JSC inkoma. CJSC "InComA Ltd." Detailed information about the company

An excellent company, provided you understand how to behave when working in it.

Having worked here for 4+ years, I can divide the employees into four types: ricochets, rubber, my own, beloved wives.

Rebounds are people who got a job, but did not appreciate the specifics of this company. As a result, a quick departure due to the illusion of strictness of the regime, moral pressure from superiors (resulting in fear of managers), and inability to understand this model of running a company.

Rubber - people who managed to stay afloat and understand a little how and what works there. These are usually people of the “second wave”: they came through acquaintances and received the basics of survival from more experienced mentors, although there are exceptions. Many of these people receive a salary slightly higher than what they actually cost on the market, as a result of which they are ready to endure, bend over backwards, and “sit on their butts” to create the appearance of active work.

Approximately 35% of employees are members of the board. This layer of employees, as a rule, has already worked for a significant part of their life in the company, they know the risks that can occur with certain body movements and use it wisely. they also “sit on their butts exactly” but, unlike the previous ones, they can allow themselves to puff less over the illusions of being busy because they understand that “well, the granddaughters will not kick out the elderly grandfather from the apartment because he sometimes pees on himself and bears senile insanity... dear after all." Among them there are enough good people ready to teach the “young animals” the secrets of survival with the goal of covering their bottom with them if necessary.

Beloved wives are almost like the previous species, but their population is much more modest than 2-3% of the total mass. As a rule, everyone takes maximum possible positions and have many privileges. They herd the “rubber” ones... making them “beloved wives”, but for their own purposes.

On a personal note... for the first 2 years I worked actively “trying to blend in with the area”, which in principle worked out. I was quite successful in creating “rubber asses” - bosses who absorbed all the negative waves from above for my faults and the faults of my colleagues. As a rule, they did not live long in the company and, having lost their temper, left or were fired. It was interesting to work, thanks to which I was in the office and outside of school hours, helping others, teaching others and learning a lot myself. Over time, he finally “merged with the terrain” and was able to walk around within reasonable limits, and perform numbers for which others would have been kicked out long ago. For the last 2 years, I have lost interest in work due to my constant plugging of holes in personnel... transfers to other departments in order to carry out work in them for which they could not find personnel (or simply did not exist). The tasks were not core for me and most of them were dull. But earlier, having “merged into the locality” and made me perceived as “something taken for granted in the office,” like a cooler in the dining room, like a carpet on the floor, etc., I managed to skip almost a year and a half... coming to the office a couple of times once a month, but regularly receiving a salary. And people like me can be found there =)

Elena Liu Ke Xiu is a wonderful specialist, in general, everyone who pitied the owner out of Russian kindness is wonderful people.

Grigory Dmitriev has a number of psychiatric illnesses, I’m not kidding, all of this is aggravated by an addiction to total control over employees, a love of alcohol and kickback schemes. Eternal negativity, screaming, lack of basic norms of any kind. All this is covered up by retired KGB officers with Ukrainian roots, who are sitting on the territory; mail and telephones are being wiretapped. I'd like to go to court now...

16.05.16 11:36MoscowAlena Belyaeva,

Career has its limit, it is impossible to jump higher. With all due respect to the management of the company, family and friendly ties are important. If you please, the work will be easy and pleasant, as I am almost 4 years old)) But if they show negativity in your direction, then the others will not even listen, having drawn their own conclusions. All qualities and merits will be immediately forgotten and you will be asked to leave.

16.05.16 11:34MoscowAlena Belyaeva,

Good company. Modern technologies, programs, there is no work “the old fashioned way” only in Excel. 9th floor of the business center, breathtaking view of the Moscow River! When I came to work without experience, they taught me and showed me, for which I thank you very much, incl. and management.

Career growth has its limit; it is impossible to jump higher. With all due respect to the management of the company, family and friendly ties are important. If you please, the work will be easy and pleasant, as I am almost 4 years old)) But if they show negativity in your direction, then the rest will not even listen, having drawn their own conclusions. All qualities and merits will be immediately forgotten and you will be asked to leave.

05.04.15 20:07 MoscowStanislav Medvedev,

Gaining new experience and management. Mastering type systems Microsoft Project. The ability to make your own decision and prove it with competent argumentation. The company always assumed the financial costs of negotiations. I consider the possibility of reasoned disputes with the CEO to be the main advantage of the company. Execution control is present, but without fanatical...

For me there is only one thing - it was difficult to get around without a car. At that time there was a high turnover - it was difficult to pick up cases. I think at the moment the company has acquired a more balanced composition.

16.07.14 19:51 MoscowOlga S.,

1. I gained very necessary and useful experience working with programs, which were very useful to me at my new place of work. (M.I. and T.Yu. - Thank you!) 2. Despite the fact that for the most part the people in Inkom are “unimportant”, I note that there are good RPs there who will never leave a question you don’t understand unanswered! in 9 cases out of 10 they will help and tell you everything. 3. If you are a beginner manager, then the head you need...

1. Don't take food stamps. Take it - get gastritis and sign! 2. there is no practice at all in English, which is wild as hell. 3. No benefits at all: to hell with fitness, to hell with corporate parties, to hell with discounted theater tickets, to hell with advanced training courses. 4. For equipment of workplaces "-100" inkoma according to karma! The computers are old, the phones are broken, the headset “What is this?”....

05.02.14 11:19 MoscowAnonymous,

Nothing positive.

General fear due to the unpredictability of the General Director. Initiative is suppressed at the system level. The mentioned genius lives in his own illusory world, finding himself in his virtual space is possible if there are means of pressure on him (for example, connections and the opportunity to influence (influence) the business. Employees for him are “schmucks” and cattle... In short, it can’t get any worse.

08.09.13 13:57 MoscowANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS,

09.07.13 01:28 MoscowAnonymous,

White, average salary for Moscow. View from the window. Only if towards the river. Parking (if you get into the good graces of the right people)

Quarrelsome office. The general director is a smart guy, but very tired. The company is run by two aunts, the financial director (more like an accountant) and the deputy general director (senior salesperson), there are also a couple of henchmen. Squabbles, intrigue, licking soft spots, envy and matriarchy. Those who managed to get under the skirt are in favor and will last for a while, the rest are trash. The professionalism of employees is assessed last, in first place...

inCOMa has taken a leading position in the creation of business systems in the domestic IT&T market. The history of this enterprise is a history of vigorous activity in introducing modern information technologies in the telecommunications field in Russian practice management. Since the early nineties, the company has been successfully developing and implementing unique infrastructure solutions that make it possible to significantly increase management efficiency, while purposefully systematizing the work of specialists. This is what allows you to expand your control and planning capabilities. Within the organization, information flows become more transparent. As a result, a very favorable environment is created for effective interaction the entire existing business process chain. The products of Inkoma Ltd. allow you to solve a wide range of issues in the field of management and interaction. These products are in demand as large corporations, and small companies. The main principle that provides inCOMa with well-deserved success in the domestic market is an individual approach to solving assigned problems.

Good company. Modern technologies, programs, there is no work “the old fashioned way” only in Excel. 9th floor of the business center, breathtaking view of the Moscow River! When I came to work without experience, they taught me and showed me, for which I thank you very much, incl. and management.

Career growth has its limit; it is impossible to jump higher. With all due respect to the management of the company, family and friendly ties are important. If you please, the work will be easy and pleasant, as I am almost 4 years old)) But if they show negativity in your direction, then the others will not even listen, having drawn their own conclusions. All qualities and merits will be immediately forgotten and you will be asked to leave.

2015-04-05 23:07 Nickname:Stanislav Medvedev, Moscow

Gaining new experience and management. Mastering systems like Microsoft Project. The ability to make your own decision and prove it with competent argumentation. The company always assumed the financial costs of negotiations. I consider the possibility of reasoned disputes with the CEO to be the main advantage of the company. Performance control is present, but without fanatical pressure. Lunches are always in the office - I’ve never been poisoned. White salary. The staff is excellent - everyone in the smoking room is simple… >>

For me there is only one thing - it was difficult to get around without a car. At that time there was a high turnover - it was difficult to pick up cases. I think at the moment the company has acquired a more balanced composition.

2014-07-16 23:51 Nickname:Olga S., Moscow

1. I gained very necessary and useful experience working with programs, which were very useful to me at my new place of work. (M.I. and T.Yu. - Thank you!) 2. Despite the fact that for the most part the people in Inkom are “unimportant”, I note that there are good RPs there who will never leave a question you don’t understand unanswered! in 9 cases out of 10 they will help and tell you everything. 3. If you are a beginner manager, then the head you need is N.B. This is an active, bright and purposeful person, with a good life and professional... >>

1. Don't take food stamps. Take it - get gastritis and sign! 2. there is no practice of the English language at all, which is crazy. 3. No benefits at all: to hell with fitness, to hell with corporate parties, to hell with discounted theater tickets, to hell with advanced training courses. 4. For equipment of workplaces "-100" inkoma according to karma! The computers are old, the phones are broken, the headset “What is this?” 5. Be careful with the “fashion police!” You’ll understand who they are;)

2014-02-05 15:19 Nickname:Anonymous, Moscow

Nothing positive.

General fear due to the unpredictability of the General Director. Initiative is suppressed at the system level. The mentioned genius lives in his own illusory world, finding himself in his virtual space is possible if there are means of pressure on him (for example, connections and the opportunity to influence (influence) the business. Employees for him are “schmucks” and cattle... In short, it can’t get any worse.

2013-09-08 17:57 Nickname:ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS, Moscow

2013-07-09 05:28 Nickname:Anonymous, Moscow

White, average salary for Moscow. View from the window. Only if towards the river. Parking (if you get into the good graces of the right people)

Quarrelsome office. The general director is a smart guy, but very tired. The company is run by two aunts, the financial director (more like an accountant) and the deputy general director (senior salesperson), there are also a couple of henchmen. Squabbles, intrigue, licking soft spots, envy and matriarchy. Those who managed to get under the skirt are in favor and will last for a while, the rest are trash. The professionalism of employees is assessed in the last place, in the first place is the ability to lick. Spectaclers, real specialists - a few "rings". They feed from a couple of three state... >>

2012-07-25 16:33 Nickname:Anonymous, Moscow

View from the window on the Moscow River. Pathological inability of management to fire employees. Those. if you passed successfully probation, no one can fire you, even if they really want to. The reason for this is the lack of job descriptions for employees and, as a consequence, the uncertainty of the duties performed. Calmly looking new job, decide all your affairs and quit. Completely white salary. I had a great experience working in

Incoma - property general director. He has little interest in her now. Therefore, as a result, there is now a lot going on in the company that is unpleasant for ordinary employees. During my work in the company, the main group of employees was deprived of social services. programs for voluntary medical insurance, nutrition, subsidies for gasoline (for employees using personal vehicles for business purposes). The company has a certain group of employees hired through connections (acquaintances, relatives, acquaintances of relatives... >>

2011-06-21 08:02 Nickname:Alexander, Moscow

An excellent company, provided you understand how to behave when working in it. Having worked here for 4+ years, I can divide the employees into four types: ricochets, rubber, my own, beloved wives. Rebounds are people who got a job, but did not appreciate the specifics of this company. As a result, a quick departure due to the illusion of strictness of the regime, moral pressure from superiors (resulting in fear of managers), and inability to understand this model of running a company. Rubber - people who succeeded... >>

Under AIDS, the negative aspects seemed so nonsense that I can’t even remember.