How to make money renovating apartments. Detailed business plan of the company. Where to start recruiting

The market for renovation and design services is extremely saturated. Licensed companies that have the right to carry out this type of activity are faced with competition from numerous teams of coven workers, the cost of whose services are usually low, but the quality of their work is at the same level. The demand for construction services is stable, which means this business is profitable. Not everyone knows how to open an apartment renovation company, but there are many who want to start this one. And it’s not surprising: with a competent approach, this type of activity will bring considerable income.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide on the right form of activity. There are two options here: if you plan to work mainly on your own or with a small number of assistants, then it would be wiser to register as individual entrepreneur. If you have large-scale plans and the goal is to cover as wide a spectrum of the market as possible, then it is recommended to register as an LLC (limited liability company). This will make it possible to work with legal entities: conclude contracts and make payments both in cash and non-cash.

Next, you will need to take care of obtaining a license to perform repairs. finishing works. In accordance with Federal Law"About licensing individual species activities" in the section "Finishing works" the following list is indicated:

  • plastering and molding works;
  • decorative and finishing;
  • glass works;
  • facing;
  • installation of suspended (stretch) ceilings, panels and slabs with front finish.

The license can be obtained for a period of 2 months and 5 years. This is not a difficult task, you just need to assemble the whole package necessary documents. Large customers prefer to work with licensed companies, as this indicates their reliability and seriousness of intention to stay in the company for a long time. As of October 2013, the cost of a license for the simplest type of finishing work (plastering) is 1,300 rubles. Another 1500 thousand rubles. you need to pay for a consultation with a specialist who will explain what documents you will need to provide and when to expect to receive permission to carry out the work. As the list of services provided increases, the cost of the license also increases.

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Search for personnel and formation of teams

In the early stages of establishing a company, you can get by with a minimum number of specialists. Just four are enough: plasterer, electrician, plumber, carpenter. It is highly desirable that half of them have higher education. The fact is that prerequisite To obtain a license, the company must have just such specialists on staff, and their number must be at least 50% of all company employees. There are also certain requirements for the qualifications of workers. If he is a young specialist, and no more than 3 years have passed since he graduated from university, then he does not need to confirm his qualifications. In all other cases, you will have to take courses to improve it.

In relation to the members of your team, you need to be a demanding, but at the same time democratic leader. It is considered bad manners to withhold money or skimp on workers' salaries. It should be understood that such an attitude will not give the company good reputation. And rumors about a dishonest manager spread quickly, and soon you may find yourself faced with the fact that only mediocrities and unprofessionals agree to work for you. A good specialist will not come to work for such a company. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is important to develop the right policy in relation to those who work for you, and to fulfill all promises regarding the payment of earned money.

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How to look for clients

The most effective way to find someone who needs repairs is to post advertisements directly at the entrances of residential buildings. It needs to be done regularly, as these pieces of paper tend to disappear quickly. To avoid any claims against the company from housing and utility companies, Lately it became possible to enter into contracts with them for advertising on special notice boards located at each entrance. The amount needed to pay for the permit will be small, but it will save a lot of nerves.

Another effective way to find clients is to rent advertising posters in public transport. This method of attracting people interested in home renovation services has two goals at once: finding a client and advertising your company. Over time, the name of the company will be remembered, and it will gain some fame. But you can’t rely only on apartment owners. There are many businesses and institutions that need cosmetic or major renovations. It makes sense to pay attention to schools, kindergartens, canteens, shops, offices. It will be more relevant to leave booklets and business cards there.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 330,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 4 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for apartment renovation services with calculations.

Description of service

The company is engaged in apartment renovation. Services are provided for apartment finishing and major repairs. The organization does the work different levels, but mainly targets the middle class. Please note that this business plan is not designed for large company, but for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Market analysis

Apartment renovation services are a fairly profitable enterprise. In many cities, the niche is not overcrowded, and entry to it is free. This opens up excellent prospects in this matter. Firstly, the costs will be reduced to wages, because the client can buy raw materials independently or pay separately. To these expenses you can add funds for advertising. The remaining categories of costs can be considered insignificant.

In this business, it is very important to understand what you are working with. Ideal option This will be the case if a private entrepreneur has worked in this area of ​​business, knows the prices, the required quality and sequence of work, and understands how the service should be promoted.

Most often, such enterprises are opened by former workers who decided to try their hand at sailing on their own.

Remember that the two most important criteria are the quality of services provided and advertising. Moreover, the second aspect influences success no less.

Even in developed cities there are no large organizations involved in repairs. More precisely, there are very few of them. It is possible to get benefits from a large enterprise, but costs rise and often reduce profitability. Therefore, the main competitors will be small firms. The difficulty is that it is quite difficult to assess their influence on the market. Many today work in the gray segment of the market; their activities cannot be tracked in any way. Needless to say, many do not have their own offices at all.

How can you conquer the market? Quality and promotion of services. Active advertising will become the main driver, but more on that a little later.

It is quite difficult to create a specific buyer persona. Today, many people use the services of such repair teams. These are not necessarily people with great income. Although, it will be possible to receive large orders from them. Therefore, it is worth organizing your work in such a way as to attract the attention of people with average and high income levels.

If we talk about age, then most often people under the age of 45-55 turn to such offices. The older generation, as a rule, makes repairs themselves. Pensioners often simply do not have enough money to use such services.

SWOT analysis

When creating your own organization, it is necessary to assess the internal and external factors affecting the operation of the business. Impacts external environment cannot be changed, but many consequences can be avoided, and opportunities can be used for good. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities
  • Free entry into the market.
  • Different price categories.
  • Mobility of own production facilities.
  • Possibility of optimizing your own production.
  • Possibility of applying favorable tax regimes (STS, UTII).
  • Excellent opportunities to expand your own business.
  1. Threats
  • Average level of investment (due to the high cost of professional tools).
  • The service is not an essential commodity.
  • No guarantee of a constant level of demand.
  • Inconsistency of orders (possible blockages or, conversely, lack of objects).
  • High level of competition.

You can and should work with internal factors. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Providing quality service.
  • Providing guarantees for work performed.
  • Acceptable cost of work.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • Quality tools.
  • Short terms of work.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Well-developed marketing and pricing strategy.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Inexperience.
  • Lack of client base.
  • Zero business reputation.
  • Difficulty in finding qualified personnel.
  • Lack of personnel training programs.

Based on the analysis of internal factors, the organization can follow one of the following paths:

  1. Strengthen your own capabilities thanks to positive aspects, use them as a competitive advantage.
  2. Try to deal with weaknesses.
  3. Minimize the consequences arising from the presence of weaknesses.

Opportunity Assessment

Demand in this industry is difficult to estimate. Its peak occurs from April to October. But the rest of the time the value of demand does not fluctuate much. Its influence can be reduced with the help of a good advertising company and a permanent customer base.

Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 58 hours per week. Per month: 252 hours.

Remember that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot work more than 40 hours weekly. In order not to hire additional people, you can register each of them as part-time workers, so that everything on paper complies with the law. Then each worker (namely finishers and tilers) will have a rate of 1.45. If this option does not suit you, you can arrange overtime or work on days off.

Thus, there will be one shift. You don't have to break up your work across multiple teams. This will improve the quality of work and increase the level of responsibility.

After developing a client base, you can think about expanding and increasing the number of teams. It will also be possible to hire a foreman rather than deal with these matters yourself. Soon you should think about a secretary or deputy who will be involved in selecting clients, calling, and advertising. The foreman can take on the responsibilities of checking the work and agreeing on the plan of services provided with the client. Additionally, you can offer a service for the purchase and delivery of materials, having previously agreed with any organization about wholesale supplies raw materials.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. or . OKVED codes that can be used:
  • 45.25.5 - Production of stone works;
  • 45.31 — Electrical installation work;
  • 45.32 — Production of insulation work;
  • 45.33 — Sanitary work;
  • 45.42 — Carpentry and carpentry work;
  • 45.43 — Installation of floor coverings and wall cladding;
  • 45.44 — Production of painting and glass work;
  • 45.44.2 - Production of painting works;
  • 45.45 — Production of other finishing and finishing works.

Remember that one main OKVED code must be selected, the rest must also be indicated.

  1. This type of activity no need to license.
  2. Apartment renovation according to OKUN ( All-Russian classifier services to the population) – household service. Therefore, an entrepreneur can use not only, but also. Please note that UTII is provided only for the provision of services to individuals. If you are renovating apartments converted into commercial real estate for legal entities, you will need to switch to the simplified tax system. You can also obtain a patent and receive certain benefits and privileges. But this will increase the initial costs. You can use the simplified tax system “Income” 6% or the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. None permitting documents no need. It is very important to take care in advance of drawing up contracts, acceptance certificates and other documentation that will not only confirm income, but also protect you from dishonesty of customers.
  4. Make a detailed price list that will help the customer navigate.
  5. It’s better to get a stamp, especially since today there are many online programs that allow you to track and manage funds in your bank account.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy: Do not underestimate the cost of work. Firstly, it can reduce the profitability of the enterprise to nothing. Secondly, such a move can completely frighten potential clients. In this business, people most often associate the price of services with their quality. It is worth considering setting the average market price. If you are confident that there will be clients in a higher price segment, and the quality of work is at the same level, then you can set the price above average.

“You shouldn’t put your eggs in all baskets at the same time.” Firstly, this approach will cost a pretty penny. Secondly, an advertising company in the field of repair services has its own specifics. It is worth studying this market in more detail and choosing those types of advertising that have the greatest impact on potential consumers. These include:

  • Posting advertisements.

This type is considered the most effective way attracting clients. If possible, they can be posted throughout the city. It is especially necessary to bypass new buildings or facilities under construction. Mostly such advertisements should be posted directly on entrances or inside them.

  • Advertisements in newspapers.

It is worth placing them in all well-known city newspapers. The cost of such advertising is low. It is very important to appear in newspapers regularly. Weekly announcements will remain in memory; if necessary, a person will look in the newspaper and find the phone number he needs.

  • Internet advertising.

This can include maintaining your own website (better). Moreover, it needs to be filled to the maximum. Make a price list, tell about your craftsmen, show examples of work (preferably with videos and customer reviews).

  • Word of mouth.

This is a free form of advertising. It is impossible to control it directly. But the quality of your work will ensure the receipt of new orders. You can also give out your business cards to satisfied customers. This type of advertising begins to operate, as a rule, after the first 5-10 orders. If, of course, the quality of your work is at the highest level. Even if something is done wrong, you need to try to correct the shortcomings and satisfy the customer’s requests as much as possible.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is the systematicity and correct focus of your advertising.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

As such, no room for work is required. At first, you can meet on the customer’s premises, especially since you still have to evaluate the apartment, draw up a plan and estimate. As a last resort, you can always use renting a room. Of course, when the organization becomes famous, has a client base and the entrepreneur wants to expand his activities, it makes sense to think about renting his own office, as well as hiring a designer. All this will increase the range of services offered and improve the company’s reputation.

You can rent a small room to store equipment. No repairs will be required there.

Thus, you will not have to spend money on repairs and furniture. But the tools will require serious expenses. Our organization will employ two teams of finishers (each of two people) and one tiler. They all need their own tools and supplies.

You will have to spend a lot on tools for 5 people. This includes various drills, screwdrivers, mixers, levels, sawhorses, sanders and much more. Of course, it’s better to buy a high-quality tool right away.

IN Consumables does not include the cost of raw materials required for repairs. This is paid for by the client and everything needed is provided.

It's worth buying a uniform for the workers. Firstly, it will add respectability, and secondly, they will have everything they need for work. This will provide them with comfort.

Salary will be calculated as follows:

Take better than people with work experience, not necessarily education.

When calculating, the amount is indicated as “dirty”, that is, personal income tax and contributions are not deducted from the salary.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly income 330,000 rubles
Rent 6,000 rubles
Consumables 5,000 rubles
Wage 165,000 rubles
Advertising 20,000 rubles
Outsourcing (services of electricians, telecom operators, mechanics) 8,000 rubles
Office expenses 2,000 rubles
Total costs: 206,000 rubles
Profit before tax 124,000 rubles
Tax 5,000 rubles
Net profit 119,000 rubles
Profitability (net profit/income) 36,06%
Payback (Initial costs/Net profit) from 4 months

We took the UTII tax, since it turned out to be more profitable in this case. In your specific case, it may happen that the simplified tax system will be more profitable. The amount indicated is per month. Remember that UTII payment is made once a quarter. That is, an entrepreneur pays a tax of 15,000 rubles per quarter.


It is important to take everything into account at the preparatory stage possible risks. They are usually divided into internal and external. The latter risks include the following:

  1. Decrease in income of the population.

This could lead to a sharp decline in demand for services. To combat this, it is worth strengthening the advertising campaign and, if necessary, reducing prices. These actions will help reduce losses and reduce downtime.

  1. Increased competition in the industry.

To avoid this risk, it is necessary to offer clients only high-quality services. You must be able to present yourself, your employees and the company. Become recognizable in your city, increase your business reputation, respectability. By the way, reducing the price may help here, but only slightly.

  1. Dishonesty of the customer.

All contracts must be formalized. You can work after prepayment. It is worth considering risk insurance. If necessary, you will have to go to court to demand payment of the debt.

The probability of occurrence is average.

Internal risks will include:

  1. Low level of personnel qualifications.

It is worth taking a more careful approach to personnel selection. Think over ways to test skills, develop acts and other documentation that allows for quality control. Place new employees on a probationary period.

The probability of occurrence is average.

  1. Downtime due to breakdowns of the equipment used, as well as a decrease in quality, slow execution of work.

It is necessary to timely check the condition of the tools used. It is worth considering purchasing additional units of equipment. You need to pay attention to the quality of the purchased equipment Special attention. These must be reliable tools. One of the most popular companies– HILTI (Germany).

The probability of occurrence is high.

  1. Lack of staff.

It is worth thinking about ways to attract employees and motivate them for further fruitful cooperation. The search should be done not only through newspapers and television, it is worth using the Internet.

The probability of occurrence is low.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

In this material:

Laying laminate flooring in a room, tiles in a bathroom, leveling walls are a small part of the procedures typical for renovating an apartment. And if earlier people tried to do everything with their own hands, saving on work, today preference is given to construction and repair teams. When deciding to engage in this type of business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for apartment renovation, which provides not only the staff and scope of work, but also answers all questions of interest to clients and takes into account requests target audience and analyzes possible risks.

Apartment renovation as a business: description of the idea

Most best option apartment renovation business - opening a company providing relevant services. The staff consists of 3-4 general-purpose teams, as well as a foreman, a designer and a telephone operator. In this case, serious investments are required both in organizing the business and in its promotion.

The second option is for the entrepreneur to lead the finishing work team, personally accept applications from clients, inspect the premises and announce the cost. In the future, this type of business develops into a company, because as the volume of work increases, the businessman will have to hire new workers and switch to management himself.

The third option is when an entrepreneur does not go beyond the scope of situation No. 2 described, i.e. he works for himself, but has 2-3 people as partners. In this case, the number of orders is limited by the capabilities of the team and time. On the other hand, with a large flow of orders and a good reputation, a businessman has the right to choose the most advantageous offers from several dozen orders.

Opening an apartment renovation business is not difficult if you start with the simplest tasks, doing the work yourself. However, if a legal entity is initially opened in order to provide a wide range of construction services, then the business plan and financial calculations necessary.

Reference. The main difference between the activities of an entrepreneur as an employee and the functioning of a company is that in the first case, minimum investment. Organization legal entity requires serious financial costs and correct calculations.


There is no need to talk about the demand and demand for apartment finishing. This is especially noticeable now, when the majority of the population does not spend time, effort and money on repairs. on our own, but turns to specialized companies or finds a team based on an advertisement. Paying for the work, naturally, costs a lot, but the homeowner receives:

  • professional repair;
  • original design;
  • work guarantee;
  • minimum deadlines;
  • discounts on next orders.

The relevance of the apartment renovation business is also explained by:

  • the growing number of new buildings that are sold without finishing;
  • regular resales of secondary real estate, the new owners of which are trying to give their apartment a “fresh” look;
  • frequency of repairs, which is recommended every 5 years.

Thanks to the above points, the relevance of the business not only does not fade, but, on the contrary, it grows every year, regardless of competition.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Positive sides:

  1. No difficulties in organizing the work process, be it a personal team or a large company.
  2. High income. Renovating an apartment or even one room is an expensive pleasure. It is worth considering that the material is purchased at the client’s expense or included in the estimate. The crew's expenses are just a tool.
  3. High demand - after completing several orders, the entrepreneur automatically acquires an initial customer base. If the work is good, the homeowner will recommend the finishers to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

The only negative aspects include controversial issues that arise with clients regarding the quality of work, as well as minor difficulties in finding employees. Problems are resolved by concluding a contract for the provision of services, which specifies the nuances of future events. The search for employees is carried out on specialized construction portals. It is advisable that the applicant has education or recommendations from a previous place of work.

Reference. It is not recommended to hire or organize a business with close relatives, since if controversial issues arise, the chance of losing an employee and a good relationship in one person is extremely high. Output - compilation employment contract and the exclusion of family ties in the workplace.

How is the workflow organized from the client’s call to the delivery of the object?

Algorithm of actions when providing apartment renovation services:

  1. Client call - in 60% of cases, people call several organizations to obtain information about prices, list of services and speed of work. At this stage, it is necessary to interest the client as much as possible by describing the capabilities, work criteria and cost.
  2. Meeting – the homeowner personally visits the office, if there is one, and examines the company’s portfolio. Another option is for a foreman to go to the site and draw up a preliminary estimate.
  3. Agreement – ​​with the client’s consent, a service agreement is drawn up, which specifies all the necessary actions and their cost. If the work is urgent, the date of completion of the object is indicated.
  4. Work – within the allotted time, the team carries out the repair activities specified in the contract.
  5. Delivery of the object - the client accepts the work if there are no inaccuracies.
  6. Payment – ​​the amount and frequency of payments is specified in the contract. The client can make an advance payment and pay the rest upon completion of the repair. Or deposit the entire amount of funds initially.

Reference. The owner of the property does not have the right to refuse payment just because he “didn’t like it”, but at the same time all the clauses of the contract were complied with. In this case, the businessman needs to go to court to resolve the conflict.

Market analysis in this niche

Proposals for apartment renovations are found everywhere:

  • announcements on the entrance and poles residential area;
  • newspapers, magazines, advertising brochures;
  • commercials on TV and radio;
  • TV tickers;
  • contextual advertising;
  • banners, streamers and electronic displays in the city;
  • announcements on social networks;
  • spam by e-mail and in SMS messages.

Businessmen build up a client base, which can never be many. However, you shouldn’t think that people don’t have work and are trying to somehow find clients.

The target audience

50% of the target audience are property owners in new buildings. It is there that a good half of the apartment finishing activity is in full swing. The remaining 50% is successfully divided between:

  • owners of secondary housing;
  • tenants of non-residential real estate on the first floors of apartment buildings;
  • real estate agencies.

The average age of clients is 30–55 years old, mostly men.

How much competition is there?

Competition in the apartment renovation industry is enormous. But it is almost impossible to analyze the activities of other companies or individual teams, except for the cost and list of services.

This is explained by the fact that more than 50% of all finishers work illegally or semi-legally, hiding their real income. In the repair industry, this is quite simple, especially for those who work without registration entrepreneurial activity.

Important: for tax evasion or illegal conduct of business activities in Russia, both administrative and criminal liability are provided.

On the other hand, huge competition does not in any way prevent you from successfully joining this business, since the demand for finishing work in large cities exceeds supply. Repair is not one day, or even a week, which still depends on the amount of work. And people never want to wait in line. This leads to the conclusion that repair teams are almost always busy, and clients have to look for more and more specialists. The demand for services is growing exponentially.

Possible risks

The apartment renovation business involves the following risks:

  • Lack of mutual understanding with clients - there are often cases when, after the work is completed, the owner refuses to pay for the services. There is only one way out - official registration business activities and drawing up an agreement so that documentation can subsequently be provided to the judicial authorities.
  • Lack of mutual understanding with subordinates - team members may complain about low wages, perform poor quality work, or deceive the entrepreneur. The solution is careful selection of personnel.
  • Associated risks associated with the purchase of low-quality tools or materials. And if the tools are purchased personally by the entrepreneur, then building mixtures the client often buys on his own. Wanting to save money, cheap, low-quality material is chosen. Workers are required to immediately notify possible consequences repair actions, indicating this in the contract.

Organizational plan

Where to start an apartment renovation business is the most pressing question for young entrepreneurs. The choice consists not only in determining the status of the activity (individual entrepreneur or LLC), but also in the range of services, because the need to obtain a license to conduct business depends on this. construction work or lack thereof.

Registration of an apartment renovation company

If an entrepreneur plans to personally furnish apartments in the company of several employees, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

If the goal is to open a company with several finishing teams, an office and additional staff, then you need to immediately proceed to the establishment of a legal entity.

Taxation system – simplified tax system or UTII. “Simplified” provides for a tax levy of 6% on income. “Imputation” – 15% of the estimated income, regardless of actual indicators.

Drawing up a list of services

The list directly depends on the type of activity. For companies that are going to provide full list construction services, you must obtain permission to work by joining an SRO ( self-regulatory organization). The procedure is accompanied by additional expenses:

  • single contribution – from 300 thousand rubles;
  • entrance fee – 5 thousand rubles;
  • monthly fee – 5 thousand rubles;
  • insurance – 3 thousand rubles.

SRO approval allows you to carry out any construction renovation work, including the elimination of load-bearing walls, dismantling of gas equipment, reconstruction of floors.

In the absence of SRO approval, the entrepreneur has the right to engage in the following types of work:

  • plastering;
  • carpentry;
  • painting;
  • finishing;
  • laying flooring.

Simply put, a businessman without SRO permission can engage in all types of work that do not involve remodeling premises or changing load-bearing structures.

Renting office space

The need for office space arises when organizing several teams working in parallel. Considering that the building is required only for administrative work and, possibly, tool storage, the minimum requirements are:

  • area – 15–25 sq. m.;
  • location – in fact does not affect the work process, but if possible it is better to choose the first floor apartment building residential area or closer to the central part of the city to make it easier for employees to get to;
  • rent is average for the city.

An office is necessary for an operator who receives and processes applications, as well as for bookkeeping and accounting of work by a businessman.

Purchase of equipment and tools

The type of tools for repair work directly depends on the specifications of the company. If this is laying tiles, then the main working tool will be a tile cutter, a drill with a construction mixer, and spatulas.

When installing windows - a hammer drill, a chisel, consumables (spray foam).

Minimum set for any type of work:

  • hammer;
  • level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver.

It would be useful to purchase a mini-concrete mixer, because mortar and building mixtures are required in many types of finishing work.

Selection of craftsmen and laborers

To achieve high-quality results, a business will need a considerable staff of employees:

  • plasterer;
  • painter;
  • electrician;
  • plumber;
  • tiler;
  • general workers;
  • foreman or estimator;
  • operator in the office.

Hiring such a number of people for each team is a costly affair. However construction professions almost always overlap, so the majority of masters have 2-3 skills at the same time. This is exactly what you need to start from when selecting personnel.

Thus, it is possible to form several full-fledged teams working in parallel.

Help: to determine the level of knowledge of employees, it is necessary to pay attention to both the applicant’s education and previous places of work.

Advertising of repair team services

A marketing plan for apartment renovation does not include standard actions, such as launching a TV commercial, streamers, or banners. People don’t pay attention to such advertisements, which quickly flash on TV, but at the same time you need to have time to write down the phone number.

You need to act purposefully:

  • accommodation free ads in newspapers and on websites in relevant sections;
  • posting advertisements in the area of ​​new buildings;
  • sign on the office.

After the first orders, rumors about the company will spread like word of mouth, but you should not stop using free resources. In the future, it is recommended to create your own website with a description of services, prices and portfolio.

Financial plan

The calculations described below are aimed at a businessman with the status of an individual entrepreneur without SRO approval. The number of teams involved is 4.

Investments in the project

Costs at the time of business organization (in rubles):

  • paperwork – 20,000;
  • office rent – ​​40,000;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​150,000;
  • advertising – 15,000;
  • renovation of the premises and ordering a sign – 40,000;
  • unforeseen expenses - 30,000.

Result: 295,000 rubles.

Current expenses

After purchase necessary equipment and prepayment for rent office space All that remains are the costs of wages, maintenance of transport and tools.

Expenses in the first month (in rubles):

  • Rent – ​​40,000.
  • Salary – 270,000 (4 teams of 4 people plus a telephone operator. Fixed salary of 30,000 each).
  • Payment for fuels and lubricants and consumables – 100,000.
  • Payment utilities office – 7,000.

Result: 417,000 rubles.


The average cost of repair and finishing work varies from 5,000 rubles per square meter. The area of ​​a 1–2-room apartment is 40–60 sq. m. m. The cost of repairs is 250,000 rubles. Lead time 2 weeks.

With rough calculations, it can be established that one team is capable of performing 2 full repairs per month, which is 500,000 rubles. Four teams will earn 2 million.

The calculations are very approximate, but even if the work is carried out in a smaller volume, the time spent will be less. As a result, workload and profits will remain in place.

Profit calculation

Net income is calculated by subtracting monthly expenses from gross profit.

2,000,000-417,000-15% (UTII) = 1,345,550 rubles.

Naturally, at first you will have to make some concessions in order to get as many clients as possible, which is reflected in a reduction in the base rate for services. But in any case, income cannot be less than 1 million rubles.

Is the apartment renovation business profitable and when will the investment pay off?

Profitability is calculated using the formula:

R=ratio of net income to gross income multiplied by 100%.

Profitability is – 1,345,550/2,000,000*100=67%

An apartment renovation business can break even in the second month.

80% of entrepreneurs who organize a business for repairing and finishing apartments have construction professions. Some of them started with independent work, others, if they had a budget, immediately opened companies providing a wide range of repair services. A competent business plan, financial calculations, responsible and friendly team is the key successful business.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Do you want to open your own business in decorating and renovating apartments but don’t know where to start? This article will help you understand from “A” to “Z”, what stages your initiative will begin, all the intricacies of entrepreneurship, what should be avoided, and how to most profitably develop this type of activity. How to work with staff and find a compromise with customers.

We register an apartment renovation company and prepare the necessary documents

Why are documents necessary for this business, because you can just play tricks?! It is possible, but there is a risk of being left without payment, because... in court, if the customer refuses to pay, you will not be able to prove anything, and if you present an Agreement drawn up between you and the customer, you may also “deserve” a fine for illegal business. Moreover, even advertising of your work will be limited, because some advertising agencies They will also require proof of your type of activity.

If you are afraid of the unknown before preparing documents that you still do not understand and long queues, it is better to entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer. By the way, this is more correct: everyone should flawlessly do what they know “by heart.” But if you want to save money and have free time, then you can do it yourself. Since renovation and decoration of apartments is a small business, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship).

Required list of documents:

  • A copy of the passport certified by a notary.
  • TIN (photocopy).
  • Types of activities (OKVED).
  • Application for "simplified" (such a taxation system). By the way, you need to think in advance about how you will work - with or without your materials: if you purchase materials yourself, then it is better to register “income minus expenses”, although the tax percentage will be increased, but, according to purchased receipts and other types of expenses, this will be taken into account when paying tax. If you do not take into account any expenses, then you can indicate “only income” in the simplified form. Please consult your accountant about this in advance. Or at the interdistrict inspection, where you will register. But a little later we will examine this issue in the article.
  • State duty 400 rubles.
  • Obtaining a TIN, OGRNIP certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRNIP) at the Federal Tax Service.
  • Production of stamps and statistics codes.
  • Opening a bank account.
  • Notification to the tax office : where the company is located (if you rent an office, then a lease agreement) and in which bank the account is opened.
  • Registration in the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

After all the legwork, you will be notified what documents, where and when you can get them. Now you can get to work boldly and with a clear conscience before the state.

Another question arises: is frightening everything required? construction organizations SRO approval? If you do not intend to carry out thermal insulation and facade work, then an SRO is not required.

As the list of SROs states: “Permission is not required for such types of work as:

  1. Finishing and repair work in apartments and offices
  2. Installation of plumbing."

We select personnel to open an apartment renovation business

In such a small type of activity, a strong backbone is most often gathered - a friendly and well-coordinated team of several people, where everyone does their job of repairing and finishing. But we must not forget that even with very trusting relationships, disagreements can arise. If you do not clearly delineate the chain of command from the beginning, the team may soon fall apart.

If the organization is open to you, then make it clear to the employees that you are in charge at work, no familiarity, since you are responsible for everything that happens. Outside of work, you can go to a barbecue and relax for the whole weekend, but at work, no, no. By the way, to maintain a good atmosphere in the team, the director sometimes needs to organize a corporate vacation.

For a full complement of workers at the site, the following professionals are desirable:

  • Painter - plasterer.
  • Finisher.
  • Plumber.
  • Electrician.
  • Ceiling and flooring installers.
  • Helper worker .

How many of each specialist there will be is up to you to decide.

Due to your busy schedule, you will sometimes have to be away from the team, even if you work together and perform some kind of activity at the site. As an option, you can hire a foreman, but as experience shows, this is an extra cost for his salary in a small team. It is better to appoint yourself a “right hand” - a foreman who would work together with the team and monitor the timing and quality of work in your absence. Of course, he is the one who receives some additional payment for his responsibility.

  • Accountant . This must be a proven and reliable person. Not only is he fully responsible for finances, he should not yet be a “sent Cossack”, because it is no secret that bypassing some overly strict rules and laws invented by the state, one must maneuver cunningly. Lest this cooperation later “turn sideways” for you with big troubles. As an option (one of the best) - this is an accountant for hire during the period of any reporting or calculation of salaries to employees. You just need to carefully file all checks, acts and other documents confirming your income and expenses.
  • Estimator . In principle, it is not needed if you yourself have calculated an estimate based on the compiled price list, taking into account all the expenses and the cost of services, right down to the nail driven into the wall, and the customer is satisfied with this. The simpler and more intelligible the estimate for the customer in his apartment (office), the easier it will be to come to an agreement with him. But sometimes, for example, if a customer - the owner of a very large office with warehouses - requires a RIK estimate, you can contact a specialist estimator who will competently draw it up.

However, staff for such small jobs is no longer needed if you don’t want to “feed extra mouths.” Large organizations require chief accountants and their assistants, heads of departments and personnel officers, and a smart director small company I am my own personnel officer and secretary.

The main thing is that people work conscientiously on site and deliver the work on time - this is the main indicator of the company’s integrity.

And now a little about estimates.

What services should be included in the price list for apartment renovation - list of work provided

When compiling your own price list, you need to take into account competitors’ estimates. As in any business, you have to be cunning if you want to succeed. Look on the Internet to see how much other organizations offer for their services, or ask them to send you an estimate from your competitors under the guise of a customer. There is nothing to be ashamed of - almost everyone does it. Moreover, you are not “stalking” your competitor - you are simply gaining experience in your business.

The list of repair and finishing works includes:

  • Installation and repair of plumbing equipment.
  • Electrical repair and electrical installation.
  • Ceiling stretching.
  • Flooring.
  • Wall decoration at the request of the customer.

By the way, in a well-coordinated team with a full “set” of all professionals, work will be carried out faster and easier. Let’s say we need to install plumbing fixtures, a shower stall with newfangled “bells and whistles” - with a panel of various functions. But he is not good at “buttons” - so he has an electrician to help him.

Business plan for an organization, an apartment renovation company - calculation of expenses and income, profitability and payback periods

Calculate the average, acceptable price, taking into account the wages of all employees and people who provide you with services (accounting, transport, etc.). Take taxes into account. Calculate all the work with the same aforementioned nail, each meter of grooves carried out for wiring electricity, each square meter of wall painting, etc.

And now in more detail, why is it better to work in construction under the simplified taxation system “Income minus expenses”, where tax must be paid at 15% of the cost of income. Let’s say you took on an object that costs, taking into account all costs and materials, 200,000 rubles. If your tax includes only income (6%), you will pay 12,000, but all your expenses will not be taken into account. But you have so many expenses: your own materials, ordering transport for large materials, wage, services to which are attached Contracts and certificates of work performed, telephone calls, own gasoline, office supplies, office furniture, etc., etc.... As a result, you have absolutely net profit for the organization of 50,000. And you pay tax of only 7,500 rubles .

As for the payback period, it depends on the number of orders, a well-calculated estimate and an agreement with the customer. To begin with, you will still need to spend money out of your own pocket when starting a business. But more on that later.

What equipment will be needed to develop an apartment renovation business?

First of all – quality. By purchasing goods at a bargain price, you risk buying the same thing several times, since a cheap tool breaks very quickly. As a result, you risk overpaying and even delaying the work, given the time it takes to travel and purchase a new product.

If you have a “simplified” income minus expenses, then it is advisable to purchase the tool after receiving all the documents for the organization . First of all, it is necessary to create the “face” of the company - to dress and shoe the entire team in one work uniform with a logo, for example, “IP Ivanov”. Provide people with gloves, welding safety glasses, headlamps, respirators, etc. Be sure to have a first aid kit in case of injury at work.

Tools needed at the repair and finishing site: hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, welding machine, laser length gauge and level. And also: spatulas, paint brushes and rollers (and trays for them), tape measure, pliers, screwdrivers, buckets, hammers and mallets, rags, containers for diluting paints and glue, stationery knives and scissors, marker, sandpaper and other small items , if needed.

Every evening, after finishing work for the day, an expensive tool must be handed over to the responsible person against signature.

At a construction site, like in no other type of activity, tools can mysteriously disappear, and none of the workers admits to their guilt.

Tools and materials as the main cost item

It would seem that there are little things that when working on site you don’t notice how you spend them, but in the end it turns out to be a tidy sum. For example, drill bits for a drill or bits for a screwdriver. They tend to wear out. Sandpaper will rub, knives and pliers will break. As a result, costs increase slightly from the initial estimate. .

If any Decoration Materials If the customer himself wants to choose, then he will agree with him that you will take all receipts from purchases for your reporting. Even if finishing and decorative materials are not included in the estimate, well, to be honest, they will still be taken into account when spending and the tax will be less.

Advertising and marketing to help develop an apartment renovation business

Special attention is paid to this topic, especially at the very beginning of the development of the organization, because in the future it affects.

  1. If you are not yet known to anyone as a company that performs renovation and decoration of apartments, it is initially best to resort to the services of "word of mouth" . Contract, for example, to renovate the apartment of your friends’ acquaintances. You completed the work efficiently and on time - now you have good reputation and advice from the customer to other people who need your services.
  2. Newspaper advertising It doesn’t seem to always work - there are huge rows of speakers from competitors in the same spirit, and it’s not a fact that you will be chosen. A knight's move - for example, order a printing house to place your advertisement "upside down" - and the customer will definitely fall for such a cunning trick.
  3. Post advertisements on the doors of entrances (newly completed houses with apartments on a “black key” basis are best suited for this) and dilapidated houses where apartments require renovation.
  4. Make promotional business cards or flyers , and go around each apartment, handing them out. Of course, a larger percentage of leaflets will end up in the trash, but some clients will be interested.
  5. The Internet is no exception either . Place your ads in an original style (not just “team, we’ll do it, on time”), but some creativity won’t hurt either. It is advisable to insert your photographs from past, successful objects. The more sites where your ads are, the sooner you will be noticed.

Risks associated with opening an apartment renovation and finishing company

The main risks are inconsistency in the team or inadequate customers.

  • Warn the team immediately - there are no irreplaceable people, and there will be no concessions . If a worker goes on a drinking binge, the first time he will limit himself to a warning and “hit him in the pocket with a ruble.” The same picture repeated - immediately fire him and look for a replacement. But conscientious and responsible employees it is necessary to reward them with a bonus - their performance will only increase.
  • With customers, no matter what they are, always behave politely and tactfully . Even if he is rude for no reason, find a compromise. For example, according to the contract and estimate, the socket is installed 10 cm from the floor, but when buying a refrigerator, such a socket did not suit him, it needs 20 cm. It doesn’t matter - draw up an additional estimate and contract, taking into account the work of the electrician, dismantling and installation. If the employee himself “messed up”, it will be his problem; accordingly, he will have to redo it without additional payment.
  • Be sure to take an advance payment (advance payment) before work, at least for materials, so as not to take risks in the event of force majeure , spending out of your own pocket and not getting paid at all. If, after the work has been completed, the customer refuses to pay and hides in every possible way, then everything must be resolved in a civilized manner, without resorting to crime. Of course, sue, taking into account moral damages and costs for each day of delay (this must initially be indicated in the Agreement).
  • All documents must be perfect before starting work: contracts, estimates, and later – certificates of work performed. Yes, the trouble and risk also lies in the fact that when you get to the site of a defaulter, you will later have to answer to the team - they did their job, and your problem is to solve the payment from the customer. Here you will have to fork out your own ruble to the employees in order to maintain a reliable team.

How to open an apartment renovation company: registration + 4 options for doing business + list of personnel + 4 solutions for attracting clients + financial calculations.

Capital investments in business: 330,800 rubles.
Payback period of the company: from 5 months.

How to open an apartment renovation company- The idea is good, although not new. However, to successfully enter the market, quickly gain clients and perform high-quality work, you need serious preparation.

Treat it with full responsibility!

News this type business without knowledge of the types of work, how to perform them, building materials, extremely difficult!

Most likely, you already understand something about the topic of repairs, since the thought of own business in such a difficult direction.

Usually, people who have worked in repair jobs, superintendents, etc. come into this business.

But you need to understand that in addition to specialized knowledge, it is necessary to have an understanding of demand, that is, to conduct a market analysis.

Apartment renovations will also be required. And, of course, as experienced owners of apartment renovation companies say: “it spins and spins again.”

This article contains all the information that will help you get off to the right start.

Apartment renovation business: is it worth starting?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this business:

Relevance and market analysis

And immediately the good news is that the statistics are reassuring! Despite the crisis, housing is being purchased and built. The same statistics show that only 5% of people do repairs on their own. Others prefer to hire professionals.

Developers usually rent out apartments with bare walls or minimal finishing, which, of course, implies renovation.

And people buying a home most often include future renovations of a new home as expenses.

In addition to the renovations that are done after purchasing a home, they also carry out continuous renovations of apartments (on average once every 7-10 years). But all this is general information.

The analysis must be carried out based on the realities of the market in which you plan to operate. If we are talking about large cities with a large population and constant construction, this is one thing.

A small regional center where there is no work is completely different.

Considering that the difference in costs for starting an apartment renovation business in big city and in the outback is small, we advise you to immediately focus on the “advanced” market.

So, when analyzing the market, pay attention to:

  • the number of the city's population and its solvency;
  • availability of primary housing under construction;
  • statistics for last years in the field of purchase and sale (the easiest way to find such information is on the Internet resources of realtors in your region);
  • analyze competitors: their number, specialization, services provided, prices.

Detailed business plan for apartment renovation

1) Registration of an apartment renovation company

Since Soviet times, when business was banned, the habit of working “under the table” has remained. This trend is especially noticeable in the area of ​​apartment renovation.

This is also due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the tax service to monitor the provision of such services - cash simply changes hands.

The choice of organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) depends on whether you intend to carry out minor or major repairs.

To speed up the process, registering an apartment renovation company can be entrusted to intermediaries. Or do it yourself, which will save you several thousand rubles.

So the plan is:

2) Premises and equipment for running an apartment renovation business

You may need an office and warehouse for your business.

We suggest you consider these options:

  • do without them - communication with clients and signing of documents can be carried out on the customer’s premises, and construction materials can be delivered to the site directly from the market;
  • negotiate with some company (perhaps a friend of yours) and bring your clients to them for a nominal fee;
  • rent a small warehouse for tools and building materials, which will allow you to purchase them in bulk at better prices;
  • rent a room and use it as an office for organizing work, meetings with clients and a warehouse at the same time.

The situation with tools is approximately the same:

  • hire workers who have their own tools (and the payment for their work will be higher);
  • buy only consumables yourself: drills, crowns, etc.;
  • rent a tool (this is convenient for serious, expensive and bulky tools, such as a chipper, concrete mixer, etc.);
  • buy everything you need.

The choice depends on your financial capabilities.

You definitely need a Gazelle car in your business. If you can’t buy it, there are options for renting or carrier services.

3) Personnel to carry out repairs

First, let's talk about you. What functions can you perform?

Usually, in a business that is starting to operate, the role of foreman, estimator, architect, designer and accountant is performed by the owner personally.

If your competence is not enough, you should think about hiring, at a minimum, a foreman.

They can be either universal, that is, they can perform different types works, and specialists of a narrow profile.

Experienced businessmen advise mostly using the services of specialists. As a rule, the quality of their work is an order of magnitude higher and with large quantities orders, it is easier to organize their work.

Hiring a staff (which is at least 4-5 workers) and paying them a rate in the first couple of days may not be profitable. Many owners of such businesses work by agreement, hiring workers for a specific facility.

While you develop a base of trusted employees, use the services of those whom your friends can recommend or read reviews.

At a minimum, the specialists for your business will need:

  • dismantlers-loaders;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • tiler;
  • plasterer.

4) Finding clients for a successful apartment renovation business

In a business like the apartment renovation business, advertising is a thankless task. The only one 100% effective advertising These are your satisfied customers.

The thing is that people undertaking renovations approach the choice of workers with caution and look for them based on the recommendations of friends. So " word of mouth" - the best advertising.

If you have already received the object, give it your all! Provide the appropriate quality of work, commit to the agreed deadlines and, of course, do not deceive or shortchange the client.

But, nevertheless, you somehow need to develop a base. Which company promotion is better to choose?

  1. If you are focused on renovating apartments in new buildings, then flyers, booklets, and advertisements placed directly at the construction site work most effectively.
  2. It is possible to reach clients through real estate sales departments, but this will require excellent convincing skills. And be prepared to pay a kickback of 5-10% of the order.
  3. As with everything, now most people use the Internet to search for various services. So it would be useful to have a website for your company.

    But it will require serious investments in promotion, since the competition for sites like yours is great.

    There you can place a detailed price list, necessary materials, services for calculating the cost and timing of apartment renovations.

  4. Consider cooperation options with housing offices, designers, companies installing metal-plastic windows, brokers, etc. Again, for a “reward.”

5) Capital investments and payback for opening an apartment renovation company

You should renovate apartments based on the decisions you made about organizing the work.

Only based on your specific costs and market prices is it possible to draw up an estimate. We can only offer you approximate figures for a general understanding.

So, we have calculated this option for an apartment renovation business: registering an individual entrepreneur in a simplified taxation system on our own, working without an office or warehouse, purchasing basic tools (we rent especially expensive ones as needed) and a car, attracting workers to a specific site without registering for a job , creating a simple website.

6) Start-up investment in an apartment renovation business

In this type of business, all regular investments (rental of tools, purchase of building materials, wages of workers, gasoline) can be made from the client’s prepayment.

7) Profit from the apartment renovation business

Let's estimate the average prices:

The cost of cosmetic repairs is 1,500 rubles/sq.m., economy class is 2,000 rubles/sq.m., luxury class is 3,000 rubles/sq.m. On average – 2,150 rubles/sq.m.

General repairs in a 2-room apartment will cost about 110,000 rubles. The number of orders per month from a regular apartment renovation company is on average 2 pieces.

And the average profitability is 30%.

Your profit is 66,000 rubles/month.

We deliberately considered not the most “rosy” option. Profits from an apartment renovation business can be much higher.

But we should not forget that without proper organization of work, it is also very easy to burn out.

So, the payback period for the business is 5 months.

The success of any business depends on the number of customers. You will learn how and where to look for clients for your business from the video:

Apartment renovation business– interesting and profitable if organized correctly. Take the time to analyze, strategy, and prepare.

By the time you conclude an agreement with a client, you should already have a clear understanding of the prices for your work, construction materials, cost estimates, professional workers ready to begin the project, contacts of tool rental companies.

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