Slot machines as a business. Successful business plan with children's slot machines. Advantages of business in children's sensory play complexes

The business of selling toys through vending machines is highly profitable, I can give you figures, with an investment of only 180 thousand rubles, you earn from 15 to 30 thousand rubles per month, if you work 16 hours a month. Selling toys is a new direction in vending; our experience shows that toys are very popular among buyers. Markup on toys is 200-300%. Children's toys are always popular, and due to the constantly increasing birth rate and income level of the population, the prospects are more than bright. Adults are ready to spend money on toys, and here it’s up to the sellers, who must provide a wide and high-quality assortment. This is where vending machines come to the aid of entrepreneurs.

Advantages of vending machines:

  • Not a big investment compared to opening a children's store;
  • A large number of installation locations, the machine occupies an area of ​​1 sq.m.;
  • One person can service 10-15 machines, and this is 200-500 thousand net profit;
  • Starting with a small investment, in a short time you can build a network of vending machines and earn good money.
  • 2. Servicing vending machines, what difficulties may arise?

    There is no need to be afraid of vending machines; they are designed specifically to simplify human work; all manufacturers simplify the service process as much as possible. Servicing toy vending machines is much easier than, say, a coffee or snack machine; there is no need to carry huge bottles of water and monitor the freshness of the products.

    3. What are the best places to install vending machines? Are they more aimed at children?

    Toy machines are designed not only for children, but also for their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, that is, for everyone. Accordingly, machines can be installed wherever there are people, and the more traffic there is, the more sales there will be. I will give a number of places where we install our machines ourselves:

  • Shopping centers;
  • Cinemas;
  • Hypermarkets;
  • Sports arenas;
  • Stations;
  • Circuses;
  • Grocery stores, etc.
  • 4. What difficulties may arise when working in this area? What are the nuances of business?

    As in any other area of ​​vending, a lot depends on the installation location, and this needs to be taken seriously; you need to install the machine in such places that people practically trip over it, and the more people walk near it, the more sales. It is important to monitor the assortment and change it periodically. The machine must be kept clean and not “run” it. These are, perhaps, all the nuances of this business; if the vendor does everything correctly and with soul, everything will be fine.

    5. Where to buy fillers and capsules? Is it only for you?

    It is not necessary to purchase the filler from us; you can buy it at any place convenient for the vendor. We are a customer-oriented company and attract our partners with a good price-quality ratio. Our company is engaged in direct supplies of toys from the manufacturer and production of capsules. As a result, we keep the cost of filler at a low level.

    6. How many machines are best to take in order to understand whether this direction is suitable. How much filler should I buy for the first time?

    I would recommend starting with 3-5 machines, and placing them in different places to understand which places are better. You can start with one machine, gradually developing, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The more machines, the easier it is with logistics and maintenance. You order toys for everything at once, service everything at once, the time does not take much more, and profits increase significantly

    7. Tell us a little about your company. Why did you choose this particular direction, do you have your own network of machines, is it large?

    Our company has been engaged in the vending business for 11 years, and we have been engaged in toys for the fourth year. The idea to get into toys arose after analyzing the Russian vending market. After a series of studies and sociological surveys, it became clear that selling toys through vending machines is a promising and in-demand line of business. We have our own network of machines, they are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, the total number of installed machines is 73.

    8. Finally, give some advice to operators interested in this area.

    Each business should bring pleasure along with income, selling toys is a pleasant and useful business, you bring joy to people, and if you treat your business with soul, then everything will be fine.

    Thanks for the answers to Starkin Konstantin

    General Director of the company New Vending Technologies

    How does this business work? What is he really like? Maybe the slot machine business is not at all what the yellow press portrays it to be? And finally, how can you succeed here? We conducted a thorough study and took into account all the points. In the end, it turned out that everything is much simpler than it seems. But first things first.

    Bet on impulse

    It should be noted that Moscow and St. Petersburg are so “equipped” with street slot machines that the profitability of this business is highly questionable. In the capitals, the peak of popularity of these adult toys has already passed, and they are beginning to gradually disappear, not bringing the owners the desired income.

    In other cities of our country the situation is different. The demand for such gambling entertainment is primarily due to its widespread use. Not every city dweller can afford to try their luck in a casino; slot machine halls are more democratic, but still require a certain amount of “extra” money. Whereas every citizen overwhelmed by excitement can afford to throw a coin into the “column”.

    By analogy with retail trade, such machines can be called a product of impulse demand. The main requirement for the location of the “pillar” is high cross-country ability. Supermarkets, shopping centers, cinemas, markets are ideal options. A trip to a gaming salon is most often a planned event, but a person who comes in for shopping can throw in a coin, succumbing to a momentary desire, and stay near it for 30 minutes.

    All models of street slot machines are made in Russia, mainly from the center of Russia. The leaders are Moscow and St. Petersburg manufacturers. For example, among other manufacturers, Seventh Continent supplies gaming equipment to the Moscow company Game good luck.

    How much money is needed?

    In order to become the owner of a street gambling business, you need to purchase the required number of machines, register as a private entrepreneur and resolve the issue of a license for this activity. You need to find the places where your “pillars” will be installed in advance and agree with the owner of the area to rent the necessary squares.

    You will need your own cashier operator if the “toy” is installed on the street. In a supermarket or shopping center, the issue is resolved more simply - the nearest seller or cashier is paid about 4 thousand rubles per month. for the exchange of money and visual control (most often dubious) of the players. You shouldn’t completely rely on the human factor; it’s better to purchase an automatic machine, the basic package of which includes an anti-shock board. This way you will protect your business from scammers.

    The most common model - the four-sided "777" - will cost an average of $2 thousand. Meanwhile, suppliers note that players are tired of it, and it is advisable to purchase newer and more interesting "toys". True, they cost more. For example, the price of one side of the “777” machine with a built-in roulette and LCD screen is 50 thousand rubles. “Such a machine attracts with the possibility of the player’s participation in the process. Roulette turns on automatically if “777” does not bring the player a win.

    You can purchase both new models and used “columns” and “daisies”. The latter, accordingly, are cheaper; for a “start” they are quite acceptable. The main thing is that the supplier company conducts pre-sale preparation of used equipment and provides warranty service.

    One of the key points is the mandatory presence of a license to engage in the gambling business. This procedure is carried out in Moscow and requires a lot of effort and resources. According to knowledgeable people, it is almost impossible for a “man on the street” to obtain this document. But if your business consists of 3-4 “daisies”, this procedure is simply unprofitable. There are companies that provide their license for rent; this will cost you another $100 per month. The next costly part is tax payments.

    The payback period for one machine is at least two months. At the moment, the real profit from one “column” ranges from 500 to 3 thousand rubles. in a day. The figure depends, firstly, on the location of the machine, and secondly, on what percentage of winnings the owner sets. This indicator must be at least 75%, the maximum limit is 95%. In our slot machine business plan, we recommend that you stop somewhere in the middle: you must not forget that winning encourages a gambler to continue playing.

    Short term gain

    This area of ​​the “gambling industry” does not have a great future. Our experts do not recommend counting on the long term and investing money in global development. In Moscow they have already begun to clamp down on such activities, then this wave will reach your city. In principle, street vending machines can be compared to trading tents. They are very far from the civilized gambling business.

    Quick payback and the existing interest of consumers ensure the profitability of “street” machines, but this revenue can be called “short-term”. For those who strive for a promising business, experts advise paying attention to complexity. People need something new, and the choice should be maximum. There is a separate room for adults where you can play for money, another room is just entertainment machines, including for children. In Moscow, the niche of simulators is now rapidly developing: all kinds of airplanes, auto racing, roller coasters, in which a 100% immersive effect is created. Of course, such a hall requires significant investments - from $150 thousand (for 10-15 cars). But those who are among the pioneers will be able to win a significant part of the audience.

    If existing entertainment establishments expand in this direction, consumer success is guaranteed. The main thing is that the equipment is of high quality and the hall is comfortable. One of the competitive advantages is free food. In Moscow, for example, the market is tough: if you stop looking for innovation tomorrow, you will immediately fly out of it. An integrated approach will ensure a constant flow of players: people will “flow” from the restaurant to the gaming room, from there to the billiards or dance floor and back to the slot machines.

    Installing slot machines for children is quite a profitable business for a young, aspiring businessman. And there are a number of good reasons for this. First of all, it is popularity. Sooner or later, any child will want to play on such machines. They are captivating and, what is important for a businessman, they cause real addiction. If a child has played, he will definitely ask for more. And parents will allow the child to play, because this is how our modern world works, and this pleasure at a time is not so expensive.

    It often happens that parents themselves invite their child to play in order to get free time and do their own thing. Modern gaming installations attract the child, force him to pay attention with bright lights, movement on the screen and enticing music. And one more important point: there is absolutely no seasonality in this business. Slot machines always remain in demand, both in winter and summer. The main thing is to find a popular place with enough traffic.

    Renting premises.

    This concept does not at all mean rent for storage of goods, placement and sale of products. In the first stages this will not be necessary. Only later, when the business develops, will it be possible to rent a small office. In fact, to organize a business it is necessary to rent the smallest spaces in popular places with a large daily flow of people.

    The main thing is that the area is clean, dry and that children or parents with children often appear there. These areas can be supermarkets, shopping centers, entertainment centers, cafes, restaurants, parks, attractions, nightclubs and other public spaces. In summer, such machines can be placed in open areas.

    If your city is a tourist destination, it is worth placing gaming installations where there are many tourists. The mobility of the device will allow you to move the installation anywhere. For example, if a mass event is planned in your city, it is worth renting a plot of land there for a short period of time. The rental cost of space on average can cost about $150.


    The equipment for this business is, of course, slot machines. To start a business, it is enough to purchase the following types of devices:
    1. Machine for issuing game tickets - about $85;
    2. Video camera or simulator - $45;
    3. Crane machine - $90;
    4. Air hockey - $110;
    5. Sports apparatus - $170.

    These are the main types of entertainment devices for children. What exactly to choose and in what quantity is your decision. For example, simulators can be completely different: shooting, car racing, bicycle racing, and more. You shouldn’t experiment too much; it’s better to bet on popular slot machines. Additionally, you need to purchase the installation of a payment system and a banknote exchanger. That's an extra $140. Therefore, it is worth allocating only $1.3 thousand for the purchase of equipment.


    Such a business can safely be called completely home-based. And at first, almost all the work can be done independently. The only thing is that it will not be possible to do without a person who will play the role of an equipment adjuster. Sooner or later the machines may fail. And this will not necessarily happen through the fault of the users. The system may simply require a reboot or just a temporary stop in operation. In any case, it will not be possible to do without a professional in this industry. The work of an accountant will also be necessary, since even such a business requires registration and maintenance of business reports. In total, about $650 must be allocated to pay staff in the first stages of the enterprise’s operation.

    This business does not particularly need advertising. The machines advertise themselves, attracting children with their loud music, bright lights and active movement on the screens. But, if your gaming installations occupy a designated place, for example, an area in a popular entertainment center. It’s worth agreeing that photos with machines or news about new gaming installations for children appear on the website of this center. You can also try using outdoor advertising services or releasing a video on a local TV channel. Because your goal is to reach an audience of children specifically in your city. In total, you can allocate about $150 for business development and advertising.

    Basic costs.

    The main costs include the following:

    1. Rental of premises - $150;
    2. Purchase of gaming installations - $1.3 thousand;
    3. Staff salary - $650;
    4. Advertising - $150.

    In total, it turns out that to open your own business installing children's slot machines, it costs about $2.5 thousand. Such a small amount is quite justified for such an interesting idea. The main thing is that the business will work perfectly without your presence. It’s enough just to go out to collect money and, if necessary, carry out repairs.

    Profit and payback period.

    Profit can be calculated using the example of a device such as a force meter. The cost per hit will be 15 cents. The minimum operation of the device per day should be at least 30 minutes. The game itself lasts 20 seconds: 5 seconds to pay, 10 seconds to strike and 5 seconds to listen to the commentary. This is 3 games per minute and a minimum of 90 games per day. This means that the monthly income will be $410. If rent is subtracted from this amount, the net profit will be $260. If you purchase 5 devices at the beginning of your business, you can earn about $1 thousand per month. This means that in 3-4 months you can completely pay for your business.

    Target audience and business development.

    The target audience of this business is children aged 5 to 17 years. To develop a business, it is worth investing in the purchase of new gaming machines. Later, you can tune in to an older audience of people who also like to play. And ultimately, you can rent your own retail space, where you can install a huge selection of gaming equipment for a wide range of ages.

    How to achieve maximum efficiency from your children's slot machine business?

    1.What are the most profitable children's slot machines? To get started, we always recommend that both novice entrepreneurs and large businesses first use children's slot machines, which we have already tested in our entertainment centers and they have shown a stable profitability of more than 300% per annum. 20 such machines are published on the main page of the site (below the blue ribbon with the inscription “20 most profitable”). Among these leaders, the choice is simple: the lower the price of the machine, the shorter its payback period - so you can safely start forming your order from the most inexpensive ones. Robotic Retailers operates machines in its entertainment centers and collects statistics on each machine. Their high quality and profitability have already been tested in practice in several entertainment centers! But don’t forget to diversify the assortment; there should be both rocking chairs, beaters and shooters. With such a selection, each child will want to play all the machines in turn, since they will be completely different.

    After placing an order on the website, the site manager will contact you to clarify all the details, advise in detail on the specifics of the work and optimize the order for your tasks.

    2.How to choose the right place? We recommend choosing a walkable and highly visible place - ideally between toy stores and cafes. Keep in mind that the layout and position of attractions is critical! The machines should be visible to passing children, and ideally visible to all cafe visitors sitting at tables. Even if you placed the machines only 1 meter further, but they are not visible around the corner or behind a pole, this can reduce your revenue significantly. If the place that is offered to you nearby is only 1-2 meters closer and costs three times more, then you need to take the more expensive option, because visibility and its direct visibility are crucial for the success of entertainment machines and will allow you to earn many times more.

    3.How to install and maintain children's gaming machines?

    To install and maintain the machines, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. You just need to follow the simple recommendations in the operating instructions. To get started, most machines simply need to be plugged into a power outlet. You may need to make a few simple adjustments to the operating time and cost of the game using the three menu buttons. The machines do not require periodic maintenance. In any case, installing any children's entertainment machine is no more difficult than installing a microwave in your kitchen. If difficulties suddenly arise, you can call the customer care service at any time 24 hours a day toll-free at 8-800-234-33-68 and an experienced specialist will answer all your questions.

    4.How much money do you need to purchase children's slot machines? Payback calculation.


    vendor code




    To pay


    In stock

    RUB 56,900

    RUB 56,900


    In stock

    RUB 54,900

    RUB 54,900


    In stock

    RUB 44,900

    RUB 44,900


    In stock

    RUB 33,900

    RUB 33,900

    The total amount is 190,600 rubles.

    To this will be added the cost of delivery, the average in Russia is 4500 rubles. for 1 machine.

    And the rental cost in large shopping centers is on average 12,000 rubles per month.

    We get 4500*4+12000+190600r. = 220600 rub.

    10% for unexpected expenses. 22060rub

    Electricity costs are maximum 200 rubles. per month.

    Taxes UTII 1000 rub. per month.

    Total: 220600+22060+200+1000=243860 rub.

    Now you'll need someone to sell tokens or change change for guests, as well as keep the machines clean and in working order. You can negotiate this with the sellers of the nearest store; they will be very pleased to receive a salary increase of 3000-4000 rubles per month for an additional 10 minutes of work a day. Their responsibility will be to wipe the machines from dust, dirt and provide you with information if suddenly some machine does not work or is not working correctly.

    If it is not difficult for you to independently visit your outlet at least a couple of times a week, then you can do without hiring salespeople from a nearby store. In this case, you will need a change machine. Its price is 68,000 rub. He will accept banknotes from guests and give out tokens or coins of 10 rubles for them. Whether to use coins or tokens depends on what game value you set on your machines. If it is up to 30r. then you can use coins, but if it’s 50 rubles. then it will be more convenient for guests to use tokens instead of throwing in 5 10 ruble coins.

    You can also additionally install a coin acceptor, (+5000r) it will accept any coins and any tokens, it will calculate the amount and start the game.

    Many novice entrepreneurs strive to install a bill acceptor on each machine; this pleasure costs on average +30,000 rubles to the price of each machine. In our opinion, this is not the best way to spend that kind of money :)

    We calculate the total amount with the change machine.

    243840 +68000=311840r

    Let's calculate the payback. Let’s assume that you have placed the machines very poorly and only 10 people will play each of your machines for the whole day. Let’s assume that the cost of the game will be, as in our entertainment centers, 50 rubles. Recommended playing time is no more than 1.5 minutes. The game should end at the peak of delight, so that children want to return to your machines as soon as possible.

    And so we get the revenue of 10 people * 4 machines * 50 rubles * 30.5 days = 61,000 rubles per month.

    We subtract 61,000 rubles. - 12000 rub. rent – ​​200 rub. electricity - 1000 tax - 2000 unforeseen expenses = 45,800 rubles net profit.

    Now attention! A simple secret on how to get all this without spending a penny of your money.

    The payment on a loan taken at 20% per annum for 36 months will be 11,595 rubles. That is, if you use not your own money, but the bank’s money, then even with the most conservative calculation, your net profit will be 34,205 rubles. every month.

    As soon as the profit goes in, immediately take more money from the bank and add slot machines to whet the interest of your guests more and more.

    5. How to negotiate rent.

    Everything is simple here - you need to go and talk.

    Before you go, make a list of 10 possible installation locations on a piece of paper at home, then quickly go through them all in a few hours. Not only shopping centers are suitable, but also cafes, toy stores, clinics, parks, cinemas, art houses. You can easily find a list of these places in your city on the website using the keyword children's. Try to meet immediately with the director of the establishment. Do not forget to take with you photographs of the machines, 10 copies of each, in order to leave them with the owner of the establishment, perhaps he will need to think about them. Write your phone number on each photo.

    If you have not yet opened an individual entrepreneur, you can often do without it. Just install the machines on behalf of the owner of the establishment according to his documents, they will work as part of his business.

    To open an individual entrepreneur, contact your tax office and write an application. In a maximum of a week you will receive the documents. When registering with the tax office, you must indicate the type of activity: UTII code for rental of slot machines 019406.

    How to competently build a work process and what strategy will lead you to success.

    Try to make it convenient for your landlords to work with you. Always make your rent payments on time. Fulfill requests quickly and accurately. Carefully monitor the general state of affairs in the shopping center, the shopping center is a single system, and you are part of it and everything should work harmoniously so that all guests are satisfied.

    Pay attention to what employees of neighboring stores say; it is advisable to get acquainted with them and give their children rides for free, or give free tokens to employees who have children. Thanks to this approach, you will get many friends nearby who will be partial to your business.

    Necessarily! Each machine should have a sticker with your telephone number on it that says “If the machine is not working, please call _____________.” Guests should understand that if they call, they will be thanked for reporting the problem. If a client calls you and says that the machine is not working, tell him that as soon as you check the machine, you will immediately return the cost of the game by crediting it to his phone. Be sure to return the money double! Then you will have many regular and satisfied customers and your investment in a good attitude will pay off many times over.

    Despite popular belief, the time to make money on slot machines did not end after the casinos closed. Many entrepreneurs continue to successfully make money in this market segment. We are not talking about slot machines with gambling that are prohibited everywhere, but about entertaining slot machines that can be legally installed in almost any place where there is a high attendance.

    Entertaining slot machines are produced with users of different ages in mind. Modern slot machines are so advanced that they give a complete feeling of participation in virtual reality, forcing both children and their parents to participate in the proposed adventures with equal passion.

    The attractiveness of business on slot machines lies in their autonomy.

    They are technically reliable, take up little space, and do not require cashiers. Such machines are also valued by the owners of shopping centers, since experience shows that family people stay in shopping centers with slot machines 20-30% longer, and, naturally, more purchases are made during the time spent in the shopping center.

    For parents and adults, in turn, this is an opportunity to combine children's entertainment with the necessary family shopping.

    Therefore, it is quite easy for entrepreneurs to negotiate with the owners of shopping centers about the placement of machines on the territory of the center. Often it is possible to agree not even on the rental of space, but on the joint receipt of profit from the placement of slot machines. This allows you to increase business profitability, reduce costs and payback periods.

    Entertainment slot machines can be installed not only in shopping centers, but also in cinemas, restaurants, bank branches, and stores of almost any format. Most often, entertainment slot machines are installed in children's playrooms, but they can often be found in free areas, in transition areas, in the foyer, near the entrance.

    The cost of slot machines can be very different. Inexpensive models of children's slot machines cost from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. Inexpensive models with limited functions are most often installed in stores, clinics, and cafes. Modern slot machines, for example, various simulators, are much more popular. Their cost is much higher, ranging from 250 thousand rubles to 2-3 million rubles. a piece. Such machines are already installed in entertainment areas of shopping centers and are designed for a wider range of visitors. Naturally, the high cost of modern slot machines increases the payback period of the project, therefore, before starting a business on slot machines, it is necessary to conduct thorough preparations, study the market, and assess the level of competition.

    Often such devices are purchased through leasing schemes, or borrowed funds are used. In this case, a detailed business plan will be required, without which it will be impossible to obtain financing.