“Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era" Michael Stelzner. My angel come with me prayer - a conspiracy before surgery Content marketing new methods of attracting customers in the Internet era

"Michael Stelzner Content Marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era Text provided by the copyright holder...”

Michael Stelzner

Content marketing. New methods

attracting customers in the Internet era

Text provided by the copyright holder


Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era / Michael

Stelzner: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber; Moscow; 2013

ISBN 978-5-91657-620-7


Michael Stelzner is a recognized expert in the field of social media,

creator of one of the most popular social media marketing blogs

SocialMediaExaminer.com (over 150,000 subscribers).

In the book, Stelzner talks about different types content that you can publish on your website, blog, page social network and which will help you attract attention potential clients.

The author explains how to plan content preparation, how to involve renowned experts in its creation, and how to use social media to promote it. He also gives valuable advice on working with texts, videos, organizing events and draws attention to the subtleties that will increase the attractiveness of your content for users.

This book - useful guide for those who want to master the tools of content marketing and, with its help, win the favor of the Internet audience.

2nd edition.

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Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the agency of Alexander Korzhenevsky Legal support for the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas-Lex"

Executive editor Anastasia Kreneva Editor Victor Sushin Design Stanislav Akinfin Layout and layout Nadezhda Kudryakova Proofreaders Natalya Vitko, Yulia Borisenko © Michael Stelzner, 2011 © Edition in Russian, translation into Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2013 *** M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Preface If you've ever been frustrated with marketing, this book is for you.

Like you, I was hoping that my marketing efforts would result in great returns. I took on a case and lost. I bounced back from failure and tried again, each time learning from my mistakes.

I experienced so many failures that I lost count of them, but I continued to work with unwavering persistence. And in the end everything worked out.

I wrote this book to open you up to a new marketing path. Following it, you will have to: 1) focus on the needs of others; 2) give them gifts;

3) involve outside experts and 4) “keep a lid” on your advertising messages.

These principles are radically different from the traditional approach, but they work, and they are the future.

Imagine your business is spaceship. Your goal is to channel this powerful aircraft to the boundaries of the unknown. And your fuel will be great content.

People using up fuel move the ship faster and further. Your advertising messages are safely hidden. And while you fly to new galaxies, you are supported by a huge number of colleagues, potential clients and consumers. You can no longer be stopped.

Your competitors are flying in outdated and not so large rockets.

They cannot overcome the upper layers of the atmosphere. This happens not only because of the force of gravity, but also because many ships simply fall apart, to the great amazement of their owners.

This book is not like other marketing books. I did not observe from the sidelines those who achieved success. All the ideas and principles outlined here, I myself developed, improved and tested in real business - my business. And I will tell you in detail how to implement everything described.

A few words about how to use this book.

It is best to read it from beginning to end. The first chapter will introduce you to the problems modern marketing and will lead to an understanding of the main idea of ​​the entire book - the principle of action " lift».

Chapters two and three will serve as the foundation. You'll learn how to create a new mission for your business and gain confidence that your ideas and inspiration will never run out.

Chapters four and five will reveal the powerful potential of working with third-party specialists and tell you how to find them and attract them to your business. This is an integral component of lifting power that most entrepreneurs do not use. Pay attention to it, because this approach will distinguish you from the rest.

In Chapters Six, Seven, and Eight, we'll explore the art of creating compelling content that fuels your business. I will introduce you to conventional and nuclear fuel. The purpose of the first is to provide your ship with daily movement in normal mode. In turn, nuclear fuel (exclusive information) will allow you to develop greater speed and attract the attention of many people.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Chapter Nine explains what it means to keep advertising messages in check and how to use traditional advertising messages in new ways. marketing technologies. You will learn that aggressive methods are not necessary to achieve impressive results.

I hope this book will serve as a reliable guide for you. Study, try the methods outlined here and observe what happens.

In addition to the book, I created a website, ElevationPrinciple.com. Be sure to watch the videos - they will give you new ideas for business development.

See you in space!

Changes in business are inevitable. Companies develop, ideas improve, products are updated, customers do not stand still. This is similar to the life of the Universe: celestial bodies rotate in their orbits, everything is in constant motion.

Whether you are at the start or already in flight, changes are approaching at the speed of a comet. They do not depend on your will. You either have to accept them or get out of the way.

Yes, it's scary. I'm sure you, like any business owner, marketing specialist or aspiring entrepreneur, have experienced uncertainty about the future. I myself have deeply experienced each of the questions that arise in such a situation: “Will my business survive?”, “Have I chosen the right course?”, “What will happen?”, “Am I ready for this?”

But even though change is inevitable, some things remain the same, and for the most part, businesses overlook this factor. These are people!

People do not change. I'm talking about your consumers, clients, partners and colleagues.

They may leave you for competitors, but this will not change their essence at all. People are the ones who can make or break your business.

Before paying for a product or service, people want to get a complete picture of it and hear the opinion of those they can trust. If you start paying attention to people and their immediate needs, consider that half the battle is done.

My daughters are growing up. Have you ever tried to comb the hair of a restless child? You need to either follow him or make him stop. Too often we treat clients like children.

Stop imposing your desires on consumers - follow them and watch what happens.

People don't want anything imposed on them. They just need to get enough information to make their choice, and that information should be free.

Three pressing questions

1. As possible without active sales take the leading positions, attract potential clients and get the desired profit? Just imagine: no cold calling, no advertising, nothing you hate doing or know how expensive it will be.

2. How can you reach influential people in your field? Is there an easy way to immediately start working with people whose level is unimaginably high? If they decided to help you, how would that affect your business?

Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) – German-American designer of rocket and space technology, one of the founders of modern rocketry. Here and below, notes in square brackets refer to editor's notes.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

3. Is there any easy way to contact potential and regular customers, gain their trust? How can you cut through the advertising noise and grab people's attention? Is there a proven way to earn their trust and support?

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Problems with marketing There is an opinion that success marketing policy associated with high costs.

The American Marketing Association defines it as follows: “Marketing is the activity of creating, Information Support, delivery and exchange of goods and services of value to consumers, clients, partners and society as a whole.”

Note the words “exchange of goods and services.” It is believed that the essence of marketing is to create offers that will attract people. We were taught to select the right words, arrange them in the right sequence, place them in the right place in right time and in the right way.

Our marketing is like fishing. We select better bait than our competitors, quietly climb into the boat and cast the fishing rod towards consumers - and they bite. The theory goes something like this.

“Exchange” involves a two-way process between the company and the consumer. But in reality, your business is actively pitching a product or service, and the potential client is only being tested by the power of your persuasion.

Frankly speaking, if there weren’t even a little rational grain in such an approach, marketing specialists would fly out of business. I'll be the first to admit that I've used many of these tactics successfully.

However, its weakness is that it is impossible to predict exactly when people will be ready to buy your product or service.

For example, I'm going to buy a new car over time. But now I'm quite happy with what I have. And not a single marketing specialist can even approximately say when I will “mature.” Someone will pay attention to the recent expensive repairs. Others will base their guesses on how long I've been driving this car or what mileage it has. But no one can say for sure what exactly will make me get rid of it. Yes, I don’t know that myself.

It turns out that marketers have to make empirical assumptions about me. But what's worse is that they have to pay other people to have access to me.

To stay on my radar and be heard, they must advertise in magazines, television shows, websites that interest me, and use radio airtime while I'm driving in the car, to name just a few.

At the time of this writing, the American automobile industry is spending over four hundred dollars to sell just one car, increasing that amount by four billion annually! Do you have that kind of money? Are your products and services so profitable that you can afford such expenses? Your turnover is so significant that you can invest millions of dollars in advertising campaign without any guarantees?

Maybe there's a better way?

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

The Internet is Paralyzing The World Wide Web has changed the business world forever. These changes have given many established companies a major scare. And for good reason! Could the Network, this “great equalizer”2, kill the business we are used to?

The idea of ​​selling goods to customers anywhere in the world without intermediaries was an Archimedean lever. It not only put travel agents, department stores and newspapers out of business, but also gave ordinary people like us opportunities to compete. Good idea overnight she gained strength and potential for growth.

Projects such as Amazon and eBay have become billion-dollar companies.

Today, any information on any topic can be found in a matter of minutes.

A huge body of knowledge has become accessible from anywhere: from home, office, car or from the beach.

Incredible ideas such as posting photos on a website and communicating with friends online have brought hundreds of millions of people together.

But for every successful Internet project, there are a million ideas that were not destined to come to fruition. Success World Wide Web equally deters people from taking any action.

For example, in the mid-90s I had an advertising agency. We helped companies in the high-tech sector present themselves correctly. Business was booming until that market collapsed. We have lost a lot. I encountered some unpleasant changes.

It was decided to expand the business in another area, and we began to master the publication of “white books” - expert reviews that help company specialists when making decisions. To my utter horror, I suddenly discovered that my agency was not the only one specializing in this area. Others worked too.

The first reaction was: “We’ve arrived...” I realized that we had to start everything from scratch.

Perhaps the story seemed familiar to you?

Online competition is a lot like adult life after high school: you might have been smart or a local celebrity, but when you went to college, you discovered that you were surrounded by a lot of other people who weren't stupid at all. And perhaps, compared to them, you are no longer so brilliant in intelligence.

The Internet is taking local competitions to the global level. Suddenly you find yourself challenging hundreds of thousands of other companies. They are everywhere. Now you have to play against smart guys from New Zealand, Germany, Russia, India and Japan.

The atmosphere of struggle on a national or global scale can be completely intimidating and paralyzing. Have you encountered a similar obstacle before?

How can you grow your business without breaking the bank? Is there an easy way to harness the power of the Internet without fear of competition?

In American English word equalizer means not only "equalizing factor" but also "firearm" because it equalizes the capabilities of physically weak and strong people.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Meeting the Enemy: Channel Congestion Syndrome Do you feel like your mind is literally being torn apart? I definitely have it!

The so-called channel congestion syndrome occurs when information is transmitted faster than it can be perceived. This is reminiscent of a rain storm, due to which rivers overflow their banks and sweep away everything in their path. Only instead of crazy rain, streams of information fall on the heads of your clients and potential buyers. Umbrellas are useless here.

As a result, people retreat, close themselves and seek refuge from the information invasion. They literally switch off!

Just think about it: your email is bursting with an endless stream of letters, you have the opportunity to go to a billion sites and watch the same number of videos, printed garbage is already falling out of your mailbox - and there are only advertisements all around. We don't yet take into account voicemails, text messages, blogs or social media updates. How are the stacks of dusty magazines and unread newspapers doing?

All of this poses a huge problem for any business: if customers aren't getting your information, they're probably not even thinking about you.

What should a company do? What is her choice?

The first option is to try to use all channels at once. The second is to ignore the changes that have occurred in the world and act in a traditional manner.

In the first case, it will cost you a fortune. You won’t be able to keep up with everything simply because there are too many information channels, and new ones may appear every year.

Burying your head in the sand is guaranteed to lead you to ruin. If you don’t see the need to change, then you will gradually lose your customers and freeze your business.

Any other ideas?

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

The study also found that trust in a company matters much more than excellent products and services themselves.

Do your customers and potential clients trust you?

And if the quality of goods is not the key to trust, then what is it?

“Stable growth of any company directly depends on improving relationships with customers. Moreover, in an atmosphere of obvious distrust of business, this issue should not be taken lightly,” says Jeremy Darroch, CEO British broadcasting giant BSkyB.

Since customers and potential clients are initially distrustful of your business, successful development becomes a serious challenge for the company. “The main strategic goal for many companies is to do their best to regain the trust of customers and build relationships with them more effectively,” says a Harvard Business Review article.

The Barometer also showed that people value advice from qualified professionals much more highly than advice from colleagues - and this is the only ray of light in a dark kingdom.

So is it possible to earn your business serious authority and credibility?

A well-known sociological company that publishes, in particular, annual reports called “Trust Barometer”.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Lifting force It doesn’t matter if you open a business, imagine New Product or you need to transform the company, the principle of “lifting force” will allow you to quickly increase your reputation, strengthen your position in the market and, of course, increase your income.

I want to convince you: it doesn’t matter at all what stage of development your business is at - it’s just starting its journey or thriving on the basis of many years of success. The ideas and tactics in this book will help you transform your business. They will prepare you for change and help you grow.

Understanding the principles of the action of lifting force came to me at the “school of strokes of fate,” which I graduated with honors. I wasn't taught these rules in graduate school. They were born and improved over fifteen years of trial and error.

The principle of the lifting force is to understand the key desires of customers and potential clients, whom you help solve their main problems absolutely free of charge. That's it in a nutshell.

Truly valuable information spreads instantly and can quickly attract attention to you important people, thereby ensuring your business rapid growth and reaching new levels. Competition and traditional marketing costs will be left behind.

Start helping people The moral is: if at the core of your marketing strategy If you help people with their minor needs, then many of them will want to turn to you when solving serious issues. If you provide support to hundreds, thousands or millions of people for free, they, in turn, will help you quickly grow your business and take it beyond the competition.

The basic needs of people do not change. Everyone wants to be informed about a topic that interests them and be able to turn to authoritative people for advice. You satisfy this desire if you create engaging and relevant information that helps people in practical ways.

Your goal is to get people to think, “If their free recommendations are so helpful, then how valuable will their products and services be?” Getting your audience interested in the question “how much” is extremely important - this will help outside observers become customers.

Whether you provide advice, offer information services, sell high-end items or sell low-cost consumer goods, you can use the principles outlined here to overcome channel congestion and build long-term, trusted relationships with clients, without standard marketing tactics.

If you help people, they will help you.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Involve Others Lifting power will accelerate the growth of your business if you start collaborating with other people rather than focusing only on yourself and your products or services. Reach out to successful colleagues from other companies, experts and customers.

When you begin to combine your own superior offerings with the interests of influencers, you will quickly become a leader in your field and become attractive to many potential clients. In the future, it is these people who will strengthen your business so much that you will find yourself out of competition.

Here are three brief examples of mutually beneficial collaborations.

If you offer consulting services, you could interview the author of a popular new book. This will be interesting to your readers and will help the author reach an additional audience. There is a chance that this will mark the beginning of your further cooperation with this expert.

If you produce food, you can publish unique recipes from a famous chef using them. This will allow you to showcase your product in a new light and help the chef get noticed by your customers.

If you open private school, then you can show guys from different regions of the country who completed their studies in similar programs. This will help interested parents understand what their children can achieve at your school, and will also serve as additional advertising to graduates4.

When you involve other people in your content, you not only provide your audience with valuable information, but you also build long-term connections that can continue to benefit your business in the future.

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PC + DL – MP = R It reads like this: “Excellent Content” plus “Other People” minus “Marketing Messages” equals “Growth” (Figure 1.1).

In the USA and Great Britain, private schools use their own educational programs. It is generally accepted that their students not only receive necessary knowledge, but also acquire connections and a strong character. The British are confident that these two factors will help the graduate build a career in the future. Therefore, it will be important for graduates themselves to take part in such an event.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Rice. 1.1. Lift Formula: "Excellent Content" plus "Other People"

minus “Marketing messages”

When you offer quality information, such as how-to articles, expert interviews, success stories, or videos that help people solve their problems, your expertise grows. Thanks to the Other People factor, you go beyond your usual audience and work with outside professionals. And all this happens in an advertising-free space.

Once the advertising messages are hidden, your focus will shift from “What can we sell you?” to the question “How can we help you?” You are not promoting products - you are promoting the good of people. Instead of investing in advertising, you invest in creating content, acquiring knowledge, gathering opinions, and building a community where people who need help can get it.

You will no longer need to rely on your usual marketing channels. You can become the center of your industry, niche or local market. Once this happens, consider yourself unstoppable. Your spaceship will go to such distances that you could not even think about before.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Examples Let's consider the principle of the lifting force using the examples of an established business with a capital of 20 million dollars and our young company.

HubSpot is a company that creates computer programs for “involving marketing”5. It helps small businesses attract potential customers and close transactions.

Since opening in 2006, HubSpot has grown to 200 employees.

The company earned $20 million in 2011, up 350% from 2010.

The company's success was the result of its efforts in unique content marketing, aimed at creating value for other people and devoid of advertising.

“The interesting thing is that the variety of new marketing methods will put you well ahead of the business sharks, who tend to be too tied to old techniques,” says Mike Volpe, vice president of marketing at HubSpot.

Mike Volpe is one of the company's five pioneers who has seen the entire content marketing effort from the very beginning. In the early years, HubSpot had two key content assets: its blog and a dedicated online tool called Website Grader.

Website Grader is free program, which increases the effectiveness of online marketing of sites through content analysis, search engine optimization, integration into social networks and content capture capabilities6. In terms of advertising, the program is very poor, but very rich in functionality for organizing a full-fledged feedback. Website Grader attracted the attention of many people, including Guy Kawasaki7, who, on his own initiative, began promoting this program.

More than three million owners have seen their websites significantly improved thanks to Website Grader. Today, many companies use this program to identify the most promising clients. “Once they've received a Website Grader report on their request, experts start taking a serious interest in us,” says Volpe.

HubSpot uses its blog as a powerful marketing tool. Advertising Age Weekly (adage.com)8 ranks it among the top 25 marketing blogs in the world. The company publishes a variety of educational articles every day on the quality of marketing content.

Another part of HubSpot's strategy is webinars. As many as ten free webinars are held every month. 13,000 people registered for one of them. The meaning of “inbound marketing” is to attract the attention of potential customers using active activities on social networks, content marketing tools and website optimization for search engines. That is, conditions are created for interested people to come to the company’s website themselves.

“Content capture” usually refers to a variety of opportunities for the user to work with information. Text, photos and videos can be easily saved to a local computer or transmitted via the Internet, published on a blog, or sent links to materials as updates news feeds, RSS feeds, etc. The data received by the user is usually available for editing. In short, these are tools for convenient exchange and processing of information.

Guy Kawasaki (b. 1954) is one of the first employees of Apple Computer. For the first time he decided to use the techniques of religious preaching in business and thus became one of the prophets of the Apple religion. Author of the books: “How to charm people. The art of influencing minds and actions” (M.: Alpina Business Books, 2012); “Startup. 11 master classes from the ex-evangelist of Apple and the most daring venture capitalist of Silicon Valley" (M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012).

American analytical magazine dedicated to marketing and media space.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

participants. In addition, 200 original videos have been recorded, a monthly online show, HubSpot TV, and e-books are released regularly.

“I think the vast majority of companies put too much advertising into their content,” Volpe says. “Although a small amount is still necessary, in the overall volume of information it is like one or two drops per gallon. Many people try to cram in as much of it as possible, which completely devalues ​​their content and makes it uninteresting.”

HubSpot's sixty full-time sales managers generate 25,000 leads each month, all of which come through content marketing.

Social Media Examiner. On October 12, 2009, I launched the Internet project SocialMediaExaminer.com under the motto “Your guide in the jungle of social networks.”

The goal was to gather an audience of 10,000 subscribers before any sales began. We chose businessmen and marketing specialists as our target audience.

Before the launch of the site, our company had zero status in this area. Competition in this large and fast-growing market, where many specialists worked who were ten times smarter than me, was absolutely alien to us.

The forecasts did not bode well.

On the opening day, we conducted an online conversation with four experts in this field (Fig. 1.2).

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

We also turned to highly qualified specialists who began sending their articles for the site once a month. Initially, it was planned to publish three guide articles over the course of a week, which made it possible to cover topics that were relevant at that time.

Interviews with various gurus and stories were published regularly successful entrepreneurs, in which the secrets of their skills were revealed. We aimed to pass on tips, ideas, and other people's results to our readers. The audience liked the fresh thoughts, and the specialists liked the attention.

We did not talk about our own sales and did not mention ourselves in a single word.

All efforts were directed to those areas where people needed help most. Trust in us grew thanks to those experts who themselves enjoyed trust.

The result was the following. Over the course of a year, more than 40,000 people became our subscribers, the monthly number of site views grew to 450,000, and we were “liked” by 20,000 users on Facebook. Advertising Age Weekly and Technorati (technorati.com)10 named us one of the top 25 business blogs. And, amazingly, Alexa Internet (alexa.com)11 included us in the list of 1,700 most popular sites in the United States.

We gained worldwide fame, becoming one of the best blogs in our niche, literally overnight. In our first year, our revenue exceeded a million dollars, which far exceeded the expectations of our small company.

*** Both great examples show that by rising above the hype and focusing on helping people, you can achieve extraordinary results.

The first company to create a search engine specifically for blogs.

A subsidiary of Amazon.com that collects statistics on traffic to Internet resources.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Lifting Power Components Successfully launching your business requires great content, consideration for other people, and avoidance of intrusive advertising. Think of your content as rocket fuel and people as the engine that burns the fuel and propels the rocket. The role of air resistance, which slows down movement in dense layers of the atmosphere, is played by advertising.

Let's look at these key components in more detail.

Great Content Information can come in many forms. It can be compared to highly purified rocket fuel, which allows your ship to reach greater speed.

There are two different types of fuel: conventional (primary) and nuclear. First, let's take a look at regular fuel. It is easy to synthesize and allows you to move normally.

Regular fuel For a successful takeoff you will need a large number of regular fuel, otherwise the engines will not gain sufficient traction or will stall altogether.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Rice. 1.3. Regular fuel allows your ship to move normally. There are a great variety of types of this fuel. Here is just a brief overview of some of them.

Informative guide articles. These are detailed reviews of at least a thousand words. Their goal is to show readers how to do the things that interest them. For example, our the target audience- These are marketing specialists. Marie Smith, the author of our Facebook articles, once wrote an article, “Twenty-One Ways to Increase Your Facebook Followers: Getting Creative.” Such materials quickly spread across the Internet, they are referenced and commented on.

Interviews with experts. There are leading experts in every field. They are often quoted, speak at events, write popular blogs, or write books. Interviews with such people will help your readers keep up to date with the latest events and innovative ideas. In form, these can be videos, audio recordings or articles. For excellent examples of video interviews, visit David Garland's website, TheRiseToTheTop.com.

Reviews of books, products and sites. Many experts from various fields regularly present their books, new products and online resources. Drawing attention to M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

readers for such new products, you become an invaluable find for them. For example, the website WhitePaperSource.com publishes monthly reviews of the most useful white papers for business. This information helps readers gain fresh ideas and learn about new resources.

Live examples. Also known as “success stories,” case studies introduce readers to successful people and companies. The simplest scenario is this: a description of the difficulties faced by the company, the sequence successful steps and results. Articles like this are important because examples allow people to see what they can do in a similar situation. For clarity, you can take the article by expert Kasey Hibbard “How social networks helped Cisco earn over $100,000 without traditional product promotion,” published on SocialMediaExaminer.com.

News. If new products are constantly appearing in your field of activity, then you can become a resource that will introduce readers to new products and services.

The trick is to break the news before everyone knows about it. If you succeed, you will receive a powerful influx of visitors. For example, MacRumors.com does a great job of predicting what new products you can expect from Apple.

They study patentable computer programs and pay to the right people for information.

Refutations. Exploring points of view contrary to popular belief can also be very effective. For example, I wrote an article for MarketingProfs.com, “The Downside of Twitter: What Business Owners Need to Know.” It was published in February 2009 - at the peak of the unstoppable rise of this network. For a whole year, the article had one of the highest ratings and attracted a huge number of visitors to the site.

Regular fuel can be used everywhere: ideally the content should be hosted on your site and under your control. You can organize mailings by e-mail, in the form of printed materials or videos. If your audience is small, then for strategic reasons you can place content where it is likely to catch the eye of your readers, for example on other people's blogs.

You can combine different kinds of this fuel or use any one type. At SocialMediaExaminer.com, we publish how-to articles, expert interviews, and success stories.

Regular fuel will be useful to you for normal flights. However, to reach maximum speed you will need another type of fuel.

Nuclear fuel The most powerful accelerator for business is nuclear fuel. This product of high technology is much more difficult to produce. However, if you have it, then your ship will be able to travel to different parts of the Universe without any problems. You'll certainly succeed by using just regular fuel wisely, but you'll never get as fast or go as far as you could.

At the same time, you should be careful not to switch to nuclear fuel too often and only during a carefully planned and feasible strategic operation.

Most entrepreneurs do not use nuclear fuel. Those who create this type of content very soon discover that they are noticeably ahead of their competitors.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

Rice. 1.4. Nuclear fuel will allow you to develop incredible speed and send your ship to the stars. The range here is small. Here's a quick overview of your options.

Opinion polls. This is perhaps the most effective type nuclear fuel. When you provide free reviews based on in-depth research on a topic, you can get amazing benefits from it. By conducting surveys of people in your field and presenting the results in a readable report, you will quickly become a recognized leader. SocialMediaExaminer.com annually publishes the Blogosphere Marketing Report, which is viewed by approximately 40,000 people within days.

Top ten. Always remember that it is extremely important for people to easily recognize a product among similar ones. Announcement of nominations, polls and voting will allow you to determine best companies, blogs, books and other products or services in their category. Compiling quality reviews this kind will attract the attention of strong players and, perhaps, will mark the beginning of interesting cooperation with them. When we were selecting the best blogs at the very beginning of SocialMediaExaminer.com, we ourselves found ourselves in the public eye.

White books. These documents are published in order to familiarize people with current business ideas, goods or services. 6–10 pages reflect current M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

trends, problems are highlighted and solutions are proposed. A distinctive feature of white books is their long life. For example, an article I wrote in 2006 attracted the attention of 85,000 potential clients and still reaches about 30 people every day.

Micro-events. Webinars, teleconferences, blogosphere events and live broadcasts over the Internet are examples of micro-events. They allow your audience to communicate directly with various types of experts. Such meetings are more interesting than ordinary interviews, because live communication attracts a large number of people, is not tied to a place, and gives the experts themselves an excellent opportunity to introduce themselves to the audience. An excellent example is Sam Rosen's Persuasive Marketing Project (influencerproject.com). He invited 60 recognized leaders, and each addressed the audience with a one-minute speech. This hour-long program was watched by 5,500 people.

Of course, creating nuclear fuel requires a lot of effort. However, even a short-term switching of engines from conventional fuel to nuclear will allow you to break away from your competitors by a critical distance.

*** Using both types of fuel is fundamental to moving your company forward. In subsequent chapters, we'll look at how to create this kind of content and what it takes to ensure sustainable success for your business.

Other People Fuel makes your ship move, but people set the speed.

The main component of lifting power is unselfishly helping people who do not belong to your company and most of whom will never become your customers. Simply put, continually give back to others and your business will grow quickly.

This idea may seem absurd. You may be thinking, “Why on earth would I waste my energy and time on people who have absolutely no interest in my success?” or “Why should I help those who have done nothing for me?” Good questions. I myself have thought about them more than once.

Behind long years One thing I've learned is that people will never care too much about my business. They won't walk around me all day long, filled with a burning desire to help. In fact, they are so busy with their current affairs that I barely register on their radar.

I experienced all the difficulties of traditional marketing in full. At first it seemed to me that people would be ready to fulfill any of my requests or purchase goods only for beautiful advertising texts.

My first job was at a weekly newspaper in Wisconsin, where every month my boss assigned me to go door-to-door and offer people subscription coupons.

I went and knocked on every house. Sometimes I was greeted with the words: “Oh, what a wonderful young man! Here's your money." But most of the time people slammed the door in my face. It was obvious that cheap yellow cards with two coupons did not make them jump with delight.

Although my journey did not last long, I learned one important lesson: questions about money almost always make people feel uncomfortable.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

A true understanding of the problem came to me much later, when I had already cut my teeth on marketing. Only many years later was it revealed to me new way sales His secret is simple: if you do something truly worthwhile and useful for people, then you won’t have to ask them for help.

It turned out that people incredibly appreciate it if someone helps them solve problems.

There is also a rule in business: treat others as you would like them to treat you.

M. Stelzner. “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era"

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Michael Stelzner is a recognized social media expert and creator of one of the most popular social media marketing blogs, SocialMediaExaminer.com (over 150,000 subscribers).

In the book, Stelzner talks about different types of content that you can publish on your website, blog, or social media page that will help you attract the attention of potential customers.

The author explains how to plan content preparation, how to involve renowned experts in its creation, and how to use social media to promote it. He also gives valuable advice on working with texts, videos, organizing events and draws attention to the subtleties that will increase the attractiveness of your content for users.

This book is a useful guide for those who want to master the tools of content marketing and use it to win the favor of the Internet audience.

2nd edition.

The work belongs to the genre of Economics. Business. Right. It was published in 2011 by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. On our website you can download the book "Content Marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.93 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

If your marketing strategy is based on helping people with their small needs, then many of them will want to turn to you when solving big problems. If you provide support to hundreds, thousands or millions of people for free, they, in turn, will help you quickly grow your business.

Stay close!

Just be there for your clients instead of trying to dictate your will to them. The main fuel is free information, which is delivered to readers at permanent basis and meets their immediate needs. Typically, valuable articles, interviews with experts, reviews, etc. become the primary fuel.

Illustrations will enhance the effect

Your content needs to grab the reader's eye before it grabs their mind. Illustrations can greatly enhance the impact of your article. Ideally, there should be one image for every 300 words of text. Don't use cheap clip art. Instead, it's better to take screenshots and photographs.

What are the benefits of social networks?

Content as a gift

By providing quality content, you give your readers what they want and attract them even more. The main thing is to give without expecting anything in return. No one is obligated to reciprocate if you give a gift. But if you give good gifts, people will not remain indifferent.

Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era Michael Stelzner

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Title: Content Marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era
Author: Michael Stelzner
Year: 2011
Genre: Internet, Marketing, PR, advertising, Industry publications, Popular about business, Foreign business literature, Foreign computer literature

About the book “Content Marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era" Michael Stelzner

Michael Stelzner is a recognized social media expert and creator of one of the most popular social media marketing blogs, SocialMediaExaminer.com (over 150,000 subscribers).

In the book, Stelzner talks about different types of content that you can publish on your website, blog, or social media page that will help you attract the attention of potential customers.

The author explains how to plan content preparation, how to involve renowned experts in its creation, and how to use social media to promote it. He also gives valuable advice on working with texts, videos, organizing events and draws attention to the subtleties that will increase the attractiveness of your content for users.

This book is a useful guide for those who want to master the tools of content marketing and use it to win the favor of the Internet audience.

2nd edition.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era" by Michael Stelzner in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Prayer to Saint Barbara for the operation to be successful

Every person in his life faces situations when he needs support. Sometimes you can get help from loved ones, but it happens that you want to enlist the assistance of forces from above.

In their prayers to heaven, people ask for health, love, and prosperity in their endeavors for themselves and their loved ones. Often, faith in the heart and prayer or ritual play an important role: they give strength in times of crisis, help not to stop and go to victory.

The prayer “My angel, be with me, you are ahead - I am behind you” helps a person in situations where it is necessary to start a new business and achieve a positive result. Protective forces will help you see a way out, will guide you along the correct and shortest path, which a person will feel intuitively.

How and to whom it helps

If you read the text with pure intentions and with faith in your heart, then it can help any person. Usually, after several readings, the person asking for help either sees a prophetic dream, or receives an unexpected intuitive revelation: it becomes clear to him where to move and what steps to take to achieve the desired result.

People who regularly perform this prayer ritual become calm and confident in themselves and their actions. This is not surprising, because they feel a connection with their Guardian and the protection of heaven.

Reading rules

To transform your life and achieve success, it is recommended to read the prayer daily, setting aside time for the ritual every morning. If such constancy is difficult for you, then you can resort to the ritual on particularly important days, before significant undertakings. The power of the music of the words of the proposed text is great, so even with this approach, the Angel will come to your aid.

Having completed these actions, you will sanctify all the paths and roads that you walk, enlist the protection of higher powers, and good luck will accompany you and your deeds.

Prayer text

The text of the appeal to the Angel is the music of words flowing from the very heart. Try to hear every sound, every line you say. Be sure to put meaning into them. If you don’t know the text by heart, you can read it from sight, but, most importantly, from the heart.

Help and luck are needed not only in endeavors, but also in moments when life crises occur, and especially when life is in danger. “My angel, come with me” is another prayer to your Guardian, who will give strength to the person and his loved ones to survive the operation.

When needed

This treatment is used before surgical interventions. Any operation causes anxiety in a person and his loved ones, which is difficult to cope with. If the patient or relatives need additional support, ask the heavenly helpers so that everything goes well.

In order for the appeal to God to be heard, the text must be read daily before the operation. Turn to heaven every time there is anxiety inside about the outcome of the procedure, as well as when the thought of an upcoming event simply arises.

Prayer to an Angel has miraculous power. Even if you read it not by heart, but in your own words, the action remains the same.

It is believed that when converted, God’s Helper:

  • will give faith in a favorable outcome of the operation;
  • will “guide the surgeon’s hand”;
  • will reduce the likelihood of medical errors;
  • will help rapid recovery after the intervention.

To enhance the power of the text, you can make a talisman. To do this, before the operation you need to write it on a small piece of paper and take it in your hand. If your relative is undergoing surgery, then place this piece of paper in his hand. Put your soul into creating a talisman, and the power of prayer will protect you or your loved one throughout the entire process.

When it doesn't help

In some cases, the Guardian will not help. Heaven helps those who strive to lead a righteous life: they keep the commandments and believe that God will not abandon them in difficult moments of life.

You cannot count on the power of prayer if:

  • don't believe in God;
  • you envy other people, constantly strive to compare your life with others;
  • your life is filled with lies;
  • do not think about the feelings of other people and are capable of betrayal;
  • do not keep the commandment “thou shalt not steal”;
  • pride is the main companion in life, you consider yourself superior to everyone;
  • do not work for the benefit of others, think only about yourself;
  • You see only the bad in life, you are not able to enjoy your existence.

Even if you recognize yourself in some of the points, do not despair. Even if the likelihood of assistance from higher powers decreases, even sinners can be heard. If you feel the need, pray, because it is in crisis moments of life that a person is able to change his worldview, become purer and establish an internal connection with his Angel and God.

Watch a video of one of the prayers to the Guardian Angel.

Who and how to pray for the operation to be successful? It all depends on the nature of the surgical intervention and the person’s disease.

Saint Panteleimon was a physician who was given the Gift of Healing during his lifetime. Despite the fact that during his earthly life Christians were persecuted by pagans, the saint always prayed to the Lord before treating a sick person.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, have mercy on the Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the cruel illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all.

Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I be healthy in soul and body, and with the help of God’s grace, I can spend the rest of my days in repentance and pleasing God, and be worthy of receiving the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

In almost every surgeon’s office you can see the image of St. Luke of Voino-Yasenetsky. The saint was glorified in 1996.

During his earthly life, he was a famous surgeon who wrote many works on surgery, which are used in practice to this day. Having become a bishop, he did not give up his medical practice. The Lord glorified the Saint for his unshakable faith.

From the relics of St. Luke, many sick people received healing. Often, through the prayers of the saint, people who were preparing for surgery were healed, and the need for surgery disappeared.

Prayer to Luke of Crimea

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ!

With tenderness we bend the knee of our hearts and fall before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all our zeal: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the All-Merciful and Humane God.

We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God that He may establish in His holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety; May its shepherds give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of the believer, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, and to reprove the contrary.

Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: the establishment of our cities, the fruitfulness of the land, deliverance from famine and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, return to the path of truth for those who have gone astray, blessing for the parent, blessing for the child. in the Passion of the Lord, education and teaching, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy.

Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that through you we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Grant us a godly way to cross the path of temporary life, set us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to the omnipotent God for us, so that in eternal life with you we may unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him belongs all glory and honor. and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

They pray to the saint especially before operations in the field of purulent surgery.

The Orthodox Church has recorded cases where Saint Barbara helped in critical situations during surgery.

The Holy Great Martyr is depicted on icons holding the Communion Cup in her hand. A person’s greatest fear is sudden death, especially if he has not repented and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Saint Barbara is asked to prevent sudden death during anesthesia.

If a person is afraid of suddenly dying from general anesthesia, it is also recommended to pray to saints in whose lives there were similar conditions:

  1. To the seven youths of Ephesus, who, by the will of the Lord, fell asleep in a cave and woke up only 150 years later.
  2. Holy righteous Lazarus, whom the Lord resurrected after 4 days.
  3. Jesus Christ, who rose again three days later.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara

pray with us and for us, God who begs from His compassion, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, not shameful, peaceful, privy to the Divine Mysteries , and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw help Its own from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

  • Prayers before surgery to St. Luke of Crimea help a lot. During his lifetime, surgeon Luka Voino-Yasenetsky was engaged in healing and saved the lives of many people. They also turn to him with prayer for the surgeon;
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow is approached not only before surgery, but also in cases of problems with a child, mother, son and loved one with health;
  • Saint Panteleimon the Healer is also addressed with prayers - both before and after the operation. He also healed many during his lifetime and put them back on their feet.
  • They pray before the operation and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He helps in the most difficult times life situations. You can contact him before surgery and during search new job , both in school and in other life situations;
  • they turn to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara for help with prayer - so that the operation is successful;
  • and of course, it would be useful to pray to your Guardian Angel.

How to correctly read a prayer before surgery for yourself and a loved one

Prayer to the Lord God before surgery

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting the bodily sorrows of people and,

We pray to You, our God, to visit Your weak servant with Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary.

Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking infirmities, be the doctor of Your servant (name),

raise him from the bed of pain, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Thy Church, pleasing and doing Thy will,

For it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Prayer to Jesus Christ before surgery

Lord, forgive me, a sinner who did not listen to You, who violated Your laws.

I really repent and ask you to forgive me.

And help me survive the operation.

Please guide the doctors so that they do everything right and that their actions heal me.

And so that after the operation I get better and get better.

But of course, Your will be done.

Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, I commit my spirit and my life to You.

I ask You, Almighty, bless and have mercy on me.

Grant me, Lord, life and long days before Your face.

May Your mercy be upon me.

Forgive me my sins in the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ.

I hope and trust in You, my Lord and my God.

For You are truly the Christ alone, the Son of the living God, who came into a sinful world to save us.

May Your blessing be on the hands of doctors, on what they will do.

Thy will be done, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Icon of Jesus Christ

Prayer before surgery to the Guardian Angel

Don’t leave me, oh my Guardian Angel, don’t remember the errors of my youth and my previous sins.

I place my hope in you;

you are my fortress, my refuge.

Save me from the snares of the sinner and from the snares of the evil spirit.

You are my patron, given to me at Baptism.

Kill the enemies who surround me, enlighten my mind, wandering in the darkness, turn your holy face to me, and I will shed tears and prayer before you.

Extend your voice to me, O my holy Angel, - I am ready to listen to you;

commanded - and I will fulfill your command;

show me the way and I will follow you.

My iniquities have multiplied without number, but pray for me, holy Guardian of my life, inspire me with a living feeling of your love and present to the Lord the tears of my sorrow:

He will not despise my tearful sacrifice and, out of his mercy, will forgive me my sins.

Guardian Angel Icon

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before surgery

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and quick helper everywhere in sorrow, help me, a sinner and saddened one, in this life,

beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, throughout my entire life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings;

and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God of all creation, the Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment,

May I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer “My angel, be with me”

When needed

Prayer before surgery I’m not alone on the way to the table; three Angels are leading me; they have very great power. We will now tell you how to read it correctly, as well as how to properly prepare for the operation.

  • If you, my dear, have to undergo surgery yourself, then it will be useful to read a prayer before surgery, which is called “I am not going to the table alone.” You can find the text of this prayer in our article.
  • Read this prayer without stopping all the way to the hospital.
  • It would also be a good idea to read it to yourself until you fall asleep from the anesthesia.
  • If the operation is performed not under general anesthesia, but under local anesthesia, this means that you will be conscious during the entire process and will be able to read the prayer without stopping at all.
  • The more times you say the words of this prayer, the better.
  • If the operation is not for you, but, for example, for a child or one of your parents, then another prayer will help here, which is the strongest amulet for the sick.
  • For dad, mom or your child, before the operation you will need to have time to write the text of a protective prayer on a piece of paper and put it in the hand of a loved one.
  • And this prayer is called “The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos.”
  • When you write it on paper, try to delve as deeply as possible into the meaning of the prayer.
  • It’s better for you to learn it yourself and read it while the operation is going on. So you will only increase the strength of this prayer.
  • You can read this prayer at home in front of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • You can also put an icon with the image of the Virgin Mary at the bedside of a patient who is about to undergo surgery. And during the operation itself, ask to put it in the operating room.
  • You can pray in your own words, the main thing is that the words come from the very depths of your soul.
  • For example, the text could be like this: “Dear God, save my little blood (name of child, mother, father, etc.). Don’t let the doctor make a mistake, and don’t let the sick in spirit fall. Let the Servant of God (name of the patient) live another century on earth to please his loved ones and the Lord with good deeds. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. “
  • You must remember that the Lord helps only those who honor him and do not break the commandments.
  • Find time to go to church and repent of your sins.
  • Remember everyone to whom you have been guilty of at least something and ask them for forgiveness.
  • Do not wish harm on anyone, even if the person offended you very much.
  • Find the strength to forgive your enemies.
  • Do not swear and never raise your voice, especially at your children.
  • Be calm and don’t give free rein to your emotions. This is the essence of the Lord’s truth - to suppress in oneself the harmful passions and emotions that give rise to evil.
  • Do not utter the word “death” and do not allow thoughts about your death or the passing away of your loved one, who is now undergoing surgery.
  • Do not carry or allow a loved one to carry various pins, needles, etc. on your body before surgery. This is a bad sign. There should only be an Orthodox cross on the body.

Now you know in what cases prayer helps before surgery. I’m not alone on the way to the table; three Angels are leading me.

Do you know that prayer before surgery, My angel, follow me, you are ahead, I am behind you, helps protect yourself from medical errors? If not, then we hasten to notify you about it. We will also tell you about whom the Angels help and who does not even have the right to count on their help.

  • If the doctor has prescribed an operation for you, and you are so afraid of it, then in this case we advise you to turn to the Lord and your Guardian Angel for help.
  • Many are helped by a strong prayer to the Angel, which is called “My angel, follow me, you are ahead, I will follow you.” Its full text is presented in the photo below.
  • You can even pray in your own words, but this will not diminish the power of prayer.
  • You can say these words: “Forbid, Lord and my Guardian Angel, from destruction my body and soul. Don't let the surgeon make the wrong cut on my body. I want to live in this white world and I want to lead a correct life, as the Lord commands. Amen! Amen! Amen!"
  • The prayer must be read both before the operation and every day before it.
  • The more often you remember your Guardian Angel and our Creator, the better it will be.
  • If one of your parents or a child is undergoing surgery, then in this case you need to pray both for them and for you, their relatives.
  • The more a person reads a prayer before his relative’s operation, the sooner God will help.
  • You can make a talisman for your relative who is awaiting surgery.
  • You need to write the text of the prayer on a piece of paper and put it in the patient’s hand.
  • He must wear this amulet throughout the entire operation.
  • You need to put your whole soul into the text and fill the amulet with the deepest meaning.
  • You can write this: “God protect my loved one (father, mother, child, etc.) from the devilish interference of dark forces. Don’t let the doctor stumble during the operation and give the patient strength to recover from the operation. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

You cannot count on the help of your Guardian Angel if you:

  • do not believe in the Lord;
  • you lie to everyone, even about little things;
  • you envy your acquaintances;
  • betray your comrades and loved ones;
  • steal something, even small things;
  • consider yourself better than everyone else;
  • don't do anything for free;
  • don't like work;
  • You often experience negative emotions and dissatisfaction with your life.

But in what cases can you expect help from the Angel and the Lord:

  • if you love life and enjoy every day;
  • rush to help your loved ones in difficult times;
  • share the latest with friends;
  • know how to be happy for others;
  • honor and respect God;
  • don't exalt yourself.

For the operation to be successful, a number of conditions must be met:

  • take communion;
  • forgive everyone who offended you;
  • ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended;
  • get rid of any negative emotions and bad thoughts;
  • think that everything will definitely be fine with you.

Prayer before surgery My angel, follow me, you are ahead, I am behind you, really helps and saves people at the most difficult moment.

People are exposed to stress every day. They always try to find a way out and often succeed, but in difficult moments, when you give up, you have to turn to your Guardian Angel for help.

One of these difficult and frightening cases may be a planned or emergency operation. At such moments, you need not only the help of relatives and friends, but also higher powers.

There have long been protective prayers that will help in this situation.

When prayer is needed

Often people want to remain strong in any situation, but sometimes they have to admit own fear and vulnerabilities. Surgery may be such a situation.

Before surgery, even the strongest and most courageous people can lose their composure. There's nothing wrong with that. Fear is natural for humans. Recognizing your phobias means becoming one step closer to overcoming them.

If a person feels strong fear, he turns to his loved ones, relatives, friends for help, but you can offer a prayer to the Lord or Guardian Angel. With this prayer you can:

  • overcome natural fear of surgery;
  • feel that there is hope for healing;
  • believe that the Almighty can create a miracle.

Sometimes operations are so complex that even doctors cannot give a definite answer about their success. In such situations, it is worth turning to God. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the help of the Lord, and then he will definitely grant healing.

  • Son of God, Jesus Christ.
  • Holy Mother of God.
  • Saint Panteleimon.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The prayer addressed to the Guardian Angel works the fastest. He is always behind a person, always ready to come to the rescue in case of danger to life, transfers all human requests to heaven so that the Lord will create a miracle. The more often and more carefully you pray to your own angel, the more likely it is that the prayer will work.

The appeal to the guardian is: “My angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you.” This text has enormous power. With its help, a person calls on an angel to protect him from adversity, protect him from troubles, go ahead and illuminate the path. The Guardian will never refuse such a request.

How to pray

For surgery to be successful, you must follow a few simple rules. The main thing is not to talk or think about a bad outcome of the operation or death. All thoughts that are formed in consciousness are material.

It is worth asking the Lord only for a positive outcome; all bad thoughts should be driven away on this day. You should not say bad words or wish harm on anyone on the day of the operation or a few days before it.

This is due to the fact that the Guardian Angel is a mediator between God and man. If a person sins or swears, then the angel cannot convey the mortal’s requests to Paradise. Then the help, no matter how sincerely it is voiced, will not reach the recipient.

At least once during these 40 days you need to go to the priest. He needs to repent of his sins. With its help, you can go to the icons and offer a prayer, asking for forgiveness from people who were offended intentionally or accidentally.

If friends, relatives and acquaintances also pray during this period, the likelihood that the operation will be more successful increases. Family members can support the patient by adhering to the rules of fasting with him.


Not only the sick can read this. During the operation, when the patient is unconscious, his family can do this. This will increase the chances of success. Relatives should also not allow bad thoughts under any circumstances.

If people pray who have not respected God all their lives, who have done bad things, offended others, or been lazy, the prayer will not acquire the necessary power. Only that which comes from a righteous person who respects all the canons and laws of God has power.

Reading rules

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. In the evening dial clean water into a glass beaker.
  2. Place a glass of water on the window and let it sit there all night.
  3. In the morning at dawn, take the infused liquid and go out with it onto the balcony, onto the street, or at least open the window to see the sky you will be addressing.
  4. Holding the vessel in the open air, cross yourself three times, and then cross the water three times.
  5. Read a prayer in a whisper, ask the Angel and Jesus Christ to help you.
  6. Spray the corners of your home with water.
  7. Go outside beyond the threshold of your house or entrance.
  8. Pour half the water at your feet, and splash the remaining half forward, onto the road, in the direction you walk when you leave the house.

When needed

Guardian Angel Icon

Prayer “My angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you” - text when read

  • First of all, you need to believe in the help of the Lord God and in the strength of the patient himself, that the operation will definitely go well - then it will be so.
  • To make prayer more effective, all the relatives and friends of the patient need to unite and read the prayer together. Let everyone be in their own home, but just try to read the prayer all at the same time.
  • It would be a good idea for relatives to visit the temple and pray there for a loved one. You must also light a candle for health and give a note to the church employees about the health of the sick person.
  • When you come home from church, be sure to pray in front of the icons that you have.
  • It is useful to pray in front of the image of the saint to whom you are turning. For greater power of prayer, you can immediately turn to all the Saints whose prayers are written in the article. You can purchase icons with their images in the church.
  • A prayer for the patient before surgery should be read at home with the TV and radio turned off, in solitude and peace.
  • Think carefully about every word of your prayer and put your whole soul into it.
  • Pray both during the operation (that it goes well) and for the health of the surgeon. After the successful completion of the operation, thank the Lord God and the saints for helping you.

And here we remember about the guardian angel, who can help convey the most important words to the Lord, give us his protection and strengthen us spiritually.

The simplest prayer, my angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you - I can help in the most difficult moment. It is often read before surgery.

You can pray at any time of the day. But it would be mandatory to do this in the morning and evening before bed. In the middle of the day, short prayers or addresses in your own words with a specific request before starting any task. In the evening, words of gratitude, you can also list everything that happened to you during the day, tell the angel where you noticed his help, where you could not understand.

If you are in trouble, have health problems, or are about to undergo surgery, then you definitely need to contact your guardian angel. The doctors themselves say that they can do their job, but there is still the will of God and an unexpected and stupid situation may occur that can aggravate the situation. There are many prayers for the operation. But first of all, you need to turn to your angel.

Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Holy Angel of Christ, falling to you I pray, my holy guardian, given to me for the protection of my sinful soul and body from holy baptism, but with my laziness and my evil custom I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all the cold deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, brotherly hatred, and resentment, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony without satiety and drunkenness, verbosity, evil thoughts and crafty ones, proud custom and lustful indignation, driven by self-will for all carnal lust.

Oh, my evil will, which even dumb animals cannot do! How can you look at me, or approach me like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, angel of Christ, look upon me, entangled in evil in vile deeds? How can I already ask for forgiveness with my bitter and evil and crafty deed, I fall into misery all day and night and at every hour?

Prayer to your angel does not exclude appeals to the healers of St. Panteleimon and Luke of Crimea, as well as to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God. But the angel who is always with you deserves the utmost attention.

Maybe you are convinced that prayers can only be said by believers, or, as it would be more correct to say, by churchgoers. But that's not true. If you were not taught this since childhood, you yourself may feel the need to communicate with an angel and soon see the result.

And it would be good if you started teaching your children about this.

Prayer - turning to your Angel protects you in all life situations, and there are a great many of them:

  • the morning of a hard day ahead;
  • evening after troubles;
  • road (near or far);
  • health;
  • going to the doctor or before surgery;
  • troubles in the family or love sphere;
  • lack of luck;
  • desire for success at work;
  • damage or evil eye;
  • intrigues or enemies

And if you get used to communicating with your Angel, you feel your Angel, you will see his actions and care.

Just remember that if a person does a lot of bad things, wishes harm to other people, intrigues, is lazy, and does not keep God’s commandments, then prayer will not help.

Therefore, do good deeds, read prayers, never forget that your guardian is always standing behind your right shoulder and he is always with you, walking ahead, illuminating your path and directing you to the true path.

Prayer “My angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you” - text when read was last modified: February 20th, 2019 by Bogolub

  1. Prayers
  2. Prayer “My angel, let’s go...

Prayer to Jesus Christ before surgery

Icon of Jesus Christ

Independent prayer before surgery

In serious illness, a believer invariably turns to God. If surgical intervention is inevitable, in preparation for it, both the patient and his relatives read a special church prayer before a complex operation. In religion there are no less rituals than in magic, so prayer alone during an operation is not enough; you need to confess, take communion, and repent of all your sins. Forgive those who have offended you. Pay back your debts. Pray fervently and sincerely, and believe in the mercy of the Lord God.

“Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ my God, I commit my spirit to You. Bless me, God, and have mercy, grant me life and your guardianship. Lord and Master of my life, I hope and trust in You, I cover myself with the Glory of Your Mercy like a shield. Even if I go around the whole world, both water and all land, there is nowhere more merciful than the Lord and King, Intercessor and Father.

The power of prayer before surgery

There are many stories in Orthodoxy when, through the prayers of loved ones, even the most difficult operations ended successfully, and the patient quickly recovered.

Prayer before surgery

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, and raise up those who have been cast down, correct the afflictions of human beings, we pray to You, our God, visit Your weak servant (name) with Your mercy, forgive him (her) every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, Thy healing power was sent down from Heaven to direct the mind and hand of Thy servant the doctor (name of the doctor) so that he could carry out the necessary surgery safely, as if the bodily ailment of Thy free Servant (name) was completely healed, and every hostile invasion was driven far away from him.

A case was recorded where a patient with a clavicle fracture was contraindicated for surgical intervention, since he might not survive it. A saint appeared to him in a dream, gave him a solution to drink from a spoon and said, “Everything will be fine.” The old man then agreed to the operation and tolerated it well. A few days later he saw an icon on which he recognized the saint who had come to him. It was Healer Panteleimon.

Turning to the saints, we ask them to beg the Lord so that the operation is successful and the patient receives healing.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before surgery

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer for surgeon Luke Krymsky

Icon of Luke of Crimea

A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the health of the child should be read in front of the icon. Moreover, she will be more effective if she prays in church, lighting a candle for the health of her child.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Kazan” before surgery

First prayer

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, good Helper to the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs!

Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, praying to Thee with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to Thee and worshiping Thy most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Thy help and intercession.

Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary!

Look, O Lady, at Your people:

For we, sinners, are imams of no other help than to You and from You, Christ our God who was born.

You are our intercessor and representative.

You are protection for the offended, joy for the sorrowing, refuge for the orphans, keeper for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners.

For this reason, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and looking at Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, we offer You a tender song and cry out:

have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for all things are possible through Your intercession, as glory befits You now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Second prayer

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos!

With fear, faith and love, falling before Your honorable icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You.

Pray, merciful Mother, to Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve our country peacefully and to keep His holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism.

There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, unless You, Most Pure Virgin, are You the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians.

Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death.

Grant us a spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and remission of sins,

May we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, and there, with all the saints, let us glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to Saint Barbara for the operation to be successful

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro!

Gathered today in your Divine temple, people worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr,

and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, known to our intercessor’s desires:

pray with us and for us, begging God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us behind all the necessary petitions for salvation and life,

and grants a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peaceful, privy to the Divine Mysteries,

and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will bestow His great mercy,

May the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous God of Israel in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Icon of Barbara the Great Martyr

Brief prayers before surgery

Prayer “Three Angels Guide Me”

A short prayer to the Lord God

You can send prayers in your own words to all the Saints mentioned in the article. If you read the prayer in your own words, its power will not decrease. The main thing is to carry every word of prayer through your soul and heart.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Kazan” before surgery

First prayer

Second prayer

Icon of the Mother of God “Kazan”

Brief prayers before surgery

I am not the only one going to the table, three angels lead me there: the first of them accompanies me to the table, the second of them opens the door for me, the third of them saves my life.

I turn to you, Lord, asking for salvation for myself; Forgive me my sins, cover me with protection, have mercy and grant me life.

A short prayer to the Lord God

God, God of love, God of silence, condescension and mercy.

Accept my tears, that Your Name may be glorified with the saints throughout the ages.

A short prayer to Jesus Christ

Blessed Jesus, quiet Jesus, Jesus, God of power, Jesus, torch of righteousness, Jesus, who redeemed us from death and delivered us from hell.

Jesus, Son of God, do not leave us!

A short prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You;

Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

A short prayer to the Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection!

I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, instruct me in every deed, and direct me on the path of salvation.