Organization of production in public catering. Coursework: Organization of production at public catering establishments Fast food establishments

Field Practice Report

By professional module PM 07. "Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees"

(by profession 16675 Cook)

Specialty: 260807 Product technology Catering

Explanatory note.

Target industrial practice – consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the process of training in professional module 07.

Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook); mastering production skills at a public catering enterprise

The main tasks of the practice:
- get acquainted with the production processes at the public catering enterprise as a whole and at individual production sites;
- master the technology of production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, various dishes, drinks, culinary products;
- familiarize yourself with the rules of safety, sanitation and personal hygiene of employees of a public catering enterprise

1. general characteristics catering establishments……………………
2. Organization of warehouse operations at the enterprise…………………….
3. Production of semi-finished products and finished products……………………………
3.1. Technological process of production of semi-finished products and organization of work of blank sections……………………………………………………….
3.2. Organization technological process and cooking in the pre-cooking area………………………………………………………………
4. Organization of customer service……………………………………………







Field Practice Report

according to the professional module PM 07. "Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees"

(by profession 16675 Cook)

Specialty: 260807 Technology of catering products

Completed by: student of the TOP-31 group,

Checked by: N.R. Ulanova



General characteristics of a public catering enterprise……………………

Organization of warehouse work at the enterprise…………………….

Production of semi-finished and finished products……………………………

Technological process of production of semi-finished products and organization of work of blank sections……………………………………………………….

Organization of the technological process and cooking in the pre-cooking area…………………………………………………………………

Organization of customer service…………………………………………



A cafe is a public catering enterprise intended for organizing the recreation of consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to the restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, flour confectionery, drinks, purchased goods. Dishes are mostly simple cooking, an extended range of hot drinks (tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, etc.).

In accordance with GOST R 50762 - 2007 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments "cafe distinguish:

by the range of products sold - cafe - ice cream, cafe - confectionery, cafe - dairy;

according to the contingent of consumers - youth cafe, children's cafe;

according to the method of service - self-service, service by waiters.

Cafes are not divided into classes, so the range of dishes depends on the specialization of the cafe.

Most cafes are public enterprises of the second category and operate on a self-service basis. Their trading floors are equipped with two- and four-place tables, at which they take food while sitting; or high round, triangular tables, at which they take food while standing.

The waiter service cafe has signature, custom-made dishes on its menu, but mostly fast food.

In cafes of the highest and first category, as well as in evening and youth cafes, visitors are served by waiters. Appropriate alcoholic drinks are sold here.

Creating a menu for a cafe starts with hot drinks, then cold drinks, flour confectionery, hot dishes, cold dishes.

The cafe is designed for visitors to relax, so the design of the trading floor with decorative elements, lighting, and color scheme is of great importance. The furniture is standard lightweight construction, the tables must have a polyester coating. From tableware, metal stainless steel, porcelain, faience, glass are used.

This paper discusses the organization of the technological process of preparing culinary products and serving visitors in the Vitamin Café.

The purpose of the internship is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of training in the professional module 07. Performing work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook); mastering production skills at the catering enterprise cafe "Vitamin".

The main tasks of the practice:

To get acquainted with the production processes at the enterprise cafe "Vitamin" as a whole and at individual production sites;

To master the technology of production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, various dishes, drinks, culinary products in the Vitamin Café;

To study technological equipment, inventory and tools at a public catering enterprise;

Familiarize yourself with the rules of safety, sanitation and personal hygiene of employees of a public catering enterprise;

Develop proposals aimed at improving the technological process, improving the quality of culinary products, expanding the range in the Vitamin Café.


Type of business: open type cafe.

By the nature of the organization of production: the enterprise cafe "Vitamin" refers to enterprises with a complete technological process of processing products, starting with the receipt and storage of raw materials and ending with the sale of finished products.

Enterprise address: Yuzhnouralsk, Energetikov, 29. This enterprise has a sign indicating its type, name, purpose, information about the mode of operation, and more.

Affiliation to department: public catering.

Feeding contingent: residents of the city.

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00, in summer from 9:00 to 21:00

Number of seats in trading floor: 60 seats

Average number of visitors per day: about 40 people.

VITAMIN company, full name: "VITAMIN", LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, was registered on March 31, 1992. Cafe "Vitamin" was founded in 2009. The cafe is registered as a small business for an individual entrepreneur Sotnikova T.V.

Cafe services: organization of consumption and sale of ordered dishes of simple preparation, as well as a variety of hot (coffee, tea, cocoa) and cold (juices, water) drinks, flour culinary products, sweet dishes; weddings, anniversaries, family dinners, memorial dinners.

Planning basis: rational placement of all premises in accordance with building codes and cafe design rules; the premises for visitors include a trading floor, a lobby; the hall meets the requirements of modern design, its arrangement is designed to provide visitors with maximum comfort. In creating a good impression about this institution, lighting and color play. In the decoration of the interior of the hall, plastic materials in pastel colors were used.


Raw materials entering the enterprise are sent to warehouses, where they are stored for a short time. One part of the storage facilities consists of refrigerated chambers for perishable products (meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, fats, etc.); the other - from unrefrigerated pantries for dry products (flour, cereals, sugar, etc.); the third - from special rooms for storing potatoes and other vegetables; There is also a warehouse for storing containers and inventory. Products in warehouses are stored in containers on pallets and racks within allowable time according to health regulations.

When storing products, the commodity neighborhood is strictly observed. The release of products from warehouses to production is carried out in accordance with scheduled, based on invoice requirements. All incoming products have certificates and certificates of quality.

Since the Vitamin cafe is a small catering establishment, it is allowed to store perishable products in a common chamber, but the storage areas for meat, fish and dairy products are demarcated with special racks, shelves that can be easily washed and processed. All products in the common refrigerating chamber are stored in closed containers.

A chest is used to store potatoes and vegetables. Meat and meat products are stored in a refrigerator.

Frozen and chilled poultry is stored in the container in which it came from suppliers. The shelf life is the same as for meat.

Chilled offal can be stored for no more than 12 hours, frozen - 24 hours. Smoked meats are stored in refrigerated chambers for up to 20 days.

The shelf life of boiled sausages and with the addition of offal is no more than 48 hours. For meat sausages, the shelf life in the presence of cold is no more than 48 hours (in the absence of refrigeration chambers, storage and sale are not allowed).

Chilled large fish is stored in refrigerators for up to 2 days, frozen fish - in the container in which it was received (in baskets, barrels or boxes). The shelf life of frozen fish in refrigerated chambers with temperatures up to 2 ° C is up to 3 days.

Dairy products are stored at a temperature of 0 to 8 °C and a relative humidity of 80 to 85%. Butter is stored in containers or bars wrapped in parchment and placed on clean shelves (separately from cheese and other pungent products). Shelf life in refrigerated chambers - up to 10 days, in glaciers - up to 5 days.

Eggs are stored in containers or on trays at a temperature of 2 °C.



On this enterprise with an average capacity of the trading floor, the processing of meat, poultry and offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop, as well as the processing of all vegetables. The enterprise has a non-workshop structure: separate workplaces for the preparation of semi-finished products are allocated in the kitchen.

This cafe works on semi-finished products, is supplied with natural, breaded and minced meat semi-finished products.

For the preparation of natural semi-finished products, the meat is cut into portions without any additional processing. Breaded semi-finished products, unlike natural ones, are lightly beaten after cutting into portions to loosen the meat and breaded in breadcrumbs. For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, minced meat is used, to which spices and bread are added. The enterprise is supplied with semi-finished products from the store "Vitamin", "Ariant", "Ravis". Production tables are also used for cutting portioned and small-sized semi-finished products. Cutting, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products are performed on production tables, where they place cutting boards, baking sheets and trays, and on the table - a small box for spices and dial scales.

Hanging on the wall in front of the table technological maps, norms of meat waste and output of semi-finished products. Prepared semi-finished products are placed in the refrigerator using trays.

For the preparation of semi-finished products from minced meat, a chef's workplace is equipped, taking into account the operations for preparing minced meat, dosing, shaping semi-finished products: trays with cutlet mass and breading, containers for soaking bread, a meat grinder are installed.

A separate technological section is also provided for the processing of vegetables. In this cafe, several technological processes are performed in parallel. Separate workplaces were organized for processing potatoes, as well as root crops, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

In the organization of jobs in this area, the sequence of all operations of the technological process is ensured. So, a worker engaged in the processing of potatoes first rinses the potatoes, then subjectes them to mechanical cleaning and then additional cleaning. To sort (calibrate) tubers by quality and size, sizing machines are used, which reduces waste during machine cleaning of potatoes and root crops.

The sorting and cleaning of vegetables is carried out on production tables. The top sheet is removed from the white cabbage, which, together with the stalks and other waste, is poured into a container intended for this purpose. At the workplace, to the left of the worker, there are vegetables intended for processing and cleaning, to the right - containers for peeled vegetables. If the vegetables need to be washed after cleaning, then for this purpose they use baths with inserted mesh, large colanders and other equipment. When peeling onions, the blade of a knife for peeling and chopping onions is moistened with a stream of running water. Peeled and washed vegetables are cut into strips, sticks, cubes in vegetable cutters or manually. Vegetables are also processed by hand in cases where it is necessary to cut them into the shape of barrels, pears, etc.; use the medium and small knives of the chef's troika. To obtain balls and nuts from peeled potatoes and root crops, special recesses are used.

Washed and cleaned greens are processed at a special workplace - a table, to the left of which there is a tray with greens.

A special line is organized for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes, cold soups. Cold dishes, snacks, salads are prepared immediately before being released to consumers. At the same time, the demand for finished products is strictly taken into account. Technological conditions of production require equipping this area with a refrigerated cabinet.

Making cold dishes and snacks, giving them an attractive appearance depend on the combination of colors of products, their skillful cutting, the location of the components of the dish.

Jellies, mousses, compotes, canned and fresh fruits, ice cream with fruit and jam, whipped cream, as well as milkshakes, etc. are sold in the cafe from sweet dishes. For their manufacture, tools and devices are used: juicers, trays, molds, knife blades , devices for laying out dishes, tongs. At the workplace of a cook preparing sweet dishes, there is a production table, scales, various utensils, a device for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambuca.

There is a clear distinction between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, as well as from meat and fish. This applies, first of all, to such processes as cutting raw and boiled vegetables; combination of components of salads, vinaigrettes; whipping mousse, sambuca, sour cream; portioning of cold dishes and snacks, cold soups, sweet dishes and cold drinks.

For cutting bread, butter and gastronomic products into portions, a machine for cutting cheese, sausage, ham is used. Sliced ​​products are stored in refrigerators.

Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products

Primary processing of vegetables

The processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting - washing - cleaning - additional cleaning (tubers) - cutting. Cabbage processing: sorting - removing - washing from caterpillars - let the water drain - cutting.

The bottom, neck are removed from onions, dry scales are removed, washed with cold water. Sliced ​​onion: rings, half rings, slice, crumb.

Cabbage processing:

white-headed - remove the upper and contaminated leaves. If there are caterpillars, then the cabbage is kept in cold, salty, acidified water, then allowed to drain.

colored - processed as well as white and separated into inflorescences.

Greenery processing: rotten and dried leaves are removed, washed, dried.

Salted, pickled mushrooms are drained of brine, sorted by size, if salted ones are washed with warm water, sour ones with cold.

Table 1

Assortment of produced vegetable semi-finished products

Type of raw material


Special purpose


Raw peeled potatoes

Soups, salads, side dishes.

Raw peeled carrots

Soups, salads.

Bulb onions

Peeled onion

Soups, salads.

Fresh white cabbage peeled

Soups, salads.

Beet peeled

Soups, salads.

Fresh peeled cucumbers

Bulgarian pepper)

Fresh peeled pepper

Primary processing of fish

Processing of fish with a bone skeleton consists of: cleaning from scales - removing the head - removing fins - gutting - washing - preparing semi-finished products.

Cutting a whole fish with a head: thawing, removing scales, removing fins, removing entrails.

Cutting of layered fish: thawing, removal of scales, removal of fins, tail, removal of the head, gutting, flattening.

Fish filleting with boneless skin: thawing, removal of scales, removal of fins, tail, removal of the head, gutting, plastination, removal of the backbone, preparation of a semi-finished product.

Cutting fish into clean fillets: thawing, removing scales, removing fins, tail, removing the head, gutting, plaiting, removing the backbone, removing the skin, preparing a semi-finished product.

Primary processing of meat, poultry

Mechanical processing of meat: defrosting, cleaning from dirt and marks, washing with warm water, washing with cold water, drying, cutting carcasses into parts, deboning, trimming, cleaning large-sized semi-finished products, preparing semi-finished products for heat treatment (portioned, small-sized, chopped).

Preparation of chopped natural mass from meat: meat, bacon, onion, passed through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, egg are added, mixed, beaten, semi-finished products are made. Beefsteaks, schnitzels, meatballs, kebabs are prepared from natural chopped mass.

Poultry processing: defrosting, singeing, removing the head, neck, legs, wings, gutting, washing, drying.

Preparing carcasses for heat treatment: dressings:

- “into the pocket” - skin incisions are made on the abdomen of the carcass and the legs are inserted into them, covering the cervical opening with the skin from the neck.

- “in the muff” - an incision is made on the skin between the pulp and tendons and the leg is inserted into the leg.

table 2

Assortment of processed semi-finished products from fish, meat, poultry

Type of raw material

Semi-finished products

Special purpose

Meat beef, pork

Large-sized, portioned, small-sized semi-finished products, natural chopped mass, cutlet mass.

Cutlets, chops, natural chopped steak,

roast, beef stroganoff, goulash, soup.

Fresh frozen fish

Fish fillet with skin and bones, with skin without bones, clean fillet

Fish meatballs, fish in batter, baked fish

Chickens, chilled hams

Chicken fillet

Fried poultry, soup, chicken cutlets.

Frozen liver

Liver processed

Pancakes from the liver.


In the kitchen, they also heat treat products and semi-finished products, cook broths, prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, bake flour culinary products - pies, pies, etc., used as a side dish for first courses, and also perform heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. Cooked semi-finished products in the areas of processing vegetables, meat, poultry, fish are subjected to heat treatment.

The main types of equipment: stove, ovens, deep fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

Separately allocated area for the production of flour products. For the preparation of dough products, a production table is installed. At the workplace there are wooden rolling pins, as well as various devices that facilitate rolling out the dough.

Vegetables for the preparation of dressing soups are sautéed in saucepans, and in small quantities.

The sequence of operations when cooking soups is as follows: preparing broths (on the stove), straining them, cooking meat and poultry, preparing food components of dishes, stewing beets (for borscht), sautéing vegetables and tomato puree in saucepans. Stewed beets and browned vegetables are stored in refrigerators and used as orders are received from visitors.

The temperature of the first courses sold to consumers must be at least 75˚С.


There is a bar in the cafe on the trading floor, where the sale of purchased goods and wine and vodka products is carried out, provided by a qualified service personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort, combined with the organization of leisure.

The speed, clarity, culture of service in a restaurant largely depends on the proper organization of work, the mode of work of waiters.

The company uses individual method service, in which all functions from taking an order to paying with a visitor are performed by one waiter serving 3-4 tables at the same time. The waiter begins the working day with the arrangement and setting of tables in the trading floor.

The completion of preparation for service is the preliminary table setting, which creates an atmosphere of hospitality, complements the interior of the cafe and contributes to faster service to visitors.

When laying tables, the following sequence is observed: first, plates are placed on the tables, then cutlery is placed, and glassware is arranged. Finish serving by setting napkins and arranging cutlery for spices and ashtrays.

Preliminary serving includes only the items necessary in all cases: a pie plate, a snack plate, cutlery or snack utensils, a napkin, a spice device, a glass. After placing on all tables, they begin to lay out the devices, laying them on a tray covered with a napkin.

basis labor activity waiter is communicating with visitors.

Orders should be taken as soon as visitors make a choice. The waiter must be on the alert and not miss the signs indicating the readiness of visitors to make an order. You can't make them wait. They begin to take an order from the guest sitting to the right of the host of the feast, and move from guest to guest counterclockwise. Last of all, they take an order from the owner of the table. After accepting the order, repeat it to the guests to make sure it is recorded correctly.

To fulfill the orders of visitors as quickly and accurately as possible, as well as to avoid confusion in the ordered dishes, the waiter needs to record information. After taking the order, the waiter must inform the kitchen what dishes should be prepared (taking into account special requests, if any), then follow which of the guests to serve what according to their order, and draw up an invoice in such a way that it is clearly visible what is ordered and how much does it cost.

Table setting adjustments. This means supplementing the pre-serving according to the guest's order. This procedure is carried out after the order is accepted and sent to the kitchen. Table setting is complemented with cutlery and utensils up to the main course.

First, the waiter prepares cutlery for each dish for each guest up to the main course. Then he begins to lay out the cutlery from the guest sitting to the right of the owner, and goes around the table counterclockwise. If you need to replace an unnecessary device, then first remove it from the table, and then put the necessary device in its place.

If a visitor orders an additional salad or one is served automatically as a side dish to any dish, it should be placed on the table so that the guest is comfortable and the table is not overloaded. Such a salad should be prepared from small pieces that do not need to be cut. Only a salad fork is served with it.

The salad fork is placed to the left of the main fork, parallel to it. Usually, additional salads are placed on the table just before the main course is served.

Dessert cutlery is usually placed on the table after the main course is removed. If the dessert set was placed on the table as part of the executive serving, then before serving the dessert, the waiter must move it, placing it in front of the visitor.

Using a serving plate. A serving plate is a dinner plate covered with a folded napkin. It is used to transfer all small items to or from the table when serving visitors - appliances, salt shakers, etc.

Serving plates should always be at hand. In no case is it unacceptable for a waiter to carry cutlery in his hands.

The calculation of the cost of purchased products is carried out through the cash register.


During the internship, I achieved its main goal and implemented the following tasks:

practical skills and abilities were formed in the conditions of production on the basis of the theoretical knowledge gained in PM 07. Performing work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook) and on the basis of performing various duties inherent in my future professional activity;

got acquainted with the production processes at the enterprise as a whole and in individual production areas;

acquired practical skills in cooking various dishes, production planning, efficient use of technological equipment;

studied the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation at the enterprise;

reviewed the structure of the enterprise, production processes and carried out the collection of data for the preparation of a report on production practices.

Suggestions for improving the work of the enterprise cafe "Vitamin":

During the internship, a shortage of personnel was revealed.

In my opinion, it is necessary to raise wages in order to facilitate the search for qualified catering workers.

Organize an incentive program to encourage employees of the enterprise.

One of the most important directions in the development of public catering is to improve the quality of products and the level of customer service.

Cafe "Vitamin" is a public catering establishment that provides visitors with a wide range of dishes, takeaway products, as well as wine and vodka, juices, mineral water, chocolate and other purchased goods. A high level of service is combined with the organization of visitors' recreation (music, video, TV programs). The products of the cafe "Vitamin" are different high quality cooking, modern direction decoration of dishes and the use of new types of raw materials, friendly service, which is confirmed a large number of positive feedback in the suggestion book.

The cafe organizes receptions, family celebrations, banquets, themed evenings, memorial dinners. The largest number of visitors is observed in summer period and holidays.

Visitors are served by a waiter, meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs.

The cafe has a convenient road access.


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The national economy of the country is a complex system that includes sectors of the economy, industries, economic organizations, enterprises, etc. All of them have certain connections with other subsystems, due to the commonality of goals and ways to achieve them.

Public catering occupies a special place in the national economy. Its specificity lies in the fact that the subjects of this sphere carry out not only the sale of consumer products, but also its production, as well as catering and social events.

Catering is a sub-industry of trade that specializes in the production and sale of ready-to-eat food to serve the process of food consumption by the population.. Public catering also refers to the very process of food consumption in industry enterprises: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, etc. Catering is one of the forms public division labor, as it takes over part of the functions retail and part of the retail functions and part of the household functions in the field of catering.

Catering does not aim to completely replace home-cooked food, but it does complement it and make it less labor intensive. Public catering is designed to solve a number of important economic and social problems in the field of organizing the consumption of food products and serving the population.

First, catering saves workers' free time by relieving them of the need to purchase food from the retail trade and the laborious work of preparing food at home. It facilitates domestic work, especially for women, creating prerequisites for their greater involvement in labor and social activities providing the best opportunities for raising children.

According to some estimates, buying food, preparing food and eating it at home takes up 40% of a family's free time and requires 5-6 times more labor costs than in public catering. More than 75 billion hours a year are spent preparing and eating food at home.

Nutrition, which is one of the forms of consumption, along with production, distribution and circulation (exchange) is an integral element of social reproduction. Satisfaction of the population's personal needs for food provides for its production and organization of consumption, which arise and develop in close connection with the material conditions of life and act in an individual or social organizational form. In the second case, food is produced and consumed on a mass scale at special enterprises: in canteens, cafes, restaurants, etc.

Public catering, as a sub-sectoral system of trade, has many special enterprises, uses a significant amount of equipment, raw materials, money and other resources, and has qualified and professionally trained personnel. All this allows the use of perfect cooking technology. The economic content of the activity of these enterprises allows us to attribute them simultaneously to the spheres of material production, circulation, services and consumption. Performing the functions of production, sale and organization of food consumption, as a rule, organically connected and coinciding in time and space, public catering enterprises satisfy only one of the basic personal needs of people. The objects of sale on the market are ready-to-eat food and services for its social and organizational consumption.

The essence of the industry lies, first of all, in the economic functions that express its main purpose. Catering establishments perform three interrelated functions- produce products, sell them and organize consumption.

food production It is designed to restore the energy of a person expended in the process of labor.

In catering establishments, food is prepared, that is, its processing. In this sense, catering can be considered as a branch of production. By implementing production, public catering approaches in its activities to Food Industry. The products of food industry enterprises mainly require additional refinement and heat treatment, withstand long periods of storage, are subject to transportation and are sold through retail trade and public catering enterprises. Food industry enterprises are not directly connected with consumers of their products.

The production and organization of public catering production has a completely different character. The products of public catering enterprises are ready for direct consumption, they do not withstand a long period of storage and transportation. All this requires urgent implementation and consumption. Therefore, the function of production in public catering enterprises and the organization of its consumption are combined in time and space, i.e. geographically, as a rule, in one room.

Therefore, public catering enterprises are directly connected with consumers of their products. At the same time, by selling its products, it participates in the process of exchange, and thus merges with the trade in consumer goods (retail trade). A significant part of food products is sold to the population through the public catering system, most of which is processed into ready-made food. When selling these products to consumers, the same process of exchanging goods for cash income of the population takes place, as in retail trade. Therefore, in public catering there is a retail turnover. From this point of view, public catering can be considered as an integral part of the retail trade that satisfies the population's demand for food. Since there are commodity-money relations in society, and the products produced take the form of goods, they are sold in exchange for the monetary income of the population. Therefore, catering inherent implementation function.

In the process of production, enterprises create products that have a use value that is different from the use value of food products used in the enterprise as raw materials. Commodity circulation in the field of public catering is manifested in a change in the forms of value and a change in the owner of the product. Manufactured products are exchanged for cash incomes of the population and enter into personal property, thus moving to the final stage of the movement of the product - the sphere of consumption.

Consumption management function is a specific function of public catering, since it is not inherent in any other industry. The importance of the function of organizing the consumption of culinary products is increasing due to the increase in the number of people using the services of public catering establishments.

The organization of consumption is associated with the provision of services to consumers. It is carried out by creating conditions for the population to eat during the working day or outside working hours. In accordance with GOST R 500761-95 “Catering services. General requirements” there are certain requirements for catering services. The catering service is the result of the activities of entrepreneurs and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the consumer's needs for food and leisure activities. The service process is a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services when selling products and organizing leisure activities. The quality of public catering services must satisfy consumers.

The main catering service is a catering service. It is a set of services for the manufacture of culinary products and the creation of conditions for its implementation. No less important are services for organizing the consumption of products and serving visitors.

In the process of development and formation of public catering as a sub-sector of trade, the significance of its individual functions has changed. IN modern conditions the importance of the function of production of culinary products is increasing, changing its nature, with the increasing influence of the needs of the population on the quality and structure of culinary products.

The importance of the function of organizing consumption is also growing, which is due to an increase in the number of people using public catering services, the growing needs of the population, and the development of the science of the rational consumption of culinary products.

Thus, performing functions and realizing its mission, public catering provides consumers with:

- scientific nutrition, the purchase of food and cooking is carried out taking into account age, health status and season;

- food distribution by planning the production of own products and the circulation of purchased goods, a rational layout and specialization of enterprises, as well as the use of industrial and food waste;

- organization of recreation, creating conditions for individual rest, family celebrations, friendly and business meetings;

- saving consumption costs and increasing free time through the implementation of such functional actions as purchasing products, cooking, setting and cleaning tables, washing dishes and rooms, etc. (rice. .).

solitary recreation family celebration washing dishes Table cleaning Distribution


Increase Organization of recreation

free time

Nutrition based on science

Rice. . Functional foundations of catering

The implementation of public catering functions requires the solution of a number of important tasks. The tasks of public catering are as follows:

Studying the demand and requirements of consumers, their age, professional and other characteristics and developing, taking into account this planned menu;

Determining the need for food, establishing and maintaining relationships with suppliers, transferring orders for products to them and organizing their transportation to places of consumption;

Creation of proper conditions for eating and drinking, including the preparation of appropriate premises, inventory, equipment, etc., items necessary for this process;

Preparation of food and drinks, their portioning and dispensing;

Making payments to clients for services rendered;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and ensuring the safety of property.

Thus, public catering is a special area - a set of economic entities united by the nature of the produced and sold products, the homogeneity of the raw materials used, the commonality of production processes, the material and technical base and the forms of consumer service.

The activities of public catering enterprises have a number of features:

The combination of three functions - production, sales and organization of consumption of products own production and purchased goods;

Preparation of culinary products in small batches with a wide range of products, not repeatable by day of the week and having a certain implementation time;

Demand for products and services fluctuates over time;

The range of products sold depends on the contingent of consumers, which is not homogeneous in terms of purchasing power, consumer preferences, age, etc.;

Minor share commercial premises and large areas for storage, production and household needs.

In accordance with GOST R500761-95 “catering services. General requirements” public catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises and citizens - entrepreneurs to meet the consumer's needs for food and leisure activities. Service process - a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and leisure activities.

Public catering services must meet the requirements of safety and environmental friendliness, intended purpose and are provided to the consumer in conditions that meet the requirements of current regulatory documents. In the process of servicing consumers, the range of services should correspond to the type of enterprise.

Basic catering service - food service. It is an integrated result of services for the production of culinary products and the creation of conditions for their sale and consumption in accordance with the type and class of enterprises.

Services provided to consumers in catering establishments of various types and classes, according to GOST R50764-95, are divided into:

Catering services;

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;

Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;

Services for the sale of culinary products;

Leisure services;

Information and advisory services;

Other services.

Catering services are actions related to the manufacture of culinary products, the creation of conditions for its sale and are divided into catering services for restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens and eateries.

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery include the production of culinary products and confectionery products on the orders of the consumer, including in complex designs, the production of dishes from the customer's raw materials at the enterprise; services of a cook, confectioner for the production of people, culinary and confectionery products at home.

Services for the organization of consumption of products and maintenance consist in:

Organization and maintenance of celebrations and ritual events;

Catering and service for participants of conferences, meetings, cultural events, etc.;

Services of a waiter, bartender for home service;

Servicing consumers along the route of passenger transport;

Hotel room service;

Organizations of rational integrated nutrition, etc. Services for the sale of culinary products consist in the sale of culinary products and confectionery products through shops and culinary departments outside public catering establishments directly; holiday meals at home, complete sets of culinary products on the road, including for tourists and passengers.

Leisure services include:

Organization of music service;

Organization of concerts, variety programs;

Provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Information and advisory services combine such activities that benefit customers, such as: consultation of specialists in the manufacture, design of culinary products of confectionery and table setting; advice to dietitians on the use of culinary products for various types of diseases, the organization of training in culinary skills.

For other services include: rental of table linen, dishes, appliances, inventory, sale of branded badges, flowers, souvenirs; provision of perfumery, shoe-shine supplies, minor repairs and cleaning of clothes; packaging of dishes and clothes left after serving consumers; packaging of culinary products purchased from catering establishments; providing consumers with telephone and facsimile communications in enterprises; storage of personal belongings, calling a taxi at the request of customers, parking of individual vehicles, etc.

To regulate the relationship between consumers and contractors in the field of catering services, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Rules for the provision of catering services”, which were developed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Certification of Products and Services”.

Public catering services are determined by the contractor (public catering enterprise) in accordance with its type (and for restaurants and bars by their class) and are confirmed by the certification body in accordance with the state standard. Public catering establishments selling alcoholic and tobacco products are required to have a license for this type of activity.

Catering establishments are required to comply with the state standards, sanitary, fire regulations, technological documents and other regulatory documents, mandatory requirements for the quality of services, their safety for life, human health, environment and property.

Catering services, regardless of the type of enterprise, must meet the requirements of:

Compliance with the intended purpose;

Accuracy and timeliness of provision;

Safety and environmental friendliness;

Ergonomics and comfort;


Service culture;

social targeting;


Public catering enterprises are classified depending on the nature of production, the range of products, the volume and types of services provided.

Depending on the nature of the production, public catering enterprises are divided into procurement, pre-cooking and enterprises with a full production cycle.

The group of procurement enterprises includes enterprises that manufacture semi-finished products and finished products to supply them to other enterprises: procurement factories, semi-finished products plants, specialized procurement workshops, specialized culinary and confectionery workshops.

Pre-cooking enterprises include enterprises that manufacture products from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises of public catering and food industry enterprises. These include: dining-cooking, dining-dispensing, dining cars.

Enterprises with a full production cycle process raw materials, produce semi-finished products and finished products, and then sell them themselves. Such enterprises include large public catering enterprises - catering plants, restaurants, as well as all enterprises operating on raw materials.

Depending on the range of products, public catering enterprises are divided into universal and specialized. Universal enterprises produce a variety of dishes from different types raw materials. Specialized enterprises carry out the production and sale of products from a certain type of raw material - dairy cafes, confectionery cafes, fish canteens, restaurants; carry out production homogeneous products- restaurants, cafes with national cuisine, dietary canteens. Highly specialized enterprises produce a narrow range of products - barbecue. Dumplings, dumplings, pasties, etc.

Depending on the totality of individual features that characterize the quality and volume of services provided, the level and quality of service, catering establishments of a certain type are divided into classes. Restaurants and bars are subdivided into them: luxury, superior and first. Classes in accordance with GOST R 50762-95 "Public catering".

Depending on the place of operation, public catering enterprises can be stationary and mobile - dining cars, auto-canteens, auto-cafes.

Depending on the contingent served, public catering establishments are divided into public, serving everyone who visits them, and public catering establishments with manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions (working, school, student, children's, etc.).

The characteristic of functions, tasks, subjects of public catering allows us to highlight its difference from trade.

It consists in the fact that trade carries out the sale of goods, brings them to consumption, and public catering organizes their consumption. Trade deals with buyers of goods, who are not necessarily their consumers. Catering, on the other hand, always deals directly with consumers, who are not necessarily the buyers of the foods, drinks, and services consumed.

The socio-economic significance of public catering is determined by its place and role in the expanded economic space of a market economy, which is carried out in the interests of obtaining the greatest possible amount of profit by meeting the needs of the population.

The role of public catering as a factor in the reproduction of the labor force is very important. The development of science, education, health care and the service sector cause a great need for labor, which exceeds the natural increase in labor resources.

The development of public catering is reflected directly in the very process of reproduction of the labor force, which involves not only the quantitative expansion of labor resources, but also the restoration of workers at the same time.

An important factor in the reproduction of the labor force is proper organization nutrition of young people in universities, technical schools, children in schools, kindergartens, as well as medical nutrition. Public catering contributes to an increase in the number of workers employed in social production, an increase in the productivity of their labor, and thereby an increase in the rate of reproduction.

Public catering provides conditions for individual and family recreation, organization of celebrations, meetings with friends, business meetings, etc., as well as a variety of entertainment (music, dancing, etc.), comfortable service, a more versatile assortment compared to home high quality dishes.

Catering plays big role in the organization of medical and professional catering for people who need it. Medical nutrition and especially preventive nutrition are organized on a large scale, considered as one of the methods of treatment and prevention of occupational diseases, so the development of dietary nutrition should be promoted.

Dietary nutrition is based on the physical needs of a healthy person and energy and nutrients, but also taking into account the degree and nature of the disease. Its goal is to create a gentle environment for the restoration and normalization of metabolic processes in the body and restore human performance.

The development of a network of public catering enterprises, the growth of output and turnover, the expansion of the range of products, the increase in the coverage of the population with the services of public catering enterprises - all this contributes to an increase in the level of people's well-being.

Thus, the socio-economic significance of public catering how sub-sectors National economy is that it, satisfying the daily need of people for food, contributes to:

Savings of social labor;

effective use material and labor resources, as well as the most rational use food waste;

Increasing free time for working people for all-round harmonious development;

Satisfying the needs of the working people for foodstuffs in the best possible way on a scientific basis;

Replacing home cooking with socially organized spending of women's time in the household;

Increasing the productivity of labor in enterprises and the reproduction of the workforce.

The production and economic activity of public catering entities is characterized by a system of indicators, among which the main ones are the output of own production and the volume of trade.

Under catering products refers to the end result of the enterprise, which is classified into three types:

Products of own production (products that have undergone mechanical, chemical, thermal, culinary processing and have the appearance of a particular dish or culinary product;

Purchased goods (bread, bakery products, tobacco products, drinks, fruits, ice cream, etc.). Purchased goods complement or sometimes replace own-made products

Paid services provided to the service contingent.

Public catering products are measured in natural terms (dishes, liters, kilograms, pieces) and value.

Turnover of public catering reflects the cost of own culinary products sold to the population (dishes, culinary products, semi-finished products), made in canteens, restaurants, cafes and other public catering establishments, flour, confectionery, bakery products and other purchased goods without culinary processing for consumption on the spot. Also, the turnover includes the cost of culinary products and purchased goods sold at home on orders from the population, and the cost of products sold by the employee by the organization with subsequent deduction from wages, to certain categories of the population (school students, pensioners, etc.) and fully paid by the authorities social protection, food leave on subscriptions, coupons, etc.

The turnover of public catering expresses economic relations arising from the sale of own products, purchased goods, the provision of catering services.

The turnover of public catering includes:

1. Turnover for the provision of catering services, which includes revenue from the sale of own products and purchased goods through the dining room;

2. Retail turnover, including proceeds from the sale of own products and purchased goods through retail network;

3. Wholesale turnover, which will include proceeds from the sale of own products and purchased goods to third-party enterprises (bypassing the dining room and the retail network).

The main purpose of public catering is to sell products of own production and purchased goods to the population for personal consumption. This kind of sale forms a retail turnover, which is the initial prerequisite for the functioning and further development catering establishments. Trade turnover characterizes the volume of consumption of material goods, the standard of living of the population, turnover Money. Its structure reflects the volume and organization of production of public catering products, their supply and demand for these products. Turnover is used as an estimated indicator of the market.

Individual businesses sell finished or semi-finished products to other catering and retail businesses. As a result of this kind of sale, food products do not yet enter the sphere of personal consumption, so their turnover is wholesale. Since the goods do not go beyond the boundaries of the industry, such a trade turnover has no independent industry significance. Retail and sweat turnover together constitute the gross turnover. Gross turnover characterizes the full volume of production and trade activities of public catering enterprises. In relation to it, they plan and take into account the qualitative indicators of the work of enterprises. The turnover is planned and taken into account in retail prices, including a margin in favor of public catering establishments.

The presence in this industry of the general turnover is due to the heterogeneity of the composition and the various forms of sale of food products. This is one of the most important characteristic features catering, distinguishing it from retail. On the one hand, food products are sold not only to the population, but also to individual enterprises, thereby forming retail and wholesale trade. On the other hand, catering establishments sell food products manufactured in their production premises, as well as individual goods received about other industries. However, at the level of the industry, region, the main indicator is the retail turnover.

Retail turnover as a statistical indicator reflects the volume of sales of goods to the population through all sales channels. The volume of retail trade largely characterizes the state of the national economy, reflecting the state of affairs in the industry, inflationary processes, changes in the welfare of the population, the conjuncture and capacity of the domestic market.

For the turnover of public catering, which is integral part retail trade is characterized by the same patterns of development: continuous growth in volume and high growth rates; faster growth rates of shower equipment in the city compared to the countryside, changes in distribution by economic regions, cities, etc.













Minsk 2014

Analytical chemistry: Methodological recommendations for studying the academic discipline and doing homework control work for students correspondence department


Manufacture of products and organization of public catering»

Qualifications: "Technologist-technologist". - Minsk: MGPTK culinary arts, 2014

Developer: S.S. Gavrichenkova, teacher of chemistry of the 2nd category

Considered at a meeting of the cyclic commission

majoring in "Manufacturing and catering"

educational institution

"Minsk State Professional

Technical College of Culinary Arts, 2014


The academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is one of the fundamental sciences.

The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is to teach the theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and acquire skills practical application methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for the determination of compounds of inorganic and organic nature, the correct assessment of the results obtained.

The study of the course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is based on the course "General and Inorganic Chemistry". It is assumed that the student is able to perform partial reactions of opening cations and anions, can calculate the concentrations of H +, OH - ions, has an idea about the hydrolysis of salts of various types, about complex compounds, about poorly soluble compounds, and can calculate the concentration of ions based on the solubility product (PR) in solution (and vice versa); knows how to equalize redox reactions, etc.

In the process of studying the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry", specific tasks should be set and successfully solved for students to assimilate all the theoretical material of the academic discipline.

When presenting the program material, it is necessary to pay attention to safe and rational methods of conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance, the rules for working with chemical glassware, reagents, methods for researching and assessing the quality of raw materials, processed products, food and culinary products, the use of modern instruments and equipment, and security issues. environment.

As a result of studying the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry", students

must know:

at the presentation level:

  • the main tasks of the discipline and its importance in the analysis of the composition of substances;
  • the role of analytical chemistry in the study of phenomena and processes occurring during the storage and processing of raw materials, semi-finished products, food products;
  • modern instruments and equipment used to study and evaluate the quality of raw materials, products of their processing, food and culinary products;
  • the importance of qualitative, quantitative and physico-chemical methods of analysis for the technical and chemical control of raw materials, products of their processing, food and culinary products;

at the level of understanding:

  • theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and substantiation of the methods of analysis used;
  • methods of analysis, their essence, methodology for conducting and processing results;
  • essence and methods of titration;
  • rules for working with chemical glassware, reagents, instruments and equipment;
  • safe and rational methods of conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances;

should be able to:

  • choose methods and analyze raw materials, processed products, food and culinary products;
  • prepare solutions of titrants and use them to determine the content of substances in the analyzed solution;
  • carry out the necessary statistical processing of the analysis results;
  • comply with labor safety requirements when conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.

In the process of studying an academic discipline, it is necessary to educate students in diligence, accuracy, accuracy, responsibility for conducting analysis.

The course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" for the implementation of the educational program of secondary specialized education is studied by specialists in the qualification " technologist". In connection with the steam system training sessions in an educational institution, it is necessary to present the theoretical material by combining the main topics, according to the thematic plan of the academic discipline, before performing the main laboratory work. In the educational process, technical and didactic teaching aids should be widely used.

In order to acquire strong professional skills by students, it is necessary to consider non-standard situations in the classroom, ways to resolve them during laboratory work. The subject of laboratory work is determined by the task of developing the skills of students to independently conduct a chemical experiment.

The laboratory workshop includes work on the qualitative analysis of mixtures of ions, the quantitative determination of substances by titrimetric and physicochemical methods of analysis. Laboratory work is carried out by students individually and independently under the supervision of a teacher.

In order to control the knowledge of students, mandatory control work is provided. Tasks for her are developed by the teacher and approved in the prescribed manner.


The main type of work of a student of the correspondence department is an independent study of the course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" according to the specified literature. Extracurricular independent work of students includes preparation for laboratory work, performing exercises and control homework, independent study of individual sections. Guidelines and Control questions outlined in this methodological guide should assist in independent work students of the correspondence department in the intersessional period.

The work of students of the correspondence form of education on the course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" consists of the following elements:

1. attending lectures;

2. independent study of material from textbooks and teaching aids;

3. performance of control tasks, laboratory workshop;

4. control of the studied material in the form of writing a mandatory test in the academic discipline;

The student should know:

1. Theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry.

2. Principles and methods of chemical qualitative analysis (fractional and systematic)

3. Principles and methods of chemical quantitative analysis (gravimetry and titrimetry).

4. Theoretical foundations of physicochemical (instrumental) methods of analysis, their application to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the analyzed objects.

The student must be able to:

1. Independently work with educational, reference and methodological literature on the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry".

2. Correctly choose the method of analysis in accordance with the analytical task and the specified accuracy of determination.

3. To master the technique and carry out various gravimetric and titrimetric determinations.

4. Correctly perform calculations of the analysis results and evaluate them using mathematical processing methods.

5. Work with instruments - analytical balances, pH meters, ionomers, installations for electrochemical methods of analysis, photoelectrocolorimeters and spectrophotometers.

6. Apply the acquired knowledge for the analysis of compounds of inorganic and organic nature in the technochemical control of food products.

The lecture course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" includes three main sections:

    • introduction and theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry;
    • qualitative chemical analysis;
    • quantitative analysis, including physicochemical (instrumental) methods of analysis.

The student performs one home test, the test option corresponds to the student's serial number in the journal, if the number is two-digit, the test option is determined by adding numbers. The work must be submitted within the deadline.



  1. Analytical chemistry. Chemical methods of analysis / Under. ed. O.M. Petrukhin. - M.: Chemistry, 1992
  2. Vasiliev V.P. Analytical Chemistry: At 2 pm - M .: Higher School, 1989
  3. Piskareva S.K. And others. Analytical chemistry: Proc. for avg. specialist. textbook institutions / S.K. Piskareva, K.M. Barashkov, K.M. Olshanova. - 2nd ed. revised and additional - M .: Higher. school – 1994
  4. Saenko O.E. Analytical Chemistry: Textbook for Specialized Secondary educational institutions/ O.E. Saenko. - Rostov on / D: Phoenix, 2009.


  1. Analytical chemistry / I.A. Popadich S.E. Traubenberg, N.V. Ostashenkova, F.A. Lysyuk. - M.: Chemistry, 1989
  2. Analytical Chemistry / Ed. prof. A.A. Ishchenko. - M. Academia, 2004
  3. Zhvanko Yu.N. Analytical chemistry and THC. - M .: Higher School, 1980
  4. Kreshkov A.P. Analytical chemistry course. - M.: Chemistry, 1985
  5. Tolstousov V.N., Efros S.M. task book by quantitative analysis. - M.: Chemistry, 1986
  6. Yaroslavtsev A.A. Collection of tasks and exercises in analytical chemistry. - M .: Higher school, 1966.


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    Main features and principles of organization and production.

    Classification and types of production processes.

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    The structure of the production of public catering enterprises.

1. There are various forms of organization of production, and this determines the basis for grouping enterprises according to the following criteria:

    volume of production;

    type of production;

    degree of specialization;

    operating mode.

By volume: large, medium, small. Such a division can be based on the following indicators: the number of dishes, tons of processed raw materials, the size of maintenance, including according to the PSP, the number of employees in the enterprise, the size of the areas of retail and industrial premises, the number of seats in the halls, the cost of fixed production assets.

By type of production: the organization of production, its technical equipment depend on the type of production, its capacity and the nature of the products. The following types of production are available:


    serial (partial);

    mass (stream).

Individual– production of products on an individual order for one or more products. This type is characterized by the lowest level of labor mechanization, since almost all processes are carried out manually.

Serial- production of products in small and medium batches. In this production, the use of manual and mechanical tools and operating machines for the mechanization of especially laborious and repetitive operations justifies itself. In this production, equipment is used less efficiently, work force and production capacities. The need to organize the production of this type is due to the peculiarity of cooking, short-term storage, uneven flow of consumers.

Mass production characterized by the stability of the preparation of a significant amount of products mass demand. This creates favorable conditions for the use of the conveyor, production lines. Such production is characterized by the division into operations and the assignment of jobs to them, the use of high-performance equipment, continuity and rhythm. Such production is progressive, but it is used in the procurement of public catering enterprises of medium and large capacity.

By degree of specialization:



    highly specialized.

By level of mechanization:




In automated enterprises, all operations of the technological process are automated, and individual stages are also automated.

Mechanized enterprises include public catering enterprises, where in production the main and auxiliary processes are performed using mechanisms. Public enterprise enterprises may be fully mechanized or partially. Means of mechanization: various types of mechanized production, handling and storage equipment.

Non-mechanized include public catering enterprises, the production of which is not equipped with any types of mechanized equipment.

By the mode of operation of public catering establishments - working all year round, seasonal, no days off, with days off:

2. To organize production on the scale of a separate enterprise means:

    Justify the range and quantity of products produced for a certain period of time (hour, shift, day).

    Determine the nomenclature, quantity of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment, inventory, containers, tools, kitchen utensils.

    Set numerical and qualification structure workers, taking into account the division and cooperation of labor.

    Determine the procedure for the interaction of workshops, the size of batches of finished products in time, the rights and obligations of the production manager for timely and high-quality output, develop work and rest regimes.

The main principles of the organization of production in public catering are:

    Continuity of the production process, which allows to reduce the time for production, reduce production costs, increase labor productivity.

    Proportionality and functional interaction of individual workshops, production lines and workplaces.

    Parallel cooking various kinds products.

    The flow of processing raw materials and cooking.

    The rhythm of production is the execution of the same amount of work at equal intervals of time.

    Combination of professions.

3. The activity of a public catering enterprise is based on the production process, as a result of which raw materials  semi-finished products  finished products.

Depending on the means of labor used in the production process, they are divided into:




Instrumental - physical and chemical processes take place in special apparatus, as a result of which changes in the chemical composition of the product occur. These include boiling, frying, stewing, baking, etc.

Machine - processes, as a result of which there is a change in the state of aggregation in the working chamber of the machine.

Machine-manual - processes where, along with machine processing, manual labor is used.

Manual - processes using manual labor without the use of machines.

Hardware and machine processes are divided into continuous and periodic.

4. The production process is divided into stages, steps, operations, elements, techniques and movements.

Each production process is stages. Production of semi-finished meat products: delivery, storage of raw materials, mechanized processing, storage.

Stages, in turn, consist of steps. step- a set of operations that allow organizational and technological separation of a part of the technological process.

Stage - obtaining semi-finished products from vegetables: sorting, washing, cleaning, cutting.

The stage is divided into operations.

Operation- part of the production process, which consists in changing the shape, condition, appearance, chemical composition of the product.

The operation can be performed by one or more workers at the workplace. The operation can be performed under the supervision of a worker in automated production. The operation is characterized by one main and several auxiliary operations that ensure the implementation of the main one. (Sorting - removal of spoiled tubers, calibration, transportation.)

According to operations, the division of labor of workers is carried out, linking the performance of the amount of work and time in separate areas.

The operation is divided into elements- a part of an operation characterized by a set of technological parameters or working methods. The operation is studied by elements.

Reception- a closed cycle of working movements, representing the completed work of one performer. To perform each technique, it is necessary to make movements.

Movement– the smallest part, not subject to measurement, limited in time, can be measured with a stopwatch.

Production cycle- this is the time during which products and semi-finished products pass sequentially through all stages of processing.

The duration of the production cycle is an important factor affecting the production capacity and program of the enterprise, labor productivity and the amount of working capital.

The production cycle consists of the time of technological processes, the intervals between them, the time of product movement between individual sections and workplaces.

Reducing the duration of the production process is achieved by timely delivery of raw materials, intensification of the production process, the introduction of production lines, complex mechanization and automation of production processes, rational placement of premises of public catering enterprises and equipment in them.

5. Under the structure of production is understood the relationship of individual divisions of the enterprise (workshops, sections) involved in the implementation of one or more technological processes.

The composition of the structural divisions of production should correspond to the volume of output and the nature of the supply.

The relationship between departments of enterprises of a public enterprise may be different, but is mainly divided into:

  • shopless.

workshop a separate organizational, technological and administrative unit of an enterprise is called, where homogeneous operations are performed.

Mandatory conditions for the creation of a workshop are:

    the presence of a significant volume of output of homogeneous products;

    the presence of a complex of specialized equipment that allows the division of labor at the workplaces of performers and the creation of teams;

    the presence of a separate room, separate planning and accounting for products and costs;

    shop management by the appropriate administrative person.

The enterprises with a workshop structure include procurement and large public catering enterprises operating on raw materials.

All production workshops process raw materials, manufacture products, and these include meat, fish, vegetable, hot, cold, specialized: confectionery and culinary. There may be a workshop for the production of smoked meats and soft drinks.

Workshops are divided into sections and lines.

Production site (line) called a subdivision of the workshop, equipped with homogeneous equipment, performing one production task (section for preparing broths, second courses).

The workshopless structure of production is appropriate in small and medium-sized public catering enterprises operating on raw materials, and public catering enterprises operating on semi-finished products, since this structure is the most economical.

Savings are achieved through:

    All industrial premises located without partitions or with low partitions (for sanitary reasons) with a height of at least 1.8 m;

    the absence of partitions and doors speeds up cargo movements;

    better visibility of the progress of work in production is achieved, management is facilitated, the efficiency of production is increased;

    reduced production and management costs.

In addition to production shops, there are services and facilities engaged in servicing the main production (warehouse, container, transport, energy, sanitary and technical services).