How to open a recreation center - a step-by-step business plan. Mineral water business How to open a thermal spring business

With the onset of the first cold weather, one is drawn to somewhere warm, but remember that you can warm up perfectly even where the thermometer inexorably rushes down in autumn. Many countries, which you don’t even think of right away, can pamper guests with their thermal resorts, where you can not only feel the heat of the land that never cools down, but also improve your health.

Baths of Saturnia, Italy

This is one of the most famous places in Italian Tuscany. According to legend, warm springs began to beat out of the ground in the place where the spear of the angry Jupiter fell, aiming, but not hitting Saturn. It landed in a very good place - on the hills of the Maremma, a two-hour drive from Rome. The mineral waters of Saturnia are of a volcanic nature. Their healing properties were first noticed by the ancient Etruscans. Now there is a balneotherapy resort here. Nevertheless, you do not have to be a visitor to a SPA center or a guest of an expensive hotel in order to plunge into the famous thermal baths - the main source at the old mill works for free.

The water temperature in the springs is 37.5. That is, slightly warmer than body temperature. That is why, in it a person feels very comfortable and can easily relax.

Naturally, a holy place is never empty: crowds of people sometimes gather at the free sources of the old mill. That is why best time to visit them begins in autumn.

Hot mineral springs of Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

The hot water spouting from the ground here is literally overflowing with healing minerals. In total, there are 79 springs in Karlovy Vary. However, most of their water is used for drinking. For bathing, only water from a spring called Vrzhidlo is used, the water temperature in which is 72 degrees.

Water from this source fills the famous Thermal pool, located directly under the open sky on the roof of the hotel of the same name. Everyone can swim here, you just need to pay an entrance fee. A special pleasure, after swimming, is to consider the wonderful view of the old town. There are also mineral pools at some other hotels and boarding houses, they can also be visited by everyone.
By the way:

Bad Blumau, Styria

What will happen if the famous Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser undertakes the creation of a resort complex? You get a magical house, or rather a whole town for fairy-tale characters. It is these associations that arise among travelers from the Rogner Bad Blumau resort, which lurks in the Austrian Styria between the Harz and Vienna. It so happened that it was here, next to the pumpkin field (Cinderella is somewhere nearby), that scientists who were looking for oil found mineral waters.

Here on an area of ​​1600 square meters there is a jacuzzi and a variety of pools, jet massages and cascades, gyms, islands of relaxation. The water temperature ranges from + 36 to 26 degrees Celsius. Here you will be offered mud therapy, balneological procedures, massage (136 types in total), aromatherapy, gong therapy, acupuncture. And of course, it will not do without active entertainment for every taste. Well, and most importantly, all the buildings here are multi-colored, there are no straight corridors and corners. Grass grows on the roofs (on purpose), the floors are uneven. In general, a fairy-tale country is a fairy-tale country.

Vilyuchinsky thermal springs, Kamchatka

A huge number of thermal springs in Russia are waiting for you on the smoking land of Kamchatka. Hot lakes (upper) here come to the surface near the Vilyuchinsky volcano. They are located a kilometer above the mouth of the Spokoyny Creek, a tributary of the Vilyucha River. Water temperature - + 40-52 ° С. In addition to the lakes, there is also a picturesque waterfall 16 meters high. Nizhne-Vilyuchinsky terms are located on the surface 1.5 kilometers down the valley. There, the water warms up to + 62 degrees, and nearby, for those who are already warm enough, there is also a ski base. Getting to the Vilyuchinsky springs is not easy: you either need to fly by helicopter from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, or drive for 12 hours by jeep through the Vilyuchinsky Pass, the highest automobile pass in Kamchatka. Last option not the easiest, but excellent scenery compensates for everything.

By the way:

Palea Kameni, Greece

There are thermal springs in Greece, and not far from Santorini. From there, tourists are taken by boat to the uninhabited island of Palea Kameni (which means “burnt for centuries”), which is known for its azure springs and curative sulfuric mud. Interestingly, the hot springs there are located right in the sea and you need to swim to them from the ship yourself.

60 owners of sports and recreation complexes and rest houses in the Uygur district of the Almaty region were surprised by the tax bills that they were issued for two quarters of 2017, of which only the second quarter falls on the season. Now they claim that last year's amendments to the Tax Code brought their business to the brink of shutting down.

According to the amendments made in 2016 to article 342 “Tax rates for the extraction of minerals”, camp sites that use in their economic activity water from hot springs, which were previously considered water users, are now classified as subsoil users. Under the new requirements, businessmen must pay for a cubic meter of underground water extracted in the amount of 1 MCI - 2269 tenge. Businessmen claim that maximum profit they rarely exceed 10 million tenge per season.

“At the moment, the State Revenue Department of the Uyghur region has issued notices on the elimination of violations based on the results of cameral control to three entrepreneurs on payment for used water for the quarter. The rest houses "Tumar", "Dovun" and "Premium" were each given 19 million tenge of debt. Although they do not even earn such amounts in a year,” says Ashimzhan Imirov, head of the Uyghur District Water Users Association.

The owners of the complexes sent collective letter Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev:

“This situation may lead to the closure of all holiday homes, sports and recreation centers and planned tourist routes, as well as to the reduction of 700 jobs. We ask you to help in resolving this legal incident and amend Article 342 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

There are more than 100 hot springs in the Uyghur region. Water temperature all year round keeps within 20-37 degrees Celsius, and in some places exceeds 50 degrees.

Officials in Astana know about the plight of businessmen from the Uighur region. From the response of the Water Resources Committee of the Ministry Agriculture it can be concluded that the agency has thought about the status of groundwater users.

“Currently, the granting of the right to use groundwater is divided between two authorized bodies (the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry for Investment and Development. - Author's note). In this regard, we believe that the issue of classifying individuals as water users and subsoil users needs to be resolved,” the Ministry of Agriculture states.

The Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Investment and Development reported that, according to Article 66 “On Subsoil and Use”, water users are legal and individuals, using on the basis of a special permit for special water use from a part of the subsoil, household and drinking water with a withdrawal limit of 50 to 2000 cubic meters per day. And subsoil users are considered to be persons engaged in exploration and extraction of groundwater on the basis of subsoil use contracts.

The written response of the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs to the owners of health resorts said: “In the near future, the National Chamber, as part of the consideration of the draft concept of the new Tax Code, will initiate a proposal to revise the tax rate for the extraction of minerals on groundwater for the field of activity you indicated.”

“For the current 2017, we have entered into an agreement with the regional state revenue department. The agency will not yet issue notifications for debt collection for hot spring water use. But from next year, if the legislation does not change, businessmen will pay according to the tariffs specified in the law,” says Muslim Amangeldy, head of the Uighur representative office of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty region.

Since the issue of clean drinking water is very relevant now, the mineral water business is considered very profitable. Since the demand for good water is high in every region, and there are also enough mineral water sources, everyone can arrange profitable business on mineral water. This case is different quick payback at small investment and water is an almost inexhaustible source of income.

Many people think that there are few sources of mineral water and they are all owned by someone, in fact, water extracted from the lower levels of groundwater can be considered mineral water. The degree of mineralization of water can also be different, but if it was extracted from a depth of more than a hundred meters, then such water is considered mineral and has healing properties.

In order to properly organize a business, you need to understand what mineral water is. It differs from drinking water in the presence of mineral compounds. According to their composition, mineral waters are divided into:

  • sulfate;
  • Chloride;
  • Hydrocarbonate.

Also, mineral waters are table (with a mineral content of up to 4.5 g / liter) and medicinal (over 4.5 g / liter). The composition of water and its source directly affect the organization of a business. It is also necessary to take into account the extraction, packaging, transportation of water to points of sale and other factors. Like any other business, earning on mineral water requires detailed business plan, in which it is necessary to describe all the nuances and stages of organizing your own business.

When organizing a business selling mineral water, it is important to decide on the type of product. In addition to mineral waters, melt water is now in demand. During freezing pure water turns to ice faster than dirty and with impurities, so they can be drained, and the remaining liquid will be the most useful. The production of melt water does not require special investments, so at the stage of establishing a business, this can be a starting point.


In addition to registering the company itself ( individual entrepreneur or ), you must also get permits. This is, first of all, the hygienic conclusion of the SES, and it is issued both for the water itself and for production. Certification in Gosstandart is also required. If the firm is engaged in retail or wholesale trade mineral water, in some cities it is necessary to obtain a license to trade in the Licensing Chamber.

You can issue a package of documents yourself or order this service from a specialized company that will do everything you need for a fee (from 500 USD).


When organizing a business on mineral water, it is important to choose the right equipment. Since the cost of equipment for the extraction and bottling of mineral water is quite high (it can reach 1 million USD), the solution may be to buy used equipment. It will also be possible to buy ready business, For example small factory mineral waters with the necessary equipment.

As for the list this equipment, you will need the following items:

  • Saturator;
  • Well pumps;
  • Water tanks;
  • Filling and capping machine;
  • Forming equipment plastic bottles from blanks;
  • Equipment for packing;

This is the minimum required equipment for an enterprise for the production of mineral water. The listed equipment can be purchased both in a complete set and in separate components. On sale you can find new and used equipment from domestic and foreign manufacturers. If the used equipment option is chosen, then over time, as the business expands, it will be possible to replace old equipment to new positions.

It is also necessary to purchase transport for transporting products to places of trade and consumers.

Extraction of mineral water

Well access from mineral water not everyone can get it, so if it is not there, then water can be purchased and brought to the desired mineral composition. It should be understood that this option is more expensive.

With the option of own well, it is necessary to prepare a project for the construction of a bottling plant. This object will be Food Industry Therefore, it is important to comply with all norms and requirements. The well and the plot of land must be converted into private property, and if this is not possible, then it is necessary to agree on a long-term lease (term of 50 years).

Advertising and personnel

A new brand of mineral water should be well advertised. To do this, you must use the following methods:

  • Advertising in the media
  • Articles and announcements in the specialized printed publications.
  • Organization of promotions and various events.
  • Billboards and banners.

As a staff, a food technologist will be needed, as well as workers to service the equipment. Handymen, a warehouse manager, an accountant and sales managers are also needed.


The main source of costs for the organization are the following points:

  • Extraction of water from a source
  • Water treatment until ready
  • Purchase or manufacture of containers for bottling
  • Paying rent or utility bills
  • Employee salary
  • Payment for product examinations.
    The payback of the project depends on the level of the enterprise, the type of production, the cost of equipment and other factors. On average, in 3 years, you can return the initial investment and reach stable income.

Business plan of a mini hotel
at thermal springs
in Mostovsky district
Krasnodar Territory.

Options are advertisements real business plan on 94 sheets.
(the original can be found in the administration of the thermal spring "Rasputin" at:
Krasnodar Territory, Mostovskoy village, Shevchenko st. 88, +79184402363)

OPTION 1. (Self-managed hotel or villa)

Primary costs:

Villa in pre-finishing + land ownership 10 million rubles

Regular expenses:

Staff salary 30,000 rubles.
Utilities 20,000 rubles.
Advertising expenses 10,000 rubles.
Current expenses 20,000 rubles.


Income from living per day 15,000 rubles.
Income from related services per day 5000 rubles.

The net profit depends on your work in filling your villa with guests and optimizing costs.
Estimated profit from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles per month

Option 2. (Hotel management by our company)

Primary costs:

Turnkey villa + land ownership 10 million rubles

Regular expenses:

Staff salary 0 rub.
Utilities 0 rub.
Advertising expenses 0 rub.
Current expenses 0 rub.

Income per year:

Fixed amount from 2,000,000 rubles. depending on the chosen project.
You are not distracted from your main work - you only receive money from us.


Investment project:



Investment project passport

1. Name of the project

Construction of the water-recreational complex “Hot Spring”

2. Place of sale

Sakhalin Region, Hot Beach settlement, Yuzhno-Kurilsky District, Kunashir Island

3. short description project

Mini-hotel for 24 rooms (2 rooms - category "LUX", 2 rooms - category "APARTMENTS", 20 rooms of category "STUDIO"). two-storey building with an attic, with a veranda with a winter garden. Five one-storey houses of the "VIP" cottage type for 4 people each, a restaurant with 20 seats. Sauna with an open-air swimming pool Restaurant and hotel form a single integral structure.

Parking for company vehicles, parking for guests, parking for residents, multifunctional

outdoor area (summer cafe), volleyball court, court area, complex playground, artificial pond.

Utility rooms, utility block, treatment facilities, water intake (well drinking water), boiler room, diesel power plant, garage for 2 cars, fences along the boundaries of the territory.

1st stage: Construction of a restaurant, 5 cottages

2nd stage: Construction of a mini-hotel

4. Project organizer

Limited Liability Company “SAHALINVEST-TOUR”

Company name

OOO SakhalinWest Tour

NP “Tourism Development Assistance Center”. Registration certificate number: dated 01.01.

Address: Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, tel /,

e-mail: *****@***ru ; *****@***ru

Year of foundation

The main activity of the enterprise

Activities of the water recreation complex

Product Description

Annual sales volume:

in kind;

in value terms

(thousand rubles / thousand dollars)


Travel companies, corporate clients NP, guests of the region

Postal address, phone, fax, e-mail

Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 104 kv 2, tel/fax (4242),

Enterprise manager

5. Offer to the investor

The total cost of the project

(thousand rubles / thousand dollars)

RUB thousand / USD 3,571 thousand

Own contribution of the enterprise (thousand rubles / thousand dollars)

Required investment volume (thousand rubles/thousand dollars)

Investor participation conditions:

Share ownership;

Portfolio investment

Equity participation in construction

Use of investments

New construction

Investment return guarantees

Deposit in the amount of the cost of construction

Planned annual volume of production (services): in natural terms;

in value terms (thousand rubles / thousand dollars)

To be determined as a result of developing a business plan

Product Description

Creation of an accommodation facility for guests of the region with a health-improving, relaxation purpose for organizing recreation and treatment of the local population and guests of the region


Travel companies, NP corporate clients, local population


Settlement period of the project

Payback period

Return on investment

Availability of a business plan or preliminary feasibility studies


Year of project development

Exchange rate on the date of compilation

Date of issue of the passport

Objective of the project:

- Development of inbound, domestic and social tourism in the Sakhalin Region by increasing the flow of tourists;

Creation of a hotel and tourist recreation complex in the Sakhalin Region corresponding to the international level;

Development of a network of small hotels of 2-3* level with individualized high-class service in accordance with the trend of the international hotel business;

Development of the district through the creation of new jobs and attracted investments

Receiving income from tourism infrastructure.

Project objectives:

Commissioning of an investment object corresponding to the international level;

Formation, promotion and implementation of tourist services;

Creation of an attractive tourist image of the Sakhalin Region;

Training of personnel for high-quality individualized service of the hotel and tourist complex.

Project summary.

Project: construction and subsequent operation of a water and recreation complex.

1st stage:construction of a restaurant for 20 seats and construction of cottage-type houses "VIP" in the amount of 5 pieces for 4 people each;

2nd stage: construction of a 3* hotel with 24 rooms

(including 20 rooms of the “studio” category, 2 rooms of the “luxury” category, 2 rooms of the “apartment” category);

Note: the restaurant and the hotel are a single building.

Square residential complex based on the planned design indicators is 1000 square meters. m, including the residential part (first, second, and attic floors) - 400 sq. m, and the recreational and administrative part (ground floor) 500 sq. m.

Initiator of the project: -tour ", registered at the address of the Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Pobeda avenue 24 in a single state register legal entities.

Legal Status of the Project: a piece of land with an area of ​​2 ha sq. m.) on the territory of the village of Hot Beach of the Yuzhno-Kurilsky district of Kunashir Island, which is the most popular place for recreation and rehabilitation based on thermal natural springs for residents of the Sakhalin Region.

For this site, where it is planned to locate a water and health complex, an application for participation in the competition was submitted by the partner of the Project Initiator for acquisition of ownership.

Project concept.

The relevance of the project.

South Kuril Islands, in particular about. Kunashir is a natural phenomenon of global importance. It is one of the most beautiful ecologically clean and largely pristine corners of nature. This makes the area extremely attractive for tourism.

In addition, the islands have a large number of deposits of mineral waters, therapeutic muds, as well as fumarole thermal baths, promising for use in the treatment of cardiovascular, rheumatological, skin-dermatosis,

diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others, which creates extremely favorable opportunities for the organization of an all-Russian, and in the future, international base of balneological treatment. In many places, subneutral, alkaline, sulfate-chloride-sodium springs 78 C are beaten, with mud deposits. Very effective treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, seborrheic, allergic eczema, etc.) diseases, diseases of the veins (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis).

Analogues in Russia: Karmadon, Chartak.

All this together determines the unique properties of hot springs for their use.

P. Hot Beach has long been very popular. On the territory of the Hot Beach there is a small hospital, which belongs to the South Kuril district hospital. But due to the lack of financial resources public institution- hospitals have no opportunity to develop this area.

transport scheme.

Maritime communication port of Korsakov-o. Iturup;

Personal automobile transport;

High pass technology.


Provision of certified services;

Personal security.

Composition of tourist packages.

- water recreation and entertainment;

-hunting and fishing summer and winter;

- medical;

- medical service;

- active recreation (hiking routes)

Types of tourism.

-inbound tourism (Russia, Japan, Korea, USA, Europe);

Domestic tourism (Central regions of Russia, the Far East, residents of the Sakhalin region);

Social (Russia, Sakhalin region).

Financing scheme.

- credit funds for the development of working projects and the implementation of construction and installation works;

- means of federal and regional targeted programs in the form of budget investments;

- private investment;

- Equity investment.

Payback period.

7 years

Implementation deadlines.

g - design

construction, commissioning

Organization and project management .

Project developers and executors

NP “Tourism Assistance Center”, LLC “SakhalinWest Tour”,

SPKiIO "Far Eastern Alliance".

IN interaction with authorities.

Promotion of a set of tasks for the development of inbound tourism in the Sakhalin Region together with the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the Sakhalin Region;

Implementation of the project as part of the targeted “Program for the development of tourism in the Sakhalin region for the period up to 2010”.


The planned structure of financing, the form and volume of attracted financial resources, as well as the project management structure are specified at the stage of negotiations with potential investors.