How to attract visitors to a coffee shop: advertising secrets. How to promote a cafe in a residential area: practical recommendations and effective methods Advertising for coffee shops: how to retain regular visitors

So you have a great restaurant—with gourmet cuisine, loyal and satisfied customers, and amazing employees—but you're hungry for more. You see your establishment's potential far beyond your initially projected goals. Marketing your establishment is the first step towards achieving this goal. Thanks to technology and the ever-important social dimension, marketing efforts are not necessarily expensive or time consuming.

We have developed 15 simple ways to promote a bar or restaurant in 30 minutes or less.

Repost (retweet) and respond to people’s posts about your restaurant on Twitter/

Using social media management tools like makes it easy to track conversations about your bar or restaurant online. Getting involved in the conversation about your bar or restaurant on social media is a quick and effective marketing tactic. For reference: the abbreviation RT means repost (retweet, retweet).

Responding to Negative Online Reviews

You should never ignore positive reviews, but you should also not ignore negative reviews on social media platforms. Interact with customers who complain about something, responding to their complaints with suggestions for ways to solve problems.

Monitor your reputation

It is no secret that the modern consumer in 80% of cases bases his choice on the basis of reviews of people who have visited a cafe or restaurant. Where to look for “other people’s impressions”? In the Internet! Think about the reputation of your cafe in advance, work professionally, and will take care of positive reviews. This service is an ideal reputation solution if you work in Russia and the CIS countries.

Post a photo of a special dish or drink online

Engage your visual fans by posting photos of menus or drink specials on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. A photo can not only promote a heated discussion, but also whet your appetite!

Hand out business cards or free samples at popular locations

According to the Young Entrepreneurs Council, people are still enjoying face-to-face interactions. By dedicating half an hour to participating in a public event, you can quickly, economically and effectively promote your bar or restaurant.

Launch of offers on the Foursquare network

Foursquare offers are very easy to use. Use step-by-step instructions to launch your own online offering quickly and with minimal effort. Tell your customers about the promotion by sharing links on Facebook and Twitter.

Offer the first 25 customers to "Like" your Facebook post a snack at the house's expense

Create a Facebook status offering free snacks or a gift certificate to the first 25 customers who click “Like” or comment on your status. This way, you will attract your customers, and their friends will see your offer in their social media news feeds. This strategy will create a ripple effect in attracting customers.

Offer a “secret” menu item that is only available to those who mention you on Twitter and Facebook

Bring out the inner spy in your customers, like Safe House does, and offer a special menu item that is only available to those who know the secret code. When customers mention these special words (code) on Facebook or Twitter, offer them special food and drinks that are not available to the general public. This will also help encourage your customers to be more active in following your social media updates.

Conduct a survey on Facebook

Creating a survey on Facebook will only take a few seconds. Ask your customers questions and act on their opinions. Questions like “What seasonal dishes would you like to see on the menu?” represent an opportunity for feedback and will help keep your Facebook fans engaged. What could be better than making changes based on customer feedback and wishes?

Share positive media reviews on social networks

This seems like a natural process, but many bars and restaurants don't receive positive press. If you are mentioned in the news, share this news with your fans.

Emphasize the prestige of employees

Take a few minutes to recognize your Employee of the Month and share a short story about that employee's accomplishments with everyone in your establishment. Spreading positive news about your employees will not only improve the morale of the rest of the team, but also the level of your establishment.

Create a blog post

Get in touch with local bloggers and invite them to a special evening at your restaurant. Offer them a free appetizer or dessert and ask if they would mind mentioning your establishment in their next blog post. Building good relationships with local bloggers will definitely help you in the long run. Maybe in a year you will hold an event that coincides with the theme of the blogger and then he/she will write about you on his/her blog. It's free advertising!

Install Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free and easy way to get regular updates and alerts about things that interest you. To be an effective leader, you must be aware of all the news and events that interest you and your business.

Make sure your restaurant's online information is correct

About 97% of customers search for local businesses online. Make sure your business is registered on Yahoo and Google - these are the two most popular search engines. Google offers a service called Local Business Center, while Yahoo offers a similar service called Yahoo! Local.

Do more than just sell – cover current events, share videos and photos

You have to be more than just another money-hungry business. Find ways to engage more actively with your customers. People love photos and videos of events that evoke emotions. Make your establishment more “human” and reduce the gap between you and your customers.

Hold a competition “Conquer time!”

"Conquer time!" is a popular and widely used theme among many bars and restaurants. Holding such a competition is a great way to increase sales, as well as create a positive atmosphere in your establishment. Price one drink for 50 cents starting at 8 p.m., and increase the price by 25 cents every hour until midnight. Competitive customers will enjoy this offer.

The current generation is drowning in traditional approaches to promotion and advertising. Every day we are bombarded with countless messages on different information platforms. How can you approach this situation and use unconventional, creative and cost-effective measures to promote your business? We hope this article has helped you think of new ideas.

What marketing strategies do you use in your activities?

Advertising a coffee shop is a mandatory expense item when opening an establishment. It remains to understand which advertising channels are effective and which are useless. We will tell you what you need to pay attention to so that your coffee shop quickly becomes popular and begins to generate income.

Coffee shop decoration

The most important thing is cross-country ability. It is best if your establishment is located on a busy street or a place that is clearly visible from traffic. Do not forget that the convenience and safety of visitors is also part of your correct image. Steps, if any, should not be slippery. Be sure to provide railings and, if necessary, additional lighting for the entrance.



The facade of a coffee shop should be attractive and attract attention. For example, these could be large panoramic windows through which the cozy atmosphere of a coffee shop can be seen. If instead of display windows you got a wall at home, you can place a bright banner with photo printing on it. This is another effective advertising channel through which you can inform your guests, for example, about seasonal changes in the menu or new products.

External advertising


Don’t neglect the floor signs on the street, where you can place witty calls to visit your establishment or just a menu. This design is simply necessary if your coffee shop is located away from a busy street or close to a public transport stop. On the sign, be sure to indicate the opening hours of the establishment and a laconic description of how to get to you.


Signs are also a fairly competent advertising tool. However, choose only those signs that are located at stops, entrances or exits from the metro. Or the signs should be located in places that are clearly visible from supermarkets, markets and other crowded places. If your coffee shop operates in the Take Away format, be sure to write about it on the sign.

Internal advertising

Stickers, wobblers, floor advertising

By placing a sticker or poster indoors, you can draw a guest's attention to a specific promotion. It is important to understand that well-known manufacturers of, for example, carbonated or energy drinks are happy to distribute their branded products to “decorate” public spaces. But it is in this case that you are advertising someone else’s product, and not promoting your own establishment. Therefore, follow the principle: less is more and do not overload your guests with useless advertising.

Printable advertisement


It is better to distribute leaflets on the occasion of the opening of the establishment, and then to attract new visitors. It is important that such products be in a convenient pocket format and contain a so-called “magnet”, that is, some kind of bonus offer for the guest: information about a discount, a gift, or a prize draw.


Please note that posters can only be placed in strictly designated areas. Otherwise, you risk paying a hefty fine. The content of the poster should be brief and quite specific, and the design should be rich and attractive.


Due to the high cost of production, booklets are better used for reprinting menus, for example, if you have delivery. Or you can print a booklet in the form of a coupon card for individual menu items. This will be an additional incentive for the visitor to return to your coffee shop more than once.

Internet advertising

Social media

Social networks have long turned into an independent advertising channel that can directly affect the attraction of guests and revenue growth. Creating a VKontakte page and an Instagram account is a must-have for any place that needs additional human traffic. The costs are minimal, and the returns, if applied correctly, will pleasantly surprise you.


A website for a coffee shop is only needed if it somehow stands out among other coffee shops in your city and can provide a large or unusual assortment for its visitors. In this case, you can post information on the website about the atmosphere your establishment offers, as well as the range of dishes.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


Loyalty programs and discounts

A coffee shop is absolutely not the place where seasonal discounts or avalanche-like discount promotions are appropriate. The most correct strategy is to build the loyalty of your visitors. And everything is important here: service, quality of food and drinks, cozy atmosphere, the opportunity to receive additional free services (for example, the opportunity to play board games). And also, by correctly calculating the economic component of a discount or bonus card, you will be able to return your guests again and again.

Ineffective advertising channels

These include publications in newspapers and magazines. If you are not the owner of the largest network that has just entered the market, this is simply throwing money away. The same can be said about advertising on radio and television. Ask yourself a question: how many people, after seeing a video on a TV channel, will rush to a small coffee shop in another area? A dubious prospect at huge costs.

If you are just thinking about how to open a coffee shop from scratch, you need to know the specifics and advantages of the coffee business.

Features of the coffee shop

  1. When opening your own cafeteria, you can limit yourself to a modest initial capital, because a large premises for this type of business is not needed, maintaining a staff of twenty employees, and purchasing food will not cost much.
  2. The target audience of cafeterias is students, women's groups and business people, so you need to choose a place near institutes, business centers or clothing stores.
  3. Depending on where the coffee shop is located, you need to correctly formulate the pricing policy and interior. Because not every student will be able to afford a cup of coffee for 300-500 rubles, and in shopping centers it is necessary to create an interesting and bright design so that people want to drink a cup of coffee at your place.
  4. This type of activity pays off very quickly, which pizzerias or restaurants do not have.

What does it take to open a coffee shop from scratch?

First of all, the location. The main criterion when choosing is pedestrian flow, because the rate of payback directly depends on it.

Then you need to choose: buy a franchise or register yourself. Next, you need to register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The first option is worth choosing if you are creating a business together. And the second option is only if you create alone.

As for taxation, the best choice is considered to be UTII (single tax on imputed income).

The next stage is renting or purchasing premises, renovating, hiring staff and choosing suppliers of baked goods and other products. Particular attention must be paid to the barista, because he is the face of any coffee shop.

And during the renovation you need to decide on the design.

Mini coffee shop design

Install panoramic glass that opens up views of the city. But don’t forget to decorate the ground adjacent to the coffee shop with decorative items. Large glass will not only allow you to observe passers-by, but will also visually expand a small room.

Place dining groups at a distance from each other, and partitions can be installed to allow free communication between visitors.

Install adjustable lighting so that guests can choose a comfortable environment for themselves.

It is also important to choose furniture with a high degree of wear resistance, because this will allow you to save on repairs or replacements if you have high traffic.


Add to list necessary equipment for the cafeteria includes:

  1. Fridge
  2. Coffee machine
  3. Mixer
  4. Coffee grinder
  5. Showcase
  6. Microwave
  7. Freezer
  8. If you want to sell your own baked goods, then you need to buy a baking cabinet.

To begin with, it is better not to buy, but to rent equipment, because this will reduce losses when the business burns out. It is best to choose a company that will service and install the equipment itself, because this will save you a lot of time and effort.


Typically, the number of menu items should not exceed 20, because exceeding it contributes to the loss of specificity of the cafeteria. Coffee shop owners claim that a good menu consists of:

  • 7-11 varieties of coffee and drinks with it;
  • 5-8 types of teas;
  • Hot chocolate;
  • 7-11 varieties of desserts;
  • Pancakes with different fillings;
  • 3-6 salad options;
  • 6-9 variations of simple and hot sandwiches.

How to promote a mini coffee shop

It all depends on the amount you can invest. If you don’t have a lot of money, you can organize competitions on social networks. And only then create flyers, rent billboards and advertise on TV. Create a small celebration on opening day to let passersby know about the new establishment. But the most important thing in any business is its competitiveness. Something must differentiate your cafeteria from hundreds of others in order for people to come to you.

How to create a competitive edge for your cafeteria

There are dozens of coffee shops in any city in Russia, which shows how much this business is developed at present.

Competition is very high in this segment, so creating a competitive edge is necessary.

It is important that in the cafeteria:

  • There was an opportunity to either drink a glass of coffee on the spot or buy it to take away.
  • There was a pricing policy appropriate to the location.
  • Remember not to unjustifiably raise the cost of food.
  • The guest received impeccable service in the coffee shop.
  • There was a loyalty program for guests who often come to the establishment.
  • There was an opportunity in the summer to drink a cup of coffee on the street.
  • There was an unusual design that could attract not only residents of the locality, but also visitors.
  • They prepared excellent coffee and food.

Mini coffee shop business plan

Often hidden along with the goal contained in “I want to open a coffee shop” is a difficult question about the price of the enterprise. This budget was drawn up for opening a cafeteria with a kitchen, the area of ​​which is 120 m2, the establishment has approximately 45 seats, of which approximately 20 m2 is occupied by a bar.

  • SMS Aero
  • Cerebro
  • Onlypul
  • Google Docs

Entrepreneurs Boris Rodionov and Andrey Ustyantsev were the first to open a point selling “coffee to go” in Barnaul. In 2013, when they founded the Kennedy’s Coffee brand, they had no competitors in the region. Now the situation has changed: the demand for mini-coffee shops has increased, and starting this business still does not require large investments. Andrey Ustyantsev, co-founder of Kennedy’s Coffee, told the website about how to choose the ideal location for a mini-coffee shop in a provincial town and why you shouldn’t invest in expensive equipment.

Boris Rodionov, 29 years old, and Andrey Ustyantsev, 29 years old, entrepreneurs from Barnaul, co-founders of a chain of mini-coffee shops. Today the network has 9 own points, 2 of which are developed as franchises. The company's turnover is 3 million rubles per month.

First with new format

Boris and Andrey did not immediately enter the coffee business. Both worked for hire in the IT field, then tried to implement two business ideas: producing clothes with university symbols and opening a laundromat. Both projects didn’t work out; only the idea of ​​mini-coffee shops, which the partners started working on in 2013, was successful. There was a demand for coffee, unlike the other two ideas.

“A small rental area is the main advantage of the coffee-to-go business model,” explains Andrey Ustyantsev, one of the co-founders of the Kennedy’s Coffee chain. - Another plus is that coffee, unlike many other goods, has a very high markup: 150-400%. And the opening costs are small: our first location cost 400 thousand rubles. Today we need about 500 thousand.”

It took the entrepreneurs six months to launch – this is a long time for such a project. It was due to the lack of freely available information: in 2013, as Andrey Ustyantsev assures, there were almost no articles about the coffee-to-go business format on the Internet, and there were almost no Russian companies working in this area. There was only one way out - to look for people who possess the necessary knowledge.

“We found such a person in Barnaul: he was servicing coffee machines,” says Andrey. - He helped us come up with the technical implementation of our first point. A coffee machine for such a business must be connected to communications, the mini-coffee shop must have water, a sink, etc. At first it all seemed very complicated, but in fact it turned out to be easier.”

This is how the first points of the Kennedy’s Coffee chain appeared in Barnaul, where you could buy high-quality coffee 30-40% cheaper than in stationary coffee shops. The name was not chosen by chance: it should have evoked consumer associations with a foreign brand and cheerfulness. "Kennedy" is an Irish red fox whose activity is similar to that experienced by a person after drinking coffee.

Fight for a good place

Today it is much easier to find information about the “coffee to go” format, because it has become popular. On the other hand, it is now difficult to find a suitable location for such a point that would not be occupied by competitors. And the key to success, according to the experience of the co-founders of the Barnaul chain Kennedy’s Coffee, is in the location.

“We opened our first point in the popular Vesna shopping center with high traffic, which attracted people with the European mass market Pull&Bear and Stradivarius, and the Bakhetle grocery hypermarket. So we were lucky: we could have found a place that was not so interesting commercially, and development would not have proceeded so quickly,” states Andrey Ustyantsev.

When opening the first point, the main advantage of Andrey and Boris was that they became the first in the local market. And therefore, rental managers were very interested, although shopping centers are usually reluctant to cooperate with small tenants. Now the situation has changed: according to partners, with the opening of each new shopping center in Barnaul, rental managers receive more than 30 applications from mini-coffee shops alone.

Kennedy’s Coffee mini-coffee shops are located mainly in large shopping centers in Barnaul. Before opening a new location, entrepreneurs take special measurements of traffic. The administration of the shopping complex often helps them with this.

Since a glass of coffee is an impulse purchase, it is important that the coffee point is in the path of a large number of people. Ideal if she is in a store with a large flow of visitors, as well as on her way to work or school.

“As for street retail, in Barnaul it’s a rather complicated story, it seems to me,” says Andrey Ustyantsev. - However, if the city has tourist pedestrian streets, a point there would be quite appropriate. Universities are also suitable: there is a constant traffic of people and a clear demand for coffee. In 2014, we came to the local universities of ASU and Altai State Technical University with such a proposal, but we were unable to reach an agreement with their administration. Although the idea itself is workable, it was implemented in Novosibirsk.”

Franchise freeze

At the start of their business, Boris Rodionov and Andrey Ustyantsev thought about opening a franchise of some chain of mini-coffee shops. But in 2013 there were no such proposals. Then they decided to launch their own franchise - and sold 25 units to different cities of the country, including Moscow.

But the shortage of aisle spaces did not allow Kennedy’s Coffee franchisees to develop successfully. Today only two points remain open. And in the last two years, the Barnaul chain of mini-coffee shops has not sold franchises.

“When we launched this project, it was possible to open a point along with a lump sum payment for our franchise for 350 thousand rubles,” says Andrey Ustyantsev. - The partners were required to find a suitable place. Not everyone succeeded: we immediately warned many that they had chosen the wrong location - but people still opened up. In addition, we entered the market too late with such an offer: other franchises had already appeared by that time. So it was not possible to “actively break into” other cities; we were always already in second or third position.”

The focus on franchise expansion outside the region provided Kennedy’s Coffee with a high-quality corporate identity. At the launch, it was not made on the knee, but was ordered from the most famous branding agency in the city, Punk you brands. Andrey and Boris believe that high-quality brand design and PR are especially important today due to increased competition. The Kennedy’s Coffee chain is actively promoting itself on social networks, inventing and offering various promotions to subscribers.

Beans and machines for delicious coffee

There is no single brand of coffee that all operating mini-coffee shops would like to prepare - there are a huge number of them. You can buy grains for cooking anywhere, says Andrey Ustyantsev. However, if you focus on the most mass audience and at the same time make a profit, you need to buy good, but not elite, freshly roasted grain. Premium-segment mini-coffee shops operate in Moscow, but in other cities there are unlikely to be enough buyers for them.

“We haven’t changed suppliers for the last two years – we found a good taste that suits us. We work with a single variety from Colombia, Dulima region,” notes Andrey Ustyantsev. – We purchase a large enough volume so that our roaster can bring green beans of a certain variety especially for us. We use about 4 tons of roasted beans per year. There are about five well-known coffee roasters in Russia who buy green beans from exchanges and roast it. Mostly such companies are located in Moscow, but we work with a roaster from Novosibirsk. Our coffee is roasted a week before we brew it.”

As for coffee machines, mini-coffee shops, according to the founders of Kennedy’s Coffee, should not overpay either. There are very well-known and expensive brands on the market - for example, La Marzocco. One such car can cost 1.5 million rubles. For mini-coffee shops, this is an unreasonably high price. Therefore, such equipment is usually purchased by classic coffee shops (and not all of them).

At Kennedy’s Coffee locations, baristas operate coffee machines that cost 150-200 thousand rubles. For a novice entrepreneur, there is also the option of taking a used car. In this case, Andrey Ustyantsev advises taking a machine with at least two “groups” (“group” is a place for a horn with a portion of coffee for brewing).

“The specificity of the coffee-to-go business is that you necessarily serve many guests at a time every day (otherwise there is no point in creating a point), explains Andrey. “Due to the way a coffee machine works, it needs to have at least two groups, otherwise the quality of the drink will suffer.”

Dilute the menu with fresh juices and smoothies

The business with mini-coffee shops has a seasonality: in the summer people drink less hot drinks than in the cold season. But the Kennedy’s Coffee chain has learned to maintain more or less constant demand by changing the menu.

“In summer, sales drop by 30-40%, cold drinks compensate for part of this decline. Only last year we were able to launch a summer menu with the required assortment and on time - already in March,” Ustyantsev shares his experience. “This was not done right away, because cold drinks require an ice maker, and there are a number of technical nuances.”

The assortment in a mini-coffee shop needs to be changed not only in the summer, but also at other times of the year, each time offering something new, says Andrey Ustyantsev. In the fall it is worth adding special warming drinks, and in the summer - fresh juices and smoothies, different types of snacks. Then the mini-coffee shop will have high sales at any time of the year.

Given average rents, employee salaries, coffee bean prices, and traffic, one location in a provincial town needs to sell at least 50 glasses of drinks per day to operate at a profit. Kennedy’s Coffee began selling coffee at prices starting from 79 rubles per glass. Today its cost varies from 99 to 159 rubles.

To increase demand, we recently organized coffee delivery by courier. This offer is especially beneficial for companies, because for orders over 500 rubles, coffee is delivered free of charge.

Further, Kennedy’s Coffee plans to develop as an independent chain. In 2016, the company opened two new points, in 2017 - one. Entrepreneurs do not set specific plans for the number of mini-coffee shops: the rental market is very changeable. “We constantly monitor interesting rental sites and monitor the situation in other cities,” says Andrey. “Because the points of attraction for people in Barnaul and other cities are changing quickly: new shopping centers and residential areas are appearing.”

If you want to open a cafe in Moscow, then you are a brave and determined person. Why? Because competition in the capital's public catering sector is colossal. Finding a location, hiring the best chef, and creating an incredible menu is only part of the journey.

A real gladiatorial battle is the promotion of a cafe. Don't know how to promote a cafe? In this article we have collected the latest effective methods. Stay with us, read and take notes.

Cafe promotion: the main rule is word of mouth

More than 50% of visitors learn about a new cafe from friends and colleagues. About 18-20% read about the establishment on the Internet. That is, the most effective way to promote a business is word of mouth. Are you thinking about how to get people to talk about you and recommend you to friends? Ideas for promoting a cafe in this case are virtually inexhaustible.

What interesting cafe features are used most often? First of all, everything related to the menu:

  • Unusual composition of dishes. Unusual should equal “delicious”.
  • Original appearance. If the taste of the dish is appreciated only by the guest who ordered it, the appearance will surprise everyone. A photo of a carriage-shaped pumpkin with bone-carved pork ribs baked in it will quickly go viral on social media.
  • Large portions. This still pleasantly surprises guests. Bring your first visitors into a nervous fit with the volume of portions. They will remember this for a long time and tell their friends.
  • Prices. Dumping always works.

Service and room design can also be a conversation starter:

  • Unusual uniform for staff
  • Designer tableware
  • Designer door handles

Take a look from a new angle at everything that has long been familiar and familiar to the visitor. Promotion of a cafe from scratch in this case will be rapid. But know when to stop! When creating an unusual offer, focus on the tastes of your audience. All of the above is designed to surprise guests. It's nice to be surprised.

Promotion of a cafe or restaurant should begin even before the establishment itself opens. Start an advertising campaign a couple of weeks before X-day. Announce the opening of the first of its kind cafe. Intrigue and drop mysterious hints. The audience should be in awe of anticipation.

The main source of information about catering establishments is the Internet. New establishments often open in Moscow. How to ensure effective promotion of a cafe on the Internet?

Simple rules on how to promote a cafe online:

  • Create a website. The rules of a good website are a simple interface, appetizing photos, menus, prices and up-to-date information about ongoing promotions and events. Entrust the creation and promotion of your website to professionals.
  • Promotion of the cafe on social networks and Instagram. Entrepreneurs consider this method of promotion to be effective. On social networks, hold simple competitions: a discount for reposting, coffee for all subscribers, etc.
  • Reviews. If there is a well-known blogger who fits your target audience, arrange a review.
  • City information systems. Promoting cafes and restaurants through reference systems is another effective method. Often visitors simply look for an establishment that is nearby. Be sure to post information on 2Gis, Yandex and Google maps, Local Hero and other major resources.
  • Thematic sites and forums. Now forums are losing their relevance. But resources dedicated to restaurant business reviews are gaining momentum. The most famous and visited is Foursquare. Collaborate actively.

The main methods of promoting a cafe on the Internet are discounts and gifts for subscribers and free invitations to events. The Internet is ruled by photographs. Make detailed photo reports from all events on social networks and on the website. Visitors will search for themselves and post photos. Also post attractive photos of your cafe's food.

Cafe tips: what attracts guests

The atmosphere of the cafe and the interior are definitely important. But for everyone to know about them, it is necessary to lure guests to your place. The most effective way is discounts, promotions and gifts. What promotion can you come up with for a cafe? There are a lot of options. See what your competitors are offering. Come up with an unusual proposal. That is, something that the guests have not yet become tired of.

The main thing is the benefit for visitors. First of all, they focus on price. For example, two drinks for the price of one, discounts on large orders, special menus of the day, business lunches. Constantly update discount promotions so that your guests don’t become bored with them. Another reason is that you want visitors to try as many menu items as possible. Promotions will change, and guests will order their favorite food regardless of the discount.

Other ideas for promoting a cafe are gifts from the chef and club cards. The point is to show how important the guest is to you, to highlight him among everyone.

On social networks, you can conduct a survey to find out what promotions visitors want to see. This way you will know which offer will definitely be a success, and your guests will feel omnipotent.

If you don’t know how to quickly promote a cafe, reduce prices and ask social media subscribers what they would like to see in your establishment.

How else can you promote a cafe: cooperation

There is safety in numbers. To make sure as many people as possible know about your cafe, collaborate with another business. A simple example. If you have opened a cafe designed for film buffs, on a mutual basis, agree with film clubs to hold film screenings on your territory. Offer discounts or free coffee to all club members.

The more partners you have, the easier it is to promote your cafe. The logic is simple: the guests came because they promised a discount. In the cafe they met the same avid movie fans, saw huge portions of unusual food and door handles in the shape of a movie projector. We were delighted and posted photos on Instagram. These photos were seen by friends and friends of friends.

Cooperation with themed clubs is very beneficial if you don’t know how to promote a small cafe. People with common interests will gather in a small area. Your task is to maintain a friendly atmosphere. The atmosphere of a cozy club is suitable if you don’t know how to promote a cafe in an impassable place. Create a unique offer, surprise guests and promise gifts. Then you will be found even on platform 9¾.

How to promote a cafe: a course for a young fighter

We have listed universal promotion methods. Remember that all your efforts should ultimately be aimed at starting word of mouth. The rest is nuances.

  • Are you thinking about how to promote cafe in a small town? It's very simple. Analyze your competitors, create a profile of your guest and make a strong statement before the opening. Since there are fewer competitors in small cities, people will find out about you very quickly. And then proceed according to the algorithm described above.
  • All of the above rules also apply to how to promote fast food cafe. In this case, the main thing is the correct location of the business. Locate your business either on a busy street or in a busy shopping center. Before opening, place an offer in the windows: discounts on opening day and an unprecedented menu. There should also be links to the website and groups on social networks.
  • If five years ago entrepreneurs were racking their brains on how to promote cafe without alcohol, now this could become that very unique feature. The main thing is to present this advantage correctly. This could be a cafe for the whole family or for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Come up with a menu and promotions according to your audience. Remember that your job is to sell a unique format.

Do you want to develop an existing business, rather than create an interior from scratch and create a menu? There is a solution. Pay attention to the ready-made business cafe. This is a business that is already working and is familiar to visitors. You will work with a real audience, which will simplify the promotion of the cafe.

Create something new, surprise your guests and develop all the time. We wish your cafe success!