Where to look for a nanny. How to choose a nanny for a child: a psychologist answers parents’ questions. Availability of pedagogical education

It would seem that in our age of the Internet and high technology, what could be easier than finding a nanny for a child?
It’s the nanny who needs to prove her professionalism, but the child’s parents have nothing to do - just know, choose and voice your wishes.

If you're looking for a nanny for the first time, you're probably thinking the same thing. You have allocated some budget for the nanny's salary and outlined your requirements. Well, for example, you want to pay a nanny 45,000 rubles a month (Moscow price) and want “full care for one child, development according to age”, “preparing children’s food and feeding”, “cleaning the children’s room, washing and ironing children’s things”. Ready for the interview, right?

And now a little test for you: answer the following questions immediately, without hesitation:

  1. If you go on vacation with a child, will you pay the nanny for this time?
  2. If the nanny gets sick, will you pay her 45,000 for this month or will you deduct sick days from the salary?
  3. Is the nanny entitled to leave? Will you pay for it? How many?
  4. If a child does not sleep and requires attention all day, when will the nanny clean his room, wash and iron his things?
  5. If you have a nanny from morning to evening, how should she have lunch? Will she have a lunch break? Is it paid? What is the child doing at this time?
  6. If your nanny is having lunch with you, what will she eat? Will you leave her food? Can she take your products?
  7. If it's -20 or raining outside, should the nanny go for a walk with the child? What if it rains for the third week in a row and the child sits at home all this time?

If you were able to immediately answer all these questions, then I congratulate you, I have nothing to teach you, you are well prepared for the conversation with potential nannies)
If you are stuck and start feverishly thinking about your options, you definitely need advice from an experienced fighter) You risk falling into one of two extremes - either creating such hellish working conditions that the circle of those who agree will sharply narrow, or you will negotiate unfavorable conditions for yourself.
Below I will share not only the “technical” intricacies of finding a nanny on Pomogatel, but also the “generally accepted” unspoken rules.


You can look for a nanny in different ways, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages, which I described below in the screenshot. “Our” case - i.e. I have highlighted the search for a nanny through a specialized paid service ([link], for example).

Finding a nanny through an agency has been and remains a fairly reliable way to search.

But Finding a nanny through an agency is an expensive proposition. This is an option for very wealthy families who are willing to pay a nanny above the market and make appropriate demands. Below is a little about selection through an agency:

To select a nanny you will have to pay 50-100% of her monthly salary to the agency. And, as a rule, the nanny herself will pay the same amount for the fact that the agency brought her together with you.
Agencies usually place quite high demands on nannies.: for example, having a higher pedagogical/medical education, knowledge of “fashionable” techniques and, of course, Russian citizenship, and sometimes even permanent registration in the city where the nanny is going to work. In addition, if a nanny is often “returned” by dissatisfied employers, then the agency will no longer work with her.
All this undoubtedly increases the price tag for nanny services. If we talk about specific figures, then this is 400-450 rubles per hour versus the “standard” market 250-300 (prices for Moscow).
If an agency sends you a nanny and you don't like her, you can request a replacement and the agency must do this for free. Usually you can change a nanny without additional payment within 1 month, which is considered a trial month.

For many people the best way The search option is still “through friends”.

Here I would like to say - never, under any circumstances, hire your girlfriend, your mother’s friend, friend, distant relative, etc.

Instead of a hired worker designed to make your life easier and follow your instructions, you will get a person who will behave from the position of “so be it, I’ll help the young,” give you advice and guidance, share your personal problems and demand special treatment (special attitude is, for example, requests to “get into position” when she is late, etc.)

If you are hiring a nanny “through friends,” then you should only consider the option “friends give you their nanny.”
But this also has its downsides, which I described in the screenshot above: you may suddenly realize that the terms of cooperation are now set not by you, but by your friends and nanny, and you can only nod your head and sometimes timidly insert your requests. You find yourself in the position of a beggar.

The most Unreliable methods are searching for a nanny through publicly available sources ( social media, Avito, Yula) and posting notices on poles.

Here there are no filters or the most basic checks at all. Anyone can contact you - a “spotter” who is looking for an apartment for robbery, for example.
An alcoholic nanny who was blacklisted and desperate to find a job through specialized services. You yourself can call anyone - for example, to a paid number, which will “eat up” your entire balance on the phone.

Another minus - no filters. You cannot set the option on Avito to “search only for a nanny between the ages of 35 and 45.” You can't on social media. networks to look for a nanny living in your area.
In this regard, posting advertisements on poles is even better, because it is targeted at those living in your area (where you will post the advertisements).

I also have the strong impression that some nannies from Avito, if they are looking for work, are not looking for a nanny job at all. Very often you can find advertisements where in the photo a painted girl in a mini-dress bends in a seductive pose and text like “I’m looking for a job as a nanny to travel abroad, 450 rubles per hour.”
The next option (in my opinion the best) is specialized sites.

Well, finally, we got to the most “modern” way of searching - searching through specialized paid sites. One such site is "[link]"

SEARCH FOR A Nanny VIA [link]

Pomogatel is one of several sites specializing in the automatic selection of household staff(nannies, housekeepers, tutors, caregivers). The site has several competitors. Competitors differ little from each other, they are all paid, the price is the same everywhere, even nanny profiles are the same everywhere (since nannies usually publish their profiles on all available resources).
There are a lot of profiles on Popogatel, but you must understand that not all of them belong to nannies "in active search"of the number of nannies on Pomogatel "right now" 10 percent are looking for work. However, even this 10% is a much larger choice than you can find on Avito or in social networks.
The assistant is convenient primarily because you can set criteria for searching for a nanny and search only among nannies who meet the conditions. This option (search) is available after registration, registration is free.

You can indicate the nanny’s desired age, work experience, education, desired price for services, and what duties she will have to perform. Responsibilities are divided into basic - child care (that which concerns the child, his things, his children's room), and additional - housework (that concerns the whole family - for example, cleaning other rooms except the children's room).
You specify search conditions - the site gives you a list of nannies with brief description. You can open the full and detailed profile of each nanny. But you won’t get the nanny’s phone number for free.
There is another option: post your own vacancy and wait for someone to respond to it.. In the vacancy, you will have to indicate the requirements for the nanny, the proposed payment, and describe your situation.

In response to a published vacancy, you will receive responses from interested nannies. Sometimes even those nannies whose application form indicates a higher price for services than you offer can respond. This usually means the nanny is willing to bargain.

An advantage over finding a nanny through Avito and social media. network is obvious - on Avito you can put a filter only by the price and place of residence of the nanny, and on social media. Networks don’t allow this either.
Some nannies (rarely!) indicate their phone number directly in the response text. These are usually those nannies who are aware that employers pay for phones.
If the nanny indicated her number in the response, then you receive the nanny’s phone number for free, bypassing the purchase of a VIP account - this may be of interest to those who are not ready to pay 1,690 rubles for a VIP account.
Personally, I decided to pay these 1690 rubles.

Why? Because if you really urgently need a nanny, and are not just looking out of curiosity, then 1690 rubles is pennies compared to the money that can be thrown away if hiring a nanny is unsuccessful.
On the other hand, if you have a lot of time left to search, then this option of waiting for responses with telephone numbers is also suitable.
Your vacancy will eventually go into the archive and responses will stop coming, but you can always publish a new one.



If you paid for a VIP account, then windows pop up in front of you like “You paid for a VIP account, congratulations, blah blah blah”, you automatically press Ok, Ok, WITHOUT READING WHAT THEY WRITE.

And one of the notifications says something like this:


Well, guys, this is the finish line. I'm sure 50 percent of clients fall into this trap. Within a month, naturally, you will find yourself a nanny and next month 1,690 rubles will simply go down the drain. Well, everything seems to be legal, it’s your own fault for not turning it off personal account this "convenient option".

By the way, not only this site, but also many others, are guilty of “addicting to auto payment”. Be careful when using bank card to pay for services on the Internet!


The main protection against fraud and dishonest behavior on the site is the site visitors themselves.
There is a “Complain” button next to each profile: complaints are reviewed fairly quickly and the site administration takes action.

Personally, I don’t complain about nannies who don’t come to a meeting/don’t pick up the phone or aren’t looking for work - you never know what a person’s life circumstances are.
I complained twice: when the nanny’s profile indicated a phone number consisting of all units (and Google suggested that this was a paid number) and when, instead of the nanny, there was an agent on the line.

While searching, I came across this “scam”... On the phone (you call or they call you, it doesn’t matter) you talk to an intelligent, professional woman who makes the most favorable impression on you. You offer a meeting and the potential nanny informs you that she works on a “trial day” system - you hire her for 4-5 hours at the market hourly rate (in Moscow this is 300 rubles) and during these 4-5 hours we’ll get to know each other and you will see how I work." You agree, but when the nanny comes to you at the appointed time, you have the idea that a completely different person was talking to you on the phone. If such a thought arose at all, do not doubt it - it is so, the person is different. An agent spoke to you on the phone and she will receive payment for her services in the amount of a “trial day”.
So what's wrong with that?? - , you ask. The bad thing is that nannies resort to this type of service, which scares off employers even at the stage of a telephone conversation, because... their lack of professionalism is evident from the first minutes of communication.
If you - a common person, who does not like to tell others bad news, your conscience will not allow you to turn the nanny out the door without paying soon after the meeting. You will have to endure the company of an unpleasant person and also pay him for it.

In addition, the nanny can attach documents to the application form - recommendations, diplomas of education and courses, passport, etc.
But most nannies don’t do this and THIS IS NORMAL, rarely does anyone want to show their passport and other personal data online.
The main rule is to conduct interviews for nannies NOT at home. You can do this outside while walking with your child, for example. If you do this, then a crowd of applicant nannies will not come to your home, and even if among them there is a scammer looking for a rich apartment, she will not see your apartment and will not know where you live.
The nanny must bring a passport and all documents to the interview. If the nanny does not bring documents to the interview, refuse her services without the slightest hesitation. A professional, experienced nanny cannot “accidentally forget her passport at home” when getting ready for a meeting with her employer.
In a word, make sure that as few people “from the street” as possible come into your home, and even more so that no one crosses your threshold without showing your passport.
However, if you don’t have diamond earrings in your ears, works of art hanging on the walls of your house, and a couple of million in cash hidden in your safe, then robbers in Moscow are unlikely to be interested in you.


Let me make a reservation right away that I know nothing about the prices for work on a “shift basis”.
Otherwise, the payment can be fixed or hourly, and the nanny’s working conditions can be “with homestay” or “without homestay”.
Here, don’t let yourself be deceived by nannies, middlemen, or even websites!
Standard situation:

I'm looking for a nanny for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, one child. How much is it?

Well look, standard rate is 300 rubles per hour... 22 working days, 10 hours a day - per month is 66 thousand rubles!
- Why so expensive?! I was counting on 45 thousand a month!
- These are standard prices! Nobody works cheaper than 300 per hour.
(Explanation: the price of 300 rubles per hour is relevant for the work scheme “Drop by today for 3 hours, you need to take a walk with the child. Walk? Well, here’s 900 rubles, go home.” For full-time work, the prices are different. But some nannies and intermediaries are trying pretend that when working according to a schedule they are paid the same as when working hourly)

On the “Helper” website, at the bottom of the nanny’s profile, there is brief information about the nanny and the working conditions she is looking for: full-time or part-time, with or without live-in:

Below is a little about popular work and payment schemes and accepted prices.
FULL TIME 5/2 WITH FIXED PAY(imitation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
With this scheme, the nanny works 5 days a week according to a fixed schedule (for example, from 9 to 19) and receives a fixed salary at the end of the month (or at the end of the week, as agreed). When working with one child, 9-10 hours a day in Moscow, that’s a salary of 45 thousand rubles per month (prices for 2018). If there are two children, then 50-60 thousand per month. A “cool” nanny can also receive a salary of 60 thousand per month for one child if she somehow super-dupper develops him: for example, combines the functions of a nanny and tutor (for a schoolchild) or the functions of a nanny and a sports coach, or the child requires specific care (health problems and need to be forced to do exercise therapy or something like that every day).
If you choose this payment option, be sure to clarify issues such as payment for sick days, holidays and vacations. It is accepted like this:

  • The nanny combines her vacation with your vacation and receives 100% payment for it. Those. if you went to the seaside for 2 weeks in August, then you will still pay the nanny her regular salary for August
  • on holidays (May, January, November) the nanny either does not work or works half a day (as agreed), and receives payment as usual

The disadvantage of this method is that if you pay in advance, you are at risk, and if you pay “for the month worked,” the nanny is at risk. Therefore, only a nanny you already know and whom you trust is transferred to “salary.”

This option is similar to the previous one, the only difference is the payment for sick days/vacations/holidays (they are not paid). The nanny receives payment for the hours actually worked. If we talk about prices - this is 250 rubles per hour for working with one child, and 300 per hour for working with two children. And (as in the previous option) the cost of a nanny’s services can be much higher if you want the child to be treated in some special way (some special developmental activities).
In the “working” month you will get a little more than in the previous version, but vacation and holidays turn out to be more profitable.
The nanny usually receives payment at the end of the day or week worked; this is convenient and no one risks being deceived.
Part-time work (less than 5 hours a day) is paid more than full-time work, but only if YOU decide what time the nanny will work.
Those. you tell the nanny: “today come at 10 am, and tomorrow at 4 pm, and the day after tomorrow you don’t need to come at all.” Naturally, no nanny will like such a scheme and therefore the price is higher: minimum 300 rubles per hour for 1 child, 350-400 rubles per hour for two.
If a nanny tells you when she can work and when she cannot, then the rates for this are no higher than for full-time employment (200-250 rubles per hour).
Real case from personal experience communication with the nanny:

We are looking for a full-time nanny, 250 rubles per hour.
- I generally agree with your conditions, but I won’t be able to work all day, I have work on Tuesdays before lunch, work on Wednesdays after lunch, on Thursdays in the middle of the day I will be gone... since this turns out to be a part-time job, then this it will be 300 rubles per hour, not 250...

Many nannies who have housing problems are looking for a “live-in” job - this is when the nanny is given a separate room and lives permanently on the employer’s premises.
The advantages of a nanny are obvious here - no need to spend money on rent(and in Moscow this is a lot of money) and travel time(and in Moscow this can be a long time).
And here There is only one plus for the employer - he can get the nanny to work at any time of the day or night. Which, in general, is what the employer will do. All nannies know this and all of them who are looking for a “live-in” job are ready for this.
Since the advantages of profitable accommodation are offset by the disadvantages of long working hours, in general the prices for nanny services “with a family stay” are the same as without a family stay.
400-450 rubles per hour/60+ thousand per month and MORE - WHAT DO THEY PAY THIS MONEY FOR?
As I wrote above, the price of a nanny’s services can be significantly higher if she combines the work of a nanny with the work of a medical worker/coach/instructor/tutor/teacher. People are willing to pay extra for this, because it is often cheaper than paying separately for a nanny, and separately for 100,500 development units.
But the additional payment for cooking/cleaning is usually small; many nannies are ready to clean up and cook while the child is sleeping, for a very small additional payment (for example, for 50 thousand per month instead of 45).

On the “Helper” at the bottom of the nanny’s profile there is a section that indicates what the nanny can do FOR A CHILD and with children of what age she has worked before:

The nanny's responsibilities include full child care and development of the child according to age.
Those. wash, dress, feed, put to bed, walk, entertain, play, tell fairy tales, sing songs, etc. In case of illness, treat according to the instructions of the parents and/or doctor.

Development by age is teaching a child self-service skills (eating with a spoon, drinking from a mug, dressing independently, going to the potty), all sorts of “educational games” such as folding pyramids and puzzles, physical activities (riding a scooter, jumping, running, etc. .) - everything that you say and that does not require any special techniques.

The most convenient option for everyone is if you give the nanny the child’s schedule with detailed description what to do and how to do it. Experienced nannies are usually very efficient.

Sometimes the nanny may have some kind of personal pen or cockroach of hers - such as the fact that she refuses to walk with the child in bad weather or force the child to do anything. An initially adequate requirement may eventually result in problems: for example, " bad weather“The nanny names the entire period from September to May, and refusal of coercion results in indulgence of any whims of the child.

I’ll offer the following life hack: ask the nanny to name some responsibilities/working conditions that she can’t put up with

She will tell you something: I won’t force the child to do exercises, I won’t cook borscht, I won’t do laundry by hand, I won’t wash the dishes, etc.

If she names something that is important to you, there’s nothing to think about - you won’t work with her.

If she names something unimportant for you, then say, ok, you will never ask her to do something she hates. But if in the future a conflict arises on some other issue, then you can say “you didn’t want to cook borscht, you don’t cook borscht and I’m not asking you. There was no talk about the rest.”

Many nannies agree to carry out assignments “for the family,” and not just for the child. The “Additional responsibilities” section indicates what responsibilities the nanny is willing to take on in addition to the child - washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, buying groceries.

Some nannies are ready to take on literally the entire household in addition to the children. But here, think for yourself: if the nanny washes the floors, cleans the plumbing and cooks for the whole family every day, when will she take care of the child? Will everyday life come at the expense of child care?

Here I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, I am simply stating my experience.
Before talking with nannies, pick up paper and pen and write:

  1. An approximate schedule of the child and what the nanny will have to do point by point: “Come at 9.00, pick up the child, morning hygiene, feed the child, read a book for half an hour, go for a walk for 1.5 hours...”, etc. until the very end of the nanny's working day
  2. What are the features of your particular case that make the nanny’s work easier or more difficult (for example, the child has flat feet and needs to do special exercises every day, or you often have rush jobs and therefore the nanny will often have to stay late, or you have the 5th floor and the stroller does not fit into the elevator)
  3. What kind of payment do you offer (price per hour or price per month)
  4. Important questions that you would like to ask the nanny (some are interested in whether the nanny has children of their own, others are interested in past experience)

What (roughly) should a phone conversation look like if you're calling a potential nanny?

- Hello, is this Nina/Katya/Sveta? I'm looking for an advertisement for nanny services, are you looking for a job now? My name is ***, I am looking for a full-time/part-time nanny for a child/children, for the summer/several months/long term: are you interested? I will briefly describe our situation: we are a young family, we will both work, there is one/two/three children, he is 1 month/1 year/10 years old, he goes to kindergarten/does not go to kindergarten, we need to arrive at 8 am, take the older one to kindergarten, then come back and sit with the youngest, feed, walk, wash, dress, do gymnastics for half an hour a day, give it to the parents in the evening (here are the specifics of what needs to be done). Pay hourly/salary, this is what we offer. You probably have questions for me? I am ready to answer (answer questions). I wanted to ask you: (your questions).

If you find it difficult to conduct business negotiations with strangers, I advise you to write down a conversation plan on paper and read the prepared questions directly from the paper.
If at a certain moment you realize that you don’t like the nanny, end the conversation and say goodbye.

If you liked the nanny in the conversation and you plan to invite her for an interview, then be sure toask the nanny to bring all the documents with her- passport, medical book, certificate of absence of HIV/syphilis/hepatitis, diploma of education, if the nanny claims that he has it.
But you don’t have to ask for recommendations and don’t trust them at all. Recommendations may be fake (give a friend’s phone number and the friend will give a recommendation over the phone) and you will never check it.

If you invite several nannies to an interview at once with the hope of choosing the best one, this is normal. Don't hide from the nanny that she is not alone. You are not alone with her either.

Keep in mind that THE INTERVIEW IS NOT PAID! Don’t agree to the option “let’s pay me for a trial of 3 hours, and we’ll get to know each other at the same time” (I already wrote above why).

When meeting in person (as I already wrote above), it is better to meet not at your home, but on the street or in another place - this way you will protect yourself in case a “spotter” comes to visit you, looking for apartments for robbery.

If during a personal meeting you like the nanny, she generally agrees to the proposed conditions, and you generally agree to her - discuss the details, namely: payment for vacations and sick leave, work schedule, extracurricular work, additional duties, lunch break for the nanny.

There are generally accepted rules, they are:

When paid hourly, the nanny is not paid leave at all. Those. if she doesn't work, she doesn't get paid. If the employer himself went on vacation and took the children with him, then the nanny does not work, and you do not pay her.
With full-time employment and a fixed rate, the nanny combines her vacation with the employer’s vacation and then her vacation is paid. Those. for example, you are going on vacation for 2 weeks in August, the nanny is also on vacation while you are away. And he receives his salary for August as usual.
If a nanny asks for leave according to the scheme “I have 28 days of paid leave at a time convenient for me,” then this is a hefty indulgence that leads to a severe underestimation of the cost of the nanny’s services. For working parents, this is not an option at all (every six months or a year you are guaranteed to have hemorrhoids).


If a child gets sick, the nanny must not only treat him, but also protect herself so that she herself does not become infected. In general, it is considered NORMAL if you buy medicine for the nanny - the same Lavomax, Arbidol and other antiviral drugs are not cheap at all. But here it’s up to your conscience to allow it.
If a nanny gets sick, she sits at home and gets treatment so as not to infect the child. She does not receive payment for sick days.

Nanny's lunch break
The nanny eats lunch when the child is asleep/allows him to have lunch, period.
If you work from home (like me) or don’t work at all, then you run the risk of getting into a situation where the nanny thrusts the baby into your arms and says, “Oh, I’m having lunch,” and you entertain the child for an hour while the nanny eats lunch. This shouldn't happen.

From personal experience: I had a situation where the nanny deliberately arranged for her lunch break to fall at a time when the child was awake and I was not feeding him. Those. While I was breastfeeding/while the child was sleeping, the nanny was on the phone, and when the child woke up and demanded attention, she left the child with me and went to dinner. This situation is not normal.

The nanny brings food with her or prepares it herself from those products that you allow her to take (that is, you do not have to cook specifically for her).
Usually the nanny is allowed to take simple products - cereals, pasta, milk, bread, tea, coffee, cookies, eggs, sausages, dumplings, etc.


In fact, finding a dream nanny consists of two stages:

1) superficial filtering according to general criteria: age, education, experience, cost of services, general impression of the person.
2) clarification of details, a more complete understanding of the person

Stage 1 is exactly what recruitment agencies do. They superficially select people to suit your requirements and give you a choice of 2-4 nannies, with whom you can sometimes talk before hiring, but sometimes this is not possible and you are offered to “get to know” the nanny after she goes to work.

You can easily go through this same stage 1 yourself using the Pomotel website + a quick call to suitable nannies.

You can invite at least 10 people to stage 2 (interview), no restrictions.

And of course, 1,690 rubles for a VIP account is pennies compared to the agency’s commission, which is 50-100% of the nanny’s monthly salary. These 1,690 rubles will not help the family budget.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I would like to answer a very frequently asked question parents: “How to choose a nanny for a child?” Now is the time high speeds and innovation, the pace of life, especially in cities, is very high. How to manage everything? Especially a woman. Remain beautiful, raise children, and it is advisable not to fall out for a long time maternity leave, otherwise during this time everything in the workplace will have time to change upside down.

If parents need to go somewhere or need to go to work, the question arises: “Who should I leave my baby with? How to choose a nanny? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find a nanny? How to build a relationship with her? There are many questions. We will answer everything in order.

Before you write an ad looking for a nanny, think about it - what is she like, your nanny? Now we will not talk about personal qualities, but about them a little later. About her responsibilities and skills required for work. What age is your child?

For example, if you need a nanny for a baby, then most likely you will consider a woman with her own children, or mandatory experience working with newborn children. She should know the developmental features of babies. Know how to care for such little ones. Have an idea of ​​sleep and feeding patterns at this age.

And if you need a nanny-governess, then it will be a completely different person. If you have a 10-year-old child and you would like to find a nanny who could pick him up from school and help him with his homework, then you need a nanny with different experience and knowledge. The ability to do massage will not be a significant quality here, but knowledge of a foreign language or a musical instrument will be an advantage.

Every age has its own nanny

A nanny for a 1.5 year old child is different from a nanny-governess for a 12 year old child. Domestic staff agencies have summarized candidates and grouped them into several types.

Nanny-doctor, nanny-nurse

Of course, a medical education will always be an advantage for a candidate for a nanny position. But this criterion will be a particular advantage for a babysitter. Since it is during this period that special care and sterility are necessary. In the first year of a baby’s life, physical child care comes first.

Most likely, such a nanny will focus specifically on the physical health of your baby. But as for mastery of teaching and education methods, she is unlikely to be able to boast of this. But they are usually very responsible and careful.

The cost of such a nanny's services is usually higher than the average cost. This type of nanny is suitable for a child under 3 years old, as well as for children with some developmental disabilities.

Arina Radionovna

These are women of retirement age. However, having the desire and strength to work. Moreover, they will treat work not as necessary income, but with soul. They have their own children, and perhaps their own grandchildren. Therefore, their life experience is, of course, an advantage.

She can cook, clean up, and read with your child. She will be happy to go to museums and theaters with her baby and share her experiences. Most likely, they live nearby, which is also a plus.

The cost of services is low. They have free time, so they are ready to work full time and even with delays.

But if your child is 10 years old and you need a nanny to help him with his homework, then most likely it will be difficult for “Arina Rodionovna” to do this.

Female students

Nowadays this type of nanny is called a “babysitter”. This kind of extra work for students is very common in the USA. There is no such tradition of “giving grandchildren to grandparents.” Pensioners there take care of themselves, travel, and enjoy various hobbies. But at the legislative level it is prohibited to leave children under 13 years of age alone at home. That's why babysitters are very popular there.

These are senior students at colleges or universities (often teachers, nurses, psychologists) who have the time and desire to work after studying. Most often these are students of pedagogical faculties and psychology. Usually, they are very active and proactive. We are ready to help your child with his homework and to study additionally, for example, in a foreign language. Very mobile.

The responsibilities of these candidates are usually lower than the previous types. Although, of course, there are also excellent, responsible and unique candidates. It is also worth understanding that for them, working as a nanny is temporary income. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too surprised that at some point she will say that she is stopping working in your family.

The cost of services is average. The work schedule is flexible.

Professional nanny

This is a middle-aged woman who has already worked in other families. She has experience working with children of different ages and recommendations from other parents. She consciously chose the profession of “nanny” for herself and treats her work with full responsibility.

She knows all the developmental techniques for a 1.5-year-old child, can put a 3-year-old child to sleep, and will become a friend and helper for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

The disadvantage may be that the cost of services is higher than average. It is also important that she rely on her experience, but, nevertheless, follow exactly the recommendations of her parents, and not what she considers correct and necessary.

Nanny's work schedule

Which nanny you choose depends on the work schedule you can offer her. What kind of nanny do you need? If you need a nanny 3 times a week from 17.00 to 20.00, then a professional nanny will not agree to such part-time work. This is her only job and she will want full time at minimum wage. An old nanny or a student nanny would be just fine.

How long do you need these services?

Do you need personal time so you and your husband can go to the movies? Or sometimes so that you can be away on your business? Then you will be looking for a part-time nanny.

If you go to work, then you need a person who will take care of your baby throughout the day, and perhaps even at night.

What types of nannies are there?

  • Full day nanny

Usually this is an average of 7-11 working hours per day and a five-day work week. The responsibilities of such a nanny include maintaining a routine, feeding the baby, walking, educational games and activities.

  • Evening nanny

This nanny works from 16.00-17.00 to 20.00-21.00. Usually she meets the child from school or kindergarten; her duties also include feeding the child dinner and waiting for the parents.

  • Live-in nanny

Such a nanny lives with the family that hires her. Works 5-6 days a week and one/2 days on weekends. She either lives in a room allocated for her or sleeps in the room with the child.

These are usually either out-of-town nannies or a nanny who lives very far away. Their responsibilities include full child care and possibly help around the house.

  • Nanny for daily rent

Such a nanny works in 24-hour shifts. Usually she is invited when it is necessary for the child to be looked after not only during the day, but also at night, for example, for infants. Then two nannies are often hired, who replace each other.

Nanny responsibilities

Before you start looking for a nanny, you need to decide on the list of her responsibilities. What do you want from a nanny? What is important at this stage for your child?

I understand that when answering this question, you can make a long, very long list of qualities and skills that you want to see. Now look at this list and think, what is most important? We all understand that ideal nannies, and even for not very much money, do not exist. What can you give up? What is your priority?

Here is an approximate functionality of a nanny, which, of course, can be reduced or, conversely, supplemented with something important for your family:

  • Full child care;
  • Ensuring his safety;
  • Bathing the child, performing all necessary hygiene procedures;
  • Compliance with the routine established in the house (sleep, walks);
  • Preparing baby food, feeding;
  • Maintaining order and cleaning the children's room;
  • Accompaniment to various leisure children's institutions (clubs, sections);
  • Age-related development of the child (knowledge of various techniques);
  • Organizing leisure time - visiting theaters, museums;
  • Help in preparing your child for school, kindergarten (read about child's readiness for school);
  • Help with homework;
  • Checking lessons. If required, clarification and assistance with implementation.

This, we repeat, sample list. Depending on your family situation and the age of the child, it may change. For example, the responsibilities of a babysitter may include massage for a newborn. Or the duties of a nanny for an older child include teaching music or a foreign language.

Ideally, all this should be spelled out in the contract that you will conclude with your nanny.

Where can I find a nanny?

Where to find the perfect nanny? There are several channels to search. You can choose one. Or use several at once:

  • Place an ad in the newspaper.

This is a simple and inexpensive option. But now few people use it. Therefore, the number of responses may be small. The reliability of this method is low.

  • Post an advertisement via the Internet (there are special portals for recruiting domestic staff, for example, pomogatel.ru)

A good option. You are in charge of selecting the candidate. Profiles with the specified work experience, desired schedule and salary are immediately visible. You can also see if there are any reviews about the employee from previous employers.

  • Search through an agency

This is one of the most reliable methods. There they check both the presence of a medical record and recommendations from previous places. The agency employs psychologists who will help with candidate selection and personal qualities. Of course, the final choice is yours, but candidates will be selected for you according to your requirements, weeding out those unsuitable for you. The only thing is that for this service the agency will need to leave on average one month’s salary of the candidate.

  • Search for a nanny based on recommendations.

If your family friend has already used the services of a nanny and can recommend her to you, this is a great option. Perhaps someone you know on the playground has used these services.

If this is not possible, the Internet will come to the rescue, as always. Read forums, contact different mom communities for recommendations.

Interview with a nanny

We have already written earlier what you should pay attention to when choosing a nanny. There are many interview guidelines. Let's note a few points:

  • It is better to prepare for the meeting in advance.

Think about the main points you want to clarify. It’s better to prepare a list of questions. This way you definitely won't forget anything.

  • Pay attention to punctuality.

This is a very important point. So that you can always be calm that your child will not be late for school or, conversely, will not sit alone in kindergarten, when everyone else had already been taken away.

  • Notice how she speaks about previous employers.
  • Listen to your heart.

Mother's intuition is the strongest. No beautiful profile will stand in the way if you see an unkind look.

  • Introduce your child to the successful candidate.

When applying for a job, a common and common situation is a “trial day”. Psychologists recommend spending this time together with the children and the nanny; you can go away for a while and look at the children’s reaction, how your baby perceives the new person. See how your nanny looks for an approach to the new pupil.

  • Be sure to sign an agreement.

This way you can immediately negotiate all the rights and obligations, as they say, on the shore. This will help you avoid possible misunderstandings later.

Finding a good nanny is quite possible! It will take time and effort, but it's worth it! After all, your peace of mind and the happy eyes of your child will depend on this person. But remember, no matter how wonderful your nanny is, she should not replace your parents. Good luck in your search!


You can find a nanny:

  • through friends;
  • through an agency;
  • looking at advertisements in newspapers such as "From Hand to Hand" or on the Internet;
  • giving your advertisements to the press or the Internet;
  • posting their advertisements on poles.

The first way to find a nanny is considered the safest. But it has a number of problems.

There may be no acquaintances, or, as a result of a long search, you can find a nanny through acquaintances, who is just as unpredictable as a nanny found through an advertisement.

In any case, the choice will be small. It is unlikely that you will be offered more than 5-6 applicants. The nanny herself will definitely also feel her “exclusivity”.

If you are lucky and the nanny is from your immediate circle, for example, a friend of your mother, then it will probably be much calmer for you to leave the child for the first time, but serious ethical problems may arise in the future. What to do, for example, if after a week or two of work you realize that the nanny does not suit you? How to tell the nanny herself, the person who recommended the nanny, about this? Who can recommend a new nanny to you now?

If you take on a person you have known for a long time as a nanny, you will inevitably have to be divided between friendly informal relationships with the nanny and formal ones. What will you face if it turns out, for example, that the nanny does not communicate with your child at all as you would like? She doesn’t hit him, of course, and doesn’t even yell at him, but, let’s say, she too often calms a 2-year-old baby with candy or feeds him despite his protests, because she believes that only this is proper upbringing? Or maybe she just reads less to the child than you would like? Or does he rest and drink tea too often while the child is alone in the room? To some, these problems may seem trivial, but to YOU ​​they can be serious.

In my deep conviction, good nanny, this is a neutral nanny, capable of following your instructions exactly, even if they do not always seem correct to her. She, of course, can and should express her opinion on controversial issues, but after discussing the situation with you, she should act as and only as YOU see fit, because she is raising YOUR child. Sometimes it is very difficult to achieve such a relationship with a well-known person with whom a certain relationship has already been established. The person who is most pleasant to you in all respects may not at all meet your expectations as a nanny for your child. This is exactly how things often happen with grandmothers. If you're unlucky, then unlucky. Unfortunately, according to reviews from my friends, bad luck happens quite often.

I don’t know if I wanted to have a close friend as a nanny. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I did not have to make such a decision. There simply wasn’t a suitable nanny among my friends.

Based on an acquaintance, there was no nanny; it’s scary to take on a stranger. What to do? You really want someone to competently solve your problem for you. So I thought so and so I started calling agencies.

At first I decided that I only needed a nanny for 2-3 hours a day. I was informed that in this case, the nanny should have a very high hourly wage. At current prices it’s 1-1.5 dollars per hour. With such a small number of hours, it's more likely the latter than the former. I figured it was about $80 a month and agreed. Another $40 would have to be given to the agency. In some agencies it was necessary to immediately go and sign an agreement, in others it was enough to give my consent over the phone and describe in more detail what kind of nanny I want to have. I really don’t like leaving the house too much, so I limited myself to verbal instructions from several agencies and waited. I must say, quite a lot of time passed before they called me and said something like this: “We have a nanny with a higher pedagogical education, very good and kind, she is 45 years old, she raised her two children and she lives 40 minutes from you. She has 3 years of experience in a family with a 2-year-old child. She, of course, would like to work full time, but she is ready to consider your offer. If you want, we can come to you and talk." I, of course, tried to get more information about this nanny and about others who were also offered to me. But subsequent characteristics, as a rule, were neither original nor detailed. Perhaps I would have found out more information in a personal meeting, but I can’t host ALL potentially suitable nannies, and even their managers! I also didn’t want to go to agencies five times a day. I was interested in how the agency vets nannies. They told me that they were looking at documents, medical certificates and recommendations. I thought that I myself know how to look at documents and certificates, but I’m unlikely to be satisfied with such a check. Recommendations from strangers are unlikely to help me either. In any case, there were very few offers.

Then I decided that perhaps the whole point is that good nannies want to work all day and earn good money, and I decided to change the approach. Stayed there for the whole day. I was told that in this case we can talk about the rate, which is generally cheaper. That it costs at least $250 a month for an eight-hour work day. Plus at least half of the nanny's rate goes to the agency. I agreed. The descriptions of the proposed nannies were no different from the previous ones. I got lost. And in order to better feel the situation, I decided to try to probe the market myself.

I decided that with all the others equal conditions, it’s still more convenient, both for the nanny and for us, when the nanny doesn’t have to travel across the city to see the child. In this case, you can pay less, and the nanny will bring fewer infections, and she will start the working day without being exhausted by the crush in transport. Taking “From Hand to Hand”, I selected suitable nannies, taking into account the advertisement itself and the nanny’s place of residence (by phone number). By the way, not a single agency has ever offered me a nanny closer than 30 minutes by transport from us.

The texts of advertisements in newspapers, as a rule, are no different from the descriptions that agencies used to give me. Even if something was missing compared to the information from the agency, everything was clarified from the very first words during a telephone conversation with the applicant.

In total, I made at least 20 calls that time. Having personally talked with, I received much more information about them than the agency could give me. This gave me enthusiasm. I thought that without intermediaries I would be even better off. I am quite capable of conducting preliminary negotiations myself. However, I didn’t like any of the nannies again. Of course, I had a much better idea of ​​the nanny after talking to her in person on the phone. However, there was still a feeling that the person was a complete stranger. Any documents and recommendations can be organized nowadays. With the right approach, a professional fraudster will be able to deceive both an individual and any agency to which the nanny also essentially comes from the street. Unfortunately, agencies only promise to check the nanny, but in reality they do not go beyond a banal document check. I can do the same, but I, as a person personally interested, will at least do it as conscientiously as possible.

Some nannies I might have liked lost interest when they learned that I didn’t have a cottage outside the city, a cook or a housekeeper, and wasn’t planning on going abroad. I didn't like the others myself. The most unpleasant thing is that I felt like a supplicant. The first and main issue we discussed was money. Many did not even try to find out anything about the child. They asked if we needed to cook, what kind of apartment we had, who else would be in the apartment besides the child, and even if we had a microwave.

I asked the nanny to tell me about myself. As a rule, the nannies were quite talkative. By listening carefully to the nanny, one could get a lot of facts to think about both from the experience of her previous work and about her family. Correct, competent speech was also a big plus for me. After talking long enough, even with the initial appearance of well-being, I often discovered something that did not suit me at all. One, for example, proudly told me that she is a very flexible woman. In her previous family, where she received $400 with a 12-hour workday every other day, where there was also a housekeeper and a cook, a 4-year-old girl was constantly fed cervelat for breakfast. As a result, the girl was constipated. But this nanny did not complain to the girl’s parents about the housekeeper who bought the wrong products! From this story of hers there was a whiff of endless showdowns in the kitchen. “Poor child,” I thought.

Time passed, and I didn’t even have the slightest desire to invite at least one nanny for a personal meeting. There was only horror: “How can I leave a child to a complete stranger!” The solution to the issue was postponed, fortunately, I didn’t have a job yet, and I could handle it quite well on my own. As a last resort, you could always resort to the help of your friends. But one day it happened that on Thursday I was offered a job that I was supposed to start on the following Tuesday: can you imagine what a nightmare? Of course, I called “From Hand to Hand” again. With the same result. There was no point in even contacting the agency. Obviously, they wouldn't have found anything for me over the weekend. Then I remembered the advice of one friend, printed advertisements, put my one-year-old child on a sled, and after the first snowfall we went to post these advertisements around the neighborhood...

When we returned home, there were already three calls on the answering machine. No newspaper can boast of such efficiency. We answered calls continuously all Friday and Saturday. The minimum payment was set - 1,500 rubles per month. Full load with a child, up to 40 hours a week. Responsibilities also included: daily wet cleaning, cooking for the child, and ironing for us. The child suffers from serious allergies, and this imposed additional problems and responsibilities. Despite much more modest conditions than I had previously planned, conversations with potential nannies were fundamentally different from those that I had had before. These nannies were interested in working, and specifically for me. They were the ones who called me. Otherwise, they were no different from the professionals from the newspaper. There were good and bad, there were those who were not satisfied with the payment or conditions, there were those who were satisfied with everything, and I was initially satisfied with them. In the latter case, I wrote down their phone number and brief comments about our conversation. Name, age, education, profession, experience, presence of own children, general impressions. Two days later, I looked through my lists again and only called three nannies. I asked to visit them to meet them: “Can I do it right now? In 15-30 minutes?” Having visited the nannies at home (in neighboring houses), looking at their families and documents, I was much more confident in their reliability than if the nanny had been recommended to me by an agency. I came to the nanny unexpectedly. It is unlikely that in such an extraordinary situation any fraudster would have had time to seriously prepare for the visit. As a result, we spent Sunday and Monday together with the chosen nanny (two more were in reserve), and on Tuesday she was already working herself, and I went to work. My constant visits at unexpected times gave me the opportunity to make sure that everything seemed to be in order. She was a pensioner with a higher education. She lived with her husband across the yard from us. She raised her three children. She worked for us for a year. Everything was fine, even perfect, if it weren’t for her husband, because of whom we broke up a year later. By the way, I also saw my husband from the very beginning. Problems arose after the nanny started working for us.

But it was already easier for me. I understood the main thing. Agencies deliberately inflate nanny salaries. They are waiting for convenient customers. Of course, there is nothing easier than finding a nanny for a lot of money. And your commissions are also higher. While new Russians live in the world: but raising or lowering wages is my personal business and a matter of circumstances. I can imagine how many calls there would be if I indicated a salary, for example, $250 a month, as I planned at the beginning. All the local professionals, who could have been found through the agency or through the newspapers, would probably have called too. But we even hardly consider ourselves middle class. Why pay so much when you're already happy with everything?

When I was looking for a new nanny, I, without hesitation, went to put up advertisements. To avoid an insane number of calls, I immediately indicated in the advertisement the age of the child, the duties of the nanny (including housework) and her salary - 2000 rubles per month (inflation for the year). There were enough calls, but there were no more unnecessary discussions about, for example, that we planned to pay too little. I didn’t have to repeat the same thing a hundred times. Those who were not satisfied with anything simply did not call. It is their right to look for a more suitable employer. And we found a 23-year-old girl in our own entrance that suited us absolutely.

From the very first time, we refused to pay hourly. This turned out to be beneficial for both us (in general, maybe not less, but everything is predictable) and the nanny (monthly guaranteed income). As the first time, it was immediately determined that it was not standardized and only the upper limit per week was regulated, no more than 40 hours. But it may be 3 o'clock today, but 12 tomorrow. Everything else, for example, work on Saturday, is for an additional fee. My job required such a strange schedule. But it turned out to be the most optimal, since we subsequently never had problems with late arrivals. All responsibilities were agreed upon and spelled out. Our child has been going to kindergarten since this fall, but our nanny still works part-time for us.

The most important advantage of our nannies is that they were decent women, they both valued their work. And that means they did everything they were asked to do, as they were asked to do. Which is exactly what we needed. Perhaps the nannies did not know any of the latest techniques, but they honestly read what I asked, showed cards, played games that I left. I didn’t see how they did it, but I saw the impact on the child. I saw in what mood the child remained with the nanny. To be honest, I myself spend much less time with my child. A nanny-governess in one package may be good, but, in my opinion, except in cases of immersion in a language environment, it is unreasonably expensive. When the child grew up, our nanny simply took the child to developmental classes.

It’s tiring, of course, to look for a nanny on your own. Answer calls continuously for a week. But you also have to conduct lengthy negotiations with agency managers. However, once I found a decent nanny in 3 days, I no longer panic at the prospect of a new search. I am calm. I know that a nanny will be found one way or another. This is reflected in my relationships with nannies. Ordinary nannies, nothing special. And tolerable shortcomings, of course, were revealed over time in both. But I compare my situation with the situation of my friends and understand that there are no excesses and only the second nanny in two years with a very moderate payment - this in itself is a good result.

Good luck finding a nanny!

The realities of our modern life are such that many parents are faced with the responsible task of hiring a nanny for their child. It doesn’t matter whether you go to work, need free time to study, or you need a nanny occasionally to take a break from household chores. In any case, to find a good nanny you will have to make a lot of effort - look through more than one profile, conduct more than one interview and, relying on your intuition, choose the best candidate.

The most reliable way to hire a qualified, experienced nanny is to contact a domestic staffing agency. Choose a trusted agency with a license and experience. When concluding an agreement with an agency, pay attention to what guarantees are provided to you, what responsibility the agency bears in the event of an unsuccessful choice of a candidate, and under what conditions the replacement will be made.

The agency will provide you with detailed profiles of applicants who have already been verified by the agency and have passed the initial selection. You receive a guarantee that the certificates and documents provided by the nanny will be authentic. Moreover, some agencies provide psychological testing of household staff for mental health, and for nannies and governesses - the ability to work with children.

The agency will first ask you to decide on the requirements for the nanny’s work schedule and qualifications. Nannies are live-in, i.e. are with the child around the clock, day and night, hourly nannies.

It is easiest to find a nanny for a full-time job, for example from 8 to 5 every weekday; it is more difficult to find a nanny for a non-standard or irregular work schedule. Besides, hourly payment A nanny is more expensive than a full-time salary. The qualifications of a nanny depend on education, length of service and work experience. As a rule, it is preferable for babies under one year to choose a nanny with a medical education, and for older children - with a pedagogical education. Although we advise you not to get hung up on this, and first of all, look for a sensitive, patient, decent woman who loves her work and children.

The duties that the nanny will have to perform are negotiated individually based on your wishes and the consent of the nanny. Typically, the direct responsibilities of a nanny include: looking after the child during the day, bathing, feeding, preparing children's meals, maintaining order in the children's room, walks in the fresh air, educational activities and games, instilling various skills, reading books, accompanying children to clubs and sections. If the nanny is required to perform any female housework, then negotiate this in advance, because not everyone will agree to such conditions. Most likely, you already need a housekeeper.

The duration of the selection of a candidate for the position depends on the number of priority criteria for you, the scale of your requirements, as well as the proportionality of the payment that you are willing to pay. Try to clearly formulate your wishes, taking into account reality. You must understand that it will be difficult to find a nanny with a higher pedagogical education, knowledge foreign languages and agrees to combine work as a nanny with the duties of a housekeeper.

If you like a certain nanny, you can hire her probation(from several days to a couple of weeks depending on the agency) to make sure you make the right choice. And only after this a contract is concluded. Services good agencies are not cheap, and a nanny’s salary through an agency will be higher than the market average. You can try to find a nanny yourself, through friends (not a bad option) or through advertisements. But be prepared that the search for a nanny can drag on and cost you extra nerves. Be vigilant, beware of scammers, conduct the initial interview on neutral territory.

When applying for a job, do not forget to request medical certificates and identification documents, registration and work book. Without knowledge of psychology and subtle intuition, it will be difficult for you to understand at the first interview what kind of person is in front of you, because the applicant will try to show himself with the best side. Ask questions, inquire about the reason for leaving your previous job, if possible, call former employer.

Trust your intuition and sooner or later you will find your ideal nanny.

Many people have children, but there is often not enough time to care for little fidgets. Modern mothers want to combine business with caring for their own child, but only a few manage to do this. Fortunately, today it is possible to simply solve such a dilemma by hiring a good nanny. Our article will tell you where to find a qualified specialist, what types of nannies there are and how expensive their services are. Enjoy reading!

The age of the child matters

There are different specialists, so you should select a candidate based on the age of your own child. It is worth understanding that a nanny for a baby and a nanny for a child aged 12 are somewhat different. Let's consider modern types specialists in more detail:

1. Nanny-doctor

Medical education is a huge plus for the nanny profession. It is most optimal to hire such a specialist for a baby. It is at this age that the child needs special care, careful handling and sterility. In the first years of a newborn's life, physical care occupies a central place. Nanny with medical education will monitor the physical health of the baby. Medical professionals are very careful and often responsible. It is worth understanding that the cost of their services will be slightly higher than the price of ordinary student nannies.


  • nannies-doctors are careful;
  • can provide the baby with a number of additional services: massage, injections, etc.


  • relatively high cost;
  • specialists with medical education tend to care for the baby rather than raise him, so after a while you will need to look for a replacement.

2. Nanny of retirement age

Retired nannies put their heart and soul into their work. As a rule, such specialists already have their own children or grandchildren, so they have relevant experience. They know how to cook, clean the house, and take care of the baby’s development. A nanny of retirement age will be happy to visit cultural institutions with a little mischief-maker and share her own experiences with him. Due to the availability of free time, she will be able to work full time and stay longer if necessary. The cost of the services of a “retired” specialist is relatively low, but he is not suitable for more or less adult children.


  • having extensive experience;
  • patience;
  • affectionate attitude towards children.


  • rather slow due to their age;
  • often use “old” methods of child care and education.

3. Students

Nannies, students in higher education educational institutions, are usually called babysitters. Such a specialist, as a rule, has an appropriate education: psychology, pedagogy or medicine. He is quite active, accustomed to taking the initiative into his own hands. Students are not known for their responsibility, although here everything depends, rather, on the person himself. You should be aware that working as a nanny for students is usually temporary income, for this reason, be prepared that at a certain period there will be a need to look for a replacement. Nannies from universities charge little, but they can’t always work because of their studies.


  • low cost of services.


  • treating work as temporary income;
  • students are often irresponsible;
  • At first, constant monitoring and testing of the nanny for adequacy is necessary.

4. Professionals

A professional nanny is usually a middle-aged woman who has extensive experience working with other families. Such a specialist consciously chose this profession Therefore, he approaches it as seriously and responsibly as possible. He is fluent in many developmental techniques, is able to put a child to sleep, and can be a good friend to a child of any age.


  • highest degree of responsibility;
  • attentiveness;
  • serious approach to work;
  • Suitable for children of any age.


  • expensive cost of services;
  • It is very difficult to find such a specialist.

Let's summarize

So, before looking for a trusted nanny for your child, you should consider the age of your own baby. For a baby, the optimal solution is a specialist with a medical education and experience working with newborns. For children from 1 to 4 years old, people with higher education in the field of pedagogy or psychologists who have a good command of child development methods. If your child is over 5, you should find a nanny who could fully raise the child, helping him prepare for school.

Where can I find a nanny?

After reading the above, it is easy to figure out which specialist your child needs. Now let’s answer the main question for many: where to find a nanny? It should be noted that the search process is quite multifaceted, so we will try to briefly consider each of the methods. Use any of the methods below to find a suitable candidate. So, it is possible to find a nanny:

Through an agency

Exists a large number of agencies offering to hire a nanny for certain conditions. The prospect is quite tempting, because it is believed that in such companies all candidates are carefully checked: for the presence of medical books, recommendations from previous places of work, and so on. There's even psychological tests carry out!

However, here everything depends on the integrity of a particular agency: often they do not require anything from potential nannies other than a passport and a medical book. Before choosing a company to hire a specialist, study it very carefully. Read reviews online and find out how long the company has been in business.

The advantage of agencies is the guarantee of replacing hired workers if, for certain reasons, they cannot cope with the responsibilities assigned to them. The downside is that selecting a candidate costs some money.

Through acquaintances/friends/relatives

A good option is to ask acquaintances, friends or relatives. Perhaps they will help you find a suitable candidate who will become a good nanny for your child. The downside is that there will be little choice: you will have to “take” whoever is given. Among other things, it is quite difficult to establish an official relationship with a person with whom an informal atmosphere has already developed.

Search by advertisements

Posting advertisements or looking for them on the street is a bad idea, because today everything has been transferred to the virtual space. If you want to find a nanny, you can place a number of advertisements on free online platforms. There are many specialists who look for employers themselves by posting their resumes on various Internet services.

Study the incoming offers and you will definitely find a worthy candidate!

By the way, it is possible to find a retired nanny through a newspaper. People of retirement age rarely take advantage of the delights of the Internet, placing advertisements in printed newspapers in their own city “the old fashioned way.”

If you are looking for an older candidate with extensive work experience and a good attitude towards children, be sure to keep this information in mind.

What should you discuss over the phone?

During the search process, you will have to call potential nannies, therefore, you need to prepare in advance and ask the candidate the “right” questions.

First, ask about the previous job: what reasons forced the specialist to leave it, how long he has been working, what duties he performed before and in the future, etc. Be sure to ask a number of personal questions: what is the person’s age, education, any bad habits, or whether the person is married. Afterwards, it is necessary to discuss the responsibilities of the future nanny. Discuss everything that needs to be done by a specialist. Agree on payment and discuss various nuances (you may apply penalties in case of lateness). And be sure (!) to ask the candidate how he will behave if the baby gets into an emergency situation.

What qualities to look for

You should definitely pay attention to the character of the candidate. Here is a list of qualities that a good nanny should have:

  • responsible approach to work;
  • punctuality;
  • love for children;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • decency;
  • good upbringing;
  • stress resistance;
  • fast reaction;
  • ability to find mutual language with kids.

Cost of modern nannies

The price of a specialist’s services depends on a number of factors. Let's take the capital's nannies as a basis. As mentioned above, a person with a medical education is suitable for a baby: his services cost from 250 to 350 rubles/hour. A preschooler should find a candidate teacher: the starting price for such a specialist is from 350 rubles per hour (a nanny who will simultaneously provide tutoring services costs at least 600 rubles per hour). Hiring a student is the cheapest: many charge from 180 rubles.

Let's roughly calculate the cost of a nanny:

  1. Full employment. Taking into account the eight-hour working day and the time spent on travel, it is optimal to hire a nanny for 10 hours a day. Let’s take the minimum price into account: at a cost of 180 rubles. and 22 working days, the specialist will have to pay 39,600 rubles monthly. A person with an education in medicine/pedagogy/psychology will require from 250 to 300 rubles, therefore, his monthly rate will be 55,000 - 66,000 rubles.
  2. Part-time employment. If a specialist works part-time (usually 6 hours a day), he will have to pay approximately 200 rubles. Consequently, the minimum salary of a nanny will be 26,400 rubles. Employment up to 4 hours will cost at least 250 rubles. It turns out that if a person visits a child every day, you pay 11,000 rubles. monthly.

Nanny for two

A nanny for two children costs 50% more. The minimum wage for a specialist will be at least 55,000 rubles. Accordingly, the greater the number of children who need to be cared for, the higher the employee’s income.


Above, you learned about ways to find a nanny and understood what qualities she should have. When selecting a candidate, be sure to listen to your own heart, since a person whom you initially did not like is unlikely to perform work duties efficiently. We sincerely wish you good luck in your search! We hope you find a worthy nanny who, even for a short time, will replace the child’s parent!