and slush on the streets for ten months of the year?

The solution may be a special liquid called Ultra Ever Dry: after treating your shoes with it, your shoes will repel dirt, water, and even sand. This liquid is successfully sold in Europe. In Russia, this business can work in large cities.

12. Restaurant that counts calories.Many people care about their figure, so some restaurants indicate not only the weight and price of each dish, but also the number of calories. But the owners of one Swiss restaurant went even further: they indicate the number of calories and fat consumed not only on the menu, but also on the bill. By the way, this restaurant has 2 Michelin stars and is very popular.

The advantage of such a business idea is its simplicity. You just need to enter the calorie content of the dishes into the system and add one line on the invoice. People who take care of their shape will certainly not ignore such a restaurant.

Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

If you are looking towards the West and want to use their developments in the Russian market, there are two ways to find ideas.

  1. If you have friends, family or acquaintances living abroad, ask them what exciting new developments have appeared in their market. You can also subscribe to groups of Russian emigrants in Europe on social networks and find the necessary information through them.
  2. Regular monitoring of foreign business websites. If you own foreign languages, it is better to subscribe to foreign sites - while this information will be found and reprinted on Russian-language resources, it may become slightly outdated.

Don't limit yourself to Europe and look for ideas everywhere, including around you. Sometimes a good idea can literally lie under your feet. remember, that a good product must meet the client’s real needs - only in this case will he be willing to pay for it. And here you should not focus on your personal preferences - look for what will be in demand on the market.

How to test a business idea

A good business idea is one that will be in demand, in other words, one that people are willing to pay for. How can an entrepreneur make sure that an idea will bring profit and not loss?

You need to determine the demand for the product - this is the most logical method to test a business idea.

  • Create a landing page and set up advertising to see if people are interested in your product or service.
  • Post an advertisement for sale on Avito or another free classifieds board.
  • Formulate a search query and see the number of similar queries on Yandex Wordstat
  • Monitor forums and social networks (communities where your target audience is).

The test from business school teacher J. Kraus involves a quick ten-second assessment of any business idea. Good idea May be:

  • Oxygen - that is, a vital commodity;
  • Medicine (Aspirin) - something you can do without, but it’s difficult;
  • A jewel. - products that may not be necessary, but are in demand due to the positive emotions from owning such a thing.

If your idea is neither one nor the other, nor the third, you should think very seriously about its viability.

But Walt Disney used for tests the fictitious word Imagineering, made up of two English words, meaning “imagination” and “development”. The essence of the method is that 3 teams work to create a product.

  • The first ones are dreamers, they simply generate ideas (even the craziest ones).
  • The second are realists, trying to turn empty dreams into a real product.
  • The third are critics who criticize the product in every possible way.

Take this method into service and run all emerging ideas through the prism of realism and harsh criticism!

It often happens that a sought-after Western business has simply not yet had time to reach our latitudes, and whoever can be the first to implement this idea in Russia can make good money from it. Look for business ideas from Europe, analyze them and implement the most successful ones!

Europe is a recognized leader in the number of creative ideas for new businesses. The specifics of life and mentality contribute to the emergence and subsequent implementation of non-standard projects. They are quickly gaining widespread adoption and impressive revenues. Startups that are successful in the West may well become profitable businesses – both in Russia and in other countries. The new products for 2019 discussed below can become a source of inspiration for finding a successful investment of money and effort.

1. Ideal jeans store for men

It’s a rare man who likes to spend hours walking through shopping centers in search of the necessary thing. The problem is with the visual choice of model and suitable size. A real find for male representatives was the Hointer jeans store. The simple and functional layout of the product, modern technology and the lack of intrusive service attract men like a magnet. The jeans are not folded in neat piles, but are hung with the front side facing the buyer, each in a single copy. Using the QR code on the labels, you can easily find out which of the fitting rooms already contains the desired model of the appropriate size. After trying on the jeans you like are taken to the checkout, those that don’t fit are sent to a special hole. The advantage of such a store is significant savings on square meters and employees.

2. Shopping with delivery to the place of arrival

A relevant service for cities with an airport will be the delivery of groceries after an online order to the place of arrival. Tired passengers will be grateful for the opportunity to go home without queuing at supermarkets. The idea was implemented by the Woolworths chain of stores in Melbourne (Australia).

3. Products without packaging

The Bulk Barn company offers loose, and most importantly, cheap goods: cereals, nuts, teas, pastries, dried fruits and much more in large vending machines with transparent walls. The lack of packaging greatly affects the price. Since its inception, the company has expanded to 200 branches and increased its product line to 4,000 items.

4. Weight controlled restaurant

The fashion trend for a beautiful athletic body has made the idea of ​​opening a restaurant where you can calculate your dinner based on the number of calories truly “golden.” This service is successfully offered by the Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland).

5. A restaurant with the opportunity to earn money for visitors

The Logbar bar in Japan gives its visitors the opportunity to create their own cocktail recipe on the iPad. The bartender will mix the ingredients, and the visitor will enjoy the taste of his invention. You can give the drink a name and save it in the bar map. If another visitor chooses the invented cocktail, the author will be credited 50 yen for each new order.

6. Cafe for cyclists

A healthy lifestyle and the desire to help the environment increase the number of bicycles in cities every year. People began to often switch from cars to two-wheeled vehicles, while the infrastructure of cities is well developed for the former, but neglects the latter. In Zurich, cafes where you can have a snack without getting out of the saddle are very popular. There are special tables for parking, where meals are taken. Convenience and accessibility attract not only bicycle riders, but also motorists and pedestrians.

7. Automated bike rental

As with the bike café idea, the offering is influenced by modern lifestyles. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle, instead of a taxi and public transport rental service will be in demand. The delivery points are automated and brought to perfection. Anyone can take a vehicle in a few seconds, pay for it in cash or by card, and rent it out for a similar rental without bothering themselves with the journey back.

8. Free gym

Expensive memberships become a barrier for everyone who wants to visit the gym. What are the benefits of opening a free gym? A huge flow of customers and the opportunity to receive large incomes from the sale of related products and advertising space.

9. Pizza in a cone

Pizza in its usual form is a costly food in terms of production time and inconvenient as an “on-the-go” snack. The Italians came up with a way out of the situation. The dough is made in advance and rolled into a cone, which, when ordered, is filled with filling and brought to readiness in the oven. Compact in size, convenient for a quick snack, crispy and endlessly tasty, PizzaCono is gaining popularity in all cities of the world. The idea will be a great startup in a city where it has not yet appeared.

10. Vending machine for tourists

Towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, toothpaste and other essential items for any trip are often forgotten at home. In Germany, they came up with the idea of ​​installing the Berlinomat Design Automat, which supplies travelers with everything they need at train stations and airports.

11. Hotel for children

An excellent solution for parents who have no one to leave their child with during an event or trip. The hotel is a camp available at any time of the year, where the baby will be looked after by experienced educators, entertained by animators, looked after by doctors and given delicious food by the chef. Given the busyness of modern parents, the idea has become widespread in the West.

12. Sausages with drawings

An amazing invention for children came from the Feldhues company (Germany). It was proposed to make sausage in such a way that when cut, you get pieces with pictures: bear cubs, hares, dolphins and other cute pictures. Over time, a range for adults and a service for making individual designs appeared. The result of a successful commercial offer was the expansion of a small store to three plants with a wide range of products.

13. Tours for tourists with impaired vision

Services for people with disabilities are beginning to be in widespread demand. In the process of preparing trips for people with low or no vision, groups are recruited, half consisting of tourists with good vision, who help the first to enjoy the trip and experience the beauty of the surrounding places.

14. Vending to relieve stress

The European fashion for psychotherapists, trainings and other things that help restore emotional health has moved to a new level. A business idea in the form of placing machines on the street to release negative emotions began to gain popularity. For example, the machine will dispense dishes that can and should be broken. After which a special employee will clean everything carefully and quickly. The service is in demand among young people and teenagers who burn off energy and have fun with the help of power.

15. Shop with food kits based on recipes

The idea is suitable for both gourmets and busy people who don’t want to spend a long time searching the store shelves for the products they need. Example successful implementation became the Kochhaus chain of stores. All goods inside are on separate tables, on which photos of dishes with descriptions are located and the necessary ingredients are selected in the right proportion. Perishable foods are placed in refrigerators next to tables.

16. Printing short messages

Important, valuable information for many remains forever in our computers and smartphones. company offered a unique opportunity to print and save all valuable correspondence as a keepsake. The service makes it possible to archive correspondence from any messenger (viber, whatssapp, and others).

17. Barzahlen service for online stores

For those who do not accept credit cards and are not comfortable with online banking, a system has been developed that allows you to print a receipt with a barcode when purchasing online and pay for it at any convenient store(who is a partner of Barzahlen) at the checkout, after which the online store seller will immediately ship the product.

18. Narrow professional consultation

The idea of ​​Michael Franke, an insurer from Germany, became a successful satrap. The entrepreneur helps his colleagues understand the nuances of insurance offers, identify pitfalls, compiles and publishes company ratings.

19. Pay for travel with a smartphone

Every second European from developed countries has an application installed on their phones that allows them to pay for travel directly on their phone. The idea is suitable for proactive entrepreneurs who are able to take on complex organizational issues.

20. Smart technologies

The Babolat Play company (France) proposed a tennis racket that can monitor the game online and analyze its indicators, which makes it possible to adjust the tennis player’s game in time. The idea is also relevant for other areas of life. The introduction of such technologies makes people's lives easier and raises the level.

21. Window rental service for advertising

A new product from Holland is advertising on the windows of buildings. Owners of premises register in the “Add My Window” project, the system evaluates the location and their business. After the assessment, company managers send advertising perforated stickers that transmit light well and do not affect the interior lighting of the premises. Monthly payment to landlords is 150 euros.

22. Mobile hotel

Whitbread's Scandic To Go hotel stays wherever the guest wishes. Fields, meadows, roadside areas: any place accessible for a trailer. The service is becoming increasingly in demand due to the growing desire among tourists for a secluded holiday in comfort. For a night spent in a mobile hotel, you will have to pay $328.

23. Twitter hotel

A hotel called “SolWave” offers sociable tourists a vacation with Twitter services. Guests can chat in a general chat, make acquaintances, participate in competitions and sweepstakes, and talk in private rooms for four. To order drinks, just leave a message with the hashtag #FillMyFridge. With the popularity of social networks, this is a relevant idea in any country.

24. Renting identical cars

The Silvercar company can be considered a successful startup that gained rapid popularity and good income. The peculiarity is that the company rents out cars of only one make and model – AudiA4. Customers do not have to get used to new cars every time, and it is profitable for the company to serve similar models. All the necessary data on city navigation is integrated into the car control panel, and you can order a car from your smartphone through the application.

25. Chocolate construction set

The idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambina. The buyer is offered a choice of milk, white and dark chocolate in the form of squares, into which a chocolate bar is usually divided. You can choose any filling and insert it yourself into special holes. There are recesses at the top for decorative elements. Such homemade chocolate is in unprecedented demand as gifts for dear people.

26. Coworking center

Free space for communication or work. A modern alternative to cafes, restaurants, libraries and other places where it is customary to spend free time. Payment occurs only for hours spent inside such a center.

27. Hotel for flowers

For travelers going on a long journey, those who are planning to make repairs or have other reasons for leaving flowers without care for a long time, the idea of ​​a plant hotel has appeared and has successfully shown itself.

28. Virtual presence

LiveLike VR is a project that, with the help of virtual reality allows fans to “be present” at the stadium where their favorite team is playing in real time.

29. Scented varnish coatings

Nail polishes usually have a strong, unpleasant odor. A solution to the problem, which made fashionistas very happy, was proposed by Revlon. The brand has released a series of Parfumerie coatings. The entire line has pleasant, delicate scents that last for 3 days.

In the context of the active development of the modern world economy, many people seek to organize own business. Residents of our country are no exception. When choosing a field of activity, many aspiring entrepreneurs study foreign experience and adopt interesting ones from abroad that can be used in Russian realities.

Features of foreign business

When considering a business abroad that does not exist in Russia, you need to understand that not every idea can be implemented on the territory of our state. This is due to both the political and economic situation in Russia, but to a greater extent the mentality of the country’s population.

Business ideas from abroad: European experience

Having decided to take advantage of foreign ideas and open a business that does not yet exist in Russia, it is worth studying in detail the examples of European businessmen. In Europe, one of the most popular ideas now are business options related to improving the environmental situation and recycling secondary raw materials. The following areas are most in demand:

  • rubber production paving slabs;
  • growing vegetables and fruits in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemicals;
  • development of unique fragrances for business;
  • unlimited taxi.

The most promising business idea among the above is the production of paving slabs. Rubber tiles are wear-resistant and have a service life of up to 20 years.

It is produced from crumb rubber obtained by recycling old car tires. There are practically no competitors in this segment, and profitability of this business very high – up to 150%. To start production you will need:

  • volcanic press;
  • drying chamber;
  • tile molds;
  • mixer;
  • dyes for the possibility of producing multi-colored tiles.

Investment costs are about 2,000,000 rubles, and they pay for themselves in less than a year.

Another one interesting idea– is to supply the organization with its own scents. Such a business carries many prospects and is already being implemented in Belgium, Germany, and France. Thanks to the unique aroma, the company’s clients remember the company better, connecting their sense of smell to their visual memory.

The costs of starting this business are low - it is enough to conclude agreements with perfume manufacturers and purchase aromatic products. Most of the capital will be spent on building an advertising campaign and organizing presentations.

American commercial projects

In the USA there are also quite a lot of different ideas that allow minimal investment receive good income. These types of businesses include working as a personal consultant. To do this, it is enough to have knowledge in a certain area that can be useful to potential clients.

Areas of activity can be completely different: accounting, law, psychology, economics, dietetics and many other fields. In addition to information and experience, you will need a computer and Internet access. In this business, recruiting a person is quick and convenient, and all costs for online consultations are recouped within 2-4 months.

The next business idea abroad, which does not yet exist in Russia, is the production of car covers. Americans recently began selling covers to protect cars from rain, snow, hail and other adverse conditions. This is very important for car owners whose cars spend a lot of time outdoors.

There are two options for starting a business - launching your own production, or a simpler option - resale of finished cases.

If allowed financial resources, you can buy a franchise at this species business.

Possible problems when implementing foreign business ideas

When finding out what is available abroad that is not in Russia, in particular, what business ideas bring success to entrepreneurs, you need to understand that not all of them are suitable for our country. Many activities will not bring the expected income, since Russian consumers are still quite conservative in their choice of goods.

In addition, the abundance of advertising for specific brands forces the Russian population to focus on certain well-known manufacturers and be very wary of newcomers to the market. This reluctance to change the usual order of things often prevents you from making better purchases.

But the main problem is insufficiently prepared legislation in the field of small business and the lack of necessary programs to support small entrepreneurs, which turn out to be very necessary in the context of a lack of funds for starting capital.

You will find out whether business ideas that are popular in Europe can take root here and how successful they will be. What areas for small businesses from the Old World can be promoted in Russia?

The fashion for small businesses is growing in Russia. Most business ideas are introduced from abroad - from Europe and the USA.

Read our article about how to choose the right idea, implement it, whether it will work at all in the Russian Federation and near abroad, and what mistakes novice entrepreneurs make.

Why are some foreign business ideas different from domestic ones?

The principles of organizing and running a business differ in each country. This is due to different economic models development, cultural differences and mental characteristics of the population.

These factors determine whether a particular product or service will be popular - how much it will be in demand among the local population.

For example, fast food is in greatest demand in the United States. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all, the pace of life and culture of the population. Americans are a nation of entrepreneurs.

They are constantly busy with their own affairs - business, study, sports, etc. Therefore, they do not always have time to cook at home or wait for their order to be prepared in a restaurant. In fast food everything is much faster, hence the high popularity.

IN Western Europe there is a high percentage of the population that eats only in cafes and restaurants. For example, in Holland it is cheaper to go to a restaurant than to buy groceries and cook food at home, so the restaurant business is well developed in this country.

Russia also has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. An entrepreneur must adapt his business idea to the needs of the local population.

Can they take root with us?

Most of the business ideas in Russia and other post-Soviet republics came from abroad and began to be actively implemented in the 1990s - after the collapse of the USSR.

Over the course of a quarter of a century, fast foods, coffee shops, supermarkets, shopping centers, credit organizations, delivery services, etc. All this came from Europe and the USA, transforming to suit the needs of the local market.

This trend continues to be relevant - foreign ideas are still being actively implemented. Some are successful, some not so much, but most business projects are not new - they come from abroad.

For example, in the mid-2000s, vending appeared in Russia - terminals for replenishing accounts and the Internet, coffee machines, etc. Today, this type of business continues to develop and reaches a new level - fully automated coffee shops, mobile cinemas and self-service stores are being created.

All these ideas come from Europe and the USA and most of them take root well in the Russian Federation, especially in cities with a population of over a million.

Business practices in Russia differ from European ones.

If the European economy is based on small businesses and the state supports small entrepreneurs with subsidies, tax benefits, a favorable legal field, then in the Russian Federation everything is more complicated - the legislation is tailored for large players, monopolists predominate, and complex bureaucratic processes frighten novice entrepreneurs.

4 main areas for business in Europe

Small business in Europe is represented by four main areas related to trade and food preparation, comfort, healthy lifestyle and product manufacturing self made.

Let's consider each of the directions in more detail.


Most Europeans do not like to “stand at the stove.” Catering is popular in Europe - cafes, restaurants, fast food, food trucks, coffee shops. The local population either eats entirely in public catering, or partly, so such a business is always relevant in EU countries.

Current ideas for use in the Russian Federation:

  • vending – coffee machines, food machines and self-service cafes;
  • small brewery;
  • preparation and delivery of lunches - especially relevant for large cities;
  • mobile fast food.


Business on improving comfort and quality of life is relevant for most countries. It is especially developed in Western Europe and the USA. Europeans are trying to improve their living conditions, and local entrepreneurs make money from this.

Current directions:

  1. Furniture manufacture.
  2. Production and installation of “smart furniture”.
  3. Sale of robotic vacuum cleaners.

Healthy lifestyle

Europeans are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. They visit gyms, fitness centers and prefer healthy eating.

Popular business ideas:

  • opening a gym or fitness center;
  • sale of fitness trackers;
  • fast food healthy food;
  • grocery stores for preparing healthy food.


“Hand Made” literally translates as “handmade”. This type of entrepreneurship is available to everyone - it only requires free time, creative ideas and minimal investment in material.

Hand Made can be both the main and additional source of income.

Popular niches:

  1. Production of handmade chocolate.
  2. Soap production.
  3. Homemade baked goods - cakes, cookies, buns.
  4. Jewelry - bracelets, earrings and other jewelry.
  5. Designer clothing - for people and pets.

Sell ​​products through the Internet, friends, acquaintances, advertisements in local newspapers, or open your own store.

TOP 7 successful business ideas from Europe

Europe and the USA are developing faster than Russia in terms of entrepreneurship.

Therefore, most of the “new” business ideas are first born abroad and only then begin to be used in the Russian Federation - it is not necessary to have own idea to build profitable business– benefit from the experience of European colleagues.


Eco-tourism is a trend that is developing all over the world. This type of tourism is in particular demand among residents of megalopolises - they want to take a break from the bustle of the city, and nature is for them the best option.

This kind of business does not require large investments. To organize it, you need to have a natural area that will be of interest to tourists. There are many such places in Russia, so the choice is quite large.

Eco-tourism destinations:

  • mountain tourism;
  • horseback riding through the forest;
  • cycling through picturesque places;
  • boating or kayaking;
  • visiting protected areas;
  • fishing;
  • building a tent camp in the forest and living in it;
  • walking tours.

This is not a complete list - there are many options for organizing eco-tourism. Each region has its own characteristics that the organizer must take into account. In addition, integrated tours are often organized - mountain tourism is combined with kayaking (if there are bodies of water in the mountains), and hiking with visits to protected areas.

Each organizer usually has its own unique program for such events.

Sale of door handles with disinfecting effect

Banks, cafes, restaurants and large offices are visited by hundreds and even thousands of people every day. Some of them get sick and leave behind germs that spread to other visitors.

All visitors touch the door handle. It is from this that most microbes are transmitted. To combat this, the British company Altitude Medical began producing door handles with a disinfecting effect.

All popular business ideas are born from the daily needs of man

These pens contain dispensers that dispense a disinfectant that kills all accumulated germs.

The average cost of one such pen is $200.

Potential clients:

  1. Office owners.
  2. Catering establishments.
  3. Private clients.

Terminals for selling rolls

In Europe, as in Russia, the demand for Japanese cuisine is growing. Most in demand use rolls. They are prepared even in ordinary fast foods. But the buyer does not always have the time or desire to wait until his order is prepared.

For this reason, the number of vending machines selling rolls has increased. A smart machine prepares rolls on its own - the client saves his time, and you earn money.

This type of vending business is just gaining popularity, but has favorable conditions for development in Russia and the CIS.

Food truck

The idea is not new. It is used all over the world – including in Russia. Most of these business projects are closed in the first year - due to an illiterate approach to organizing the business.

A mobile snack bar will be relevant only in places with large crowds of people - on the central streets of the city, near business centers, universities, cinemas, and in large parks.

Making clothes for pets

Caring owners order clothes for their pets. Since the mid-2000s, this fashion has become widespread in European countries. It also applies to countries former USSR.

Owners of dogs of different breeds create a special demand for such clothes. For example, in winter, during walks, animals try to dress warmly, because they are accustomed to the warmth and comfort of home.

Bicycle upgrade

An upgrade is an improvement, creating more comfortable conditions for using a bicycle.

Interest in cycling is growing around the world. This is due to convenience and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Practical and pedantic Europeans try to take care of their health, so they switch to bicycles en masse - they ride them to work, go on bike rides and even travel.

"Smart" furniture

Dutch, Swedish and German companies they create furniture that opens, closes and even transforms itself - the kitchen into the living room and vice versa. This niche has not yet been occupied even in the European segment of the market, and even more so in the Russian Federation.

Such unusual furniture makes life easier for its owners and saves them time, and time is the main resource that a person values. Therefore, there are all the necessary prerequisites for the development of this type of entrepreneurship.

For other current ideas, watch the video:

Possible reasons for failure when implementing a business idea

Every new entrepreneur makes mistakes. But it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes than to make your own.

Let's look at 4 main mistakes and ways to avoid them.

Reason 1. Mistakes in money management

Money is a resource. They need to be managed wisely.

Common mistakes:

  1. Illiterate distribution of start-up capital. Aspiring entrepreneurs spend all available money on office rent, equipment and hiring staff. The emphasis is not on the quality and volume of products produced, but on the image.
  2. Incorrect calculation of the required amount to start. After the launch of the project, the need for additional financing is discovered, the need for unplanned expenses arises - everything needs to be calculated in advance. To do this correctly, study your competitors and their experiences.
  3. Mismanagement working capital . Direct money from turnover to the development of a business project. There is no need to take funds from there for your own needs, otherwise you will not be able to develop.

Reason 2. Working without a goal

If you don't have a goal, you won't have a plan of action. This is unacceptable in business. The development of each project is planned “from” to “to”.

To make it easier, constantly raise the bar. If you achieve one goal, set the next one. This will motivate you to develop. You must know what you want.

Reason 3. Excessive caution

The success of an entrepreneur depends on his personal qualities - the ability to act and accept right decisions.

When you need to make a responsible decision, doubts begin. And this is good - you must think through everything, assess the prospects and risks. But sometimes excessive caution prevents such a decision, especially if the idea is new and has not been used before.

“What if I don’t succeed?”, “What if there are no clients?”, “No one has done this before me” - these and hundreds of other questions hinder the entrepreneur.

How will you know the answers to these questions until you start? Will you wait for someone else to implement the idea? If you have thought everything through, start taking action. There will be mistakes. Take them as invaluable experience that will help you in the future.

Reason 4. The desire to make money

What is your goal - to earn money, build a thriving business, create your life's work? You can also earn money at the factory - they will think for you there, you will not need to make difficult decisions and bear responsibility for them.

In business it is easier to lose than to earn. Success stories are known to everyone - they are actively advertised and written about in the media. But there are many more examples of failures. Inspired by examples of success, you think: “Now I’ll build some kind of business, I’ll make money.” In practice, everything is different - debts, loans and other obligations that need to be fulfilled.

The goal of a successful business is to offer the buyer the number 1 product in a given segment

Your task is to sell a quality product or service. Only on this is real success built. The thirst for quick profit is not the best motivator in business.

What types of businesses are popular in Europe? The answer to this question depends on the goal. From the point of view of a tourist, it is profitable to engage in agriculture, restaurants and hotels, and the production of luxury goods; It is also known that Europe is a trendsetter in clothing, shoes, bags, and cars. From an investor's point of view, finding a truly profitable niche in the European Union is not easy.

Business the European way: pros and cons

  1. Business in Europe is based on centuries-old traditions. The most in-demand and popular types of commerce are family businesses. For example, the German hotel concern Hotel Pilgrim Haus is already 700 years old, the French Richard de Bas, which is engaged in paper production, is 20 years younger, and the Italian wine company Barone Ricasole will soon celebrate its thousandth birthday. According to experts, the share family business in the most popular directions is high, it is difficult for an outsider to “squeeze” into this company.
  2. The Eurozone has high taxes and restrictions on opening businesses by non-residents. From this position, old Europe is not the most profitable place for investment, but it is reliable: traditions of protection private property here are as ancient as the wine-making firms.
  3. Small businesses are respected and honored here. Loan conditions and interest rates in banks are loyal, corruption is tolerated, and there is no pressure from inspection bodies. Small businesses feel comfortable and protected here.

By area, popular types of small businesses in Europe can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • food business
  • on comfort
  • on a healthy lifestyle
  • handmade products.

Food trade and catering

You can make money on food in any country in the world – Europe is no exception. Mobile hot food outlets, vending machines, lunch delivery, small breweries - all these areas of small business are in demand. Europeans are busy with other pleasant things and feel less and less desire to “stand at the stove.”

Food truck

Opening a full-fledged restaurant in Germany or France is expensive and risky, but a standard snack bar will bring profit to the owner. Europeans love to travel, organize festivals, and various sporting events. Hot sandwiches, pizza, pancakes, potatoes - everything is in demand in crowded places.

Buying a van on wheels will cost 10,000 €. Additional expenses (products, disposable tableware, salaries, advertising) – about 5,000 €. This startup can be mastered with minimal investment without knowing the language, the main thing is to cook deliciously and quickly serve customers.

Handmade chocolate

Hot chocolate, coffee, and candies have long been in demand in Europe. Interestingly, “handmade” sweets do not have to be molded by hand - European manufacturers produce convenient machines for making sweets and a variety of “templates”. The main secret of commerce is to make sweets tasty. To do this you will need high-quality products and an original recipe.