Sample resume dentist orthopedic surgeon. A good doctor's resume. Cover letter for resume

Dentist is a sought-after specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. Periodontitis, pulpitis, caries, bite problems and other pathologies - all this is within the competence of a professional dentist.

Requirements for a dentist

The main qualification requirement is the presence of higher education in the specialty "Dentistry". In addition, you must complete an internship, as well as receive an appropriate certificate that indicates your competence.

Knowledge of modern techniques for the treatment of caries and other dental diseases, as well as the ability to work with dental equipment (for example, for professional teeth cleaning) is another mandatory requirement.

If you get a job in a reputable private dental clinic, you will be required not only to have a diploma, but also to be interested in your work experience in the specialty.

Finally, the dentist must have certain personal qualities: responsibility, the ability to make decisions that benefit the patient, patience and a friendly attitude towards visitors. The ability to listen to the patient, and, if necessary, to provide him with a full consultation, is valued among employers.

Responsibilities of a dentist

This specialist has a fairly wide range of job responsibilities, among which are the following:

  1. treatment of inflammatory and other gum diseases;
  2. preparation of the oral cavity for surgical interventions;
  3. directly surgical manipulations in the oral cavity (the duty of a surgical dentist);
  4. carrying out preventive measures, including educational work among the population for the timely prevention of diseases of the oral cavity;
  5. treatment of dental diseases modern equipment and medications;
  6. bite correction, prosthetics, selection of optimal prostheses for the patient;
  7. diagnosing dental diseases, including using x-rays;
  8. management of paramedical personnel;
  9. maintaining reports and other medical records.

These are the main duties of a dentist, however, a list of additional duties may be established in each clinic.

Additional information about the applicant

By filling out your CV correctly and in detail, you can count on vacant positions in public and private dental clinics. Please note that an experienced dentist strives to always improve his knowledge. To do this, he attends scientific meetings and various conferences. If at university or after graduation you studied scientific activity, it would be useful to indicate in the resume the presence of publications in scientific journals and patents.

A dentist is a specialist who can work not only with adult patients, but also with children: in this case, you must have the appropriate certificates and diplomas in pediatric dentistry. If the doctor defends his dissertation, he can engage in further scientific activities, with successful career growth you will have the opportunity to open your own dental clinic.

Dentist Profession one of the most prestigious in the field of medicine. But do not forget about the tangible competition among specialists.

Make the most of your presentation professional skills a resume of a dentist will help. The sample of this questionnaire illustrates the general specialty - dentistry. But on its basis, you can create a document for other related vacancies.

Dentist resume example

Basic information in a resume

When it comes to the doctor play a major role professional experience and skill set, which he acquired during his medical practice. The functions of a dentist may vary depending on the profile:

  • dentist- The therapist is engaged in the rehabilitation of the mouth;
  • orthodontist– corrects bite and dentition defects;
  • surgeon– removes teeth, performs operations on the jaw;
  • hygienist– removes plaque;
  • orthopedist– implants and restores teeth;
  • periodontist- treats gums;
  • pediatric dentist- deals exclusively with children's teeth.

There is no single form for writing a resume, but there are ready-made structured templates. Full name and title of the position are placed in the heading of the resume. Often, dentists are simultaneously involved in treatment, hygiene, cosmetic and other procedures.

Resumes are written in accordance with the position being applied for, but one questionnaire can list 2-3 related specializations. It also indicates the age, desired level wages and work schedule.

Questionnaire with photo with other equal conditions attracts more employer attention. Even before the interview, he can look at the candidate, form an initial opinion about him.

You should opt for a portrait photo taken against a neutral background, in business attire.

Filling contacts in resume

Contact information is placed at the beginning of the resume, after the main information. In this section, you need to accurately indicate the contact details - phone number and email address, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence or the nearest metro station.

An example of the "Contacts" block:

    7 912 123-45-67

Right Wrong
zubov@site chelusti-tut@site


If you had experience in several clinics, you must indicate all job responsibilities in the resume. Dentist job template includes standard requirements: objective description official duties and places of work.

Work experience is reproduced in reverse chronological order, starting with the last place of work, as if rewinding history back.

Completing this section should be taken seriously, especially if duties become more complicated when changing jobs. The description of the work experience indicates the period, company name, field of activity, position.

Work experience example:


    Job title:



    — consultation and examination of patients;
    - diagnosis of violations of the masticatory apparatus;
    – prosthetics and restoration of damaged teeth;
    – installation of dental implants;
    - Maintaining medical records.


    – Orthopedic treatment – ​​2000+ patients;
    — Accumulated loyal base — 500+ clients;
    — Diploma "The best orthopedist of the clinic in 2018" (out of 23 orthopedists).

Professional achievements present the applicant as a successful and productive person, they are an indisputable proof of such personal qualities as responsibility, purposefulness. This information should be formulated as specifically as possible, accurately describing the essence.

Applicants without work experience can usually apply for a position dental assistant. Their responsibilities include providing the attending physician with all necessary materials and instruments during the procedure, organization of patient reception. By observing a qualified doctor, a young specialist will be able to quickly develop the necessary skills.

Section "Education"

First of all, it is indicated higher education, qualification, specialty, name of the university where it was received. Many employers show an increased interest in graduates of certain educational institutions.

Basic education:


    St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova




    General practice dentist

    Year of ending:

Also in this block additional courses, trainings, seminars and other educational events are signed.

Medical institutions are interested in specialists who strive for continuous improvement of professional skills.

Young professionals without work experience it is appropriate to describe in detail the successful industrial practice, diploma. The employer must feel the potential in a young specialist.


This block contains key competencies and skills. The level of interest of the employer in the candidate depends on how skillfully and professionally they are indicated in the applicant's questionnaire.

The ability to work with a special tool, the study of new technologies in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth, knowledge of foreign languages, personal qualities that help in the profession - all this must be indicated in the resume for the work of a dentist.

Ready-made examples of key competencies:

  • a thorough knowledge of the physiology and structure of the jaw and oral cavity;
  • possession of methods of diagnostics and treatment;
  • knowledge of modern pharmacology and materials;
  • ability to understand radiographs;
  • possession of special equipment and tools;
  • knowledge of specialized computer programs– Infodent, Eayshade and others;
  • physical and psychological stability.
  • As a rule, skills stem from the competence of a dentist and are formulated in short phrases in the form of one to three words.

    Knowledge of advanced technologies and the ability to work with modern materials will demonstrate not only a range of skills and abilities, but also the desire to keep up with the times.

    Personal qualities include:

    • excerpt;
    • accuracy;
    • attentiveness;
    • responsibility;
    • restraint.

    Doctors of any specialization important to read regularly science articles published in foreign journals. Therefore, the ownership record foreign languages, as in the sample questionnaire of a dentist would be appropriate.

    What to write in the "about yourself" block

    In the “About Me” section, you can describe additional skills that are not listed in the previous resume blocks.

    An example of the "About me" block:

    • I regularly study and improve my skills. I am a participant of professional conferences and seminars. References and portfolio will be provided upon request.

    The advantage of the dentist will be the opportunity to refer to the recommendations former employers.

    A portfolio is a serious help to a resume. A dentist can fill out a portfolio with samples of documents evidencing professional achievements (certificates of honor, thanks, publications in scientific journals) and copies of certificates.


    An experienced dentist always knows the scope of his duties and his own competence. The duration of the search depends on how correctly the questionnaire is drawn up. new job. Use the dentist resume, a sample of which is available on our website, to create a unique self-presentation.

    The completed questionnaire can be downloaded and sent to the employer by e-mail in pdf format, you can also take it with you to the interview.

    Pay due attention to your resume, and it will surely lead you to an employer that will meet your needs.

    Doctors are an important and very responsible profession; it is difficult to get a job as a doctor without sufficient experience and excellent theoretical training. To increase your chances of being hired, you need to provide a potential employer with a well-written resume. To carry out medical practice, a person must graduate from a college if he is going to work as a junior medical staff, an institute - if he wants to work as a doctor. Competent specialists do not stop at the achieved level, they constantly improve professional excellence. The result of this approach is scientific publications, participation in competitions, internships in foreign clinics.

    Sample resume for doctor job

    A resume template designed by experts saves a lot of time and can be used by job seekers completely freely. The user does not need to search for information on the sites, make their own structure and think through the details - finished sample A doctor's resume can be previewed in the corresponding section of the resource. The nurse can also use this form by slightly adjusting some sections.

    For the presentation of a physician as a specialist, it is recommended to include the following sections in the resume:

    • Name of the form, indication on it f. And. O. candidate and goals - obtaining a certain position.
    • Nuances future work: ready for shift schedules, trips.
    • The amount of desired remuneration for work.
    • Contact information of the applicant for the vacancy - will simplify feedback with the positive decision of the employer.
    • Personal information- citizenship, address by registration and actual residence, marital status, presence of children.
    • Professional experience. It is better to list former employers starting with the last one. In addition to his name of the employer, the period of work and position held are indicated.
    • Sometimes in the previous section, sometimes in a separate applicant vacancy lists his labor obligations. This will allow the manager to understand what the specialist is capable of and what he is especially strong in.
    • Description of achievements. Here, the physician indicates specific merits, promotions, scientific publications, etc.
    • Educational level - what educational institution graduated, graduation date, what specialty received.
    • Passing additional training courses, trainings.
    • Additional Information- these are the skills and personal characteristics of the vacancy applicant, which will be discussed in more detail below.

    If you attach a photo to the resume, the job search will be crowned with success faster - the document loses its faceless appearance, acquires individuality.

    The main activities in the medical profession

    A medical worker is a general concept that unites specialists in various fields:

    • dentists;
    • therapists;
    • surgeons;
    • doctors of ultrasound (ultrasound) diagnostics;
    • neurologists;
    • ophthalmologists;
    • veterinarians etc.

    Obstetricians are responsible for the birth of new people, neonatologists are responsible for checking the health of babies. Each doctor bears a colossal responsibility to the patient for the accuracy of his actions and the level of qualification.

    Every job seeker needs a well-written resume. The main section of this form is a description of the professional skills of employees. Let's take a few examples as an example.

    The dentist must know:

    • anatomy of the human dentition,
    • rules of local and general anesthesia,
    • principles of medical preparation of the cabinet,
    • the nuances of filling out the documentation,
    • basics of emergency and general therapy,
    • modern methods of diagnosing dental pathologies.

    The surgeon is obliged to receive outpatients, monitor patients, monitor the health status of inpatients, correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment regimen. In addition, he should be familiar with the methods of performing abdominal, laparoscopic and other surgical interventions.

    Dentist resume example

    Personal qualities that any doctor should have, regardless of the chosen specialization:

    • attentiveness,
    • responsibility,
    • punctuality,
    • accuracy,
    • delicacy,
    • sociability,
    • compassion.

    You can download an example resume for a dentist, for example, on the pages of our resource. The finished form can be used by physicians in other areas. Using our site is simple, all sample documents are grouped into separate tabs. The visitor does not need to search for the necessary information for a long time. We have taken care to make the interface as clear as possible even for beginners of the Internet space.

    The profession of a dentist is one of the most stable and highly paid, it is in great demand in the labor market, and every year universities graduate more and more new specialists in this field.

    To write a resume for the position of a dentist, you need to collect all the data about your work and learning activities. Write about your education, here you must have a higher education medical education in the specialization "Dentistry", also refresher courses, participation in seminars, trainings, conferences (list the most important ones). Knowledge and skills in the field of your activity, the technique of dental implantation, prosthetics, experience in performing operations, knowledge of the necessary equipment, etc. are important. In the “Work Experience” section, indicate no more than the last 3 places, also list your duties, show the employer that you really put your knowledge into practice. Personal qualities include purposefulness, sociability, learning ability, diligence, perseverance, responsiveness.

    See also other resume examples:

    Download Sample Dentist Resume:

    Sukhova Anna Leonidovna
    (Anna L. Suhova)

    Target: Replacing the position of a dentist.


    September 1998 - May 2004 - Moscow State Medical University. Mendeleev, faculty "Dentistry", specialty "Dentist".
    August 2004 - March 2006 - internship, Dental Clinic No. 3, Moscow, Reception Department.



    March 2006 - July 2013, 2nd city ​​Hospital, Sochi
    Functional responsibilities:
    - reception of patients;
    - carrying out therapeutic treatment;
    – orthopedic treatment;
    - removal of teeth.


    August 2013 - March 2016, Star Dental Clinic, Sochi.
    Functional responsibilities:
    - carrying out the reception of patients;
    - establishing a diagnosis;
    – treatment of dental diseases;
    – carrying out the necessary procedures (removal, cleaning, filling, prosthetics, etc.).

    Professional skills:

    - Experience in minor surgery
    — Own technique of prosthetics;
    — Diagnostic abilities;
    — Individual approach;
    — Personal client base;
    — Language skills: Russian — fluent; English - basic level.

    Personal qualities:

    Organization, accuracy, patience.
    Communication, empathy, empathy.

    Additional information:

    Family status: Married.
    Do you have children.
    Bad habits: no.

    We hope that our sample resume for the position of dentist has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..