How to open a sauna How to open a bathhouse from scratch - Step by step business plan. Choosing a form of ownership for opening a private bath

The accelerated rhythm of life in modern megacities and heavy workloads lead people to look for opportunities to maintain their health, relax and receive positive emotions. Baths are one of the best places where you can have a good rest, get emotional release and do healing procedures. Therefore, the baths were and remain profitable view businesses, despite the fact that new establishments of this kind are constantly opening in cities and towns, offering a wide range of services.

Which bath is more profitable to open in 2019

In Russia, the Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese ofurro are popular today. But the first two types are more common, since the latter, especially Japanese, are relatively recent on the service market.

The most popular are baths with extended functionality - bath complexes, which include a swimming pool, a bar or cafe, a billiard room, massage parlors, etc. IN last years gaining momentum new trend- institutions with bedrooms, often located on the attic or on the second floor, combining the functions of a bathhouse and a guest house. Baths with an expanded area of ​​terraces are also in demand. But keep in mind that large bath complexes quickly pay off only in megacities. For small town a small bath is more suitable, including a minimum range of services. This is the most profitable option for opening an institution from scratch.

Our business plan is designed to open an institution with minimum investment in 2019.

What documents are required to open a bath

When opening a bath, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, and choose taxation for UTII, OKVED code 93.04 is needed, since this section includes activities aimed at improving health, physical condition and ensuring comfort, which includes Turkish baths and saunas, as well as steam rooms. OKUE number - 019100

After registration, a package of documents is prepared:

  • copies constituent documents;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • permissions from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • passport from BTI;
  • lease agreement for premises or property documents;
  • a copy of the letter from the State Statistics Committee;
  • a copy of the registration card;
  • contracts for garbage collection, water supply, heating, electricity.

Approximately 25,000 rubles will be required for paperwork.

What should be the room for a bath

A room for a bath can either be sought in the non-residential fund, or built. The second option is preferable for two reasons:

  1. refurbish existing premises the right dimensions pretty hard;
  2. during the construction of the bath, the choice of all areas and materials remains with the customer.

A small bath area of ​​​​100 square meters is suitable. m. with a swimming pool (6 sq. m.) and a steam room (12 sq. m.). The bath will also include a common room, a dressing room, a relaxation room, a SPA and massage room, and a terrace.

If the bath is built of brick, it will take about 1,700,000 rubles, but we will focus on a more economical option - a room made of timber, which will cost 700,000 rubles. When finishing, special attention should be paid to technical and aesthetic characteristics. The walls are sheathed with wood, which must be treated with special substances that protect against overheating and fire. Each owner decorates the rest room according to his taste. But, it is desirable that there are benches, a table and a TV.

After the construction is completed, it will be necessary to connect gas, water, sewerage, electricity, which will require additional funds and time. Summing up all communications can take up to six months, and the cost will be an average of 160,000 rubles.

Equipment and furniture. What do you need and how much will it cost

In recent years, a lot of special equipment for baths has appeared. In order to choose it correctly, you need to take into account not only the prices and the manufacturer, but also the fact that a modern bath should be as functional as possible. Professionals advise you to first draw up a plan for all the premises of the bath with equipment that can be located there. For the bath you will need:
  • a stove that has a heater and a tank for heating water;
  • shower cabins:
  • pool equipment;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • lighting;
  • equipment for a massage room.

In addition, lockers for clothes, tables, benches, a TV will be needed. It is also necessary to purchase brooms, mittens, slippers, bathrobes. They can be rented or sold, thereby increasing income.

Furniture, equipment and bath accessories will require 700,000 rubles /

Bath business plan: recruitment

It has a big plus in terms of recruitment, since it does not require so many specialists, and, consequently, the cost of wages will not be high. Another thing is that with low wages, staff turnover is possible. To keep employees, you can introduce incentive payments, small but regular.

To work in the bath you need:

  • Administrator - 20,000 rubles;
  • Accountant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles;
  • Masseur - 15,000 rubles;
  • Bath attendant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Approximately 75,000 rubles will be spent on payment per month.

You can save if the functions of the administrator and accountant are taken over by the owner of the bathhouse or members of his family. Then only 40,000 rubles will go to wages.

Bath business: how much can you earn

How much does it cost to open a sauna in 2019? Let's try to calculate how much money it will take to open a bathhouse from scratch:

That is, to start the bath you need 1,675,000 rubles.

The payback of a business depends on a number of factors, including the range of services that your establishment will provide. Services can include pre-booking, masseur and attendant services, rental and sale of bath accessories. Prices for customers should not be too high, but you should not make them low either. On average, the price can be 200 rubles per hour per person, or when renting the entire complex, 1000-1500 rubles. On weekends, the workload should be - 80%, on ordinary days -25%. If the bath will work for 12 hours, then the monthly profit will be up to 86,000 rubles. The project should pay off within 1.5-2 years. After that, it will be possible to think about expanding the business.

Download ready business bath plan

The bath is actually a multifunctional institution. Some like to take a steam bath in it with brooms, others gather in a close company of friends and drink beer while talking, others get a healing effect, and there are those who visit baths to maintain prestige.

Simply put: a private bath is a profitable business! But where to start a bath business? This is already an interesting question.

What is in greatest demand today?

In Mother Russia, the following are considered popular today:

  • Russian bath;
  • Finnish sauna;
  • Japanese "Ofuro";
  • Turkish Hamam.

The most time-consuming and costly in construction, of course, is the Turkish Hamam.
This is because the traditional tree in it is replaced by stone.

From the point of view of profit, the most promising solution is the construction of a whole bath complex, where there will be all the buildings listed above or at least a few Russian baths. However, this option is only suitable for solid cities.

Private bath - a "delicious" business idea

Are you seriously on fire with your own hands to “put together” a profitable business? In this case, the tips collected in this article, based on real experience successful entrepreneurs will be very helpful to you. So, the idea has already matured, and this is a solid foundation for further work. So don't waste time and move on...

Organizational and legal nuances

Let's assume that you will open and run your business in the form of individual entrepreneurship. This is the most acceptable option for taxing UTII, and this area just fits under it, as stated in the explanatory letter from the Ministry of Finance.

A private bath as a business falls into the OKVED group 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities”, as it includes: “entrepreneurial activities to improve the physical health of people and provide them with comfort, for example, through solariums, mineral spas, massage treatments, saunas, baths and so on. institutions." Number this section according to OKUE - 019100.

Important information!
As for fire requirements for saunas and baths, they are explained in detail in SNiP 31-05-2003, paragraph 6.3.9.
And it will be necessary to regulate relations with sanitary authorities on the basis of SanPin 2.1.2.

Search for a place of "deployment"

First of all, you need to think about the location of the future bath complex. As a rule, it should be close to the city, but away from the bustle of the "stone jungle". Therefore, you should decide on the purchase or lease of a suitable site for the further construction of new buildings or the reconstruction of old ones.

Some savvy entrepreneurs practice this option: they buy a house with a land plot of the required area - they rent out the building, but the free land is used for development.
Consider this solution to an urgent issue.

Construction, planning and purchase of equipment

We will not write now whole business plan, after all, when compiling it, it takes far from 2-3 pages.

We just want to talk about the main points that are the starting and main "points" in creating a bath business:

  1. It is best, of course, to build buildings for baths and saunas from scratch, because when redeveloping existing buildings and carrying out repairs in them, you will certainly have a lot of the most diverse problems..
    By the way, it is also not very cost-effective to use premises where there used to be a bath or sauna to open a bath complex - high humidity will increase the cost of repair work at times.
  2. The choice of the bath project, the developer and the settlement of all issues with regulatory authorities and utilities immediately before the start of construction.
    It should be noted that finding a conscientious developer is a very responsible mission, which is one of the main conditions for the success of the bath business. Therefore, you need to opt for such specialists who have been tested by time and customers. Then with this construction company we have to discuss the material for the construction of the building - this is also a big topic for conversation.

By the way!
The average time for the construction of a bath is from 3 to 6 months.
The price here depends on the chosen layout and material, i.e. everything is calculated individually.

  1. You can start developing a private bathing business with an area of ​​100 m², a five-meter pool and a steam room of 13 "squares".
    Typically, establishments of this kind are divided into the following sectors: general washing and private rooms. In turn, the rooms are ordinary, "junior suite" and "suite".
    The difference between them lies in the existing infrastructure:
    • A regular room is equipped with only a shower, toilet and a barrel, and the pool is located on the street;
    • The "junior suite" has a steam room with a wood-burning stove and stone;
    • The deluxe room has a dressing room, a steam room, a relaxation room, and the common room is zoned separately here.
  2. For example, let's try to plan a bath with a common washing room and a steam room, without losing sight of anything. Suppose that we have a building for a bath within 60-120 m².
    Does the SNiP instruction prescribe the presence of any branches in it?
    • Wash room. There should be benches, a font for 5 people or more, wooden basins, a tub, and pouring buckets.

Many owners of private baths install showers in washing rooms - this step significantly saves space and increases the hygiene of the establishment.

    • Entrance hall - a hanger for outerwear, a shoe rack, a couple of chairs / armchairs / benches and a small cabinet. This set will suffice.
    • Restroom - a sink, several reliable shelves for personal hygiene items, a mirror and, most importantly, a strong toilet bowl.

    • Restroom . There are no strict rules here. Everyone arranges it the way they want. What attributes can be placed? Table, sofa, armchairs, cupboard, refrigerator, TV with DVD-system and karaoke, billiards, table tennis and similar things for comfort and entertainment.

  1. Equipment for a private bath. Let's just say that the costs here will be quite serious.
    Conventionally, they are divided into two types:
    • One-time - purchase of stoves, furniture, decor, equipment for the pool, recreation room, etc.
    • Consumables - brooms, steamers, disposable slippers, hats for a steam room, sheets, felt or cardboard bedding, mittens.

To start, an amount of about 400-600 thousand rubles is enough.

These figures do not include the cost of the building.

Competent working staff

Perhaps the success of any business started depends mainly on a well-chosen, and in the future consistently well-working staff. You can not do without a professional administrator with a pleasant appearance and experience in similar areas.

After all, he will be the link between potential clients and an institution. His responsibilities primarily include: receiving guests, communicating with people on the phone, fixing orders.

In addition to the administrator, it would be nice to have a bathhouse attendant in your staff - an expert in his field. By the way, the reputation of your institution will also largely depend on his skills and ability to maintain a conversation with customers.

Of course, you can't do without a cleaner and 1-2 handymen (chopping firewood, servicing stoves, etc.). Don't forget about safety too! You can use the services of private security guards or a security agency.


There are quite a few ways to develop the considered business. For example, you can expand the range of services provided on the territory of the bath complex - massage, SPA treatments, solarium, Gym, mud baths, relaxation programs, aromatherapy, etc. And you can move towards expanding the territory and the number of baths.

One way or another, but dreaming about the momentary arrival of dividends is not worth it. At first, you will not know what a big and stable income is. Moreover, for several months the institution will work, as they say, “to zero” or even “to a slight minus”.

And finally, we want to give you one more piece of advice. The bath business is a very entertaining and profitable business, as people like to have a good rest. But in the first couple, it is still important not to go too far, but to establish an acceptable pricing policy.

And when you have formed your own client base, you can gradually increase the cost of services. Then the income will begin to "drip". In addition, we suggest watching the video in this article, which will also help you organize your own profitable business!

The benefits of a bath for beauty and human health have long been proven. Gone are the days when the bath was visited solely to wash. People come here for health-improving and cosmetic procedures, for communication, and just to relax and “wash away” the burden of worries after a stressful working week. That is why bath business in Russia is gaining momentum, and every year the number of the most diverse baths is growing.


Different baths, of course, differ from each other, but they have common features, so that the whole process of starting a business can be divided into several stages.

  1. Development of a business plan.
  2. Search for a place and premises. You can either rent a room or buy it. In the first case, the initial costs are significantly reduced, but the tenant risks becoming dependent on the owner.
  3. Fire department consultation. The bath is one of the fire hazardous objects, so this item is simply necessary. The quality of materials, ventilation system, water supply systems - all these factors largely determine the safety of others.
  4. Business registration. Not everyone pays attention to this stage. For example, owners of small baths in private sectors bypass it.
  5. Obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages, if a bar is expected.
  6. Renovation of premises, and in some cases, the work of a designer who will help create a special atmosphere.
  7. Purchase of equipment and inventory (stove, steamers for brooms, sheets, benches, scoops, dishes, etc.).
  8. Personnel search.
  9. Placement of advertising.

But where to start the bath business, the owner's worries do not end there. Such an institution requires regular updating and maintenance, the cost of which depends on the size and functions of the bath. Changing the lining, stones for the stove, minor repairs to the stove, updating furniture - from time to time you will have to remember this. A every 3-6 years any bath needs a major overhaul.

Bath layout

The composition of a standard bath includes about 10-15 rooms. But these numbers can change both up and down. It all depends on the initial capital, target audience and location. The list of must-haves includes:

  • hall;
  • wardrobe (waiting room);
  • steam room (2-2.4 m high and 5-8 sq. m per person);
  • washing room;
  • toilet with sewerage.

Additional premises:

  • massage room;
  • spa treatment rooms;
  • solarium;
  • Turkish, Roman, Finnish or Japanese bath;
  • rest rooms of various categories;
  • children's playroom;
  • pool;
  • billiards.

This list can be supplemented yet, because it all depends solely on the imagination of the owner. For example, some arrange an artificial reservoir or a swimming pool right under the open sky, as well as a summer gazebo for relaxation.


Often it depends on the staff, their training and ability to communicate with the client, whether the bathhouse as a business is successful, whether a person visits this institution again or prefers another. Many owners of private baths do not pay attention to this issue. special attention. Visitors are left to themselves, and the owners do all the small work on their own or manage with 1-2 assistants, who are usually family members.

But for the owners of the bath business, who have large baths or entire networks at their disposal, competent staff is simply necessary. The main staff of the bathhouse consists of an administrator, a steamer, and a washer. As practice shows, the most difficult thing is to find a professional bath attendant who would be satisfied with customers. Often you have to rely on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.

If the institution provides additional services, appropriate staff is needed: a massage therapist, beautician, waiter, etc. A large bathhouse cannot exist without technical staff: a cleaner and an electrician. It can be incoming, which makes it possible to significantly save on wages. Some entrepreneurs enter into contracts with firms specializing in the provision of relevant services.

Types of business: sale of bath brooms

Opening a bath is a process that in most cases requires considerable effort and expense. The bath broom business is not as profitable, but it takes much less effort to promote it.. But do not think that for this it is enough to go to the nearest forest park and cut branches there. An experienced bath attendant will always distinguish a good broom from a bad one..

To attract as many regular customers, you will have to study the features of each tree, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules for collecting and drying branches. Baths need brooms all year round, but they can be prepared only in a certain period. Therefore, those who decide to seriously engage in such a business will have to work hard in the summer months. Then it remains only to create conditions for drying and maintaining the goods in the “correct” condition.

During the first months, most of the work is aimed at finding clients. You can organize a point of sale, or you can negotiate directly with organizations that decide how to open a bathhouse. In the second case, the entrepreneur is more likely to get stable income. Entrepreneurial skills, good advertising or a competent manager are simply needed here.

Is it worth registering such activity? Everything depends on the scale. If this is an occupation “for the soul”, and the profit is small or one-time, then registering a business is not at all necessary. If the plans are more grandiose, then opening an IP provides a number of advantages: obtaining a quarantine certificate, forestry permits and even the possibility of selling goods abroad.

Worth reading: .

A sauna at any time of the year is a great business idea that requires quite serious investments, knowledge and, of course, a business plan. But if everything is good, then this idea pays off pretty quickly and brings in very good money.

So, first you need to draw up a business plan.

In order to open a sauna, you must select a room. In this matter, its size is important: the minimum size of the sauna room must be at least 150 square meters. This room will accommodate such irreplaceable things as a steam room, jacuzzi, changing rooms, shower, lounge, toilet, billiards. As for the location, the best rentals for a sauna are: fitness centers, hotels, entertainment and sports complexes. This location will improve attendance and, consequently, income.


As equipment for the sauna, you must purchase: showers, equipment for the pool, floor heating, air conditioning. In the lounge you will need chairs and sofas, a table, as well as a TV. For the locker room you will need benches, hangers, a mirror. It is also desirable to put billiards in the sauna: this will be an additional service for relaxation.

Now let's talk about staff. If you think that the staff does not matter much, then you are mistaken: it still does! Personnel must be carefully selected.


Once you have recruited and installed necessary equipment, you just need to do advertising: this is a very important part. Depending on the location of the sauna, you can use the following types of advertising: newspapers, radio, television, as well as advertising on the Internet, advertising on billboards. Know that the result of advertising is an influx of regular customers. Why is advertising a very important and practical component in this business idea? Yes, because your income depends on it!

Expenses and income

The income and expenses of the sauna are, of course, high. The first expense in this business idea is the acquisition of premises. Of course, the ideal option would be to buy the premises, not rent. The cost of the premises directly depends on its size and location. On average, this amount reaches 100 thousand dollars. Repair and purchase of all equipment will cost you 50-80 thousand dollars.

As for the cost of advertising, here it fluctuates around 10 thousand dollars. We will also add the salaries of your staff to the costs. The sauna staff is her image. Wage personnel - 25 thousand dollars a year. Now let's move on to something more pleasant - income. Sauna income can range from 100 to 150 thousand dollars a year. Thus, your investment in the business will pay off in a few years.

Now let's take a closer look

For visitors, this is a place of pleasant and happy holidays with dizzying temperature changes, immersion in a special atmosphere and a sense of relaxation. And for the owner, this is a business sauna that brings good income and does not plunge into a panic the seasonality of profits. If you were among those who wanted to take a steam bath, and now decided to be on the other side of the barricades, then everything is possible. Opening a bath or sauna continues to top the list of profitable business ideas. Market similar services not crowded, demand continues to grow, and most importantly - you have a chance to offer customers something unique.

At first glance, the preparation of a business plan is a formal process that requires maximum rationalism. No. This is your creative quest. Don't miss the inspiration mental strength- you will succeed.

How to open a sauna from scratch

There are several ways: one of them will give the entrepreneur the opportunity to get a feel for the business, learn to understand the equipment, learn the intricacies of working with a client. Another, larger option, will force you to run ahead of the train: the share of risk is high, but the reliability of such a business is much higher. The third option assumes the presence of a certain acumen and experience in doing business - someone else's business. What will you choose?

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herd feeling

Newbie Option - Portable Sauna

One way to set up a sauna from scratch is to purchase a portable infrared cabin and have it delivered to the customer.

In fact, you will conduct bath sessions at the client's home at the agreed time

Documents certifying and regulating your entrepreneurial activity, do not need to be formatted. But an efficient dispatcher will be needed to take orders and organize their timely execution. Can't do without vehicle where the delivery of the cabin will be carried out. In this case, you will have to include in the cost of the session and the financial costs of delivery.

In matters of the functioning of a portable sauna, you should not just understand. You need to have good knowledge, because the health of the client is in your hands. And in the hands of the client - your reputation.

  • Minor expenses;
  • Thermal insulation of the equipment is not required;
  • Absence of critical temperature marks in the portable cabin;
  • Uncomplicated business structure;
  • Little risk.
  • Everyone can buy a portable cabin and use it without your help (its cost ranges from 8000-15000 rubles);
  • At first, you will have to independently deliver the equipment to your home, contact advertising agency and resolve other issues.

Please note that direct communication with the client requires you to appearance, courtesy and patience.

Construction of an infrared portable sauna

Perhaps a portable sauna will bring you enough profit. You will have an office, dispatch service, transport system and you won't need to visit clients in person. Or you will accumulate a small capital in order to open a stationary institution.

Sauna is big business

The business is really solid, but it will also require large-scale costs. The sauna business plan will consist of fractional items, include many nuances. But more on that later.

To get started, you must contact the tax office and register as a private entrepreneur. This is not only more solid, but also more profitable: state taxation will not cost as much as possible Negative consequences lack of necessary documents. A license to open a sauna is not required.

  • More benefits for customers, most of whom still need a higher temperature than in a portable cabin;
  • High profitability;
  • You will have your own team to whom you can delegate your responsibilities;
  • You have the opportunity to apply all creative potential to create an exotic and attractive holiday destination.
  • The amount of start-up capital exceeds 10 million rubles;
  • High operating costs;
  • High risk.

The main difficulties of opening a stationary bath rest on your financial capabilities. But for those who still want to learn how to open a sauna from scratch, we will tell you everything in detail.

Sauna business plan: where to start

You have to decide on the answers to many questions.

  • For whom is your sauna: for a mass visitor or for VIPs?
  • Will the sauna be intended for family recreation, close company, or will it be public?
  • What is special you are ready to offer your customers. It can be a special menu, an avant-garde interior.
  • What type of steam room will be built in your institution: Russian (Finnish) bath, sauna, Turkish hammam, Japanese ofuro or black bath, which is only gaining popularity.

When you answer these questions, you will have a clear picture of exactly what you need. When you have decided on target audience and the appointment of a sauna, proceed to further planning in order.


Most the best option– build a separate room for your future sauna. The layout of the room will be adapted specifically for the sauna, which guarantees a convenient and safe location of all its zones. You won't need a major overhaul.

The constructed building for the sauna adapts to your idea, and not your idea will adapt to the existing conditions.

To build a sauna, you need to have long-term plans and extraordinary thinking. It's not that simple. Most likely, you will need the help of people who are well versed in the construction of baths and know the ideal area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms:

Renting a room for a sauna is a short-sighted option.

As the owner of the building, you could resell or rent it out, but if you rent the space, you will have to save monthly required amount. Rent consists of payment utilities and remuneration for the use of the premises. Choose a building according to the criteria that you would be guided by when buying.

Room structure

Whatever area is at the disposal of the entrepreneur, there is a certain set of functional areas that should be in such an institution as a sauna for business.

If you wish, you can design the rooms differently, but remember: the more the better. If something is excluded from this list, the set of services will be incomplete.

Water and electricity supply

The next item in the business plan is the supply of water and electricity. If a room for a bathhouse is being built from scratch, then resolving this issue may require much more time and money than if you were dealing with a purchased or rented room. If your sauna is located on the territory of a spa, sports complex or hotel, you will have to negotiate.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the proximity of electrical, telephone, sewer networks.

Material and technical base

At this point in the business plan, you have to very meticulously analyze your project so as not to miss some of the nuances that may later turn out to be decisive.

Bath in our country has been very popular since ancient times. Previously, when such benefits of civilization as a private bathroom and shower were not available to people, it served as a place to maintain cleanliness. Today, the functional purpose of this institution has changed somewhat, it serves as a place of rest, is a kind of folk hospital where you can relax, take a steam bath, recuperate, put your health in order, get rid of many ailments.

Baths as a business are interesting for their relative simplicity of organization, high demand for services and good opportunities for development. So, a classic Russian steam room, designed for family vacations, can eventually grow into a bath complex that provides a wide range of related and additional services in the field of beauty and health. How to organize a bath business and what format of activity is better to choose, read on.

How to open a bath business, choosing a direction

Advantages and disadvantages of private bath complexes

Advantages of a private bath as a business:

  • demand. This plus can be called common for all types of steam rooms, since any format of their performance has been, is and will be a favorite place for Russian people to relax and undergo medical and recreational procedures. Here it is worth noting its versatility, since among lovers of burning steam there are both women and men. For business, this feature is extremely important and always "plays into the hands" of the owners;
  • ease of execution. If large public bath structures require a vast territory (besides, preferably outside the city), then there is no such problem for private baths, so they are most often built in densely populated areas, near houses, summer cottages and cottages;
  • availability. In order to open your own business, you do not need to have a very large budget, and a well-designed business bath project will help an entrepreneur to take out a loan on favorable terms, which, as practice shows, it becomes possible to repay in an average of 5 years (see).

Among the shortcomings, they note too high costs for utility bills and a rather long payback period.

Features of public baths

IN Lately the fashion for public baths is returning, but now completely different requirements are imposed on such institutions than in former times. A modern public bath is a relaxation space that includes a spacious steam room, a washing department equipped with separate shower cabins, massage and beauty rooms, swimming pools and much more. Often such establishments have their own kitchen, customers are offered a variety of dishes and drinks, including light alcohol.

Learn how to save on mandatory payments, read. Transparent schemes used by Russian businessmen in practice.

A mandatory step is to obtain confirmation of the compliance of the building you have chosen with the established hygienic and fire safety standards. You will need to contact the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor, prepare the premises in accordance with the provisions of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Placement, Arrangement of Equipment, Maintenance and Operation of Baths and Saunas (SanPiN, develop a production control program and successfully pass the test. As a result, you will be issued a positive sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

To obtain a compliance document fire safety you should contact your local emergency department. The design standards for such premises are specified in SNiP 31-05-2003 " Public buildings administrative purpose". Having prepared everything Required documents, you can start the actual activity.

How profitable is doing a bath business

Considering the bathhouse as a business, let's try to find out if it is profitable: feedback from entrepreneurs and approximate calculations will help us economic efficiency. For example, let's take a private traditional bathhouse made of logs, opened in a residential area (numbering approximately 20,000 people) of an average Russian city.

The amount of starting costs for such a project will be approximately 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will include the purchase land plot within the city, the purchase of a finished building made of logs in a disassembled form and its installation on the territory of the entrepreneur, the connection of communications, the purchase and installation of equipment, etc.

The current expenses of the enterprise will amount to approximately 150,000 rubles. This will include utility bills, advertising costs, wages of the administrator and attendant, taxes.

In addition to the bath services themselves, customers will be offered various accessories for wellness procedures (robes, brooms, shaving kits, hygiene products), hookah, barbecue rental. With an average load, such an enterprise will be able to bring about 220,000 rubles. monthly revenue, of which 70,000 is net profit. Thus, the complex profitability of the bath as a business will be about 145%, which, according to experienced businessmen, is quite realistic. The return on investment will be achieved in 2-2.5 years.