Business plan for growing greens - features of business organization, possible risks and guarantees. Business growing greens: how to organize and make it prosperous

Is it possible to earn a million over the summer? You can, and growing greens in a greenhouse and then selling onions, dill, parsley will help you with this... However, in order for the business to take off, you will have to try.

Great business idea

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse. You will need this, and not a greenhouse or open ground.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. It is much more convenient to fertilize the beds.
  2. The crop growing season is extended to 9 months, and accordingly the harvest will be larger.
  3. The weather won't stop you from doing business.

If we talk about greens, the greatest demand is for:

  • feather bow;
  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • salads;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • onion.

All the other greens will not sell well, but if you want to diversify the assortment, you can include them too. The main thing is to know and take proper care. This will allow you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.

Project profitability assessment

You can prove that the profitability of an enterprise is high using a simple example. Each summer resident has a plot of land, the area of ​​which ranges from 6 to 20 acres. With a good harvest, you can harvest up to 2 tons of greenery per acre in one season!

The average cost of one kilogram of greens is about 150 rubles. Now do the math for yourself.

Two tons of greenery is about 300 thousand rubles (for one season). And since when growing in a greenhouse you can harvest about 3 crops, it’s quite possible to earn a million.

Greenhouse preparation

The best option for growing greens would be to install a thermos greenhouse. What's good about her?

The double coating of the structure allows you to do without additional heating.

You can begin preparing for planting as early as mid-February. It is first recommended to remove the snow around the greenhouse and lay down black film or roofing felt. Black covering material is also laid inside the room - it attracts the sun well.

As a result, in March it is already possible to sow dill, onions and radishes. The soil will thaw by about 15 cm, this is quite enough.

Growing green onions

There are 3 types of onions:

  • sweet;
  • spicy;
  • semi-sharp.

Which one should you choose? Spicy onions ripen the fastest, but their feather mass is small. Sweet onions have the largest mass of feathers, but they take a very long time to mature. It turns out that semi-sharp varieties will be the best option.

Onions are planted in boxes in February. Then in March they are picked and placed in a greenhouse.

The distance between the bulbs should be 5 cm. After you plant the first batch, you should think about the second. To do this, new seeds are planted in boxes. By the beginning of the first harvest (after 20 days), the seeds will sprout and can be planted.

Before harvesting the onions, the beds should be watered thoroughly. Then wait 6 hours, and the plant is pulled out along with the heads.

Growing dill

The most popular greenery is dill. In view of this, approximately 50% of the harvest should consist of this plant. Varieties must be selected early. Varieties need to be updated every three years.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked but not germinated. Sowing occurs in beds located from north to south. It is necessary to carry out watering and weeding in a timely manner. The distance between dill plantings should be 10 cm.

But before you start growing this or that additional type of greenery, you need to pay attention to demand. Undoubtedly, the variety of assortment will attract customers, but if you grow unclaimed crops, you risk being at a loss.

How to grow greens in a greenhouse (video)

Collection and transportation

  • A few hours before harvesting, the beds are watered abundantly with water.
  • Then the dill is pulled out, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil and dried.
  • Next, the greens are placed in special waterproof containers, the leaves should be at the top.
  • Placing the product in water with fertilizers, fertilizing and an aspirin tablet will help to store the product longer. In this case, the dill will be fresh for a week.

How to sell your harvest

Greens are often used in restaurants, cafes, and snack bars. It is sold in markets, supermarkets and grocery stores. Retail sales require the provision of special information. At the market, it will be enough to show a certificate stating that you have a household plot.

Greens must be sorted by size. So, a bow with a long feather is supplied separately, and a bow with a short feather, accordingly, goes in a different batch. The cost of the product depends on who purchases the product from you. Old, dried, unsalable greens are removed from the container, it is better not to be greedy, lower the price a little relative to the prices of competitors. Thus, you will be able to sell more, and accordingly, the profit will be greater.

Investments and profit

When starting a business from scratch, the most money will be spent on the greenhouse. For example, a thermos greenhouse costs about twenty-five thousand rubles. You should also consider the cost of purchasing seeds, but you can grow them yourself, in this case there will be no costs.

The area of ​​the greenhouse is 10 square meters. The total profit from one harvest should be 6800 rubles. Several harvests can be harvested per season. The amount of profit will increase to about 32 thousand rubles. The number of greenhouses is not limited, it all depends on the area of ​​your site.

The profitability of the business “Sale of greenhouse greens” is high. Costs are low, payback is quick, demand is constant. In order for people to buy greens from you, you need to monitor the quality of the products and slightly reduce the price relative to competitors.

In order not to lose the material, be sure to save it to your social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook by simply clicking on the button below.

Agricultural business is a promising area for investing money and effort, since there is always a demand for agricultural products, like any other food product. You can grow anything you want, if you have the desire and opportunity. And you can start small. Let's consider a fairly simple and profitable business - growing greens.

Why greens? This is one of the most popular products on the market; people need greens all year round. Anyone can cope with growing greens; it does not require any special qualifications or special education. We all grow greens in our summer cottages. Of course, when using special tools or installations you will need to gain some knowledge, but this is not difficult.

To start this business, you need small investments, you can start small, literally with a few thousand rubles. True, in order to receive a good income, you need to grow a large amount of greenery, and this will require an increase in starting capital. In any case, you have a choice: invest several tens of thousands at once and receive a solid reward, or start small and gradually accumulate capital to expand your business.

The greatest income from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season, although greens are also in demand in the summer.

Ways to grow greens

Growing greens as a business can have different sizes and be carried out in different ways.

Method 1: in an apartment

This is a method that does not require large expenditures, but does require space. If you have the opportunity to dedicate one room to growing herbs in the off-season, then you can make good money. Greens are grown at home in boxes, in pots, in plastic bottles and in other ways.

Method 2: in the garden

This option is good in summer. In the summer, there is no point in growing greens in an apartment. During this period, you can “move” to your summer cottage. In summer, greens are cheaper than in the off-season, so in order for your profits not to decrease, you need to grow them in larger quantities. And in a summer cottage, of course, there is more space than in one room of your apartment, even if the drawers in it are arranged in four tiers.

Method 3: in a greenhouse

Having a good greenhouse, you will not depend on the time of year and the vagaries of unstable weather. And yet, keep in mind: growing greens in greenhouses all year round is profitable only in the southern regions of our country. If you decide to do this in the north, then the costs of electricity and gas will not allow you to make a decent profit.

Selling greenery

Greens contain a huge amount of nutrients: vitamins, trace elements, minerals. And it’s very good that not only you, but also the majority of your potential buyers and clients understand this.

Where can you supply greens:

  • To the markets.
  • For vegetable bases.
  • To shops. To cafes and restaurants.
  • To grocery stores.

To supply greens to any food outlets, you need to conclude contracts with them.

Expenses and income

The profitability of this business is very high; in the most favorable scenario, it can reach up to 500%.

Approximate business plan for growing greenery in an apartment:

Let's take green onions as an example. If you arrange boxes with onions in two or three tiers, you can get about 30 square meters. m. usable seating area in a room is about 20 sq.m. Based on this, calculations will be made.

So first the costs:

  • Seed material. The cost of one kilogram of seeded onions is about 10 rubles (at a wholesale warehouse). When planting onions tightly, about 10 kilograms are needed per square meter. So, for 30 sq. m of area we will need 300 kg of seeded onions for 3,000 rubles.
  • Boxes and cartons can be obtained for free at any supermarket, and sawdust can also be obtained for free at a sawmill.
  • You can budget about 2,000 per month for fertilizers.
  • Lighting – installation of fluorescent lamps – 10,000 rubles.
  • Payment for electricity and water is about 2,000 per month. It is worth noting that onions do not need round-the-clock lighting; it is enough to slightly extend the daylight hours. Although, on the other hand, the more light, the better the harvest.
  • Transport costs are about 5,000 per month.

Total – 22,000. This is how much money you need to start your own business of growing greens in an apartment.

If desired or urgently necessary, you can reduce the initial costs: at first you can get by with an ordinary light bulb.

Now a more pleasant aspect is income.

Let's assume that every square meter of usable area produces about 10 kg of greenery. In fact, you can get more, 15 kg is a very realistic figure with good planting material, comfortable conditions and proper care.

So, let it be 10 kg. We receive two harvests per month, that is, 600 kg.

At a wholesale price of 70 rubles per kilogram, our income will be 42,000 rubles.

Net profit – 20,000.

And this is only at the initial stage. Please note that you spend money on lamps once, which means that your net profit from the second month will be 30,000 rubles.

About other methods of growing greens and their costs

If your climatic conditions allow you to grow greens in a greenhouse, then you, accordingly, will have to build this very greenhouse or purchase a ready-made one. The finished greenhouse is a structure, most often of an arched type, made of cellular polycarbonate and guide supports. The width of standard ready-made greenhouses is from 3 to 8 meters, the length is from 3 to 20 m. The cost of a greenhouse depends on the area and ranges from 30,000 to 130,000.

Another option for growing greens both in a greenhouse and in a regular room is a hydroponic setup. In this case, the greens are grown in a special balanced nutrient solution. This is a very convenient and recently popular way of growing a wide variety of plants. A hydroponic system is a frame with a growing surface, growing trays, a system of pipes supplying solution and a lighting system that automatically adjusts as the plants grow. Hydroponic installation for a room of 25 square meters. m. will cost from 30,000.

An attractive option is to grow greens in small pots and sell them together with the pots. Greens in a pot look beautiful and cost more than greens in a bunch, with the same weight and volume. You can simply buy inexpensive pots and grow greens in them, or you can purchase a special automated installation for growing greens in pots, which will do almost everything on its own. The cost of such an installation is from 70,000 rubles.

Registration and taxes

While you are growing greens in your garden plot or in your apartment, you don’t have to register your business in any way. But you will not be able to fully sell your products. You will have one way - to sell it to resellers, and this is not always profitable.

Therefore, when you turn around and start producing a large number of products, you should use the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. In this case, you will become an entrepreneur engaged in agricultural production and will be able to choose a special form of taxation for yourself - the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Which replaces all other forms of taxation and has a low rate of 6% of net profit.

Business related to the cultivation of agricultural products is very promising. The fact is that the demand for food was, is and will always be, which means that the expenditure of effort, time and financial resources to organize such a business almost always pays off and can generate high income.

You can start an agricultural business with a simple but promising direction - growing greens for sale. Greens are in demand on the market throughout the year, so there will always be a demand for them.

Growing most types of greens takes one to two months, so up to three harvests can be harvested during the summer season alone.

Any person can cope with this task if desired, since growing greens does not require special education or qualifications. The knowledge necessary for this can be obtained before starting all work; there is nothing complicated about it.

You can organize entrepreneurial activities related to growing greens even at home. To start work, large financial investments are not required - at the initial stage, only a few thousand rubles may be required.

Over time, financial investments can be increased - they will contribute to higher income.

The greatest profit from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season (when demand is high and supply is limited), however, “vitamin” products also sell well in summer. With good performance, the profitability of such a business can reach 65% or more.

What greens to grow

Greens are a source of many vitamins and an indispensable product when preparing a wide variety of dishes. The most popular types of greens are dill, parsley, green onions, lettuce, sorrel, basil, celery and spinach. Growing each of these species has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account by beginning businessmen.

So, dill should be grown under special lighting and temperature (not lower than +15-16 degrees). Under favorable conditions, 4-4.5 kg of dill can be grown on one square meter. Dill can be cut for sale (or sold with roots) when the height of the stems reaches 10 centimeters.

Parsley can produce a harvest within a month after planting. Green onions also grow quite quickly; when they reach a height of 20-25 centimeters, they can be sold.

Lettuce can be called the most unpretentious product: it can withstand significant temperature fluctuations.

It is easy to care for - just water and remove weeds. Growing lettuce takes from one to one and a half months. The same can be said for growing spinach.

Celery is a product that is especially valued by people who prefer a healthy diet.

When grown at home, celery seeds germinate and produce the first leaves - only after this they are sown. At the same time, celery is frost-resistant.

How to create the necessary conditions

To grow greens, it is necessary to create suitable conditions.

Depending on the scale of the business, greens can be grown:

  • in apartments (as a rule, a separate room is allocated for growing greens; greens are planted in boxes, pots, plastic bottles and other containers throughout the year);
  • in garden plots (the method is suitable for growing greenery in the summer, and larger areas can be used for these purposes compared to an apartment, which can bring higher income);
  • in greenhouses (greens in greenhouses in the southern regions can be grown all year round, but this method requires the greatest financial investment).

To grow greens, you can use hydroponic systems, which ensure the growth of greens due to the continuous supply of water with useful substances.

Such installations can be used indoors, basements and greenhouses.

When drawing up a business plan for growing greens, a novice entrepreneur needs to evaluate all the considered options and methods and choose the most suitable one.

Costs of organizing activities

When growing greenery in apartments, the following costs may arise:

  • seeding material (for example, 10 kilograms of green onions costs about one hundred rubles, the total costs will depend on the expected sowing area);
  • boxes, boxes (can be purchased or received for free in stores or supermarkets);
  • fertilizers (with significant volumes per month, you may need fertilizers worth about 2,000 rubles);
  • organizing the necessary lighting (installation of lamps) - up to 8,000-10,000 rubles;
  • operating costs (transport, payment for electricity and water) are about 5000-7000 rubles.

Thus, starting a business at home requires little money.

Arranging greenhouses will cost significantly more. On average, the cost of greenhouses 3-8 meters wide and 3-20 meters long can range from 30 to 130 thousand rubles.

A hydroponic installation for a room of 25 square meters can cost from 30 thousand rubles. An automated installation for growing greens in pots can be purchased for 70 thousand rubles or more.

Features of product sales

Buyers value greens for their beneficial properties, so there are usually no problems with the sale of grown products.

Home-grown greens can be supplied to:

  • to buyers through advertisements on the Internet;
  • to markets (this sales method is suitable for summer residents and entrepreneurs who have free time, the advantage is the free space that can be obtained to sell products at almost any seasonal market);

  • to wholesale vegetable bases (this option is suitable for entrepreneurs with a small scale of production, while greens are sold to wholesale bases at prices below market prices);
  • to stores (a profitable option for small businesses);
  • to supermarkets and retail chains (the best option for large producers of greens);
  • to cafes and restaurants (the option is suitable for everyone, without exception, the most important thing in this case is to establish the necessary contacts and comply with strict requirements for product quality).

It is very important to understand in advance who the greens will be sold to, since they are perishable products and can be stored for no more than a week (after which they lose most of their beneficial properties).

When working with organizations, it may be necessary to conclude contracts, and this most often requires registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC and obtaining various sanitary certificates.

How much can you earn

The income of entrepreneurs directly depends on the volume of products produced. For example, a kilogram of green onions in the spring can be sold for 100 rubles. Thus, by growing 10 tons of greens, you can make a profit of one million rubles. Almost half of this money will go to cover expenses, the remaining part will be considered the businessman’s net profit.

In the spring, the cost of greens is the highest and can reach 130-200 rubles per kilogram, and in winter the prices for greens increase several times at once.

Each entrepreneur himself chooses a development strategy: invest small funds at the initial stage and gradually increase capital to expand production, or immediately allocate large sums to obtain maximum profit.

A business that occupies a small area will not bring high income. In order for the profit to be tangible, experts recommend starting to grow greens in areas of 40 square meters or more. At the same time, it is important to develop a sufficient customer base for marketing the products grown in this area.

If greenhouses are used to grow greens, the finished business can later be sold, which can also be a good source of income. On average, a greenhouse business is sold for 300-400 thousand rubles. The final cost depends on the area, methods of growing greens, availability of buyers and many other factors.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


Recently, talk about a business based on growing greens can be heard even on public transport and on housewives forums. Why greens? Because this product is one of the most popular on the market. Greens are bought all year round, and not a single table is complete without dill or parsley, onions or lettuce leaves. And taking into account the fact that even a child can cope with growing greens (no qualifications or special knowledge are needed), this business is becoming more and more relevant for a wide variety of segments of the population. It all depends on the size of the premises and the starting capital. However, the investment is not that big!

How to grow greens, and is it possible to make money from it? Let's figure it out.

How to properly grow greens at home and industrially for sale: basic technology

First, let's define our goals. Why will we grow greens? For yourself, for soup and then selling the surplus, for sale near the store for 10-20 bunches a day or for selling this greenery on a large scale for greater profit?

It should be noted that if you have a summer cottage and land, the costs of fertilizers and planting material will not be significant. True, given the seasonal nature of the business, one cannot expect significant profits. She needs more rational approach and more significant investments .

So, what is the growing technology?

Criteria and requirements for premises for growing greenery in winter and summer

Depending on the scale of the business, growing greens can be carried out in different places...

Video: How to grow greens in winter and summer - year-round care

Choosing soil for growing greens: features of seed material

Today, 7 main soil options are used for growing greens.

  1. Natural soil
    That is, the earth. The most budget option that does not require special investments. The containers are filled with soil, peat and fertilizer are added, seeds are planted, plus lighting and warmth - that’s all. A start. You can buy land already with a complete “set” of fertilizers/feedings. Extra sand wouldn't hurt either.
  2. Sawdust (except pine, oak and other species harmful to greenery)
    They are treated with boiling water and placed in containers.
    Pros: greens do not rot, there is no smell, dill and parsley grow quickly, sawdust is cheap (sometimes you can get it for free).
  3. Hydroponics method
    It is a system for growing greens (or other crops) consisting of trays with water. Plants that only touch water with their roots receive nutrient mixtures through tubes.
    Pros: very fast growth of greenery, no need for soil, intensive development of foliage (not the root system).
    The downside is the price of the device.
  4. Gravel
    Pros: practicality, low cost, breathability.
    Cons: heavy weight, does not hold water.
  5. Coconut fiber
    There are many advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, versatility, etc.
    The downside is the cost.
  6. Expanded clay
    The best material for hydroponics use.
    Pros: price, moisture retention, lightness.
  7. Hydrogel
    A new material in the form of granules that, when swollen, retain moisture for a long time.
    Pros: breathability, constant moisture retention, no harm to plants.
    The downside is the price.

List of necessary devices, installations and containers that will be needed for growing greens.

  1. Hydroponics
    A system that reduces to almost zero the risk of plants becoming infected with any disease and allows you to grow greens year-round. The choice of system depends on the size of the business. For an apartment - one installation, for an industrial scale - another. The assortment is wide.
    In the absence of a large “little box” under the mattress, it makes sense to think about hydroponics with your own hands.
  2. Insulation materials
    When growing greens on your property, you need a greenhouse. And if the “holy of holies” is located in the garage (basement), then you will need flexible insulation, foam plastic, light-reflecting foil, etc.
  3. Shelving
    You can buy, order or make them yourself, taking into account the height of the green plants.
  4. Lighting
    You can use regular light bulbs or fluorescent lamps (they are preferable).
  5. Watering system (or watering cans)
  6. Heaters to maintain a certain temperature in the room.
  7. Soil and planting material itself, fertilizers
  8. From containers You will need wide pallets, containers for settling water, containers for plants (pots, bottles or boxes with holes for draining water).
  9. Thermometer(control the air temperature).
  10. Foil
    Knowledgeable people use it to wrap pots to protect plants from overheating of the soil.
  • How to grow greens year-round?

    This business does not depend on the season only in a few cases, that is, if the greens are grown...

    • In equipped greenhouses.
    • In an apartment (or an insulated garage).
    • Using hydroponics.

    If the business “grows” in the open air, in garden beds, then you will have to “transfer” them to a warm room during the cold season.

    Planting material - seeds

    What are some ways to grow greens at home?

    1. Forcing(using bulbs). The most convenient option.
    2. Extended cultivation. This option is suitable for those who grow greens in garden beds. Plants are simply dug out of the ground before cold weather (entirely) and moved indoors.
    3. Growing from seedlings. The downside is that you need to buy seedlings or grow them yourself.
    4. Sowing seeds. Classic option.

    The choice of seeds is also a separate issue. In order not to lament later what kind of horror came out of the pot, and how to sell it, you need to choose seeds carefully , studying manufacturers and reviews from experienced businessmen in advance.

    It is worth noting that seed costs are minimal . For example, a package of onion seeds does not exceed 12 rubles, and parsley - about 7 rubles.

    You can also pay attention to greens in containers (already with roots) - we buy and carefully replant.

    Which greens are more profitable to grow? Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, celery for sale

    There are many benefits to growing greens. This is the ease of the process, the low cost of seeds, the unpretentiousness of plants, and modest investments (if you do not buy hydroponics). And also I must say about the high year-round demand for products and high returns relative to investment. The main thing is to decide on the type of greenery from which your business will grow. So, what is more profitable to grow?

    Growing dill as a business

    • The most unpretentious culture.
    • The optimal temperature for growing is 17 degrees.
    • Varieties that are worth paying attention to are Kaskelensky, Gribovsky, Uzbek-243.
    • We harvest 40-50 days after germination.
    • Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. In the future, you can not buy them, but use them from the harvested crop.
    • Diseases and pests of dill, as a rule, are avoided.
    • Cons: short shelf life, additional lighting required in winter.

    Features of the parsley growing business

    • From the varieties we choose Prima, Sugar, Curly or Harvest - the earliest ripening varieties that give the maximum green yield.
    • When it’s cloudy, additional lighting is needed; in winter we also add phytolamps (3-4 hours).
    • The optimal temperature is plus 20 degrees.
    • After germination, about 25-30 days pass before harvest.
    • Watering is needed abundantly and frequently, and after cutting, fertilizing with fertilizers is required.
    • Parsley planted from seeds produces greens that last longer than a year.

    Growing cilantro for sale

    • A plant that can withstand cold weather.
    • The soil needs to be light and moist (cilantro blooms quickly without moisture).
    • The capacity is large.
    • Illumination (additional light) is mandatory and constant.
    • Watering is moderate, once a week.
    • Top dressing - after each cut.
    • The first harvest is 3-4 weeks after sowing. The harvest is harvested immediately after the appearance of 1 inflorescence.
    • The best variety is Firstborn.
    • The optimal temperature is 20 degrees. Cilantro does not like heat.
    • The ideal soil is black soil.

    Growing root and petiole celery

    • Growing celery is more difficult than onions or dill, but, in principle, not so difficult.
    • The types of celery are divided into leaf (for obtaining leaves), root and petiole (for obtaining juicy petioles).
    • The main feature is resistance to cold.
    • Seeds take a long time to germinate.

    Growing green salad as a business (green salad, watercress)

    The ideal option is to grow watercress.

    • Harvest in 10-12 days.
    • Unpretentious.
    • Conditions: shaded areas on the north and northeast side.
    • Shoots - on 5-7 days.
    • After cutting the leaves, fertilizing is needed.
    • The best varieties are Curly, Pepper, Broad-leaved.

    Leaf salad no less in demand, but more capricious to care for.

    • You can't do without additional lighting.
    • The best varieties are Lollo Bionda, Vitamin, Lolla Rossa, Emerald Lace and New Year's.
    • Lettuce does not like heat and needs constant watering.

    As for demand among consumers, the leader here, of course, is green onions (by the way, the least demanding option), in second place - dill , ranks third parsley , and then everyone else.

    Speaking about profitability, experts unanimously highlight leaf salad (vegetative period - no more than 25 days).

    Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, celery and other greens in winter and summer

    The conditions for growing greens in the summer are approximately identical for each type.

    With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to create for heat-loving species special conditions of care.

    Business plan for growing greens

    Sales market. This is the first thing you need to decide. To begin with, market analysis. That is, a study of prices for greens, demand (which is more profitable), places of possible sales. Where to sell? There are many options - donate to a store or market, to a catering organization (for example, a cafe, canteen), to vegetable warehouses.

    We calculate expenses and profits (approximate calculations)

    Growing green onions in an apartment.

    • When arranging containers in a room of 20 square meters in 2-3 tiers, we get 30 square meters of area for sowing.
    • 1 kg of seeded onions = 12-15 rubles. (wholesale). For 1 square meter of dense planting it will take 10 kg of onions. For 30 squares - 300 kg of onions (about 4 thousand rubles).
    • Fertilizers - about 2.5 thousand rubles. per month. For containers - about 5-7 thousand rubles. For lamps - 10-15 thousand rubles.
    • Water + electricity = 2-2.5 thousand rubles. per month. Fare.
    • The yield from 1 square meter is 10 kg of onions (minimum). That is, 600 kg/month, taking into account 2 harvests per month.
    • Wholesale price - 70-80 rubles/kg. Accordingly, profit = about 45 thousand rubles. per month (minus expenses). It is worth noting that the expenses in the future will not be so large-scale, so the net profit, even with a modest calculation, will be from 30 thousand rubles.

    Higher yields await if you have an equipped greenhouse (costs for a greenhouse are 40-130 thousand rubles). And even more so if you have a hydroponic installation (about 35 thousand rubles for a room of 30 square meters).

    Or you can make a “knight’s move” and buy in bulk mini-pots in which the greens will grow and then be sold. Greens in pots are aesthetically attractive, more in demand by consumers and last longer.

    Registration and taxes

    To grow greens for the purpose of selling them on the market, business registration is, of course, not required. But handing over greens to resellers is unprofitable, selling on your own is awkward and uncomfortable, and for the full sale of products (shops, etc.) you cannot do without registration.

    Therefore, as soon as the scale of the harvest exceeds “How can we sell it in such quantities without documents?”, register the individual entrepreneur (OKVED encoding - A.01.12.2.) as an agricultural producer (preferential form of taxation - Unified Agricultural Tax, 6 percent of profit), and continue to calmly work for yourself.

    On a note:
    Always invest your first profit in business development.

  • Dill, the cultivation of which is widespread, can bring good income. After all, this is one of the most popular seasonings - it is rare that a housewife does not use fragrant dill in the daily preparation of various dishes, from salads to hot dishes. And there is no need to explain how much brighter and more interesting the taste of pickles and marinades to which dill umbrellas with seeds have been added becomes. Crispy pickled cucumbers with a slight specific aroma of dill are invariably a success as a universal cold appetizer!

    If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, but do not have an impressive start-up capital for this purpose, growing dill for sale will be the best option for a small profitable business:

    The likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests

    • this crop is unpretentious - to learn how to cultivate it, you do not need to be an experienced gardener; it is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and growing and provide the dill with suitable conditions for active growth;
    • dill greens are in constant demand at any time of the year, and even in the summer months, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to grow dill on their own for personal needs;
    • investments in a dill cultivation business are minimal - the main expenses may be required to build a greenhouse of a suitable size (if you decide to grow dill in large volumes all year round), but the purchase of seeds, soil and fertilizers will cost a relatively small amount, and in the future you can use the seeds, collected from grown dill;
    • the likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;
    • This business option pays off quite quickly; the sale of dill brings especially good profits in early spring and before the New Year.

    Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, cut greens have a short shelf life. But if you manage to establish constant sales of the grown dill, problems with selling wilted greens will not arise. Also, the disadvantages of the business include the difficulty of growing dill in winter - the plants require long daylight hours, which entails an increase in the cost of additional lighting.

    Video about growing dill

    Features of growing dill for sale

    Some gardeners may have a question: how to grow dill suitable for sale, if even for your own needs you have to use thin, stubby bushes? How to achieve truly lush and fragrant greens that would have an attractive presentation? To do this, it is enough to follow several basic rules for cultivating dill, and it is advisable to grow dill for sale in a greenhouse - in such conditions the greens will be more beautiful, and it will be possible to harvest the harvest much longer. A thermos greenhouse will be especially effective, which, due to the solar collector and double coating, will save you from heating costs.

    The greenhouse for sowing dill will need to be prepared in February, clearing it of snow along the entire perimeter. Cover the space around the greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse beds, with roofing felt or black film to attract heat and quickly warm the soil. So, by the beginning of March, the ground inside the greenhouse will thaw to a depth of fifteen centimeters, which is quite enough for such a cold-resistant crop as dill.

    Before sowing, soak dill seeds for three days, but do not germinate, otherwise there will be difficulties with planting them in the soil, and young shoots may be damaged.

    Growing dill

    The technology is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. You shouldn't have any particular difficulties:

    • scatter the soaked seeds in rows, sprinkling a little soil on top;
    • spray the plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out completely;
    • pull out emerging weeds in a timely manner;
    • carefully loosen the soil to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, through which it will be difficult for shoots to break through;
    • Thin out excess plants, providing sufficient space for stronger dill shoots
    • Feed the dill with nitrogen fertilizer at least once during the growing season.

    The main thing you will need to consider when cultivating dill for sale is that you do not try to sow the entire area of ​​the greenhouse beds with a continuous carpet in order to get maximum profit. When planted in furrows, dill will receive more light and will grow more luxuriantly.

    Growing dill in a greenhouse

    It is better to choose early-ripening varieties (for example, the most popular Gribovsky). To continuously obtain fresh herbs, do not forget to sow dill, focusing on the ripening time of each variety. So, if you plant dill in early March, the first greens can be obtained in mid-April, and if you sow seeds on April 20, the dill harvest will be ready by the end of May, etc.

    You may not even use the soil to sow the seeds, but instead of the traditional cultivation method, prefer growing dill hydroponically. This method involves cultivating vegetable (and any other) plants on a neutral substrate, into which a special solution is supplied with all the chemical elements necessary for the plant. Dill does not waste energy extracting nutrients from the ground and does not develop a large root system. As a result, foliage grows faster and better, while remaining environmentally friendly and healthy. To grow dill hydroponically, it is recommended to use perlite or vermiculite as a substrate and use the periodic flooding method.

    Harvesting and selling dill

    When the dill greens are ready for sale, water the beds generously about five hours before harvesting. This will make it more convenient to dig up the plants with a shovel and clear the dill roots from the soil. Rinse the plant's root system and place the dill, leaves side up, in a waterproof container, tightly filling all available space. To keep the greens fresh longer, you can pour water with fertilizers dissolved in it into the container and put an aspirin tablet. In such conditions, at a storage temperature no higher than +10 degrees, the dill will remain fresh and will not lose its presentation within a week.

    Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse

    When growing plants, they do not pull out the roots, but carefully cut off the required amount of greenery, so that a little later they can once again harvest from the remaining bushes.

    Dill greens can be sold by the kilogram or knitted into bunches from sprigs. The only disappointment is the low price of such a product; however, any produce from the garden is quite cheap. Therefore, to obtain a decent income, you need to look for wholesale buyers and buy in volume.