What does place of work mean in an employment contract. Indication of the place of work in the employment contract: the importance of information for the employee and the boss. What is a place of work

It should also be borne in mind that it is for the main job that the employee spends more hours.

Some also believe that the main work for the worker is the work that the worker himself considers the main one.

Where is the concept used? main job«

Although Labor Code does not contain a definition of the term "main work" in the code itself, you can find many references to the concept itself.

So in article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is said that an employee has the right to conclude employment contracts for performance in his free main job time of other regular paid work with the same employer (internal part-time job) and (or) with another employer (external part-time job).

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation already says that if the employee wants, then information about part-time work is entered in the work book at the place main job.

Thus, we can conclude that the main job is only the job that is not a part-time job.

For those who are undergoing training, payment is also provided in case of release from work in the amount of 50% of the average salary according to main place work.

If an employee has a part-time job, then he can work no more than 4 hours a day, but if he is absent on that day work at the main place of work can work full time.

Vacation during part-time work is granted at the same time with leave from the main place of work.

You should be aware that study leave, as well as allowances for work in the regions of the Far North, are possible only for employees at their main place of work.

If an employee who performs part-time duties is replaced by an employee at the main place of work, then the part-time worker has the right to be fired, that is, the employee with the main job has priority over the part-time job.

Can there be two main jobs

Considering that the law does not define the concept of main job, then there is no need to talk about the ban. Therefore, there will be no punishment for the employee. There may be problems, for example, when receiving sick leave, which is issued in a single copy (for one company). On the other hand, all problems are solvable. By and large, the tax and pension authorities do not care: money comes to the fund, taxes are paid (if you do not file for deductions twice). If the length of service is imposed, then the worst thing is that only one will be taken (at the choice of the employee).

Thus, having several main jobs is not forbidden, nor is it allowed.


Main job- the term is extremely interesting and important. This term is not in the Labor Code, but there are references to it in the same Labor Code. The main work can be considered work for the employer to whom the work book is transferred. As a consequence, several work books for several employers - a sign of several main places of work.

Can it be specified in employment contract as a place of work only the city - for example, 2.3. Place of work: Moscow?


Answer to the question:

Yes, it is legal, provided that the name of the employer is also indicated.

The place of work is a prerequisite of the employment contract, and in the case when the employee is hired to work in a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit of the organization located in another locality, the place of work indicating the separate structural unit and its location ().

The place of work is the organization itself where the worker works. An organization is characterized by its name and location. Location legal entity determined by its place state registration on the territory of the Russian Federation by indicating the name of the settlement ( municipality). (). The workplace is the territory where the employee performs his duties (). The workplace, unlike the place of work, is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract ( h.h. And Thu. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in your case, you have not violated the requirements of labor legislation.

I draw your attention to the fact that in the case when an employee is hired to work in a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit of an organization located in another area, the place of work is entered into the employment contract indicating the separate structural unit and its location ( par. 2 hours 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Employment contract

How to indicate the place of work in the employment contract. Wording for head office, branch and field workers

  1. What will be the place of work for a traveling employee
  2. How to draw up a contract correctly if the employee was accepted in separate subdivision
  3. Is it necessary to indicate the legal address of the company as the place of work in the contract?

It would seem that a simple condition about the place of work, but it often causes controversy among personnel officers and lawyers. At the same time, the cost of a mistake is quite high. For incorrect registration, the inspector will fine the company.

Difficulties arise due to the fact that the content of this concept is not disclosed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, in different articles of the Code it is given different meanings. As a result, several interpretations are used in practice. Some believe that this is the locality where the company is located, others that this is the name of the company, and still others that this is the actual address of the office where the employee will do their work. In this article, we will dispel all speculation and suggest which formulations should be used.

Location for head office

Let's get straight to the point: what is a place of work?

The place of work is a specific organization with which the employee has concluded an employment contract. That is, this is not a geographical value, but a purely legal speculative concept. It is the name of the organization that must be indicated in the employment contract as the place of work.

Where did you get this from, where is it written in the Labor Code?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, unfortunately, does not disclose what a place of work is. Because of this, all the problems, and also due to the fact that in different articles this concept is used in different meanings. For example, in Art. 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that it is forbidden to refuse to hire those invited in the order of transfer within a month from the date of dismissal from the previous place of work, that is, from a specific organization. And in Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded for work in organizations located in the Far North, if this is associated with the employee's relocation to the place of work. Here we are talking about a specific area.

But the doctrine has always been that the place of work is a specific organization. It is enough to open any commentary on the Labor Code (for example, edited by A. V. Kurennoy or Yu. P. Orlovsky). At the same time, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation also agrees with this definition of the place of work.

Quoting the Document
"In theory labor law the place of work is understood as a specific organization located in a certain locality (settlement), its representative office, branch, other separate structural subdivision» ().

Thus, the discussion about what a place of work is can be considered closed.

And how should the place of work be indicated in the employment contract? Write the legal or actual address of the organization?

No, you don't have to. If you specify the place of work to such an extent, then if the company moves to another office, you will have to edit all contracts with employees. And then, as we have already noted, the place of work is the organization with which the employee has an employment contract. And its location is determined by the place of its state registration ().

That is, just indicate the name of the organization and that's it?

Formally yes. But there is a risk that the GIT inspector will find fault with such a wording. They believe that it is necessary to disclose the place of work more fully. We do not agree with this, but such a risk must be taken into account. Therefore, a safe option: indicate in the employment contract the locality where the company is located and its name. Don't write anything else.

But after all, the name of the organization is already indicated in the preamble of the employment contract. Do I need to duplicate it also in the line "place of work"?

Safe option: indicate in the employment contract the locality where the company is located and its name. Write nothing more

Yes need. There are situations when the place of work does not match the name of the organization. For example, when an employee is accepted into a separate unit. In addition, the information contained in the preamble of the contract refers to information, while the place of work is a condition. So it needs to be written separately.

But will the employer have problems just because of the lack of specifics in the employment contract? After all, it will be difficult to dismiss an employee for absenteeism if only the settlement is indicated in the contract.

There will be no problems. Where the employee actually works can be indicated in any other document: job description, regulation on the structural unit, or simply fixed by order, where this or that department is located. The specifics in the employment contract, on the contrary, will harm you. In fact, in this way you indicate not the place of work, but workplace. This is where the employee needs to appear in order to fulfill their duties (). And it, unlike the place of work, is not a mandatory condition of the contract. But if you prescribed it, then this will lead to difficulties in the work. For example, if you have two stores and you wrote the address of one in the contract, then the employee has the right to refuse to go to work in another store if you need it. Therefore, the ultimate specificity in the employment contract is the locality where the company is located.

Place of work when working in a separate unit

We accept an employee in a separate division. What should be included in an employment contract?

Depends on where it is located. If in the same area as head organization, then it is not necessary to indicate that he works in the department. You can only enter the name of the organization. And if the unit is located in another locality, then be sure to write down that the employee works in a branch, representative office, etc. This follows from Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What needs to be specified specifically: its address or only the locality where it is located?

However, it is difficult to agree with the opinion of officials. Apparently, by the place of work they mean a certain geographical value. But, as we have already found out, the place of work is a purely legal category, denoting the organization with which an employment contract has been concluded. Therefore, the home address cannot be the place of work of the employee. Even if the agreement remote work concluded by exchange electronic documents, then all the same, the location of the employer () is indicated as the place of conclusion of the contract. Follow the same logic when specifying the place of work.

So what wording should be used in an employment contract?

On the one hand, you can do as officials advise. You won't be penalized for doing so. But it is correct to indicate the organization as the place of work. To avoid misunderstandings and disputes with inspectors, also indicate that the work is carried out outside the location of the employer at such and such an address. It is worth remembering that if the employee decides to move, indicating the home address will require an adjustment to the contract. In this case, it makes sense to prescribe the procedure for notifying the employer about this and a simplified format for changing this term of the contract.

Natalia Pokatilova, boss legal department Adventum Consulting LLC

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Igor Ivannikov,

Expert Systems Personnel

Current personnel changes

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In the information about the parties to the contract, when drawing up an employment contract, the name of the employer's organization appears.

In the ordinary sense, it regarded as an organization or place where a citizen works. However, in legal terms, it does not reflect these characteristics.

If we take into account the peculiarities of the nature of the work associated with its mobile features or traveling, the unit may turn out to be only a conditional address. In fact, this information does not play a significant legal role.

Based on the above, the employer is required to formulate the place of work very clearly. It is determined from two components:

  1. employer's territory where is happening manufacturing process in the interests of the company (enterprise). Or a part of a given territory, taken out of its borders or limited from other territorial context by the scope of activity of the unit in which a certain person (group of persons) works.
  2. Employee's workplace.

The workplace is usually understood as a separate zone, separated from the rest of the company (organization) space, provided for the performance functional duties faces.

It must be provided with equipment, apparatus or special tools for the performance labor activity. The organization of the workplace is determined by standards, established and 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

REFERENCE: Each workplace requires certification and accreditation, in accordance with established sanitary and hygienic standards.

Based on the conditions provided by the employer, working conditions are identified that may require additional compensation for harmful or hazardous work.

Therefore, the replacement of concepts in an employment contract can lead the employer to administrative liability, with ensuing legal consequences in the form of fines and other sanctions.

How to fill out the documentation correctly?

The text of the contract should contain extremely clear information about the place of work of the person
, including with a remote worker employed in accordance with the norms of Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is permissible to enter in this paragraph what most accurately reflects the characteristics of this parameter.

The information may be as follows:

Sometimes circumstances allow otherwise. An approximate wording of an employee record might be as follows:“The employee undertakes to fulfill the duties of a seller in the children's clothing department, branch No. 3 of the Raduga store, located at: st. Kotovsky, d. 148.

IMPORTANT: If in some cases the unit or branch is located outside the territory of the employer, the address of the location is indicated.

It is assumed that the driver, freight forwarder or courier does not serve a shift at the workplace. In these cases, the head office or division to which the employee is attached by the nature of his activity is indicated as the place of work.

For example: "warehouse finished products No. 3 at the address: pr. Dzerzhinsky building. 127/3". The next step is to include the wording "with traveling nature of work in the city and region".

In what case is it indicated in the employment contract variable place of work? With the rotational method of labor, the place where the employee will perform labor obligations during the watch period, in accordance with article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example, if the head office construction company is located in Moscow, and the employee goes on a shift to the Tyumen region, you can write: “Surgut branch, at the address: Langepas, st. Lenina, d. 21.

If we are talking about a driver, then it is indicated that the nature of the work is traveling and the degree of remoteness from the address specified as a workplace is formulated. For example, "within the city of Langepas and the Surgut district of the Tyumen region."

If shift workers are deployed from one place to another, for example, they are building an oil pipeline, then the record needs to be built a little differently. The place of work is indicated as the head office or branch, depending on the greater reliability, and then it is indicated: "with a mobile nature of work."

When is a variable place of work indicated? If the distance from the main office is significant, then the place of work at which the employer is registered should be recorded, and the rest should be indicated in the conditions and nature of work. For example: "with work on a rotational basis, in the Far North".

In this case, the next paragraph should indicate compensation payments, which are provided for harmfulness, dangerous conditions and conditions of remoteness. Providing guarantees and compensations relies on the norms of articles 170, 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 170. Guarantees and compensations to employees involved in the execution of state or public duties

The employer is obliged to release the employee from work with the preservation of his place of work (position) for the period of his performance of state or public duties in cases where, in accordance with this "Code" and other federal "laws", these duties must be performed in work time.

government agency or public association who involved the employee in the performance of state or public duties, in the cases provided for by part one of this article, pay compensation to the employee for the time of performance of these duties in the amount determined by this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation or by decision of the relevant public association.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 187. Guarantees and compensations for employees sent by the employer for vocational training or additional professional education, to undergo an independent qualification assessment

When an employer sends an employee to vocational training or additional vocational education, to undergo an independent assessment of qualifications for compliance with the provisions professional standard or qualification requirements established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - independent assessment of qualifications), with separation from work, he retains his place of work (position) and "average wage» at the main place of work. Employees sent for vocational training or additional vocational education, for an independent qualification assessment with a break from work in another area, are paid travel expenses in the manner and amount that are provided for persons sent on business trips.
When an employer sends an employee to undergo an independent qualification assessment, payment for such an assessment is carried out at the expense of the employer.

ATTENTION: Any non-inclusion in the contract of conditions that worsen the position of the employee may be considered a violation of labor laws.

Below is an example of filling out the “place of work” clause in an employment contract:

Disciplinary sanctions

What if in an employment contract place of work not specified?

In addition to problems with the State Labor Inspectorate, an employer who does not indicate the specific parameters of the workplace receives additional inconvenience. A person who is absent from the workplace cannot be subject to disciplinary action.

To impose a penalty, it is required to draw up an act on the absence of a truant at the workplace within 4 hours. The basis for drawing up such an act is the condition of the employment contract signed by the parties.

If there is no indication of where the employee spends his working day, the act will not enter into legal force. In this case, an unscrupulous employee has the right to recover from the employer in court for the illegal drawing up of an act, if this led to penalties for the truant or his dismissal.

Therefore, persons with a mobile or traveling nature of work are required to indicate this condition of the nature of the work additionally. In this case, the disruption of delivery or other violation states the fact of non-fulfillment of one's obligations to the employer.

REFERENCE: If an error is discovered, if the nature of work or the address of the office is changed, construction site and so on. - it is required to draw up an additional agreement, an annex to the employment contract.

Watch a video on this topic:


The employer needs to distinguish between the concept of a workplace and a place of work in order to correctly enter the required information into an employment contract. Mistakes can lead to unpleasant legal consequences.

The LLC has changed its address and is making changes to the documents. Address according to the Charter: Saratov. Information submitted to the registration authority: Saratov and a specific street according to the actual location. Is it possible in addition agreements to the employment contract with employees to write that "the employee performs labor function in a room located at the address Saratov "WITHOUT INDICATION OF THE STREET AND HOUSE"?


"To the section" General provisions» enter mandatory conditions employment contract:

  • place of work (for example, the name of the organization and the locality in which it is located). If an employee is hired by a branch or a separate structural unit located in another area, be sure to indicate this unit and its location;
  • . If an employee is entitled to compensation, benefits or restrictions by position, then the names of these positions must correspond to the qualification directories;
  • start date of work. If you are concluding a fixed-term employment contract, then indicate the period of its validity and the reason for its conclusion (for the duration of the duties of the absent employee, for the duration of seasonal work and so on.);
  • the nature of the work (mobile, traveling, on the road);
  • working conditions at the workplace: safe, harmful, dangerous - according to the results of a special assessment of working conditions (former certification);
  • other conditions in cases stipulated by other regulatory legal acts. For example, the norms for the issuance of flushing or neutralizing agents for employees employed in the relevant types of work.

This is mentioned in the paragraphs