Compromise solutions – advantages and disadvantages. See pages where the term compromise solution is mentioned Disadvantages of compromise


In the most general sense, compromise is a way of resolving a conflict situation through the provision of mutual concessions. In this conflict resolution strategy, unlike others, neither side wins, but neither side loses. Often, in order to maintain relationships with people, it is this form of exiting the conflict that turns out to be the most effective.

When the points of view of the parties are completely different, but the relationship with the enemy in the conflict is very significant, a compromise is the most the best option solutions. Also, compromise as a way to resolve a conflict situation is applicable if the motives and goals of the opponents basically coincide and certain life principles and personal values ​​are not affected. Thus, it is more expedient to resolve minor domestic and business conflicts with the help of mutual concessions.

The huge advantage of compromise as a method of resolving a conflict is that the parties comply with the agreement reached, since they voluntarily come to a solution. That is, the problem is truly resolved, and both parties remain partially satisfied. Although, as a joke, they sometimes say that a compromise is a situation when the problem is solved and the goal is achieved, but everyone is unhappy because the demands of none of the parties are fully satisfied.

In order to come to an optimal solution to the conflict, participation and the opportunity to sacrifice something from each side are important. Demanding some concessions without offering them on your own is not a compromise. We need to find a solution that would be beneficial to both parties. First you need to assess what you can sacrifice on your part, and then figure out what you would like to get from the second party to the conflict. It is advisable to put yourself in the shoes of the opposite party to assess the fairness of such a decision.

When searching for a compromise, you should not perceive the second participant in the conflict as an adversary or rival. Ultimatums, pressure, the desire to receive only personal gain will lead to a breakdown in relationships, even if these relationships are more important for the opponent than for you. It must be remembered that the goal of this strategy is to achieve overall benefit.

For example, a popular dispute between spouses about how to spend the weekend (the husband wants to go with friends to a sports bar or fishing, and the wife wants to go to the theater or to a restaurant for a romantic dinner) can easily be resolved using a compromise strategy. Let’s say that on the days of important matches or pre-agreed fishing dates, the wife does not prevent her husband from spending his weekends with friends, but the husband spends the days of theater premieres or certain family dates next to his other half. On the other hand, the husband also does not oppose his wife’s meetings with her friends, but expects that after a hard day she will meet him with a hot dinner and support him in difficult times. Such a decision can be made on almost any issue.

It is worth noting that compromise is not just an exchange of some concessions. It is impossible to evaluate concessions on the part of the parties to the conflict, since the importance of interests and values ​​for everyone is subjective. Sacrifice your interests in order to achieve general decision, without seeing a similar attitude from the opposite side, it’s also not worth it. Both parties must be interested in a compromise, otherwise the meaning of such a solution to the conflict is lost.

In life and business we often need compromise solutions, as a method for solving problems with minimal losses. How practical are they?

But if personal relationships are strongly influenced by emotions and therefore the reason for compromises is clear, then for business most emotions are alien, and therefore the nature of such decisions is not entirely clear.

At the moment, there are two opposing camps of entrepreneurs, whose opinions on this issue differ radically.

The first believe that business needs compromise solutions, for which an example is given of such a model of business coexistence as: .

This is some kind of strategy competitive behavior, in which business entities one day realize the profitability or inevitability of cooperation with competitors.

Thus choosing a bad peace instead of a good war. But compromise solutions do not imply partnership or solidarity. This clean water concession of part of one's interests.

Here, a solution is sought that more or less suits all contracting parties, but at the same time, none of the parties to the agreement receives the maximum benefit.

There is definitely a benefit here. , if they are in good faith, they are within the framework of the agreement binding them. But this same connection deprives all participants of freedom of business action.

After all, in order to achieve a solution that suits all parties, it is necessary to sacrifice some of their interests, which intersect with the interests of competitors.

Thus, compromise solutions are more beneficial to weak players who cannot withstand the intensity of the confrontation. If he is quite firmly on his feet, including in material matters, then compromise should be the exception rather than the rule for him.

Opponents of the positivity of compromise believe that this phenomenon is generally detrimental to business.

Firstly, compromise solutions often they only create the appearance of a truce, while its participants continue to wage war, but no longer openly, but using guerrilla methods.

Secondly, problems “resolved” through compromise are simply postponed indefinitely. And businessmen, when dealing with situations covered by a compromise, act like dogs in a manger: neither to me nor to people.

Thirdly, entrepreneurs who are accustomed to working on compromise terms get used to half-measures and cannot fully realize their potential.

After all, they are always held back by the fear of violating the boundary of a compromise solution: stepping beyond the line of competitive interests.

According to this group of entrepreneurs, a compromise in business is more of a time bomb than a truly correct way out of the current situation.

Both businessmen are right in their own way, because compromise should not be accepted as a mandatory solution in all possible situations.

Taking into account the initial difference in interests of competitors and even sometimes partners, it is impossible to come to an agreement with them without losing some of your positions.

And to achieve greatest success In business, it is imperative to outperform your competitors.

If you agree to compromise with your opponents, then you will save some money on competition, but you will lose by losing the opportunity to further develop normally.

You will constantly be held back by the burden of a compromise solution. Therefore, such a conclusion can be drawn only in completely hopeless situations, when it is already clearly visible that there is no other option.

If compromise solutions are required in relationships with your partners, then you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons in advance. You may have much less to lose if you end your relationship with them.

Sanitary conditions

6Economic factors(delayed payment, imperfect bonus system)

Subjective reasons are related to the personality of both the manager himself and the employees.

Erroneous actions of managers leading to conflicts can be grouped into three areas:

1Violation of work ethics: rudeness, arrogance, disrespectful attitude towards subordinates, imposing one’s opinion, failure to fulfill promises, intolerance of criticism, inability to criticize correctly.

2Violation labor legislation

3Unfair assessment of labor results

Unfair assessment of employees and the results of their work is common, which means that the manager does not know how to motivate.

It is unacceptable to deliberately underestimate the merits of a subordinate for fear that he will move to the position of a manager. You should not use the technique of indiscriminate criticism when working with a team. Sweeping criticism is always incorrect, offensive, etc. In addition, the accused may rally against the leader. Open conflict– a conflict when its motives are clear and the opposing sides do not hide it. Hidden conflict– a conflict whose motive is carefully disguised.

At the stage of a conflict situation, the “Council” technique is appropriate, i.e. the manager must evaluate the position of each employee in relation to the problem and the manager can call a meeting.

Rules for such a meeting:

The manager's position must be objective and neutral

A leader should never speak first

The exchange of views should begin with less authoritative employees

All employees should be given the opportunity to speak at the same time

The most important thing for a leader is not to get involved in a conflict, not to take sides

If the conflict has reached an extended stage, then usually the manager is either fired or transferred to a new place of work.

At the stage general conflict Neither the program nor the personal example of the leader is in effect anymore.

There are strategies for human behavior in conflict situations:

1Applicable when assertiveness and cooperation are low. Characteristics of this position: the source of disagreement is insignificant; time is needed to understand the situation and reduce the tension in the group. Employees can resolve the conflict themselves; the manager does not get involved.

2Uses for high pressure. The goal of behavior with this strategy is to insist on one’s own through open struggle. Characteristics: Quick action required.

3Applicable for high cooperativeness and low assertiveness. Goal: maintaining favorable relationships. Characteristic: the subject of disagreement is more significant for the opponent than for you.

4Applicable with average values ​​of cooperation and assertiveness. Goal: the desire to resolve differences through the exchange of mutual concessions.

Topic: “Constructive conflict resolution.”

  1. Forms and criteria for ending the conflict.
  2. Conditions and factors for constructive conflict resolution.
  3. Strategies and methods for resolving conflict.

1) General concept, which describes the ending of the conflict, is the concept end of the conflict, i.e. termination of its existence in any form.

Other concepts are also used that characterize the essence of the process of ending the conflict:

1Attenuation– temporary cessation of opposition

Reasons for attenuation:

Depletion of resources on both sides

Losing the motive to fight

Reorientation of motive




5Self-resolution– activity of both sides

6Settlement– a third party is involved

7Elimination– impact on the conflict as a result of which its main components are eliminated.


Removing one opponent from the conflict

Eliminating interaction between opponents for a long time

Eliminating an object

Evolving into another conflict


The main forms of ending the conflict:

The outcome of the conflict can be: suspension of the conflict, victory of one of the participants, division of the object of the conflict, agreement on the rules for sharing the object, compensation of one of the parties for the possession of the object.

The main criterion for the rarefaction of a conflict is the satisfaction of both parties.


Stopping conflict interactions

Finding close or even common points of contact

Reducing the intensity of negative emotions

Eliminating the image of the enemy

An objective look at the problem

Taking into account each other's statuses

Selecting the optimal resolution strategy. Factors:

2Participation of third parties


4Balance of power


3) Conflict resolution– multi-stage process:

1Analytical stage– collection and assessment of information on the following issues:

Object of conflict


Own position

Reasons and reason

Social environment

2Forecasting a solution option:

Most favorable

Least favorable

What happens if you stop doing it?

3Actions to implement the planned plan

4Correction of the plan

5 Monitoring the effectiveness of actions

6Assessing the results of the conflict

The strategy contains the most general guidelines and guidelines for the outcome of the conflict. It comes down to 4 options:

1One-sided win

2One-sided loss

3Mutual loss

4Mutual win

Attitudes and guidelines are formed among the subjects of interaction based on an analysis of the balance of interests, forces and means. It is important to consider factors influencing the analysis:

1Personal qualities of the conflicting person (thinking, character, temperament)

2Information that the subject has about himself and the enemy.

3Other subjects social interaction(Support Group)

The most likely use of a compromise is as a step forward, which is taken by at least one party in order to resolve the conflict. The basis of compromise is the technology of concessions, rapprochement or bargaining.

Disadvantages of compromise:

1Reduced agreements

2 Grounds for tricks

3Deterioration of relations

The most effective method for completely resolving a conflict cooperation. It boils down to this:

1Separation of people from the problem

2Attention to interests, not positions

3Offer mutually beneficial options

4Use objective criteria

Five styles of conflict behavior:






Conflict Prevention:


2Cognitivist theories

3Rogers Therapy

4Geshalt therapy

5Frankl's existential therapy

6Behavior therapy (reworked behaviorism)

Topic: “Cooperation in overcoming conflicts.”

  1. The role of the team in overcoming conflicts.
  2. Communication in a team.

1) A person’s attitude to work, his interest in the results of his work, his characteristic reaction to public initiatives, these are the psychological and social aspects of the activities of work collectives, which are crucial for the successful functioning of the organization as a whole.

Under labor collective is understood as a community of people belonging to one structural subdivision, connected by joint activities and solving one production task. Teamhighest form social group in which are united 2 components:

1Material (people)

2Spiritual (people’s experiences, feelings, orientation)

The right to be called a team social group acquires the condition that it has a number of characteristics, including a socially beneficial purpose, cohesion, and the presence of governing bodies. A developed team is a self-governing and self-regulating system.

The spiritual side of the life of the work collective It consists of ideology (a set of ideas and views) and psychology (certain socio-psychological phenomena).

Among the latter are:

1Social and psychological factors (mutual assessments, requirements, authority)

2Public opinions (collective views, attitudes, judgments)

3Social feelings and collective moods (collective habits, customs)

There are three areas of relationships in the team:

1Professional (labor) – relationships between employees. Includes: subordinate relationships (senior - junior, manager - subordinate), coordination and, in some cases, person - technology.


3Life activities

Since the team brings together people with different personal characteristics, we have to deal with so-called conflicting personalities. Knowledge of the behavioral characteristics of such people and timely identification of them in a team serve as part of measures to prevent a conflict situation.

Communication in work collective difficult process, proceeding from the establishment of contacts to the development of interaction. It is based on joint work activity people, the need to coordinate and correlate the actions of workers, the relationships and interdependencies that arise in the team.

Accordingly, the main function performed by communication in a team is to organize the joint activities of people who have a common goal, orienting them towards achieving a common final result.

In the process of joint activities, various kinds of contacts and interactions that arise between people, there is a constant formation of ideas about each other, images of each other are formed.

The more developed the team, the more decisive role they play in it. business relationship. Business relationships include authority, status, and rank.

Conflict style- a certain model of behavior that seems to us most effective in a particular situation.

Conflict tactics- specific actions that we take to achieve our goals.

Thomas-Killman scheme (Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Killman)


    Benefits of Avoidance

    Suitable for superficial relationships;

    Helps prevent conflict-explosion;

    Gives time to think;

    Helps when one of the parties does not have enough power;

    Suitable when specific conflict situation signals a larger problem

    Disadvantages of Avoidance

    The problem is not solved;

    No useful solutions are offered;

    People are afraid;

    Participants believe that the partner is not able to change;

    Claims are piling up;

    Negative metaphors are supported;

    Interdependence is ignored;

    Usually ends in conflict-explosion

    Avoidance tactics

    Direct denial;

    Indirect denial;

    Avoidance cues;

    Change of topic;

    Arrow translation;

    Abstract remarks;

    Statements on procedure;


    Benefits of competition

    Useful for making quick decisions;

    Useful for necessary but not popular solutions;

    Useful for decisions concerning people's well-being and life;

    Useful when compromise will only lead to harm;

    Can encourage creative solutions;

    Determines the level of commitment of the participant to the cause;

    Useful if the decision is more important than the relationship

    Disadvantages of competition

    Too much focus on the task;

    Relationships are ignored;

    The party may lack resources and experience;

    The parties may go underground and operate on the sly;

    The quality of feedback deteriorates;

    The parties do not learn new things;

    Those who use this style lose the habit of restraining themselves, hide information, and gossip;

    The parties are constantly tense and angry

    Competition Tactics

    Personal criticism;


    Hostile orders;

    Hostile jokes;

    Hostile questions;

    Questions with presumption;

    Denial of responsibility


    The benefits of compromise

    Helps save time;

    Is “a bridge between two polar events;

    Provides an opportunity to create a balance of power;

    Serves as a backup option for difficult situations;

    The compromise is made “for the sake of someone”;

    Gives moral strength

    Disadvantages of Compromise

    Quickly becomes a “duty style”;

    Lost control over strategy;

    May leave painful dissatisfaction;

    May lead to lack of trust and criticism;

    Can force a person to agree to make concessions in situations in which this should not be done;

    Often comes down to a simple lot

    Compromise Tactics

    A call for justice;

    Proposal of arrangement;

    Maximizing gains/minimizing losses;

    Quick short term solution


    Advantages of the device

    Useful for demonstrating reasonableness and good will;

    Promotes peace;

    Makes it easier to get out of the situation;

    Suitable for situations that are not particularly important;

    Can serve as a signal of readiness to solve the problem;

    Suitable for unequal conflict;

    Suitable for a conflict in which one of the parties obviously loses;

    Suitable for those conflicts where the opponent’s experience and connections in the future can give us an advantage

    Disadvantages of the device

    The problem is not addressed;

    Refusal to change and support the status quo;

    Causes hidden anger;

    Reduces the possibility of team actions;

    Can become a “dance” of concessions;

    May make one feel excessively powerful;

    Makes it impossible to find a creative solution;

    Does not provide an opportunity to test the strength of the relationship

    Adaptation tactics

    Surrender of positions;


    Denial of need;

    Expressing the desire for harmony