Analysis of the system of cargo transportation. Principles of transport logistics in cargo transportation. Inland waterways


Chapter 1. Transport statistics and the theoretical foundations of the methods used to characterize it statistically

1.1 Transport statistics and characterization of test indications

1.2 Methods for calculating statistical indicators

Chapter 2. Statistical analysis of the activities of public freight transport

2.1 Analysis of cargo transportation by public transport

2.2 Analysis of the turnover of public transport




This term paper is the assessment of the activity of public freight transport, the study and characterization of these indicators for transport (railway, road, pipeline, sea, inland water and air), their change depending on these periods (from 2006 to 2010), the study of statistical indicators.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

make calculations of analytical indicators of the activity of public freight transport using methods general theory statistics;

· introduce illustrative image actual and analytical performance indicators of public freight transport;

draw conclusions on the calculations made and characterize the activities of public freight transport;

· summarize.

The object of the study is the types of freight transport, the activities of transport and its results.

The subject of the study is the statistical indicators characterizing the activity of transport, the regularity of their change over the period under study.

The official portal of the Federal Service served as the information base state statistics.

The topic of this course is relevant, since transport, especially freight, is very important for the development of the economy of any country, as well as for its socio-political stability. Statistical analysis of transport activity helps to identify future prospects its development, make a forecast for improving the activities of transport, and specifically increase the volume of freight traffic, freight turnover, etc.

Chapter 1. Transport statistics and the theoretical foundations of the methods used to characterize it statistically

1.1 Transport statistics and characteristics of the studied indications

Transport as a type economic activity subdivided into general transport And non-public use.

Public transport- transport that meets the needs of organizations of all types of activities and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers, moving various types of products between producers and consumers, providing public transport services to the population. Transportation by public transport includes transportation on a commercial basis (for a fee) of passengers or goods. Transportation carried out commercial organization, is recognized as transportation by public transport, if it follows from the law, other legal acts that this organization is obliged to carry out the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity.

The contract of carriage by public transport is a public contract.

Non-public transport (departmental)- transport, which, as a rule, transports goods and passengers of its organization.

Transport statistics is one of the branches of economic statistics.

The object of its study is transport, i.e. a set of enterprises whose production process consists in the movement of goods and passengers.

By the nature of the work, the diversity and complexity of the production units of the transport enterprise in the process of reproduction, it occupies a special place among other sectors of the economy with which it is inextricably linked. The successful activity of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of the pace of its development, results and quality of work: industry, construction, Agriculture, improving the standard of living of the population. Linking all sectors of the economy into a single whole, transport contributes to rational use natural resources and the location of production, serves the purposes of developing and strengthening economic and cultural ties between the regions of the country and other countries.

Transport is one of the largest consumers of certain types of products: metal, fuel, timber, electricity. Industries such as railway engineering, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, and the aviation industry are entirely working to meet the needs of transport.

The subject of the study of transport statistics are mass economic phenomena, which are the result of the transport process and the conditions (factors) for its implementation in specific conditions of place and time. With the help of a system of statistical indicators, volumes (levels), structure, dynamics and the relationship between the results and factors of the production process are determined. Thus, statistics quantifies patterns and relationships in the development of transport.

To characterize the results and the factors that determine them, it is necessary to create a scientifically based system of indicators.

statistic is a quantity that adequately characterizes a real process or phenomenon in time and space. At the same time, quantitative certainty is associated with qualitative originality.

Scorecard is a set of interrelated indicators that characterize the essential aspects of the phenomenon.

When constructing a system of statistical indicators, they proceed from the main provisions of socio-economic theory and the principle of the dialectical method of cognition.

Statistics should translate economic categories and concepts into statistical indicators. For example, freight transport products are an economic category, and the volume of cargo transported and freight turnover are a system of indicators for characterizing this category.

Transport statistics is broken down into its component parts:

industry sign;

thematic sign.

According to the industry, statistics are distinguished in it certain types transport:





· internal water;


By topic:

· statistics of fixed and working capital;

manufacturing costs and financial results;

investment and innovation.

Of these, the most specific for each mode of transport are:

· statistics of transportation of goods and passengers;

statistics of the main part of fixed capital - Vehicle and means of communication (transport terminals).

Unit of observation in the statistics of cargo transportation is dispatch, i.e. consignment of cargo, the carriage of which is formalized by the relevant document (contract of carriage). Primary documents for different types transport have different names:

road list - for railway and river transport;

bill of lading and manifest - for maritime transport;

· waybill and consignment note - in road transport;

· the accompanying sheet - in air transport.

Freight transportation statistics has developed a system of indicators that provide an opportunity to comprehensively characterize the work of each enterprise and the country's unified transport network. These indicators are divided into two groups:

Volumetric (total);


Volumetric indicators of freight traffic statistics include:

sent (departure) of goods;

arrived (arrival) of goods;

transported (transportation) of goods;

transported in direct mixed traffic;

The volume of transport work performed - freight turnover.

Cargo turnover represents the amount of work in the transportation of goods, calculated by summing the products of the mass of goods transported by the distance of transportation in kilometers (miles). It is one of the main indicators in evaluating the efficiency of a transport enterprise.

Cargo transported (volume of cargo transportation)- the amount of goods in tons transported by transport. It is taken into account by means of transport, communication, track gauge, type of cargo, directions of transportation. The initial moment of the process of transportation of goods is reflected by the indicator "sent (departure) of goods", the final moment - by the indicator "arrived (arrival) of goods". For individual organizations transport to characterize the entire volume of work, the indicator "transported (transportation) of goods" is used, which is defined as the sum of sent goods and received goods from other transport organizations for transportation.

Qualitative indicators of freight traffic statistics include:

average transportation distance per 1 ton of cargo;

average density of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average duration of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average speed of advancement of 1 ton of cargo.

The distribution of freight traffic between individual modes of transport depends on their characteristics and economic advantages. For example,

rail transport is used for the transportation of large volumes of goods over long distances;

road transport - in cities and regions for short, as well as for longer distances when transporting valuable and perishable goods;

· maritime transport - for the transportation of bulk cargo in areas gravitating towards inland water and sea basins;

· trunk pipelines are used for pumping gas and crude oil from fields to refineries and for transporting finished petroleum products from factories to consumption areas and terminals;

Air transport is used to transport goods over very long distances.

Railway transport.

During the period when navigation on the rivers is stopped, rail transport successfully replaces water transport. A large volume of trade with other countries is carried out precisely by rail. It also ranks first among other main modes of transport.

Automobile transport.

Road transport is the most mobile of all modes of transport. It is capable of transporting goods both over long and short distances. Disadvantages - high cost and labor intensity, high level of pollution environment.

Pipeline transport.

The variety of pipeline transport, depending on the types of transported products, necessitates the use of grouping (classification). Main pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. The former serve to pump crude oil from fields to refineries. The second - for the transportation of finished petroleum products from factories to consumption areas. The third is for gas transportation. If the product pipeline is strictly specialized for the transportation of any one type of oil product, it is called respectively: a kerosene pipeline, a gasoline pipeline, an oil pipeline, and a fuel oil pipeline. The advantage of pipeline transport is that it has continuous transportation and does not depend on natural conditions. The big drawback is environmental pollution.

Sea transport.

Sea transport is able to transport any cargo, any type and size. Unlike other modes of transport, sea transport mainly export (46%) and import (70%) cargo. Disadvantages: dependence on weather conditions, the need for expensive port facilities and a high share of the cost of initial and final operations. In the conditions of the current crisis, the turnover of maritime transport is growing. This is due to the fact that many business entities are switching to cheaper modes of transport, such as sea transportation.

Internal waterways.

These include: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, channels suitable for navigation. On inland waterways, the movement of vessels is allowed not along the entire width, but only on the ways that are prepared for navigation and which are marked with navigational signs.

Statistical accounting of cargo transportation in inland water transport is carried out by inland water transport enterprises: ports, shipping companies, shipping companies, as well as enterprises of other sectors of the economy that carry out transportation work on a commercial basis.

Air Transport.

By air, goods are transported over very long distances, but this mode of transport is much less than others used to transport cargo. They carry, as a rule, the most expensive goods: precious furs, expensive clothes, weapons, medicines, etc. The main difference between aviation and other modes of transport is its high ground speed and long non-stop flight range.

1.2 Methods for calculating statistical indicators

statistical analysis freight transport

All calculations are entered into a statistical table called statistical grouping .

Statistical grouping- allows you to characterize the size, structure and relationship of the studied phenomena, to identify their patterns.

Methods for calculation :

· Series of dynamics (absolute and relative indicators, chain and basic and average values);

· Graphic construction (graphs and diagrams).

Absolute indicators- named numbers that have a certain dimension and units of measurement. They characterize indicators at a point in time or over a period. Depending on the various reasons and goals of the analysis, natural, conditionally natural, monetary and labor units of measurement are used.

Absolute growth is the difference between the research level of the series and the previous (or basic) level.

Chain - y \u003d yi - yi-1.

Such absolute indicators are also called the growth rate. Chain indicators characterize the intensity of the change in the level from one period to another within the period of time that is being studied.

Basic - y= yi - y0.

Where y is the absolute increase;

yi - the actual value of the indicator;

y0 and yi-1 - the basic value of the indicator.

For y0, the first time indicator is taken, and for yi-1 - the previous time indicator.

On the basis of absolute indicators, relative performance .

Relative indicators .

They characterize the change in the level of development of a phenomenon over time. Otherwise, the relative values ​​of the dynamics are called growth and growth rates.

Growth rate is found according to the formula:

Rate of increase is found according to the formula:

Tpr \u003d Tr - 100%.

General formula:

Tpr \u003d 100% - 100%, T pr \u003d T p -100%.

If y0 is taken as the previous time indicator (variable base of comparison), then the growth rate is called chain.

If the first time indicator (constant base of comparison) is taken as y0, then the growth rate is called the base one.

Relative indicators of the structure characterize the composition of the studied population, shares, specific weights in the total.

Share of population parts is found according to the formula:

d is the specific gravity;

yi is the value of the i-th (from 1 to n) indicator;

n - total indicators of the population.

Averages .

The average is a generalizing characteristic of a set of units on a qualitatively homogeneous basis.

In statistics, various types of averages are used: arithmetic, quadratic, geometric and structural averages: mode, median. In addition to mode and median, averages are calculated in two forms: simple and weighted. The choice of the form of the average depends on the initial data and the content of the indicator being determined.

simple arithmetic mean applies in cases where options are presented individually as a list of them in any order or ranked series.

Average annual growth rate is calculated by the formula of the geometric mean of the chain growth coefficients:

Tr \u003d T1 T2 ... Tn

Тр – average growth rate;

Тn – chain growth rates;

n is the number of coefficients.

Or by the formula:

where Y are the absolute levels of the series of dynamics, and n is the number of years (levels of the series of dynamics) in the studied period of time (without the base one).

Chapter 2. Statistical analysis of the activities of public freight transport

2.1 Analysis of the transportation of cargo by public transport.

One of the main indicators of the work of freight transport is the amount of cargo transported. Table 1 presents the interval series of the dynamics of cargo transportation by types of public transport. The average amount of cargo transported over 5 years is also calculated.

Table 1

Transportation of goods by mode of public transport (million tons)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 8768 8978 9167 9300 9450 9132,6
Including types:
railway 1161 1221 1273 1312 1345 1262,4
automotive 6468 6568 6685 6753 6861 6667
pipeline 976 1024 1048 1070 1062 1036
nautical 36 29 26 25 28 28,8
inland waterway 126 135 134 139 153 137,4
air 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,88

The largest number of cargo transportation was observed in road transport in 2010 (6861 million tons), the smallest - in air transport in 2006 and 2008 (0.8 million tons). The average value for 5 years is calculated using the simple arithmetic mean, since the series is interval.

Data on the structure of cargo transportation are presented in table 2.

table 2

Freight transportation structure by types of public transport, in %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Including types:
railway 13,24 13,60 13,87 14,12 14,23 13,82
automotive 73,77 73,16 72,93 72,61 72,60 73,0
pipeline 11,13 11,41 11,43 11,51 11,24 11,34
nautical 0,41 0,32 0,28 0,27 0,30 0,34
inland waterway 1,44 1,51 1,46 1,49 1,62 1,50
air 0,009 0,01 0,008 0,0097 0,01 0,0096

According to Table 2, it can be seen that the largest share of cargo transportation is occupied by road transport. In 2006, its share was the largest and amounted to 72.77%. The smallest share is assigned to air transport - 2008 - 0.008%.

The average annual structure of freight traffic is reflected in the diagram (Fig. 1).

The data in Table 1 can be presented in the form of a graph, which can be used to trace the dynamics of transport transportation.

The predominant mode of transport in terms of cargo transportation is road transport, and the number of its cargo transportation is growing from 2006 to 2010. It is followed by railway, pipeline, inland water and only then sea and air. The graph shows that all other modes of transport are significantly inferior to road transport and do not surpass each other. Least of all transportation is carried out by air transport.

There is a change in the transportation of goods by those modes of transport that have relatively low rates, such as air and sea transport. Therefore, it is appropriate to reflect the cargo transportation of these modes of transport on separate graphs.

From 2006 to 2009, there was a decline in cargo transportation by sea. By 2010, the number of cargo transportation had increased almost to the level of 2007 and amounted to 28 million tons.

The dynamics of cargo transportation by air is of a spasmodic nature, and from 2008 to 2010 there has been an increase in the number of cargo transportation.

There is an increase in the number of cargo transportation by inland waterways from 2006 to 2010. Only in 2008 there was a slight decrease.

For a more detailed study of the dynamics of cargo transportation by modes of transport, we calculate the indicator of change in the series of dynamics.

In order to find out how the level of the series has changed for a certain studied period of time (increased or decreased), we calculate such an absolute indicator as an absolute increase.

Table 3 shows the absolute growth of cargo transportation by modes of transport on a chain basis.

Table 3

Absolute growth in freight traffic by modes of transport, in million tons (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 For the entire period Average absolute growth
Transport - total 210 189 133 150 682 170,5
Including types:
railway 60 52 39 33 184 46
automotive 100 117 68 108 393 98,25
pipeline 48 24 22 -8 86 21,5
nautical -7 -3 -1 3 -8 -2
inland waterway 9 -1 5 14 27 6,75
air 0,1 -0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,05

To identify the relative rate of change in the series, the growth rate of the time series is calculated. Table 4 shows the growth rates of freight traffic by mode of transport.

Table 4

Growth rates of cargo transportation by modes of transport, in % (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 Average annual
Transport - total 102,40 102,11 101,45 101,61 101,89
Including types:
railway 105,17 104,26 103,06 102,52 103,75
automotive 101,55 101,78 101,02 101,60 101,49
pipeline 104,92 102,34 102,10 99,25 102,13
nautical 80,56 89,66 96,15 112,0 93,91
inland waterway 107,14 99,26 103,73 110,07 104,97
air 112,5 88,89 112,5 111,11 105,74

Data on the growth rate are presented in table 5.

Table 5

Growth rates of cargo transportation by modes of transport, in % (on a chain basis)

In general, a positive growth is seen in all modes of transport, with the exception of maritime transport, in which, even despite the jump in 2010 - 12% (3 million tons), the average annual growth was negative. There is a decline in rail transport, as well as in pipeline transport. The growth of cargo transportation by road transport is of a spasmodic nature, there is a positive trend in the growth rate in 2010 compared to 2007, though slightly, but increased. The highest growth rate was recorded for air transport in 2007 and 2009 and amounted to 12.5%. The lowest value of the growth rate is observed in the cargo transportation of sea transport and is a decrease of 19.44% (7 million tons). The trend in changes in freight transport by inland waterways is not constant, but in general there is an increase, especially in 2010 - 10% (14 million tons). The growth rate of cargo transportation by air is also spasmodic.

There is a similarity in the dynamics of the growth rates of air and inland water transport. By 2008, there was a decline in the growth rate of cargo transportation for these two modes of transport, however, unlike inland water transportation, air transport tends to decrease by 2010. The growth trend of cargo transportation by sea is very clearly visible, by 2010 their number jumped sharply, and the increase in this type of transport amounted to 12% (3 million tons). Growth rate of pipeline and railway transport, as shown in the graph, is decreasing. Cargo transportation by road transport is relatively stable in its growth rate.

Freight transportation is also carried out by international means of communication. Table 6 presents data on cargo transportation by certain types of public transport, and also calculates the average amount of cargo transported over 5 years.

Table 6

Cargo transportation in international traffic by certain types of public transport, million tons

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Automotive - total, including: 1,14 0,96 1,82 3,56 1,75 1,846
export 0,43 0,30 1,02 0,41 0,54 0,54
import 0,69 0,64 0,76 3,11 1,17 1,274
transit 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,06
on the territory of foreign states 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,024
Marine – total including: 17,7 11,5 12,4 10,7 20,3 14,52
export 10,5 7,9 9,1 7,7 12,9 9,62
import 1,1 1,0 0,7 0,4 2,1 1,06
between foreign ports 6,1 2,6 2,6 2,6 5,3 3,84
Inland waterways - total, including: 29,9 31,9 29,3 21,0 21,8 26,78
export 22,5 22,9 21,3 15,2 15,3 19,44
import 0,9 1,4 1,4 1,1 1,4 1,24
between foreign points 6,3 7,4 6,5 4,6 4,8 5,92
transit 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,05 0,4 0,21
Air 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,4

The largest number of cargo transportation in total was recorded by inland waterway transport in 2007 and amounted to 31.9 million tons, and the largest number of export cargo transportation was recorded in the same mode of transport in 2007 - 22.9 million tons. The smallest number of cargo transportations was noted by air transport in 2006 - 0.3 million tons. It can also be seen that no cargo was transported in transit at all by road between 2007 and 2009, and for the entire period was in second place (0.06 million tons) in terms of the number of the smallest cargo transportations after inland waterway (0.21 million tons). ). The average value for 5 years was calculated from the simple arithmetic mean, since the series is interval.

Table 7

The structure of cargo transportation by certain types of public transport in international traffic, in %

According to Table 7, it can be seen that the largest share in the total number of cargo transportation by types of public transport in international traffic is occupied by inland water transport. In 2007, its share was the largest and amounted to 71.27%. Air transport has the smallest share in cargo transportation; in 2006, its share was less than all other modes of transport and amounted to 0.61%.

The average annual structure of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic is shown in the diagram (Fig. 2).

In order to trace the dynamics of cargo transportation in international traffic by modes of transport, you can build a diagram according to table 7, taking only general data for each mode of transport.

According to table 7, diagrams (Fig. 7) and it is clear that the predominant mode of transport in cargo transportation is inland water. The number of its cargo transportation first increases from 2006 to 2007, but then decreases significantly by 2009, after which it again goes up. Despite this, inland water transport is not inferior to any of the other modes of transport. Maritime transport in terms of the number of cargo transportation is in second place. The graph shows the unstable nature of cargo transportation by this type of transport. But in general, the number of its cargo transportation by 2010 is increasing, catching up with the number of cargo transportation by inland water transport. The number of cargo transported by air is relatively stable and increases between 2006 and 2010, which is not the case with road transport. The number of its cargo transportation increased until 2009, and then by 2010 it dropped sharply.

In order to identify how the level of the series has changed for a certain period under study and the relative rate of change in the series, we calculate the absolute increase and the growth rate and growth in freight traffic in international traffic by mode of transport.

Table 8

Absolute growth of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in million tons (on a chain basis)

Table 9

Growth rates of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in % (on a chain basis)

Table 10

Growth rates of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in % (on a chain basis)

A positive average annual growth rate of cargo transportation is observed for all modes of transport, with the exception of inland waterways. By 2009, there was a significant decline in cargo transportation of this type of transport (a decrease of 28.33% - 8.3 million tons). The highest value of the growth rate is observed for cargo transportation by road in 2009 - 95.6% (1.74 million tons). And the lowest in terms of cargo transportation by sea in 2007 (decrease by 35.03%). With regard to air transport, it can be seen that the rate of its growth in the period from 2008 to 2009 remained unchanged, and in 2007 and 2010 it tends to increase the number of cargo transportation.

There is some similarity in the dynamics of cargo transportation on international routes of communication of inland waterway, sea and air transport. In the period from 2009 to 2010, there is a positive trend in the growth rate of freight traffic by these modes of transport. What, however, cannot be said about road transport. Its growth rate trend turned out to be negative.

2.2 Analysis of the turnover of public transport

The second of the main indicators of the work of freight transport is the freight turnover. Table 11 presents the interval series of the dynamics of freight turnover by types of public transport. Also, the average value of cargo turnover for 5 years was calculated using the arithmetic mean of idle time.

Table 11

Cargo turnover by modes of public transport (billion ton-kilometers)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 4284 4558 4676 4801 4915 4646,8
Including types:
Railway 1669 1802 1858 1951 2090 1874
Automotive 173 182 194 199 206 190,8
Pipeline 2273 2413 2474 2499 2465 2424,8
Nautical 85 66 60 62 65 67,6
Inland waterway 81 92 87 87 86 86,6
Air 2,7 3,0 2,8 2,9 3,4 2,96

Table 11 shows that the maximum turnover was recorded in 2009 for pipeline transport and amounted to 2499 billion ton-kilometers. And the smallest cargo turnover was for air transport in 2006, the numerical value of which is 2.7 ton-kilometers.

To find out the share of each transport in the total amount of cargo turnover, we calculate the relative indicator of the structure. Structure data reflects table 12

Table 12

Freight turnover structure by types of public transport, in %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Including types:
Railway 38,96 39,53 39,73 40,64 42,52 40,33
Automotive 4,04 3,99 4,15 4,14 4,19 4,11
Pipeline 53,06 52,94 52,91 52,05 50,15 52,18
Nautical 1,98 1,45 1,28 1,29 1,32 1,45
Inland waterway 1,89 2,02 1,86 1,81 1,75 1,86
Air 0,06 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,06

According to the available data in Table 11, it can be argued that pipeline transport has the largest share in terms of freight turnover. In 2007 it was the highest and accounted for 52.94% of the total cargo turnover. Air transport has the smallest share. It was the lowest in 2006, 2008 and 2009 - 0.06%. The second and third places are occupied by rail (the maximum value in 2010 - 42.52%) and road transport (2010 - 4.19%), respectively. In 2006, the share of maritime transport in terms of cargo turnover was higher than that of inland waterways. However, in 2007 the situation changed and the share of inland water transport became higher than that of maritime transport. This position of the share of inland water transport in terms of cargo turnover remained until 2010.

The dynamics of cargo transportation differs from the graph of the dynamics of cargo turnover. This is where pipeline transport comes into play. This is due to the fact that, for example, such goods as gas and oil are transported mainly through pipelines, as it is more convenient and cheaper. The second place in terms of cargo turnover is occupied by rail transport, and then all other modes of transport follow. Air transport ranks last in terms of cargo turnover, as well as in the dynamics of cargo transportation. The graph clearly shows an increase in freight turnover in rail transport, and a decrease in freight turnover in pipeline transport since 2009. Freight turnover for the remaining modes of transport is relatively stable, increases and decreases in freight turnover are not very large.

To get a general picture of changes in the dynamics of freight turnover by mode of transport, it is worth calculating absolute and relative indicators, such as absolute chain growth, chain growth rates and growth. These data are presented in tables 13, 14, 15.

Table 13

Absolute growth in freight turnover by types of public transport, billion ton-kilometers (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 For the entire period Average annual absolute growth

Transport - total

274 118 125 114 631 157,75
Including types:
Railway 133 56 93 139 421 105,25
Automotive 9 12 5 7 33 8,25
Pipeline 140 61 25 -34 192 48
Nautical -19 -6 2 3 -20 -5
Inland waterway 11 -5 0 -1 5 1,25
Air 0,3 -0,2 0,1 0,5 0,7 0,175

Table 14

Freight turnover growth rates by types of public transport, billion ton-kilometers, in % (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 Average annual

Transport - total

106,40 102,59 102,67 102,37 103,49
Including types:
Railway 107,97 103,11 105,01 107,12 105,78
Automotive 105,20 106,59 102,58 103,52 104,46
Pipeline 106,16 102,53 101,01 98,64 102,05
Nautical 77,65 90,91 103,33 104,84 95,51
Inland waterway 113,58 94,57 100 98,85 101,51
Air 111,11 93,33 103,57 117,24 105,93

Table 15

Freight turnover growth rates by types of public transport, in % (on a chain basis)

According to the data of three tables, it can be noted that for the period under study, the average annual growth rate of freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of maritime transport, was positive. However, it acquired a significant downward trend between 2007 and 2008. So if in 2007 the increase in freight turnover in general for all modes of transport was 6.4% or 274 billion ton-kilometers, then in 2008 it was only 2.59% or 118 billion ton-kilometers. The largest negative growth was recorded in 2007 according to the growth rate of cargo turnover in maritime transport and amounted to 22.35% or 19 billion ton-kilometers. And the largest positive increase is noted in the cargo turnover by air transport and has a numerical value equal to 0.7 billion ton-kilometers or 17.24%. Also, in terms of freight turnover of this type of transport, the largest average annual increase was observed, which amounted to 5.93%.

For a more visual representation of the change in growth rates over time, we will build a graph.

Looking at the graph, it can be noted that the freight turnover for all modes of transport, except for pipeline transport, was declining by 2008. Then, by 2009, there is an increase in growth rates for all modes of transport, again, except for pipelines. The growth rate of cargo transportation by this type of transport is declining. In general, by 2010 there is a trend towards an increase in the growth rate of freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of inland waterway and marine species transport.


In the course of this course work, an assessment was made of the activities of public freight transport. All tasks were completed, namely:

· Using the methods of the general theory of statistics, calculations of absolute and relative values ​​were carried out;

· The dynamics of the main indicators of public freight transport has been revealed;

· Actual and analytical performance indicators of public freight transport were clearly presented on graphs and diagrams.

Based on the work done, some general conclusions can be drawn.

For the study period from 2006 to 2010, Russian Federation The largest share of cargo transportation in general is occupied by road transport. On average over five years, the share road transport for cargo transportation accounted for 73% of the total and the number of its cargo transportation is increasing from year to year. There is a positive trend. The smallest share is assigned to air transport and is 0.0096% of the total number of cargo transportation. It is also possible to draw a conclusion about cargo transportation in international traffic by some modes of transport, which were considered in the course. The predominant mode of transport for cargo transportation in international traffic is inland waterway - 61.5%. Despite the fact that the number of its cargo transportation is declining by 2010, it still occupies a leading position. Also, by 2010, the share of cargo transportation in international sea transport is growing, and is approaching in its value the value of inland water transport - 45.77%. This is because in the conditions of the current crisis, many business entities are switching to cheaper modes of transport, which is maritime transport.

In cargo turnover, the picture is changing and in first place in terms of specific gravity pipeline transport comes out of the cargo turnover. Its share in the total cargo turnover is 52.18%, which is more than half. However, the growth rate of its cargo turnover is declining. The smallest share of cargo transportation is assigned to air transport and amounts to 0.06% of the total cargo turnover and its cargo turnover in the period from 2009 to 2010 increased by 0.5 billion ton-kilometers. In general, by 2010 there is a positive trend in freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of sea and rail in the period from 2009 to 2010.


1. "Russian Statistical Yearbook", Federal State Statistics Service, 2008.

2. "Transport statistics", E.V. Petrova, O.I. Goncharenko, A.L. Keves, Ed. M.R. Efimova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

3. "Theory of Statistics", edited by Professor R.A. Shmoylova, Moscow, 2005.





"Transport Statistics", E.V. Petrova, O.I. Goncharenko, A.L. Keves, Ed. M.R. Efimova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

"Theory of Statistics", edited by Professor R.A. Shmoylova, Moscow, 2005

Transport logistics is engaged in the optimization of the delivery of goods from the point of departure to the point of destination. The general task is divided into separate issues that are solved in close relationship with each other.

The main principle that determines the entire logistics algorithm in freight transport is called "Just in time" (from English - "just in time").

The modern transport sector is characterized by a high level of service. The carrier offers not only the performance of direct transportation, but also a number of related additional work, which allow us to make transportation as reliable and efficient as possible.

Thus, highly professional transport companies, when organizing cargo delivery, process data by logisticians, which makes it possible to make cargo transportation as efficient and cost-effective as possible.

According to him, the delivery of goods must be carried out on the specified days, and possibly hours. This means not only not later, but also not earlier. Only in this case it is possible to organize the rhythmic work of production so that the process goes on uninterruptedly, and the warehouses are not overcrowded due to an excess of raw materials or non-exported products.

The second principle of transport logistics in cargo transportation, no less important, requires the use of vehicles with maximum efficiency. The traffic flow must be constant. In practice, this means avoiding empty trips and minimizing downtime, including during loading or unloading.

An ideal example of compliance with this rule is the delivery of raw materials to the plant and export on the return flight. finished products consumer. As a result, the transport unit operates in a continuous cycle, there are almost no unproductive downtimes. The unwritten law "Time is Money" has not been canceled. Carriers do not like to stand still, even when loading or unloading.

They are well aware that the machine earns money only in motion. Therefore, in particular, the mechanization of loading and unloading operations is so important, which reduces the time for performing these operations. The customer also benefits from the continuity of the process. The more likely it is that the car will go empty on the return trip, the higher the cost of delivering goods.

When choosing the type of transport and the optimal route, transport logistics specialists in cargo transportation are guided by the minimization criteria:

  • Distance traveled by the vehicle.
  • The time taken to deliver the goods.
  • Shipping costs.
  • Risk of product damage or deterioration.

The optimal route must satisfy all of the above requirements. In real conditions, due to various circumstances, this is most often not achieved. In this case, the most important criterion is determined, the fulfillment of which is considered unconditional. The rest are taken into account as far as possible.

The process of choosing the best route consists of the following steps:

1. Analysis of the geographical features of the places of loading and unloading.

At the very beginning, you need to determine what type of vehicle you can use. This largely depends on geographical characteristics spaces between the points of dispatch and receipt of goods. And also on the presence of message paths.

If these points are located on different continents, then sea or air transport is indispensable. There are no railway lines to some settlements. Others can only be reached by river. And to the third - by air. All this must be taken into account. As well as the fact that in many cases one mode of transport will not be enough, multimodal transportation will have to be organized. At this stage, a preliminary route is determined.

2. Analysis of the characteristics of the cargo.

The unique properties of the transported cargo also affect the choice of route and type of vehicle. So, for example, the route for dangerous goods will be somewhat different than for a regular one. According to the requirements of the traffic rules, it cannot be transported through a territory with a high population density, as well as near strategic objects.

3. Selecting the type of vehicle.

The type of vehicle is determined by the results of the analysis of the first two points, plus the urgency of delivery. Of the four possible, road, rail, sea and air, based on geographical conditions, the availability of means of communication and the characteristics of the cargo, the most suitable one is chosen. In some cases, pipeline transport is also considered, but this is a very highly specialized option.

4. Determination of the optimal route.

At this stage, the same data as for paragraph 3 are taken into account, and one additional condition- how much money is allocated for the transportation of goods. If, as sometimes happens, the budget is small, then you can choose shipping by sea - this is the cheapest of all possible ways.

After the main priorities of transport logistics in cargo transportation are determined, several options for suitable routes emerge. Analyzing possible risks and specific conditions (climatic, political, economic and other factors), logisticians weed out those that seem unpromising. If the scheme is drawn up correctly, then the costs of delivery, transportation time and the risk of damage to the cargo in it will be minimal, and deviations in the course of its implementation will be insignificant.

5. Vehicle movement control.

Unfortunately, something unforeseen can happen during the shipping process. A delay at the loading or unloading area, a car breakdown, an accident or something else breaks the transportation schedule. A delay can cause not only a disruption in supplies, but also the application of sanctions against one of the participants in the process.

To insure against possible troubles, it is necessary to constantly monitor the movement of the vehicle with the load. Then, if any trouble occurs, the logisticians will immediately find out about it and take action. They will correct the route, send another vehicle to the line, or even change the type of vehicle if the criterion for meeting deadlines is adopted as the main one. For real-time monitoring, today there are enough opportunities: from cellular communication, to satellite.

The use of transport logistics in cargo transportation combines the individual stages of the transportation process into a single system. Working as a well-coordinated mechanism, it reduces transportation costs, ensures timely delivery of goods and its safety.

In general, transport logistics is the management of cargo flows to optimize transportation, which allows you to achieve maximum efficiency at minimal cost. For example, cargo transportation in Yakutia will differ from cargo transportation in Moscow.

To solve the tasks set, logistics relies on the characteristics of the cargo (volume, mass, composition, consistency, value), the number of lots, distance, urgency of delivery, and the availability of transport communications.

The use of logistics schemes allows you to solve such issues as:

  • choosing the most appropriate mode of transport;
  • development of the optimal route, taking into account the characteristics of the region (road conditions, climatic conditions);
  • calculation of the duration of transportation;
  • reduction of transportation costs;
  • maximizing the speed of transportation;
  • synchronization of transport and storage operations;
  • synchronization of transportation with loading and unloading operations;
  • synchronization of phased transportation when using several modes of transport;
  • choice of type of cargo insurance;
  • monitoring the progress of transportation and providing information to cargo owners.

It is the logistics schemes that make it possible to simplify the process of cargo transportation, warehousing, loading and unloading operations, and most importantly, it makes it possible to apply a unified transportation planning system that allows foreseeing all aspects of cargo transportation at the initial stage of organization. As a result, the client receives fairly "transparent" documents that reflect all the delivery operations. A very important advantage of using transport logistics is that management is concentrated in one place, and this increases efficiency. transportation and reduces their cost.

The use of transport logistics gives the best results in those companies that widely use cargo consolidation. That is, small consignments of goods are stored. Then a consolidated batch is formed from them in order to save costs.

The basis of the success of a transport company is an integrated approach to solving transportation problems. Logistics is based on an integrated approach. It offers a rational and integrated approach to solving the problems of a transport company, optimizing services and increasing efficiency.

Today, the activity of a cargo carrier is almost impossible to imagine without logistics, which can take the company one step higher compared to other carriers.

Video: Rental of special equipment and cargo transportation services without intermediaries!

An analysis of the freight transport market is where activities should begin. Research also gives an understanding of the successes and failures of the enterprise, which allows you to adequately respond to the situation and make adjustments to its work, create the right strategy and tactics.

Freight market analysis

For market research for the purpose of subsequent analysis, it is necessary to obtain a number of data. They are primary and secondary.

Primary data are data that are obtained directly for the study and analysis of the road freight transport market. This:

  • operational plan indicators;
  • data on the demand for services;
  • analysis of applications received from shippers for a certain period of time.

Such information is obtained through observations, interviews conducted over the telephone and in person, through questionnaires and interactive surveys. To obtain up-to-date information, marketers establish close relations with cargo generating enterprises, operator companies, which allows them to monitor changes in the market and make reliable forecasts.

Most affordable way- study of secondary information about the players. It is included in the final report. The results of the activities of competitors and partners, publications in the press and the Internet are analyzed - both about the industry itself and about the trends in the development of the economy as a whole.

Sometimes transport companies "test" the road transport market to find out the reaction to new services or adopted marketing measures. This reveals causal relationships between variables (e.g. image spending and volume products sold). However, the marketing experiment is associated with significant financial costs.

Another expensive way to study and analyze the road freight market is market research. It is a systematic definition of a set of data that will help a transport company solve a pressing problem. The research procedure is formed from several stages:

  • concept development;
  • development of methodology;
  • collection, processing, storage of data;
  • analysis and delivery of results.

Professional analysis of the trucking market helps trucking companies solve the following problems: tasks:

  • find additional niches;
  • attract new customers and increase the volume of cargo transportation;
  • segment consumers of transport products;
  • determine the requirements for the quality of transportation;
  • find out the reaction of customers to new offers or an improved service;
  • study the tariffs of competitive enterprises;
  • determine solvency;
  • allocate shares of market segments between companies;
  • analyze competitiveness within the region, direction, separate segment;
  • get an information base for developing a marketing strategy.

There are several types marketing analysis enterprises whose objects are:

  • external environment - the realities in which the company operates;
  • meso-environment external factors that have a direct impact on the activity;
  • microenvironment - reveals strengths and weak sides business;
  • business portfolio - studies different areas of business (services).

Statistics of recent years on freight traffic

According to according to RBC, in Russia, road transport occupies only 4.5% of overall structure freight turnover, significantly yielding to pipeline (48%) and rail transport (45%). Despite this, according to estimates in 2015, more than 60% of the volume of transported goods was transported by cars, which is 5 billion tons. This difference is explained simply: trucking companies deliver goods over relatively short distances, in other cases they use the railway and pipelines. The leader in cargo transportation is the Tyumen region.

At the same time, market researchers note a revival in this area. Thus, in 2016, cargo turnover increased by 1.9% and amounted to 5.14 billion tons.

Structure Russian market road freight transportation by type of cargo (in monetary terms),

% (according to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, RBC Market Research)

One of the features of the road transport market, as the analysis shows, is that only 31% of the indicated volume was of the commercial type. This is explained by the fact that manufacturers often give preference to their own vehicle fleet, not resorting to the services of carriers and transport and logistics companies.

Experts note an increase in the length of road transport. So, in 2000-2014. the zone of use of cars in this area has doubled - from 950 to 2 thousand km, and the average range has almost tripled - from 26 to 75 km.

Problems of the road freight market

The state of the road transport market in Russia was affected by the crisis recent years caused, in particular, by the fall in oil prices, which provoked the instability of the national currency, the imposition of sanctions. The latter factor necessitated revision of routes and reorientation to domestic routes. In one way or another, difficulties have affected the majority of trucking companies. However, there are other problems that carriers and shippers have to face and that are felt by the end user.

To the main problems of the road transport market in the Russian Federation include:

  • poor development of transport and logistics infrastructure, lack of storage terminals, which could receive goods from different directions with subsequent processing;
  • the use of outdated and long-standing warehouses adapted for one or two modes of transport, which hinders the growth of the volume of mixed and multimodal transport;
  • poor quality of roads, preventing deliveries to certain settlements;
  • the rapid deterioration of cars and other vehicles used due to the unwillingness of the carrier to invest in its repair and renewal or limited finances;
  • unscrupulous players who dump or provide poor quality services use fraudulent schemes.

Analysis in the field of road transport is not always costly and requires professional marketers. Often future individual entrepreneurs independently carry out activities to clarify the situation. At the same time, they resort to calling competitors, studying open bases statistical data, demand for services in printed publications and networks. For private businesses, this is often enough.

Analysis of economic performance of the enterprise. Determination of its competitive advantages in the market of transport services. Features of the organization of the cargo transportation process. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of GPS / GSM tracking systems in vehicles.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

Russian State Trade and Economic University

Faculty (branch) of Commerce (Perm)

Department of Organization and Technology of Commerce

Specialty 080301 Commerce (trade business)

Final qualifying work

Topic: Organization of cargo transportation (on the example of Zostmayer LLC)

Is done by a student

6 courses of distance learning

Grigoriev Dmitry Grigorievich

  • Introduction
  • 2.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of cargo transportation
  • 2.3 Analysis of the economic performance of the enterprise
  • Chapter 3. Development of measures to improve the company's activities
  • 3.1 Proposals for improving the organization of cargo transportation
  • 3.2 Calculation economic efficiency implementation of the proposed activities
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Applications


The experience of many successful enterprises of developed industrial countries shows that in a market with its fierce competition, planning and proper organization production and economic activity of enterprises is the most important condition for their survival. In the process of development, as well as as economic conditions change, all enterprises are faced with the need to improve their economic structures. At the same time, enterprises pursue two main goals: to increase the efficiency of using internal resources and adapt to new external conditions. The achievement of these goals is facilitated by the introduction of logistical principles of management in the organization, which is currently underestimated by the leaders of modern organizations and determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the final qualification work.

The transition to market relations requires new approaches to the problems of the formation of material flows, their rationalization and the definition of the role of transport, including automobile transport, as the main participant in the processes of reproduction, which has a significant impact on the rationality of placement, exchange and the efficiency of social production

In freight transportation, road transport is involved in almost all relationships between producers and consumers of industrial products and consumer goods.

On present stage Russian enterprises reconsider existing systems management, introduce new management information systems, reorganize the business based on modern methods reengineering. The current situation at enterprises necessitates the formation of new methodological foundations and the development practical advice on the construction of process control systems, as one of the most important conditions for the development of domestic enterprises and system-forming factors for increasing the efficiency of production and commercial activities.

The purpose of the study is to develop measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization of cargo transportation.

The main objectives of the study are:

1) analysis of the theoretical provisions of the organization of the logistics organization of the management of cargo transportation based on the study of literary sources;

2) analysis technological process organization of cargo transportation;

3) assessment of the economic performance of the company;

4) development of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization of cargo transportation of the enterprise under study.

The object of research is cargo transportation. The subject of the study is the effectiveness of the organization of cargo transportation in the analyzed company. The research base is Zostmayer LLC.

The study used methods economic analysis, factor analysis of indicators. To study the reasons for the change in indicators of economic activity, we will use the method of logical deduction.

Such domestic scientists in the field of logistics as Anikin B.A., Gadzhinsky A.M., Mirotin L.D., Nerush Yu.M. are actively engaged in the study of issues of effective organization of cargo transportation. In the course of writing the WRC, as a theoretical basis for the study, we used study guides and monographs on the organization of cargo transportation, as well as articles in periodicals.

The novelty of the work performed is due to the fact that during the transition to a market economy, consumers' requirements for the quality of the products they use increase. This also applies to transport services, since the improvement of their quality allows, ultimately, to increase the efficiency of production and, accordingly, the incomes of the teams of enterprises using transport services.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis analysis and management of cargo transportation of logistics companies

1.1 Management basics logistics activities in the field of cargo transportation

The main task of transport companies is the study, analysis and satisfaction of consumer needs in all forms. transport services. Until recently, transport companies carried out only the transportation of goods, without caring about the provision of other services.

New economic conditions expanded the concept of "transport service". Today, a transport service means not only the actual transportation of goods, office relocation, etc., but any service that is not part of the transportation process, but related to its preparation and implementation:

Transportation of goods and passengers;

Loading and unloading works;

Cargo storage;

Apartment and office moving;

cargo taxi;

Preparation of transported funds;

Provision of cars on a rental or rental basis;

Delivery of new and repaired vehicles;

Forwarding services .

A large number of factors affecting the type and specialization of transport services allows us to systematize services into three large groups:

1) on the basis of the relationship with the main activities of enterprises, they distinguish:

* transportation services;

* non-transportation services;

2) by type of consumer to whom the service is provided:

* external services are provided to non-transport enterprises and organizations;

* internal services are provided to other enterprises and organizations in the transport industry;

3) by the nature of the service:

* technological;

* commercial;

* informational, etc.

Due to the fact that transport, being a sphere of material production, does not produce material products as such, the transport service has a number of specific features:

* transport service is a continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation; The production process ends when the product is handed over to the consumer. By itself, a transport service cannot exist; it necessarily ensures the commercial activities of non-transport enterprises;

* a service cannot exist outside the process of its production, which means that it is impossible to form service stocks;

* the provision of a service is the sale of the labor process, which means that the quality of the service is the quality of its performance, i.e. the quality of work;

* the use value of a service arises with strict observance of time constraints, the direction of movement of goods and other conditions, which narrows the possibility of its competitive replacement;

* the demand for services is subject to sharp fluctuations depending on temporal and spatial parameters, transport does not have the resources to smooth out uneven demand.

The main type of service in transport companies, of course, is the transportation of goods. Additional services include marketing, commercial, information, and insurance services.

Forwarding support for the distribution of goods - the activities of forwarders (transport agents) in planning, organizing and carrying out the delivery of goods from their places of production to places of consumption and the provision of additional services for the preparation of batches of shipments for transportation using the best methods and methods in order to ensure that the needs of production And trading firms in the efficient distribution of goods.

This activity includes the execution of the necessary transportation documents, the conclusion of a contract of carriage with transport companies, payments for cargo transportation, organization of loading and unloading operations, storage, Information Support participants in the transport process, insurance, consolidation of small shipments, simplification of customs formalities.

A study of the demand for transport services indicates that consumers consider timely delivery to be the main requirements for the delivery of goods. With the tightening of consumer requirements for the quality of goods, the needs of manufacturers for timely and reliable delivery are increasingly increasing. The main requirements imposed by consumers on transport services are as follows:

1) reliability of transportation;

2) minimum terms (duration) of delivery;

3) the regularity of delivery of goods;

4) guaranteed delivery times, including just-in-time cargo delivery;

5) transportation safety;

6) ensuring the safety of cargo during delivery;

7) convenience in receiving and delivering goods;

8) availability of additional services;

9) adaptability to customer requirements (service flexibility);

10) well-established system of information and documentation;

11) escort of cargo to the final destination;

12) organization of cargo delivery "from door to door";

13) acceptable cost of transportation.

Transport begins to play a key role in the distribution system. It is assumed that in the future, the technical and operational features of individual modes of transport will provide them with a reliable position in the transport services market, especially in the face of increased demand for the transportation of goods in small shipments, which, in turn, will accelerate the development of automated cargo handling, containerization and packaging, as well as informatics in the field of cargo and transportation work.

The analysis showed that forwarders provide cargo owners with the following main types of services related to the performance of logistics functions: settlements with recipients for delivered goods (this function is transferred to forwarders by 70% of their clients); storage of products and raw materials (22%); choosing the most advantageous delivery option (22%); coordination with carriers of applied tariffs (21%); control of the movement of goods (15%); Creation information systems for data storage and processing (13%); organization and implementation electronic exchange data with partners (12%); operation of the fleet of rolling stock owned by the firm (11%); order tracking (7%); control over the level of the company's inventories (7%).

Certification is designed to protect the consumer from the dishonesty of the manufacturer and seller of low-quality or falsified services.

In the areas of production and provision of services, the main objectives of certification are:

1) Confirmation of the declared indicators of the quality of services;

2) Assistance to the consumer in the competent choice of services;

3) Assistance to the representative in the implementation of competitive services in the domestic and foreign markets;

4) Protection of the consumer and the environment from services provided at a low level of quality.

The idea and the general meaning of certification are known. Usually the branding of products by its manufacturer was a confirmation High Quality products. The seller's assurance to the buyer of the quality of the goods was also the simplest form of what we now call certification.

Currently, certification activities in Russia are based on the laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Certification of Products and Services”, as well as the “Rules for Carrying out Work in the Certification System of Motor Vehicles and Trailers” (Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated 04/01/98 No. 19) . They define the structure of the certification system, the functions and rights of its participants, the rules for conducting certification, and establish an unambiguous interpretation of the terms used.

In order to ensure the recognition of certificates and marks of conformity abroad, these rules and recommendations for certification are built in accordance with the current international norms and rules set out in the guidelines of the International Organization for Standards (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), international standards ISO 9000 and 10000 series, European standards EN 45000 and EN 29000, in documents of other international and regional organizations, carrying out works on certification . Recognition of accreditation of foreign certification bodies and testing laboratories, as well as certificates and marks of conformity in Russia (respectively Russian abroad) is carried out on the basis of multilateral and bilateral agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for two types of certification - mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification is carried out in cases stipulated by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Voluntary certification is carried out on the initiative of legal entities and citizens on the basis between the applicant and the certification body. Voluntary certification can also be carried out in the system of mandatory certification, if it is provided for by the rules of the system of mandatory certification and if there is a registered in this system in this system. in due course mark of conformity of voluntary certification.

The organizational structure of the Transport Services Certification System is formed by:

1) National certification body - Gosstandart of Russia.

2) Central Certification Body (TsOS - Department of Motor Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia).

3) Appeal commissions.

4) Methodological centers of the System.

5) Bodies for certification of transport services, maintenance and repair of AMTS (OSU).

6) Service providers (applicants).

Organizational Structure of the Transport Services Certification System FCFR - Department for Coordination, Functioning and Development transport system Russia.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 1997 No. 1013, transport services (services for the transportation of passengers by road) are subject to mandatory certification;

When certifying transport services, federal rules for the provision of certain types of services are used, approved mainly by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal law"On transport and forwarding activities".

Certification of transport services is carried out in six stages:

1) Submission of an application for certification;

2) Consideration and adoption of a decision on the application;

3) Assessment of compliance of services with established requirements;

4) Deciding on the possibility of issuing a certificate;

5) Issuance of a certificate and license to use the mark of conformity;

6) Inspection control of certified services.

The main goal of the creation and functioning of the Certification System for road transport is to promote the development of the country's economy and increase the efficiency of road transport, taking into account the requirements for the safety of its operation for the environment.

Certified products include products used in road transport as objects and means of labor:

1) Vehicles (buses, trucks and cars, special and specialized vehicles, etc.).

2) Operating materials (petroleum products and auto preparations).

3) Garage equipment.

Services may include services in the field of transportation of goods and passengers.

In the world practice of certification, many certification schemes are used, which can be conditionally divided into three groups.

Scheme 1 provides for an assessment of the skill of the performer, which includes checking working conditions, knowledge of technological, regulatory documentation, work experience, information on advanced training and random verification of the results of the service (repaired, cleaned and other products), as well as subsequent inspection control.

Scheme 2 provides for the evaluation of the service delivery process, which can be carried out in two ways:

1) Checking the technological process, the skill of the performer, service conditions;

2) Evaluation of the quality system.

The scheme provides for a selective check of the result of the service. Inspection control is carried out by monitoring the stability of the service.

When checking the technological process, it is controlled:

1) Completeness of technological documentation;

2) Compliance of the equipment with the requirements of the ongoing technological process;

3) Compliance with technological discipline;

4) Compliance of equipment, instrumentation and tools with the requirements of the ongoing technological process;

5) When evaluating the quality system, the following is checked:

6) Quality policy;

7) Quality manuals;

8) Compliance with the elements of the quality system in terms of achieving the goals established in the quality areas.

If the applicant has a certificate for a quality system, the evaluation of the process of providing a service or a quality system is not carried out.

The third certification scheme is proposed to be used to assess the quality of services provided by transport enterprises. It is expected that this version of the certification scheme will be the most common. It is suitable in cases where the service providers are large and medium-sized enterprises.

Scheme 3 provides for a complete check of the result of the service. The scheme can be used to certify material services (repairs and custom-made products). Inspection control is carried out by selective verification of the result of the service.

The scheme provides for certification of the enterprise, which includes verification of:

1) The state of the material and technical base;

2) Sanitary and hygienic conditions for servicing consumers;

3) Range and quality of services, including targeted and additional services;

4) Clarity and timeliness of service;

5) Quality of service (ethics of communication, comfort, aesthetics, etc.);

6) professional excellence service personnel.

The scheme provides for certification of the quality system and subsequent inspection control over the stability of its functioning. Certification of the quality system is carried out by the service certification body with the involvement of quality system experts in accordance with the documents of the GOST R Certification System. It can be used for certification of all types of services.

In addition to the indicated certification schemes, a scheme based on the statement-declaration of the contractor and consistent inspection control over the certified service can be used, if the possibility of using such a scheme is established in the Certification Procedure for Homogeneous Services. With a positive decision, the certification body issues a certificate of conformity to the contractor. In case of negative results, the certification body issues an opinion indicating the reasons for the refusal to issue a certificate.

1.2 Organizational registration of cargo transportation management and transport tariffs

By concluding a contract for the carriage of goods by transport, the carrier company undertakes to deliver the customer's cargo from one point to another, to ensure the integrity and safety of the cargo throughout the journey. Documents for the clearance of oversized cargo must cover all the details of the cargo transportation. When preparing and during the transportation of cargo, this helps to take into account all possible circumstances, to deliver the cargo on time and in the proper form.

In the contract for the registration of cargo transportation, information is recorded on the composition of the organizations that agree on the route, the conditions of transportation, and the indicators of the vehicles used. The contract for the registration of cargo transportation should also determine the organizational responsibilities of the parties.

Each contract for the carriage of goods by transport is drawn up individually, taking into account the characteristics of the cargo, the route, the availability of included services - forwarding, security, loading and unloading. In the event that the customer-shipper wishes to insure the cargo, an insurance contract is also attached to the cargo transportation documents.

The terms of the contract for the carriage of goods by transport may depend on the number of recipients of the goods. If there is only one recipient, the transportation is called centralized. In this case, the contract for registration of oversized cargo is concluded by the carrier company and the sender of the cargo. When there are several consignees, the transportation is decentralized. The carrier company draws up a contract for the carriage of goods by transport with each recipient.

In addition to the contract, the bill of lading is one of the main documents of cargo transportation. The waybill consists of two sections: commodity and transport. The commodity section defines the relationship between the shipper and the consignee. This section of the document for the carriage of goods is necessary for writing off inventory items from the sender and posting them to the consignee.

The transport section of the consignment note defines the relationship between the shipper and the shipping company. According to the rules for processing oversized cargo and other types of cargo, the waybill is issued in four copies. One of the copies of the waybill is necessary to write off the inventory value of the goods and remains with the shipper. The remaining copies of this document for the transportation of oversized cargo are transferred to the driver of the vehicle.

For proper registration of cargo transportation, one copy of the bill of lading is attached to the waybill. It is necessary for the reporting of the carrier company and accrual wages driver. The second is handed over to the consignee, the third is sent to the consignor. This document is accompanied by a freight invoice. When registering oversized cargo for several recipients, the number of copies of the bill of lading may be increased.

Registration of oversized cargo is always carried out in accordance with normative documents Russian Federation: Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, the Charter of road transport and others. When transporting long, oversized cargo, cargo special purpose a special permit for transportation is attached to the documents of cargo transportation.

Organizational registration of cargo transportation activities is carried out within the framework of the local logistics system. By a local logistics system, we mean an integrated logistics system of an enterprise that ensures the organization of the management of the company's economic flows in accordance with company-wide goals.

The management of the transport logistics system in the process of physical movement of goods on the way from the producer to consumers through the formed logistics distribution channels, which is reflected in the relevant accompanying documents, consists in the consistent solution of the following tasks:

1 Selecting the mode of transport and determining the places and methods of transshipment of goods from one mode of transport to another.

2 Routing of this movement for modes of transport free to determine the route of movement (for example, for road transport as opposed to rail).

3 Control and management of traffic during the delivery of goods along the supply chain .

The choice of the mode of transport is often uncontested and is completely determined by the relative location of the manufacturer, consolidation and distribution centers, the number of intermediaries and the nature of their activities, the number and location of consumers and their behavior in the procurement process.

If, for example, cargo can be delivered from one place to another by rail and road, it is necessary to make the right choice of transportation option, and transportation can be organized by a combination of two or more modes of transport. At the same time, depending on the chosen method of transportation, documents are drawn up in different ways. For example, in the intermodal transportation of goods by several modes of transport, when one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from one point of departure through one or more points of transshipment to the destination, depending on the division of responsibility for the transportation, various types of transport documents are issued, and in the case of multimodal transportation, a person organizing transportation is responsible for it throughout the route, regardless of the number of participating modes of transport when issuing a single transportation document.

When making such a choice, one should take into account the properties of the cargo being transported and the various modes of transport, as well as the situation on the market of carrier companies. This also includes the presence of a particular transportation management strategy for carriers, the provision of additional services by them and the level of informatization and control of the entire transportation process.

In addition to those mentioned, the choice of a combination of modes of transport is influenced by:

1) the need to create transport corridors, i.e. such a part of the national or international transport system that provides more or less constant transportation between individual regions, significant in volume and / or intensity;

2) the feasibility of creating transport chains, i.e. such transportations or their stages, when, even when using different modes of transport, the goods themselves remain unchanged, representing a cargo package or, more conveniently, a standardized container;

3) the possibility of technological linkage and joint planning of transportation with the production and release of finished products and with the warehousing process;

4) the possibility in the case of multimodal transportation of interconnection and joint planning of transportation processes for different modes of transport.

At present, in connection with the development of logistics functions based on the high informatization of the transport process, it has become possible to carry out mixed container rail-road-water transportation.

Trucking companies specializing in inter-regional transport of large quantities of goods use their own high-speed heavy-duty vehicles with trailers, as well as powerful tractors with heavy-duty semi-trailers. In order to fully utilize the carrying capacity of such high-performance equipment, carrier companies consolidate the transported goods at the initial points of transportation, and at the final point they break them down and deliver them to recipients in small batches.

Therefore, along with the management of commercial transportation operations (preparation and acceptance of goods, paperwork, collection of payment and various fees, sealing, forwarding, issuance to recipients), the technological process of transportation is managed.

This technological process is carried out by personnel and equipment of the relevant links of the transport chain, and cannot be violated under any circumstances.

An important role in the choice of a particular mode of transport is played by transport tariffs. Tariffs applied in road transport are classified as follows:

1) piecework;

2) on the basis of automatic clocks;

3) time-based;

4) kilometers;

5) for the haul of rolling stock;

6) contractual.

The fee for road transportation depends on the distance of transportation, the weight and volume of the transported cargo, the carrying capacity and type of vehicle used, its total mileage and time of use, as well as the area in which this transportation is carried out.

In world practice, including Russian, pricing for transport services for the carriage of goods is based, as a rule, on three main principles:

1) setting a tariff based on the cost of transportation of goods and the rate of return;

2) setting a tariff based on the cost of transported goods;

3) tariff setting by the combined use of the first two principles.

In the latter case, the tariff is set in the range of the tariff calculated on the basis of the cost price (minimum value) or on the basis of the cost of transporting goods (maximum value). This approach is the most practical, is used more often than the first two and is based on the use of logistics systems so-called "tariffs for any goods". Under these tariffs, transportation of a mixed consignment of goods is paid for at a single average rate, which makes it possible to do without determining the classification tariff rate for each cargo. Thus, "tariffs for any cargo" are relatively independent of the cost of transportation and the cost of transported goods and are tied mainly to routes. The use of such tariffs simplifies the procedure for their determination, reduces transport costs, which makes it possible to reduce not only transport costs, but also general logistics costs.

1.3 Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the organization of activities for the transport of goods

The efficiency indicators of cargo transportation are determined by the characteristics of the vehicles used, on which labor productivity, the cost of transportation, the amount of profit and the level of profitability of the transport enterprise depend. The capabilities of the complex for the transportation of goods can be estimated either in ton-kilometers or in tons. In addition, for such an assessment, one can also use financial indicators, which determine the amount of labor costs.

The performance of a rolling stock unit can be expressed through the following dependencies:

where Q is the productivity of a rolling stock unit, t;

W - productivity of a rolling stock unit, t?km;

Ze - the number of riders with a load;

t C - time spent on one transport cycle, h;

q is the nominal carrying capacity of a rolling stock unit;

g s - coefficient of static use of load capacity;

c - mileage utilization factor, taking into account zero mileage;

V T - technical speed;

Leg - the average length of the trip with a load;

t PR - time of loading and unloading;

T N - time spent by the car in order, h.

For a motor transport enterprise, the performance of the payroll number of cars.

where a e is the utilization rate of the rolling stock;

A C is the list number of cars.

The experience of evaluating the work of the rolling stock of road transport shows that the indicator "productivity of the rolling stock" has serious shortcomings.

Natural ton-kilometers, which determine the performance of work, are the product of weight and driving distance.

Therefore, each ton-kilometer separately characterizes one unit of work performed, regardless of the nature and conditions of transportation and labor costs for their implementation. Since road transport performs a wide variety of transportation, differing both in the nature of the cargo carried, in the distance of transportation, and in their quality, in specific conditions of transportation, a different amount of labor costs may be incurred per unit of work, expressed in one ton-kilometer. A natural ton-kilometer does not characterize the usefulness and consumer value of the work performed, as well as the amount of labor costs socially necessary for the production of work, does not establish a connection between the transportation process and national economy. As an indicator of the work of the rolling stock of road transport, a ton-kilometer does not stimulate the struggle to reduce the number of transported tons and the range of their transportation. It becomes unsuitable for evaluating the efficiency of the transportation process.

A tonne-kilometer, as an indicator of the efficiency of transport, does not stimulate a reduction in the number of transported tons and a decrease in the range of their transportation.

The indicator for evaluating the efficiency of the transportation process called a ton also has disadvantages. It determines the amount of transported cargo, but does not characterize the economic costs associated with its movement.

For a long time it was believed that it most fully reflects all aspects production activities profitability, defined as the ratio of profit to the cost of production assets. However, this indicator is now also outdated.

As experience shows, profit in road transport is not an objective factor in assessing the activities of a motor transport enterprise, the efficiency of using various types of rolling stock. The profit depends not only on the technical, operational and economic performance of the motor transport enterprise, but also on the tariffs for the transportation of goods. Tariffs, on the basis of which the income of the enterprise is formed, are not entirely perfect and can put some enterprises in more favorable conditions than others. Tariffs for freight transportation by road do not reflect the specific cost of transportation for a particular type of vehicle and certain goods, but the average cost for the average operating conditions of the rolling stock.

In addition, the profit indicator often does not reflect the good or bad performance of a motor transport company, since its profitable activity can lead to unprofitable work of the serviced enterprises.

In today's division social labor the efficiency of road transport consists of the following components: the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the serviced enterprise in the transport of goods, the efficiency of the use of rolling stock of road transport and the efficiency of the use of loading and unloading and other means. Therefore, the performance indicator should combine the efficiency of the functioning of the transport team and the impact of cargo transportation on the activities of the serviced enterprises.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of such a complex system as a transport process, which changes depending on the modification of external and internal conditions for the organization of transportation, should include a combination of many properties and indicators of individual links and components of the transport complex organized for the carriage of goods.

The efficiency indicator of the transportation process, on the one hand, should characterize the volume of transportation performed, and on the other hand, the consistency of the transportation performed with the satisfaction of the needs of the enterprises served, with the stability and proportionality of the functioning of the links of the transport complex. The problem lies in finding a specific form of interconnected summation of the quantitative and qualitative functioning of individual links and components of the transport complex.

In accordance with modern approach based on the concept of logistics, an assessment system is proposed that takes into account not only transport, but also other costs. To determine the costs, it is proposed to use the technical and economic indicators of the vehicle (carrying capacity, technical speed, downtime during loading and unloading operations), distance, as well as the costs associated with the performance of loading and unloading operations, damage or loss of cargo, as well as non-compliance cargo delivery time. In order to determine how efficiently the process of cargo transportation went, it is necessary to compare many factors. Specialists in the field of logistics (Anikin V.A., Smekhov A.A.) define the cost-effectiveness of cargo transportation as a synonym for efficiency. The less money was spent on the transportation of cargo, the higher the efficiency indicator should be. Nevertheless, the efficiency of cargo transportation cannot be measured only in cash equivalents. It is necessary to pay attention to a number of additional indicators, which also have significant weight. These indicators should also include:

Shipping time. Very often, transport companies determine the cost of their services based not on the amount of work, but on the time spent. The longer the work took, the higher the price. And they do not skillfully use this clause of the contract. Their drivers can deliberately get stuck in a traffic jam, and the loaders will work very slowly and take a smoke break every ten minutes. It is unlikely that such cargo transportation can be called effective.

The period of cargo delivery starts from 00:00 on the day following the day on which the cargo was accepted for transportation. A note must be made on the day of loading of the cargo in the consignment note. Thus, the delivery time of goods is determined by the following formula:

where tot(pr) - time for initial (final) operations;

L - tariff distance, km;

V - speed of cargo delivery;

tadd - time for additional operations.

The delivery period is considered fulfilled if the cargo has arrived at the destination before the expiration of the delivery period and can be delivered to the recipient, of which the carrier notifies the recipient. The procedure for notification is established by internal rules.

When carrying out intercity transportation by road, there are special conditions for calculating the timing of delivery of goods. Thus, many modern legal documents provide for a maximum delivery time of goods by road at the rate of 2000 km per month.

In most cases, violation of the delivery time occurs due to the fault of the carrier, which bears material responsibility for this violation, provided for by the contract of carriage or regulatory legal acts.

The time that was spent on preparing the implementation of the transportation of goods.

Cargo safety. Did the supplier manage to organize safe transportation, did he calculate all the risks and prevent the onset of force majeure circumstances. In particular, the quality of work and the level of qualification of the transport company depend on this.

Minimization of the time spent by a car on one transport cycle, in turn, is possible with a simultaneous decrease in the total mileage and an increase in the average technical speed. The solution of this problem is connected with the optimal distribution of vehicle routes along the urban road network using methods and means information technologies. With this formulation of the problem, the speed mode is optimized by choosing the best routes, taking into account information about time intervals, changes in the traffic situation during the day, weeks, months, while striving for the minimum mileage. In other words, preference is given to reducing the cycle time with a slight overmileage of vehicles. Thus, the route of movement of the vehicle is compiled using a time criterion based on information support for the management of the technological process of transportation of goods.

The constant growth in the volume of transportation of goods by road calls for a more efficient use of it. Factors driving more intensive use of road transport include: improved use of vehicle capacity; increasing the shift ratio of transport; downtime reduction; improved mileage utilization; acceleration of loading and unloading operations.

Improving the use of the carrying capacity of vehicles is largely facilitated by the use of rational methods of placing goods in the back of a car, a well-thought-out development of routes for their delivery. An important condition for increasing the efficiency of the use of vehicles is to increase the number of shifts in their work, which can be achieved by extending the operating time of forwarding warehouses and dispatch services, as well as creating conditions for the night delivery of goods to trade enterprises.

Thus, based on the results of studying the theoretical material on the organization effective management transportation, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The organization of cargo transportation, in addition to the physical process of transporting goods, also includes such areas of activity as issuing the necessary transportation documents, concluding a transportation agreement with transport companies, paying for the transportation of goods, organizing loading and unloading operations, storage, information support for participants in the transport process, insurance, cargo certification.

To assess the efficiency of freight transportation, a whole group of indicators is used, the main of which include the productivity of a rolling stock unit, carrying capacity, technical speed of the vehicle, transportation time and loading and unloading operations.

When developing methods for assessing the efficiency of the use of transport in the implementation of cargo transportation in order to increase it, there is a need to study the following problems:

1) building a complex of intersectoral models for solving problems of optimal use technical means in transport systems;

2) establishment unified system tariffs for the transportation of goods by road;

3) determination of a system of unified comparable indicators of the operation of vehicles;

4) optimization of methods and structure of management of the transportation process in transport systems;

5) improvement of current and long-term planning of transportation work;

6) selection of the optimal vehicle.

trucking competitive road transport market

Chapter 2. Features of the organization of the transport process in the company Zostmayer LLC

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

At the moment, the Sostmayer group of companies includes Zostmayer LLC, Zostmayer Log-Invest LLC, EuroTrack Perm LLC (the official dealer of Mercedes-Benz Rus CJSC, the main activity is Maintenance, repair, sale of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles).

The Soostmayer company was founded in 1997. Sostmeier Group of Companies in Russia is founded by Sostmeier Internationale Spedition Osteuropa Verkehre GmbH (Germany, Lotte), which is represented in Europe by numerous branches. For 13 years, Soostmayer has been considered a reliable partner in the automotive sector of forwarding services for many enterprises in the Perm Territory and neighboring regions. The legal address of the company in Perm: 614531, Perm district, pos. Farm, Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 13.

Own vehicle fleet is represented by modern vehicles: euro trucks with a volume of 83 cubic meters. brand Mercedes-Benz. The company is a full member of ASMAP and has membership number 34.

In 2009, the company was certified according to the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 system.

The main activities of Zostmayer LLC:

1. Transportation by own transport

When providing cargo transportation services, the company uses its own fleet of Mercedes-Benz vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 20 tons.

All vehicles carrying out cargo transportation comply with sanitary standards, which is confirmed by sanitary passports.

Cars undergo regular inspection and necessary repairs on the basis of an authorized repair service. trucks stamps Mercedes-Benz companies EuroTruck Perm.

2. Forwarding services in Russia

Soostmayer's liability as a road carrier is insured by the international insurance company TT Club Mutual Insurance Limited, as an operator of forwarding services Soostmayer is insured by Reso-Garantia LLC.

3. Forwarding services in the international direction

Main directions: Russia - Western/Eastern Europe - Russia.

The range of services provided in this area includes:

Transportation of standard cargo

Transportation of dangerous goods

Transportation of oversized cargo

Consolidated cargo

Multimodal transportation

Warehousing services

Cargo insurance for the period of transportation;

4. Project transportation

For several years now, the Soostmayer company has been providing transportation services in the "shuttle transportation" mode to the Perm representative office of a well-known world concern.

Using its own transport, Soostmayer ensures uninterrupted operation of the client-customer 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

5. Warehouse logistics (warehouse service provider)

The entire range of work required for the optimal functioning of the warehouse facility is carried out under the control of Soostmayer.

In this project, Soostmayer also provides outstaffing services. All warehouse workers are employed by the provider.

In 2007, the warehouse headed by Soostmayer was recognized by the Customer as the best warehouse in Russia at the end of the year.

The organizational structure of Zostmayer LLC in Perm consists of the following structures: sales department, economic service, technical department, the operation department, which is clearly shown in Figure 2.1.

Draw in the center

Rice. 2.1. Scheme organizational structure management of Zostmayer LLC in Perm

The General Director manages and organizes the working process. He performs the main role of the management structure, under his leadership everything is decided production processes. Under his subordination are all departments and structures.

The commercial director deals directly with the organization of the sale of transport and logistics services. The contract department includes sales managers - the main part of the work consists in working with clients, consulting on general issues, concluding contracts and conducting transactions. The logistician is responsible for the rationalization of routes and the movement of vehicles, monitors the route of the cargo.

An important place in the economic management and improvement of the quality indicators of the enterprise is given to the economic service. Based on a systematic analysis of the work of the enterprise, convoys and other divisions and based on the volume indicators of transportation, their resource support, the economic service determines the ways in which technical and organizational measures should be developed aimed at increasing the technical readiness of the rolling stock and improving the operational and commercial activities of the enterprise .

Accounting is part of the economic service. This department, headed by the chief accountant, keeps records of the availability of funds allocated to the enterprise, their safety and level of use, organizes the implementation financial plan, checks the financial condition of the enterprise, conducts a large operational work organization of settlements with clients, suppliers and financial authorities, organizes primary accounting of spending material resources And Money. Chief Accountant is responsible for the expediency and legality of spending funds, and compliance with financial discipline.

The department of auto preparation pays the main attention to the issues of maintaining vehicles in a technically sound condition and ensuring the development of the production base, and also manages the material and technical supply of the enterprise.

The main tasks of this department of the enterprise are: organization of proper storage of rolling stock, ensuring its high technical readiness for work, timely release of vehicles on the line and their acceptance (garage service); development and solution of issues related to the strengthening of the production and technical base of the enterprise ( Chief Engineer); operational planning all types of maintenance and repair of cars and car tires, organization of these works and their quality control, technical accounting and reporting on rolling stock, car tires and other production funds (head of the repair service); management of the entire set of works to ensure the normal material and technical supply of the enterprise, the organization of storage, distribution and accounting of fuel, spare parts and other material resources, the development and implementation of measures for their more rational use (supply department); development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to improve production processes, introduce new technology, labor protection and accident prevention.

Based on the above, the auto-preparation department is designed to control technical condition rolling stock, decommission it, plan and carry out preventive and repair work, bring to liability for improper operation of rolling stock, buildings, structures, equipment, etc., as well as limit the cost of fuel and lubricants.

The operation department includes forwarding drivers who carry out the direct transportation of goods.

2.2 Analysis of the organization of the technological process of transportation of goods

The market of transport and logistics services of the city is growing by about 5--7% per year. This is facilitated by the favorable geographical location of Perm, improves the market situation and the arrival in the city of large international networks that need to build transport chains. As a result, Perm companies are beginning to work directly with suppliers from Europe and China, bypassing the capital's intermediaries. Such a trading concept is beneficial when it is possible to establish an uninterrupted supply chain. The market of transport and logistics services is experiencing a phase of growth - this explains the uneven development of different segments. For example, in the field of air transportation, where there is a state monopoly, the capabilities of airlines often do not satisfy customers in terms of quality and cost of services. Despite the fact that trade in the Perm Territory is actively developing, the city's airport does not have the technical capability to handle regular cargo flights. Not a single regular cargo flight from Europe or China flies to Perm. We have to build a more complex chain: carry cargo through Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow or organize charter flights. This leads to an increase in the cost of transport services. A similar situation is developing in the rail transportation segment: since the right to regulate tariffs belongs to the state, participants in the transport and logistics market are deprived of instruments of influence, which entails increased costs and leads to higher transportation costs. Against the backdrop of the state monopoly in the field of air and rail transport, the competition in the road transport segment is the toughest. The state does not control this segment either in terms of the number of players or in terms of the quality of services, which makes it attractive from a business point of view. And the demand for road transport is increasing every year, since this method of transportation is convenient for the client. First, by car, cargo can be delivered from door to door. Secondly, road carriers are more mobile in responding to the needs of customers - you can make adjustments to the route along the way. Meanwhile, the market is still growing quantitatively rather than qualitatively. Small companies are destroying the market by offering services at a low price.

Competitiveness of motor transport enterprises. Characteristics of the market of transport services. Analysis of the activity of JSC "Lorri", its competitive environment. Measures to reduce transport costs and increase the productivity of the enterprise.

term paper, added 02/16/2012

Types and classification of transport services for the carriage of goods. Structure, features of the transport services market. Competitiveness of transport services and ways to improve it. Systems of remuneration at the enterprise. Organization of entrepreneurial activity.

thesis, added 07/19/2014

Theoretical aspects of the organization of commercial activities in the field of road freight. Formation of the range of services, information support in the management of a motor transport enterprise. Organization of commercial activities of OOO "Driver".

thesis, added 02/18/2010

Statistics on the provision of transport services and various types of transportation in Russia. Drawing up "requirements-characteristics" of cargo transportation and their analysis using the design tool "house of quality". Analysis of the market for road groupage transportation.

test, added 12/09/2014

Analysis of the structure of the transport services market in the region under study. Organization effective work motor transport company. Evaluation of the volume of sales of services and the amount of expected profit. Analysis of the demand and supply of transport services.

term paper, added 01/02/2013

Characteristics of economic activity, economic potential and financial condition enterprises. Analysis of profit and profitability of cargo transportation. Economic efficiency assessment innovative project on the implementation of the control system "AutoTracker".

thesis, added 11/29/2016

Factors influencing the formation of tariffs for transport services. Pricing in the field of transport services. State regulation prices in the transportation market. Tariffs for rail, water, road and air transport.

test, added 11/25/2010

Features of transport work at the enterprise. Determination of cargo turnover and work of transport in the shop. Determination of the required number of vehicles. Rolling stock operation plan. Directions for improving the organization of the enterprise.

Analysis of the organization of transportation in LORRI LLC

Today, cargo transportation services are in great demand. And no wonder: the well-being of the population is growing and, consequently, the level of provision and financial opportunities is also increasing. Now, in order to carry out cargo transportation of any volume, it is very beneficial to use the help of a transport company.

Many people have been convinced more than once from their own experience that cargo transportation, carried out exclusively on their own, takes a lot of effort and absorbs a considerable amount of time. A lot of worries are connected with the proper packing of things, ordering transport, in some cases it is required to rent special equipment, and, in fact, loading and unloading things is also a very laborious and burdensome process.

It is very difficult to plan your own transportation. There is a high probability of missing important, seemingly insignificant details that can lead to unforeseen situations and unpleasant losses, both material and financial.

To properly plan the entire process of cargo transportation, you also need to have experience in such things. Putting the organization from "A" to "Z" on the shoulders of one or two people would be an illogical and inefficient solution. Therefore, there are special transport companies that have a staff with qualifications in different directions.

One of such companies is LORRI LLC.

The transport company LORRI LLC offers a full package of logistics services.

LORRI LLC provides its clients with comprehensive consulting support on issues that arise during the delivery process and offers services for the development of optimal schemes for the transportation of foreign trade goods:

  • - transportation planning;
  • - calculation tariff rates on transportation and time of transportation of goods at the stage of concluding contracts;
  • - advice on optimization of transport costs.

The logistics concept of the company offers planning, organization, management and control of the movement of freight and related financial and information flows, which makes the transportation process simple and reliable.

This concept provides the following services:

  • - provision of reference information;
  • - development of optimal schemes for the delivery of goods;
  • - dispatching and monitoring of transport;
  • - organization of cargo storage;
  • - preparation of shipping documents;
  • - insurance.

LORRI LLC specialists provide clients with detailed background information on the specifics of the issue in order to eliminate all possible misunderstandings in the process of work.

Analysis of transport, time, storage, customs and organizational costs allows you to choose the optimal transport scheme that saves time and minimizes the cost of cargo delivery, while ensuring high reliability of transportation.

At the same time, a number of options are analyzed - for each of them, initial data is collected - and then, based on the calculations performed, the best option is recommended.

For example, it is necessary to consider the determination of the cost of transporting fertilizer - ammonium sulfate in the amount of 10,000 tons from Rostov-on-Don (supplier) to St. Petersburg (buyer), provided that the main transportation is paid by the supplier. In accordance with these conditions, Lorry LLC must organize the main transportation of cargo, transshipment at the port or at the railway station, transportation to the destination.

Forwarder Lorri LLC can offer the following delivery schemes:

1) Rostov on Don - Railway transport - St. Petersburg.

Shipping costs for railway from Rostov-on-Don to St. Petersburg are $25.52/t plus $6.09/t -- the rate for loading and unloading operations at the destination. Total transportation amounted to 31.61 dollars per ton. Total amount = $316,100

2) Rostov on Don - Sea transport - St. Petersburg.

To carry out cargo transportation, a pusher tug with a capacity of 2400 hp is used. with trains with a carrying capacity of 15 thousand tons. Motor ships have the necessary registration documents for the transportation of general, bulk, dangerous goods of hazard class 5.1.

24.42 + 5.9 + = 30.32 USD/t.

Total amount = $303,200

3) Car option from Rostov-on-Don to St. Petersburg: Total amount = $430,000

For the price of transportation, the second option will be optimal, in addition, the final cost will include the time of transportation, and the likelihood of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit, and possible damage to the cargo.

The work is carried out under a contract for the provision of transport services based on customer requests (see Appendix 8).

Calculation of optimal schemes for the delivery of goods from the sender to the recipient, from the manufacturer to dealerships, from the supplier to the consumer is an important task, since the correct and efficient delivery schemes allow the company to significantly save on transportation costs, which sometimes make up a very significant part of the total enterprise expenses. The development of optimal delivery schemes is carried out by delivery service specialists with relevant experience and knowledge, as well as being able to work with the most modern software.

Behind the seeming simplicity of developing a delivery scheme from the sender to the recipient, there is a responsible and hard work, which consists in the analysis of a complex of factors and circumstances. Analysis and accurate calculation of all factors for organizing the most optimal delivery scheme is a very difficult task, which can only be handled by experienced and highly qualified specialists who have an idea of ​​the specifics and features of working with various types of cargo.

The timing, reliability and quality of cargo transportation is affected by great amount factors that need to be carefully considered. Optimal delivery schemes are developed taking into account the following factors:

  • - the cost of delivery according to the "door to door" scheme;
  • - the specifics and nature of the cargo being transported;
  • - the need to comply special conditions cargo transportation;
  • - efficiency of using the load capacity of the vehicle;
  • - the declared terms of delivery of the goods;
  • - possible delivery routes;
  • - analysis of customs tariffs;
  • - the possibility of using different types of transport;
  • - the need to use related services in the organization of transportation;
  • - analysis of the external economic situation;
  • - special requirements of the client to the organization of delivery, etc.

Thus, the development of optimal delivery schemes - difficult process analysis of numerous factors that directly affect the quality and efficiency of cargo transportation. To solve such a complex problem, LORRI LLC specialists use various software modules that provide a multilateral analysis of factors to select the most optimal scheme for delivering cargo from the sender to the recipient.

Specialists of the delivery service of LORRI LLC can offer various options supply schemes. In particular, transportation can be more economical in terms of time, but slightly less reliable in terms of the safety of the cargo during transportation. At the same time, experienced specialists have already developed mechanisms for calculating the most economical and beneficial delivery schemes for the client along certain routes, which greatly simplifies the task of choosing an effective cargo delivery scheme. The high-quality development of such schemes ensures the company's competitiveness in the market by organizing efficient and reliable cargo transportation at minimal transportation costs.

The transport dispatching and monitoring system at LORRI LLC uses the resources of cellular networks (GSM) and satellite GPS. In the system, on modern level, issues of access rights and information security have been resolved, the latest achievements in the field of communications are being used, and advanced approaches in the field of transport management are being implemented.

The main objective of this system is to reduce the cost of the fleet. In addition, there are a number of advantages of using the system:

  • - centralized map. There is no need to purchase maps of cities, districts or regions. The cards you need are already there. Periodic updating of maps (2-3 times a year).
  • - centralized software. Any computer with Internet access is enough to set up a dispatch center. All necessary information LLC "LORRI" receives through a web browser.
  • - high reliability. The information center of the system is built on high-performance servers and is equipped with redundancy and uninterruptible power supply systems. This means that traffic and transport status data is stored in a central database even when the dispatch center is not operational.

When the object is located in the zone of reliable radio coverage of the GSM network, the information is transmitted to the server in real time. In the event that the object leaves the GSM network coverage area, or in the event of a malfunction in the mobile operator's network, the devices switch to the autonomous information recorder mode, saving route and event data for transmission to the server after the connection is restored.

  • - free software update.
  • - compactness. The on-board kit, slightly larger than the palm of your hand, is easy to either place in any "corner" of the driver's cab, or hide somewhere inside the vehicle.
  • - economy. To work with the system, there was no need to create a department or hire a separate specialist; an ordinary dispatcher from LORRI LLC handled it.

The system is built on the basis of a new information transmission technology - General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), due to which the cost of operating the system becomes extremely low, which compares favorably with systems that use SMS text message technology to transmit information. New technology GPRS allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 39 kbps without occupying a voice channel. In addition, when using GPRS, calculations are made in proportion to the amount of transmitted information, and not to the connection time.

The on-board kit consists of 3 main elements: a system unit, which contains an information processing board, and GPS and GSM antennas. In addition, door status sensors were installed in the place with the onboard kit.

The on-board kit located on the vehicle of LORRI LLC determines its coordinates using the global satellite positioning system (GPS), and also receives data from the fuel control board connected to it. The collected information is sent by the on-board kit to Information Center via cellular data network (GSM). From now on, the data is available in real time.

Among other things, it is necessary to note the possibilities of the system:

  • - location determination. Determining the location of LORRI LLC cars and other objects of the urban environment (offices, warehouses, points of sale) on an electronic map.
  • - traffic monitoring. Obtaining in real time comprehensive information about the speed and direction of the car. Emergency alerts will be delivered within seconds.
  • - control of the routes. The dispatcher controls the movement of the vehicle along the route specified when preparing the waybill.
  • - control of fuel consumption. The actual fuel consumption is determined on the basis of the standard systems control board installed on the vehicle or using alternative control means.
  • - Creation of a statistical archive. It is possible to analyze the routes of movement of vehicles of LORRI LLC for the past day, week, month, etc.; determining their length, obtaining detailed information about the operation of various sensors on the vehicle.

As noted earlier, LORRI LLC also carries out activities for the storage of goods and goods, which is a comprehensive logistics service for the storage, escort and handling of goods, which allows customers to reduce time and financial costs at all stages of distribution and logistics chains. Storage services are goods turnover just in time and with minimal client participation.

Service provision this kind allows clients:

  • - to direct the attention of its management personnel to the main activity, without being distracted by the storage of its products and other logistics services;
  • - save money in the maintenance of their own warehouse complex, in the wages and payments of sick and vacation drivers, loaders, warehouse manager and other personnel providing warehouse services;
  • - reduce the tax burden on the enterprise (UST, deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, etc. from the wages of employees who provide storage of goods and goods);
  • - receive significant discounts in the cost of long-term and medium-term contracts for storage services compared to paying for a one-time storage service;
  • - get a full package of documents for accounting.

LORRI LLC, having a modern well-equipped warehouse complex, is able to meet the needs of a wide variety of customers. Storage of goods and goods fully covers the need for construction, assembly, equipment and maintenance of their own storage facilities.

To organize the management of the storage process, the Ariadna WMS system is used, which is implemented to work in warehouse complexes with a cellular structure for storing goods on pallets or on box racks. The system fully manages the processes of placing and collecting goods.

The increase in warehouse space, the design and development of meaningful logistics schemes allow LORRI LLC to significantly reduce costs. In this regard, LORRY provides storage services at one of the lowest rates for logistics services in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which gives customers the opportunity to optimize costs and reduce the cost of storage services.

Recently, the management of LORRI LLC decided to expand the geography of activities in this direction by renting a warehouse in Omsk.

Therefore, LORRI LLC has an offer for enterprises in the city of Omsk on cooperation on a long-term and medium-term basis at preferential rates:

  • - lease of a warehouse in Omsk for the production, sorting, assembly and pre-sale preparation of products;
  • - lease of a warehouse in Omsk for the organization of wholesale trade;
  • - storage of goods in Omsk;
  • - storage in Omsk of goods, products, raw materials, materials, etc.

A modern warehouse complex in Omsk, equipped with the latest technology, equipped with all the necessary equipment, has a developed infrastructure and a large adjacent area for free maneuvering of heavy vehicles and parking, is provided with qualified labor resources, trained in warehouse business by specialists of LORRI LLC and is completely ready for work.

LLC LORRI takes care of all the concerns related to the execution of various documents, permits, passes, which greatly simplifies the life of those in need of urgent cargo transportation.

Professional loaders of a transport company, having at their disposal all the necessary and additional equipment (belts, fasteners), carry out office, apartment moving to as soon as possible. Carefully perform loading and unloading of all types of transported property, including heavy and oversized items in complete safety and security - perform all types of rigging.

In addition, you do not have to worry about the safety of the cargo on the way. After all, loaders of transport companies securely fix items with the help of special fasteners, and managers, in addition to concluding a contract, in some cases, offer to make insurance.

It is not possible to exclude the fact that during the transportation of goods there are often a lot of problems that can lead to damage and damage to the goods. Therefore LORRI LLC offers transportation insurance service. The cost of cargo insurance more than pays for itself if any unpleasant surprises occur along the way.

Despite the fact that LORRI LLC does everything possible for the best safety of the cargo, there is always the possibility of force majeure; therefore, the cargo insurance contract is not an empty formality.

Transport insurance of goods, insurance of dangerous goods, insurance of property goods - this is an incomplete list of services that are understood as the service of cargo insurance.

LORRY specialists do everything possible for the safety of the cargo, and it would seem that there is no need to conclude a cargo insurance contract. Experienced loaders provide reliable loading and unloading, qualified drivers deliver the goods with all precautions, freight forwarders monitor the cargo throughout the journey. And still, LORRI LLC also provides for cargo insurance, because no one is insured against accidents.

Cargo transportation insurance rates have flexible system prices, providing for transportation insurance not only large companies, but also to individuals who have conceived an apartment or country move.

The LORRI LLC program provides for strict accounting of cargo insurance. After considering all the nuances of the contract for insurance of transported goods, the customer is issued a policy of cargo insurance, confirming the conclusion of the contract and being a reliable guarantee of compensation for losses.

The conditions and rules of cargo insurance of LORRI LLC comply with all international norms and standards.

The driver base consists only of Moscow cars, which guarantees timely and high-quality delivery of cargo in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

Thus, LORRI's clients are offered attractive contractual rates for road transportation, and optimal cargo routes are developed. And experts provide advice on all issues related to road transport, provide all the necessary information on the cost, possible routes and features of road transport of goods.