GOST for carrying out experimental design work. Stages of performing nir and env. R&D price type

    forecast of the development of requirements for this product for the expected period of its release;

    compliance with the requirements of the countries of intended export, taking into account the forecast for the development of these requirements;

    maintainability characteristics;

    the ability to replace spare parts without the use of industrial technology;

    accessibility and safety effective use products by disabled people and elderly citizens (for the corresponding products provided for by law Russian Federation).

Procedure for approval of technical specifications

Specifications are developed and approved in the order established by the customer and developer (for military products in accordance with SRPP standards with the involvement of interested parties).

To confirm individual product requirements, including safety, health and environment, as well as assessment of the technical level of products, technical specifications can be sent by the developer or customer for examination (conclusion) to third-party organizations. The decision on the conclusions received is made by the developer and the customer before approval of the technical specifications.

At any stage of product development, with the consent of the customer and developer, changes and additions can be made to the technical specifications or a document replacing it that do not violate the conditions for fulfilling mandatory requirements.

The procedure for performing experimental work and testing prototypes and products

Experimental design work is a set of works on the development of design and technological documentation for a prototype product, manufacturing and testing of a prototype carried out during the creation (modernization) of a product according to a single initial technical document - technical specifications.

The component part (SP) of the R&D work is carried out according to the specifications of the lead executor of the R&D work.

The R&D stage (SC R&D) is a set of works characterized by signs of their independent target planning, financing, aimed at obtaining certain final results for the development, testing and confirmation of compliance of product characteristics with established requirements and subject to acceptance by the customer.

A prototype of a product is a product manufactured during the implementation of R&D according to the newly developed working design documentation (RDD) and technological documentation (TD) for verification by testing the compliance of its parameters and characteristics with the requirements of technical specifications (TOR) for R&D and the correctness of the technical solutions adopted, as well as for solving the question of the possibility of accepting the product for operation and putting it into production.

Requirements for the implementation of environmental and environmental control

1) For the technical management of the design and development work, a chief (general) designer of the product, a chief (general) designer of the component part of the product, and a chief technologist of the product project (SP of the product) (hereinafter referred to as the chief technologist of the project) are appointed. It is recommended to appoint a person as the chief technologist of the project from among the leading specialists of the technological services of the lead R&D executor or the manufacturer of a prototype product, and, if necessary, from among the leading specialists of the leading research institutes in technology and materials science. It is allowed, if necessary, to appoint deputies to the chief (general) designer in other areas of work. For the technical guidance of R&D for the creation of complex products, a Council of Designers and Chief Technologists can be created on the recommendation of interested organizations.

I the chief (general) designer and (or) the main executor of the design and development work, in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are responsible for ensuring the required technical level, justification and fulfillment of deadlines for the creation of products, the completeness and sufficiency of their development, for the quality of documentation, high-quality implementation of concluded contracts at each stage of implementation of the design and development work. for the quality and completeness of products supplied to the customer.

2) In order to ensure timely completion of the development and development work stages in general, as well as control over the implementation of work at the development stage preliminary design, as a rule, they develop a single end-to-end plan for the creation of a product (SP product) or a network schedule, or schedule, or other planning document (hereinafter referred to as the joint work plan) for the implementation of R&D (including the implementation of SCH R&D).

3) To fulfill the reliability and ergonomics requirements of the product being created at all stages of the development work, the lead executor of the development work, if defined in the technical specifications, develops a reliability program, an ergonomic support program, as well as other programs to ensure the indicators and characteristics of products specified in the technical specifications (safety, control - suitability, resistance to influencing factors, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents for specific types of products. The main activities provided for by these programs are included in the joint work plan for the implementation of R&D.

4) In the process of development work, a complex of experimental work is carried out (layout, modeling, testing) necessary to confirm and verify the selected design-circuit, design-technoloptical and technical solutions, as well as the reliability requirements and rod requirements for the prototype izdeshya (prototype SCH fault),

assembly units.

The R&D process must include measures for the sample being developed with the object for which it is being developed, carried out jointly with the enterprise that developed this object.

Scientific research work (R&D) These are scientific developments related to searching, conducting research, experiments in order to obtain new knowledge, test hypotheses, establish patterns, and scientific substantiation of projects.

The implementation of research work is regulated by the following regulatory documents: GOST 15.101-98 “Procedure for carrying out research work”, GOST 7.32-2001 “Preparing a report on research work”, STB-1080-2011 “Procedure for carrying out research, development and experimental technological work on the creation of scientific and technical products” and etc. (Appendix 10).

Distinguish fundamental, search and applied Research

Fundamental and exploratory work is, as a rule, not included in the product life cycle, but on their basis ideas are generated that can be transformed into applied research.

Basic Research can be divided into “pure” (free) and targeted.

“Pure” fundamental research– these are studies whose main goal is to discover and understand unknown laws and patterns of nature and society, the causes of phenomena and the discovery of connections between them, as well as to increase the volume of scientific knowledge. In “pure” research there is freedom to choose the field of research and methods of scientific work.

Targeted basic research are aimed at solving specific problems using strictly scientific methods based on available data. They are limited to a certain area of ​​science, and their goal is not only to understand the laws of nature and society, but also to explain phenomena and processes, to more fully understand the object being studied, and to expand human knowledge.

This basic research can be called goal-oriented. They retain the freedom to choose working methods, but unlike “pure” basic research there is no freedom to choose research objects; the area and purpose of the research are tentatively specified (for example, the development of a controlled thermonuclear reaction).

Basic Research carried out by academic research institutes and universities. Results of fundamental research - theories, discoveries, new principles of action. The probability of their use is 5 - 10%.

Exploratory Research cover work aimed at studying ways and means practical application results of fundamental research. Their implementation presupposes the possibility of alternative directions for solving an applied problem and the choice of the most promising direction for solving it. They are based on known results of fundamental research, although as a result of the search, their main provisions may be revised.

The main purpose of exploratory research– use of the results of fundamental research for practical application in various fields in the near future (for example, searching and identifying opportunities for using lasers in practice).

Exploratory research may include work on the creation of fundamentally new materials, metal processing technologies, the study and development of scientific foundations for optimizing technological processes, the search for new drugs, the analysis of the biological effects of new chemical compounds on the body, etc.

Exploratory research has varieties: exploratory research of a broad profile without a special application to a particular production and of a narrowly focused nature for solving issues of specific industries.

Search work is carried out in universities, academic and industry research institutes. In individual sectoral institutes of industry and other sectors National economy specific gravity search work reaches 10%.

The probability of practical use of exploratory research is about 30%.

Applied research (R&D) are one of the stages of the life cycle of creating new types of products. These include research that is carried out for the purpose of practical use of the results of fundamental and exploratory research in relation to specific tasks.

The purpose of applied research is to answer the question “is it possible to create a new type of product, material or technological process based on the results of fundamental and exploratory research, and with what characteristics.”

Applied research is carried out mainly in industrial research institutes. The results of applied research are patentable designs, scientific recommendations proving the technical feasibility of creating innovations (machines, devices, technologies). At this stage, it is possible to set a market target with a high degree of probability. The probability of practical use of applied research is 75 - 85%.

Research work consists of stages (phases), which are understood as a logically justified set of works that has independent significance and is the object of planning and financing.

The specific composition of the stages and the nature of the work performed within them are determined by the specifics of the research work.

According to GOST 15.101-98 “Procedure for carrying out research work,” the main stages of research work are:

1. Development of technical specifications (TOR)– selection and study of scientific and technical literature, patent information and other materials on the topic, discussion of the data obtained, on the basis of which an analytical review is compiled, hypotheses and forecasts are put forward, and customer requirements are taken into account. Based on the results of the analysis, areas of research and ways to implement the requirements that the product must satisfy are selected. A scientific report is being compiled technical documentation by stage, the necessary performers are determined, technical specifications are prepared and issued.

At the stage of developing technical specifications for research work, the following types of information are used:

· object of study;

· description of the requirements for the object of research;

· list of functions of the research object of a general technical nature;

· a list of physical and other effects, patterns and theories that may be the basis for the operating principle of a new product;

· technical solutions (in forecasting studies);

· information about the scientific and technical potential of the research performer;

· information about production and material resources research performer;

· marketing research;

· data on the expected economic effect.

Additionally, the following information is used:

· methods for solving individual problems;

· general technical requirements (standards, environmental and other restrictions, requirements for reliability, maintainability, ergonomics, and so on);

· projected timing of product updates;

· offers of licenses and know-how on the subject of research.

2. Choosing the direction of research– collection and study of scientific and technical information, drawing up an analytical review, conducting patent research, formulating possible directions for solving problems set in the research specifications and their comparative assessment, choosing and justifying the adopted direction of research and methods for solving problems, comparing expected indicators new products after the implementation of the research results with the existing indicators of analogous products, assessment of the approximate economic efficiency new products, development of a general research methodology. Drawing up an interim report.

3. Conducting theoretical and experimental research– development of working hypotheses, construction of models of the research object, justification of assumptions, scientific and technical ideas are tested, research methods are developed, the choice of various types of schemes is justified, calculation and research methods are selected, the need for experimental work is identified, and methods for their implementation are developed.

If the need for experimental work is determined, the design and manufacture of mock-ups and an experimental sample are carried out.

Bench and field experimental tests of the sample are carried out using developed programs and methods, the test results are analyzed, and the degree of correspondence of the data obtained on the experimental sample to the calculated and theoretical conclusions is determined.

If there are deviations from the specifications, then the experimental sample is revised, additional tests are carried out, and if necessary, changes are made to the developed diagrams, calculations, and technical documentation.

4. Registration of research results– drawing up reporting documentation on the results of research work, including materials on the novelty and feasibility of using the results of research work, on economic efficiency. If positive results are obtained, then scientific and technical documentation and a draft technical specification for development work are developed. The compiled and executed set of scientific and technical documentation is presented to the customer for acceptance. If private technical solutions are new, they are registered through the patent service, regardless of the completion of all technical documentation. Before presenting the research work to the commission, the topic leader draws up a notice of its readiness for acceptance.

5. Topic acceptance– discussion and approval of the research results (scientific and technical report) and signing of the customer’s act of acceptance of the work. If positive results are obtained and the acceptance certificate is signed, the developer transfers to the customer:

An experimental sample of a new product accepted by the commission;

Acceptance test protocols and acceptance certificates for a prototype (mock-up) of the product;

Calculations of economic efficiency of using development results;

Necessary design and technological documentation for the production of an experimental sample.

The developer takes part in the design and development of a new product and, along with the customer, is responsible for achieving the product performance guaranteed by him.

Comprehensive research work according to a specific target program allows not only to solve a scientific and technical problem, but also to create a sufficient basis for more efficient and high-quality development work, design and technological preparation of production, as well as significantly reduce the amount of modifications and the time required for the creation and development of a new technology.

Experimental design developments (R&D). A continuation of applied research is technical developments : experimental design (R&D), design and technological (PTR) and design (PR) developments. At this stage, new technological processes, samples of new products, machines and devices are created, etc.

The conduct of R&D is regulated by:

· STB 1218-2000. Development and production of products. Terms and Definitions.

· STB-1080-2011. “The procedure for carrying out research, development and experimental-technological work to create scientific and technical products.”

· TKP 424-2012 (02260). The procedure for developing and putting products into production. Technical Code. The provisions of the technical code apply to work on the creation of new or improved products (services, technologies), including the creation of innovative products.

· GOST R 15.201-2000, System for development and production of products. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and putting products into production.

· etc. (see Appendix 10).

The purpose of the development work is to develop a set of working design documentation in the volume and quality of processing sufficient to launch production of a certain type of product (GOST R 15.201-2000).

Experimental design work for its purposes is a consistent implementation of the results of previously conducted applied research.

Development work is mainly carried out by design and engineering organizations. The tangible result of this stage is drawings, projects, standards, instructions, prototypes. The probability of practical use of the results is 90 - 95%.

Main types of work, which are included in the OKR:

1) preliminary design (development of fundamental technical solutions for the product, giving a general idea of ​​the principle of operation and (or) design of the product);

2) technical design (development of final technical solutions that give a complete understanding of the design of the product);

3) design (design implementation of technical solutions);

4) modeling, experimental production of product samples;

5) confirmation of technical solutions and their design implementation by testing mock-ups and prototypes.

Typical stages OCD are:

1. Technical task – the source document on the basis of which all work on the creation of a new product is carried out, developed by the manufacturer of the product and agreed upon with the customer (main consumer). Approved by the leading ministry (to whose profile the product being developed belongs).

The technical specifications determine the purpose of the future product, carefully justify its technical and operational parameters and characteristics: productivity, dimensions, speed, reliability, durability and other indicators determined by the nature of the future product. It also contains information about the nature of production, conditions of transportation, storage and repair, recommendations for completing the necessary stages of development of design documentation and its composition, feasibility study and other requirements.

The development of technical specifications is based on completed research work, information marketing research, analysis of existing similar models and their operating conditions.

When developing technical specifications for R&D, information similar to that used for developing technical specifications for research and development work is used (see above).

After coordination and approval, the technical specification is the basis for the development of a preliminary design.

2. Preliminary design consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The first part contains fundamental design solutions that give an idea of ​​the product and the principle of its operation, as well as data defining the purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions. It gives an idea of ​​the future design of the product, including drawings general view, functional blocks, input and output electrical data of all nodes (blocks) that make up the overall block diagram.

At this stage, documentation for the production of mock-ups is developed, their production and testing are carried out, after which the design documentation is adjusted. The second part of the preliminary design contains the calculation of the main design parameters, a description of operational features and an approximate schedule of work for technical preparation of production.

The product layout allows you to achieve a successful layout of individual parts, find more correct aesthetic and ergonomic solutions and thereby speed up the development of design documentation at subsequent stages.

The tasks of the preliminary design include the development of guidelines for ensuring manufacturability, reliability, standardization and unification at subsequent stages, as well as drawing up a list of specifications of materials and components for prototypes for their subsequent transfer to the logistics service.

The preliminary design goes through the same stages of coordination and approval as the technical specifications.

3. Technical project is developed on the basis of an approved preliminary design and provides for the implementation of graphic and calculation parts, as well as clarification of the technical and economic indicators of the product being created. It consists of a set of design documents containing final technical solutions that provide a complete understanding of the design of the product being developed and the initial data for the development of working documentation.

In the graphic part technical project Drawings of the general view of the designed product, assemblies in the assembly and main parts are provided. Drawings must be coordinated with technologists.

The explanatory note contains a description and calculation of the parameters of the main assembly units and basic parts of the product, a description of the principles of its operation, justification for the choice of materials and types of protective coatings, a description of all schemes and final technical and economic calculations. At this stage, when developing product options, a prototype is manufactured and tested. The technical project goes through the same stages of coordination and approval as the technical specifications.

4. Working draft is further development and specification of the technical project. This stage is divided into three levels: development of working documentation for a pilot batch (prototype); development of working documentation for the installation series; development of working documentation for serial or mass production.

The result of R&D is a set of working design documentation (WDC) for launching production of a new type of product.

Detailed design documentation (DKD)– a set of design documents intended for the manufacture, control, acceptance, delivery, operation and repair of a product. Along with the term “working design documentation”, the terms “working design documentation” are used with a similar definition. technological documentation" and "working technical documentation". Working documentation, depending on the scope of use, is divided into production, operational and repair work documentation.

Thus, the result of R&D, or in other words, scientific and technical products (STP), is a set of design and development documents. Such a set of design documentation may contain:

· actual design documentation,

· software documentation,

· operational documentation.

In some cases, if provided for by the requirements of the technical specifications, technological documentation may also be included in the working technical documentation.

The various stages of OCD, as they are carried out, must contain their characteristic results, such results are:

· technical documentation based on the results of preliminary technical design;

· mock-ups, experimental and pre-production samples made during the implementation of development work;

· test results of prototypes: preliminary (PI), interdepartmental (MI), acceptance (PRI), state (GI), etc.

Related information.

Using . strictly defined. produced by a costly method with the possible use of analogues. When determining costs, it is necessary to take into account.
The state contract for the implementation of research and (or) development work for a defense order includes conditions on ownership rights to the results of intellectual activity and work.

The procedure for performing development work for defense purposes

The procedure for performing R&D of the State Defense Order is determined by 15.203-2001. This standard was adopted to replace GOST V 15.203 - 79 and GOST V 15.204 - 79 of the Soviet era.
Each individual stage of development work combines work aimed at obtaining certain final results, and is characterized by signs of their independent target planning and financing.
When performing development work on military topics, the following stages are established:
  • development of a preliminary design
  • development of technical project
  • development of working design documentation (DDC) for the manufacture of a prototype product
  • manufacturing a prototype product and conducting preliminary tests
  • carrying out state tests (GI) of a prototype of a VT product
  • approval of design documentation for a product for serial industrial production
A topic manager is appointed to organize and monitor the implementation of R&D. For research work - a scientific supervisor, for R&D - a chief designer.

Advance projects in the development of military products

In cases where research work has not been carried out or there is no sufficient initial data for drawing up an assignment for development work, it is carried out preliminary project.
Advance project is a complex of theoretical, experimental studies and design work to substantiate the technical appearance, technical and economic feasibility and feasibility of developing complex military products.
The purpose of the preliminary design is to substantiate the possibility and feasibility of creating a product, ensuring its high technical level, as well as determining the likelihood of realizing the conceptual plan for solving functional problems.
The main objectives of the preliminary project are to prepare a technical specification (TZ) project for the implementation of R&D, reducing time and reducing costs for the development of defense products.

VAT on R&D, R&D and TR of the State Defense Order

When determining the price and values ​​of costing items when performing research and development work, it is necessary to take into account the taxation of the implementation of these works with value added tax (VAT).
In accordance with Article 149 of the Tax Code, the implementation of scientific research (R&D), experimental design (R&D) and technological work (RT), related to defense orders are exempt from value added tax .
The executor of the State Defense Order, in accordance with Article 170 of the Tax Code, is obliged to keep separate records (separately account for the amounts of “input” VAT that are used in taxable and non-VAT-taxable transactions).
Accounting for research and development work on defense orders is carried out in accordance with PBU 17/02 “Accounting for expenses on research, development and technological work.”

Regulatory framework for R&D of defense orders

The procedure for carrying out research and development work in the field of state defense procurement is determined.
Guidelines approved by the Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of Russia on June 15, 1994 N OR-22-2-46 And Protocol of the Military Industrial Complex dated December 19, 2012 No. 13.
The procedure for determining the composition of costs for research and development work for defense purposes has been approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia dated August 23, 2006 N 200 And protocol of the military industrial complex dated January 26, 2011 No. 1c.

Features of calculating the price of research and development work in the field of State Defense Order

The new Decree on state regulation of defense order prices, which came into force at the beginning of 2018, significantly changed the legislative framework in the field of pricing. However, .

Pricing for research and development work according to Resolution No. 1465

In accordance with the current Regulations approved by Resolution No. 1465, the fundamental method for determining the price of research and development work is the cost method. Moreover, in subsequent years, the formed price of work is not subject to indexation (clause 21 of the Regulations), and cannot be determined by the method of indexation by cost items (clause 27 of the Regulations).
The price of research and development work is the sum of reasonable costs for performing these works, included in the cost, and profit.
It is allowed to formulate the price of research and development work and (or) development work using. In this case, the dependence of the price of the selected analogue work on its basic consumer parameters must be determined. The cost of work must be calculated taking into account differences in technical characteristics, complexity, uniqueness and volume of work performed.
The basis for determining the price of work, individual species economic and mathematical models can serve as a basis for determining the costs or labor intensity of work.

Pricing for R&D of state defense orders until 2018

The price of development and research work in the field of defense procurement can be determined in several ways: the calculation method, the method of indexing cost items, , , as well as a combination of the above methods.
Calculation is the main method for calculating prices for research and development work.
Prices for R&D, the duration of which exceeds one year, are determined by indexing by cost items based on the amount of costs for the entire period of work, calculated separately for each stage under the conditions of each year of their implementation.

And also on . The analogue pricing method is used in combination with calculation and indexing methods.

It is used to determine the price of work performed in the absence of the possibility of establishing it using methods of calculation, indexing, analogues or combinations thereof.

The price of development and research work is determined based on the reasonable costs of performing the work and the amount of profit. The price of R&D as a whole is determined by summing up the prices of the stages of work carried out in accordance with the tactical and technical (technical) specifications.

Analogue method of pricing research and development work

The price of experimental design, research and technological work is calculated using the analogue method based on the composition and amount of actual costs of previously completed similar work using the appropriate “novelty coefficients”.
In this case, it is recommended to separately evaluate the labor intensity of previously performed similar work, the composition and qualifications of the direct performers.
A planned calculation of the price of research and development work using the analogue method is compiled for each stage of work.

Analog pricing method for military products

The unit price of a product is determined based on the price of a product similar in its functional purpose. The calculations take into account differences in technical specifications, complexity and uniqueness of types and volumes of work, as well as the level of qualifications of workers and specialists.
It is necessary to establish the dependence of its price on basic consumer parameters. Determining the price of modernized products using the analogue method is carried out based on price increments that ensure the achievement of specified values ​​of various (including new) product parameters (geometric, physical, chemical, weight, strength and other parameters).

Method of expert assessments for calculating R&D prices for state defense orders

The subject of expert assessment can be both the total price and costs for individual costing items or stages of work.
The basis for making a decision on determining the price can be the expert opinion of the scientific and technical council or the head of the topic (scientific supervisor of research work, chief designer of R&D).

When setting the price for research and development work using the method of expert assessments, one should take into account all the factors that may have an impact on the performance of the work and will allow one to justify the result obtained. To do this, it is necessary to separately evaluate the composition and qualifications of the only performers of research and development work, the availability of material and technical base, the labor intensity of the work, the need for material resources, the composition and qualifications of the performers planned to be attracted by the sole performers of research and development work to carry out components Research and development work.

It is advisable to calculate the price of research and development work using the expert method for each stage of research and development work and in combination with other methods of determining the price.

Composition of the RCM set for military R&D

As a rule, the period for performing research and development work on a defense order exceeds one year. Therefore, justification for the price of work is drawn up using forms that allow data to be presented for each year of work performed separately. The numbering of such standard RCM forms uses the letter “ d».
In addition, to justify the costs and prices of research and development work, information is presented separately for each.

RCM forms for research and development work until 2018

A set of RKM to justify the price of R&D for defense orders carried out for more than one year is drawn up according to the forms of Appendices No. 1d - 15d to FST Order No. 44-a dated 02/09/2010 or according to the forms of FST Order No. 469-a dated 03/24/2014 (Form N 1 R&D, Form N 2 R&D, Form N 3 R&D, Form N 4 R&D, Form N 4.1 R&D, Form N 5 R&D, Form N 5.1 R&D, Form N 5.2 R&D, Form N 5.3 R&D, Form N 6 R&D, Form N 6.1 R&D, Form N 7 R&D, Form N 8 R&D, Form N 9 R&D, Form N 9.1 R&D, Form N 9.1.1 R&D, Form N 9.2 R&D, Form N 9.3 R&D, Form N 10 R&D, Form N 10.1 R&D , Form N 11 R&D).
The document forms put into effect by Order No. 469-a of the already disbanded FTS of Russia dated March 24, 2014, were developed in accordance with the Regulations on government regulation prices for products supplied under the state defense order, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2013 No. 1119, which became invalid on March 7, 2017 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2017 No. 208).
However, the validity of the document forms Order No. 469a was not canceled. Of the approved forms of this order, only the request form for forecast prices was canceled that year (Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 17, 2017 No. 947/17).
The standard forms approved by FTS orders No. 44 and No. 469-a were canceled in March 2018.

Current RCM forms for R&D

Order No. 116/18 of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated January 31, 2018 approved new standard forms. The order came into force on March 3, 2018.
In standard forms Price structures and Cost calculation for research and development work, two special articles are provided: “costs of special equipment for scientific (experimental) work” (5) and “costs of work performed by third-party organizations” (13), including “costs of third-party organizations for the implementation of components" (13.1) and "other work and services performed by third parties" (13.2).
In addition, Order No. 116/18 introduced separate standard decoding forms for R&D: Form No. 7 (7d) R&D (R&D) “Decoding of costs for work (services) performed by co-executing organizations”; Form No. 9 R&D (R&D) “Deciphering the main wages"; Form No. 15 (15d) R&D (R&D) “Deciphering the costs of special equipment”; Form No. 15.1 (15.1d) Research and development work (R&D) “Deciphering the costs of manufacturing special equipment on our own.”
Submission of information to justify the price of R&D and the costs of their implementation is carried out according to standard forms separately for each stage of work and by year of completion of work. It is allowed to determine the labor intensity of work in person/hours.

Type of R&D price

The procedure and conditions for applying the type of price for carrying out research and (or) development work are established by the Regulations on state regulation of prices for products supplied under the state defense order (Government Decree No. 1465 dated December 2, 2017).
The choice of price type is carried out taking into account the type of work, its duration and the availability of initial data to determine an economically justified price.
When concluding a contract for research and development work on promising directions development of new samples of military products, for conducting exploratory research in such areas, if at the time of concluding the contract it is impossible to determine the amount of costs associated with the implementation of these works, it is applied approximate (to be specified) price or cost recovery price.

Abbreviations used when performing research and development work in the field of state defense orders

Russian military standards for research and development work

Russian state national military standards are designated by the letters “RV” (GOST RV). New standards are being introduced to replace the Soviet ones, designated by the letter “B” (GOST V).

Justification of the price of “non-GOZ” R&D

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 1788 dated September 11, 2014 approved the Methodology for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) price of government contracts (NMTC) for the implementation of scientific research (R&D), experimental design (R&D) and technological work (TR). This technique invoices for OKR and TR – 250% of payroll
  • invoices for research – 150% of payroll
  • other direct – 10% of payroll
  • profitability for R&D and TR – 15% of cost
  • profitability for research and development – ​​5% of cost