Do you believe in miracles? Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best. Can a person believe in miracles?

What is a miracle?

In fact, belief in a miracle is not always the belief that fairies, unicorns and good dragons exist. Adults believe in miracles a little differently. Rather, they believe in luck, in coincidences of circumstances that bring them moral or material income, surprising changes in the character and behavior of other people that become the basis for improved relationships. A miracle can be a completely accidental acquaintance with people who unexpectedly become part of our life and positively influence it. Many people believe that miracles do not happen, but many everyday events can be considered miracles. Question: how to feel about this?

Some, being late for work and jumping on a bus that should have passed ten minutes ago, talk with a smile about a miracle. While others don’t pay any attention to it at all or call everything a normal coincidence. After all, there are faulty traffic lights, traffic jams, and drivers who just need to jump out to the kiosk for cigarettes. So what kind of miracle can we talk about here? Of course, miracles happen or don’t happen depending on how we see them, and whether we see them at all. Some people really believe in some wonderful and magical creatures that live in our world, we just don’t notice them. On the one hand, such a belief may seem too childish, or even crazy, but on the other hand, it is more interesting to live among something special and explain all situations with the help of various miracles than to look at the world gloomily and too seriously. When talking about what a miracle is, one should not confuse the belief in miracles and mental deviations. Believing in something and actually seeing it are two different things. Although, perhaps, people whom we consider not entirely healthy psychologically, in fact, simply see what is hidden from many. But no one can say how true this assumption is.

And a miracle is something special, something that we have been waiting for and it happens. In the adult real world, miracles become slightly pragmatic, but at the same time they still do not lose their peculiarity, because that’s what miracles are all about. In general, it is quite difficult to specifically answer the question of what a miracle is unambiguously, since each person has his own idea about it. By the way, regardless of whether a person believes or does not believe in miracles, everyone still has their own miracle, it’s just that someone is confident in that it will never happen. But nevertheless, it is not for nothing that we all read fairy tales in childhood and believed in magical worlds. Thanks to this, there is still hope for a miracle in our subconscious and many try to see it in everyday life. And then the question arises: is it worth doing?

Should you believe in a miracle?

What does belief in miracles give us? Pessimists say that such faith only leads to disappointment. You need to hope and believe only in yourself and in real strength, since miracles do not happen, so such faith only causes pain. But is this true? When a person believes in a miracle, then after it happens, he experiences great happiness from the fact that a special event happened to him. Even if it is insignificant, the pleasure from the miracle is still great. And as you know, by being happy and having fun, a person strengthens his health, both physical and mental. Moreover, by believing in miracles, we see miracles much more often, which means there are also much more reasons for joy.

Pessimists are so sure that miracles only lead to disappointment, simply because they do not notice them. Many consider such a belief to be a consequence of naivety and inability to live in the real world. But on the other hand, what can the real world give us? The thought that everything happens according to certain cycles and any deviation from this cycle is just a coincidence of circumstances in which there has never been anything special, simply becomes sad and depressing. After all, if you look at pessimists, you can understand how boring these people live in our world. Every day they live like robots, performing certain functions. They don’t even want to change anything, because it makes absolutely no sense. Pessimists rarely go on adventures, because it is impossible to calculate everything. And since they don’t believe in luck, which is also a certain form of miracle, they consider any such undertaking initially a failure. When people succeed in their adventures, pessimists say that this is just a coincidence and this will not happen again, so it is better not to take risks. Believing in a miracle means being an optimist. Even when everything is extremely bad, a person who knows that miracles happen in the world still does not give up. By the way, do not confuse faith in miracles and laziness. If people don’t want to do anything at all and hope that everything they want will literally fall from the sky, then this does not speak of belief in miracles, but of laziness and unwillingness to work on themselves. Those who believe in miracles simply assume that despite the current situation, from which there seems to be no way out, some miraculous loophole will still be found and everything will work out. Surprisingly, this often happens. Probably the point here is that positive thinking always attracts good things to a person. Accordingly, if we believe in miracles, then we think positively.

Therefore, if you think about whether it is necessary or unnecessary to believe in miracles, the answer will most likely be positive. The main thing is not to play around with your imaginary world and not to forget that even in fairy tales, fairies and wizards only came to those who were independently trying to achieve something in life. Thanks to faith in a miracle, it is much easier for a person to cope with his problems, because he knows that after the darkest time there is always a dawn and something unexpected, wonderful will happen, something that changes everything in better side. And those who convince us of the meaninglessness of miracles, in fact, simply do not want to see the positive side of life. Yes, of course, it is very difficult for each of us to be disappointed. But if you don’t believe in the good, then you will never be able to feel this good so strongly that your life becomes rich and interesting. Therefore, between faith and disbelief in miracles, it is probably better to choose the first, because it is thanks to this that you will always find the strength to move on and not give up in any conditions.

Miracles happen every day in life. Someone recovers from illnesses, someone finds love, someone gets rich... But unfortunately, such moments do not happen to everyone. Why does this depend? Why are some people lucky and open to miracles, while others are not?

It turns out that the main reason for the lack of miracles is the lack of faith in them. All scientists in the world, be they psychologists, esotericists or religious representatives, know that in order for something wonderful to happen to a person, you need to be ready to accept it. You need to open your mind to positive change. You need to believe in miracles.

Let's turn to the Bible. It contains the following words: “to each according to his faith.” Yes, indeed, in order to recover from an illness, it is important to believe with all your heart in possible healing. To meet our love, we must have clear convictions that we deserve it... and so with any desires.

The main thing is faith! Remember this is the key to magical events in your life.

How to develop faith in miracles

To develop the power of your faith, you need to know the laws of your mind. In reality, we are not helpless victims. Every person is a creator. We have divine energy within us with which we can control the events of life. Everything depends primarily on the thoughts and emotions that we use. Positive energies attract goodness, negative energies attract negative episodes.

You just have to learn this law of the mind and monitor your thoughts and feelings. And in order for miracles to happen in your life, you must begin to cultivate thoughts of beauty. With the help of beliefs, when you use them regularly, you will begin to gain faith. And then what you want will happen. The main thing is not to give up! And return to new beliefs every day, and not deny them in everyday life.

In order for beliefs to be recorded in your subconscious, you should speak or write them down several times a day. But before that, be sure to relax your body and bring your mind into balance. One session of cultivating faith through the power of belief should last between 10 and 30 minutes.

Also, right from today, start learning to see miracles everywhere. In other people's lives and in yours. They may be different. Small and big. Notice them!

In order to attract wonderful events, in addition to working with beliefs, you can use the magic of visualization. The combination of these two practices can change your life.

How I grew new teeth


It all started in 1978, when I was serving my required three years of military service on Russian Island. It was then and there that they knocked out almost all my teeth with a stool. Then I was terribly hoping that I would be immediately commissioned, but at government expense, within a week they made false jaws for me, and for the remaining 2.5 years, because of my burr, I was “Mongrel” for everyone. Dentures are an unpleasant thing, but not fatal... and it’s not something you get used to. Over the following years, I repeatedly replaced these dental prostheses with new ones and had already come to terms with my fate, but some time ago I found myself “locked” in the Siberian taiga for almost a year. There I was overtaken by a disease, due to which I could not wear prostheses for longer than 15-20 minutes a day. Any object and even my own language caused me pain. Food had to be turned into porridge and swallowed without chewing. The process of eating turned into flour and dragged on for forty to sixty minutes. Besides, I couldn't talk! After all, teeth, in collaboration with the tongue, participate in the formation of the sounds T, D, Z, N, R, S, C, Ch; and together with the lips in the formation of the sounds V and F. Fortunately, at that time in the guardhouse near Razdolny I had no one to talk to... But there was no one to save me either. I was very painful and scared. This is what made me start looking for ways to GROW new teeth.

As of today, I have 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!) new teeth of my own, which have grown contrary to all the claims of modern medicine. During this year, a lot of different events happened in the taiga, and I don’t know what exactly played a role in the occurrence of the miracle. Therefore, in my book I will try to carefully repeat the discoveries that I made in the taiga and describe the actions that helped me become sharp-toothed again.

I will try to list them and write each one sequentially.

· Changing our worldview - learning to believe in miracles

· Quit smoking

· We accumulate energy (lose excess weight)

· Learning to listen to your body

· Learning to listen to your soul

· Learning to listen to the World

· Growing teeth

Chapter first

Believe in a miracle

In one of the moments of severe despair due to the inability to endure pain and change something, and maybe from the fear that I would soon die because I couldn’t eat, I remembered that I had read in some book about how a boy grew a LEGS. Later I found this book and this paragraph. It turned out to be Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.” Now I can even give a few quotes from this book, but at the time the ghostly fact that perhaps, somewhere, once upon a time, someone actually grew something for themselves was enough for me. I believed in a MIRACLE! But first, quotes:

“I have a friend Diana Gazes, she had a television show in New York for a while called Gazws into the Future. She filmed all the spectacular healings to show them on her show. After many years of working on television, Diana left her show, but in one of her last programs she was going to show (although she never did) the incredible healing of an eleven-year-old boy." "When the boy was very little, he worked a lot with salamanders. You know that you can tear off a salamander's paw or tail, and it simply grows another organ to replace the lost one. The parents did not tell their son that only salamanders have such a remarkable ability. He was not told and he did not know about it. And the boy believed that all living beings could do this, including people. When the boy was about ten years old, he lost his leg above the knee. What did he do then? He grew another leg.

All this was recorded on Diana’s videotape. In the last part of the film, the boy grew toes. It took him a year or so to restore everything. How is this possible, you ask? It all depends on your belief system“Whatever you believe in is possible, but you impose limitations on yourself.”

Then I remembered one more thing: some doctor claimed that the human body has the ability to regenerate any tissue. What if the torn finger—the wound itself—is not allowed to heal, and a scab is not allowed to appear, then the finger will definitely grow back. And the task of this doctor is to find a way to make such constant “irritation” painless, plus so that the tissues do not rot...

In general, at that moment in the taiga I really BELIEVE that it is possible to grow new teeth. Yes, then, on my own free will, I tortured myself every day with various exercises, but the impetus was still given by the born hope, which grew into faith. I am sure that without such FAITH you will not be able to move from your place. Therefore, I will give several facts that destroy the myth that it is impossible to grow new teeth. These will be both letters from people who learned about my “achievements” and shared their thoughts and findings, as well as data from various official sources.

“...Mikhail, yesterday I watched a report on TV about a grandmother who, at the age of 70, discovered that her teeth began to change for the third time in her life...”

“...In a neighboring village, a healer, by rinsing her mouth with a propolis solution and using a mental image, teaches people how to build up enamel on damaged teeth...”

“...The doctors of the Drozhzhanovsky district hospital could not believe their eyes when their ward Maria Efimovna Vasilyeva opened her mouth wide. Wow, a 104-year-old resident of the village of Chuvashskoye Drozhzhanoe has... started to grow teeth again!”

“...Daria Andreeva, a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary, has started cutting new teeth. According to specialists from the Chuvash Republican Dental Clinic, the old woman has already erupted one tooth.”

“...A resident of the village of Sharanglu in the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan grew new teeth to replace those that had fallen out of old age.”

“...Unexpected happiness befell Marya Andreevna Tsapovalova, who lives at the Rehabilitation Center for Pensioners in Sochi. At the age of one hundred, she suddenly began to grow new teeth!

"…One of them128-year-old Iranian Bahram Ismaili. Due to old age, he lost only three teeth, and new ones grew to replace them. Bahram also does not eat meat. Besides, he had never brushed his teeth in his life.

The second similar incident occurred with the Indian peasant Baldev. He grew new teeth at 110 years old. Baldevheavy smoker. He complains that he has long been accustomed to holding the pipe with his toothless mouth and now it is inconvenient for him to clamp it with his teeth.”

“In the next Race, people will be able to revive dead tissue and even grow new teeth” (Agni Yoga).

“...12-year-old French girl Michelle was a little unlucky in life. The fact is that the girl suffers from a rare hereditary disease. Michelle has grown shark teeth that constantly break and grow back. She has much more of them than ordinary people, and they grow in several rows. Michelle recently had 28 teeth pulled. And still she has 31 more of them than she should.”

And just recently I found a wonderful article on the Internet written by Natalia Adnoral. I take the longest quote from it:

« First miracle: caries may not exist. A similar phenomenon was observed by Italian dentists who visited several monasteries in Tibet. Of the 150 monks examined, 70% did not have a single diseased tooth, and the rest had extremely limited caries. What is the reason? Partly due to dietary habits. The traditional menu of Tibetan monks includes barley cakes, yak milk butter, Tibetan tea; In summer, turnips, potatoes, carrots, and a little rice are added, sugar and meat are excluded.

What if caries has already damaged your teeth?

Second miracle: Tooth decay can be reversed. An example of this is the cases of self-healing caries observed by dentists, when the affected tissues become strong again, and the restored area of ​​the tooth acquires a darker shade. And such cases are by no means isolated. How does this happen? Builder cells detect damage and restore the integrity of the tooth in the same sequence in which it was originally created. Well, what if caries has won and there is nothing left of the tooth? Then prosthetics, of course. Or...

Third miracle: New teeth can grow. This is called the “third change of teeth” and is observed in very old people. And although a person does not have the rudiments of the third generation of teeth, there are remnants of “eternally young” tissues that suddenly, for reasons that are not entirely clear, remember their destiny to become teeth and successfully realize their potential. Similar messages in Lately not uncommon: a 110-year-old resident of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh grew two new teeth; a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary and a 104-year-old woman from Tatarstan began to cut new teeth; As many as six teeth appeared in an 85-year-old Novgorod woman... Of course, one can be skeptical about sensations. If only... not for the latest discoveries of science.

A scientifically proven miracle. A group of scientists from the American Research Center of Texas, led by Dr. McDougal, studied special cells that produce dental tissue (enamel and dentin). The genes responsible for this production are active only during the period of tooth formation, and then turn off. Scientists managed to “turn on” these genes again and grow a full-fledged tooth (for now “in vitro”, outside the body). True, one cannot count on rapid changes in the practice of prosthetics. It will take at least 20 years for the technology of growing your own teeth to become widespread..."

Well, since we’ve already reached the scientists, I’ll give a few more different excerpts.

“Researchers at Osaka University are preparing for clinical trials on humans. According to scientists, this method is much cheaper than prosthetics, ITAR-TASS reports.

The treatment system is based on the effect of genes that activate the growth of fibroblasts. This is the main cellular form of connective tissue.

Its effect was tested on a dog that had previously developed a severe form of periodontal disease - atrophy of the tissue around the teeth, leading to their loss. Then the affected areas were treated with a substance that included the mentioned genes and agar-agar - an acidic mixture that provides a nutrient medium for cell reproduction. Six weeks later, the dog's fangs erupted. The same effect was observed in a monkey with teeth ground down.” And one more thing: “Scientists are trying to use stem cells, known for their unique properties, to establish the process of growing teeth. British researchers from Kings College London received a grant of 500 thousand pounds (approximately $885 thousand) for this project. The institute's Odontis company hopes to move from successful mouse experiments to clinical trials within the next two years. According to the scientists, specially programmed stem cells will be implanted into the gums at the site of the missing tooth. After two months, a new tooth should grow there.

New method prosthetics has huge advantages over artificial teeth. According to the researchers, a “natural” tooth will not have a negative impact on the adjacent teeth, as well as on the gums, which often happens in the case of artificial prosthetics.

However, until new technology will be available to the general public, at least five years will pass. Such stem cell implants will cost about the same as conventional prosthetics – from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand pounds (about $3.5 thousand).”

You can see for yourself: scientists, as usual, climb into the house through the window, i.e. choose the most difficult and strange path. You and I don’t have time to wait for them to get there, and for some reason I suspect that you don’t have 3.5 thousand dollars for one prosthesis lying around either, so... let’s believe that we are capable of everything ourselves, and we will try to open the door.

Have you decided?! Do you really want to try it after reading the list of seven points?! Are you honestly, honestly ready?! OK!

Practice shows that most people, when reading books that contain some exercises, think like this: first, I’ll read to the end, understand the whole system of exercises, and then, starting to read again, I’ll do them... And most often, after reading to the end, put the book aside and calmly fall asleep. And they don’t come back to her anymore.

So, condition one: do not start reading the chapter “Growing Teeth” until you have completed the implementation of the previous chapters. The condition is difficult, but otherwise, don’t write me angry letters that nothing worked out for you. I won't even read them. Because here I am, with teeth, and you are there playing the game “I Doubt”...

Condition two: radically change the situation. If you are at work, put the book down until your vacation, and when you take a vacation, go to the village, or to the sea, or to the forest, but definitely, closer to nature and away from the usual way of life. Don't forget the book! Where you arrive, don’t rush to read chapter two either. Live for a week. Do you go to the forest, to the mountains, to the sea, what’s nearby? Let your body and soul immerse yourself in nature, begin to hear it a little...

How to believe in miracles?

I decided to write this article after one of my tennis practices. It amazes me that some people only believe in logic! They don't allow any miracles. They don't allow unexplained things to happen.

And here's how it happened.

I have already learned to play tennis well and my coach and I now play on the count. Of course he beats me. And, of course, I want to win against him for the first time. But I want to calm down. I do not use my “magic” (I do not do concentrations on this matter, visualizations, spells, etc.) for these purposes.

After the end of the training, the coach and I were getting ready, and then another coach came up. I tell mine: “It’s okay, I’ll beat you soon!!!” And that other coach knows that I haven’t been playing that long. He knows I'm an amateur.

And he says to me: “How can you beat him, because he’s a professional? You need at least 10 years of training!” I replied that 6 months would be enough for me, although I understood that this could happen in the next 3 months. In response they only laughed.

And I laughed, but I felt sorry for them, because they don’t believe in miracles at all...

I don’t pretend to play better than my coach and beat him all the time. I want to win 1 time!

Logically, they are absolutely right: a beginner cannot beat a professional. But, after all, we do not live in a logical world. There are completely different laws in the world. But some do not understand them at all and do not accept them. And of course their life leaves much to be desired. If they don't believe in miracles, miracles will never happen to them!

Do you admit that something incredible and wonderful can happen in your life? Can you believe in miracles?

I have seen so many miracles in my life that I can’t even count them. Now I see them in the lives of training participants :)

There were so many facts that could not be explained logically.

Let's do an experiment with you!

Tell yourself please:

“From now on, I open myself to miracles! YES!

Universe please send me some kind of miracle within a week."

And wait! Something unpredictable, something surprising, something contrary to the usual logic of things may happen.

Miracles can be small, for example, I managed to do it on time, although according to the logic of things this could not have happened. And also major miracles: I met my soulmate, although here, in such a situation and with such your attitude, this could not have happened, they gave a large sum of money, etc.

The world that we see with our eyes is just an illusion, a reflection of the world that is inside. It seems that he exists separately from us. But no!!!

It's hard to believe, but this world is created by your mind :)

And those who believe in this are the masters of their lives and can create anything.

Those who do not believe in this constantly live in a struggle with their world.

Change something in yourself, and the world around you will change!

You cannot change the outside world, but you can change yourself! You can just believe in miracles!!!

By changing something in yourself, you will change the world around you.

Do you want a simple example?

There is a person in your life who annoys you. Perhaps it is a co-worker, perhaps a friend, girlfriend, or anyone.

Ask yourself: “What does this person reflect in me?” or “What part of me does he represent?”

You will get your answer.

If you change this part of yourself, suddenly the person will change!!! He will change his behavior! He will stop annoying you. Or it will simply disappear from Your reality. (an employee can transfer, quit, and a friend can leave).

At an online training, participants tell me that as soon as they fell in love with themselves, suddenly a lot of beautiful people immediately appeared around them or they began to receive a lot of compliments.

I see how the people around me reflect myself!!!

I don't need to change anyone! I need to change myself and the person will change!

Why do training participants get excellent results?

Because I myself get excellent results in life.

Why do they do what I ask them to do?

Because everything I teach, I do myself!

And even what cannot be, one day may also be!

Are you, my friend, ready for a Miracle? -

It's all around!

It cannot be separated, it cannot be measured -

You just have to believe in him!

Let an inflorescence of miracles descend from heaven to you...)

Much of the magic in the world seems non-existent because we are too blind or too busy to see it. Blindness and unbelief are the two enemies of magic. Seeing and believing - many gates open for those who are capable of this, if they want.

Andre Norton

They say that there are no miracles left in the world, that there is no longer a single unicorn, not a single dragon, and the dryads and elves have sunk into the distant past. Sometimes I myself believe in the disappearance of all this. But then I remember my childhood, like now, and everything again seems two-sided, like a wizard’s hat - reality and a fairy tale. Just everyday life makes us believe that life has one layer.

Elchin Safarli

- You know, Joel, the magic goes away.

- What we are going to do?

- Enjoy the moment.

Man creates miracles with his own hands.

Don't wait for a miracle - create something wonderful for yourself!

Don't scare away the miracle. It's already nearby...

A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and if you decide not to pay attention to it, it will move aside, and life will again become as simple as a tram...

Miracles love to be understood

How much... and for how long...

We are ready to wait for them!

Therefore... they don’t happen right away...

There is a lot of magic in the world. It's just that most people never use it. They don’t know how to do it,” the boy shook his head, regretting the short-sightedness of humanity. “And I, in my opinion, am on the verge of an opening.” I think the key here is to repeat, repeat, repeat what you want to happen, and believe it yourself. Then the magic will work and everything will work out as it should.

Frances Eliza Burnett "The Secret Garden"

Just believe in magic. It's nearby)

Do miracles happen?

They happen. But only with those who believe in them.

What about those who don’t believe?

And to those who do not believe, events happen that are not subject to rational explanation.

Magic like balloon on a string, flies like a butterfly next to us, looks into our eyes, like a kitten, and asks: Well, smile at me, please!



Magic happens only when it is supposed to happen, minute by minute. And it happens all the time.

Do you want to see miracles? Create them!

Whenever you trust words,

And the truth that is known by the heart,

Let the heart light up from the truth,

There would be no limit to miracles.

Do good deeds while waiting for a miracle.

Then the miracle will not come to you empty-handed.

There are two ways to live life: the first is as if miracles do not exist, the second is as if there are only miracles around. Albert Einstein

Don't expect a miracle, create a miracle yourself. And run, run away from pessimists, skeptics, whiners, push them away. They destroy expectation and faith in the miracles of life.

Here it is - a miracle. In every breath.

Mixed with the evening scent of freshness and cut grass, with the aroma of roses.

It is in every leisurely movement of smiling old men. In the gentle singing of birds hidden in the leaves of trees. You remember every moment with special poignancy, because this is the moment of your happiness, your victory.

That's faith. It seems to you that the whole globe is spinning just with your belief in what is about to happen. This is a moment of divine power. When you don't think about falling. He's gone. Because there is only this moment of taking off into the heavens. Geordie wanted to hug the whole world. She felt the whole world in her heart. He was there.

Jordy Rivers. Dandelion Era

In fact, life is full of fantastic and absolutely incredible coincidences, but usually we manage to miss them all, without even realizing that they are encountered at every step.

Erlend Lu

One girl could do Magic... The real thing. She finished drawing the rainbow. As soon as he sees one in the sky that does not touch the ground, he immediately runs for brushes and paints. How else? After all, everyone has long known that the seven-colored tails of a rainbow connect the hearts of those who are destined to meet and love each other... So it is no good when a rainbow is not an arc, but simply hangs in the sky without touching the ground.

Such magic. What can you do?

Miracles happen!) The main thing is to know how to happen))

Sometimes miracles come to see people...

Stop looking for miracles anywhere... Go to the mirror and smile at it!!! You are the greatest miracle in the entire Universe...

A fairy tale is the most effective remedy for the blues after freshly brewed coffee and whipped cream with cherry liqueur.

Magic is believing in yourself. And when you succeed, then everything else succeeds.

You're already an adult, I know.

But never stop believing, okay?

Close your eyes and you will feel it around you.

Children need a fairy tale

To become fearless,

Adults need it too - just like that,


The main thing for me is to never cease to be surprised. Before going to bed, I always give myself the task of discovering something surprising early in the morning. Ray Bradbury

Man is the king of nature. But not because he can cut down the forest, but because he can grow it in the desert. A person can perform a miracle if only he wants it.

There should always be a place for a fairy tale in life...

Maybe miracles don’t happen at all, but a piece of something magical clearly exists in this world.

I understood one simple Truth - Miracles must be done with your own hands! If a person’s Soul thirsts for a Miracle, give him this Miracle!!!

"SCARLET SAILS". Captain Gray.

Sitting on the edge of a cloud,

An angel is nibbling on a cookie,

And where the crumbs touch the ground,

Miracles happen there...

I came to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing... This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too.

Miracles happen everywhere, you just need to have a sensitive heart and a receptive eye.

- and you will see matter and spirit dancing together everywhere.

Osho "Beyond Enlightenment"

Bus, trolleybus or taxi.

The man is going home.

After work.

An ordinary coat, briefcase or bag.

Thoughts in my head.

Sad, stringy, deaf.

And almost nothing makes me happy...

But you know what?

That's not what this is about at all.

The point is that this man is actually a wizard.

The most real one.

And he can work real miracles.

And at home he has a magic cloak with twinkling stars gathering dust.

Only now he completely forgot about it.

Actually, he forgot about everything.

I forgot who he is.

I forgot about my magical power.

I forgot how to work miracles...

Do you know who this person is?

Every day is an adventure that is often hidden behind the ordinary. Miracles always happen, they are all around us, you just need to be able to look.

Magic grows from deep inner silence...

Faith works miracles. Based on the principle of reciprocity.

We seem to have learned everything in the world.

We managed to change our minds about everything,

But still, like little children.

We believe in the impossible and wait...

Don't try so hard, the best things happen unexpectedly.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is a place on earth where nothing is impossible and everything becomes reality. You just have to believe in it.

It's strange that we don't notice the miracles happening around us. The world has accumulated huge reserves of unrealized miracles...

If you believe in something you can't see,

then for me it’s better to believe in miracles than in bacteria.

The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen!

The world can be magical. If you want to...

I want to meet summer sunrises on your roofs,of which there is so much magic...

If you’re going to dream, then don’t deny yourself anything, right?

Meanwhile, life is full of miracles, and the most important magic is that we can create them ourselves! Moreover, it is not so difficult;)

Some people can go their whole lives without noticing the little miracles that happen to us every day - those blessings that God sends us from heaven in order to make us smile, laugh or touch us to the core, to gently draw us closer to to your side. Donna Vanleer - Christmas Shoes

Do you know what the problem is in this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.

Man seeks miracles.

If only he could see

How wonderful is the human heart...

It is easier to repeat a miracle than to explain it.

Frances Eliza Burnett. Secret garden.

Miracles always happen despite everything.

The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

In the magical world, everything is possible:

Fly like a bird, chat with an elf,

And flying to the moon is not so difficult.

It’s not shameful for us to dream in our sleep!

In the duel between reality and fantasy, power is not always on the side of reality.

John Steinbeck

And no matter how much they tell me that this is impossible, I will believe that somewhere there is still my wonderland...


Well, if you don't believe in magic, then it won't touch you. If you don't believe that the world has its own heart, then you won't hear it beat.

Be surprised, and the world will definitely pleasantly surprise you again.

I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.

It is difficult for a person in this life to do without secrets and ancient legends, without those fabulous stories that the planets whisper to each other at night.

Howard Lovecraft

You sit with your hands folded on your belly and wait for a miracle. But there is still no miracle. But there is a belly.

Whatever path you choose, new adventures always await you!

There is magic that is learned from a book, with difficulty remembering spell after spell. And there is something else that comes from the depths of the heart, from the depths of a loving heart.

Fairy tales are more than truth, not because they tell us about the existence of dragons, but because they tell us: dragons can be defeated.

People are interesting creatures. In a world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom.

The magician is not the one who turns lead into gold, or causes a storm... The magician is the one who can see the souls hidden in the body and make them bloom!..

Miracles happen in life! They just don't happen by magic. People make them themselves, for example, for those they love.

I came to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing. Leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, foxes, squirrels and even people are made of magic. This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too.

Magic is a real world whose boundaries children's imagination can make it endless.

We shout that miracles don’t happen without even trying to find them.

Shy miracles happen. They rub against the sleeve and attach themselves to the eyelashes. They wait for you to notice them, and then they melt away.

Miracles are not necessarily such great events, and they can happen in the most unexpected places. They can - in the sky, or on the battlefield, or in the kitchen in the middle of the night. For a miracle to happen, you don't even have to believe in miracles, but when a miracle happens, you will definitely know about it, because then something completely ordinary, which seemed completely unimportant, suddenly becomes very, very important. This is why miracles are best suited for the simplest things, the simpler the better; The less likely a miracle is, the more miraculous it is.

Miracles are not necessarily grandiose, a miracle can happen in the most unexpected place; The most amazing miracles happen in the most ordinary surroundings.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens.

Not everyone gets to see what the stars are doing while waiting for summer. So sit down by the window, breathe as quietly as possible... and you will see... And let this be your big and amazing secret...

Sometimes miracles are so tiny that people simply don't notice them.

Do not forget that miracles do not belong to you, but you belong to them. Even when it comes to miracles that you yourself perform. Max Fry

Miracles happen around us. We need to open our eyes to see them.

The magical world is a world filled with something very close. This is a world where you can escape from problems, where you are always welcome. To love magic is to be able to enjoy everything, both little things and important things, like a child. This is when you have grown up, but there is still a little child in your soul who loves miracles and fairy tales. A true lover of magic is the kindest and friendliest creature on the planet.

What allows miracles to happen is the desire to believe that life is a miracle.

We become blind to what we see every day. But every day is different, and every day is a miracle. The only question is to pay attention to this miracle. Paulo Coelho

A fairy tale is the most effective remedy for the blues after freshly brewed coffee and whipped cream with cherry liqueur. V. Kovaleva, All about fairies

As long as you try to control Life, there will be no miracle in it. It just can't be. A miracle comes only at the moment when you are ready to trust Life. And it comes on its own, without notification, without warning, without guarantees.

The modern reader demands that magic be done in accordance with the laws of physics. They want magic to work logically, they need cause and effect, they need the principle of conservation of matter and energy... They don’t want magic to work as if by magic... Lois McMaster Bujold. Answers

Only those who can believe in magic will receive unlimited power over reality...

True wisdom is experiencing a miracle. This feeling of miracle is everywhere you go, in everything that your gaze falls on: in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the flight of a bird. Deepak Chopra

My heart, never lose hope
miracles live in the invisible.


Imagination is what makes a magician great, for through it he can go beyond tradition and beyond the structure of what now exists, into the higher realm of creation of the very fabric of magic. Terry Goodkind

Magic is dissolved in the air, in the space surrounding us. True, there is very little of it, tiny grains, so a common person does not notice these grains.

As long as I believe that fairy tales are real, the magic will not leave me.

Clive Staples Lewis, "The Chronicles of Narnia"

Only those who can believe in magic will receive unlimited power over reality.

Maybe in order to experience a miracle, one must believe in miracles? Dan Brown

People who love magic are absolutely pure.

I have come to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing. Leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, foxes, squirrels and even people are made of magic. This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too. Francis Burnett. Secret garden

Miracles cannot be cited as evidence. can’t try to explain miracles, they get spoiled... Max Fry

Miracles do not actually violate the laws of nature.

K.S. Lewis talked about this and it is an incredible revelation.

If we think that miracles are quite common, we will expect them.

And waiting for a miracle - the right way get it.