Construction carpenter. Job description for a carpenter. Profession carpenter Knowledge necessary for a carpenter to work

Stolya p- a craftsman who works with wood and creates wood products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Related to the carpentry profession is the profession of a carpenter. However, carpentry work is more subtle than carpentry. A carpenter can build a house, and a carpenter can build everything that is inside. The skill level of a carpenter is indicated by a rank. The highest category is 6. The simplest work: selection, sorting of lumber, preparation of bars, etc. - belong to 2-3 categories. A 4th grade carpenter mainly makes and assembles rectangular-shaped objects. Workers of the 6th category manufacture, install and restore particularly complex shaped and patterned handrails, skirting boards, platbands, etc.

A carpenter can specialize in a particular area. For example, in the manufacture of furniture, windows, doors, stairs, musical instruments, etc.

Among furniture joiners, a small group of cabinet makers stands out. They design new furniture, restore old ones, and carry out individual orders.

A ship's carpenter installs and fastens furniture on ships.

A construction carpenter is engaged in finishing houses.

A carpenter specializing in the manufacture and repair of musical instruments cuts out openwork and contours of parts and components.

When working on a product, a qualified carpenter relies on a sketch and drawing (which he develops himself or receives from the designer/customer). Then he selects the lumber suitable for the job, makes blanks, and turns them into parts. By combining them, he gets the finished product.

Depending on the specialization, a carpenter works outdoors or indoors. Sometimes - at high altitudes (carpenters-builders). In this case, the master has to saw, plan, grind, glue, etc. At the same time, he uses a workbench, circular saw, hacksaw, axe, hammer, plane and many other tools and materials. Working with them requires skill and compliance with safety precautions. Failure to comply with them is fraught with injuries (mainly injuries to limbs and eyes) and occupational diseases.

A carpenter has to breathe varnishes, paints, and wood dust. Some tools create a lot of noise and vibration. All this can cause occupational diseases: diseases of the respiratory tract, spine, hearing loss (in carpenters). Fortunately, all this can be avoided if you make sure your workplace is comfortable, use safety glasses, a mask, earplugs, etc., and also alternate work with active recreation and sports. Many carpenters work successfully into old age.


Joiners work at woodworking, forestry, wood chemical industries, construction and repair enterprises, shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, in administrative and economic departments of organizations and institutions. If you are well qualified, you can work individually.

Important qualities

A penchant for working with hands, artistic taste, developed eye, spatial imagination, correct color perception, good eyesight and hearing, coordination of movements, accuracy, attentiveness, balance.

Diseases accompanied by loss of consciousness, rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, and impaired coordination of movements can be considered contraindications for carpentry work.

However, some operations (sawing, planing, polishing small parts, fitting components, mounting on small tabletop equipment using hand and power tools) can be performed by people with limited leg mobility.

Knowledge and skills

A carpenter needs to be able to “read” drawings and sketches. A carpenter working individually must be able to draw up sketches and drawings of future products independently. It is necessary to know the properties of wood, master the methods of its processing, methods of manufacturing, fitting and hanging joinery.

A construction carpenter is a general construction worker who specializes in carpentry and installation work, the production of simple carpentry rods and carpentry blanks, the manufacture and assembly of carpentry products of varying complexity, repairs carpentry products, leads teams of carpenters in the construction, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

In accordance with ETKS and depending on the category, a construction carpenter performs the following work:

  • 2nd category: Selection and sorting of lumber. Preparing bars for joinery products to size by hand with a planer, longitudinal and transverse sawing. Cooking wood glue.
  • 3rd category: Wood processing with electrified tools and manually. Manufacturing and installation of simple carpentry. Manual production and installation of straight joiner rods, straight handrails of a simple profile. Manufacturing straight-line carpentry blanks using power tools or manually. Cleaning parts after machining. Installation of overhead window and door fixtures with local fit. Installation of sealing cord in paired bindings. Cutting out branches and tars.
  • 4th category: Carpentry work during general construction work. Production of parts and assembly of door leaves and window frames of all types of rectilinear shapes. Assembly and repair of straight transoms, window sashes, blind frames for civil and industrial buildings. Fitting blind frames and transoms. Installation of paneled partitions. Installation of door and window blocks, window sill boards and mounting bars. Installation and fitting of simple mortise and partially mortise devices (door rollers with slats, turntable bells, door and window handles, transverse latches, etc.). Assembly and installation of protective decorative radiator grilles. Assembly and installation of built-in furniture in residential buildings. Wall cladding with particle boards. Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacturing of platforms and floorings for straight pipes, gravity flow parts, hangers and brackets for fastening grain processing equipment during its installation.
  • 5th category: Carpentry work during general construction work. Manufacturing and installation of handrail roundings. Manufacturing, assembly and installation of semi-circular bindings and boxes. Fitting and hanging with insertion of hinges of window frames and door panels. Marking from sketches and making templates for plastering and molds for stucco work. Installation and fitting into place of complex mortise and partially mortise devices (through bolts, transom devices, locks with a rotary handle and automatic, etc.). Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacturing and installation of round and shaped pipes, boxes of gravity pipeline parts, troughs for augers, tray drain and receiving tables, frames for technological grain processing equipment.
  • 6th category: Carpentry work during general construction work. Manufacturing, installation and restoration repair of complex shaped and patterned handrails, baseboards, platbands, balusters, cornices and other products made of hard and valuable wood. Installing artistic wood panels on walls without carvings. Installation of wooden spiral staircases. Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacturing and installation of heads, shoes and pipes of elevators, over-roll boxes, cones under rolling, aspiration boxes and channels for rolling, collectors and drags, screw descents, branch pipes, wooden structures for hanging heavy grain processing equipment.

Covers a fairly wide range of activities. Its representatives are engaged in the direct preparation of timber for use, as well as in the design and assembly of various wooden products.

Carpentry is one of the most ancient crafts. On some frescoes found in Ancient Egypt, you can find images of carpenters.

requires a person to have great physical strength, endurance and dexterity. The main condition for the high productivity of such workers is a quick visual-motor reaction. Every carpenter must have a good eye as well as a high level of concentration. It will also not be superfluous presence of spatial imagination, developed technical thinking, as well as the ability to distribute their efforts when processing various materials.

The professional functions of representatives of this profession include turning wood products, making furniture, skirting boards, windows, stairs and other structures. In addition, carpenters manually perform sawing and planing of uncoated timber. Carpenters also engage in gluing various parts and preparing wood glue. Representatives of this profession also sharpen carpentry tools themselves.

The profession of a carpenter requires mastery of a huge number of tools., for example, a workbench, a jigsaw, a mallet, a plane, a handsaw, a chisel, a miter box, an axe, a milling machine, a hammer, a file and many others.

It is also worth noting that for any carpenter an important role is played compliance with safety regulations. As a rule, carpenters work in special clothing, and if necessary, they put on personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator, goggles, etc.). School-age children learn carpentry only under the guidance of an experienced teacher. In this case, only simple carpentry tools are used. As for various belt and disk machines, children are not allowed to access them during classes.

Ignoring safety regulations may result in occurrence of occupational diseases from carpenters. As a rule, these can be diseases of the respiratory tract (asthma, lung cancer, nasal cancer), injuries to the musculoskeletal system, and injuries to the extremities. In addition, carpenters who work primarily on machines may experience significant hearing loss over time.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have the appropriate qualifications are allowed to independently perform various carpentry works. You can learn to be a carpenter at vocational technical schools by enrolling in the appropriate specialty.

Career growth among representatives of this profession is associated with the level of professionalism and the ability to use this or that equipment. In this area of ​​activity, so-called “vertical” growth is possible: a carpenter can gradually move from performing labor operations to personnel management and managing the work of a team of carpenters. As for “horizontal” growth, many carpenters are trying to expand the range of their activities by mastering new specializations.

Finally, it is worth noting that the profession of carpenter is in demand in organizations related to construction and agriculture. Representatives of this profession can also be found in repair shops of factories, housing construction offices, woodworking plants and private enterprises.

Wood is one of the most ancient and beloved construction and ornamental materials by mankind. People built houses, churches, made furniture and dishes, household items and tools from wood. It would seem that everyone can work with wood. In practice, what most often happens is that I decided to trim the legs of a stool, but ended up sawing off everything. That is why, if we need to make something out of wood, we turn to a specialist in working with wood - a carpenter.

Wood is one of the most ancient and beloved construction and ornamental materials by mankind. People built houses, churches, made furniture and dishes, household items and tools from wood. It would seem that everyone can work with wood. And really, what’s so complicated about it: I took a board, measured out what I needed, sawed it off, nailed it together - and it’s done! However, such work seems uncomplicated only in theory. In practice, what most often happens is that I decided to trim the legs of a stool, but ended up sawing off everything. That is why, if we need to make something out of wood, we turn to a specialist in working with wood - a carpenter.

Note that quite often carpenter profession confused with the related specialty of carpenter. In fact, these are two fundamentally different professions: figuratively speaking, a carpenter builds houses, and a carpenter builds interior items (in other words, a carpenter’s work is more subtle and elegant). In addition, the profession of a carpenter has a number of features, due to which not everyone can master it at the proper level. What are these features? You can find out about this right now.

Who is a carpenter?

A highly skilled worker, craftsman and artisan who makes and turns products from wood or on a wooden base with the possible use of lamination, veneering or veneering.

The name of the profession comes from the Polish stolarz (table). This may indicate that in the 18th century, when the profession of a carpenter, in fact, arose as a separate field of activity, such artisans specialized in the manufacture of furniture only. Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is impossible to consider the 18th century as the date of formation of this profession, since it arose in ancient times, when people realized that wood is an excellent material not only for maintaining a flame in the hearth, but also for making a wide variety of objects and things.

The scope of activity of modern carpenters has expanded significantly compared to the 18th century. Today these craftsmen make complex furniture, doors, windows, stairs, cornices, plinths, arches, wooden elements of ships and aircraft, micromodels on a wooden base, etc. If we list the main professional carpenter duties, then they will look something like this:

  • wood processing;
  • manufacturing and restoration of furniture;
  • installation and installation of window openings, doors;
  • insertion of locks, handles;
  • repair of wooden parts;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • sanding and polishing wood;
  • production of small items from wood: from sports equipment to wooden boxes;
  • work with different fasteners, paints and varnishes.

That is, a carpenter is a generalist who personally performs all stages of manufacturing wooden objects: from the selection of workpieces and materials to the final finishing of the finished product. The expansion of the scope of the carpenter’s work has led to the emergence of narrow specializations within the profession:

  • cabinetmakers- manufacture and repair furniture (including antique);
  • carpenters working on construction sites specialize in finishing the inside of a house, manufacturing and installing windows, doors, and built-in furniture. Carpenters at shipbuilding and aircraft factories, by the way, do the same thing;
  • carpenters who make musical instruments - the most famous of the "musical" carpenters is Antonio Stradivari.

By the way, the secret of the famous Stradivarius violins has not yet been revealed, so young specialists have every chance to unravel it and thereby write their name in history.

What personal qualities should a carpenter have?

A carpenter spends almost the entire working day on his feet, so good health and endurance are the key to the successful development of a craftsman’s professional qualities. Wherein, carpenter's work is one of the most dangerous. His tools: a plane, a saw, an ax - require careful attention and strict adherence to safety regulations, therefore responsibility, attentiveness, high concentration and accuracy are integral personal qualities of a true professional. In addition, since this is also a creative profession, the master must have such personal qualities as:

The carpenter must also have extensive knowledge. He must understand the difference in wood species (for example, there are white species, which are softer, and red species, which are harder and more expensive), determine the quality of the workpieces and choose the most suitable ones in each specific case. This is especially necessary for those who work with furniture or musical instruments. Knowledge of the chemical composition of glue and paints and varnishes will also be useful for carpenters. Among other things, it is vital for a carpenter to be able to read drawings, and for a high-class craftsman to also be able to develop them.

Advantages of being a carpenter

Since the profession of a carpenter is one of the working specialties, the shortage of which is felt today more acutely than ever, its main advantage, of course, can be called being in demand. Moreover, such specialists are in demand everywhere: at construction sites, in furniture production, in the field of shipbuilding, etc. Therefore, a carpenter’s diploma guarantees trouble-free employment in the specialty and a quite decent level of payment (the average monthly salary of a carpenter in Russia today is about 40-50 thousand rubles).

One more advantage of being a carpenter can be considered great opportunities for additional income. The carpenter's tools are simple (saw, hammer, jigsaw, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.) and available for purchase, and carrying them is also quite easy. At the same time, in order to find clients, it is enough to place an ad once, for example, in a newspaper or on an Internet resource, and therefore word of mouth will start working and regular clients will appear who need to reupholster furniture, repair a sofa, restore grandma’s chest of drawers or rebuild closet.

It is also worth noting that in Rus', the profession of a carpenter has enjoyed well-deserved honor and respect since ancient times. Good masters were revered no less than crowned heads. Thanks to the fact that after many years of the “reign” of mass-produced wooden products in modern society, carpenters, as before, have again begun to appreciate individually made carved furniture, unique decorative elements and original interior items made of wood, and have taken their rightful place in society.

Disadvantages of being a carpenter

Disadvantages of being a carpenter directly related to working conditions. A carpenter works with tools that, if handled carelessly, can cause serious injury. Waste materials (shavings and splinters) can also injure the technician. An even bigger problem is the varnish, paints and glue that a professional deals with during the work process. Their toxic fumes can cause poisoning, allergies and respiratory diseases.

In addition, a carpentry workshop is a constant source of noise and vibration, due to which a specialist’s hearing may be impaired and diseases of the nervous system may appear. Therefore, a carpenter has to work not only in work clothes and safety glasses, but also in earplugs. Agree, when it’s hot outside, working in such clothing is not very comfortable.

Where can you get a job as a carpenter?

Get a job as a carpenter possible in several ways. Firstly, you can become an apprentice in production and learn the basics of the profession under the guidance of an experienced master. Secondly, you can enroll in a specialized technical school or college that trains qualified carpenters. If you want to become a top-class cabinetmaker, then you need to combine both ways of obtaining this profession. That is, graduate from a vocational school, and then get a job as an apprentice with an experienced master.
